Re: Purchased the Bat!

2003-10-26 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, Anthony:

Thank you for this. Your message was valuable, even for somebody who
has used the Bat for several years. Your remind me that it would be a
mistake to recommend it to family members (who would rely on me for
support) and you have also reminded me of the importance of keeping
HTML turned off.

Incidentally, after building dozens and dozens of filters, I finally
gave up and installed a challenge and response email filtering system.
Not everybody likes that, but I am careful to create a permission for
every personal contact who receives my business card. Perhaps you will
develop an economical way to create all the necessary filtering for
keeping spam out of your inbox.

I will eventually convert to Bayesian filtering. But there too, I
notice quite a few messages indicating that route is not as smooth as
people might wish.

With best wishes,

David Austen

Sunday, October 26, 2003, 7:01:14 AM, you wrote:

AGA After two days of trying it out, I decided to purchase The Bat!
AGA The Bat will replace Outlook Express as my primary e-mail client.

AGA The reasons why I bought it:

AGA 1. Spam relief

AGA The ability to set filters that look at message headers has
AGA _vastly_ improved my filtering of spam.  Almost all the spam I
AGA receive has a Content-type of multipart/alternative or
AGA text/html, whereas almost all the legitimate e-mail I receive
AGA has a content-type of plain text, or something else.  By
AGA filtering on this one field, I manage to separate spam from real
AGA e-mail with at least 95% accuracy.  On Outlook Express, even with
AGA several filters (on keywords, message size, and so on), only
AGA about 20% of spam was correctly identified.

AGA I still read the headers of spam and delete it by hand, but
AGA having it correctly sorted speeds this up considerably, since
AGA legit e-mail and spam are less likely to be mixed together.


AGA The Bat lets me turn off HTML support.  Outlook Express doesn't.
AGA By not interpreting HTML, I can avoid any virus risks or stupid
AGA Javascript or other problems associated with HTML.  Virtually
AGA nobody sends me e-mail in HTML, anyway, except for spammers, and
AGA a handful of correspondents who leave OE defaults as they are.

AGA 3. Quick raw message viewing

AGA I don't run anti-virus or anti-spam software on my systems, for
AGA various reasons.  Instead, I examine the raw text of suspicious
AGA messages before opening them.  This can be done on OE (Properties
AGA | Details | Message Source on a message), but it's awkward.  I
AGA can do this rapidly with F9 on The Bat and quickly see if there
AGA is any suspicious content in the message.

AGA 4. Better control overall

AGA The Bat has a lot more options for control and sending of e-mail,
AGA and I like to be able to adjust everything to my liking.

AGA What I lost in going to The Bat:

AGA 1. PGP support

AGA PGP support for Outlook Express with PGP 8.x works great.  It
AGA hardly works at all with The Bat.  No sense in having twenty
AGA different options for PGP support if almost none of them work
AGA correctly.  What's wrong with just having buttons like OE?  This
AGA is not a blocking issue for me, as I can still send and receive
AGA PGP with OE-equivalent functionality by hand, but I can imagine
AGA that some potential customers would have to pass on the product
AGA for this reason.

AGA 2. Too many bugs

AGA The product crashed at least three dozen times while I was trying
AGA to tidy up folders imported from OE.  On several occasions, it
AGA locked the current window, and killing the Bat process did not
AGA release the window--I had to log off and log on again.  These
AGA bugs seemed limited to that clean-up activity, but if I start
AGA getting bugs in everyday use of the product, it's going to go
AGA right out the window.  There is no excuse for _any_ bugs in a
AGA commercial product.

AGA Also, if PGP Keys is running concurrently with The Bat, some
AGA operations in The Bat appear to crash the PGP SDK service.  This
AGA isn't acceptable, either.

AGA 3. Sparse documentation

AGA I'm not one to depend a great deal on documentation, but the
AGA online help for The Bat is among the sparsest I've ever seen, and
AGA it's a complex product.  I can usually figure out things on my
AGA own, but some things just have to be documented, and from what
AGA I've seen, they often are not. This isn't a blocking issue for
AGA me, since there are other ways to find out how to do things (such
AGA as this mailing list), but it slows adoption of the product.

AGA Anyway ... I couldn't tell if a personal license was sufficient
AGA for me (I'm a sole proprietorship, so I use e-mail for both
AGA business and personal stuff), so I got the commercial license.
AGA Since I'm currently broke, ยค45 was a lot to cough up, but I don't
AGA use software that isn't free without paying for it.

AGA I would not recommend this product to my parents or other
AGA non-geeks, but to people with a fair 

An attempt at thwarting Bayesian filtering?

2003-10-14 Thread David R. Austen
Greetings, all:

Is this an attempt to fool Bayesian filtering? I hope to move to
Bayesian filtering on the Bat myself one day.

I found this short piece of text in a spam message:

is, as he conceives it, made up of elementary atoms having a first.
Our own flags should be substituted for those of the is henceforth to
predominate. The aim of the real statesman is

Do they know what they are doing?

Is it better that they make it so small?

Have you all seen other similar, interesting examples? And have they
ever succeeded?

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00.6 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: An attempt at thwarting Bayesian filtering?

2003-10-14 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, Thomas:

Tuesday, October 14, 2003, 12:13:00 PM, you wrote:


 Is it better that they make it so small?

TF I don't know what you mean by better. ;-)

Better, means able to circumvent Bayesian filtering (if a small size
matters in some filtering processes.

On the other hand, using a large text (a brute force attack) might
succeed by adding so much legitimate text that the spam content would
be diluted and relatively insignificant.

In comparison. most spam is rather crudely written, compared to
advertorials in the (U.S.A.) press.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00.6 | Using TBUDL information:

Bayesian filtering products roundup: WAS Re[3]: Fwd: Re: Spam

2003-09-29 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, Miguel, Paul John and Mark:

Thank you, all, for your help with the filtering roundup I had
proposed. I want to implement Bayesian filtering and am looking for
best practices and products. of course that's always going to be
somewhat subjective.

So these are the solutions mentioned which are working well for some
of you:

Popfile, SpamPal, K9 and the Bat's Known filter approach.

Any other final thoughts or suggestions, anybody else?

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Bayesian filtering products roundup: WAS Re[3]: Fwd: Re: Spam

2003-09-29 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Mogens:

Monday, September 29, 2003, 11:15:53 AM, you wrote:

MH This is my 3rd day with BayesIt, it is effective - and kind of fun
MH to use. I actually look forward to spam so I can train the filter!

Thank you for this reminder. Others seems to recommend BayesIt too,
and I don't know how I forgot to put it on my list.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00.6 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Bayesian filtering products roundup: WAS Re[3]: Fwd: Re: Spam

2003-09-29 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Andre:

Monday, September 29, 2003, 5:11:24 PM, you wrote:

AW You are using v1.62i. Antispam plugins are only saupported since
AW 2.0.

So none of these are usable until I upgrade:

BayesIt, Popfile, SpamPal, K9, and the Bat's Known filter approach.

Correct? Thank you.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00.6 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Bayesian filtering products roundup: WAS Re[3]: Fwd: Re: Spam

2003-09-29 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Keith:

Monday, September 29, 2003, 5:33:27 PM, you wrote:


KRI Just switched from PopFile KR to SpamBayes (snip)
KR( ). It's been kind KR of (snip)
KRa pain to set up--for me, at least--but I finally got it KR
KRworking today and it has great possibilities.

Thanks for catching up with me here. Sounds like SpamBayes has a
powerful ability to learn. Yes, that Unsure Folder (or Unknown folder)
is an important one, isn't it?

KR --defeating the whole purpose of the filter.

Wouldn't that be ironic?!

KR Presumably, after a little training (and I got a good start with
KR about 250 spam messages I'd collected previously), I will only
KR need to occasionally check my Unsure folder, and VERY rarely my
KR Spam folder.

Eventualy Unsure should need only weekly checking, eh?

