[tor-relays] Tor Relay Stable Flag

2018-04-11 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello, for a while now, I have been running a relay called torland at 

I am a little bit bummed right now. After working on it for the past week, I 
finally had the stable flag, however, unannounced my relay went offline for a 
while. I had been checking  it regularly and everything said it was running 
fine until it randomly popped up and said it had been offline for the last 
three hours. I restarted the software immediately however by the time it 
appeared again it had lost the stable flag. I am little  bit annoyed right now 
because I had been working to get the stable flag for the last several days and 
finally had it, then the tor network 
 came out of nowhere and suddenly said it had been offline for the last three 
hours despite the fact that I had been checking it every few minutes before 
hand and it said it was operating normally. I am also wondering, does how long 
a relay is offline for after loosing the stable flag effect how long it takes 
for the relay to regain it’s stable flag? Thank you. I am sorry if I seem 
frustrated, however it’s a bummer to me that I would have the stable flag then 
it would just come out of the blue that it had been offline for three hours 
despite saying online and working fine during that time when I did check it.

Thank you very much. 
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Relay Stable Flag

2018-04-11 Thread Keifer Bly
Is there a way I can find out what the current weighted mbtf is? Thank you.

From: teor
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:30 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Tor Relay Stable Flag

On 11 Apr 2018, at 20:54, Gary  wrote:

Relay Search is about can be about 3 hours behind.

On 11 April 2018 at 08:46, Keifer Bly  wrote:
 I am also wondering, does how long a relay is offline for after loosing the 
stable flag effect how long it takes for the relay to regain it’s stable flag? 

I think it is about 4 days

That's the HSDir flag:

but I am sure someone more knowledgeable can provide a more specific number.

Stable is based on weighted mean time before failure (MTBF).

A Stable relay must be either:
* higher than the median weighted MTBF, or
* have a weighted MTBF of more than 7 days.

As a quick guide, your relay should be up for 1-2 weeks to get Stable.

Here are the details:


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Relay Stable Flag

2018-04-11 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you. What exactly does the stable flag do? I know what it means, the 
relay has been online for the last few days without significant interruption, 
which is why I lost it as I had the stable flag, I had had it before my 
computer froze for about two hours and I did not realize that had happened 
until it’s too late. I’m just hoping that it does not take too terribly long 
for my relay to regain the stable flag, what’ strange though it my relay seems 
to receive quite a lot of traffic when I do not have the stable flag as well, 
according to the relay software receiving hundreds of megabytes at a time, I 
thought only stable relays received bigger amounts of traffic.

Thank you very much.

From: teor
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 3:34 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Tor Relay Stable Flag

On 12 Apr 2018, at 01:33, Keifer Bly  wrote:
Is there a way I can find out what the current weighted mbtf is? Thank you.

The thresholds vary on each directory authority. They are
stable-uptime (~15 days) and stable-mtbf (~26 days) in this table:
Each figure is in seconds.

Your relay's uptime is listed in its descriptor, in its heartbeat
messages, or on relay search.

Your relay's weighted MTBF is different on each directory authority.
It isn't published by the directory authorities.

My advice: just keep your relay as stable as you can, and it will
probably get Stable. If it doesn't after a month or so, try a more
reliable provider.

Relay flags are chosen so clients get the best network experience.
Missing a few flags for a while doesn't really matter.


From: teor
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 4:30 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Tor Relay Stable Flag

On 11 Apr 2018, at 20:54, Gary  wrote:
Relay Search is about can be about 3 hours behind.
On 11 April 2018 at 08:46, Keifer Bly  wrote:
 I am also wondering, does how long a relay is offline for after loosing the 
stable flag effect how long it takes for the relay to regain it’s stable flag? 
I think it is about 4 days
That's the HSDir flag:

but I am sure someone more knowledgeable can provide a more specific number.
Stable is based on weighted mean time before failure (MTBF).
A Stable relay must be either:
* higher than the median weighted MTBF, or
* have a weighted MTBF of more than 7 days.
As a quick guide, your relay should be up for 1-2 weeks to get Stable.
Here are the details:
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Tor relay software automatic updates

2018-04-14 Thread Keifer Bly


I am running my tor relay “torland” on Mac OS X via this guide here 

I am wondering, is there a way to configure the tor relaying software to 
automatically check for software updates and install them automatically if 
there are any?

Thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor relay software automatic updates

2018-04-15 Thread Keifer Bly
Ok, do you know how I could configure this to automatically update my tor 
software? Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 15, 2018, at 2:29 AM, Vasilis  wrote:
> Hi,
> Keifer Bly:
>> I am running my tor relay “torland” on Mac OS X via this guide here 
>> https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-osx.html.en
>> I am wondering, is there a way to configure the tor relaying software to 
>> automatically check for software updates and install them automatically if 
>> there are any?
> Automatic software updates depend on the package manager or the installation
> method of the tor package. Homebrew seems to have an (auto?) upgrade option
> called `cask upgrade`.
> Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> ~Vasilis
> -- 
> Fingerprint: 8FD5 CF5F 39FC 03EB B382 7470 5FBF 70B1 D126 0162
> Pubkey: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5FBF70B1D1260162
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Trouble with relay stability

2018-04-16 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello, due to a recent power outage at where I run my relay 

Torland at, it could possibly have lost its stable flag (not sure yet). The 
outage is lasting about 3 hours or so. If I had the stable flag for about 4 
days then my power went out for about three hours, hoe long would that take to 
regain the stable flag based on mtbf? Thank you very much.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Trouble with relay stability

2018-04-16 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you very much. And if the relay is back online before it disappears from 
torstatus.blutimage.de there should be nothing lost correct?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 16, 2018, at 10:49 AM, Matt Traudt  wrote:
>> On 4/16/18 13:32, Keifer Bly wrote:
>> Hello, due to a recent power outage at where I run my
>> relay 
>> http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/router_detail.php?FP=db1af6477bb276b6ea5e72132684096eee779d30
>> Torland at, it could possibly have lost its stable flag (not sure yet).
>> The outage is lasting about 3 hours or so. If I had the stable flag for
>> about 4 days then my power went out for about three hours, hoe long
>> would that take to regain the stable flag based on mtbf? Thank you very
>> much.
> See teor's great reply from your recent thread:
> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2018-April/014982.html
> It's hard/impossible to give you an exact time. Please just be patient
> and don't sweat little things like what flags you have from day-to-day.
> And thanks for running a relay!
> Matt
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Trouble with relay stability

2018-04-16 Thread Keifer Bly
I guess your right. It appears that the relay DID loose the stable flag due to 
the power outage lasting the entire day unfortunately. Forgive me, but the time 
limit for keeping the stable flag does seem a little unforgiving, it should 
maybe be one day or so instead of one hour. I was just thinking about it 
because according to the relay Conesus list, 86% percent of relays have the 
stable flag, making it seem like an important flag to have to be considered 
useful. But it is what it is I guess.

From: teor
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 3:33 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Trouble with relay stability

> On 17 Apr 2018, at 04:47, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> Thank you very much. And if the relay is back online before it disappears 
> from torstatus.blutimage.de there should be nothing lost correct?

You will lose the HSDir flag for 4 days. You might lose other flags.
I'm going to point you to the previous thread for an explanation.

The flags change every hour so clients to know how to use your relay.
You can't keep them all the time, and you shouldn't try.
(For example, Tor security updates are more important than flags.)


>>> On Apr 16, 2018, at 10:49 AM, Matt Traudt  wrote:
>>> On 4/16/18 13:32, Keifer Bly wrote:
>>> Hello, due to a recent power outage at where I run my
>>> relay 
>>> http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/router_detail.php?FP=db1af6477bb276b6ea5e72132684096eee779d30
>>> Torland at, it could possibly have lost its stable flag (not sure yet).
>>> The outage is lasting about 3 hours or so. If I had the stable flag for
>>> about 4 days then my power went out for about three hours, hoe long
>>> would that take to regain the stable flag based on mtbf? Thank you very
>>> much.
>> See teor's great reply from your recent thread:
>> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2018-April/014982.html
>> It's hard/impossible to give you an exact time. Please just be patient
>> and don't sweat little things like what flags you have from day-to-day.
>> And thanks for running a relay!
>> Matt
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
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tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Home made method of auto updating Mac OS X relating software

2018-04-20 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello List,

I thought I’d share an applescript I wrote to automatically update the tor 
relay software and homebrew one minute after midnight every day.

Here is the source code (written using AppleScript editor)

do shell script "$ which brew
/usr/local/bin/brew update"
do shell script "$ which brew
/usr/local/bin/brew upgrade tor"

When it runs, it comes up with this error, saying tor is already up to date.

sh: $: command not found
Error: tor already installed (1)

As this is the only error that appears, I’d take it that the script works

It can be scheduled to run automatically at midnight every night via this 
method I found here:


I am curious to know what you all think of this tactic if you will, please let 
me know as you can give it to others if you wish. Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone___
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

2018-04-21 Thread Keifer Bly


I am wondering, could you please explain exactly what “Consensus Weight” is? I 
had had a good uptime, about five days, then my darn computer that I run my 
relay off of froze for about 40 minutes this morning and I had no choice but to 
reboot the tor software, setting my current uptime back to 0 days. However, it 
has a consensus weight of 523, is this a good rating? Does this have an effect 
on things such as what flags a relay has (mine currently being Fast, V2Dir, 
Running, and Valid)?

The relay in question can be found here: 

I know the stable flag (which I have had on and off since  starting my relay, 
don’t currently have it but relay seems to receive traffic nonetheless) depends 
on uptime history, not exact current uptime, but am curious, is there an easy 
to check my current uptime history? 

Also, I thought I’d share an applescript I wrote to automatically update the 
tor relay software and homebrew one minute after midnight every day.

Here is the source code (written using AppleScript editor)

do shell script "$ which brew
/usr/local/bin/brew update"
do shell script "$ which brew
/usr/local/bin/brew upgrade tor"

When it runs, it comes up with this error, saying tor is already up to date.

sh: $: command not found
Error: tor already installed (1)

As this is the only error that appears, I’d take it that the script works

It can be scheduled to run automatically at midnight every night via this 
method I found here:


I am curious to know what you all think of this tactic if you will, please let 
me know as you can give it to others if you wish. Thank you.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

2018-04-21 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you. And I’m not asking for a for sure response, just generally what you 
think, would an about 40 minute downtime (what I had this morning) majorly 
effect my time between failures after about 106 hours of solid uptime? 

Sorry to keep emailing but trying to keep my relay as useful as possible to the 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 21, 2018, at 4:25 PM, teor  wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 22 Apr 2018, at 08:35, Keifer Bly  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am wondering, could you please explain exactly what “Consensus Weight” is? 
>> I had had a good uptime, about five days, then my darn computer that I run 
>> my relay off of froze for about 40 minutes this morning and I had no choice 
>> but to reboot the tor software, setting my current uptime back to 0 days. 
>> However, it has a consensus weight of 523, is this a good rating? Does this 
>> have an effect on things such as what flags a relay has (mine currently 
>> being Fast, V2Dir, Running, and Valid)?
>> The relay in question can be found here: 
>> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/DB1AF6477BB276B6EA5E72132684096EEE779D30
> Here is the definition of consensus weight:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/glossary.html#consensus-weight
> If you still have more questions, search the archives of
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org for the words "bandwidth" and "consensus 
> weight":
> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/
> Please feel free to ask more specific questions after reading these things.
>> I know the stable flag (which I have had on and off since  starting my 
>> relay, don’t currently have it but relay seems to receive traffic 
>> nonetheless) depends on uptime history, not exact current uptime, but am 
>> curious, is there an easy to check my current uptime history?
> As someone said in response to your last email, no, there is not.
> But you can see your consensus weight and flags history as graphs on:
>> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/DB1AF6477BB276B6EA5E72132684096EEE779D30
> You can get an idea of your uptime from these graphs.
> But please ignore the 1 month bandwidth graph, it might be empty,
> and it will go away soon. The longer graphs will stay.
> (Relays recently stopped reporting bandwidth in detail for security
> reasons. Search the list archives for details.)
>> Also, I thought I’d share an applescript I wrote to automatically update the 
>> tor relay software and homebrew one minute after midnight every day.
> It looks like it would work on macOS.
> Most people use cron for scheduled tasks, because it works on Linux and BSDs 
> as well.
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

2018-04-21 Thread Keifer Bly
My apologies if I seem worried, I am not trying to sound that way at all,
just trying to understand how all of this works.

On https://consensus-health.torproject.org/, I found this information. I am
curious, where it says  stable-uptime=, the following number is in minutes

Thank you.

Known flags <https://consensus-health.torproject.org/#knownflags>
maatuska known-flags Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable
V2Dir Valid ReachableIPv6 NoIPv6Consensus FallbackDir Unmeasured
tor26 known-flags Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable
V2Dir Valid ReachableIPv6 NoIPv6Consensus FallbackDir Unmeasured
longclaw known-flags Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable
V2Dir Valid FallbackDir Unmeasured DescriptorMismatch
dizum known-flags Authority Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir
Valid FallbackDir Unmeasured DescriptorMismatch
bastet known-flags Authority Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir
Valid ReachableIPv6 NoIPv6Consensus FallbackDir Unmeasured
gabelmoo known-flags Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable
V2Dir Valid ReachableIPv6 NoIPv6Consensus FallbackDir Unmeasured
moria1 known-flags Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable
V2Dir Valid FallbackDir Unmeasured DescriptorMismatch
dannenberg known-flags Authority Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir
Valid ReachableIPv6 NoIPv6Consensus FallbackDir Unmeasured
faravahar known-flags Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir Running
Stable V2Dir Valid ReachableIPv6 NoIPv6Consensus FallbackDir Unmeasured
consensus known-flags Authority BadExit Exit Fast Guard HSDir NoEdConsensus
Running Stable V2Dir Valid ReachableIPv6 NoIPv6Consensus FallbackDir
Unmeasured DescriptorMismatch
Flag Thresholds <https://consensus-health.torproject.org/#flagthresholds>
maatuska flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=839
guard-bw-inc-exits=997 guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1508364
enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=72000 guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2727600
tor26 flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=5422000 guard-bw-inc-exits=6576000
guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1497887 enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=102000
guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2015184 ignoring-advertised-bws=0
longclaw flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=5242000
guard-bw-inc-exits=640 guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1454621
enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=102000 guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2850956
dizum flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=5242000 guard-bw-inc-exits=6424000
guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1464944 enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=102000
guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2783063 ignoring-advertised-bws=0
bastet flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=745
guard-bw-inc-exits=906 guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1497887
enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=75000 guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2619896
gabelmoo flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=5242000
guard-bw-inc-exits=6436000 guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1458892
enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=102000 guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2801856
moria1 flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=5242000
guard-bw-inc-exits=6422000 guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=175
enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=102000 guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2750090
dannenberg flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=5327000
guard-bw-inc-exits=6553000 guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1455937
enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=102000 guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2162701
faravahar flag-thresholds guard-bw-exc-exits=727
guard-bw-inc-exits=847 guard-tk=691200 stable-uptime=1510855
enough-mtbf=1 fast-speed=101000 guard-wfu=0.98 stable-mtbf=2578082

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 6:40 PM, teor  wrote:

> Hi,
> You talked about using homebrew to automatically update tor.
> How do you launch tor?
> Des homebrew restart tor when it is updated?
> Because tor doesn't update to the new version until you restart it.
> On 22 Apr 2018, at 11:06, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> Thank you. And I’m not asking for a for sure response, just generally what
> you think, would an about 40 minute downtime (what I had this morning)
> majorly effect my time between failures after about 106 hours of solid
> uptime?
> If your relay fails after 106 hours, the average time before failure will
> get closer to 106 hours.
> If you want to know how this might affect the stable flag, you can
> find the thresholds on consensus-health, and check if they are more
> or less than 106 hours. Read people's previous responses to your
> emails for details.
> Sorry to keep emailing but trying to keep my relay as useful as possible
> to the network.
> The tor network has significant redundancy.
> There are thousands of relays.
> Client

Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

2018-04-21 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you. I am just a little confused as I seem to get the stable flag
randomly, sometimes after 2 days, sometimes after 4 days, sometimes longer;
what I'm saying is it seems completely random. My relay appears to be under
" maatuska", despite this I seem to get the stable after various numbers of
days and have it suddenly revoked. Thank you very much for your help, I
guess all you can do is just let the network do it's thing. It just seems
like you'd need to have a wifi network and computer that basically never
fail to have the stable flag.

