VMWare View with VCL

2011-03-10 Thread Nathaniel McMullin
We are currently investigating Virtual Labs for our Students.  We'd like to 
deploy VMWare View to complement our existing ESX infrastructure which hosts 
our servers, and eventually allow for thin clients for our Faculty/Staff.  The 
short-term, Phase 1, is to allow for more Open Lab space.  With that said, we 
need to ensure students can get onto the Virtual Labs and having a Reservation 
System would fill this need. 

Looking at Apache VCL I am wondering if this is simply a separate solution that 
would not tie into VMWare View or or Apache VCL simply see VMWare View as 
physical computers and that's how it would be best to implement.  Does anyone 
have experience tying the two together?  Many thanks.

-Nate @ UNH (SA).

Re: ssh on vmguest

2011-03-10 Thread Andy Kurth

The code first attempts to run nmap to check if the SSH ports are even 
open.  Based on your log output, this is where it is failing:

vm2 is NOT responding to SSH, ports 22 or 24 are both closed

Try running this command:
/usr/bin/nmap vm2 -P0 -p 22 -T Aggressive

If you get a Failed to resolve given hostname/IP error then there is a 
problem with your hosts file.  Make sure vm2's private IP address has 
been added to /etc/hosts/.  Run host vm2.  It should display:

vm2 has address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

If the SSH port is open you should see 1 host up.  If this is the 
case, try running the following command:

/usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key -l root -p 22 -x vm2 'echo testing'

Does this command succeed?


On 3/8/2011 4:58 PM, Tyler Hardesty wrote:

Hey thanks!

adding those lines helped solve my permission denied problem but
unfortunately I still can't create the base image... It keeps telling me
that it is not responding to ssh (It also looks like Jay Diener-Brazelle
had this problem that he posted at the end of Feb 2011 but I don't see a
solution reply to his either)

management node:

[root@vcl vcl]# /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
VCL Management Node Setup

Select a module to configure:
1. VCL Base Module
2. VCL Image State Module
3. Windows OS Module

Make a selection (1-3, 'c' to cancel): 2

Choose an operation:
1. Capture Base Image

Make a selection (1, 'c' to cancel): 1

Enter the VCL login name or ID of the user who will own the image: [admin]:

User who will own the image: admin (ID: 1)

Enter the hostname or IP address of the computer to be captured: ('c' to
cancel): vm2

Computer to be captured: vm2 (ID: 3)
Provisioning module: provisioning_vmware
Install type: vmware

Select the OS to be captured (install type: vmware):
1. Generic Linux (VMware)
2. Windows 2003 Server (VMware)
3. Windows 7 (VMware)
4. Windows Server 2008 (VMware)
5. Windows Vista (VMware)
6. Windows XP (VMware)

[vcld/Image/Capture Base Image]
Make a selection (1-6, 'c' to cancel): 6

Selected OS: Windows XP (VMware)

Image architecture:
1. x86
2. x86_64

[vcld/Image/Capture Base Image]
Make a selection (1-2, 'c' to cancel): 1

Image architecture: x86

Use Sysprep:
1. Yes
2. No

[vcld/Image/Capture Base Image]
Make a selection (1-2, 'c' to cancel): 2

Use Sysprep: No

Enter the name of the image to be captured: ('c' to cancel): win_xp

Added new image to database: 'win_xp'
image.name http://image.name: vmwarewinxp-win_xp14-v0
image.id http://image.id: 14
imagerevision.id http://imagerevision.id: 14
imagemeta.id http://imagemeta.id: 12
resource.id http://resource.id: 24

Inserted imaging request to the database:
request ID: 10
reservation ID: 10

This process will now display the contents of the vcld.log file if the vcld
daemon is running. If you do not see many lines of additional output,
exit this
process, start the vcld daemon, and monitor the image capture process by
the command:
tail -f /var/log/vcld.log | grep '10:10'