I would be happy to supply a lot of spam messages to folks who need
some samples for training purposes!  ;-)

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00.6 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Fwd: Re: Spam

2003-09-27 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Granville:

Saturday, September 27, 2003, 5:41:36 AM, you wrote:


GC Can the Bat! deal with this kind GC of Spam or is it necessary to
GC get another programme to do this GC work.

My dear Batters, could we have a concise, succinct roundup of helpful
advice on solutions (e.g. Bayesian filtering). While I embrace
Bayesian in principle, it has occurred to me that implementations
mentioned here in terms of The Bat are occasionally a bit
trouble-prone and I already invest enough time maintaining IT here. I
need to feel reasonably safe in this before I actually install

A question: when we say Bayesian, shall we agree this should mean
automatic learning (and not manual design) for filters?

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Messages in Outbox sent by accident

2003-09-24 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Thomas:

Wednesday, September 24, 2003, 1:22:50 AM, you wrote:


DAI noticed earlier that it also stops me from deleting mail in the
DAOutbox, but I didn't twig.

TF This has been changed in v2. You can now delete those messages,
TF but TB will ask you first (are you sure).

Thank you for this.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Messages in Outbox sent by accident

2003-09-23 Thread David R. Austen

My busy fingers (OK, clumsy) are occasionally responsible for messages
in Outbox being sent before they are ready. Yikes!

Is there some safeguard that will help me prevent this accidental
posting? Perhaps I am hitting a shortcut.

(For now, I keep them temporarily addressed to only me, to avoid
embarrassment. But that wastes time.)

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Messages in Outbox sent by accident

2003-09-23 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, Patrick:

Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 4:08:53 PM, you wrote:


PG With  this option, no matter how hard you try the mail goes
PG nowhere until  you 'unpark' it.

Yes, that works just fine. Thanks very much, Patrick. I noticed
earlier that it also stops me from deleting mail in the Outbox, but I
didn't twig.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Messages in Outbox sent by accident

2003-09-23 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, Martin:

Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 4:06:48 PM, you wrote:

MW Use Confirm immediate sending in account properties. You click
MW Send and then confirm... hows that? I guess this only works if
MW Delivery is set to immediate.

Yes, I do get that that dialog box asking me if I want to send, but
it's almost as if there is also a way to override this safety switch.


Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Messages in Outbox sent by accident

2003-09-23 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Martin:

Tuesday, September 23, 2003, 4:06:48 PM, you wrote:

MW Use Confirm immediate sending in account properties.
You(s MW click MW Send and then confirm... hows that? I guess this
only works if MW Delivery is set to immediate.

Hmm. I do have it set to Immediate but that Confirm device has not
been working. I wonder why not.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: : String search within results (to achieve Boolean AND)

2003-09-13 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Perry:

Friday, September 12, 2003, 5:12:24 PM, you wrote:

PN Hi David,

PN Friday, September 12, 2003, 4:19:31 PM, you wrote:

DRA How do other Batters store important notes? (If there is nothing
DRA to annotate.)

PN   My strategy is to use the color group capability (Message /
PN   Colour Group), and I also park such messages. I have defined a
PN   color group called TIPS, which is of course the color group I
PN   choose. Periodically I move those messages to a separate folder
PN   called TIPS from TBUDL.  Though I haven't done it yet, I
PN   should probably define a Read Message filter and use that to do
PN   everything all at once.

Thank you, Perry. Yes, your idea is a likely an excellent one, and
then again something made me think this should be done at a level
above the messages.

Have a very good weekend.


Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

String search within results (to achieve Boolean AND)

2003-09-12 Thread David R. Austen

Sometimes, when seeking a message, a search term I would use is just
too common, so a Boolean AND strategy is necessary.

I know I can search the results of a preliminary search by copying all
those prelim results into a special folder, and then searching *that*
special results folder.

Is there a better way?

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: String search within results (to achieve Boolean AND)

2003-09-12 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, Jernej:

What a great tip. That's excellent news, that Boolean works here.

I know only one way to store ideas like these (within Bat) for future

How do other Batters store important notes? (If there is nothing to

Friday, September 12, 2003, we wrote:

a Boolean AND strategy is necessary.

JS Use  for AND and | for OR.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Wrapping recieved mail correctly

2003-09-11 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, all:

JD Hello Dave,

JD Thursday, September 11, 2003, it was written:

JD Now as I'm viewing TB! at 1600x1200 an unwrapped
JD mail line is very long. Is it possible to set the viewer to force
JD the mail to wrap at 80 columns?

 Oh how I wish for that feature. :)

I am now using Januk Aggarwal's excellent wrap templates

for (replies and forwards) and also hope to accomplish wrapping on
redirects, too. (Ideas?) FWIW, I use redirect frequently to modify a
subject line. With a two-letter nickname for addressees, I can
redirect pretty quickly.

1. Would this work-around make sense to others here, until wrap
incoming is available?

2. Do others already have a better way to customize subject lines?

(Special thanks to Marck for walking me over to that template.)

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Start up: The Bat balks

2003-09-10 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Kim:

Monday, September 8, 2003, 6:39:01 PM, you wrote:

K I haven't seen a repeat of the problem yet, but I plan on trying your
K workaround, if it happens. I also have always had the habit of making
K regular backups, but considering the previous problem, I make those
K backups even more often now.

One of my fundamentals here is to keep that Inbox as close to empty as
possible. I've found it to be more vulnerable than other folders if
anything goes wrong, say, in the process of an upgrade.

K Have you tried the trial version of The Bat version 2 yet? I can't
K blame you for not wanting to upgrade if you have problems with the
K current version, as I did. However, an upgrade may solve the problem
K as well. I did read that some people who tried out the trial and chose
K not to upgrade were able to revert back to the older version. I've not
K tried that, so I don't know how well it works.

I've become very cautious about upgrades (as opposed to simple
patches) but one day I suppose I will too.

K Also, what is the exact message you're getting when The Bat won't
K start?

Usually, just A call to an OS function failed.  Sometimes, none at
all. But that is rare know. Oh, I also get a horn sound each time The
Bat starts.

K When it happened to me, I didn't get a message at all. I just K
K got a small flash, as if the splash screen was trying to appear,
K then nothing.

K Yes, that too.

K Uninstalling and reinstalling was the only way I was able to
K fix it, however, I did notice one post on The Bat forum which
K mentioned that someone else was also experiencing the no start
K problem, but with version 2. Not sure how many others have experienced
K it.

K Another thought... Did you try resetting your default e-mail
program K settings in Internet Explorer? Go to Tools, Internet
Options, then to K the Programs tab. Choose something other than The
Options, then to K Bat on the drop-down K box (like Outlook
Options, then to K Express), click Apply, then go back up and choose
Options, then to K K The Bat and click Apply again.

OK, thanks, I'll try that Out and Back-In strategy.

K I know this worked with one of my old
K e-mail programs having problems a year or so ago, but I don't know if
K it'll help to solve this problem. Worth a try anyway.

K As for me, I *hope* the problem doesn't come back.  :)

I've found some kind of way to get it started. But that's one more hit
on productivity around here. Still, I guess I'll be loyal to The Bat
and enjoying being part of this kindly Bat family.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Line lengths and techniques for automatic adjustment

2003-09-10 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Urban:

U Tuesday, September 9, 2003, David R. Austen wrote:

I regret to inform . . . that after using this (generous) advice I am
still not getting wrapping of those very long lines of messages to
which I am replying.

Here is my new, modified template (in part):

- - - -

Hello, %OFromFName:

%ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, you wrote:


 - - - - -

Please tell me if that wrap code in the right position, for example.

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Line lengths and techniques for automatic adjustment

2003-09-09 Thread David R. Austen

In one recent message, this was the approximate length of a single
line I received: (say, 107 characters)

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567

Over the years I have learned that it is good to have about 70
characters in a line. (Perhaps that is somewhat subjective; no
criticism is intended of those who keep their lines longer.)

Anyway, my way of reducing such long lines to 70 characters in my
reply/forward/redirect is a bit cumbersome. I don't to it line by
line, but even paragraph by paragraph is irksome. It seems that if I
do not, these lines will stay very long in the messages received from

How do other Batters deal with this, please?

