Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic Offensive Behavior in the OSM Community

2020-12-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 7:54 AM Richard Fairhurst  wrote:
> Blake Girardot wrote:
> > I will just point out a common pattern:
> Céline posted an eloquent opening statement that talks about "this dominant 
> profile" and the thread has, true to form, largely descended into the same 
> dominant profile arguing and "just pointing out" things.
> It might therefore be incumbent on us all to shut up and let women be heard. 
> Their experiences do not need to be mediated through our mansplaining.
> In that spirit I'll post no more on this.

That is very thoughtful of you, I appreciate your point of view.

I will instead not let the demands of the loudest folks fall on the
folks most affected by their impacts.

I have a responsibility to speak up from my white male western
position of privilege. This thread is the very definition of
"systemic" issues. It is a huge time and emotional tax on people to
deal with the constant questioning and demands for proof and
disagreement, questioning, etc. By an onslaught of more bold, and free
time and other advantaged folks and people who feel everyone should
hear them on every single issue constantly. Well, hear someone else
for a moment please.

That is time the letter writers have to spend not doing whatever they
want. I am so sorry it always falls on those affected, I do what I can
to be a meaningful al.

And if no one answers people do not recognize the gaslighting and
discouraging tactics, intentionally used or accidentally used.

I will continue to point that out to those who do not understand it. I
do not need to point out a darn thing to the folks who signed the
letter, they pointed it out to me and I appreciate it.

Feedback from folks who signed the Call for action is welcome :)

Best wishes,

> Richard
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic Offensive Behavior in the OSM Community

2020-12-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 6:38 AM tilmanreinecke--- via talk
> > The lack of discussion by non-men is an undeniable fact.
> Right, this is true. Sadly true. Something I also know from Linux Communities 
> and other Open Source/Open Data Communities.
> > The simplest explanation for this is the systematic institutional hostility 
> > towards women in the OSM community.
> I did not hear about something like that what can be called "systematic". Are 
> you sure that we have something like that in OSM? If yes, then please point 
> to where that happened. I am pretty sure that this is not something 
> systematic. I know women not feeling this way as you because OpenStreetMap is 
> an open and welcoming community.
> Greetings
> Sören

Please allow me to just get to 90% of the replies people will send,
they are a mix of these:

1. Can you provide more evidence, all the evidence and incidents
already created are not good enough or I can not be bothered to look
for them?

2. Please do my research for me, I can not be bothered to learn what
systemic issues surround inclusion, diversity and equity globally!

3. This does not affect me or I do not understand it, I am not sure
which, but it is not a problem. Prove me wrong.

4. I know other people who feel another way, so it is not a problem.
Prove me wrong.

Thank you to everyone who does _not_ reply with one of these! I look
forward to working with you!

Best wishes,

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Osmf-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic Offensive Behavior in the OSM Community

2020-12-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 5:22 AM Thomas Barris via osmf-talk
> Why do you think such an OSM project as you want it is desirable for the 
> majority of the community? I have signed up to this project to collect and 
> share free geodata.  I am not in favour of using OSM(F) for distributing the 
> questionable moral standards of a minority - and I don't mean minority in 
> terms of gender, religion or color. If you have issues to deal with the way 
> other cultures and communities express opinions, including exaggerations, 
> direct speech and sometimes even discuss emotionally beyond the borders, you 
> should not join an international project imho. Frederik's statement in 
> question has nothing to do with diversity. He did not imply that gender, sex, 
> relegion etc has something to do with the point he made. If you think his 
> tone wasn't appropriate, just tell him and probably many will support you in 
> this judgement.

I will just point out a common pattern:

1. Someone speaks up about their experiences and how they and their
colleagues feel we have inclusion issues and propose changes.
2. There is an unanswerable flood of emails by a few, but loud folks
disagreeing and demanding proof, etc. Good for them I guess? Everyone
should feel so confident sharing their very important views.
3. More folks feel drowned out, unheard, afraid to speak up, discouraged
4. The very few use the lack of other voices as proof "the community
does not want this"

Time to find a way to break this cycle.

Best wishes,

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Call to Take Action and Confront Systemic Offensive Behavior in the OSM Community

2020-12-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Celine,

Thank you and your collaborators for taking the time to write this
document and thank you all for posting it to our community.

My greatest hope is that people will read it and really make an effort
to hear what you and others have been saying for a long time.

Hopefully, it keeps the momentum going so those long working to make
progress and improvements to the community here feel supported and
appreciated. I am amazed at the folks who have stayed and deal with
the abusive behavior on the OSM lists, you all are inspiring.

Pro Tip for those who are not used to listening to others: You listen
to what they say and you respond by thanking them and then keeping
quiet and thinking really hard about what they said or wrote and what
it means That is listening. Responding about why the person is wrong
is not really listening :)

Solidarity and best wishes,

On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 2:13 PM Celine Jacquin  wrote:
> Hello everybody
> I hope you are all well
> We, several groups, chapters, organizations and individuals, have reacted to 
> the conversation in the osm-talk-list 
> ( 
> considering that it is an incident symptomatic of the problem we have faced 
> for many years in the community, which is one of the greatest obstacles to 
> diversity at all levels of OSM. Time to make a real change.
> That is why we have developed a beginning of statement on the desirable 
> mechanisms to work solidly on the rules of coexistence and improve diversity.
> We bring it to your attention and invite anyone who feels represented to sign 
> it. Translations are in preparation (any help is welcome):
> On behalf of the signatories
> Best regards
> Céline Jacquin
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] MapRoulette - cryptic tasks

2020-02-27 Per discussione Blake Girardot
For what it might be worth.

I know nothing about this map roulette project, but in reading the
instructions, what jumps out to me is that imagery changes
dramatically between zoom levels, especially on the higher/more zoomed
in levels 17, 18, 19 range.

And often gets older the closer you zoom in. So even tracing with one
imagery URL, depending on what zoom level you are at, you will see
radically different age imagery and maybe different buildings, roads

That could be one reason someone cares what zoom level the tracing was done at.


On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 6:59 AM Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> Hi,
> a user started adding "trace_zoom" and "trace_zoom:range" tags to
> objects in OSM, and closer inspection led to this MapRoulette task:
> It claims to be created by "MappingHuman" and carries these instructions:
> --- snip ---
> use your most preferred imagery
> has to be familiar with Solving Multiple Tasks Together before
> forwarding completions
> improveWay tracing, lock zoom level
> add trace_zoom=* if non-exist, ensure to match zoom
> add trace_zoom:range=* if non-exist, to indicate approx. trace_zoom
> levels
> add source on Object or changeset
> freely include comments
> Changeset comments
> please consider including hashtags/comment-words: mappinghuman #M.H
> #alongside_A.I #maproulette for changeset analysis
> --- snip ---
> I am at a loss here. Who is "Mapping Human" and what is their goal with
> this? Which objects have they selected for editing and according to what
> criteria? Why are they apparently instructing users to add unusual tags
> (trace_toom, trace_zoom:range) to OSM? Why do they request to "add
> source on Object or changeset" when adding source tags on objects is
> generally recommended against? What are the cryptic changeset comments
> "#M.H #alongside_A.I"?
> Is there any way to find answers other than sending a private message to
> the pseudonymous "Mapping Human" through MapRoulette?
> How many other equally cryptic tasks are there on MapRoulette?
> Is there even any quality control when people create new MapRoulette
> tasks? Or at least some sort of four-eyes principle? Or at least a
> transparency "best practice" that would lead to people explaining who
> they are, what they want to achieve with a certain task, how many tasks
> they're running and what instructions they are giving to users?
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Maintaining privacy as a casual mapper

2019-11-03 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Philippe,

The number one thing you should do is make sure your username here on
OSM is not in any way related to any other name or nick name you use
in other places.

I am well aware that the lifetime pattern of my mapping, tied to my
public information is essentially a map to the places I live, work and

I am not happy about it and I could get my osm username changed, but
that is not really adequate as anyone who has a record of my username
and osm userid number over the past 10 years, can still select all of
my edits. But in the long run, it is still worth it to me to
contribute data to OSM, as I have gotten a lot out of OSM and other
open data and software projects. I also estimate my risk as pretty low

If you have a username that is tied to a public or other used name of
some sort, my advice is to ask the user name to be changed. Then never
use that account again, and get one that is from the start totally
anonymous. If you do not mind using your existing gmail account,
assuming you signed up using one, use the gmail "+something" (the
actual plus symbol goes in) email address feature so you can sign up
for a new OSM account. Google for how to do that "gmail + email
addresses" or something should

I strongly feel that no matter what you do in OSM, you eventually make
a map to your locations in the physical world.

I advise people, especially people in groups at greater risk for
harassing or stalking, never use an osm username related to any other
name or other identifying information you have ever used.

Cheers, and thank you for mapping!


On Sun, Nov 3, 2019 at 5:47 AM Philippe Latulippe
> Hello everyone!
> I like to improve OSM casually, making small fixes as I use the map in
> my day-to-day life. However, doing so without any precautions would
> reveal a great deal of information about where I've been, since my
> edits cover exactly the places where I'm active. A look at my edit
> history would reveal where I live, where I work, where I've traveled.
> If last night I had added a detailed POI of a restaurant and nothing
> else, one could correctly assume that I was at that restaurant
> recently.
> I've managed to protect my privacy somewhat by creating one account
> for every neighbourhood I want to map. This is time consuming and
> error prone, and it's held me back from making improvements to the
> map.
> Are there better ways to maintain some privacy while editing the map?
> Are there some tools? Or is there a way to make edits in a way that
> doesn't reveal my username to regular users?
> Philippe
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
"When I checked the My edits are Public Domain box, I meant it and I still do."
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Isn't it nice to share?  | Re: Facebook mapping highways using AI in collaboration with OpenStreetMap

2019-08-02 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 8:00 AM Rory McCann  wrote:

> Oh yes, there's nothing wrong with Facebook (and Yelp, and TripAdvisor
> and and) having their own PoI database. But, they _could_ help us,
> massively, by sharing it. They way they talk about OSM, you'd swear they
> were already doing all they could to help us. 
> But it's naive to think they ever will. Nothing wrong with that,
> shareholder value and all that.
Hi Rory,

Respectfully, it is naive to think that even if they did offer their POI
databases, the self appointed police of OSM would allow the POIs to be
added to OSM.

Truthfully, it is naive to think that any mapping or data that is not
contributed just the way the few vocal folks who monopolize these OSM lists
like, will be accepted.

There really is no way to win with these folks, offer a lot and they accuse
the contributor of trying to take over and/or destroying OSM, offer too
little and they accuse the users of taking advantage of OSM.

Best to just do like most folks who are interested in using and
contributing to OSM do - unsubscribe from these lists and carry on.


> ___
> talk mailing list

Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Way to delete buildings added by specific user, or help reverting?

2019-07-08 Per discussione Blake Girardot
You could convert them all to centroids, points are a valid and
correct building mapping object type as well.

That would retain the key information, the location of the building,
not destroy his work and you end up with a correct map. (at least as
correct as satellite imagery and/or hand held gps points can generate)

I would try replace geometry as well to retain the history.


On Mon, Jul 8, 2019 at 4:06 PM hbogner  wrote:
> Are you sure? Right size as the buildings? Take another look.
> Orientation of all buildings is the same.
> Size of all buildings is the same.
> They are all teh same building copy/pasted all over the place.
> Yes I'm local from Croatia, and as I stated on another rely this is not
> the first complaint I got from Croatian community about this user doing
> weird mapping.
> On 08. 07. 2019. 21:28, john whelan wrote:
> > Your concern is?  If I look in JOSM at the link you supplied the
> > buildings are approximately the right size and where buildings are in
> > the imagery.
> >
> > Their orientation could be better.
> >
> > However they aren't duplicates, and compared to many buildings mapped
> > they're almost reasonable and the mapper isn't that inexperienced.
> >
> > If you're local fine raise the issue but otherwise I'm not seeing a
> > major problem, still having said that I do understand some people do
> > have concerns about mapping buildings and importing them.
> >
> > You can use JOSM to pick them out and correct them by the way.  If you
> > download the country off line then split it up into chunks JOSM works
> > quite well.  Cleaning up buildings is quite a chunk of work by the way.
> >
> > Cheerio John
> >
> >
> >
> > On Mon, 8 Jul 2019 at 15:07, hbogner  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all
> >
> > Is there a way to delete buildings created by specific user?
> >
> > Some users already complained about
> > to me for inaccurate mapping
> > and imaginary mapping. They wrote to him, but he didn't reply or stop.
> >
> > Here is an example on which I just stumbled:
> >
> >
> > He copy/pasted one building all over the place.
> >
> > I tried to revert the changeset, but there are too many conflicts.
> >
> > Any suggestions how to fix this mess?
> >
> > regards, Hrvoje
> >
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> > <>
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] iD forces mistagging again

2019-06-29 Per discussione Blake Girardot
If I understand things correctly, the original poster is reverting
perfectly fine changes to an equivalent, accepted, current tagging
scheme, because they do not want to update their own local code that
uses the data.

I can only imagine if HOT or another group started doing that.

"Our scripts were written to use the original tagging scheme from 10
years ago, and this new tagging scheme means I would have to change my
scripts, so I am just going to change all the tags back to what they

lol. Someone would write another directed editing policy just to make
sure that didn't happen.


On Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 7:23 AM Mateusz Konieczny
> 29 Jun 2019, 11:59 by
> 2019-06-29, št, 11:58 Mateusz Konieczny rašė:
> (2) I see significant benefit of natural=water + water=*
> This is your personal opinion. Opinion of OpenStreetMap community is
> expressed by those who map - in the data.
> All "I prefer tag Y over X" are "rule Z is good way to deciding which tag is 
> better" is
> a personal opinion, so I am not sure why you are pointing this out.
> I even started from "I see (...)".
> 29 Jun 2019, 11:59 by
> Opinion of OpenStreetMap community is expressed by those who map - in the 
> data.
> See
>  for a quick check.
> (1) most of lead of landuse=reservoir for areas is a result of a bot edit, 
> maybe an import
> (2) since 2016 water=reservoir is growing much faster than landuse=reservoir
> This quick check is a bit better than just checking total usage count, but 
> obviously
> it is not worth much. It may be useful to investigate actual usage among 
> mappers
> who are actually selecting tagging scheme used.
> As water tagging is very prominent
> This concern tagging details of body of water what is actually not prominent.
> I already had to revert a number of such changes and
> explain people to ignore such "advices" or switch to a better editor).
> "had to revert" is untrue.
> Are you manually checking every single part of such edits? Otherwise you
> are making automated edits in violation of automatic edits code of conduct.
> It is also not too useful, most what you achieve is to confuse other mappers 
> and
> likely scare away some of them.
> Please stop doing that.
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Terminate Facebook rights under ODbL

2019-06-09 Per discussione Blake Girardot
"Warning This e-mail message may contain confidential or legally
privileged information and is intended only for the use of the
intended recipient(s). Any unauthorized disclosure, dissemination,
distribution, copying or the taking of any action in reliance on the
information herein is prohibited. E-mails are not secure and cannot be
guaranteed to be error free as they can be intercepted, amended, or
contain viruses. Anyone who communicates with us by e-mail is deemed
to have accepted these risks. Company Name is not responsible for
errors or omissions in this message and denies any responsibility for
any damage arising from the use of e-mail. Any opinion and other
statement contained in this message and any attachment are solely
those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the

I have been scolded and ignored in the past for forwarding an email
with this sort of signature to an OSM email.

I was promptly informed this was a public email list and emails with
that type of sig were not welcome.


On Sun, Jun 9, 2019 at 9:22 AM Andy Mabbett  wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Jun 2019 at 12:08, Nuno Caldeira  
> wrote:
> > To acknowledge,I have asked this to the board.
> >
> > Dear board and board members,
> >
> > Following my comment on this post 
> >
> >
> > I hereby request OSMF board, responsabile for the OSMF, as the Licensor 
> > under
> > ODbL 9.4 c) to notify Facebook and remove their rights under ODbL, if the
> > violation is not fixed after 30 days of notice. as written on ODbL.
> You posted a comment - on a Sunday - less than two hours before
> requesting this? Do you not think it would be prudent - not to mention
> courteous - to first wait for a response there?
> > Company Name is not responsible for errors or omissions in this message
> Well, quite.
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Ongoing Canadian building import needs to be stopped, possibly reverted

2019-01-19 Per discussione Blake Girardot
ed before we can consider 
>> moving forward again. I'll add those comments to the conversation in talk-ca 
>> and on the wiki page (link above), as I feel is appropriate. As I said 
>> before, I'm of the mind that this import did not get adequate review or 
>> approval and did not follow all the import guidelines. I think therefore we 
>> need to take stock, cross the t's, dot the i's, and move this thing back 
>> toward where it needs to be. Step one is a thoroughly documented wiki page 
>> outlining the proposal and responding to everything required in the import 
>> guidelines.
>> I know there are people excited about this import, and people who are eager 
>> to get back to work bringing buildings in, but I think everyone will be 
>> happier in the end if we take the time to do this right. We don't need to 
>> stop forever - we just need to stop until we get things right. I sincerely 
>> respect the good intentions of everyone involved in this and I hope we can 
>> all work together to make OSM a map known for it's coverage AND it's quality.
>> Best,
>> Nate Wessel
>> Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning
>> On 1/17/19 9:05 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea wrote:
>> The thread link is:  
>> SteveA
> --
> Best Regards,
>   Yaro Shkvorets
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM and Microgrants, an independent OSM project needs your support now

2018-12-18 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 8:10 PM john whelan  wrote:
> After reading the link I'm unclear what the aim is.
> Modern DEM data I suspect is available to OSM under licence is there 
> something special about the historical data?  It seems unclear if it is 
> licenced in such a way it could be used by OSM.
I don't really know what his aim is exactly other than to preserve
this resource and probably make available as large seamless TMS layer.
But I trust Grant knows what he is doing and why as he has done this before.