2011-03-08 14:40:01|20476|utils.pm:insert_request(8343)|inserted new
reload request into request table, request id=10
2011-03-08 14:40:01|20476|utils.pm:insert_request(8374)|inserted new
reload request into reservation table, reservation id=10
'begin' entry does NOT exist for reservation 10
14:40:05|13551|10:10|image|utils.pm:run_command(8995)|executed command:
pgrep -fl 'vcld [0-9]+:10 ', pid: 20517, exit status: 1, output:
is NOT running, identifier: 'vcld [0-9]+:10 '
is NOT currently being processed
2011-03-08 14:40:05|13551|10:10|image|vcld:main(278)|reservation 10 is
NOT already being processed
affiliation found: Local
2011-03-08 14:40:05|13551|10:10|image|vcld:main(283)|retrieved request
information from database
true: parent reservation ID for this request: 10
10 state updated to: pending, laststate to: image
computer=3, begin, beginning to process, state is image
2011-03-08 14:40:05|13551|10:10|image|vcld:make_new_child(515)|loaded
VCL::image module
2011-03-08 14:40:05|13551|10:10|image|vcld:make_new_child(539)|current
number of forked kids: 1

Re: VMWare View with VCL

2011-03-10 Thread Aaron Peeler

Hello Nate,

Apache VCL and VMware View are separate solutions. I'm not an expert on 
View, I've seen the sales rep. demo's etc. So I can only comment from a 
somewhat biased viewpoint. :) If someone else on the list has more to 
add on VMWare View that what's here, please do.


Apache VCL is:
- open source (free)
- community driven support
- community driven development
- built for Edu's by system-admins from Edu's.
- can provision, virtual machines and bare-metal (using xCAT), existing 
stand-alone Unix based machines from a lab for non-walkin hours use.

-not locked into a single hypervisor or vendor.
supports vmware products (free server, ESXi, ESX), virtual box
- highly customizable, ability to extend to use other provisioning 
tools, VCL development roadmap includes kvm support, maybe others

- ease of scale out - (add more HW)
- Course block allocations - priority allocations for sets of end-users, 
courses or workshops, etc
- Current OS support for win7,winxp,win2003,win2008,ubuntu,CentOS, 
RedHat, - easy to add more.

- Audit-able, source is open for tracing
- cost of entry is low
- Many more.

- Commercial product
- VMWare support available
- One benefit I see is the PCoIP protocol. It would do a better job for 
video streaming and probably CAD programs than remote desktop connection.

- requires vcenter licensing. ?  $$

Hope this helps.

On 3/10/11 10:17 AM, Nathaniel McMullin wrote:

We are currently investigating Virtual Labs for our Students.  We'd like to 
deploy VMWare View to complement our existing ESX infrastructure which hosts 
our servers, and eventually allow for thin clients for our Faculty/Staff.  The 
short-term, Phase 1, is to allow for more Open Lab space.  With that said, we 
need to ensure students can get onto the Virtual Labs and having a Reservation 
System would fill this need.

Looking at Apache VCL I am wondering if this is simply a separate solution that would not 
tie into VMWare View or or Apache VCL simply see VMWare View as physical 
computers and that's how it would be best to implement.  Does anyone have experience 
tying the two together?  Many thanks.

-Nate @ UNH (SA).

Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

Re: Fwd: Image Failing to boot up in VCL 2.2

2011-03-10 Thread Andy Kurth
There may be a more detailed error message if you try to manually 
power-on the VM from the vSphere Client.

Also within the vSphere Client, try editing the settings of the VM. 
When there's a problem it often displays a more-useful error when you 
click Edit Settings.

If neither of these provide useful information, you can look in the log 
file generated by VMware for the VM.  The following file should exist:


The info in this file is pretty raw but it sometimes is helpful for 
troubleshooting.  The file grows each time an operation is attempted on 
the VM.  To capture just the output from the power-on error, rename 
vmware.log to something else and attempt to power-on the VM again. 
vmware.log should be recreated.  Please reply with the contents if the 
vSphere Client tests don't provide anything useful.


On 3/2/2011 8:48 AM, Josh Thompson wrote:

Hash: SHA1

I'm moving this to the vcl-user list.  We're trying to separate the vcl-dev
lists and vcl-user lists into development and user support.