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Line lengths and techniques for automatic adjustment

2003-09-09 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Leif:

Tuesday, September 9, 2003, 4:42:53 PM, you wrote:

LG Good question. Generally, I go to the paragraph in question and
hit LG ALT-L.

Great tip. Thank you much. I'll bet there is somebody out there who
knows the real black magic.

LG  I normally have to do this because while their original text
LG was 70 chars, when I reply and their initials plus the  makes most
LG of them go over 70.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Start up: The Bat balks

2003-09-08 Thread David R. Austen

Over the past few weeks, I have discovered that the only way to
reliably start The Bat (1.62i) is to first start and then exit Outlook
(Outlook is not used for my email.)

And nearly every time I start The Bat, I see this message:  A call to
an OS function failed. I then hit Enter and The Bat runs normally.

There was a recent message from another user similar to mine, but she
quit The Bat, I believe. Have any of you found a (much!) better
work-around or a *real* solution?

Please don't ask me to upgrade my Bat version if that means I'll run
into other dramas.  I'll have a very busy week. :-)

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Start up: The Bat balks

2003-09-08 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Pixie:

 P On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 07:44:16 -0400 GMT, David R.
I expect that P Austen
I expe P wrote:

DRA There was a recent message from another user similar to mine, but she
DRA quit The Bat, I believe. Have any of you found a (much!) better
DRA work-around or a *real* solution?

P Have you considered ditching outlook?


I expect that ditching Outlook may be on the cards one day. Are you
suggesting that there is some kind of problem that my be caused by
Outlook? Starting and quitting Outlook seems to help me start The Bat,
but there is not a simple and exclusive cause and effect relationship.

But . . . thank you for the tip on Time and Chaos.


P While this may not be an easy option for you, like The Bat! there are
P some really great programs out there that can take the place of
P outlook. I'm presently evaluating Time  Chaos, one of the few so far
P I've found that can sync Pocket PC  Palm -- which was one of the MS
P strangleholds that I'd rather be rid of.

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Start up: The Bat balks

2003-09-08 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Thomas:

First, a big thank you. We are getting closer to success.

You wrote:

TF Try this: Close Outlook and The Bat. Open Internet Explorer. Go to
TF Tools / Internet Options / Programs. Choose Outlook for Email.
TF Click OK. Close IE. Re-open IE. Go to Tools / Internet Options /
TF Progams. Choose The Bat! for Email. click OK. Close IE. Open The
TF Bat and see whether your problem persists.

Done.  Now, Outlook seems to be finally irrelevant to the operation of
The Bat.

Curiously, I still see A call to an OS function failed when I run
The Bat NOLOGO. This startup, and the normal (with logo) startup both
require an ENTER after I double-click on the icon.

I guess I should be happy now. Pigs want wings, too.

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: OT: i don't know you (was: Start up: The Bat balks)

2003-09-08 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Thomas:

Monday, September 8, 2003, 11:17:21 AM, you wrote:

TF Sorry for posting a PM on the list. I replied to your PM, but I
have TF been asked by your bot to confirm my address.

I regret the inconvenience. Please send me your message with the
advice. It will go through now.

Yes, the bot asks for a reason. Even your familiar name would
suffice, Thomas, telling me who is at the door, so to speak. Please
don't be offended. But I guess this is a good illustration of what
somebody promised yesterday.

To explain, I forgot to create a permission for you when I first wrote
to you OL. (The CM bot normally automatically creates a permanent
permission when I send a message to somebody new. SMTP problems at my
new ISP have stopped that -- for now. (Of course that does not help
with those senders who are totally new to me.)

I have now created a permission for you manually, Thomas.

TF I'm not doing that. You
TF want to review your policy for two reasons:

TF 1.) You sent me a message to which I replied. I am offended by
TF your bot's interference to my attempt at helping you.

TF 2.) If you are trying to cut down spam, you will just have confirmed
TF your address to the sender.

Good point. On very, very rare occasions, a spammer actually asks me
for permission! Thomas, aren't there other ways in which spammers can
extrapolate, and determine that an address is likely valid?

TF And if you're in business, you'll never get new customers...


TF and even new friends will be difficult to get.

Now, Thomas, that's below the belt!  :-0  I'm rather good looking, and
anyway, mother said to be very careful about getting new friends on
the Internet. But I think this list should be a safe place. :-) So
everybody, come over for lunch at my place today. I'm afraid some
dear, old friends will dump me now, per your suggestion. :-)

TF I am kind enough to mention this to you, others will just stop

Seriously, you are kind to take this time to explain this, and alert
me to new issues. This spam-killing is a work in progress.



Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Paul, all:

Programs like ChoiceMail (CM) stop any unknown sender from ever
reaching The Bat's Inbox.

CM asks those senders with a friendly message (that I myself have
written) to state their business. Less than 1% of spammers ever do.

I longer have to be distracted by even looking at those spam subject
lines, let alone busy myself with the job of deleting.

What a relief. And a **great** boost to productivity when spam is
about 49% of your incoming mail.


Thursday, September 4, 2003, 1:18:08 AM, you wrote:

PB Hello Mailing List,
PB I am receiving allot of spam. When the messages arrive which I do not
PB want I have set up filters to deal with them. All that happens is that
PB the senders just change their names of some other element of the
PB address and then the messages continue to get past my filters. Can the
PB Bat! deal with this kind of Spam or is it necessary to get another
PB programme to do this work.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Peter:

Thursday, September 4, 2003, 8:37:20 AM, you wrote:

PF David,

PF On 04-09-2003 14:29, you [D] wrote in
D CM asks those senders with a friendly message (that I myself have
D written) to state their business. Less than 1% of spammers ever do.

D I longer have to be distracted by even looking at those spam subject
D lines, let alone busy myself with the job of deleting.

D What a relief. And a **great** boost to productivity when spam is
D about 49% of your incoming mail.

PF I would _never_ answer a mail like that - and I would kick anyone off my
PF mailing lists that used a thing like that.

(Yikes, we're strident on this list today. Please read before kicking
us. Perhaps the CM product is not well understood yet.)


I pre-configure CM to allow all members of mailing lists I use to
waltz in the door unhindered.

Naturally that challenge message needs to be very diplomatic. Nobody
has ever eventually mentioned to me that they found that offensive.
And they receive it only once, at worst.

PF Use SpamPal - it's at least as effective, and without hassle for the
PF people you are communicating with.

So how does SpamPal do it?  Please.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Allie:

Thursday, September 4, 2003, 8:33:09 AM, you wrote:

(snip) AM I've been annoyed by this sort of system.

I expect some people are. On the other hand, I pre-configure
permissions for those whom I have **invited** to contact me. Say we
exchange business cards in certain situations. They are then not

AM Rule #1 in spam fighting. Don't lose legitimate mail

Permissions let in friends and colleagues

AM and don't get
AM in the way of those sending legitimate mail.

and the vast, vast majority of people whom I do **not** know send me
only spam. What a pathetic life that must be, sending spam.

AM Even though I understand why I'm being asked to click a link or
AMwhatever, I still find it annoying.  :/

I guess I do too. But as more people are reaching that magical 50%
(spam-innocent mail ratio) I expect more people will soon be
understanding of this. (As they are when we screen phone calls with an
answering machine at home, making them wait 4 rings **every time**,
and not just once.)

DRA I longer have to be distracted by even looking at those spam subject
DRA lines, let alone busy myself with the job of deleting.

AM How do you manage with mail from an automated system with no one
at the other end to respond to your validation request? A good example
of this is with an online purchase where an automated message with
registration stuff is sent to you?

A permission I can create, in advance, lets in anybody/anything at
Jello Computers, for example.

AM To each his own, I guess, but I've always felt it best to use a spam
AM filter. If you wish to auto-delete most spam, use a less aggressive method in
AM the interest of preserving good messages, or filter spam as read to a
AM separate folder, then on occasion scan the folder for innocents.