One use case a DEM does not address is place and feature names and
locations, old topo maps have that information usually, DEM does not.
I have used them extensively in the past with GNIS data points which
are gridded to like 30" arcs or something like that, topo maps are

The Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection is one such example of a
similar very valuable resource.

And again, if Grant is asking, I am supporting even if he wants to
just make them his desktop wall paper.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSM and Microgrants, an independent OSM project needs your support now

2018-12-18 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Dear friends,

The topic of OSMF and Microgrants is a long discussion. Let us look
forward to having that discussion.

But in the meantime, there is an independent OSM project trying to
raise 1000 British Pounds in the next week or so to save some Topo
maps from disappearing down the memory hole.

You know the person, or probably should know the person, Grant Slater,
aka firefishy, a long time member of the OSM Ops team.

Please take a few minutes to read what Grant is doing and if you are
at all able, donate to his project, any amount helps.

Grant is asking for relatively little support for those that are able
and I think we should just pitch in and help him get it done. It is an
important project and it is a way to support Grant after all of the
support he has given us, whether you know him or not, he has made your
OSM experience possible.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the year where ever they may be.



Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [Diversity-talk] This list's configuration & upcoming OSMF election

2018-11-01 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 9:13 AM alyssa wright  wrote:

> Also, do we know of anyone(s) planning to run that we might want to publicly 
> support?

I think coming up with some questions for the candidates to
answer/discuss on the list would be good. I would rather discuss those
topics here than on another OSM list because I think the moderation
here has more latitude to not tolerate BS. I feel the other lists are
moderated as well as they can be, Ian does a great job given the
circumstances for the lists he moderates, this list just has other
circumstances that allow for tighter moderation if needed I hope.

I am thinking 2 questions at most.

I like archives for transparency.

Any sort of restrictions on membership I worry will be met with
arguments of "This is an OSMF resource, OSMF decides that kind of
thing." or similar. OSM membership required might fly but would be not
significant in practice.

+1 Thank you Rory for raising the issues.


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct:
Contact the mods (private):

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-13 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 1:23 PM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> Hi,
> On 08/13/2018 06:46 PM, Daniel Koć wrote:
>>> I also don't see a reason to add the OLC codes in tags in the
>>> database, even if marked on a building.
>> Since buildings are not guaranteed to fit into OLC rectangles and they
>> not 1:1 compatible, this usage makes sense for me.
> Which code would you then add to a building? Who would be given the
> power to decide (maybe of the several possible codes, one is nicer or
> contains the initials of the owner)? How would it be verifiable which
> code a building has?
> Bye
> Frederik

This is all exactly right. I can see a building having any one of
about 4 OLC 10 digit "addresses" on average depending on which imagery
the building was last aligned to.

That is just reality of how we are forever refining our representation
of the real world in a digital format. It has imprecision and this is
the scale where it becomes really obvious, 13m or less.

I am suggesting as a next step, we get a TMS layer that represents
this OLC grid and easily displays the 4, 6, 8, or 10 digit long OLC
for the grind square depending on scale.

Then about 5 of our tools "support" it already  because they support TMS layers.

I deal with these things at large scale and at the individual door
level, we all do who are concerned about this issue, so some tools to
help us visualize at scale and quantity these OLC codes will help a
lot. Plus the easy to solve case of "looking up" an OLC code is
already being added by folks like OSMAnd and OSM if they merge in the
existing pull request. I put in issues with two tools that I would
like to see support them, the HOT Tasking Manager and Fieldpapers.
Having OLC grid layer available in those tools would be very helpful,
especially Fieldpapers. A TMS end point would close the one for the
Tasking Manager.

Searching in OAM by OLC might be nice too, very easy to specify the
place and scale with one code.

As I said below, lets get these OLC codes that are in OSM now out, if
they are even still in there.  Vao, myself and whoever else is
interested in being able to use OLC to some degree in the eco system
of the OSM software community tools will figure out what makes sense
and what people want to do and we will go forward from there :)

I think TMS layer, whomever, however, or plug in for josm as polyglot
said, are all great and would really help the folks who want to work
more with OLC to see what, if any use cases it solves.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-13 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Tom,

This is an example of the first way I and I think others in the
humanitarian world need to use OLCs to evaluate them for what they can
or can not solve for humanitarian and other use cases:

We need to deal with them at scale, not at the "look up" an individual
address process which is trivial to solve.

That is really the first step, for folks to learn the grid and it's
inherent scale steps and how that translates into OLC codes of various


On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 11:23 AM, Tom Lee  wrote:
> I'm surprised to see that this conversation has made it past the weekend.
> Since it has, let me add my voice to those suggesting that encoding OLC in
> the database (or any other values that can be algorithmically derived from
> geometry) makes very little sense. I'm grateful to everyone who has already
> made this point, in various ways and with various levels of forcefulness.
> If the folks advocating for OLC would like to walk through the rationale
> some more or explore alternative ways of getting OLC into their workflow, I
> suspect that a number of people on this thread would be happy to talk
> through it, myself included. Please don't hesitate to email.
> Tom
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Generic Tasking Manager instances

2018-08-11 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Michal,

The OSM-US has a pretty open and friendly OSM Tasking Manager install
for projects.

There is a form to fill out for project creation permissions:


On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 5:52 PM, Michał Brzozowski  wrote:
> Hi all,
> from all the instances of OSM Tasking Manager, are there ones which
> - won't close in foreseeable future
> - won't mind hosting generic tasks (not related to specific cause/region)?
> So, in essence, kind of like MapCraft, but with all the benefits of TM -
> including, but not limited to, automatic grid generation and grid square
> splitting.
> Michał
> ___
> talk mailing list

Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-11 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 10:39 AM, Richard Fairhurst
> Blake Girardot wrote:
>> Also: No one is getting paid for anything related to this at this
>> point. I personally would like to see Google donate to the OSMF
>> and let the OSMF grant it out to help OSM core and eco system
>> tools implement OLC native in code as it should be.
> That's done. Tom has coded it. Months ago. It's 20 lines of code (plus
> tests), which is a fraction of the bandwidth spent on this thread.
> Everyone in this thread appears to think that what Tom has done - i.e.
> implementing it in the client rather than in tags - is a good idea,
> apart from Simon, and even Homer nods sometimes.
> Tom, understandably, doesn't want to push it live without consensus that
> it's a good thing
> (
> I reckon this thread is consensus enough and I'm sure Simon can indulge us
> on this one little thing if we promise to uncockup some editor presets in
> return. :)
> Richard

Thank you Richard, I did come in late. Some of the really insulting
comments on that github thread caught my eye and I didn't read back to
understand the issue fully.

As I said, we'll look at all of this and put a wiki page together.

Getting that pull request merged would be a great first step in
helping the folks who this matters to explore the use of plus codes.

I see the goolge manager commented on it. And while he makes some
suggestions, I would rather see exactly what the PR has now be merged
and we can go from there.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-11 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Sat, Aug 11, 2018 at 5:49 AM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> Hi,
> On 11.08.2018 11:21, mmd wrote:
>> With all due respect, I think we've long crossed that point:
> All these have been added by accident, as a side effect of undiscussed
> imports.
> This is bad, but not as bad as adding them on purpose in the course of
> an ill-conceived aid project with the promise of lifting poor people out
> of their not-having-an-address misery.
> Adding coordinates, or plus codes, as tags to OSM makes no sense.
> Building an aid project around it and doing it on purpose is at best
> negligent and at worst cynical. It is a waste of the money of whoever
> funds the aid project, a waste of resources in OSM, and a waste of time
> for those who do it. For OSM to allow this to happen would make us
> complicit in that cynicism.
> Bye
> Frederik

Ok, lets us get back to reality please.

All this huffing and puffing, dumbest idea ever in history, etc etc is
typical and typically not helping.

The situation is:

A ngo on the ground in Tanzania does first responded type work, they
see how helpful addresses are in other contexts, but the area they
work does not have any.

This OLC thing seems like it would be interesting to explore, it might
solve some of their use cases.

All of their tools and workflows can use osm tags, especially like the
addr: tags.

What if we had something like that, an osm tag that had basically an
addr: value, just from OLC instead of however one normally gets an
address. How would that work? Where could we display it? How could we
look them up? etc etc

So by doing a small test using a regular old osm tag, they can explore
if it is useful, how it might help, etc etc. and every single OSM tool
in existence at this moment knows how to deal with osm addr: tags or
osm tags more generally. What a great starting point to see if this
solves any of their use cases, some of which we probably could not
really describe well anyway.

Ya, I am going to try some tagging options so they can get a look at
what is possible if the tools they used supported this in code as they
should, of course.

I was not involved with this at all before, but I am now and I am
going to do what I do, which is do what I can to help people use OSM,
in full accordance with OSM guidelines, which this totally is.

OSM will not break, everything will be ok, but OSM is a folksonomy and
this is folksonomy 101 here.

So take some deep breaths.

Some local OSM'ers are going to experiment very locally and carefully
with how OLCs or an OLC-like thing might fit into their use cases and
we are going to do it by using tags because that is what every OSM
tool in existence right now understands and can use to various

We'll make a wiki page, revert the import, we'll detail it in the wiki
page and re do it on a better defined area, described in the wiki
project page.

Also: No one is getting paid for anything related to this at this
point. I personally would like to see Google donate to the OSMF and
let the OSMF grant it out to help OSM core and eco system tools
implement OLC native in code as it should be. Let the OSMF decide how
to best help get the functionality everyone says should "just exist"
in the vast ecosphere of OSM tools. I also plan on following up on
that idea regardless of this tag / no tag issue, which is a minor
issue at best.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 6:23 PM, Christoph Hormann  wrote:
> On Friday 10 August 2018, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM wrote:
>> > The idea of tagging encoded coordinates is so ridiculous to anyone
>> > with a bit of understanding of computer programming, data
>> > processing and data maintainance that even after ignoring all the
>> > arguments in substance that have been voiced this should be
>> > universally rejected if for no other reason then because it would
>> > make OSM the laughing stock of the whole geodata world.
>> Ok, enough of your overly polite, gentle feedback stuff, tell us how
>> you really feel :)
> I am afraid that even after reading it several times i have no idea what
> you want to say with that.

My apologies Christoph, it was sarcasm. You were anything but polite
or gentle with your feedback. I thought it was a friendly, funny way
to de-escalate the discussion and hopefully spark some personal


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:35 PM, Simon Poole  wrote:

> That is not the point, for the goog it is a net win simply avoiding
> systems being adopted for which they potentially would have to pay
> royalties for.

Is that not the reason OSM was started in the first place?   :)

But I agree, I hope all the folks and organizations that contribute to
OpenStreetMap profit from it in some way.


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:30 PM, Simon Poole  wrote:
> Am 10.08.2018 um 22:14 schrieb Blake Girardot HOT/OSM:
>> ...
>> Our community should have a say in what wins, we can try them both,
>> but here is a local group asking us to try plus codes and there is a
>> lot of momentum behind it.
> In the case of w3w one can actually make a technical case for including
> them in OSM, in the case of plus codes, as has been pointed out. that is
> absurd. If a community wants to try out one or the other, more power to
> them, I just fail to see what that has to do with OSM.
> Simon
> PS: naturally the momentum has a lot to do with very very very deep pockets

Oh absolutely. Vendors supporting OSMF is critical. If a donor wants
to sponsor particular improvements, I 100% support that if the
community generally supports the improvements.

I think we are all agreeing it has really good, lightweight, dynamic
implementation characteristics. That is a great technical criteria.

I do not support w3w (full disclosure founder of w3w has been a
supporter of HOT, an organization I work for, these are my opinions
only). It is a fun idea, but I think it does not work for a number of
reasons. But super cool idea.

But while I do not like the w3w solution, if they wanted to support
OSMF to improve w3w support in osm core and the ecosystem of tools I
would be all for giving it the exact same trial if the community

But generally, I think plus codes are coming out looking quite good
from a technical perspective, both dynamically generated and static
uses like address signs and printed maps.


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
> I think it will work like this - a dispatcher at an ambulance service says
> during a call: "We will not go to your house unless you provide the
> plus-code. Bot the Google Maps and OpenStreetMap websites allow to generate
> the plus-code for a house." I mean it will not work without a leadership.
> The OLC is Open Source with the Apache 2.0 license. I have a doubt though, -
> cannot Google in couple of years say: "We change the license and not one has
> to pay for the OLC usage?" I am not a lawyer and I do not know such
> subtleties.

They can't change the license to the code released now. Download it,
it is yours to use in accordance with the license it was released
under forever.

If they enhance it later, add new code, rewrite it, etc, that can be
under a different license.

But what works right now (or until a license change) will keep working
assuming you have the hardware and software to run it.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 4:06 PM, Simon Poole  wrote:
> While the goals sound worthy, it is unclear if any of the grid systems
> (w3w, plus codes and so on) deliver on their promises and have any
> traction outside of people in countries with established addressing
> systems trying to push them as solutions for countries without.
> As I've pointed out before, if OSM supports a specific system, it
> amounts to us picking a winner , and I really don't think that is a good
> idea. w3w wants to make money from royalties, google wants to avoid
> paying them. Both have a financial interest in us adopting their
> systems. IMHO when one eventually "wins" we can start supporting it
> then, before one of them pasts the post, it is premature.
> Simon

Hi Simon, what should "win" is the system that works the best. w3w has
been tried, is being tried, we can try that too, but what should win
is what is open, is fit for the purpose, can and will be used and is
non propitiatory.

Our community should have a say in what wins, we can try them both,
but here is a local group asking us to try plus codes and there is a
lot of momentum behind it.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Frederick,

I appreciate the thoughtful reply.

I think for the most part we all agree on the technology solution
really looking like the best option. But it is the best option in the
medium and long term.

In the short term, putting a few thousand plus-codes in as addresses,
while the local community tries them out. Who know if they work for
local folks, but just jamming a few thousand in will allow all the
stake holders to trial these codes. Print maps, put signs on
buildings, communicate with each other using them.

While that goes on, the other technological support can happen if
people wish to do that or maybe we find some funding to add support to
some of the most popular community apps and the nominatum.

But we will still be learning from the small scale tag based trials.

Learning the real world use cases and where the proper technological
solutions work and if there really genuinely are places where dynamic
generation is just not possible.

This seems totally in line with things done in the past and should
work well here.

I am fairly sure I know the local on the ground community that might
like to explore this. The Mugumu Safe House
who have to perform rescues. They are first responders to gender based
sexual violence and might be just the sort of organization that would
like to start using plus-codes, and they are local and understand the
local culture and customs better than any other living group of

So, lets take this all down a degree and Vao and whomever else is
interested and formalize the testing of plus codes in a rural tanzania

But lets leave the address that are imported, they are hurting nothing
at the moment and we should look at them and review them and learn
from them being there now.


On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 3:26 PM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> Blake,
> On 10.08.2018 19:23, Blake Girardot wrote:
>> I think an approach based on local buy-in, with a small scale test of
>> adding the PlusCode address to the objects is the fastest, OSM'ish way
>> forward.
> Christoph was a bit harsh in his response but I think he is right on teh
> fundamentals, and I urge you to reconsider.
> As I have explained in another post just a few minutes ago, taking the
> "adding tags to OSM" approach is a cynical form of aid - it makes people
> using it depend on your aid. It wastes effort with those adding the
> data, it wastes storage space in OSM, it has *nothing*, absolutely
> nothing going for it.
> The sensible approach is to add the logic that converts plus codes to
> locations and vice versa to those places where people interface with the
> map - be that the web site, or the offline application they're
> using, or the machine that prints a map. It would not be difficult to
> modify e.g. the humanitarian map style to print plus codes onto
> buildings, computing them on the fly, if that's desired. Doing this
> means you develop it once and it is immediately usable everywhere by
> everyone. That is the only sensible approach. Otherwise you'll be stuck
> running one project after the other ("add plus codes for X community",
> "add plus codes for Y community", etc.), and not only that: The generic
> approach will automatically work for everything built in the future. It
> can be used to address not only houses but wells, mountains, bays, even
> trees. It is better in *every* respect.
> We must let reason prevail here and not do something on a whim based on
> a misunderstanding of how things work.
> It is sad that it has come to a point where some people seem to have
> already built "projects" around importing plus codes in a way that
> everyone here would have told them is the least useful of all, had they
> botehred to ask! Let us stop the madness before it spreads further, and
> work on doing it right.
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 1:46 PM, Christoph Hormann  wrote:

> The idea of tagging encoded coordinates is so ridiculous to anyone with
> a bit of understanding of computer programming, data processing and
> data maintainance that even after ignoring all the arguments in
> substance that have been voiced this should be universally rejected if
> for no other reason then because it would make OSM the laughing stock
> of the whole geodata world.

Ok, enough of your overly polite, gentle feedback stuff, tell us how
you really feel :)


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
>>>> There is no need for this data in OSM because the data can be retrieved
>>>> automatically from latitude and longitude (plain coordinates) which are
>>>> already assigned to anything which has a location on the planet.
>>>> Adding Plus Code tags to OSM objects is as useful as adding latitude=*
>>>> and longitude=* or any other coordinate system which can be calculated
>>>> from latitude and longitude.
>>>> This import should be reverted.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Michael
>>>> --
>>>> Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
>>>> ausgenommen)
>>>> I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)
>>>> ___
>>>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is it technically and legally possible to add the Open Location Code to the OSM search?

