[ovirt-users] Re: Alternative Perspective - Re: oVirt alternatives

2022-02-06 Thread Dan Yasny
Alternatively, if all of a sudden a large number of customers show up
willing to pay for RHV, the decision to drop it might be reversed.

On Sun, 6 Feb 2022, 14:10 David White via Users,  wrote:

> At the risk of sounding like a Red Hat or IBM fanboy, I have decided to
> give Red Hat the benefit of the doubt here, and to not make any decisions
> about switching off of oVirt until and unless an official announcement is
> made.
> In the meantime, I know that I need to move off of Gluster (and I made
> that decision before the Gluster announcement), and I would need storage
> with any other solution anyway, so that's where I'm going to focus my own
> efforts.
> In the meantime, while I realize that the optics of a company like IBM /
> Red Hat shutting a project like oVirt down looks bad to the FOSS community,
> I'm going to push back a little bit. We have had access to a FOSS
> application that obviously works for a lot of people. No company is
> required to provide their services for free, and likewise, I'm of the
> opinion that one needs to be willing to pay (or contribute in some way) for
> a quality product service. It reminds me of the mantra: "Fast, Cheap, Free
> - pick two".
> So here's an alternative perspective: What can the community contribute
> and do in order to keep the project going? Anyone could fork it, rebrand
> it, and run with it.
> I claim to be a software developer, and the uplink in my datacenter is
> only 100mbps right now (of course I can increase it when needed), so I
> doubt I could provide much value in terms of hosting or coding.
> But I do know security. I'm a Linux systems engineer with over 10 years of
> experience. I know website content management systems. And people have told
> me that I'm good at documentation. So I think I have a lot of skill sets
> that I could "offer" (albeit I don't have much time, and as we all know,
> time is money. I've been dealing with a serious personal matter since
> beginning of December, and I'm effectively an acting single parent at the
> moment).
> I'll end this the way I started: I'm going to wait to see what happens
> before I personally make any decisions to change my entire underlying
> virtualization infrastructure. In the meantime, I'll continue to work on
> what I can control - the underlying storage. And if oVirt does shutdown in
> the future, I'd love to have a conversation with anyone interested in
> helping out to fork the project and keep it running.
> Sent with ProtonMail  Secure Email.
> ___
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[ovirt-users] Re: RHGS and RHV closing down: could you please put that on the home page?

2022-02-05 Thread Dan Yasny
I've not been part of the ovirt project for 9 years now and have left red
hat in 2018, so this isn't insider talk, just pure speculation. However...

KubeVirt has been making a splash in the current height-of-fashion platform
kubernetes and by extension in openshift. To me it only makes a lot of
sense for red hat to converge their efforts on a single platform to rule
them all. It's a learning curve, true, but what isn't?  try

Add to that the fact that nice technologies like mayastor are being
developed for k8s, and you might start getting a bit of a light at the end
of the tunnel, which just might not turn out to be an oncoming train.

In short, give it a try, worst case - you end up on proxmox.

On Sat, 5 Feb 2022, 22:28 Sketch,  wrote:

> Interesting, I hadn't read about the planned migration from RHV to
> OpenShift.  Based on what I've read here, it seems like 4.5 development is
> well underway, so I doubt 4.4 will be the last release of oVirt.  That
> would mean August is probably not the end of the line.
> However, the removal of gluster appears to be slated for 4.5, so it's
> possible it's intended as a final release to harmonize the feature between
> RHV and OpenShift somewhat, to make migration to OpenShift easier?
> On Sat, 5 Feb 2022, Thomas Hoberg wrote:
> > Please have a look here:
> > https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/rhev/
> >
> > Without a commercial product to pay the vast majority of the developers,
> there is just no chance oVirt can survive (unless you're ready to take
> over). RHV 4.4 full support ends this August and that very likely means
> that oVirt won't receive updates past July (judging by how things happened
> with 4.3).
> >
> > And those will be CI tested against the Stream Beta not EL8 including
> >
> > Only with a RHV support contract ($) you will receive service until 2024
> and with extended support ($$$) until 2026.
> >
> > oVirt is dead already. They have known since October. They should have
> told us last year.
> > ___
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[ovirt-users] EMC Unity300 with iSCSI

2021-04-06 Thread Dan Yasny
Hi all,

I've got a brand new Unity300 that I'm trying to hook up to a 4.3 setup
with iSCSI.

The way I have it organized is simple:
- each hypervisor has two NICs set to 192.168.10.x and 192.168.20.x
- the SAN has 4 ports on each controller (A and B), amounting to 8 portal
IPs I can log into.

The problem with the EMC is that at any time, only either A or B addresses
would be active, so I can only login to 4 out of the 8 addresses, while the
engine, in order to add all the possible target IQNs needs to log into all
8 of them.

I've been trying to find a solution for a while now, EMC generally suggest
I use powerpath (not an option here obviously).

Did anyone set up one of these EMC boxes with oVirt before?

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[ovirt-users] Re: Commvault

2021-03-09 Thread Dan Yasny
I'd be looking at storware, they are very rhv specific

On Tue., Mar. 9, 2021, 19:16 Colin Coe,  wrote:

> Hi all
> My workplace is considering replacing Arcserve (which has been terrible)
> with Commvault.
> Our virtualisation is a mix of about 95% RHV and 5% HyperV.  We have a
> handful of physical servers, a 50/50 mix of Windows and RHEL.
> We run dual hot data centers, and want to backup locally (disk to disk)
> then replicate to the other data center.  Cloud is off the table.
> Anyone have any experience with Commvault?  War stories?
> Happy to be pointed at other alternatives.
> Thanks
> ___
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[ovirt-users] Re: Small SAN suggestions?

2021-02-17 Thread Dan Yasny
For a small setup I've used Dell MD3000i (well, 3200i and higher) arrays.
Very small and basic but they do the job just fine

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 1:27 PM Chris Adams  wrote:

> I have an oVirt cluster with a significantly oversized SAN for storage
> (iSCSI, have 30TB storage but am only using about 2.5TB).  I'm looking
> for a more appropriately-sized setup.  Any suggestions?
> This is currently a Dell EqualLogic array - it doesn't look like they
> really even have a smallish VM-storage (at least that isn't VMware)
> product these days.  Looking at our stats, we're doing more write than
> read ops (outside of when backups run), typically under 150 write ops
> per second.
> I'm not looking at replacing servers right now, so not looking at
> hyperconverged.
> Just interested in what hardware people are using these days for a setup
> this size.  Thanks.
> --
> Chris Adams 
> ___
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[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt VLAN Primer

2021-02-02 Thread Dan Yasny
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 2:00 PM David Johnson 

> Ah ... so if I connected one of the other ethernet ports to the tagged
> traffic (second physical network for tagged traffic), it should work as I
> expect?

Yes, if there are no untagged networks attached

> Regards,
> David Johnson
> Director of Development, Maxis Technology
> 844.696.2947 ext 702 (o)  |  479.531.3590 (c)
> djohn...@maxistechnology.com
> [image: Maxis Techncology] <http://www.maxistechnology.com>
> www.maxistechnology.com
> *stay connected <http://www.linkedin.com/in/pojoguy>*
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 12:56 PM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>> You're trying to mix tagged and untagged traffic. That, iirc, isn't
>> supported for security reasons (the untagged network can see all the tagged
>> traffic). You can put multiple tagged networks on the same NIC though.
>> Please check with the ovirt folks though, it's been a while since I last
>> checked the state of things
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 1:51 PM David Johnson <
>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>> I have a physical network ovirtmgmt, and a logical network 10-non-prod
>>> with the vlan tag of 10 and the network label of 10.
>>> The physical and vlan have both been dragged to the enp0 NIC on the host.
>>> What I understand from this is that the bridge has been there all along,
>>> but, since I can't ping the host no traffic is crossing it.
>>> Host IP's : * <> * and 
>>> *
>>> <>*
>>> VLAN IP on host: * <>*
>>> Regards,
>>> David Johnson
>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 12:44 PM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 1:38 PM David Johnson <
>>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, this is a step closer, but the details are still very sketchy.
>>>>> Following the instructions at
>>>>> https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/administration_guide/#appe-Custom_Network_Properties
>>>>> :
>>>>> If I understand the instructions correctly:
>>>>>1. Open the host in the Ovirt UI
>>>>>2. Go to the Network tab
>>>>>3. Select the NIC I want to bridge to
>>>>>4. Click "Setup Host Networks"
>>>>>5. Click the pencil icon on the (host? VLAN?) network
>>>>>6. Choose the Custom Properties tab
>>>>>7. In the Custom Properties (Please Select a key), choose
>>>>>8.  At this point, there is no way to add the keys it looks
>>>>>like it needs ???   Total loss ???
>>>> You need to create a logical network first. Do you have any of those?
>>>> Logical networks are where you may add VLAN tags.
>>>> In the hosts' network setup window you simply drag the logical network
>>>> to the NIC or bond and save. The VLAN tag and bridge will be created
>>>> accordingly on the host
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> David Johnson
>>>>> Director of Development, Maxis Technology
>>>>> 844.696.2947 ext 702 (o)  |  479.531.3590 (c)
>>>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com
>>>>> [image: Maxis Techncology] <http://www.maxistechnology.com>
>>>>> www.maxistechnology.com
>>>>> *stay connected <http://www.linkedin.com/in/pojoguy>*
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:24 AM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:20 AM David Johnson <
>>>>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> This is great ... I am missing the bridge (at least).
>>>>>>> Does the bridge reside on the host or the VM?  Is it created in the
>>>>>>> Ovirt UI, or in the VM operating system?

[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt VLAN Primer

2021-02-02 Thread Dan Yasny
You're trying to mix tagged and untagged traffic. That, iirc, isn't
supported for security reasons (the untagged network can see all the tagged
traffic). You can put multiple tagged networks on the same NIC though.

Please check with the ovirt folks though, it's been a while since I last
checked the state of things

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 1:51 PM David Johnson 

> I have a physical network ovirtmgmt, and a logical network 10-non-prod
> with the vlan tag of 10 and the network label of 10.
> The physical and vlan have both been dragged to the enp0 NIC on the host.
> What I understand from this is that the bridge has been there all along,
> but, since I can't ping the host no traffic is crossing it.
> Host IP's : * <> * and *
> <>*
> VLAN IP on host: * <>*
> Regards,
> David Johnson
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 12:44 PM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 1:38 PM David Johnson <
>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks, this is a step closer, but the details are still very sketchy.
>>> Following the instructions at
>>> https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/administration_guide/#appe-Custom_Network_Properties
>>> :
>>> If I understand the instructions correctly:
>>>1. Open the host in the Ovirt UI
>>>2. Go to the Network tab
>>>3. Select the NIC I want to bridge to
>>>4. Click "Setup Host Networks"
>>>5. Click the pencil icon on the (host? VLAN?) network
>>>6. Choose the Custom Properties tab
>>>7. In the Custom Properties (Please Select a key), choose
>>>8.  At this point, there is no way to add the keys it looks like
>>>it needs ???   Total loss ???
>> You need to create a logical network first. Do you have any of those?
>> Logical networks are where you may add VLAN tags.
>> In the hosts' network setup window you simply drag the logical network to
>> the NIC or bond and save. The VLAN tag and bridge will be created
>> accordingly on the host
>>> Regards,
>>> David Johnson
>>> Director of Development, Maxis Technology
>>> 844.696.2947 ext 702 (o)  |  479.531.3590 (c)
>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com
>>> [image: Maxis Techncology] <http://www.maxistechnology.com>
>>> www.maxistechnology.com
>>> *stay connected <http://www.linkedin.com/in/pojoguy>*
>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:24 AM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:20 AM David Johnson <
>>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>>>> This is great ... I am missing the bridge (at least).
>>>>> Does the bridge reside on the host or the VM?  Is it created in the
>>>>> Ovirt UI, or in the VM operating system?
>>>> On the host. Logical networks in oVirt are a virtual construct,
>>>> translating to a "profile" that gets built on the hosts in the cluster.
>>>> Essentially, each logical network is a bridge with the same name on the
>>>> hosts, and if there's a vlan tag, then the interface (or bond) gets tagged,
>>>> and the bridge is built on top of that tagged interface. VMs are plugged
>>>> into the bridges and their traffic flows through the bridges to the
>>>> switches. Very simple really, and there was a KB we published about this
>>>> about a decade ago.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> David Johnson
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:16 AM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:06 AM David Johnson <
>>>>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Good morning Ales,
>>>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>>>> At this point, while I believe I have marked the networks as
>>>>>>> required, I am hesitant to assume that they are marked because I don't

[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt VLAN Primer

2021-02-02 Thread Dan Yasny
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 1:38 PM David Johnson 

> Thanks, this is a step closer, but the details are still very sketchy.
> Following the instructions at
> https://www.ovirt.org/documentation/administration_guide/#appe-Custom_Network_Properties
> :
> If I understand the instructions correctly:
>1. Open the host in the Ovirt UI
>2. Go to the Network tab
>3. Select the NIC I want to bridge to
>4. Click "Setup Host Networks"
>5. Click the pencil icon on the (host? VLAN?) network
>6. Choose the Custom Properties tab
>7. In the Custom Properties (Please Select a key), choose "bridge_opts"
>8.  At this point, there is no way to add the keys it looks like
>it needs ???   Total loss ???
You need to create a logical network first. Do you have any of those?
Logical networks are where you may add VLAN tags.

In the hosts' network setup window you simply drag the logical network to
the NIC or bond and save. The VLAN tag and bridge will be created
accordingly on the host

> Regards,
> David Johnson
> Director of Development, Maxis Technology
> 844.696.2947 ext 702 (o)  |  479.531.3590 (c)
> djohn...@maxistechnology.com
> [image: Maxis Techncology] <http://www.maxistechnology.com>
> www.maxistechnology.com
> *stay connected <http://www.linkedin.com/in/pojoguy>*
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:24 AM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:20 AM David Johnson <
>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>> This is great ... I am missing the bridge (at least).
>>> Does the bridge reside on the host or the VM?  Is it created in the
>>> Ovirt UI, or in the VM operating system?
>> On the host. Logical networks in oVirt are a virtual construct,
>> translating to a "profile" that gets built on the hosts in the cluster.
>> Essentially, each logical network is a bridge with the same name on the
>> hosts, and if there's a vlan tag, then the interface (or bond) gets tagged,
>> and the bridge is built on top of that tagged interface. VMs are plugged
>> into the bridges and their traffic flows through the bridges to the
>> switches. Very simple really, and there was a KB we published about this
>> about a decade ago.
>>> Thanks!
>>> David Johnson
>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:16 AM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:06 AM David Johnson <
>>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>>>> Good morning Ales,
>>>>> Thank you for your response.
>>>>> At this point, while I believe I have marked the networks as required,
>>>>> I am hesitant to assume that they are marked because I don't understand 
>>>>> for
>>>>> sure which pieces I don't understand.
>>>>> Unfortunately, what I am missing is a number of random bits and pieces
>>>>> that tie everything together.
>>>>> I have fought with the networking on this cluster for over a week. The
>>>>> network configuration was so messed up it was faster and cleaner to wipe
>>>>> the cluster completely and start from scratch, and I just finished a clean
>>>>> reinstallation.
>>>>> Now that it's back up and I understand it better, the VM's on VLAN's
>>>>> are still unable to reach beyond themselves - they cannot even ping the
>>>>> host they are on.
>>>>> Rather than try to address it symptom by symptom, I would like to get
>>>>> a solid overview of how the different pieces tie together. Unfortunately,
>>>>> in the official documentation, all I found was which buttons to push to
>>>>> edit the vlan, with nothing that addresses how the different pieces are
>>>>> wired together.
>>>>> My understanding of the architecture is:
>>>>> VM -> vNIC -> virtual switch -> physical NIC -> external network ->
>>>>> gateway -> internet
>>>> When you create a tagged network, the scheme changes a bit:
>>>> VM -> vNIC -> BRIDGE -> NIC.tag -> NIC -> switch
>>>> All the VM traffic will get tagged this way, and the switch port should

[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt VLAN Primer

2021-02-02 Thread Dan Yasny
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:20 AM David Johnson 

> This is great ... I am missing the bridge (at least).
> Does the bridge reside on the host or the VM?  Is it created in the Ovirt
> UI, or in the VM operating system?

On the host. Logical networks in oVirt are a virtual construct, translating
to a "profile" that gets built on the hosts in the cluster. Essentially,
each logical network is a bridge with the same name on the hosts, and if
there's a vlan tag, then the interface (or bond) gets tagged, and the
bridge is built on top of that tagged interface. VMs are plugged into the
bridges and their traffic flows through the bridges to the switches. Very
simple really, and there was a KB we published about this about a decade

> Thanks!
> David Johnson
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:16 AM Dan Yasny  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:06 AM David Johnson <
>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>> Good morning Ales,
>>> Thank you for your response.
>>> At this point, while I believe I have marked the networks as required, I
>>> am hesitant to assume that they are marked because I don't understand for
>>> sure which pieces I don't understand.
>>> Unfortunately, what I am missing is a number of random bits and pieces
>>> that tie everything together.
>>> I have fought with the networking on this cluster for over a week. The
>>> network configuration was so messed up it was faster and cleaner to wipe
>>> the cluster completely and start from scratch, and I just finished a clean
>>> reinstallation.
>>> Now that it's back up and I understand it better, the VM's on VLAN's are
>>> still unable to reach beyond themselves - they cannot even ping the host
>>> they are on.
>>> Rather than try to address it symptom by symptom, I would like to get a
>>> solid overview of how the different pieces tie together. Unfortunately, in
>>> the official documentation, all I found was which buttons to push to edit
>>> the vlan, with nothing that addresses how the different pieces are wired
>>> together.
>>> My understanding of the architecture is:
>>> VM -> vNIC -> virtual switch -> physical NIC -> external network ->
>>> gateway -> internet
>> When you create a tagged network, the scheme changes a bit:
>> VM -> vNIC -> BRIDGE -> NIC.tag -> NIC -> switch
>> All the VM traffic will get tagged this way, and the switch port should
>> be in trunk mode allowing tagged traffic through.
>>> What I don't understand is how to determine at which point in the
>>> architecture the configuration is wrong, when the only symptom I have for
>>> sure right now is that my VM's on a VLAN won't ping the host or anything on
>>> the external network.
>>> At one point everything was working as expected, briefly, before the
>>> whole thing came crashing down, so the external network is at least mostly
>>> configured.
>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021, 12:20 AM Ales Musil  wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 6:18 AM David Johnson <
>>>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>>>> Good morning all,
>>>>> On my ovirt 4.4.4 cluster, I am trying to use VLan's to separate VM's
>>>>> for security purposes.
>>>>> Is there a usable how-to document that describes how to configure the
>>>>> vlan's so they actually function without taking the host into
>>>>> non-operational mode?
>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> David Johnson
>>>>> ___
>>>>> Users mailing list -- users@ovirt.org
>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to users-le...@ovirt.org
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>>>>> oVirt Code of Conduct:
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>>>>> List Archives:
>>>>> https://lists.ovirt.org/archives/list/users@ovirt.org/message/IYPORJKHTSVTYTTRGWIW3V2MF5CFZ6DC/
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I assume that you

[ovirt-users] Re: Ovirt VLAN Primer

2021-02-02 Thread Dan Yasny
On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 10:06 AM David Johnson 

> Good morning Ales,
> Thank you for your response.
> At this point, while I believe I have marked the networks as required, I
> am hesitant to assume that they are marked because I don't understand for
> sure which pieces I don't understand.
> Unfortunately, what I am missing is a number of random bits and pieces
> that tie everything together.
> I have fought with the networking on this cluster for over a week. The
> network configuration was so messed up it was faster and cleaner to wipe
> the cluster completely and start from scratch, and I just finished a clean
> reinstallation.
> Now that it's back up and I understand it better, the VM's on VLAN's are
> still unable to reach beyond themselves - they cannot even ping the host
> they are on.
> Rather than try to address it symptom by symptom, I would like to get a
> solid overview of how the different pieces tie together. Unfortunately, in
> the official documentation, all I found was which buttons to push to edit
> the vlan, with nothing that addresses how the different pieces are wired
> together.
> My understanding of the architecture is:
> VM -> vNIC -> virtual switch -> physical NIC -> external network ->
> gateway -> internet

When you create a tagged network, the scheme changes a bit:
VM -> vNIC -> BRIDGE -> NIC.tag -> NIC -> switch

All the VM traffic will get tagged this way, and the switch port should be
in trunk mode allowing tagged traffic through.