Scanning for innocents there is no less a job than scanning the Inbox.
But I concede that your way one can save all the distractions (and
disgust) for a designated time of the day.)

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Peter:


I appreciate your thoughts everybody, yet, this really is becoming a
tempest in a teacup. And it seems that nobody here has had any
experience with this system (CM) that is being critiqued with so much

PFI know it is - but why should _I_ - e.g. when helping another
PFperson - go through this extra trouble just because that other
PFperson has more respect for his time than mine (I know this sounds
PFharsh but this is how it comes across to me)?

Indeed. Why should you. On the other hand, if we collaborate (in
various ways) sometimes there is an eventual pleasant payback. But no,
it is not guaranteed that you will get a reward for your trouble,

I certainly hope nobody thinks this indicates I disrespect those who
send email.

One reward is that we all may eventually be able to answer friends'
and colleagues' and even strangers' mail more quickly, and in a
happier frame of mind. I think there are many parallels to this in
life. One day the shoe (or another shoe somewhat like this one) may be
on the other foot. It's a tiny chore, answering that challenge email
message. And once only. Ha anybody ever done that with CM?

PF Use SpamPal - it's at least as effective, and without hassle for the
PF people you are communicating with.

I don't think I have ever created hassle for anybody on this list. I
would like to know if I have. But has spam ever been a hassle for
anybody here? Could a hassle like an occasional challenge message
ever begin to compare to spam? Even some close friends do not all give
me a key to their house. I guess it is also a hassle to need to ring
that doorbell and wait. Every time I visit!!  :-)

D So how does SpamPal do it?  Please.

PF Set up Spampal with blacklists and the Bayesian plug-in. Have Spampal
PF add a separate X-spampal: spam header and filter on this. A peice of
PF cake.

Thank you for the helpful explanation about SpamPal.

PF I get very few false negatives/positives.

Hmmm. And when you do is the shoe not on the other foot then?


Anyway, friends, it's over and out for me now. Back to work. Hope
this has been helpful and entertaining. By the way, I am also quite
experienced with the excellent filtering in The Bat. And still use it

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Allie, and all:

Thursday, September 4, 2003, 9:11:33 AM, you wrote:

AM David R. Austen, [DRA] wrote:

DRA Naturally that challenge message needs to be very diplomatic.
DRA Nobody has ever eventually mentioned to me that they found that
DRA offensive. And they receive it only once, at worst.

AM I generally don't tell others I'm displeased or annoyed by something

Yes, that's about right. It's natural for many people to hold back
when possible, especially for someone who is as gracious and
respectful of others, as you seem to be as moderator of this list. But
what is the cost of worrying about occasionaly annoying colleagues
like you one time with a challenge message, or creating a blanket
permission? (I will assume that none of you have ever seen my CM

The bottom line for me is that my experience with email each day is
now a better one. I'm in a better frame of mind if welcome messages
(like yours) are not sandwiched between a number of other messages
that are are unwelcome and even offensive.

For my part, if the challenge were annoying, I would frame my response
in terms of the software they use, and not their treatment of me. Like
you, I would look for a chance to offer a constructive suggestion.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Peter:

Thursday, September 4, 2003, 10:20:21 AM, you wrote:

It's almost as if the anger that should be reserved for the spammers
is vented on those who fight back. Like the developers of this

PF Not disrespect, but more like I don't mind giving you extra work so
PF that I may do less work myself or something to that effect.

Since when is replying with one-two words (one-time only) considered
to be measurable work? That's like saying that it is unfair that you
and I are working here (writing this) when many others are only
reading this. :-)

I see it as an effort for the common good. I would be more than happy
to do it for you. Like an unfortunate cost that all might share in
(eventually) to avoid a problem that many will share eventually.
Sobig, for example.

And it might be good for the security of all, if a virus or worm
arrives in email spam (that I have not stopped with CM) and then
replicates itself and sends itself from my machine.

D I don't think I have ever created hassle for anybody on this list.

PF Correct. You haven't but not all users of confirmation software are as
PF good as you to use it properly.

I've been lucky with my training and education, I guess.

PF I get very few false negatives/positives.

D Hmmm. And when you do is the shoe not on the other foot then?

PF I don't understand?

Well, beyond the matter of viruses and worms, a false positive or
negative likely causes a delay in reading a message. That would be a
hassle for people needing a quick response. I can stop using email
completely and be sure to never cause a hassle for anybody, ever.

I wish you all the best,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[4]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Terry:

Almost everybody is attacked by the spammers, but I think nobody I
know would take offense as quickly as the person mentioned below when
the stakes are so high. There are cultural problems that accompany the
technology problems. I certainly don't ignore them, but I also assume
that the culture of mail and email is slowly evolving. Examples of
change (and upset) abound in good old snail mail, too.

Thursday, September 4, 2003, 10:31:19 AM, you wrote:


T As to any complaints, I'll share one of my clients' experiences
with T you. He was interested in purchasing some property in a new
city (new T site for a factory with a budget of over $1 million for
the property) T and was given a real estate agent's e-mail address by
some business T associate. That real estate company used a
some business T challenge/response T solution. My client chose not
some business T to do business with them.

Or, even use the phone to contact them instead of email? or ask an
employee to take care of that?

I won't judge this and say that everybody should feel perfectly happy
about these C-R systems. Nor do we feel perfectly happy about
inoculations before we take trips into jungles. Some people will
refuse inoculations; they may miss some nice opportunities for travel
because of the offense of that needle. (What would have been the
status of smallpox now if all had refused inoculations due to the
(infrequent) discomfort of that needle?)

T My client was adamant about the way business should be conducted
Tand in his mind, it  didn't include C/R. Quote from him - They just
Ttold me I wasn't  important.

He certainly takes offense quickly, and he takes it very personally. I
guess you'd need to be there to understand his frame of mind. I'm
guessing that when he started out in business (if as long ago as I
did) he also had none of the benefits of the 'Net. Which he
cherry-picks now, no doubt.

T I'm not saying that he's right or that he would have ultimately bought
T property using that company, but they lost out on even the opportunity
T to do business with him.

Because of his principles, and his short fuse, he may also have lost
the chance to look at a piece of property what might possibly have
been the best of all available, and even perhaps a great value. It
works both ways.

Was that challenge message really worse than leaving a voicemail
message over lunch hour (or after hours) and then waiting for an
eventual reply? What's in the water some folks are drinking these
days? :-)

Actually, many of us are offended by high technology of various sorts,
and that is OK. But the costs are not all on one-sided.

T It was his perception and in business, that's often what ends up as
Tbeing most important.

I agree with that. Perhaps businesses with so much at stake in one
transaction will have more expensive foolproof systems that will look
carefully at every piece of new mail to ensure that there is no
possible way to miss a legitimate message. But most can't afford to do
that, and I think that people will eventually understand this.

T Here are two articles that discuss some of the points you raised in
T this e-mail and others in the thread.



I have just read these and appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending
them. Yes, It's not an easy job. In fact it's a dirty job dealing with
spam. And I guess some of the mud will stick on us when we try to deal
with it.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[5]: Spam

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Bill:

Thursday, September 4, 2003, 10:40:42 AM, you wrote:

BBTE C/R systems are OK if used reasonably -- and even the challenge
BBTE doesn't do much to raise my hackles if it's something used by a
BBTE private individual. I have been adamant about telling companies that I
BBTE advise NOT to use such a system. It sends an extremely negative
BBTE message to potential customers.

I guess that generally fits with my views. In commerce, it is a good
investment to use **humans** to vet every unknown message, if you can
possibly afford to.


 Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[6]: Spam [SOT]

2003-09-04 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Christopher:

1. With agents like CM there is no third party creating huge
blacklists of domains. (They must not be easy to edit on a frequent

2. It is very rare that I would block an entire domain.

3. With CM, a C/R message pops up (right in my face) showing the
response message and I hit a button instantly creating a permission
for that person.