2018-08-09 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 4:48 PM, Vao Matua  wrote:
> The Tanzania Development trust has calculated the Plus Code addresses for 17
> million building points in Tanzania and have added a sample village (1800
> points) as a test.
> The Python code on Github works great to calculate Plus Codes.
> We did used these tags:
> addr:pluscode:full  (the 8+2 digit full Plus Code)
> addr:pluscode:area (the first 4 digits of the full Plus Code which is a 1
> degree by 1 degree lat long area)
> addr:pluscode:local (the second 4 digits + last 2 digits which used with a
> local name becomes the local address)

This is really cool to hear!

I am a big fan of OLC / Pluse Codes

I passed this thread on to the folks at Google Zurich who created it
originally, not sure if they still work there or not, we last chatted
in 2016, but I am sure they will be glad to stop in and answer
questions if I can raise them.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Learning to Use Machine Learning - A learn along for folks who want to be using ML in their work.

2018-08-09 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Christoph,

Thank you very much adding that notice, I was sure someone would :)

There are also a tremendous about of use cases for these tools that do
not involve putting data in OSM.

But rest assure, myself and everyone I interact with know about the
guidelines and no one suggests ever not following them.

These are really the early efforts to "operationalize" or create
workflows for different use cases.

Those guidelines will always be the core of any workflow that puts
data in OSM I am quite sure.

Thank you for doing the responsible thing and reminding us all.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 9:54 AM, Christoph Hormann  wrote:
> As a quick reminder to any mapper who wants to use algorithmically
> generated data as a source for mapping work:
> If you upload such data without manually verifying the individual
> features against local knowledge or suitable primary data you are doing
> a mechanical edit or import and must follow the rules we have for
> those:
> Practically this would for example be the case if - when being asked
> about the validity of your mapping by a fellow mapper - you'd be
> inclined to answer "I don't know, that's what the algorithm generated".
> You would then be in the mechanical edit/import domain.
> This is not a new topic, we have had this kind of problem in the past on
> several occasions, for example with use of automated tracing tools like
> scanaerial - which can be used both productively and responsibly for
> manual mapping as well as for doing bad quality mechanical
> edits/imports.  And in particular with algorithms advertised with the
> terms 'learning' and 'intelligence' implying human like capability and
> thereby a lack of need for human control and verification this is
> important to keep in mind.
> If you are not controlling the algorithm yourself but are being given
> pre-generated data by others for the purpose of uploading it to OSM -
> with or without manual verification - you are always doing an import
> and need to follow the guidelines.
> Side note:  It would be a responsible thing to include a reminder like
> what i wrote above with a message like the one i reply to here or in
> the welcome messages/FAQs etc. of dedicated communication channels.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Learning to Use Machine Learning - A learn along for folks who want to be using ML in their work.

2018-08-09 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Member

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Learning to Use Machine Learning - A learn along for folks who want to be using ML in their work.

2018-08-09 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Dear Friends,

In case you missed it, Dale Kunce tweeted this out yesterday:

The day of Machine Learning and OSM/Humanitarian mapping reckoning is
getting closer. Very excited for the possibilities these new methods
have for @hotosm @RedCross. Next frontier is making HOT and
@TheMissingMaps more valuable than just a training dataset for the

Toward that end, I have been watching and in some cases working with
various ML tool chains over the past 2 years and really, not having a
lot of luck with my level of skill and knowledge. I am a pretty
advanced sysadmin, comfortable on the command line, but understanding
the terminology and installations has been a bit beyond me.

So if anyone is like me and sees all of these great tool chains and
would like to learn how to use them with your peers learning along
with you and hopefully some experts as well, I created a dedicated
#mlearning-basic channel on the OSM-US slack ( )

OSM-US runs a lovely, informative, lively, international slack with
many channels and everyone is welcome!

The #mlearning-basic channel is for the absolute beginner basics, how
to install and use the existing and emerging tools chains and OSM/OAM
data to generate usable vector data from Machine Learning quickly.

You are all invited to join, but it is very basic. Hopefully some of
the ML experts from the projects below will be in there to hand hold
us newbies through actually making use of what we are seeing more and
more everyday. Excellent tool chains exist, world changing tool
chains, now we just need to get them into the hands of the people who
need and want to use them everyday :)

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join, it is intended to be kind
of a "learn-a-long". Our first project, my first project, is building
on the Anthropocene Labs work and doing the same area using MapBoxes
RobotSat tool chain using Danial's and Maning's posts as a guide.

For reference please see this incredible work the community has shared
in the past months, much like humanitarian mapping in general, the
projects you see below will start changing the world over the next 12
months. Apologies if I missed any other OSM ML public projects, please
reply and let us all know!


Anthropocene Labs @anthropoco

#Humanitarian #drone imgs of #Rohingya refugee camps + pretrained
model finetuned w @hotosm data. Not perfect maps but fast, small data
need, works w diff imgs. Thx @UNmigration @OpenAerialMap @geonanayi
@WeRobotics 4 #opendata & ideas! #cloudnative #geospatial


This post follows Daniel’s guide for detecting buildings in drone
imagery in the Philippines. The goal of this exercise is for me to
understand the basics of the pipeline and find ways to use the tool in
identifying remote settlements from high resolution imagery (i.e
drones). I’m not aiming for pixel-perfect detection (i.e precise
geometry of the building). My main question is whether it can help
direct a human mapper focus on specific areas in the imagery to map in


Recently at Mapbox we open sourced RoboSat our end-to-end pipeline for
feature extraction from aerial and satellite imagery. In the following
I will show you how to run the full RoboSat pipeline on your own
imagery using drone imagery from the OpenAerialMap project in the area
of Tanzania as an example.


Skynet is our machine learning platform. It quickly scans vast
archives of satellite and drone imagery and delivers usable insights
to decisionmakers. Our partners use Skynet to reliably extract roads
and buildings from images that NASA, ESA, and private satellites and
drones record daily. The tool is remarkably versatile. We are
experimenting with using Skynet to detect electricity infrastructure,
locate schools, and evaluate crop performance.


Deep learning techniques, esp. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs),
are now widely studied for predictive analytics with remote sensing
images, which can be further applied in different domains for ground
object detection, population mapping, etc. These methods usually train
predicting models with the supervision of a large set of training


OSMDeepOD - OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Machine Learning (Deep Learning)
based Object Detection from Aerial Imagery (Formerly also known as


Re: [Talk-se] Trying to locate actual fire locations for mapping projects

2018-07-25 Per discussione Blake Girardot

I created a 2nd project for the area SE of Sveg (I left out the SW
area based on Mattias's comments)


On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 8:52 PM, Mattias Lindblad  wrote:
> Unfortunately that map marks everything, from small wastebasket-fires that
> are already extinguished to huge  wildfires.
> is a bit less detailed, but can be zoomed and use an OSM layer.
> The area that Blake referred to as being SW of Sveg is probably the fire in
> the military area Trängslet, which is very problematic in many aspects. I
> would think that the Polish force is not deployed there.
> /Mattias
> ons 25 juli 2018 kl. 20:40 skrev Björn Stenberg :
>> SOS Alarm keeps an updated map here:
>> This map is referred to by government agency sites so it is probably the
>> best publicly available. Unfortunately it is rather zoomed out so I'm not
>> sure it is good enough for our purpose.
>> --
>> Björn
>> On 25 July 2018 8:24:05 pm Blake Girardot  wrote:
>> > whoops I spoke to soon, that is very similar to the web map service
>> > for modis viiris data.
>> >
>> > ( Still very glad to have it as a wms rather than a web map )
>> >
>> > I do not see any hot spots near Sveg.
>> >
>> > I was hoping Swedish new reports might help locate the actual fire
>> > sites.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 8:05 PM, NKA mapper  wrote:
>> >> This WMS will show the actual fire areas:
>> >>
>> >>,fires_viirs_7=={proj}={width}={height}={bbox}
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Den ons. 25. jul. 2018 kl. 18:42 skrev Blake Girardot
>> >> :
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi all,
>> >>>
>> >>> Can someone help me locate the actual locations of the fires for these
>> >>> two general areas?
>> >>>
>> >>> the polish crew will be placed in Ljusdalen and the other half around
>> >>> Sveg
>> >>>
>> >>> I can not locate the actual fire locations around those two areas.
>> >>>
>> >>> Could someone locate those fire areas and send me a geojson or .osm
>> >>> file so I can create projects around them please?
>> >>>
>> >>> Respectfully,
>> >>> blake
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> 
>> >>> Blake Girardot
>> >>> OSM Wiki -
>> >>> HOTOSM Member -
>> >>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> >>>
>> >>> ___
>> >>> Talk-se mailing list
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> ___
>> >> Talk-se mailing list
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > 
>> > Blake Girardot
>> > OSM Wiki -
>> > HOTOSM Member -
>> > skype: jblakegirardot
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Talk-se mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-se mailing list
> ___
> Talk-se mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Trying to locate actual fire locations for mapping projects

2018-07-25 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Oh wait, I do, I see two sets of fires SE and SW of Sveg

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 8:23 PM, Blake Girardot  wrote:
> whoops I spoke to soon, that is very similar to the web map service
> for modis viiris data.
> ( Still very glad to have it as a wms rather than a web map )
> I do not see any hot spots near Sveg.
> I was hoping Swedish new reports might help locate the actual fire sites.
> On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 8:05 PM, NKA mapper  wrote:
>> This WMS will show the actual fire areas:
>> Den ons. 25. jul. 2018 kl. 18:42 skrev Blake Girardot :
>>> Hi all,
>>> Can someone help me locate the actual locations of the fires for these
>>> two general areas?
>>> the polish crew will be placed in Ljusdalen and the other half around Sveg
>>> I can not locate the actual fire locations around those two areas.
>>> Could someone locate those fire areas and send me a geojson or .osm
>>> file so I can create projects around them please?
>>> Respectfully,
>>> blake
>>> --
>>> Blake Girardot
>>> OSM Wiki -
>>> HOTOSM Member -
>>> skype: jblakegirardot
>>> ___
>>> Talk-se mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-se mailing list
> --
> Blake Girardot
> OSM Wiki -
> HOTOSM Member -
> skype: jblakegirardot


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Trying to locate actual fire locations for mapping projects

2018-07-25 Per discussione Blake Girardot
whoops I spoke to soon, that is very similar to the web map service
for modis viiris data.

( Still very glad to have it as a wms rather than a web map )

I do not see any hot spots near Sveg.

I was hoping Swedish new reports might help locate the actual fire sites.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 8:05 PM, NKA mapper  wrote:
> This WMS will show the actual fire areas:
> Den ons. 25. jul. 2018 kl. 18:42 skrev Blake Girardot :
>> Hi all,
>> Can someone help me locate the actual locations of the fires for these
>> two general areas?
>> the polish crew will be placed in Ljusdalen and the other half around Sveg
>> I can not locate the actual fire locations around those two areas.
>> Could someone locate those fire areas and send me a geojson or .osm
>> file so I can create projects around them please?
>> Respectfully,
>> blake
>> --
>> Blake Girardot
>> OSM Wiki -
>> HOTOSM Member -
>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> ___
>> Talk-se mailing list
> _______
> Talk-se mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Trying to locate actual fire locations for mapping projects

2018-07-25 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Perfect, thank you very much!

Now if you could just help me find Ljusdalen :)

Sveg shows up in an OSM search but Ljusdalen does not


On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 8:05 PM, NKA mapper  wrote:
> This WMS will show the actual fire areas:
> Den ons. 25. jul. 2018 kl. 18:42 skrev Blake Girardot :
>> Hi all,
>> Can someone help me locate the actual locations of the fires for these
>> two general areas?
>> the polish crew will be placed in Ljusdalen and the other half around Sveg
>> I can not locate the actual fire locations around those two areas.
>> Could someone locate those fire areas and send me a geojson or .osm
>> file so I can create projects around them please?
>> Respectfully,
>> blake
>> --
>> Blake Girardot
>> OSM Wiki -
>> HOTOSM Member -
>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> ___
>> Talk-se mailing list
> _______
> Talk-se mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-se mailing list

[Talk-se] Trying to locate actual fire locations for mapping projects

2018-07-25 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi all,

Can someone help me locate the actual locations of the fires for these
two general areas?

the polish crew will be placed in Ljusdalen and the other half around Sveg

I can not locate the actual fire locations around those two areas.

Could someone locate those fire areas and send me a geojson or .osm
file so I can create projects around them please?



Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] HOT OSM Tasks - Hur gör vi validering smidigast?

2018-07-24 Per discussione Blake Girardot
2018-07-24 19:59 GMT+02:00 Björn Stenberg :
> Ok, I stand corrected.
> --
> Björn

Hi Björn,

I did not mean to 'correct' you, I hope it did not sound like that :)
I am just saying what we usually do :)

As long as everyone is friendly in communications to other mappers,
everyone is free to do as they feel is best :)


Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] HOT OSM Tasks - Hur gör vi validering smidigast?

2018-07-24 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Christoffer,

Generally we ask people doing validation to fix or add what is missing
if they have time. The goal is to get good data quickly, so just
fixing/adding it while you are there is best. If you do not have time
or there is too much to do, you can invalidate so hopefully someone
else will come along and fix / finish it.

Then in the comment box we usually " @username This looks great, thank
you for mapping. I did add in some of the smaller roads and tagged the
forest road as a track"

to help them learn, but at the same time, we get the data done :)


2018-07-24 16:29 GMT+02:00 Christoffer Holmstedt
> Blake Girardot delade i tidigare mailtråd nedanstående länk och det är några
> som har börjat beta av diverse rutor. Jag började validera en ruta och har
> några frågor om hur andra anser att vi bör arbeta. Någon som har erfarenhet
> från andra HOT OSM tasks får gärna dela med sig.
> Fråga: Ska jag som validerar en ruta korrigera fel jag hittar/lägga till
> saker som saknas eller bara informera via webbportalen så att den som
> redigerade från början får fixa själv (varje ruta har en liten
> diskussionstråd)?
> -> just nu tror jag det mest pragmatiska är att korrigera kartan själv _och_
> skriva i webbportalen som information. Att validera valideraren får bli en
> övning för framtiden kanske.
> Med vänlig hälsning
> --
> Christoffer Holmstedt
> ___
> Talk-se mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Looking for active local Sweden mappers to support fire fighting efforts

2018-07-24 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi all,

If these task squares are too small please let me know I can re-create
the project and make them 20 sq/km instead of the 5 sq/km they are

But 20 sq/km is hard to "scan" in the editors so I felt 5 sq/km was as
large as we wanted to go.


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 2:50 PM, Blake Girardot  wrote:
> Hi Mattias,
> Please do let me know if you get access to the updated imagery.
> We would need what is called a "TMS Endpoint" or WMS or WTMS.
> There is an excellent WMS end point right now that could use someone
> investigating all the layers that are available, I will find it and
> share it here.
> In the mean time:
>  Please only share that link so if we have more or
> different projects, or priorities change, we do not have to worry
> about people following outdated links. That link will always be good.
> please let me know if you have any questions.
> (sorry copy pasted from irc channel :)
> Respectfully,
> Blake
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 12:41 PM, Mattias Lindblad  wrote:
>> I got a response from another source, who states that Lantmäteriet for a
>> long time have tried to convince the Swedish government that Lantmäteriet
>> should be able to open up geographical information in cases like this. With
>> little success so far.
>> So while it seems like a relatively low probability that we will actually
>> get anything this time, I  believe that we really should request the data.
>> If we are lucky, they might work something out. If not, well then at least
>> we and Lantmäteriet have something to point at for future discussions.
>> /Mattias
>> tis 24 juli 2018 kl. 00:19 skrev Mattias Lindblad :
>>> Yes, personally I believe it would be most helpful if we could just get
>>> the Lantmäteriet HQ to give us permission to use their aerial imagery for
>>> this project. I would suggest that the project defines what data is desired
>>> (type of data and geographical extents) and try to get permission to use
>>> this data with a compliant license. The request could probably be directed
>>> both to Lantmäteriet and to the respective Länsstyrelse in order to get some
>>> attention.
>>> If someone from the Swedish OSM community already have had some previous
>>> success with data from Lantmäteriet, it is probably most efficient to reuse
>>> these channels.
>>> I wholeheartedly support the project, but as I mentioned, I will be more
>>> or less off-grid in the coming weeks and therefore not able to participate.
>>> //Mattias
>>> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 12:01 AM, Blake Girardot 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mattias,
>>>> I appreciate this information. My apologies you get this twice, I
>>>> thought I was also sending it to the main talk-se list, so I am
>>>> resending it.
>>>> The issue here is that the folks requesting osm mapping is because
>>>> they are used to working with OSM data.
>>>> I will pass on the really helpful information about who to contact you
>>>> have provided, but it
>>>> would be up to the firefighters if they could make use of the data and
>>>> they probably have limited time and resources to deal with the
>>>> individual localities or Copernicus at the moment. They might be happy
>>>> with just
>>>> some printed maps from the authorities.
>>>> We can not really organize any data imports as part of this process,
>>>> that would be up to you and your local community to organize.
>>>> Basically, we can map like we always do (we meaning us OSM mappers)
>>>> and know that the some folks will use it, there might be better data
>>>> available, but that is the nature of non open data, it is hard to
>>>> locate and get permissions to use. If it is in OSM many folks already
>>>> know where it is and how to use it. This is why OSM data is often
>>>> turned to first during a crisis, even in well developed countries like
>>>> Sweden and Poland.
>>>> Our mapping (we OSM mappers) do not in anyway hinder the local
>>>> authorities mapping or them sharing their data so I would generally
>>>> not coordinate with them unless they contacted us and a

Re: [Talk-se] Looking for active local Sweden mappers to support fire fighting efforts

2018-07-24 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Mattias,

Please do let me know if you get access to the updated imagery.

