Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-13 Thread Wjhonson

And suffers from the same lack of interactive documentation as most screen 
And by interactive I mean "as I create" not "as I read a thousand pages 
overnight in bed"

-Original Message-
From: David Wolverton 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Tue, Mar 13, 2012 11:42 am
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

FAR from torture   Once you get productive on SB+, you can churn out
creens that are consistent and easy to use by end-user clients faster than
ust about any other product.  I'd recommend SB+ to anyone starting a new
roject.  The fact it's moved fairly seamlessly from Character to GUI and
oon to .NET without users really having to make ANY changes to their code
that were not to their benefit to do, anyway!) -- Most ANY other product
as required a 'refactor' or 're-do' to change even rarely used code
Heck, I have seen code file screens that we have not had to touch since 1997
- how crazy is that??  I just can't picture another product with that kind
f 'staying power'.
Just my .02 -- but what other product has been in constant use since the
980s but still looks half-way commercial today??  
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
ent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 1:19 PM
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

 like these SB+ questions.
t lets the rest of us non sb plusers peer into the torture chamber.

Original Message-
rom: Lunt, Bruce 
o: 'U2 Users List' 
ent: Tue, Mar 13, 2012 11:14 am
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

i Bob (and all other's who have been following this issue):
 have found the problem. I did try creating a brand new screen and it was
ill failing, so I started changing settings, one at a time. I finally
anged the right one: I had the Write Record (Y/N) set to Y. I changed it o
 and all is well. It makes sense since I was using a work record and in he
rocess After Screen Accept slot I called a program to update the main ile
rom the changes in the work record. So there is no reason to have the creen
rite the record.
orry for taking up everyone's bandwidth. :-) Bruce
-Original Message-
om:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
nt: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:14 AM
: U2 Users List
bject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
i Bruce,
ake a brand new screen with just the four WORK fields.  If the problem
rsists in the new screen then the problem is how you're loading the data nd
alling the screen.  If the problem does not appear in the new screen hen
tart adding bit by bit, saving and testing in small steps until you ither
tart seeing the problem again, or you get the screen completely uilt.  It's
ot to be an assumption you're making somewhere along the line hat coming up
rom behind and biting you.
Original Message-
om:] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
nt: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:14 PM
: 'U2 Users List'
bject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
nterestingly, it still fails after I remove the process from the field.
ere is nothing in any field definition to control the logic flow.
Original Message-
om:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
nt: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:35 PM
: U2 Users List
bject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
o theoretically, the one process is what's causing the "skipping" action of
e Earned Date field.  To test that theory, take it off completely.  This
ould let the cursor move between the LI# and Earned Date field, line by
ne, each time, regardless if you change any of the values or not.  After ou
rove that it is, in fact, this process that's causing the issue then 'd say
ur next step is to look at what's happening inside the process.  Is t a
ROC or a BP program?
aybe we should take this off-list instead of flooding everyone's inboxes.
m far from an expert in this but I'm willing to explore possibilities with
Original Message-
om:] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
nt: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:20 PM
: 'U2 Users List'
bject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
es they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
quencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK
 tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
ot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and o
n without stopping at the Earned Date field.
Original Message-
om:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
nt: Mo

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-13 Thread David Wolverton
FAR from torture   Once you get productive on SB+, you can churn out
screens that are consistent and easy to use by end-user clients faster than
just about any other product.  I'd recommend SB+ to anyone starting a new
project.  The fact it's moved fairly seamlessly from Character to GUI and
soon to .NET without users really having to make ANY changes to their code
(that were not to their benefit to do, anyway!) -- Most ANY other product
has required a 'refactor' or 're-do' to change even rarely used code

Heck, I have seen code file screens that we have not had to touch since 1997
-- how crazy is that??  I just can't picture another product with that kind
of 'staying power'.

Just my .02 -- but what other product has been in constant use since the
1980s but still looks half-way commercial today??  


