[fsck] Re: Test

2004-09-14 Thread Alexander Horn


Nathaniel Green wrote:

>Weee. Yet another filter.  YAF.
>I also wanted to let you all know that I will be at TSLU... fsck
>tomorrow.  So there's another reason to come.  Or to stay away :)
>I promise I won't meddle.  Much.
>On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 16:03:12 -0500 (CDT), Ross Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> What Don meant to say was...
>> -
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[tslug] Re: meeting

2004-09-14 Thread Alexander Horn
This Wed...

Andy Hilgartner wrote:

>Dear Alex,
> I imagine my French would appear far worse than yours so I'll 
>mine in Spanish:
> In qual dia del semana quiere Vd. que nosotros congregamos?
>(Maybe a little Latin in there too. Oh, well ...)
>In plain English: On what day of the week do you desire that we meet? 
>far as I can make out, you did not say, explicitly.
> Andres
> (Andy)
>At 11:33 PM 9/13/2004, you wrote:
>>All right then, I just got done reading 200 freaking pages of
>>french...so it goes something like:
>>Voulez-vous rendez-vous a six heure et demi pour discuter un peu les
>>affaires de FSCK et Linux...well or something like that.
>>FSCK meeting
>>** if you wanna know what open source project are going on on-campus
>>you should come (scholarship work) ...that animportant one I'll have
>>the most info on right now.
>>** interested working off-campus with kids on linux some information on
>>that too [if you think that's nothing for you because you are not
>>"talented working with kids" -- rethink! After all, how many Dads are
>>out there?]
>>** FSCK.config  # some stuff concerning FSCK for this semester
>>show up if you can.
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>C. A. Hilgartner   Phone:  660-627-2519
>2413 North East Street FAX:660-627-2930 (voice contact first, please) 
>Kirksville  MO  63501  Website:   www.hilgart.org
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[tslug] meeting

2004-09-13 Thread Alexander Horn
All right then, I just got done reading 200 freaking pages of 
french...so it goes something like:
Voulez-vous rendez-vous a six heure et demi pour discuter un peu les 
affaires de FSCK et Linux...well or something like that. 


FSCK meeting

** if you wanna know what open source project are going on on-campus 
you should come (scholarship work) ...that animportant one I'll have 
the most info on right now.

** interested working off-campus with kids on linux some information on 
that too [if you think that's nothing for you because you are not 
"talented working with kids" -- rethink! After all, how many Dads are 
out there?]

** FSCK.config  # some stuff concerning FSCK for this semester

show up if you can.


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[tslug] meetings

2004-09-13 Thread Alexander Horn
Do you guys wanna meet this Wed or the next one?

here is what I have in mind so you know:
Clarke (acm pres.) and I wanted to meet to go over certain things. To 
this point we didn't get to meet yet because I am not availabe on Tues 
and it didn't work out for him on Sun and Mon... and perhaps that's 
good, because we could meet this Wed so I could get some things 
straight and some feedback on certain issues.

If we have time we can go over some open source jobs here on campus 
(scholarship hours) where faculty needs a geek to create software 
solutions...that's a long story though and you might wanna come for 
that to the meeting if you want to put something on your resume that 
will look cool because it shows that you are different. (that's a big 
claim, I know, but I hope you know what I am talking about)

so the big quest. : in two days or next week or in plain words who 
comes to the meeting(s)?

I am asking because there are a lot things going on this week and 
perhaps for you guys too...no idea, just wondering.


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[tslug] Re: Constitution

2004-09-12 Thread Alexander Horn
All right...2 days passed -- no official objections to the name, but no 
"move to amend it" either. 
Things gotta move along because of the deadline the university gave us 
(Sep 15th).

>FSCK beats FSA   15-9
>FSCK beats OSIX  16-11
>FSCK beats SOFAS 16-7
>FSCK beats FSC   16-7
>FSCK beats KAFS  17-7 

Concluding that the name FSCK (Free Software Club of Kirksville) was 
voted to be our new name, I move that "Truman State Linux Users Group" 
(TSLUG) be amended to "Free Software Club of Kirksville" (FSCK) in all 
of the organization's documentation, including the consititution.

>Then a second.

