Re: [Trisquel-users] Parabola: Wrong UUID in GRUB but correct ones in /etc/fstab

2017-12-12 Thread hd-scania
Almost every GRUB are probing wrong UUID on my partitions 6, 7, 8, 12 (all  
are Parabola partitions), but they are correct in every /etc/fstab files per  
partition. But any other non-Parabola partitions are non-problematic being  
probed by any GRUB.

The problematic GRUB (the one with detects UUIDs wrongly) comes from
which distro?

Re: [Trisquel-users] uruk gnu/linux 2.0

2017-12-12 Thread niyaschirayakuth

Okey, cool. Thanks for the reply

Re: [Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-12 Thread jodiendo

SuperTramp83 SAID:

 No dates. It will be released when ready. It shouldn't take very long though  
now that Ruben, the developer is back from the great sleep. Patience :)

My brother your statement is quite truth full but you got to understand  the  
consequences of secondary effects in the mind and body. Specially in the area  
of savanna where there located. I know that area real good. Party town

Re: [Trisquel-users] Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread jodiendo

It is always appropriate to thank a  SUPERTRAMPOSO!!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread vltr
Thank you very much, Jxself. Sorry because before I got confused with your  

By the way, I do not know if it has something to do with it or not, but since  
I installed your kernel my laptop seems to be heating much less. In anyway,  
thanks indeed for your work in favour of the community and libre software.

I did not know before exactly who you were. I should have supposed because  
your nick is the same as for the repositories of the linux-libre kernel. I  
certainly feel honoured that you are taking the time to answer my messages.

Carry on with the good work and thanks for all, seriously :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread vltr

Sorry about that! I read that your answer in another thread and I got  

There are many interesting threads in this forum ... when I began to read  
some of them and answering others I leave many tabs opened and finally I make  
some mistakes :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread vltr

Hilarious ;D

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread vltr

He is not attacking you. He is just pointing to facts.

By the way Leah, taking into account the horrible experience that my family  
and me experienced because of Minifree's service:

May we require you please, at least to treat us with a minimum level of  
respect? I mean, having into account the situation I think it is the minimum  
that you . Otherwise, and I say this sincerely, you are leaving Minifree's.  
Please, do not refer to us like "just 1 angry person". I am personally not  
angry nor any of the members of my family. I am just trying to tell the  
experience that we lived because it was not a pleasant one. As customers of  
Minifree I think we have the right to do that not to say the obligation. And  
I say obligation because I consider that if anyone experience such an  
horrible situation with one company that person is under the moral duty of  
letting others to know about that for preventing others to pass through that  

I understand that you do not like to read bad reviews about Minifree... but  
with all my respects, that is not our fault in anyway. Stop blaming people  
and say that they are attacking you and began to do things well as Tiberiu  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread vltr

I completely endorse everything Tiberiu said here.

Many of these things are exactly what I wanted to write in my previous post  
in this thread. As I am not a native English speaker, it is difficult for me  
sometimes to find a way what I want to say. In this sense I thanks Tiberiu  
for having expressed everything so clearly, because it is exactly what I  
wanted to say about many things.

By the way I came here to edit my previous post, in order for being able to  
correct some grammatical errors. Yesterday I tried to solve some of them, but  
still I left many things that I found I have not expressed clearly. I had no  
more time yesterday so I left that for today. However now it seems it is not  
possible to edit it again.

Another thing that I wanted to say in my previous post was regarding the FSF  
certification. I now the main objective of that certification is just to  
certify that a product uses free software however I thing they should try  
also to have an eye on the quality of the products sold by the companies  
which are granted that certification. I mean, for me to link the name of an  
institution so reliable and with such a high degree of credibility as the FSF  
to a product is a very serious matter. I personally do not like to see the  
name of such an institution linked to a situation like the one we lived in  
our family. If other orders are like mine, I personally think the FSF should  
take in consideration the possibility of taking off the certification from  
Minifree as well as having a close look in the future on the quality of the  
products provided by the certified companies. As for Technoethical I really  
think the certification has been very well and deservedly granted.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread greatgnu

It is always appropriate to thank a magic bannanna!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any libre + uncensored 18+ tubes or forums?

