Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-19 Thread strypey

> In theory I think the torrents should work, I just doubt many people are  
downloading let alone seeding the beta releases.

Even if nobody else is seeding the torrent, it would usually still download  
using a webseed. If it's working for others, it's possible the problem is  
with my torrent client (or my old hardware, the OS, local network etc).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-18 Thread strypey

> The torrent will probably only be functional for the official Etiona  
release in 2024.

Is it possible to leave those out of the download pages until they do work?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-18 Thread strypey
>That's a very aggressive release schedule. Doesn't sound realistic though.  
2026 at the earliest.

I hope you folks are joking. The base for Flidas reaches EOL next year. If  
Etiona isn't officially released by then, there won't be an official Trisquel  
release with security support. So if Etiona isn't shipped by the end of this  
year, we all better start looking for a new distro to use :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-17 Thread strypey
I'm trying to download the latest i686 images of Etiona. I didn't see there  
was a torrent so I went for a HTTP download. After about 8 hours, it was  
almost downloaded, then failed, and now refuses to retry. I downloaded the  
torrent, but there are no peers and it's not downloading anything. Help?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-17 Thread strypey

> It's good enough for simple things like SMS, but don't expect to get any  
serious work done on it. It probably will not perform better than your  

I expect that it will perform much better than this netbook:

Especially given all the physical aches and pains the poor thing has. The  
battery is down to 20% capacity (according to Trisquel), the mains power is  
loose and often falls out, the headphone socket no longer works reliably, and  
the WiFi becomes unreliable when the devices is used for longer than a few  
minutes at at time (I suspect due to heat). I maxed out the RAM to 2GB, but  
the Convergence edition of the PP has 3GB. I'd be very surprised if even the  
weakest modern processor isn't more powerful than a 32-bit 1.6 Ghz Atom, even  
a dual core.

> and certainly not better than your X60.

Maybe, but the X60 is in China behind a closed border, and I am in Aotearoa.  
So it was either the PinePhone or buying a used laptop for NZ$100-200, which  
I'll then have no use for when we return to China. For NZ$300 I get a mobile  
device I can use with peripherals, which is what I do with laptops when I  
have a stable studio space anyway.

> This will be the same whether your use the Pinephone's modem or the Android  
device's modem.

Yes, but the difference is that to use my SIM in the PP, I have to have its  
cell modem turned on. If I don't, I can leave it turned off, and that's one  
less piece of proprietary code in use on the device. The one bit that is  
protected by law from being reverse engineered and run with free code.

> However, adding an Android device into adds an additional attack vector:  
now Google gets has all that information too, plus a little bit more, which  
an additional govt (USA) will have pretty easy access too.

How does Goggle get any info from an Android device that has never had a  
Goggle account associated with it?

> Are any of your Android devices supported by any ungoogled Android ROMS?

It doesn't appear so, and since I have no experience with replacing the OS on  
an Android device, I've been unwilling to risk a hack that *might* work (and  
might brick the device). Once I have the PP, I expect I'll have two Android  
devices I no longer depend on (I can put my NZ SIM in my Chinese Oppo with my  
Chinese SIM if I have to), so I might try some experiments.

> That would make those devices a better option, more secure overall than the  

I've heard this claim a few times. I've never seen any reason to believe it.  

> Pinephone has the advantage that you can use the hardware switch to disable  
the modem sometimes

I was initially excited by this, but it seems that with the initial models  
you have to take the back off the device to get at these switches, which  
makes them almost useless. I'm hanging out for future versions in which  
cameras will have a lense cover that users can  manually slide clear when  
they want to use the cameras, and the mic,  cell modem, WiFi, GPS, and  
Bluetooth, will also have hardware switches under an easily opened panel, on  
the outside of the device.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Pinephone Community Edition

2020-08-16 Thread strypey
I have ordered the PostmarketOS Convergence community edition too. I'm pretty  
confident that after getting feedback on both the Braveheart and the Ubuntu  
Touch community edition, the hardware is ready to roll. I don't mind watching  
the software grow and improve over time, in fact I enjoy it.

I'm hoping that with a set of peripherals (screen, mouse, keyboard) it will  
be able to replace my ancient netbook as my work computer, as well as  
replacing my various old Androids for most purposes. That said, I'm also  
considering turning off the cell modem in the PinePhone and using it as a  
small tablet, and keeping one of the Androids for cell calls and texts. Since  
the cell modem is a proprietary black box by law, those comms are inherently  
compromised, and it seems a shame to have the nonfree cell modem software in  
the PinePhone running when I don't need to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-08-16 Thread strypey

Great stuff rakubx, thanks :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anyone know what happened to boba?

2020-08-16 Thread strypey

Anyone know if this list being actively maintained?

Re: [Trisquel-users] systemd free trisquel variant?

2020-07-08 Thread strypey
> [systemd] does too many things. this is contrary to the unix philosophy "Do  
one thing and do it well".

Please refer to the link MagicBanana shared:

This criticism is answered directly as:

"10. Myth: systemd is not UNIX."

But the underlying claim - that systemd is a single piece of software that  
does multiple things - is also challenged under both:

"1. Myth: systemd is monolithic."


"6. Myth: systemd is not modular."

According to the arguments laid out here, systemd *is* 'many thing, loosely  
coupled', which means the claim that it doesn't embody the oft-referenced  
"UNIX principle" is utterly false. I think the burden of proof lies on the  
critics of systemd to prove that their other claims do not also fail to fit  
the basic facts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-07-08 Thread strypey
I only brought my 32-bit laptop on my holiday to Aotearoa, and due to the  
pandemic I am now stuck here for the foreseeable future, unable to access my  
64-bit laptop in China. Please let me know when 32-bit ISOs are available for  

FYI I still have a dual boot of Etiona on Bishop, upgraded from a fresh  
install of Flidas. I haven't stress tested it much but yet, but I have been  
periodically logging in and applying system updates, and it seems to be  
working OK so far.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-07-08 Thread strypey

> My system is old

If it's old, have you checked it's not a 32-bit system? The amd64 ISOs will  
not work on 32-bit system. Does Trisquel 8 work on the same system?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Etiona

2020-07-08 Thread strypey

> I'd like to use a (semi-)rolling distribution like Debian testing/unstable.

AFAIK you can use Debian Testing in full software freedom, as long as you  
don't turn on any of the nonfree repos.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Synaptic need to be tweaked?

2020-06-01 Thread strypey

> Therefore I would rather stick with the description of the synaptic  
package: "graphical package manager".

That's your prerogative. But you asked for clarification of what I meant, and  
I supplied it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Synaptic need to be tweaked?

