Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-13 Thread Thomas F

Hi Roberto,

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 23:55:58 -0800GMT (13/12/2001, 15:55 +0800GMT),
Roberto Machorro wrote:

RM I thought the calculator and sp where a joke, that some people where
RM joking about it... Is it for real?

They are indeed implemented in the current beta. However, the code is
very small and it does therefore not qualify as bloat.



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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-13 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Thomas!

On 13 Dec 2001 at 08:18:52 you wrote:

 It is happening. Stefan announced a short while ago he was writing on
 the newsreader. The way I understand it, it will be a plug-in, though.
 You don't need to load it if you don't want to use it. I for my part
 will. ;-)

And here we are back to the main criticism by Remi: The general
overhaul for more flexibility.

As long as features like newsreader capabilities (and I concur that
there is not much missing in TB! to get it going) are plug-ins and
optionally installable, everything is fine.

I am still a bit irritated by software companies that have a fine
niche product deciding to make it more versatile. Most often this
results in superfluous, half-ridden features that other software
handles much better. That's why I don't use Agent for e-mail -
although I tried for some weeks parallel to Eudora.

Just read a review of CorelDraw 10 (which is always marketed together
with PhotoPaint) in which the author points out the redundant bitmap
processing capabilities of Draw - and right he is.

- --
Dierk Haasis

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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-13 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Thomas!

On 13 Dec 2001 at 09:12:28 you wrote:

 They are indeed implemented in the current beta. However, the code is
 very small and it does therefore not qualify as bloat.

Don't you think that many small items abound to bigness? Bloat is
not about the amount of code, but the usefulness in a context.
therefore the calculator and the SmartPad are bloat - at the moment.

And I'd rather have seen some bugfixes instead.

- --
Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

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Science is the art of the soluble. (Sir Peter Medawar)

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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-13 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Thomas!

On 13 Dec 2001 at 08:23:49 you wrote:

 No, I think v2.0 might humbly be called v1.54.

Maybe the main problem lies with the continual development . We are
accustomed to pay for even minor steps up every year with major
companies' software, i.e. MS Word2K-XP or CorelDraw 9-10.

Small companies and single developers (shareware) tend to improve
their products constantly, examples are RITLabs, Jens Fangmeier
(Feurio!). They also use the originally intended version numbering
scheme. Some products seem to never even get to a release number
(1.0), i.e. Exact Audio Copy or Mozilla.

Now, since major revisions (1.x-2.x) usually go hand in hand with new
pricing and an upgrade fee it can be quite unnerving to hear that TB!
1.54 could be the first 2.0.

Fangmeier some weeks ago announced a 2.0 version of Feurio! for the
near future, telling us that 1.xx will not be developed further except
for some driver fixes. He also told us that we won't have to pay an
upgrade fee.

All this therefore comes back to RITLabs' marketing, and as long as I
don't get paid for it I won't tell them in that department. ;-))

 If you get your climax from a version number, we are different. I
 get mine from functionality and, well, the interface. [Remark: This
 last sentence is a lie. I do have a social life, with real people in
 the Real World®. g]

So in real life you won't get off* on functionality and interface? Are
you sure you do live in the real world, or do you actually mean the
world created by a software company called RealMedia? ;-)

*To the moderators: Sorry, I couldn't resist.

- --
Dierk Haasis

PGP keys available: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys

The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Don't let a little dispute injure a friendship.

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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-13 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Januk,

On 13 December 2001 at 20:15:15 [GMT-0800] (which was 04:15 where I
live) Januk Aggarwal wrote to Rémi Pach and made these points:

 2. I have not heard RITLabs make any comment that 1.54 will be
released as V.2.  I have also not heard them say that 1.54 is even
close to being ready for release.  Everything I've heard in that
regard is speculation or extrapolation of comments made by RITLabs.

Although the announcement was not made publicly by RITlabs, I was told
this as a fact by Max in Cologne in November. I kept it as a
confidence until Marek Mikus (also present at the meeting) made it
public as a part of the write up of the User Group meeting.

 I hate to ruin the party, but, it's only software.

What do you mean only ;-) LOL.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: /
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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-13 Thread Allie C Martin

@ 15:23:49 +0800 [ Thu, 13 Dec 2001], Thomas F [TF] contributed this
to our collective wisdom:
TF No, I think v2.0 might humbly be called v1.54.

Exactly so. A typical company would have had TB! at about version 6 if
they'd done the sort of development and enhancements that I've seen
since using TB!. Ritlabs will do major changes and then move from
v1.xy to 1.x(y+1).

