Re: [uportal-dev] Inactive committers

2014-11-07 Thread Cris J Holdorph
You could remove my committer-ship if you want, and that makes the list 
somehow cleaner for you.  I have not committed anything recently. 
However, I do believe I am still an active member of the community.

 Cris J H

On 11/07/2014 07:08 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

uPortal committers,

These committers are members of the uportal-developers GitHub team ( )  but have zero
commits in Jasig/uPortal/master in the last year (

  * Are you active in other GitHub projects that complectedly grant
their committership through the uportal-developers Team rather than via
a portlet-specific Team (if so, sorry for the bother!)?
  * Are you active in merging Pull Requests rather than by writing new
code (if so, sorry for the bother, the naive GitHub reporting doesn't
credit merge commits.)
  * Is there something active developers can do to help you to again
become active in contributing code to uPortal?
  * Are you on hiatus but expect to return to activity?
  * Or, sadly, is it time to retire your uportal-developers Team
membership, no doubt with leave to joyously be re-welcomed in a happily
more active future?



Kind regards,



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Re: [uportal-dev] Moving away from Ant/Maven to Gradle

2014-11-07 Thread Cris J Holdorph
One thing I think is important to look at with the 'build' system in 
uPortal, is there has long been parts of the system that have nothing to 
do with 'building'.  Take a simple example, like adding a new fragment 
to uPortal from a fragment definition file.  This does not need to be 
tied to the build system.  Here's another...  Loading the initial 
database.  That's an installation step, not a build step.

uPortal's build system is complicated because it's trying to be 3 things 
in one.  It's trying to 1) build uPortal, 2) install uPortal, 3) system 
administer uPortal.

If I was to put time towards working on this problem, my first goal 
would be to get 2 and 3 out of the build altogether and handled in 
some other way.  If you did that, I believe you'd have a simpler build 
system then you have right now.

Going with Gradle to handle the 'scripting' that is currently done in 
Ant, tells me that we're just going to keep the problem of having all 
three of these things mixed together in one system.  I think that's a 
mistake.  And even if you get to something that feels like an 
improvement over the current ant+maven, it will still be more 
complicated then it needs to be.

 Cris J H

On 11/07/2014 09:01 AM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:

uPortal Devs,

I have set aside some time to take a look at the uPortal build system
and see if we can move away from the ant/maven hybrid setup and either
to a pure maven-based build or perhaps even use Gradle. I am leaning
more and more towards Gradle as that would take care of a lot of
scripting ant-like tasks that exist today and certainly is easier to
write and configure the build with. The downside is there aren’t too
many plugins available for Gradle like they are with Maven so depending
on the pluginset uPortal uses today we might run into a few roadblocks.

So questions are:

1. How do others feel about this build tool and the approach?

2. Has anybody begun working on the same proposal locally perhaps?

3. What uPortal release should this be targeted to? I’d assume 5.0 as
this would be a pretty big change both in scope and the effort/time
required to implement this.



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Re: [uportal-dev] Moving away from Ant/Maven to Gradle

2014-11-07 Thread Cris J Holdorph
That's exactly, or well very close anyway, to my original point.  What 
people in this thread have been referring to 2.  I strongly believe 
that the installation and the system admin tasks need to come out of the 
build scripts completely.  They simply do not need to be part of them, 
and it causes problems as you are saying.

 Cris J H

On 11/07/2014 11:05 AM, James Wennmacher wrote:

This is a bit tangential, but one thing I'd like to see is uPortal move
away from needing to do a build in order to deploy to an environment.
Having a built artifact (ear, war, etc.) that can be deployed to any
environment (local, dev, test, etc.) and having all environment-specific
configuration be pulled from external configuration/property files IMHO
is desirable.  It wouldn't eliminate the need for the overlays, but it
would reduce it a bit and would eliminate the need for the filtering
process and would simplify the build process a bit, but make the deploy
process perhaps a bit more complicated.  It might also make it easier to
use Docker, Chef, or similar with uPortal.

Not now ... baby steps ... but worth mentioning/considering in case you
have to jump through hoops to get Gradle to accommodate uPortal's
current approach.

James Wennmacher - Unicon

On 11/07/2014 10:09 AM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:

Agreed on all counts.

I suppose my first objective was to first do a pure-conversion first and
the tackle what can be moved out of the build script and into separate
tasks. In terms of the refactoring effort, that seems like it would allow
us to first remove a few trees in the way and get a clearer picture of
what actually exists. (2) and (3) do not so much belong in the build
script for sure, but nonetheless we'd have to provide some mechanism for
the functionality they provide and Gradle seems like a good approach for
those 2 as well. We can certainly move them out of the mother build
and have adopters simply call upon them when they need them.

Part of the reason (2) and (3) are complected in the build I suppose is
because the scripting nature of Ant sort of paved the pathway for those
ops and it must have seemed convenient to use the tool for both the build
and post-build functionaries. We surely need to break these out, so
options are:

1. Break the ant tasks out into a separate configuration. Have the
build only be based on Maven and let Ant handle post-build ops like
initializing the db, etc. While effort-wise, this might seem simpler, it
would be very much confusing for adopters to try to learn the tricks of
each tool and what commands are available.

2. Break the ant tasks out into a separate configuration but let both the
build as well as (2) and (3) to be based on Gradle. This should provide a
seamless syntax and would reduce technical dependencies. Plus, it seems
like for some of the gymnastics ant build right now is doing to carry out
x-y-z, Gradle would surely be a better fit since you can actually code
the script rather than declare much of it.

P.S1: If I remember correctly, the build we have even today creates and
executes custom groovy scripts so in fact, we are using 3 things for a
wholesome UP build :)
P.S2: I am not prejudiced towards Gradle at all. Any other tool that
do the job with less noise would be most welcome.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:bounce-37554527-] On Behalf Of Cris J Holdorph
Sent: Friday, November 7, 2014 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [uportal-dev] Moving away from Ant/Maven to Gradle

One thing I think is important to look at with the 'build' system in
uPortal, is there has long been parts of the system that have nothing to
do with 'building'.  Take a simple example, like adding a new fragment


uPortal from a fragment definition file.  This does not need to be tied


the build system.  Here's another...  Loading the initial database.
That's an installation step, not a build step.

uPortal's build system is complicated because it's trying to be 3 things
in one.  It's trying to 1) build uPortal, 2) install uPortal, 3) system
administer uPortal.

If I was to put time towards working on this problem, my first goal


be to get 2 and 3 out of the build altogether and handled in some
other way.  If you did that, I believe you'd have a simpler build system
then you have right now.

Going with Gradle to handle the 'scripting' that is currently done in


tells me that we're just going to keep the problem of having all three


these things mixed together in one system.  I think that's a mistake.


even if you get to something that feels like an improvement over the
current ant+maven, it will still be more complicated then it needs to


 Cris J H

On 11/07/2014 09:01 AM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:

uPortal Devs,

I have set aside some time to take a look at the uPortal build system
and see if we can move away from the ant/maven

Re: [uportal-dev] Adopting Google Style for next major release

2014-11-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph
One other 'con' I'd like to bring up, besides Josh's (which I agree 100% 
with), is the following.

I find inconsistent style frustrating, true.  But what I find even more 
frustrating is when I'm trying to debug and I want to know why a line of 
code was last changed.

If you reformat the entire codebase, even for something like uPortal 
5.0.  Then the history of trying to determine why a line of code is what 
it is, will be difficult, to potentially impossible (depends on how the 
change is made).

It's not enough of a reason to say don't do this.  But for me, it would 
actually be more annoying then the style problems are themselves.

 Cris J H

On 11/06/2014 03:32 PM, James Wennmacher wrote:

100 (or worse yet 80) characters on a line!  Oh man!  I'm going to have
to use shorter variable and method names.  At least I only need to
indent 2 spaces now.  That will help.  :-)

+1 on a 'common' standard, especially if we can get it enforced in the
build (as annoying as I find that is sometimes).  Google's is great.

James Wennmacher - Unicon

On 11/06/2014 08:04 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

uPortal developers,

I think it would be wise for uPortal to adopt tighter code style
conventions (and to enforce these in the release process via build
automation, since without automation style conventions will not be
adhered to.)

I think those code conventions should be Google's.


The product has a heap of code of varying style.  I'd see a changeset
to pervasively adjust style to the convention as only appropriate for
a MAJOR release.  As in, uPortal 5.

So.  This is the initial conversation-starting email expressing
intention to advocate for this improvement for uPortal 5.



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Re: [uportal-dev] master unit tests broken

2014-10-28 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Personally I think spending more time on getting rid of all the 'Ant' 
related parts would be a lot better then trying to break up uPortal into 
even smaller pieces.

I understand the aspect you mention about disabling tests because they 
take so long, and if the tests took less time, then maybe you'd be less 
inclined to skip them.  However, it's the 'build' in general that's 
taking a long time.  And the ant parts of this build cause a LOT of 
problems.  Speed is one them.  Your recent mac/forking problem is an 
example of a second one.

If you break the uPortal build into smaller chunks you will potentially 
address one small problem, but you will create new ones.  One problem I 
see a LOT when a project is broken down into too small chunks, is that 
people then compile at too low of a level.  Say you modify the groups 
api project.  But you don't bother to rebuild the permissions project. 
And then something is broken.  You never noticed, because you didn't 
rebuild everything.  And if you DO rebuild everything, well then 
breaking the project apart, didn't really save you any time.  It just 
introduced build time overhead.

 Cris J H

On 10/28/2014 10:20 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

JW my uportal build script disables running the tests.

A natural reaction to a build process that is way, way too expensive and 
punishing of running the unit tests.

Part of where I want to get with Semantic Versioning is being able to separate 
what’s currently a monolith in uportal-war/src/java into components small 
enough that it’s not too painful to run the unit tests on the one component I'm 
touching right at the moment, that are loosely coupled enough that I don’t have 
to whack all of the components all at once to get anything done, and that thus 
are in pieces small enough to build and test in the generous but not huge 
resource allocation that travis-ci affords.

How do we get traction on doing that detangling, and calling the result uPortal 
5?  :)

Kind regards,


On Oct 28, 2014, at 12:14 PM, James Wennmacher wrote:

Hi Andrew,

Josh brought this to my attention late yesterday and I started looking into it. 
 I hope to have a fix pushed shortly.

I apologize, I forgot my uportal build script disables running the tests.

James Wennmacher - Unicon

On 10/28/2014 08:52 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:


Looks to me like this changeset

causes this unit test to fail:

in this way: .

Locally reverting the change:

locally fixes the problem.

Therefore I propose reverting this commit in master.

Shall I press the Revert button here, or should we handle this in another way?


PS: Reminds me of the need to circle back and detangle this codebase and build 
so that Travis-CI can reliably build and run the unit tests, to help catch this 
kind of thing before Pull Request merge. :)


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Re: [uportal-dev] master unit tests broken

2014-10-28 Thread Cris J Holdorph
It's the forking of ant from maven that is the slowness I'm referring to 
in the current uPortal build.  If everything was run from just maven, 
instead of forking off ant (or using antrun), it would be faster.

However, speed is not the primary reason.  It's all of the other ugly 
side effects the ant parts cause, that would be why I'd recommend 
spending time on this.  Just ask James W. how much fun he's had over the 
last few months debugging problems related to this.

 Cris J H

On 10/28/2014 11:14 AM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:

So this gets me curious; before I spin to research mode I am wondering: are
there any advantages to switch from ant over to a pure maven/gradle build
that would help with performance? Or, are you saying if the build was to
convert over to say a pure maven/gradle build there are features (like
parallel builds and such) that uPortal could use to speed up build time?

I have converted projects from maven to gradle and have not noticed any
significant performance improvements. No parallel builds or any other
changes were made of course to the build scripts. Same old config, just
written a different way executed on the same machine. One thing however that
I noticed tremendously sped up the build was generation of log data as part
of tests. Huge difference there. Of course, changing tests to less rely on
external resources did help to a degree as well. Builds that used to take
beyond 50 minutes (and thereby timing out on Travis because Travis has a
50-minute mark set for public projects on their free plan) now complete in
less than 20 minutes, give or take.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Cris J
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: [uportal-dev] master unit tests broken

Personally I think spending more time on getting rid of all the 'Ant'
related parts would be a lot better then trying to break up uPortal into
even smaller pieces.

I understand the aspect you mention about disabling tests because they take
so long, and if the tests took less time, then maybe you'd be less inclined
to skip them.  However, it's the 'build' in general that's taking a long
time.  And the ant parts of this build cause a LOT of problems.  Speed is
one them.  Your recent mac/forking problem is an example of a second one.

If you break the uPortal build into smaller chunks you will potentially
address one small problem, but you will create new ones.  One problem I see
a LOT when a project is broken down into too small chunks, is that people
then compile at too low of a level.  Say you modify the groups api project.
But you don't bother to rebuild the permissions project.
And then something is broken.  You never noticed, because you didn't rebuild
everything.  And if you DO rebuild everything, well then breaking the
project apart, didn't really save you any time.  It just introduced build
time overhead.

 Cris J H

On 10/28/2014 10:20 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

JW my uportal build script disables running the tests.

A natural reaction to a build process that is way, way too expensive and
punishing of running the unit tests.

Part of where I want to get with Semantic Versioning is being able to
separate what’s currently a monolith in uportal-war/src/java into
components small enough that it’s not too painful to run the unit tests on
the one component I'm touching right at the moment, that are loosely
coupled enough that I don’t have to whack all of the components all at
once to get anything done, and that thus are in pieces small enough to
build and test in the generous but not huge resource allocation that
travis-ci affords.

How do we get traction on doing that detangling, and calling the
result uPortal 5?  :)

Kind regards,


On Oct 28, 2014, at 12:14 PM, James Wennmacher

Hi Andrew,

Josh brought this to my attention late yesterday and I started looking
into it.  I hope to have a fix pushed shortly.

I apologize, I forgot my uportal build script disables running the tests.

James Wennmacher - Unicon

On 10/28/2014 08:52 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:


Looks to me like this changeset

causes this unit test to fail:

in this way: .

Locally reverting the change:

locally fixes the problem.

Therefore I propose reverting this commit in master.

Shall I press the Revert button here, or should we handle this in
another way?


PS: Reminds me of the need to circle back and detangle this codebase
and build so that Travis-CI can reliably build and run the unit
tests, to help catch this kind of thing before Pull Request merge.


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Re: [uportal-dev] FW: Moving jasig-parent to Github

2014-09-02 Thread Cris J Holdorph

Why is it needed at all?

What settings exist in the jasig parent pom that uPortal and cas truly 
need to share?

I just took at look at it, and I don't see very much, if anything in 
that file that both CAS and uPortal need to be on the same version with, 
except for one item, which is wrong as it is.

For example.  You might say that organization should be shared. 
However, the organization is no longer jasig it's Apereo.

You might say well, it's convenient to define some of the plugins, 
maybe, but do we have to have two projects on the same version of those 
plugins?  For example, the maven-compiler-plugin is set at building 
for JDK 1.6.  I could see a real need for projects to have that set to 
different values.  And if they override it, then they are not gaining 
value by it being defined in the parent.

I bring this up, because as we've seen dependency management and maven 
are sometimes (often?) painful.  And unless it's absolutely required, 
reducing the number of dependencies a project has can be beneficial.  I 
suggest, that this jasig-parent-pom dependency is one that neither 
project really needs.

 Cris J H

On 09/01/2014 11:35 PM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:

uPortal/CAS developers,

I am wondering if it makes sense for us to move the jasig-parent project
off of SVN and over to Github. Since both CAS and uPortal (and possibly
plenty of other projects) inherit from the parent pom, it seems
reasonable to move the project off of SVN and over to Github to allow
more visibility for the changes that go into it. Specifically, I would
like to attempt to tweak the maven site plugin configuration, update
some dependencies and see if we can get a better performance out of the
plugin, and it would be better if I could do that in context of the pull

Objections? Suggestions?


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Re: [uportal-dev] Semantic Versioning : we should do it

2014-06-19 Thread Cris J Holdorph

2. Semantic versioning says you add functionality

UP-4146 says no new features.

those seem in disagreement to me.  Maybe it's just an interpretation of 
the word functionality and the word feature, but to me those seem 
like direct opposite statements.  One is saying you do something and 
the other is saying you don't do something.

As a specific example, lets invent some new toggle that appears in the 
footer.  When you press this toggle is does cool thing.  Now, this new 
toggle in the bottom has no backward compatibility problem, it's just 
a new cool toggle.

According to the point 2 in semantic versioning, that seems like it is 
allowed, because it is new functionality that is backward compatible.

According to UP-4146, it says no new features, so it would not be allowed.

 Cris J H

On 06/19/2014 10:40 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:


Hmm.  I'm not seeing the disagreement.

Can you give an example of a change between kinds of versions that
Semantic Versioning would allow but the description in UP-4146 would
forbid, or vice versa?


On 6/19/14, 12:10 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

There seems to be a difference in the Semantic Versioning you quoted
and what you put into the Jira UP-4146.  Specifically in this point.

Semantic Versioning quote:

2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible

In UP-4146

starting with the uPortal 4.2 release, *no new features* in the 4.2
maintenance branch. Emphatically backwards-compatible bugfixes only.

Those don't seem to be in agreement to me.

 Cris J H

On 06/18/2014 09:35 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

Now tracked in JIRA and tagged for uPortal 4.2.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

uPortal folks,

I would like to start floating the Semantic Versioning balloon and
see if it can earn mindshare.

Currently our practice is to add both minor new features /
enhancements and bugfixes in patch releases.

I think our practice should change to bugfixes-only in patch
releases, and do more frequent minor releases to get new features

Cf. Semantic Versioning:

Here's the summary:



Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

 1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
 2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a
backwards-compatible manner, and
 3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available
as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.


I expect that this change in practice would be all upside.

It would make patch releases less risky and less complex, and so
would make it more feasible to cut them more often and for adopters
to upgrade along the patches branch to later patch releases more
often.  No new features to figure out how they relate to what you're
doing, just bugfixes.  Easier to understand, easier to accept,
clearer what you're getting.

It would make clearer what a minor release vs a patch release is and
why it becomes time to cut a minor release and what you get for your
minor release.

It would move uPortal to align with Semantic Versioning, which is a
thing.  Even a good thing.

I'm in-progress cutting the 4.0.14 release, and that's still a
non-semantic-versioning patch release with some new stuff in it.
Fine.  I expect we ought not to change strategies for what the 4.1.x
patches line looks like, since 4.1.0 is scoped and being released
under the expectation that it can be patched with enhancements to
backfill gaps.  Also fine.

So, if this balloon flies, perhaps the version to adopt Semantic
Versioning in would be uPortal 4.2, and with that in mind we work
towards a 4.2.0 suitable for treating in this way
post-4.1.0-release, and this all fits into the broader theme of
evolving uPortal to be and to be treated more like a product.

Note that adopting Semantic Versioning says absolutely nothing about
the timeline on which bugfix and new feature releases are released.
It's just about what we call them and how we set adopter
expectations about what kind of changes happen where. There's no
rule that we couldn't cut minor releases even monthly to promptly
get those new features out to adopters if there's that kind of
progress being made in the codebase; calling those minor releases is
just a clearer way to communicate about what they are.

This also fits into a story arc of working towards defining and
exposing versioned APIs.  When the codebase is mostly a monolithic
bucket containing both APIs and implementations, nudging them
forward all together in a patches branch, well, it's mostly worked
for us.  But if the product begins to get

Re: [uportal-dev] Semantic Versioning : we should do it

2014-06-19 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Sure, that makes more sense.  Perhaps it's the lack of an example of a 
three part version number in the UP-4146 description that had me 
confused.  Right now, UP-4146 only mentiones 4.2, 4.3 and 5 in the 
description.  Your description below is more concrete to me and talks 
about 4.2.1 and so on.

 Cris J H

On 06/19/2014 11:06 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:



I think our miscommunication is coming from keeping track of how the
labels minor and patch apply to different release numbers and to
maintenance branches.

  Semantic versioning says you add functionality

Add (backwards-compatible) functionality for MINOR releases, like 4.3
will add functionality beyond 4.2.

  UP-4146 says no new features.

No new features in maintenance branches leading to PATCH releases, so no
new functionality in 4.2.1 beyond the functionality in 4.2.0.

To take the example of a new backwards-compatible footer toggle adding
GumGum integration, after 4.2.0 is released, that new feature could come
into master towards 4.3.0, but it could not come into 4.2-patches
towards 4.2.1.



On 6/19/14, 12:46 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

2. Semantic versioning says you add functionality

UP-4146 says no new features.

those seem in disagreement to me.  Maybe it's just an interpretation
of the word functionality and the word feature, but to me those
seem like direct opposite statements.  One is saying you do
something and the other is saying you don't do something.

As a specific example, lets invent some new toggle that appears in the
footer.  When you press this toggle is does cool thing. Now, this
new toggle in the bottom has no backward compatibility problem, it's
just a new cool toggle.

According to the point 2 in semantic versioning, that seems like it is
allowed, because it is new functionality that is backward compatible.

According to UP-4146, it says no new features, so it would not be

 Cris J H

On 06/19/2014 10:40 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:


Hmm.  I'm not seeing the disagreement.

Can you give an example of a change between kinds of versions that
Semantic Versioning would allow but the description in UP-4146 would
forbid, or vice versa?