2020-06-01 Thread strypey

> It's similar to the reason I stubbornly say "search" instead of "Google"

It really isn't. "Google" isn't a verb, it's a brand name. "App" is not a  
brand name, it's just a common contraction of "application". Insisting on  
"application" instead of "app" is the equivalent of insisting on "cerchier"  
instead of "search":

If you want new users to understand the purpose of the different parts of a  
new OS, it's probably best to use a term they're familiar with, which is the  
nearest equivalent to what is being described. What it comes down to is  
whether the purpose of the Trisquel GUI is to help orientate new users, or to  
score obscure political points. That's not my decision to make, but I think  
it's pretty clear what my opinion is on the subject.

[Trisquel-users] Petition to ask the copyright owners to liberate the game Terraria: Otherworld

2020-05-31 Thread strypey
This seems like something worth signing, to support the release of source  
code (and maybe art assets) of this unfinished game under free license(s):

Re: [Trisquel-users] Petition to ask the copyright owners to liberate the game Terraria: Otherworld

2020-05-31 Thread strypey
Blast. I was intending to post this in General Free Software Talk. My bad.  
Can one of the mods please move it?

[Trisquel-users] NoScript detects "cross-site scripting" on DDG searches from Abrowser address bar

2020-05-31 Thread strypey
I'm using the latest Abrowser on Flidas, with the latest NoScript. I have DDG  
set as my default search engine.

NoScript keeps thinking it detects a cross-site scripting attack when I  
search DDG from the address bar. AFAICT is the only domain  
involved, so how can it be a cross-site attack? The error message reads:

> NoScript detected a potential Cross-Site Scripting attack from [...] to

> Suspicious data: Error: Timeout! DOS attack attempt?

This has happened a few times, on a few different days. Is this a false  
positive? A NoScript bug? An Abrowser bug? Something else? Is there anything  
I can do to figure out why it's happening?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Youtube-dl failing to download on Flidas

2020-05-22 Thread strypey
Youtube-dl is now working again. I didn't follow any of the newer  
instructions above. But if I remember rightly, I did upgrade to a newer  
version of the Linux kernel since I last tried. Maybe that helped somehow?

> The situation wouldn't be much better on other fixed-release distros, even  
those that are currently up-to-date.

Doesn't that depend on the cause of the problem? Some of the comments here  
suggest that the problem is youtube-dl running with Python2, instead of  
Python3. Since the EoL was announced for Python2 some time ago, I presume  
distros maintainers would have ensured that they shipped Python3 in newer  
versions, and made it the default version that Python programs use.

> They will quickly fall behind in their versions of youtube-dl and  
incompatibilities between the script and site APIs will surface.

That's not been my experience with youtube-dl on Flidas. Apart from this  
recent hiccup, it has always worked fine on YT or Invidious instances, as  
mentioned in the OP. Perhaps the Trisquel devs backport the latest versions?

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are the commands for purging all packages from a specific repository only, and removing it?

2020-05-22 Thread strypey

> You might want to try ppa-purge -h

Will that work if it's a deb repository not a PPA (not sure either way). The  
URI is:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Youtube-dl failing to download on Flidas

2020-05-22 Thread strypey
So, would it be fair to say that this is another case of poor old Flidas  
showing it's age? I'm really looking forward to Etiona being released. Maybe  
I'll try youtube-dl on my test install of that.

[Trisquel-users] What are the commands for purging all packages from a specific repository only, and removing it?

2020-05-22 Thread strypey
I added a repository to install some npm  
stuff we were using at a hackathon. I no longer need any of that stuff, and  
I'd like to purge all packages installed from those repos and remove them.  
But I can't remember which packages I installed.

I tried using the "Origin" tab in Synaptic, which shows a list of installed  
packages available from each repo on the system. But for some reason the  
deb.nodesource repo doesn't show up there (all my other default and added  
repos are there).

How do I purge all packages installed from this repo and remove it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The best way to block site in Trisquel

2020-05-20 Thread strypey
NoScript is another good add-on that can be used with Abrowser. I'm not sure  
if it can block sites completely, as I've never tried, but I suspect it can. 


2020-05-20 Thread strypey
Hi CESQ, I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble with your net connection. I  
presume you have tried all the obvious fixes, like:
* make sure the router has a working net connection (can you get the net to  
work on another device connected to the same router?)
* if you're using an ethernet cable to connect your computer to your router,  
check the cable is plugged in properly at both ends, and that it works (can  
you test it with another computer?)
* if you're using WiFi to connect your computer to your router, turn your  
wireless networking off and back on, or try it with an ethernet cable.

* reboot your system

When you say:
> I recieve messages from Telegram.

Do you mean you received those messages on the same computer that seems to be  
having trouble connecting to the net? Or on another device connected to the  
same router?

Can you provide any more details about exactly what you did, in what order,  
and at what point you noticed the problem connecting to the net? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] mind map software absent from the repo

2020-05-20 Thread strypey

Freeplane is in the Trisquel Flidas repos, but won't install:

strypey@Bishop:~$ sudo apt install freeplane -y
[sudo] password for strypey:
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 freeplane : Depends: libfop-java but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are we based on Ubuntu and not Debian?

2020-05-20 Thread strypey
I've been installing GNU/Linux since the early 2000s, but I've never yet  
successfully installed PureOS. Also, it only releases 64-bit versions, so I  
can't even try it on my older laptop. I'm definitely not one of the Purism  
disestablishmentarians, but I don't really see the benefit of using PureOS  
over vanilla Debian (or Trisquel) if you're installing GNU/Linux yourself. I  
definitely wouldn't suggest trying to base another distro off PureOS. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fix TrisquelStudio-Controls

2020-05-20 Thread strypey

> since there is no distro called "Trisquel Studio"

... but it would be so awesome if there was! Or at least some FSDG compliant  
distro for multimedia production.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How to Control Which Apps Show In Your Desktop Environment

2020-05-20 Thread strypey
I'm totally guessing, but maybe you're missing a GNOME metapackage that tells  
the system which apps to install and use by default with GNOME?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Youtube-dl failing to download on Flidas

2020-05-20 Thread strypey

Thanks for the tip but it didn't work for me. Here's the output:

strypey@Bishop:~$ sudo youtube-dl -U && python3 'which youtube-dl'  

[sudo] password for strypey:
It looks like you installed youtube-dl with a package manager, pip,  
or a tarball. Please use that to update.
python3: can't open file 'which youtube-dl': [Errno 2] No such file or  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Synaptic need to be tweaked?

2020-05-20 Thread strypey

Again, thanks for the detailed explanation.

> This isn't really accurate.

OK, that's why I introduced my sample warning text with the words "something  
like" ;) Given what you're explained, how about displaying something like  
this in Synaptic on first use:

"Synaptic displays all packages available in the repositories on your system.  
This includes not only apps, but also libraries, artwork, development files,  
drivers, or other kinds of data which are only meant to be accessed by  
programs that require them. If you only want to add or remove apps, try  
Add/Remove Applications".

FWIW I think "Add/Remove Apps" would be a better text for the menu item than  
"Add/Remove Applications". Most people are familiar with "apps" as a term for  
the end user programs they install on mobile devices.