Sometimes I wonder if this is wise. It will make users uninterested in
upgrades or give them the impression that there's nothing much added
and that it's just a bug fix release or something. I tend to be like
that with software that I don't really follow because incremental
movement in version numbers are usually associated with only minor

TF As already outlined by others, I believe that many (not few) of
TF the major innovations promised for v2 have already been
TF implemented in the current versions (including beta). If you get
TF your climax from a version number, we are different. I get mine
TF from functionality and, well, the interface.


Software produces climax.

TF [Remark: This last sentence is a lie. I do have a social life,
TF with real people in the Real World®. g]

Yes, but does TB! give you climaxes?? ;-)


I concur with Marck and Januk that their development course has been
impressive though the progress of version numbering has been a MOST
humble one considering all the enhancements and improved functionality
since v1.31 when I came on board.

Of course, I'm supposed to be one of the biased ones as well, right. I
don't think so. If I saw another e-mail program that worked better for
me then I'd be *gone*.

©Allie C Martin  --  List Moderator and fellow end-user
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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-13 Thread Allie C Martin

@ 06:58:27 -0500 [ Thu, 13 Dec 2001], Allie C Martin [ACM] contributed
this to our collective wisdom:
ACM I concur with Marck and Januk that their development course has been
ACM impressive...  ^
chuckle This should have
been 'TB!'s' and not 'their'.

 |  ©Allie Martin - Moderator
 |  TB! v1.54 Beta/15  Win2K SP2
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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Rémi,

On 12 December 2001 at 16:49:09 [GMT+0200] (which was 14:49 where I
live) Rémi Pach wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these

RP Let me quote:

If you really want to, you're welcome, but the truth is, time has
passed and the best laid plans of mice and men Reality caught up
and the goalposts have moved in the time that has gone between the
interview and the development schedule. I can easily understand and
accept that. What's more, not *all* of the intended facilities will be
in V2.0. Many will not appear until V2.1. That's not unacceptable nor
even anything other than a computer industry norm.

RP Version 2 will have an alternative editor which will be fully
RP compatible with Windows editors, but it will have extra features
RP like optional virtual space. It might even just be a plugin.

This goal has been replaced by the need to support HTML authoring. The
new editor will have to support that first and foremost. I don't know
if the plan is to support additional options to pander to those with a
virtual space phobia. It may. I doubt that it will be a plug in.

RP We are planning to make the Linux version when Delphi for Linux
RP will be available (this year, as promised by Inprise, Inc).


RP Plugins: Yes, that is true. It will be possible to extend The
RP Bat! using DLLs AND scripts.

Not yet done, but part of the V2 development curve.

RP Almost everything will be plug-in/script driven (menu items,
RP toolbar buttons, macros, filter actions etc. included).

Not the way it worked out (shrug).

RP Non-fixed-width font: Yes.


RP Redefinable shortcuts: Yes.

To be done.

RP PGP: PGP messages will be handled in a completely different way
RP :-) (whatever that was supposed to mean).


RP Encryption of attachments to encypted e-mails: Yes.

S/MIME covers that for now. Because of the uncertain future of PGP,
the lack of a PGP v7 SDK, the poor cooperation available from the Gnu
clique and GPG, PGP/MIME support is still on the wish list.

RP Newsreader: We still have not decided on what it will look like -
RP as a plug-in or as a built-in function...

I have no idea what is happening with that.

RP Scripting: I guess, we will end up making it possible to add a
RP script language plug-in so users can choose what scripting
RP language they'd like to use :-)

Instead, the Macro language has been beefed up and the filter system
is turning into something that looks like a scripting engine.

RP Hooks for virus scanning: Yes.

This is done.

RP Improvement of IMAP 4 support: Yes.

:-) This one's a bit of a problem child. There's a bit of a mismatch
between the goals of an extreme off-line client like TB and the
on-line folder management requirements of pure IMAP4. I really don't
know what I'd do as a software engineer given the choice of keeping
the integrity of the local mail management facilities and having to
support remote mail management for IMAP. It's a rock and a hard
place issue.

RP Words, of course, are cheap. If version 2 can be defined from the
RP above, we are still very far from v2!...

I couldn't disagree more. You are completely wrong. More than 50% of
the goals you have listed above have been met. That doesn't constitute
far off. You have also edited out the list of features you know have
already been met - that puts it closer still. Of the others some
features have been either written off or postponed but remain part of
the V2 development curve.

