Re: [vchkpw] accept selected mails

2003-03-15 Thread Payal Rathod
* Jonas Pasche [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-15 07:35]:
 Hi Payal,
  I am using vpopmail + qmail on a test system. Now for user
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] I want to accept mails only from email addresses given in file
  accept_only.dat. The rest of the mails from any other email address 
  should be dropped/deleted without any notice.
  Can someone please give on hints on writing such a script?
 man dot-qmail
 man qmail-command
 Should be a simple two-liner .qmail file; the first line with an |if
 expression that checks $SENDER against your file and exits with an
 appropriate exit code, and a forward rule to a defined Maildir in the
 second line.

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I know about .qmail files but the problem how
to *drop* unwanted mails. I can check the mails against a sample.txt
file and if match is found redirect it to ./Maildir/. But how to drop
the mails otherwise?
Also should i just check the From: field or is there anything else I
should check for (against the database, maybe using egrep)

Warm regards,

Visit GNU/Linux Success Stories
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Re: [vchkpw] quotas

2003-03-16 Thread Payal Rathod
* Jonas Pasche [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-16 23:28]:
  Now I added 2 domains test1 and test2? Do these domains have a default

Silly question, then I need to reconfigure again. Do I just go the
directory where tar ball is extracted and type make clean?

  Also can I have domain test1 with say 40Mb quota and domain test2 with
  70Mb quota? How to achieve that?
 For now, give each domain a different system user (vadddomain -u ...),
 and give that user a quota.

A question here. These users will also be having their account on the
machine in /home/user and for mails I have to keep their mails on,
Any way I can use their own home directory and give them system quotas
so they can think themselves how much space they want to devote to mails
and how much to their programs, webpages etc.

Thanks a lot and bye.

Visit GNU/Linux Success Stories
Guest-Book Section Updated.

[vchkpw] deleting non-existent domain

2003-03-18 Thread Payal Rathod
I tried to add domain in my vpopmail *test* system.
But I get,

# ./vadddomain payal
Error: Domain already exists

But then,
# ./vdeldomain
Error: Domain does not exist

But vdominfo gives,
# ./vdominfo | grep

What is the problem? There is no directory or file by name 
Maybe it was created previously when I was learning configuring
How to delete it now?

Thanks a lot and bye.

Visit GNU/Linux Success Stories
Guest-Book Section Updated.

Re: [vchkpw] aliases

2003-03-19 Thread Payal Rathod
* Jonas Pasche [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-20 07:40]:
 # valias 
 must supply alias email address
 valias: usage: [options] email_address 
 options: -v ( display the vpopmail version number )
  -s ( show aliases, can use just domain )
  -d ( delete alias )
  -i alias_line (insert alias line)
 Isn't that enough? valias isn't _that_ complex...

Yes, I am still not getting it. Let me be more clear. Just correct me
along the way. (remember I am on dummy system so all domains are false).

If I have a domain, I want that whenever a mail is being sent
to either [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED], it should land at (or do as
specified in .qmail-ext file) of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is this how we use
aliases? Is this an example of alias?

Now I tried valias like this,

But this does not work at all. All the mails bounce. Even I am not
getting onos solution. Can someone clear this thing?

Warm regards,

Visit GNU/Linux Success Stories
Guest-Book Section Updated.

Re: [vchkpw] aliases

2003-03-21 Thread Payal Rathod
* Jonas Pasche [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2003-03-20 12:52]:
 Yes, because you did not follow the instructions correctly.

Yes, maybe I didn't. But I tried :)
\__/ \___/
\  \
 \   This is the name of the alias.
This is what you want to insert (-i) into it.

first nice ascii. Now I got it completely. It works great.

Kind regards,

Visit GNU/Linux Success Stories
Guest-Book Section Updated.

[vchkpw] password + IMAP server

2004-07-09 Thread Payal Rathod
I want to install vpopmail + sqwebmail + courier imap. Here I want to 
enforce when a user changes a password, she should have some size 
restriction for passwords like more than 6 characters atleast and less 
than 15 etc. Is it possible? I want to keep plain text password.
Also, which IMAP server do I go for? I want it to authenticate against the 
plain text vpasswd file? Are there any special configurations I need to do 
for that?