[Trisquel-users] Youtube-dl failing to download on Flidas

2020-05-20 Thread strypey
Youtube-dl has always worked reliably on my Flidas systems. But in the last  
few days I noticed it failing to download videos from YT.

Here's the terminal output:

strypey@Bishop:~$ youtube-dl
[generic] watch?v=O3YP1TU-L_8: Requesting header
WARNING: Could not send HEAD request to  
HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable

[generic] watch?v=O3YP1TU-L_8: Downloading webpage
ERROR: Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable  
(caused by HTTPError()); please report this issue on .  
Make sure you are using the latest version; see  on  
how to update. Be sure to call youtube-dl with the --verbose flag and include  
its complete output.

strypey@Bishop:~$ youtube-dl
[youtube] O3YP1TU-L_8: Downloading webpage
[youtube] O3YP1TU-L_8: Downloading video info webpage
ERROR: O3YP1TU-L_8: YouTube said: This video is unavailable.

Yet I am watching this video using right now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Synaptic need to be tweaked?

2020-05-20 Thread strypey

> I confess that the subtle nuance you seem to establish between an Apt-based  
GUI package manager and a graphical front-end for the Apt package manager is  
lost to me.

In GNU/Linux, every GUI app consists of a graphical UI, which triggers  
underlying back-end programs. Sometimes a new GUI app is built by creating a  
grapical UI that simply triggers commands in an existing CLI program. AFAIK  
Synaptic is one of these. Apt can be used without Synaptic, but if you were  
to somehow install Synaptic on a system that did not have Apt installed,  
Synaptic would do nothing.

So that's what I mean by:

> Synaptic is not a package manager. It is a graphical front-end for the Apt  
package manager.

This is also true of Add/Remove Applications. If you could somehow remove Apt  
from Trisquel while leaving Add/Remove Applications installed, it could not  
work. Because, like Synaptic, all it does is run the appropriate Apt commands  
for you, depending on which of its buttons you click.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Synaptic need to be tweaked?

2020-05-20 Thread strypey
These are all good points, thanks for taking the time to lay them out.  
Perhaps you're right that it's sufficient to remove all non-GUI programs from  
Add/Remove Apps (I would go further and say all non-GNUbie-friendly programs  
although I admit that's a judgement call).

But perhaps there's a way to warn GNUbies that not everything that can be  
installed used Synaptic has a GUI, without disabling any functionality (or by  
adding to it)? The simplest way would be a pop-up warning on first use,  
something like:

"Synaptic displays all programs available in the repositories on your system.  
Some of these have no graphical window of their own, and can only be used by  
typing commands in a terminal".

But is there a way to add an information column to the Synaptic UI, which  
tells the user which packages are end user apps, and which ones have a GUI? I  
guess this would be something to talk to the Synaptic devs about, rather than  
Trisquel having to maintain a fork.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre software for video calls

2020-05-14 Thread strypey
It depends on your use case. For private voice/ video calls between 2-3  
users, Jami or Tox are P2P options. Wire can work for small groups too  
(Telegram has a nonfree server, and I'm told Signal can only do 1=1 voice/  
video). For larger voice/ video meetings, I recommend Big Blue Button. But  
you'd either need to self-hosted your own instance, or find one that's  
available for public use.

The thing with any web-based conference service like Zoom, Jitsi Meet, or Big  
Blue Button, is that the conference can be entered by anyone who can get a  
copy of the conference URL. Sometimes these services can allow a password to  
be set for a conference, so a Bad Actor would need both the URL and password  
to spy on or disrupt it. But they're still more vulnerable than services like  
Wire that require users to authenticate before getting access to the system.  
Systems like Jami that don't depend on a server are (in theory) even less  
vulnerable to Bad Actors.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-05-11 Thread strypey
I just tried to test qTox on my Etiona install and realized my sound hardware  
is not working at all. I tried watching a video using, nothing I  
could do would give me sound. The Sound applet opens, the volume controls  
slide back and forth, the volume hotkeys on my keyboard also give the  
indication they are working. But no sound.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Best & Easiest Installation VPN ?

2020-05-02 Thread strypey

> I know Mullvad requires a newer kernel than what Trisquel ships by default.

In that case, perhaps it will work better on Etiona (Trisquel 9)? You could  
try installing a dual boot of Etiona on your X60 and see how that works for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Synaptic need to be tweaked?

2020-05-02 Thread strypey

> Users who are uncomfortable using a terminal.

... have no use for CLI-only programs and will be confused if they are  
installed. Hence Synaptic would be more useful to them if it did not offer to  
install them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-30 Thread strypey

> once you have a sync server running you can start using it by editing the  
"identity.sync.tokenserver.uri" item in about:config.

Let's say a member of this community set up a Sync server and invited us all  
to use it. It would be better if a beginner, using Trisquel for the first  
time, could switch their Abrowser to using this community-hosted server by  
making a simple change in the GUI, either in Sync UI itself or somewhere in  
the Abrowser settings.

> I personally value the freedom to choose what the software I use does, for  
instance the freedom to turn off any Sync-like functions in my browser.  
Abrowser already ships with that freedom, so I'm fine with it.

By this logic, the Amazon lens spyware shipped in Ubuntu was not a problem,  
because Ubuntu shipped with the freedom to turn it off or remove it. This was  
Ubuntu apologists' excuse at the time, and seems like a pretty shallow  
understanding of software freedom to me. YMMV.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Does Synaptic need to be tweaked?

2020-04-30 Thread strypey


> Is it a good idea to limit the packages that will be manageable through a  
package manager?

Synaptic is not a package manager. It is a graphical front-end for the Apt  
package manager.

> I'm pretty sure he meant trisquel-app-install, not synaptic.

No, I meant Synaptic.

My reasoning is explained in detail here:

[Trisquel-users] Abrowser crashing regularly on Flidas

2020-04-30 Thread strypey
I've been having persistent problems with Abrowser crashing. It's been going  
on for a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months, through a number of  
Abrowser updates. I'm having a similar problem with Fennec F-Droid in my  
ancient Android, so I figure it's a general Firefox problem, rather than  
specifically an Abrowser problem. I'm also having problems on both browsers  
with some websites like Loomio that run heavy client-side JS, not loading  
properly unless I open them in a private window. This may be related or it  
may be a separate problem.

Does anyone has any suggestions on what I could try? Either to fix these  
problems or to help the developers isolate the source of the bugs causing  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre repo failing to fetch during apt update

2020-04-30 Thread strypey
Hi jxself, it's a great relief to see you respond here. I just want to  
clarify that my concern was for your health and wellbeing, in the context of  
a global pandemic. My comments were not intended in any way as an attack on  
your competence or diligence, which are consistently beyond reproach.

> didn't know that "Problems after upgrade" had anything to do with my APT  

No, I didn't either, or I wouldn't have opened a second thread on the topic.  
You're certainly not obliged or expected to read every thread on these forums  
(who could?). I guess I've just had the experience of you being a regular  
here since I first turned up, so I assumed (unfairly I admit) that someone  
who has out-of-band contact with you would draw your attention to forum  
threads involving your APT repo, if you didn't come across them yourself.

