Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Raspberry PI with Squeezebox Touch Questions

2013-09-04 Thread dsdreamer

danfzx9r wrote: 
> Thanks for all the replies. Can anyone tell me if I need an Ethernet
> crossover cable or just a plain Ethernet cable to get this working?

According to
in the Touch column "Same as Squeezebox2 + Auto Uplink (Auto MDIX)"

Also, I used to do this myself with a hacked Buffalo Linkstation acting
as the Squeezebox Server and media storage and a straight-though
ethernet cable connected to a Squeezebox Touch, static IP addresses set
on both, it worked fine.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-11-01 Thread dsdreamer

Mnyb wrote: 
> Async USB may be better when the DAC has the corresponding USB -input-,
> but USB spdiff converter is not the same thing you have not removed
> spdiff out of the picture at all , hence the whole idea seems a bit off
> ??
> The rationale behind the existence USB/spdiff converters is to provide
> spdiff where there is none , from some laptop to a dac that does not
> have usb for example .

I fully agree in theory. That was what I was telling others too. 

Just to reiterate, though, that all of us who have tried this combo (and
in my case, I had no expectation of improvement) found an improvement
worth keeping, or at least reported a noticeable difference in

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-10-31 Thread dsdreamer

Turnandcough wrote: 
> The lock light is on and the 192 light is red. The only sound I get is
> the odd click here and there. I'm running 7.8(I thought this version was
> the only one that worked with EDO) and all my files are FLAC.
> When I switch from 24/96 to 24/192 my DAC's input signal LED begins to
> flicker.
> I'm using a 6 ft Blue Jeans digital coax cable. I'll try switching
> cables but like I said it used to work with  S/PDIF straight to DAC.

Okay, it looks as if you are getting 192kHz output to the V-Link, but
that the DAC can't lock onto it for some reason. The Touch can't
influence the sample rate used by the V-Link since it uses asynchronous
mode, so it seems that the clock in your DAC and the clock in the V-Link
are too far apart for lock to occur reliably. Either that, or the cable
is bad.

You could verify this by using a computer to output 192kHz material to
the V-Link 192 via USB2.0. If this doesn't work either (which is what I
expect), then you have to figure out whether it is your DAC or your
V-link that is offset in frequency in 192kHz mode. Without
instrumentation, that's going to be difficult!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-10-31 Thread dsdreamer

As you could see from previous posts
I was telling everyone that the scheme of Touch -> V-Link -> DAC was
technically not promising.

That was before I tried it anyway.  

All I can say is that in my living room with the particular combination
of DAC, amp and speakers, I am finding a rather substantial improvement
in imaging over not having the USB to SPDIF converter there. I am fully
aware this shouldn't be happening. I suspect it may have something to do
with galvanic isolation, but I didn't get the same apparent benefit from
using Toslink as my connection.

Irrational perhaps, but at least it is not blue dot, or
CD-in-the-freezer territory (IMO)!

My engineer's brain tells me I should spend more effort on DSP room mode
correction that chasing down the last word in digital interface purity,
but my musician's brain tells me "just play another track leave things
as they are!"

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-10-30 Thread dsdreamer

Turnandcough wrote: 
> Not that I'm really into 192 files but just out of curiosity... 
> Does anyone have an idea why I can't play 24-192 files using Touch 7.8 >
> EDO > V-Link 192 USB converter > S/PDIF > EE Minimax DAC?  I was able to
> play the same files using Touch's S/PDIF output to the DAC.
> Am I missing something?
> Thank you

My setup is Flac > Touch 7.7 > EDO > V-link 192 > S/PDIF > Rega DAC. I
have this working reliably at all sample rates. Can you check the light
on the V-link to see if it is locking on 192kHz? Obviously if the lock
light is on, we should worry more about the cable and DAC, whereas if it
doesn't light up the 192kHz red LED we should look further back in the
signal chain.

Are you starting with Flac or some other uncompressed format?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SbT working fine with a 64GB SDXC card

2012-10-28 Thread dsdreamer

I looked into this and came to the same conclusions as your most recent
post. Good news, then!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SbT working fine with a 64GB SDXC card

2012-10-27 Thread dsdreamer

Glad to  know it seems to work in your case. I wish I knew it would
certainly work for larger cards, which would require knowing why it
*shouldn't* work in the first place, and how to circumvent these

It would be nice to have my entire music collection on an SDXC card
inserted in a SbT forming a compact desk system for use in the office.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Suggestions for seakers and amp to work with touch

2012-10-20 Thread dsdreamer

Looking around at what is available in your price range, I don't think I
can beat your original choices. I had considered the NAD 326 BEE, but I
suspect the highs may be a bit too strident and fatiguing (and the
aesthetics of the Nad don't appeal so much). I also thought about the
Peachtree Decco 65, but that blows your budget.  The stereophile review
and measurements of the Dali Zenzor 1s look encouraging.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Asynch USB vs. non-USB

2012-10-05 Thread dsdreamer

dsdreamer wrote: 
> I have the Rega DAC too, BTW. Anything that has SPDIF as its output is
> going to suffer from the main design flaw of SPDIF: namely the need to
> recover the clock from the data. If you could go USB to I2S such that
> the clock is transmitted explicitly and separately from the data, you
> could get benefit from a USB D2D converter; otherwise, if the final link
> to the DAC is SPDIF, I would be very surprised if there was a
> (non-placebo) audible benefit. 
> If you wanted to try this out anyway, just to test a null hypothesis, I
> would go with something like the M2 Tech Hi-Face EVO USB to SPDIF
> Converter.

I don't think that the Touch with EDO can drive the M2 Tech Hi-Face EVO,
so that is mistake number one.