2017-12-12 Thread greatgnu
The sense of it was: even if I am not interested and hence it brings 0  
contribution to me personally I really very much admire a gentlemen  
contributing for da community. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread greatgnu


meh, meh, meh..


[Trisquel-users] Re : Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-12 Thread lcerf

In Trisquel 8's repository.  Not yet in Trisquel 7's.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread lcerf
You are welcome... but jxself, who takes care of Linux-libre's DEB packaging,  
answered you, not me!

Re: [Trisquel-users] uruk gnu/linux 2.0

2017-12-12 Thread hayder
>The Uruk Welcome App did n't start on live system login. Later I found it on  
menu. Is it configured to start after installation only?


>How about replacing Mint App Menu (I forgot name for that menu) with Whisker  
Menu developed by Solus? Is there any legal or free software policy issue?

This menu depends on newer packages than in Uruk or Trisquel repositorys,  
because Uruk 2.0 based on Trisquel 8.0, That's mean Ubuntu 16.04, and this  
menu running on ubuntu 17.10 or later.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any libre + uncensored 18+ tubes or forums?

2017-12-12 Thread Caleb Herbert
On Tue, 2017-12-12 at 15:42 +0100, wrote:
> Sir, I did not watch ur pr0n performance as I'm exclusively interested in  
> female body (so far, at least) but you are great! +1 for ur contribution. If  
> there is something we lack and never get enough is good material x_X

Oh!  I didn't mean to suggest that you watch my performance.  I'm just
saying that Freedom Porn is the only site I know of, and it needs more
contributors, especially women.

Caleb Herbert
OpenPGP public key:

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to execute a .sh file downloaded on Trisquel

2017-12-12 Thread threepsion
I have successfully downloaded the file and run it, I am using trisquel 8  
AMD64. As you said the file itself was already executable. Are you using  
Trisquel 32bit or 64bit and have you downloaded the correct version from

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info

Btw the +1 is from me.

I admire you, Tiberiu, I really do. This post demonstrates how committed you  
are to your current pursuit.

Hint hint: what I say/think in the past is not necessarily the same as what I  
say/think now.

Here's what I say/think now: Technoethical is a wonderful company, and I wish  
you well.

I just wish you'd stop attacking me that's all. I think you're being  
incredibly petty in your efforts.

As previously stated, I hold no ill will towards you. I'm willing to either  
cooperate with you, or, since this seems impossible, stay out of your way and  
leave you alone, to the best of my ability. All you have to do is the exact  
same thing, and we're good. OK?

The truth is that I'm actually capable of humility. When someone apologizes  
to me and does things in good faith to demonstrate it, I usually respect them  
for that. My decision to push for you to be promoted on took  
everything in me I assure you, but I mean it right here and now that I do not  
wish to fight you.

Stop attacking, and I'll stop defending. Can we agree on this?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info
Actually, work on the X220 is ongoing. I haven't given up on that, I just  
haven't had enough time to work on it due to selling T400s in the last couple  
months. My workload is higher now than it was back then. The 15 or so X220  
pre-order customers have all been offered refunds.

As previously stated, Minifree ships decent quality laptops. You are simply  
trying to spread FUD about my company. I'll let my customers decide that, not  
you. The ones that have ordered since the launch a few days ago, will soon be  
receiving their X200s, and I will be asking all of them to write reviews  

I'm only correcting facts. As previously stated, I have no wish to fight with  
you. I will only defend myself when you make slanderous statements.

If you stop attacking me and/or accusing me of defrauding/deceiving my  
customers, I will stop defending myself from you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-12 Thread vltr

Thank you again, Magic Banana. :)

I will have a look to the Libreboot configuration. In the meantime you are  
right, I do not notice any problem.

Thanks again for your help. Best regards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-12-12 Thread vltr
Is Firefox Quantum available inside the Trisquel's repositories? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any libre + uncensored 18+ tubes or forums?

2017-12-12 Thread onpon4
I don't have time for this. You need to brush up on your English. You're not  
anywhere near proficient enough to engage in this kind of discussion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-12 Thread greatgnu
No dates. It will be released when ready. It shouldn't take very long though  
now that Ruben, the developer is back from the great sleep. Patience :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Any libre + uncensored 18+ tubes or forums?

