Re: Runline switches

2001-12-07 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Colin,

On Saturday, December 8, 2001 at 00:11 GMT -0600, a creature mimicking
colin gebhart [CG] wrote:

CG> does anyone know if TB supports runline switches and how to format
CG> them?

CG> what i want to do is run TB in administrator/user configuration, but i
CG> don't want to have to enter my account name and password each time
CG> i open TB like it requires.

Absolutely, check out the help file under:
  |-> Contents
 |-> Advanced Usage topics
|-> Command line parameters

The one you want is the /Focus command.

CG> since i am running winXP in multiuser mode

This will work on any version of Windows.  Be warned, you are
increasing the chance that someone else could find your password.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 67766446 A

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Re: repetitive tasks

2001-12-07 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Elli,

It was foretold that on Friday, December 7, 2001 at 10:24 PM, Elli [E]
would type:

E> 1) I run a membership site, so I add every new member into a Members
E> address book. Then I go in "by member lookup panel" and manually add
E> their first name, last name, country, membership expiry date, and
E> membership duration. These are all extracted from the order form. Is
E> there any way to extract these and enter the information into the
E> address book fields automatically?

If I understand correctly, all this info is in the message body and
none of it is in the message headers, is that correct?

If it is, then you can do it with an external script.  The steps would
1. Have a TB filter run your script.
2. Have the script translate the message body into an LDIF format
   file and use the command-line options to import the LDIF file into
   your address book.

If you would like help writing such a script, please post a sample
order form so we can see the format, field names, field formats, etc.
Actually, this might be better suited for the TBTECH list.  See message
footer for subscription info.

E> 2) I add every new member address into a notification email list.
E> Copying and pasting 30+ email addys a day is TIME CONSUMING. UGH. Is
E> there any way to highlight a list of emails and extract the addresses
E> only?

Filters can directly extract info from the message headers and put it
into the address book.  Check out the Actions tab of your filter.  If
you want to review the messages before adding the addresses to the AB,
you can run the filter manually or run it from a hotkey (see the
Options tab).

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 67766446 A

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repetitive tasks

2001-12-07 Thread Elli

Hello there!

I have been using TheBat! for over a year now, but have not gone
beyond making some basic filters and using multiple address books. I
have many repetitive tasks though, that I am SURE there is a better
way to do!

1) I run a membership site, so I add every new member into a Members
address book. Then I go in "by member lookup panel" and manually add
their first name, last name, country, membership expiry date, and
membership duration. These are all extracted from the order form. Is
there any way to extract these and enter the information into the
address book fields automatically?

2) I add every new member address into a notification email list.
Copying and pasting 30+ email addys a day is TIME CONSUMING. UGH. Is
there any way to highlight a list of emails and extract the addresses

Anyway, That's all I can come up with for now. Any ideas would be a
BIG help!



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Runline switches

2001-12-07 Thread colin gebhart

does anyone know if TB supports runline switches and how to format

what i want to do is run TB in administrator/user configuration, but i
don't want to have to enter my account name and password each time
i open TB like it requires.

since i am running winXP in multiuser mode i could have a shortcut to
TB on my desktop with the runline switches for my account name and
password in it.  the shortcut would be protected from local users
since i have a winXP logon password.  then when i was on my desktop i
could click TB shortcut and it would launch right up without the
account name and password dialog.

thanks for any help,
colin gebhart.



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Re: Unable to Download

2001-12-07 Thread Raj


On Fri, 7 Dec 2001, at 22:02:49 [GMT +0530] (which was 10:02 PM where I live) you

>>From the afternoon today I have been experiencing problems in down loading large
R> mails. When I say large I mean around 40K or so.

I would like to have a few pointers here please.

It seems that the problem appears to be localised in the sense that I have tried
3 different pop servers and Iam unable to download from any.

I also configured Outlook and  the connection timed out.

Any assistance as to where I should begin to look to see why mails which are big
20K upwards are not being downloaded by both TB & Outlook.