> What I don't understand is how to determine at which point in the
> architecture the configuration is wrong, when the only symptom I have for
> sure right now is that my VM's on a VLAN won't ping the host or anything on
> the external network.
> At one point everything was working as expected, briefly, before the whole
> thing came crashing down, so the external network is at least mostly
> configured.
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021, 12:20 AM Ales Musil  wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 6:18 AM David Johnson <
>> djohn...@maxistechnology.com> wrote:
>>> Good morning all,
>>> On my ovirt 4.4.4 cluster, I am trying to use VLan's to separate VM's
>>> for security purposes.
>>> Is there a usable how-to document that describes how to configure the
>>> vlan's so they actually function without taking the host into
>>> non-operational mode?
>>> Thank you in advance.
>>> Regards,
>>> David Johnson
>>> ___
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>> Hello,
>> I assume that you have marked those networks as required. This is handy
>> to make sure that all hosts in a cluster have this network attached.
>> Which implies that the host is considered non operational until you
>> assign all required networks.
>> To avoid this you can uncheck it for a new network in the cluster tab of
>> the "New Logical Network" window. For existing go to
>> Compute -> Clusters -> $YOUR_CLUSTER -> Logical Networks -> Manage
>> Networks and uncheck required for the affected network.
>> This can be always changed back.
>> Hopefully this helps.
>> Regards,
>> Ales
>> --
>> Ales Musil
>> Software Engineer - RHV Network
>> Red Hat EMEA 
>> amu...@redhat.comIM: amusil
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[ovirt-users] Re: Cannot upload image

2020-04-07 Thread Dan Yasny
There's a simple method really. You need to create a preallocated disk of
the similar size (maybe a little bit larger to be safe) and note it's UUID.

Then copy the qcow2 image to a host that has access to the storage domain

enable the LV for thie new disk using lvchange -ay /dev/mapper/vg-uuid
(look it up in the output of lvs -o +tags)

run qemu-img convert from qcow2 to raw/qcow2 (whatever you set the disk up
to be in ovirt) using the qcow2 file as source and the LV as destination.

Now you should be able to use the disk in a VM or a template.

PS Exxonmobil on oVirt, that's a major wow :)

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 1:54 PM Green, Jacob Allen /C <
jacob.a.gr...@exxonmobil.com> wrote:

> I am trying to upload an image.qcow2 from a previous kvm installation to a
> block iscsi storage domain if possible, if I have to first stand up and NFS
> storage domain I could do that as well and move the disk once its uploaded,
> I just cannot get it uploaded.
> I know there is a method for importing from a KVM provider via the
> following link
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_virtualization/4.1/html/administration_guide/sect-adding_external_providers#Adding_KVM_as_an_External_Provider
>  However
> all I have is the disk image, the KVM environment it was running in is no
> longer operational. So I am looking for a simple command line method to
> upload the image, similar to how one could use the ovirt-iso-uploader to
> upload an image to an iso domain.
> *Jacob Green*
> Container Platform Engineer
> EMIT | APPS | Modern Apps & Platforms
> ExxonMobil Information Technology
> 1735 Hughes Landing Blvd, The Woodlands, TX 77381 | TEL:+1-832-624-4348
> *From:* Dan Yasny [mailto:dya...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 7, 2020 12:40 PM
> *To:* Green, Jacob Allen /C 
> *Cc:* users 
> *Subject:* Re: [ovirt-users] Cannot upload image
> *External Email - Think Before You Click*
> Is that block or file storage?
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 1:38 PM Green, Jacob Allen /C <
> jacob.a.gr...@exxonmobil.com> wrote:
>Hello, I am in a precarious situation where I need to
> upload an image to the storage domain, I understand that normally you would
> achieve this via the upload button on the storage domain > Disks tab.
> However I currently do not have the ability to import the certificate. Is
> there a way from command line either on the RHV manager or otherwise to
> upload a qcow2 without using the image upload through the GUI?
> Thank you.
> ___
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[ovirt-users] Re: Cannot upload image

2020-04-07 Thread Dan Yasny
Is that block or file storage?

On Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 1:38 PM Green, Jacob Allen /C <
jacob.a.gr...@exxonmobil.com> wrote:

>Hello, I am in a precarious situation where I need to
> upload an image to the storage domain, I understand that normally you would
> achieve this via the upload button on the storage domain > Disks tab.
> However I currently do not have the ability to import the certificate. Is
> there a way from command line either on the RHV manager or otherwise to
> upload a qcow2 without using the image upload through the GUI?
> Thank you.
> ___
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[ovirt-users] Re: Either allow 2 CD-ROM's or selectable *.vfd Floppy Images from Storage via Run Once other than from deprcated ISO-Storage

2019-08-12 Thread Dan Yasny
You do not need two CDROMs, you need only one, and when you need to load
the drivers, simply change, load and change again

On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 6:59 AM Ralf Schenk  wrote:

> Hello,
> when Installing Windows VM's on Ovirt we need either 2 CD-ROM's attached
> as ISO Files (Installer ISO and Virtio-Win-ISO) to be able to install to
> Virtio-(SCSI)-Disks.
> In Ovirt 4.3.4 it is not possible to attach 2 CD-ROM's to a VM. So we have
> to use Floppy Images (virtio-win-*.vfd) attached to install drivers within
> Installer.
> We need to use "Run Once" to attach flopppy disks. There are only *.vfd
> selectable which are located on ISO-Storage.Domain, which will be
> deprecated now or then.
> -> We won't be able to install Windows VM's from unmodified ISO
> Installer-CD's without ISO Storage Domain or making *.vfd Files selectable
> via "Run Once"
> When will that be available... ?
> Bye
> --
> *Ralf Schenk*
> fon +49 (0) 24 05 / 40 83 70
> fax +49 (0) 24 05 / 40 83 759
> mail *r...@databay.de* 
> *Databay AG*
> Jens-Otto-Krag-Straße 11
> D-52146 Würselen
> *www.databay.de* 
> Sitz/Amtsgericht Aachen • HRB:8437 • USt-IdNr.: DE 210844202
> Vorstand: Ralf Schenk, Dipl.-Ing. Jens Conze, Aresch Yavari, Dipl.-Kfm.
> Philipp Hermanns
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Wilhelm Dohmen
> --
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[ovirt-users] Re: oVirt impersonation and sessions

2018-11-26 Thread Dan Yasny
Maybe if you could tell us what you are trying to do or achieve, we might
give you the answers directly

On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 3:18 AM Anastasiya Ruzhanskaya <
anastasiya.ruzhansk...@frtk.ru> wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I wanted to find out how the impersonation technique used in oVirt works?
> I know from libvirt developers, that oVirt opens one connection only for
> multiple clients. How does this work?
> Also I found out in source code that in ActionParameterBase class the
> sessionId field is marked transient but, for example, for GWT rpc message,
> which goes to the server and says what action will be made (shut down,
> pause vm) this is the only field in all sent information which says what
> the session is. Where is the session sent instead? There was also a field
> with session id in https headers, but this was related to cookie so I am
> not completely sure if this can help to identify the current user.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Suggestion: Addition of a one-off PXE boot option in the "Edit Virtual Machine > Boot Options" section

2018-09-29 Thread Dan Yasny
Have you tried the 'run once' option?

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018, 5:05 PM Zach Dzielinski, 

> My current usage of oVirt requires me to switch the boot priorities for
> virtual machines from hard disk to pxe fairly often.
> It would be nice to see an option added in that would set a one-off pxe
> boot for virtual machines, reverting back to the original boot priorities
> after restart.
> This would save some time when dealing with multiple machines, by
> eliminating the need to switch them to pxe and then back to their previous
> boot options in the middle of their boot process.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Hiring RHV Data Protection Product Manager

2018-09-24 Thread Dan Yasny
Wow, great to see another company picking up the challenge

On Mon, Sep 24, 2018, 1:45 PM Boaz Michaely  wrote:

> Hi all,
> A small community as we are, I hope this is the right place to reach out.
> I'm looking for a PM to join my team in Framingham, MA , focusing on
> Trilio data protection for RHV.
> Appreciate any references.
> Thanks
> Boaz
> mailto:boaz.micha...@trilio.io
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[ovirt-users] Re: Isolated POC

2018-08-13 Thread Dan Yasny
On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 4:22 PM Martin Schutte 

> Hi there Dan,
> This is another very good suggestion. I am familiar with the RHEV repos,
> but not so much the upstream oVirt ones. As the POC is not based on RHEV, I
> am going to have to do this for oVirt.

I doubt there is much of a difference, you simply need to isolate the
required repos and download in bulk

> Regards,
> Martin.
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[ovirt-users] Re: Isolated POC

2018-08-13 Thread Dan Yasny
This has been done for RHEV more times than I care to remember. As simple
as creating a local repo and copying it locally with reposync. You might
drag in some unneeded extras, but disk space is cheap and time is not.

So in short, clone the repos onto a USB drive, bring them to your
environment, and set up a local repo with createrepo. Continue with setup
as per the usual steps after that.


On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 2:02 PM Martin Schutte 

> Good day to all,
> I am in the process of setting up an oVirt proof of concept for a client.
> There are some strict requirements for this POC.
> Firstly the entire POC must be isolated from the network, which means no
> online repos.
> Secondly there is a time constraint for the completion of the deployment.
> All to be done on bare-metal systems.
> I have installed oVirt numerous times on other systems, but then I was
> always able to have online repos. So in short I am asking for some pointers
> on which repos needs to be synced offline for this to work properly. I can
> always go and play around to figure out which ones are needed, but I do not
> have the luxury of time.
> Any advice or tips will be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Martin.
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Re: [ovirt-users] Assistance needed...

2018-03-12 Thread Dan Yasny
Have you tried installing the guest agent?

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 6:39 AM, Nasrum Minallah Manzoor <
nasrumminall...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need assistance regarding encircled in red in the attached! How can I
> remove the error “The latest guest agent needs to be installed and running
> on the guest”.
> Else everything is working fine!
> Kindly response as soon as possible!
> Regards,
> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] Before migrating to Ovirt

2018-02-26 Thread Dan Yasny
On Fri, Feb 23, 2018 at 11:33 AM, Tal Bar-Or  wrote:

> Hello Ovirt users,
> Currently we haveing 4 Xen pools in our organization each pool have 8
> servers.
> Due to new 7.3 version change ,we plan to migrate our upcoming 5th pool to
> Ovirt, the decision to do POC migration to Ovirt is from lots of Xen users
> that suggested Ovirt migration better and  mature product migrate to it.
> I started to test Ovirt currently only with one server with engine
> installed, my question regarding Ovirt sine i am really newbie with that
> system , is , is it possible to have multiple engine on it ?

No, but you can either cluster the engine in an HA cluster, run backup
frequently (I've had environments where I did an engine dump every hour
without any issues), or use self hosted engine, which is basically the
engine as a VM, so if a host goes down, it gets started on another. What
you cannot do is have multiple engines load-balancing the work, like
openstack controllers for example.

> What happen if the engine server crash with some reason? can i load it on
> another cluster server?

If the engine goes down, the hosts and VMs keep working, so you have time
to restore from backup or fix the engine without outages, besides a
management outage of course. If you are running hosted engine, it will
simply get started on another eligible host.

> Please advice
> Thanks
> --
> Tal Bar-or
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Re: [ovirt-users] guest ip address not shown on the engine panel - version 4.2.0

2018-02-05 Thread Dan Yasny
Do you have the guest agent installed?

On Mon, Feb 5, 2018 at 4:18 PM, maoz zadok  wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is it possible that the "IP addresses" of the guest virtual machine will
> be shown? it currently empty.
> [image: Inline image 1]
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Re: [ovirt-users] QEMU custom bios and machine setup

2018-01-31 Thread Dan Yasny
On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 4:51 AM, Harry Mallon 

> Hello all,
> Thanks for the tip Dan. I thought I would write up what I did for future
> people searching this list.
> I added the QEMU command line hook from github oVirt/vdsm (
> https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/tree/master/vdsm_hooks/qemucmdline) to
> /usr/libexec/vdsm/hooks/before_vm_start/ on my hosts.
> Then I added the Custom Arguments to the config on my machine with the
> engine running
> engine-config -g UserDefinedVMProperties # print current args and add them
> to the next line
> engine-config -s UserDefinedVMProperties='qemu_cmdline=^.*$' --cver=4.2
> Then I was able to add the JSON list of args to the machines in the oVirt
> UI.
> Thanks for your help,
> Harry
Glad it worked for you

> Harry Mallon
> CODEX | Senior Software Engineer
> 60 Poland Street | London | England | W1F 7NT
> E harry.mallon@codex.online | T +44 203 7000 989
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Re: [ovirt-users] QEMU custom bios and machine setup

2018-01-29 Thread Dan Yasny
With a vdsm hook you can edit the domxml however you want

On Jan 29, 2018 12:45 PM, "Harry Mallon"  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have only been using oVirt for a couple of weeks, but it is working
> well. I can see in Advanced options that I can pick a custom machine
> definition. Is there a way to customise the machine as you can with QEMU
> command line or libvirt XML? I need to access some weirder settings like
> bios image.
> Thanks for your help,
> Harry
> Harry Mallon
> CODEX | Senior Software Engineer
> 60 Poland Street | London | England | W1F 7NT
> E harry.mallon@codex.online | T +44 203 7000 989
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Re: [ovirt-users] The future of backups in oVirt 4.2+

2018-01-18 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 10:15 AM, Yaniv Kaul <yk...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 5:08 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you are using NFS, you might find it easier and more efficient to use
>> a solution outside oVirt.
> But how do you maintain crash consistency? I suspect using oVirt helps, in
> the sense that it enables fsfreeze (VSS). Otherwise, there's a good chance
> of fsck...
> In theory, it can be extended for application-consistency as well[1].
> Y.
> [1] https://github.com/guillon/qemu-plugins/blob/
> master/scripts/qemu-guest-agent/fsfreeze-hook.d/mysql-flush.sh.sample
Indeed, to be a proper solution it requires some work, my old blogpost was
about the initial testing of an external backup solution, which can keep a
consistent set of deduplicated and ordered backups, quite easily restorable
to a PIT, just like you have with many of today's hyper-v and vmware
solutions. What it missing is crash consistency (an API call is required to
qemu-ga and other scripts), VM configuration data (OVF or DOMXML export of
the VM itself, not just the disks), snapshot chain preservation (not sure
it's much of a requirement in a backup solution).

The oVirt backup API is nice, but what it gives you in the end is a full VM
image, instead of incrementals, which is a huge waste of space, unless you
are using deduplicated storage, and those are too expensive to store data
at rest usually.

What I like about backy2 is the fact that it deduplicates on the fly,
without using anything too low level like ZFS, and you only store the
diffs. It also works at the block level, so LVM volumes and files on NFS
are treated the same. The extra features like bitrot prevention and NBD
aren't without use as well. I'm sure with some work it can be made to work.

I've also been looking into a very different approach, e.g. live-migrating
the VM memstate and disks into a backup image, with migration cancelled
when sync is achieved, but that required some serious support from the KVM
folks and I had no time besides a shallow dabble.

>> I've documented an initial attempt at backing up machine images with
>> backy2 at https://dyasny.blogspot.ca/2017/06/exploring-backup-optio
>> ns-for-rhvovirt.html
>> It is harder to do with block storage and frankly I haven't had the time
>> to get to doing it there, but NFS is simple enough, and what you get is
>> pretty robust, deduplicated backup, in some ways similar to the typical VM
>> backups you get from Veeam and Altaro on other platforms (sans the GUI of
>> course).
>> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 9:59 AM, Jayme <jay...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I've been running a non-production oVirt setup for a while and plan on
>>> building a more robust oVirt setup for eventual production use.  Part of
>>> that planning of course is backup/disaster recovery options.
>>> I've been playing around with a few options to backup oVirt, I'm sure
>>> most of you are aware of them.  The github webfix it python scripts, and
>>> starting to look at bacchus as well although have not set it up or tested
>>> bacchus yet.
>>> The webfix it python script is fairly simple to setup and seems to work
>>> ok as intended, even on 4.2, but it's definitely clunky in terms of having
>>> to snapshot, clone, export.  A lot of resource usage.  I assume bacchus
>>> most likely uses the same method of snapshot/clone/export as well (due to
>>> what was available in oVirt at the time these scripts were written).
>>> My concerns with using something like these are:
>>> 1. It's using old 3x api -- which is fine for now but probably not with
>>> oVirt 4.3
>>> 2. Inefficient / resource intensive
>>> 3. Using export domain which is depreciated
>>> From what I've read in oVirt documentation the Export domain is
>>> depreciated.  I assume that this means that instead of a export domain you
>>> could instead create a regular data domain for backups that can be detached
>>> and attached to another environment, is that the correct assumption?
>>> I've also read that it might be possible to skip the cloning of the VM
>>> part and export snapshots directly.  Is this now possible in 4.2 or will be
>>> in the future?  if it is possible to perform VM backups without cloning to
>>> a new VM first is anyone aware of any scripts/software that is available
>>> now which takes advantage of that?
>>> Essentially all I want is a simple solution to backup my VMs to separate
>>> NFS storage.  

Re: [ovirt-users] The future of backups in oVirt 4.2+

2018-01-18 Thread Dan Yasny
If you are using NFS, you might find it easier and more efficient to use a
solution outside oVirt.

I've documented an initial attempt at backing up machine images with backy2

It is harder to do with block storage and frankly I haven't had the time to
get to doing it there, but NFS is simple enough, and what you get is pretty
robust, deduplicated backup, in some ways similar to the typical VM backups
you get from Veeam and Altaro on other platforms (sans the GUI of course).

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 9:59 AM, Jayme  wrote:

> I've been running a non-production oVirt setup for a while and plan on
> building a more robust oVirt setup for eventual production use.  Part of
> that planning of course is backup/disaster recovery options.
> I've been playing around with a few options to backup oVirt, I'm sure most
> of you are aware of them.  The github webfix it python scripts, and
> starting to look at bacchus as well although have not set it up or tested
> bacchus yet.
> The webfix it python script is fairly simple to setup and seems to work ok
> as intended, even on 4.2, but it's definitely clunky in terms of having to
> snapshot, clone, export.  A lot of resource usage.  I assume bacchus most
> likely uses the same method of snapshot/clone/export as well (due to what
> was available in oVirt at the time these scripts were written).
> My concerns with using something like these are:
> 1. It's using old 3x api -- which is fine for now but probably not with
> oVirt 4.3
> 2. Inefficient / resource intensive
> 3. Using export domain which is depreciated
> From what I've read in oVirt documentation the Export domain is
> depreciated.  I assume that this means that instead of a export domain you
> could instead create a regular data domain for backups that can be detached
> and attached to another environment, is that the correct assumption?
> I've also read that it might be possible to skip the cloning of the VM
> part and export snapshots directly.  Is this now possible in 4.2 or will be
> in the future?  if it is possible to perform VM backups without cloning to
> a new VM first is anyone aware of any scripts/software that is available
> now which takes advantage of that?
> Essentially all I want is a simple solution to backup my VMs to separate
> NFS storage.  If for some reason my main storage crashes I then have the
> option to connect that backup NFS storage to a secondary stand alone oVirt
> instance and run my VMs from there until the primary oVirt instance is
> repaired.   What I want to avoid is implementing an older more inefficient
> solution that might work for a while but will eventually no longer work due
> to ovIrt updates in the future.
> I know options like active-active failover and georeplication exist but
> that may be too complex for my needs although I would be interested in
> hearing about how some of you may be implementing these features.
> In summary, I'd trying to figure out what the best backup option may be
> going forward with oVirt in the future so I can implement the best option
> from the start rather than having to change it all around in the near
> future.
> Thanks!
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Re: [ovirt-users] How to mount/use a shareable disk

2017-11-09 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Jayme Fall  wrote:

> I’m playing around with shared disks in ovirt to allow a couple of vm’s to
> access the same data.  I created a new disk that is shareable and attached
> it to one of my CentOS vms but I don’t understand how to actually make use
> of the shared disk.  It does not show up as a mounted disk on the Centos
> VM.

If it shows in fdisk -l, you should be able to mount it (after formatting
of course). Add it to fstab if you want it to happen automatically

> How do I actually use this shared disk from within my VM, or am I
> mis-understanding its purpose?

You attach such disks to multiple VMs at the same time, and use a clustered
FS to mitigate access and locking.

> Thanks!
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Re: [ovirt-users] Help with Power Management network

2017-09-30 Thread Dan Yasny
The power management command is sent by the engine via a proxy host. That
means you need at least one more host to act as proxy. The engine itself
doesn't need to access the bmc network directly. Just like the engine needs
no access to the atorage network to perform storage manipulations.

I think in some recent versions fencing by the engine was introduced, but I
don't have a setup in front of me to verify.