2017-12-12 Thread greatgnu
Sir, I did not watch ur pr0n performance as I'm exclusively interested in  
female body (so far, at least) but you are great! +1 for ur contribution. If  
there is something we lack and never get enough is good material x_X

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to execute a .sh file downloaded on Trisquel

2017-12-12 Thread greatgnu

Yep, a typo, tx for pointing it out for our new friend!

Re: [Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-12 Thread neostanniy
Oh, thank u so much for that! And is there any info about the date? Looking  
forward to it!

[Trisquel-users] setting up a SeaGRUB configuration on an x200

2017-12-12 Thread stormchaser30000
hello. i am wondering how to set up a SeaGRUB configuration on my ThinkPad  
x200 laptop. apparently the laptop (which came with libreboot installed) does  
not use a SeaGRUB configuration. i am wondering how i am to configure  
libreboot with a SeaBIOS setup. (sorry if my terminology is a bit newbie-ish  
because i am a bit of a newbie)

if this is necessary then here: [URL][/URL]

(if any of you can recommend something better than then  
please tell me)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info

> I, personally, pushed for the current suppliers page that is on Libreboot's  
website, which very openly endorses your company and tells people to buy from  

LOL, you have some nerve to say that.

The history of events:

Between 2nd and 3rd of April:

6. On 20th of May FSF stops linking to Minifree's X200 and T400, because they  
were set by Leah to automatically redirect to the X220 with nonfree BIOS.

The RYF page before that:
The RYF page after that:

7. Only two days after FSF stops linking to Minifree, Leah pings me sometime  
between 1-2 AM GMT (3-4 AM GMT+2, my timezone) on #libreboot IRC to ask me to  
take a look at the suppliers page that she urgently needed to re-add at


9. On 29th of May, after seeing what changes Leah makes to the suppliers  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info

> Remember that thing you said earlier in this thread about not wanting to  
start a knife fight

I'm happy that you're selling again X200, because this is a confirmation of  
the false hopes you've been feeding free software users about the X220.

But you keep telling everyone that Technoethical is double more expensive,  
when in practice that's simply not true. I had no beef with you before. And I  
didn't want to fight.

Then you go on about shipping products of good quality, when in fact you  
flash laptops in mass-volume and your customers complain about the quality of  
the end product.

> Minifree provides low quality laptops and that it mistreats its customers.  
This is not true.

Well, stop lying and start taking more care of the quality *before* shipping.  
You'll see that people will start be happy with your company. Oh, it's harder  
to make honest money. That's true. Such is life. And it's probably fair to be  
this way.

> Then I'm going to work for 10 hours on Minifree orders.

I've worked 14 hours yesterday, and I'm usually working between 10-12 hours,  
including in weekends. But I don't complain, working for free software users  
is what I enjoy doing.

Happy hacking everyone!


[Trisquel-users] Re : So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-12 Thread lcerf
It will be released.  It is the priority:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info
So you can either stay small and not register for VAT, or get big and have to  
register for VAT - and charge more to your EU customers - or lower your  
price. Tough call.

Minifree is much larger than Technoethical, and has existed for longer. We  
get many sales, so I have to be very efficient with my time. My priority is  
more libreboot users, and helping more people to get Libreboot systems  
easily. The lower price is only a part of that.

I will stress once more: Minifree does do the best job it can, under extreme  
workload (especially during this time of the year). I try to make sure  
everything works properly, and most of our customers are happy. You may state  
otherwise, but this is irrelevant.

Minifree is also extremely generous in the cases where there are problems. At  
the volume we sell at, it's inevitable that mistakes will happen from time to  
time. What I ask is that you stop trying to suggest that this is every sale,  
because it isn't.

We almost always send a full new replacement laptop, when the customer  
complains of a problem with their laptop. They can then send the first one  
they received back, at their own pace. I don't have to do this. I could ask  
them to send the unit back, check it and argue with them like many companies  
do, and then send a replacement. I trust my customers, since most people are  
decent, so I always send the replacement first.