As mentioned I can download files thru the browser other wise.

Warm regards,


I intend to live forever - so far so good.

Replied on Saturday, December 08, 2001 using TB Ver 1.53d on Windows NT


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Re: MT sorting

2001-12-07 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Dwight!

On 7  Dec 2001 at 20:48:03 you wrote:

> good idea, but not top priority. Need to fix the viewer and fix the
> common folders. They need to compress with the rest, filtering there
> needs to improve, need to be able to have common trash folder, need to
> have flagging show in the account tree, and a number of other things
> we have been discussing here lately.

In the moment there are lots of things with a higher priority, most of
them don't have to do anything with the new feature "Common Folders".
I am not going into it here, but you know what I mean from TBBETA.

The MT sorting just struck me today when I had a lot mails in the
morning with a very short time frame. So I wanted to know if there
were certain important messages already in. One led to the others and,
boom, the suggestion was ready. didn't file it, yet, to RITLabs. Will
be when the next release is out.

- --
Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Statistics are like bikinis: What they reveal is suggestive, but what
they conceal is vital.

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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-07 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Marc!

On 7  Dec 2001 at 20:40:12 you wrote:

> BUT: I want a email client that will last for a long long time. I don't
> want to start using a email client again that will be discontinued at
> some time. Can I rely on RitLabs that they introduce The Bat version 2
> in the very near future?

TB! like Opera has been around quite a while now, is definitely
developing and is not just technologically but also marketingwise
promising. In short: It seems to get off the ground just now.

That does mean that RITLabs may actually live from their sales, which
would mean TB! will be around quite a while.

All this is pure conjecture, nobody can be sure how long a software
product - or any other - will be around. Agent has been called dead
for years and it is still alive and kicking (there's even a beta for
version 1.9).

> MCS, the former developer of Calypso, also promised to introduce new
> versions and then suddenly pulled the plug out; because: "You can't beat
> Outlook". Why wouldn't this happen with The Bat? Why not?.

THe question for me is, does a product fit my needs? At the current
stage I won't abandon either Opera or TB! or Agent just because it is
discontinued (neither is). All have there shortcomings but all do what
I want for a broad spectrum. I'd look for replacements when something
comes up which is not supported. In TB!'s case it would be, for
instance, IMAP. Should I need it and TB! can't offer, I'd have to

> Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like common
> folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are very (I hope) busy
> with finishing (I hope) version 2.? If I were them I put all my
> effort in completing version 2 and, besides solving the serious bugs,
> quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell me, why not?

They work like it should be, while developing the new version they put
in suitable features for testing purposes into the current series. One
of the great advantages of small companies and shareware is the
continuos developing cycle. Not like MS or Corel, were users get a few
big bug fixes/patches and once in a year they have to depart from a
big amount of cash to get the one new feature they need.

The problem of how to handle version 1 has been discussed a few times.
How about this argument: Why should I buy v.2 when v.1 is enough for
me? Just for the bug fixes, which won't be done any longer in v.1,
because it is discontinued in favour of v.2? This, BTW, was a very big
issue in Opera newsgroups.

Seriously, does TB! currently fit your needs? Are there any
outstanding features essential for you? If you answer "yes" for the
second question you should be worried about continuation. Ask about
the feature and we may be able to help you get off your worries.

A personal comment: I am of the impression RITLabs does a great job
not just in programming but also in continuity, marketing, service and
customer relation. I trust they will be around for some years with
their main product. But I do say the same for ...

Hope that helped a bit.

- --
Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

A great truth is a statement whose opposite is also a great truth.
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Re[2]: The Bat beginners list

2001-12-07 Thread Tom Cunliffe

I've answered my own question by finding the complete list of TB User
Discussion Lists at




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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-07 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Dwight!

On 7  Dec 2001 at 20:52:07 you wrote:

> It's been suggested on the Beta list that current development is beta
> testing of version 2.