Since the price of the Musical Fidelity V-link 192 has been cut by 50%
in recent on-line offers, I decided to try this out against my better
judgement. I found that there was a clear improvement in sound-staging,
both image specificity and the dimensions of the sound stage was
increased in depth and width. Voices and acoustic instruments sounded
more palpable and present in the room. I was not expecting this to be
the case.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch digital out is bit perfect or other players have "better" bits ????

2012-09-26 Thread dsdreamer

All, hopefully we've now moved beyond trying to convince the OP that the
bit values are not being changed by the Touch at full volume and without
replay gain etc. 

What I wanted to raise is whether asynch USB fully eliminates the
influence of the source computer. It would seem that one needs both
asynch USB with very good galvanic insulation to make that a probably
outcome. Comments?

I would ideally like to have seen an optical interface that can provide
rate control feedback to the source computer (Touch or Mac or PC). Has
anything like this been attempted?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Coax Connections

2012-07-21 Thread dsdreamer


The Musiland Monitor is a USB interface; it does not have coax inputs.
It does have a coax *output* connection, which you seem to have mistaken
for an input.

Therein lies your problem.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Coax Connections

2012-07-20 Thread dsdreamer


It should just work. Which $200 DAC do you have? Are there any lights on
it to indicate lock status of the various data rates?  If so, what do
you observe on those lights? Are there multiple inputs to select the on
the DAC for various input connections? Are you sure you have selected
the correct one?

Can you swap to using IR Toshlink cable instead of coax as a diagnostic
step? Does your receiver have a digital input you could use to test the
Touch's digital output (either coax or IR)?

Sorry, but its hard to know whats going on at your end without more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-07-10 Thread dsdreamer

Lar wrote: 
> So your saying that the Touch will not put out 192 threw coax with EDO?

EDO *does* provide 192kHz/24bit output via coax when the source files
are in FLAC format and are allowed to stream in that format. Great for
Linn Records studio master downloads!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Is the Touch more stable than the Duet?

2012-06-16 Thread dsdreamer

I currently have a couple of Touches and a Receiver (the black box part
of the Duet). I am also a Rhapsody subscriber.

When Rhapsody itself is stable, which has been an issue in the past, I
have no trouble with streaming. I can say that in recent months,
Rhapsody has been reliable for me. 

The Touch has better WiFi connectivity, better sound quality, better
network diagnostics and is more flexible in general. In my opinion, the
Touch is a very well engineered device and is the best thing in the
Squeeze line-up. The only issue to watch out for is high levels of WiFi
interference, perhaps combined with a poor choice of fixed WiFi channel
in one's wireless Router/AP.  

If you do get a Touch, consider checking your WiFi throughput using the
graphical diagnostic provided and if it is solid over a 5 minute test,
you can expect solid performance when using the device for real.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] USB HDD implementation flaky. Why?

2012-05-25 Thread dsdreamer

I sympathise; you could expect better from an advertised function of the
device. Sadly, you can't do much to mitigate the cold hard facts of an
under-powered ARM processor doing dual duty as server and client. 

For a solution at work, without putting rogue devices on the network, my
suggestion would be to buy a supported NAS device with sufficient
compute power (e.g., NETGEAR ReadyNAS Ultra 2 Plus, or Synology DS212+).
I know this will cost as much again as the Touch, but a direct ethernet
connection between a decently powered NAS and a Touch is a very robust
solution for playing your private music collection. You can install a
DHCP server on the NAS if you wan't to avoid messing around with static
IP addressing on the Touch (as long as you are sure you will keep the
NAS on its own isolated network). 

The only down-side from my perspective is that you can't enjoy the
benefits of cloud-based music services, but that option is already
precluded if you're not allowed to put "rogue" devices on your company's
internal LAN.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squuezebox Touch playing directly from NAS (Synology DS212+)

2012-05-21 Thread dsdreamer

One set-up that I have used successfully is an ARM-based NAS directly
connected by a short length of CAT5 ethernet cable to a Squeezebox touch
to create an isolated system for playback of my private music library.
This required me to install the logitech server software (LMS) on the
NAS box and use static IP addressing on the Touch. (I did not need a
cross-over patch cable because the Touch supports auto-MDX. Older plays
probably need a cross-over cable or active switch to make this work.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Please recommend USB hub for use with SBT - Extended Digital Output

2012-04-26 Thread dsdreamer

I don't know which country you're in, but in the US you might consider 

Or the white version

According to the reviewer who cracked one open, it uses an NEC 720114

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-18 Thread dsdreamer

Triode wrote: 
> Hum - please report again and if possible let me know what dmesg says if
> it gets into this state.  
> The issue we have is that the squeezeplay application and LMS expect the
> output device to be present when Touch is powered up - this is when
> things like the max sample rate are reported to the server.  Hence Touch
> only really finds the dac when restarted.  What I added to this release
> is something which means that Touch keeps polling a usb dac which has be
> turned off to see if it returns.  This works for short periods, but it
> may be that it doesn't work after a longer period - in which case I
> would be interested in any observations you have.
> If we could make more significant changes to squeezeplay then it may be
> easier to work around this, but it requires changes to the Logitech
> firmware if full features are to be supported.

I'm waiting for a recurrence before reporting what dmesg says. If you
don't hear from me again, it means I could not find a way to trigger the
failure mode repeatably. 

I do appreciate the hard work you put into making this EDO app and
improving upon previous releases!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-16 Thread dsdreamer

I upgraded from 0.1 to 0.2 via the up-date all menu option on the Touch.
I was able to play via an AudioEngine D1 at 44.1, 88.2 and 96kHz,
connected via an ac-powered hub to the Touch. I switched the DAC off via
the front panel button, waited a few seconds powered it back on and
verified that I could play music.