We would need what is called a "TMS Endpoint" or WMS or WTMS.

There is an excellent WMS end point right now that could use someone
investigating all the layers that are available, I will find it and
share it here.

In the mean time:

 Please only share that link so if we have more or
different projects, or priorities change, we do not have to worry
about people following outdated links. That link will always be good.

please let me know if you have any questions.

(sorry copy pasted from irc channel :)


On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 12:41 PM, Mattias Lindblad  wrote:
> I got a response from another source, who states that Lantmäteriet for a
> long time have tried to convince the Swedish government that Lantmäteriet
> should be able to open up geographical information in cases like this. With
> little success so far.
> So while it seems like a relatively low probability that we will actually
> get anything this time, I  believe that we really should request the data.
> If we are lucky, they might work something out. If not, well then at least
> we and Lantmäteriet have something to point at for future discussions.
> /Mattias
> tis 24 juli 2018 kl. 00:19 skrev Mattias Lindblad :
>> Yes, personally I believe it would be most helpful if we could just get
>> the Lantmäteriet HQ to give us permission to use their aerial imagery for
>> this project. I would suggest that the project defines what data is desired
>> (type of data and geographical extents) and try to get permission to use
>> this data with a compliant license. The request could probably be directed
>> both to Lantmäteriet and to the respective Länsstyrelse in order to get some
>> attention.
>> If someone from the Swedish OSM community already have had some previous
>> success with data from Lantmäteriet, it is probably most efficient to reuse
>> these channels.
>> I wholeheartedly support the project, but as I mentioned, I will be more
>> or less off-grid in the coming weeks and therefore not able to participate.
>> //Mattias
>> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 12:01 AM, Blake Girardot 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Mattias,
>>> I appreciate this information. My apologies you get this twice, I
>>> thought I was also sending it to the main talk-se list, so I am
>>> resending it.
>>> The issue here is that the folks requesting osm mapping is because
>>> they are used to working with OSM data.
>>> I will pass on the really helpful information about who to contact you
>>> have provided, but it
>>> would be up to the firefighters if they could make use of the data and
>>> they probably have limited time and resources to deal with the
>>> individual localities or Copernicus at the moment. They might be happy
>>> with just
>>> some printed maps from the authorities.
>>> We can not really organize any data imports as part of this process,
>>> that would be up to you and your local community to organize.
>>> Basically, we can map like we always do (we meaning us OSM mappers)
>>> and know that the some folks will use it, there might be better data
>>> available, but that is the nature of non open data, it is hard to
>>> locate and get permissions to use. If it is in OSM many folks already
>>> know where it is and how to use it. This is why OSM data is often
>>> turned to first during a crisis, even in well developed countries like
>>> Sweden and Poland.
>>> Our mapping (we OSM mappers) do not in anyway hinder the local
>>> authorities mapping or them sharing their data so I would generally
>>> not coordinate with them unless they contacted us and asked us for
>>> data in which case we would of course organize mapping to support
>>> them, but it sounds like they do not need our help at all. We (HOT)
>>> for sure do not want to bother anyone during a crisis like this. We
>>> let them
>>> do what they do best, generate excellent, up to date, but closed
>>> sourced data.
>>> So if folks are still interested in I will create a project for
>>> mapping in the areas Christoffer identified.
>>> Of course, mapping on your own in osm is perfectly fine, I am really
>>> glad to hear some of you have started mapping already, that is
>>> perfect.

Re: [Talk-se] Looking for active local Sweden mappers to support fire fighting efforts

2018-07-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Mattias,

I appreciate this information. My apologies you get this twice, I
thought I was also sending it to the main talk-se list, so I am
resending it.

The issue here is that the folks requesting osm mapping is because
they are used to working with OSM data.

I will pass on the really helpful information about who to contact you
have provided, but it
would be up to the firefighters if they could make use of the data and
they probably have limited time and resources to deal with the
individual localities or Copernicus at the moment. They might be happy with just
some printed maps from the authorities.

We can not really organize any data imports as part of this process,
that would be up to you and your local community to organize.

Basically, we can map like we always do (we meaning us OSM mappers)
and know that the some folks will use it, there might be better data
available, but that is the nature of non open data, it is hard to
locate and get permissions to use. If it is in OSM many folks already
know where it is and how to use it. This is why OSM data is often
turned to first during a crisis, even in well developed countries like
Sweden and Poland.

Our mapping (we OSM mappers) do not in anyway hinder the local
authorities mapping or them sharing their data so I would generally
not coordinate with them unless they contacted us and asked us for
data in which case we would of course organize mapping to support
them, but it sounds like they do not need our help at all. We (HOT)
for sure do not want to bother anyone during a crisis like this. We
let them
do what they do best, generate excellent, up to date, but closed
sourced data.

So if folks are still interested in I will create a project for
mapping in the areas Christoffer identified.

Of course, mapping on your own in osm is perfectly fine, I am really
glad to hear some of you have started mapping already, that is

Thank you very much everyone for your help with this! Those Polish
firefighters are already making use of your OSM data, we just want to
improve it as much as we can for them!


On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 11:41 PM, Mattias Lindblad  wrote:
> My contact at the national mapping agency (Lantmäteriet) has tried to reach
> out a bit. Lantmäteriet have deployed a Geocell for assistance with the
> Wildfires, and they should be quite good at arranging data.
> My contact's advice is that the OSM/HOT project should get in touch with the
> county administrative boards (Länsstyrelsen) in the affected counties in
> order to coordinate the efforts, and possibly to get access to data from
> Copernicus and other sources. When requesting data, it is of course
> important to be specific about what kind of data is desired (and any
> licensing issues).
> Regards,
> Mattias
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 9:11 PM, Mattias Lindblad  wrote:
>> Hello Blake,
>> I am trying to reach some contacts at the Swedish national mapping agency,
>> who should have a lot of useful data. Unfortunately I will be going away for
>> a while without proper access to my computers, so I will not be able to do a
>> lot more than that. If I manage to get hold of some relevant contacts,
>> should I direct them to you, or what's the best way forward?
>> Regards,
>> Mattias
>> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 2:45 PM, Blake Girardot 
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you all for your replies.
>>> The firefighters are from Poland and in Poland they use OSM
>>> exclusively for their work.
>>> They do not know where they will be assigned yet so hopefully later
>>> today.
>>> They said they generally are interested in roads, forestry roads,
>>> waterways and water bodies (lakes, ponds, etc)
>>> So that is what they would like you to map.
>>> Any help finding hi resolution, recent imagery (government aerial
>>> imagery sources are usually best), or feedback on the existing OSM
>>> layers, which are best, most recent, etc is usually the very first
>>> step.
>>> I am guessing they will be assinged to one of the 9 areas on this map:
>>> Whoops, now that I look they updated it in the last hour and now it is
>>> 12 areas. But I guess they will be at one of those areas.
>>> That map also gives you a very high level overview of the region
>>> affected.
>>> HOT mapping is just like regular OSM mapping, but we usually specify
>>> what is being requested, in this case, roads, forest roads, water.

Re: [Talk-se] Looking for active local Sweden mappers to support fire fighting efforts

2018-07-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Thank you all for your replies.

The firefighters are from Poland and in Poland they use OSM
exclusively for their work.

They do not know where they will be assigned yet so hopefully later today.

They said they generally are interested in roads, forestry roads,
waterways and water bodies (lakes, ponds, etc)

So that is what they would like you to map.

Any help finding hi resolution, recent imagery (government aerial
imagery sources are usually best), or feedback on the existing OSM
layers, which are best, most recent, etc is usually the very first

I am guessing they will be assinged to one of the 9 areas on this map:

Whoops, now that I look they updated it in the last hour and now it is
12 areas. But I guess they will be at one of those areas.

That map also gives you a very high level overview of the region affected.

HOT mapping is just like regular OSM mapping, but we usually specify
what is being requested, in this case, roads, forest roads, water.

And the the Tasking Manager grids the area so people do not conflict
with each other.

I would suggest we use a private HOT Tasking Manager Project because
the osm-se Tasking Manager seems to have a configuration problem at
the moment (error on attempted login)

HOT's main priority in a case like this is to not damage the existing
OSM mapping. We often work where there is no data (rural Africa for
example) so we do not have that worry. In Sweden, you have an active,
expert, group of mappers who already have a very good OSM map, we need
to make sure we do not accidentally cause any issues for your

More information as I receive it..


On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 2:21 PM, Johnny Blästa  wrote:
> I am a Swedish mapper with experience mapping in the areas surrounding the
> fires and are willing to help with mapping.
> /Johnny
> Den mån 23 juli 2018 kl 13:34 skrev Björn Stenberg :
>> I am a quite experienced Swedish mapper with some HOT mapping experience
>> but I have never organised HOT work. I would definitely help with a HOT
>> mapping effort.
>> --
>> Björn
>> On 23 July 2018 12:53:16 pm Blake Girardot  wrote:
>> > Greetings,
>> >
>> > HOT received a request to improve the mapping around wild fires to
>> > support fire fighters in Sweden.
>> >
>> > Is there a local, active person, who would like to take responsibility
>> > to organize remote mapping projects to support that request?
>> >
>> > Or maybe folks who would contribute if I set up some project for local
>> > mappers only to work on?
>> >
>> > Please let me know.
>> >
>> > Respectfully,
>> > blake
>> >
>> > ___
>> > Talk-se mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-se mailing list
> ___
> Talk-se mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-se mailing list

[Talk-se] Looking for active local Sweden mappers to support fire fighting efforts

2018-07-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot

HOT received a request to improve the mapping around wild fires to
support fire fighters in Sweden.

Is there a local, active person, who would like to take responsibility
to organize remote mapping projects to support that request?

Or maybe folks who would contribute if I set up some project for local
mappers only to work on?

Please let me know.


Talk-se mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Seeking local, active mappers in Sweden

2018-07-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi althio,

I knew I must be missing something as it did not seem possible.

Thank you very much, I think I am all set now. Still happy to hear
from anyone as part of osm-sweden if you are interested in supporting
the request we have, but I will use those resources althio provided,
to reach out further.


On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 12:34 PM, althio  wrote:
> Blake,
> There is a mailing list and some others means:
> on
> and even a tasking manager instance
> Best of luck,
> Ben - althio
> On 23 July 2018 at 12:18, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
>  wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I did not see a local Sweden talk email list, so my apologies for the
>> email to this list.
>> HOT was contacted about mapping to support fire fighters working in
>> Sweden on the current wildfires there and I would like to connect with
>> active local OSM mappers in Sweden to see if they are interested in
>> mapping to support that request.
>> Please contact me off list and we can discuss how best to proceed if
>> anyone is interested.
>> Or pointers to where best to contact mappers local to Sweden would be
>> most appreciated too.
>> I do use tools like "Who's Around Me" and "Who Did It" as well to help
>> identify local, active folks, but wanted to try and reach out to the
>> community first as contacting individuals is not always the most
>> productive way :)
>> Respectfully,
>> Blake
>> --
>> Blake Girardot
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
>> ___
>> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Seeking local, active mappers in Sweden

2018-07-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM

I did not see a local Sweden talk email list, so my apologies for the
email to this list.

HOT was contacted about mapping to support fire fighters working in
Sweden on the current wildfires there and I would like to connect with
active local OSM mappers in Sweden to see if they are interested in
mapping to support that request.

Please contact me off list and we can discuss how best to proceed if
anyone is interested.

Or pointers to where best to contact mappers local to Sweden would be
most appreciated too.

I do use tools like "Who's Around Me" and "Who Did It" as well to help
identify local, active folks, but wanted to try and reach out to the
community first as contacting individuals is not always the most
productive way :)


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Remote Sensing / DOP / DIY people

2018-06-02 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Florian,

For building and getting things flying correctly, I would suggest That site has very experienced people in Remote
Control aircraft, multi-rotor, fixed wing, flying wing etc. Look for
the sections that say "scratchbuilt" as those are the Do It Yourself

For anything you have built and are having issues with, they can
usually help you get working correctly.

They probably have some remote sensing sections or topics by now as
well (a quick search shows about 600 posts with LiDAR in them), FPV
has been a topic there for at least 10 years.

As to the stiching, georeferencing and WMS,
and I think cover all of that.


On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 6:48 PM, Florian Lohoff  wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a Mailinglist for the Technical aspects of DIY Remote Sensing
> e.g. Aerial imaging?
> I am talking about Drone/Copter/Autonomous flying like Sensefly Ebee
> and the like.
> As a lot of people are not capable of buying of the shelve equipment
> like the Ebee it might be interesting to get people together with
> their DIY projects. Autonomous Fixed Wings could be build in the range
> of 300€ - But then IMHO the hard part starts.
> Camera, Georeferencing the GeoTIFFs, creating a WMS service to be
> able to use them with Josm etc. Getting together an Open Source
> toolchain, docker containers, howtos etc
> Here is a (German) walk through in building a FPV Wing. We wouldnt need
> the FPV parts and this size is most likely not capable of carrying a
> camera but its a start.
> For somebody who has dealt with electronics in the past its Buildable
> but i am having a hard time getting it actually to fly.
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff
>  UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [Diversity-talk] [HOT] Diverse conferences need you!

2018-04-15 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Rory,

Thank you very much for all your help with the CoC.

I was hoping we could put together another resource that is practical
advice for LGBTQ travellers.

You offered some good advice that I would never think of, empty your
phones of potentially problematic apps or content.

I read on the State Department one tip that said be wary of
entrampment type schemes with people trying to trick someone into
revealing info that would get them in trouble with the law.

I looked on a few gay travel websites, but most of their practical
advice consisted of saying know the local laws and check with the US
or other national foreign affairs office for their advice.

Could we somehow collaborate on a blog post that would offer some more
practical advice, all the helpful details and advice that can't really
go in the CoC but still would be helpful to folks.

Just a thought, if you think you would have time to contribute I can
make a shared google doc to just start the advice list or something.
But i do not have much to add besides stuff I can find spread around
the Internets, you seemed to have a lot of good advice I think would
be good to share.


On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Rory McCann <> wrote:
> Hi,
> An additional way to help out is on the FOSS4G github, where there are 2
> issues for the CoC & travel advice, where you can leave comments, and
> see the draft documents. Most of my suggestions have been taken on board.
>> all future events happening in countries with similar local laws to
>> Tanzania
> Can you please state in what (limited!) circumstances (parts of) the HOT
> CoC are optional, or run the risk that CoC opponents using any reason
> they want to have an event with a CoC with lots of "opt-outs", claiming
> "cultural differences".
> My suggestion: "No events where homosexuality is illegal if
> homosexuality/etc is legal in one part of the region for this event."
> (there might be other cases).
> Rory
> On 12/04/18 23:41, Rebecca Firth wrote:
>> Hi
>> The HOT and FOSS4G community have been working hard to develop the
>> conference Code of Conduct for the upcoming event in Tanzania
>> ( The goal is to ensure the conference is as
>> welcoming and safe as it can be, and maintain a commitment to diverse
>> and inclusive conferences. Part of this means hosting conferences in
>> countries where HOT works as an organisation and where there are strong
>> local OSM communities. However, this does raise important concerns about
>> safety and security for attendees. We hope a re-drafted CoC will help
>> all future events happening in countries with similar local laws to
>> Tanzania, to ensure they can protect the interests and security of
>> attendees as best as possible. SOTM Africa, future, SOTMs, etc etc..
>> The Summit/FOSS4G Working Groups have a re-drafted policy and would love
>> feedback from an as-diverse-as-possible group. If you're keen to
>> support, please get in touch with Amelia and Rachel in copy, who will
>> send you a copy of the policy and gladly hear your feedback.
>> Thanks,
>> Rebecca
>> --
>> *Rebecca Firth*
>> Community and Partnerships Manager
>> <>
>> @RebeccaFirthy
>> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
>> *Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
>> *
>> *
>> You can #mapthedifference today!
>> <>
>> web <> | twitter <> |
>> facebook <> | donate
>> <>
>> ___
>> Diversity-talk mailing list
>> Code of Conduct: 
>> Contact the mods (private):
> ___
> HOT mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct:
Contact the mods (private):

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM SPAM detector

2018-03-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Walter,

No, the subject of this thread about spam related to OSM changesets,
it has nothing to do with email.

Your rejection notice is because it seems OSM's email servers make use
of a service that "block lists" other email servers that have an
alleged reputation of sending spam. However you send your emails, they
are being sent through a server that is on that block list and
therefor OSM's email servers refuse to accept it or any emails that
come from your email provider's servers.