On Sep 29, 2017 11:13 PM, "~Stack~" <i.am.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/29/2017 05:31 PM, Dan Yasny wrote:
> > You need more than one host for power management
> >
> Seriously?? I didn't see anything like that in the docs...Maybe I just
> missed it.
> Also, why wouldn't it still validate? It should still be able to talk to
> the interface over the BMC/IPMI network. The fact that I can run the
> equivalent test on the command line makes it seem like it should at
> least be able to check via the test. Obviously, it would be silly for it
> to try to manage itself, but it could at least verify that the
> configuration is valid, right?
> I have more hosts that I'm going to add, I was just hoping to do those
> via the Foreman integration instead of manually building them. Since I'm
> not quite ready for that, I will just build a second host on Monday and
> report back.
> Thanks for the feedback. I would have never guess that as a possibility.
> :-)
> ~Stack~
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Help with Power Management network

2017-09-29 Thread Dan Yasny
You need more than one host for power management

On Sep 29, 2017 4:25 PM, "~Stack~"  wrote:

> Greetings,
> I hit up the IRC earlier, but only crickets. Guess no one wants to stick
> around late on a Friday night. :-D
> I'm an ovirt newb here. I've been going through the docs setting up 4.1
> on Scientific Linux 7.4. For the most part everything is going well once
> I learn how to do it. I'm, however, stuck on power management.
> I have multiple networks:
> 192.168.1.x is my BMC/ilo network. The security team wants as few entry
> points into this as possible and wants as much segregation as possible.
> 192.168.2.x is my "management" access network. For my other machines on
> this network this means admin-SSH/rsyslog/SaltStack configuration
> management/ect.
> 192.168.3.x is my high speed network where my NFS storage sits and
> applications that need the bandwidth do their thing.
> 10.10.86.x is my "public" access
> All networks are configured on the Host network settings. Mostly
> confident I got it right...at least each network/IP matches the right
> interface. ;-)
> Right now I only have the engine server and one hyper-visor. On either
> host I can ssh into the command line and run fence_ipmilan -a
> 192.168.1.x -l USER -p PASS -o status -v -P" it works, all is good.
> However, when I try to add it in the ovirt interface I get an error. :-/
> Edit Host -> Power Management:
> Address:
> User Name: root
> Password: SorryCantTellYou
> Type: ipmilan
> Options: 
> Test
> Test failed: Failed to run fence status-check on host ''. No
> other host was available to serve as proxy for the operation.
> Yes, same host because I only have one right now. :-)
> Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. In the meantime I'm
> going back to the docs to poke at a few other things I need to figure
> out. :-)
> Thanks!
> ~Stack~
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Re: [ovirt-users] ovirt high points

2017-09-07 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 5:04 PM, Christopher Cox  wrote:

> Not to defend VMware too much, but if you buy certified HW for VMware,
> I've never had the purple screen of death.  With that said, I have had the
> purple screen of death using non-certified VMware HW.
I've worked for a certified hardware vendor, you will not believe the
amount of calls we received for PSODs every day :)

> Just saying... and again, it does mean that you need to usually spend more
> for an effective VMware setup.
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Re: [ovirt-users] Seamless SAN HA failovers with oVirt?

2017-06-05 Thread Dan Yasny
As soon as yous NAS goes down, qemu running the VMs will start getting EIO
errors and VMs will pause, so as to not lose any data. If the NAS upgrade
isn't a very long procedure, you might as well complete the updates, enable
the NAS, and unpause the VMs.

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 5:47 PM, Matthew Trent <
matthew.tr...@lewiscountywa.gov> wrote:

> I'm using two TrueNAS HA SANs (FreeBSD-based ZFS) to provide storage via
> NFS to 7 oVirt boxes and about 25 VMs.
> For SAN system upgrades I've always scheduled a maintenance window, shut
> down all the oVirt stuff, upgraded the SANs, and spun everything back up.
> It's pretty disruptive, but I assumed that was the thing to do.
> However, in talking with the TrueNAS vendor they said the majority of
> their customers are using VMWare and they almost always do TrueNAS updates
> in production. They just upgrade one head of the TrueNAS HA pair then
> failover to the other head and upgrade it too. There's a 30-ish second
> pause in I/O while the disk arrays are taken over by the other HA head, but
> VMWare just tolerates it and continues without skipping a beat. They say
> this is standard procedure in the SAN world and virtualization systems
> should tolerate 30-60 seconds of I/O pause for HA failovers seamlessly.
> It sounds great to me, but I wanted to pick this lists' brain -- is anyone
> doing this with oVirt? Are you able to failover your HA SAN with 30-60
> seconds of no I/O without oVirt freaking out?
> If not, are there any tunables relating to this? I see the default NFS
> mount options look fairly tolerant (proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=6), but
> are there VDSM or sanlock or some other oVirt timeouts that will kick in
> and start putting storage domains into error states, fencing hosts or
> something before that? I've never timed anything, but I want to say my past
> experience is that ovirt hosted engine started showing errors almost
> immediately when we've had SAN issues in the past.
> Thanks!
> --
> Matthew Trent
> Network Engineer
> Lewis County IT Services
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Re: [ovirt-users] Force-Shutdown a VM?

2017-05-04 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Derek Atkins <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:

> Dan,
> On Thu, May 4, 2017 12:07 pm, Dan Yasny wrote:
> > On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Derek Atkins <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Okay, I'll bite.  Which button is that?
> >>
> >> I'm in the Virtual Machines tab on the admin portal; I select the hung
> >> VM
> >> from my list and I see the following items at the top of the page:
> >> "New VM", "Import", "Edit", "Remove", "Clone VM", "Run Once", "",
> >> "", "", "", "", "Migrate", "Cancel
> >> Migration", "Cancel Conversion", and then the right arrow to "Make
> >> Template", "Export", "Create Snapshot", "Change CD", "Assign Tags", and
> >> "Guide Me".
> >>
> >> Please, kind sir, which one is the "power off" instead of "shutdown"?
> >>
> >>
> > While I do not appreciate your tone of conversation, I'll oblige,
> assuming
> > you haven't had your morning coffee yet. Right click the VM, the option
> is
> > right there. See the screenshot attached
> Aha, so there is a hidden context menu with additional options..  THAT was
> the key.  Thank you.  I was unaware of a right-click context menu for VMs
> (or indeed anywhere in the webui).  Is this documented somewhere?
I haven't seen it documented, oVirt/RHEV always had a full blown GUI, which
allowed for rightclicks, I normally try a rightclick in every UI that is
new to me. I suppose the fact that it's a web UI might have caused you to
believe a rightclick is irrelevant, and if that's the case, for product
maturity's sake, I'd suggest you post a bug in bugzilla to explicitly
document the possibility of rightclicking.

> As for my tone, don't you think I had looked for a "power off" button?
> Your first reply was, while 100% correct, completely useless is helping.
> Of course I wanted power off; I couldn't find it.  THIS message, thank
> you, provided what I needed.

Maybe I'm old fashioned (or just plain out old), but I usually hold myself
back, no matter how annoyed I am, from taking such tones with people whom I
do not know and who are, moreover, trying to help me. But that's just me,
I'm not your father to teach you how to behave.

> > Just so you are aware, power off pulls the plug out of the VM, it kills
> it
> > outright, so the effect will be just as if you've lost power to it. It is
> > generally healthier to solve the shutdown problem.
> I am very aware, thank you.  I've been running VMs since, oh, 1993.  My
> last system was a vmware-based solution which I had in production for
> about a decade.  (It had a "power off" button in plain sight, by the way).

There is limited space "in plain sight", this is why there is the right
click menu available with all the options. Which buttons should be present
outside that menu is arguable, if you think "power off" should be there,
please open a BZ and provide your reasons.

> I spent an hour trying various ways to gracefully shut the system down
> before I emailed, but the VM was completely wedged, not responding to
> keyboard or mouse events.  I tried soft reboot and soft shutdown to no
> avail.  I tried sending Ctl-Alt-Del, to no avail...  Power Off is, of
> course, a last resort, but I couldn't find the option (until you pointed
> me to the right-click context menu, so again, thank you).  I'll note that
> even a google for "ovirt power off guest" does not provide the hint about
> the right-click context menu.
> > Here's a hint, this isn't about Windows 10, but might hit close the mark
> > nonetheless:
> > https://serverfault.com/questions/844188/shut-down-
> windows-server-2012r2-kvm-vm/845521#845521
> I can look into this, but I don't think it would help this situation; like
> I said, the machine was completely wedged.  Also, the machine auto-logs-in
> so there is always a "user", so again, probably not applicable to my
> situation.
> Thanks Again!!
> -derek
> >
> >> -derek
> >>
> >> On Thu, May 4, 2017 11:38 am, Dan Yasny wrote:
> >> > Have you tried "power off" instead of "shutdown"?
> >> >
> >> > On May 4, 2017 11:36 AM, "Derek Atkins" <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >>
> >> >> I'm running ovirt-4.0.6 on EL7.3.
> >> >>
> >> >> I've got 

Re: [ovirt-users] Force-Shutdown a VM?

2017-05-04 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Derek Atkins <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:

> Okay, I'll bite.  Which button is that?
> I'm in the Virtual Machines tab on the admin portal; I select the hung VM
> from my list and I see the following items at the top of the page:
> "New VM", "Import", "Edit", "Remove", "Clone VM", "Run Once", "",
> "", "", "", "", "Migrate", "Cancel
> Migration", "Cancel Conversion", and then the right arrow to "Make
> Template", "Export", "Create Snapshot", "Change CD", "Assign Tags", and
> "Guide Me".
> Please, kind sir, which one is the "power off" instead of "shutdown"?
While I do not appreciate your tone of conversation, I'll oblige, assuming
you haven't had your morning coffee yet. Right click the VM, the option is
right there. See the screenshot attached

Just so you are aware, power off pulls the plug out of the VM, it kills it
outright, so the effect will be just as if you've lost power to it. It is
generally healthier to solve the shutdown problem.

Here's a hint, this isn't about Windows 10, but might hit close the mark

> -derek
> On Thu, May 4, 2017 11:38 am, Dan Yasny wrote:
> > Have you tried "power off" instead of "shutdown"?
> >
> > On May 4, 2017 11:36 AM, "Derek Atkins" <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I'm running ovirt-4.0.6 on EL7.3.
> >>
> >> I've got a stuck VM (Windows 10) that I'm trying to restart.
> >> Unfortunately it's "up" enough that ovirt is trying to perform a
> >> soft-shutdown, but it's not up enough to complete the task.  If I login
> >> to the ovirt admin portal as the admin, select shutdown, I see the
> >> following engine log messages before I get an event "Shutdown of VM
> >>  failed.":
> >>
> >> 2017-05-04 11:23:27,774 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.
> >> dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector]
> >> (org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-14)
> >> [3f629ae6] Correlation ID: 3f629ae6, Job ID:
> >> 1f5275cd-d2fe-44d5-a1cf-d1920e3f3378,
> >> Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: VM shutdown initiated by
> >> admin@internal-authz on VM win10-64 (Host: ovirt-0).
> >> 2017-05-04 11:28:38,237 INFO
> >> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.monitoring.VmAnalyzer]
> >> (DefaultQuartzScheduler10) [4cf2f258] VM
> >> 'c9830039-9bf9-4c6a-8eae-da9c24aad899'(win10-64)
> >> moved from 'PoweringDown' --> 'Up'
> >> 2017-05-04 11:28:38,287 WARN  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.
> >> dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (DefaultQuartzScheduler10)
> >> [4cf2f258] Correlation ID: null, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID: -1,
> >> Message: Shutdown of VM win10-64 failed.
> >>
> >> So, how can I get out of this situation?  How can I force-powerdown this
> >> VM so I can reboot it?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> -derek
> >>
> >> --
> >>Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
> >>de...@ihtfp.com www.ihtfp.com
> >>Computer and Internet Security Consultant
> >> ___
> >> Users mailing list
> >> Users@ovirt.org
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> >>
> >
> --
>Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>de...@ihtfp.com www.ihtfp.com
>Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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Re: [ovirt-users] Force-Shutdown a VM?

2017-05-04 Thread Dan Yasny
Have you tried "power off" instead of "shutdown"?

On May 4, 2017 11:36 AM, "Derek Atkins"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running ovirt-4.0.6 on EL7.3.
> I've got a stuck VM (Windows 10) that I'm trying to restart.
> Unfortunately it's "up" enough that ovirt is trying to perform a
> soft-shutdown, but it's not up enough to complete the task.  If I login
> to the ovirt admin portal as the admin, select shutdown, I see the
> following engine log messages before I get an event "Shutdown of VM
>  failed.":
> 2017-05-04 11:23:27,774 INFO  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.
> dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] 
> (org.ovirt.thread.pool-6-thread-14)
> [3f629ae6] Correlation ID: 3f629ae6, Job ID: 
> 1f5275cd-d2fe-44d5-a1cf-d1920e3f3378,
> Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID: -1, Message: VM shutdown initiated by
> admin@internal-authz on VM win10-64 (Host: ovirt-0).
> 2017-05-04 11:28:38,237 INFO  
> [org.ovirt.engine.core.vdsbroker.monitoring.VmAnalyzer]
> (DefaultQuartzScheduler10) [4cf2f258] VM 
> 'c9830039-9bf9-4c6a-8eae-da9c24aad899'(win10-64)
> moved from 'PoweringDown' --> 'Up'
> 2017-05-04 11:28:38,287 WARN  [org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.
> dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector] (DefaultQuartzScheduler10)
> [4cf2f258] Correlation ID: null, Call Stack: null, Custom Event ID: -1,
> Message: Shutdown of VM win10-64 failed.
> So, how can I get out of this situation?  How can I force-powerdown this
> VM so I can reboot it?
> Thanks,
> -derek
> --
>Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
>de...@ihtfp.com www.ihtfp.com
>Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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Re: [ovirt-users] storage redundancy in Ovirt

2017-04-16 Thread Dan Yasny
On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>

> Makes sense.
> I was trying to set it up, but doesn't work with our staging hardware.
> We have old ilo100, I'll try again.
> Thanks!
It is absolutely necessary for any HA to work properly. There's of course
the "confirm host has been shutdown" option, which serves as an override
for the fence command, but it's manual

> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 8:18 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:15 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <
>> konra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Fence agent under each node?
>> When you configure a host, there's the power management tab, where you
>> need to enter the bmc details for the host. If you don't have fencing
>> enabled, how do you expect the system to make sure a host running a service
>> is actually down (and it is safe to start HA services elsewhere), and not,
>> for example, just unreachable by the engine? How do you avoid a splitbraid
>> -> SBA ?
>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 8:14 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:13 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <
>>>> konra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> "Corner cases"?
>>>>> I tried to simulate crash of SPM server and ovirt kept trying to
>>>>> reistablished connection to the failed node.
>>>> Did you configure fencing?
>>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 8:10 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 7:29 AM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 2:05 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Apr 16, 2017 7:01 AM, "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:17 AM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> When you set up a storage domain, you need to specify a host to
>>>>>>>>> perform the initial storage operations, but once the SD is defined, 
>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>> details are in the engine database, and all the hosts get connected 
>>>>>>>>> to it
>>>>>>>>> directly. If the first host you used to define the SD goes down, all 
>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>> hosts will still remain connected and work. SPM is an HA service, and 
>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>> the current SPM host goes down, SPM gets started on another host in 
>>>>>>>>> the DC.
>>>>>>>>> In short, unless your actual NFS exporting host goes down, there is no
>>>>>>>>> outage.
>>>>>>>> There is no storage outage, but if you shutdown the spm host, the
>>>>>>>> spm host
>>>>>>>> will not move to a new host until the spm host is online again, or
>>>>>>>> you confirm
>>>>>>>> manually that the spm host was rebooted.
>>>>>>>> In a properly configured setup the SBA should take care of that.
>>>>>>>> That's the whole point of HA services
>>>>>>> In some cases like power loss or hardware failure, there is no way
>>>>>>> to start
>>>>>>> the spm host, and the system cannot recover automatically.
>>>>>> There are always corner cases, no doubt. But in a normal situation.
>>>>>> where an SPM host goes down because of a hardware failure, it gets 
>>>>>> fenced,
>>>>>> other hosts contend for SPM and start it. No surprises there.
>>>>>>> Nir

Re: [ovirt-users] storage redundancy in Ovirt

2017-04-16 Thread Dan Yasny
On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:15 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>

> Fence agent under each node?

When you configure a host, there's the power management tab, where you need
to enter the bmc details for the host. If you don't have fencing enabled,
how do you expect the system to make sure a host running a service is
actually down (and it is safe to start HA services elsewhere), and not, for
example, just unreachable by the engine? How do you avoid a splitbraid ->

> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 8:14 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:13 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <
>> konra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> "Corner cases"?
>>> I tried to simulate crash of SPM server and ovirt kept trying to
>>> reistablished connection to the failed node.
>> Did you configure fencing?
>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 8:10 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 7:29 AM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 2:05 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Apr 16, 2017 7:01 AM, "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:17 AM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> When you set up a storage domain, you need to specify a host to
>>>>>>> perform the initial storage operations, but once the SD is defined, it's
>>>>>>> details are in the engine database, and all the hosts get connected to 
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>> directly. If the first host you used to define the SD goes down, all 
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>> hosts will still remain connected and work. SPM is an HA service, and if
>>>>>>> the current SPM host goes down, SPM gets started on another host in the 
>>>>>>> DC.
>>>>>>> In short, unless your actual NFS exporting host goes down, there is no
>>>>>>> outage.
>>>>>> There is no storage outage, but if you shutdown the spm host, the spm
>>>>>> host
>>>>>> will not move to a new host until the spm host is online again, or
>>>>>> you confirm
>>>>>> manually that the spm host was rebooted.
>>>>>> In a properly configured setup the SBA should take care of that.
>>>>>> That's the whole point of HA services
>>>>> In some cases like power loss or hardware failure, there is no way to
>>>>> start
>>>>> the spm host, and the system cannot recover automatically.
>>>> There are always corner cases, no doubt. But in a normal situation.
>>>> where an SPM host goes down because of a hardware failure, it gets fenced,
>>>> other hosts contend for SPM and start it. No surprises there.
>>>>> Nir
>>>>>> Nir
>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <
>>>>>>> konra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Fernando,
>>>>>>>> I see each host has direct connection nfs mount, but yes, if main
>>>>>>>> host to which I connected nfs storage going down the storage becomes
>>>>>>>> unavailable and all vms are down
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 10:37 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>>>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Konstantin.
>>>>>>>>> That doesn`t make much sense make a whole cluster depend on a
>>>>>>>>> single host. From what I know any host talk directly to NFS Storage 
>>>>>>>>> Array
>>>>>>>>> or 

Re: [ovirt-users] storage redundancy in Ovirt

2017-04-16 Thread Dan Yasny
On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:13 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>

> "Corner cases"?
> I tried to simulate crash of SPM server and ovirt kept trying to
> reistablished connection to the failed node.

Did you configure fencing?

> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 8:10 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 7:29 AM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 2:05 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On Apr 16, 2017 7:01 AM, "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:17 AM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> When you set up a storage domain, you need to specify a host to
>>>>> perform the initial storage operations, but once the SD is defined, it's
>>>>> details are in the engine database, and all the hosts get connected to it
>>>>> directly. If the first host you used to define the SD goes down, all other
>>>>> hosts will still remain connected and work. SPM is an HA service, and if
>>>>> the current SPM host goes down, SPM gets started on another host in the 
>>>>> DC.
>>>>> In short, unless your actual NFS exporting host goes down, there is no
>>>>> outage.
>>>> There is no storage outage, but if you shutdown the spm host, the spm
>>>> host
>>>> will not move to a new host until the spm host is online again, or you
>>>> confirm
>>>> manually that the spm host was rebooted.
>>>> In a properly configured setup the SBA should take care of that. That's
>>>> the whole point of HA services
>>> In some cases like power loss or hardware failure, there is no way to
>>> start
>>> the spm host, and the system cannot recover automatically.
>> There are always corner cases, no doubt. But in a normal situation. where
>> an SPM host goes down because of a hardware failure, it gets fenced, other
>> hosts contend for SPM and start it. No surprises there.
>>> Nir
>>>> Nir
>>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <
>>>>> konra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Fernando,
>>>>>> I see each host has direct connection nfs mount, but yes, if main
>>>>>> host to which I connected nfs storage going down the storage becomes
>>>>>> unavailable and all vms are down
>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 10:37 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Konstantin.
>>>>>>> That doesn`t make much sense make a whole cluster depend on a single
>>>>>>> host. From what I know any host talk directly to NFS Storage Array or
>>>>>>> whatever other Shared Storage you have.
>>>>>>> Have you tested that host going down if that affects the other with
>>>>>>> the NFS mounted directlly in a NFS Storage array ?
>>>>>>> Fernando
>>>>>>> 2017-04-15 12:42 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> >:
>>>>>>>> In ovirt you have to attach storage through specific host.
>>>>>>>> If host goes down storage is not available.
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 7:31 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>>>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Well, make it not go through host1 and dedicate a storage server
>>>>>>>>> for running NFS and make both hosts connect to it.
>>>>>>>>> In my view NFS is much easier to manage than any other type of
>>>>>>>>> storage, specially FC and iSCSI and performance is pretty much the 
>>>>>>>>> same, so
>>>>>>>>> you won`t get better

Re: [ovirt-users] storage redundancy in Ovirt

2017-04-16 Thread Dan Yasny
On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>

> What's SBA?

split brain avoidance mechanism

> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:05 AM Dan Yasny <dya...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 16, 2017 7:01 AM, "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:17 AM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> When you set up a storage domain, you need to specify a host to perform
>>> the initial storage operations, but once the SD is defined, it's details
>>> are in the engine database, and all the hosts get connected to it directly.
>>> If the first host you used to define the SD goes down, all other hosts will
>>> still remain connected and work. SPM is an HA service, and if the current
>>> SPM host goes down, SPM gets started on another host in the DC. In short,
>>> unless your actual NFS exporting host goes down, there is no outage.
>> There is no storage outage, but if you shutdown the spm host, the spm host
>> will not move to a new host until the spm host is online again, or you
>> confirm
>> manually that the spm host was rebooted.
>> In a properly configured setup the SBA should take care of that. That's
>> the whole point of HA services
>> Nir
>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <
>>> konra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Fernando,
>>>> I see each host has direct connection nfs mount, but yes, if main host
>>>> to which I connected nfs storage going down the storage becomes unavailable
>>>> and all vms are down
>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 10:37 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Konstantin.
>>>>> That doesn`t make much sense make a whole cluster depend on a single
>>>>> host. From what I know any host talk directly to NFS Storage Array or
>>>>> whatever other Shared Storage you have.
>>>>> Have you tested that host going down if that affects the other with
>>>>> the NFS mounted directlly in a NFS Storage array ?
>>>>> Fernando
>>>>> 2017-04-15 12:42 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> In ovirt you have to attach storage through specific host.
>>>>>> If host goes down storage is not available.
>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 7:31 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Well, make it not go through host1 and dedicate a storage server for
>>>>>>> running NFS and make both hosts connect to it.
>>>>>>> In my view NFS is much easier to manage than any other type of
>>>>>>> storage, specially FC and iSCSI and performance is pretty much the 
>>>>>>> same, so
>>>>>>> you won`t get better results other than management going to other type.
>>>>>>> Fernando
>>>>>>> 2017-04-15 5:25 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>> I have one nfs storage,
>>>>>>>> it's connected through host1.
>>>>>>>> host2 also has access to it, I can easily migrate vms between them.
>>>>>>>> The question is - if host1 is down - all infrastructure is down,
>>>>>>>> since all traffic goes through host1,
>>>>>>>> is there any way in oVirt to use redundant storage?
>>>>>>>> Only glusterfs?
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> ___
>>>>>>>> Users mailing list
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>>>>>>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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Re: [ovirt-users] storage redundancy in Ovirt

2017-04-16 Thread Dan Yasny
On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 7:29 AM, Nir Soffer <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 2:05 PM Dan Yasny <dya...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 16, 2017 7:01 AM, "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:17 AM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> When you set up a storage domain, you need to specify a host to perform
>>> the initial storage operations, but once the SD is defined, it's details
>>> are in the engine database, and all the hosts get connected to it directly.
>>> If the first host you used to define the SD goes down, all other hosts will
>>> still remain connected and work. SPM is an HA service, and if the current
>>> SPM host goes down, SPM gets started on another host in the DC. In short,
>>> unless your actual NFS exporting host goes down, there is no outage.
>> There is no storage outage, but if you shutdown the spm host, the spm host
>> will not move to a new host until the spm host is online again, or you
>> confirm
>> manually that the spm host was rebooted.
>> In a properly configured setup the SBA should take care of that. That's
>> the whole point of HA services
> In some cases like power loss or hardware failure, there is no way to start
> the spm host, and the system cannot recover automatically.

There are always corner cases, no doubt. But in a normal situation. where
an SPM host goes down because of a hardware failure, it gets fenced, other
hosts contend for SPM and start it. No surprises there.

> Nir
>> Nir
>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <
>>> konra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Fernando,
>>>> I see each host has direct connection nfs mount, but yes, if main host
>>>> to which I connected nfs storage going down the storage becomes unavailable
>>>> and all vms are down
>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 10:37 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Konstantin.
>>>>> That doesn`t make much sense make a whole cluster depend on a single
>>>>> host. From what I know any host talk directly to NFS Storage Array or
>>>>> whatever other Shared Storage you have.
>>>>> Have you tested that host going down if that affects the other with
>>>>> the NFS mounted directlly in a NFS Storage array ?
>>>>> Fernando
>>>>> 2017-04-15 12:42 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> In ovirt you have to attach storage through specific host.
>>>>>> If host goes down storage is not available.
>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 7:31 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Well, make it not go through host1 and dedicate a storage server for
>>>>>>> running NFS and make both hosts connect to it.
>>>>>>> In my view NFS is much easier to manage than any other type of
>>>>>>> storage, specially FC and iSCSI and performance is pretty much the 
>>>>>>> same, so
>>>>>>> you won`t get better results other than management going to other type.
>>>>>>> Fernando
>>>>>>> 2017-04-15 5:25 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>>>> I have one nfs storage,
>>>>>>>> it's connected through host1.
>>>>>>>> host2 also has access to it, I can easily migrate vms between them.
>>>>>>>> The question is - if host1 is down - all infrastructure is down,
>>>>>>>> since all traffic goes through host1,
>>>>>>>> is there any way in oVirt to use redundant storage?
>>>>>>>> Only glusterfs?
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> ___
>>>>>>>> Users mailing list
>>>>>>>> Users@ovirt.org
>>>>>>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>>> ___
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>>> ___
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>> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] storage redundancy in Ovirt

2017-04-16 Thread Dan Yasny
On Apr 16, 2017 7:01 AM, "Nir Soffer" <nsof...@redhat.com> wrote:

On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 4:17 AM Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When you set up a storage domain, you need to specify a host to perform
> the initial storage operations, but once the SD is defined, it's details
> are in the engine database, and all the hosts get connected to it directly.
> If the first host you used to define the SD goes down, all other hosts will
> still remain connected and work. SPM is an HA service, and if the current
> SPM host goes down, SPM gets started on another host in the DC. In short,
> unless your actual NFS exporting host goes down, there is no outage.

There is no storage outage, but if you shutdown the spm host, the spm host
will not move to a new host until the spm host is online again, or you
manually that the spm host was rebooted.

In a properly configured setup the SBA should take care of that. That's the
whole point of HA services


> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi Fernando,
>> I see each host has direct connection nfs mount, but yes, if main host to
>> which I connected nfs storage going down the storage becomes unavailable
>> and all vms are down
>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 10:37 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Konstantin.
>>> That doesn`t make much sense make a whole cluster depend on a single
>>> host. From what I know any host talk directly to NFS Storage Array or
>>> whatever other Shared Storage you have.
>>> Have you tested that host going down if that affects the other with the
>>> NFS mounted directlly in a NFS Storage array ?
>>> Fernando
>>> 2017-04-15 12:42 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>:
>>>> In ovirt you have to attach storage through specific host.
>>>> If host goes down storage is not available.
>>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 7:31 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>>>>> Well, make it not go through host1 and dedicate a storage server for
>>>>> running NFS and make both hosts connect to it.
>>>>> In my view NFS is much easier to manage than any other type of
>>>>> storage, specially FC and iSCSI and performance is pretty much the same, 
>>>>> so
>>>>> you won`t get better results other than management going to other type.
>>>>> Fernando
>>>>> 2017-04-15 5:25 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi <konra...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>>> I have one nfs storage,
>>>>>> it's connected through host1.
>>>>>> host2 also has access to it, I can easily migrate vms between them.
>>>>>> The question is - if host1 is down - all infrastructure is down,
>>>>>> since all traffic goes through host1,
>>>>>> is there any way in oVirt to use redundant storage?
>>>>>> Only glusterfs?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> ___
>>>>>> Users mailing list
>>>>>> Users@ovirt.org
>>>>>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] storage redundancy in Ovirt

2017-04-15 Thread Dan Yasny
When you set up a storage domain, you need to specify a host to perform the
initial storage operations, but once the SD is defined, it's details are in
the engine database, and all the hosts get connected to it directly. If the
first host you used to define the SD goes down, all other hosts will still
remain connected and work. SPM is an HA service, and if the current SPM
host goes down, SPM gets started on another host in the DC. In short,
unless your actual NFS exporting host goes down, there is no outage.

On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 1:53 PM, Konstantin Raskoshnyi 

> Hi Fernando,
> I see each host has direct connection nfs mount, but yes, if main host to
> which I connected nfs storage going down the storage becomes unavailable
> and all vms are down
> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 10:37 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
>> Hello Konstantin.
>> That doesn`t make much sense make a whole cluster depend on a single
>> host. From what I know any host talk directly to NFS Storage Array or
>> whatever other Shared Storage you have.
>> Have you tested that host going down if that affects the other with the
>> NFS mounted directlly in a NFS Storage array ?
>> Fernando
>> 2017-04-15 12:42 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi :
>>> In ovirt you have to attach storage through specific host.
>>> If host goes down storage is not available.
>>> On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 7:31 AM FERNANDO FREDIANI <
>>> fernando.fredi...@upx.com> wrote:
 Well, make it not go through host1 and dedicate a storage server for
 running NFS and make both hosts connect to it.
 In my view NFS is much easier to manage than any other type of storage,
 specially FC and iSCSI and performance is pretty much the same, so you
 won`t get better results other than management going to other type.


 2017-04-15 5:25 GMT-03:00 Konstantin Raskoshnyi :

> Hi guys,
> I have one nfs storage,
> it's connected through host1.
> host2 also has access to it, I can easily migrate vms between them.
> The question is - if host1 is down - all infrastructure is down, since
> all traffic goes through host1,
> is there any way in oVirt to use redundant storage?
> Only glusterfs?
> Thanks
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> ___
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> Users@ovirt.org
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Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] iscsi failover MD3820i

2017-03-07 Thread Dan Yasny
"*Important:* If more than one path access is required, ensure to discover
and log in to the target through all the required paths. Modifying a
storage domain to add additional paths is currently not supported."

This is from the oVirt admin guide, did you discover and login to all the
MD3xxxi controllers/portals when you were setting the storage domain up?

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Marcin Kruk  wrote:

> Hello I have got Dell MD3820i and four interfaces which was connected to
> the hostst via switches.
> But there is only one IP which I can set during the configuration of iSCSI
> RHV storage.
> Everything has been fine until I pluged off cable from the storage NIC
> interface with IP configured in the RHV iSCSI section.
> Now VDSMD got problem because it tries to connect via iscsiadm with exact
> IP and does not use the configuration from the /var/lib/iscsi/, where are
> tree extra paths to achive the LUN. In multipath -ll I see an active path,
> of course with the second storage interface IP
> systemctl status vdsmd:
>CGroup: /system.slice/vdsmd.service
>├─4975 /usr/bin/python /usr/share/vdsm/vdsm
>├─5558 /usr/bin/sudo -n /usr/sbin/iscsiadm -m node -T
> iqn.1984-05.com.dell:powervault.md3800i.600a098000ae589c5893ade2
> -I default -p 192...
>└─5559 /usr/sbin/iscsiadm -m node -T iqn.1984-05.com.dell:
> powervault.md3800i.600a098000ae589c5893ade2 -I default -p
> 32...
> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] Manually starting VMs via vdsClient (HE offline)

2017-02-10 Thread Dan Yasny
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 8:20 AM, Nathanaël Blanchet 

>>> If you use a dedicated host, you might as well abandon self hosted. HE
>>> is nice for small setups with the HA built in for extra fun, but once you
>>> scale, it might not be able to cope and you'll need real hardware. You're
>>> running a heavy-ish java engine plus two databases after all.
>> I'd be interested to know what type of scale needs a real hardware for
> engine, rather 100 vms or 1000 vms? it may be about the hosts number?

YMMV of course. But it only stands to reason, that a certain amount of load
is going to overwhelm a single VM. VMWare also have a scale limitation on
the VM based vcenter btw
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Manually starting VMs via vdsClient (HE offline)

2017-02-09 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 1:48 PM, Yaniv Kaul <yk...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 6:00 PM, Doug Ingham <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 9 February 2017 at 12:03, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 9:55 AM, Doug Ingham <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>> On 8 February 2017 at 18:26, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> But seriously, above all, I'd recommend you backup the engine (it
>>>>> comes with a utility) often and well. I do it via cron every hour in
>>>>> production, keeping a rotation of hourly and daily backups, just in case.
>>>>> It doesn't take much space or resources, but it's more than just best
>>>>> practice - that database is the summary of the entire setup.
>>>> If you don't mind, may I ask what process you use for backing up your
>>>> engine? If you use HE, do you keep one server dedicated to just that VM?
>>>> I've not had that particular issue in the restore process yet, however
>>>> I read that it's recommended the HE host is free of virtual load before the
>>>> backup takes place. And as they need to be done frequently, I'm reading
>>>> that as a dedicated host...
>>> If you use a dedicated host, you might as well abandon self hosted. HE
>>> is nice for small setups with the HA built in for extra fun, but once you
>>> scale, it might not be able to cope and you'll need real hardware. You're
>>> running a heavy-ish java engine plus two databases after all.
>>> So as I said, all I do is add the engine-backup command to cron on the
>>> engine, and then my backup server comes in and pulls out the files via scp,
>>> also through cron. Nothing fancy really, but it lets me sleep at night
>> This particular project has 10 new maxed out servers to back it, and I
>> don't see it outgrowing that for at least a year or so. It's hardly a full
>> DC.
>> I presume the DB will become the heaviest part of the load, and I'm
>> already planning a separate high I/O environment for dedicated HA DB hosts.
>> See the top section of this page:
>> http://www.ovirt.org/documentation/self-hosted/chap-Backing_
>> up_and_Restoring_an_EL-Based_Self-Hosted_Environment
>> It seems that I'll always have to keep at least one host free to be able
>> to avoid restore problems. If not, and I were to keep hourly backups, then
>> migrating VMs off the host every hour would just be a pain.
> I don't see the point in an hourly backup. Of what? The DB? The VM? What
> storage will it be based on?
> I suggest revising the strategy.

That's pretty much what I said :)

>> --
>> Doug
>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@ovirt.org
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Re: [ovirt-users] Manually starting VMs via vdsClient (HE offline)

2017-02-09 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Doug Ingham <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 9 February 2017 at 12:03, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 9:55 AM, Doug Ingham <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Dan,
>>> On 8 February 2017 at 18:26, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> But seriously, above all, I'd recommend you backup the engine (it comes
>>>> with a utility) often and well. I do it via cron every hour in production,
>>>> keeping a rotation of hourly and daily backups, just in case. It doesn't
>>>> take much space or resources, but it's more than just best practice - that
>>>> database is the summary of the entire setup.
>>> If you don't mind, may I ask what process you use for backing up your
>>> engine? If you use HE, do you keep one server dedicated to just that VM?
>>> I've not had that particular issue in the restore process yet, however I
>>> read that it's recommended the HE host is free of virtual load before the
>>> backup takes place. And as they need to be done frequently, I'm reading
>>> that as a dedicated host...
>> If you use a dedicated host, you might as well abandon self hosted. HE is
>> nice for small setups with the HA built in for extra fun, but once you
>> scale, it might not be able to cope and you'll need real hardware. You're
>> running a heavy-ish java engine plus two databases after all.
>> So as I said, all I do is add the engine-backup command to cron on the
>> engine, and then my backup server comes in and pulls out the files via scp,
>> also through cron. Nothing fancy really, but it lets me sleep at night
> This particular project has 10 new maxed out servers to back it, and I
> don't see it outgrowing that for at least a year or so. It's hardly a full
> DC.
> I presume the DB will become the heaviest part of the load, and I'm
> already planning a separate high I/O environment for dedicated HA DB hosts.
> See the top section of this page:
> http://www.ovirt.org/documentation/self-hosted/
> chap-Backing_up_and_Restoring_an_EL-Based_Self-Hosted_Environment
> It seems that I'll always have to keep at least one host free to be able
> to avoid restore problems. If not, and I were to keep hourly backups, then
> migrating VMs off the host every hour would just be a pain.

Yeah, that's another downside to using HE I suppose. Though maybe you don't
need to be as paranoid as I am and do backups out of hours once per day,
which will be much less disruptive.

This is pretty easy to script with the SDK - just connect to the API with a
python script and deactivate a host. Once it's in maintenance, run
engine-backup and pull the backup out, then activate the host again.

> --
> Doug
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Manually starting VMs via vdsClient (HE offline)

2017-02-09 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 9:55 AM, Doug Ingham <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> On 8 February 2017 at 18:26, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> But seriously, above all, I'd recommend you backup the engine (it comes
>> with a utility) often and well. I do it via cron every hour in production,
>> keeping a rotation of hourly and daily backups, just in case. It doesn't
>> take much space or resources, but it's more than just best practice - that
>> database is the summary of the entire setup.
> If you don't mind, may I ask what process you use for backing up your
> engine? If you use HE, do you keep one server dedicated to just that VM?
> I've not had that particular issue in the restore process yet, however I
> read that it's recommended the HE host is free of virtual load before the
> backup takes place. And as they need to be done frequently, I'm reading
> that as a dedicated host...
If you use a dedicated host, you might as well abandon self hosted. HE is
nice for small setups with the HA built in for extra fun, but once you
scale, it might not be able to cope and you'll need real hardware. You're
running a heavy-ish java engine plus two databases after all.

So as I said, all I do is add the engine-backup command to cron on the
engine, and then my backup server comes in and pulls out the files via scp,
also through cron. Nothing fancy really, but it lets me sleep at night

> --
> Doug
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Manually starting VMs via vdsClient (HE offline)

2017-02-08 Thread Dan Yasny
On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 4:18 PM, Doug Ingham <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> On 8 February 2017 at 18:10, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 4:07 PM, Doug Ingham <dou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>>  My Hosted-Engine has failed & it looks like the easiest solution will
>>> be to install a new one. Now before I try to re-add the old hosts (still
>>> running the guest VMs) & import the storage domain into the new engine, in
>>> case things don't go to plan, I want to make sure I'm able to bring up the
>>> guests on the hosts manually.
>>> The problem is vdsClient is giving me an "Unexpected exception", without
>>> much more info as to why it's failing.
>>> Any idea?
>>> [root@v0 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 list table | grep georep
>>> 9d1c3fef-498e-4c20-b124-01364d4d45a8  30455  georep-proxy Down
>>> [root@v0 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 continue 9d1c3fef-498e-4c20-b124-01364d
>>> 4d45a8
>>> Unexpected exception
>>> /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log
>>> periodic/1063::WARNING::2017-02-08 17:57:52,532::periodic::276::v
>>> irt.periodic.VmDispatcher::(__call__) could not run >> 'vdsm.virt.periodic.DriveWatermarkMonitor'> on
>>> ['65c9807c-7216-40b3-927c-5fd93bbd42ba', u'9d1c3fef-498e-4c20-b124-0136
>>> 4d4d45a8']
>> continue meane un-pause, not "start from a stopped state"
> I search the manual for start/init/resume syntax, and "continue" was the
> closest thing I found.

I don't have a 4.x vdsm handy, but on 3.6 the verb is "create". With a LOT
of params of course.

>> now having said that, if you expect the VMs not to be able to start after
>> you rebuild the engine and the VMs exist on the hosts, I'd collect a virsh
>> -r dumpxml VMNAME for each - that way you have the disks in use, and all
>> the VM configuration in a file, and with some minor LVM manipulation you'll
>> be able to start the VM via virsh
> My main concern is that I might have to halt the VMs or VDSM services for
> some reason when trying to migrate to the new engine. I just want to make
> sure that no matter what happens, I can still get the VMs back online.

The way oVirt works is very much tied into the engine DB. When you click
"start" on a VM, the engine will query the DB, pull out the VM details (CPU
config, disks, RAM etc), pick a suitable host, enable the hosts' access to
the disks on the storage domain, generate the libvirt domxml for the VM
(the file you'd get from virsh dumpxml) and start the VM according to the
generated XML. With vdsClient and without the engine DB you'll be missing
all those details the database provides, while my way, with the XML, they
are all already in place, populated by the engine when it was still alive.

> I'm still getting myself acquainted with virsh/vdsClient. Could you
> provide any insight into what I'd have to do to restart the guests manually?
see above. But seriously, above all, I'd recommend you backup the engine
(it comes with a utility) often and well. I do it via cron every hour in
production, keeping a rotation of hourly and daily backups, just in case.
It doesn't take much space or resources, but it's more than just best
practice - that database is the summary of the entire setup.