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 7:22 PM, teor  wrote:

> > On 22 Apr 2018, at 12:08, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> >
> > On https://consensus-health.torproject.org/, I found this information.
> I am curious, where it says  stable-uptime=, the following number is in
> minutes correct?
> It is in seconds:
> > On 12 Apr 2018, at 08:33, teor  wrote:
> >
> > On 12 Apr 2018, at 01:33, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> >
> >> Is there a way I can find out what the current weighted mbtf is? Thank
> you.
> >
> > The thresholds vary on each directory authority. They are
> > stable-uptime (~15 days) and stable-mtbf (~26 days) in this table:
> > https://consensus-health.torproject.org/#flagthresholds
> > Each figure is in seconds.
> T
> --
> teor
> teor2345 at gmail dot com
> PGP C855 6CED 5D90 A0C5 29F6 4D43 450C BA7F 968F 094B
> ricochet:ekmygaiu4rzgsk6n
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
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tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

2018-04-22 Thread Keifer Bly
Maybe that’s it, unfortunately I have nowhere else I can possibly run it. 
What’s also not helpful is our electrical service isn’t good as it goes out 
every time there is some bad weather, which does not help. I guess not every 
relay has the stable flag, would be curious to know what the general percentage 
is haha.

> On Apr 21, 2018, at 11:34 PM, teor  wrote:
>> On 22 Apr 2018, at 12:40, Keifer Bly  wrote:
>> Thank you. I am just a little confused as I seem to get the stable flag 
>> randomly, sometimes after 2 days, sometimes after 4 days, sometimes longer; 
>> what I'm saying is it seems completely random.
> Perhaps your network is unstable.
> Most people can't run Tor relays a home, their home router doesn't handle the 
> load.
>> My relay appears to be under " maatuska",
> That's the median bandwidth authority, it has nothing to do with the Stable 
> flag.
>> despite this I seem to get the stable after various numbers of days and have 
>> it suddenly revoked. Thank you very much for your help, I guess all you can 
>> do is just let the network do it's thing. It just seems like you'd need to 
>> have a wifi network and computer that basically never fail to have the 
>> stable flag.
> Most relay operators run their relays in data centres.
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
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tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

2018-04-22 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you. However another thing that is confusing me a little is that based 
off of my research, relays without the stable flag shouldn’t recurve much 
traffic; mine says it’s received a few gigabytes since the downtime 1 day ago. 
Thank you. It is acceptable not to have the stable flag and still be useful to 
the network correct? Thank you very much.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 22, 2018, at 10:39 AM, Valter Jansons  wrote:

>> I guess not every relay has the stable flag, would be curious to know what 
>> the general percentage is
> You can check with [Tor Metrics][] how many relays have the Running
> flag and how many have the Stable flag. By looking at the graph I
> would estimate around 80% of Running relays have the Stable flag right
> now.
> [tor metrics]: 
> https://metrics.torproject.org/relayflags.html?start=2018-01-22&end=2018-04-22&flag=Running&flag=Stable
> -- 4096R/A83CE748 Valters Jansons
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
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tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

2018-04-23 Thread Keifer Bly
Torix, thanks you very much. Nice to see someone who has experience with this 
reaching out. I got a response saying that most relays are run at data centers, 
not at homes, which allows them to stay stable all the time. It seems like it 
would be extremely difficult to impossible to maintain the stable flag on a 
home connection. Good to know I’m not the only one having this trouble, good to 
contribute nonetheless. For keeping the relay as stable as possible, what would 
be your recommendations? Would you agree with what I said? I ask this because 
to me, relay stability seems difficult to calculate. Again thanks very much.
From: to...@protonmail.com
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 5:52 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Definiton

Dear Keifer,

I run a small relay at home as well.  (I've never had more than 4,000/4,500 
connections, and my home router seems to have had no problem.)  However, 
guessing from the tor docs on my ISP that I should keep my monthly throughput 
to 1TB or so, I put some daily bandwidth limits on it.  Before the dos 
mitigation came out a couple of months ago, I would hit the limits every other 
day or so, and my relay would shut down until midnight.  So I never had a 
stable flag for months, and still had plenty of traffic.  



​Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.​

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On April 22, 2018 2:05 PM, Keifer Bly  wrote:

> Thank you. However another thing that is confusing me a little is that based 
> off of my research, relays without the stable flag shouldn’t recurve much 
> traffic; mine says it’s received a few gigabytes since the downtime 1 day 
> ago. Thank you. It is acceptable not to have the stable flag and still be 
> useful to the network correct? Thank you very much.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 22, 2018, at 10:39 AM, Valter Jansons valter.jans...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > I guess not every relay has the stable flag, would be curious to know 
> > > what the general percentage is
> > 
> > You can check with Tor Metrics how many relays have the Running
> > 
> > flag and how many have the Stable flag. By looking at the graph I
> > 
> > would estimate around 80% of Running relays have the Stable flag right
> > 
> > now.
> > 
> > -- 4096R/A83CE748 Valters Jansons
> > 
> > tor-relays mailing list
> > 
> > tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> > 
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Question on relay allowed downtime

2018-04-24 Thread Keifer Bly

So recently I had an uptime of about 3-4 days but then I had to restart my 
computer to install an operating system update (the OS in question being Mac OS 
X High Sierra). I know I am not to worry about what flags I have as long as I 
am not a bad relay, but am curious, what is the allowed downtime the network 
allows to do things like install operating system updates, etc, without 
significantly impacting time between failures?

Thank you.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Question on relay allowed downtime

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you. I just had to restart my relay again because it disappeared from
the relay list for some reason, the software did not say that it was having
any trouble and my internet connection is working perfectly fine. Would you
know why that might be happening? Thank you.

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 5:54 AM, Vasilis  wrote:

> Hi,
> Keifer Bly:
> > So recently I had an uptime of about 3-4 days but then I had to restart
> my computer to install an operating system update (the OS in question being
> Mac OS X High Sierra). I know I am not to worry about what flags I have as
> long as I am not a bad relay, but am curious, what is the allowed downtime
> the network allows to do things like install operating system updates, etc,
> without significantly impacting time between failures?
> In general it's much better to run an updated relay and take as much time
> is
> needed for operating system updates. You can read Tor's protocol
> specification
> section that describe how directory authorities choose which flags to
> apply to
> routers (relays) [1].
> For more information on the topic you can read related discussions in tor
> relay
> threads [2], [3].
> [1] https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-spec.txt#n2426
> [2] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2017-Janua
> ry/011826.html
> [3] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/2014-Decem
> ber/005896.html
> Cheers,
> ~Vasilis
> --
> Fingerprint: 8FD5 CF5F 39FC 03EB B382 7470 5FBF 70B1 D126 0162
> Pubkey: https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5FBF70B1D1260162
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relay unreachable by authorities (Was: Re: Question on relay allowed downtime)

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly
r ExitPolicyRejectPrivate if you want to allow
## "exit enclaving".
#ExitPolicy accept *:6660-6667,reject *:* # allow irc ports on IPv4 and IPv6 
but no more
#ExitPolicy accept *:119 # accept nntp ports on IPv4 and IPv6 as well as 
default exit policy
#ExitPolicy accept *4:119 # accept nntp ports on IPv4 only as well as default 
exit policy
#ExitPolicy accept6 *6:119 # accept nntp ports on IPv6 only as well as default 
exit policy
#ExitPolicy reject *:* # no exits allowed

## Bridge relays (or "bridges") are Tor relays that aren't listed in the
## main directory. Since there is no complete public list of them, even an
## ISP that filters connections to all the known Tor relays probably
## won't be able to block all the bridges. Also, websites won't treat you
## differently because they won't know you're running Tor. If you can
## be a real relay, please do; but if not, be a bridge!
#BridgeRelay 1
## By default, Tor will advertise your bridge to users through various
## mechanisms like https://bridges.torproject.org/. If you want to run
## a private bridge, for example because you'll give out your bridge
## address manually to your friends, uncomment this line:
#PublishServerDescriptor 0

## Configuration options can be imported from files or folders using the 
## option with the value being a path. If the path is a file, the options from 
## file will be parsed as if they were written where the %include option is. If
## the path is a folder, all files on that folder will be parsed following 
## order. Files starting with a dot are ignored. Files on subfolders are 
## The %include option can be used recursively.
#%include /etc/torrc.d/
#%include /etc/torrc.custom

Nickname torland
SocksPort 0
ORPort 9002
ExitRelay 0
ControlSocket 0
ContactInfo keifer@gmail.com
ExitPolicy reject *:* 

> On Apr 26, 2018, at 3:12 PM, teor  wrote:
> On 27 Apr 2018, at 07:47, Keifer Bly  <mailto:keifer@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Thank you. I just had to restart my relay again because it disappeared from 
>> the relay list for some reason, the software did not say that it was having 
>> any trouble
> Please check the logs for warnings and notices.
> Sometimes tor logs a warning when it starts up (for example, low file
> descriptors), and then the issue happens later.
>> and my internet connection is working perfectly fine. Would you know why 
>> that might be happening? Thank you.
> 5/9 of the directory authorities do not believe your relay is running,
> because they can not reach it: (large page)
> https://consensus-health.torproject.org/consensus-health-2018-04-26-21-00.html#DB1AF6477BB276B6EA5E72132684096EEE779D30
> <https://consensus-health.torproject.org/consensus-health-2018-04-26-21-00.html#DB1AF6477BB276B6EA5E72132684096EEE779D30>
> Your relay has probably reached its file descriptor limit.
> Or your home router has probably reached its connection limit.
> Or your internet provider has blocked the tor authorities, or it has bad
> peering.
> You can find out which by checking your tor logs, macOS system log,
> and router logs (if any).
> Some general tips for using this mailing list:
> Please start a new thread for a new question.
> Please give your relay fingerprint when you ask a question about a relay.
> Please quote and bottom post: unfortunately, it is not the default in
> some mail readers.
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by authorities (Was: Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly

From: Keifer Bly
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 4:08 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: FW: [tor-relays] Relay unreachable by authorities (Was: 
Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

From: Keifer Bly
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 4:01 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: RE: [tor-relays] Relay unreachable by authorities (Was: Re:Questionon 
relay allowed downtime)

That’s what’s strange. I have double checked the tor logs and the only  warning 
that appears is the “tor cannot help you if you use it wrong” warning; that’s 
the only one that appears. I did some research, and according to
 Mac os does have a maximum amount of network connections it does allow at once.

To find mine out, I tried running this in terminal

Launchctl limit maxfiles

The return was this: 
maxfiles    256 unlimited.

I tried attaching a photo of the output but got a message back saying it was 
held because it was too big (the file was about 6mb).

I wonder if this would mean mac os only allows 256 connections at once?  How 
could I modify my torrc file to not go over the max allowed connections by mac 
os and still be a useable relay?

Thank you.

From: teor
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 3:38 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Relay unreachable by authorities (Was: Re: Questionon 
relay allowed downtime)

On 27 Apr 2018, at 08:23, Keifer Bly  wrote:
My apologies. The fingerprint is DB1AF6477BB276B6EA5E72132684096EEE779D30

Here are the contents of my torc file (the isp beeng run from is Charter 
Communications, the only isp that is available where I live.

You might want to use a pastebin service for large files.
Or cut out all the commented stuff before posting your torrc.

I do not remember applying any descriptor limit and do not see one here.

The file descriptor limit is imposed by the OS.
The default can be low.

Here is how you can find out:

Please check the logs for warnings and notices.

Sometimes tor logs a warning when it starts up (for example, low file
descriptors), and then the issue happens later.

What’s strange is my internet connection is working fine and I am able to visit 
websites, making it not seem like it is overloaded.

Tor requires thousands of simultaneous connections.
Tor requires constant uptime.

Internet browsing requires a few connections.
It works when the network is interrupted.

Seems strange. Does Charter have any strange policies against running tor 
relays (has anyone ever had a documented here problem with running a relay on 
Charter before)? Thank you.

You should ask your ISP.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by authorities (Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly
There  are no warnings with the tor software regarding the maximum network 
connections. Perhaps it is my router (A Netgear Orbi Wifi Router, all 
wireless);. I’ve noticed that my router does sometimes drop my connection then 
bring it back randomly so you might be right.

According to my research 
, the orbi router does have a maximum amount of devices it allows to be using 
it’s connection at once, depending on what they are using it for. I am 
wondering, how could I edit my torrc to only allow the number of connections my 
router would allow and still eventually gain respectable status?

Thank you.
From: teor
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 4:24 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by authorities 
(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

On 27 Apr 2018, at 09:09, Keifer Bly  wrote:
That’s what’s strange. I have double checked the tor logs and the only  warning 
that appears is the “tor cannot help you if you use it wrong” warning; that’s 
the only one that appears.
Then the problem is probably with your router or ISP.
I did some research, and according to
 Mac os does have a maximum amount of network connections it does allow at once.
To find mine out, I tried running this in terminal
Launchctl limit maxfiles
The return was this: 
maxfiles    256 unlimited.
These are the soft and hard limits.
I tried attaching a photo of the output but got a message back saying it was 
held because it was too big (the file was about 6mb).
You can copy and paste text from the terminal.
I wonder if this would mean mac os only allows 256 connections at once?
Tor increases the file limit when it starts up.
If it fails, it logs a warning.
If the limit is too low, it logs a warning.

You don't see any warnings, therefore the problem isn't on your machine.
How could I modify my torrc file to not go over the max allowed connections by 
mac os and still be a useable relay?
You do not need to limit the number of connections.
You can not modify your torrc file to limit the number of connections.

The problem is probably with your router or ISP.
That's not really something we can help with.