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[tslug] Re: public relations/propaganda

2004-09-11 Thread Alexander Horn

iosif wrote:

>i mention it because last year on the S.S. tech committee we had 
planned to
>do some flyer/poster campaigns in the style of "Did You Know" 
>with fun free software facts about:
>Open Office
>i still like the idea of a continuous free software presence in the 
>environment through subversive media.  the idea could easily extend to
>raising awareness about microsoft campaign contributions, back door
>encryption holes, or what-have-you.

You definitly should come to more FSCK mettings or get in touch with me.

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[tslug] Re: (no subject)

2004-09-11 Thread Alexander Horn

iosif wrote:

>public relations or propaganda minister?


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[tslug] Re: (no subject)

2004-09-11 Thread Alexander Horn
Cool. Let's give a shot.
After talking to Don for passwords and stuff I'll contact you again.


Justin West wrote:

>"Concerning the website: Would somebody be interested to give the FSCK 
>site a new design?
>If this person would be interested he/she make a good officer for 
>'Public Relations' perhaps too -- that is designing posters and other 
>stuff alike.
>...looks good on the resume to be more then simply an "active 
>member"... and is a cool job if you like that kind of stuff..."
>I'll volunteer for the site... But I don't have much experience with 
>graphics... so I may need some help there if you want it to be more 
>than just a simple site.
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[tslug] Re: Constitution

2004-09-11 Thread Alexander Horn
do you a have a file somewhere lying around on your fs? or do we have 
to retype the constitution?

Concerning the website: Would somebody be interested to give the FSCK 
site a new design?
If this person would be interested he/she make a good officer for 
'Public Relations' perhaps too -- that is designing posters and other 
stuff alike.
...looks good on the resume to be more then simply an "active 
member"... and is a cool job if you like that kind of stuff... 


Donald J Bindner wrote:

>Now that the club has chosen a new name, we should update the
>constitution to match, so our paperwork is in order (we have some
>deadlines coming up on Wednesday for filing as a student
>We gone through the hard process of finding a new name.  Rather
>than go to the trouble of another ballot, I expect this can be
>approved by general consent.
>Someone should move that "Truman State Linux Users Group" be
>amended to "Free Software Club of Kirksville" in all of the
>organization's documentation, including the consititution.
>Then a second.
>I'll wait until Monday afternoon at 5pm for any objections, and
>barring objections we'll consider it passed unanimously by
>general consent.
>If there are objections, I'll set up a ballot and we'll need a
>2/3 margin.
>Don Bindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[tslug] Re: Election results

2004-09-11 Thread Alexander Horn
hi all,
FSCK won...after a fair game.

Well, even though I might have some trouble/strange feeling prouncing 
it for the next coming days it's good that we finally have a name again.

Nevertheless, I'd like to use the idea somebody came up with when there 
were the big debates going on concerning our name.

Its to late for me trying to find the quote but it goes something like:

"Why using scandisk -- fsck it! " 

Ok, it might be that I messed that up and my memory just tricked me but 
I still like the idea.

I didn't talk to Caleb yet but the dues of those who voted would help 
getting t-shirts with something like that on it... Comments?...


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[tslug] Re: the LUG's new name

2004-09-03 Thread Alexander Horn
Wow, I never imagined that this name issue could become so big. You 
guys have cool ideas and some really good thoughts on that issue. 
That's awesome!

I had a different idea and now I wanna know what you guys think.


more or less saying: Open-Source and Unix (or Open-Source and Linux or 


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[tslug] Re: the LUG's new name

2004-09-02 Thread Alexander Horn
Because there are a couple changes to make regarding *SLUG there is a 
ballot coming up. You guys will have the chance to decide upon the new 
name for TSLUG and we are making the election of the new president 
easier that way too...

** some more feedback for the new TSLUG name would be cool.
** send in your nominations...


Peter Snoblin wrote:

>Jason Miller wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> What will TSLUG's new "official" name be, now that the University
>> says no student organization can begin it's name with "Truman
>> State..."?
>This was brought up at yesterday's meeting, and while we bandied about 
>such names as !TSLUG and similar jokes, the final decision was to not 
>make one at the moment. I beleive that Dr Bindner and Alex are looking 
>into the exact details of the policy change, and once they've got a 
>handle on it, a call for nominations for new names will be issued. Once 
>a few have come in, an email based (I believe) vote will be conducted.
>Peter Snoblin - http://entropicaccess.net/
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[tslug] Re: Club activity this year?