On 6/19/14, 12:10 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

There seems to be a difference in the Semantic Versioning you quoted
and what you put into the Jira UP-4146.  Specifically in this point.

Semantic Versioning quote:

2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible

In UP-4146

starting with the uPortal 4.2 release, *no new features* in the 4.2
maintenance branch. Emphatically backwards-compatible bugfixes only.

Those don't seem to be in agreement to me.

 Cris J H

On 06/18/2014 09:35 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

Now tracked in JIRA and tagged for uPortal 4.2.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 9:23 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:

uPortal folks,

I would like to start floating the Semantic Versioning balloon and
see if it can earn mindshare.

Currently our practice is to add both minor new features /
enhancements and bugfixes in patch releases.

I think our practice should change to bugfixes-only in patch
releases, and do more frequent minor releases to get new features

Cf. Semantic Versioning:

Here's the summary:



Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

 1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
 2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a
backwards-compatible manner, and
 3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available
as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.


I expect that this change in practice would be all upside.

It would make patch releases less risky and less complex, and so
would make it more feasible to cut them more often and for
to upgrade along the patches branch to later patch releases more
often.  No new features to figure out how they relate to what
doing, just bugfixes.  Easier to understand, easier to accept,
clearer what you're getting.

It would make clearer what a minor release vs a patch release
is and
why it becomes time to cut a minor release and what you get for
minor release.

It would move uPortal to align with Semantic Versioning, which
is a
thing.  Even a good thing.

I'm in-progress cutting the 4.0.14 release, and that's still a
non-semantic-versioning patch release with some new stuff in it.
Fine.  I expect we ought not to change strategies for what the
patches line looks like, since 4.1.0 is scoped and being released
under the expectation that it can be patched with enhancements to
backfill gaps.  Also fine.

So, if this balloon flies, perhaps the version

Re: [uportal-dev] Trouble with net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web-parent dependency

2014-06-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph
This is probably not your problem, but I thought I would share some 
recent experience with maven, repositories and dependency debugging.

I was trying to set up a local artifact repository to do mirroring of 
maven dependencies.  This is useful for dependencies that are not in 
central, that might disappear.

Anyway, to fully test my 'mirror' I started with an empty repository and 
would try to build my projects.  I discovered a really interesting 
situation.  Take a look at these two pom files from two different maven 

Notice how the second one is different then the first.  I suspect the 
second one must have been autogenerated.  In any case though, it causes 
a really big problem if that is where the dependency gets pulled down from.

So, my overall point is, when you're starting from an empty maven repo, 
you can definitely get really weird and odd things happening.  It can be 
really hard to debug.  (in the above problem, it 'manifested' as a junit 
test failure about a missing class!)

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 09:37 AM, Drew Wills wrote:


I'm encountering a new Maven dependency issue with echcache.  It seems
to happen always (small sample size) on a machine that doesn't have
these artifacts cached in the local repo.

These items do seem to be in m2 central.  I'm not sure how Maven is
getting the 'null:ehcache-web:jar:null' (see below) but I suspect it's a
factor in the issue.



/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/portal/uPortal/build.xml:635: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/portal/uPortal/build.xml:1437: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/portal/uPortal/build.xml:1372: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/portal/uPortal/build.xml:1315: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/portal/uPortal/build.xml:1318: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/portal/uPortal/build.xml:1375: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/portal/uPortal/build.xml:1227: Unable to
resolve artifact: Unable to get dependency information: Unable to read
the metadata file for artifact 'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web:jar': Cannot
find parent: net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web-parent for project:
null:ehcache-web:jar:null for project null:ehcache-web:jar:null

from the specified remote repositories:
   central (,
   apache-snapshots (

Path to dependency:
 1) org.jasig.portal:uportal-war:war:4.1.0-SNAPSHOT
 2) org.jasig.resourceserver:resource-server-utils:jar:1.0.38

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Re: [uportal-dev] Trouble with net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web-parent dependency

2014-06-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph
It's not just a simple matter of putting YOUR dependencies into central 
and not putting repositories into YOUR pom files.  With transitive 
dependencies, ESPECIALLY specific versions, this can happen through a 
dependency that came in from a transitive dependency.


  I specify I want to use Foo version 1.1.  At the time of my using 
it, it is in central, so I don't think anything more of it.

  I do not notice, but Foo version 1.1, uses bar 2.0.

  Bar 2.0 uses crud 3.0.

  crud 3.0 specifies a respository in it's pom.xml file to go get 
blah version 1.2.3 from some weird repo.

  Final result, my project is now dependent on some weird repo for 
version 1.2.3 of blah.

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 09:57 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

This highlights the very real danger of adding extra repositories. It
may be more work up front to get all the deps you need into central but
it is very much worth it long term to avoid this sort of dependency hell

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

This is probably not your problem, but I thought I would share some
recent experience with maven, repositories and dependency debugging.

I was trying to set up a local artifact repository to do mirroring
of maven dependencies.  This is useful for dependencies that are not
in central, that might disappear.

Anyway, to fully test my 'mirror' I started with an empty repository
and would try to build my projects.  I discovered a really
interesting situation.  Take a look at these two pom files from two
different maven repos.

Notice how the second one is different then the first.  I suspect
the second one must have been autogenerated.  In any case though, it
causes a really big problem if that is where the dependency gets
pulled down from.

So, my overall point is, when you're starting from an empty maven
repo, you can definitely get really weird and odd things happening.
  It can be really hard to debug.  (in the above problem, it
'manifested' as a junit test failure about a missing class!)

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 09:37 AM, Drew Wills wrote:


I'm encountering a new Maven dependency issue with echcache.  It
to happen always (small sample size) on a machine that doesn't have
these artifacts cached in the local repo.

These items do seem to be in m2 central.  I'm not sure how Maven is
getting the 'null:ehcache-web:jar:null' (see below) but I
suspect it's a
factor in the issue.



/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:635: The
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1437: The
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1372: The
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1315: The
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1318: The
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1375: The
error occurred while executing this line:
Unable to
resolve artifact: Unable to get dependency information: Unable
to read
the metadata file for artifact
'net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web:__jar': Cannot
find parent: net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web-__parent for project:
null:ehcache-web:jar:null for project null:ehcache-web:jar:null

from the specified remote repositories:
central (,
apache-snapshots (

Path to dependency:
  1) org.jasig.portal:uportal-war:__war:4.1.0-SNAPSHOT

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Re: [uportal-dev] Trouble with net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web-parent dependency

2014-06-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Well yes, that's all good and definitely encouraged for any maven 
project you are in control of.

But I also think it's worth standing up an artifact repository at your 
own organization and having that 'mirror' every repository.  So that you 
actually don't go out and hit any repository directly yourself.  Instead 
you only hit your own artifact repository, and that repository in turn 
will hit the internet.  This is kind of the equivalent of fixing, at an 
organizational level the difference between a developer who has been 
around for a while and has a pretty full personal maven repo, and his 
builds work, and a new developer who has an empty personal maven 
repository and his build does not work.

I'm NOT suggesting this is INSTEAD of putting things into central, but 
more of an additional thing an organization can do to help bring new 
developers on board.

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 11:01 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:


True, dependencies in Central can have dependencies on external repos.

But that is at least discouraged:

and in some happy future might even be enforced or at least mostly
respected such that getting a dependency from Central is an indication
that it doesn't have this problem.

So, you're all right: getting the dependencies from Central doesn't
solve all problems, but the more dependencies are entirely realizable
via only-in-Central dependencies, the better.


Kind regards,


On 6/13/14, 12:54 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

It's not just a simple matter of putting YOUR dependencies into
central and not putting repositories into YOUR pom files.  With
transitive dependencies, ESPECIALLY specific versions, this can happen
through a dependency that came in from a transitive dependency.


  I specify I want to use Foo version 1.1.  At the time of my
using it, it is in central, so I don't think anything more of it.

  I do not notice, but Foo version 1.1, uses bar 2.0.

  Bar 2.0 uses crud 3.0.

  crud 3.0 specifies a respository in it's pom.xml file to go get
blah version 1.2.3 from some weird repo.

  Final result, my project is now dependent on some weird repo for
version 1.2.3 of blah.

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 09:57 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

This highlights the very real danger of adding extra repositories. It
may be more work up front to get all the deps you need into central but
it is very much worth it long term to avoid this sort of dependency hell

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

This is probably not your problem, but I thought I would share some
recent experience with maven, repositories and dependency debugging.

I was trying to set up a local artifact repository to do mirroring
of maven dependencies.  This is useful for dependencies that are not
in central, that might disappear.

Anyway, to fully test my 'mirror' I started with an empty repository
and would try to build my projects.  I discovered a really
interesting situation.  Take a look at these two pom files from two
different maven repos.

Notice how the second one is different then the first.  I suspect
the second one must have been autogenerated.  In any case though, it
causes a really big problem if that is where the dependency gets
pulled down from.

So, my overall point is, when you're starting from an empty maven
repo, you can definitely get really weird and odd things happening.
  It can be really hard to debug.  (in the above problem, it
'manifested' as a junit test failure about a missing class!)

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 09:37 AM, Drew Wills wrote:


I'm encountering a new Maven dependency issue with echcache.  It
to happen always (small sample size) on a machine that
doesn't have
these artifacts cached in the local repo.

These items do seem to be in m2 central.  I'm not sure how
Maven is
getting the 'null:ehcache-web:jar:null' (see below) but I
suspect it's a
factor in the issue.



/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:635: The
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/awills/Dropbox/Jasig/__portal/uPortal/build.xml:1437: The
error occurred while executing this line:

Re: [uportal-dev] Trouble with net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-web-parent dependency

2014-06-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Artifactory is pretty good too.  There's also archiva.  I found this 
link comparing them helpful.

I went with Artifactory myself.  But Nexus has been around a little 
longer and seems more popular with people that don't like to pay for 
software.  Artifactory does have an open source option which I'm using, 
but some of their cool features are only in the pay-for-license version.

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 11:21 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Oh right, running a local Nexus instance as a proxy is very valuable.
Being able to always reproduce previous builds and insulating your build
process from external failures is quite valuable.

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

Well yes, that's all good and definitely encouraged for any maven
project you are in control of.

But I also think it's worth standing up an artifact repository at
your own organization and having that 'mirror' every repository.  So
that you actually don't go out and hit any repository directly
yourself.  Instead you only hit your own artifact repository, and
that repository in turn will hit the internet.  This is kind of the
equivalent of fixing, at an organizational level the difference
between a developer who has been around for a while and has a pretty
full personal maven repo, and his builds work, and a new developer
who has an empty personal maven repository and his build does not work.

I'm NOT suggesting this is INSTEAD of putting things into central,
but more of an additional thing an organization can do to help bring
new developers on board.

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 11:01 AM, Andrew Petro wrote:


True, dependencies in Central can have dependencies on external

But that is at least discouraged:

and in some happy future might even be enforced or at least mostly
respected such that getting a dependency from Central is an
that it doesn't have this problem.

So, you're all right: getting the dependencies from Central doesn't
solve all problems, but the more dependencies are entirely
via only-in-Central dependencies, the better.


Kind regards,


On 6/13/14, 12:54 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

It's not just a simple matter of putting YOUR dependencies into
central and not putting repositories into YOUR pom files.  With
transitive dependencies, ESPECIALLY specific versions, this
can happen
through a dependency that came in from a transitive dependency.


   I specify I want to use Foo version 1.1.  At the time
of my
using it, it is in central, so I don't think anything more
of it.

   I do not notice, but Foo version 1.1, uses bar 2.0.

   Bar 2.0 uses crud 3.0.

   crud 3.0 specifies a respository in it's pom.xml file to
go get
blah version 1.2.3 from some weird repo.

   Final result, my project is now dependent on some weird
repo for
version 1.2.3 of blah.

 Cris J H

On 06/13/2014 09:57 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

This highlights the very real danger of adding extra
repositories. It
may be more work up front to get all the deps you need
into central but
it is very much worth it long term to avoid this sort of
dependency hell

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

 This is probably not your problem, but I thought I
would share some
 recent experience with maven, repositories and
dependency debugging.

 I was trying to set up a local artifact repository
to do mirroring
 of maven dependencies.  This is useful for
dependencies that are not
 in central, that might disappear.

 Anyway, to fully test my 'mirror' I started with an
empty repository
 and would try

Re: [uportal-dev] Gitter chat experiment

2014-04-18 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Does it allow someone to connect from their existing chat client, like 

 Cris J H

On 04/18/2014 12:17 PM, Andrew Petro wrote:

uPortal committers,

As an experiment only (so far), let's check this out:

It *doesn't* seem to have the robust chat archive / search that we'd
ideally want (but it does seem to be under active development and it's
got more chat archive than the zero that we have operational on IRC now!)

Love the GitHub integration, and the potential to turn on the Travis-CI
integration etc.


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Re: [uportal-dev] Take BookmarksPortlet out of 4.1?

2013-12-10 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Removing dead-unused code is a common practice.  If the code is used 
that changes the equation.  My impression from Drew's original post and 
his followup response, was that he did not know of anyone actively using 
it.  Therefore it would be dead-unused code.

 Cris J H

On 12/10/2013 02:15 PM, Jim Helwig wrote:

I, too, am wondering why you want to remove it. Very simple portlets
might not require regular commits. What is the motivating rationale?


On 12/10/13, 3:04 PM, AUXEPAULES Ludovic wrote:

We use the Bookmarks Portlet at UPMC.
Why remove a Jasig Sponsored Portlet that works instead of trying to
update or enhance it ?

Ludovic Auxepaules

-Message d'origine-
De :
[] De la part de Paul Gazda
Envoyé : mardi 10 décembre 2013 20:10
À :
Objet : RE: [uportal-dev] Take BookmarksPortlet out of 4.1?

We use the Bookmarks portlet, but could download and deploy the code
This might be worth posting on the uportal-user list to ask the
broader user audience.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Drew Wills
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 11:44 AM
Subject: [uportal-dev] Take BookmarksPortlet out of 4.1?

Hey folks,

Would anyone object to removing (de-bundling) the BookmarksPortlet for
the upcoming 4.1 release?

We have largely moved away from portlets that start out blank and
require users to do data entry -- which is what Bookmarks is.
Meanwhile we're building  bundling more and more compelling portlets,
which gradually increases to build times and needs for PermGen space.

Bookmarks hasn't received commits since Feb 2012.  I think we're
better off trimming it for the next release.


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Re: [uportal-dev] Tomcat won't start on Mac

2013-11-22 Thread Cris J Holdorph
This is probably a more appropriate discussion for 'uportal-user'. 
'uportal-dev' is for discussion of the uPortal core framework Java code.

In any case, can you include the '' you put in the directory as 
an attachment.  I wonder if there is a kind of typo or whitespace 
problem in that.

 Cris J H

On 11/22/2013 08:37 AM, Tim Raymond wrote:

Thanks for the reply Andrew... I did add the to the tomcat bin per 
the instructions before attempting to launch.

Tomcat isn’t even trying to start... nothing is being written to logs, only the usage written to terminal.

Tim Raymond
Director, Central Applications
Instructional and Information Technology
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
Phone: 909.869.6851
Cell: 909.260.3200
Fax: 909.979.6406

PGP Public Key:

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Petro []
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 7:24 AM
To: Tim Raymond;
Subject: Re: [uportal-dev] Tomcat won't start on Mac


Have you given Tomcat more memory via a local ?

If not, you almost certainly need to.

There’s some documentation of how to do that here:

Kind regards,


--From: Tim Raymond Tim 
Date: November 22, 2013 at 9:20:19 AM
Subject:  [uportal-dev] Tomcat won't start on Mac

I am trying to get a local install on my Mac running Mavericks and I can't get 
tomcat to start. Executing results in only displaying the usage for
Google is no help in this matter :(. Any ideas on a fix?
BTW - I'm a noob (in case it wasn't totally obvious :) ) Thanks

user$ ./
Using CATALINA_BASE: /Users/user/portal/apache-tomcat-7.0.42
Using CATALINA_HOME: /Users/user/portal/apache-tomcat-7.0.42
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /Users/user/portal/apache-tomcat-7.0.42/temp
Usage: ( commands ... )
debug Start Catalina in a debugger
debug -security Debug Catalina with a security manager jpda start Start
Catalina under JPDA debugger run Start Catalina in the current window
run -security Start in the current window with security manager start
Start Catalina in a separate window start -security Start in a separate
window with security manager stop Stop Catalina, waiting up to 5
seconds for the process to end stop n Stop Catalina, waiting up to n
seconds for the process to end stop -force Stop Catalina, wait up to 5
seconds and then use kill -KILL if still running stop n -force Stop
Catalina, wait up to n seconds and then use kill -KILL if still running
configtest Run a basic syntax check on server.xml - check exit code for
result version What version of tomcat are you running?
Note: Waiting for the process to end and use of the -force option
require that $CATALINA_PID is defined user$

Tim Raymond
Director, Central Applications
Instructional and Information Technology California State Polytechnic
University, Pomona
Phone: 909.869.6851
Cell: 909.260.3200
Fax: 909.979.6406

PGP Public Key:

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Re: [uportal-dev] Bamboo failures

2013-10-25 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I recommend adding James Wennmacher ( ).

 Cris J H

On 10/25/2013 07:13 AM, Jim Helwig wrote:

I think I have the power but lack the knowledge. (Always a dangerous
thing). Recommendations on who might best be in a position to be added
to the admin list?

Also, it seems there is a distinction between bamboo-admin and
bamboo-plan-admin. Not sure what the difference is.


on 10/24/2013 9:24 AM Tim Levett said the following:

I only have privs to run the builds.  I do not have privs to configure

On 10/23/2013 12:25 PM, James Wennmacher wrote:

Tim L do you have the ability to modify Bamboo build settings?  The
issue on both the 4.0 and 4.1 builds is that maven is running out of
PermGen during the build.  Once we resolve this issue, we should
document it on uPortal wiki as well.
James Wennmacher - Unicon
On 10/22/2013 11:32 PM, Jasig Bamboo wrote:

Failed uPortal ›
Trunk - Site › #776 failed

Changes by 5 people

No failed tests found, a possible compilation error.


No one is responsible for this build.

  Failing Jobs

Job Duration Tests
Failed Default Job
(Default Stage) 15 minutes No tests found Logs |

  Code Changes

View all 23 code changes

James Wennmacher
Merge pull request #173 from shawnconnolly/UP-3792

Adding functional add tab button to Respondr[d31bfa5_BAM_file_list]
[d31bfa5_BAM_commiter_name]Shawn Connolly
Adding functional add tab button
James Wennmacher
(partial) Add Fluid to Respondr for admin portlets
Tim Levett
NOJIRA : Fix issue with master branch on local. Merge
remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
20 more changes…

View Online | Add

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Re: [uportal-dev] voting for uPortal Committers

2013-06-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I don't want to derail the current vote.  But after a couple of these 
proposals have come through I thought it was time to share a thought.

Most of these votes I have had no basis to support an opinion on.  Other 
then maybe the person who was doing the recommendation.

In the future, it would be helpful if people could include an example or 
two of where the person has participated in some fashion.  The best bet 
would be pull requests or patch files the person has produced.  Lacking 
that, at least maybe some participation in jira or confluence.

Just a suggestion.  Without these things I'll just continue to watch the 
votes go by without being able to cast a vote one way or another.

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] Enhancement to place (optionally) some config outside uPortal build/deploy process

2013-01-23 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Sakai uses a very similar approach and has very similar messages in 
their logs.  While uPortal could certainly do better, I don't think in 
this case, it's anything to worry too much about.  Especially when the 
extremely simple fix is just to create an empty file for it to 'find' if 
you're that concerned about clearing the log message out.

I think subclassing something from Spring will introduce more of a 
maintenance task then it is worth.  (e.g., if the next version of spring 
adds a method to an interface, and suddenly the uportal class doesn't 

 Cris J H

On 01/23/2013 01:02 PM, Misagh Moayyed wrote:

+1, this is very useful.

About the log entry, could we potentially circumvent the line by perhaps
writing a custom property configure that ignores the warning?


-Original Message-
From: [mailto:bounce-26750363-] On Behalf Of Drew Wills
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 9:12 AM
Subject: [uportal-dev] Enhancement to place (optionally) some config
outside uPortal build/deploy process


One of the ideas we discussed at the Unconference was an emphatic
suggestion from the SSP folks that uPortal should allow for placing
some configuration settings outside the uPortal webapp or outside
Tomcat altogether.  This idea, furthermore, has come up before;  I know
OHIO University brought it up when we were working with them.

I have a version of this enhancement working...


I would be delighted to:
- Whip up a JIRA
- Commit to master and rel-4-0-patches
- Update the uPortal Manual to document the use of this feature

There's one minor drawback I want to bring to light:  the files are
100% optional but, as written, it puts the following in the log on
startup for each one that's not used...

WARN  [main] o.s.c.s.PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer 2013-01-23
08:41:54,293 - Could not load properties from URL
\${PORTAL_HOME}\ (The system cannot find the path

drew wills

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Re: [uportal-dev] Proposal: Remove $Revision$ from all source

2012-04-10 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I'm dealing with this every day in another project and it drives me 
bonkers.  I vote not just for the $Revision$ keyword removal, but for 
ALL svn keywords to be removed.  They are an annoyance when trying to diff.

+1 even if this is limited to just the $Revision$ keyword.