> The other part I find concerning is that in both of the threads there was  
no suggestion to contact me to report the problem.

Fair point.

FWIW I posted on the Trisquel forums for help first, because I figure you're  
a busy person (technically skilled people usually are) and I didn't want to  
bother you over what could have been my own user errors. If I hadn't found a  
solution here, contacting you directly would have been my next step. In  
hindsight, once I found my stopgap solution, contacting you directly to tell  
you that one of your APT repo mirrors had failed would have been the  
responsible thing to do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre repo failing to fetch during apt update

2020-04-26 Thread strypey

OK, having had a more careful looks at the information here:

... I realize that is not down, it's successfully redirecting my  
package manager to a mirror that *is* down. I also realized that the mistake  
I made was to leave "mirror://" before the URL of the mirror I was trying to  
switch to. I replaced the URI beginning with "mirror://" with the full URL of  
the mirror and it ran apt update successfully and downloaded a new kernel  
image when I ran apt upgrade.

Thanks again MagicBanana for pointing me in the right direction.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre repo failing to fetch during apt update

2020-04-26 Thread strypey
I have tried opening 'Software and Updates' and changing the URL to a couple  
of URLs listed here:

In both cases I got an error message:

> E: The repository 'mirror:// freesh  
Release' does not have a Release file.
> N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore  
disabled by default.

I'm assuming this is probably because I'm not following the correct procedure  
for changing mirrors. Is this documented anywhere?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux-libre repo failing to fetch during apt update

2020-04-26 Thread strypey
Thanks MagicBanana. I will try changing mirrors, as you suggest. But the fact  
that both the and mirrors are down, yet both still on  
the mirrors list, suggests there may a deeper problem here. I'm a bit  
concerned that jxself hasn't responded on that thread at all. Has anyone  
heard from him recently?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems after upgrade

2020-04-26 Thread strypey

> xenial InRelease is for  

Do you mean this?

The newest release files there are from 2016, and according to that page,  
it's not being developed anymore for GNU/Linux or MacOS, and the Windows  
version has been forked as PeerBlock.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Donating to Trisquel via Liberapay or Open Collective

2020-04-26 Thread strypey

> Maybe it's because Liberapay requires non-free software to process  

I agree this is an issue. For now, it's is a reason not to make Liberapay the  
*only* way to donate to Trisquel. But it doesn't seem like a good reason to  
refuse to accept donations through Liberapay at all.

From the comments in that GH issue, it seems to be a result of their rapid,  
unplanned transition to Stripe, after Mangopay suddenly refused to keep  
working with them 2 years ago:

Perhaps someone in our community can help them figure out how to replace all  
nonfree JS from their service? I'm sure they're keen to that if possible.

One way to help website operators avoid this situation could be a page on or evaluating payment processing options for websites, and  
which ones can be used without compromising the software freedom of site  
users. Something along the lines of this page for webmail providers:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems after upgrade

2020-04-26 Thread strypey

> Synaptic can be used as well

Is this only for cloning config between Flidas and Flidas, or can I also use  
it for replicating my Flidas setup on my new Etiona partition?

[Trisquel-users] Linux-libre repo failing to fetch during apt update

2020-04-26 Thread strypey
For the last 3 days or so, I've been getting this error message every time I  
run an apt update and upgrade:

> W: Failed to fetch  
 Temporary failure resolving '' [Mirror:]

Obviously, I'm using kernels from jxself's Linux-Libre repo, instead of the  
standard Trisquel kernels. All the other software sources are queried  
successfully and updates are being installed from them. Any idea why this is  
happening, or what I can do to fix it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-24 Thread strypey
I forgot to mention, I really like the fact that the Sound applet is now  
available from 'Sound and Video' in the start menu. Along similar lines, it  
would be great to have other frequently tweaked config applets available in  
the relevant menus. For example, perhaps the 'Network Connections' applet  
could be in 'Internet', and the Display or Screensaver applets in 'Graphics'.

> Do you mind double checking if you haven't already?

I did. Flidas doesn't scroll like that on Add/Remove Programs on my system.  
That said, I do tend to do a lot of tweaking after an install to get my  
touchpad working how I like it, so the scrolling behaviour of my system may  
not reflect a fresh Flidas install.

> I was already considering doing this, and probably will now.


> since the data is encrypted it is not an issue that it is stored on  
Mozilla's servers.

For me, this is a freedom issue. In the same way not being able to replace  
Abrowser as the default web browser in Trisquel would be a freedom issue. Not  
in the shallower sense of licensing and such, but in the deeper sense that  
what we value (as I understand it) is the user's freedom to choose what  
software to use with their system, or not, at all times. In the same way, do  
we not value the user's freedom to choose what software their system can  
connect with over a network, or not, at all times?

Again, as long as it's possible to choose a different Sync server in the  
Abrowser GUI, for me that's sufficient to address the network freedom issue.  
Ideally, I'd like to see the Mozilla Sync client in Abrowser replaced with a  
P2P system that uses a SyncThing as the back-end. But I realize this would be  
a major development project in itself.

> What is the resolution of your netbook?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-23 Thread strypey

> It's in the "MATE System Monitor" under the "System" tab.

So it is. I never would have thought to look there. Would it be possible to  
add a menu item in a more obvious place that opens the System Monitor to that  
tab (and maybe a similar item in Control Panel)? Maybe under hardware? Could  
also be something like the 'About Trisquel' menu item I suggested.

> Is the behavior different in Flidas?

Yes, otherwise I would not have noticed it, and therefore not commented on it  

> This should be fixed before release.

Awesome, great work.

I suggested in a forum thread a few years ago that the graphical Add/Remove  
Programs tool needed to only offer a select list of end user apps, which are  
a) graphical, and b) as user-friendly as the Add/Remove Programs tool itself.  
If you are writing a custom script for selecting its content, then that would  
be easier to do.

As mentioned in that older thread, I still think that CLI programs ought to  
be installable only from a terminal. Would it be possible to write a script  
that limits the list of programs in Synaptic to those who a GUI?

> It's possible that Transmission's minimum width is greater than half your  
screen width, in which case docking wont work.

Yes, that's probably the problem. But the Transmission window doesn't *need*  
to be wider than half my netbook screen (thanks to its minimal UI). How much  
work would it be to tweak Transmission to allow its window to be smaller  
(maybe such a fix could be contributed upstream)?

> Yes, it works and it uses Mozilla's servers.

Is the software Mozilla uses for this libre? Is there an options in the Sync  
tool in Abrowser to use a self-hosted server instead of Mozilla's? If so,  
then I guess this is OK.

> I proposed this as an alternative to DuckDuckGo, but quidam had concerns  
about legal liability.