Following the link in the message you included provides more


On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 7:54 PM, Walter Nordmann <> wrote:
> is that the reason for that?
> This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
> A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of
> its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es)
> failed:
> SMTP error from remote server for RCPT TO command, host:
> ( reason: 550-Rejected because
> is in a black list at
> 550
> could not send mails to tagging for 2 days.
> walter
> Am 05.03.2018 um 15:06 schrieb Jason Remillard:
> Hi,
> This weekend I put together a SPAM detector for OSM changesets.
> You don't need to be a developer to contribute, send over any SPAM'y
> changesets you come across via a github issue, a pull request, or even an
> email to me. I just need the changeset id.
> The code is currently hitting 99+% accuracy detecting the difference between
> 1500 random normal edits and 1500 sketchy changesets that Fredrick shared
> with the talk-us last last week. This is with zero tuning, so it looks like
> it will work well.
> Jason
> ___
> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [Diversity-talk] Code of Conduct & Moderation for this list

2018-03-06 Per discussione Blake Girardot
t;- List specific common behaviors that are not okay
>- Include detailed directions for reporting violations
>- Have a defined and documented complaint handling process
> Over that, we added a heavy overlay of JoyConf consent and empathy culture:
> Refinements
>- After Geek Feminism and
>Django, we described the set of
>spaces that our community is active in and to which the CoC applies
>- From @Mathew <> suggestion of
><> we added a
>list of who the CoC applies to, seeking to level status
>- @Klie <> designed the reporting
>process via anonymous online submission form, and converted the list of
>unwanted behaviors to "Do's and Don'ts":
>Ma6lEkZ0TuE7D9FZ2 (updated for 2017)
>- @Kanarinka <> wrote in our
>existing practice of checking in before posting people on social media
>- Potentially unique to Public Lab, we created a dual moderators group
>and facilitation group which cannot entirely be described by an
>online/offline dichotomy. The Addendum clarifies that staff of the
>non-profit are additionally bound by their Employment handbooks which meet
>federal and state laws.
>- Generally, a lot of solid and clarifying editing by Nick, Shannon,
>Klie, Carla and Public Lab staffers, and the organizers.
> --
> +1 336-269-1539 <(336)%20269-1539> / @lizbarry
> <> /
> On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Sérgio V. <> wrote:
>> I agree with this CoC, think it's pretty sufficient. Thanks.
>> Also agree with Blake, I would consider adding to the draft "Offensive
>> comments related to..." something like "national origin, cultural
>> affiliation", as well as "ethnicity", "language", "level of
>> instruction".
>> Things in which people find consists the very being of any people,
>> perhaps could be added; any offensive comments related to the being
>> of someone, its value.
>> And the sort of positive acts that are welcome.
>> I think perhaps the draft could be considered as a CoC already in use
>> here, if it would be needed to invoke it.
>> Any improvements or adjusts could be done on the going.
>> Also, diversity talks lay not only in preventive instances, that
>> instance being assured is good, lay in many subjects related to diversity
>> of people and initiatives too.
>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> Sérgio -
>> --
>> *De:* Rory McCann <>
>> *Enviado:* quinta-feira, 1 de março de 2018 15:53
>> *Para:* Blake Girardot; Paul Norman
>> *Cc:* OSM Diversity
>> *Assunto:* Re: [Diversity-talk] Code of Conduct & Moderation for this
>> list
>> Hi all,
>> I have put the GF one as a draft on the OSM wiki:
>> CodeOfConduct
>> Feel free to edit it as appropriate. At some point I'll go through and
>> add the suggestions.
>> On 28/02/18 15:27, Blake Girardot wrote:
>> > From my perspective, and I am not sure why it is left out of
>> > geekfeminism's policy is that item one under "Harassment includes"
>> > should list "national origin, cultural affiliation" to address the
>> > issue of people making offensive comments about people from
>> > particular countries or cultures.
>> Agreed. "national origin" has been included in anti-racism laws in the
>> UK since the 1960s.
>> > We might even include something like "OpenStreetMap participation
>> > style" in that list so we do not have to tolerate disparaging remarks
>> > about remote mappers, craft mappers, newbie mappers or folks that
>> > participate through non-mapping contributions.
>> Broadly in favour. Ilya Zverik said:
>> > OpenStreetMap needs everything. More editors, more tutorials, more >
>> > rendering styles, more mappers, more software. Anyone has something
>> > to contribute, a

Re: [Diversity-talk] Who says we need a code of conduct?

2018-03-06 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Tue, Mar 6, 2018 at 4:11 PM, Dan S <> wrote:
> Hi
> There are lots of shouty babies like that in online discussions. The
> challenge is to keep remembering that they're naive/immature (even
> though the keyboard hides it) - they sap less of your energy that
> way...
> Dan

Hi Dan, unfortunately I think our experience shows, while true what
you say, it is not really a solution and just leads to reduced
diversity and participation, and is partly why we are in the situation
we are in.


> 2018-03-06 14:56 GMT+00:00 Selene Yang <>:
>> Hi! I wrote an entry in my OSM diary about diversity
>> (  in the
>> community using the OSM Awards as an example, and one of the answers from an
>> OSM collaborator was:
>> Comentario de cray33 el 6 de marzo de 2018 a las 10:03
>> fuck diversity. A man and a woman are different from each other. You can't
>> change the nature
>> So I guess... Who needs a CoC when we have such an inclusive and well
>> mannered community. :sigh: This is not the first time I've read a violent
>> response from a community member when it comes to gender related issues. I
>> don't know if you recall the `man=made` vs  `human=made` debacle, and yet
>> we're still here debating whether or not we need to enforce a CoC.
>> I'm truly disappointed in the community.
>> Thanks for reading.
>> Sele.
>> --
>> Selene Yang Rappaccioli
>> Candidata Doctoral en Comunicación
>> Universidad Nacional de La Plata
>> @SeleneYang
>> ___
>> Diversity-talk mailing list
>> Code of Conduct: TBD
>> Contact the mods (private):
> ___
> Diversity-talk mailing list
> Code of Conduct: TBD
> Contact the mods (private):


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct: TBD
Contact the mods (private):

Re: [OSM-talk] [Diversity-talk] [HOT] LGBTQ people at HOT Summit?

2018-02-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot
   our flagship Ramani Huria and Data Zetu projects.
>> The Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial
>> (FOSS4G) conference is the yearly gathering of the OSGeo
>> community and this year they are looking to bring impact
>> stories to their audience. With humanitarian and
>> disaster response use of FOSS, especially in regards to
>> geospatial, the HOT community brings an amazing showcase
>> to an already impressive conference program. We can’t
>> wait to see the collaboration between these open
>> communities.
>> Key Dates:
>>  Coming Soon: Discounted Ticket Sales for HOT community
>>  March 21: Presentation Submission
>> <<>>Deadline
>>  August 27-28: FOSS4G Pre-Conference Workshops
>>  August 29-31: FOSS4G and HOT Summit Main Conference
>>  September 1-2: FOSS4G Code Sprints and Community Events
>> Stay tuned to http://2018.foss4g.orgformore information
>> on FOSS4G and the HOT Summit.
>> --The 2018 HOT Summit Working Group
>> *
>> <>
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
>> ___
>> HOT mailing list
> ___
> Diversity-talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-pe] Acari Earthquake

2018-01-14 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM

Here are the projects for those areas:



On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 12:10 AM, Johnattan Rupire <> wrote:
> Here the links to the geojason done by ovruni. These are the zones affected
> until the moment.
> Aquí los links a los geojason hechos por ovruni. estas son las zonas
> afectadas hasta el momento
> Matrix Telegram Bridge:
> ovruni (IRC):
> Seguimos en telegram
> El 14 de enero de 2018 12:01:34 PM GMT-05:00, Omar Vega Ramos
> <> escribió:
>> Hola a todos
>> Dos de las zonas más afectadas son Acarí y Chala. En este momento estoy
>> identificando nombres de calles, centros de salud y colegios para mapear
>> en estas zonas.
>> Estaré conectado en el canal #osm-pe de (osmPe de telegram
>> esta integrado) para cualquier coordinación.
>> Saludos
>> english:
>> Hello everyone
>> Two of the most affected areas are Acarí and Chala. At this moment I am
>> identifying names of streets, health centers and schools to map in these
>> areas.
>> I will be connected to channel #osm-pe from (osmPe from
>> telegram is integrated) for any coordination.
>> regards
>> El 14/01/18 a las 11:06, escribió:
>>>  Greetings,
>>>  My name is Russell Deffner and I am one of the Disaster Mapping
>>> Coordinators
>>>  for HOT.  We are evaluating the Acari Earthquake and before we initiate
>>> any
>>>  remote mapping want to connect with local mappers to help determine if
>>> that
>>>  is necessary, and if so, where and what mapping would be the most
>>> beneficial
>>>  to response and recovery operations.
>>>  Please either reply directly to me, my colleague Blake (cc’d), or to our
>>>  Activation Working Group at
>>>  <>  – we will stand by until we have better
>>>  information on what is needed.
>>>  Sincerely,
>>>  =Russ
>>>  (Google Translated Version)
>>>  Saludos,
>>>  Mi nombre es Russell Deffner y soy uno de los coordinadores de mapas de
>>>  desastres para HOT. Estamos evaluando el Terremoto Acari y antes de
>>> iniciar
>>>  cualquier mapeo remoto queremos conectarnos con los mapeadores locales
>>> para
>>>  ayudar a determinar si es necesario, y de ser así, dónde y qué mapeo
>>> sería
>>>  el más beneficioso para las operaciones de respuesta y recuperación.
>>>  Responda directamente a mí, a mi colega Blake (cc'd) oa nuestro Grupo de
>>>  trabajo de activación en - nos mantendremos
>>> atentos
>>>  hasta que tengamos mejor información sobre lo que se necesita.
>>>  Sinceramente,
> --
> Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa mi
> brevedad.


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GeoChat

2018-01-07 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 4:00 PM, Ilya Zverev <> wrote:

> Nice to hear somebody uses it :)
> Ilya

I love GeoChat, not so much the chat part, but the seeing other users
in the JOSM viewport "on the ground" part. I love that, it is like
exploring together.

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sudden influx of bad HOTosm edits in West Bank

2017-10-31 Per discussione Blake Girardot

I spoke with the person responsible for the projects and they are out
sick but aware of this thread and as soon as they are back on their
feet this week, will get to working on the issue, it is a high
priority for them.


On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 3:21 PM, Blake Girardot <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have also reached out to the person responsible for the projects
> both originally when brought up and just again today, but not heard
> back from them yet. Should I not hear back from the project creator
> today or tomorrow, I will probably temporarily remove the projects and
> the person who created the projects permissions to manage projects on
> the HOT Tasking Manager until they check in and we can be sure there
> is a plan in place to make sure the mappers on the project are doing a
> good job and the data is good quality.
> We should also remember that people who create projects do not always
> have any control or input on who contributes to the projects they
> create, but they should obviously be concerned data quality either
> way.
> It should also be noted, that HOT has a two step process that reviews
> all mapping, we call it validation, and that is typically where these
> kinds of issues get identified and feedback to the mappers is made.
> Anyone can participate in the validation process and experienced OSM
> mappers and folks who like to help new mappers in OSM are encouraged
> to be a part of that process. It is not a perfect process, but we are
> always working to make that process go better and more quickly to try
> and catch stuff like this as soon as possible.
> And, finally, I will note that when this was first raised, I dove
> right in and started to look at the data and make corrections and give
> feedback. But as soon as I spent time making fixes just to hit
> conflicts on upload because people were reverting, I stopped.
> Respectfully,
> Blake
> On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Andy Townsend <> wrote:
>> On 31/10/2017 12:43, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>>> Have we found out anything about this yet?
>> None of the users who have entries in changeset discussions have commented
>> in those discussions, including the person who created the task at HOT.  I
>> also don't see any attempt to tidy up the data after the event (but to be
>> fair it is only 2 days - I'd usually wait a few more days before assuming
>> that I won't get a reply).
>> It'd be great if some of the people in this thread could volunteer to help
>> these mappers achieve what they are trying to achieve and learn how to edit
>> OSM productively.  Unfortunately the DWG can't be everywhere - we rely very
>> much on everyone else in the community to help new mappers.  As has been
>> said before most of the problems here (as elsewhere) are just new mapper
>> issues and are relatively easily resolved.
>> Also, don't forget there are really good examples of how to do this
>> elsewhere - look at the work the Irish community has done with both remote
>> and local mapping in Lesotho, for example.
>> Best Regards,
>> Andy
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> --
> ----
> Blake Girardot
> OSM Wiki -
> HOTOSM Member -
> skype: jblakegirardot
> Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sudden influx of bad HOTosm edits in West Bank

2017-10-31 Per discussione Blake Girardot

I have also reached out to the person responsible for the projects
both originally when brought up and just again today, but not heard
back from them yet. Should I not hear back from the project creator
today or tomorrow, I will probably temporarily remove the projects and
the person who created the projects permissions to manage projects on
the HOT Tasking Manager until they check in and we can be sure there
is a plan in place to make sure the mappers on the project are doing a
good job and the data is good quality.

We should also remember that people who create projects do not always
have any control or input on who contributes to the projects they
create, but they should obviously be concerned data quality either

It should also be noted, that HOT has a two step process that reviews
all mapping, we call it validation, and that is typically where these
kinds of issues get identified and feedback to the mappers is made.
Anyone can participate in the validation process and experienced OSM
mappers and folks who like to help new mappers in OSM are encouraged
to be a part of that process. It is not a perfect process, but we are
always working to make that process go better and more quickly to try
and catch stuff like this as soon as possible.

And, finally, I will note that when this was first raised, I dove
right in and started to look at the data and make corrections and give
feedback. But as soon as I spent time making fixes just to hit
conflicts on upload because people were reverting, I stopped.


On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Andy Townsend <> wrote:
> On 31/10/2017 12:43, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>> Have we found out anything about this yet?
> None of the users who have entries in changeset discussions have commented
> in those discussions, including the person who created the task at HOT.  I
> also don't see any attempt to tidy up the data after the event (but to be
> fair it is only 2 days - I'd usually wait a few more days before assuming
> that I won't get a reply).
> It'd be great if some of the people in this thread could volunteer to help
> these mappers achieve what they are trying to achieve and learn how to edit
> OSM productively.  Unfortunately the DWG can't be everywhere - we rely very
> much on everyone else in the community to help new mappers.  As has been
> said before most of the problems here (as elsewhere) are just new mapper
> issues and are relatively easily resolved.
> Also, don't forget there are really good examples of how to do this
> elsewhere - look at the work the Irish community has done with both remote
> and local mapping in Lesotho, for example.
> Best Regards,
> Andy
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Misrepresentation of OSM by HOT?

2017-10-30 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 12:04 AM, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
<> wrote:

> Thanks again and I'll reply when there is something on our staging
> site for folks to look at.


We have updated the text on the HOT Tasking Manager in light of the
suggestions from this email thread.

They will be deployed to our live instance later this week, but you
can review them here:

The details, in case they are not immediately obvious, can be seen in
our github repo:


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sudden influx of bad HOTosm edits in West Bank

2017-10-29 Per discussione Blake Girardot

You are not helping things by unilaterally reverting things and
accusing people of vandalism after you asked HOT to look into it.

At this point all I have seen from your first list was some newbie
edits with some newbie mistakes and some stuff that looked totally
fine when using the correct imagery.

and before you started reverting all of the andrew users work, I saw
decent mapping and bad tagging from a new mapper. clearly not

Granted I am not the best at reviewing things by changeset so I might
have missed something, that is totally possible.

At this point I am going to stop looking into it since you have
decided to take matters into your own hands with your own solutions.



On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 9:15 PM, Safwat Halaby <> wrote:
> Due to a mailing client config error, I'm unsure if I sent my
> messages privately or to the list (or at all). At the risk of repeating
> myself:
> The problems are not related to Imagery at all. They're blatantly
> obvious mapping issues like:
> - removing things and re-adding them for no apparent reason
> - Adding buildings on top of pre-existing buildings
> - Adding closed ways with area=yes instead of building=yes, or with no
> tags at all
> - Intentional vandalism in some cases.
> ___
> talk mailing list

Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Sudden influx of bad HOTosm edits in West Bank

2017-10-29 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM

I SomeoneElse mentioned this in our HOT IRC channel.

I have already asked the project creator to take a look.

But, are you sure they are bad edits? did you use the 2016 imagery
specified in the mapping projet?

For example, change set 53330616, the first one i randomly looked at
from you list looks like bad editing until you use the 2016 imagery,
please see the linked to two images below, one with Bing/DG Premium (they
look the same) and one with the imagery supplied with the project.

So, please let us not rush to revert if you are not using the
proper imagery.

As I said, I will or someone else from HOT will look into it further,
thank you very much for bringing it to our attention, as well as the
other issues you pointed out, which I have not had a chance to look at
yet. (old bing) (new aerial)


On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 6:18 PM, Safwat Halaby <> wrote:
> There's a sudden influx of bad edits by different users related to
> Palestine HotOSM tasks. I don't know why. Perhaps it's a poorly-trained
> group?
> Incomplete list of relevant hotOSM tasks: 3441, 3447, 3759, 3768
> Incomplete List of bad changesets:
> (reverted)
> (intersecting ways)
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM #379 2017-10-17-2017-10-23

2017-10-28 Per discussione Blake Girardot

As someone who has worked with Verdy P on a daily basis over the past
few months, I find his wiki editing and organizing to be very good. He
knows what he is doing. He is probably a top expert in wikimedia
editing and organization, especially as it relates to the
translateability of our wiki content, making it much more
translateable. A very noble and critical goal.

Please read his personal page on the wiki to understand his overall
goal and why to achieve it he has made a lot (like thousands) of

I understand we can all be difficult to work with at times, and
sometimes some of us are hard to work with all the times.

Verdy, I urge you to slow down on the wiki editing, listen to the
advice and issues others are raising about your edits and interactions
and let everyone catch up and understand your editing and organization
improvements. You can be really hard to keep up with :) This is the
same advice I put on your personal wiki talk page last year :)

And I urge us to keep trying to find a way to understand verdy's wiki
work and work with Verdy on the wiki. He seems to be making real,
important, needed improvements that will make the wiki much better in
the long term.

My impression is that much of verdy's improvements are just difficult
to understand for non wikimedia experts, difficult to explain because
they are complicated. And add in the fact that English is not verdy's
native language, the challenge of explaining highly technical
wikimedia organization techniques is twice as difficult.

I am no wiki expert so I can only look at from a user's perspective.

He blasted through a bunch of HOT related wiki pages and I was mad he
made a lot of changes I did not understand. I think I complained once
and got blown off. Now that I better understand his underlying goal,
translateability, and I see that his changes have not really affected
anything from my user perspective, I am fine with his changes. I am ok
with the fact that he does know a lot more about it than I do, and I
trust his work to be improvements as I have seen it first hand as it
relates to translations of wiki pages.