 Cris J H

On 04/10/2012 08:40 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

After dealing with this in 'yet another diff' the $Revision$ CVS/SVN
keyword is on my hit list. Anyone have any objections to doing a mass
delete of that line in all files for 4.1?


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Re: [uportal-dev] Proposal: Remove $Revision$ from all source

2012-04-10 Thread Cris J Holdorph
4.1 vs. 4.0.x might depend on the timing of 4.1.  If 4.1 was going to be 
released before the summer, then I'd definitely vote for waiting to do 
it there.  But if 4.1 did not have an anticipated release date OR its 
release date was over 8 months (after Dec 2012) away then I'd vote 
for going ahead and doing it in 4.0.x.

 Cris J H

On 04/10/2012 09:27 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

I'm for this as well. I'll create a jira issue and schedule it to remove
all the keywords.

I was thinking 4.1 since it will this will touch all files and affect
diffs but I'm thinking that people already have pain with diffs so doing
this for the next 4.0 release might not be any more disruptive than the
keywords already are. Thoughts on when we should do this?


On 04/10/2012 11:06 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I'm dealing with this every day in another project and it drives me
bonkers. I vote not just for the $Revision$ keyword removal, but for
ALL svn keywords to be removed. They are an annoyance when trying to

+1 even if this is limited to just the $Revision$ keyword.

 Cris J H

On 04/10/2012 08:40 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

After dealing with this in 'yet another diff' the $Revision$ CVS/SVN
keyword is on my hit list. Anyone have any objections to doing a mass
delete of that line in all files for 4.1?


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Re: [uportal-dev] Move uPortal source to GitHub Schedule

2011-10-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I got an email from github that said:

View team:

but when I got there, I get a github 404.

Any ideas?

 Cris J H

On 10/13/2011 02:20 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Details of the uPortal SVN to GitHub migration, reasoning, and FAQ is in
the wiki:

I've done a final test migration of the uPortal SVN repository to:

*Account Mapping*
This is using best author mapping data that we could put together from
those that explicitly have listed their git accounts [1] and account
information for jasig SVN committers that was compiled from the
Confluence/Jira services [2]. If you have ever commit to a Jasig project
in the past and think you may ever commit to uPortal (or make a pull
request) it would be great to have you setup a GitHub account and get
the appropriate mapping information added to file [1].


The following people currently have commit access to uPortal but have
NOT yet setup an account on GitHub, meaning that their commit history
won't transfer AND they won't be able to commit once we've moved. Please
either email me your GitHub account info (should look like: Eric
Dalquist or event better, get to know git and
fork add yourself to
mappedAuthors.txt and then make a pull request.

* Andrew Wills (awills)
* Andy Gherna (agherna)
* Anthony Colebourne (acolebourne)
* Brad Szabo (bszabo)
* Cris Holdorph (holdorph)
* Gary Thompson (gthompson)
* Lennard Fuller (lfuller)
* Matthew Polizzotti (
* Susan Bramhall (

10/20 - Thursday
10:00am CDT - is made read-only
4:00pm CDT - will be live and available
for uPortal committers

Unless there are objections the schedule will proceed as stated above.
Realistically the GitHub repo should be available much earlier than 4pm
but don't plan on making any commits to uPortal on Thursday 10/20 and if
you have any work in progress make sure it is committed somewhere
(create a temporary branch if needed) so that you don't have to re-apply
the changes on the git side of things.


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Re: [uportal-dev] Move uPortal source to GitHub Schedule

2011-10-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I don't see any way to submit a pull request for

 Cris J H

ps.  I tried to do it the github way, but in any case, my github email 
address was/is

On 10/13/2011 03:51 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Thought I had found a few people by guessing usernames but the accounts
didn't have enough publicly available info for me to verify. So that
email was likely from being added and then removed from the team. I'll
still need the Full Name github@email.address string for the
conversion if you care about commit history.


On 10/13/11 5:06 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I got an email from github that said:

View team:

but when I got there, I get a github 404.

Any ideas?

 Cris J H

On 10/13/2011 02:20 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Details of the uPortal SVN to GitHub migration, reasoning, and FAQ is in
the wiki:

I've done a final test migration of the uPortal SVN repository to:

*Account Mapping*
This is using best author mapping data that we could put together from
those that explicitly have listed their git accounts [1] and account
information for jasig SVN committers that was compiled from the
Confluence/Jira services [2]. If you have ever commit to a Jasig project
in the past and think you may ever commit to uPortal (or make a pull
request) it would be great to have you setup a GitHub account and get
the appropriate mapping information added to file [1].


The following people currently have commit access to uPortal but have
NOT yet setup an account on GitHub, meaning that their commit history
won't transfer AND they won't be able to commit once we've moved. Please
either email me your GitHub account info (should look like: Eric
Dalquist or event better, get to know git and
fork add yourself to
mappedAuthors.txt and then make a pull request.

* Andrew Wills (awills)
* Andy Gherna (agherna)
* Anthony Colebourne (acolebourne)
* Brad Szabo (bszabo)
* Cris Holdorph (holdorph)
* Gary Thompson (gthompson)
* Lennard Fuller (lfuller)
* Matthew Polizzotti (
* Susan Bramhall (

10/20 - Thursday
10:00am CDT - is made read-only
4:00pm CDT - will be live and available
for uPortal committers

Unless there are objections the schedule will proceed as stated above.
Realistically the GitHub repo should be available much earlier than 4pm
but don't plan on making any commits to uPortal on Thursday 10/20 and if
you have any work in progress make sure it is committed somewhere
(create a temporary branch if needed) so that you don't have to re-apply
the changes on the git side of things.


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Re: [uportal-dev] Move uPortal source to GitHub Schedule

2011-10-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I followed those instructions before I sent my message.  However, there 
are two problems.

One, it's not clear that you have to do the pull request from your fork. 
 If you're viewing the original repository, you see a 'pull requests' 
tab, and so as a NEW UNFAMILIAR user, you might be there, click on that 
tab, see the 'list' of requests (or empty list) and not know how to 
submit one.  You must be on your own repo fork, but that's not clear in 
those instructions.

Two, even when you get to your own repo and find the right screen to 
submit a pull request, you end up at this screen:

Except in your case those two text fields will be blank, with NO 
indication what information should go in those text fields and no 
mention in the instructions about what should go in there.

I guessed and submitted mine, but I had no idea if it would even work, 
when I pressed the 'send pull request' button.

 Cris J H

On 10/13/2011 04:28 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

The Step-by-step (the short version) section here has good info,
for something as simple as this you can skip a bunch of the steps
(setting upstream remote and creating dev branch) and boil it down to:

   1. Fork on GitHub (click Fork button)
   2. Clone to computer ($ git clone )
   3. Don’t forget to cd into your repo: ($ cd diaspora/ )
   4. Make changes//
   5. Commit changes to issue branch. ($ git add . ; git commit -m
  ‘commit message’)
   6. Push branch to GitHub ($ git push)
   7. Issue pull request (Click Pull Request button)

Post migration I'm going to be encouraging people to follow the full set
of steps and do all development on branches. That should let everyone
get the work they are doing out into a visible location earlier in the
development cycle and keep trunk (master) more stable.


On 10/13/11 6:12 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I don't see any way to submit a pull request for

 Cris J H

ps. I tried to do it the github way, but in any case, my github email
address was/is

On 10/13/2011 03:51 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Thought I had found a few people by guessing usernames but the accounts
didn't have enough publicly available info for me to verify. So that
email was likely from being added and then removed from the team. I'll
still need the Full Name github@email.address string for the
conversion if you care about commit history.


On 10/13/11 5:06 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I got an email from github that said:

View team:

but when I got there, I get a github 404.

Any ideas?

 Cris J H

On 10/13/2011 02:20 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Details of the uPortal SVN to GitHub migration, reasoning, and FAQ
is in
the wiki:

I've done a final test migration of the uPortal SVN repository to:

*Account Mapping*
This is using best author mapping data that we could put together from
those that explicitly have listed their git accounts [1] and account
information for jasig SVN committers that was compiled from the
Confluence/Jira services [2]. If you have ever commit to a Jasig
in the past and think you may ever commit to uPortal (or make a pull
request) it would be great to have you setup a GitHub account and get
the appropriate mapping information added to file [1].



The following people currently have commit access to uPortal but have
NOT yet setup an account on GitHub, meaning that their commit history
won't transfer AND they won't be able to commit once we've moved.
either email me your GitHub account info (should look like: Eric
Dalquist or event better, get to know
git and
fork add yourself to
mappedAuthors.txt and then make a pull request.

* Andrew Wills (awills)
* Andy Gherna (agherna)
* Anthony Colebourne (acolebourne)
* Brad Szabo (bszabo)
* Cris Holdorph (holdorph)
* Gary Thompson (gthompson)
* Lennard Fuller (lfuller)
* Matthew Polizzotti (
* Susan Bramhall (

10/20 - Thursday
10:00am CDT - is made read-only
4:00pm CDT - will be live and
for uPortal committers

Unless there are objections the schedule will proceed as stated above.
Realistically the GitHub repo should be available much earlier than
but don't plan on making any commits to uPortal on Thursday 10/20
and if
you have any work in progress make sure it is committed somewhere
(create a temporary branch

Re: [uportal-dev] [VOTE] Move uPortal source to GitHub

2011-08-31 Thread Cris J Holdorph

+/- 0

I think making this change so soon after the uPortal 4.0.0 release, is a 
mistake.  I think it would be better to let that release simmer for a 
while to shake out if there were any major problems.

If this vote was to take place in a month, or at least 2 weeks after 
some university was running uPortal 4.0.0 in production, then my vote 
might be different.

 Cris J H

On 08/31/2011 12:26 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

I'd like to see uPortal's source code moved to git and hosted on GitHub.
There have been quite a few folks that have been working on uPortal 4,
uMobile or are otherwise interested that have asked about using git.
After looking into it a bit more I think it would be a very valuable
change for uPortal.

For those not familiar Git is a _distributed_ source control tool. What
that means is there is no true central repository like there is with
SVN. Developers don't really checkout some version of the code, they
clone the entire project when doing work. That doesn't prevent the
convention of a central repository which is what a site like GitHub
provides. A place to host a clone of the project that by convention we
agree is the master copy of the project.

GitHub adds some very nice social-coding aspects to git. Primarily it
provides a VERY easy interface that allows anyone to clone a project,
make changes and commit them to their clone, then make a pull request on
the master project. Once that has happened a simple click of a button is
all it takes for any developer with commit access on the master to
accept the changes and merge them in. This process makes it very easy
for people without direct commit access to commit changes that are
reviewed by a core developer before merging in and significantly
simplifies the work of the core developers.

When there was first talk among about switching I solicited feedback
from the Fluid project which recently moved from SVN to Git. I highly
recommend reading the resulting thread which highlights a lot of the
pros and cons

There is an eclipse Git Plugin, a TortiseGit client which is a clone of
TortiseSVN and I believe most other IDEs have either built in or plugin
support for git.

Some other useful links:
Git for those without Version Control background -
GitHub's wonderful help documentation -
TortiseGit -

Some questions that I can try and answer before they come up:
- The uPortal code in svn at would likely be left in
place, we would just make the entire /uPortal directory read-only
- We're going to filter out the documentation and website files that
were included in early versions of uPortal 2 to reduce the project
repository size.

Since this is a big change (and since I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks
starting Friday) I'm planning on leaving this vote open for a while. +1,
0, -1 to vote and if you vote -1 you need to include a detailed
reasoning for your -1 vote.


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Re: [uportal-dev] [VOTE] Move uPortal source to GitHub

2011-08-31 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Call me pessimistic, but...  there seem to be two givens in the world of 
software that concern me with this change at this time.

1) a .0 release is notoriously not perfect and is usually followed on 
very quickly by a .1 release shortly after to fix some glaring bug that 
will prevent most people from using it.

2) switching to a new source code control system is a slow process that 
takes a while to get over all the hurdles of process, development, 
migration, etc.

So, there's no guarantee either one of these would be true for uportal, 
but... if they were.  Then we could be in a situation where we're unable 
to produce a critically needed 4.0.1 release, because we're not 
completely up to development speed on git.

For example, what if there is an import/export bug, you want Drew Wills 
to fix.  He's the best guy for the job.  If the code was still in svn, 
he probably still has a checkout of it and he can take a look at it 
today.  But if the code only exists in git,  he might not have gotten 
around to doing anything with git yet.  Even the github svn url you can 
use, would still require him changing his environment.

My 'vote' was 0.  Basically I'm saying I won't stand in the way of it 
happening, but I don't believe the time is right to fully support it 
right now either.

 Cris J H

On 08/31/2011 02:05 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

I'm curious as yo why the concern about the closeness to the 4.0
release? I was actually thinking that doing the switch as soon as
possible after 4.0 would be better as it would give more time for
developers to get used to the change before a 4.0.1 is needed.


On 8/31/11 3:05 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

+/- 0

I think making this change so soon after the uPortal 4.0.0 release, is
a mistake. I think it would be better to let that release simmer for a
while to shake out if there were any major problems.

If this vote was to take place in a month, or at least 2 weeks after
some university was running uPortal 4.0.0 in production, then my vote
might be different.

 Cris J H

On 08/31/2011 12:26 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

I'd like to see uPortal's source code moved to git and hosted on GitHub.
There have been quite a few folks that have been working on uPortal 4,
uMobile or are otherwise interested that have asked about using git.
After looking into it a bit more I think it would be a very valuable
change for uPortal.

For those not familiar Git is a _distributed_ source control tool. What
that means is there is no true central repository like there is with
SVN. Developers don't really checkout some version of the code, they
clone the entire project when doing work. That doesn't prevent the
convention of a central repository which is what a site like GitHub
provides. A place to host a clone of the project that by convention we
agree is the master copy of the project.

GitHub adds some very nice social-coding aspects to git. Primarily it
provides a VERY easy interface that allows anyone to clone a project,
make changes and commit them to their clone, then make a pull request on
the master project. Once that has happened a simple click of a button is
all it takes for any developer with commit access on the master to
accept the changes and merge them in. This process makes it very easy
for people without direct commit access to commit changes that are
reviewed by a core developer before merging in and significantly
simplifies the work of the core developers.

When there was first talk among about switching I solicited feedback
from the Fluid project which recently moved from SVN to Git. I highly
recommend reading the resulting thread which highlights a lot of the
pros and cons

There is an eclipse Git Plugin, a TortiseGit client which is a clone of
TortiseSVN and I believe most other IDEs have either built in or plugin
support for git.

Some other useful links:
Git for those without Version Control background -
GitHub's wonderful help documentation -
TortiseGit -

Some questions that I can try and answer before they come up:
- The uPortal code in svn at would likely be left in
place, we would just make the entire /uPortal directory read-only
- We're going to filter out the documentation and website files that
were included in early versions of uPortal 2 to reduce the project
repository size.

Since this is a big change (and since I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks
starting Friday) I'm planning on leaving this vote open for a while. +1,
0, -1 to vote and if you vote -1 you need to include a detailed
reasoning for your -1 vote.


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Re: [uportal-dev] uPortal 4 Release Schedule

2011-05-05 Thread Cris J Holdorph
minus custom ichannel support.  So, if you have custom ichannels and do 
an export, those channels will not import into uPortal 4.0+

 Cris J H

On 05/05/2011 05:02 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

3.3 == 4.0

Just like you said, we decided that with so much work being done in 3.3,
primarily around removing IChannel support, it would be better to jump a
major version to 4.0

We are still planning complete support for data migration with the goal
of being able to export from 2.5, 2.6, 3.0, 3.1, or 3.2 and import that
data into 4.0


On 5/5/11 6:18 PM, Steve Swinsburg wrote:

Hi Eric,

How does uPortal 4 compare with uPortal 3.3? Is it because there was a
lot of work in 3.3 that it was decided to be a major release, aka
uPortal 4?


On 06/05/2011, at 4:28 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

Well due to the time-sucking wonders that was a state-wide HR system
upgrade I lost a big chunk of time for uPortal 4 work. Just to keep
everyone here in the loop the current plan is to do a uPortal
4.0.0-M2 on 5/9 and then get the RC1 cut right before the conference.
So if you have new-feature work that you have planned for uPortal 4
please plan on trying to have it complete by 5/18.


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Re: [uportal-dev] Rename entity files to entity.type.xml

2011-03-21 Thread Cris J Holdorph
If you're going to rename them, is there a significant reason to even 
leave the '.channel' in the middle?  To me this always felt like an 
unneeded complication when the 'type' was in the XML content to begin 
with.  And in the case of uPortals own set of entity files it has them 
in subdirectories.  So we had the type in THREE places (filename, 
directory name, xml content).

 Cris J H

On 03/15/2011 05:30 PM, Drew Wills wrote:


This is a good practice -- I agree completely.


On 3/14/2011 5:46 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

renaming the entity files in trunk by adding .xml to the end? So would become I
think it might back life a little easier if editors recognize these
files as XML by default.

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Re: [uportal-dev] Rename entity files to entity.type.xml

2011-03-21 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Having information required in the 'middle' of a filename is very 
non-standard.  So, if we can't remove it at all, then I guess I am not 
in favor of renaming them at all.

Seeing  I'm more inclined to think I have to keep the file 
named *.channel.  If I see a file named, I might 
assume I can change everything but the .xml extension.  Especially when 
you consider the redundancies in the other places.

 Cris J H

On 03/21/2011 02:00 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

If we remove it we would have to do one of two things.

1. Absolutely require the directory structure currently in use be used
ALL the time.
2. Parse all the XML files twice, once to determine the root element and
sort the data files then again to do the import.

The order that the data is imported is VERY important and the primary
use of those secondary extensions.


On 3/21/11 3:47 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

If you're going to rename them, is there a significant reason to even
leave the '.channel' in the middle? To me this always felt like an
unneeded complication when the 'type' was in the XML content to begin
with. And in the case of uPortals own set of entity files it has them
in subdirectories. So we had the type in THREE places (filename,
directory name, xml content).

 Cris J H

On 03/15/2011 05:30 PM, Drew Wills wrote:


This is a good practice -- I agree completely.


On 3/14/2011 5:46 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

renaming the entity files in trunk by adding .xml to the end? So would become I
think it might back life a little easier if editors recognize these
files as XML by default.

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Re: [uportal-dev] Two New Project

2010-11-22 Thread Cris J Holdorph

Can you describe why you want to use JSF?

 Cris J H

On 11/22/2010 08:59 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:


I am the project manager for the ESUP Mobile Project, working at
We started the development last week. Our first portlet is a portlet to
display messages (email from an IMAP server that is under CAS).
Note that most of the ESUP portlet are using JSF (which is a real
difficulty to use the taglib WNG from Wurfl with JSF). Also the goal is
to have a multi-channel portlet (available to display data on mobile and

Our strategy is:
1- to develop a web portlet with a default and simple skin (based on JSF)
2- build a filter (tomcat filter) based on WURFL to detect if the user
is using a mobile or a desktop browser
3- make a mechanism to choose the JSP depending of the detection (mobile
to use WNG taglib - from WURFL - or desktop to use classic JSF taglib)
4- modify the WNG taglib to work in an JSF environment.

The last step may failed or may be too hard or too complicate to
maintain. In this case we will reduce our constraints and we will use
another taglib to render data to mobile. We already think about
Trinidad. If you have suggestion I am open to them. We'd like to avoid
framework or library that are only webkit compatible, because we'd like
to support many mobile browsers and not only iphone and smartphone. It
is a wish that can be reduce depending on the complexity and the

Why WURFL, because it is THE taglib known by most of the mobile
developers that want a real compatibility with most of the mobiles.

We are currently at step 2. We made the step 1 with some small doubt on
step 1 because of the CAS environment, we do not have an IMAP that
support CAS here.

Do you have suggestions?
Do you have others informations?
Do not hesitate to contact me in order to have more information or to
share some knowledge.

Then we will have some others portlet to enhance or to develop
(Calendar, Directory based on LDAP, news, ...)

Let me know if you prefer another discussion channel than this one.


Frédéric Ravetier
Project Manager
Anyware-Services (
Phone: +33 5 62 19 19 03
Ametys: The CMS Java Open Source

Le 22/11/2010 16:03, Jonathan Markow a écrit :

I recently had a conversation with Alain Mayeur, director of ESUP
Portail, the nation-wide consortium of French universities that have
developed a Digital Work Space based on uPortal, CAS, and a host of
other open source applications that they have developed or integrated.
Alain told me about two projects currently underway that are of
interest to Jasig.

The first one is the ESUP Mobile Project. With several participating
universities, this project is working to coordinate the development of
mobile services supported by the mobile framework in uPortal 3.2. The
wiki page for the project (in French) is located at

A second project, also the result of a collaboration among several
organizations, is designed to enhance the content management
capabilities of uPortal.

Alain will ask the project leads to send us more information about
these initiatives. I am hoping there might be some areas in which
Jasig developers would be able to contribute.



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Re: [uportal-dev] Two New Project

2010-11-22 Thread Cris J Holdorph
It is a question, because no other Jasig project, currently in Jasig 
subversion, uses JSF to my knowledge.  So it's harder to share 
code/techniques between any existing Jasig work and this project.

There is a lot of work already done for Mobile in Jasig, but not of it 
uses or works with JSF.  I'll let someone who is more familiar with the 
current Jasig mobile work comment on what was used.