Why? Searx is just metasearch. It doesn't store anything locally AFAIK. What  
about making a community-hosted Searx instance the default search engine?  
Like or

> These are things quidam would have to decide to change, and he doesn't  
regularly check the forum.

Fair enough, but I presume that those of you who do will pass along ideas you  
see on the forum, when you think they have legs.

> Meetings begin at 16:00 UTC, which I know doesn't work for your timezone,  
but the discussion typically stretches through the day until around 22:00ish  

That's 4-10am my time, literally my sleeping hours ;) Any chance of starting  
every second meeting a few hours earlier, or later?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-23 Thread strypey
I ran the full-upgrade to Etiona from Flidas (keeping in mind this was a  
fresh install of Flidas). So far, it seems to be working fine. A few bits of  

Things I like:

* Still loving the lightweight Mate desktop. It flies on Bishop (a decade old  
netbook with after-market SSD and 2GB RAM), yet still offers a reasonably  
full-featured UX.

* language support seems to be fully installed by default, instead of asking  
me to add extra packages the first time I go into the Languages applet in the  
Control Panel. Same for Personal File Sharing.

* the installer still finds my monitor and set it up flawlessly (as far I  
know ;) with no post-install tweaking required.

* I can still ctrl-alt left and right to switch between workspaces, yay!

* dragging (most) windows to the right or left of the screen still  
automatically docks them to that half of the screen. Yay!

* Abrowser hasn't crashed on me yet, although I have yet to seriously stress  
test it.

Things that could be improved on:

* I can't see any kind of 'system information' in the Control Panel, or  
anywhere under system. Where do I find a list of my hardware (eg RAM  
detected, 32-bit vs. 64-bit etc)?

* in Add/Remove programs, using the scroll buttons goes ridiculously slow,  
but using the mouse to push the scroll bars up and down goes ridiculously  
fast. Going up and down with the arrow buttons works more smoothly.

* I can't find Jami in Add/Remove programs, not under that name, or under the  
old "Ring" name. I can't find SyncThing there either. Both are available  
using sudo apt install from a terminal.

* I see both Eye of Mate and Viewnior under graphics, even though they both  
seem to do the same task. Isn't it redundant to have both?

* I see there's no obvious passphrase manager. So users may still see the  
built-in password manager in Abrowser as being implicitly endorsed for  
storing website passwords. I already opened a thread to discuss this.

* Transmission still doesn't dock to half the screen when I drag it against  
the left or right hand side.

* The Sync feature in ABrowser still uses the Firefox branding. Does this  
even work? Does it use Mozilla's servers? Is this something we're comfortable  
with implicitly endorsing?

* Goggle appears to be the default search engine in ABrowser. Wouldn't it be  
better to use something like DuckDuckGo or Ecosia or a Searx instance or  

* Would it be viable to run a Searx instance at to be  
the default search option in Abrowser? Or, then it could be  
the default search in IceCat too.

* I'm not convinced Pidgin is the best choice for default chat app. It's  
never recommended as an XMPP or IRC client by regular users of those  
networks. I don't think anyone who isn't a retro IM geek is still using any  
of the legacy nonfree networks it provides connections to.

Menu Suggestions:

* I've often though it would be useful to have 'About Trisquel' under  
'System', giving the Trisquel version and a link to a page with more  
information about that version. The 'About Mate' pop-up could be triggered  
from a button on the 'About Trisquel' page.

* The number of LibreOffice entries in the "Office" category in the start  
menu is overwhelming. Wouldn't it be better to have a single entry under  
"Office" for LibreOffice, which opens up a submenu containing its various  

* The "Accessories" category in the start menu has a confusing number of  
items. It seems a bit unclear why some things are launched from there, some  
from "Other", and some from System.

* Some of the items in "Accessories" arguably belong in "Office" (eg Plume,  
Atril, the calculator), in which there would be more room if you followed the  
suggestion above about LibreOffice.

* I suggest reserving "Accessories" for things like Terminal, Caja, Engrampa,  
System Monitor, and Screenshot, that users use to carry out tasks, rather  
than to tweak the system. The rest probably belong somewhere under System (eg  
Character Map, Onboard, Passwords and Keys).

* I would suggest replacing "Other" with a menu for "Accessibility", which  
can hold the Screen Magnifier, Orca screen reader, etc.

That's more than enough for now. I'd do some more playing around tomorrow.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-23 Thread strypey

> If anyone can remind me how to swap out the Flidas software sources for the  
Etiona ones, so I can try an upgrade, I would appreciate it.

Never mind, I found it in this thread, in this comment by MagicBanana:here

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-23 Thread strypey
I just tried an install of 32-bit Etiona with the default Mate desktop, on  
Bishop, my decade old Acer Aspire One. Both the live session and the  
graphical failed, so I went for the test install, forgetting that this would  
install Flidas. Which it did. If anyone can remind me how to swap out the  
Flidas software sources for the Etiona ones, so I can try an upgrade, I would  
appreciate it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-22 Thread strypey
I checked that link again and found and downloaded a 32-bit ISO. I will have  
a go at making a boot USB ASAP and try a live session and a test install.

[Trisquel-users] Making search more user-friendly

2020-04-22 Thread strypey
I have a few questions about features that would make the site search on more user-friendly.

* Is there any way to make the search function only search among forum  
threads (or only wiki pages or whatever)?

* Is there any way to search within a particular date range (eg last 2  

* Is there any way to get the search function to present the most recent  
comments containing the keywords at the top of the results?

* Is there a way to exclude locked threads from search (eg I want to continue  
an existing thread on a topic rather than starting a redundant thread)?

[Trisquel-users] Password Management on Trisquel

2020-04-16 Thread strypey
I currently use the password manager built into ABrowser to store all my  
non-sensitive passwords for websites. I'm curious what the Trisquel community  
think about that from a password security POV, and what other password  
managers they would recommend.

In a fresh install of T8, if I remember rightly, entering a password in a web  
page opened ABrowser will prompt the user to store the password. That means  
Trisquel is implicitly endorsing the use of the ABrowser password manager. Is  
this an endorsement we would give explicitly?

If the consensus is that another password manager is more secure, or is  
better in other important ways, perhaps this ought to be installed by default  
in future versions of Trisquel?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-06 Thread strypey

I don't see any ISOs here for 32-bit CPUs. Will Etiona not support 32-bit?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using Folding for COVID using Trisquel

2020-04-06 Thread strypey
"posting the source code in a way that would allow people to reverse engineer  
the code to produce bogus scientific results would make the whole project  

Have these people not heard of BitCoin? There are definitely ways to verify  
the results coming into their system and if they're not using them, they're a  
bit naive. Not publishing the source code under a free license doesn't do a  
single thing to prevent Bad Actors from reverse engineering their software  
and feeding them bogus results. Class security-by-obscurity.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 9 Graphical ISO available for testing

2020-04-03 Thread strypey
Any update on what roadblocks are still preventing the release of Etiona? The  
Ubuntu base on Belenos has already hit EOL, and the base of Flidas is due to  
EOL next year. It's pretty crucial to get a stable Etiona release shipped  
well before that happens, to give users time to transition. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Will my T400 be quieter if I replace the HDD with and SSD?