With warm regards,

[vchkpw] authentication failure

2004-07-11 Thread Payal Rathod
I am trying to authenticate against /etc/passwd as well as my regular
vpasswd.cdb files. While the latter one is working, the /etc/passwd
part is not.
My ./configure line was,
# ./configure --enable-tcpserver-file=/service/smtpd/tcp --enable-passwd=y 
--enable-roaming-users=y --enable-relay-clear-minutes=15 --enable-clear-passwd=y
# make
# make install-strip

I start pop3 server as,
tcpserver -vHRl 0 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup designs.local 
/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 

Still when I do 
$ telnet 110
Connected to localhost (
Escape character is '^]'.
user payal
pass xxx
-ERR authorization failed
Connection closed by foreign host.

What must be wrong?
With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] Vpopmail with Clamd

2004-08-25 Thread Payal Rathod
On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 10:57:49AM -0500, Juan Enciso Conde?a wrote:
 Is there a software able of use .qmail-default file for scanning viruses
 using clamd? I don't want use qmail-scanner.

clamdscan itself can work from .qmail file or you might want to try 


[vchkpw] adding more storage: semiOT

2004-09-20 Thread Payal Rathod
I have a 20Gb harddisk server with vpopmail (single domain) running on it.
A 12Gb partition is dedicated for users mails. We have around 50 users. But the
space has become insufficent over period of time. Now is there any way I
can add some other harddisk and start storing mails there? Also, I need
to add a few 10s of users more so I thought I can use storage of new
disk *too*. I don't want to destroy my old mails. Can someone point a
way to do these things?  This is the first time I ever faced such an issue.

Thanks for the help.
With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] Re: adding more storage: semiOT

2004-09-21 Thread Payal Rathod
On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 at 07:10:16PM +0200, Peter Nilsson wrote:
 forgot to say that if you new the total storage of the two drive , then a 
 raid 0 is the way to combine the disks, you can read the raid howto that 
 follows with hte linux documentation, but i would recommend to use at least 
 two disks on a mailserver i raid1 (mirror) 

How do big server manage their data? I don't assume they must be having single large 
The must be putting some accounts on one disk and some on others.
What is their way usually? What if I run out of space on one disk?


[vchkpw] force better passwords

2004-09-21 Thread Payal Rathod
How can I force better (longer) passwords for all email accounts on vpopmail?
Thanks in advance,

[vchkpw] simscan quesiton: error

2004-09-24 Thread Payal Rathod
Since there is no official list for simscan and this was the list where 
few simscan questions were asked and answered, I am taking the liberty of
asking it here.
I have simscan-1.0 which i installed by,
make install-strip

In my smtpd/run file I have,
export QMAILQUEUE=/var/qmail/bin/simscan

But when I try to send a message I get,
451 mail server temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)

I tried to increase softlimit but still the same error.
Can someone tell what is wrong?

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] simscan quesiton: error

2004-09-24 Thread Payal Rathod
On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 09:41:09AM -0500, Ken Jones wrote:
 If you are not running qmail-smtpd as root you may need to
 change the ownership of simscan to match qmail-smtpd.

I run qmail-smtpd as qmaild and now I have,
# ls -l simscan
-rwxr-xr-x  1 qmaild nofiles 6136 Sep 24 11:25 simscan

Still the same problem. I am running Mandrake 10.0

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] simscan quesiton: error

2004-09-24 Thread Payal Rathod
On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 07:01:20PM +0300, Kiril Todorov wrote:
 chmod --reference /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue \
 /var/qmail/bin/simscan /var/qmail/simscan
 chown --reference /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue \
 /var/qmail/bin/simscan /var/qmail/simscan

Why do I need to have permission of qmail-queue? 
# ls -l qmail-queue
-rws--x--x  1 qmailq qmail 15912 Sep 24 11:38 qmail-queue

I believe that simscan appear at smtp level i.e. before the mail hits
the queue.


[vchkpw] simscan still not working

2004-09-28 Thread Payal Rathod
I am still not able to get simscan working. I even tried something
as easy as this,
# export QMAILQUEUE=/var/qmail/bin/simscan  /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -vHRl 0 0 25 

But still I get an error like this when I send a message,
451 mail server temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)

What is the reason for this?

