Re: [tw5] Excise button is available only when content type is not set

2018-07-16 Thread talha131

Thank you Jeremy.

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[tw5] Re: How to extract part of a field and sort extracted stuff

2018-07-16 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Mark,

> I was looking at the each code to see if I could make an "each string" 
> macro. It turns out that there is an undocumented feature in the *each* 
> filter. A list like this:
> <$list filter="[has[veld]regexps:veld[(C\d\d\d)]each:value[title]sort[]]" 
> variable="code">
> May do what you want without having to create those extra tiddlers. 
Yes! It works without the extra tiddlers.

Thank you so much.



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Re: [tw5] Excise button is available only when content type is not set

2018-07-16 Thread Jeremy Ruston
Hi Talha

> On 16 Jul 2018, at 17:14, talha131  wrote:
> Excise is a useful for all types of content type. What should I do to enable 
> it for all content type? Or is it a bug?

I’m afraid it is a bug, already fixed for 5.1.18 here:

Best wishes


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[tw5] Re: [Opinion] Is TW's flexibility its achilles heel?

2018-07-16 Thread Stobot
My personal opinion and experience is the save / setup piece definitely 
hurts adoption, but use-case less so. 

Coming from a non-technical, Windows background, if I was running 
TiddlyWiki, I'd develop my landing page towards:

   - Web first: Start with a sign-up to get you into a TiddlySpot (or 
   similar) site in as few clicks as possible. Other options below in "local / 
   other hosting options"
   - Web or Desktop: Side by side have the above option on one side, and 
   Desktop (link downloads TiddlyDesktop) on the other side - since some users 
   won't be looking for a web option (privacy etc.) Other options below in 
   "other hosting options".
Frankly, although I don't think either of those are the absolute "best" of 
the options, (although I use and love TiddlySpot, I use SharePoint .aspx 
and BOB exclusively) but I think they're the "best bang for the buck" in 
terms of simplest, and most like other things that end-users are used to - 
again at least other non-technical Windows users like me. I find that when 
showing people TiddlyWiki the first time, it's *harder* to get them to open 
one and make sure it saves, than to show them the basics of it working. 
That's... not good.

As far as "many ways to use", when I sell others at my company on 
TiddlyWiki, and they ask what it does, what it's for, I usually explain 
it's "like Excel for text". I use that analogy because Excel is extremely 
popular, and also commonly used / misused for *everything*, there's not 
really a right / wrong way to use it, and part of it's value is it's 

If I'm being honest, the other two biggest hurdles when getting my 
co-workers on the bandwagon are:

   1. Name: I have hard time getting people over the TiddlyWiki name 
   unfortunately - it doesn't bother me, but when I'm talking to executives I 
   either get laughs, or I lie about it's name. 
   2. Look / Layout: Because it looks so different from other software / 
   web software my co-workers get confused as to how it works. Note that the 
   "Material Theme" out there helps because it kind of makes it look like 
   SharePoint to some degree - more business friendly. Not that I think 
   SharePoint is very good looking, but it's one barrier removed. In fact I'll 
   sometimes now get "it kind of works like SharePoint, but much faster" which 

Anyways, I love the tool and the community, just want to throw out other 

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Re: [tw5] I'm a newbie -- and I'm looking for the biography of the creator of TW.

2018-07-16 Thread Pit.W.


before I embarked on Tiddlywiki some years ago, meaning investing time, 
money, resources in it and before entrusting my data to this software, I 
asked myself the same question.

So I did some extensive research, on Jeremy Ruston, but also on the 
members of the core team.

My results were positive and convincing, and I never looked back.

Of course You have to do Your own work, maybe You could start here:



Am 2018-07-16 um 19:28 schrieb @TiddlyTweeter:
I heard good things about Mr Ruston. Before I tempt the waters of TW 
I'd like to know more about him.