A strange thing happened after leaving both Touch and DAC powered on for
the duration of my day at work. After coming home I found I could not
play music, even though both devices were still powered on from this
morning's experiments. I further noted that the USB hub's green
indicator light corresponding to the DAC was not lit. Power cycling the
DAC didn't cause it to be recognized, either. Nor did completely
unplugging the device from the hub and plugging it back in. Finally, I
pressed the reset button on the Touch and waited for the reboot to
complete. The green light on the hub corresponding to the DAC came back
on, and music started playing. 

I am not sure whether the above experience means something has changed,
or whether I was just unlucky this particular day. 

Anyway, thanks to Triode for this latest advance. I'll keep my eye on it
to see if I ever get a repeat of losing communications to the DAC over

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Streaming 24bit Apple Lossless

2012-04-11 Thread dsdreamer

jeffcdo wrote: 
> Wow!  I just tested this out and it's working great.  I had tried the
> USB output earlier when it was still being tested and was suffering from
> pops and clicks - I didn't really understand the use of the USB hub
> until I read some of the further comments on the link you sent, that
> took care of the problem.  Thank you.
> EDIT:  Well, you didn't send the actual link but the's the
> link

Yes, I should have linked as well. Thanks for putting that there for
others to find. 

Incidentally, you might want to know that the 5V USB supply from the
Squeezebox Touch had dropped to 4.6V by the time it was powering the
AudioEngine D1 and a bus-powered hub. This is just outside of the
official USB spec limits and some production samples of the AE D1 don't
switch on properly with this lower bus voltage (out of two samples in my
possession, one does and the other doesn't). I have to use an AC powered
hub to get a supply that will positively switch on the AE without
hesitating or, worst-case, having the reed relay in there chattering
between on and off states.  

Just a heads-up for you and anyone else considering this combo.  I
actually like to have an AC powered hub in the way, since I can get
cleaner power to the DAC that way.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Streaming 24bit Apple Lossless

2012-04-10 Thread dsdreamer

In my experience, you will need to unplug the optical connection from
the D1 and replug it in to have it recognize a sample rate change (e.g.,
from 44.1 to 88.2kHz).

Firstly, you may want to verify if I am correct by starting to play an
88.2kHz or 96kHz file and while it is playing remove and re-insert the
Toslink cable from the D1.

If you find this works, you may wish to try Triode's new USB
connectivity, aka Enhanced Digital Output with a USB connection via a
hub to the AudioEngine D1. This way you would get perfect sample rate

Best of luck...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Announce: Enhanced Digital Output app - USB Dac and 192k Digital Ouput

2012-04-09 Thread dsdreamer

Just wanted to say thanks for this accomplishment. I find the app works
well for 192kHz to a Rega DAC via SPDIF, and at 44.1, 88.2 and 96kHz via
a bus powered hub into an AudioEngine D1, and at 44.1kHz with no hub,
but the work-around switched on.  I don't have any 48kHz music files to

I would enjoy this even more if the DAC could be powered off at night
without requiring a hard reset to rediscover it when needed again. You
already mentioned that this is something you plan to work on, so I look
forward to that, while appreciating what I have now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-04-01 Thread dsdreamer

Triode;698973 Wrote: 
> Could you reinstall kernel #6 and try again?  I think it is working now
> with 192k playback and usb.

It must be late where you are?! 

Anyway, 192kHz SPDIF working perfectly with the latest kernel #6. 
(Linux SqueezeboxTouch #1[usb] PREEMPT RT
Sun Apr 1 23:12:00 BST 2012 armv6l GNU/Linux)

I am still testing the various modes of USB, but everything sounding
good so far (96kHz is switching back and forth between 96kHz and
95.025kHz and not clicking).

Will file a full report when I've tested the other rates. 

Thanks for doing all this wonderful work!


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-04-01 Thread dsdreamer

Running into an Audioengine D1, which is actually asynchronous (although
its makers say otherwise). 

44.1kHz  CD rips: checked for sound quality (excellent) and observed
switching between 44kHz and 44.5kHz
88.2kHz Linn Records download: checked for sound quality (excellent)
and observed switching between 88kHz 88.25kHz and 88.5kHz
96kHz kHz (Lessloss free download): checked for sound quality (clicks)
and noticed momentary frequency is stuck at 96kHz.
192kHz Linn records download, down sampled by sox on server to 96kHz:
checked for sound quality (excellent) and observed switching between
96kHz and 96250Hz
Back to previous Lessloss 96kHz recording: checked for sound quality
(excellent) and noticed observed switching between 96kHz and 96250Hz.

Switch to 192kHz digital mode, SPDIF coax to Rega DAC, plat 192kHz Linn
Records download, 192kHz light comes on, but very bad clicking occurs.

Hope this helps,


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-23 Thread dsdreamer

I tried with Kernel #5 into the Rega DAC at 192kHz, and it sounded
great. It's the first time, I ever was able to light the 192kHz LED, so
it was quite an exciting moment, exciting enough for me to splash out on
a whole album to celebrate my new-founf freedom!


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Asynch USB vs. non-USB

2012-03-23 Thread dsdreamer

john4456;697048 Wrote: 
> rgro, I also have a Rega dac and have used it via usb from the SBT
> thanks to Triode's work. I found there was quite a difference in
> presentation compared to spdif. Which you prefer is subjective, but you
> should give it a try. The changes are easy to reverse.

Very interesting (and surprising)!  May I know which USB interface you
used? You've got me curious.


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-22 Thread dsdreamer

I've had an AudioEngine D1 plugged into a USB2.0 hub and thence into the
Touch, and it has been working very well for 44.1kHz ripped CDs and
24/96kHz FLAC downloads. Today I tried to play a low quality stream
from a local radio station and got a "Pinky and Perky" impression.
Nevertheless, the USB Audio info page reported 32kHz audio rate, which
I think is correct. I have exactly the same issue with Klaus'
TouchToolbox on the same stream. 