RP I am not running the current beta, so I may be missing a few
RP things,

More than a few. Before writing at such length, perhaps you should
have looked?

RP but all in all it looks like TB's development is not following any
RP well-defined path and the revolutionary V2 will be a mere
RP offspring of v1.53 with a few gimmicks, including (lo and behold)
RP a calculator and a scratchpad!

Your cynicism is noted but not warranted.

 The truth is that 1.54 is almost certain to be released as the
 first V2 early next year.

RP Strange. V2 had been announced as being built from the group up:

 Q: v2.0 is rumored to have been built from the ground up (not from
version 1.x), is this true?

 R: Well, almost. There are only a few things that will not change too

Well almost. You call that announced, do you? I think not.
Besides, much has actually /been/ re-written from the ground up. The
message base handling (1.42), the sorting office (1.54), the message
viewer (1.54), the HTML rendering engine (1.54), an editor (1.54). The
truth remains that 1.53 contained many V2 features already. Many more
have been added to make a preliminary v2 release set.

 That was nearly two years ago... I rest my case.

You do. Not very strong, is it? g

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: /
 \ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0  |  www: 

Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread Bernhard Kohl


 In an interview with Stefan Tanurkov published on your web site at, the author himself
 announced the following features and the imminence of the first beta
 release (that was in January 2000). Let me quote:

 Plugins: Yes, that is true. It will be possible to extend The Bat!
 using DLLs AND scripts.

 Scripting: I guess, we will end up making it possible to add a script
 language plug-in so users can choose what scripting language they'd
 like to use :-)

Yes, please!

Bernhard Kohl


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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread Peter Meyns

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 21:30:27 +0200GMT (which was 20:30 +0100GMT where I live),
Rémi Pach thought about Just curious why  and wrote:

 I couldn't disagree more. You are completely wrong. More than 50% of
 the goals you have listed above have been met. That doesn't
 constitute far off.

RP It does because the things that have *not* been implemented are
RP precisely those that would have made TB v2 radically different from TB
RP as it was in 2000.

Hi Rémi,

why do you need a radically different mail agent? I'm very content that TB!
is continuously improved. ;o)

RP I won't argue with you. You appear to be biased.

Maybe I'm biased too. But if I am it is because I like the development I
see with TB!. :o)

- --

This message was created using The Bat!, version 1.54 Beta/15,
under Windows 98, 4, 10, build 67766222,
on a Pentium II machine at 200MHz, 64 MB RAM :-)
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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread Peter Meyns

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 22:01:02 +0200GMT (which was 21:01 +0100GMT where I live),
Rémi Pach thought about Just curious why  and wrote:

 why do you need a radically different mail agent? I'm very content
 that TB! is continuously improved. ;o)

RP I am also happy overall with TB as it is.
RP ...
RP There is a sense of anticlimax.

RP Nothing more, nothing less ;-)

Yes, Rémi, I see. I haven't been around with TB! so long (my first version
was 1.49), so it may very well be that expectations were higher then than
they are now... So I can understand your disappointment.

Btw. funny way of dutaint's working: I didn't receive my message that you
replied to yet, but I received your reply... ;)
- --
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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Rémi,

Historians believe that Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at 22:01 GMT
+0200 was when, Rémi Pach [RP] typed the following:

RP I am also happy overall with TB as it is. Don't get me wrong.

Your posts suggest that you are very discontented.  Perhaps it is
because your posts haven't mentioned any *good* things about TB or
it's development.  They seem to be biased towards the negative.

RP I don't need anything radically different.

Then why the fuss?

RP It's just that after all the hype about v2, and all the promises
RP that were made, it looks like we are going to end up with a 1.54
RP version pompously called 2.0 but that will have *very* few of the
RP major innovations promised for v2.

How did you come to that conclusion?

1. You've stated that you haven't tried the beta series.  As Marck
   said, many things have been completely rewritten.  Add up all the
   changes that have occurred since the interview and the current beta
   and you'd see that we have seen a *lot* of what was promised.
   Sure, you can pick your pet example of what has *not* been done
   yet, but why don't you look at what has been done instead?  It
   helps keep the stress meter down.  ;-)

2. I have not heard RITLabs make any comment that 1.54 will be
   released as V.2.  I have also not heard them say that 1.54 is even
   close to being ready for release.  Everything I've heard in that
   regard is speculation or extrapolation of comments made by RITLabs.

3. Don't forget, a lot of that hype was not generated by RITLabs.
   Most of it was from enthusiastic users. :-)

RP There is a sense of anticlimax.