Perhaps you should run a bridge rather than a relay.
Or get a better router.
Or run your relay remotely on a cheap VPS instead.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by authorities (Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly
What would be your advise for not forever being stuck with an unstable relay? 
Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 26, 2018, at 8:27 PM, teor  wrote:
>> On 27 Apr 2018, at 09:42, Keifer Bly  wrote:
>> There  are no warnings with the tor software regarding the maximum network 
>> connections. Perhaps it is my router (A Netgear Orbi Wifi Router, all 
>> wireless);. I’ve noticed that my router does sometimes drop my connection 
>> then bring it back randomly so you might be right.
>> According to my research 
>> https://kb.netgear.com/31097/How-many-devices-can-my-Orbi-system-support
>> , the orbi router does have a maximum amount of devices it allows to be 
>> using it’s connection at once, depending on what they are using it for. I am 
>> wondering, how could I edit my torrc to only allow the number of connections 
>> my router would allow and still eventually gain respectable status?
> Sorry, that's not possible.
>> You can not modify your torrc file to limit the number of connections.
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by authorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly
My apologies. My router can produce up to 866mb per second, so it should be 
fast enough. I’ll just see what happens.

I am running it off a wireless connection so could that have something to do 
with it?
From: teor
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 9:44 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by 
authorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

On 27 Apr 2018, at 14:01, Keifer Bly  wrote:
What would be your advise for not forever being stuck with an unstable relay? 
Thank you.

Please read people's replies before asking the same questions again:

Perhaps you should run a bridge rather than a relay.
Or get a better router.
Or run your relay remotely on a cheap VPS instead.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2018, at 8:27 PM, teor  wrote:

On 27 Apr 2018, at 09:42, Keifer Bly  wrote:
There  are no warnings with the tor software regarding the maximum network 
connections. Perhaps it is my router (A Netgear Orbi Wifi Router, all 
wireless);. I’ve noticed that my router does sometimes drop my connection then 
bring it back randomly so you might be right.
According to my research 
, the orbi router does have a maximum amount of devices it allows to be using 
it’s connection at once, depending on what they are using it for. I am 
wondering, how could I edit my torrc to only allow the number of connections my 
router would allow and still eventually gain respectable status?
Sorry, that's not possible.

You can not modify your torrc file to limit the number of connections.

tor-relays mailing list
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable byauthorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly
How would I set up an obfuscated bridge on osx via homebrew? Thank you.

From: Rock Rockenhaus
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 10:41 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable 
byauthorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

On Thu, 2018-04-26 at 22:03 -0700, Keifer Bly wrote:
My apologies. My router can produce up to 866mb per second, so it should be 
fast enough. I’ll just see what happens.

I am running it off a wireless connection so could that have something to do 
with it?

Again, as you were previously told, the issue isn't speed, it's how many 
simultaneous connections the router can support.

Here is an idea, try running it as a bridge and see if you are able to get 
everything working that way,.

Or you can just setup your relay on a VPS or Cloud Instance.



From: teor
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 9:44 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by 
authorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

On 27 Apr 2018, at 14:01, Keifer Bly  wrote:
What would be your advise for not forever being stuck with an unstable relay? 
Thank you.

Please read people's replies before asking the same questions again:

Perhaps you should run a bridge rather than a relay.
Or get a better router.
Or run your relay remotely on a cheap VPS instead.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2018, at 8:27 PM, teor  wrote:

On 27 Apr 2018, at 09:42, Keifer Bly  wrote:
There  are no warnings with the tor software regarding the maximum network 
connections. Perhaps it is my router (A Netgear Orbi Wifi Router, all 
wireless);. I’ve noticed that my router does sometimes drop my connection then 
bring it back randomly so you might be right.
According to my research 
, the orbi router does have a maximum amount of devices it allows to be using 
it’s connection at once, depending on what they are using it for. I am 
wondering, how could I edit my torrc to only allow the number of connections my 
router would allow and still eventually gain respectable status?
Sorry, that's not possible.

You can not modify your torrc file to limit the number of connections.

tor-relays mailing list
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable byauthorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

2018-04-26 Thread Keifer Bly
Please  send me the instructions for doing that and I will try that if my relay 
continues to struggle. Thank you.

From: Rock Rockenhaus
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 10:41 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable 
byauthorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

On Thu, 2018-04-26 at 22:03 -0700, Keifer Bly wrote:
My apologies. My router can produce up to 866mb per second, so it should be 
fast enough. I’ll just see what happens.

I am running it off a wireless connection so could that have something to do 
with it?

Again, as you were previously told, the issue isn't speed, it's how many 
simultaneous connections the router can support.

Here is an idea, try running it as a bridge and see if you are able to get 
everything working that way,.

Or you can just setup your relay on a VPS or Cloud Instance.



From: teor
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 9:44 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] FW: Relay unreachable by 
authorities(Was:Re:Questiononrelay allowed downtime)

On 27 Apr 2018, at 14:01, Keifer Bly  wrote:
What would be your advise for not forever being stuck with an unstable relay? 
Thank you.

Please read people's replies before asking the same questions again:

Perhaps you should run a bridge rather than a relay.
Or get a better router.
Or run your relay remotely on a cheap VPS instead.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 26, 2018, at 8:27 PM, teor  wrote:

On 27 Apr 2018, at 09:42, Keifer Bly  wrote:
There  are no warnings with the tor software regarding the maximum network 
connections. Perhaps it is my router (A Netgear Orbi Wifi Router, all 
wireless);. I’ve noticed that my router does sometimes drop my connection then 
bring it back randomly so you might be right.
According to my research 
, the orbi router does have a maximum amount of devices it allows to be using 
it’s connection at once, depending on what they are using it for. I am 
wondering, how could I edit my torrc to only allow the number of connections my 
router would allow and still eventually gain respectable status?
Sorry, that's not possible.

You can not modify your torrc file to limit the number of connections.

tor-relays mailing list
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Help With Autoupdating Tor Software

2018-05-01 Thread Keifer Bly

So on Mac OS X, I am using crontab to automatically run a script I wrote for 
Mac OS High Sierra to automatically update the tor relaying software every day 
at 1am.

The cron command I am using is this: 0 1 * * * /Users/oldimac/Desktop/update\ 

The script I wrote seems to work fine for updating tor, however it seems to 
have trouble updating homebrew.

Here are the contents of the script:

do shell script "$ which brew
/usr/local/bin/brew update"
do shell script "$ which brew
/usr/local/bin/brew upgrade tor"

When the script is run, the output is this:

sh: $: command not found
Error: tor already installed

So it seems to be that it updates tor ok but when it tries to update homebrew 
the error is “command not found”.

I previously tried do shell script “brew update” however that only turns to a 
"command not found" error and only works in terminal but not AppleScript.

Also, after writing the crontab command, I launched crontab via terminal via 
running “crontab” which loads to a blank Terminal screen. Do you know of a way 
I can check the script actually ran?

Thank you very much.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Help With Autoupdating Tor Software

2018-05-01 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you, I will try doing this.

I also want to report an interesting find that happened to me.

So today, I had to shut down my router for it to install a firmware update 
(it’s a netgear router, this firmware update will hopefully resolve my issue of 
dropping connections randomly). 

Here’s what happened:

The firmware update ended up taking long enough for my relay to be removed form 
the conscious list.

However, I did not restart the tor relaying software on my computer while my 
internet was offline as my router was installing the firmware update.

When my relay reappeared, my uptime on both 
 and also 
 jumped immediately back to “uptime: 5 days 3 hours” which had been my about 
uptime before I had to shut my router down.

My suspicion is that my posted uptime was retained because I did not restart 
the relay software while my router firmware was updating (it was offline for 
about 2 hours), but it thought I’d share this little thing I noticed.

Thank you.
From: teor
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 3:44 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Help With Autoupdating Tor Software

> On 2 May 2018, at 03:58, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> do shell script "$ which brew
> /usr/local/bin/brew update"
> do shell script "$ which brew
> /usr/local/bin/brew upgrade tor"
> end
> When the script is run, the output is this:

$ which brew

> sh: $: command not found

/usr/local/bin/brew upgrade tor

> Error: tor already installed
> So it seems to be that it updates tor ok but when it tries to update homebrew 
> the error is “command not found”.

No, bash can't find the $ command.
This is probably a copy-paste error.

Try running the lines of your script one at a time in the terminal.

Or just remove the "$ which brew" line, it doesn't do anything.

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Help With Autoupdating Tor Software

2018-05-02 Thread Keifer Bly
One more question, if I were to restart my relay now, would that mean that my 
mid time between failures would NOT get closer to 6 days? That’s what is at 
now. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 2, 2018, at 2:33 AM, teor  wrote:
>>> On 2 May 2018, at 19:20, Iain Learmonth  wrote:
>>> On 02/05/18 09:50, teor wrote:
>>> Being in the consensus is called "Running", but what it actually means is
>>> that a majority of directory authorities found your relay reachable.
>>> So perhaps we could use:
>>> * uptime for the amount of time since the tor process started
>>> * reachable time for the amount of time the relay has been online and
>>> available to clients
>> I will raise this issue at the next Metrics team meeting on Thursday.
>> I'm not sure how many clients we would break if we rename the uptime
>> documents, but maybe it's the right thing to do in the long run.
> I think you should prioritise renaming things in relay search and the
> metrics website.
> Renaming backends isn't as high a priority: updating the specification
> is much cheaper, and it achieves a similar outcome.
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] TOR Relay Activity Reset

2018-05-08 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello, for some reason the read/write status of my relay at 
 has been reset to nothing (all flat lines) however the relay is still marked 
as “running” with it’s current uptime of 11 days 20 hours. I’d also like to 
note that my relay usually only takes 8 days to get stable flag, however it’s 
been up for almost 12 days now and that still hasn’t happened.

 Why might this have happened? 

Thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] TOR Relay Activity Reset

2018-05-09 Thread Keifer Bly
Hi, thank you very much. One thing I am also wondering; 

Only shows the read/write history in “bytes per second”. I am wondering, as I 
am currently away from the computer that I am running  my tor relay on, is 
there a way I can change this to check the read/write history in 
megabytes/gigabytes? Thank you.
From: to...@protonmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2018 9:41 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] TOR Relay Activity Reset

Dear Keifer,
I'm seeing a stable flag on torland right now:

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On May 8, 2018 2:34 PM, Keifer Bly  wrote:

Hello, for some reason the read/write status of my relay at 
 has been reset to nothing (all flat lines) however the relay is still marked 
as “running” with it’s current uptime of 11 days 20 hours. I’d also like to 
note that my relay usually only takes 8 days to get stable flag, however it’s 
been up for almost 12 days now and that still hasn’t happened.
Why might this have happened?
Thank you.

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Tor Relay Bandwidth Question

2018-05-14 Thread Keifer Bly

So I have been away from the computer where my relay is running off of for a 
few days. I have been wanting to check how much data my relay has been 
receiving during this time. I check it at 
 but that only shows how many “bytes” have been sent. I am wondering, is there 
a way to show this in megabytes / gigabytes?

Thank you very much.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Bridge to Relay Balance Notice

2018-05-18 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello List,

There are some things I have noticed, I have been getting emails from this list 
regarding people setting up groups of new relays. I have also noticed that 
according to https://metrics.torproject.org/networksize.html, there are around 
6-7 thousand public relays running in the network, and only about 1,500 to 
2,000 bridge relays running (I’m guessing a fair number of which aren’t even 
obfuscated). Seeing as there is only roughly ¼ the number or bridges available 
as there are public tor relays, I think that it would be a good idea for new 
people running groups of relays to run one of their new relays as a bridge, 
especially with censorship growing in some countries such as the United Kingdom 
and even I’ve heard some US isps starting to block websites.

Please let me know what you all think, thank you.

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Running a bridge remotely

2018-05-21 Thread Keifer Bly

I have been running my home computer as a public tor relay for some time now 
with no issues, and unfortunately do not have a data center or anywhere else to 
run my relay from. I have noticed that there are far fewer bridges (about 
2,000) then there are relays (about 7,000). As I have been running my home 
computer as a relay since last year, my ip address has already been in the tor 
network for a while, and thus will already be known as a relay to begin with. 
Is there a free way that I could remotely run an obfuscated bridge as well? I 
would need a way to do this remotely as I said my only available network ip has 
been on the public tor network for a considerable while.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Tor Software Update Question

2018-05-23 Thread Keifer Bly

So I just updated the tor software using command “brew upgrade tor” on macOS. 
It upgraded from tor to tor I am wondering, do I need to 
restart my relay after doing this?

I am also wondering, I have this email address in the “ContactInfo” in my torn 
file for tor project to contact me regarding issues with my relay, etc, but am 
wondering if there is a way to have this email for them to contact without 
displaying it publicly on my relay?

Thank you very much.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Software Update Question

2018-05-23 Thread Keifer Bly
Thank you. Here is something I have noticed,  my computer says it’s running tor (upgraded today), but my status at 
 says it’s running a different version ( Any idea on why this might 
be happening? Thanks very much.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 23, 2018, at 12:46 PM, nusenu  wrote:
> Keifer Bly:
>> I am also wondering, I have this email address in the “ContactInfo” in my 
>> torn file for tor project to contact me regarding issues with my relay, etc, 
>> but am wondering if there is a way to have this email for them to contact 
>> without displaying it publicly on my relay?
> The ContactInfo string is always public, but you can protect your current 
> email from spamers by creating a second
> email address just for your ContactInfo field. (or by obfuscating it)
> -- 
> https://mastodon.social/@nusenu
> twitter: @nusenu_
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Software Update Question

2018-05-24 Thread Keifer Bly
“killall tor” to stop the process then “tor” to start it again usually works, 
but I wonder if there is a way to do this without loosing uptime as this does? 
Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 24, 2018, at 4:30 AM, Ralph Seichter  wrote:
>> On 24.05.18 08:17, Valter Jansons wrote:
>> I have not worked on macOS services, but as I understand it, executing
>> `sudo launchctl stop servicename && sudo launchctl stop servicename`
>> should do the job for restarting the service [...]
> That might not work as intended, depending on macOS version and service
> configuration details. Both "stop" and "start" are legacy subcommands
> aimed at on-demand services and older launchd implementations.
>> Maybe just restarting the box is an easier method of restarting the
>> Tor service.
> Probably.
> -Ralph
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Software Update Question

2018-05-24 Thread Keifer Bly
> When doing version upgrades, stopping your previous version of tor and 
> starting the new version is required, this cannot be done without 
> interrupting the uptime. That said, uptime is not a super important stat. It 
> is more important that you keep your tor daemon / system up to date than go 
> for high uptime numbers.
> Thanks for running relays!
>> On May 24, 2018, at 1:01 PM, Keifer Bly  wrote:
>> “killall tor” to stop the process then “tor” to start it again usually 
>> works, but I wonder if there is a way to do this without loosing uptime as 
>> this does? Thank you.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 24, 2018, at 4:30 AM, Ralph Seichter  wrote:
>>>> On 24.05.18 08:17, Valter Jansons wrote:
>>>> I have not worked on macOS services, but as I understand it, executing
>>>> `sudo launchctl stop servicename && sudo launchctl stop servicename`
>>>> should do the job for restarting the service [...]
>>> That might not work as intended, depending on macOS version and service
>>> configuration details. Both "stop" and "start" are legacy subcommands
>>> aimed at on-demand services and older launchd implementations.
>>>> Maybe just restarting the box is an easier method of restarting the
>>>> Tor service.
>>> Probably.
>>> -Ralph
>>> ___
>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Software Update Question

2018-05-24 Thread Keifer Bly
EDIT: It also just popped up with "May 24 11:25:18.000 [notice] Performing 
bandwidth self-test…done.”