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Wjhonson
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

I like these SB+ questions.
It lets the rest of us non sb plusers peer into the torture chamber.

-Original Message-
From: Lunt, Bruce 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Tue, Mar 13, 2012 11:14 am
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob (and all other's who have been following this issue):
I have found the problem. I did try creating a brand new screen and it was
till failing, so I started changing settings, one at a time. I finally
hanged the right one: I had the Write Record (Y/N) set to Y. I changed it o
N and all is well. It makes sense since I was using a work record and in he
Process After Screen Accept slot I called a program to update the main ile
from the changes in the work record. So there is no reason to have the creen
write the record.
Sorry for taking up everyone's bandwidth. :-) Bruce

-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
ent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:14 AM
o: U2 Users List
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

i Bruce,
Make a brand new screen with just the four WORK fields.  If the problem
ersists in the new screen then the problem is how you're loading the data nd
calling the screen.  If the problem does not appear in the new screen hen
start adding bit by bit, saving and testing in small steps until you ither
start seeing the problem again, or you get the screen completely uilt.  It's
got to be an assumption you're making somewhere along the line hat coming up
from behind and biting you.
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:14 PM
o: 'U2 Users List'
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
Interestingly, it still fails after I remove the process from the field.
here is nothing in any field definition to control the logic flow.
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:35 PM
o: U2 Users List
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

o theoretically, the one process is what's causing the "skipping" action of
he Earned Date field.  To test that theory, take it off completely.  This
hould let the cursor move between the LI# and Earned Date field, line by
ine, each time, regardless if you change any of the values or not.  After ou
prove that it is, in fact, this process that's causing the issue then 'd say
our next step is to look at what's happening inside the process.  Is t a
PROC or a BP program?
Maybe we should take this off-list instead of flooding everyone's inboxes.
'm far from an expert in this but I'm willing to explore possibilities with
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:20 PM
o: 'U2 Users List'
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
equencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK
I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
lot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and o
on without stopping at the Earned Date field.
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
o: U2 Users List
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

o are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a process-after on
he Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? I'm also assuming your
equence of promp

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-13 Thread Wjhonson

I like these SB+ questions.
It lets the rest of us non sb plusers peer into the torture chamber.

-Original Message-
From: Lunt, Bruce 
To: 'U2 Users List' 
Sent: Tue, Mar 13, 2012 11:14 am
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob (and all other's who have been following this issue):
I have found the problem. I did try creating a brand new screen and it was
till failing, so I started changing settings, one at a time. I finally
hanged the right one: I had the Write Record (Y/N) set to Y. I changed it
o N and all is well. It makes sense since I was using a work record and in
he Process After Screen Accept slot I called a program to update the main
ile from the changes in the work record. So there is no reason to have the
creen write the record.
Sorry for taking up everyone's bandwidth. :-)

-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
ent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:14 AM
o: U2 Users List
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

i Bruce,
Make a brand new screen with just the four WORK fields.  If the problem
ersists in the new screen then the problem is how you're loading the data
nd calling the screen.  If the problem does not appear in the new screen
hen start adding bit by bit, saving and testing in small steps until you
ither start seeing the problem again, or you get the screen completely
uilt.  It's got to be an assumption you're making somewhere along the line
hat coming up from behind and biting you.
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:14 PM
o: 'U2 Users List'
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
Interestingly, it still fails after I remove the process from the field.
here is nothing in any field definition to control the logic flow.
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:35 PM
o: U2 Users List
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

o theoretically, the one process is what's causing the "skipping" action of
he Earned Date field.  To test that theory, take it off completely.  This
hould let the cursor move between the LI# and Earned Date field, line by
ine, each time, regardless if you change any of the values or not.  After
ou prove that it is, in fact, this process that's causing the issue then
'd say our next step is to look at what's happening inside the process.  Is
t a PROC or a BP program?
Maybe we should take this off-list instead of flooding everyone's inboxes.
'm far from an expert in this but I'm willing to explore possibilities with
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:20 PM
o: 'U2 Users List'
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
equencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK
I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
lot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and
o on without stopping at the Earned Date field.
-Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
o: U2 Users List
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

o are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a process-after on
he Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? I'm also assuming your
equence of prompting in the screen is straight forward, left to right for
hese 4 prompts, and you have no extra processes on the DICT entries for
hese.  You said they are just @WORK variables, right?