 Cris J H

On 11/22/2010 09:46 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:

It is not really a choice, we have to use it because most of the
existing portlets used by the ESUP community are based on JSF. And
because we will have to enhance some of them to add the mobile view we
have to do with it. In this way the people working on this community
will be able to follow our guideline to enhance them portlets. Obviously
if it is a big problem to add mobile view we will have to suggest them
something else.

Otherwise we would have choice something else because it is not our
favorite Framework.

Why this question?


Le 22/11/2010 17:05, Cris J Holdorph a écrit :

Can you describe why you want to use JSF?

 Cris J H

On 11/22/2010 08:59 AM, Frédéric Ravetier wrote:


I am the project manager for the ESUP Mobile Project, working at
We started the development last week. Our first portlet is a portlet to
display messages (email from an IMAP server that is under CAS).
Note that most of the ESUP portlet are using JSF (which is a real
difficulty to use the taglib WNG from Wurfl with JSF). Also the goal is
to have a multi-channel portlet (available to display data on mobile and

Our strategy is:
1- to develop a web portlet with a default and simple skin (based on
2- build a filter (tomcat filter) based on WURFL to detect if the user
is using a mobile or a desktop browser
3- make a mechanism to choose the JSP depending of the detection (mobile
to use WNG taglib - from WURFL - or desktop to use classic JSF taglib)
4- modify the WNG taglib to work in an JSF environment.

The last step may failed or may be too hard or too complicate to
maintain. In this case we will reduce our constraints and we will use
another taglib to render data to mobile. We already think about
Trinidad. If you have suggestion I am open to them. We'd like to avoid
framework or library that are only webkit compatible, because we'd like
to support many mobile browsers and not only iphone and smartphone. It
is a wish that can be reduce depending on the complexity and the

Why WURFL, because it is THE taglib known by most of the mobile
developers that want a real compatibility with most of the mobiles.

We are currently at step 2. We made the step 1 with some small doubt on
step 1 because of the CAS environment, we do not have an IMAP that
support CAS here.

Do you have suggestions?
Do you have others informations?
Do not hesitate to contact me in order to have more information or to
share some knowledge.

Then we will have some others portlet to enhance or to develop
(Calendar, Directory based on LDAP, news, ...)

Let me know if you prefer another discussion channel than this one.


Frédéric Ravetier
Project Manager
Anyware-Services (
Phone: +33 5 62 19 19 03
Ametys: The CMS Java Open Source

Le 22/11/2010 16:03, Jonathan Markow a écrit :

I recently had a conversation with Alain Mayeur, director of ESUP
Portail, the nation-wide consortium of French universities that have
developed a Digital Work Space based on uPortal, CAS, and a host of
other open source applications that they have developed or integrated.
Alain told me about two projects currently underway that are of
interest to Jasig.

The first one is the ESUP Mobile Project. With several participating
universities, this project is working to coordinate the development of
mobile services supported by the mobile framework in uPortal 3.2. The
wiki page for the project (in French) is located at

A second project, also the result of a collaboration among several
organizations, is designed to enhance the content management
capabilities of uPortal.

Alain will ask the project leads to send us more information about
these initiatives. I am hoping there might be some areas in which
Jasig developers would be able to contribute.



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*Frédéric Ravetier*
Chef de projet

Re: [uportal-dev] Bug in in uPortal 3.2.2

2010-08-09 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I fixed it in 3.2.x and trunk.  It did not seem to be present in 3.1. 
I'll take a look at 3.0.x today, I don't remember if I checked that 
branch or not.

 Cris J H

On 08/06/2010 08:55 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

That is a very good catch and is a bug. Are you able to take care of
getting that fixed? I think it affect trunk, 3.2, 3.1 and 3.0


On 8/6/10 1:19 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

Please take a look at uPortal 3.2.2 the file:


Specifically lines 1893-1903...

They look like this:

final ResultSet rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery();
try {
while ( {
String pName = rs.getString(1);
if (tsd.containsParameterName(pName))
tsup.putParameterValue(pName, rs2.getString(2));
finally {

Shouldn't the 'rs.getString(1)' be 'rs2.getString(1)' instead? I'm
changing this and checking it in as a fix to UP-2781. However, I would
like feedback from whomever might have made the changes, to be sure
I'm not missing something.

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] question on fisheye

2010-08-09 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Did you go to the page I mentioned?  Those revisions don't show up in 
that list.

I tried going to the first link you gave, and the page never finished 
rendering for me.

 Cris J H

On 08/06/2010 08:56 PM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

What are you looking for? Here are the revisions mentioned in the log:


On 8/6/10 12:52 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I was looking at a bug Unicon ran across trying to upgrade someone
from uPortal 3.2.1 to 3.2.2.

In tracking this bug down, I noticed that the svn log information did
not match fisheye.

compare this URL in a browser

to running this command from the command line

svn log

the svn log command shows revisions like:

r21106 | edalquist | 2010-07-16 09:17:37 -0700 (Fri, 16 Jul 2010) | 4

r21102 | edalquist | 2010-07-16 10:56:15 CDT

UP-2630 Cleanup some direct JDBC code to reduce leaking cursors

r21023 | edalquist | 2010-07-07 12:24:46 -0700 (Wed, 07 Jul 2010) | 1

that do not show up in fisheye (at least as of Friday, Aug 6, around
noon Pacific time).

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] SmartLdap thread leak

2010-08-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph
What do you mean it will leak the refresh thread?  Won't the thread 
complete and then die?  I didn't think the thread lived on forever, but 
only for as long as it took to refresh the group tree one time.

But I agree, if quartz is available, that's what quartz is good at and 
I'd strongly advocate for using it instead.  I'm not sure how I missed 
knowing that got added to uPortal in the past.  *shrug*  Now I do.

 Cris J H

On 08/06/2010 10:59 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

The change set for SmartLdap will leak the refresh thread when the
portal webapp is reloaded.

If possible this refresh process should be a periodic trigger managed by
the quartz scheduler that already exists in 3.x. Using the schedule
guarantees correct thread handling and configuration level manageability
of the refresh rate.


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Re: [uportal-dev] SmartLdap thread leak

2010-08-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph
You imply to use Quartz you'd have to modify multiple config files. 
Until this email thread I didn't even know quartz was available.  Now 
knowing that it is, why does there have to be multiple config files 
involved.  Can't SmartLdap register a task with the quartz system on 
it's own?  It doesn't seem like you should have to modify only the 
quartz config files to add new jobs/tasks.

Now, in case there's some reason you can't register out of context a new 
job.  And you must configure it separately.  I think a counter point to 
your logic though, is why should someone have to edit multiple places to 
change all of the time based tasks?  Wouldn't it be useful to have all 
of the time based configuration in the one quartz subsystem?

 Cris J H

On 08/06/2010 11:34 AM, Drew Wills wrote:

On 8/6/2010 11:10 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

What do you mean it will leak the refresh thread? Won't the thread
complete and then die? I didn't think the thread lived on forever, but
only for as long as it took to refresh the group tree one time.

This is my understanding as well -- the thread completes  dies. It's a
daemon thread, moreover, so it won't interfere with shutting down the JVM.

But I agree, if quartz is available, that's what quartz is good at and
I'd strongly advocate for using it instead. I'm not sure how I missed
knowing that got added to uPortal in the past. *shrug* Now I do.

So... I like Quartz too. I understand these points, and I considered
setting it up with the scheduler right off the bat. But I had some
counter-points in mind too, which led me to think we might be better off
with the alternative.

SmartLdap is an optional component of uPortal. It's used by a minority
of deployments. I dislike it when (and I think new adopters find it
intimidating when) it takes changes in 2-3 separate config files to turn
on 1 logical option.

We actually have several components where this is the case. Consider the
CacheSecurityContext/password replay tech:

Enabling this (one) option requires changes to 3 files:
- portletContainerContext.xml
- securityContext.xml

Actually the last of these wasn't even documented until the other day,
when a new colleague of mine discovered that the documented steps for
enabling this feature weren't working.

To me, the tree-refresh feature of SmartLdap isn't something that needs
to be complicated. You can configure how frequently it happens or shut
it off entirely... all in the same file in which you configure the rest
of it. There's even a sensible default behavior, so if you just drop
your config from an earlier version into the new version, SmartLdap
doesn't care and will do something reasonable.

So then... I'm ok with changing it per Eric's suggestions. I'm happy for
the uP devs to consider the question, form a consensus, and take action.
I'd actually love to see more contributors in the code.

But I wanted to make it clear:
- (1) I don't believe it leaks threads; and
- (2) The current setup was a conscious, reasoned choice, not an
oversight or omission

drew wills

 Cris J H

On 08/06/2010 10:59 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

The change set for SmartLdap will leak the refresh thread when the
portal webapp is reloaded.

If possible this refresh process should be a periodic trigger managed by
the quartz scheduler that already exists in 3.x. Using the schedule
guarantees correct thread handling and configuration level manageability
of the refresh rate.


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[uportal-dev] question on fisheye

2010-08-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I was looking at a bug Unicon ran across trying to upgrade someone from 
uPortal 3.2.1 to 3.2.2.

In tracking this bug down, I noticed that the svn log information did 
not match fisheye.

compare this URL in a browser

to running this command from the command line

svn log

the svn log command shows revisions like:

r21106 | edalquist | 2010-07-16 09:17:37 -0700 (Fri, 16 Jul 2010) | 4 lines

r21102 | edalquist | 2010-07-16 10:56:15 CDT

UP-2630 Cleanup some direct JDBC code to reduce leaking cursors

r21023 | edalquist | 2010-07-07 12:24:46 -0700 (Wed, 07 Jul 2010) | 1 line

that do not show up in fisheye (at least as of Friday, Aug 6, around 
noon Pacific time).

 Cris J H

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[uportal-dev] Bug in in uPortal 3.2.2

2010-08-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph

Please take a look at uPortal 3.2.2 the file:


Specifically lines 1893-1903...

They look like this:

final ResultSet rs2 = pstmt2.executeQuery();
try {
while ( {
String pName = rs.getString(1);
if (tsd.containsParameterName(pName))

finally {

Shouldn't the 'rs.getString(1)' be 'rs2.getString(1)' instead?  I'm 
changing this and checking it in as a fix to UP-2781.  However, I would 
like feedback from whomever might have made the changes, to be sure I'm 
not missing something.

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] VM Specs???

2010-06-30 Thread Cris J Holdorph
This probably belongs on uportal-user.  The 'uportal-dev' list is for 
discussion of changes to the core uPortal framework code base.

If you create a new post on uPortal-user, can you describe how your 
users might use the portal?  Will they single-click in, and then leave 
the portal.  Do you expect them to spend large amounts of time in the 
portal, using an interactive application like email?  Those two extremes 
really change things a lot.

 Cris J H

On 06/30/2010 11:24 AM, John A Parker wrote:

Just me asking (rather than looking it up of course!) what the consensus might 
be for...

- Sizing a 64bit RHEL5 VM to optimally run uPortal 3.2.1 (memory, CPUs, swap 
space, etc...)?

- One big VM or multiple, smaller load balanced VMs?

- Any data on per-user incremental load? (1 user ... 2 users ... n users ... ?)

- Performance numbers for the above or variations of?



P.S. We'll contribute to this area of interest once we have data to report.

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Re: [uportal-dev] contribution - how to?

2010-06-15 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I think it would be worth attaching the 3.1 patch to the Jira issue, so 
anyone who wants access to the feature sooner could grab it for their 
own system.

 Cris J H

On 06/15/2010 11:34 AM, Eric Dalquist wrote:

That is the way to go. Generally the following steps should work well:

   1. Check out trunk
   2. Get your patch applied
   3. Update to the latest code from trunk, fixing any merge issues
   4. Create patch in unified diff format (eclipse makes this very easy)
   5. Post patch to Jira issue.

Now you are a uPortal committer so you can skip steps 4 
5. Once you have the patch working commit it. If you'd like more eyes on
it after that just email here again and ask folks to take a look!


On 6/15/10 1:11 PM, Susan Bramhall wrote:

Yale has implemented code in uPortal to allow users to subscribe and
unsubscribe to entire fragments (tabs). I did a poster session
demonstrating the feature at the conference and I believe it would be
a welcome enhancement. We would like to contribute the code and
documentation for it back to the uPortal project but I am not sure
how. I could develop a patch against 3.1 (which is what we are
running) but since it's an entirely new feature it can't go into 3.1
or 3.2. If I develop a patch against the trunk it would have to be
against a specific version. Is that the way to go?

Susan Bramhall (
Senior Developer, Infrastructure Systems and Architecture
Yale University Information Technology Services (ITS)
25 Science Park, 150 Munson St, New Haven, CT 06520
Phone: 203 432 6697


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Re: [uportal-dev] issues with portlets in trunk build

2010-05-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph

Unicon News, is broken in uPortal 3.2.x.  This is documented with UP-2704

 Cris J H

Gary Weaver wrote:

Some issues seen from cursory browsing of default uPortal trunk build currently:

In News section:
* uPortal-Powered Sites (error: This channel failed to accept needed data)
* Unicon News (error: This channel failed to initialize)

In Development section:
* CSS View (error: Channel failed to accept runtime data (code 3))
* uPortal Data Dictionary (error: Channel failed to render (code 1))
* When attempting to run manual tests on test portlet #1/#2, get stuck after 
choosing edit/help mode because no way to undo mode switch that I can find

In Admin section:
* In Portal Administration, admin user not able to view Password Management 
(error: User not authorized (code 6))
* In Portal Administration, manage portlets, it says: Loading Information   Please 
wait while the system finishes loading the portlet registry. but never finishes. 
There was an error I think, but I didn't know how to reload the portlet without 
restarting Tomcat, so I moved on in testing.
* In Portal Administration, manage groups, I chose Channel Categories, clicked next, and 
clicked next again without filling anything in, and it broke the portlet (error: General 
rendering problem): An OgnlException occurred getting the value for expression 
'groupAdministrationHelper.getGroupForm(selectedGroups.get(0).getId())' on context [class 
org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.RequestControlContextImpl]...Caused by: 
ognl.MethodFailedException: Method get failed for object [] 
[java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0]
* In Portal Administration, manage permissions, I clicked View - assign to a new 
target - left target blank and clicked submit and it broke the portlet (error: 
Channel failed to render (code 1)): An OgnlException occurred getting the value for 
expression 'permissionAdministrationHelper.getForm(owner, activity,' on context [class 
org.springframework.webflow.engine.impl.RequestControlContextImpl], originalValue = 
[null], mappedValue = [null]]] - that error happened in a few places (uPortal Error 
Channel, uPortal Groups) but didn't happen in Manage Expired with similar use case.
* Import Export Portlet - left field empty and clicked Import button (error: 
Channel failed to render (code 1))

Cosmetic only:

In Admin section:
* In Portal Administration, manage groups shows bullets followed by radio 
buttons. Bullets seem unnecessary.
* ImportExportPortlet sometimes has ImportExportPortlet as title and sometimes 
Import Export Portlet

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Re: [uportal-dev] pre-commit hook re: svn:mime-type preventing commit

2010-02-28 Thread Cris J Holdorph

Did you do the subversion add from the command line or from eclipse?

If from eclipse, does anyone know if subclipse will use/pick up those 
parts of the subversion config file?

 Cris J H

Nicholas Blair wrote:

I have the uportal subversion config file from
in my .subversion directory (Eclipse Galileo, latest subclipse plugin,
ubuntu karmic workstation), but every time I try to commit a new file
I get the following message copied at the bottom of this message.
It doesn't seem to be an issue for commits on existing files, only on new files.
I looked at the svn properties for the file in question, and the
following exist:
svn:eol-style native
svn:keywords Date Revision Author HeadURL Id

These properties match values on other files in the same directory.
Any ideas

Error message below:

Transmitting file data ...
A repository hook failed
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: 'pre-commit' hook failed with error output:
Running /jasig/tools/subversion/subversion/bin/svnlook changed
/jasig/svn/jasig -t 48014-1
Running /jasig/tools/subversion/subversion/bin/svnlook proplist
/jasig/svn/jasig -t 48014-1 --verbose

: svn:mime-type is not set

Every added file must have the svn:mime-type property set. In
addition text files must have the svn:eol-style property set.

For binary files try running
svn propset svn:mime-type application/octet-stream path/of/file

For text files try
svn propset svn:mime-type text/plain path/of/file
svn propset svn:eol-style native path/of/file

You may want to consider uncommenting the auto-props section
in your ~/.subversion/config file. Read the Subversion book
(, Chapter 7, Properties section,
Automatic Property Setting subsection for more help.

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Re: [uportal-dev] pre-commit hook re: svn:mime-type preventing commit

2010-02-28 Thread Cris J Holdorph
So do you see the same behavior if you do the the subversion add from 
the command line?

 Cris J H

Nicholas Blair wrote:

Via eclipse. I'm using the have the JavaHL client.
I should add I've added one line to the uportal subversion config as
prescriped by subclipse to deal with a subversion bug that appears
when using the gnome-keyring:

password-stores =

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

Did you do the subversion add from the command line or from eclipse?

If from eclipse, does anyone know if subclipse will use/pick up those parts
of the subversion config file?

 Cris J H

Nicholas Blair wrote:

I have the uportal subversion config file from
in my .subversion directory (Eclipse Galileo, latest subclipse plugin,
ubuntu karmic workstation), but every time I try to commit a new file
I get the following message copied at the bottom of this message.
It doesn't seem to be an issue for commits on existing files, only on new
I looked at the svn properties for the file in question, and the
following exist:
svn:eol-style native
svn:keywords Date Revision Author HeadURL Id

These properties match values on other files in the same directory.
Any ideas

Error message below:

Transmitting file data ...
   A repository hook failed
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: 'pre-commit' hook failed with error output:
Running /jasig/tools/subversion/subversion/bin/svnlook changed
/jasig/svn/jasig -t 48014-1
Running /jasig/tools/subversion/subversion/bin/svnlook proplist
/jasig/svn/jasig -t 48014-1 --verbose


: svn:mime-type is not set

   Every added file must have the svn:mime-type property set. In
   addition text files must have the svn:eol-style property set.

   For binary files try running
   svn propset svn:mime-type application/octet-stream path/of/file

   For text files try
   svn propset svn:mime-type text/plain path/of/file
   svn propset svn:eol-style native path/of/file

   You may want to consider uncommenting the auto-props section
   in your ~/.subversion/config file. Read the Subversion book
   (, Chapter 7, Properties section,
   Automatic Property Setting subsection for more help.

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Re: [uportal-dev] [VOTE] Steve Swinsburg as a uPortal committer

2010-01-31 Thread Cris J. Holdorph
I proposed him, so I think that's an implicit +1 from me.

Here it is explicitly if needed.


 Cris J H

- Original Message -
From: Eric Dalquist
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 9:19:04 PM GMT -07:00 U.S. Mountain Time 
Subject: [uportal-dev] [VOTE] Steve Swinsburg as a uPortal committer

After Chris's proposal I'm calling a vote for Steve to be a uPortal 

As per the usual voting guidelines 3 + votes from current committers are 
needed with no - votes. If you post a - vote please include some 
reasoning. The voting will be open for 5 days (until 2/4).


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Re: [uportal-dev] SVN Configuration for committers

2010-01-26 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Yes, I have a file like that config in place.  It's not the exact same 
one as uportal, but one I've used from Sakai for a while.  It is nearly 
the same.  I'll resolve the few differences (adding a couple of uportal 
file types like .cpd) in the mean time.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
So after causing enough pain for each other we're going to start 
enforcing the use of a standard subversion configuration. This will 
enforce standard line endings in the repository and hopefully help avoid 
problems between people on differing platforms.

Information on getting this configuration setup is here:

We have the following current committer list for uPortal, I'd like to 
get a direct confirmation from each person on this list that they have 
the SVN configuration file in place.
acolebourne, apetro, arybicki, awills, bourey, bszabo, dschultz, 
edalquist, gthompson, holdorph, lfuller, nblair, sbattaglia, sbramhall, 


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Re: [uportal-dev] SVN Configuration for committers

2010-01-26 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Ok, I resolved the diffs between the uportal config and the config i was 
using.  The only difference that remains, is I use this in my file as 
well under the [miscellany] section

global-ignores=bin target m2-target

 Cris J H

Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Yes, I have a file like that config in place.  It's not the exact same 
one as uportal, but one I've used from Sakai for a while.  It is nearly 
the same.  I'll resolve the few differences (adding a couple of uportal 
file types like .cpd) in the mean time.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
So after causing enough pain for each other we're going to start 
enforcing the use of a standard subversion configuration. This will 
enforce standard line endings in the repository and hopefully help 
avoid problems between people on differing platforms.

Information on getting this configuration setup is here:

We have the following current committer list for uPortal, I'd like to 
get a direct confirmation from each person on this list that they have 
the SVN configuration file in place.
acolebourne, apetro, arybicki, awills, bourey, bszabo, dschultz, 
edalquist, gthompson, holdorph, lfuller, nblair, sbattaglia, 
sbramhall, tuyly


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[uportal-dev] uPortal and JDK support

2009-11-30 Thread Cris J Holdorph

How do people feel about JDK support and uPortal?

Sun has dropped support for JDK 5 back in October.  We have the next 
major release of uPortal, 3.2, coming out as a release candidate 
shortly.  Recently a bug was introduced by some code that only built 
with JDK 6.