Oddly enough, when I go back to play a CD rip at 16/44.1kHz the DAC is
no longer in asynchronous mode, and is stuck at at sample frequency
slightly higher than 44.1kHz (i.e. 44,250Hz), with the expected audio
clicks. Pressing reset on the SBT recovers the situation. 

This is 100% repeatable: playing the 32kHz internet radio station
breaks asynchronous USB until reset is pressed. 

32kHz is not a big deal for me normally, but it would be interesting to
know if this is a peculiarity of the DAC I'm using or is also true for
other DACs.


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Asynch USB vs. non-USB

2012-03-21 Thread dsdreamer

rgro;696833 Wrote: 
> Thank you both.  In light of your commenets, I did a bit of research on
> the Rega dac.  It seems that its USB interface only supports up to 16
> bit/48khz files.  
> While I don't have a huge amount of 24 bit/88/96khz files, I have
> enough that I don't think I would sacrifice those in order to make the
> switch.
> Apparently there are several ansychronous USB to SPDIF convertors (the
> MF V-link being one) that will handle up to 24/96khz files.  But, I
> wonder if adding another device that converts the asynch usb back to
> SPDIF is going to make me no better off, or even worse off than just
> staying with my current configuration (aside from purchasing a
> different dac).  Any thoughts on this?

I have the Rega DAC too, BTW. Anything that has SPDIF as its output is
going to suffer from the main design flaw of SPDIF: namely the need to
recover the clock from the data. If you could go USB to I2S such that
the clock is transmitted explicitly and separately from the data, you
could get benefit from a USB D2D converter; otherwise, if the final
link to the DAC is SPDIF, I would be very surprised if there was a
(non-placebo) audible benefit. 

If you wanted to try this out anyway, just to test a null hypothesis, I
would go with something like the M2 Tech Hi-Face EVO USB to SPDIF


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-15 Thread dsdreamer

@RadBadMark good that you could share that info.

The only Arcam DAC that I know of that supports USB 2.0 audio is the
D33. You seem to have something that is bus powered and yet accepts USB
2.0 audio @ 192kHz. The rDACs don't go above 96kHz USB audio 1.0.

With which DAC did you conduct your tests? Or would you have to shoot
me if you told me?


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-10 Thread dsdreamer

Triode;695143 Wrote: 
> It looks like Logitech is unable to accept the patches as part of the
> mainstream kernel at present as they are concerned about the amount of
> testing required.  I will therefore be looking at making it an easier
> 3rd party addition to install - I think we can make the applet
> automatically download and install the kernel after it is installed and
> trap the case of a missing dac better.  I also want to merge the
> features of kernels #1 and 3 so that we can have one install with an
> option to support the no hub case at 44/48k for dacs which work with
> it.

I am looking for to testing and using future releases!


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-09 Thread dsdreamer

I purchased an AudioEngine D1 for headphone listening and tried it via
USB using kernel 3. Firstly, without a hub I heard clicks every 60
seconds or so. So I grabbed a USB2.0 powered hub I had lying around and
placed that in circuit. Clicks were gone, and I could observe the
adaptive momentary sample rate going above and below 44.1 depending on
the buffer fullness. 

AudioEngine D1 is sounding good on its initial outing, via its RCA
outputs into my main rig. Sound is rather pure and is notable for its
image specificity, but otherwise does not draw attention to itself. 

Anyway, another victory for adaptive USB audio from the Touch. Thanks
again to Triode. I hope he will keep his unofficial applets available
for the future. They are starting to become indispensable!


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-03 Thread dsdreamer

Jo308;693848 Wrote: 
> Audiolab M-DAC is gaining a very good reputation.  I am very pleased
> with mine.

Don't know that they can be purchased in the US, which is where I am,
but I couldn't find one for sale anywhere.  According to PlanetofSound
distribution, Canada:
> Due to overwhelming demand, all available units for our preorder
> promotion are sold out. Factory production is delayed. Already-placed
> preorders for Black models will now arrive around May 31st, Silver end
> of April. We expect demand to greatly exceed supply until late spring.

Good suggestion though, I would probably have one by now if it were not
for the supply situation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-03-03 Thread dsdreamer

So, I'm wondering if there is a recommendation for a USB DAC that is
good enough in terms of power supply rejection, linearity, SNR and its
own clock jitter to make the case for asynchronous USB connection over
SPDIF and adaptive USB?  

It seems that everyone has adopted asynchronous USB even products that
cost $150, but just doing the USB transfer mode right isn't enough to
make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. 

Bottom line, is there a USB audio DAC product at or under US$ 1000 that
is good enough to show the audible benefits of of being driven using
asynchronous USB technology?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Async USB Dac Experiments - testers wanted...

2012-02-26 Thread dsdreamer

Okay, I haven't been paying attention to what's been happening in
Squeezebox land for a while, just listening to my music as often as I
can via my SB Touch. So today, I come across this thread and on a whim
and decide to try it out.  I really don't have any nice USB DACs but I
did try this with a REGA DAC, which has a "convenience" USB interface
limited to 48kHz and 16 bits. Well this worked fine with kernel #3. 
Next I borrowed my son's NuForce Icon uDAC-2 and that worked straight
away as well, at least for 44.1/16 audio.

The ridiculous thing is that the NuForce is sounding better than the
REGA when connected this way to my ears. 

Of course the real value of doing this comes Asynchronous USB. I am
thinking NuForce does a special edition of their Icon uDAC-2 with
Asynchronous USB for $250...I'm pretty tempted right now.