2020-04-02 Thread strypey
No idea if an SSD would help with the noise or not, but it will make your OS  
work much more efficiently. I highly recommend it, particularly for keeping  
older PCs usable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Trisquel group on the fediverse using Guppe

2020-02-23 Thread strypey
Oops! The email address obscura has obscured the fediverse address. This is  
annoying. Is there some way to get it to ignore email addresses that start  
with an @?

What I said was, users can post to the Trisquel group on any fediverse app  
that support ActivityPub (in theory) by @mentioning the @trisquel[at]  
user in a post.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New Trisquel group on the fediverse using Guppe

2020-02-23 Thread strypey

> so you were actually posted here first and then at Mastodon.

I probably ought to have, but I didn't, no. Trisquel was just the first use I  
thought of for testing ;)

[Trisquel-users] New Trisquel group on the fediverse using Guppe

2020-02-21 Thread strypey
As a test of the Guppe federated group server, I created a new group for  
Trisquel on the fediverse. Users on any app that speaks ActivityPub ought to  
be able to subscribe to the group, by following the user:

Users can post to the group by mentioning the user in a  
post. It would be great if Trisquel community members who are active in the  
fediverse could try subscribing and posting to the group from a range of  
other AP apps. Please report your experiences here, both successful and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 72.0.1 won't load after update.

2020-02-21 Thread strypey

> See

> Palemoon is proprietary.

IMHO this interpretation confuses copyright and trademark issues. I have  
started a separate thread to discuss this in the general-free-software-talk  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 72.0.1 won't load after update.

2020-02-11 Thread strypey
Thanks Chaosmonk, this work around worked for me too. Abrowser is back up and  
running again. But does having that value set to "false" mean that I won't be  
able to use free WiFi that relies on a connection portal instead of a WiFi  
password? That would be a real pain if and when I return to China.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to boot

2020-02-11 Thread strypey
Is it possible for the OP (or an admin) to modify the title of this post to  
something more specific, and add "solved"? This could be helpful to other  
users who strike a similar problem and try searching the forums for help  
before starting a new thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 72.0.1 won't load after update.

2020-02-11 Thread strypey
I tried to access using both IceCat and Abrowser,  
both gave me this error:

>> Secure Connection Failed

>> An error occurred during a connection to Cannot  
communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).


Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser refusing to launch after a recent system upgrade

2020-02-11 Thread strypey
Thanks for the pointer to the pre-existing thread, I did search for one  
before opening a new one, but failed to find it. Yes, the issue seems to be  
the same. When I start a guest session Abrowser launches as normal. The only  
add-ons I use are NoScript and uBlock Origin, but maybe one (or both) of them  
could have something to do with the problem?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser 72.0.1 won't load after update.

2020-02-09 Thread strypey
My ~/.mozilla/abrowser/ folder doesn't contain user.js or prefs.js. Only  
installs.ini, profiles.ini, and rwjebu0c.default.

I'm currently on Trisquel 8.0. If I wasn't on the road, I would seriously  
consider switching to 9.0 repos and running a system update/ upgrade, to see  
if that would fix it.

[Trisquel-users] Abrowser refusing to launch after a recent system upgrade

2020-02-09 Thread strypey

Hi everyone,

A couple of apt upgrades ago, Abrowser started refusing to launch. When I use  
the menu item for it (under Internet), or the launch icon on the taskbar, the  
"Starting Abrowser ..." message appears in the taskbar, then nothing.

Running: ps ax | grep abrowser

... shows a PID only for the grep command itself.

Typing: "abrowser"

... into a terminal and hitting enter spits out:

Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "topmenu-gtk-module"
Segmentation fault
strypey@Bishop:~$ Exception ignored in:
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

Anyone know what's gone wrong here and how to fix it? I could try  
uninstalling and  reinstalling?

Re: [Trisquel-users] "Add/Remove Applications" alternative for Trisquel 9?

2020-01-02 Thread strypey
What about having a web-based app store, like Mint does, or the Firefox  
addons site? Could you set up app info pages so that clicking "install"  
starts the default package manager and asks it to install the package(s) for  
that app (subject to user entering the correct admin password of course)?  
Then the "add/ remove applications" menu item could launch the default web  
browser into a searchable index of those app pages.

A web-based app store could also provide anonymous stats on how many times  
different apps get installed, prominent links for how users can contribute to  
app dev (with time, money, or otherwise), and so on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-12-19 Thread strypey
Everything seems to be working OK, but when I ran apt update and apt upgrade  
today, I noticed the output included the following error message:

> * dkms: running auto installation service for kernel 5.4.5-gnu   
 Error! echo

Your kernel headers for kernel 5.4.5-gnu cannot be found at
/lib/modules/5.4.5-gnu/build or /lib/modules/5.4.5-gnu/source.

Is this something I need to be concerned about? What, if anything, do I need  
to do about it?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't change profile pic on Trisquel forum and elsewhere: ABrowser bug?

2019-12-16 Thread strypey

> The image will not appear under the available images. It’s just set as  
your profile pic once you selected the file. Note that there is a really  
small size limit.

Thanks for the clarification. I can see the new pic now. But all I can say is  
that this is terrible UX. Something needs to change in that page after a user  
clicks 'save' that tells them what they tried to do worked. I wasted about  
half an hour mucking around with it and even longer posting about it here :/

[Trisquel-users] Can't change profile pic on Trisquel forum and elsewhere: ABrowser bug?

2019-12-15 Thread strypey
I just tried to change my profile pic for this forum, by uploading a new pic  
(85x85 and less than 30KB) and using it to replace the current profile pic. I  
couldn't upload the new pic and when I tried to delete the old pic it seemed  
to work, then came back again. I'm currently having a similar problem  
changing my profile pic on the Friendica instance at, so I'm  
wondering if it's an ABrowser bug?

Steps to reproduce:
1) click on 'my account' on the sidebar
2) click 'edit'
3) go to the 'upload picture' section, click 'browse', and select an image  
from local filestystem (making sure to conform to the size limits mentioned).  
The filename now appears next to the 'browse' button. There appears to be no  
other button to action this upload, so ...

4) Click 'save' at the bottom of the page
5) Browse through available images to see that the uploaded image has not  

Repeat steps with the addition of:
3.5) tick the 'delete' box next to the current profile pic. The same results  
except that the old photo appears to be gone.

4.5) repeat step 3) and 4). The old photo has now returned.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Software Updater tells me to do a partial upgrade, yet I am unable to do so

2019-12-15 Thread strypey

> I don’t recommend running dist-upgrade!