Original Message-
rom:] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
ent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
o: 'U2 Users List'
ubject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
een using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
or the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot.  What I have is
omething like this:
LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
--   - --- ---
99   x DD MMM  DD MMM 
I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
ield as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
 Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
rocess I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
hange the Paid Da

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-13 Thread Lunt, Bruce
Hi Bob (and all other's who have been following this issue):

I have found the problem. I did try creating a brand new screen and it was
still failing, so I started changing settings, one at a time. I finally
changed the right one: I had the Write Record (Y/N) set to Y. I changed it
to N and all is well. It makes sense since I was using a work record and in
the Process After Screen Accept slot I called a program to update the main
file from the changes in the work record. So there is no reason to have the
screen write the record.

Sorry for taking up everyone's bandwidth. :-)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:14 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bruce,

Make a brand new screen with just the four WORK fields.  If the problem
persists in the new screen then the problem is how you're loading the data
and calling the screen.  If the problem does not appear in the new screen
then start adding bit by bit, saving and testing in small steps until you
either start seeing the problem again, or you get the screen completely
built.  It's got to be an assumption you're making somewhere along the line
that coming up from behind and biting you.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:14 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Interestingly, it still fails after I remove the process from the field.
There is nothing in any field definition to control the logic flow.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:35 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So theoretically, the one process is what's causing the "skipping" action of
the Earned Date field.  To test that theory, take it off completely.  This
should let the cursor move between the LI# and Earned Date field, line by
line, each time, regardless if you change any of the values or not.  After
you prove that it is, in fact, this process that's causing the issue then
I'd say our next step is to look at what's happening inside the process.  Is
it a PROC or a BP program?

Maybe we should take this off-list instead of flooding everyone's inboxes.
I'm far from an expert in this but I'm willing to explore possibilities with

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:20 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK

I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and
so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a process-after on
the Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? I'm also assuming your
sequence of prompting in the screen is straight forward, left to right for
these 4 prompts, and you have no extra processes on the DICT entries for
these.  You said they are just @WORK variables, right?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot.  What I have is
something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if the Earned Date
was changed and the Paid date was the same as the original Earned Date. If
the Paid Date is not the sam

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-13 Thread Woodward, Bob
Hi Bruce,

Make a brand new screen with just the four WORK fields.  If the problem
persists in the new screen then the problem is how you're loading the
data and calling the screen.  If the problem does not appear in the new
screen then start adding bit by bit, saving and testing in small steps
until you either start seeing the problem again, or you get the screen
completely built.  It's got to be an assumption you're making somewhere
along the line that coming up from behind and biting you.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:14 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Interestingly, it still fails after I remove the process from the field.
There is nothing in any field definition to control the logic flow.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:35 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So theoretically, the one process is what's causing the "skipping"
action of the Earned Date field.  To test that theory, take it off
completely.  This should let the cursor move between the LI# and Earned
Date field, line by line, each time, regardless if you change any of the
values or not.  After you prove that it is, in fact, this process that's
causing the issue then I'd say our next step is to look at what's
happening inside the process.  Is it a PROC or a BP program?

Maybe we should take this off-list instead of flooding everyone's
I'm far from an expert in this but I'm willing to explore possibilities
with you.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:20 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just
@WORK variables.