Verdy, I really wish it was easier to understand what you were doing
and it was easier to explain, I really hope you can slow down and
focus on bringing everyone else who is concerned about your edits to
an understanding of your methods and reasons as I will really be sad
and you get banned from the wiki and in the long term OSM Wiki will be
worse off without you contributing your expertise to it.


On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 2:29 PM, Ilya Zverev <> wrote:
> I agree.
> Verdy p is very hard to work with on the wiki, and his number of edits makes 
> his work virtually unverifyable and unrevertable. I assume has has alienated 
> a lot of wiki contributors, including few people I know.
> Ilya
> Andrew Hain wrote:
>> It is now time to talk about banning Verdy p from the wiki permanently. His 
>> behaviour over the past years makes him a contributor of net negative value. 
>> It is exceptionally difficult to correct any mistake that he makes and as a 
>> result people have cut down their contributions to the wiki or given up 
>> completely. He likes to tell people that they have made mistakes without 
>> trying to teach them what he thinks they did wrong and obfuscates changes 
>> with mass reformatting. It is often unclear whether he is addressing a 
>> problem that actually exists. He often projects his own personality 
>> deficiencies onto other people. Even in the current case where there is 
>> software that could be made more flexible, he only offers handwaving rather 
>> than assistance.
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Misrepresentation of OSM by HOT?

2017-10-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Christoph,

Thank you for the suggestions.

As the Project Manager for the Tasking Manager 3, I can say most of
them should be no problem all and look like they basically line up
with what we talked about internally to address the issues raised..

Hopefully we will have some changes out in the next week that
incorporate your suggestions, some of them are easy and quick to do,
some might not be, but I'll make sure they are a priority.

And to LearnOSM.

I am glad there is some confusion over who created and maintains it.

That content was mostly generated by HOT members as a project, and
HOT's Training Working Group has maintained and updated it and its
translations for years. Half of it is still in the original google
docs and we have been trying to convert it all to markdown for years
as well.

It is purposely not HOT branded as we consider it an OSM Community
focused resource. We have added some information about the Tasking
Manager and using the Tasking Manager, but I am glad to hear we kept
HOT out of it for the most part really and it put OSM forward, as is
our goal.

The HOT Training Working Group is always looking for more folks who
are interested in joining the working group and helping maintain
LearnOSM. Nick has been heading up LearnOSM and the HOT TWG for the
past 3 years I think and just recently stepped down.

Thanks again and I'll reply when there is something on our staging
site for folks to look at.


On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Christoph Hormann <> wrote:
> On Monday 23 October 2017, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM wrote:
>> It clearly says the HOT Tasking Manager, which it is. We were asked
>> to change it from OSM Tasking Manager because people felt that was
>> misrepresenting, it was not the OSM Tasking manager, it was HOT's
>> Tasking Manager, so I changed that in TM v2.
> As i said in the previous discussion about this the name "OSM Tasking
> manager" to me seems perfectly fine as a name for the tool in general.
> My critique here is about this instance of the tool running as a public
> service and containing the tasks of the HOT project.
> I have no specific suggestion about the heading/catchphrase but there
> were already a few ideas mentioned by others in what direction this
> could go.  Independent of that prominently linking to (or
> a different page explaining OSM and providing relevant links) on the
> starting page (like with a second button next to "Start Mapping") would
> be good.
> In addition i would suggest to add
> * links to (and OSM wiki, communication channels) from
> the About and Learn pages.
> * a disclaimer according to the trademark policy on the About page.
> * adding at least brief verbal credits to OSM - for example like
> Frederik cited from Missing Maps - to the starting page somewhere.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Misrepresentation of OSM by HOT?

2017-10-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:

> This is a honest question; I would really be interested in the, if I
> may, "American version" of what Christoph has written. One that does
> express how you're upset while at the same time *not* being "combative"
> and all those bad things you said about Christoph's post.
> Maybe then I can use that to express myself in a more internationally
> compatible way in the future ;)

Here is my American, collaborative version of the same issue:


I see the new HOT Tasking Manager.

I feel like it does not clearly describe how it it used in the
OpenStreetMap community. It is just a tool for OSM mapping, it is not
the whole of OSM and I think people might be confused possibly.

It also seems like the OpenStreetMap project and community should be
linked to a little more so people can understand and have a path to
becoming good OSM Community folks.

Can we work on improving that in HOT's new Tasking Manager? I have
some ideas that are mostly wording changes or additions and hopefully
would be easy to add.


I promise you that will get the exact same results or better, as
accusations of misrepresenting OSM by HOT and making sure I know you
are upset or mad.

And have the benefit that everyone who can do something about it, will
be happy to help make it happen.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Misrepresentation of OSM by HOT?

2017-10-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Christoph,

We can not win if we do or if we do not :)

It clearly says the HOT Tasking Manager, which it is. We were asked to
change it from OSM Tasking Manager because people felt that was
misrepresenting, it was not the OSM Tasking manager, it was HOT's
Tasking Manager, so I changed that in TM v2.

And the major emphasis on "OpenStreetMap Collaborative Mapping" is
exactly because people also said we did not put OpenStreetMap
prominently enough. Now it is the biggest thing on the page and that
is not right either :)

It doesn't say "HOT Collaborative Mapping" because people are not HOT
mapping, they are OSM mapping.

But, I think we are happy to change that title on that page to
something else if the community feels it is somehow misrepresenting


On Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 5:08 AM, Christoph Hormann <> wrote:
> I recently turned up on the HOT tasking manager page
> ( and found the page is now presenting itself
> tautologically as an "OpenStreetMap Collaborative Mapping" portal with
> no indication except for the small logo on top that this is a separate
> project with no official character.  At the same time it seems (at a
> first glance) there is not a single link on the site to OpenStreetMap.
> To the visitor unfamiliar with OSM this is quite likely to generate the
> impression that this is OSM and that contributing to "OpenStreetMap
> Collaborative Mapping" always happens via HOT tasks.
> In my eyes this is a fairly clear misrepresentation of OpenStreetMap not
> covered by the trademark policy we now have.
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to create custom online map from OpenStreetMap

2017-10-22 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 1:47 PM, Carlos Cámara <> wrote:

> Mapbox covers steps #1-#3, since #4 is not needed, being that are vector
> layers. Does not require any webserver but requires a paid account. Don't
> know if it means that using Mapbox GL you are locked in Mapbox plattform.

Someone else will know better than me, but my understanding is the
free tier is 100% of the Mapbox product, and only when your created
maps start to get over a certain traffic do you need a paid account.
But everything they offer is on the free tier I am pretty sure.

Mapbox open sources a great deal of code I think, and probably plays
nice with every relevant oss software you would typically have as part
of your stack so I see them as less "lock in" as they are a very oss
friendly company.

And they are great supporters of OSM and HOT Communities, donating
thousands of dollars to the OSM Community every year. They are a
sponsor on almost every major event usually.


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Name challenge - what to call the new OSM+Wikidata service?

2017-09-17 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Mappy McDataFace is a serious suggestion, please include it in any
official lists of proposals.


On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Yuri Astrakhan <> wrote:
> One thing we should consider is the domain name.  I doubt we can afford
> :)
> These names were proposed
> woq   2
> wdoqs
> woqs
> q936
> And these proposed names have OSM in them, so likely are not good according
> to Legal
> wosm  2
> wikosm
> wdosm
> wikidosm
> (P.S. Sorry for double - hit send too fast before fixing the first list)
> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 5:45 PM, Yuri Astrakhan <>
> wrote:
>> One thing we should consider is the domain name.  I doubt we can afford
>> :)
>> These names were proposed
>> woq   2
>> wdoqs
>> wdosm
>> woqs
>> q936
>> And these proposed names have OSM in them, so likely are not good
>> according to Legal
>> wosm  2
>> wikosm
>> wikidosm
>> On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 5:10 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
>>> I believe there is a slight misunderstanding, while remixing
>>> OpenStreetMap/OSM/etc in various ways may result in cutesy copycat domain
>>> names they simply do not jibe well with reality.
>>> Not only does every single one of them weaken the standing of the marks
>>> themselves and make is increasingly difficult to take action against misuse,
>>> they are further uncontrollable liabilities for the whole community. I gave
>>> the example of OpenWeatherMap, but there are others that would be really
>>> painful if they ended up in the hands of your fav giant tech corp.
>>> That said, I'm not sure why you believe the policy has broken something,
>>> with the exception of a few local chapters, to my knowledge, the OSMF has
>>> never granted a licence to anybody to use the marks in a domain name. As
>>> outlined in the FAQ we will be operating a grandfathering scheme to legalize
>>> such use after the fact so actually making such use legit for the first
>>> time.
>>> And yes: WoQ would be a wonderful name for Yuris service and shows that
>>> it is completely possible to break out of the old schema of simply copying
>>> OSM.
>>> Simon
>>> Am 17.09.2017 um 15:57 schrieb Yves:
>>> So, no OpenSparqlMap, then? :(
>>> Sad, this policy definitely broke something.
>>> Yves
>>> Le 17 septembre 2017 12:58:12 GMT+02:00, Blake Girardot
>>> <> a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> How does this relate to the new draft trademark policy?
>>>> I can't tell from the draft policy, but I believe that OSM at least is
>>>> a protected mark, not sure about osm.
>>>> But I do think Simone Poole asked the community to stop naming things
>>>> with osm trademarks in them or variations on openstreetmap phrase.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> blake
>>>> On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 5:11 PM, Yuri Astrakhan
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>  The new service is getting more and more usage, but it lacks the most
>>>>>  important thing - a good name.  So far my two choices are:
>>>>>  * wikosm
>>>>>  * wikidosm
>>>>>  Suggestions?  Votes?  The service combines Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
>>>>>  databases, and uses SPARQL (query language) to search it, so might be
>>>>> good
>>>>>  to reflect that in the name.
>>>>>  P.S.  I know this is the hardest problem after off-by-one and
>>>>> caching...
>>>>>  talk mailing list
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Name challenge - what to call the new OSM+Wikidata service?

2017-09-17 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Yves <> wrote:
> So, no OpenSparqlMap, then? :(
> Sad, this policy definitely broke something.
> Yves

I agree 100%


> Le 17 septembre 2017 12:58:12 GMT+02:00, Blake Girardot
> <> a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> How does this relate to the new draft trademark policy?
>> I can't tell from the draft policy, but I believe that OSM at least is
>> a protected mark, not sure about osm.
>> But I do think Simone Poole asked the community to stop naming things
>> with osm trademarks in them or variations on openstreetmap phrase.
>> Cheers
>> blake
>> On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 5:11 PM, Yuri Astrakhan <>
>> wrote:
>>>  The new service is getting more and more usage, but it lacks the most
>>>  important thing - a good name.  So far my two choices are:
>>>  * wikosm
>>>  * wikidosm
>>>  Suggestions?  Votes?  The service combines Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
>>>  databases, and uses SPARQL (query language) to search it, so might be
>>> good
>>>  to reflect that in the name.
>>>  P.S.  I know this is the hardest problem after off-by-one and caching...
>>>  talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Name challenge - what to call the new OSM+Wikidata service?

2017-09-17 Per discussione Blake Girardot

How does this relate to the new draft trademark policy?

I can't tell from the draft policy, but I believe that OSM at least is
a protected mark, not sure about osm.

But I do think Simone Poole asked the community to stop naming things
with osm trademarks in them or variations on openstreetmap phrase.


On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 5:11 PM, Yuri Astrakhan <> wrote:
> The new service is getting more and more usage, but it lacks the most
> important thing - a good name.  So far my two choices are:
> * wikosm
> * wikidosm
> Suggestions?  Votes?  The service combines Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
> databases, and uses SPARQL (query language) to search it, so might be good
> to reflect that in the name.
> P.S.  I know this is the hardest problem after off-by-one and caching...
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Fwd: Disaster OpenRouteService

2017-09-08 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Thank you osm-us for making services like this go so much better doing
your expert road fix ups in the most highly impacted areas.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Griesbaum, Luisa <>
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 11:01 AM
Subject: [HOT] Disaster OpenRouteService

Hello everybody,

in order to support the ongoing mapping activities we (the HeiGIT team
from GIScience Heidelberg) updated our Disaster OpenRouteService
( to the following routing regions:
- North America (including Mexico)
- Carribean
- Bangladesh

The data in our service is currently updated every 24 hours (around
21:00 CET - thanks to Geofabrik!)

Best regards,

Luisa Griesbaum, M.Sc.
GIScience Research Group
Department of Geography, Heidelberg University

Berliner Str. 45, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
fon: +49(0)6221 54 19703

HOT mailing list

Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Trajets de bus et ronds--points

2017-09-08 Per discussione Blake Girardot
ortie" et ça suffit car il n'y a
> pas d'autres chemins possibles et si celui qui ne connait pas bien le coin
> rate la bonne sortie, il sait qu'il va devoir faire le tour complet pour la
> retrouver et n'a pas besoin de toucher à son GPS!
> Il reste les rares cas de giratoires avec des feux temporaires (fonctionnant
> en giratoire la plupart du temps quand les feux sont éteints mais en
> carrefour avec des voies plus prioritaires qui les traversent quand les feux
> sont allumés). Cela ne concerne que de rares giratoires qui ont une voie
> centrale pour les transports en commun munis de radiocommande ou de
> télédétections des véhicules de transport en commun. On en trouve pas mal à
> Nantes avec les carrefours utilisés aussi par les trams toujours
> prioritaires (il y a des feux clignotants signalant l'approche d'une rame et
> l'arrêt impératif de tous les autres usagers, mais là encore pas besoin de
> découper le giratoire car le tram n'emprunte pas les mêmes voies).
> Les derniers cas sont les ceux où un giratoire est temporairement
> partiellement fermé  (par exemple un accident de la route ou des travaux):
> la police ou des feux temporaires seront là pour rendre les autres sections
> du giratoire bidirectionnelles ou unidirectionnelle alternée, et le faire
> fonctionner comme un carrefour normal mais ce n'est jamais pour longtemps
> (quelques heures pour un accident routier, quelques heures s'il y a des
> travaux sur un giratoire important, parfois quelques semaines sinon en zone
> résidentielle). Mais là on est rarement dans le cas où il faut modifier OSM
> (le temps de faire la modif, que ce soit exporté et visible sur les cartes
> et c'est déjà terminé, on aura fait la modif pour rien qu'il faut déjà
> l'annuler...)
> Le 7 septembre 2017 à 00:26, Francescu GAROBY <> a écrit :
>> Bonsoir,
>> Je pense qu'il faudrait se mettre d'accord une bonne fois pour toutes,
>> avec les ronds-points empruntés par les lignes de bus...
>> À chaque fois, ça ne loupe pas : je trouve des ronds-points morcelés, ou
>> refusionnés, puis remorcelés, ... Bref, à cause de tout ça, les tracés des
>> lignes de bus sont incorrects, au niveau des ronds-points.
>> Personnellement, je pense que ça n'a pas de sens de couper un rond-point,
>> étant donné que l'entrée et la sortie sont connues. Charge au logiciel de
>> dessin de tenir compte de ça...
>> --
>> Cordialement,
>> Francescu GAROBY
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: HOT Activation for Irma

2017-09-08 Per discussione Blake Girardot
-- Forwarded message --
From: Violaine Doutreleau <>
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 2:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Hot-francophone] HOT Activation for Irma
To: Blake Girardot <>, hot-francophone

Bonjour à tous,

Vous l'avez peut-être compris, HOT a lancé une réponse d'urgence pour
l'ouragan Irma. Vous retrouverez les projets concernés sur le Tasking
Manager de HOT :

Pour rejoindre la coordination globale, les volontaires se retrouvent
sur le canal #disaster-mapping du slack de HOT :, cliquer sur 'channels' puis

Pour les infos sur l'activation :

Je traduit rapidement Blake " Nous avons besoin d'aide à la traduction
pour le wiki.

Le message le plus important que nous souhaitons transmettre est que
nous souhaitons soutenir la cartographie locale et non pas créer de
conflit accidentel avec vos activations locales. Le leadership local
est prioritaire et Haiti en a un chouette (petite touche de
fantaisie), faites-nous savoir ce qui est le mieux pour vous"

Bonne journée à tous,


Le 08/09/2017 à 02:24, Blake Girardot a écrit :


I apologize, the French version of this will follow shortly, but I
wanted to get this to you as soon as possible so I went forward in

HOT has officially activated for Hurricane Irma and we are
coordinating in our slack team, in English, in the #disaster-mapping

You can join HOT's slack by visiting this link:

Once you join the slack, you will type /join #disaster-mapping

And you will be in the coordination channel for HOT's activation.

The full details and a link to the umap of our Irma project footprints
can be found on the response wiki page:

We also need translation help with the wiki entry.

The most important message is we want to support local mapping and not
accidentally conflict with your local lead mapping. Local leadership
is best and Haiti has great local leadership, please let us know what
is best for you.

As I said, French version to follow, or if anyone would like to
translate this and send it we would be very grateful.


Violaine Doutreleau
Coordinatrice Missing Maps
mobile :
skype : doutreleau.violaine

P Help save paper - do you need to print this email?

Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] If you run an instance HOT's OSM Tasking Manager 2 please read

2017-05-16 Per discussione Blake Girardot

A security vulnerability has been identified in the latest version of
the OSM Tasking Manager 2.

Please contact me directly, off list and I will pass on the
information on how to fix the issue.

We will update the code in our GitHub repository in 2 weeks, but are
holding off to give users time to make the fix locally first.



Blake Girardot
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Imagery CC-BY-NC 4.0 + OSM Specific allowance

2017-04-07 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
Hi Simon, Kathleen, all,

Is there any concern that the specific exemptions for cc-by 4 and some
extent 2/3, which specifically mention the attribution method and URL,
license and version number, will cause an issue should the means of
OSM attribution or the license change (even a version number bump) in
the future?