I must say, triode, you've blazed a very useful trail here. Many thanks
for the hard work it must have taken!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] On a positive note (Touch's analog out)

2011-10-02 Thread dsdreamer

> Second Bedroom:
> Squeezebox Touch -> Grado SR125 headphones 

I find that even a modest headphone amp makes a huge difference to the
experience of using a Touch through cans. I think this accounts for
your audio quality suffering in the 2nd bedroom. Possibly, the cheap
headphone stage in the Touch is the culprit, which I believe is
bypassed when using the RCA outputs to an outboard headphone amplifier.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] SB touch as alarm clock?

2011-09-23 Thread dsdreamer

I have a SB Touch on my nightstand, used for headphone listening only.
It seems like I could also use it to wake up to music with the addition
of a cheap pair of powered speakers. My problem is how to switch the
audio over from headphones (last thing at night) to powered speakers
(first thing in the morning)?

I do my headphone listening via the S/PDIF digital output whereas my
powered speakers are plugged into the RCA jacks. I need to suppress the
output to the analog ports of the SBT except when an alarm is triggered.
Can this be done?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] what is coming after touch

2011-07-21 Thread dsdreamer

The current touch screen is not big enough to be useful for viewing from
across the room, which was a step down from the SB3 with its VFD which
was easy to read at 10' away.

It seems to me that the ability to plug in a monitor would be more cost
effective than increasing the size of the screen. Then people could
choose a screen size to suit their situation instead of having one
(small) size to fit all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] When is next gen Touch due?

2011-05-18 Thread dsdreamer

nitrous;632068 Wrote: 
> Hello, from what I can make out Touch has been out over 12 months. I've
> been looking at deals recently and notice that stock levels at several
> suppliers are none this a sign dealers are running
> stocks down ready for revamped product??

On Amazon's US web site, Logitech occupies the top 4 positions in
Multiroom Digital Music Systems, with the SB Touch in #2 position. 
Probably Logitech doesn't need to make significant revisions to their
hardware lineup anytime soon in this market segment.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Stock Touch sound quality - Variable

2011-05-18 Thread dsdreamer

Just FYI, not an endorsement, since I've never been a customer.

If someone *has* had this done and wants to report their perception of
the results, that would be cool.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Discrete Small PC - run server

2011-05-17 Thread dsdreamer

I have run SBS on a Windows XP (Professional) box running headless with
RDP for a couple of years, which was okay, but the need to keep virus
scanners and security patches up to date was a pain. Also some virus
scanners have been known to prevent MySQL from working properly, so you
have to choose you security software carefully.

I then moved on to a Buffalo NAS running SBS, which was fine for a
while, but too slow to be much fun when rescanning the music library or
waiting for the WebUI to update.

In recent times I moved up to using the Vortexbox distro on a barebones
Atom PC that needed only a 1TB HDD and a DVD-ROM drive to make a
complete, and cost-effective solution.

Of the three methods I've tried the Vortexbox distro has been the least
hassle to maintain and the most fun to use. Its low power consumption
also means I can leave it running 24x7. I don't have to worry about
clashes with virus scanners, either, since Linux doesn't typically need
such a thing.

I prefer my current Vortexbox based solution to the other two
possibilities I've tried, but your mileage may vary.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Stock Touch sound quality - Variable

2011-05-15 Thread dsdreamer

sebp;631514 Wrote: 
> That's your brain's burn-in, not Touch's analogue section. ;)

With those unbiased electrolytic d.c. blocking caps in the L + R output
signal paths, I could imagine slow changes taking place.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Latest firware (7.5.3-r9283) broke my m4a playback

2011-04-29 Thread dsdreamer

I just tested my Touch playing back a purchased iTunes+ album (256kbps
CBR aac in an .m4a container).

Player Model: Squeezebox Touch
Firmware: 7.5.4-r9408

I also double-checked that it is not transcoding, and it is not.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Which nightly firmware file for Touch ?

2011-03-13 Thread dsdreamer

aubuti;617526 Wrote: 
> EDIT: That said, I wouldn't completely rule out someone coming along
> and claiming that fab4_7.6.0_r9316.bin has much better sound quality,
> with more transparency and better soundstage, more relaxed and less
> "anxious" than fab4.bin.   ;-)

All those extra characters in the file name make the cpu work much
harder, thus degrading sound quality ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch vs. Duet

2011-02-16 Thread dsdreamer

A SB Touch gives pretty astonishing sound quality when used with good
amplifier and speakers. 

Check out the customer review distribution on both products,
and I think you will detect a higher satisfaction rate with the Touch
than the Duet. 

The Controller part of the Duet solution would be a more compelling if
it were not for some Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod touch applications that can
put the same functionality in the palm of your hand, most notably the
famous iPeng.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2011-02-12 Thread dsdreamer

magiccarpetride;610132 Wrote: 
> In my extremely guarded and personal experience (which is, from what I
> hear, protected by the Constitution as well as UNESCO), high definition
> audio formats do bring noticeable improvement in the sound quality over
> the red book format, but mostly with regards to offering 24 bit as
> opposed to 16 bit depth. The sampling rate appears to matter less. For
> example, while it gets very easy for me to discern between a 24 bit
> FLAC and the same FLAC dithered down to 16 bit, I am having serious
> difficulties discerning between the 24 bit/96 kHz FLAC and the same
> FLAC downsampled to 24 bit/44.1 kHz.

I have to respect the fact that you did the experiment and reported
your experience. But I am surprised at this. Considering a 16 bit DAC
and assuming I have my volume control set to place -90.31dBFS at 0dB
SPL (the threshold of human hearing), I still have 90dB above that for
the peaks of music. Assuming that the r.m.s. level of the music
averaged over a track is -14dBFS (assumes we are not a victim of the
loudness wars), that would be at 76dB SPL. That would be a comfortable
listening level, not too loud but well above the SPL of normal
conversational speech. 