I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the
Validation slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from
line 1 to 2 and so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a
process-after on the Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields?
I'm also assuming your sequence of prompting in the screen is straight
forward, left to right for these 4 prompts, and you have no extra
processes on the DICT entries for these.  You said they are just @WORK
variables, right?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I
have been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need
guidance. As for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing
slot.  What I have is something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the
Award field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as
input with a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid
Date. In the process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already
there. I will change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if
the Earned Date was changed and the Paid date was the same as the
original Earned Date. If the Paid Date is not the same as the original
Earned Date I will leave the Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date
field is diplay only.

To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the
field so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not
change the Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.

I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and
the current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will
show correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in
the the Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI#
field, the next time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Boydell, Stuart
Have you got the /FD "Allow Amend" slot set to Y or N?

-Original Message-
Interestingly, it still fails after I remove the process from the field.
There is nothing in any field definition to control the logic flow.

U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Lunt, Bruce
Interestingly, it still fails after I remove the process from the field.
There is nothing in any field definition to control the logic flow.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:35 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So theoretically, the one process is what's causing the "skipping" action of
the Earned Date field.  To test that theory, take it off completely.  This
should let the cursor move between the LI# and Earned Date field, line by
line, each time, regardless if you change any of the values or not.  After
you prove that it is, in fact, this process that's causing the issue then
I'd say our next step is to look at what's happening inside the process.  Is
it a PROC or a BP program?

Maybe we should take this off-list instead of flooding everyone's inboxes.
I'm far from an expert in this but I'm willing to explore possibilities with

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:20 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK

I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and
so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a process-after on
the Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? I'm also assuming your
sequence of prompting in the screen is straight forward, left to right for
these 4 prompts, and you have no extra processes on the DICT entries for
these.  You said they are just @WORK variables, right?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot.  What I have is
something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if the Earned Date
was changed and the Paid date was the same as the original Earned Date. If
the Paid Date is not the same as the original Earned Date I will leave the
Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date field is diplay only.

To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the field
so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not change the
Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.

I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and the
current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will show
correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in the the
Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI# field, the next
time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bruce,

It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in screen
and the way your process is working to control your entry.  If you have
access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+ Solutions",
check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued Fields" starting
on page 3-145.  Specifically where it talks about the fact that in an
Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only executed one time
for the first value, not before each value of the field.  This might be
where you're having the probl

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Lunt, Bruce
Nice idea ... No luck

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Marco Antonio
Rojas Castro
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Try using the process like default expression (mandatory).

┌Enter Field─¬
¦ Field NamePAID.DATE¦
¦ Disp Prpt (N/S{nn}/A) N¦
¦ Input Field (Y/N) N¦
¦ Mandatory (Y/N)   N¦
¦ Control/Dep/Read  D¦
¦ Window Size¦
¦ Prompt Col  29  Row4   ¦
¦ Input Col   29  Row4   ¦
¦ Process Before  D:P("PROCCESS")[M] ¦
¦ Process After  ¦
¦ Intuitive Help ¦


> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 15:20:26 -0700
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. 
> The sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are 
> just @WORK variables.
> I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the 
> Validation slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from 
> line 1 to 2 and so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Woodward, 
> Bob
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> So are these MV fields or SV fields? Also, you only have a 
> process-after on the Earned Date? Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? 
> I'm also assuming your sequence of prompting in the screen is straight 
> forward, left to right for these 4 prompts, and you have no extra 
> processes on the DICT entries for these. You said they are just @WORK 
> variables, right?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
> To: 'U2 Users List'
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Hi Bob,
> Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I 
> have been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need 
> guidance. As for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing 
> slot. What I have is something like this:
> LI# Award Earned Date Paid Date
> --- - --- ---
> 999 x DD MMM  DD MMM 
> I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the 
> Award field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as 
> input with a Process After process to determine what to do with the 
> Paid Date. In the process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not 
> already there. I will change the Paid Date to be the same as the 
> Earned Date if the Earned Date was changed and the Paid date was the 
> same as the original Earned Date. If the Paid Date is not the same as 
> the original Earned Date I will leave the Paid Date alone. And lastly, 
> the Paid Date field is diplay only.
> To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - 
> I cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the 
> field so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do 
> not change the Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.
> I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date 
> and the current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it 
> will show correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit 
> enter in the the Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter 
> the LI# field, the next time I open the screen and skip the Earned 
> Date field.
> Thanks again,
> Bruce
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Woodward, 
> Bob
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Hi Bruce,
> It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in 
> screen and the way your process is working to control your entry. If 
> you have access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book 
> "SB+ Solutions", check the sections in "Special Processing for 
> Multivalued Fields" starting on page 3-145. Specifically where it 
> talks about the fact that in an Multivalue field,