2004-08-31 Thread Alexander Horn

'hope you guys had a good summer.
Caleb and I were talking on Sunday and there is no doubt that tslug has 
to get started again -- and it will. So far I tried to talk to Dr. 
Bindner regarding the most trivial thing on earth -- that is where do 
we get the keys from for the room. He wasn't there but I left a 
note...so far no response...

Despite the fact that we don't know where to meet right now, there is 
no doubt that there will be activities coming up. Just by working for 
faculty on an open-source project right now, I got a little impression 
again of this messed up situation here on campus when it comes to 
open-source. Without tslug that is not going to change... tslug is 
going to continue to make its contributions.



Peter Snoblin wrote:

>So, to further and extend Caleb's previous question, what's up with 
>year? I ask both in terms of projects as well as regular meetings. I 
>assume (and hope!) that we'll have weekly or every-other-week meetings 
>again, as well as an install fest or two or three. So, I guess what I'm 
>asking in another way is this, "Who's in charge 'round these parts?" ;)
>Hopefully, I'll see some or all of you around in the next few days.
>Peter Snoblin - http://entropicaccess.net/
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[tslug] Ruby Q

2004-07-28 Thread Alexander Horn
Dear Ian,
I hope you'r doing wellFrance was cool but that's a different 
story. Here is an "Alex Question" for you.

OK, here the summary:
everything is an object in ruby (even classes that are sigleton of the 
class "Class")
the class "Object" is at the top of the entire structure
the class "Module" is an superclass of class "Class"
("Module's" superclass is "Object")
"Module" provides the instance method "name" that gives the name of the 
module instance.

if I create an instance of any class that particular instance has as 
superclass the class "Object"

Sending the message "type" to that instance we get a constant of the 
singelton Class (ex: "myString".type => The Class "String")

here is the last fact:
inheritance works in Ruby

That's BS on that entire thing:


class Apple
 print ">>"+self.name.to_s  #"name" is instance method of Module

output: >> Apple

myApple.name  =>  ERROR!!

I ask why!

After all, the "klass" pointer tells the myApple instance that it is an 
instance of Apple. And, we remind us that the Apple class could use an 
instance method of its parent (mod#name)...So why then can't I use the 
name methode in the instance of Apple under all the fact presented at 
the top... I really would like to undestand what's going on...


I have to show the pics form France. Perhaps we have same time to do 

thank you for your help,

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[tslug] correction

2004-03-24 Thread Alexander Horn
Gee, another mistake...I should bite my own butt...sorry, again (Ohhh 
my goodness)
>>...I have a question from the (my) lingustic point of view...
>>$string="hello, world\n";
>>substr($string, 6) =~ s/world/earth/; #alters $string (Line 3)
>>print $string;   #output: hello, earth

...chomp $string on Line 3

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[tslug] Re: Meeting Tomorrow 2-24 VH1232

2004-03-24 Thread Alexander Horn
sorry again: 20 -> 6:-(

my gosh...

Alexander Horn wrote:

>...I have a question from the (my) lingustic point of view...
>$string="hello, world";
>substr($string, 20) =~ s/world/earth/; #alters $string
>print $string   #output: hello, earth
>how do I chomp that thing in one line?
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[tslug] Re: Meeting Tomorrow 2-24 VH1232

2004-03-24 Thread Alexander Horn
...I have a question from the (my) lingustic point of view...
$string="hello, world";
substr($string, 20) =~ s/world/earth/; #alters $string
print $string   #output: hello, earth

how do I chomp that thing in one line?

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[tslug] Re: Meeting Tomorrow 2-24 VH1232

2004-03-24 Thread Alexander Horn
sorry last mail got messed up, no idea why...

Hi folks,
If you are a computer linguistic geek or simply a real programmer at 
heart (which, I think, is the very reason why you are on this mailing 
list) you should come to the TSLUG meeting tonight. Ian?s mentioned it 
already, but here again: he and I are going to spread the word why Ruby 
rocks. Ruby is an awesome programming language entirely built upon the 
concept of objects. While I just was astounded and exited when learning 
Perl (because of its many features), Ruby just exceeding any of my 
expectations when it comes to syntax and oo concepts. So you should 
come to the Meeting tonight to make up your own mind about me (and Ian) 
being simply just freaks or Ruby just being a language that rocks. I 
thing Ian thinks similar on that issue, after all he is the object 
oriented fan.?