Why not? I do this often, usually to make apt-get install a newer version of  
Linux-libre, and I've never had any problems.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel and the Enlightenment Window Manager

2019-12-15 Thread strypey
As Kenogo says, Etiona is based on an older version of Ubuntu, and software  
in each Ubuntu release only receives essential security updates, not major  
version upgrades that might break stuff (that's what newer version of Ubuntu  
are for). However, E17 isn't a couple of years old, it's almost a decade old  
(released in 2012), so that doesn't explain it. It could be that Ubuntu have  
decided for some reason not to bother packaging any newer versions, but left  
E17 in their repos for backwards compatibility (people upgrading from older  
version of Ubuntu where they'd installed E17).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel/General Computing Terminology Resource

2019-12-15 Thread strypey

Is this the kind of thing you're looking for jaisgossman?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why does Trisquel take to much time to release a new version?

2019-12-15 Thread strypey

> What use is free software to me if I don't get updates for the important  
main programs?

I hear you, and this is a complaint I've made as well. One solution is for  
Trisquel users to upskill ourselves on how to do backporting of newer  
versions so we can help, as discussed in the comment thread starting here:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jami version in the Trisquel 8 repos is still called Ring

2019-12-15 Thread strypey
Hi Rached, Jami has always worked for me, on both GNU/Linux and Android/Linux  
devices. Did you figure out your issue or get help from the Jami devs? If so,  
it would be great if you post about your solution here, for anyone searching  
the forums in the future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't install Jami from their repo

2019-12-15 Thread strypey

That seems to be working. Thanks a lot Kenogo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jami version in the Trisquel 8 repos is still called Ring

2019-12-12 Thread strypey

I figured out what happened.

When I go to:

... and click on the Trisquel logo, a one-click installer appears for  
Trisquel 8.0, which correctly provides a .deb targeted at a 16.04 base. But  
the manual instructions underneath tell me to add:

It appears this is what I did, which I presume is why it's not working. If I  
click the dropdown that specifies Trisquel 8.0, the manual instructions  
change to give the correct URL:

I've reported the problem here:

... and opened a separate forum thread for dealing with the problems  
resulting from accidentally adding a 19.04 repo:

[Trisquel-users] Can't install Jami from their repo

2019-12-12 Thread strypey
Jami is now officially supporting Trisquel on the download page of their  
website. I've tried following these instructions and had some difficulty, and  
described in the comment thread here:

I seem to have got to the point where apt is querying the Jami repo when I  
run sudo apt-get update, but when I run sudo apt-get install jami OR sudo apt  
install jami, it produces this output:

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have  
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable  
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been  
moved out of Incoming.

>The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

jami : Depends: libayatana-appindicator3-1 (>= 0.4.90) but it is not  

Depends: libgtk-3-0 (>= 3.21.5) but 3.18.9-1ubuntu3.3 is to be installed

Depends: libqrencode4 (>= 3.2.0) but it is not installable

Depends: libqt5core5a (>= 5.12.2) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.6 is to be  

Depends: libstdc++6 (>= 9) but 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 is to be installed

Depends: jami-daemon (= 20191128.1.4c44bb7~dfsg1-1) but it is not going  
to be installed

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

(End of quote)

It could be related that I now have this output when I run sudo apt upgrade:

> The following packages have been kept back:
  libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 libpulse0:i386
  libpulsedsp pulseaudio-module-gconf pulseaudio-module-x11

Although this was not the case when I first hit the problem. I also noticed  
that the output for Jami resulting from sudo apt update is:

Hit:1 ring InRelease

So it looks like I've somehow added the wrong repo. I figured out how this  
happened and explained it to the Jami devs here:

However, I'm unsure of the best way to fix the problem. That Jami repo  
doesn't appear in /etc/apt/sources.list and it doesn't appear under "other  
software" in the Software and Updates applet in the System Preferences  
either. I'm not sure how to remove it or edit it. Any suggestions?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jami version in the Trisquel 8 repos is still called Ring

2019-12-12 Thread strypey

The Jami devs say they:
> just tried with a trisquel 8 from scratch. Working, so I close

So as far as they're concerned it's not a problem at their end, but something  
unusual going on in my Trisquel system. I'd really like to figure out what's  
happening and how to fix it properly, as it may lead to other issues down the  
line. Of course, I could also spend that time doing a fresh install on a  
separate partition and try out Trisquel 9 ...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-12-11 Thread strypey
Because, as Chaosmonk points out, getting the latest and greatest kernel  
versions isn't that useful for an old 32-bit laptop, I decided to go with:

"I want the latest version of Linux-libre, but when 5.5 comes out as the next  
major new release I want to wait a bit before upgrading so that any problems  
can get sorted out. I'll decide when I'm ready to upgrade to 5.5, but I still  
want to get updates for 5.4 while I'm waiting."

So I ran the accompanying command:
sudo apt install linux-libre-5.4

As you said, the bug in 5.4 causing the kernel panic has been fixed and my  
laptop is now booting fine with it. Thanks to you and everyone for your help.

5.4 will get security updates for at least 2 years. Hopefully support will be  
extended to 6 years, by which time I'll be very impressed if this 10 year old  
laptop is still working and useful ;)

One question, will I get any kind of indication from the update system when  
the 5.4 kernel version reaches EoL, or will I just have to remember to check  
back in a couple of years?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-12-11 Thread strypey

> Maybe you ran 'sudo apt autoremove' after removing all jxself's kernels.

AFAIK I didn't remove them all, I removed only the one that was causing the  
problem, using the purge command mentioned further up in the thread:

sudo apt purge linux-image-5.4.0-gnu

I may have run automremove after this, I can't remember now.

If I had removed all jxself's kernels, my system would now be using the  
latest kernel currently being offered from the standard Trisquel repos, yes?  
Is that 5.3.12-gnu? Because that is what my system is currently using.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-12-07 Thread strypey
Ah, I think I see what my error was. By using "purge" instead of "remove", I  
not only removed the Linux kernel version that was causing me problems, but I  
undid almost everything I did when I added your linux-libre repo in the first  
place. A better approach would have been to use "remove", and then use  
"apt-get upgrade" (*not* "apt-get dist-upgrade"), instead of "apt upgrade" to  
avoid updating the kernel again until you told me the bug was fixed. Does  
this sound correct?

I'm fortunate that my error left me with a bootable system and that you and  
Chaosmonk have been available to patiently help me get things back in order  
:) It's late here so I will follow your instructions tomorrow and report back  
on the results.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [continued] how do I change the GRUB background image?

2019-12-07 Thread strypey
Hi AyKay, what the users in the chat are trying to explain is that you are  
not looking for a file called "yourrom.rom", there is no such thing. Rather,  
it seems that "yourrom.rom" is a description of a thing you need to know the  
name of.

This is like if I told you to run a command that addressed /dev/sdx. You will  
not find sdx in the /dev folder, it does not exist. Rather, /dev/sdx is a way  
of telling you where in the command to put in the address of the drive or  
partition you want to be the target of that command. Does this make things  

Sadly, I have not yet librebooted my laptop, so I can't advise you in any  
more details on how to find out what you need to put in place of  
"yourrom.rom" in that command. Others here can probably help?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-12-06 Thread strypey
OK, apt update appears to be working now, but apt upgrade is not offering any  
upgrades. uname -r still outputs:


I tried entering:
sudo apt install linux-image-5.