To clarify, Maxim seems to have told in Cologne that v.2 is under way
for the early months (even January) of 2002. Since it has long been
known that 2 will be in Delphi 6 and the current beta series is
essentially a test for 1.xx ported to Delphi and a new HTML rendering
engine - with some new features implemented and some hints for new
features some of conjectured we may be testing betas for version 2.

When I wrote it replying to a message by Marck it was half jokingly.

- --
Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others;
Responsibility for your actions.

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Problem with Connection Centre

2001-12-07 Thread Juan Manuel


I'm  kind  of  new  to the list (I used to post here a couple of years

I'm  using  TB  1.53bis, on a Win98 Pentium MMX-based system, 32Mb RAM
and 2.1 Gb HD

I  have a weird (at least to me) problem: the Connection Centre always
appears  as  minimized,  but  when  I click on the taskbar, it doesn't
appear.  I  couldn't  find  the  cause  of this behaviour. It has been
happening since 3 days ago.

I  even  tried  to  re-install  TB  (i.e.,  install TB over my current
installation  without  uninstalling  it).  I didn't want to uninstall,
'cos I don't know if it'll erase my configuration.

Well, that's it. Any ideas?

Sorry if my english is not so good, but it's not my mother tongue ;)



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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-07 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On 7  Dec 2001, 1:40:12 PM, Marc van Breemen wrote:

> Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like
> common folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are
> very (I hope) busy with finishing (I hope) version 2.? If I were
> them I put all my effort in completing version 2 and, besides
> solving the serious bugs, quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell
> me, why not?

It's been suggested on the Beta list that current development is beta
testing of version 2.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15 on Windows NT version 5,1


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Re: MT sorting

2001-12-07 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On 7  Dec 2001, 1:00:33 PM, Dierk Haasis wrote:


> Hello TBUDL Members!

>   Can anyone tell me on which principles the MailTicker sorts the
>   message?

According to the signal in the columns, by received time.

>   I think it would be a good idea to implement a feature to customize
>   sorting in it - i.e. by accounts, alphabetic, received/created time.
>   Even combinations would be nice (first by accounts, then by creation
>   time per account).

good idea, but not top priority. Need to fix the viewer and fix the
common folders. They need to compress with the rest, filtering there
needs to improve, need to be able to have common trash folder, need to
have flagging show in the account tree, and a number of other things
we have been discussing here lately.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15 on Windows NT version 5,1


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Re: The Bat beginners list

2001-12-07 Thread Peter Meyns

Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 7 Dec 2001 18:38:33 +GMT (which was 19:38 +0100GMT where I live),
Tom Cunliffe thought about "The Bat beginners list" and wrote:

TC> It says somewhere on The Bat website that there's a The Bat beginners
TC> email list on yahoo groups.

TC> I've searched yahoo groups and can find several lists in non-English
TC> languages but none in English.

Hi Tom,

I think you found it! :o)

- --

'Yield to temptation. It may not come your way again.'
Oscar Wilde

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Just curious why ....

2001-12-07 Thread Marc van Breemen

Hi to you all,

I'm a former Calypso user which is, as you maybe know, now orphaned by
the owner. So let's say it's dead. Now I am looking for the best
replacement. Two email clients are left in my search: Becky and The Bat.
Both are extremely good.

BUT: I want a email client that will last for a long long time. I don't
want to start using a email client again that will be discontinued at
some time. Can I rely on RitLabs that they introduce The Bat version 2
in the very near future? They are building it for more than two years
now. Still no beta to see, that is not really promising. 

MCS, the former developer of Calypso, also promised to introduce new
versions and then suddenly pulled the plug out; because: "You can't beat
Outlook". Why wouldn't this happen with The Bat? Why not?.

Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like common
folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are very (I hope) busy
with finishing (I hope) version 2.? If I were them I put all my
effort in completing version 2 and, besides solving the serious bugs,
quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell me, why not?

Seriously, I like The Bat very much, so don't take my comment as an
attack. I'm just worried.