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[tw5] Re: Newbie help: kind of a nested list

2018-07-16 Thread TonyM

I will just add in your example, to  use the TOC macros, you will need a 
root tag, such as TableOfContents or in your case maybe "AllCategories" 
that tags Category A and Category B then the TOCs root tag will be 


On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 12:16:07 AM UTC+10, Alex W wrote:
> Thanks a lot, I will have a look into it!!
> Am Montag, 16. Juli 2018 15:56:54 UTC+2 schrieb Mark S.:
>> The table-of-content macros can already do that for you:
>> Have fun,
>> -- Mark
>> On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 5:40:57 AM UTC-7, Alex W wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> my question is probably a no-brainer for you folks, but I am totally 
>>> overwhelmed 
>>> :-(
>>> I have the following construct of tiddlers:
>>>- category-tiddler, not tagged
>>>- list-tiddler, tagged with a category
>>>- task-tiddler, tagged with a list
>>> I now want a nested (dynamic) view:
>>> Category A
>>> List X
>>>Task 1
>>>Task 2
>>> List Y
>>>Task 1
>>>Task 2
>>> Category B
>>>   ...
>>> I tried various variations with filters and <$list..., but I did not got 
>>> the clue.
>>> Could some pls help me out here? Tx a lot!!
>>> PS: I am using the TW-Plugin "Dropboard 
>>> ". Therefore the 
>>> structure/ tagging etc. is given.
>>> Greets, Alex

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[tw5] Re: [Opinion] Is TW's flexibility its achilles heel?

2018-07-16 Thread talha131

Stobot has put into words very clearly what I had in the back of my mind.

Name is definitely an issue. A long time ago I mentioned TiddlyWiki Classic 
to my coworkers and all I get laughs. In those days when JS wasn’t as 
ubiquitous as it is today, a whole wiki system enclosed in a single file 
was nothing less than revolutionary. But they didn’t take it seriously.

Of course, anyone seriously looking for versatile todo and wiki app should 
have an open mind and mustn’t be put off by the name. Moreover, tiddly is 
not alone. There are other equally hard to pronounce and funny sounding 
apps with considerable user base like

   1. Anki 
   2. Vim 
   3. Mnemosyne 

Nonetheless, a friendlier name would not have hurt.

TW site and this forum has plethora of information. Seasoned users here are 
very active and helpful.

As a new user when I am trying to understand TW and its idioms, the site 
seems hard to navigate. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a good idea that TW hosts 
its documentation using itself. It showcases the features and strength. But 
it’s hard to navigate in the beginning, when you don’t know what a tiddler 
is or how tiddlers are linked together, or what a tag is. So a novice faces 
two problems

   1. Get familiar with TW, and at the same time, 
   2. Learn from an unfamiliar UI 

I don’t mean TW documentation should be moved to some other static site 
generator like Hugo or Pelican or Gatsby. Perhaps, a friendlier and 
familiar theme like the material-ui Stobot suggested would be easier on 

A Gitbook like software is very useful for documentation. Writer can 
arrange the content in an order he deems suitable for the reader. Reader 
will know he is supposed to read from chapter and onward. Checkout these 
two examples


May be it’s just me, but their order is very clear. TW on the other hand is 
more like a mind map. You create different tiddlers and then link them 
together using tags and transclusion. TW homepage can do with a overhaul to 
make it more friendly.

What bugs me most is that TW syntax has d/f variants and all work the same 
with littler differences. For example, macro parameter can be defined using 
: or =.

\define example(p:'default')
\define example(p='default')

Variable can be access using <<__var__>> or <>. But inside a filter 
using single angle bracket [tag]. I always second guessing myself 
the my syntax is correct.
Programming Tutrial 

A tutorial on programming TW would be nice, like we have for so many other 
languages. TonyM has a book in the yammer group which is a good start.
Plugin library is incomplete 

The option of installing TW plugin and themes without leaving TW is nice. 
But the default plugin library is almost barren. You will find more options 
in this Dynalist  then in 
the plugin library.

JD has create a very useful revision plugin 
 but you 
will never know about it unless you visit the forum regularly.

A StackOverflow like site is better suitable for QA then this forum because 
it offers better search. I think even Discourse  
has better search and navigation then Google groups which is archaic. Don’t 
remember when was the last time Google updated it.

A monthly newsletter would be nice too.

All in all TW is a fantastic piece of software. I am sure the community it 
has will make any other software users envious. But it has a leaning curve 
which can be flattened.

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Re: [tw5] I'm a newbie -- and I'm looking for the biography of the creator of TW.

2018-07-16 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Dear Pit.W.

Thank you for the useful reply.

The Stranger.

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[tw5] Re: [Opinion] Is TW's flexibility its achilles heel?