I hate to ruin the party, but, it's only software.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread James Senick


Wednesday, December 12, 2001, 9:49:30 PM, Roberto wrote:

RP Newsreader: We still have not decided on what it will look like -
RP as a plug-in or as a built-in function...
MDP I have no idea what is happening with that.

Roberto I *really* hope it doesn't happen. If TB is a MUA, it should be just
Roberto that. If people want a newsreader, it should be a separate client.
Roberto Doing one thing and doing it right is what has taken TB to where it
Roberto is: The best (POP3) e-mail client this side of the galaxy.

  I very much look forward to newsreader capability in TB.  But I
understand your counter to that as well.  Perhaps it's just
the wish that all of one's communications tools could perform
like TB that is intriguing.
Best regards,

theBat! version 1.54 Beta/9
Windows Windows NT 5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2


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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread Nick Andriash

Hello Roberto Machorro,

On Wednesday, December 12 2001 at 06:49 PM PDT, you wrote:

 RP Almost everything will be plug-in/script driven (menu items,
 RP toolbar buttons, macros, filter actions etc. included).
 MDP Not the way it worked out (shrug).
 Good. I know most TB users are 'power users', but adding full
 configurability also adds bloat and slows things down. I prefer being
 able to have a powerfull e-mail client that runs on my beat up 486 as
 well as my new PIII.

Negative! I don't want someone else dictating to me what icons I have to
work with. I and many others would much rather have the ability to
configure TB! to our own needs, and I'm sure RITLabs can do so without
adding bloat. What adds bloat... and something you failed to mention...
are things like a calculator and scratch pad. 


-=N.J. Andriash | Courtenay, B.C. Canada=-
   Win 98SE | PGP 7.1 | Becky v2.00.07


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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-12 Thread Thomas F

Hi Roberto,

On Wed, 12 Dec 2001 18:49:30 -0800GMT (13/12/2001, 10:49 +0800GMT),
Roberto Machorro wrote:

RM You mean that there is a TB running natively under Linux as we read
RM this e-mail? (beta or whatever)

Not quite yet. TB is being recoded from Delphi 2 to Delphi 6,
module-by-module (that is part of the current beta series). Once this
is completed, it can be compiled for Linux.

RP Newsreader: We still have not decided on what it will look like -
RP as a plug-in or as a built-in function...

MDP I have no idea what is happening with that.

RM I *really* hope it doesn't happen.

It is happening. Stefan announced a short while ago he was writing on
the newsreader. The way I understand it, it will be a plug-in, though.
You don't need to load it if you don't want to use it. I for my part
will. ;-)

FWIW I was initially against a TB-newsreader, too. However, I read
very little news, and I used to have a unix shell account with my ISP.
My newsreader was tin. For security reasons, they have now
discontinued shell access. I had the choice of a number of recommended
newsreaders, but I would rather read my few newsgroups in TB.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste. Anmeldung unter:

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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-08 Thread Don Zeigler

On 12/7/2001, Marc van Breemen wrote:

 I'm a former Calypso user which is, as you maybe know, now orphaned
 by the owner. So let's say it's dead. Now I am looking for the best
 replacement. Two email clients are left in my search: Becky and The
 Bat. Both are extremely good.

Greetings, fellow former Calypso user!

 BUT: I want a email client that will last for a long long time. I
 don't want to start using a email client again that will be
 discontinued at some time. Can I rely on RitLabs that they introduce
 The Bat version 2 in the very near future? They are building it for
 more than two years now. Still no beta to see, that is not really

It doesn't bother me that much -- TB does what I need it to do for
now, any any new features, to me, are nothing but gravy. I'll agree
that the pace of development has been a little slow, but they are a
small company. I also believe that they don't follow the oft-used
practice of releasing new versions that are often little more than
betas, and letting the public at large be unwitting beta testers (can
anyone say Microsoft?).

 MCS, the former developer of Calypso, also promised to introduce new
 versions and then suddenly pulled the plug out; because: You can't
 beat Outlook. Why wouldn't this happen with The Bat? Why not?.

I've heard different stories about why MCS pulled the plug on Calypso.
Judging from posts made by Calypso tech support to the Calypso email
list I belonged to, they were pretty much caught by surprise by the
decision to discontinue the product.

 Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like
 common folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are
 very (I hope) busy with finishing (I hope) version 2.? If I were
 them I put all my effort in completing version 2 and, besides
 solving the serious bugs, quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell
 me, why not?