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Marco Antonio Rojas Castro

Try using the process like default expression (mandatory).

┌Enter Field─┐
│ Field NamePAID.DATE│
│ Disp Prpt (N/S{nn}/A) N│
│ Input Field (Y/N) N│
│ Mandatory (Y/N)   N│
│ Control/Dep/Read  D│
│ Window Size│
│ Prompt Col  29  Row4   │
│ Input Col   29  Row4   │
│ Process Before  D:P("PROCCESS")[M] │
│ Process After  │
│ Intuitive Help │


> From:
> To:
> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 15:20:26 -0700
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
> sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK
> variables.
> I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
> slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and
> so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> So are these MV fields or SV fields? Also, you only have a process-after on
> the Earned Date? Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? I'm also assuming your
> sequence of prompting in the screen is straight forward, left to right for
> these 4 prompts, and you have no extra processes on the DICT entries for
> these. You said they are just @WORK variables, right?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
> To: 'U2 Users List'
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Hi Bob,
> Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
> been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
> for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot. What I have is
> something like this:
> LI# Award Earned Date Paid Date
> --- - --- ---
> 999 x DD MMM  DD MMM 
> I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
> field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
> a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
> process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
> change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if the Earned Date
> was changed and the Paid date was the same as the original Earned Date. If
> the Paid Date is not the same as the original Earned Date I will leave the
> Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date field is diplay only.
> To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
> cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the field
> so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not change the
> Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.
> I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and the
> current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will show
> correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in the the
> Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI# field, the next
> time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 
> Thanks again,
> Bruce
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question
> Hi Bruce,
> It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in screen
> and the way your process is working to control your entry. If you have
> access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+ Solutions",
> check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued Fields" starting
> on page 3-145. Specifically where it talks about the fact that in an
> Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only executed one time
> for the first value, not before each value of the field. This might be
> where you're having the problem.
> I love this book, by the way!!! Thanks Kevin!
> BobW
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [mailto:u2-users-boun...@li

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Woodward, Bob
So theoretically, the one process is what's causing the "skipping"
action of the Earned Date field.  To test that theory, take it off
completely.  This should let the cursor move between the LI# and Earned
Date field, line by line, each time, regardless if you change any of the
values or not.  After you prove that it is, in fact, this process that's
causing the issue then I'd say our next step is to look at what's
happening inside the process.  Is it a PROC or a BP program?

Maybe we should take this off-list instead of flooding everyone's
inboxes.  I'm far from an expert in this but I'm willing to explore
possibilities with you.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 3:20 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just
@WORK variables.

I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the
Validation slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from
line 1 to 2 and so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a
process-after on the Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields?
I'm also assuming your sequence of prompting in the screen is straight
forward, left to right for these 4 prompts, and you have no extra
processes on the DICT entries for these.  You said they are just @WORK
variables, right?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I
have been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need
guidance. As for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing
slot.  What I have is something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the
Award field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as
input with a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid
Date. In the process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already
there. I will change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if
the Earned Date was changed and the Paid date was the same as the
original Earned Date. If the Paid Date is not the same as the original
Earned Date I will leave the Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date
field is diplay only.

To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the
field so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not
change the Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.

I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and
the current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will
show correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in
the the Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI#
field, the next time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bruce,

It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in
screen and the way your process is working to control your entry.  If
you have access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+
Solutions", check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued
Fields" starting on page 3-145.  Specifically where it talks about the
fact that in an Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only
executed one time for the first value, not before each value of the
field.  This might be where you're having the problem.