2018-07-16 Thread TonyM

I suppose my own journey from TiddlyWiki Classic is an example of TW being 
off putting, Every time I looked at TW5 I got confused. I must admit 
looking back at what feature came in which version I see now it was not so 
mature back then. So is it much more mature now?, yes, it is as a platform, 
but I am not sure it is so strait forward for many non enthusiasts to use, 
its taken me months to get to the point I am at in my understanding but 
what I have being building is tools that help me build solutions on 

TiddlyWiki makes a lot of promises (and can deliver) but not without some 
effort, Its maturing needs to take place in the middle ground, fast paths 
to methods at a less granular level. The middle ground is not plugins or 
core, or code but ways to get what the user wants, between the 
conversations in Google Groups and WIki editions that do a task. I for one 
have built dozens of these and will share, but I had to build these blocks 
before I started building with those blocks.

Thanks for encouraging the conversations

On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 1:31:43 AM UTC+10, @TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> I strikes me often that we now give so many ways to save and use TW that 
> its actually off-putting.
> Let me qualify that. Off-putting for an end-user looking for a decent 
> "text-base."
> On the one hand we have all the methods. On the other hand we have users 
> looking for the minimal way forward.
> IMO two or three main options are better than four or more. Yet we treat 
> every method as equal. 
> I think that is a mistake for wider uptake.
> Best wishes
> Josiah

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[tw5] Re: [Opinion] Is TW's flexibility its achilles heel?

2018-07-16 Thread TonyM

In relation to your syntax question, jeremy explained it well, but we need 
to help new people learn this early. The reason <<>> is used as in 
<> and <> is used in wikitext is to not compete with 
  so when you are inside a widget we need not keep up 
this << >> and we fall back to < > and since these are delimiters as well 
we can abandon [ ] when we place a  or  in widgets, that 
we may have been tempted to use by the filter operators definition.

My use of tiddlywiki recently matured and it is this kind of knowledge I 
wish I understood at the outset.
and includes

   - The use, or not, of the variable= in lists widgets to let the current 
   tiddler change or not
  - I now write most macros to 
 - change the currentTiddler if they are listing other tiddlers
 - not change the current tiddler if they are returning a value I 
 want to use (now or further in)
  - The use of <$macrocall for any macro, or widget when wanting to 
   include a <> or<> in the parameters
   - Using {{!!fieldname}} in wiki text {!!fieldname} in filters (to 
   replace it with the content) or field-name in operators.
   - Using the emptyMessage (in list) and emptyValue (in Set) to great 
   - Using logical type test like has[fieldname] in filters or when 
   generating multiple items limit[1]
  - empty message allows you to return a "false"
There is plenty of material like this to share, we just need an interactive 
and easy to contribute repository. I plan to work on one soon.


On Tuesday, July 17, 2018 at 8:03:13 AM UTC+10, talha131 wrote:
> Stobot has put into words very clearly what I had in the back of my mind.
> Name 
> Name is definitely an issue. A long time ago I mentioned TiddlyWiki 
> Classic to my coworkers and all I get laughs. In those days when JS wasn’t 
> as ubiquitous as it is today, a whole wiki system enclosed in a single file 
> was nothing less than revolutionary. But they didn’t take it seriously.
> Of course, anyone seriously looking for versatile todo and wiki app should 
> have an open mind and mustn’t be put off by the name. Moreover, tiddly is 
> not alone. There are other equally hard to pronounce and funny sounding 
> apps with considerable user base like
>1. Anki 
>2. Vim 
>3. Mnemosyne 
> Nonetheless, a friendlier name would not have hurt.
> Documentation 
> TW site and this forum has plethora of information. Seasoned users here 
> are very active and helpful.
> As a new user when I am trying to understand TW and its idioms, the site 
> seems hard to navigate. Don’t get me wrong. It’s a good idea that TW hosts 
> its documentation using itself. It showcases the features and strength. But 
> it’s hard to navigate in the beginning, when you don’t know what a tiddler 
> is or how tiddlers are linked together, or what a tag is. So a novice faces 
> two problems
>1. Get familiar with TW, and at the same time, 
>2. Learn from an unfamiliar UI 
> I don’t mean TW documentation should be moved to some other static site 
> generator like Hugo or Pelican or Gatsby. Perhaps, a friendlier and 
> familiar theme like the material-ui Stobot suggested would be easier on 
> beginners.
> A Gitbook like software is very useful for documentation. Writer can 
> arrange the content in an order he deems suitable for the reader. Reader 
> will know he is supposed to read from chapter and onward. Checkout these 
> two examples
> May be it’s just me, but their order is very clear. TW on the other hand 
> is more like a mind map. You create different tiddlers and then link them 
> together using tags and transclusion. TW homepage can do with a overhaul to 
> make it more friendly.
> Syntax 
> What bugs me most is that TW syntax has d/f variants and all work the same 
> with littler differences. For example, macro parameter can be defined using 
> : or =.
> \define example(p:'default')
> \define example(p='default')
> Variable can be access using <<__var__>> or <>. But inside a filter 
> using single angle bracket [tag]. I always second guessing myself 
> the my syntax is correct.
> Programming Tutrial 
> A tutorial on programming TW would be nice, like we have for so many other 
> languages. TonyM has a book in the yammer group which is a good start.
> Plugin library is incomplete 
> The option of installing TW plugin and themes without leaving TW is nice. 
> But the default plugin library is almost barren. You will find more options 
> in this Dynalist  then in 
> the plugin library.
> JD has create a very useful revision plugin 
>  but you 
> will never know about it unless you visit the forum regularly.
> Community 
> A StackOverflow like site is better suitable for QA then this 