Thank you.
> On May 24, 2018, at 11:22 AM, Colin Childs  wrote:
> Hi Keifer,
> When doing Tor version upgrades (and not just config changes), there is no 
> way to restart the process without losing uptime; as uptime records the 
> amount of time that the Tor process has been running without interruption. 
> When doing version upgrades, stopping your previous version of tor and 
> starting the new version is required, this cannot be done without 
> interrupting the uptime. That said, uptime is not a super important stat. It 
> is more important that you keep your tor daemon / system up to date than go 
> for high uptime numbers.
> Thanks for running relays!
>> On May 24, 2018, at 1:01 PM, Keifer Bly  wrote:
>> “killall tor” to stop the process then “tor” to start it again usually 
>> works, but I wonder if there is a way to do this without loosing uptime as 
>> this does? Thank you.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 24, 2018, at 4:30 AM, Ralph Seichter  wrote:
>>>> On 24.05.18 08:17, Valter Jansons wrote:
>>>> I have not worked on macOS services, but as I understand it, executing
>>>> `sudo launchctl stop servicename && sudo launchctl stop servicename`
>>>> should do the job for restarting the service [...]
>>> That might not work as intended, depending on macOS version and service
>>> configuration details. Both "stop" and "start" are legacy subcommands
>>> aimed at on-demand services and older launchd implementations.
>>>> Maybe just restarting the box is an easier method of restarting the
>>>> Tor service.
>>> Probably.
>>> -Ralph
>>> ___
>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Software Update Question

2018-05-24 Thread Keifer Bly
What does it mean? Does it mean my relay will be unreachable? Thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 24, 2018, at 11:40 AM, teor  wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 24 May 2018, at 11:27, Keifer Bly  wrote:
>> May 24 11:24:14.000 [warn] Bug: Non-fatal assertion info || client failed in 
>> onion_extend_cpath at src/or/circuitbuild.c:2772. Stack trace: (on Tor 
>> 7dd0813e783ae16e)
> Thanks for reporting this bug!
> It's a known issue, and we are testing a fix in our master branch and alpha 
> releases:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/25692
> I have asked if we can backport the fix to the next 0.3.3 release:
> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/25691#comment:25
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Running A Bridge Alongside My Relay

2018-05-26 Thread Keifer Bly

So I am considering running a bridge alongside my relay gotland, as the network 
could probably use some more bridges. As I have said, I do not have any other 
network that I can run my relay from, however, what I might do is run my 
obsfacted bridge on a Linux Virtual Machine through a proxy server. Does anyone 
know any free proxy software out there this might be achievable with?

Let me know what you think, thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Running A Bridge Alongside My Relay

2018-05-26 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes but I would run it through the proxy so it would have the proxy IP address. 
I just noticed tor could use more bridges as there are four times as many 
public relays as their are bridges.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2018, at 12:44 PM, Logforme  wrote:

>> So I am considering running a bridge alongside my relay gotland
> Would the bridge use the same public IP address as the relay?
> Since you already run a relay, that IP address is public. The point of 
> bridges is that they are not public so they are harder to block.
> A government that censors the internet would surely block access to all Tor 
> relay IP addresses.
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Running A Bridge Alongside My Relay

2018-05-26 Thread Keifer Bly
I am subscribed to a vpn service (purevpn) however there service changes
their IP address and location every few minutes. Would this be a useable
bridge? Thank you.

On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 4:40 PM Neel Chauhan  wrote:

> You normally can't run a server through a regular "proxy" as you would
> need to be able to advertise an open port for the bridge and regular
> proxy servers won't let you do that. You can do it if you use a VPN with
> a public IP address for the bridge however, or a second IP address, but
> you would need to pay $$$ for this.
> -Neel Chauhan
> ===
> https://www.neelc.org/
> On 2018-05-26 16:19, Keifer Bly wrote:
> > Yes but I would run it through the proxy so it would have the proxy IP
> > address. I just noticed tor could use more bridges as there are four
> > times as many public relays as their are bridges.
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > On May 26, 2018, at 12:44 PM, Logforme  wrote:
> >
> >>> So I am considering running a bridge alongside my relay gotland
> >> Would the bridge use the same public IP address as the relay?
> >> Since you already run a relay, that IP address is public. The point of
> >> bridges is that they are not public so they are harder to block.
> >> A government that censors the internet would surely block access to
> >> all Tor relay IP addresses.
> >>
> >> ___
> >> tor-relays mailing list
> >> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> >> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> > ___
> > tor-relays mailing list
> > tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Running A Bridge Alongside My Relay

2018-05-26 Thread Keifer Bly
They do support  port forwarding, I have used it before. I have just only ever 
used their service before with Windows so may need to get used to it some on 
Linux.  Is there a guide to setting up an obfuscated bridge on Debian? I am 
aware this may not work fantastically as virtual machines can be a pain, and 
also the vpn may not be the best way to run a relay, but will try it to see if 
it works out ok.

From: Mirimir
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2018 6:56 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Running A Bridge Alongside My Relay

On 05/26/2018 01:30 PM, Keifer Bly wrote:
> I am subscribed to a vpn service (purevpn) however there service changes
> their IP address and location every few minutes. Would this be a useable
> bridge? Thank you.

It's the custom PureVPN client that's changing servers periodically. If
you run standard openvpn demon, you can specify particular servers. So
the IP address won't be changing.

However, you would need to forward the bridge port (TCP 443) to the VPN
exit server. And it looks like PureVPN doesn't allow that. So you'd need
to use a VPN service that does.

For the one-year plan, PureVPN costs ~$4 per month. Decent VPNs that do
support port forwarding cost about $5-$9 per month. But for that, you
can lease a VPS with gigabit uplink. And running a bridge won't likely
generate abuse complaints.

> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 4:40 PM Neel Chauhan  wrote:
>> You normally can't run a server through a regular "proxy" as you would
>> need to be able to advertise an open port for the bridge and regular
>> proxy servers won't let you do that. You can do it if you use a VPN with
>> a public IP address for the bridge however, or a second IP address, but
>> you would need to pay $$$ for this.
>> -Neel Chauhan
>> ===
>> https://www.neelc.org/
>> On 2018-05-26 16:19, Keifer Bly wrote:
>>> Yes but I would run it through the proxy so it would have the proxy IP
>>> address. I just noticed tor could use more bridges as there are four
>>> times as many public relays as their are bridges.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 26, 2018, at 12:44 PM, Logforme  wrote:
>>>>> So I am considering running a bridge alongside my relay gotland
>>>> Would the bridge use the same public IP address as the relay?
>>>> Since you already run a relay, that IP address is public. The point of
>>>> bridges is that they are not public so they are harder to block.
>>>> A government that censors the internet would surely block access to
>>>> all Tor relay IP addresses.
>>>> ___
>>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
>>> ___
>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Tor Guard Relay

2018-06-06 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello, I have one question.

I have been running my relay “torland” at 


For roughly 3 months now (I am unsure exactly how many days). While my relay is 
marked “fast” and “stable” currently, it has never been marked as a “guard” 
relay. I believe being a “guard” relay requires at least 10mb/s for relay 
speed, but am wondering, do I need to configure my torrc file to allow it to be 
used as a guard relay and are there any risks for doing this (like there are in 
running in exit relay)? Thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Guard Relay

2018-06-07 Thread Keifer Bly
Thanks. How much bandwidth and uptime do I need to become a guard relay?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 7, 2018, at 5:39 AM, Neel Chauhan  wrote:
> The guard flag gets automatically assigned to you if you have enough 
> bandwidth and uptime. You usually don't get to choose. You can still 
> influence it by inducing downtime or limiting bandwidth (but both will be 
> counterproductive). There are no risks in being a guard node, unlike being an 
> exit. That's why web hosts are okay with guard nodes but not exits, and also 
> why you can be a guard node on a broadband connection without getting 
> complaints from your ISP. Abuse complaints don't go to a guard node, it goes 
> to exits as exits connect directly to requested non-onion websites and guards 
> don't.
> -Neel Chauhan
> ===
> https://www.neelc.org/
>> On 2018-06-06 14:42, Keifer Bly wrote:
>> Hello, I have one question.
>> I have been running my relay “torland” at
>> http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/router_detail.php?FP=db1af6477bb276b6ea5e72132684096eee779d30
>> For roughly 3 months now (I am unsure exactly how many days). While my
>> relay is marked “fast” and “stable” currently, it has never
>> been marked as a “guard” relay. I believe being a “guard”
>> relay requires at least 10mb/s for relay speed, but am wondering, do I
>> need to configure my torrc file to allow it to be used as a guard
>> relay and are there any risks for doing this (like there are in
>> running in exit relay)? Thank you.
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-08 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello fellow relay operators,

My apologies as this is not related to tor relays, however, there seems to be 
several spammers subscribed to the relay list. Every time I am involved in a 
discussion on this list, I receive 3-5 emails supposedly from girls wanting to 
meet up (for sex). The emails in question claim they are sent from email 
address tor-relays@lists.torproject.org (and always have the same email subject 
of the discussion I was involved in).

I am somewhat in a trap as blocking them with spam filters would block all 
emails sent from the relay lists address. I am wondering what could be done 
about this (the email provider in question is Gmail).

Thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-08 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes, but the emails are saying that they are from the 
tor-rel...@lists.tororoject.org email address. They must be spoofing the email 
address it’s coming from somehow. I just thought that I’d say something as 
given that they are making their emails come from that email address could mean 
that these spammers could have somehow gotten who is subscribed to the relay 
mailing list as this is my personal email and not a school or company owned 
google account, no one else has access to this email account but me so not sure 
how they would have known I am subscribed. I would supply a copy of the email 
but that may be tough as they contain nudity and graphically intensive language.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 8, 2018, at 6:18 PM, Mirimir  wrote:
>> On 06/08/2018 01:24 PM, Keifer Bly wrote:
>> Hello fellow relay operators,
>> My apologies as this is not related to tor relays, however, there seems to 
>> be several spammers subscribed to the relay list. Every time I am involved 
>> in a discussion on this list, I receive 3-5 emails supposedly from girls 
>> wanting to meet up (for sex). The emails in question claim they are sent 
>> from email address tor-relays@lists.torproject.org (and always have the same 
>> email subject of the discussion I was involved in).
> I don't recall seeing such messages. So they must be spoofing the from
> address.
>> I am somewhat in a trap as blocking them with spam filters would block all 
>> emails sent from the relay lists address. I am wondering what could be done 
>> about this (the email provider in question is Gmail).
> Maybe there's something in the headers that could be filtered on.
> Also, I recall reading that Gmail doesn't actually parse headers
> properly. If from address is spoofed to your address, it goes in your
> outbox :) So maybe you need to use an old-school email client.
>> Thank you.
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-08 Thread Keifer Bly
I receive them whenever I send a note to this address, starting with the first 
time I participated in a conversation with this thread. Thank you.

From: Mirimir
Sent: Friday, June 8, 2018 8:05 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

On 06/08/2018 03:48 PM, Keifer Bly wrote:
> Yes, but the emails are saying that they are from the 
> tor-rel...@lists.tororoject.org email address. They must be spoofing the 
> email address it’s coming from somehow. I just thought that I’d say something 
> as given that they are making their emails come from that email address could 
> mean that these spammers could have somehow gotten who is subscribed to the 
> relay mailing list as this is my personal email and not a school or company 
> owned google account, no one else has access to this email account but me so 
> not sure how they would have known I am subscribed. I would supply a copy of 
> the email but that may be tough as they contain nudity and graphically 
> intensive language.

How long have you been receiving them? I see that your first post to the
list was on 2018-04-10. Anyone, whether subscribed or not, can get that
from http://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/.

Please feel comfortable sending message source for one of them to me.
Not just forwarding. Get the source text (in Thunderbird, it's just
"View Source") and email as an attachment.

> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 8, 2018, at 6:18 PM, Mirimir  wrote:
>>> On 06/08/2018 01:24 PM, Keifer Bly wrote:
>>> Hello fellow relay operators,
>>> My apologies as this is not related to tor relays, however, there seems to 
>>> be several spammers subscribed to the relay list. Every time I am involved 
>>> in a discussion on this list, I receive 3-5 emails supposedly from girls 
>>> wanting to meet up (for sex). The emails in question claim they are sent 
>>> from email address tor-relays@lists.torproject.org (and always have the 
>>> same email subject of the discussion I was involved in).
>> I don't recall seeing such messages. So they must be spoofing the from
>> address.
>>> I am somewhat in a trap as blocking them with spam filters would block all 
>>> emails sent from the relay lists address. I am wondering what could be done 
>>> about this (the email provider in question is Gmail).
>> Maybe there's something in the headers that could be filtered on.
>> Also, I recall reading that Gmail doesn't actually parse headers
>> properly. If from address is spoofed to your address, it goes in your
>> outbox :) So maybe you need to use an old-school email client.
>>> Thank you.
>>> ___
>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Fwd: Tor Guard Relay

2018-06-08 Thread Keifer Bly
This is one of the about 20 emails that have been received. Upon looking it
looks like they are spoofing the [tor-relays] subject line. My apologies
for the subject change but could not find a way to forward the emails
without forwarding them from an old conversation. Thank you. (The subject
this is in reference to is "Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List").

-- Forwarded message -
From: Becky Janet 
Date: Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Tor Guard Relay
To: Keifer Bly 

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I'm waiting for your cam
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] What is the different between Tor browser and Torsource code

2018-06-10 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes, it seems like this is not something you’d need to change the source code 
for. On the tor browser connection screen, instead of clicking “connect” click 
“configure”. From here you can preconfigure the settings of a local proxy 
server as well as  exclusively what ports you want the tor browser to configure 
and listen on.

As for the tor browser vs tor source code, the tor browser is a modified 
version of Firefox which is preconfigured to use the tor network, which was 
created from the source code.

As for configuring how many relays you want to use in your tor connection, I am 
not sure of a way to configure exactly how many relays you want to connect 
through, however, you could try adding this to your torrc file

ExcludeSingleHopRelays 1

Adding this should force your tor connection to go through at least three 
relays no matter what, as opposed to less than that.
From: dave` dave
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2018 1:23 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] What is the different between Tor browser and 
Torsource code

i have to change it because there is no other way to make it work the way i 
want if i won't change the source code.

On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 11:11 AM, dawuud  wrote:

maybe you don't need to change the source code to get
tor to do what you want because the control port can be used
to tell tor how to build circuits, number of hops etc.
you can learn about this in the control port specification,
in the specifications git repo.

also, instead of copying files around as Georg suggests you can
change the tor browser settings to use whatever socks and control port.