I love this book, by the way!!!  Thanks Kevin!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:40 AM
Subject: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi All,
I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Lunt, Bruce
Yes they are MV fields. There is nothing on the LI# or Award fields. The
sequencing is left to right with no extra processing and they are just @WORK

I tried to move the process from Process After entrty slot to the Validation
slot and it behaves a little better but it still skips from line 1 to 2 and
so on without stopping at the Earned Date field.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 2:15 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

So are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a process-after on
the Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields? I'm also assuming your
sequence of prompting in the screen is straight forward, left to right for
these 4 prompts, and you have no extra processes on the DICT entries for
these.  You said they are just @WORK variables, right?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot.  What I have is
something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if the Earned Date
was changed and the Paid date was the same as the original Earned Date. If
the Paid Date is not the same as the original Earned Date I will leave the
Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date field is diplay only.

To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the field
so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not change the
Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.

I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and the
current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will show
correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in the the
Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI# field, the next
time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bruce,

It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in screen
and the way your process is working to control your entry.  If you have
access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+ Solutions",
check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued Fields" starting
on page 3-145.  Specifically where it talks about the fact that in an
Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only executed one time
for the first value, not before each value of the field.  This might be
where you're having the problem.

I love this book, by the way!!!  Thanks Kevin!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:40 AM
Subject: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi All,
I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work record
and then I want to have the user be able to go through the lines one at a
time in order to change a date field. The date field itself will only be
able to be changed when another associated date field is not already
present. I have the screen working pretty well except for something strange
that is happening. That is, I can call the screen up from the menu and when
I hit enter at the first line it move over to the the date to be modified.
But when I exit the screen and come back into it, the cursor will not move
over to the date but just down to the next line, and the next line again if
I continue to hit the enter key. It never goes over to the date field, just
down a line. When it reaches the bottom of the data it cycles back to line
one and continues to go down the page with each enter key. Now it gets
really interesting. When I exit the screen and then go back into the screen
it will work correctly. And if I exi

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Woodward, Bob
So are these MV fields or SV fields?  Also, you only have a
process-after on the Earned Date?  Nothing on the LI# or Award fields?
I'm also assuming your sequence of prompting in the screen is straight
forward, left to right for these 4 prompts, and you have no extra
processes on the DICT entries for these.  You said they are just @WORK
variables, right?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 1:53 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I
have been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need
guidance. As for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing
slot.  What I have is something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the
Award field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as
input with a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid
Date. In the process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already
there. I will change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if
the Earned Date was changed and the Paid date was the same as the
original Earned Date. If the Paid Date is not the same as the original
Earned Date I will leave the Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date
field is diplay only.

To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the
field so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not
change the Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.

I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and
the current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will
show correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in
the the Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI#
field, the next time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bruce,

It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in
screen and the way your process is working to control your entry.  If
you have access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+
Solutions", check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued
Fields" starting on page 3-145.  Specifically where it talks about the
fact that in an Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only
executed one time for the first value, not before each value of the
field.  This might be where you're having the problem.

I love this book, by the way!!!  Thanks Kevin!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:40 AM
Subject: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi All,
I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work
record and then I want to have the user be able to go through the lines
one at a time in order to change a date field. The date field itself
will only be able to be changed when another associated date field is
not already present. I have the screen working pretty well except for
something strange that is happening. That is, I can call the screen up
from the menu and when I hit enter at the first line it move over to the
the date to be modified.
But when I exit the screen and come back into it, the cursor will not
move over to the date but just down to the next line, and the next line
again if I continue to hit the enter key. It never goes over to the date
field, just down a line. When it reaches the bottom of the data it
cycles back to line one and continues to go down the page with each
enter key. Now it gets really interesting. When I exit the screen and
then go back into the screen it will work correctly. And if I exit and
re-enter it will fail again. It just toggles between working correctly
and not working at all.
I have tried to debug this by putting in DISP statements into the
Process After Display (the first process is called from here) but I do
not see what is causing the screen to react the way that it is.
I don't know if I have explained it very well but has anybody else had
this problem before and know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Dave Davis
I would move the code that updates the "paid date" field to the validation slot 
for "earned date" instead of the process after slot, to make it easier to 
compare the original value of "earned date" with the current value of "paid 
date".  Put it in after you have determined the entered value is valid - if 
there is currently a validation for earned date.