... and then double-tabbing to see what kernel versions are available to  
install. The only 5.4 options were:


Shall I apt install one of these? Or is there another step I need to take to  
put the repo back in charge of pushing me the latest LTS kernel?

I appreciate your help with this. Just FYI though, this:

wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -

Produced some odd display in my terminal. It did some business then seemed to  
have hung. It turned out it was waiting for my password, but the order the  
output came in made that unclear, I only realized because I happened to hit  
the space bar and that produced another password prompt. It might have been  
better to give this suggestion as two separate commands:

wget -O -
sudo apt-key add -

... or put a sudo at the start so the password prompt came up before any  
further output :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jami version in the Trisquel 8 repos is still called Ring

2019-12-06 Thread strypey
Ignore this, it seems like it was either a race conditions bug or, most  
likely, user error (although I still can't figure out what I did wrong the  
first time). I now have the repo added and apt update is loading from it, but  
I can't actually install Jami due to dependency problems. See the discussion  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jami version in the Trisquel 8 repos is still called Ring

2019-12-06 Thread strypey
I just tried to follow the manual instructions using 64-bit Trisquel 8.0.  
Everything seemed to be working until I got to:

> sudo sh -c "echo 'deb  
[signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jami-archive-keyring.gpg] ring main' >  

It didn't seem to do anything and I was left sitting on a ">" prompt. I  
checked my sources list and nothing seems to have been added. There may be  
something I don't understand here, but "sh" doesn't seem to be a program on  
my system, and I can't find anything called that in the Trisquel repos. Is  
there something missing in this command?

If this is a user error on my part, please help! If you can see something  
that needs to be fixed, please share that info here:

BTW that command was cut'n'pasted verbatim from :

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jami version in the Trisquel 8 repos is still called Ring

2019-12-06 Thread strypey

Trisquel is now officially supported by Jami!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-12-02 Thread strypey

> What happens when you try?

Either the apt update hangs, or I get the following error message:

Err:5 mirror://  
freesh InRelease
  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not  
available: NO_PUBKEY 9D0DB31B545A3198

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-11-29 Thread strypey

Quick questions, since I ran ...

sudo apt purge linux-image-5.4.0-gnu

... on my 32-bit laptop, it seems unable to connect to the linux-libre repo  
when I apt update. Is that expected behaviour after running that command?  
Would I have been better to just use 'remove' instead of 'purge'?

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Free Software Force is calling for support

2019-11-29 Thread strypey

> Do we know if RMS was "forced to resign" (his presidency of) FSF *BY* FSF?

I've seen no evidence of that as yet. It's not unusual in these sorts of  
cases for a person to come under increasing pressure to fall on their sword  
and resign, to avoid the scandal of the institution having to fire them as  
part of a defensive PR strategy. It's possible Stallman may have been  
pressured to resign from the FSF in this way. It's equally possible that he  
may have observed the controversy being whipped up by those willfully  
misinterpreting his statements, and simply decided himself that it was better  
for the FSF to avoid being drawn into that controversy, and/or that it was  
better for his reputation to resign rather than being stood down. At this  
point, we don't know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-11-28 Thread strypey

> I would just pick the most recent LTS kernel that works with your hardware,  
and stick with that for as long as it receives security updates.

I thought I did that, but I guess not. 5.4 is an LTS version. The last  
version before that was 4.19, which is projected to EOL in a year's time.  
Before that 4.14, which is projected to EOL in 2024, which is three years  
after 5.4 stops being supported. Unless there is an error in the table here?

So if that table is correct, how to I downgrade to 4.14, and how do I make  
sure I only get updates to that version, rather than newer kernel versions?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-11-28 Thread strypey

FYI I ran ...

sudo apt purge linux-image-5.4.0-gnu

... on my 32-bit laptop and rebooted it and now its booting fine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The Free Software Force is calling for support

2019-11-28 Thread strypey
This article is a very thorough summary of the situation and in general a  
good link to give to anyone who wants to understand it:

However, it links prominently to this petition:

I won't sign that petition because it asks people not to join or support the  
FSF (US). Stallman has specifically asked people who support him to continue  
their membership and support of the FSF. If folks are launching petitions in  
support of Stallman, they ought to respect his requests on such matters.

Even if the bit asking people to stop giving money and support to FSF was  
changed to ask people not to give money to SF Conservancy, who  
enthusiastically joined in the witch hunt with a misleading blog post of  
their own, I would question the wisdom of this. Withdrawing from these  
organizations only hands over total, unchallenged control of them to the  
Witchfinders General. I think it's better strategy to make sure all software  
freedom and open source organizations have at least a few people involved who  
are willing to respectfully but firmly challenge the witchfinding mania, and  
the manipulative narcissists who whip it up so they can take control of  
organizations they did sod all to help build.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-11-28 Thread strypey

> It might be useful to see if there's anything earlier that wasn't  
photographed that might explain why.

How can I find something to share here that might tell you why the kernel is  
panicking with 5.4.0 but not with 5.3.12? Is there a command I can run to  
spit out some useful output or a log file I can share the contents of?

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel 9 roadmap

2019-11-28 Thread strypey
Thanks chaosmonk for sharing this update on Etiona progress. I intend to  
carve out some time to learn how to help with some of the simpler Trisquel  
tasks, and I encourage other members of the Trisquel user community to do the  
same. That way, there is a better chance of each Trisquel version being  
released 6 months after the Ubuntu release it's based off, as the project  
aspires to do.

FYI I recently found our that the Jami devs only support the most recent 2  
Ubuntu LTS releases, so if Etiona is not released by the time 20.04 is  
released, no officially released and currently supported Trisquel version  
will be actively supported by Jami:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 does not boot after updating and upgrading

2019-11-28 Thread strypey
I'm getting pretty much the same issue as Masaru. I've been installing  
kernels from the jxself linux-libre repo for months now, on both my laptops,  
with no issues. But I did an upgrade last night before I shut my 32-bit  
laptop down, and when I tried to boot it today using the latest kernel  
(5.4.0), I got pretty much the same kernel panic screen as Masaru. Same thing  
when I tried using the advanced option (upstart and recovery) with that  
kernel version. But if I boot using the previous version (5.3.12), it boots  
up as normal.

I'm typing this using my 64-bit laptop which is working fine, but it's using  
the low latency kernels (I was thinking about trying to do some audio editing  
on it), and uname -r spits out 4.19.92 as the kernel version.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Jami version in the Trisquel 8 repos is still called Ring

2019-11-22 Thread strypey
FYI I have opened an issue on the Jami issue board politely making the case  
for making Trisquel the 8th distro that officially support and include on  
their download page:

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