- --  Forwarded Message  --

Subject: Image Failing to boot up in VCL 2.2
Date: Tuesday March 01, 2011, 5:48:25 pm
From: Alexander Pattersonalexander.patter...@csueastbay.edu
To: vcl-...@incubator.apache.org

011-03-01 14:46:33|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(193)|vim-cmd
call count: 12 (vmsvc/getallvms)
2011-03-01 14:46:33|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(208)|executed
command on VM host vclesxi01: vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
2011-03-01 14:46:33|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(193)|vim-cmd
call count: 13 (vmsvc/power.on 304)
2011-03-01 14:46:35|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(208)|executed
command on VM host vclesxi01: vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on 304
2011-03-01 14:46:35|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(193)|vim-cmd
call count: 14 (vmsvc/getallvms)
2011-03-01 14:46:35|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(208)|executed
command on VM host vclesxi01: vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms
2011-03-01 14:46:35|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(193)|vim-cmd
call count: 15 (vmsvc/get.tasklist 304)
2011-03-01 14:46:36|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(208)|executed
command on VM host vclesxi01: vim-cmd vmsvc/get.tasklist 304
2011-03-01 14:46:36|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_wait_for_task(748)|checking
status of task: haTask-304-vim.VirtualMachine.powerOn-90991068
2011-03-01 14:46:36|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(193)|vim-cmd
call count: 16 (vimsvc/task_info
2011-03-01 14:46:36|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:_run_vim_cmd(208)|executed
command on VM host vclesxi01: vim-cmd vimsvc/task_info

|24259|52:44|new|  WARNING 
|24259|52:44|new| 2011-03-01
haTask-304-vim.VirtualMachine.powerOn-90991068 did not complete
successfully, state: error, error message: The task was canceled by a
|24259|52:44|new| ( 0) VIM_SSH.pm, _wait_for_task (line: 783)
|24259|52:44|new| (-1) VIM_SSH.pm, vm_power_on (line: 969)
|24259|52:44|new| (-2) VMware.pm, load (line: 407)
|24259|52:44|new| (-3) new.pm, reload_image (line: 687)
|24259|52:44|new| (-4) new.pm, process (line: 282)
|24259|52:44|new| (-5) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)

|24259|52:44|new|  WARNING 
|24259|52:44|new| 2011-03-01
14:46:36|24259|52:44|new|VIM_SSH.pm:vm_power_on(974)|failed to power
on VM: /vmfs/volumes/netappfiler02-sata1/vmguest-8_6-v0/vmguest-8_6-v0.vmx,
the vim power on task did not complete successfully, vim-cmd
vmsvc/power.on 304 output:
|24259|52:44|new| Powering on VM:
|24259|52:44|new| Power on failed
|24259|52:44|new| ( 0) VIM_SSH.pm, vm_power_on (line: 974)
|24259|52:44|new| (-1) VMware.pm, load (line: 407)
|24259|52:44|new| (-2) new.pm, reload_image (line: 687)
|24259|52:44|new| (-3) new.pm, process (line: 282)
|24259|52:44|new| (-4) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|24259|52:44|new| (-5) vcld, main (line: 346)

|24259|52:44|new|  WARNING 
|24259|52:44|new| 2011-03-01
14:46:36|24259|52:44|new|VMware.pm:load(408)|failed to power on VM
vmguest-8 on VM host: vclesxi01
|24259|52:44|new| ( 0) VMware.pm, load (line: 408)
|24259|52:44|new| (-1) new.pm, reload_image (line: 687)
|24259|52:44|new| (-2) new.pm, process (line: 282)
|24259|52:44|new| (-3) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|24259|52:44|new| (-4) vcld, main (line: 346)

|24259|52:44|new|  WARNING 
|24259|52:44|new| 2011-03-01
failed to load on vmguest-8, returning
|24259|52:44|new| ( 0) new.pm, reload_image (line: 692)
|24259|52:44|new| (-1) new.pm, process (line: 282)
|24259|52:44|new| (-2) vcld, make_new_child (line: 568)
|24259|52:44|new| (-3) vcld, main (line: 346)

2011-03-01 14:46:36|24259|52:44|new|utils.pm:insertloadlog(3875)|inserted
computer=22, loadimagefailed, 

Re: VMWare View with VCL

2011-03-10 Thread Nathaniel McMullin

That is a great help.  Thank you for your time.  I was tasked with finding a 
system to allow students to reserve time slots, and at first glance it 
appeared AVCL might be a fit.  It might now be worth it to add this to the mix 
for our PoC and see if we can justify some cost-savings.