If you wait until the process after slot of earned date you lose what was in 
the field before you edited it.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 4:53 PM
To: 'U2 Users List'
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot.  What I have is
something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if the Earned Date
was changed and the Paid date was the same as the original Earned Date. If
the Paid Date is not the same as the original Earned Date I will leave the
Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date field is diplay only.

To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the field
so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not change the
Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.

I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and the
current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will show
correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in the the
Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI# field, the next
time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field.

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bruce,

It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in screen
and the way your process is working to control your entry.  If you have
access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+ Solutions",
check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued Fields" starting
on page 3-145.  Specifically where it talks about the fact that in an
Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only executed one time
for the first value, not before each value of the field.  This might be
where you're having the problem.

I love this book, by the way!!!  Thanks Kevin!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:40 AM
Subject: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi All,

I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work record
and then I want to have the user be able to go through the lines one at a
time in order to change a date field. The date field itself will only be
able to be changed when another associated date field is not already
present. I have the screen working pretty well except for something strange
that is happening. That is, I can call the screen up from the menu and when
I hit enter at the first line it move over to the the date to be modified.
But when I exit the screen and come back into it, the cursor will not move
over to the date but just down to the next line, and the next line again if
I continue to hit the enter key. It never goes over to the date field, just
down a line. When it reaches the bottom of the data it cycles back to line
one and continues to go down the page with each enter key. Now it gets
really interesting. When I exit the screen and then go back into the screen
it will work correctly. And if I exit and re-enter it will fail again. It
just toggles between working correctly and not working at all.

I have tried to debug this by putting in DISP statements into the Process
After Display (the first process is called from here) but I do not see what
is causing the screen to react the way that it is.

I don't know if I have explained it very well but has anybody else had this
problem before and know how to fix it?

Thanks in adv

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Lunt, Bruce
Hi Bob,

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you - Kevin's book is fantastic! I have
been using it for many years and still refer to it when I need guidance. As
for the problem: Maybe I am using the wrong processing slot.  What I have is
something like this:

LI#   Award Earned Date Paid Date
---   - --- ---
999   x DD MMM  DD MMM 

I have the LI# field as input but do nothing else with it. I have the Award
field as no input; display only. I have the Earned Date field as input with
a Process After process to determine what to do with the Paid Date. In the
process I will populate the Paid Date if it is not already there. I will
change the Paid Date to be the same as the Earned Date if the Earned Date
was changed and the Paid date was the same as the original Earned Date. If
the Paid Date is not the same as the original Earned Date I will leave the
Paid Date alone. And lastly, the Paid Date field is diplay only.

To me, this means that I have to prompt the user for the Earned Date - I
cannot skip the field until I know if they are wanting to change the field
so I then will know what to do with the Paid Date. If they do not change the
Earned Date then I will leave the Paid Date as it is.

I also put a DISP line showing the value of the original Earned Date and the
current one in the Process After for the Earned Date and it will show
correctly the first time I enter the screen (after I hit enter in the the
Earned Date field.) but it will show after I enter the LI# field, the next
time I open the screen and skip the Earned Date field. 

Thanks again,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Woodward, Bob
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:09 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi Bruce,

It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in screen
and the way your process is working to control your entry.  If you have
access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+ Solutions",
check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued Fields" starting
on page 3-145.  Specifically where it talks about the fact that in an
Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only executed one time
for the first value, not before each value of the field.  This might be
where you're having the problem.