4. (Of course you were also flexible and resourceful enough to just
pick up the phone when email frustrated you.)



Thursday, September 4, 2003, 11:31:42 AM, you wrote:

CB Hi All,

CB -Only slightly off topic-

T solution. My client chose not to do business with them. My client was
T adamant about the way business should be conducted and in his mind, it
T didn't include C/R. Quote from him - They just told me I wasn't
T important.

CB  I have just had a similar experience with Ritlabs/cifnet. I
CB  originally registered TB! on Aug 27, and was interested to find out
CB  if I would receive a free upgrade to 2.0. I emailed ritlabs, only to
CB  have my email returned, stating that SpamCop has determined that my
CB  mail server is a known originator of spam. Same with an email to
CB  cifnet.

CB  This was extrememly frustrating, because I had no recourse. I simply
CB  couldn't contact either company by email. I, of course, have never
CB  spammed anyone in my life, but I am on a shared web host, and
CB  apparently one of their clients was the culprit. My host took quick
CB  steps for me, but this did little to change the fact that I couldn't
CB  send email to ritlabs. Someone from spamcop replied to my whining,
CB  stating that there wasn't anything that could be done. Sounds like a
CB  great service. They are happy to block my email, but 'there's nothing
CB  that can be done' to unblock it.

CB  Fortunately for me, cifnet is in Chicago, where I am. So a local call
CB  did the trick. But the point stands.

Best wishes,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Spam

2003-09-03 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Granville:

I have used ChoiceMail for some months now. I'm quite happy with it.

About $40.00 USD and worth every penny.


Can the Bat! deal with this kind of Spam or is it necessary to get
another programme to do this work.

Best regards,


Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: TheBat Won't Start - Please Help

2003-08-31 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Kim and all:

I too have had difficulties getting the Bat to start, and a fresh
install did not help much.

Here's the workaround I've discovered. I'd be curious about other
stories of similar problems, and solutions.

I first (usually) need to start Outlook (which I do not use for email,
of course) and then exit Outlook. After that the Bat starts reliably.

Can anybody explain what might be going on?

Best wishes,


Sunday, August 17, 2003, 9:10:05 PM, you wrote:

K Mark,

K I should have mentioned that I checked both the running applications tab,
K as well as the running processes tab -- I make it a practice to do both
K out of habit.

K I did get the Bat to run again. After uninstalling it, I saved only my
K mail directory. I then reinstalled the latest version, and it now opens.
K After spending the better part of my weekend fiddling with e-mail
K recovery and backups, I am back to using my old e-mail program in
K addition to the Bat, as well as trying out the trial version of another
K e-mail program. My biggest concern is reliability, and with at least my
K copy of the Bat doing unreliable things twice in the last week, I
K decided it can't hurt to see what some other programs have to offer.

K If I do end up switching to a different e-mail program, there are
K certainly some things about the Bat that I'll really miss. Excellent
K filtering and flexible templates are two of them.  :)

K Thanks again for your help.

Best wishes,


Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: TheBat Won't Start - Please Help

2003-08-17 Thread David R. Austen
Saturday, August 16, 2003, 11:56:08 PM, you wrote:
kmc Hi all, I am typing this from the web-based interface of my
kmc e-mail account, because I cannot get TheBat to start.

(snip)  - - - - - -

Hello, Kim:

I have had the same problem over many months. Even with a reinstall of
1.62I the problem sometimes persists, but it has diminished somewhat

Here is what I have discovered, and what I do. I have largely overcome
whatever it was that caused The Bat to fail at loading. But it should
be easier. This are just a temporary methods. I will appreciate better
answers from other Batters.

(Changing to NOlogo does not seem to help.)

Early loading just after reboot has sometimes been helpful.

Click or double-click icon AND hit enter key as well.

(Message warning pertaining to OS does not mean bat will not load.)

Running a memory recovery program like MemTurbo makes a difference.

Best wishes,


P.S. If you do reinstall, first empty the Inbox to a new temporary
folder in the Bat. The Inbox is the most vulnerable of all folders,

Saturday, August 16, 2003, 11:56:08 PM, you wrote:

kmc Hi all,

kmc I am typing this from the web-based interface of my e-mail
kmc account, because I cannot get TheBat to start.


Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: SMTP authentication difficulty in The Bat

2003-07-25 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Alexander, all:

I believe I've sent some log extracts to the list recently, so won't
do that again today. But I've not had this experience where a message
is first rejected and then accepted. I appreciate your analysis.

The best thing now I expect is that we find a way to make this
information available to future Batters with SMTP issues who may
follow in our footsteps, our prop wash, this contrail.

Fellow Batters, does one best do that? I sometimes wonder if a blog
would be a good intermediate step, at least.



A 25-Jul-2003 03:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (You may remember that I could not achieve the necessary SMTP
 authentication while _sending mail_  from The Bat through ChoiceMail.)

A Just one question - the test mail you were sending with Netscape, did you
A send it through ChoiceMail, or directly to the SMTP server?

 It's as if this Netscape client can work with ChoiceMail (and SMTP) in
 ways that The Bat cannot.

A Hmmm. Thats what I was suspecting. I have the feeling that TB is not as
A fault tolerant for misbehaving SMTP-servers, or something. Here's what
A happens to me *every* time...

A  25.07.2003, 12:12:17: SEND  - sending mail messages - 1 messages in queue
A  25.07.2003, 12:12:17: SEND  - connected to SMTP server
A  25.07.2003, 12:12:17: SEND  - authenticating (plain)...
A  25.07.2003, 12:12:17: SEND  - Server reports error. The response is: Incorrect 
authentication data
A  25.07.2003, 12:12:17: SEND  - authenticating (login)...
A  25.07.2003, 12:12:18: SEND  - sending message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A  25.07.2003, 12:12:18: SEND  - message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent (1034 bytes)
A  25.07.2003, 12:12:18: SEND  - connection finished - 1 messages sent

A The message is sent, but only after an initial error. It would be
A interesting to see what the server actually says, but I don't know how to
A intercept the command/reply exchange.

Best regards,


Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: SMTP authentication difficulty in The Bat

2003-07-24 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Terry:

Thanks much for this wonderful explanation. Now, how do we get all
this into a knowledge base for the benefit of other Batters in the
future? (I'll assume that the use of SMTP authentication will only

Let me read it twice again and we'll see if I can fully grok it.


Seriously, I'll keep it in a file for any similar event in the future.
In my case, I POP my mail from one server and send through another. So
that box Use Settings of Mail Retrieval will go unchecked.

I thank you again, and wish you a fine weekend.


Wednesday, July 23, 2003, 5:59:44 PM, you wrote:

T Hi David,

T Glad to know that you can bypass ChoiceMail and it will work.  That
T just seemed like a lot of unnecessary overhead.

 Actually, I have had that box  Use Settings of Mail Retrieval
 ticked for some time and that does not help.

 But it makes me curious about the purpose of this box, and the actual 
 affect this would have.

 BTW, I also tried POP authentication and that did not help.

T TB SMTP Authentication window presents several different layers of
T authentication.  Pop before SMTP is a totally distinct thing from RFC
T 2554 Authentication.  There's a brief explanation of it here.


T In TB Help under SMTP Authentication, there is a good explanation of
T RFC 2554 Authentication and the optional use of MD5 with it.

T All of these depend on the server being set up to use it.  For
T example, you can't force a server to use MD5 when the server is not
T set up for it.

T When you use RFC 2554 Authentication, you must supply a username and
T password to access the SMTP server. By checking the box Use Settings
T of Mail Retrieval you are telling TB to use the username and password
T that you have in the POP3 section as the username and password for RFC
T 2554 authentication when you are sending mail.  This saves you from
T having to type the info in twice.

T In some instances, you may have a different username and password for
T sending mail.  I actually use this feature quite a lot.  It's a long
T and boring story, so I'll spare you, but I have a backup e-mail server
T that I use to send mail only when my primary server is down. I just
T change smtp servers and check the Use specific settings and I am
T good to go.