Is it worth considering only supporting JDK 6 with uPortal 3.2?  With 
some caveat, that it *might* run on JDK 5, but developers are not 
committed to compiling/running/testing against JDK 5.

If we do NOT consider the above  then we need to know what we're 
telling ourselves.  To avoid the issue that Adam introduced, we must 
actually USE JDK 5, to build against, because just using JDK 6 in 
compile for java 5 mode, doesn't eliminate the prossibility of being 
compile time dependent on a JDK class difference.

My personal preference would be to no longer officially support JDK 5, 
now that Sun is no longer officially supporting it.

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] Jasig/uPortal Licensing Policy Update

2009-07-29 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Code will have to abide by the new licensing policy (signed agreements 
included) to leave incubation.  There is still the option for code to 
live in the sandbox that never becomes a fully supported (into and out 
of incubation) Jasig project.

 Cris J H

Gary Weaver wrote:

Curious- will this also apply to all portlets contributed to sandbox?

How feasible is all of this if there is some code here and there (not 
sure if there is, but if there is) that was contributed under a 
different license?

In open source projects before, I've never been asked to change the 
license by the person hosting the source control repository (it has 
usually just been an initiative by the developers on the project 
itself), so am just curious.


Jason Shao (CampusEAI Consortium) wrote:

Uh oh ­ the board really wanted to validate everyone was comfortable signing
the forms before voting to finalize them...

If (DecisionMaking.repeatsAdInfinitum()) {break;}

*whew* that was close ;)

Not to steal John L.¹s thunder ­- but I'd like to publicly commend him --
he's done an excellent, enormous (and thankless) job putting these items
together. I know he and the rest of the board are very interested in making
sure we¹ve got the right balance between protecting everyone (developers,
institutions, Jasig) and not being too onerous. Hopefully when everyone
looks at the proposed documents  if there are any comments (cynical or
otherwise) I think we¹d all love to hear them.


On 7/28/09 6:35 PM, Cris Holdorph wrote:


I'm waiting for the licensing policy to be officially voted on and
approved by the board, before signing it.  Call me a cynic or lazy, but
I hate having to sign forms, then turn around and sign it again, because
they changed one sentence.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:

As an FYI for uPortal developers and those interested in uPortal
development. The Jasig board has been working on updating the licensing
policy for projects under its purview. The updated policy is available
for public review on the wiki:

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm looking forward to these
changes and will be sending in my own signed Contributer License
Agreement (CLA) shortly. While I believe direct contact with existing
uPortal developers is planned I would encourage anyone with commit
access to the Jasig SVN repository to go ahead and submit a signed CLA
as well after of course going through whatever institutional policy you
need to for that. Your initiative in this effort will help make the
transition go as smoothly as possible.

If you have comments or questions about the licensing policy updates you
can continue the discussion here or email

-Eric Dalquist

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Jason Shao
Director of Product Development
CampusEAI Consortium
1940 East 6th Street, 11th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44114
Tel: 216.589.9626x249
Fax: 216.589.9639

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Re: [uportal-dev] Jasig/uPortal Licensing Policy Update

2009-07-29 Thread Cris J Holdorph
You should make sure to send these comments on to the suggested email 

I'm not certain if the people that requested feedback watch this list 
too closely or not.

 Cris J H

Gary Weaver wrote:
Something else I thought of if it helps is that Sourceforge, Apache 
(although it was several years ago and my patch was integrated by 
someone else), and Atlassian community projects that I've contributed to 
have not required actual hand-signed statements/contracts (that I 
remember at least- RPI was the only one that required a signed agreement 
for Bedework iirc).

Couldn't there just be an online form to submit a request for access to 
contribute that doesn't require printing/signing/faxing or mailing? I'm 
pretty sure that I had to agree to something when signing up with 
sourceforge. Then whenever changes came about, they've just sent an 
email to state the changes to the agreement (and maybe how to contact 
them or opt-out if they disagree) iirc.

License changes for uPortal and other top-level JASIG projects could 
then just be handled by an email out to the group stating that 
everything under the JASIG umbrella in the code had a proposed license 
change and it could be voted on like any other changes.


Gary Weaver wrote:

Curious- will this also apply to all portlets contributed to sandbox?

How feasible is all of this if there is some code here and there (not 
sure if there is, but if there is) that was contributed under a 
different license?

In open source projects before, I've never been asked to change the 
license by the person hosting the source control repository (it has 
usually just been an initiative by the developers on the project 
itself), so am just curious.


Jason Shao (CampusEAI Consortium) wrote:

Uh oh ­ the board really wanted to validate everyone was comfortable signing
the forms before voting to finalize them...

If (DecisionMaking.repeatsAdInfinitum()) {break;}

*whew* that was close ;)

Not to steal John L.¹s thunder ­- but I'd like to publicly commend him --
he's done an excellent, enormous (and thankless) job putting these items
together. I know he and the rest of the board are very interested in making
sure we¹ve got the right balance between protecting everyone (developers,
institutions, Jasig) and not being too onerous. Hopefully when everyone
looks at the proposed documents  if there are any comments (cynical or
otherwise) I think we¹d all love to hear them.


On 7/28/09 6:35 PM, Cris Holdorph wrote:


I'm waiting for the licensing policy to be officially voted on and
approved by the board, before signing it.  Call me a cynic or lazy, but
I hate having to sign forms, then turn around and sign it again, because
they changed one sentence.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:


As an FYI for uPortal developers and those interested in uPortal
development. The Jasig board has been working on updating the licensing
policy for projects under its purview. The updated policy is available
for public review on the wiki:

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm looking forward to these
changes and will be sending in my own signed Contributer License
Agreement (CLA) shortly. While I believe direct contact with existing
uPortal developers is planned I would encourage anyone with commit
access to the Jasig SVN repository to go ahead and submit a signed CLA
as well after of course going through whatever institutional policy you
need to for that. Your initiative in this effort will help make the
transition go as smoothly as possible.

If you have comments or questions about the licensing policy updates you
can continue the discussion here or email

-Eric Dalquist

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Jason Shao
Director of Product Development
CampusEAI Consortium
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Re: [uportal-dev] jira - how to re-open a bug?

2009-06-26 Thread Cris J Holdorph
are you sure it's closed?  what is the issue number?  It would be above 
the operations section if it's closed.

 Cris J H

Aaron Brown wrote:

Cris J Holdorph wrote:

If you're logged in, you should simply see a Reopen Issue under the
Available Workflow Actions in the left hand menu.  You do have to be
logged in to Jira to see this option.

I don't see the option.  After logging in, here are the Operations
available to me (copy/pasted from the left column):


Attach file to this issue
Attach screenshot to this issue
Clone this issue
Comment on this issue
Create sub-task
Link this issue to another issue
You cannot vote or change your vote on resolved issues.
You are not watching this issue. Watch it to be notified of changes
You don't have permission to work on this issue.

 - Aaron

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Re: [uportal-dev] jira - how to re-open a bug?

2009-06-26 Thread Cris J Holdorph
For 2235, I see an option for Reopen Issue right above the word 
Operations.  You sure, you're not seeing that?

 Cris J H

Aaron Brown wrote:

Cris J Holdorph wrote:

are you sure it's closed?  what is the issue number?  It would be above
the operations section if it's closed.

You may be right - it's marked as fixed / resolved, but if Jira
doesn't equate that with Closed, then that could be the problem.  For
an issue at that state, should I just add comments, then?

 - Aaron

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Re: [uportal-dev] jira - how to re-open a bug?

2009-06-26 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I reopened the bug for you.  Please add a comment to the bug to explain 
why it was opened.

Seperately, does anyone know what needs to be done in Jira to get Aaaron 
the permission he needs to do this on his own.  Maybe he needs to be 
added to a group in Jira?

 Cris J H

Aaron Brown wrote:

Cris J Holdorph wrote:

are you sure it's closed?  what is the issue number?  It would be above
the operations section if it's closed.

You may be right - it's marked as fixed / resolved, but if Jira
doesn't equate that with Closed, then that could be the problem.  For
an issue at that state, should I just add comments, then?

 - Aaron

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Re: [uportal-dev] Nominating Jen Bourey for uPortal Project Steering Committee

2009-06-15 Thread Cris J Holdorph


Andrew Petro wrote:

uPortal developers,

I'd like to nominate Jen Bourey as a uPortal developer representative to 
the uPortal Steering Committee.

I believe Jen needs no introduction to the community of uPortal 
committers, but I'd nonetheless take a moment to remind of her recent 
and ongoing contributions to uPortal.

Ohloh credits Jen with more 
than 200 commits to the uPortal codebase (which feels awfully low, in 
part because Jen has been a leader or major contributor to several Jasig 
portlet projects, including the Calendar portlet, the Feedback 
and the Tabbed Search portlet Jen has 
given several popular Jasig conference presentations about uPortal, 
including on JavaScript in uPortal 3, on using AJAX to improve the user 
experience, on uPortal 3 configuration and deployment automation, and on 
open source portlet incubation.

Jen regularly posts to this developer email list and has answered many 
questions on the uportal-user@ email list. She is also regularly 
available and active in the uPortal IRC channel.

In short, I believe Jen is eminently qualified to represent uPortal 
developers on the uPortal project steering committee and I would expect 
she would bring enthusiasm, technical competence, and particularly 
attention to continuing to grow the set of portlets and the quality of 
the user experience in uPortal.

With many thanks to Jen for all her contributions to uPortal,


- Original Message -
From: Jonathan Markow
Cc: uPortal PSC,, JA-SIG Board
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 8:48:29 AM GMT -07:00 U.S. Mountain Time 
Subject: [uportal-dev] Developer Representatives to Project Steering 


You have received a couple of emails recently about the Jasig 2009 
Elections, during which our membership will be selecting stakeholder 
positions on the project steering committees for both uPortal and CAS.

At the same time we will be asking you to select developer 
representatives to each of the committees. uPortal has two developer 
positions and CAS has one:

Current uPortal Reps:
Eric Dalquist
Andrew Petro

Current CAS Rep:
Scott Battaglia

These developer positions are not subject to term limits, and incumbents 
may serve successive terms. But we do ask each team to revisit their 
selections each year and make fresh recommendations.

The way the process works is this:

1. Any developer may serve if selected
2. Only committers have votes; they are not required to belong to 
Member organizations

3. Discussion is open to all on the developer lists
4. Please initiate discussion on your list when the spirit moves you 
(This week would be a good time to start :-)

5. You may nominate others or yourself
6. We will need a decision on your selections by the end of the 
Jasig election process, which is July 17, 2009
7. Committee chairs should monitor these selections and report 
results back to the steering committees.

8. New terms officially begin on September 1, 2009

Questions? Please feel free to ask.

Thank you!

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Re: [uportal-dev] Portlet Administration Portlet Update (UP-2047)

2009-06-04 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I think you misunderstand what I'm getting at.

If you have an existing portal you want to upgrade to uPortal 3.2 when 
it comes out.  And if you have existing channels that *you* added that 
did not conform to the new naming conventions, then they would not 
import properly.

I guess we can simply tell people they'll have to hand edit their 
channel files, before they reimport, but that seems kind of like a poor 

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
I believe the export scripts are unaffected by these changes. Are they 
failing for you?

Cris J Holdorph wrote:
you might want to do some work on the export scripts, so people can't 
export something they can't then turn around and import.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
In continuation of this great work I'm working on doing additional 
cleanup of the channel definition object model. One of these changes 
is enforcing further restrictions on FNames. I'm committing some 
changes that now enforce that all channel fnames can only contain 
characters [a-zA-Z0-9_-]. We had a bunch of channels that had . and / 
in the fnames which I've replaced with _ in the entity files and in 
the code where they are referenced.

You will need do to do an initdb if you update from trunk after this 


Jen Bourey wrote:
The new Portlet Administration Portlet is now the default channel 
managing utility in uPortal.  If you notice any bugs, please let me 
know!  The parameter-setting screen in particular still has a few 
rough edges, but you should be able to use the portlet to 
successfully modify, delete, and create channel definitions.

- Jen

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Jen Bourey wrote:

Hi all,

The new Portlet Administration Portlet described by JIRA entry
UP-2047 is now in the trunk, and I believe we've updated it to
include all features currently available in CChannelManager.  I
would like to be able to switch the admin link in the layout over
to use this new portlet.  Does anyone have an objection to making
this new portlet the default portlet administration tool sometime
in the near future?  Are there features you rely on in
CChannelManager that don't appear to be included in the new 

We've also had discussions in the uPortal IRC channel about
potentially removing CChannelManager altogether for the 3.2
release.  Doing this would allow us to move forward with the
proposed portlet workflow lifecycle work without having to worry
about its affects on the legacy channel implementation.

- Jen

-- Jen Bourey

Jen Bourey

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Re: [uportal-dev] Portlet Administration Portlet Update (UP-2047)

2009-05-20 Thread Cris J Holdorph
+1 for removing the old CChannelManager and switching over to the new 
one in trunk.

I don't say this lightly either.  I know there is some risk here, but I 
think this is a HUGE improvement and is worth the risk.

 Cris J H

Jen Bourey wrote:

Hi all,

The new Portlet Administration Portlet described by JIRA entry UP-2047 
is now in the trunk, and I believe we've updated it to include all 
features currently available in CChannelManager.  I would like to be 
able to switch the admin link in the layout over to use this new 
portlet.  Does anyone have an objection to making this new portlet the 
default portlet administration tool sometime in the near future?  Are 
there features you rely on in CChannelManager that don't appear to be 
included in the new portlet?

We've also had discussions in the uPortal IRC channel about potentially 
removing CChannelManager altogether for the 3.2 release.  Doing this 
would allow us to move forward with the proposed portlet workflow 
lifecycle work without having to worry about its affects on the legacy 
channel implementation.

- Jen

Jen Bourey


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Re: [uportal-dev] Fixing issues reported by automated code-review

2009-05-18 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I'm a fan of fixing the stuff reported by FindBugs.  However, there are 
some things to be careful of.

Too much code change can sometimes have the reverse effect that was 
intended.  In certain cases '2 bugs' could be working together to cause 
the end code to actually function.  So if you only 'fix' one bug, you 
could introduce a problem that did not exist before.

This is a real annoyance to people who are simply trying to apply the 
latest patch.  So, I would be very careful how much you do in the 3.1.x 
branch.  I believe trunk is a lot more forgiving for these types of changes.

Another thing you can do, is to make small changes like the one you've 
attached to the jira so far.  That's a nice small, well controlled patch.

Also, if you really want to work on improving the 3.1.x branch, make 
sure you include both 3.1.x branch *AND* trunk patches.

 Cris J H

Ernst-Jan Verhoeven wrote:

Hi all,

I'm a developer for the University of Amsterdam and we are planning to 
run uPortal 3.1 in production in a few months. Of course we like the 
system to be as stable as possible, and as me and my colleagues are huge 
fans of automated code-review tools we ran the automated (byte-)code 
review tool 'Findbugs' on uPortal.

Not all issue-categories reported by Findbugs are equally easy or 
rewarding to fix. I picked the '(possible) null pointer derefences' 
category as it usually contains issues that are both easy and rewarding 
to fix and spent an afternoon trying to fix these issues. I have 
included my efforts in a Jira report:

This was more of an exercise to get a feeling of the maintainability of 
the code, but we intend to do more fixes like this.

Other nice candidates seem e.g.

'method may fail to close database resource' (33 reported Findbugs-issues)
'Method may fail to clean up stream or resource' (40 reported 

although in my experience (and/or opinion) Findbugs usually reports a 
very low number of false positives; so it may not be that useful to 
'zoom in' on specific categories.

How do others feel about this 'bottom-up' way of fixing possible issues 
in the uPortal code-base?

-Ernst-Jan Verhoeven

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Re: [uportal-dev] Fluid 1.0 and UP-2047 updates

2009-04-27 Thread Cris J Holdorph

sounds like a good idea to me.

 Cris J H

Jen Bourey wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to update the uPortal trunk to Fluid 1.0 this evening, unless 
anyone has any objections.  I think doing this update now will give us 
lots of time to perform CSS integration and testing, as well as keep us 
in step with Fluid's development. 

I'd also like to integrate in the work currently completed on UP-2047 
(the new portlet administration portlet) by Unicon's cooperative support 
program.  These changes mostly consist of added webflows and shouldn't 
impact the existing CChannelManager or any other critical uPortal 

Both these changes would be trunk-only and will not be merged into any 
of the maintenance branches.

- Jen

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Re: [uportal-dev] portlet URL anchoring

2009-03-30 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I find the anchors extremely annoying and turn them off whenever I 
remember to.  So the more places they are off by default, the better for 
me :)

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Currently if the 'org.jasig.portal.ChannelManager.use_anchors' property 
is true all render portlet URLs will be generated with an anchor that 
brings focus to the top of the portlet chrome. I'm wondering if this 
only makes sense for portlets rendering in minimized and normal 
WindowStates. My thought is that in maximized and exclusive the portlet 
is the only thing on the page so the anchors are rather useless and also 
prevent the portlet developer from using anchors withing their portlet 
in a view where they render most of the content on the page.

Any thoughts about making this change?


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Re: [uportal-dev] Unable to add portlet of channel content in uPortal 3

2009-02-27 Thread Cris J Holdorph
This is probably a question for uportal-user.  Before you post there, 
you should probably include which version of uportal (e.g., 3.0.2), 
which browserversion and confirm that you have javascript enabled.

 Cris J H

Nathan Mcilree wrote:

Hi whenever I click on the add content link the box that appears
has Loading portlet list . ., but doesn't show any channels or portlets.  Likewise the search option does not work.   

Has this happened to anyone else, or does anyone know what the cause of this 
might be.

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Re:[uportal-dev] [jasig-webredesign-project] uPoral license information

2009-02-18 Thread Cris J. Holdorph
if possible we should set up a http redirect for the old url. the old code will 
still be out there. 

- Original Message -
From: Eric Dalquist
Sent: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 11:09:48 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re:[uportal-dev] [jasig-webredesign-project] uPoral license information

Don't worry about it right now. Before the next GA release I'm going to 
use the Maven license plugin which will update the license headers on 
all of the files in the project to be consistent.


Gary Thompson wrote:

 I am currently making changes to uPortal for the 3.1 release.  I 
 noticed this statement at the top of the theme files:

 | Copyright 2008 The JA-SIG Collaborative.  All rights reserved.
 | See license distributed with this file and
 | available online at

 I was going to update the url.  However, this page:

 No longer exists, and the forwarding page:

 Does not have an obvious link to license information, which is here:

 Should I update the statement to:

 | Copyright 2008 Jasig.  All rights reserved.
 | See license distributed with this file and
 | available online at


 There may be other such statements in the uPortal source code files.


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Re: [uportal-dev] Upcoming 3.1 Milestone Release

2009-02-02 Thread Cris J Holdorph

the jira issues are hyperlinked in his comments.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Thanks for the reminder Arlo, I'll see if I can dig into the DLM issue. 
Would you happen to have a list of Jira issue ids for those patches?

Thanks a lot!

Arlo White wrote:
The biggest concern I have is the DLM issue I reported in a thread 
named DLM fragment-layout issues in the uportal-user list.  I 
haven't created a JIRA issue for it.

Here are the issues I've reported that I'd like to see fixed by 3.1 final:
There was an email thread a while back on subscribeIds not being added 
to hrefs/actions.  I created a JIRA/patch for IChannels, but I think 
the portlet code was somewhere else.
HTMLSerializer does not correctly detect and add # + subscribeId to 
hrefs/actions [PATCH]

The other issues I've encountered and would like to see fixed are 
lower priority user-interface type issues.
Jump To feature (left panel in focus mode) highlights wrong tab and 
breadcrumbs for selected channel
Page Layout dialog resets the active tab, make setting active tab more 
explicit If you want I 
could try to tackle this issue and submit a patch.
Add Content, search should be case insensitive [PATCH]

You can't use the sign-out xsl method because:
USER_NAME stylesheet parameter is not populated in universality.xml

If you're supporting webkit browsers (Safari, Chrome):
Change portlet-controls (channel buttons) CSS to have consistent 
padding and fix Webkit render bug [PATCH]

The issues with [PATCH] are modifications I've made that we've been 
running successfully in production with for the past few weeks.  The 
JIRAs have patch files attached.


Eric Dalquist wrote:
I'd like to cut a milestone release from the trunk early next week. 
If there are specific Jira issues people would like to see addressed 
before this please let me know and we can coordinate on getting a 
patch in place.



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Re: [uportal-dev] SVN Revision Renumbering

2008-12-11 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I'm in favor of this change.  I do not use the revision numbers for 
anything specific.  I do use the history, that you say will be 
preserved.  Removing empty revisions, makes querying the revision 
history easier, so big +1 from me as well.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
We're getting closer to migrating some services to Jira Studio, with the 
move I'd like to take the opportunity to filter out a large number of 
empty revisions from our SVN repository.

We have close to 28000 empty revisions in SVN, they are vestiges of the 
CVS2SVN import and a few failed imports that were filtered out along the 
way. No version history, JIRA issue links or file/folder properties 
would be lost. The end result is instead of being on commit 44480 or so 
we would be around 16500. Since people will need to check out projects 
new anyways because of the changed server name I don't think this would 
be a problem.