> Thanks,
> --
> Doug
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] Manually starting VMs via vdsClient (HE offline)

2017-02-08 Thread Dan Yasny
On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 4:07 PM, Doug Ingham  wrote:

> Hi Guys,
>  My Hosted-Engine has failed & it looks like the easiest solution will be
> to install a new one. Now before I try to re-add the old hosts (still
> running the guest VMs) & import the storage domain into the new engine, in
> case things don't go to plan, I want to make sure I'm able to bring up the
> guests on the hosts manually.
> The problem is vdsClient is giving me an "Unexpected exception", without
> much more info as to why it's failing.
> Any idea?
> [root@v0 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 list table | grep georep
> 9d1c3fef-498e-4c20-b124-01364d4d45a8  30455  georep-proxy Down
> [root@v0 ~]# vdsClient -s 0 continue 9d1c3fef-498e-4c20-b124-01364d4d45a8
> Unexpected exception
> /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log
> periodic/1063::WARNING::2017-02-08 17:57:52,532::periodic::276::
> virt.periodic.VmDispatcher::(__call__) could not run  'vdsm.virt.periodic.DriveWatermarkMonitor'> on 
> ['65c9807c-7216-40b3-927c-5fd93bbd42ba',
> u'9d1c3fef-498e-4c20-b124-01364d4d45a8']
continue meane un-pause, not "start from a stopped state"

now having said that, if you expect the VMs not to be able to start after
you rebuild the engine and the VMs exist on the hosts, I'd collect a virsh
-r dumpxml VMNAME for each - that way you have the disks in use, and all
the VM configuration in a file, and with some minor LVM manipulation you'll
be able to start the VM via virsh

> Cheers,
> --
> Doug
> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] Request for oVirt Ansible modules testing feedback

2016-12-30 Thread Dan Yasny
I personally found that she'll isn't as useful as the python sdk. I usually
open up ipython, load the sdk and interact with ovirt directly. This is
faster and much more powerful than the shell could ever be.

On Dec 30, 2016 11:22 AM, "Nathanaël Blanchet"  wrote:

> Interesting work and thank you for this stuff. I played with some modules
> (ovirt_vms_facts) to get some vms name for example.
>- [root@acore ovirt]# ansible-playbook All_Vms_list.yml
>- with
>  - name: List vms
>  auth: "{{ ovirt_auth }}"
>  pattern: name=test_cloud
>  fetch_nested: true
>  nested_attributes: name
>register: ovirt_vms
>  - shell: echo "{{ ovirt_vms.name }} > vms_name" // doesn't work
>-   - shell: echo "{{ ovirt_vms }} > vms_name // returns an unicode
>json file, that's surely why we can't parse it. Can you help me to solve
>this into the ovirt_vms_facts.py file?
>- I have no such problem with ovirt_snaphots_module and I can easily
>get the snaphot.id variable but:
>   - I had to manually copy the ovirt_snaphsots_module because it is
>   not present on the git tree. This is very curious: we can find it here
>   http://ovirt-ansible-modules.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_
>   modules/ovirt_snapshots_module.htm
> ,
>   but it is not available on the main ansible git tre.
>   - On the doc, return values are not described
> For the moment, my opinion is that ansible can't be as much convinient as
> the current CLI, e.g. ovirt-shell -E "list vms", out of the box. Is there a
> really reason to deprecate it?
> Le 02/12/2016 à 14:12, Ondra Machacek a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I would like to kindly ask everyone who is Ansible or oVirt user for
> testing of the new Ansible oVirt modules. For everyone who is familiar
> with the Ansible and oVirt, this[1] describes the steps you need to do,
> to setup oVirt modules library and start using those modules (Most of
> those modules will be available in Ansible 2.3, some of them are already in
> 2.2).
> If you have any issue setting this up, please contact me, I will do the
> best to help you.
> If you have an issue, which you think is a bug, please open an issue
> here[2]. Please note that Ansible is merging it's repositories, so since
> next week it will actually be stored here[3]. If you are missing
> anything please open an issue as well, or just contact me, and I will
> do fix it. You are also very welcome to sent PR with fixes.
> For those who don't have testing environment which can test against,
> I've created an Vagrant project which will deploy you the oVirt instance
> using Ansible playbooks. You can find how to use it here[4].
> The repository also contains few examples[5], so you don't have to
> copy-paste them from the source.
> Thanks all for reading this and any feedback,
> Ondra
> [1] https://github.com/machacekondra/ovirt-tests/releases/tag/0.1
> [2] https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/issues
> [3] https://github.com/ansible/ansible
> [4] https://github.com/machacekondra/ovirt-tests
> [5] https://github.com/machacekondra/ovirt-tests/tree/master/examples
> ___
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> --
> Nathanaël Blanchet
> Supervision réseau
> Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
> 227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
> Tél. 33 (0)4 67 54 84 55
> Fax  33 (0)4 67 54 84 14blanc...@abes.fr
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Re: [ovirt-users] Regarding DAS for Shared Storage

2016-12-22 Thread Dan Yasny
In theory, if you can see the DAS LUN with multipath, you can build the
storage domain as if it's FC. Might need to play with multipath settings to
make sure it's not filtered out.

On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 7:11 AM, Fernando Frediani <
fernando.fredi...@upx.com.br> wrote:

> Hello rex.
> I have a very similar situation and I'm interested to find out how people
> are doing to use DAS in these types of environments.
> Thanks
> Fernando
> On 22/12/2016 10:07, rex wrote:
> Hi,
> Have a VRTX Chassis enclosure populated with two Dell PowerEdge M620
> Blades and has a built-in DAS storage. Created a 1 TB Virtual Disk from the
> DAS storage using the Dell iDRAC interface. This block device is accessible
> from the two blades (CentOS 7 OS) like shown below,
>  [root@node1 ~]# lsblk /dev/sdc
>  sdc8:32   0 1024G  0 disk
>  [root@node2 ~]# lsblk /dev/sdc
>  sdc8:32   0 1024G  0 disk
>  oVirt rpms has been installed on both the blades with the aim of
> configuring them as oVirt nodes with Live Migration feature. But other than
> the DAS we don't have any storage which can be used as shared storage. So
> can some one please tell me whether the above block disk can be used as a
> shared storage (i.e mounted on the two nodes at the same time) and if it is
> possible how can this be done. Thank you.
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Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI

2016-09-20 Thread Dan Yasny
Maybe it's an EMC thing? I know they always recommend using their own
multipathing client (aka powerpath), so you either need to make sure the
SAN accepts Linux multipath, and that EMC devices aren't blocked in your

I remember Clariions used to require some explicit aLUA related settings,
should be easy enough to google or maybe call the SAN vendor

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Noting more configuration ,if I configure openfiler  as a iSCSI Lun able
> to detect the lun , moment I configure EMC Lun unable to detect the Lun ID .
> Any other configs do I need to do in Host ? any comands to delete the old
> Lun ID ?
> .[root@pbuovirt3 ~]# cat /proc/scsi/scsi
> Attached devices:
> Host: scsi0 Channel: 03 Id: 00 Lun: 00
>   Vendor: HP   Model: P410iRev: 2.00
>   Type:   RAID ANSI  SCSI revision: 00
> Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
>   Vendor: HP   Model: LOGICAL VOLUME   Rev: 2.00
>   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI  SCSI revision: 05
> Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
>   Vendor: Optiarc  Model: DVD RW AD-7561S  Rev: AH52
>   Type:   CD-ROM   ANSI  SCSI revision: 05
> Host: scsi8 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
>   Vendor: DGC  Model: LUNZ Rev: 3103
>   Type:   Direct-AccessANSI  SCSI revision: 04
> [root@pbuovirt3 ~]#
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:51 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It looks like iscsi does the job, bu multipath doesn't. What do you use
>> on the hosts? How is multipath.conf configured? Any other special
>> configuration you use?
>> Also, can you paste /proc/scsi/scsi and blkid
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Below are the details,
>>> http://pastebin.com/aLBMH3Q6
>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Try this on the host:
>>>> iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
>>>> iscsiadm -m node -L all
>>>> iscsiadm -m node
>>>> iscsiadm -m session
>>>> multipath -ll
>>>> and pastebin the output
>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes I did that too but no luck :(
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Nagaraju
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> After you discover, did you also click the login button?
>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Below are the Steps,
>>>>>>> Under Storage Tab:New Domain -->Name>Domain
>>>>>>> Type-->Data/iSCSi-->Select the Host -->Discover the Targets ,
>>>>>>> After giving all the info able to detect the iSCSI targets but uable
>>>>>>> to get the Lun id ,below are the details of the logs.
>>>>>>> http://pastebin.com/ph1YSqhH
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Nagaraju
>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 6:47 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Can you describe what you tried to do and how it failed?
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> HI All,
>>>>>>>>> While configuring iSCSI LUN is not getting detected any documents
>>>>>>>>> to configure iSCSI in oVirt ?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Nagaraju
>>>>>>>>> ___
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>>>>>>>>> Users@ovirt.org
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Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI

2016-09-20 Thread Dan Yasny
It looks like iscsi does the job, bu multipath doesn't. What do you use on
the hosts? How is multipath.conf configured? Any other special
configuration you use?

Also, can you paste /proc/scsi/scsi and blkid

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 11:18 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Below are the details,
> http://pastebin.com/aLBMH3Q6
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Try this on the host:
>> iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
>> iscsiadm -m node -L all
>> iscsiadm -m node
>> iscsiadm -m session
>> multipath -ll
>> and pastebin the output
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes I did that too but no luck :(
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nagaraju
>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> After you discover, did you also click the login button?
>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Below are the Steps,
>>>>> Under Storage Tab:New Domain -->Name>Domain Type-->Data/iSCSi-->Select
>>>>> the Host -->Discover the Targets ,
>>>>> After giving all the info able to detect the iSCSI targets but uable
>>>>> to get the Lun id ,below are the details of the logs.
>>>>> http://pastebin.com/ph1YSqhH
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Nagaraju
>>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 6:47 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Can you describe what you tried to do and how it failed?
>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> HI All,
>>>>>>> While configuring iSCSI LUN is not getting detected any documents to
>>>>>>> configure iSCSI in oVirt ?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Nagaraju
>>>>>>> ___
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>>>>>>> Users@ovirt.org
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Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI

2016-09-20 Thread Dan Yasny
Try this on the host:

iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
iscsiadm -m node -L all
iscsiadm -m node
iscsiadm -m session
multipath -ll

and pastebin the output

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes I did that too but no luck :(
> Thanks,
> Nagaraju
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> After you discover, did you also click the login button?
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Below are the Steps,
>>> Under Storage Tab:New Domain -->Name>Domain Type-->Data/iSCSi-->Select
>>> the Host -->Discover the Targets ,
>>> After giving all the info able to detect the iSCSI targets but uable to
>>> get the Lun id ,below are the details of the logs.
>>> http://pastebin.com/ph1YSqhH
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nagaraju
>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 6:47 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Can you describe what you tried to do and how it failed?
>>>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> HI All,
>>>>> While configuring iSCSI LUN is not getting detected any documents to
>>>>> configure iSCSI in oVirt ?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Nagaraju
>>>>> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI

2016-09-20 Thread Dan Yasny
After you discover, did you also click the login button?

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 10:28 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Below are the Steps,
> Under Storage Tab:New Domain -->Name>Domain Type-->Data/iSCSi-->Select the
> Host -->Discover the Targets ,
> After giving all the info able to detect the iSCSI targets but uable to
> get the Lun id ,below are the details of the logs.
> http://pastebin.com/ph1YSqhH
> Thanks,
> Nagaraju
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 6:47 PM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can you describe what you tried to do and how it failed?
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju <nbud...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> HI All,
>>> While configuring iSCSI LUN is not getting detected any documents to
>>> configure iSCSI in oVirt ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nagaraju
>>> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] iSCSI

2016-09-20 Thread Dan Yasny
Can you describe what you tried to do and how it failed?

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:54 AM, Budur Nagaraju  wrote:

> HI All,
> While configuring iSCSI LUN is not getting detected any documents to
> configure iSCSI in oVirt ?
> Thanks,
> Nagaraju
> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] Overt Networking VPN

2016-09-10 Thread Dan Yasny
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 11:27 PM, System Administrator <
sysad...@phoenixhawaii.net> wrote:

> Aloha,
> I am attempting to set up an Ovirt environment across every server that I
> currently manage.  I have a set of servers in one location, behind a single
> firewall with multiple IP's, and I have another set of servers in a second
> location halfway around the world, also with their own set of IP's.
> Additionally, the servers have different types of Intel CPU's, and varying
> amounts of memory and storage.  I also have a Fiber Optic SAN that I would
> like to use as my storage.

Do you have the same SAN at both locations? Are you able to set up async
replication between the two SANs?

> My question is:  Do I have to set up a VPN between every server that I
> want to install Ovirt on in order to manage them under a single Ovirt
> installation?  If so, how would I gain a highly available scenario?   In
> this case, if the server acting as the VPN server failed, the entire Ovirt
> system would collapse as well due to inability to communicate.

You need to have a VPN link between two sites, preferably a redundant one,
and with some serious bandwidth too, if you intend to replicate the SANs
across it. Once you have a replica of your storage domain on the second
site working, if the primary site goes down, you can bring everything up on
the secondary site. If you want this at a VM and not SD level, you might
either have to replicate LUNs separately and use direct LUNs for VMs, or
write some management scripts around it, so you will never end up with the
same VM started on both sites. The latter will also require active-active
LUN replication, which is usually a bad idea to start with.

> My goal is to combine the resources of all of my servers so that I can
> live migrate VM's between them based upon workload, and also availability
> of hardware.  If the servers in Canada fail for instance, I want the
> services to automatically migrate to my servers in Hawaii.

load balancing will be very tricky, DR - much easier.

> Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
> Trenton
> Trenton D Warren
> President and CEO
> Phoenix Holdings Corporation
> Work:   (808) 263-7448
> Cell: (478) 867-3107
> www.phoenixhawaii.net
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Re: [ovirt-users] Upgrade datacenter from 3.6 to 4.0

2016-08-24 Thread Dan Yasny
Doesn't it make more sense for this major upgrade to be a simple new
install of engine v4, and importing the existing SDs?

On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 6:34 AM, Barak Korren  wrote:

> On 24 August 2016 at 12:32, Christophe TREFOIS 
> wrote:
>> Really? That’s strange, as the engine should be backward compatible with
>> previous versions no?
> Think about it like this - When an update comes out it gets pushed to the
> repos/channels. If you then go and provision a new host with some automated
> system like Foreman, you end up with the new VDSM. Also, since you can have
> a large amount of hosts, you may reasonably choose to use some automated
> system to keep them up to date. It is more reasonable to expect the engine
> machine to have a steadier/slower life cycle.
> --
> *Barak Korren*
> bkor...@redhat.com
> RHEV-CI Team
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Re: [ovirt-users] 2 NIC Configuration

2016-08-08 Thread Dan Yasny
If you don't see the second NIC in there, it's either disabled in BIOS,
malfunctioning or somehow not detected by the host OS. Not an oVirt issue.

I'd start with checking why the host does not detect the NIC


On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Michael Cooper  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I am new to oVirt actively, however I am a long time follower. I
> apologize if this question has been asked before but i am not finding good
> info on it or I am looking in the worng place or search terms are poor. I
> have installed oVirt on a Dell SC1435 Server with 16 gb of ram and a 1 tb
> drive. It also has 2 nics however I am only seeing one in the Web UI, how
> would I go about adding my second NIC to this configration?
> My reasoning for this NIC 1 is used for VM communication and internet and
> NIC 2 is used for Storage and management. Hopefully that makes sense.
> Thank you so very much for time and pardon me for asking a dumb question.
> Michael Cooper
> http://coopfire.com
> Linux/VMWare Certified Professional
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Re: [ovirt-users] Fwd: Multipath iSCSI with several IPs

2016-08-04 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 10:37 AM, James Michels <
karma.sometimes.hu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> The way you describe it I should have 2 storage backends with 2 IPs for
> the same SAN backend, right?

Every iSCSI SAN has multiple portals (usually one on each storage
controller, and each with it's own IP), and when you create a target you
assign it the portals through which it should be accessible. So if you have
two portals (two IPs) assigned to a target (LUN), you can access it via two
paths, each path leading through a different portal/IP to the same
What do you use for your iSCSI backend?

> The problem I see is that when you create a disk for a VM, you assign it
> to only one storage domain... so if the first fails, how will oVirt know
> which one should use as failover?
There is only one disk, but it sits on a target, which can be accessed via
two different IPs. oVirt stores all the iSCSI portal IPs you give it as
described in my first response in a database, and connects to them when
connecting to the storage domain. If one is down, multipath will mark the
path as down and keep using other IPs to access the same LUN

> Thank you
> 2016-08-04 15:20 GMT+01:00 Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com>:
>> Normally you
>> 1. enter the IP
>> 2. click discover
>> 3. login to whatever was found
>> 4. enter another IP instead of the first
>> 5. goto 2
>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 10:13 AM, James Michels <
>> karma.sometimes.hu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I want to add an iSCSI based storage domain. For that I add a domain on
>>> the Storage tab with one of the IPs (say, but for failover
>>> purposes I'd like to use multipath to add a failover IP so if the first one
>>> fails, LUNs can be reached via the second (say
>>> How can this be done in oVirt 4.0.1? I have not seen a way how to add
>>> the second IP for multipath purposes.
>>> Thank you
>>> James
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Re: [ovirt-users] Multipath iSCSI with several IPs

2016-08-04 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Tadas  wrote:

> Multipath is more a SAN thing, - not a tcp/ip.

Not when it comes to iSCSI

> You should use something like LACP group on two (or more) of your network
> interfaces.

Absolutely not. It is always better to let multipath deal with paths
leading to block storage LUNs, and the underlying fabric does not matter.

> Also you will have to configure your switch accordingly. You will not have
> to worry about second ip. LACP bonded interface will use one IP, but will
> fail-over to one of nics if needed.

Again, do NOT use bonds for iscsi traffic. Let multipath deal with it.

> *From:* James Michels 
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 4, 2016 5:13 PM
> *To:* users 
> *Subject:* [ovirt-users] Multipath iSCSI with several IPs
> Hello,
> I want to add an iSCSI based storage domain. For that I add a domain on
> the Storage tab with one of the IPs (say, but for failover
> purposes I'd like to use multipath to add a failover IP so if the first one
> fails, LUNs can be reached via the second (say
> How can this be done in oVirt 4.0.1? I have not seen a way how to add the
> second IP for multipath purposes.
> Thank you
> James
> --
> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] Multipath iSCSI with several IPs

2016-08-04 Thread Dan Yasny
Normally you
1. enter the IP
2. click discover
3. login to whatever was found
4. enter another IP instead of the first
5. goto 2

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 10:13 AM, James Michels <
karma.sometimes.hu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to add an iSCSI based storage domain. For that I add a domain on
> the Storage tab with one of the IPs (say, but for failover
> purposes I'd like to use multipath to add a failover IP so if the first one
> fails, LUNs can be reached via the second (say
> How can this be done in oVirt 4.0.1? I have not seen a way how to add the
> second IP for multipath purposes.
> Thank you
> James
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Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt/RHEV and HP Blades and HP iSCSI SAN

2016-06-25 Thread Dan Yasny
On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 11:05 PM, Colin Coe <colin@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Dan
> I should have mentioned that we need to use the same subnet for both iSCSI
> interfaces which is why I ended up bonding (mode 1) these.

This is not best practice. Perhaps you should have asked these questions
when planning? Right now, I'd start planning for a large downtime window in
order to redo things right.

> Looking at
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.6/html/Administration_Guide/sect-Preparing_and_Adding_Block_Storage.html#Configuring_iSCSI_Multipathing,
> it doesn't say anything about tying the iSCSI Bond back to the host.  In
> our DEV environment I removed the bond the iSCSI interfaces were using and
> created the iSCSI Bond as per this link.  What do I do now?  Recreate the
> bond and give it an IP?  I don't see where to put an IP for iSCSI against
> the hosts?

I don't have a setup in front of me to provide instructions, but you did
mention you're using RHEV, why not just call support, they can just remote
in and help you, or send some screenshots...

> Lastly, not using jumbo frames as where a critical infrastructure
> organisation and I fear possible side effects.

You have an iSCSI dedicated network, I don't see the problem setting up a
dedicated network the correct way, unless your switches have a single MTU
setting for all ports, like the cisco 2960's. There's a lot of performance
to gain there, depending on the kind of IO your VMs of generating.