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: SMTP authentication difficulty in The Bat

2003-07-24 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Alexander:

In the case of the Netscape mail client, I set the Outgoing server
name to the ChoiceMail proxy server: 127.0.01. I.e. not to the (direct
connection) SMTP address at SBC (DSL) that I was eventually forced to
use for The Bat.

In Netscape, along with that 127.0.01, I also provided the username
that corresponds to my DSL account at SBC. In the beginning Netscape
would also ask me for a password before proceeding, but eventually
that stopped -- likely after I adjusted cookie acceptance settings

It's as if this Netscape client can work with ChoiceMail (and SMTP) in
ways that The Bat cannot.

Here's one question I should have asked much earlier. SBC offers
support for customers using one of several (American) famous-name mail
clients but not The Bat. Is there one of those that closely resembles
The Bat for the purposes discussed above and over recent days?

Best regards,


A 23-Jul-2003 20:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 (You may remember that I could not achieve the necessary SMTP
 authentication while _sending mail_  from The Bat through ChoiceMail.)

A Just one question - the test mail you were sending with Netscape, did you
A send it through ChoiceMail, or directly to the SMTP server?

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: SMTP authentication difficulty in The Bat

2003-07-23 Thread David R. Austen
Hello Allie, MAU, Mary, Terry, Peter and Stefan:

Thank you for your kind assistance.

(You may remember that I could not achieve the necessary SMTP
authentication while _sending mail_  from The Bat through ChoiceMail.)

It looks like I MAY have solved the problem now, in 2 steps.

First, I set both Send and Receive Mail to the new (DSL) ISP: (Both hard worked fine before, set to
Choicemail's proxy server, 127.0.01.)

Sending mail now finally would work.

Second, I switched Receive Mail BACK to 127.0.01 (Choicemail)

Now, I apparently still have spam protection thanks to Choicemail AND
also outgoing SMTP authentication.

With many thanks,

David Austen

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: XML Address Book Format

2003-01-03 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Spike, all:

Obviously I know better than to use Outlook for email, but I still use
Outlook's address book and calendar etc. because these work so well with
my pocket PC.

1. So, am I still vulnerable in ways that you mention?

2. Does Norton AV not do an adequate job of detecting Bugbear and Yaha?

3. (I have no plans to use instant messaging. Thanks for reminding me
- WHY not!)


David Austen

Friday, January 03, 2003, 10:33:48 AM, you wrote:

S Hello M. Evans,

S On or about Thursday, January 02, 2003 at 12:17:36GMT -0700
S (which was 2:17 PM in the tropics where I live) M. Evans
S scribbled:

ME That strikes me as pretty preposterous.  XML files are ASCII
ME files and it would be awfully hard for a virus to hide in
ME one.

S ..and just as simple for a virus to READ and attack USING THEM...

S I wasn't saying anything about XML per-se. My point was that
S making an _Address Book_ more standard allows it to be targeted
S by any virus.  I have DELETED MS Outhouse AND the Windows Address
S Book {WAB} entirely from my system, due to this exact
S vulnerability.  I don't even run anti-virus anymore, as I can't
S stand the performance hit of 15-20% of my systems resources. I
S acquired and use TB! for the very reason that it is (thus far)
S immune to known viral attacks.

S I'm not stupid enough to execute any file that could be
S dangerous, which is the only way something arriving in my e-mail
S could do any damage while using TB!  If you foolishly allow
S BugBear or Yaha to somehow run on your system, it DOES target the
S TB! address book!  Fair warning!  I have worked on 32 systems
S this past week alone that are infected with Yaha, and three of
S them were TB! equipped systems, but the virus came in through AIM
S or MSN IM and were accepted and run by OPERATOR ERROR.

S BTW, SOPHOS has an automated removal tool for the YAHA virus at;


S It's a lot easier than the detailed instructions (3-5 printed
S pages) for removal offered by other AV vendors I have found. Just
S make sure you download it on an _UNINFECTED_ machine before you
S use it!!  It has saved me hours of registry editing and file
S search and deletion.  The only thing you have to do is delete the
S virus code from the ?:\Windows\System folder.

Best wishes,

David -- Web hosting for the creative industry

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Upgrading OS, adding a drive and downloading the latest Bat.

2002-12-05 Thread David R. Austen
Greetings, all:

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

I expect it will be a good idea to upgrade my PC (98SE) to XP in the
near future. At the same time, I want to upgrade my version of Bat; I
am still using v. 1.53d.

I am contemplating the following strategy: Have a new hard disk
installed (it would be D:) and use that new drive as the default drive
and boot XP each time.

My existing software would remain on the C drive, unless and until I
decide on the migration of some software. Eventually I would remove
the OS from that C drive.

But I think I would download and then install a late (latest beta?)
version of The Bat on the D: drive.

My intention is to minimize risk as much as possible -- as long as I
am going to the expense of buying an additional drive.

Thoughts, anybody?

Best regards,


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Tuning up: a standard template for replying to TBUDL posts

2002-11-05 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Thomas:

Thank you for this. I'll tune it up now.


TF Hello David,

TF On Sun, 3 Nov 2002 17:41:31 -0500 GMT (04/11/02, 05:41 +0700 GMT),
TF David R. Austen wrote:

DH -- ((this is two dashes then a space followed by a Return))
 Best regards,

 I hope this is fine. Thank you very much for your able coaching.

 Best regards,


TF It should be dashdashspaceenter. You left out the space at the
TF end.

TF To see the difference, hit the reply key on your message (everything
TF below this cut mark is still copied into the reply) and mine (the
TF reply is cut at the cut mark).

Best regards,


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: sorry about the top-post

2002-11-03 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Thomas:

Thank you very much. Your instructions were very clear -- and I broke
new ground today creating a special TBUDL Reply template that guards
against inadvertent top-posting.

Here it is, from TBUDL in my address book:

Hello, %OFromFName:

Best regards,


Best wishes,


Sunday, November 03, 2002, 12:58:40 AM, you wrote:
TF Hello David,

TF On Sat, 2 Nov 2002 07:30:20 -0500 GMT (02/11/02, 19:30 +0700 GMT),
TF David R. Austen wrote:

 This suggests I might want to create a special procedure for all
 replies to messages on this list.

TF If you do not use any special AB templates (and do not create folder
TF templates, which should be used in special circumstandes only), TB
TF will use the account templates. These contain the cut mark (a.k.a.
TF signature delimiter) already, so you don't really need to do anything
TF if you don't want to.

 Please, where do I start?

TF What I did, I created an addressbook entry for this list.

TF Addressbook icon / Create a new contact icon.

TF I filled in only two fields on the first tab:
TF Display name as: TBUDL
TF Email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TF (no quote marks, in both cases).

TF This is how you create a new entry. Now you want to create a special
TF template for replying to this list. You go to the Reply tab (still in
TF the addressbook), click opn [x] Use a specific and put your
TF template in there. It is blank now, so to start with, you can cp your
TF account template into it.

TF The account's reply template you'll find under Account / Properties /
TF Templates (click on the +) / Reply.

 (I know. This is a Bat101 question of course. I should know better.
 Just a couple of quick hints on strategy, please.)

TF The above should give you an idea. This is list is Bat101. Please
TF advise if you have further questions.

Best regards,

David -- Web hosting for the creative industry

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Tuning up: a standard template for replying to TBUDL posts

2002-11-03 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Dierk:

Sunday, November 03, 2002, 11:52:24 AM, you wrote:
DH Hello David!

DH On Sunday, November 3, 2002 at 5:39:09 PM you wrote:

DH the template below

DH Let`s refine that a little bit ((comments in double breaks)):

 Hello, %OFromFName:
DH   ((^ Why that?))

DH %QUOTES ((that puts the message you reply to in your reply))

DH %CURSOR ((putting you one line beneath the quoted material))
DH ((don`t forget to manually edit the citation))

DH -- ((this is two dashes then a space followed by a Return))
 Best regards,


I hope this is fine. Thank you very much for your able coaching.