Marc van Breemen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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MT sorting

2001-12-07 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello TBUDL Members!

  Can anyone tell me on which principles the MailTicker sorts the

  I think it would be a good idea to implement a feature to customize
  sorting in it - i.e. by accounts, alphabetic, received/created time.
  Even combinations would be nice (first by accounts, then by creation
  time per account).

- --
Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

If all men acted from enlightened self interest, the world would be a
paradise in comparison to what it is. (Bertrand Russell)

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The Bat beginners list

2001-12-07 Thread Tom Cunliffe

It says somewhere on The Bat website that there's a The Bat beginners
email list on yahoo groups.

I've searched yahoo groups and can find several lists in non-English
languages but none in English.

Can anyone give me a clue what I should be looking for?

Thanks in anticipation



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Re[2]: Unable to Download

2001-12-07 Thread Raj


On Sat, 8 Dec 2001, at 00:20:19 [GMT +0700] (which was 10:50 PM where I live) you

SH> Remove of disable ? After disable, shutdown and restart first

I  only  did exit... I am not sure what is the way to disable AV so that it does
not start again when I reboot... other than un installing the AV...

Warm regards,


Girls are like Internet domain names, the ones I like are already taken :)

Replied on Friday, December 07, 2001 using TB Ver 1.54/10 on Windows NT


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Re: Unable to Download

2001-12-07 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Fri,  7  Dec  2001  at 22:29 GMT +0530 (07/12/2001 23:59 where you
think I live) "Raj"=[R] wrote to Syafril Hermansyah on tbudl :

SH>> IIRC,  you  are  running AVG and other AV, try again after disable AVG
SH>> (at least).

> I removed all the AV and still the problem persists...

Remove of disable ? After disable, shutdown and restart first

> TGIF, Have a great weekend!

OGIF (Oh God It's already Friday )

Best regards,

- Syafril -   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re[2]: Unable to Download

2001-12-07 Thread Raj


On Fri, 7 Dec 2001, at 23:45:16 [GMT +0700] (which was 10:15 PM where I live) you

SH> IIRC,  you  are  running AVG and other AV, try again after disable AVG
SH> (at least).

I removed all the AV and still the problem persists...

TGIF, Have a great weekend!
Warm regards,


Warning: Dates in calendar are closer than they appear.

Replied on Friday, December 07, 2001 using TB Ver 1.54/10 on Windows NT


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Re: Unable to Download

2001-12-07 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Fri,  7  Dec  2001  at 22:02 GMT +0530 (07/12/2001 23:32 where you
think I live) "Raj"=[R] wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] :

> From the afternoon today I have been experiencing problems in down loading large
> mails. When I say large I mean around 40K or so.

[ ...]

> Any idea what could be the problem ???

IIRC,  you  are  running AVG and other AV, try again after disable AVG
(at least).

Best regards,

- Syafril -   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Unable to Download

2001-12-07 Thread Raj

Fellow TB users,

>From the afternoon today I have been experiencing problems in down loading large
mails. When I say large I mean around 40K or so.

Smaller  mails 4k, 5 K have been downloaded in a jiffy. I have also been able to
down  load  mp3  files during the day w/o problems ? I am connected on broadband
and have a good connection speed.

This  problem  is with three accounts. Two accounts checking the same pop server
and the third a different pop server.

I will also be uploading the cc window at

Given below is the log of one account and as can be seen its been on for over an
hour w/o downloading mail.

*07-Dec-2001, 19:25:31: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+07-Dec-2001, 19:25:37: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+07-Dec-2001, 19:25:37: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*07-Dec-2001, 19:25:37: FETCH - 150 messages in the mailbox, 5 new
+07-Dec-2001, 21:46:31: FETCH - connection finished - 1 messages received
*07-Dec-2001, 21:46:57: FETCH - receiving mail messages
+07-Dec-2001, 21:46:57: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
+07-Dec-2001, 21:46:58: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
*07-Dec-2001, 21:46:59: FETCH - 153 messages in the mailbox, 8 new
+07-Dec-2001, 21:47:21: FETCH - connection finished - 1 messages received


Any idea what could be the problem ???