I fear that as written, any changes to any of the above would make
these exemptions non-valid anymore and data contributed under them
could potentially be candidates for removal.

The generic waiver seems better.

It is not clear to me why there are different versions either if the
generic waiver applies to the same cc-* licenses as the two version
specific references.


On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 9:03 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> Sorry this took so long, I've added suggested wording here
> Thanks again to Kathleen Lu for drafting this.
> Simon
> Am 23.01.2017 um 23:47 schrieb Simon Poole:
> The LWG has 3 US based legal professionals on it, no need for me to
> climb out on a limb :-). I'll ask for an opinion internally and get back
> to you.
> Simon
> Am 23.01.2017 um 23:23 schrieb Blake Girardot HOT/OSM:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:37 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> Blake where is the imagery provider in question based?
> United States
> Cheers
> blake
> Simon
> Am 23.01.2017 um 22:01 schrieb Blake Girardot HOT/OSM:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> In any case, getting permission to distribute on ODbL terms only would
> seem to be suboptimal and endangers any contributions based on so
> licensed material as any license change, even in name only, would cause
> issues that require going back to the licensor.
> Simon, can you give an example of language you think would be best for this?
> Something like:
> "Specific permission is granted to use this imagery for digitizing
> data into OpenStreetMap and the resulting OpenStreetMap data to be be
> released under the OSM project's license of choice."
> Is that what you have in mind?
> Cheers,
> Blake
> Blake Girardot
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
> skype: jblakegirardot
> HOT Core Team Contact:
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Imagery CC-BY-NC 4.0 + OSM Specific allowance

2017-04-06 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 9:03 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> Sorry this took so long, I've added suggested wording here
> Thanks again to Kathleen Lu for drafting this.
> Simon

Thank you very much Simon and Kathleen!


> Am 23.01.2017 um 23:47 schrieb Simon Poole:
> The LWG has 3 US based legal professionals on it, no need for me to
> climb out on a limb :-). I'll ask for an opinion internally and get back
> to you.
> Simon
> Am 23.01.2017 um 23:23 schrieb Blake Girardot HOT/OSM:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:37 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> Blake where is the imagery provider in question based?
> United States
> Cheers
> blake
> Simon
> Am 23.01.2017 um 22:01 schrieb Blake Girardot HOT/OSM:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> In any case, getting permission to distribute on ODbL terms only would
> seem to be suboptimal and endangers any contributions based on so
> licensed material as any license change, even in name only, would cause
> issues that require going back to the licensor.
> Simon, can you give an example of language you think would be best for this?
> Something like:
> "Specific permission is granted to use this imagery for digitizing
> data into OpenStreetMap and the resulting OpenStreetMap data to be be
> released under the OSM project's license of choice."
> Is that what you have in mind?
> Cheers,
> Blake
> Blake Girardot
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
> skype: jblakegirardot
> HOT Core Team Contact:
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Export Tool Community Chat | 30th March

2017-03-29 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM

I can't speak for Mhairi, but HOT's slack channel is open, retains a record
of the conversation, and while this specific discussion is time boxed,
discussion takes place continually among the interested parties and
developers asynchronously.

An email list is not the same as a real time text chat, Q and A, which is
what this is.


On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 2:48 PM, Dave F <> wrote:

> Is there a reason it's not discussed here? A forum with a record of what's
> said & not time restricted.
> DaveF.
> On 29/03/2017 04:07, Mhairi O'Hara wrote:
> Just a reminder that the Export Tool
> <>
> community chat takes place at 15:00 UTC on Thursday 30th March. Please sign
> up through to participate in the discussion
> on the dedicated HOTOSM Slack channel #export-tool.
> Kind regards,
> Mhairi
> --
> *Mhairi O'Hara*
> Project Manager
> @mataharimhairi
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
> *Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
> web <> | twitter <> | facebook
> <> | donate <>
> ___
> talk mailing 
> listtalk@openstreetmap.org
> <>
>  Virus-free.
> <>
> ___
> talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Key:man_made... Outdated language?

2017-03-10 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 10:27 PM, Joshua Houston
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> It occurred to me that "man_made" is an outdated term that should be phased
> out from OpenStreetMap language. The philosophy of OpenStreetMap is very
> inclusive and that should be represented even in the way data is tagged. I'd
> like to propose to change the key from "man_made" to "human_made" and start
> a discussion on it. Many parts of society are trying to implement a more
> inclusive language, NASA for instance has changed "manned missions" to
> "crewed missions". I think it is an important goal to make OSM inclusive
> whenever there is a choice.
> Thanks!
> Joshua Houston

You bring up a good point of course. It sticks out to me too. I am not
sure what a good alternative is though. human_made is not to bad.

Plus the knee jerk reactions as you have already seen make thoughtful
discussion of being more inclusive difficult and addressing default or
implicit gender biases next to impossible :)

Unfortunately, it is also a reality that changing existing, well
entrenched key names, is probably not very likely to happen.

But none of the above are any reason not to raise the topic for
consideration, and certainly to remind and inform us for the future
if/when choices as to key names or values need to be made.

Thank you for bringing it up Joshua, and I look forward to more
discussion on it and similar, related topics :)

It would be great to hear some women's thoughts on the issue.

> I think it is an important goal to make OSM inclusive
> whenever there is a choice.



Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Imagery CC-BY-NC 4.0 + OSM Specific allowance

2017-01-26 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 8:27 PM, Christoph Hormann <> wrote:
> On Saturday 21 January 2017, Blake Girardot HOT/OSM wrote:
>> > However care should be taken that the mapper is in a solid
>> > situation when using the data independent of the question if
>> > his/her work actually makes it into the main OSM database.  In the
>> > past this has often been a problem with specific permissions for
>> > restricted access data.  License terms or terms of use of a service
>> > should not require mappers to take additional legal risks.
>> I do not understand what you saying here. Could you explain this a
>> bit more please?
> In the past there have been some pretty hairy license terms used on
> propriatary images that were offered for use for mapping in OSM by
> their owners - in particular i was thinking about:
> Significant parts of such terms are likely not really enforcable anyway
> but if they were this would have quite significant implications on the
> mapper using such images and possibly even on the OSM data user - in
> this case think for example about offline use of the imagery (would
> clash with the internet user concept) or use of OSM data in production
> of terrain models (would clash with the exclusion of those from
> derivative works).
> If the image owner wants to license it under CC-BY-NC anyway independent
> of OSM, a workable approach could be to waive rights on digitized data
> (as Simon suggested) and waive the NC clause for activities that are
> related to the process of digitizing data for use in OSM.
> --
> Christoph Hormann

Very helpful, thank you very much for the follow up example and explanation!

Best wishes,

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Crowdsourcing buildings with Statistics Canada

2017-01-25 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 2:38 AM, Paul Norman <> wrote:

> The initial answer was that the license would impose obligations on top of
> the ODbL, our distribution license. This would make the data incompatible.

Hi Paul,

The above sounds like an interpretation of the answer, not the actual
answer itself.

Could you share the actual inquiry and response so we can all learn
from it and understand how it requires additional obligations?


Blake Girardot
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Imagery CC-BY-NC 4.0 + OSM Specific allowance

2017-01-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 10:37 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
> Blake where is the imagery provider in question based?

United States


> Simon
> Am 23.01.2017 um 22:01 schrieb Blake Girardot HOT/OSM:
>> On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:
>>> In any case, getting permission to distribute on ODbL terms only would
>>> seem to be suboptimal and endangers any contributions based on so
>>> licensed material as any license change, even in name only, would cause
>>> issues that require going back to the licensor.
>> Simon, can you give an example of language you think would be best for this?
>> Something like:
>> "Specific permission is granted to use this imagery for digitizing
>> data into OpenStreetMap and the resulting OpenStreetMap data to be be
>> released under the OSM project's license of choice."
>> Is that what you have in mind?
>> Cheers,
>> Blake
>> Blake Girardot
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
>> skype: jblakegirardot
>> HOT Core Team Contact:
>> ___
>> legal-talk mailing list
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Imagery CC-BY-NC 4.0 + OSM Specific allowance

2017-01-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 1:54 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:

> In any case, getting permission to distribute on ODbL terms only would
> seem to be suboptimal and endangers any contributions based on so
> licensed material as any license change, even in name only, would cause
> issues that require going back to the licensor.

Simon, can you give an example of language you think would be best for this?

Something like:

"Specific permission is granted to use this imagery for digitizing
data into OpenStreetMap and the resulting OpenStreetMap data to be be
released under the OSM project's license of choice."

Is that what you have in mind?


Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, TM3 Project Manager
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Imagery CC-BY-NC 4.0 + OSM Specific allowance

2017-01-21 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM
On Sat, Jan 21, 2017 at 8:43 AM, Christoph Hormann  wrote:

> However care should be taken that the mapper is in a solid situation
> when using the data independent of the question if his/her work
> actually makes it into the main OSM database.  In the past this has
> often been a problem with specific permissions for restricted access
> data.  License terms or terms of use of a service should not require
> mappers to take additional legal risks.

I do not understand what you saying here. Could you explain this a bit
more please?

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Imagery CC-BY-NC 4.0 + OSM Specific allowance

2017-01-20 Per discussione Blake Girardot HOT/OSM

We are working with an imagery provider who is going to release some
of their imagery under cc-by-nc 4.0, and with a specific allowance for
it to be used for digitizing into OSM.

Their main goal as I understand it, is to make sure their imagery is
cc-by-nc 4.0, but they are fine if it is digitized into OSM, knowing
full well the digitized data is released under ODbL 1.0 and
understanding how OSM provides attribution.

Does anyone see any problem with this, or have specific suggestions to
make sure their OSM specific allowance is clear enough?



Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] problème sur serveur(s) ?

2016-12-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Merci beaucoup Jean-Guilhem.

Mon google recherche dans la liste des archives n'a pas trouvé ce
message, je m'excuse pour la peine.


2016-12-23 14:14 GMT+01:00 Jean-Guilhem Cailton <>:
> Le 23/12/2016 à 13:06, Blake Girardot a écrit :
> Bonjour
> Le serveur d'image ne fonctionne pas.
> J'utilise les URLs de JOSM.
> Erreur 502 pour toutes les tuiles.
> J'ai testé toutes les images de et elles
> renvoient toutes 502 erreurs. D'autres personnes rapportent le même
> problème.
> Merci,
> Blake
> Bonjour Blake,
> Christian a déjà répondu à une question sur le même sujet la semaine
> dernière :
> Courtoisement,
> Jean-Guilhem
> --
> "Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain." Transparency
> International
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list


Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot
Live OSM Mapper-Support channel -
Next best OSM support -

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] problème sur serveur(s) ?

2016-12-23 Per discussione Blake Girardot

Le serveur d'image ne fonctionne pas.
J'utilise les URLs de JOSM.
Erreur 502 pour toutes les tuiles.
J'ai testé toutes les images de et elles
renvoient toutes 502 erreurs. D'autres personnes rapportent le même



Blake Girardot
OSM Wiki -
HOTOSM Member -
skype: jblakegirardot

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew response : Imagery/UAV coordination and support to local Haitian UAV capacities

2016-10-08 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Nico,

As you say, you and Fred have extensive experience in Hait and working
with international partners in Haiti. Fred is actually on the ground
in Haiti. You and he would be the best to coordinate him flying

This is not something HOT does, we do not coordinate or push for UAV
missions in disaster zones with notoriously complicated airspaces. We
rely on, and UAV missions need to be handled, by professionals, which
you and Fred are, so I expect you should be able to handle making the
proper arrangements and coordinations.

I already suggested who to contact, UAviators, they have coordinated
UAV missions in disaster zones in the past numerous times in
conjunction with UN-OCHA. That is HOT's contact, I passed it on to you

This is all HOT can do, except eagerly anticipate the imagery Fred's
missions generate.


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Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate ( pour 
traduire les messages.

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew Task 2195

2016-10-06 Per discussione Blake Girardot
I agree, experienced UAV and local operators would be great.

HOT does not coordinate any UAV missions in disaster situations, that
is handled by UAViators Humanitarian UAV Network as far as I
understand things and have already seen them mentioned as providing
coordination for Hurricane Matthew missions. Anyone flying UAV
missions or offering UAV services should contact them and let them
know of their availability or mission plans.

My understanding further is that OpenAerialMap will be used to index
and display imagery collected as part of that. However OAM is glad to
index and provide access to any UAV imagery collected properly in a
crisis situation.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ht] [activation hotosm] Hurricane Matthew Task 2195

2016-10-06 Per discussione Blake Girardot
I agree, experienced UAV and local operators would be great.

HOT does not coordinate any UAV missions in disaster situations, that is
handled by UAViators Humanitarian UAV Network as far as I understand things
and have already seen them mentioned as providing coordination for
Hurricane Matthew missions. Anyone flying UAV missions or offering UAV
services should contact them and let them know of their availability or
mission plans.

My understanding further is that OpenAerialMap will be used to index and
display imagery collected as part of that. However OAM is glad to index and
provide access to any UAV imagery collected properly in a crisis situation.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:21 PM, nicolas chavent 

> Hey there,
> At that stage of HurricaneMatthew response, can we know the status on
> Fred's proposal.
> Fred has a unique experience and most robust experience within the HOT
> community and the HOT US Inc organization when it comes to
> Haiti : multi years of work experience as GIS Officer for IOM right after
> 2010 quake working closely with OSM data and communities in a variety of
> GIS themes.
> Imagery : multi years of work with UNOSAT prior 2010 quake.
> UAV : Very first IM/GIS/RS Officer to use efficiently, timely UAV
> (Sensefly Ebee/pix4d) for damage assessment with a team of local Haitian.
> TGISers/mappers/Dronists both IOM staffs and Haitian OSM community members
> at the event of the Hurricane Sandy [1,2,3,4]. Fred had been supporting the
> development of drone-based capacities within IOM and at community level.
> Fred and the Haitian UAV collective have by far the largest experience of
> using drones in Haiti. Their expertise and experience spans imagery
> handling, imagery hosting (with OSMFrance) for OSM mapping and thorough
> modeling/analysis. They're a unique asset for this response.
> They're the dream team (with equipments at hands) on standby to get local
> UAV OSM and opendata Haitian communities generating post disaster UAV
> imagery for Cyclone Matthew in a coordinated way. Fred did activate the
> Charter for Hurricane Sandy in 2012. They communicated in a timely fashion
> to be able to do for Cyclone Matthew what they have been doing well prior
> and after Hurricane Sandy (2012) response.
> It would be great to know if we can count on their contributions for this
> response when various communities from the Humanitarian/Development sectors
> and the OSM community are responding.
> Thanks
> Nicolas
> [1] :
> [2] :
> resolution-uav-imagery-for-camp-management-in-haiti/
> [3] :
> reduction-haiti/
> [4] :
> On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 12:50 PM, FredM  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Strange I cannot open your link;
>> Sending back again
>> In haiti right now, in stand by as OSM contributor + 1 uav ebee + 2
>> phantom 3 (3 batteries).
>> Ready to activate international charter as I have done it for sandy.
>> All the best FredM
>> On 02/10/2016 06:29, Kunce, Dale wrote:
>> I just looked at the 8pm update from NHC and Matthew just tacked east and
>> is likely to make a direct hit of Haiti.
>> I've looked over map in the area and the roads are fairly good but
>> buildings and other landmarks are not well mapped. I think at this time its
>> worth putting out a preemptive mapping tasks for the South (Sud) admin area
>> that is most likely to get hit in roughly 48 hours or so. Given the
>> potential for life threatening rainfall and floods.
>> I went ahead and published tasks
>> The American Red Cross is likely to respond to any significant event in
>> Haiti or Jamaica. At this point we are only preparing and have not made a
>> decision to deploy any staff or resources.
>> Je viens de regarder à la mise à jour de 20 heures de NHC et Matthew est
>> simplement cloué et est susceptible de faire un coup direct d'Haïti.
>> Je l'ai regardé sur la carte dans la région et les routes sont assez bons, 
>> mais les bâtiments et autres monuments ne sont pas bien cartographiés. Je 
>> pense à ce moment sa peine de mettre sur une des tâches de cartographie de 
>> préemption pour le Sud (Sud) zone d'administration qui est le plus 
>> susceptible d'être touché dans environ 48 heures ou plus. Compte tenu du 
>> potentiel pour la vie des précipitations et des inondations menaçant.
>> Je suis allé de l'avant et publié tâches
>> t/2195/
>> La Croix-Rouge américaine est 

Re: [OSM-talk] Neutrality of SotM

2016-09-08 Per discussione Blake Girardot
To my eye all those tweets are just promoting SotM and and the OSM
Awards, none say vote for RH.

SotM and OSM should be promoting the awards and the nominees, that is
one of the the points of the awards, to increase exposure for people
doing great work.

It is kind of a bummer that there are so many great groups and people
doing important work with and through OSM that it has to get narrowed
down to five in each category and then only 1 winner, but as Ilya
said, that is just the nature of awards.

I have never been a "competition" person, I am one of those
everyone-deserves-a-trophy types of people :) And that is doubly true
for everyone in the OSM community since I know first hand the positive
impact OSM has around the world.

Cheers and thank you to everyone who was nominated, the finalists, the
eventual winners and everyone who contributes in some way to the OSM
community, you are all winners already!