I think you would have to listen at pretty high volume levels to hear
the difference between a 24 bit DAC and a good 16-bit DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Music really IS better sounding after changes

2011-02-10 Thread dsdreamer

magiccarpetride;609783 Wrote: 
> Hallelujah!
> It's so gratifying to read a comment like this one. It makes it all
> worthwhile, despite all those claims that turning the screen off makes
> no detectable difference. Many of us have noticed immediate increase in
> blackness (actually, I will now be as preposterous to say that, after
> applying the 'screen off' mod, my Touch screen is indeed absolutely
> black!)
> Alas, the glare still persists, and despite the mod, I still find
> myself wiping the screen off with the supplied black microfiber cloth
> -- can't stand seeing those fingertip smudges on the screen:(

Yes, I was in a silly mood writing that one, and was thinking that
those who have strong feelings about listening with a dark screen ought
to (ahem) lighten up.

The 'wink' emoticon against my post was intended to give away my
intent, but this may not have worked for those subscribing to the forum
via email.

Again, my humor is an acquired taste at best. Sorry for any confusion.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Music really IS better sounding after changes

2011-02-08 Thread dsdreamer

I tried soundcheck's screen-off mod yesterday, and immediately noticed a
much blacker background.  I would go as far as to say this mod achieved
an almost complete elimination of glare, especially when used in low
ambient light conditions.

Sorry, I couldn't resist.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2011-02-05 Thread dsdreamer

jeraldrc;608728 Wrote: 
> Folks, I'm jumpin' in the middle here but similar dialog. I have been
> downloading 24/96 files from HDTracks and just realized they are being
> output at 48khz by Squeezebox to my DAC. I read the Touch will output
> 96k via the coax jack. Is that true? I'm an aerospace engineer so you
> can get technical but a simple answer will suffice. Thanks! jc

Only the Touch and Transporter models from Logitech's Squeezebox line
support 24/96, but they do fully support that resolution and rate via
their S/PDIF outputs, including the 75 Ohm RCA jack.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] connected my Touch to SBS via ethernet for the first time (wow!)

2011-02-05 Thread dsdreamer

Gerry123;608610 Wrote: 
> In other words, drill some holes, drop some cables, plug it in, listen
> to music.

Yep, that would definitely work!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] connected my Touch to SBS via ethernet for the first time (wow!)

2011-02-05 Thread dsdreamer

chill;608578 Wrote: 
> We should take care not to let this thread fork into another discussion
> of soundcheck's mods, but I think it's worth noting that a possible
> reason for differing opinions on the importance of the connection type
> could simply be that some people are using the RCA analogue outputs,
> and some are using a separate DAC.  If you're using a DAC that's robust
> against jitter and RF interference, then it really doesn't matter how
> you get the bits to the player.  If you're using the RCA outputs, then
> all sorts of other things can possibly come into play.
> I'm not sure that enough reports have been explicit about setup to be
> able to draw conclusions about what's a typical experience.

There's no doubt that the correct bits get to the player's buffer no
matter what transport mechanism is used to get them there. But at any
point in the signal path during or after the conversion to analog,
there can be an impact of power supply noise on the quality of the
analog signal, as well as RF pick-up from the built-in WiFi transmitter
on PCB traces on a few cm away from the WiFi antenna. Once RF pick-up at
2.4GHz does occur, it could easily be subject to parasitic rectification
due to any semiconductors in the signal path that have a square-law term
to their non-linearity. WiFi signals are not constant amplitude, unless
you are using 802.11b, so some AM conversion to audio is possible from
the very close proximity WiFi antenna.

So, I would say there are plausible mechanisms within the laws of
physics for sound to be different with WiFi turned on vs. off. Also, if
the processor load changes the drain in the power supply, the ideality
of the d.c. power supply may change in terms or residual ripple and
digital hash, not withstanding that separate digital and analog power
supply regulators are used to isolate them as much as possible.

However, it should be noted that Stereophile's measurements did not
indicate any real sign of trouble, when looking for low levels of noise
and jitter.

JA states at one point: "Finally, the Squeezebox Touch's jitter
performance remained unchanged, whether it was playing the 16-bit
diagnostic Miller-Dunn tone via WiFi or stored on a USB-connected
drive." Of course, he did not try ethernet, but the impact of WiFi
being in use on these very sensitive measurements seems to be very well
controlled indeed. Figure 9 is  measured with WiFi being used as the
data source.

JA didn't specifically go looking for differences between the
performance between the three interfaces (WiFi, ethernet and USB), but
he notably didn't find anything adverse to publish about the
performance using the (arguably) more vulnerable of these.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-01-28 Thread dsdreamer

@Phil Leigh. Thanks for taking time to do careful measurements. Some of
us a extremely interested to see measured data, whether it confirms our
subjective impressions or otherwise.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] soundcheck's Touch Toolbox 2.0

2011-01-28 Thread dsdreamer

tonyptony;606274 Wrote: 
> Is "Reset Player Preferences" from the Settings menu sufficient, or does
> it require a real "hardware reset"?

Holding down the little reset button for > 5 seconds so that all
firmware and settings are restored. I found that if you let the
firmware upgrade happen with Soundcheck's mods left in place you get a
into an undefined state where some of the mods are over-written and
other bits of script and executable are still left hanging around. A
full factory restore is needed to properly re-install the mods.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch near a loudspeaker

2011-01-22 Thread dsdreamer

Hans Gerrits;604477 Wrote: 
> Thank you for the quick reply. I wasn't actually thinking of a
> loudspeaker interfering with the Touch screen, but the other way
> around: does the (electric field of the) player intefere with the sound
> from the loudspeaker?