Best regards,


Thought/Joke for the mail : Cannot open file "d:\bat\Cookies for Bat.txt"

Member of The Bat! Fan Club.

Composed on Friday, December 07, 2001 using TB Ver 1.54/10 On Windows NT


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Re: Echange - open other mailbox then my own

2001-12-07 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Fri,  7  Dec  2001  at 16:15 GMT +0100 (07/12/2001 22:15 where you
think   I   live)  "Gert-Jan  van  Krevelen"=[GJv]  wrote  to  Syafril
Hermansyah :

> Tnx for the replies.
> I'll check it out with the techies monday and see if they can combine
> they're knowledge with this info.
> But I guess not, since my main plan was to, when I got it completely
> working the way I want to, to convince collegues to use the Bat! too,
> to get rid of the stupid Outlook virusses. (Next step would be to get
> rid of Exchange... ;)), but a 2nd program is not really an option. For
> me it would be, but most collegues are completely computer-stupid so
> they're never going to understand that. I guess IMAP is the protocol
> we need, and if the Bat! is not supporting that completely yet, I
> guess we'll have to wait until it comes available.

In  fact Public Folder under MDaemon can be connected to Mailing List,
so  we can have another work around (this one what I implemented on my
Internal Office for Marketing ), as follows :

- Create  Mailing  List  with name "sales" (of course you must delete
  Sales account/mailbox first).
- Set this list as One way List, i.e. all messages come from this list
  will reply back to Original Poster.
- For   all   members   of   Sales   List,   set   Folder  Template
  %BCC="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  (better than that, create it on Address
  Book  Template  if  you're  share TB! Public Address Book). Set that
  macro  for  Composing  and  Reply Template, also set the Identity so
  that all reply-to : is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- That  way,  if  any  member  of Sales List reply to author, another
  member  will  getting  copy,  and  reply-to:  automatically
  address to original sender.

The downside with this approach only you can not create autoresponder,
but you may using Content Filter to do that.
If  your technical person confuse about how to do that, please contact
me off list.

Best regards,

- Syafril -   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re[2]: Echange - open other mailbox then my own

2001-12-07 Thread Gert-Jan van Krevelen

Hey Syafril,

SH>> You  must  using  IMAP  Protocol,  but unfortunetely IMAP in TB! still
SH>> limited, so you can not "subscribe" IMAP folder as you wish to.
SH>> Sorry ...

S> This a work around :
S> - install MD Email Agent (aka Worldclient Watch).
S> - Subcribe  only  for Sales Folder, and set to notify only for folder
S>   Sales.
S> - If new message arrive to Sales Folder, your Email Agent will flash,
S>   then  Open  WorldClient  (note:  I  am  using it here for Groupware
S>   application (Calender, Appointment and Meeting Scheduler).

Tnx for the replies.
I'll check it out with the techies monday and see if they can combine
they're knowledge with this info.
But I guess not, since my main plan was to, when I got it completely
working the way I want to, to convince collegues to use the Bat! too,
to get rid of the stupid Outlook virusses. (Next step would be to get
rid of Exchange... ;)), but a 2nd program is not really an option. For
me it would be, but most collegues are completely computer-stupid so
they're never going to understand that. I guess IMAP is the protocol
we need, and if the Bat! is not supporting that completely yet, I
guess we'll have to wait until it comes available.

G :)
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Connection Centre

2001-12-07 Thread Geoff Lane

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6

I have a problem with the Connection Centre in that whenever Remind Me
sends a reminder email, the Connection Centre remains open. According
to the Connection Centre, delivery of the message doesn't finish --
the Progress remains at 0%. However, the message is sent (I can
guarantee this because I'm on the distribution list and I received
it). I have to either click Abort or Delete Task to remove the message
from the queue.