I know both uPortal and CAS reference fixes by JIRA id and not rev 
number but I just wanted to run this by everyone here first.


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Re: [uportal-dev] 3-0-x branch and ImpersonationFilter

2008-12-11 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Ok, I was a little misleading when I said relatively fresh checkout. 
It was an older checkout, but with a brand new 'svn update' and a run of 
'svn status' to make sure I had not modified anything.

Anyway, the problemm turns out that 'ant initportal' does NOT clean out 
things.  And if you have a checkout that has existed across a release. 
then you can end up with multiple impl jars in your distribution.

$ ls webapps/uPortal/WEB-INF/lib/uPortal*

Completely removing tomcat, then redoing the build by first doing an 
ant clean then an ant initportal, fixed my problem.

While the above is certainly not a common case, what do people think 
about having ant clean be a dependency for ant initportal ?

 Cris J H

Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Before I start chasing this down, I thought I would ask here to see if 
this is already a known bug or if anyone else is seeing the same thing.

I tried a relatively fresh checkout/build/deploy of uPortal 3.0.x from 
the branch.

My only changes are to, dbloader.xml, 
personDirectoryContext.xml and pom.xml in order to use MySQL.  I started 
with a fresh database and fresh tomcat.

'ant initportal' from the root complete successfully, tomcat starts 
successfully, however the uPortal web application does not.  The 
following error (minus a several of the lest interesting lines of stack) 

ERROR [main] provider.ImpersonationFilter.[] Dec/11 16:35:17 - Falied to 



... snip snip many uninteresting lines of the stack ...
ERROR [main] [localhost].[/uPortal].[] Dec/11 16:35:17 - Exception 
starting filter Impersonation Filter

javax.servlet.ServletException: Falied to read


... snip snip many uninteresting lines of the stack ...

Does anyone else see this?  Is this a partial commit from someone, or am 
I really missing a new deployment step that I am unaware of?

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] 3-0-x branch and ImpersonationFilter

2008-12-11 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Consistent, but only to a certain extent.  We did not have the same 
maven-multi-project+ant situation in uPortal 2.x.  The problem is not 
the same.

Specifically, I guess I just really don't like the Ant calling maven to 
do things paradigm.  In Maven, there are very clear semantics with 
running a certain lifecycle step.  All the preceding steps are done.  So 
if you're going to compile the code, it *WILL* run clean first.  ant 
initportal does build code, which in maven terms means it should 
probably clean as well.

Anyway, I understand, and I will try to remember to do so in the future, 
but since we've started using maven in 3.x, I don't believe we're stuck 
with trying to remain consistent with 2.x conventions.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Nope, you need to run ant 'ant clean' to clean things out. or 'ant clean 
initportal' this is consistent with initportal's behavior from 2.x


Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Ok, I was a little misleading when I said relatively fresh checkout. 
It was an older checkout, but with a brand new 'svn update' and a run 
of 'svn status' to make sure I had not modified anything.

Anyway, the problemm turns out that 'ant initportal' does NOT clean 
out things.  And if you have a checkout that has existed across a 
release. then you can end up with multiple impl jars in your 

$ ls webapps/uPortal/WEB-INF/lib/uPortal*

Completely removing tomcat, then redoing the build by first doing an 
ant clean then an ant initportal, fixed my problem.

While the above is certainly not a common case, what do people think 
about having ant clean be a dependency for ant initportal ?

 Cris J H

Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Before I start chasing this down, I thought I would ask here to see 
if this is already a known bug or if anyone else is seeing the same 

I tried a relatively fresh checkout/build/deploy of uPortal 3.0.x 
from the branch.

My only changes are to, dbloader.xml, 
personDirectoryContext.xml and pom.xml in order to use MySQL.  I 
started with a fresh database and fresh tomcat.

'ant initportal' from the root complete successfully, tomcat starts 
successfully, however the uPortal web application does not.  The 
following error (minus a several of the lest interesting lines of 
stack) occurs.

ERROR [main] provider.ImpersonationFilter.[] Dec/11 16:35:17 - Falied 
to read



... snip snip many uninteresting lines of the stack ...
ERROR [main] [localhost].[/uPortal].[] Dec/11 16:35:17 - Exception 
starting filter Impersonation Filter

javax.servlet.ServletException: Falied to read


... snip snip many uninteresting lines of the stack ...

Does anyone else see this?  Is this a partial commit from someone, or 
am I really missing a new deployment step that I am unaware of?

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] 3-0-x branch and ImpersonationFilter

2008-12-11 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Hmm... I wonder what was causing me to think it did clean out the stuff. 
 I guess maybe because the default lifecycle is just so dang long, it 
seems to encompass the whole world.

In any case, then, rethinking this a bit more, the problem is more 
related to the jar file having a version number in it, where in 2.x it 
would not have.

So in uPortal 2.x if I ran 'ant initportal' at one point in time, I 
would get a 'uportal.jar'.  And if there were any .class file ADDITIONS 
or CHANGES they would get populated, but at the end of the build there 
would only be one uPortal.jar file.

In this maven+ant build system we have not a 'uportal.jar' but a 
'uPortal-impl-3.0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar' file.  So, if the version in the maven 
file changes between doing a build, you'll end up duplicate jar files in 
your target directory.  In uPortal 2.x, you'd only have one.

The behavior between uPortal 2.x and 3.x has clearly changed.  The 
current behavior might be viewed as the closest we can get, but it's 
certainly not the same.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Actually Maven does not run clean unless you explicitly request it, just 
running compile, package or install on a project with old files in the 
target directory will result in those old files being included in your 
final artifact.


Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Consistent, but only to a certain extent.  We did not have the same 
maven-multi-project+ant situation in uPortal 2.x.  The problem is not 
the same.

Specifically, I guess I just really don't like the Ant calling maven 
to do things paradigm.  In Maven, there are very clear semantics with 
running a certain lifecycle step.  All the preceding steps are done.  
So if you're going to compile the code, it *WILL* run clean first.  
ant initportal does build code, which in maven terms means it 
should probably clean as well.

Anyway, I understand, and I will try to remember to do so in the 
future, but since we've started using maven in 3.x, I don't believe 
we're stuck with trying to remain consistent with 2.x conventions.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Nope, you need to run ant 'ant clean' to clean things out. or 'ant 
clean initportal' this is consistent with initportal's behavior from 2.x


Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Ok, I was a little misleading when I said relatively fresh 
checkout. It was an older checkout, but with a brand new 'svn 
update' and a run of 'svn status' to make sure I had not modified 

Anyway, the problemm turns out that 'ant initportal' does NOT clean 
out things.  And if you have a checkout that has existed across a 
release. then you can end up with multiple impl jars in your 

$ ls webapps/uPortal/WEB-INF/lib/uPortal*

Completely removing tomcat, then redoing the build by first doing an 
ant clean then an ant initportal, fixed my problem.

While the above is certainly not a common case, what do people think 
about having ant clean be a dependency for ant initportal ?

 Cris J H

Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Before I start chasing this down, I thought I would ask here to see 
if this is already a known bug or if anyone else is seeing the same 

I tried a relatively fresh checkout/build/deploy of uPortal 3.0.x 
from the branch.

My only changes are to, dbloader.xml, 
personDirectoryContext.xml and pom.xml in order to use MySQL.  I 
started with a fresh database and fresh tomcat.

'ant initportal' from the root complete successfully, tomcat starts 
successfully, however the uPortal web application does not.  The 
following error (minus a several of the lest interesting lines of 
stack) occurs.

ERROR [main] provider.ImpersonationFilter.[] Dec/11 16:35:17 - 
Falied to read



... snip snip many uninteresting lines of the stack ...
ERROR [main] [localhost].[/uPortal].[] Dec/11 16:35:17 - Exception 
starting filter Impersonation Filter

javax.servlet.ServletException: Falied to read


... snip snip many uninteresting lines of the stack ...

Does anyone else see this?  Is this a partial commit from someone, 
or am I really missing a new deployment step that I am unaware of?

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] Looking for Java expert to help diagnose login problem with 2.5.3

2008-11-12 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I can't help with your greater problem but to the smaller one...

The code you included could run the outside finally block only, if the 
m_authenticationService.authenticate() method throws an exception.  In 
this case, the call stack ends abnormally, so it never tries the next 
normal line of code that wold begin the inner try block.

I do agree that if you see the 'inner' log/finally block executed you 
should see the outer one as well.  Unless of course, '' itself 
blows up, which is possible if you're passing it objects that are not 
well behaved.

 Cris J H

George Lindholm wrote:

I finally added a bunch if finally statements like so:

   try {
  try {
  } finally {;
  } finally {;

The really weird part is that both finally blocks are not executed

How is this possible? I thought the JVM guaranteed that a finally block
will be execute.
Is there anything the Spring framework might be doing to unravel the
call stack??



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Re: [uportal-dev] Looking for Java expert to help diagnose login problem with 2.5.3

2008-11-12 Thread Cris J Holdorph
if the parameters to the inner log statement fail in some way, the 
externally visible behavior could look like only one of the two log 
statements executing.  For example...

String foo = null;
try {
  try {
int x = something.length() / 2;
  finally {
System.out.println(the inner value of foo is:  + foo.toString());
finally {
  System.out.println(the outer value of foo is:  + foo);

Would only print:

the outer value of foo is: null

The inner statement would not print, instead it would throw a 

 Cris J H

George Lindholm wrote:

Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I can't help with your greater problem but to the smaller one...

The code you included could run the outside finally block only, if the
m_authenticationService.authenticate() method throws an exception.  In
this case, the call stack ends abnormally, so it never tries the next
normal line of code that wold begin the inner try block.

I do agree that if you see the 'inner' log/finally block executed you
should see the outer one as well.  Unless of course, ''
itself blows up, which is possible if you're passing it objects that
are not well behaved.

Hi Chris,
  maybe no the best pseudo code.

try {
   try {
   } finally {
} finally {

There should be no way the both  log  lines are not execute.

No errors in any of the log files.



 Cris J H

George Lindholm wrote:

I finally added a bunch if finally statements like so:

   try {
  try {
  } finally {;
  } finally {;

The really weird part is that both finally blocks are not executed

How is this possible? I thought the JVM guaranteed that a finally block
will be execute.
Is there anything the Spring framework might be doing to unravel the
call stack??



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Re: [uportal-dev] Future of WSRP support

2008-09-29 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Last I knew, the uPortal community was interested in supporting WSRP, 
but no one had the availability to work on this effort.  Maybe I missed, 
some discussion though.

 Cris J H

Kris Easter wrote:

There is a thread from earlier this year:

discussing WSRP support in future versions of uPortal.

Has there been any more thought or effort on bringing back WSRP support
into uPortal 3.x?

We'd like to be able to serve our existing IChannels up via a WSRP
producer for consumption by the PeopleSoft portal.


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[uportal-dev] Should we rename / recreate the uPortal lists?

2008-09-04 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I wonder if we should consider some list renaming.

People consistently post to uportal-dev with questions that are about 
them developing their portal.  Look at the list name, think about what 
those people are doing, it's really not a stretch.  uportal-user 
sounds like it might be for people to learn how to login, move portlets 
around, etc.  uportal-dev sounds more reasonable when I need to ask a 
question about how to write a new portlet for my portal.

I wonder if we should have names that help make the distinction between 
development of the core framework services and development and 
configuration of portals using uPortal better.

For example, what if uportal-dev was renamed uportal-framework and 
uportal-user was named uportal-admin.  I don't really like the name 
uportal-admin but you get the idea.  It just feels like the names we 
currently have will continue to cause us trouble, because they do not 
match well with the intent of the content to be posted to them, at least 
from a new-user-to-the-community perspective.

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] Hello World Portlet deployment problem

2008-08-21 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Copying into the portlets directory is not necessary.  You may run the 
ant deployPortletApp target and specify where the file lives and that 
can be completely outside of the uportal source tree.

 Cris J H

Patel, Jayesh wrote:

First you need to copy your .war file in a uportal C:\Documents and
Settings\jpatel\workspace\uPortal_rel-2-X-X-XXX\trunk\lib\portlets location.
After that you have to be in where a or build.xml file to
run following. (all) option will deploy all portlets in lib/portlets
location. If you want to deploy one specific then you need to give full path
(e.g. deployPortletApp -DportletApp= C:\Documents and

Note: Not sure onuPortal  release 3.0 work same way as I rel

I hope this will help.

Thank You,

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Edward Chen
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 12:29 AM
Subject: Re: [uportal-dev] Hello World Portlet deployment problem


Thank you for your quick answer.

I did copy directly. How can I do to copy without doing copying

Also, when I do following, I have

C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-startant deployPortletApp -DportletApp=all
Buildfile: build.xml

Target `deployPortletApp' does not exist in this project.



Cris J Holdorph wrote:
Did you run the ant deployPortletApp ant target, or did you just 
copy the war file into webapps directly?  copying directly will not 
work. You must run the uPortal tool for deploying the portlet web 

 Cris J H

Edward Chen wrote:


I set up uPortal-3.0.1-quick-start up and running, and I use netbean 
ide 6.1 to create a helloworld portlet. I copy the HelloWorld.war

Then restart uPortal,

I created a new channel to publish this portlet by portlet manager. 
Here is my setting

Review: Please review the settings for accuracy (click workflow icons 
or items in the table below to edit settings)

User can
   Channel Type:Portlet
   Channel Title:HelloWorld
   Channel Name:HelloWorld
   Channel Functional Name:HelloWorld
   Channel Description:  Channel Timeout:

   Channel Secure:Not Secure
User cannot modifyPortlet Web Application Path

User cannot modifyPortlet NameHelloWorld
   Channel Controlstrue Editable
true Has Help
false Has About
   Selected Categories:categoryNews
categoryAll categories
   Selected Groups and/or People:unlockedStudents
unlockedPAGS Root

But, after I subscribe it, I have the following error
Channel ID:

   Message not available

Error type:
   Channel failed to initialize (code 2)

Problem type:
   General rendering problem

Error message
   Content was written to response during loading of portlet window 

with [channelPublishId=73, channelSubscribeId=n85, 
portletApplicationId=/HelloWorld, portletName=HelloWorld, 
user=admin]. Response Content: The requested resource 
(/HelloWorld/PlutoInvoker/HelloWorld) is not available

What is it wrong?



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Re: [uportal-dev] Hello World Portlet deployment problem

2008-08-21 Thread Cris J Holdorph

categoryAll categories

*Selected Groups and/or People: 

unlockedPAGS Root 

Can you see anything wrong?



Cris J Holdorph wrote:

Can you try instead of

C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-start\uPortal-3.0.1ant deployPortletApp 

to do

C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-start\uPortal-3.0.1ant deployPortletApp 

replacing c:\the\path\to\your\portlet_web.war with the fully 
qualified path+filename of your portlet web application archive.

 Cris J H

Edward Chen wrote:


Dustin S. wrote:


You need to be in the uPortal directory to run 

I use either C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-start\uPortal-3.0.1 or 
C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-start\, and I have the same thing below

C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-startant deployPortletApp -DportletApp=all
Buildfile: build.xml

Target `deployPortletApp' does not exist in this project.

Total time: 1 second
C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-startcd uPortal-3.0.1

C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-start\uPortal-3.0.1ant deployPortletApp 

Buildfile: build.xml


C:\uPortal-3.0.1-quick-start\uPortal-3.0.1\build.xml:396: portletApp 

-3.0.1-quick-start\uPortal-3.0.1\all' does not exist

Total time: 1 second

You should probably move this conversation to 

Sorry about that. I will switch to there. There are some experts 
helping me from dev



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Re: [uportal-dev] uPortal 3.1 Servlet 2.5

2008-07-28 Thread Cris J Holdorph
This sounds like it could be a pretty big upgrade path for a lot of 
organizations using uPortal.  How does everyone feel about this?

I'm all for moving onward with the later releases of the servlet spec 
and in particular later releases of Tomcat, but I'm curious how places 
that will likely need to upgrade their environments feel.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Now that uPortal will be shipping with portlets deployed within the 
portal webapp we're going to have to require a Servlet 2.5 container. 
The requirement comes from a need to be able to determine the 
web-application context path to be able to dispatch to these embedded 
portlets correctly.

This means Tomcat 6.0 will be required to run the trunk of uPortal in 
SVN. I'll be adding a check which will log a useful error message if an 
older version of the servlet API is used. I'll also make sure to add 
notes about setting up Tomcat 6.0 for uPortal in the readme and on the 


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Re: [uportal-dev] A modest DLM enhancement

2008-07-21 Thread Cris J Holdorph


Drew Wills wrote:

Hey folks,

I'd like to make a modest enhancement to DLM.  I've prepared a JIRA and 
a patch (attached to JIRA):

Here's the description...

DLM already has the ability to remove channels that the user isn't 
authorized to render from the fragments it manages. Many people 
appreciate this feature quite a bit; it allows them, for example, to 
create a single 'Students' tab that contains some content that's only 
delivered to first-term freshmen.

I'd like to enhance DLM to do the same for the header and footer areas. 
This change would allow me to place links/tools/content in the header or 
footer that only authorized (administrative or managerial) users could 


Here's a more concrete example of how this change will be helpful...

JHU, Gary Thompson, and I just got done creating a portlet for Fragment 
Administration.  It's a channel that gets put in your header area when 
your layout gets created from your templateUser.  But -- based on the 
enhancement described above -- it will only appear in the UI if you've 
been authorized to render it.

If it does render, it loops the fragments defined in dlm.xml to evaluate 
(for each) if you're authorized to edit that fragment.  It compiles a 
list of the fragments you can edit, sorts them, then presents them in a 
drop-down list at the top of your layout.

When you select a fragment and click the 'Edit' button, you get logged 
in as that fragment owner (ServletFilter + RemoteUserSecurityContext 
does the magic).

While you're logged in as the fragment owner, a corresponding 
FragmentAdminExit portlet appears in your header area.  This portlet 
allows you to click a button and log back in as yourself.

I know JHU is eager to this technology as well.

drew wills

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Re: [uportal-dev] uPortal 3 stats recorder to database

2008-06-06 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I agree with Eric, that it should NOT be enabled by default, until the 
appropriate maintenance code to accompany it is also written.  The 
maintenance code could be a simple quartz job, that truncates the table 
after so many (configurable) days.  That combined with logging a select 
number of events, would probably keep it from growing out of control 
with 'all default' settings.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
It's too much data as is. This logger is just that ... a logger. All it 
does it persist portal events in a nice normalized set of tables. Until 
someone writes summarizing and maintenance code we can't enable it 
without having to include giant warnings about filling up peoples 
databases. As an example we are using this here and track logins, 
logouts, channel render time, portlet action time, and page render time. 
This really is no different than log rolling issues we have on the file 
system. For comparison this is a query from our production stats table:

MIN(ACT_DATE)2008-05-30 10:43:02.85

MAX(ACT_DATE)   2008-06-06 14:08:14.943

So we've had 8.6 million events logged in 7 days and students have been 
gone since the 17th.

My hope is that one the code is there and easy to enable (should just be 
uncommenting a chunk of xml) my hope would be that someone (like you) 
goes and writes that portlet AND a little bit of code to flush old data 
from the tables or aggregate it into some more manageable summary view 
which can be stored without concern.

As for Jen's post I'd think the most minimal option would be to log page 
renders and possibly channel renders/portlet actions. That would allow 
some decent performance graphing for people. I'm also going to look into 
a additional config option to disable the logging of groups associated 
with a stats session to save on table space.

Does that sound reasonable?

Andrew Petro wrote:


 It will be disabled by default.

How about enabling it by default and in time for 3.1 someone (me?) 
goes after adding a JSR-168 portlet that does simple queries and 
presents them in Jen-Feedback-Portlet-style lickable graphs, giving 
uPortal even more of a marketable ootb suggestion that yes, this is a 
suitable platform for building metrics indicators?

I'm envisioning a whole happily DLM-managed Stats tab presented to the 
admin user...


Eric Dalquist wrote:
Here is a more detailed user-targeted description of the database 
stats recorder:

I'm planning on committing this to trunk later today if I don't hear 
any objections. It will be disabled by default.


Eric Dalquist wrote:
I wanted to run this proposal for a database backed portal event 
logger by the dev list before going forward with any commits. The 
schema design is based closely on what we've been using here at UW 
since we switched to uPortal. The PortalEvent persistence is done 
using JPA/Hibernate to avoid introducing another JDBC API, in 
performance testing using the ORM layer for event logging doesn't 
appear to have much excess overhead.

We don't have a reporting interface for this data yet and work will 
likely need to be done on a tool to summarize the raw data into 
tables that are easier to report against as for large installs the 
event log tables can grow much too large for reasonable query 

There are still a few things I need to clean up before I'd be ready 
to commit it, the biggest one is to setup a separate JPA persistence 
context to allow the stats to be stored to their own database. We 
discovered this is necessary in large installs as well since the 
portal tables and the stats tables have opposite usage semantics, as 
the portal DB is primarily read from and the stats tables are 
primarily written to.

I would only plan on including this for 3.1 as there are some 
non-trivial changes in the framework to provide additional 
information for some of the portal events.

As always I look forward to feedback.

Eric Dalquist wrote:
I have the UW database stats recorder mostly ported to uPortal 3. 
I've attached a patch to the Jira issue I'm using to track the 
work: As noted in the 
Jira issue there is more work to be done which should be addressed 
in the next few days. Feel free to apply the patch and try the code 
if you're so inclined, hopefully I'll have something ready for 
inclusion in 3.1 soon.