[tw5] I'm a newbie -- and I'm looking for the biography of the creator of TW.

2018-07-16 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
I heard good things about Mr Ruston. Before I tempt the waters of TW I'd 
like to know more about him.

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[tw5] Re: import from Org-Mode

2018-07-16 Thread Brandon Hall
Hi, I've been thinking about this (using Org-mode and TW as 
mutually-beneficial systems), and I suspect that Org is a poor means of 
approaching TW's concerns regarding hypertext. With that said, I think that 
the combination of them both can be useful and easier done than you might 
be considering.

If you create a means of exporting a set of tiddlers (if not all) as an Org 
file that you read from ("Read"), then track your edits in an alternate Org 
file ("Write"), you can use the TODO functionality offered by Org for 
planning updates to your canonical Org file (Read). This would be done by 
cloning and refiling entries from Read to Write.

This is a workflow that I've been planning to use mostly via my phone, with 
the Orgzly Android app, as I've wanted an easy-ish means of accessing my TW 
archives and recording planned updates.

Exporting tiddlers as an Org file isn't too difficult with the Node JS 
version. I've made a template for exporting a list of all tiddlers' titles 
here, and by adding a Transclude widget, we can include the body of the 
tiddlers, too, as Org notes' note content: 
You then need to use a command similar to the one below to export this as 
an Org file:

tiddlywiki publicwiki --render "journals-feed" text/plain 
"" exportFilter "[tag[Journal]]"

Note that with the above command, I am outputting an Org file with only 
posts tagged `Journal`. Journals are a poor example of a case where you'd 
use this functionality, but I made this as a step towards outputting Atom 
feeds for my posts, namely my Journal entries.

Additionally, adding tags to the output is not only easy but makes the 
matter of tracking which entries are duplicates (entries that have already 
been inputted to TW, versus those that are wholly new): if you add a dummy 
tag to the template, preceded by a colon, then append to the list of tags 
the tiddlers' tags followed by a colon to finish the listing of tags. For 
example: `:oldNews:[[actual tag]:]`

On Monday, June 25, 2018 at 6:21:30 PM UTC-7, Shay Shaked wrote:
> I'm looking around and I see a lot of Emacs references, a few less (but 
> still a lot) Org-Mode references, but I don't see something that answers 
> the question itself (yet): is there a way to export from Org-mode to TW. 
> I started playing around with Org-mode recently and the writing experience 
> is great. I would really like to be able to export to TW (tid) format. The 
> closet I saw was this 
>  on 
> but I'm not sure how to actually use it. It doesn't 
> font-lock (highlight) anything in the syntax really. Besides, I would *really 
> *like to be able to write in Org-mode, if it exists. 
> So... anyone here familiar with this? Anyone here uses Org to write and 
> work with TW at the same time? 