If you speakers are passive (i.e., don't contain amplifiers inside the
enclosures) then it is impossible for you to suffer such interference.
If your speakers are active, and badly designed, there is a small
possibility that such a thing could happen.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2010-12-26 Thread dsdreamer

Mnyb;597221 Wrote: 
> The trick is to the record the stuff at 24/192 or higher and digitally
> re-sample to a consumer format , theese filter does way more damage at
> ADC end than the DAC end. And as most DAC's oversample 128 times and
> use a very benign filter in the ultrasonic region. So this is actually
> a solved problem.

Well, let's be clear, the problem of *how* to do the filtering
efficiently and accurately has been solved, but the fact of doing the
filtering is in itself a problem: you are losing something if you do
and losing something else if you don't. 

The plain facts are as follows: Our Red Book CDs are sampled at
44.1kHz. Whatever process was used to get to 44.1kHz sampling rate must
have made an attempt to first satisfy Nyquist's sampling theorem by
removing *all* spectral content above 22.05kHz. I don't care if that
process was done digitally at very high sample rates or otherwise; the
fact remains that a filter has to have been used that provides very
good attenuation above 22kHz. The closer this filter is to a brick wall
in shape the longer the impulse response tails (and pre-echo) will be. 
But there is very little latitude for making this filter 'relaxed' in
the frequency domain because we want to have the passband extend to
~20kHz, and we want to be ~90dB down by 22.05kHz. This implies a high
order filter, and an extended (some would argue unnatural) impulse
response.  There are still some choices to be made, but I think all of
them are non-ideal, and yet at the same time indispensable.

A NOS DAC attempts not to make the problem worse, but you must still
live with the choice of decimation filter the mastering engineer chose
to use.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] A DAC for the SB

2010-12-25 Thread dsdreamer

I used to have a Benchmark DAC1 in my system in my SB3 days, but after
purchasing a Touch and doing some careful listening with the Touch
direct and through the Benchmark, I found that if anything the DAC1
sounded a little forward and slightly grainy in the treble region, but
otherwise very similar to the Touch.

I know for sure that the Benchmark DAC1 measures better than the Touch,
but since I could not hear it in my system with my ears, it made no
sense to keep it. 

NOS DACs definitely break some rules, but in order to make a very
specific trade: elimination of pre-and post-echo. (A similar motivation
lies behind the use of apodizing filters in DACs and CD players, but
without allowing excessive aliasing.) 

I don't think use of NOS techniques should be ruled out on principle,
even though the presence of some inverted spectrum "music" added into
the near-ultransonic region is -prima facie- the wrong thing to do. If
you like it in your system, fine, but it's probably not for everyone.

Frankly, I just don't think there is a thoroughly good way to reproduce
music that has to be band-limited to 22kHz before sampling. That's one
half of the damage, the remainder is done by an additional low-pass
filter to suppress the aliases, when reconstructing a continuous
waveform from the samples. Leaving out the alias suppression filtering
clearly avoids further low pass filtering, but cannot remove what was
done to make the recording.

Everything we do here is some kind of compromise, which why some DACs
and CD players offer multiple types of filter shape (e.g., sharp,
smooth or minimum phase). None of them is the right  answer; the only
real solution being significantly faster sampling rates for digital

I was reminded how much of a difference sampling rates make to the
overall musical experience by downloading and listening to some of the
free samples here:
Listening to the 24-bit/96kHz Bach recordings played though my SB Touch
reminded me how wonderfully present, natural and non-fatiguing digital
music -can- sound.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting presets on the Touch?

2010-12-13 Thread dsdreamer

Dremel;594474 Wrote: 
> Thanks dsdreamer, it works like a charm. Do you have any clue of getting
> keys 7-9 and 0 to work the same way? Just adding the definitions under
> irActionMappings has no effect.

So far I stopped at 6 because I also tried to get to 10 working presets
and struck out. I think we have 6 because the SB radio has 6 physical
buttons, so the functionality is already available.   

It may take me a while to get further (it will be one of next weekend's


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Setting presets on the Touch?

2010-12-12 Thread dsdreamer

The attached ShortcutsMeta.lua.txt file needs to be renamed
ShortcutsMeta.lua and placed in: /usr/share/jive/applets/Shortcuts/ 
(Perhaps you would want to back up the old one first.)

Once the file has been installed, reboot the Touch and then activate
the new default key bindings using the Settings > Advanced > Beta
Features > Shortcuts > Restore Defaults menu item.

The attached patch file shows the changes that were made: added 6 new
lines and changed 6 lines.  I am only activating 6 of the 9 numeric
keys. The patch file is intended to document the changes made.

|Filename: ShortcutsMeta.patch  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] gave up with tinySBS but got improved sound

2010-12-05 Thread dsdreamer

JohnSwenson;591928 Wrote: 
> Or if you really want to be wierd how about a magic eye tube?
> John S.

I was hoping for a beam deflection tube pre-amp myself, with a built-in
USB DAC in front.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] new touch owner - one problem

2010-11-06 Thread dsdreamer

Blazer;587644 Wrote: 
> I'm still not sure what is causing the problem. In addition to my
> original posted problem, sometimes it plays the wrong track from an
> album. I select one but it plays another. When any of these problems
> happen, stopping and restarting the Squeezebox server software on my PC
> gets the SQueeze box working correctly again.

Although you mention Crashplan, you don't mention what kind of
antivirus you're running. It is well known for certain anti-virus
software to prevent MySQL from interacting with its temporary files,
since this heuristically is a good match for malware behavior. However,
this is most often observed during scanning, not so much as a random
failure during playback. 

Is there anything in your SBS log, or scanner log file that looks


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Finally found the cause of multiple music stoppage problems

2010-10-31 Thread dsdreamer

Good detective work and thanks for sharing it!