Eric Dalquist wrote:
I'm actually starting on it today, I'll keep everyone posted as I 


Matt Peterson wrote:

Cool. I think I would be more of a hindrance than a help if 
you’re planning on porting it yourself in the next few weeks. If 
it’s likely to be more than a few weeks though, I’ll gladly give 
it a go, as I will need it for our next phase (23^rd June).





Re: [uportal-dev] Zip files on Windows

2008-06-03 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I'm comfortable with it.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
I'm working on getting 3.0.1 ready for release. Are we all comfortable 
with removing the .zip distributions?


Andrew Petro wrote:


I think that what you propose is a very good idea, especially if 
accompanied by good documentation/hints/links in the download area of 
the website along the lines of Why is there no .zip file?  How do I 
open this files that are here?

This would also help address the downsides of use of .zip formats on 
platforms that would benefit by formats that retain permissions flags 
on the extracted files, by simply preventing the use of the less-rich 
.zip format.

One quick band-aid we could apply would be to slap a red warning box 
on the download page warning folks about naively opening the .zip 
distros in Windows.

However, I'd want to hear and give great weight to Eric Dalquist's 
perspective, since he's most recently been closely involved in the 
distribution build process automation.


Cris J Holdorph wrote:
This is something I see all the time in addition to the number of 
times it comes up on the list.

What do people think about the advantages/disadvantages of changing 
our distribution format.

I know just about any other format would require someone to install a 
tool they probably don't have on their box.  But isn't that the crux 
of the current problem?  That they are trying to unarchive without 
installing a new tool?  So, what extra work would we really be adding?

By way of suggestion, what about either .tar.gz or 7-zip formats?  
7-zip is a free and open source solution available for both windows, 
linux and mac os.  .tar.gz is also available quite easily on mac os x 
and linux. I think 7-zip or winzip (shareware) will open .tar.gz files.

The other solution, that most other apps seem to take, is building 
self-extracting archives (or install programs), so that the download 
is either a .exe or .msi file.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
 One thing to keep in mind on Window is that the unzipping program 
included in Window does not handle path names longer than 255 
characters and therefor cannot be used to unzip uPortal. You will 
need to find another unzip tool such as WinZip to extract uPortal on 


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Re: [uportal-dev] up3 guest user portlet preferences

2008-05-22 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I agree.  I think 4 is the best solution for most situations.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:

I vote for 4 as the default behavior.


Jen Bourey wrote:

Hi all,

I've mostly completed (but not checked in) work on  This ticket describes 
work necessary to provide a way to configure various different 
behaviors for portlet preferences in guest mode.

Supported use cases:

1. No preferences.

2. No preferences aren't loaded from the database store, but guest 
users can play with portlets and set preferences on a per-session basis.

3. Preferences are loaded from the database store.  Guest users can't 
make changes.

4. Preferences are loaded from the database store.  Guest users can 
make changes, which will only be stored in their session.  No other 
users will see these changes, and they will only last for that user 
for the length of the session.

5. Preferences are loaded from the database store, and guest users can 
make changes.  Preferences changes will be stored to the database and 
shared by all users.

I'm hoping these options will cover the most commonly desired 
behaviors.  Additional behaviors could be created by subclassing this 
portlet preferences service implementation and overriding methods as 

Which of the above behaviors should we set as the defaults?

- Jen


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[uportal-dev] Zip files on Windows

2008-05-22 Thread Cris J Holdorph
This is something I see all the time in addition to the number of times 
it comes up on the list.

What do people think about the advantages/disadvantages of changing our 
distribution format.

I know just about any other format would require someone to install a 
tool they probably don't have on their box.  But isn't that the crux of 
the current problem?  That they are trying to unarchive without 
installing a new tool?  So, what extra work would we really be adding?

By way of suggestion, what about either .tar.gz or 7-zip formats?  7-zip 
is a free and open source solution available for both windows, linux and 
mac os.  .tar.gz is also available quite easily on mac os x and linux. I 
think 7-zip or winzip (shareware) will open .tar.gz files.

The other solution, that most other apps seem to take, is building 
self-extracting archives (or install programs), so that the download is 
either a .exe or .msi file.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
 One thing to keep in mind on Window is that the unzipping program 
included in Window does not handle path names longer than 255 characters 
and therefor cannot be used to unzip uPortal. You will need to find 
another unzip tool such as WinZip to extract uPortal on Windows.


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Re: [uportal-dev] [VOTE] Tuyhang Ly for uPortal committer

2008-05-22 Thread Cris J Holdorph


Eric Dalquist wrote:
I'd like to propose making Tuy a uPortal committer, she has provided 
several high-quality patches and enhancements to uPortal 3.0 both pre 
and post release and it would be good to have her committing these on 
her own.


As a reminder votes need three positive votes with no negative votes to 
pass. If you vote -1 please include a detailed reason. The vote will 
remain open until at least 5/27.

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Re: [uportal-dev] New 3.1 features

2008-05-08 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Oh, I think the detached window changes are great for uPortal.  I was 
just commenting that it would be possible to do Detached without a 
WindowState, if you didn't need to force it with a PortletURL.  And I 
think it's something we could look at in the design of things.  Similar 
to how Exclusive windowstate was done.  It affected the very next call 
(well really just that one url request) but after that, the window 
state, did not appear to be exlusive to the porlet.

So, you could support a Detached window state, so that a portlet who 
wants to write a portlet url to do that, can force it to happen.  But 
other portlets, can 'support' being detached, without needing any 
uPortal specific code, as long as there is a portal control.

I would then encourage as many portlets hosted OUTSIDE of the uPortal 
code base, to resist (or at least have it configurable) using the portal 
specific window states, so they portlets can be used in other portals. 
I would really like to avoid seeing JA-SIG portlets turn into the mess 
that most of the JBoss and liferay portlets are, where they can't be run 
outside of that portal.

So, to summarize my votes:  yes - detached support for portlets in 
uPortal.  Yes - support for detached window state in portlet urls, for 
portlets that want to do that.  No (or make it optional) to most 
portlets released into open source using portal specific portlet modes 
or window states.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
The ability to do this via a PortletURL is the motivating factor for the 
new WindowState. A detached portlet would be very similar from the 
portlets view to being maximized. At least locally we'll have to allow 
portlets to trigger this via a PortletURL.

Also, if any bits of these two issues seem a bit too narrow for uPortal 
in general please say-so we can always do these local-only first and go 
from there. I'd just rather do it in uPortal core and forgo the 
local-only step if everyone is comfortable with that.


Cris J Holdorph wrote:
I think a new Portlet Window for the same portlet entity is the right 
way to handle detached.  However, it strikes me, that if you go that 
route, a new WindowState may not be needed at all.  Unless there's 
some reason for a portlet to care that they are in a separate window, 
I think a new window state just encourages coding portlets that are 
not as portable.  The only 'upside' I could see, is the ability to 
create a PortletURL that would cause the detached behavior, rather 
then relying on Portal controls.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:

For the DETACHED WindowState:
- The use-case here is a portlet that pops open search results in new 
windows. These results would be able to be further refined by the 
user via controls in the pop-up window while the user can still 
interact with the original portlet on the tab.
- The portlet object model does support the idea of multiple 
PortletWindows into one subscribed PortletEntity, this scopes the 
request parameters, WindowState and PortletMode from each instance 
the user interacts with while the session and preferences are still 

I hope that helps clarify a bit. I'll update the jira issues later 


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Re: [uportal-dev] New 3.1 features

2008-05-07 Thread Cris J Holdorph
What's the motivation behind the 'human readable' part?  Do you expect, 
(as a student) I can read the URL, that at some point in the future, 
I'll simply type in

in my address bar, because I remember I have a supercool tab and I put 
some portlet on that tab?

Or is the motivation instead, something different?  I'm not sure what 
human readable URL means if it's not the above use case.

I think the first half of the JIRA makes sense, but wouldn't describe 
that as human readable url.  The aspect of being able to control which 
tab/portlet is being displayed and what the portlet window state was 
with altering the URL, I think is interesting.  But what part of those 
features requires it to be 'human readable'.

Also, your second half of the jira, which Mark is commenting on, about 
tab/page/column  doesn't seem to match up with what you described in the 
first half.

 Cris J H

Mark Boyd wrote:


Recall that uportal infrastructure sees layouts as folders and channel 
not tabs and columns. So if anyone ever does decide to put together a 
non tab/column layout this approach (like the paging that Susan B. 
started looking at a couple years ago) wouldn't make sense for these 
enhanced layouts.

Secondly, keep in mind that tab labels can be internationalized. (Or 
could be if we ever roll the Luminis approach from the sandbox into 
baseline.) So you may well have mult-byte characters in those tab names. 
Perhaps we need to add a new friendly URL name to folders before such a 
folder (tab) is made available via such URLs. Or it can be mandatory 
with the caveat that its content must only consist of characters support 
by the URI spec. Ditto for channels.

Food for thought.


On Wed, May 7, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Eric Dalquist 

We have a portlet project coming through the pipes here that is
going to require some new uPortal functionality. In an attempt to do
this the right way I've described both features in uPortal Jira
issues and plan on trying to implement them in uPortal directly then
merge the features into our local version.

I'd like to get other developers feedback on that approach and on
ideas around these features.

The first is human-readable / search engine friendly URLs:
The second is a detached WindowState for portlets:



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Re: [uportal-dev] uP3 template user default groups

2008-04-15 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I think I'm confused by what you said here.  You said you changed 
defaultTemplateUser and gave one of the reasons why, because you didn't 
think that all users should be added to the developer group.  Then you 
ask if we should put the new template user in the developer group.  What 
am I missing?

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
We created a new defaultTemplateUser for the framework to use as a 
template for all new users. This replaces the demo user that has been 
used until now. The demo user was in the Developer group which resulted 
in all new users being placed in that group. Should we simply add the 
defaultTemplateUser to the same group?

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Re: [uportal-dev] uP3 template user default groups

2008-04-15 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Ok, in that case, I do not think that everyone in a uPortal deployment 
should be in the Developers group.  If the developers group is going to 
exist, it should have some kind of 'developers' meaning, not really be 
synonymous with 'everyone'.  But for what it's worth, I'm not sure, in 
my vision I see a big difference between administrators and developers, 
where uPortal is concerned permission wise.

I'm with Drew on voting the PAGS route to create a rule that matches 
everyone.  And having that PAGS group be a member of Everyone.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Sorry, the actual impetus for the change was to have a blank user who's 
only purpose is to be a template for new uPortal users instead of 
overloading the demo user like had been done historically. The new 
template user not being in the Developer group is just part of it being 
a new, blank, user. This does bring up the issue of how do we make new 
users appear to be in the Everyone group without loading up the database.


Cris J Holdorph wrote:
I think I'm confused by what you said here.  You said you changed 
defaultTemplateUser and gave one of the reasons why, because you 
didn't think that all users should be added to the developer group.  
Then you ask if we should put the new template user in the developer 
group.  What am I missing?

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
We created a new defaultTemplateUser for the framework to use as a 
template for all new users. This replaces the demo user that has been 
used until now. The demo user was in the Developer group which 
resulted in all new users being placed in that group. Should we 
simply add the defaultTemplateUser to the same group?

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Re: [uportal-dev] rename

2008-03-26 Thread Cris J Holdorph
It doesn't look like this happened.  Did it?  I still only see the up2 

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Thursday morning around 9am CDT the up2 folder in Subversion will be 
renamed to uPortal; to After the rename you will need to run 
the svn switch command[1] to switch the SVN url of code you have checked 
out. This applies to the uPortal trunk, branches and tags. This does not 
apply to any code you have downloaded from

Also there will be a short (15 minute) SVN outage just before the 
rename. Please plan on avoiding any commits or relying on SVN 
availability from 8:30am to 9:30am CDT Thursday morning.

Thank you,
Eric Dalquist


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Re: [uportal-dev] rename

2008-03-26 Thread Cris J Holdorph
ah, reading comprehension thanks for pointing out the obvious. 
Sorry everyone.

 Cris J H

Jen Bourey wrote:

I think it's scheduled for tomorrow morning.

- Jen

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Cris J Holdorph [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It doesn't look like this happened.  Did it?  I still only see the up2

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
  Thursday morning around 9am CDT the up2 folder in Subversion will be
  renamed to uPortal; to After the rename you will need
to run
  the svn switch command[1] to switch the SVN url of code you have
  out. This applies to the uPortal trunk, branches and tags. This
does not
  apply to any code you have downloaded from
  Also there will be a short (15 minute) SVN outage just before the
  rename. Please plan on avoiding any commits or relying on SVN
  availability from 8:30am to 9:30am CDT Thursday morning.
  Thank you,
  Eric Dalquist

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Re: [uportal-dev] channel/tab terminology

2008-03-25 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I disagree to an extent.  I think continuing to use the term Channel 
reinforces the past.  When people look to adopt a portal, what are they 
going to think if they see one Portal that is portlet based and one 
that is 'proprietary channel' based.  I feel like reducing the 
visibility/use of the term 'channel' will help in the marketability of 

 Cris J H

Andrew Petro wrote:


I favor sticking with the historical tab and channel terminology for 
this release.  It maximizes the re-usability of existing documentation.

I object to portlet as the generic term for the dynamic boxes on the 
screen in the uPortal documentation and terminology because it is 
confusing in its relationship to JSR-168 Portlets.  Some of the channels 
are implemented as JSR-168 portlets.  Some are not.  Technically, all of 
them are channels and can benefit by channel things, like channel 
types, metadata about which channel controls to show, categorization, 
and selection of audiences permitted to subscribe to them.

I see why implementing schools might adopt portlet, or widget, or 
channel, or thingamabob as their local terminology.  End users don't 
need to understand JSR-168 and the distinction of which channels are 
JSR-168 portlets and which are not.

The target audience of the uPortal release, however, tends more towards 
the IT staff of higher education institutions who might adopt and 
implement uPortal locally.  Avoiding calling things portlets that are 
not Portlets has value for this audience.

I like the term tab.  Using the default theme and skin, they look like 
tabs.  I find it easier to explain this to people in terms of tabs, and 
then tell them that if they want they could look like something other 
than tabs.  Tabs are nicely concrete and palpable and easier to grok.  I 
like using managed fragment to differentiate between DLM managed tabs 
and end-user personal layout tabs.

The term page has too much content management system expectations 
associated with it.  uPortal *isn't* a content management system and you 
*don't* interact with pages in the sense of Drupal or HyperContent.


Timothy Carroll wrote:

we have implemented a bit more hierarchy than the out of box uportal.

we use the terms tabs, pages, portlets

Jen Bourey wrote:

Hi all,

In cleaning up the up3 UI, I've noticed that the terminology isn't 
always consistent.  What do we want to use?  I think historically 
we've used channel and tab as terms?  At Yale, we've switched to 
calling those items portlets and pages, not that that's necessarily 

I don't have strong feelings about what terminology we use, although 
I would like to fix it to all be the same.  What would everyone prefer?

- Jen

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Re: [uportal-dev] uPortal policy on supported web browsers

2008-02-25 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I know it hasn't happened yet, might not happen, and if it did 
happen we should have time to react to it before it causes us a problem...

However, I wonder about the Microsoft bid for Yahoo and if Microsoft 
does acquire Yahoo, what they will think about that list.  Is there an 
equivalent out there, that isn't so close to being swallowed by one of 
the vendors with a vested interest in the list?

But +1 for a list in general.

 Cris J H

Andrew Petro wrote:

uPortal developers,

I'd like to see the project adopt a policy about what web browsers 
uPortal supports.  Fortunately, the Yahoo YUI folks have an A-grade 
browser policy that I think[1] tracks very well with what uPortal 
support ought to be.  Making the policy that of supporting YUI-graded 
A-grade browsers has some very nice properties in that they keep the 
list up to date and so uPortal will have a go-to, commonly respected, 
external criteria rather than dithering internally about which browsers 
to support.

I've drafted a policy statement in the uPortal manuals:

uP3 manual:

uP2 manual:

I'd like for one of two things to happen:

1) A flurry of +1s and huzzahs sufficient to adopt this browser 
support policy, so that we have one, making the project more marketable 
and setting a path.

2) responses leading to discussion that brings us to an even better 
policy statement, for which we can then have (1).



[1]: Thanks are due to Colin Clark, the rest of uPortal steering 
committee, and Gary Thompson in helping me to become informed enough to 
think about this.

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Re: [uportal-dev] uPortal Project

2008-02-20 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I'm sure someone else will chime in with a longer response.  My best 
suggestion is to take a look at some of the more recent bugs entered 
into Jira against the uPortal project.

Find a bug you are both interested in seeing fixed, and one you think 
you have the ability and interest to fix.  Then fix the bug if you can. 
 When you're done, create a patch and attach it to the Jira with a 
comment describing what you've done.  Then post here on the uportal-dev 
list, asking over people to review the patch.

This is how I think someone could best get involved with 
coding/contributing to the uPortal project.

In terms of testing, just installing and running uPortal will help.  The 
uPortal project doesn't have a set of formal test cases, so it's kind of 
make it up as you go.  I do know the forthcoming uPortal 3 release, 
would appreciate as many hands as possible downloading, testing, and 
reporting any bugs that are found (also to the same Jira link posted above).

 Cris J H

Longwe, Miya W wrote:

Dear Folks

How can I get involved or contribute to the uPortal project i.e. coding, 
testing, etc? We are planning on deploying uPortal at BU’s School of 


Miya W. Longwe

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Re: [uportal-dev] Weather Portlet: Service

2008-02-14 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I don't think this portlet should ship WITH uPortal.  I'd hate to see 
the main uPortal distribution encumbered with a license we somehow have 
to make sure commercial entities see and agree to, and contact 
accuweather, before they can ever start uPortal.  Now as a separate 
download that people can go to some place and 'read the license' for 
that specific portlet before clicking on the link to download it, I 
think it is probably fine.

 Cris J H

Jim Helwig wrote:
I don't see a logo or link back as a problem. Since our primary focus is 
higher education, I don't see the fact that commercial users need to 
contact AccuWeather as a problem. From the sounds of it, this seems like 
a good option.

It would be nice to see if this portlet could be implemented in a way 
that one could fairly easily plug in alternative weather feeds if they 
were concerned about this.

My two cents,

on 2/13/2008 7:16 PM Dustin S. said the following:
I have recently been in contact with to explore the 
possibility of using their services for weather data.'s services are used in one of the most popular Firefox 
add-ons: ForecastFox. If you are unfamiliar with AccuWeather you can 
visit's people have been very friendly and nice to work with 
and have setup an XML weather service for uPortal to use in the 
weather portlet. An example: 

Use of their service in the weather portlet would require an 
AccuWeather logo and a link back to their site. The feed would be 
available without permission for all non-commercial users assuming 
they retain the logo and link back. They would like any commercial 
users to contact AccuWeather for permission to use the data. They said 
that commercial users are generally not a concern unless they are a 
large commercial user that could cause an overload to their servers.

AccuWeather has /extensive/ international coverage of weather as well 
as /extensive /weather data and they seem to be very willing to work 
with us.

I would really like to use AccuWeather's service but I'm not sure the 
commercial aspects would be acceptable to have this portlet included 
in UP3 hence the reason for this post.

What does everyone else think?

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[uportal-dev] maven repository

2008-02-13 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Ok, I'm asking here, because my main purpose for doing this is to 
benefit the uPortal community.  Although, it's not a specific uPortal 

I am currently the maintainer of a Google Portlet on the hosting site.  This portlet was exchanged in uPortal 2.6 
for a version that could no longer be used by 'new' adopters.

Anyway, with uPortal 3.0 moving to a maven build, it would be helpful 
for as many of it's dependencies as possible (all, would be nice) to be 
maven dependencies and in the central repository.

So, I'd like to do my part and get my google portlet into the maven 
repository.  I have read this guide at the maven web site.

And I'm confused about the 'sync' approach.  I find it odd, but entirely 
possible, that by having chosen google code to host the project, I will 
be unable to use the 'sync' approach.  Does anyone have experience with 
this?  Or more generally does anyone have experience with getting 
artifacts in the maven repository at all?  I'm looking for help, and my 
Google searches so far have not turned up much help.

 Cris J H

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Re: [uportal-dev] Renaming

2008-02-04 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I think the naming change to the subversion repository is both necessary 
and required if we're really going to call the next release version 3.0.

So, +1 from me, despite any challenges it might bring.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
So way back when uPortal 2 and uPortal 3 were separate code bases we 
moved from CVS to SVN. As part of this move I had the brilliant idea to 
include a version number in the name of the SVN path for uPortal 2.X 
(up2) and uPortal 3.X (up3). With the very smart change in direction we 
made in the last year /up3 has been moved to /sandbox/portal but /up2 
remains. As we get closer to a 3.0.0-GA release this may be an issue we 
want to address.

I would like to get peoples feelings on renaming /up2 to /uPortal. I 
believe that if we did this everyone that currently has /up2 checked out 
would need to do a new check out of /uPortal. Is the 2 in the path 
something we need to worry about?


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Re: [uportal-dev] uP3 persistence libraries

2007-11-16 Thread Cris J Holdorph

There are few 'trends' that most in the community seem to agree on.

Eclipse was the first I noticed in this community.