I think it's a convenient way to get early test results on features
planned for v2.0. As I understand from my brief time on this list,
v2.0 is going to be a major rewrite. By putting new features in the
current 1.x series they can get feedback on problems, etc, before
introducing the features into 2.0. This way their users will get a
more stable v2.0 right off the bat (no pun intended).
Don Zeigler
...Bother, said Pooh as Piglet came back from the dead.

Irritating tagline brought to you by The Bat! 1.53d
at 10:09:17 AM on Saturday, December 08, 2001


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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-08 Thread Nils Haag (mailing lists)

Hello Marc, hi list,
On Friday, December 07, 2001 'Marc van Breemen' wrote:

 Can I rely on RitLabs that they introduce The Bat version 2 in the
 very near future?

I don't belive it will be finished within the next three or four
months. but really nobody knows that exactly. Probably even ritlabs
doesn't know.

 They are building it for more than two years
 now. Still no beta to see, that is not really promising. 
 Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like common
 folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are very (I hope) busy
 with finishing (I hope) version 2.? If I were them I put all my
 effort in completing version 2 and, besides solving the serious bugs,
 quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell me, why not?

Why is everyone so focused to the version 2? If a program works well
and solves all my problems it can be a version 0.1, version 0.9 or
10,000. And if I don't like a program and they call it version 2000
XL, it won't become better!
So be happy about a great mail-client in version 1.xx!


Using The Bat! 1.53t on Windows 98 4.90 Build 3000

   Sorry if my English is not that well. But it is not my
  first language. Hope you understand what I wanted to say.  


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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-08 Thread Allie C Martin

@ 10:17:51 -0500 [ Sat, 8 Dec 2001], Don Zeigler [DZ] wrote these
words of wisdom:
DZ It doesn't bother me that much -- TB does what I need it to do for
DZ now, any any new features, to me, are nothing but gravy. I'll
DZ agree that the pace of development has been a little slow,

I disagree here and am of the view that the pace of TB! development
has been very quick. A LOT has happened to TB! since I started using
it in 1999 and the version then was 1.31 (I think).:-) It's just that
the version numbers have been going up in much smaller increments when
compared to other software undergoing similar enhancement/development.
For example, when the message base format for TB! was changed, the
version number moved from v1.41 to v1.42. When the interface got a
face lift in terms of the consolidation of options and the CC, the
version number jumped from 1.52 to 1.53. There are numerous other
examples of major enhancements being reflected by small increases in
version number including:

Numerous new macros and making macro recursive.

Message List Colouring

Backup/Restore and Synchronising functionality

GnuPG Support

Message memos.

Source viewer

Kill-filter revamping

There are even more radical enhancements that are being tested in the
v1.54 betas and this is only a move from v1.53.

So, if you're going to assess development based on version numbering.
you'll be sorely disappointed. Though v2 has been long in coming, I've
been quite content since development has certainly progressed in the
interim. Many are however impatient because v2 is slated to have some
important interface enhancements such as customisable toolbars,
remappable keyboard shortcuts, an alternate editor, plug-in support
among other things.

 |  ©Allie Martin - Moderator
 |  TB! v1.54 Beta/15  Win2K SP 2
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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-08 Thread Marck D Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Allie,

On 08 December 2001 at 12:47:15 [GMT-0500] (which was 17:47 where I
live) Allie C Martin wrote to Don Zeigler on TBUDL and made these

ACM Many are however impatient because v2 is slated to have some
ACM important interface enhancements such as customisable toolbars,
ACM remappable keyboard shortcuts, an alternate editor, plug-in
ACM support among other things.

The truth is that 1.54 is almost certain to be released as the first
V2 early next year. It will only contain a completion of the feature
set we're already testing for that release and /possibly/ a gesture in
the direction of customisable toolbars. The other features you list,
although generally hinted at being slated for V2, probably won't see
the light of day until around v2.1. There is a credibility issue in
saying This is V2, since a major percentage of the features
originally promised for that version will have been implemented and
tested piecemeal in the V1 series. RIT have already suffered enough
skepticism for not having released V2 after having first discussed the
feature set for it nearly two years ago.