Sending queued messages gets an info message that there's nothing to
send. However, the message remains visible in the queue. I can't close
TB until I delete the message from the Connection Centre.

Remind Me uses simple MAPI to send reminder messages to the email
address. Here's the headers for one of those messages:

Received: from by colossus ([] running VPOP3) with ESMTP for 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 7 Dec 2001 13:43:53 -
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 13:39:56 +
From: Geoff Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53d) Business
Reply-To: Geoff Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: GJC Technical Ltd
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
To: Pay tax and NI <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Server: VPOP3 V1.4.1 - Registered
Subject: Scheduled Reminder

Any ideas?


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK


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Re: Echange - open other mailbox then my own

2001-12-07 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Fri,  7 Dec 2001 at 18:26:14 GMT +0700 (07/12/2001 18:26 where you
think I live) "Syafril Hermansyah"=[SH] wrote to Gert-Jan van Krevelen

GJvK>> In the Bat however I can't find a way to specify a mailbox-name,
GJvK>> it  assumes  that  the  mailbox name is the login name. Which is
GJvK>> correct  for  my  personal  mailbox,  but  not  for  the 'sales'
GJvK>> mailbox. I'd like to be able to open that one too, but no matter
GJvK>> what  I  try, for the login info I need my own name else I can't
GJvK>> even  connect, but when I do that, it only retreives my mail and
GJvK>> not  the  'sales'  mailbox.

SH> You  must  using  IMAP  Protocol,  but unfortunetely IMAP in TB! still
SH> limited, so you can not "subscribe" IMAP folder as you wish to.
SH> Sorry ...

This a work around :
- install MD Email Agent (aka Worldclient Watch).
- Subcribe  only  for Sales Folder, and set to notify only for folder
- If new message arrive to Sales Folder, your Email Agent will flash,
  then  Open  WorldClient  (note:  I  am  using it here for Groupware
  application (Calender, Appointment and Meeting Scheduler).

Best regards,

- Syafril -   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: Echange - open other mailbox then my own

2001-12-07 Thread Syafril Hermansyah

On  Fri,  7 Dec 2001 at 12:12:24 GMT +0100 (07/12/2001 18:12 where you
thinkIlive)"Gert-Janvan   Krevelen"=[GJv]   wrote   to

GJvK> At work I have of course my own mailbox, which is no problem to set
GJvK> the Bat up to open that box.
GJvK> We also have a general mailboxes like 'sales'. A few people have
GJvK> rights for that mailbox, and when using Outlook, you can simply add
GJvK> the mailbox and it checks the user-rights, and it shows the contents
GJvK> if you have access.

You mean Sales is "public folder" in Exhange or MDaemon (are you using
Mdaemon right ?).  Actually it is IMAP folder.

GJvK> In the Bat however I can't find a way to specify a mailbox-name,
GJvK> it  assumes  that  the  mailbox name is the login name. Which is
GJvK> correct  for  my  personal  mailbox,  but  not  for  the 'sales'
GJvK> mailbox. I'd like to be able to open that one too, but no matter
GJvK> what  I  try, for the login info I need my own name else I can't
GJvK> even  connect, but when I do that, it only retreives my mail and
GJvK> not  the  'sales'  mailbox.

You  must  using  IMAP  Protocol,  but unfortunetely IMAP in TB! still
limited, so you can not "subscribe" IMAP folder as you wish to.
Sorry ...

Best regards,

- Syafril -   mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Flying with The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: Echange - open other mailbox then my own

2001-12-07 Thread Markus Gloede


On Friday, December 07, 2001 Gert-Jan van Krevelen wrote:

> At work I have of course my own mailbox, which is no problem to set
> the Bat up to open that box.
> We also have a general mailboxes like 'sales'. A few people have
> rights for that mailbox, and when using Outlook, you can simply add
> the mailbox and it checks the user-rights, and it shows the contents
> if you have access.
> In the Bat however I can't find a way to specify a mailbox-name

I'm afraid access to shared folders in the way you describe it is an MS
Exchange thing. It will not work that way with non-Exchange mail clients.