Best regards,

David -- Web hosting for the creative industry

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: sorry about the top-post

2002-11-02 Thread David R. Austen
Friday, November 01, 2002, 7:07:06 PM, you wrote:

TM The one you want to watch out for is the 'Cut' mark. I think that is
TM part of the list rules... :-]


Hello, all:

This suggests I might want to create a special procedure for all
replies to messages on this list.

Please, where do I start?

(I know. This is a Bat101 question of course. I should know better.
Just a couple of quick hints on strategy, please.)



Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: very ot: what antivirus program?

2002-10-30 Thread David R. Austen
Hello, Barry2 and all:

I am successfully using Norton Anti-Virus and ChoiceMail (to catch
spam) with The Bat. NAV quarantines a worm or virus about once a day.

Only disappointment is that the NAV subscription price seems to have
(virtually) gone through the roof over the past year. Perhaps because
I just had to buy a whole new product from Norton, NAV 2002.

Your experiences with NAV anybody?

Best regards,


Wednesday, October 30, 2002, 2:05:17 PM, you wrote:
B Hello Melissa,

B Wednesday, October 30, 2002, 8:52:23 AM, you wrote:


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Inbox appears empty this morning

2002-09-11 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, all:

Tuesday, September 10, 2002, 2:47:20 PM, you wrote:
TF Hello David,

TF On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 11:04:43 -0400 GMT (10/09/02, 22:04 +0700 GMT),
TF David R. Austen wrote:

DRA Yesterday, I had a few problems with my system (Win98SE) and scan disk
DRA ran once or twice. When I powered up this morning the Bat's Inbox was
DRA completely empty. No other folder seems to have been affected;

TF I don't know whether Scandisk has the ability to make files disappear.
TF However, I had this problem once with a folder, and it turned out that
TF one message contained a virus - I had just updated my virus software
TF and the virus hadn't been caught before. PC-Cillin put the whole .tbb
TF file in quarantine.


TF Check whether this was the case.


I see many files were quarantined by NAV at 22:25 yesterday. NAV is
pretty active because it checks all e-mail, but this high number seems
quite unusual.

Still, the number is much smaller than the number of messages that are
missing. But you are suggesting I might just find one large file in
quarantine, eh? They are all numbered quarantined files (not named) so
I suppose it is difficult to ID them. Perhaps I could attempt repairs.

If I do a repair and restore, I suppose only **Inbox** will be
affected by restoring messages.tbi .tbb?

Thank you, Thomas, Roelof.

Best regards,


Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Inbox appears empty this morning

2002-09-11 Thread David R. Austen

Good morning, all:

Tuesday, September 10, 2002, 3:06:24 PM, Roelof wrote:
RO Hallo David,

RO Op dinsdag 10 september 2002, 19:06:28, schreef David R. Austen:

 I then renamed (and so hid) messages(no file extension). When the
 Bat restarted it did create another file with the name, messages.
 But that is also now still empty.

RO There ought to be two of those messages files, one with a tbi
RO extension and one with a tbb extension. If your explorer is set to
RO don't show extensions it should say something like TBB file in the
RO 'file-type' column.

Yes, it did and does show the file type. Cheers.

RO (I'm using a Dutch Windows version, so I'm
RO guessing about the English)

RO However, the only places where your messages can be within TB are the
RO messages.tbb and the Trash folder. Since you didn't mention trash, I
RO suppose there wasn't an extraordinary amount of messages.

Yes, good idea. I have now checked Trash and it seems quite normal -
just a few messages put there each day, and not those hundreds of
September messages that are now missing.

RO Therefore
RO the only place should be messages.tbb. My inbox contains about 150
RO undeleted and 900 deleted messages (that's why regularly compressing
RO is a good idea) and is about 22 MB.

Mine is 2.03 mb, this morning. (That's normal for just 1.5 days of

RO What's the size of your messages.tbb file (also the renamed one) that
RO ought to give you an idea about the number of messages, not counting
RO large attachments.

I found no .tbb file yesterday morning when I discovered my Inbox
empty. I then made a copy of the existing .tbi file (17kb). Now there
are two new files (tbi, tbb), and I am still receiving mail normally.

 Your question: If I am not mistaken, I have kept the Inbox set to
 compress the Inbox folder each time I quit The Bat. But I do not
 regularly compress the *other* mail folders.

RO Compressing the inbox on exit is a must, you can see that on mine. (I
RO do compress on exit) But you should consider it for all folders that
RO regularly have messages deleted.

OK. And my Inbox is still set to compress.

 Any other ideas about finding those hundreds of Inbox messages?

RO Scandisk creates file.chk ( is a four digit number) files in
RO the root when finding errors on a disk. You could try opening those.
RO When they're containing messages you'd see that soon enough, since TB
RO doesn't encode it's message base.

Finally, looking at Windows 98SE recycle bin, I see messages.tbi files
there three times. Once at 12:53 yesterday. Of course, I would never
put any messges files in recycle. I wonder what has happened 3x.

I appreciate your kind assistance here.

Best regards,



Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Inbox appears empty this morning

2002-09-10 Thread David R. Austen

Greetings, all:

Yesterday, I had a few problems with my system (Win98SE) and scan disk
ran once or twice. When I powered up this morning the Bat's Inbox was
completely empty. No other folder seems to have been affected; other
folders located beneath Inbox in the hierarchy are fine. I am also
able to successfully POP new mail this morning.

Refresh makes no difference. Can anybody suggest a plan to recover
that mislaid mail? I imagine it will be important to first isolate
the most recent e-mail (today's) before I go much further.

Thank you in advance,

David R. Austen

(Registered user, version 1.53d)

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Launch Failure

2002-07-17 Thread David R. Austen

Hello, Curt:

This won't help you now, but I notice that my local computer retailer
has stern warning for all who walk up to the counter.

They say there are numerous SW problems due to XP issues and that they
will not offer any SW support for boxes running XP. Even when they
have sold the box and software installed. It is a very generalized

Best regards,


Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 12:46:23 PM, you wrote:
C A bug report failed to get a response, so I'll see if anyone here has
C had this problem--and a solution:

C TheBat! refuses to launch under WinXPpro. The splash screen displays,
C TheBat! appears in the task bar, but both disappear after a few
C seconds, and TheBat! never completely starts. I had reinstalled 1.60c, installed 
1.60q--all with no
C improvement.

C Once was I would have this problem now and the--rebooting always
C solved it. Now it's a solid problem.

C Any ideas?

C TIA...

C Curt

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Bug Reports:

Disappearing mail from INbox

2001-11-13 Thread David R. Austen


When I last shut down my computer, it locked up, forcing me to quit
with a Ctrl-Alt-Del.

Starting it up this morning, I find that everything has disappeared
from my IN box. (Only this morning's new mail is there now.)

Any clues as to where I should begin looking for those hundreds of

Thank you,



Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web hosting for savvy photographers


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Re[2]: Disappearing mail from INbox

2001-11-13 Thread David R. Austen

Hello Syafril,

Thanks so very much. I'll try this today.


Tuesday, November 13, 2001, 6:40:38 AM, you wrote:

SH On  Tue, 13 Nov 2001 at 06:36:44 GMT -0500 (13/11/2001 18:36 where you
SH think I live) DavidR.Austen=[DRA]wroteto

DRA When I last shut down my computer, it locked up, forcing me to quit
DRA with a Ctrl-Alt-Del.

SH Sometimes, this action makes message index courupted :-(

DRA Starting it up this morning, I find that everything has disappeared
DRA from my IN box. (Only this morning's new mail is there now.)

SH Check out your inbox folder, any *.temp there ?
SH TB!  having facility self correction, you must wait a moment while TB!
SH reindexing the messages.

DRA Any clues as to where I should begin looking for those hundreds of
DRA messages?

SH Fast route, try as follows:
SH - quit TB!
SH - using Windows Explorer copy all files from Inbox folder to temporary
SH   folder.
SH - Delete file messages.tbi
SH - Run TB! again

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web hosting for savvy photographers


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Re: OT: Malaysian?