On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 10:53:55AM +0300, dave` dave wrote:
> Actually i don't understand what you said or how to do that. can you expand
> please?
> On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 10:39 AM, Georg Koppen  wrote:
> > dave` dave:
> > > I know that i can download Tor Browser and use it as a regular browser
> > with
> > > a touch of anonymity. but, if i want to change a few things in Tor i can
> > > change in .torrc file like the ExitNode, EntryNodeetc.. as i have here in
> > > Tor's manual:
> > >
> > > https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en
> > >
> > > but, if i want to change a way more series things i need to change it
> > from
> > > the source code for example the numbers of Nodes-hop make 1 one or 8
> > hop's:
> > >
> > > https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en
> > >
> > > after changing the source code i and to install it:
> > >
> > > ./configure && make install
> > >
> > > more info:
> > >
> > > https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en
> > >
> > > after changing thw source code as i want it compiled without any
> > > error's(Ubuntu 16.04 VMware).
> > >
> > > after the compiling im in kind of in dead end don't know what to do.
> > >
> > > i want to use the source code that i edit as a i use in regular
> > Tor-Browser
> > > can i do that?
> >
> > Yes, just copy it over the tor which we ship in
> > tor-browser_$YOUR-LOCALE/Browser/TorBrowser/Tor
> >
> > Georg
> >
> >
> > ___
> > tor-relays mailing list
> > tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> > https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> >
> >

> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Trying to set up a relay at home, but get no connections

2018-06-10 Thread Keifer Bly
One thought. Try making sure you are running the newest version of the tor 
software. I say this because I know directory authorities recently started 
rejecting relays running older versions of tor. Another thing I might check if 
possible is if your router has a limit for how many simultaneous connections it 
can handle as if your router has a limit in this, this can cause issues with 
running a tor server as tor can require hundreds of connections at once.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 8, 2018, at 4:53 PM, Graeme Neilson  wrote:
> See if you can route to all the authorities. 
> Tor requires that all relays are able to contact all directory authorities.
> In my case tcptraceroute would not get to all the authorities. For some 
> authorities my ISP was not routing to them.
>> On 8 June 2018 at 17:35, Gunnar Wolf  wrote:
>> Roger Dingledine dijo [Fri, Jun 08, 2018 at 01:20:19AM -0400]:
>> > First, did your relay find itself reachable (both ORPort and DirPort)
>> > at startup? Look for lines like
>> > 
>> > Jun 05 12:47:50.013 [notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is 
>> > reachable from the outside. Excellent.
>> > 
>> > and
>> > 
>> > Jun 05 12:48:43.824 [notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is 
>> > reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor.
>> Jun 06 15:36:26.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is 
>> reachable from the outside. Excellent.
>> Jun 06 15:36:27.000 [notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable 
>> from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor.
>> So, yes :)
>> > Second, assuming yes for the first question, I wonder if the directory
>> > authorities are (still) finding it reachable. You can check the recent
>> > votes at
>> > https://collector.torproject.org/recent/relay-descriptors/votes/
>> > or try the (easier to use if it works for you) interface at the bottom of
>> > https://consensus-health.torproject.org/#relayinfo
>> > 
>> > Maybe your port forwarding is expiring after a little while?
>> My fingerprint is C0417071C3754885296F4A5935AC1BC1CABDBC31. I see all
>> authorities give me "V2Dir" and "Valid", but only three (longc,
>> bastet, moria1) give "Running".
>> I use my ISP-provided fiber modem. Maybe it is expiring the
>> connections when idle. Is there a way to request a heartbeat to be
>> sent?
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Tor Network Safety Precautions

2018-06-10 Thread Keifer Bly

So I am aware that the tor network has some built in safety mechanisms to 
protect tor users from attacks (such as from malicious tor relays, surveillance 
based attacks, etc).

I am aware of some of tors safety mechanisms; I know that tor will 
automatically switch out which relays the tor browser is connecting through so 
as to prevent relays from being able to log traffic flowing through them. I am 
also aware that tor browser will automatically redirect to https secure 
websites to prevent end to end correlation attacks on users.

I am wondering, what are the other safety mechanisms that tor network does to 
prevent against attacks? Besides keeping the tor relay software on OS up to 
date (which I am doing), what are the safety precautions relay operators should 
consider (the OS my relay is running off of is macOS High Sierra).

Thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: Tor Guard Relay

2018-06-10 Thread Keifer Bly
Good idea. I will forward one of the emails to that email address 
(ab...@ioflood.com) and explain what is going on. Will contact back with 
From: Mirimir
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2018 8:52 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Fwd: Tor Guard Relay

On 06/10/2018 03:58 PM, grarpamp wrote:
> Horny Rose wants to marry and exploit many people, lol.
> Assuming culprit is a stupid nontargeting subscribed address,
> list manager does have a way to expose it, users may gripe
> though, because even if found, reported, and nuked at the source,
> they'll likely just sign up again.
> Readers should just filter locally. And mark them as spam
> if they want to risk letting the cloud deal with it in some
> secret and flaky way.
> Not posting headers because it's a waste of time.
> This saves many people a lot of time...
> https://neomutt.org/

I've looked at known spam, and they all come from either
m111.bytekeys.com ( or us27.axiobyte.com
( Both are hosted on mellowhost.com by Input Output
Flood LLC. Funny name, no? The abuse contact is Gabriel Ramuglia
(ab...@ioflood.com). I suggest that we all file abuse reports.

Here's the supporting data.

from https://ipinfo.io/

ip: ""
hostname: "m111.bytekeys.com"
city: "Dhaka"
region: "Dhaka Division"
country: "BD"
loc: "23.7231,90.4086"
postal: "1000"
asn: Object
asn: "AS53755"
name: "Input Output Flood LLC"
domain: "ioflood.com"
route: ""
type: "hosting"
company: Object
name: "Mellowhost"
domain: "mellowhost.com"
type: "hosting"

ip: ""
hostname: "us27.axiobyte.com"
city: "Dhaka"
region: "Dhaka Division"
country: "BD"
loc: "23.7231,90.4086"
postal: "1000"
asn: Object
asn: "AS53755"
name: "Input Output Flood LLC"
domain: "ioflood.com"
route: ""
type: "hosting"
company: Object
name: "Mellowhost"
domain: "mellowhost.com"
type: "hosting"

from https://myip.ms/info/whois/

Whois Original Data on IP
NetRange: -
NetHandle:  NET-104-161-0-0-1
Parent: NET104 (NET-104-0-0-0-0)
NetType:Direct Allocation
OriginAS:   AS53755
Organization:   Input Output Flood LLC (IOFL)
OrgName:Input Output Flood LLC
OrgId:  IOFL
Address:3402 E University Dr. #6
City:   Phoenix
StateProv:  AZ
PostalCode: 85034
OrgAbuseHandle: RAMUG-ARIN
OrgAbuseName:   Ramuglia, Gabriel
OrgAbusePhone:  +1-702-482-8064
OrgAbuseEmail:  ab...@ioflood.com

from https://myip.ms/info/whois/

Whois IP Live Results for
IP Address:
IP Location:USA,Nevada,Mesquite
IP Reverse DNS (Host):  us27.axiobyte.com
IP Owner:   Input Output Flood Llc
Owner IP Range: -,536 ip)
Owner Address:  3402 E University Dr. #6, Phoenix, AZ, 85034, US
Owner Country:  USA
Owner Phone:+1-702-482-8064
Owner Website:  ioflood.com
Owner CIDR:
Whois Record Created:   28 Jul 2014
Whois Record Updated:   28 Jan 2017

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-12 Thread Keifer Bly
It seems to be coming from slightly different email addresses, so that is 
difficult to tell. But it happens when I am posting to the list, not any other 
time, but I’ll receive up to ten of them within the next few minutes. What do 
you all think?

From: Paul Templeton
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 5:07 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org.
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

I note that you do not receive any spam until you post to the list. So is it a 
bot subscribed to the list or is it reading the piper mail?

tor-relays mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] FW: [#79576] Spam Emails Being Sent To TOR Relay Operators

2018-06-12 Thread Keifer Bly
Hill all, I wanted to inform that I filed a complaint about the spam emails and 
this is the reply I got. Cheers.

From: supp...@ioflood.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2018 7:43 PM
To: Keifer Bly
Cc: ab...@ioflood.com
Subject: Re: [#79576] Spam Emails Being Sent To TOR Relay Operators

Hi Keifer,

I wanted to let you know that we've received your complaint regarding the spam 
emails and have forwarded it to the relevant customer so that they can resolved 
it.  We do take these kinds of complaints seriously and will be following up 
with our customer to make sure the appropriate action is taken.

In the meantime, if we can be of further assistance, please let me know.


Mabel To
Input Output Flood, LLC
We Love Servers

web: www.ioflood.com
email: ma...@ioflood.com
Skype: ioflood_mabel_t
twitter: @ioflood

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-15 Thread Keifer Bly
The first time I got one it just said “Hey I want to talk to you”. It did not 
contain any pictures or anything, so I did not know what was going on. I 
replied and asked if she was from the list, and I got another email back asking 
me for my picture, etc (which I ignored). So, given by that it knows how to 
sword and send replies, I would surmise that there is a human that is sending 
them, yes.

> On Jun 15, 2018, at 8:53 AM, to...@protonmail.com wrote:
> Well darn if I didn't just get spammed (first time) when I replied to 
> "metrixbot broken" email just now.  (camrynbentley554167 at mv.ovsum.com, who 
> wants to trade pics with me..)
> --torix
> ​Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.​
> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
> On June 14, 2018 11:33 AM, nusenu  wrote:
>> this kind of spam also happens if you post emails to tor-dev.
>> last spam sender address: rosegregory714...@cc.mexyst.com
>> https://mastodon.social/@nusenu
>> twitter: @nusenu_
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Trying to set up a relay at home, but get no connections

2018-06-15 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes, I would agree that running an obfuscated bridge would be a good idea, as 
the network could use some more of those.

I could only find the instructions for running a vanilla (non obfuscated) 
bridge on the tor website, but did some research, and found a guide to running 
an obfuscated bridge here


The OS he is performing this from is Linux, which is what most relays are 
running off of. I would suggest you try seeing how this works out and then 
contacting back,

Let us know what you think.

> On Jun 14, 2018, at 11:46 PM, teor  wrote:
>> On 12 Jun 2018, at 04:29, Gunnar Wolf  wrote:
>> So, it seems my ISP does not want us to run relays ☹ Can you think of
>> any way my connection (oversized for my regular uses) can be put to
>> use for Tor? I guess it would not work as a bridge either, would it?
> Your relay will work as a bridge if the bridge authority is reachable from 
> your IP address.
> Otherwise, you could run a private bridge, or a snowflake reflector.
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-15 Thread Keifer Bly
Me too man! I have created a filter in my Gmail to automatically delete the 
pesky emails but I am still getting them anyway. I will file another abuse 
report to that email address.

From: The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510]
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 11:19 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐

On June 14, 2018 8:33 AM, nusenu  wrote:

> this kind of spam also happens if you post emails to tor-dev.
> last spam sender address: rosegregory714...@cc.mexyst.com

Confirmed.  I've killfiled messages from that address, but they're still coming 

Is anybody else getting messages that purport to have CCNs in them?  Three or 
four out of the two dozen this week have had them.

​The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510]
PGP (new!): 4d7d 5c94  fa44 a235
WWW: https://drwho.virtadpt.net/

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-16 Thread Keifer Bly
Hi all, I wanted to inform that via the emails that have been coming from yahoo 
mail addresses, I reported those yahoo email
addresses to Yahoo via there spam report page at 

Haven’t gotten a response yet but will let know what happens, thanks yall.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 15, 2018, at 4:10 PM, Mirimir  wrote:
>> On 06/15/2018 07:18 AM, The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510] wrote:
>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>> On June 14, 2018 8:33 AM, nusenu  wrote:
>>> this kind of spam also happens if you post emails to tor-dev.
>>> last spam sender address: rosegregory714...@cc.mexyst.com
>> Confirmed.  I've killfiled messages from that address, but they're still 
>> coming in.
>> Is anybody else getting messages that purport to have CCNs in them?  Three 
>> or four out of the two dozen this week have had them.
> Yes, I've received those too. I doubt that they're valid.
> Upon reflection, I don't believe that there's any human management. The
> progression after the initial message is pretty consistent, with maybe a
> couple forks. Maybe I'll look carefully when I have a larger sample.
> Replying is pointless, I think. All they want is traffic to the various
> "dating" sites.
>> ​The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510]
>> PGP (new!): 4d7d 5c94  fa44 a235
>> WWW: https://drwho.virtadpt.net/
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Spam Emails Received From This Mailing List

2018-06-16 Thread Keifer Bly
It appears so, I still know a few people that use yahoo mail. Anyway I reported 
the spam emails to them and well we will see what they say. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 16, 2018, at 8:00 AM, ha...@d-ku.de wrote:
> Hey, new here - long time only reading the mails:
> But.. Yahoo is still alive and someone is for real using it? o.O
> 16. Juni 2018 16:55, "Keifer Bly"  schrieb:
>> Hi all, I wanted to inform that via the emails that have been coming from 
>> yahoo mail addresses, I
>> reported those yahoo email
>> addresses to Yahoo via there spam report page at
>> https://io.help.yahoo.com/contact/index?page=contactform&locale=en_US&token=Zh%2FBBVqXzLHlIbokbUqVWZ
>> z8ElV6Yl7dnHn67FP9aovfRkHSbpL250D%2BNv8Cir%2B2dmTfF99U40LNX4ZGpPvRgTwBV8VdzMq6qSgVYhyyV46B70bSKqkrRL
>> dG8ZcBxl%2FVdYyq1hHKS2ih8aENLJClsrrSiVRxs4&selectedChannel=email-icon.
>> Haven’t gotten a response yet but will let know what happens, thanks yall.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jun 15, 2018, at 4:10 PM, Mirimir  wrote:
>>>> On 06/15/2018 07:18 AM, The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510] wrote:
>>>> ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
>>>>> On June 14, 2018 8:33 AM, nusenu  wrote:
>>>>> this kind of spam also happens if you post emails to tor-dev.
>>>>> last spam sender address: rosegregory714...@cc.mexyst.com
>>>> Confirmed. I've killfiled messages from that address, but they're still 
>>>> coming in.
>>>> Is anybody else getting messages that purport to have CCNs in them? Three 
>>>> or four out of the two
>>>> dozen this week have had them.
>>> Yes, I've received those too. I doubt that they're valid.
>>> Upon reflection, I don't believe that there's any human management. The
>>> progression after the initial message is pretty consistent, with maybe a
>>> couple forks. Maybe I'll look carefully when I have a larger sample.
>>> Replying is pointless, I think. All they want is traffic to the various
>>> "dating" sites.
>>>> ​The Doctor [412/724/301/703/415/510]
>>>> PGP (new!): 4d7d 5c94 fa44 a235
>>>> WWW: https://drwho.virtadpt.net/
>>>> ___
>>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
>>> ___
>>> tor-relays mailing list
>>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Prepping bridges for censorship

2018-06-21 Thread Keifer Bly

So I had a thought. It seems like a lot of the relays run off of various port 
numbers (of course). However if all of the relays and bridges are running off 
of various port numbers (ie 9001, 1, etc.), couldn’t this stop censored 
users (who’s isp or local firewall only allows certain ports like 80 and 443) 
from being able to connect to the tor network even when using bridges due to 
the port that the bridge of guard relay being run on a port number that is 
blocked by the isp or local firewall?

Just a thought.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Prepping bridges for censorship

2018-06-22 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes, but are all guard and bridge relays configured like this?