You might try to convince the Exchange administrator to enable IMAP
(another mail access protocol) on you company's Exchange server. IMAP
supports separate folders on the server side. Yet, I'm not sure if IMAP
supports common folders and also, the Bat!'s current IMAP support is also


Using The Bat! 1.54/10 under Windows NT 4.0 Build
1381 Service Pack 6 


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Echange - open other mailbox then my own

2001-12-07 Thread Gert-Jan van Krevelen

Hello Bat! world,

At work I have of course my own mailbox, which is no problem to set
the Bat up to open that box.
We also have a general mailboxes like 'sales'. A few people have
rights for that mailbox, and when using Outlook, you can simply add
the mailbox and it checks the user-rights, and it shows the contents
if you have access.
In the Bat however I can't find a way to specify a mailbox-name, it
assumes that the mailbox name is the login name. Which is correct for
my personal mailbox, but not for the 'sales' mailbox. I'd like to be
able to open that one too, but no matter what I try, for the login
info I need my own name else I can't even connect, but when I do that,
it only retreives my mail and not the 'sales' mailbox.
Is there a way to specify a mailbox name which I'd like to open?
(except for creating a sales account, and use that to access the mailbox,
since that's basically not option because of the other people who need
to access that mailbox too. Forwarding rules is not really an option
either, since we need the mailbox to be complete, and when I mark
something as read, the others automatically see it as read (or replied
to), and know that way they don't need to look at that).

Tnx in advance.

Oh for the record:
I'm using The Bat! Version 1.53d
Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

G :)
"One ring rules them all"


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Re: IMAP email login encrypted password

2001-12-07 Thread Peter Palmreuther

Hello Randy,

On 7  Dec 2001 at 09:48:48 you wrote (at least in part):

RR> I'm talking about IMAP. On the same server, Netscape Messenger
RR> 4.78 talks to the server and no username/password is visible in
RR> the packets it sends. Just plain IMAP with no special security.

RR> Using TB, regardless of what I configure (MD5,...) TB sends the
RR> username/password in the clear for every transaction with the
RR> server!

I can't try at the moment but I think I can guess. TB!'s IMAP
functionality ain't the best. It's very rudimentary ... So I think
Netscape keeps the connection open and therefore sends User/Pass only
once, when establishing the connection, while TB! uses IMAP as an
other form of POP3 and therefore closes the connection after every
action you do. So it has to resend User/Pass every time you want to do
something on the IMAP server. As IMAP is under heavy development I
think this will be changed too.

But one thing _is_ sure: Netscape has to send User/Pass too, otherwise
no Login could be done :-) But as I said: seem Netscape needs to do
this only once in opposite to TB! :-)

RR> I must be missing something?

Not really :-)
Best Regards
Peter Palmreuther  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.54 Beta/15 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

"Love your country but never trust its government."


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IMAP email login encrypted password

2001-12-07 Thread Randy Resnick

Hi Peter,

> ?!? What login are you talking about? POP3-login for fetching your
> mail? Or IMAP?
> Yes, there is the possibility for TB! to use a more secure way, sadly
> the server has to support this kind of login. One would be 'APOP' an
> other would be 'MD5-CRAM'. Both are supported by TB! and IIRC SSL is
> being developed.

> The passwords are stored somehow encrypted within TB! but as long the
> the server only understands plain text passwords (which is the case if
> no APOP/CRAM is available) TB! has to decrypt before fetching your
> mail, otherwise the server would refuse your connection :-)

I'm talking about IMAP. On the same server, Netscape Messenger
4.78 talks to the server and no username/password is visible in
the packets it sends. Just plain IMAP with no special security.

Using TB, regardless of what I configure (MD5,...) TB sends the
username/password in the clear for every transaction with the

I must be missing something?

Best regards,



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