> Thanks
> On Sat, Jun 25, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Dan Yasny <dya...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Two things off the top of my head after skimming the given details:
>> 1. iSCSI will work better without the bond. It already uses multipath, so
>> all you need is to separate the portal IPs/subnets and provide separate
>> IPs/subnets to the iSCSI dedicated NICs, as is the recommended way here:
>> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/131153 and also be sure to follow
>> this:
>> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.6/html/Administration_Guide/sect-Preparing_and_Adding_Block_Storage.html#Configuring_iSCSI_Multipathing
>> 2. You haven't mentioned anything about jumbo frames, are you using
>> those? If not, it is a very good idea to start.
>> And 3: since this is RHEV, you might get much more help from the official
>> support than from this list.
>> Hope this helps
>> Dan
>> On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 9:12 PM, Colin Coe <colin@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all
>>> We run four RHEV datacenters, two PROD, one DEV and one TEST/Training.
>>> They are all  working OK but I'd like a definitive answer on how I should
>>> be configuring the networking side as I'm pretty sure we're getting
>>> sub-optimal networking performance.
>>> All datacenters are housed in HP C7000 Blade enclosures.  The PROD
>>> datacenters use HP 4730 iSCSI SAN clusters, each datacenter has a cluster
>>> of two 4730s. These are configured RAID5 internally with NRAID1. The DEV
>>> and TEST datacenters are using P4500 iSCSI SANs and each datacenter has a
>>> cluster of three P4500s configured with RAID10 internally and NRAID5.
>>> The HP C7000 each have two Flex10/10D interconnect modules configured in
>>> a redundant ring so that we can upgrade the interconnects without dropping
>>> network connectivity to the infrastructure. We use fat RHEL-H 7.2
>>> hypervisors (HP BL460) and these are all configured with six network
>>> interfaces:
>>> - eno1 and eno2 are bond0 which is the rhevm interface
>>> - eno3 and eno4 are bond1 and all the VM VLANs are trunked over this
>>> bond using 802.1q
>>> - eno5 and eno6 are bond2 and dedicated to iSCSI traffic
>>> Is this the "correct" way to do this?  If not, what should I be doing
>>> instead?
>>> Thanks
>>> CC
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Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt/RHEV and HP Blades and HP iSCSI SAN

2016-06-24 Thread Dan Yasny
Two things off the top of my head after skimming the given details:
1. iSCSI will work better without the bond. It already uses multipath, so
all you need is to separate the portal IPs/subnets and provide separate
IPs/subnets to the iSCSI dedicated NICs, as is the recommended way here:
https://access.redhat.com/solutions/131153 and also be sure to follow this:
2. You haven't mentioned anything about jumbo frames, are you using those?
If not, it is a very good idea to start.

And 3: since this is RHEV, you might get much more help from the official
support than from this list.

Hope this helps

On Fri, Jun 24, 2016 at 9:12 PM, Colin Coe  wrote:

> Hi all
> We run four RHEV datacenters, two PROD, one DEV and one TEST/Training.
> They are all  working OK but I'd like a definitive answer on how I should
> be configuring the networking side as I'm pretty sure we're getting
> sub-optimal networking performance.
> All datacenters are housed in HP C7000 Blade enclosures.  The PROD
> datacenters use HP 4730 iSCSI SAN clusters, each datacenter has a cluster
> of two 4730s. These are configured RAID5 internally with NRAID1. The DEV
> and TEST datacenters are using P4500 iSCSI SANs and each datacenter has a
> cluster of three P4500s configured with RAID10 internally and NRAID5.
> The HP C7000 each have two Flex10/10D interconnect modules configured in a
> redundant ring so that we can upgrade the interconnects without dropping
> network connectivity to the infrastructure. We use fat RHEL-H 7.2
> hypervisors (HP BL460) and these are all configured with six network
> interfaces:
> - eno1 and eno2 are bond0 which is the rhevm interface
> - eno3 and eno4 are bond1 and all the VM VLANs are trunked over this bond
> using 802.1q
> - eno5 and eno6 are bond2 and dedicated to iSCSI traffic
> Is this the "correct" way to do this?  If not, what should I be doing
> instead?
> Thanks
> CC
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Re: [ovirt-users] Storage types in oVirt

2016-06-14 Thread Dan Yasny
On Jun 14, 2016 5:37 PM, "Fernando Frediani" 
> Hi Nir,
> I wouldn't say that the performance coming from LVM is significantly
better than from a filesystem if the last is well built. In VMware the
performance from a VMDK running on the top of VMFS5 and from a RDM has no
significant gain one over another. I've always preferred to have machines
in a filesystem for the ease of management. In some cases with hundreds of
them in a single filesystem never faced performance issues. The bottleneck
normally is down to the storage architecture (Storage Controller, RAID
config, etc).
> The multipath is certainly a plus that helps in certain cases.

Extended scalability  (200 node clusters) and no bottlenecks around scsi3
pr are another couple of pluses.

> I guess the answer to my original question is clear. If I want to use
block storage shared among different hosts there is no choice in oVirt
other than LVM.
> In a particular case I have a storage shared via a kind of internal SAS
backplane to all servers. The only alternative to that would be dedicate a
server to own the storage and export it as NFS, but in that case there
would be some looses in the terms of hardware an reliability.

If your SAS storage is exposed to multiple hosts and presents the same wwid
to all clients you can set it up as fc, as long as multipath can detect it.
DDAS like dell md3000 works great this way.

> Thanks
> Fernando
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 11:23 PM, Fernando Frediani <
fernando.fredi...@upx.com.br> wrote:
>>> Hi Nir,
>>> Thanks for clarification.
>>> Answering your questions: The intent was to use a Posix like filesystem
>>> similar to VMFS5 (GFS2, OCFS2, or other) where you have no choice for
>>> the block storage is presented to multiple servers. Yes I heard about
>>> escalation issues in the past, but thought it had been gone now a days,
>>> seems not.
>>> I had the impression that qcow2 images have both thin-provisioning and
>>> snapshot capabilities.
>> Yes, using file based storage, you have both snapshots and thin
>> this is the most reliable way to get thin provisioning in ovirt.
>> But then you pay for the file system overhead, where in block storage
the qemu
>> image is using the lv directly.
>> In block storage we use multipath, so if you have mutiple nics and
>> you get better reliability and performance.
>>> Regarding LVM I don't like the idea of having VMs buried into a LVM
>>> nor the idea of troubleshooting LVM volumes when necessary. Dealing with
>>> qcow2 images for every VM separately makes things much easier for doing
>>> several tasks. I would say that people coming from VMware would prefer
>>> deal with a VMDK rather than a RDM LUN. In the other hand I have
nothing to
>>> say about LVM performance.
>> LVM has its own issues with many lvs on the same vg - we recommend to
>> use up to 350 lvs per vg. If you need more, you need to use another vg.
>> The best would be to try both and use the best storage for the particular
>> use case.
>> Nir
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Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt training request

2016-06-14 Thread Dan Yasny
If you want something official, I think RH318, the RHCVA course should
cover everything you need.

There are also two (slightly out of date) books available:

For anything else, there's plenty of documentation available

On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 10:34 AM, Gonzalo Faramiñan 

> Hello everyone,
> this is my very fist message in this users list. I'm new to oVirt, and
> would like to know about online training/courses about it.
> Courses can be spanish or english imparted. Any info would be really
> appreciated.
> Thank you!
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Re: [ovirt-users] VM HA when no engine

2016-04-06 Thread Dan Yasny
A standalone host with only the local storage in a separate location and no
clustering... I would leave that host out of the oVirt setup, and keep it
under simple libvirt control. Then it's a simple matter of setting the VM
up using libvirt and running virsh autostart VMNAME to make sure it
restarts on reboot.

The engine manages the VMs, if it can't, then you can either do a dirty
hack to bypass the engine and create a splitbrain between what the engine
knows and what happens on the host, or ensure stable communication between
the host and engine.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 1:38 PM, Stefano Danzi  wrote:

> Hello!
> I have an oVirt Environment where one host is phisically in a different
> building than others hosts. Main building and remote building are connected
> using a WiFi link.
> The host on remote building runs a VM that use host local storage.
> The VM is pinned to the host to prevent any migration.
> Hosted engine VM never runs on this host.
> I need that this VM starts on this host even if the host restarts
> accidentally and
> the wifi link is down (aka "Cleaning lady unintentional DoS attack" ;-)  ).
> There are a way to do this?
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Re: [ovirt-users] Shared storage

2016-03-21 Thread Dan Yasny
If the model can be shared between two hosts (I remember the old PVs having
this option as an alternative to a split backplane) then potentially you
should be able to detect the shared volume with multipath and oVirt should
be able to pick it up as FC storage

On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 7:34 AM, InterNetX - Juergen Gotteswinter <
j...@internetx.com> wrote:

> nop, thats direct attached sas. you want/need iscsi or nfs
> Am 21.03.2016 um 10:50 schrieb Maton, Brett:
> > Hello list,
> >
> >   I was wondering if any one could tell me if a Dell MD1400 Direct
> > Attached Storage unit is suitable for shared storage between ovirt hosts?
> >
> >   I really don't want to buy something that isn't going to work :)
> >
> > Regards,
> > Brett
> >
> >
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Re: [ovirt-users] Sample OVirt KS for HV Deployment

2016-03-04 Thread Dan Yasny
I install a bunch of packages too, but I use full RHEL hosts, so it's just
a matter of running yum.

On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Duckworth, Douglas C <du...@tulane.edu>

> "All I use it for is to set one NIC up with an IP address, so the engine
> can reach it. The rest is done via the engine. I probably should just do
> this with DHCP and MAC reservations really"
> Ah thanks. So we can do that with kernel options too. I wasn't sure if
> we should even bother with bonds though since the manager will do the rest.
> Thanks for sharing your iscsid.conf.  We're using the copy module to
> place our modified one on the hypervisor, though your solution might be
> more elegant, along with others that modify rsyslog and cron, then
> persisting those files:
> - name: unpersist conf files on HV
>   tags: [conf]
>   command: "unpersist {{ item.destdir }}/{{ item.name }}"
>   with_items: hv_files
> - name: copy conf files to hv
>   tags: [conf]
>   copy: src="{{ item.name }}"
> dest="{{ item.destdir }}/{{ item.name }}"
> mode="{{ item.mode }}"
> owner=root group=root
>   with_items: hv_files
> - name: persist conf files on HV
>   tags: [conf]
>   command: "persist {{ item.destdir }}/{{ item.name }}"
>   with_items: hv_files
>   notify:
> - rsyslog
> - crond
> How do people handle installing additional packages [we add htop, vim,
> iftop, nethogs, diamond, check_mk] to the hypervisor after deployment?
> After remounting rw we use this task to copy rpms from Apache server:
> - name: install rhel7 packages
>   command: "rpm -i {{ item.destdir }}/{{ item.name }}"
>   with_items: rh7_rpm_files
>   register: rpm_result
>   when: ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"
>   failed_when: "rpm_result.rc == 69"
> --
> Thanks
> Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
> Unix Administrator
> Tulane University
> Technology Services
> 1555 Poydras Ave
> NOLA -- 70112
> E: du...@tulane.edu
> O: 504-988-9341
> F: 504-988-8505
> On 03/04/2016 03:41 PM, Dan Yasny wrote:
> > All I use it for is to set one NIC up with an IP address, so the engine
> > can reach it. The rest is done via the engine. I probably should just do
> > this with DHCP and MAC reservations really
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Re: [ovirt-users] Sample OVirt KS for HV Deployment

2016-03-04 Thread Dan Yasny
On Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 4:33 PM, Duckworth, Douglas C <du...@tulane.edu>

> We also use Ansible
> Could you share your role / playbook for networks?

All I use it for is to set one NIC up with an IP address, so the engine can
reach it. The rest is done via the engine. I probably should just do this
with DHCP and MAC reservations really

As for iscsi:

- name: iSCSI initiator node.session.cmds_max adjustment
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
  line='node.session.cmds_max = 1024'

- name: iSCSI initiator node.session.queue_depth adjustment
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
  line='node.session.queue_depth = 128'

- name: iSCSI initiatorname set
dest: /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
regexp: '^InitiatorName=iqn'
line: '{{ "InitiatorName=iqn.2010-12.com.maxbetgroup:" +
inventory_hostname }}'
- restart iscsi
- restart iscsid

- name: restart iscsi
  service: name=iscsi state=restarted

- name: restart iscsid
  service: name=iscsid state=restarted

> Thanks
> Doug
> --
> Thanks
> Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
> Unix Administrator
> Tulane University
> Technology Services
> 1555 Poydras Ave
> NOLA -- 70112
> E: du...@tulane.edu
> O: 504-988-9341
> F: 504-988-8505
> On 03/02/2016 05:50 PM, Dan Yasny wrote:
> > I usually deploy with only a basic KS that places an ssh cert on the
> > host. Then ansible adds the repos and adjusts the network and iscsi
> > initiator , the ovirt bootstrap takes care of the rest
> >
> > On Mar 2, 2016 5:42 PM, "Duckworth, Douglas C" <du...@tulane.edu
> > <mailto:du...@tulane.edu>> wrote:
> >
> > Never mind.  This seems to be a place to start:
> >
> >
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.6/html/Installation_Guide/sect-Automated_Installation.html
> >
> > https://access.redhat.com/solutions/41697
> >
> > --
> > Thanks
> >
> > Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
> > Unix Administrator
> > Tulane University
> > Technology Services
> > 1555 Poydras Ave
> > NOLA -- 70112
> >
> > E: du...@tulane.edu <mailto:du...@tulane.edu>
> > O: 504-988-9341 
> > F: 504-988-8505 
> >
> > On 03/02/2016 04:06 PM, Duckworth, Douglas C wrote:
> > > Does anyone have a kickstart available to share?  We are looking to
> > > automate hypervisor deployment with Cobbler.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Doug
> > >
> > ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] Sample OVirt KS for HV Deployment

2016-03-02 Thread Dan Yasny
I usually deploy with only a basic KS that places an ssh cert on the host.
Then ansible adds the repos and adjusts the network and iscsi initiator ,
the ovirt bootstrap takes care of the rest
On Mar 2, 2016 5:42 PM, "Duckworth, Douglas C"  wrote:

> Never mind.  This seems to be a place to start:
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.6/html/Installation_Guide/sect-Automated_Installation.html
> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/41697
> --
> Thanks
> Douglas Duckworth, MSc, LFCS
> Unix Administrator
> Tulane University
> Technology Services
> 1555 Poydras Ave
> NOLA -- 70112
> E: du...@tulane.edu
> O: 504-988-9341
> F: 504-988-8505
> On 03/02/2016 04:06 PM, Duckworth, Douglas C wrote:
> > Does anyone have a kickstart available to share?  We are looking to
> > automate hypervisor deployment with Cobbler.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Doug
> >
> ___
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Re: [ovirt-users] Ovir (rhev) backup authomation

2016-02-23 Thread Dan Yasny
Is it any different from https://github.com/wefixit-AT/oVirtBackup ? I mean
in implementation, e.g.
snapshot>clone>export>delete snapshot

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 10:04 AM, Dariusz Kryszak  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to share with all my couple scripts which I've made for the
> backup automation process.
> If your backup system not support virtual environment like ovirt or rhev,
> you can use it as workaround :-)
> It is not a classical backup solution (especially differential backup,
> compression, deduplication ). This is protection against loss your vm and
> the data.
> All what you need it is to change credential and information regards
> environment like url.
> Everything I've described in the code.
> For new environment (3.5> with rhe or centos 7) you can change or comments
> lines like power off during cleanup snapshots.
> Please enjoy.
> jezyk
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Re: [ovirt-users] Disabling migration when there is a problem with storage

2016-02-03 Thread Dan Yasny
When a storage error occurs, VMs should pause, not migrate. However, if the
VMs were io-idle, then pause (qemu EIO) might have not been triggered
before hosts started dropping into non-op.
...which triggered a migration storm for HA-enabled VMs, racing with VMs
pausing somehow (can't tell without diving into the logs for sure).

I haven't seen it happen in any of my setups, probably a new issue

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 9:39 AM, Mark Steele  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'd like to know if there is a way to configure ovirt (oVirt Engine
> Version: to NOT migrate VM's when there is a problem with
> attached storage.
> Scenario - our storage array that hosts all our VM disks failed. When that
> happened, ovirt attempted to migrate running VM's from one host to another.
> Unfortunately this left many of the VM's in a 'migrating to' state that
> could only be resolved by restarting the HV's
> I'd prefer to have ovirt simply hang the VM's until disk IO returns.
> Is this possible?
> ***
> *Mark Steele*
> CIO / VP Technical Operations | TelVue Corporation
> TelVue - We Share Your Vision
> 800.885.8886 x128 | mste...@telvue.com | http://www.telvue.com
> twitter: http://twitter.com/telvue | facebook:
> https://www.facebook.com/telvue
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Re: [ovirt-users] Using Microsoft NFS server as storage domain

2016-01-21 Thread Dan Yasny

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 7:54 AM, Pavel Gashev  wrote:

> Hello,
> First of all I would like to ask if anybody has an experience with using
> Microsoft NFS server as a storage domain.
I have used one as an ISO domain for years. It wasn't great, but it was
good enough. Never a data domain though

> The main issue with MS NFS is NTFS :) NTFS doesn't support sparse files.
> Technically it's possible by enabling NTFS compression but  it has bad
> performance on huge files which is our case. Also there is no option in
> oVirt web interface to use COW format on NFS storage domains.
> Since it looks like oVirt doesn't support MS NFS, I decided to migrate all
> my VMs out of MS NFS to another storage. And I hit a bug. Live storage
> migration *silently* *corrupts* *data* if you migrate a disk from MS NFS
> storage domain. So if you shutdown just migrated VM and check filesystem
> you find that it has a lot of unrecoverable errors.
> There are the following symptoms:
> 1. It corrupts data if you migrate a disk from MS NFS to Linux NFS
> 2. It corrupts data if you migrate a disk from MS NFS to iSCSI
> 3. There is no corruption if you migrate from Linux NFS to iSCSI and vice
> versa.
> 4. There is no corruption if you migrate from anywhere to MS NFS.
> 5. Data corruption happens after 'Auto-generated for Live Storage
> Migration' snapshot. So if you rollback the snapshot, you could see
> absolutely clean filesystem.
> 6. It doesn't depend on SPM. So it corrupts data if SPM is on the same
> host, or another.
> 7. There are no error messages in vdsm/qemu/system logs.
> Yes, of course I could migrate from MS NFS with downtime – it's not an
> issue. The issue is that oVirt does silently corrupt data under some
> circumstances.
> Could you please help me to understand the reason of data corruption?
> vdsm-4.17.13-1.el7.noarch
> qemu-img-ev-2.3.0-31.el7_2.4.1.x86_64
> libvirt-daemon-1.2.17-13.el7_2.2.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-backend-
> Thank you
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Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues

2016-01-12 Thread Dan Yasny
1. Are you using a full OS or a node?
2. rpm -qa |grep vdsm
3. if possible, post the hook code


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 1)  is it enough to add a hook.py in
> /usr/libexec/vdsm/hooks/before_vm_start directory , and then shut down and
> reboot a guest to
> see this hook.py invoked ?
> 2) when running manually my hook.py, I got following error :
>  ImportError: No module named hooking
> Do I have to install anything to solve this issue ?
> Thanks for help.
> Regards,
> *J.P. Ribeauville*
> P: +33.(0).
> .
> Puteaux 3 Etage 5  Bureau 4
> *jpribeauvi...@axway.com *
> http://www.axway.com
> P Pensez à l’environnement avant d’imprimer.
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Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues

2016-01-12 Thread Dan Yasny
yup. Now add the sys.stderr.write line somewhere, with a marker you can
grep for, and try, then check the vdsm.log file for the marker. I'd also
add an external log dump for the development testing, and comment it out
before going into production

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 11:02 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 173078 4 -rwxrwxrwx. 1 vdsm kvm 1292 Jan 12 15:51 test_hook.py
> Looks fine , isn’t ?
> J.P.
> *De :* Dan Yasny [mailto:dya...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 12 janvier 2016 17:00
> *À :* Jean-Pierre Ribeauville
> *Cc :* users@ovirt.org
> *Objet :* Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues
> So, to make is work, you need to chown 36:36 and chmod +x for 36:36 of
> course.
> As for logging, since the hook is run under the vdsm context, you can tap
> right into the logging of vdsm, or you can write your own log file,
> whatever you prefer to code.
> See
> https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/blob/master/vdsm_hooks/vmfex/before_vm_start.py
> line 197 - sys.stderr.write will actually dump into the vdsm log.
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
> jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> /usr/share/vdsm/hooking.py  is present on my host.
> I placed my test_hook.py  in /usr/libexec/vdsm/hooks/before_vm_start
> As I want to have it invoked for every started VM ,  I don’t need custom
> property ; Am I right ?
> Remains the point “make it accessible to vdsm:kvm”  what do you mean ?
> BTW , are vdsm hooks log infos located in /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log  ?
> Thx for help.
> J.P.
> *De :* Dan Yasny [mailto:dya...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 12 janvier 2016 16:48
> *À :* Jean-Pierre Ribeauville
> *Cc :* users@ovirt.org
> *Objet :* Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues
> OK, so the hooking module is included in the vdsm package itself. Please
> make sure you have /usr/share/vdsm/hooking.py on the host.
> The manual run fails, because it is not running in the vdsm context, and
> so the modules imported are the python site-packages and not the submodules
> under vdsm.
> To make a hook work, you need to place it on the host, make it accessible
> to vdsm:kvm, and maybe define a custom property, if you don't want the hook
> to just run on every started VM.
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
> jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 1°  It’s a full RHEL7 OS.
> 2°
> vdsm-python-zombiereaper-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-python-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-yajsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-cli-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-java-1.0.15-1.el7.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.x86_64
> 3°
> #!/usr/bin/python
> 1)
> 2)  import os
> 3)  import sys
> 4)  import grp
> 5)  import pwd
> 6)  import traceback
> 7)
> 8)  import hooking
> 9)
> 10)   def createChannelElement(domxml):
> 11)   '''
> 12)   
> 13)  path='//var/lib/libvirt/qemu/VM_RHEL7-1_omnivision_1.agent'/>
> 14) 
> 15)   
> 16)   '''
> 17)
> 18)   channel = domxml.createElement('channel')
> 19)   disk.setAttribute('type', 'unix')
> 20)
> 21)   source = domxml.createElement('source')
> 22)   source.setAttribute('mode', 'bind')
> 23)
> 24)   # find  domain name
> 25)   domainame = domxml.getElementsByTagName('name')
> 26)
> 27)   source.setAttribute('path', '//var/lib/libvirt/qemu/' +
> domainame + '_omnivision_1.agent')
> 28)   disk.appendChild(source)
> 29)
> 30)   target = domxml.createElement('target')
> 31)   target.setAttribute('type', 'virtio')
> 32)   target.setAttribute('name', 'omnivision_1.agent')
> 33)   disk.appendChild(target)
> 34)
> 35)   return channel
> 36)
> 37)   try:
> 38)  domxml = hooking.read_domxml()
> 39)  devices = domxml.getElementsByTagName('devices')[0]
> 40)  channeldev = createChannelElement(domxml)
> 41)  sys.stderr.write('createChannel: adding xml: %s\n' %
> channeldev.toxml())
> 42)  devices.appendChil

Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues

2016-01-12 Thread Dan Yasny
OK, so the hooking module is included in the vdsm package itself. Please
make sure you have /usr/share/vdsm/hooking.py on the host.