This particular Windows behavior has been driving people nuts for
several years now. E.g., see the following thread...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Squeezebox Touch - An Australian review

2010-10-19 Thread dsdreamer

gmudunuri;582844 Wrote: 
> The Touch DAC sound great, especially compared to SB3's or Duet's DACs. 
> My external DAC (Cullen Stage IV modded PS Audio DLIII) does sound
> better (dynamics, palpability, soundstage, air), but I wouldn't call it
> night and day. The  The Touch DAC is extremely good on its own,
> especially considering the USD 299 price tag for the whole thing!
> Playing music off of a USB drive was glitchy, but that is not an issue
> for me since I run SBS on my NAS.

I am running the Touch directly into my Creek 5350SE line-level inputs
and enjoying the results. I used to run a SB Classic through a
Benchmark DAC1 into the same amplifier. If I had wanted to I could have
kept the Benchmark for use with the Touch, but careful listening did not
motivate me to do so. Apparently, I willfully swapped Stereophile "class
A" sound for "class D", and thereby joined the Great Unwashed. So be it:
it sure sounds like music to me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Review in upcoming Stereophile issue

2010-09-13 Thread dsdreamer


Excellent work on the review, which I enjoyed while listening to the
"serviceable" analog outputs of the Touch. 

JA's measurements backed up your observations that a good outboard DAC
would be of benefit, especially as regards noise floor for
high-resolution material and low-frequency phase jitter. An
asynchronous USB link to a high-quality DAC from Ayre should, and
apparently did, offer an effective cure for both these limitations.

It seems to me that having a USB audio connection is a much more
interesting use for the USB port than providing for external storage
for a somewhat crippled internal server (which I've never been tempted
to use, anyway). 

Has John Swenson published his mod instructions somewhere?


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[SlimDevices: Touch] How to interpret limited availability of Touch in US?

2010-08-08 Thread dsdreamer

The current unavailability of SB Touch via the better known online
retail channels worries me. I don't mind a direct sales model if that
is the official policy, but it seems odd that this one model from the
SB line is only sold direct from Logitech.

And if there are supply shortages to explain the lack of supply to
retailers, why the oft-repeated but short-lived deep discounts to
consumers via Logitech's site?  

Having built a great product, I would expect Logitech to make hay while
the sun shines. I find the current behavior oddly self-defeating.  

Anyone know what's going on?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is "too large" for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread dsdreamer

floater;551671 Wrote: 
> Please note that a couple of folks have referred to mp3 players that do
> indeed scan and maintain their own database, without the horrible
> kludge of iTunes for the iPod. Mp3 players dating back many years too,
> not the latest models!
> My Archos AV400 scans files at a rate of approximately 2500 per minute,
> without the aid of a PC at all. This is six year old technology! My
> Touch is considerably slower with a brand new hard drive.

I saw those references, but since I had no direct experience of the
Archos, I thought I should refrain from commenting on them. I did
mention that the WD-TV does something very similar when you attach a
USB drive full of media files.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] How large a music collection is "too large" for TinySC?

2010-05-30 Thread dsdreamer

I am a very happy owner of a SB Touch, especially its sound quality,
appearance and general usability. But I've never tested the TinySC part
of its functionality; having an existing server running on a Buffalo
Linkstation made that moot for me.

I understand that prospective purchasers would like to know in advance
what are the limitations of the built-in server. 

I also understand the bafflement of some that the music-scanning and
database usage part of the functionality could cause so many problems.
Comparison to an iPod has clearly generated more heat than light. But I
get the point that having a low powered embedded system handle a hard
drive full of music has been demonstrated on a massive scale by the
iPOD. But an iPOD needs a serious computer running iTunes to perform
the scanning part of work flow. A closer comparison would be the WD TV
multimedia boxes that scan an attached USB disk full of multimedia
files and make them available for browsing as a unified media library.

If it were up to me, I'd define some hard limits within which the
built-in TinySC is intended to function and have the UI inform the user
when those limits were about to be exceeded. For example in the file
discovery phase of the scan, I'd check if the limit was likely to be
exceeded and warn the user if it was. What would irk me, if I were
using TinySC, would be for the database/server functionality to use up
so many CPU/memory resources that it effectively prevents the player
from working.  Admittedly any such limitation (e.g., a track count)
would be a matter of judgement, but if chosen conservatively, it should
be possible to guarantee the user a smooth experience.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Computer audiophile review

2010-05-29 Thread dsdreamer

This was an intelligent and appreciative review. Good to see someone
getting the point who was not necessarily a SB fan coming into the


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] SBT is extremly sexy! Go for it!! Much better than expected!

2010-05-15 Thread dsdreamer

Yep, the sound quality is extrodianary for anything in its price class,
and the UI is both cool and functional.

I would like to think that the SBT would help revive the fortunes of
Logitech's streaming media business unit. Has anyone sent John Atkinson
a sample?


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] But... It sounds soooo good

2010-04-17 Thread dsdreamer

SilverRS8;536644 Wrote: 
> I used to have the SB3 connected to a Cambridge audio DacMagic and the
> most noticeable was the extension in base as well as channel
> separation. Now with the Touch, the touch comes very close to the
> DacMagic. The latter performs a better job in the mids and high tones
> as well as channel separation. I would not buy a DacMagic for it if I
> didn't have one yet. But since I have one I'll keep it.

After careful comparison of my SB Touch Analog output RCA jacks to
SPDIF + Benchmark DAC1, I find that I can sell my Benchmark with no
concerns at all about loss of quality.


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] US Logitech Preorder Shipped

2010-04-09 Thread dsdreamer

Yep, mine is on its way.


"Dreamer, easy in the chair that really fits you..."

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