On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 4:15 PM, Michael Reichert  wrote:
> Hi,
> could someone who is member of SotM Working Group explain me, why the
> Twitter account of SotM promotes voting for Ramani Huria at OSM Award?
> It is ok that SotM promotes OSM Award itself but it should not promote
> some candidates and others not.
> @sotm has retweeted following tweets:
>> 1/4. @openstreetmap launched #OSMAwards  to be
>> presented at the @sotm conference in Brussels.
>> 2/4. And @RamaniHuria is nominated under the category "Greatness in
>> Mapping Award".
>> 3/4 We'd like to thank the @openstreetmap community for considering
>> @RamaniHuria for this award, it's a great honor to be nominated.
>> 4/4. Please consider voting, place your vote here
>>  and we hope to see you in Brussels at
>> @sotm 2016 conference
> Please remove this (re)tweets in order to keep the competition fair.
> Best regards
> Michael
> --
> Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
> ausgenommen)
> I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] San Louis Obispo CA area - Chimney Wildfire - OSM US Tasking Manager Project

2016-08-18 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Mike,

HOT has been asked 2 times in the past that I know of to help with US
based incidents that I know of.

One was another CA fire and we were contacted by a local responder who
was already used to using OSM data, knew of its quality and potential
limitations and asked us to fill in/update/review data in the rugged
terrain AoI he was working in fire fighting.

We also did a FEMA related project (Russ Deffner knows more about that
one I think)

And recently we did a project to update the island of American Somoa
for the Red Cross.

I have also personally mapped to support a local rural volunteer fire
department that had no object map of their area of responsibility,
(but I have no idea how or if they used the data I generated for them,
I need to follow up and see if they are using the data, that was a few
years ago when I first got heavy in to OSM). I suspect there are many
many rural agencies just like that of all sorts that would benefit
from OSM data and process if they only knew about them and had someone
to help them benefit from open geo data and tools.

In the developing world/global south context it is easy to recognize
the value of OSM because it is often the most complete dataset
available and is "easy" to get a basemap completed over a very large
AoI, there typically are just very few other options immediately
available or open enough to make use of the raw geo data.

In the more developed countries like the US (and others) there is a
built in bias for "official" data for a number of reasons which
Jonathan Witcoski pointed out in the osm us slack channel from his
experiences. Mainly "cover your butt" reasons. As he also pointed out,
that thinking applies even if those official sources are of less
quality and/or less accessible than the dataset in OSM

But that is changing in my experience. More and more folks who work at
these agencies are seeing the value OSM brings in having so much geo
data all in one place and easily maintained and exported for GIS
systems and personal devices. And typically the osm data is well
curated as well as incorporating and improving the official data.

That is one of the main reasons I was so happy to work with Jon on
wildfire related support. I am quite convinced that OSM data and the
OSM platform are uniquely useful and this "grass roots", bottom up,
trend of agencies of all types using OSM data and workflows will
continue. I hate to say it, but I think "build it and they will come"
applies here as I am already seeing it happen in a limited way.

One place you might look for another pretty amazing example of OSM
data in official use is on the OSM Canada-talk list. StatCan, a huge
government agency in a well developed nation, is making a major effort
to incorporate OSM data, processes and community into their "official"
data and workflows. (I have not followed the thread, I hope it is
still as on track as it was when we initially spoke to them a few
months back :)

I would also just point out, the wildfire support in CA is an OSM-US
community member driven effort (3 of us at last count, maybe it grew
some this week, I hope), not a HOT effort. It makes use of OSM-US's
installation of HOT's OSM Tasking Manager tool and some of us
OSM-US'ers are also HOT community members and so bring a lot of
enthusiasm for, and first hand knowledge of, OSM's value in crisis
response. But so far it is up to us as the OSM-US community to make it
as successful as it can be.

Thank you again to everyone who has pitched in on these wildfire
projects, it is a slow process but the awareness and respect for OSM's
data, workflows and community continues to grow and projects like
these I think really contribute to that goal in addition to their
primary purpose: the good they potentially/hopefully do for people
affected by these wildfires.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 3:35 AM, Mike Thompson  wrote:
> Blake,
> It is great to see OSM being used in disaster response within the US.
> 1) Will there be more such tasks, either associated with this fire, or with
> other events?
> 2) Are there other cases where OSM has been used like this in the US? I am
> scheduled to give a talk about OSM to the Wyoming GIS Conference and it
> would be great to cite some additional such examples.
> Mike
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 11:41 AM, OSM Volunteer stevea
>  wrote:
>> Thank you for setting this up, Blake.  I've never done a HOT task before,
>> and since this is my backyard, I dove right in.  And it was FUN!  (BTW, it
>> is San Luis Obispo).
>> A couple/three years ago I made contact with Joe Larson, a SLO-county
>> based firefighter and OSM volunteer who used County GIS data to add all
>> buildings (and most if not all associated address data) to SLO.  He and his
>> team also completed TIGER updating of roads.  (These are still not perfect,
>> as many roads are tagged tiger:reviewed=yes, which is superfluous and can be

Re: [OSM-talk] Can we utilise the popularity of Pokémon Go for OSM?

2016-07-14 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi Polyglot,

Have you seen the mobile game "Ingress"

That is an augmented reality, outdoor game related to mapping somehow.
I am seeing it mentioned in relation to this new pokemon game too, not
sure how they are related.

It was also developed by a subsidiary of google so I am sure someone
has contemplated how it might be used to improve map data.

I do not know exactly how it is played, but there are portals which
are typically PoI's and businesses (part of the funding model).

But ingress looked like a great app to help with OSM mapping in some
parts of the world if it could be adapted or partnered with.

Now how you go about getting the exposure and network effect of
something like pokemon, that is a different story. Ingress looks super
cool and has been around for 4 years and I bet almost no one has heard
of it. (note they claim 7 million players, but i wonder is that is 7
million signups really)


On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 2:06 PM, Jo  wrote:
> I'm not playing the game, as it would get in the way of making Mapillary
> pictures...
> If you could convince the creators of the game to include making pictures
> (and sending them out when back on wifi) to gain extra points of spots where
> we need such pictures, then yes. Without their cooperation, you'd need to
> convince them to install another app and it wouldn't make the players win
> extra points in the Pokemon game, so I don't think they'd be very
> interested.
> Now, if we could launch a game of our own and hype that...
> Polyglot
> 2016-07-14 13:46 GMT+02:00 Svavar Kjarrval :
>> Hi.
>> Now that Pokémon Go[1] is gaining popularity, people in general will
>> spend more time outside walking around with their phone in hand (and
>> some with mobile USB chargers). I'm wondering if there might be
>> opportunities for OpenStreetMap to utilise that activity to encourage
>> the gamers to collect (non-infringing) data for OSM while they're
>> playing the game anyway.
>> I'm not claiming I have any specific ideas at this point. Just wanted to
>> bring this point forward.
>> [1]
>> With regards,
>> Svavar Kjarrval
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] What3words

2016-07-11 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On a slightly more serious note:

There are other solutions to the issue of lack of addresses in large
parts of the world.

Google has put forth a solution that tries to address most of the w3w
issues. It is open source, works off line, non-propriety, usable for
printed maps among other issues they try and solve, called Open
Location Codes aka "Plus Codes"

It is still a work in progress for them but they are seriously seeking
feedback from the OSM and humanitarian communities. I have no opinion
on it because it is a bit beyond my full understanding at the moment,
but as I said, thoughtful feedback on it would help I think.


On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer
> sent from a phone
>> Il giorno 11 lug 2016, alle ore 16:29, Steve Doerr  
>> ha scritto:
>> Just came across this story: 
> maybe you're also interested in this Twitter account: 
> cheers,
> Martin
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Bike trail name check - Vancouver area

2016-06-30 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Thank you very much for looking!

Sorry to be a bother, just wanted to make sure as the topic of crude
language in OSM and specifically biking trails came up in the osm-us
community so I happened on it while looking at the issue in general.

Thank you again.


On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 4:51 PM, Alan Richards <> wrote:
> I believe that's correct. I've seen it as Severed D and C-Buster before as
> well.
> On Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 7:45 AM -0700, "Blake Girardot"
> <> wrote:
>> Perhaps someone with some local knowledge could look into the name of
>> this bike trail and some of the surrounding trails:
>> They look likely incorrect to me (crude language), but what do I know.
>> Regards,
>> Blake
>> ___
>> Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ca] Bike trail name check - Vancouver area

2016-06-30 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Perhaps someone with some local knowledge could look into the name of
this bike trail and some of the surrounding trails:

They look likely incorrect to me (crude language), but what do I know.


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to handle Maps.Me ?

2016-06-22 Per discussione Blake Girardot
On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Simone Cortesi  wrote:
> Did somebody get in touch with the people at
> I think they should be involved in the mess their users are causing to our
> ecosystem.

Yes, is aware there is room for improvement in their editing
tool. Zverik is from and has participated in the previous

I think everyone is aware now it is a significant issue so working on
constructive ways to improve the editing feature is probably
the best way forward.

Terms like "sub-standard" "garbage" "mess" etc are not really helping
get anything solved.

There are good suggestions in both of these threads, let us see what can or is planning on implementing to incorporate them as well
as continue to offer constructive suggestions on how to improve the
editing functionality in keeping in mind's goals for
their application.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Request: Volunteer very experienced in OSM administrative boundary conflation

2016-05-17 Per discussione Blake Girardot
Hi all,

HOT (Helen Campbell from NetHope and myself really are looking for
this project) is looking for someone who is very experienced in OSM
Admin Boundary conflation and OSM relations. Knowing a little bit of
other GIS tools would also be very helpful.

There is possibility of importing of data, but the initial project is
to get out OSM boundaries and conflate them with 3rd party boundary
data to determine which is most up to date and accurate and then turn
that data over to our partner for their use in humanitarian work in
the Balkans.

If an import of data or conflation of data to provide OSM updated
administrative boundaries for country is possible and makes sense, the
full data import process will be followed as a separate project, in
consultation through the OSM Imports email list and Import wiki
required documentation.

We are looking for a volunteer to really drive this project and help
sort out workflows and best practices or at least lessons learned, in
the process and document the process at its completion.

I estimate that on a volunteer basis this project will last about 1
month (about 50 admin boundaries to conflate)..

Helen from NetHOPE asked me to add:

"Yes for sure - please mention that its for supporting the {EU}
refugee crisis too!  And you could also mention that this is
frequently an issue in humanitarian response, so having it all
documented will be a huge leap forward for the humanitarian

So if feel you have the experience and the time to dedicate to the
project, please get in touch with me directly.

Blake Girardot
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Vice President, HOT Board of Directors
skype: jblakegirardot
HOT Core Team Contact:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Slack

2016-04-02 Per discussione Blake Girardot

IRC is open, public and transparent.

It is very easy to log, anyone can do it, there is no secret anything. 
If you have a machine that is always on, like my desktop, you just log 
in and you have the transcript/log of whatever goes on. There are 
literally 100's of people that do that in the #OSM channel (222 at the 

Many channels intentionally log their traffic to the web for 
transparency and easy to catch up for not always connected people. 
Individuals and services can do the same thing if they want.

For example, here you can relive 2009-2010 in #OSM channel here:

The OSM IRC channel is primarily a support channel in practice, with 
many experienced and knowledgeable folks answering questions. There is 
not a ton of off topic chit-chat because excess traffic gets annoying, 
but often people share interesting OSM or mapping related items there as 

If you would like a log of the last 2 years or so of the #osm channel 
(or #hot, #osm-dev, #oftc, #debian-gis) let me know, I'll email you mine.

The idea that people have discussions they would not otherwise have on 
IRC because it is not logged or secret really shows a fundamental 
misunderstanding of IRC and its common usage.


On 4/2/2016 1:21 AM, Dave F wrote:

On 30/03/2016 22:20, Ian Sergeant wrote:

I've never seen it as a hotbed of uncountered policymaking.

This is another case which confirms my point: As there's no record,
unless you're on it 24/7, you'll have no idea what it's being used for,
or when.

On a couple of occasions I've been told it was used to make decision
about OSM. They wanted to talk to 'like minded people', away from all
the 'noise'. (paraphrased)

On a slight tangent, it's disappointing that the developers of the iD
editor are reluctant to discuss its tagging features on the tagging forum.

Dave F.

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Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM plugin to import GeoJSON?

2016-03-24 Per discussione Blake Girardot

We run into geojson all the time as an interchange format.

I was not aware of the plugin somehow, but I just tried it out and it 
worked fine for the geojson generated by Field Papers and another 
community member reports that she has used it a great deal with Field 
Papers and it worked great.

I just tried it with a few geojson files generated from JOSM and it does 
not seem to import those (example attached)


On 3/6/2016 12:56 AM, Stefan Keller wrote:

To Ian and/or anybody

I'm searching a plugin to import GeoJSON vector data into JOSM.

I of course know Shapefiles but they are deprecated because e.g. they
cut-off field names at 10 chars. GeoJSON or GeoPackage are better

Is this plugin still maintained: ?
Other plugins or alternatives?


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[Talk-GB] Geovation - Location information innovation grants - now open for applications

2016-02-15 Per discussione Blake Girardot

Just in case anyone is interested and had not heard of it yet:

10-20k GBP grants for location based products/services.

"Think of the Programme as an ideas incubator. Whether you’re a 
developer, innovator or entrepreneur it’s the perfect funded start-up 
accelerator if you want to create a product or business using location 
information and technology."


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[Talk-us] evacuation_center=yes

2016-02-04 Per discussione Blake Girardot

Hi all,

What tags are we using in the US for disaster evacuation centers for 
like hurricanes and things?

Shows none in the US but I know we have a lot.

I am looking for the right tag to use but am just so shocked we don't 
use that tag in the US, is there another one I should be looking at?


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] SunCertPathBuilderException

2015-12-15 Per discussione Blake Girardot

Hi all,

The change that Dirk thinks caused this issue has been reverted so this 
problem and error should be fixed for now.


On 12/15/2015 12:38 AM, Clifford Snow wrote:

I had the problem and created a bug report.

JOSM is running the latest 9117 version. Version 9102 on another machine
did not have a problem.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 3:27 PM, Steve Friedl > wrote:

Me too! Me too!

__ __

I’ve been using 9092 from home for several days, and it started fine
this morning, but now it’s objecting. 

__ __

I’m on a stable home network with a quality commercial firewall and
no proxies.  Win 7

__ __


__ __

*From:*Mike Thompson [
*Sent:* Monday, December 14, 2015 3:24 PM
*To:* Greg Morgan >
*Cc:* Alan Bragg >;
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-us] SunCertPathBuilderException

__ __

I too am now getting the problem (but am on a corporate network at
the moment, will try from home later):

Version 8969 

Last change at 2015-10-29 22:15:23 +0100 (Thu, 29 Oct 2015) 

Java Version 1.8.0_65 

Windows 7

__ __

On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Greg Morgan > wrote:

__ __

Checking the certificate[1] via a web browser says that the
certificate for is valid 

I get the same results from a web browser as you, it is valid.

__ __

__ __

If the issue is a proxy problem as Mike pointed out, then I
recall that you have to add -Dhttp.proxyHost=yourProxyURL to
your JOSM arguments before you can change the proxy settings in
your preferences.

That is correct, but if web traffic is being filtered I don't think
there is anything that can be done within JOSM to fix the problem.
The problem for me in the past has been that the filter returned a
response like "are you sure you want to go to
", which normally in a browser would be displayed
and you would have an opportunity to say "yes", but JOSM didn't know
what to do with that response, hence the error.  That isn't the
problem for me today as I can go to
 (and directly to its IP address)
without a warning from a browser.

__ __


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OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

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Re: [Talk-us] SunCertPathBuilderException

2015-12-14 Per discussione Blake Girardot

Hi Alan,

Dirk did make a change to server certificates today I think.

It is possible this is related to that change.

If you could please provide your OS version, JOSM version and Java 
version, that would really be helpful.

JOSM -> Help menu -> Show Status Report provides all that info right up 
at the top of the resulting dialog box.


On 12/14/2015 9:49 PM, Alan Bragg wrote:

At 3pm EST JOSM is refusing to start. I getting this message.
​If I ignore the message I can continue to use JOSM as usual.


 JOSM tried to access the following resources:


but *failed* to do so, because of the following network errors:

  * unable
to find valid certification path to requested target

It may be due to a missing proxy configuration.
Would you like to change your proxy settings now?

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Re: [OSM-talk] A message to our friends at HOT, Peace Corps etc. about Changeset Comments

2015-11-19 Per discussione Blake Girardot

On 11/19/2015 3:58 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

Of course you are also right when you say that HOT instructions do
sometimes clash with our usual quality expectations (I remember a recent
discussion about tagging "village greens" so that these can be
interpreted as helicopter landing sites or so). I think we were mostly
ok with this at the time when Haiti disaster mappers used
leisure=camping_ground to make refugee camps appear on the standard map;
such "crypto tagging" must, of course, remain an emergency measure and
not something we do regularly because it is easier.

This is another example where HOT took this advice about leisure=commons 
as well as aeroway=helipad and immediately modified how it asked 
contributors to tag things, clarified what should be tagged 
leisure=commons and aeroway=helipad and went through and reviewed every 
item that was tagged that way in Nepal (the context of the discussion at 
the time) and either revised how it was tagged or removed what we agreed 
was probably questionably tagged.

We also actively avoid making claims of "emergency measures" for tagging 
(or anything mapping related really), local context for tagging meanings 
is different, but we have been making efforts to always make sure our 
tagging fits the spirit of OSM tags we use and where that is not 
possible, try and develop consistent useful tags that do meet our needs 
and are maintainable. Admittedly sometimes that is a bit ad hoc.

Anyway, as I have said, we always want to work with the OSM community to 
either use the tags in a way that everyone understands and accepts or 
develop tags for things that are appropriate for OSM. Can we do better? 
For sure. Are we trying to do better and have we improved? Also for sure.

Thank you for bringing these things up Frederik, it helps HOT and OSM.


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