The manual run fails, because it is not running in the vdsm context, and so
the modules imported are the python site-packages and not the submodules
under vdsm.

To make a hook work, you need to place it on the host, make it accessible
to vdsm:kvm, and maybe define a custom property, if you don't want the hook
to just run on every started VM.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 1°  It’s a full RHEL7 OS.
> 2°
> vdsm-python-zombiereaper-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-python-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-yajsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-cli-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-java-1.0.15-1.el7.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.x86_64
> 3°
> #!/usr/bin/python
> 1)
> 2)  import os
> 3)  import sys
> 4)  import grp
> 5)  import pwd
> 6)  import traceback
> 7)
> 8)  import hooking
> 9)
> 10)   def createChannelElement(domxml):
> 11)   '''
> 12)   
> 13)  path='//var/lib/libvirt/qemu/VM_RHEL7-1_omnivision_1.agent'/>
> 14) 
> 15)   
> 16)   '''
> 17)
> 18)   channel = domxml.createElement('channel')
> 19)   disk.setAttribute('type', 'unix')
> 20)
> 21)   source = domxml.createElement('source')
> 22)   source.setAttribute('mode', 'bind')
> 23)
> 24)   # find  domain name
> 25)   domainame = domxml.getElementsByTagName('name')
> 26)
> 27)   source.setAttribute('path', '//var/lib/libvirt/qemu/' +
> domainame + '_omnivision_1.agent')
> 28)   disk.appendChild(source)
> 29)
> 30)   target = domxml.createElement('target')
> 31)   target.setAttribute('type', 'virtio')
> 32)   target.setAttribute('name', 'omnivision_1.agent')
> 33)   disk.appendChild(target)
> 34)
> 35)   return channel
> 36)
> 37)   try:
> 38)  domxml = hooking.read_domxml()
> 39)  devices = domxml.getElementsByTagName('devices')[0]
> 40)  channeldev = createChannelElement(domxml)
> 41)  sys.stderr.write('createChannel: adding xml: %s\n' %
> channeldev.toxml())
> 42)  devices.appendChild(channeldev)
> 43)
> 44)  hooking.write_domxml(domxml)
> 45)   except:
> 46)  sys.stderr.write('createChannel: [unexpected error]: %s\n' %
> 47)  traceback.format_exc())
> 48)  sys.exit(2)
> Thx for help.
> Regards,
> J.P.
> *De :* Dan Yasny [mailto:dya...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 12 janvier 2016 16:23
> *À :* Jean-Pierre Ribeauville
> *Cc :* users@ovirt.org
> *Objet :* Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues
> 1. Are you using a full OS or a node?
> 2. rpm -qa |grep vdsm
> 3. if possible, post the hook code
> Thanks
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
> jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 1)  is it enough to add a hook.py in
> /usr/libexec/vdsm/hooks/before_vm_start directory , and then shut down and
> reboot a guest to
> see this hook.py invoked ?
> 2) when running manually my hook.py, I got following error :
>  ImportError: No module named hooking
> Do I have to install anything to solve this issue ?
> Thanks for help.
> Regards,
> *J.P. Ribeauville*
> P: +33.(0).
> .
> Puteaux 3 Etage 5  Bureau 4
> *jpribeauvi...@axway.com <jpribeauvi...@axway.com>*
> http://www.axway.com
> P Pensez à l’environnement avant d’imprimer.
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues

2016-01-12 Thread Dan Yasny
So, to make is work, you need to chown 36:36 and chmod +x for 36:36 of

As for logging, since the hook is run under the vdsm context, you can tap
right into the logging of vdsm, or you can write your own log file,
whatever you prefer to code.

line 197 - sys.stderr.write will actually dump into the vdsm log.

On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:55 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> /usr/share/vdsm/hooking.py  is present on my host.
> I placed my test_hook.py  in /usr/libexec/vdsm/hooks/before_vm_start
> As I want to have it invoked for every started VM ,  I don’t need custom
> property ; Am I right ?
> Remains the point “make it accessible to vdsm:kvm”  what do you mean ?
> BTW , are vdsm hooks log infos located in /var/log/vdsm/vdsm.log  ?
> Thx for help.
> J.P.
> *De :* Dan Yasny [mailto:dya...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 12 janvier 2016 16:48
> *À :* Jean-Pierre Ribeauville
> *Cc :* users@ovirt.org
> *Objet :* Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues
> OK, so the hooking module is included in the vdsm package itself. Please
> make sure you have /usr/share/vdsm/hooking.py on the host.
> The manual run fails, because it is not running in the vdsm context, and
> so the modules imported are the python site-packages and not the submodules
> under vdsm.
> To make a hook work, you need to place it on the host, make it accessible
> to vdsm:kvm, and maybe define a custom property, if you don't want the hook
> to just run on every started VM.
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
> jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> 1°  It’s a full RHEL7 OS.
> 2°
> vdsm-python-zombiereaper-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-python-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-yajsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-cli-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-java-1.0.15-1.el7.noarch
> vdsm-jsonrpc-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.noarch
> vdsm-4.16.27-0.el7.centos.x86_64
> 3°
> #!/usr/bin/python
> 1)
> 2)  import os
> 3)  import sys
> 4)  import grp
> 5)  import pwd
> 6)  import traceback
> 7)
> 8)  import hooking
> 9)
> 10)   def createChannelElement(domxml):
> 11)   '''
> 12)   
> 13)  path='//var/lib/libvirt/qemu/VM_RHEL7-1_omnivision_1.agent'/>
> 14) 
> 15)   
> 16)   '''
> 17)
> 18)   channel = domxml.createElement('channel')
> 19)   disk.setAttribute('type', 'unix')
> 20)
> 21)   source = domxml.createElement('source')
> 22)   source.setAttribute('mode', 'bind')
> 23)
> 24)   # find  domain name
> 25)   domainame = domxml.getElementsByTagName('name')
> 26)
> 27)   source.setAttribute('path', '//var/lib/libvirt/qemu/' +
> domainame + '_omnivision_1.agent')
> 28)   disk.appendChild(source)
> 29)
> 30)   target = domxml.createElement('target')
> 31)   target.setAttribute('type', 'virtio')
> 32)   target.setAttribute('name', 'omnivision_1.agent')
> 33)   disk.appendChild(target)
> 34)
> 35)   return channel
> 36)
> 37)   try:
> 38)  domxml = hooking.read_domxml()
> 39)  devices = domxml.getElementsByTagName('devices')[0]
> 40)  channeldev = createChannelElement(domxml)
> 41)  sys.stderr.write('createChannel: adding xml: %s\n' %
> channeldev.toxml())
> 42)  devices.appendChild(channeldev)
> 43)
> 44)  hooking.write_domxml(domxml)
> 45)   except:
> 46)  sys.stderr.write('createChannel: [unexpected error]: %s\n' %
> 47)  traceback.format_exc())
> 48)  sys.exit(2)
> Thx for help.
> Regards,
> J.P.
> *De :* Dan Yasny [mailto:dya...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 12 janvier 2016 16:23
> *À :* Jean-Pierre Ribeauville
> *Cc :* users@ovirt.org
> *Objet :* Re: [ovirt-users] vdsm hook issues
> 1. Are you using a full OS or a node?
> 2. rpm -qa |grep vdsm
> 3. if possible, post the hook code
> Thanks
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:17 AM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauvill

Re: [ovirt-users] Users Digest, Vol 52, Issue 72 vdsm hook issues

2016-01-12 Thread Dan Yasny
On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 2:35 PM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> What I did from the beginning of this affair :
> 1)  Chown and chmod of  myhook.py
> 2)  Don’t try to run it from shell
> 3)  Up to now,  I may avoid to play with custom properties.
> ( BTW,  do you know how , within myhook.py , one may retrieve this custom
> property
>that will indicate if the hook has to be go further or must exist
> without doing anything ?)
This is documented on the hooks wiki page and in github. The basic idea is
to add a custom property to a VM with specific text, and check for it in
the hook. If you detect it, apply hook to VM, if not - pass

> What’s remaining :
> 1) debug the .py
> 2) check wether, by migrating the Guest , the hook is also called on the
> target host  ( maybe you know the answer ?)

before_vm_migrate_source and before_vm_migrate_destination - also
documented in the wiki.

Generally, just follow an existing hook, it should have everything

> That’s all.
> Regards,
> J.P.
> *De :* Gianluca Cecchi [mailto:gianluca.cec...@gmail.com]
> *Envoyé :* mardi 12 janvier 2016 19:42
> *À :* Jean-Pierre Ribeauville
> *Cc :* users@ovirt.org
> *Objet :* Re: [ovirt-users] Users Digest, Vol 52, Issue 72 vdsm hook
> issues
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Jean-Pierre Ribeauville <
> jpribeauvi...@axway.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> My vdsm hook is now invoked.
> Up to me to debug it.
> Thanks a lot.
> J.P.
> I don't understand at the end what you had to change: from your previous
> messages it resulted that all things requested were in place already
> Thanks,
> Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
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Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt on Dell SC1435

2015-12-31 Thread Dan Yasny
The SC1435 is a rather old AMD machine IIRC. In fact, we've been using one
of those to test oVirt in the very early days.

As Doron mentioned, you need to make sure virtualization is enabled in the
bios, and if you find it off, after enabling it, make sure you do a full
power cycle of the server, just saving the bios changes is not enough.


On Thu, Dec 31, 2015 at 9:41 AM, Doron Fediuck  wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> the fact that your CPU supports VT does not mean it's enabled in the BIOS.
> Reboot the machine and into the security -> virtualization settings. Make
> sure
> it's enabled there.
> One more thing you want to verify is that the kvm module is loaded into
> the kernel-
> lsmod | grep kvm
> You can also run: dmesg | grep kvm
> In most cases you'll find something like kvm: some  error if it's disable
> by the bios.
> Doron
> On Wed, Dec 30, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Michael Cooper 
> wrote:
>> Hey Guys,
>> First time pposter here, I am having an issue with installing
>> oVirt on a Dell SC1435
>> I ran lscpu to make sure I was Virtualized in the bios, The following was
>> the result
>> [root@council ~]# lscpu
>> Architecture:  x86_64
>> CPU op-mode(s):32-bit, 64-bit
>> Byte Order:Little Endian
>> CPU(s):8
>> On-line CPU(s) list:   0-7
>> Thread(s) per core:2
>> Core(s) per socket:4
>> Socket(s): 1
>> NUMA node(s):  1
>> Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
>> CPU family:6
>> Model: 30
>> Model name:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU   K 875  @ 2.93GHz
>> Stepping:  5
>> CPU MHz:   1197.000
>> BogoMIPS:  5862.18
>> Virtualization:VT-x
>> L1d cache: 32K
>> L1i cache: 32K
>> L2 cache:  256K
>> L3 cache:  8192K
>> NUMA node0 CPU(s): 0-7
>> So I then tried to run the hosted-engine --deploy and this is what
>> happens:
>> [root@starfleet tmpengineiso]# screen
>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Initializing
>> [ INFO  ] Generating a temporary VNC password.
>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Environment setup
>>   Continuing will configure this host for serving as hypervisor
>> and create a VM where you have to install oVirt Engine afterwards.
>>   Are you sure you want to continue? (Yes, No)[Yes]: YEs
>>   Configuration files: []
>>   Log file:
>> /var/log/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup-20151230042443-p6o0qo.log
>>   Version: otopi-1.4.0 (otopi-1.4.0-1.el7.centos)
>> [ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Environment setup': Hardware does not
>> support virtualization
>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
>> [ INFO  ] Generating answer file
>> '/var/lib/ovirt-hosted-engine-setup/answers/answers-20151230042447.conf'
>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
>> [ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
>> I have attached my logfile, and a few screeshots  Let me know please,
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Michael A Cooper
>> Linux Certified
>> Zerto Certified
>> http://www.coopfire.com
>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@ovirt.org
>> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] about LXC and ovirt

2015-10-20 Thread Dan Yasny
On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 4:51 AM, Dan Kenigsberg  wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 09:16:06PM +0200, Johan Kooijman wrote:
> > Never seen an  update to this ticket. Are there any plans?
> >
> > On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 3:35 PM, Sven Kieske 
> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > Am 24.06.2014 15:13, schrieb Nathanaël Blanchet:
> > > > Hi all,
> > > >
> > > > now rhel7 is out, it will become a part of the ovirt project in a
> near
> > > > future. Given taht official LXC support aims to complete the KVM
> > > > virtualization part, is LXC planned to  be supported for linux VM by
> > > > ovirt, like openvz is with proxmox?
> > >
> > > very good question, can't wait to read an answer!
> > > +1 from here.
> I'm not aware of current plans. We can consider this when ovirt-4.0
> feature request season opens.
> Until then, can you share your own use case for runnig LXC?

It seems like Proxmox have quite the install base especially due to the
ability to mix containers and "fat" VMs. AFAIK that's the only feature they
have that is ahead of oVirt. And that install base should tell us this is
indeed a feature needed and widely used.

> I'd love to see a vdsm hook that translates the qemu-kvm domxml into an
> lxc one, as a first step. Anyone?

That can be a fun project to do, but I'm not volunteering just yet ;)

> Dan.
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
> http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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Re: [ovirt-users] Hello, Multiple server into a single processing machine

2015-10-02 Thread Dan Yasny
There is no virtualization system that allows you to aggregate host
resources into a single VM. What you probably need is a computational


On Mon, Sep 28, 2015 at 12:01 AM, Khairul Annuar Bin Nordin <
khairul.nor...@photobookworldwide.com> wrote:

> Good day,
> I was wondering if there is a way to configure ovirt to act as an
> operation to connect multiple server as one machine.
> Regarding this, the machine would detect all server processor and manage
> it as one machine.
> example: I have 4 server with 8 core processor each, which result as 32
> core. All the 32 core should be detected under one management. Ovirt will
> act as the main processing manager and in it will have multiple instance,
> these instance will run on across all server with high availability and
> resource sharing.
> Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
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Re: [ovirt-users] Migrating old VMWare VM to oVirt?

2015-09-01 Thread Dan Yasny
There used to be a qemu switch for win2k-hack, but afaik it's not needed
any longer

In any case, if it's a legacy machine, and not performance oriented, you
should be able to simply move the disk data over and start it up using IDE
disk drivers

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Chris Adams  wrote:

> Once upon a time, Jiri Belka  said:
> > > From: "Chris Adams" 
> > > I have an ancient VM that I need to migrate to oVirt if possible.  It
> is
> > > Windows 2000 Server on VMWare ESXi 4.1 (yeah, I know, please don't
> > > laugh).
> > >
> > > Is there any possiblity of making this work?  Reinstalling the Windows
> > > system (or upgrading) is just not practical at this time, and I need to
> > > get this thing off of the old VMWare box.
> >
> > check v2v
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html-single/V2V_Guide/#subsect-convert-a-esx-guest
> I've looked at that, but virt-v2v documentation says its Windows support
> starts with XP.  Also, I don't think any of the Windows virtio drivers
> go back to 2000 either.
> --
> Chris Adams 
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@ovirt.org
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Re: [ovirt-users] disaster recovery

2015-06-21 Thread Dan Yasny
Anaconda and Kickstart are dangerous in FC environments and have been known
to wipe all kinds of data if zoning wasn't properly done prior to os
deployment to new hosts.

Nothing to do with oVirt, it's a common mistake people make at least once
before they step on this specific rake.
On Jun 21, 2015 2:09 PM, Nathanaël Blanchet blanc...@abes.fr wrote:

 In a traditional installation of an ovirt host, it seems that
 provisionning the OS is the first step before talking about vdsm. I didn't
 go further, the problem is that this host saw the production LUN and the
 kickstart took all the lun into the same VG with a XFS format.
 Yes it is an error from myself for not having dissociated the lun.
 Yes it is an error from myself for not having taken care of having
 snapshot lun level backup.
 But now what should I do?
 My idea was to use pvreduce to unlabel the LUN, and then using the
 /etc/lvm/backup/lun for recovering physical volume metadata on that lun (

 Le 21/06/2015 12:02, mots a écrit :

 Let me get this straight:

 You added a new host and instead of letting VDSM manage the VM storage
 you added it manually, completely independent from oVirt, during an
 unattended installation of the host OS? In a production environment?

   -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-

 Von:Nathanaël Blanchet blanc...@abes.fr
 Gesendet: Fre 19 Juni 2015 14:09
 An: users@ovirt.org
 Betreff: [ovirt-users] disaster recovery

 Hello all,

 Here is what can happen as a nightmare for a sysadmin:

 I installed a new host to my pool of pre existing ovirt hosts with a
 kickstart file and a default partitionning. I used to do this with vms
 that usually get one local disk.
 This time this host was attached to several existing ovirt (production)
 lun and anaconda gathered all existing disk (local and lun) into the
 same VG (lv_home) et formatted them with XFS
 In the webadmin, the domain storage became unvailaible, vms were still
 up (thankgoodness), but it was impossible to interact with them. If I
 stopped them, it was impossible to reboot them. If I launch lvs command,
 some hosts can still see the ovirt LV, but other see only the lv_home
 while /dev/[idofvms] are still present.
 So it was my chance that vms were still present, and I began to export
 them with a tar at file system level so as to import them in a new
 domain storage.

 It seems that data are still present because the vms are still running.
 So my question is really : instead of this difficult export step, is
 there a way to recover the initial format of the ovirt lun so as to make
 the lvm index come back on the disk?

 Any help or disaster experience would be much appreciated.

 Nathanaël Blanchet

 Supervision réseau
 Pôle Infrastrutures Informatiques
 227 avenue Professeur-Jean-Louis-Viala
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Re: [ovirt-users] autologin into vm desktop

2015-05-06 Thread Dan Yasny
...and it looks like in the latest versions the REST API has


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:55 PM, Dan Yasny dya...@gmail.com wrote:

 You can pass the credentials directly to the guest agent using vdsClient
 on the host, among other things:

 Logoff current user
 vmId domain user password
 Login to vmId desktop using the supplied credentials
 vmId force
 Lock user session. force should be set to true/false

 Will probably require key based remote ssh execution, and API calls to the
 engine, to determine the host and VM UUID

 On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Adolfo ago...@virtualcable.es wrote:

  I know, but this all is used from ovirt portal, and we are only using
 ovirt api, the portal is provided by own broker :)

 I'm currently looking at the code of vdsClient, to see if i can replicate
 the desktopLogin feature.

 This was why i was wondering if this is the place to post this, because
 it's more related to development, but not to de development of ovirt
 itself (or yes, don't know right now... :) )

 Thank you

 Adolfo Gómez

 El 07/05/2015 a las 4:40, Dan Yasny escribió:

 This is exactly what the SSO feature is for.



 On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:24 PM, Adolfo ago...@virtualcable.es wrote:


 My name is Adolfo. I'm in charge of the development of UDS, an open
 source connection broker (with commercial support if requested) (
 http://www.ovirt.org/Universidad_de_Sevilla_Case_Study is done with it
 for example).

 I don't know if this is the place to post this request for help, if
 not, please forgive me :)

 The case is that we are including Spice as an accepted protocol for
 connecting to VMs (currently we allow rdp, rgs, nx, ...) provided by oVirt,
 and we have found the following issue.

 It's ease to get the connection parameters for the VM using REST api,
 even get the ticket for allowing connection, but i have been looking for a
 way logging user directly into desktop, not only connect to display but
 also log in into remote without needed to use a second authentication.

 I have seen that oVirt Portal currently allows this, and i have found
 also that vsdClient can do login using vdsClient -s HOSTIP desktopLogin
 VMID DOMAIN USER PASSWORD, and although it is possible to use
 this, it will be a bit tricky to get it working i think.