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] simscan still not working

2004-09-28 Thread Payal Rathod
On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 06:30:06AM -0400, Rick Macdougall wrote:
 What user does qmail-smtpd run as ?


 What user does clamd run as ?



Re: [vchkpw] domain quota not working

2005-05-02 Thread Payal Rathod
On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 11:36:28AM +0200, Rainer Duffner wrote:
 The (undocumened) fact that they have been broken long since.

Can someone from inter7 second that please?

 Use OS-quotas or just bill-by-volume and employ any of the homegrown 
 report-usage-scripts... ;-)

Well, if I use OS-quotas then qmailadmin does not work.

Any suggestions?

With warm regards,

[vchkpw] open-smtp file

2005-05-03 Thread Payal Rathod
I have configured vpopmail-5.4.2 with
./configure --enable-roaming-users --enable-domainquotas
Then I connected from a remote server to my machine to port 110 and did
a successful POP3 login. But I cannot seem to find 
~vpopmail/etc/open-smtp file.
# ls -l ~vpopmail/etc/open-smtp
ls: /home/vpopmail/etc/open-smtp: No such file or directory

What step am I missing?
With warm regards,

[vchkpw] smtp authentication

2005-05-18 Thread Payal Rathod
Can someone tell me which kind of SMTP-Auth patch (or qmail-smtpd 
replacement)  integrates properly with vpopmail+qmail setup?
I don't want to use mailfront for the same but I am open to other ideas 
where SMTP-Auth module can check the password from vpasswd files of 

Thanks for the replies in advance.
With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] smtp authentication

2005-05-18 Thread Payal Rathod
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 08:54:15AM -0500, DAve wrote:
 Payal Rathod wrote:
 We have been very happy with the smtp-auth that is included in the 
 contrib directory of vpopmail. It uses vchkpw so checking against the 
 system users, vpopmail users in cdb, vpopmail users in SQL, all work 

Great. Does it work with multiple domains too and is it easy to set up?

With warm regards,

[vchkpw] many roaming users

2005-05-18 Thread Payal Rathod
The other day a friend showed interest in qmail server. He is running 
sendmail for many years and wants to shift to a better MTA (for his 
moderately loaded server of 3 thousand users) during hardware change. I 
have advised him qmail + vpopmail combo, but am scared of one thing 
only. Can cdb handle that lot of recompiling (he surely does not want 
any kind of sql) because almost all his users are roaming users?

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] many roaming users

2005-05-18 Thread Payal Rathod
On Wed, May 18, 2005 at 01:15:22PM -0500, Jeremy Kitchen wrote:
 don't use vpopmail's roaming-users functionality if you want 
 pop-before-smtp authentication, use Bruce Guenter's relay-ctrl 

Any particular reason why?

 However, I wouldn't even use pop-before-smtp.. I would set up SMTP 
 authentication and require that.

His usersuMe too. But his users have grown used to it. I suggested 
starting SMTP-Auth on another port and slowly switching pop-before-smtp 
completely off.

With warm regards,

[vchkpw] processing .qmail files for all users

2005-05-24 Thread Payal Rathod
In a qmail + vpopmail setup, I would like to run,
| /path/to/script
in .qmail file for all users. Is there any eay way of doing it?

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] processing .qmail files for all users

2005-05-24 Thread Payal Rathod
On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 06:17:46PM +0200, Anders Brander wrote:
 On Tue, 2005-05-24 at 12:04 -0400, Payal Rathod wrote:
  In a qmail + vpopmail setup, I would like to run,
  | /path/to/script
  in .qmail file for all users. Is there any eay way of doing it?
 You can do it in the .qmail-default file.
 | /path/to/vpopmail/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox
 | /path/to/script
 | /path/to/vpopmail/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox

But qmail-default is not looked at when the user has a .qmail file of 
her own, maybe for forwarding mails or something like that.
What do I do in such case?