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[tw5] Newbie help: kind of a nested list

2018-07-16 Thread 'Alex W' via TiddlyWiki
Hello all,

my question is probably a no-brainer for you folks, but I am totally 

I have the following construct of tiddlers:

   - category-tiddler, not tagged

   - list-tiddler, tagged with a category

   - task-tiddler, tagged with a list

I now want a nested (dynamic) view:

Category A
List X
   Task 1
   Task 2

List Y
   Task 1
   Task 2

Category B

I tried various variations with filters and <$list..., but I did not got 
the clue.
Could some pls help me out here? Tx a lot!!

PS: I am using the TW-Plugin "Dropboard 
". Therefore the 
structure/ tagging etc. is given.

Greets, Alex

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[tw5] Re: Newbie help: kind of a nested list

2018-07-16 Thread 'Alex W' via TiddlyWiki
Thanks a lot, I will have a look into it!!

Am Montag, 16. Juli 2018 15:56:54 UTC+2 schrieb Mark S.:
> The table-of-content macros can already do that for you:
> Have fun,
> -- Mark
> On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 5:40:57 AM UTC-7, Alex W wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> my question is probably a no-brainer for you folks, but I am totally 
>> overwhelmed 
>> :-(
>> I have the following construct of tiddlers:
>>- category-tiddler, not tagged
>>- list-tiddler, tagged with a category
>>- task-tiddler, tagged with a list
>> I now want a nested (dynamic) view:
>> Category A
>> List X
>>Task 1
>>Task 2
>> List Y
>>Task 1
>>Task 2
>> Category B
>>   ...
>> I tried various variations with filters and <$list..., but I did not got 
>> the clue.
>> Could some pls help me out here? Tx a lot!!
>> PS: I am using the TW-Plugin "Dropboard 
>> ". Therefore the 
>> structure/ tagging etc. is given.
>> Greets, Alex

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[tw5] I'm having trouble passing an item from the Select-Widget to a new tiddler as the tag.

2018-07-16 Thread Geoff Osterberg
I'm trying to create tiddler that will act as a form for new tiddlers.

I want to have an edit-widget that will pass on the title to a new tiddler. 
I also want to use a select-widget to choose among a list of tiddlers with 
the tag "Scene" to use as the tag for the new tiddler. 

So far I have been unable to sort this out. The edit-widget does pass along 
the title to a new widget, but I can't get the drop down list selection to 
pass along. I did once, but each word of the selection was rendered as a 
separate tag. I've read the entry on the select function a few times, but 
I'm learning on the fly and having difficulty making sense of it. Could 
anyone point me in the direction of a more tutorial that can help me 
understand how to achieve the goal?

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[tw5] Re: Newbie help: kind of a nested list

2018-07-16 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
The table-of-content macros can already do that for you:

Have fun,

-- Mark

On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 5:40:57 AM UTC-7, Alex W wrote:
> Hello all,
> my question is probably a no-brainer for you folks, but I am totally 
> overwhelmed 
> :-(
> I have the following construct of tiddlers:
>- category-tiddler, not tagged
>- list-tiddler, tagged with a category
>- task-tiddler, tagged with a list
> I now want a nested (dynamic) view:
> Category A
> List X
>Task 1
>Task 2
> List Y
>Task 1
>Task 2
> Category B
>   ...
> I tried various variations with filters and <$list..., but I did not got 
> the clue.
> Could some pls help me out here? Tx a lot!!
> PS: I am using the TW-Plugin "Dropboard 
> ". Therefore the 
> structure/ tagging etc. is given.
> Greets, Alex

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[tw5] Re: I'm having trouble passing an item from the Select-Widget to a new tiddler as the tag.

2018-07-16 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
It's a bit convoluted because the tags need to be added with the tm-add-tag 
message after the new tiddler is created. This seems to work:

\define makenewtiddler() 
<$action-createtiddler $basetitle={{UseMeAsName}} $savetitle=
"NewTiddlerName" />
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{NewTiddlerName}}><$action-sendmessage $message=
"tm-add-tag" $param="""$(MyTag)$"""/>
<$select tiddler="UseMeAsTag" default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[tag[HelloThere]sort[title]]'>
>><$view field='title'/>