Maybe this should be a requirement for running a guard or bridge relay for this 

What does everyone think?

From: Matthew Glennon
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 5:18 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Prepping bridges for censorship

This is the reasoning I go with for using 443/80.

On Fri, Jun 22, 2018 at 8:11 AM Martin Kepplinger  wrote:
Am 21.06.2018 21:48 schrieb Keifer Bly:
> Hi,
> So I had a thought. It seems like a lot of the relays run off of
> various port numbers (of course). However if all of the relays and
> bridges are running off of various port numbers (ie 9001, 1,
> etc.), couldn’t this stop censored users (who’s isp or local firewall
> only allows certain ports like 80 and 443) from being able to connect
> to the tor network even when using bridges due to the port that the
> bridge of guard relay being run on a port number that is blocked by
> the isp or local firewall?
> Just a thought.

Sure, just like for guard relays, for bridges it makes sense to 
ORPort to be 443 or 80, to be reachable from behind messy firewalls.


tor-relays mailing list
Matthew Glennon
PGP Signing Available Upon Request

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Prepping bridges for censorship

2018-06-22 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes, that’s a good point. I just thought that on observing that, it might be 
too easy for a censoring isp to block tor just by blocking the ports the relays 
usually listen on, or identify tor easily by port number even when using 
obfscated bridges. Good point though, thanks

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 22, 2018, at 4:40 PM, teor  wrote:
> Hi,
> (This thread has a lot of top-posting, so I cut the context.)
>> On 23 Jun 2018, at 06:54, Matthew Glennon  wrote:
>> No - and I don't think a standard port should be chosen. Tor comes with 
>> defaults and that's probably good enough. Keep them if you want, or 
>> customize them to fit your situation - the consensus has no problem 
>> adjusting to your customer port numbers. On the contrary, allowing a bad 
>> actor to know (for sure) what port a Bridge is using is bad news for the 
>> security of the network as a whole. It's a much better idea to let the 
>> Bridge Operator adjust the port number to their situation since they have to 
>> advertise the port to their subscribers externally anyway. For Guards, it 
>> doesn't really matter since the IP/Port pair is listed in the consensus.
> Last time I checked:
> About 40% of relays were on 9001/9030 (the defaults)
> About 40% of relays were on 80/443 (the HTTP ports)
> The rest were on other ports
>> Using 443/80 really doesn't matter if you intend to run a Middle - since tor 
>> <-> tor shouldn't be a problem.
>> There's no real downside to using 443/80 on a Guard; you may very well be 
>> available to more clients as a result of using it.
> Using 80/443 on a guard makes some middleboxes think they can modify your 
> traffic.
> Instead, the modification breaks Tor's security guarantees, so Tor clients 
> can't
> connect.
> Having a range of ports for guards is good for the network and good for 
> clients.
> The same arguments apply to bridges.
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

2018-06-25 Thread Keifer Bly
This is Debian Linux your doing this on correct? I am assuming this as most 
relays are run on Linux.

Here are the steps I’d use to install tor on Linux:

1. Open the Linux terminal 
2. Sign into the Linux root account by typing su, then press enter. Liux will 
then ask you for a password; type the password you set  as the administrator 
password when you set upr your Linux login (this might not be a 100% necessary 
step, but  in my experience Linux can be quite naggy about users not having 
permission to install software and this should help avoid that issue).
3. In the terminal root window type “apt install tor”. This will tell Linux to 
install the tor relay packages.

4. In the root terminal window, type “gedit /etc/tor/torrc” This sould open the 
file so you can add the bridge configuration.

5. If Linux yells at you for trying to install unrecognized  packages in 
installing tor, do the following things listed  here: 

Please, I would ask, run pluggable transport bridge as opposed to a vanilla 
bridge (which is what your setting up), as pluggable transport bridges are more 
difficult to detect for network censors.

Find how to do that here: 


From: I
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 4:04 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

Would someone know what the problem is, please.
I can't see how the bridge is running nor what is wrong but have followed the 
torproject.org guide.

 tail -F /var/log/tor/log
tail: cannot open '/var/log/tor/log' for reading: No such file or directory

RunAsDaemon 1
ORPort 9001
BridgeRelay 1
ExtORPort auto
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

2018-06-25 Thread Keifer Bly
Is the tor software successfully launched? Try simply launching the tor 
software just by opening a terminal window and typing “tor” in the Debian 
command line. This will start the tor software. If the bridge becomes 
successfully useable, you will see a message which will read “Self testing 
indicates your QRPort is reachable. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor” (I 
am not sure what the exact confirmation messages is for bridges but if the tor 
software manages to confirm your bridge is useable you should see a message 
that read something like that).

➢ Tail-f /var/log/tor/log

Try navigating to /var/log/tor/. This is where tor will normally save the log 
files to. See if there is a tor log text file there. If you have not started 
your relay, tor might not have created the log file yet.

Try starting the tor software then see if the file appears after that.
From: I
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 4:51 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

Keifer, thanks for the swift answer,

! shift work

I followed 

on a vps with Debian 9
the torrc reads

RunAsDaemon 1
ORPort 9001
BridgeRelay 1
ServerTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
ExtORPort auto
DataDirectory /var/lib/tor
from root this  

tail -F /var/log/tor/log

brought this

tail: cannot open '/var/log/tor/log' for reading: No such file or directory


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

2018-06-25 Thread Keifer Bly
Try signing into the root account on your Linux. This should these issues. Let 
me know.

From: I
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 5:37 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

Keifer, thanks,

Try navigating to /var/log/tor/. This is where tor will normally save the log 
files to. See if there is a tor log text file there. If you have not started 
your relay, tor might not have created the log file yet.

Try starting the tor software then see if the file appears after that.

As it showed before there is no /var/log/tor.
I thought I installed it from root but typing tor as root brought 
/var/lib/tor is not owned by this user (root, 0) but by debian-tor (107)
Failed to parse/validate config: Couldn't create private data directory 


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

2018-06-25 Thread Keifer Bly
Ok. It could be possible your tor installation was somehow corrupted. Try 
completely uninstalling tor with this command

As root: apt-get remove tor

This should completely uninstall tor

I am saying this as it could be that somehow one of your tor files was 
accidentally deted or moved. Doing this will unfortunately mean that you will 
have to go through these steps again

1. In the terminal root window type “apt install tor”. This will tell Linux to 
install the tor relay packages.

2. In the root terminal window, type “gedit /etc/tor/torrc” This sould open the 
file so you can add the bridge configuration.

3. If Linux yells at you for trying to install unrecognized  packages in 
installing tor, do the following things listed  here: 

Please, I would ask, run pluggable transport bridge as opposed to a vanilla 
bridge (which is what your setting up), as pluggable transport bridges are more 
difficult to detect for network censors.

Find how to do that here: 

Let me know how it goes.


From: I
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 5:53 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please


That was from root.
That is what is odd as I only install things from root and use them as a user.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

2018-06-25 Thread Keifer Bly
Generally, if a VPS is cheap it probably means that they don’t have much 
bandwidth. What you might want to consider doing is contacting the VPS provider 
(sending an email to their support email address, or contacting them via their 
contact tab on their website, and asking them how much bandwidth they are 
providing your account with and also ask weather they allow tor (and ask if 
they allow port forwarding). 

Generally, bridges require less bandwidth then public relays do as they are 
mostly only used in areas where the tor network is blocked, whereas the public 
relays handle every bit of traffic sent through the network (from guard or 
bridge relays to exit nodes, and exit nodes back to guard or bridge relays).

Contact them (the vps provider) with these questions and tell us what they 
said. If you’d kindly provide us with the name of the VPS provide I’ll try to 
find some information.

Thank you.

From: I
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2018 8:59 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] bridge installation help please

Thank you.
There do seem to be a few faults and missing bits in the help stuff.

As nothing has worked I'll reinstall Deb9 and start again.
I wonder whether cheap VPS operators might have something to do with the 


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators

2018-06-27 Thread Keifer Bly
Before I started running a relay, one thing I wish I had known was that a relay 
has to be running for about three months and also continuously be offering 
2mb/s network traffic to be used as a Guard relay. This is difficult If running 
a relay in the United States, as most ISPS in the US (or at least the major 
ones such as Charter, Comcast, AT&T, etc.) are cable ISPS, making even getting, 
let alone maintaining this speed to a relay very difficult (or impossible). As 
a result my relay is only ever used as a middle node. 

➢ For others, there might be a learning curve in keeping a network service
up with decent uptime, while updating the relevant ports and operating

Yes, this is the most annoying thing for me. I had a glitch last night where my 
relay became unreachable for several hours because my router decided to change 
what device the port forwarding was for for some reason (I had not logged I the 
router and done this).

It is also a pain at times keeping the OS, especially on macOS, the newer 
versions of which my not support older machines, up to date while trying to 
keep the relay stable, as relay status is changed so quickly (removing relays 
from the conseoucsus list within 40 mins) which can be troublesome for areas 
that sometimes experience power outages, which happens during winter where my 
relay is run. What seems strange to me is that I see there is a “running” flag. 
This flag seems pointless to me if the relay is just completely removed from 
the conseoucsus if it’s detected as not currently running to begin with; why 
not just give an “X” flag if the relay is unreachable for three days or so?

Let me know what you all think. 

From: George
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 1:39 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators

Greetings relay operators.

A question that came up offline for relay operators can be summed up in
one sentence, paraphrased from flexlibris:

as a relay operator, what "things" do you wish you knew before you
started running a relay?

I'm really curious, in particular, to hear from those relay operators
who are less connected to others, and are maybe more isolated physically
from the community.

In the long-ago past, many of us ran exit nodes without giving it much
thought or preparation leading to ISP issues, but that seems less common

For others, there might be a learning curve in keeping a network service
up with decent uptime, while updating the relevant ports and operating

There's no irrelevant answers to this, including more boring issues such
as paying for the relay, choosing a provider or experiences as a
(conscious) exit node operator.

Bonus point for showing relation between your total costs per 1Mbps.

Not only should this discussion be useful on list, but it might provide
more content for the relay operator guide.



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tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators

2018-06-27 Thread Keifer Bly
I am not saying that relays that are currently not running should be treated 
like they are currently running. I am just saying the network conseoucsus could 
be improved a little in the sense that relays, even very high bandwidth ones, 
might go offline from time to time due to things like power and internet 
outages which are things that happen from time to time, whereas with how things 
are now, relays that are offline for a few hours due to a possible power or 
internet outage in the area (or similar situation) are immediately (within the 
hour) treated like they never existed at all by the consensus.

I just think that it would be friendly to relay operators if their was an 
option to have relays labeled as “this relay is down momentarily, but should be 
back up again in the near future” unless it is down for two days or so (etc. a 
long time with no update from the operator).

From: teor
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 7:39 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators

> On 28 Jun 2018, at 11:45, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> It is also a pain at times keeping the OS, especially on macOS, the newer 
> versions of which my not support older machines, up to date while trying to 
> keep the relay stable, as relay status is changed so quickly (removing relays 
> from the conseoucsus list within 40 mins) which can be troublesome for areas 
> that sometimes experience power outages, which happens during winter where my 
> relay is run.

But a 60 minute turnaround for relay reachability is *good* for clients.

I think that is a part of the relay guide that we can improve:
Relays exist so that clients can use the network.
Consensus flags exist so that clients can use the network efficiently.
Bandwidth weights are assigned so that clients can use the network efficiently.

> What seems strange to me is that I see there is a “running” flag. This flag 
> seems pointless to me if the relay is just completely removed from the 
> conseoucsus if it’s detected as not currently running to begin with;

You're right, the Running flag is historical, and kept for backwards 
(We used to list relays that were not Running, but removed them from the
consensus to save client bandwidth.)

> why not just give an “X” flag if the relay is unreachable for three days or 
> so?

Remember: consensus flags exist so that clients can use the network efficiently.
How would clients use a NotRunningForThreeDays flag?

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators

2018-06-27 Thread Keifer Bly
Oh, my mistake. I thought torstatus.blutimage.de was also for operators as well 
as clients. I was aware that tor metrics stated relays current up/down time of 
a relay but did not know they keep it for that long, my apologies.

I am a dork sometimes.

➢ run a relay out of a data center, and let someone else worry about
  your downtime.

That’s not an option for me. There are no data centers here and I do not own 
one. Also, Charter Communications is the only  ISP that does service where I 
live, there are no other options for internet besides Charter unfortunately so 
I’m pretty much stuck.

From: teor
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 9:40 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators


> On 28 Jun 2018, at 13:25, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> I am not saying that relays that are currently not running should be treated 
> like they are currently running. I am just saying the network conseoucsus 
> could be improved a little in the sense that relays, even very high bandwidth 
> ones, might go offline from time to time due to things like power and 
> internet outages which are things that happen from time to time,

Here's what you can do to fix your issues with relay downtime:
* run a relay on your current unreliable connection, and stop worrying
  about downtime,
* run a relay out of a data centre, and let someone else worry about
  your downtime.

I'm sorry, but if you don't want to follow this advice, I don't think we
can do anything else to help with your downtime.

> whereas with how things are now, relays that are offline for a few hours due 
> to a possible power or internet outage in the area (or similar situation) are 
> immediately (within the hour) treated like they never existed at all by the 
> consensus.

That's not true. Directory authorities keep an uptime history for down

But the consensus is for clients!
If a relay is down, clients can't use it.
Why tell clients about a relay they can't use?

If you want us to change the consensus behaviour, you have to tell us
how the change helps clients. Adding down relays to the consensus makes
clients slower and wastes bandwidth.

> I just think that it would be friendly to relay operators

But... the consensus is for Tor clients, not relay operators.

> if their was an option to have relays labeled as “this relay is down 
> momentarily, but should be back up again in the near future”

When the relay comes back up, Directory authorities assign flags based
on its uptime history. Short downtimes mean fewer flags are lost.

> unless it is down for two days or so (etc. a long time with no update from 
> the operator).

Relay Search is for relay operators, and it tells operators how long
their relay has been down. ("Uptime" gets replaced with "Downtime".)

After a relay has been down for a while (a week?), it disappears from
Relay Search.

If you want new features for relay operators, they belong in relay



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tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators

2018-06-27 Thread Keifer Bly
➢ Has anyone wondered why the number of nodes is so incredibly low?
If by that you mean why there are fewer relays than there are tor users 
(clients), I’d say there are several reasons for this.
Not everybody can run a relay, it requires having a router that can smoothly 
handle the load (or data center), an ISP that allows relays to be run, and not 
every person who uses tor has that. Far from everybody who installs the tor 
browser on their computer configures a relay for those reasons and because they 
don’t want to donate their internet speed. It’s a shame as the network would be 
faster and stronger otherwise, but that is the case.

➢ I’d like to see a collection of correct answers perhaps searchable 
Try tor stack exchange (https://tor.stackexchange.com/) There are loads other 
questions about operating the tor software with answers, and you can ask a 
question yourself. Cheers.

From: I
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 10:10 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] A general question for relay operators

I wish I'd known that this is not the place to learn Linux or really how to run 
a node securely and efficiently.
Perhaps an acknowledgement of that might bring some other pages or styles of 
the current pages.
I'd like to see a collection of correct answers perhaps searchable but 
restricted and monitored. 