2001-11-11 Thread David R. Austen

Hello Karin,

You can be certain that it is either Malaysian or Indonesian.


Saturday, November 10, 2001, 8:53:00 PM, you wrote:

KS Sorry for this off-topic message, but quite a number of
KS langages are being spoken here, and I'd like some help. I
KS got a message that I can't read:

KShai maya
KSsaya sangat minat bila maya senyum
KSdi harap senyum selalu

KS It might even be spam, but it doesn't look like it. No ads,
KS no url...

KS - K -

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Web hosting for savvy photographers


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re: computer freezes during check mail

2001-09-08 Thread David R. Austen

Hello ::Andrew::,

Friday, September 07, 2001, 7:57:10 PM, you wrote:

A Hash: SHA1

A Hello tbudl,

A   Perhaps I'm still on a slightly older version of TB! but I've
A   noticed increasingly that when TB check mails the whole pc freezes
A   for about 4 seconds. Anyone else noticed that?

That also happens when I launch my dialup, without TB running.

In my case, TB seemed to be the application that most often (but not
exclusively) caused my pentium to freeze and crash. I eliminated the
difficulty by uninstalling almost all of Norton System works.

I was happy to do that because NSW affected much more than TB. (Now I
am looking for advice on reinstalling some of NSW, in a more usable

David Austen

A - --
A Best regards,
A  ::Andrew::  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
A   London UK


A Using   The   Bat!  1.53d  on  Windows 98 4.10   Build    A

A Version: PGP 6.5i

A iQA/AwUBO5le1yaOomOViTk3EQJhIQCeNkQ0rQTMm2hpfaB2s8sS7Ybcm4wAoMKO
A YF7BBgbWaGoy7FPwvpZCg36/
A =5Ldl

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re[3]: Virus

2001-09-06 Thread David R. Austen

Hello Raj,

Wednesday, September 05, 2001, 11:24:29 PM, you wrote:

R For  everybody information : I just ran Mcafee on TB specifically and my entire 
Hard Disk.
R Glad to report that no Virus was detected in TB (or my machine)

And I received this message from somebody yesterday who received mail
from me on a list I use. I never send attachments to that list and it
is exceedingly rare for me to accept an attachment.

Tic * eManager Notification **
Tic Tic Recipient, Content filter has detected a message potentially containing a
Tic Melissa virus.
Tic Destination mailbox(es): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But then Norton AV found me to be clean, too.  What gives

David Austen.

Bat 1.53d

Tic * eManager Notification **

Tic Recipient, Content filter has detected a message potentially containing a
Tic Melissa virus.

Tic Destination mailbox(es): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re[2]: The Sent Folder

2001-09-04 Thread David R. Austen

Hello Dierk, and all:

Tuesday, September 04, 2001, 3:03:46 PM, you wrote:

(Warning: This message is virtually a new topic.)

I guess there are good reasons why people would not want to keep these
SENT messages. But I find them very useful.

Sometimes I change (improve) the subject line and then the SENT
messages allow me to find a topic more easily.

Also, the SENT messages often are more or less equal to a subset of
the most important or personal messages I receive, because I
acknowledge them.

And of course only this folder contains everything I have written myself.

When I have lost other folders in the past (due to a bug??) the sent
folder constituted a very important backup collection.

I would be interested to hear how others (who want to keep all SENT
messages) handle such messages, using filtering or other procedures.

Indeed, if there were just one folder I would keep forever it might
be the SENT folder contents.

David Austen

DH That's what I do for some messages. Complimentary I have set the Sent
DH folder to delete messages after two days.

DH - --
DH Dierk Haasis

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re[2]: Calendar To Do program with the Bat?

2001-09-04 Thread David R. Austen

Hello Chema,

Tuesday, September 04, 2001, 4:02:47 PM, you wrote:

CB Last  time  I  saw it, Palm Desktop was free-download, although theory
CB says it must only be used with Palm devices

This intrigued me, so I went there to see.  And found this:

Palm Desktop 4.0.1 installer only supports handhelds from Palm, Inc.

It seems they are saying not to try to use with a cheap generic
device. But, let me assume that all Palm functionality should also be available on
*any* *desktop* computer that supports the cradle. Thoughts?

Anybody know why this is not a viable sample for us, before we buy
a device from Palm?  Frankly, I am not sure there is a role for a Palm
or any other PDA in my life. But this might actually be a good selling
tool for Palm, aimed at skeptics. Like me.

I'll let you know what I find and experience. Others with comments?



CB I actually use it as my contact manager, right-clicking on contacts to
CB send mail with TB.

CB --
CB Chema Berian 
CB Spanish GDUTB Moderator  
CB Subscriptions: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

CB Using The Bat! 1.53o on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

CB TB  Tip  of  the  Moment: The little arrow in the corner of envelope
CB of a message means that the message has been replied. You can quickly
CB find the reply by pressing Ctrl+Backspace.

CB PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Re[2]: Not to me filters

2001-08-29 Thread David R. Austen

Hello Nick,

Wednesday, August 29, 2001, 1:33:05 PM, you wrote below:

presence of the letter e anywhere,

Now this piece puzzles me.



NA Hello Tim,

NA On Wednesday, August 29, 2001, at 9:31:11 PM -0700, you wrote:

 So should the filtering strings contain

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] recipient   no
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] recipient   no
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] recipient   no
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] recipient   no

 So it will match on Not to email1 AND not to email2 AND not to email3 AND not to

NA I think it's preferable if you set up a filter, close to the top of the
NA Filter List, that catches all the E-Mail that includes those addresses
NA and filters those messages to their correct Folders. Then, as the very
NA last Filter in your List, you compose a Spam Filter that will look for
NA the presence of the letter e anywhere, and have those messages
NA filtered into a Spam Folder.

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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New install in a new machine: moving or copying message folders?

2001-08-12 Thread David R. Austen

Hello TBUDL,

  Some weeks ago, I moved to another computer, with The Bat.

  I would like to learn how to copy over some of the folders of
  messages left behind on the old machine, but not every folder.

  I have attempted this and have experimented for some time but
  nothing seems to work for me. Does anybody know the trick?

  BTW, I have not attempted to create a new, additional user account
  or message base.
  After upgrading to v. 1.35, the main user account in the old
  machine would stop The Bat from launching, and so I eventually did a
  new install of 1.53d. in a new machine.

  Thank you in advance,

  David Austen




Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: ALL MAIL in my BAT InBox has disappeared (except very latest download)

2001-06-25 Thread David R. Austen

Thank you Nick, and Marck,

Monday, June 25, 2001, 2:35:06 PM, you wrote:

NA Hash: SHA1

NA On Monday, June 25 2001 at 11:22 AM PST, David Robert Austen wrote:

 What is the world can be going on with The Bat here in my sys?
 Everything in my BAT InBox has disappeared again (except very latest

NA What have you selected under View/Display?

Thank you, Nick.  Good question.

I have checked View/Display in recent days. It has been kept set to
All Messages.

By any means, I have just finally succeeded in reloading The Bat. I
only succeeded in doing that after uninstalling the previous install
of The Bat.

Thank you for your kind response.


Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Bat nearly done in after disk defragmentation

2000-10-04 Thread David R. Austen

This morning (after months of successful use) I experienced a substantial 
problem with The Bat.

The Bat worked just fine for months, until I defragmented my hard drive 
yesterday. Can anybody shed some light on this?

This message was displayed this morning:

"Exception Eaddress violation in module THEBAT.EXE at 0018F5B7.
Access violation at address 005907FB. Read of address . "

I attempted a reinstall and then a (new) install in a different directory 
and finally I think I have it working, but I am not yet able to get access 
to my existing mail folders and messages. (Fortunately, I have been 
carefully backing them up.)

At this point the solution seems to be a matter of adding that original 
User (and folders) as a new User I have created in the new installation of 
The Bat. (Or just choosing the "old" User instead of the new one.)

Can anybody shed some light on this?

Thank you.

David Austen

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