<$edit-text tiddler="UseMeAsName" tag="input" size="20"/>

<$vars MyTag={{UseMeAsTag}}>
<$button actions=<>>Make Tiddler

On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 6:47:59 AM UTC-7, Geoff Osterberg wrote:
> I'm trying to create tiddler that will act as a form for new tiddlers.
> I want to have an edit-widget that will pass on the title to a new 
> tiddler. I also want to use a select-widget to choose among a list of 
> tiddlers with the tag "Scene" to use as the tag for the new tiddler. 
> So far I have been unable to sort this out. The edit-widget does pass 
> along the title to a new widget, but I can't get the drop down list 
> selection to pass along. I did once, but each word of the selection was 
> rendered as a separate tag. I've read the entry on the select function a 
> few times, but I'm learning on the fly and having difficulty making sense 
> of it. Could anyone point me in the direction of a more tutorial that can 
> help me understand how to achieve the goal?

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[tw5] Re: How to create list of tiddlers and pass to tabs macro?

2018-07-16 Thread talha131

Thanks Jed, this enlist solution is perfect for my needs. I was looking for 
exactly the same format.

the interface between javascript and the much *maligned widgets* can be a 
bit complex because the widgets are designed to make markup tasks simple.

Haha, seems like there is a fault line in the community over JS vs widgets 
that I am yet to learn :)

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[tw5] Re: How to extract part of a field and sort extracted stuff

2018-07-16 Thread Ton Gerner
Hi Mark,

Your solution using the each filter operator works great.
The disadvantage of creating (empty) tiddlers is not that important to me. 
My 4 MB TW contains already about 1800 tiddlers and not all series of 
'codes' contain doubles. In practice it means I need to have about 100 
tiddlers extra. I can live with that: the advantage of easy filtering 
outweighs the disadvantage of creating empty tiddlers.

Thanks again.



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[tw5] [Opinion] Is TW's flexibility its achilles heel?

2018-07-16 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
I strikes me often that we now give so many ways to save and use TW that 
its actually off-putting.

Let me qualify that. Off-putting for an end-user looking for a decent 

On the one hand we have all the methods. On the other hand we have users 
looking for the minimal way forward.

IMO two or three main options are better than four or more. Yet we treat 
every method as equal. 

I think that is a mistake for wider uptake.

Best wishes

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[tw5] Re: How to set background color of select html tag

2018-07-16 Thread talha131

I have fixed the issue to the best of my knowledge and opened up a pull 
request at Github

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[tw5] Re: How to extract part of a field and sort extracted stuff

2018-07-16 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Stop the presses!

I was looking at the each code to see if I could make an "each string" 
macro. It turns out that there is an undocumented feature in the *each* 
filter. A list like this:

<$list filter="[has[veld]regexps:veld[(C\d\d\d)]each:value[title]sort[]]" 

May do what you want without having to create those extra tiddlers. 

Good luck!
-- Mark

On Monday, July 16, 2018 at 8:24:31 AM UTC-7, Ton Gerner wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Your solution using the each filter operator works great.
> The disadvantage of creating (empty) tiddlers is not that important to me. 
> My 4 MB TW contains already about 1800 tiddlers and not all series of 
> 'codes' contain doubles. In practice it means I need to have about 100 
> tiddlers extra. I can live with that: the advantage of easy filtering 
> outweighs the disadvantage of creating empty tiddlers.
> Thanks again.
> Cheers,
> Ton

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[tw5] Excise button is available only when content type is not set

2018-07-16 Thread talha131

I am using TW version 5.1.17 on NodeJS. I have noticed as soon as I set 
content type to wiki or markdown, the button disappears.
When content type is not set 

When content type is set 

Excise is a useful for all types of content type. What should I do to 
enable it for all content type? Or is it a bug?

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[tw5] Tiddlywiki in Documents App for iOS: How we could save?

2018-07-16 Thread Dino
Dear Sirs, 

Since January, I've been using the Documents App in iOS (iPhone and iPad) 
to read the Tiddlywiki files. 

In this application, you can sync an entire folder with Tiddlywiki files 
and sub-embed-files (pdfs and images), and you can access the content 
without problems. It is a kind of self hosting in your personal device.

Did someone try this application before?

The only problems I have is that the TW file can be read but I can't save 
(as in the TiddlyDesktop).

You can save and download to override the file, and sync the folder. 

But I would be glad if we could save the file (as in the TiddlyDesktop). 

Could the TW offer some kind of save support for this Documents application?



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