There are some brilliant people who help but there are others who say less 
useful things and there's nothing stopping them.

Has anyone wondered why the number of nodes is so incredibly low?


tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

2018-06-29 Thread Keifer Bly

I am aware that email addresses used in the “ContactInfo: “ in a relay 
operator’s torrc file is publicly listed on the tor relay. However, what I am 
wondering, is there a way to obfuscate the email address on 
 to appear as “k—f---...@g-ail.com” or something of the sorts, while keeping 
the real email address readable for tor cloud to send mail to? It seems like 
obfuscating the email address in the torrc file would cause it to become 
unreadable to the tor project as well.

Thank you.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

2018-06-30 Thread Keifer Bly
What I mean is tor project, the system that sends an email when it notices that 
a relay has been unavailable for 48 hours or the relays not working right.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 30, 2018, at 6:02 AM, nusenu  wrote:
>> I am aware that email addresses used in the “ContactInfo: “ in a
>> relay operator’s torrc file is publicly listed on the tor relay.
>> However, what I am wondering, is there a way to obfuscate the email
>> address on
>> http://torstatus.blutmagie.de/router_detail.php?FP=db1af6477bb276b6ea5e72132684096eee779d30
>> to appear as “k—f---...@g-ail.com” or something of the sorts, while
>> keeping the real email address readable for tor cloud 
> I'm not sure I know what you mean with "tor cloud" can you
> describe what you mean?
>> It seems like obfuscating the email address in the torrc file
>> would cause it to become unreadable to the tor project as well.
> the contact info string will be published the same way you put it in your
> torrc configuratin file if you want to make it harder for email address
> harvesters / spammers to send you email you can obfuscate 
> it however you like.
> in the following spec I'm using a specific way to obfuscate the "@" 
> sign with a "[]" so I can process email addresses automatically,
> but it is up to you how you obfuscate your address
> https://github.com/nusenu/ContactInfo-Information-Sharing-Specification#email
> -- 
> https://twitter.com/nusenu_
> https://mastodon.social/@nusenu
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

2018-06-30 Thread Keifer Bly
Ok. So if that’s not being used anymore, what is the “ContactInfo: “ string 
used for? Is there still a way I can subscribe my email address to tor project 
for such things?

Thank you.

> On Jun 30, 2018, at 8:40 AM, nusenu  wrote:
> Keifer Bly:
>> What I mean is tor project, the system that sends an email when it
>> notices that a relay has been unavailable for 48 hours or the relays
>> not working right.
> currently there is no such service as far as I know,
> in the past (when Tor Weather still existed) they didn't use
> ContactInfo data to send emails, but operators would subscribe and submit
> their email address via a website, subscription email addresses weren't
> public (unlike ContactInfo)
> -- 
> https://twitter.com/nusenu_
> https://mastodon.social/@nusenu
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

2018-06-30 Thread Keifer Bly
So I just changed my torrc file contactinfo to 
Keifer dot bly at gmail dot com

Do I need to restart my relay for this to take effect? 

Will doing this make it more difficult for spammers to reach my address?


 From: nusenu
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2018 12:54 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

Keifer Bly:
> Ok. So if that’s not being used anymore, what is the “ContactInfo: “
> string used for? 

ContactInfo is not used by (past) Tor Weather implementations
but it is still very much useful when people want to reach
the operator.

Some potential reasons to reach the operator are:
- misconfiguration
- security issues
- disfunctional relay

> Is there still a way I can subscribe my email
> address to tor project for such things?

as I say in my last email there is no such service (Tor Weather) 
replacement (yet)


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

2018-06-30 Thread Keifer Bly
Terribly sorry, one last question I just thought of. Will that make it more 
difficult for people who legitimately want to contact the relay operator who  
aren’t spammers to contact me? Thank you.

From: Keifer Bly
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2018 7:36 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: RE: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

So I just changed my torrc file contactinfo to 
Keifer dot bly at gmail dot com

Do I need to restart my relay for this to take effect? 

Will doing this make it more difficult for spammers to reach my address?


From: nusenu
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2018 12:54 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

Keifer Bly:
> Ok. So if that’s not being used anymore, what is the “ContactInfo: “
> string used for? 

ContactInfo is not used by (past) Tor Weather implementations
but it is still very much useful when people want to reach
the operator.

Some potential reasons to reach the operator are:
- misconfiguration
- security issues
- disfunctional relay

> Is there still a way I can subscribe my email
> address to tor project for such things?

as I say in my last email there is no such service (Tor Weather) 
replacement (yet)


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

2018-07-01 Thread Keifer Bly
How do I reload  the relay without restarting it?

Thank you.

From: nusenu
Sent: Sunday, July 1, 2018 2:07 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

Keifer Bly:
> So I just changed my torrc file contactinfo to Keifer dot bly at
> gmail dot com
> Do I need to restart my relay for this to take effect?

restart is not required but you need to reload it

> Will doing this make it more difficult for spammers to reach my
> address?
yes, probably (for some spammers/harvesters)
but updating the contactinfo will not remove older contactinfo
strings since they are all archived and so spammers can still
see the former (non-obfuscated) version of that contactinfo string

> Will that make it more difficult for people who legitimately want to
> contact the relay operator who  aren’t spammers to contact me?

If they want to do it automatically: yes
if they do it manually: probably not


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

2018-07-01 Thread Keifer Bly
Very well, I will change it back. I just wish there was an easier way to block 

From: Eran Sandler
Sent: Sunday, July 1, 2018 11:37 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Contact info obfscation

If you are worried about putting a real address you can use a forwarding only 
address under a different domain.

Do you think it would be useful if you had been given an address like 

As part of a different thread on this list I asked what are some of the 
services and thinga Tor relay operators are missing. Perhaps an easy forwarding 
only email address that will hide to some degree the real email address.

It also makes it very easy to filter and figure out if it's spam or not.

On Mon, 2 Jul 2018, 9:24 ,  wrote:
Keifer Bly:
> Will doing this make it more difficult for spammers to reach my address?

Yes. However, I think you should consider publishing your unobfuscated
email address, for clarity and convenience to those who are legitimately
trying to contact you.

I don't obfuscate my email address in the ContactInfo field, and I
receive at most a few handfuls of spam messages per month. Most of these
are caught by my email provider's spam filter, which I already have set
to its least aggressive setting possible.

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] killall -hup command

2018-07-02 Thread Keifer Bly


So recently I rebooted my relay using the killall tor -hup command (while I was 
trying to mae some changes to my torrc file). My relays uptime was not changed 
at all by this, having a current uptime of about 6 days. However, I noticed 
today at 

My relay lost the stable flag (which it had had for the last about two months). 
I know not to worry about exactly what flags I have all the time, but it raises 
the question of what eactly the killall -hup command does?

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] killall -hup command

2018-07-03 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes, but I randomly lost the stable flag last night after using the killall 
-hup command twice in one day. I did it strange that randomly  happened even 
though my uptime did not change after doing this.


From: nusenu
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 12:46 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] killall -hup command

Keifer Bly:
> it raises the question of what eactly the killall -hup command does?

it sends the HUP signal 

>The signal instructs Tor to reload its configuration (including
>closing and reopening logs), and kill and restart its helper
>processes if applicable.


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] killall -hup command

2018-07-04 Thread Keifer Bly
I already got the stable flag back this afternoon thanks. Just thought it was a 
thing to note.

From: Zac
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 11:57 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] killall -hup command

The 'kill' commands send various signals to processes, as defined in signals.h 
(see https://linux.die.net/man/7/signal).
-hup sends SIGHUP to the process(es), short for hangup. This historically was 
for when a serial connection was dropped, and the process needed to close / 
take action accordingly. For daemon processes, and more commonly with modern 
software, the response to SIGHUP is to re-read configuration files and restart 
the process.

It is likely the case that you are losing the stable flag because Tor drops 
existing connections in the process of restarting and reloading configuration 
when it receives SIGHUP. Someone more familiar with Tor internals might be able 
to confirm what exactly is happening there.

 Original Message 
On 3 Jul 2018, 04:28, Keifer Bly < keifer@gmail.com> wrote:


So recently I rebooted my relay using the killall tor -hup command (while I was 
trying to mae some changes to my torrc file). My relays uptime was not changed 
at all by this, having a current uptime of about 6 days. However, I noticed 
today at 

My relay lost the stable flag (which it had had for the last about two months). 
I know not to worry about exactly what flags I have all the time, but it raises 
the question of what eactly the killall -hup command does?


tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

2018-07-05 Thread Keifer Bly
> Would anyone have had any luck running a relay via mobile broadband in 
> Australia?

The tor relay software requires a computer (not cellphone) OS like Linux or 
macOS, the software will not run on a cellphone. It’s also recommended you have 
an at least decently fast internet connection. 

In short, running your relay off a computer and ISP internet connection is far 
more likely to work. Do you mean it is the cellphone company that is supplying 
your internet connection?

If your ISP  or cellphone company is charging based on how much data you are 
using in a certain time, running a relay will be very expensive for you I am 
sorry to say. I would absolutely recommend you instead try to run your relay in 
an area where the ISP charges based on how much speed you purchase (which is 
pretty standard in the US).
From: grarpamp
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 8:00 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

> Would anyone have had any luck running a relay via mobile broadband in 
> Australia?

Sounds likely to be $$$ for shit performance / TOS, but
if it's the only / guerilla / rural connection you've got... ok.
Typically that backhauls to points coastal anyway, where
other fine hosting services are offered, though perhaps not
available from the same telco / satcom carrier / network,
which might then be anti-diverse,
or if available, could be pricier than the competition.

> The DirPort 9030 and the ORPort 9001 are blocked.

Those are changeable to whatever is not blocked.
If nothing is open, well...

> Is it impossible to work around the port blocking?

... a block is a block. Either get it lifted, or
vpn / shell / proxy / tunnel around it, or tell
them you took your money elsewhere.
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible in Australia?

2018-07-05 Thread Keifer Bly
In the torrc file, type QRPort then a space then the port number you want to 
run your relay on.

If you haven’t, make sure the port you choose is configured for port forwarding 
on your router (or firewall if your using one). In some brands of router, I 
know apple and Netgear made routers, the port may not be blocked, but not 
configured for port forwarding which is required for relays to send and receive 
information to and from the tor network. To make sure this is not the issue, i 
would recommend creating a router / firewall rule to allow port forwarding on 
which port number your trying to run your relay on. Cheers.

> On Jul 5, 2018, at 9:18 PM, I  wrote:
> Thank you,
> It is a Raspberry Pi tethered to a cellphone with bulk data and fair speed 
> which is much faster than a landline and modem would be. Telstra guaranteed " 
> nought bytes/sec ".
> Grarpamp said
>> ... a block is a block. Either get it lifted, or
>> vpn / shell / proxy / tunnel around it, 
> How? Go on...
> The torrc manual says this.
> ORPort [address:]PORT|auto [flags]
> Advertise this port to listen for connections from Tor clients and servers. 
> This option is required to be a Tor server. Set it to "auto" to have Tor pick 
> a port for you
> Does that mean ORPort myapparentip:Auto ? 
> ORPort Auto is rejected.
> Robert
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

2018-07-05 Thread Keifer Bly
Thanks for the  info. Unfortunately running a relay with this setup is probably 
not the best way to go due to complications like this. 

Try installing the tor relay software on a computer and running the relay from 
there, then you shouldn’t have any hardware related issues.

From: I
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 10:33 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

> From: keifer.
> In the torrc file, type QRPort then a space then the port number you want
> to run your relay on.

Using a port scanning site no common ports appear open so there may be some 
translation going on out of my reach.

Again it is a sim card in a phone from which the 'net comes to a RPi via wi-fi.


tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible in Australia?

2018-07-06 Thread Keifer Bly
Indeed. Here is a snapshot of my torch configuration.

As you can see, to set my relay to run on port 9002, I set it to “QRPort 9002”

This is to just give you an example of roughly what the configuration should 
look like.

QRPort followed by the wanted port number, or auto.

So yes

QRPort auto should work. Send a note back if it doesn’t.

> On Jul 6, 2018, at 1:05 AM, I  wrote:
> Embarassingly I asked...
> How do I set the ORPort to Auto so that tor chooses the port?
> ORPort Auto is rejected
> Roger Dingledine wrote:
>> It appears to be case sensitive: if you say "auto" it should work,
>> but if you say "Auto" it won't know what you mean.
> Bugger!
> Thanks Roger.  
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

2018-07-06 Thread Keifer Bly
➢ tor --verify-config -f torrc
My apologies. My torrc file says “QRPort 9002” and that is the saved file, my 
relay is running perfectly fine. Strange.

➢ I have numerous foreign VPS running  smoothly without drama.

I would try running relays off of the VPS then. If these VPS services your 
using have limited upload and download speed (as I’d imagine inexpensive ones  
do), you may want to consider running a bridge, which require less speed as  
they are only mostly used from censored areas.

Find documentation on that here: 

PT bridges are more effective as they are more difficult to detect for network 
censors than vanilla  bridges.

➢ Is it just a waste of time to try to run a relay through a mobile phone's 
data because the telco is actively blocking a lot of usual broadband activity?

Yes, if you have no control at all over things such as what ports you are 
allowed to use because the ISP is limiting these things, using your VPS’s might 
be a better option.
From: I
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 7:45 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

>>> Most mobile carriers use carrier-grade NAT.

Thanks for that.
But yet again, I do not have anything but a 'phone passing data via wi-fi to a 
computer (a Raspberry Pi in this case) so there's no router.
>From what you say and what I've tried Optus is having a joke and limiting what 
>we can do with 'broadband internet'.  Their parents weren't married.

I have numerous foreign VPS running mostly without drama.


tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

2018-07-06 Thread Keifer Bly
I’m not insisting anything. I said my apologies that I made a typo, which it 
was just that.

➢ You had better stop typing.

I am just trying to help. I know it’s called the torrc file, I just 
accidentally pressed the wrong button on the keyboard when I was typing the 
reply, as I said my mistake. Relax.

I think that you should try the VPS.

From: I
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 8:47 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?


You referred to the torrc file as torch.
You insist that it is QRPort when it is ORPort.
You had better stop typing. 

-Original Message-
From: keifer@gmail.com
Sent: Fri, 6 Jul 2018 08:25:50 -0700
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?
• tor --verify-config -f torrc
My apologies. My torrc file says “QRPort 9002” and that is the saved file, my 
relay is running perfectly fine. Strange.
• I have numerous foreign VPS running  smoothly without drama.
I would try running relays off of the VPS then. If these VPS services your 
using have limited upload and download speed (as I’d imagine inexpensive ones  
do), you may want to consider running a bridge, which require less speed as  
they are only mostly used from censored areas.
Find documentation on that here: 
PT bridges are more effective as they are more difficult to detect for network 
censors than vanilla  bridges.
• Is it just a waste of time to try to run a relay through a mobile phone's 
data because the telco is actively blocking a lot of usual broadband activity?
Yes, if you have no control at all over things such as what ports you are 
allowed to use because the ISP is limiting these things, using your VPS’s might 
be a better option.
From: I
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 7:45 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?
>>> Most mobile carriers use carrier-grade NAT.
Thanks for that.
But yet again, I do not have anything but a 'phone passing data via wi-fi to a 
computer (a Raspberry Pi in this case) so there's no router.
>From what you say and what I've tried Optus is having a joke and limiting what 
>we can do with 'broadband internet'.  Their parents weren't married.
I have numerous foreign VPS running mostly without drama.
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

2018-07-06 Thread Keifer Bly
I noticed you made a typo as well. You set the subject to “Is a relay on mobile 
broadband possible inAustralia?”.