Hibernate and Spring were the second and third (not sure the order).  I 
don't think you'll find much dissension on using Hibernate.

But  If you really wanted to open the door and think about all the 
reasons why or not, to use Hibernate, there is one downside.

RedHat/JBoss and Interface 21 do not get along.  I get the impression 
that some people use iBatis not because they think it's better then 
Hibernate, but because of the riff here and a desire to use something 
other then Hibernate.

Personally, I'd use Hibernate.  +1.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
As I progress with the Pluto 1.1 integration in the trunk I'm getting 
closer to the point of needing to write some new DAOs to persist some 
portlet domain objects. I would like to propose using Hibernate 3 for 
_new_ DAO implementations. Initially this just provides an easy way to 
write DAOs for object persistence, in the very long term we could plan 
on moving all DAOs to Hibernate to take advantage of schema creation and 
cross-database support. For 3.0 Hibernate would only be used for new 
DAOs and all existing data access code would remain as is.


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Re: [uportal-dev] RDBMServices, JNDI JDBC

2007-10-08 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I'd have stronger opinions if I was using an environment other then 
Tomcat.  However, in the Tomcat environment I don't see that it matters 
much either way.  In higher end app-server environments, it's probably 
appropriate to let that server control the pools.

Even so, you can configure spring to use JNDI datasources on a per 
installation environment if you need to.  So I see no harm in converting 
if you feel strongly.

Another thing to look at for a few minutes though, might be the recent 
flurry in the Sakai community trying to convert from Commons Connection 
Pooling to C3PO, which they did in response to a bug they hit in commons 

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

If I don't hear any reasons to keep the JNDI configs as the default way 
of doing things I'll be changing trunk to use commons-pool managed 
DataSources in the portal's application context.


Eric Dalquist wrote:
The issue of where to put those darn JDBC drivers has come up a few 
times in the last week or so on the -user list and has historically been 
a bit of an issue.

I would like to propose no longer using a JNDI configured DataSource by 
default. With the consolidated Spring configuration I would like to 
create a dataSourceContext.xml as a place to configure JDBC DataSource 
objects. RDBMServices would be deprecated and re-worked to provide 
access to the DataSource objects from the Spring context. As work 
progresses to move more components into a Spring managed world they 
could bypass RDBMServices and simply have the DataSource injected directly.


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Re: [uportal-dev] RDBMServices, JNDI JDBC

2007-10-08 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Yeah, I wasn't trying to make a vote for moving, simply taking notice 
and making an informed decision.  I haven't done any perf testing 
recently to compare the two, so I'm not in a good position to recommend 
one over the other.

 Cris J H

Jason Shao wrote:

On Oct 8, 2007, at 12:38 PM, Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I'd have stronger opinions if I was using an environment other then 
Tomcat.  However, in the Tomcat environment I don't see that it 
matters much either way.  In higher end app-server environments, it's 
probably appropriate to let that server control the pools.

Even so, you can configure spring to use JNDI datasources on a per 
installation environment if you need to.  So I see no harm in 
converting if you feel strongly.

Another thing to look at for a few minutes though, might be the recent 
flurry in the Sakai community trying to convert from Commons 
Connection Pooling to C3PO, which they did in response to a bug they 
hit in commons pooling.

There's still some work to be done on the Sakai side -- UMich thinks 
disabling inactive session in DBCP will avoid the deadlocking bug, and 
Rutgers is actually going back to dbcp since there were other 
sideaffects related to different default values for autocommit and 
transactionIsolationLevel (likely Sakai specific though)

Proxool seems to get some votes too -- though Juergen was complaining on 
TSS that there aren't any really good, clear OS choices for pools.



Jason Shao
Application Developer
Rutgers University, Office of Instructional  Research Technology
v. 732-445-8726 | f. 732-445-5539 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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Re: [uportal-dev] Wrong port number being returned?

2007-10-03 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Actually, there is a Portlet method on 

I'm not sure how much I would want to rely on it as a Portlet given the 
general Portlet approach to URLs, but it's not something that you have 
to unwrap the PortletRequest to get at.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
For anything executing as a JSR-168 portlet there is no valid 
request.getServerPort() call. While technically you can access a 
HttpServletRequest object when rendering in a JSP that object should 
never be used, the portlet's request/response objects must be used 
instead. The main question is how are URLs generated, as Chris pointed 
out portlets must generate URLs through an API that takes care of the 
entire URL string. My guess is there is something else going on with URL 
generation for the portlet (string concatenation or some such) and the 
format just happens to be close enough to what uPortal expects to work.


Jason Shao wrote:

On Oct 2, 2007, at 5:54 PM, Anastasia Cheetham wrote:

Hi, everyone,

We're observing a strange bug in a tool that we're deploying as a 
portlet in uPortal. I'm hoping that someone might be able to shed 
some light on it.

The tool converts relative URLs to absolute URLs, but it's inserting 
a wrong port number. Our uPortal instance is running on port 8090, 
but the port number that turns up is 80. When the URLs are tested 
with the right port number substituted, they work.

In case it matters: The tool is actually a Sakai tool that is wrapped 
as a portlet. When it runs within Sakai (which is running on port 
8080) all is fine. No port number is included in the absolute URL, 
and in the Sakai context, this works.
1. wrapped as a portlet? are you using some kind of bridge servlet 
(like the Struts-Bridge?)

2. What do the connectors in your server.xml look like?

3. (probably only applies if you're using a bridge servlet) If you 
call request.getServerPort() what do you get?



Jason Shao
Application Developer
Rutgers University, Office of Instructional  Research Technology
v. 732-445-8726 | f. 732-445-5539 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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Re: [uportal-dev] uP3 Progress Report

2007-09-14 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I know there was discussion of up3 at the barcamp at the ja-sig 
conference in June.  Unfortunately, I had a 3.5 hour workshop to deliver 
during that time so I was unable to participate.

What I don't understand is why the initial effort is being put towards 
the activities you mention and converting uPortal to Pluto 1.1 (or 
hopefully pluto 2.0) is not mentioned at all.

JSR 286 was Finalized on August 27, 2007 (that was the date votes 
closed).  If we release uPortal 3.0 nearly 1 year later in summer 2008 
without JSR 286 support, I think that will send an unintentional message 
to Portal consumers/adopters/developers.

So, while I can appreciate the great value in the conversion to Maven, 
and Spring Web MVC Dispatcher Servlet, I would to know more about how 
uPortal 3 is going to improve on it's support of Portlets (or even 
Channels if that was worthwhile).

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
There hasn't been much traffic on about the uP3 work since the 
conference and hopefully this is the first of many messages resolving 
that problem.

Work has been happening on converting the trunk of the uPortal project 
to use Maven 2 as the build system. This has been a complete conversion 
so much of the directory structure has been re-arranged. The work is 
complete and, with a little testing from folks on this list, ready to be 
merged from the 'working-maven' branch back into the trunk. I would 
encourage everyone to check out from the branch and give it a try. There 
is a build.xml file that at this point replicates the main Ant targets 
used by developers pre-conversion, initportal is still all you need to 
run to get everything going after setting up Please 
provide feedback, there are bound to be rough spots and missing 
developer features and hearing from developers is how they will be fixed.

One known issue: Ant 1.7 will not work, there is a nasty little bug that 
will be fixed in 1.7.1, for now use Ant 1.6

With this progress and new build system I need to get it properly 
documented and have a place for documentation as this effort moves 
forward. After looking through the wiki and chatting in IRC I have the 
following proposal. All documentation in the uPortal 3 space related to 
the uPortal 3 sandbox code would be consolidated and moved under a 
uP3-Sandbox page then the uPortal 3 space would be used for 
documentation of the goals of this effort and documentation of changes 
as they happen. I'd like to get other thoughts and suggestions as to how 
to deal with the wiki documentation as well.

The next step in the uP3 effort is consolidating the multiple Spring 
configurations in the project and replacing the inner workings of the 
static services with Spring configurations. Also related to this would 
be looking at using a Spring DispatcherServlet as the root servlet for 
uPortal, using Acegi to replace and similar tasks. 
Along side the documentation effort I'll be detailing these as sub-tasks 
of the root Spring related issue: I'll post an update when I 
get these sub-tasks details to look for some help in getting them done.


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Re: [uportal-dev] [VOTE] 2.6.1-GA

2007-09-12 Thread Cris J Holdorph


 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
With no negative feedback on the RC I'd like to propose cutting the 
2.6.1-GA release based on this code. Please respond with your vote on 

Thank you,

Eric Dalquist wrote:

uPortal developers,
uPortal 2.6.1 release candidate one is now available from the uPortal 
downloads page^

A release candidate signals feature completeness, makes a binary 
available for easy downloading and testing, and provides a concrete 
artifact to talk about and open issues against. It also defines a 
serious candidate for release as uPortal 2.6.1 GA. There are a short 
list of known issues to be resolved before GA, but it's a short list. 
Unless additional significant issues are raised, this will be uPortal 

Release notes are available in the wiki^

Since the GA release of uPortal 2.6.0, six issues have been addressed, 
including a functional off-line build and deploy script.

Eric Dalquist
uPortal 2.6.1 release engineer

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Re: [uportal-dev] [uportal-user] uPortal Session Failures?

2007-09-12 Thread Cris J Holdorph
Please let me know when a 2.6 patch is available, I have a training 
class going right now, where multiple machines are experiencing this 
problem with uPortal 2.6.0.  If we see a patch we could test it on a 
couple machines.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
There is a possible patch for this issue attached to the Jira case:

This patch *_HAS NOT_* been extensively tested yet and makes some 
significant changes in the ChannelRender and related code. The Jira 
issue also has a link to yesterday's IRC log which I would recommend 
reading if you are interested in an in-depth discussion about the 
probably underlying issue causing the session bug.

The high level overview is that due to uPortal's multi-threaded 
rendering model the Tomcat requestDispatcher is creating incorrectly 
wrapped HttpServletRequest objects to pass to the portlets for rendering.

A more detailed overview follows, if there are questions about the patch 
please ask.

Until an errata was recently filed in the servlet 2.4 spec it was 
against spec to allow multiple threads to access the request or response 
objects. The errata changed this so that it is no longer against spec 
but containers can optionally support multi-threaded access to these 
objects. With this wording it is not specifically a Tomcat bug, just an 
optional part of the spec that Tomcat does not implement.

The patch involves having the ChannelRenderer.Worker class, which 
invokes rendering on a channel, create a wrapper around the 
HttpServletRequest specific for the thread that Worker is running in. 
The wrapper implements HttpServletRequest directly instead of extending 
HttpServletRequestWrapper to stop Tomcat from un-wrapping the wrapper. 
Passing objects back to the servlet container that are not either the 
original request object or extended from HttpServletRequestWrapper is 
also against the servlet spec, though breaking spec compliance in this 
area should fix the session problem and doesn't appear to cause other 

The objects, specifically PortalControlStructures, which track the 
request and response through the rendering pipeline have also been 
modified to use ThreadLocals. This allows each rendering thread to have 
its own request and response objects as required by this patch.

This patch is very closely based on code that UW-Madison has been 
running since going live in June 2006. It was not contributed back 
earlier due to both the significance of the changes in the rendering 
pipeline and the thought that the problem being addressed by the change 
was specific to a special case here at UW.

I would encourage people experiencing the session problem and those who 
are familiar with the inner workings of the uPortal channel rendering 
code to try the patch and provide feedback. The patch was created 
against the 2.5-patches branch. Once some testing has been done on it 
confirming its viability I will create a patch for the 2.6-patches 
branch as well.


Elliot Metsger wrote:


I pulled HEAD of the 2-6-patches branch, and the buggy behavior still 

Parker Grimes wrote:


Yes we are using uPortal 2.6.0 GA with no custom patches. getMarkup() in
CPortletAdapter is synchronized.


On 9/9/07, Elliot Metsger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Parker,

Quick question: are you using uPortal 2.6.0 GA?  Have you applied any

I'm curious if your CPortletAdapter's getMarkup() method is 

Parker Grimes wrote:
This is sounding very familiar to what we have been experiencing. 
We use

uPortal 2.6.0 and the Spring Portlet MVC.

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Re: [uportal-dev] [uportal-user] uPortal Session Failures?

2007-09-12 Thread Cris J Holdorph

I apologize if this is in the IRC log.

two questions.

1) why does the pluto 1.1 driver (test portal) not exhibit the same 
problem?  Do they do something similar to what your patch does for 
uPortal?  Specifically breaking part of the servlet spec (even though it 
probably is ok to do so)?

2) Will this change work in other containers?  I know that CalPoly uses 
WebSphere (or did at some point in the past) and Colorado uses Resin.

And a bonus question...
* Does Tomcat 6 implement this optional 'erata' part of the Servlet 
spec?  That is if, someone spent enough time to get uPortal 2.6.0 
running in Tomcat 6, are they unlikely to see the same problem?

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
There is a possible patch for this issue attached to the Jira case:

This patch *_HAS NOT_* been extensively tested yet and makes some 
significant changes in the ChannelRender and related code. The Jira 
issue also has a link to yesterday's IRC log which I would recommend 
reading if you are interested in an in-depth discussion about the 
probably underlying issue causing the session bug.

The high level overview is that due to uPortal's multi-threaded 
rendering model the Tomcat requestDispatcher is creating incorrectly 
wrapped HttpServletRequest objects to pass to the portlets for rendering.

A more detailed overview follows, if there are questions about the patch 
please ask.

Until an errata was recently filed in the servlet 2.4 spec it was 
against spec to allow multiple threads to access the request or response 
objects. The errata changed this so that it is no longer against spec 
but containers can optionally support multi-threaded access to these 
objects. With this wording it is not specifically a Tomcat bug, just an 
optional part of the spec that Tomcat does not implement.

The patch involves having the ChannelRenderer.Worker class, which 
invokes rendering on a channel, create a wrapper around the 
HttpServletRequest specific for the thread that Worker is running in. 
The wrapper implements HttpServletRequest directly instead of extending 
HttpServletRequestWrapper to stop Tomcat from un-wrapping the wrapper. 
Passing objects back to the servlet container that are not either the 
original request object or extended from HttpServletRequestWrapper is 
also against the servlet spec, though breaking spec compliance in this 
area should fix the session problem and doesn't appear to cause other 

The objects, specifically PortalControlStructures, which track the 
request and response through the rendering pipeline have also been 
modified to use ThreadLocals. This allows each rendering thread to have 
its own request and response objects as required by this patch.

This patch is very closely based on code that UW-Madison has been 
running since going live in June 2006. It was not contributed back 
earlier due to both the significance of the changes in the rendering 
pipeline and the thought that the problem being addressed by the change 
was specific to a special case here at UW.

I would encourage people experiencing the session problem and those who 
are familiar with the inner workings of the uPortal channel rendering 
code to try the patch and provide feedback. The patch was created 
against the 2.5-patches branch. Once some testing has been done on it 
confirming its viability I will create a patch for the 2.6-patches 
branch as well.


Elliot Metsger wrote:


I pulled HEAD of the 2-6-patches branch, and the buggy behavior still 

Parker Grimes wrote:


Yes we are using uPortal 2.6.0 GA with no custom patches. getMarkup() in
CPortletAdapter is synchronized.


On 9/9/07, Elliot Metsger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Parker,

Quick question: are you using uPortal 2.6.0 GA?  Have you applied any

I'm curious if your CPortletAdapter's getMarkup() method is 

Parker Grimes wrote:
This is sounding very familiar to what we have been experiencing. 
We use

uPortal 2.6.0 and the Spring Portlet MVC.

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Re: [uportal-dev] [uportal-user] uPortal Session Failures?

2007-09-12 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I have a problem with the 2.6 patch, it complains my does not match.

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
Patches that should work on the last rev from both the 2-5-patches and 
2-6-patches are now attached to the Jira issue:


Cris J Holdorph wrote:

I apologize if this is in the IRC log.

two questions.

1) why does the pluto 1.1 driver (test portal) not exhibit the same 
problem?  Do they do something similar to what your patch does for 
uPortal?  Specifically breaking part of the servlet spec (even though 
it probably is ok to do so)?

2) Will this change work in other containers?  I know that CalPoly 
uses WebSphere (or did at some point in the past) and Colorado uses 

And a bonus question...
* Does Tomcat 6 implement this optional 'erata' part of the Servlet 
spec?  That is if, someone spent enough time to get uPortal 2.6.0 
running in Tomcat 6, are they unlikely to see the same problem?

 Cris J H

Eric Dalquist wrote:
There is a possible patch for this issue attached to the Jira case:

This patch *_HAS NOT_* been extensively tested yet and makes some 
significant changes in the ChannelRender and related code. The Jira 
issue also has a link to yesterday's IRC log which I would recommend 
reading if you are interested in an in-depth discussion about the 
probably underlying issue causing the session bug.

The high level overview is that due to uPortal's multi-threaded 
rendering model the Tomcat requestDispatcher is creating incorrectly 
wrapped HttpServletRequest objects to pass to the portlets for 

A more detailed overview follows, if there are questions about the 
patch please ask.

Until an errata was recently filed in the servlet 2.4 spec it was 
against spec to allow multiple threads to access the request or 
response objects. The errata changed this so that it is no longer 
against spec but containers can optionally support multi-threaded 
access to these objects. With this wording it is not specifically a 
Tomcat bug, just an optional part of the spec that Tomcat does not 

The patch involves having the ChannelRenderer.Worker class, which 
invokes rendering on a channel, create a wrapper around the 
HttpServletRequest specific for the thread that Worker is running in. 
The wrapper implements HttpServletRequest directly instead of 
extending HttpServletRequestWrapper to stop Tomcat from un-wrapping 
the wrapper. Passing objects back to the servlet container that are 
not either the original request object or extended from 
HttpServletRequestWrapper is also against the servlet spec, though 
breaking spec compliance in this area should fix the session problem 
and doesn't appear to cause other problems.

The objects, specifically PortalControlStructures, which track the 
request and response through the rendering pipeline have also been 
modified to use ThreadLocals. This allows each rendering thread to 
have its own request and response objects as required by this patch.

This patch is very closely based on code that UW-Madison has been 
running since going live in June 2006. It was not contributed back 
earlier due to both the significance of the changes in the rendering 
pipeline and the thought that the problem being addressed by the 
change was specific to a special case here at UW.

I would encourage people experiencing the session problem and those 
who are familiar with the inner workings of the uPortal channel 
rendering code to try the patch and provide feedback. The patch was 
created against the 2.5-patches branch. Once some testing has been 
done on it confirming its viability I will create a patch for the 
2.6-patches branch as well.


Elliot Metsger wrote:


I pulled HEAD of the 2-6-patches branch, and the buggy behavior 
still exists

Parker Grimes wrote:


Yes we are using uPortal 2.6.0 GA with no custom patches. 
getMarkup() in

CPortletAdapter is synchronized.


On 9/9/07, Elliot Metsger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Parker,

Quick question: are you using uPortal 2.6.0 GA?  Have you applied any

I'm curious if your CPortletAdapter's getMarkup() method is 

Parker Grimes wrote:
This is sounding very familiar to what we have been experiencing. 
We use

uPortal 2.6.0 and the Spring Portlet MVC.

View this message in context: 

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--- You

Re: [uportal-dev] Spring PortletMVC

2007-09-07 Thread Cris J Holdorph
The simplest way to do this is to set the EDIT mode on the portlet url 
, that you use for the target of the form.  So, if edit mode has a form 
to fill in certain settings, you need a portlet action url to be the 
target for the html form.  on that portlet action url, simply have the 
portlet mode set to 'VIEW', then when th user submits the form, after 
the Action processing is done they will go to the VIEW mode for render.

It's also possible to set the portlet mode to view programatically in 
the action processing.  There might be good reasons to do it either way. 
 I just view doing it in the PortletURL as less code to write.

 Cris J H

Jennifer Bourey wrote:
How do you handle sending the portlet back to view mode?  Does this 
happen automatically, or are you manually setting the mode?


- Jen

On Sep 7, 2007, at 11:50 AM, Parker Grimes wrote:

Here are some screenshots of one of our portlets. One in view mode 
and the other in edit mode. When you click Save or Cancel in 
edit mode it returns you to view mode.


Jennifer Bourey
Technology and Planning
Yale University ITS

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Re: [uportal-dev] Requiring Jira issue ids in commit messages

2007-08-20 Thread Cris J Holdorph
I'm in favor of it as well.  I was just lamenting this morning, that 
another project I am on, does not have it and I hope they introduce it soon.

 Cris J H

Andrew Petro wrote:


I favor adopting the script.

We use it internally at Unicon and headaches are minimal.

It's relatively gentle and friendly -- since SVN is transactional you 
don't get broken half-commits with it, and it gives you an error message 
telling you how to conform to the commit message requirement, this even 
shows up in the Eclipse console.


Eric Dalquist wrote:
Brad Szabo was kind enough to share a SVN script that would require a 
Jira issue id to be referenced in the commit message for any commit. 
The script can be bypassed explicitly by adding NOJIRA instead of an 
issue ID and also allow commits from some automated tools such as the 
maven release plugin.

What are people's feelings on adding this script to our repository? It 
would require developers to at least acknowledge if there isn't a 
relevant Jira issue and remind us when we forget to add a reference to 
the relevant issue that does exist. I don't want to add something that 
is going to cause headaches or difficulties for commitiers but an 
automated catch might be nice to help enforce good behavior.


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