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[tslug] Re: Meeting Tomorrow 2-24 VH1232

2004-03-24 Thread Alexander Horn
Hi folks,
If you are a computer linguistic geek or a real programmer/geek at 
heart (which, I think, is the very reason why you are on this mailing 
list) you should come to the TSLUG meeting tonight. Ian?s mentioned it 
already, but here again: he and I are going to spread the word why Ruby 
rocks. Ruby is an awesome programming language entirely built upon the 
concept of objects. While I just was astounded and exited when learning 
Perl (because of its many features OO concepts. So you should come to 
the Meeting tonight to make up your own mind about me (and Ian) simply 
being freaks or Ruby just being a language that rocks. I thing Ian 
thinks similar on that issue, after all he is the object oriented fan.?

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[tslug] Re: Ethernet card not working on new Moodle server

2004-02-25 Thread Alexander Horn
Your network connection worked when you came to the Installfest.
Ian configured the kernel because I was busy doing other stuff. As I 
can imagine he used the old .config of the kernel? I think you should 
give it a shot and try the other 3com modules I remember seeing being 
in your module file:
$ cd /lib/modules/2.4.24/kernel/drivers/net
$ ls
//use filenames without extension (.o) as modprobe?s arguments
$ modprobe ExampleFilename3com
$ ping truman.edu
//keep going if unsuccessful

Ian Monroe wrote:

>The 2.6 kernel has issues with the IBM 300GL and the 3com cards. You 
>have to do a cold boot or reboot from a 2.4 kernel (or any other OS 
>actually). I imagine this is what your probably doing anyways, since 
>obviously had to a cold boot when you returned. Running the command 
>`dmesg | less` will give you the kernel output, see if you see 
>about the ethernet card. You can do that after a insmod (I would 
>using the command modprobe instead) and see what new messages it puts 
>You can follow the kernel bug at:
>http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1394 (it has the errors 
>messages you would see if you have the problem I described).
>Alex might have compiled it into the kernel so it doesn't need to be 
>loaded. Are you sure the ethernet is the problem? You could typing 
>dhclient as root and see if you pick up an internet address or not, 
>though I guess you'll be using a static ip (which requires using 
>Chad Mohler wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>>  At the InstallFest on Saturday, Alex (Alec?) and Ian were great 
>> helping me successfully upgrade to the Debian 2.4.25 kernel on the IBM 
>> 300GL machine (model#6285) that is to be the new server on campus for 
>> Moodle, the open-source alternative to Blackboard. Unfortunately, with 
>> the kernel upgrade, the Ethernet card (a 3com "Vortex" model) is no 
>> longer working on the machine (either booting up with the new kernel 
>> with the old one, 2.4.18, with which the Ethernet card had previously 
>> worked).  At the advice of Don Bindner, I added to the /etc/modutils 
>> directory a file called "local" with the single line in it, "alias 
>> 3c59x."  That didn't get the Ethernet card working (nor did adding 
>> line to the aliases file in the same directory).  Running "insmod 
>> 3c59x," I got the reply that the module already existed.
>>  Any help you could offer in getting the Ethernet card recognized 
>> would be great.  It's hard for the machine to be a server without an 
>> Internet connection!  Thanks.
>> --- Chad
>> P.S.:I'd bring the machine to the Wednesday TSLUG meeting, but 
>> unfortunately, I have another commitment already scheduled for the 
>> time.
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[tslug] firewall

2004-02-05 Thread Alexander Horn
So I just googled for /firewall linux/ and I am now as almost as 
clueless as before because there is so much stuff out there.

Where could I get started on that issue of setting up a good firewall?
What do I have to pay attention to in particular?

Thank you a lot.

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[tslug] samba mounts

2004-02-02 Thread Alexander Horn
Hi everybody,
I have a problem with samba (ok, who don't) but I am wondering whether 
there is a "way out." Several smbmounts got messed up (from my machine 
to kronos and vica versa and later then xenon to). Trying to smbumount 
the mounts just resulted in a
(for example)
Could not open kronos: Input/output error

Nothing seemed to help so I killed my smbmounts. Yet, the mess still 
goes on.

I restarted my samba (init.d/samba restart). Did not help either. 
Because I had no idea what to do anymore I wanted to see what happens 
reloading my eth0 if. However, the script 'init.d/networking stop' 
tells me:

NOT deconfiguring network interfaces: NFS/SMB shares still mounted.