Tiberiu, I do not wish to fight with you as we did, slightly, in this thread.  
I'm very patient with you in general and I, personally, pushed for the  
current suppliers page that is on Libreboot's website, which very openly  
endorses your company and tells people to buy from you.

I'll let you decide whether any of this continues. In the meantime, I'm still  
working on laptops. I budget time, and I've allocated 10 hours per day, 5-6  
days per week, of work so that I can ship all orders before Christmas. I  
don't have time to engage in petty squabbles with you, I'm more interested in  
my customers so I'm focusing on them. I suggest you do the same.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info

> In that case then yes your 430 EUR figure makes sense.

Thanks for admitting in the end. I'm pretty sure that the customer that has  
repeated your statement "half price" is from EU and doesn't own a  
VAT-registered business. Like most customers from EU complaining about  
Minifree on this forum.

> this means that you're not VAT registered

We are not required to be VAT-registered, since the income doesn't reach the  
threshold. That tells something about how small our business is.

> you don't ship to USA (which I know you do.

We ship locally in USA. Our colleague in USA has his own sole proprietorship.

[Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-12 Thread neostanniy

Hi there, guys, and nice to meet each one of you, of course!
I am just wondering if there's some info about trisquel 8 release, because  
the website news were "frozen" way back in 2015...
Do u know anything about it? I love the trisquel system, but the current  
stable release is kinda old... Don't want this awesome system to "die young".

Thnx for ur answers!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info

So hey, tiberiu

Remember that thing you said earlier in this thread about not wanting to  
start a knife fight between Minifree and Technoethical?

I'm just curious if you remember saying that. Pro-tip: if you don't want me  
to speculate about your business practises, then please stop trying to trash  
this thread or spread FUD suggesting that Minifree . Not only does it make  
both of us look bad, but it also keeps the thread at the top of the first  
page of the forum for longer, which is not what you want right?

You have consistently suggested, in this thread and others, that Minifree  
provides low quality laptops and that it mistreats its customers. This is not  
true. I do not appreciate this. I think it would be best for both of us if we  
tried to stay out of each others way, don't you agree?

I'm writing this while I eat my breakfast. Then I'm going to work for 10  
hours on Minifree orders.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info

Tiberiu and loldier,

It may come of interest to you that said customer in that thread actually  
replied to my email. I'm sending them a replacement keyboard, with  
installation instructions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread enduzzer
We have no way of knowing who these people really are, and substantiating  
their claims is even harder.

As it stands, there's really nothing concrete to back up any statement. Word  
versus word. Trying to cast some particular light on rival businesses is  
always a two-bladed sword. It's usually the best option to refrain from such  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-12 Thread info
> Bank transfer is a perfectly safe method of paying someone over the  

No, it's not safe. Bank transfers are not common to pay for goods over the  
Internet. To make a bank transfer, one really needs to trust the merchant. A  
customer can't file a chargeback with bank transfer. And the transfer fees  
can be very high for countries on other continents.

> This page explains why we use wire transfer only:

Well, a company can't offer payment via PayPal or other credit card  
processor, if unhappy customers file chargebacks (and the threshold usually  
is 1%). PayPal will lock new funds for months and other credit card  
processors will charge the company a big fee or a much bigger percent of the  

> Per EU law I am *required* to provide full part/repair warranty for up to 2  
years after purchase.

The EU regulation of minimum 2-year warranty applies to new hardware, not  
second-hand. For second-hand it's minimum 1 year. However, the company is  
free to offer by default a warranty covering any number of years.  
Technoethical also offers 2-year warranty for our laptops.

> Like Technoethical probably does, Minifree occasionally messes up with  
someones order.

Don't speculate about our activity at Technoethical. Each of our laptops is  
refurbished in-house with care and attention to detail, faulty components are  
replaced, it's checked and rechecked by at least two people, and used by a  
member for days as their laptop (we replace the HDD with ours while we use  
it). This is how we make sure that the laptop has no defects, not even hidden  
ones, that only surface when a person actually uses the laptop for a longer  

> If Minifree was consistently as bad as you described, it would no longer be  
in business.

In their own words, people are grateful for your initial work and this is why  
most of them don't speak up or because you ask them not to, allegedly going  
public about Minifree's service quality would hurt the Libreboot project.