 My question is... ¿Is any way of doing desktop login using REST API,
 or any other simple method from an external app such as this broker?.

 ¿If yes, how? :-)
 ¿If not, will be support for this an anyone knows how?

 Thank you, and again, if this is not the correct list, sorry for the

 Adolfo Gómez

 Users mailing list

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Re: [ovirt-users] autologin into vm desktop

2015-05-06 Thread Dan Yasny
You can pass the credentials directly to the guest agent using vdsClient on
the host, among other things:

Logoff current user
vmId domain user password
Login to vmId desktop using the supplied credentials
vmId force
Lock user session. force should be set to true/false

Will probably require key based remote ssh execution, and API calls to the
engine, to determine the host and VM UUID

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:45 PM, Adolfo ago...@virtualcable.es wrote:

  I know, but this all is used from ovirt portal, and we are only using
 ovirt api, the portal is provided by own broker :)

 I'm currently looking at the code of vdsClient, to see if i can replicate
 the desktopLogin feature.

 This was why i was wondering if this is the place to post this, because
 it's more related to development, but not to de development of ovirt
 itself (or yes, don't know right now... :) )

 Thank you

 Adolfo Gómez

 El 07/05/2015 a las 4:40, Dan Yasny escribió:

 This is exactly what the SSO feature is for.



 On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:24 PM, Adolfo ago...@virtualcable.es wrote:


 My name is Adolfo. I'm in charge of the development of UDS, an open
 source connection broker (with commercial support if requested) (
 http://www.ovirt.org/Universidad_de_Sevilla_Case_Study is done with it
 for example).

 I don't know if this is the place to post this request for help, if
 not, please forgive me :)

 The case is that we are including Spice as an accepted protocol for
 connecting to VMs (currently we allow rdp, rgs, nx, ...) provided by oVirt,
 and we have found the following issue.

 It's ease to get the connection parameters for the VM using REST api,
 even get the ticket for allowing connection, but i have been looking for a
 way logging user directly into desktop, not only connect to display but
 also log in into remote without needed to use a second authentication.

 I have seen that oVirt Portal currently allows this, and i have found
 also that vsdClient can do login using vdsClient -s HOSTIP desktopLogin
 VMID DOMAIN USER PASSWORD, and although it is possible to use
 this, it will be a bit tricky to get it working i think.

 My question is... ¿Is any way of doing desktop login using REST API, or
 any other simple method from an external app such as this broker?.

 ¿If yes, how? :-)
 ¿If not, will be support for this an anyone knows how?

 Thank you, and again, if this is not the correct list, sorry for the

 Adolfo Gómez

 Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [ovirt-users] autologin into vm desktop

2015-05-06 Thread Dan Yasny
This is exactly what the SSO feature is for.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 10:24 PM, Adolfo ago...@virtualcable.es wrote:


 My name is Adolfo. I'm in charge of the development of UDS, an open source
 connection broker (with commercial support if requested) (
 http://www.ovirt.org/Universidad_de_Sevilla_Case_Study is done with it
 for example).

 I don't know if this is the place to post this request for help, if not,
 please forgive me :)

 The case is that we are including Spice as an accepted protocol for
 connecting to VMs (currently we allow rdp, rgs, nx, ...) provided by oVirt,
 and we have found the following issue.

 It's ease to get the connection parameters for the VM using REST api, even
 get the ticket for allowing connection, but i have been looking for a way
 logging user directly into desktop, not only connect to display but
 also log in into remote without needed to use a second authentication.

 I have seen that oVirt Portal currently allows this, and i have found also
 that vsdClient can do login using vdsClient -s HOSTIP desktopLogin
 VMID DOMAIN USER PASSWORD, and although it is possible to use
 this, it will be a bit tricky to get it working i think.

 My question is... ¿Is any way of doing desktop login using REST API, or
 any other simple method from an external app such as this broker?.

 ¿If yes, how? :-)
 ¿If not, will be support for this an anyone knows how?

 Thank you, and again, if this is not the correct list, sorry for the

 Adolfo Gómez

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Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA.

2015-04-30 Thread Dan Yasny

- Original Message -
 From: Sven Kieske s.kie...@mittwald.de
 To: de...@ovirt.org
 Cc: users@ovirt.org
 Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 2:12:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA.
 On 29/04/15 21:53, Dan Yasny wrote:
  There is always room for improvement, but think about it: ever since
  SolidICE, there has been a demand to minimize the amount of hardware used
  in a minimalistic setup, thus the hosted engine project. And now that we
  have it, all of a sudden, we need to provide a way to make multiple
  engines work in active/passive mode? If that capability is provided, I'm
  sure a new demand will arise, asking for active/active engines, infinitely
  scalable, and so on.
 of course you wan't active/active clusters for an enterprise product,
 rather sooner than later

No doubt there, however, that's not *just* HA any longer :)

  The question really is, where the line is drawn. The engine downtime can be
  a few minutes, it's not that critical in setups of hundreds of hosts.
  oVirt's raison d'etre is to make VMs run, everything else is just plumbing
  around that.
 I disagree:
 ovirt is a provider of critical infrastructure
 (vms and their management) for modern it business.
 imagine a large organisation just using ovirt for their virtualization,
 with lots of different departments which at will can spawn their own
 vms, maybe even from different countrys with different time zones (just
 like red hat ;) ).
 of course, if just the engine service is down for some reason and you
 can just restart it with an outage of some seconds, or maybe a minute -
 but everything above a minute could become critical for large orgs
 relying on the ability to spawn vms at any given time.

I think you're getting away from the point here. If the hosted engine's HA 
isn't fast enough, you can cluster the engine in other ways, that were 
available way before hosted engine came to be. 

 or imagine critical HA vms running on ovirt:
 you can't migrate them, when the engine is not running.
 you might not even want a downtime of a single second for them, that's
 why you implemented things like live migration in the first place.
 the bottom line is:
 if you manage critical infrastructure, the tools to manage
 this infrastructure have to be as reliable as the infrastructure itself.
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Regards
 Sven Kieske
 Mittwald CM Service GmbH  Co. KG
 Königsberger Straße 6
 32339 Espelkamp
 T: +49-5772-293-100
 F: +49-5772-293-333
 Geschäftsführer: Robert Meyer
 St.Nr.: 331/5721/1033, USt-IdNr.: DE814773217, HRA 6640, AG Bad Oeynhausen
 Komplementärin: Robert Meyer Verwaltungs GmbH, HRB 13260, AG Bad Oeynhausen
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Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA.

2015-04-29 Thread Dan Yasny
There is always room for improvement, but think about it: ever since SolidICE, 
there has been a demand to minimize the amount of hardware used in a 
minimalistic setup, thus the hosted engine project. And now that we have it, 
all of a sudden, we need to provide a way to make multiple engines work in 
active/passive mode? If that capability is provided, I'm sure a new demand will 
arise, asking for active/active engines, infinitely scalable, and so on.

The question really is, where the line is drawn. The engine downtime can be a 
few minutes, it's not that critical in setups of hundreds of hosts. oVirt's 
raison d'etre is to make VMs run, everything else is just plumbing around that. 
So as long as the engine doesn't just die, and it comes back up automatically, 
this is fine, since the engine is plumbing, not the critical service running 
inside the VMs. There are plenty of more important features to work on, IMHO.

As for the definition of HA, this is exactly it, please don't mix it with LB 
and FT, those are all very different concepts.

//just my $0.02 of course.


- Original Message -
 From: Sven Kieske s.kie...@mittwald.de
 To: users@ovirt.org
 Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 6:56:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA.
 On 29/04/15 10:48, Kapetanakis Giannis wrote:
  If ovirt-engine restarts this does not mean that you have a downtime in
  your service.
  The VMs and nodes already running will not be affected...
  So your infrastructure will still be operational while you restart the
 Of course, but all operations federated through the engine will have a
 these are: starting, (hard)stopping, deleting, creating vms, etc.
 furthermore regarding hosted-engine: you don't just have to wait
 for the service to restart (that's almost always a matter of seconds)
 but for the whole vm to boot, which takes much more time and more
 things can go wrong during this process.
 So I think there is still room for improvement.
 Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Regards
 Sven Kieske
 Mittwald CM Service GmbH  Co. KG
 Königsberger Straße 6
 32339 Espelkamp
 T: +49-5772-293-100
 F: +49-5772-293-333
 Geschäftsführer: Robert Meyer
 St.Nr.: 331/5721/1033, USt-IdNr.: DE814773217, HRA 6640, AG Bad Oeynhausen
 Komplementärin: Robert Meyer Verwaltungs GmbH, HRB 13260, AG Bad Oeynhausen
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Re: [ovirt-users] oVirt HA.

2015-04-28 Thread Dan Yasny
HA does not mean multiple running instances of the same service. It means
if the service is gone, it will automatically be restored on a working

Hosted engine has HA built in, without the need to run multiple engines. If
the server where the engine is running goes down, the engine gets started
on another server, that's all.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 10:16 AM, Kalil de A. Carvalho kali...@gmail.com

 Hello all.

 I have a oVirt environment, that has just one oVirt engine.

 What I want is to create a oVirt HA environment. Research I always found
 Self_Hosted_Engine document.

 But I want some think like tow our three oVirt engines, been failover
 eatch other.

 Is this possible?

 Is there any HA project, our documentation show how can I do that?

 Best regards

 Kalil de A. Carvalho

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Re: [ovirt-users] Is it possible to limit the number and speed of paralel STORAGE migrations?

2015-04-21 Thread Dan Yasny
Why not just script them to migrate one after the other? The CLI is nice
and simple, and the SDK is even nicer

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 11:29 AM, Ernest Beinrohr 
ernest.beinr...@axonpro.sk wrote:

  Ovirt uses dd and qemu-img for live migration. Is it possible to limit
 the number of concurrent live storage moves or limit the bandwidth used?

 I'd like to move about 30 disks to another storage during the night, but
 each takes about 30 minutes each and if more than one runs, it chokes my

  Ernest Beinrohr, AXON PRO
 Ing http://www.beinrohr.sk/ing.php, RHCE
 http://www.beinrohr.sk/rhce.php, RHCVA http://www.beinrohr.sk/rhce.php,
 LPIC http://www.beinrohr.sk/lpic.php, VCA
 +421-2-62410360 +421-903-482603

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Re: [ovirt-users] 答复: bonding 802.3ad mode

2015-03-18 Thread Dan Yasny
Mode 0 is not supported under a bridge, just like mode 6

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Xie, Chao xiec.f...@cn.fujitsu.com

  Yeah, Alex is right. And if you want to double the network’s speed in
 single flow, the mode 0 is only choice. But mode 0 seems not be supported
 in oVirt?

 *发件人:* users-boun...@ovirt.org [mailto:users-boun...@ovirt.org] *代表 *Alex
 *发送时间:* 2015年3月19日 0:25
 *收件人:* users@ovirt.org
 *主题:* Re: [ovirt-users] bonding 802.3ad mode

 The balancing on 802.3ad only occurs for different network flows based on
 a hash of source and destination MAC (or can be made to add IP addresses
 into the calculation). A single flow will only use a single NIC in ad mode.


  On 18/03/15 16:17, Nathanaël Blanchet wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm used to create a mode 4 bond0 interface with two 1 Gb/s interfaces on
 all my hosts, and ethtool bond0 gives me a functionnal 2000Mb/s. However,
 when importing a vm from the export domain (NFS with a speed of 4GB/s), I
 always have this alert:

 Host siple has network interface which exceeded the defined threshold
 [95%] (em3: transmit rate[0%], receive rate [100%])
 It seems that the second nic never works while the first one is overloaded.
 Is it an expected behaviour? I believed that the flow was balanced between
 the two interfaces in 802.3ad mode.

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Re: [ovirt-users] Directly connect NIC or other cards to VM?

2015-02-13 Thread Dan Yasny
Still easy enough to do with vdsm-hooks


On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:28 PM, David Smith dsm...@mypchelp.com wrote:

 Is there a way to directly connect a specific device (ie, NIC) to a
 particular VM?

 I've figured out how to map a specific network interface to a VM, thats
 one step, but in the end I may need direct access to the PCI device itself.

 Second to that, for network interfaces mapped to a particular VM, is there
 a way for the VM to be able to properly detect physical link state of that
 interface? Right now that's a 'configurable option' inside network
 interface settings on the VM in the manager (ie, plugged, not plugged, and
 link state up /down)


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Re: [ovirt-users] why is it called vdsm?

2015-02-13 Thread Dan Yasny
Legacy. SolidICE, the granddaddy of RHEV/oVirt was VDI oriented

On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:27 AM, Gabi C gab...@gmail.com wrote:

 more descriptive than more descriptive  *Virtual Desktop* and Server
 Manager ?

 On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 4:04 PM, Greg Sheremeta gsher...@redhat.com

 Why is it called vdsm and not something a little more descriptive and
 project-related, like ovirt-agent?

 Greg Sheremeta
 Red Hat, Inc.
 Sr. Software Engineer, RHEV
 Cell: 919-807-1086

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Re: [ovirt-users] VDSM hook for setting DSCP bits?

2015-02-11 Thread Dan Yasny
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 12:17 PM, Chris Adams c...@cmadams.net wrote:

 Once upon a time, Chris Adams c...@cmadams.net said:
  Once upon a time, Dan Yasny dya...@gmail.com said:
   shouldn't be hard to do. Can you provide the details of what you need
   happen to the VM exactly?
   - domxml changes
   - other host level changes
   - whether the VM should be able to live migrate
  It looks like libvirt supports setting up DSCP bits with nwfilter, per:

 Oh, on reading this, nwfilter can only match, not set, so that won't
 help.  It doesn't look like libvirt has a way to set something like

 Do VDSM hooks only act on the XML, or is there a way to configure things
 outside of libvirt?

The hooks are point is the VMs lifetime where you can insert any code you
There is a way to edit the domxml at certain points, because it hasn't been
to libvirt for execution yet. At other points changing the domxml will do
useful because the VM is already running, but you can do other things,
other commands. A classic example is an oVirt independent Vm event
engine, to which you can issue a hook based message at certain lifecycle
e.g. VM $VM is starting; VM $VM is migrating etc. No idea why you'd
that engine (it's quite redundant because the ovirt-engine already does all
but it will definitely work.

In short, explore the hooks, note the livecycle points (they are simply
aptly named
directories on the hosts) and decide what and where you need to execute.

If you are modifying a VM, it probably makes sense to do it in
before_vm_start, but
if you're also live migrating that VM, you need to add the same changes in
before_migrate_vm_*, and if the hook script makes changes on the host, you
probably want to clean up after the VM is gone, so after_vm_stop and
after_vm_migrate_source are the places to start looking. The mechanism is
flexible really, you can do anything you want if the host OS is capable of

 Chris Adams c...@cmadams.net
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Re: [ovirt-users] Ovirt Manager Problem

2015-02-11 Thread Dan Yasny
What are you using to access the manager UI on the client (OS and browser)?

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Massimo Mad mad196...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi, i have a strange problem,my manager is very slow and with the gui I
 can not do anything on the vm and the host, but the vm are ok.
 I tried to look at the log, but I have not seen anything that would explain
 the problem.

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Re: [ovirt-users] VDSM hook for setting DSCP bits?

2015-02-10 Thread Dan Yasny
shouldn't be hard to do. Can you provide the details of what you need to
happen to the VM exactly?
- domxml changes
- other host level changes
- whether the VM should be able to live migrate

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Chris Adams c...@cmadams.net wrote:

 Is there a VDSM hook available that can set DSCP bits on a VM's network
 interface?  I want to do some QoS for some traffic across my network,
 and it would be easier if I could set DSCP bits outside the VM.

 I see vdsm-hook-qos, but that appears to just set bandwidth control in
 the Linux host, not DSCP on packets for the rest of the network.
 Chris Adams c...@cmadams.net
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Re: [ovirt-users] Installation on HP/IBM Server

2015-02-03 Thread Dan Yasny
If the hardware supports Linux, it will work. oVirt isn't vmware, there's
no strict HCL

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 6:08 PM, Mohd Zainal Abidin zainal@gmail.com

 Does it support for gen8 or M6 server?
 On 4 Feb 2015 06:58, Donny Davis do...@cloudspin.me wrote:

 I have run ovirt nodes on a couple HP dl380/360's ...

 Could you be a little more specific?

 On Feb 2, 2015 12:38 AM, Mohd Zainal Abidin zainal@gmail.com wrote:
  Does anyone have success and full operate on those hardware? We have a
 client that want to migrate it from VMware. I hope can get good feedback.

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Re: [ovirt-users] Adding multiple NFS storage and migrate volumes to other

2015-02-01 Thread Dan Yasny
Sure, create and activate a second NFS based storage domain. Move the VMs
over (right-click VM, - Move).
To deactivate the first SD, when it's empty, first put it in maintenance,
in the DCStorage tab

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 10:27 AM, mad Engineer themadengin...@gmail.com

 Hello All,
  We are using NFS shared storage between hosts,and have
 running vms.
 Now we are planning to remove existing disks and replace it with with
 different disks.
 Is there any way we can add one more NFS say NFS2 and migrate all
 volumes to NFS2 while we upgrade primary NFS,is it supported?
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Re: [ovirt-users] shared storage with iscsi

2014-12-04 Thread Dan Yasny
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 12:54 PM, mad Engineer themadengin...@gmail.com

 sorry i am wrong its the data domain that stores virtual disk images,I
 have no idea how ovirt shares block device across hosts.Looks like i
 need to try that for understanding how its implemented.In case of
 vmware they uses vmfs file system for sharing block device among
 hosts.I currently have no issues with my NFS shared storage so dont
 have any plan to use iscsi,but just curious how the implementation
 is.In my existing non ovirt environment,SAN block devices is exported
 and its shared using GFS.Is ovirt using any simillar method to achieve
 shared block device.

oVirt uses a different approach altogether (this is why it can scale to
clusters with hundreds of hosts, unlike vmware). The idea is pretty simple
1. format the shared block storage with LVM
2. Every VM disk image is an LV
3. manage host access to separate LVs using simple lvchange.

Of course there's much more to the way this is implemented, but very simply
-  no two hosts have write access to the same LV, unless it is specified as
a shared disk, so no clustered FS is needed, no scsi reservations are
needed and this concept scales, unlike vmfs, gfs, and other such systems.

 On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:10 PM, mad Engineer themadengin...@gmail.com
  Thanks Gianluca,it says only NFS is supported as export domain.I
  believe export domain is the one i am currently using for live
  migrating vms across hosts.So iscsi is not supported,please correct me
  if i am wrong.Thanks for your help
  On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 9:00 PM, Gianluca Cecchi
  gianluca.cec...@gmail.com wrote:
  On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:23 PM, mad Engineer themadengin...@gmail.com
  Thanks Maor,in non ovirt kvm setup i use GFS2 to make the block device
  shareable across multiple hosts.Could you tell me how is it achieved
  in ovirt.
  First step the admin guide:
  and in particular the Storage chapter and the related iSCSI part:
  Also, for multipath in case you need it:
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Re: [ovirt-users] Migrate Ovirt to/from RHEV

2014-11-20 Thread Dan Yasny
Not an official answer here, but I'd assume the procedure would be to
redeploy the engine and hosts, and use export domains

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:21 PM, John Gardeniers 
jgardeni...@objectmastery.com wrote:


 On 17/11/14 15:41, John Gardeniers wrote:

 What is the procedure to use when migrating Ovirt to or from RHEV? I'm
 assuming of course that there's little difference for the two directions.
 Is it just a matter of detaching the storage domain(s), dumping the engine
 database and attaching/importing them into the other system?


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Re: [ovirt-users] Migrate Ovirt to/from RHEV

2014-11-20 Thread Dan Yasny
Not going to argue with that, it's rather pointless, but:

Now this feature only needs to make it into RHEV.

My suggestion is as safe as it gets, in fact I migrated a large setup from
2.2 to 3.4 this summer with no problems

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:42 PM, John Gardeniers 
jgardeni...@objectmastery.com wrote:

  Thanks Dan,

 If that's the case it would be an extremely time-consuming and painful
 process, even to the point where it may not even be viable. :-(

 It's increasingly looking to me like a deliberate decision has been taken
 to make it as difficult as possible to migrate VMs away from Ovirt/RHEV.
 It's the only virtualisation system I've encountered that doesn't have a
 real export system (export domains don't cut it).


 On 21/11/14 07:27, Dan Yasny wrote:

 Not an official answer here, but I'd assume the procedure would be to
 redeploy the engine and hosts, and use export domains

 On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:21 PM, John Gardeniers 
 jgardeni...@objectmastery.com wrote:


 On 17/11/14 15:41, John Gardeniers wrote:

 What is the procedure to use when migrating Ovirt to or from RHEV? I'm
 assuming of course that there's little difference for the two directions.
 Is it just a matter of detaching the storage domain(s), dumping the engine
 database and attaching/importing them into the other system?


 Users mailing list

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 Users mailing list

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