OK, at that point you see I closed the circle. I have no idea what to 
do anymore. It is very likely that I made some bad decisions in the 
process of trying to solve the problem. Please, tell me what I did 
wrong so I can learn something!

Thank you.

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[tslug] richard video clip

2003-10-30 Thread Alexander Horn
I put a short video clip of Richard Stallman on my website including 
three or four "saint" pictures of him.


By the way, does somebody know whom do I have to ask again to get a 
copy of the videotape they recorded (perhaps even digital version?)?

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[tslug] Re: Corewars lang rule problems

2003-10-17 Thread Alexander Horn
Thank you Don for rewriting one part of the corewars code in C. I am 
still experimenting but gave up the ideal that the assembly language 
for corewars comes close to being C (when it comes to pointers). (I 
think one fact that is difficult to understand is why/when to use & and 
when not.
For instance, ?move   &? won?t work, although it 
makes sense in my mind. I think, the different use of & in comparison 
with C addressing a memory location plus the different meaning of 
writing just  (move   BUT data 
)led to a misunderstanding when Dr. Bindner was trying to 
explain to me the meaning of the brackets). Otherwise, I might have not 
mixed up cw?s assembly ?concept? that eventually led to a total state 
of confusion.
...so sorry for any inconvenience

Sill, I don?t see consistency when applying the four simple rules 
giving by the documentation as a tried to write a couple of instruction 
in the form 
:   [, ]

but perhaps I will figure it out sooner or later.


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[tslug] Corewars lang rule problems

2003-10-15 Thread Alexander Horn
I just tried out Corewars and came across several problem. Perhaps 
somebody can explain to me what's going on:
A:  data 5 
B:  data &A
C:  move Z, [B]
data 7

Reading the doc the braces ([B]) mean that: "... [] takes the 
content of  and uses it to address another memory cell *and* 
gives its content" 
-> In other words, line C *schould* copy content of  at the position 
with the address 5 (here my thought: the content of  is the pointer 
address of  "uses[ing] it to address another memory cell", namely 
 "and gives its content:" 5 respectivly)

I hope somebody of you knows a logical expl. what me messes me up.


A:  data 5 
B:  data &A
Q:  move Z, B 

why does not Q move  to  (Here again the doc says: "...
gives the content of a labelled instruction..."(Line 200 in 
/usr/doc/corewars/README.gz).) Applying this defintion to our example 
 "gives the content" of the pointer address of . But what it 
really does is 
Q: move Z, &B  #WRONG

That would be the most logical thing to me since I think of a move 
instruction as a 'cmd' whereby I tell it WHAT to move (e.g. Z's 
content) and WHERE to move (ADDRESS of B -> &B).

Guys, that is a outcry for help. I think CoreWars could be a cool thing 
but at the moment the whole concept does not make sense at all for me.

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[tslug] (GNU)/Linux Workshop pictures

2003-10-11 Thread Alexander Horn
I put some of the pictures of the Linux Workshop on my web space. If 
you want to check it out, go to: http://www2.truman.edu/~ah428/pic/

(::see Files from IMG_0278 to IMG_0308 in particular)

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[tslug] Redcode/CoreWars

2003-10-10 Thread Alexander Horn
Yesterday, Ian and I did some research on the CoreWars tournament we 
are planing to have between the three other CS organizations. Checking 
out the only recent documentations on Redcode?s current standard we 
could find (the ?assembly? language used to program the warrior) 
 there is the question 
whether we don?t want to look for something more suited for a higher 
level programming language. Give some input on this subject. Thanks.

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[tslug] ERROR (How Embarrassing....)

2003-10-08 Thread Alexander Horn
That was so  oh my goodness  n.

I am sooo sorry.

That was the wrong email address. 

I guess, that is justice for carelessness.  :-)

(How Embarrassing)

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[tslug] last msg from alex to his follow citizen/immigrants?

2003-10-08 Thread Alexander Horn
You said a monitor cost approx. $7? Under the circumstances (my 
roommate is spraying all the time disinfection spray in the air and 
does all kinds of stupid stuff) I wish I could ask you about the prize 
for a laptop without you ripping me off my head. And know ?. I already 
ask you  :-(. I better lock my door. :|


No, but seriously here: thanks for your help! A cheap laptop would be 
really cool because it would correspond to my life and study style: 
Avoid staying at one place (being caught by the police and getting 
assassinated is much more likely when you stop moving.) But having a 
computer at all that is a good thing too.

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