You forgot to put a space in between the words “in” and “Australia” haha. Not 
getting defensive, just saying it happens.

From: I
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 8:47 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?


You referred to the torrc file as torch.
You insist that it is QRPort when it is ORPort.
You had better stop typing. 

-Original Message-
From: keifer@gmail.com
Sent: Fri, 6 Jul 2018 08:25:50 -0700
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?
• tor --verify-config -f torrc
My apologies. My torrc file says “QRPort 9002” and that is the saved file, my 
relay is running perfectly fine. Strange.
• I have numerous foreign VPS running  smoothly without drama.
I would try running relays off of the VPS then. If these VPS services your 
using have limited upload and download speed (as I’d imagine inexpensive ones  
do), you may want to consider running a bridge, which require less speed as  
they are only mostly used from censored areas.
Find documentation on that here: 
PT bridges are more effective as they are more difficult to detect for network 
censors than vanilla  bridges.
• Is it just a waste of time to try to run a relay through a mobile phone's 
data because the telco is actively blocking a lot of usual broadband activity?
Yes, if you have no control at all over things such as what ports you are 
allowed to use because the ISP is limiting these things, using your VPS’s might 
be a better option.
From: I
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 7:45 AM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?
>>> Most mobile carriers use carrier-grade NAT.
Thanks for that.
But yet again, I do not have anything but a 'phone passing data via wi-fi to a 
computer (a Raspberry Pi in this case) so there's no router.
>From what you say and what I've tried Optus is having a joke and limiting what 
>we can do with 'broadband internet'.  Their parents weren't married.
I have numerous foreign VPS running mostly without drama.
tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible inAustralia?

2018-07-06 Thread Keifer Bly
Teor, your right. I’m sorry, that was the wrong way to react.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 6, 2018, at 1:30 PM, teor  wrote:
> Ok, that's enough.
> Please limit replies to helpful answers.
> Criticising people's ability to type is not helpful.
> And it's a waste of time for the hundreds of people on this list.
> T
>> On 7 Jul 2018, at 02:30, Keifer Bly  wrote:
>> I noticed you made a typo as well. You set the subject to “Is a relay on 
>> mobile broadband possible inAustralia?”.
>> You forgot to put a space in between the words “in” and “Australia” haha. 
>> Not getting defensive, just saying it happens.
>> From: I
>> Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 8:47 AM
>> To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible 
>> inAustralia?
>> Keifer,
>> You referred to the torrc file as torch.
>> You insist that it is QRPort when it is ORPort.
>> You had better stop typing. 
>> -Original Message-
>> From: keifer@gmail.com
>> Sent: Fri, 6 Jul 2018 08:25:50 -0700
>> To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible 
>> inAustralia?
>> tor --verify-config -f torrc
>> My apologies. My torrc file says “QRPort 9002” and that is the saved file, 
>> my relay is running perfectly fine. Strange.
>> I have numerous foreign VPS running  smoothly without drama.
>> I would try running relays off of the VPS then. If these VPS services your 
>> using have limited upload and download speed (as I’d imagine inexpensive 
>> ones  do), you may want to consider running a bridge, which require less 
>> speed as  they are only mostly used from censored areas.
>> Find documentation on that here: 
>> https://www.torproject.org/docs/pluggable-transports.html.en
>> PT bridges are more effective as they are more difficult to detect for 
>> network censors than vanilla  bridges.
>> Is it just a waste of time to try to run a relay through a mobile phone's 
>> data because the telco is actively blocking a lot of usual broadband 
>> activity?
>> Yes, if you have no control at all over things such as what ports you are 
>> allowed to use because the ISP is limiting these things, using your VPS’s 
>> might be a better option.
>> From: I
>> Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 7:45 AM
>> To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Is a relay on mobile broadband possible 
>> inAustralia?
>> Teor,
>> >>> Most mobile carriers use carrier-grade NAT.
>> Thanks for that.
>> But yet again, I do not have anything but a 'phone passing data via wi-fi to 
>> a computer (a Raspberry Pi in this case) so there's no router.
>> From what you say and what I've tried Optus is having a joke and limiting 
>> what we can do with 'broadband internet'.  Their parents weren't married.
>> I have numerous foreign VPS running mostly without drama.
>> Robert
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
>> ___
>> tor-relays mailing list
>> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
>> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Thoughts on automatically updating tor software on macos High Sierra

2018-07-09 Thread Keifer Bly
Hello list,

So for a while I have been struggling to find a way to automatically update the 
tor relay software on macOS High Sierra. What I am currently doing is running a 
batch file that runs the command “brew upgrade tor” continuously. However, I am 
attempting to find a way to do this automatically on macos High Sierra where 
the process doesn’t have to be running  every second.

Here’s the unfortunate thing, on the newest macos operating systems, it appears 
there is no possible way to run terminal commands automatically, as crontab has 
been disabled / removed from newer mac operating systems (I discussed this with 
Apple technical support) and applications to run scripts automatically are 
incompatible with newer macos.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated, thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Thoughts on automatically updating tor software on macos High Sierra

2018-07-09 Thread Keifer Bly
Tried that twice now and it has not worked. It’s strange, the error terminal 
returns when trying to launch the script to upgrade tor is this

iMac:~ oldimac$ launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/starttorupgrade.plist
/Library/LaunchDaemons/starttorupgrade.plist: Path had bad ownership/permissions

This is very odd. I set the permissions to read and write for all users, but 
yet this error is still happening. I changed the permissions for the whole 
lanchdaemons folder as well and still no resolve to this. I even tried signing 
into the root user in Terminal to see if that would resolve the issue, it did 

Here is the code for the two scripts I wrote, they were too big to send as 
attachments. Perhaps I am doing something wrong? I do not know.








code for upgradetor.plist:

> brew upgrade tor

> On Jul 9, 2018, at 8:45 PM, Keifer Bly  wrote:
> Tried that twice now and it has not worked. It’s strange, the error terminal 
> returns when trying to launch the script to upgrade tor is this
> iMac:~ oldimac$ launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/starttorupgrade.plist
> /Library/LaunchDaemons/starttorupgrade.plist: Path had bad 
> ownership/permissions
> This is very odd. I set the permissions to read and write for all users, but 
> yet this error is still happening. I changed the permissions for the whole 
> lanchdaemons folder as well and still no resolve to this. I even tried 
> signing into the root user in Terminal to see if that would resolve the 
> issue, it did not. I’ve attached the scripts I created if someone wouldn’t 
> mind helping me take a look tp see if anything is wrong? Thank you.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Thoughts on automatically updating tor software on macos High Sierra

2018-07-10 Thread Keifer Bly
Yes. I tried following the steps and this is the result

chown root /Library/LaunchDaemons/upgradetor.plist 
chown: /Library/LaunchDaemons/upgradetor.plist: Operation not permitted

It looks like I might be a little bit screwed, I tried this both as the root 
user and admin user. Is there a way to be notified when a new tor version is 
released? I guess but updating doesn’t matter much as a relay restart is 
required when tor is updated to begin with...
> On Jul 9, 2018, at 9:39 PM, teor  wrote:
> On 10 Jul 2018, at 13:50, Keifer Bly  <mailto:keifer@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Tried that twice now and it has not worked. It’s strange, the error terminal 
>> returns when trying to launch the script to upgrade tor is this
>> iMac:~ oldimac$ launchctl load -w 
>> /Library/LaunchDaemons/starttorupgrade.plist
>> /Library/LaunchDaemons/starttorupgrade.plist: Path had bad 
>> ownership/permissions
> Check out the first result for:
> https://duckduckgo.com/?q=launchctl+Path+had+bad+ownership%2Fpermissions 
> <https://duckduckgo.com/?q=launchctl+Path+had+bad+ownership%2Fpermissions&t=ipad&ia=qa>
>> This is very odd. I set the permissions to read and write for all users, but 
>> yet this error is still happening. I changed the permissions for the whole 
>> lanchdaemons folder as well and still no resolve to this. I even tried 
>> signing into the root user in Terminal to see if that would resolve the 
>> issue, it did not.
> "It is also worth noting that these root LaunchDaemons can't be world 
> writable, for security reasons:"
> T
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Bridge bandwidth usage?

2018-07-11 Thread Keifer Bly
> In comparison how much bandwidth would a Tor bridge user per month?

It would be tough to give an exact answer to that is it depends on how many
people are connecting through your specific bridge. However in general the
bandwidth requirements would be much less, as bridges are used for mostly
areas where the tor network is blocked whereas one of the exit relays is
used by every client that uses tor at all.

You can find more information on this topic here


This page contains information about how much traffic different types of
relays generally send and receive over time, etc.

PS, my apologies if this comes through twice for some reason. My email
client is acting a bit strange at the moment.

On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 9:04 AM Nathaniel Suchy  wrote:

> Hi. I would like to run a public OBFS4 Tor Bridge. Digitalocean’s price
> changes made running an exit too expensive. In comparison how much
> bandwidth would a Tor bridge use per month?
> Cheers,
> Nathaniel
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Jerk spammers on tor-relays (was Re: Fwd: Tor Guard Relay)

2018-07-13 Thread Keifer Bly
Dang. I stopped getting them for a while due to the SPAM filter I
configured in Gmail, however they are now coming through again. These
spammers are trying to be smart by sending these spam messages from
different domains; they are now coming from

Anyone else  getting these?


On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 10:38 PM Roger Dingledine  wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 09, 2018 at 06:21:16PM -0700, Keifer Bly wrote:
> > However, is there a way we can ban email addresses from the relay
> operators list? It seems like removing the email addresses that have been
> sending these from the list might be a good idea, if that is possible.
> Yes, it is easy to unsubscribe people, and to prevent them from
> subscribing.
> But, which addresses shall we unsubscribe? The spammer addresses are
> not subscribed (I checked). They're likely subscribed as something else,
> and then sending spam in response to the mails they get.
> Maybe there is a mailman module that lets you send a different watermarked
> mail to each subscriber, or to send mails out with different timing
> patterns to do a binary search over the list, in order to discover which
> addresses are triggering the spam? But I don't know of an easy way to
> do it.
> Also, I hear from at least one person that some tor-dev subscribers are
> getting spams too. :(
> As for motivation, my general assumption is not that it's a targeted
> attack because we are Tor (or even that they particularly know or care
> what Tor is), but rather that the Internet has been turning into a giant
> mass of spam, and this event is just another step in that direction.
> Consider it a variant of the "never attribute to malice that which can
> be adequately explained by..." sayings.
> Sorry for the troubles,
> --Roger
> ___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Jerk spammers on tor-relays (was Re: Fwd: Tor GuardRelay)

2018-07-13 Thread Keifer Bly
I looked it up. You can forward the spams that the Gmail address are sending to 
registrar-ab...@google.com, which reports spam emails and inappropriate content 
being sent by Gmail users to Google. Try that.

From: Mirimir
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2018 7:41 PM
To: tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Jerk spammers on tor-relays (was Re: Fwd: Tor 

On 07/13/2018 03:07 PM, Keifer Bly wrote:
> Dang. I stopped getting them for a while due to the SPAM filter I
> configured in Gmail, however they are now coming through again. These
> spammers are trying to be smart by sending these spam messages from
> different domains; they are now coming from
> scarlettsofia710...@it.argmx.com
> Anyone else  getting these?
> Thanks.

I haven't received those after posts since June 27. And nothing from
*.argmx.com. But I am getting sex spam from a few Gmail addresses, with
blank subject lines. New, and perhaps related.

> On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 10:38 PM Roger Dingledine  wrote:

>> Maybe there is a mailman module that lets you send a different watermarked
>> mail to each subscriber, or to send mails out with different timing
>> patterns to do a binary search over the list, in order to discover which
>> addresses are triggering the spam? But I don't know of an easy way to
>> do it.

That would be a bad precedent, I think ;)

>> Also, I hear from at least one person that some tor-dev subscribers are
>> getting spams too. :(

Searching for the spam addresses, I found reports from other mail lists.
So it's not just Tor lists.

tor-relays mailing list

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Updating relay using killall -hup command

2018-07-18 Thread Keifer Bly


So recently I upgraded from tor to tor, and used the 
killall -HUP command to restart the relay. However this did nothing,  
the relay consensus says I am still running tor days later. Is 
there a way I can cause the upgrade to appear without completely 
restarting the relay?

The OS is macos High Sierra 10.13.6.

Thank you.
tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Tor process sporadically gets hung on cloud server

2022-12-19 Thread Keifer Bly

So I have been being careful to keep tor as well as Debian up to date,
however, both my middle relay "udeserveprivacy" and my bridge "gbridge",
running on two different cloud services (OVH and Google Cloud
respectively), the tor process gets hung and the relay become unreachable.
Upon checking the tor log file I cannot find anything suspicious, so this
is a possible bug in tor I am reporting. I am wondering why this would
happen and not be recorded in the tor log file?

Thanks all.

tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Confusing bridge signs...

2023-02-17 Thread Keifer Bly

So my bridge at
says it has “none “, though the torrc file has it set to be distributed
publicly. I'm wondering why the bridge would say that, when it obviously is
being used as it's apparently blocked in Russia? I have not personally
given the bridge to anyone. Thanks.

tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Confusing bridge signs...

2023-02-18 Thread Keifer Bly
Ok. Here is the torrc file:

  GNU nano 3.2   /etc/tor/torrc

Nickname gbridge
ORPort 443
SocksPort 0
BridgeRelay 1
PublishServerDescriptor bridge
ServerTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
ServerTransportListenAddr obfs4
ExtOrPort auto
Log notice file /var/log/tor/notices.log
ExitPolicy reject *:*
AccountingMax 5 GB
ContactInfo keiferdodderblyyatgmaildoddercom

Where in this torrc file is that configured? And how would it be blocked in
Russia already if it hasn't even been used? Thanks.


On Sat, Feb 18, 2023 at 4:34 AM  wrote:

> On Donnerstag, 16. Februar 2023 06:15:02 CET Keifer Bly wrote:
> > So my bridge at
> >
> https://metrics.torproject.org/rs.html#details/4D6E3CA2110FC36D3106C86940A1D
> > 4C8C91923AB says it has “none “,
> Well, then you have configured BridgeDistribution (Default: any) to none.
> > though the torrc file has it set to be distributed publicly.
> PublishServerDescriptor has nothing to do with BridgeDistribution method,
> 'man torrc' explains the config options.
> > I have not personally given the bridge to anyone.
> Then nobody can use the bridge except you :-(
> You can also see this in the metrics history or in
> /var/lib/tor/stats/bridge-
> stats.
> --
> ╰_╯ Ciao Marco!
> Debian GNU/Linux
> It's free software and it gives you
> freedom!___
> tor-relays mailing list
> tor-relays@lists.torproject.org
> https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tor-relays
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