The main icing on the cake features above and beyond what's there
now will be (AFAICS) new sorting office, new HTML renderer, new editor
with HTML authoring (don't yell at me; it's not my fault; blame the
magazines that mark TB down in the reviews for not having it - do you
want RITlabs to survive or not? even though the rest of the world is
just beginning to realize that HTML mail is actually a BAAAD thing
(tm) - I'm certainly not going to be using it), global folders,
customisable toolbars (in theory) plus the stuff we already have - CC,
GPG, new mailbase. Oh yes. You already said that. And it's already
been rebuilt using Delphi 6 which means that they're getting ready to
port to Linux soon after.

Anyway. This is mostly on good authority rather than conjecture.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
\ BrainStorm - free thinking - www: /
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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-07 Thread Dwight A Corrin

On 7  Dec 2001, 1:40:12 PM, Marc van Breemen wrote:

 Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like
 common folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are
 very (I hope) busy with finishing (I hope) version 2.? If I were
 them I put all my effort in completing version 2 and, besides
 solving the serious bugs, quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell
 me, why not?

It's been suggested on the Beta list that current development is beta
testing of version 2.

Dwight A. Corrin
P O Box 47828
Wichita KS 67201-7828
316.263.9706  fax 316.263.6385
Using The Bat! 1.54 Beta/15 on Windows NT version 5,1


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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-07 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Dwight!

On 7  Dec 2001 at 20:52:07 you wrote:

 It's been suggested on the Beta list that current development is beta
 testing of version 2.

To clarify, Maxim seems to have told in Cologne that v.2 is under way
for the early months (even January) of 2002. Since it has long been
known that 2 will be in Delphi 6 and the current beta series is
essentially a test for 1.xx ported to Delphi and a new HTML rendering
engine - with some new features implemented and some hints for new
features some of conjectured we may be testing betas for version 2.

When I wrote it replying to a message by Marck it was half jokingly.

- --
Dierk Haasis

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The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others;
Responsibility for your actions.

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Re: Just curious why ....

2001-12-07 Thread Dierk Haasis

Hash: SHA1

Hello Marc!

On 7  Dec 2001 at 20:40:12 you wrote:

 BUT: I want a email client that will last for a long long time. I don't
 want to start using a email client again that will be discontinued at
 some time. Can I rely on RitLabs that they introduce The Bat version 2
 in the very near future?

TB! like Opera has been around quite a while now, is definitely
developing and is not just technologically but also marketingwise
promising. In short: It seems to get off the ground just now.

That does mean that RITLabs may actually live from their sales, which
would mean TB! will be around quite a while.

All this is pure conjecture, nobody can be sure how long a software
product - or any other - will be around. Agent has been called dead
for years and it is still alive and kicking (there's even a beta for
version 1.9).

 MCS, the former developer of Calypso, also promised to introduce new
 versions and then suddenly pulled the plug out; because: You can't beat
 Outlook. Why wouldn't this happen with The Bat? Why not?.

THe question for me is, does a product fit my needs? At the current
stage I won't abandon either Opera or TB! or Agent just because it is
discontinued (neither is). All have there shortcomings but all do what
I want for a broad spectrum. I'd look for replacements when something
comes up which is not supported. In TB!'s case it would be, for
instance, IMAP. Should I need it and TB! can't offer, I'd have to

 Can anybody explain me why RitLabs introduces new features (like common
 folders) in an 'old' version (version 1.xx) when they are very (I hope) busy
 with finishing (I hope) version 2.? If I were them I put all my
 effort in completing version 2 and, besides solving the serious bugs,
 quit developing version 1. Why not? Tell me, why not?

They work like it should be, while developing the new version they put
in suitable features for testing purposes into the current series. One
of the great advantages of small companies and shareware is the
continuos developing cycle. Not like MS or Corel, were users get a few
big bug fixes/patches and once in a year they have to depart from a
big amount of cash to get the one new feature they need.

The problem of how to handle version 1 has been discussed a few times.
How about this argument: Why should I buy v.2 when v.1 is enough for
me? Just for the bug fixes, which won't be done any longer in v.1,
because it is discontinued in favour of v.2? This, BTW, was a very big
issue in Opera newsgroups.

Seriously, does TB! currently fit your needs? Are there any
outstanding features essential for you? If you answer yes for the
second question you should be worried about continuation. Ask about
the feature and we may be able to help you get off your worries.

A personal comment: I am of the impression RITLabs does a great job
not just in programming but also in continuity, marketing, service and
customer relation. I trust they will be around for some years with
their main product. But I do say the same for ...

Hope that helped a bit.

- --
Dierk Haasis

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The Bat 1.54 Beta/14 on Windows 95 4.0 67306684 C

A great truth is a statement whose opposite is also a great truth.
(Niels Bohr)

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