I love this book, by the way!!!  Thanks Kevin!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:40 AM
Subject: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi All,
I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work record
and then I want to have the user be able to go through the lines one at a
time in order to change a date field. The date field itself will only be
able to be changed when another associated date field is not already
present. I have the screen working pretty well except for something strange
that is happening. That is, I can call the screen up from the menu and when
I hit enter at the first line it move over to the the date to be modified.
But when I exit the screen and come back into it, the cursor will not move
over to the date but just down to the next line, and the next line again if
I continue to hit the enter key. It never goes over to the date field, just
down a line. When it reaches the bottom of the data it cycles back to line
one and continues to go down the page with each enter key. Now it gets
really interesting. When I exit the screen and then go back into the screen
it will work correctly. And if I exit and re-enter it will fail again. It
just toggles between working correctly and not working at all.
I have tried to debug this by putting in DISP statements into the Process
After Display (the first process is called from here) but I do not see what
is causing the screen to react the way that it is.
I don't know if I have explained it very well but has anybody else had this
problem before and know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
U2-Users mailing list
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U2-Users mailing list

Re: [U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Woodward, Bob
Hi Bruce,

It may have to do with your concept of how the work flow is going in
screen and the way your process is working to control your entry.  If
you have access to a copy of Kevin King's green System Builder book "SB+
Solutions", check the sections in "Special Processing for Multivalued
Fields" starting on page 3-145.  Specifically where it talks about the
fact that in an Multivalue field, the Process Before the Prompt is only
executed one time for the first value, not before each value of the
field.  This might be where you're having the problem.

I love this book, by the way!!!  Thanks Kevin!


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lunt, Bruce
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:40 AM
Subject: [U2] SB+ screen question

Hi All,
I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work
record and then I want to have the user be able to go through the lines
one at a time in order to change a date field. The date field itself
will only be able to be changed when another associated date field is
not already present. I have the screen working pretty well except for
something strange that is happening. That is, I can call the screen up
from the menu and when I hit enter at the first line it move over to the
the date to be modified.
But when I exit the screen and come back into it, the cursor will not
move over to the date but just down to the next line, and the next line
again if I continue to hit the enter key. It never goes over to the date
field, just down a line. When it reaches the bottom of the data it
cycles back to line one and continues to go down the page with each
enter key. Now it gets really interesting. When I exit the screen and
then go back into the screen it will work correctly. And if I exit and
re-enter it will fail again. It just toggles between working correctly
and not working at all.
I have tried to debug this by putting in DISP statements into the
Process After Display (the first process is called from here) but I do
not see what is causing the screen to react the way that it is.
I don't know if I have explained it very well but has anybody else had
this problem before and know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
U2-Users mailing list
U2-Users mailing list

[U2] SB+ screen question

2012-03-12 Thread Lunt, Bruce
Hi All,
I have created a new screen in SB+. The data is built into the work record
and then I want to have the user be able to go through the lines one at a
time in order to change a date field. The date field itself will only be
able to be changed when another associated date field is not already
present. I have the screen working pretty well except for something strange
that is happening. That is, I can call the screen up from the menu and when
I hit enter at the first line it move over to the the date to be modified.
But when I exit the screen and come back into it, the cursor will not move
over to the date but just down to the next line, and the next line again if
I continue to hit the enter key. It never goes over to the date field, just
down a line. When it reaches the bottom of the data it cycles back to line
one and continues to go down the page with each enter key. Now it gets
really interesting. When I exit the screen and then go back into the screen
it will work correctly. And if I exit and re-enter it will fail again. It
just toggles between working correctly and not working at all.
I have tried to debug this by putting in DISP statements into the Process
After Display (the first process is called from here) but I do not see what
is causing the screen to react the way that it is.
I don't know if I have explained it very well but has anybody else had this
problem before and know how to fix it?
Thanks in advance,
U2-Users mailing list