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] processing .qmail files for all users

2005-05-25 Thread Payal Rathod
On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 01:10:29PM -0700, Tom Collins wrote:
 On May 24, 2005, at 9:24 AM, Payal Rathod wrote:
 But qmail-default is not looked at when the user has a .qmail file of
 her own, maybe for forwarding mails or something like that.
 What do I do in such case?
 Yes it does.

You mean if I want to run a script like (easy one)
for all users I need to modify the source?

See my problem is that I have few users who have their own .qmail files, 
probably because they have mail forwarding enabled and some do not.  Can 
I run a script everyday so that I can have | ifspamh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for all users for that domain?

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] processing .qmail files for all users

2005-05-25 Thread Payal Rathod
On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 12:15:07AM +0200, Flavio Curti wrote:
 Hi Tom
 On 5/25/05, Tom Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you want the SAME string for all users in a domain, you can insert
  that at the top of the .qmail-default file for the domain.  Qmail-local
  will run the email through your script before passing it to
  vdelivermail for local delivery.
 Isn't the problem that if you have a .qmail in the doman directory
 (like .qmail-fcu) the mail is never seen by vpopmail or the script,
 because qmail-local will do the delivery itself?

Yes this is exactly what I am asking.
If there is a file .qmail-payal or payal/.qmail why would .qmail-default 
be seen? So my script won't run.

With warm regards,

 Hope that helps and regards

[vchkpw] forwarding mails

2005-05-26 Thread Payal Rathod
How in the world am I suppossed to forward mails in qmail+vpopmail 

# pwd

# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]  .qmail-rp

This does not work.

Neither this does,
# echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]  rp/.qmail

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] processing .qmail files for all users

2005-05-26 Thread Payal Rathod
On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 11:11:22PM -0700, Tom Collins wrote:
 On May 25, 2005, at 3:15 PM, Flavio Curti wrote:
 Isn't the problem that if you have a .qmail in the doman directory
 (like .qmail-fcu) the mail is never seen by vpopmail or the script,
 because qmail-local will do the delivery itself?
 You're right.  I was assuming that the OP was only talking about user 
 accounts with Maildirs.  I also assume that he doesn't have any 
 .qmail-alias files that do direct Maildir delivery instead of 
 forwarding to the appropriate account.

It is she ;)

Sorry to be annoying, but I just cannot get a clear idea.
e.g. below,


Now if I make a .qmail-default file there with,
| /path/to/script

and I have .qmail-rp and rp/.qmail with
which .qmail-* file will be used for user rp?

Will my script be used or not?

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] processing .qmail files for all users

2005-05-26 Thread Payal Rathod
On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 09:21:37AM -0700, Tom Collins wrote:
 which .qmail-* file will be used for user rp?
 .qmail-rp.  qmail-local will find and use that file before it uses 

Thanks Rick and Tom for the patience shown here.

 If you didn't have a .qmail-rp, and you did have the vdelivermail line 
 in .qmail-default AFTER your script, qmail-local would process the 
 .qmail-default file, run your script first, then vdelivermail.  
 vdelivermail would find rp/.qmail (assuming you created an rp user 
 with vadduser) and forward the message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, I have always created users with vadduser.
Now, my question is what will be the contents of .qmail default if,

- rp/.qmail is present
- and if rp/.qmail is not present

and I want to execute my script.

With warm regards,

Re: [vchkpw] Why does Inter7 opt Qmail?

2005-07-05 Thread Payal Rathod
On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 04:33:25PM -0400, Steve Cole wrote:
 I've had it stop running enough times that I run /etc/init.d/qmailq 
 start every hour, just so that I can be sure it will continue (we get 
 over 500K mail per day, and queues infuriate users).  It only quits 
 maybe once a month or so, but luckily running /etc/init.d/qmailq 
 doesn't break anything.

I never installed anything big, but as a summer job I worked for 1  
months in my friend's ISP where one RH ES was handling around the same 
load (maybe a bit less) nicely. I was the only person looking after it 
for that period and I never had to kill qmail-send. Maybe I had to send 
ALRM a couple of times, but other than that no worries at all. And the 
best part of qmail(/daemontools) as I always say that I can sleep 
peacefully knowing that qmail will be doing its work and so far for me 
it has.

With warm regards,