On Mar 10, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Aaron Peeler wrote:

 Hello Nate,
 Apache VCL and VMware View are separate solutions. I'm not an expert on View, 
 I've seen the sales rep. demo's etc. So I can only comment from a somewhat 
 biased viewpoint. :) If someone else on the list has more to add on VMWare 
 View that what's here, please do.
 Apache VCL is:
 - open source (free)
 - community driven support
 - community driven development
 - built for Edu's by system-admins from Edu's.
 - can provision, virtual machines and bare-metal (using xCAT), existing 
 stand-alone Unix based machines from a lab for non-walkin hours use.
 -not locked into a single hypervisor or vendor.
 supports vmware products (free server, ESXi, ESX), virtual box
 - highly customizable, ability to extend to use other provisioning tools, VCL 
 development roadmap includes kvm support, maybe others
 - ease of scale out - (add more HW)
 - Course block allocations - priority allocations for sets of end-users, 
 courses or workshops, etc
 - Current OS support for win7,winxp,win2003,win2008,ubuntu,CentOS, RedHat, - 
 easy to add more.
 - Audit-able, source is open for tracing
 - cost of entry is low
 - Many more.
 - Commercial product
 - VMWare support available
 - One benefit I see is the PCoIP protocol. It would do a better job for video 
 streaming and probably CAD programs than remote desktop connection.
 - requires vcenter licensing. ?  $$
 Hope this helps.
 On 3/10/11 10:17 AM, Nathaniel McMullin wrote:
 We are currently investigating Virtual Labs for our Students.  We'd like to 
 deploy VMWare View to complement our existing ESX infrastructure which hosts 
 our servers, and eventually allow for thin clients for our Faculty/Staff.  
 The short-term, Phase 1, is to allow for more Open Lab space.  With that 
 said, we need to ensure students can get onto the Virtual Labs and having a 
 Reservation System would fill this need.
 Looking at Apache VCL I am wondering if this is simply a separate solution 
 that would not tie into VMWare View or or Apache VCL simply see VMWare View 
 as physical computers and that's how it would be best to implement.  Does 
 anyone have experience tying the two together?  Many thanks.
 -Nate @ UNH (SA).
 Aaron Peeler
 Program Manager
 Virtual Computing Lab
 NC State University

Re: VMWare View with VCL

2011-03-10 Thread Nathaniel McMullin
That's interesting.  I know the immediate concern is Open Labs that mostly run 
Windows.  But I am sure Engineering may need a Linux option.

On Mar 10, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Sean Dilda wrote:

 One of the big drivers for us is the fact that VCL supports deploying linux 
 desktops and View does not.  Since we need an alternative to our linux labs, 
 that knocks VMware View out of the running for us.
 On 3/10/11 11:13 AM, Aaron Peeler wrote:
 Hello Nate,
 Apache VCL and VMware View are separate solutions. I'm not an expert on
 View, I've seen the sales rep. demo's etc. So I can only comment from a
 somewhat biased viewpoint. :) If someone else on the list has more to
 add on VMWare View that what's here, please do.
 Apache VCL is:
 - open source (free)
 - community driven support
 - community driven development
 - built for Edu's by system-admins from Edu's.
 - can provision, virtual machines and bare-metal (using xCAT), existing
 stand-alone Unix based machines from a lab for non-walkin hours use.
 -not locked into a single hypervisor or vendor.
 supports vmware products (free server, ESXi, ESX), virtual box
 - highly customizable, ability to extend to use other provisioning
 tools, VCL development roadmap includes kvm support, maybe others
 - ease of scale out - (add more HW)
 - Course block allocations - priority allocations for sets of end-users,
 courses or workshops, etc
 - Current OS support for win7,winxp,win2003,win2008,ubuntu,CentOS,
 RedHat, - easy to add more.
 - Audit-able, source is open for tracing
 - cost of entry is low
 - Many more.
 - Commercial product
 - VMWare support available
 - One benefit I see is the PCoIP protocol. It would do a better job for
 video streaming and probably CAD programs than remote desktop connection.
 - requires vcenter licensing. ?  $$
 Hope this helps.
 On 3/10/11 10:17 AM, Nathaniel McMullin wrote:
 We are currently investigating Virtual Labs for our Students.  We'd like to 
 deploy VMWare View to complement our existing ESX infrastructure which 
 hosts our servers, and eventually allow for thin clients for our 
 Faculty/Staff.  The short-term, Phase 1, is to allow for more Open Lab 
 space.  With that said, we need to ensure students can get onto the Virtual 
 Labs and having a Reservation System would fill this need.
 Looking at Apache VCL I am wondering if this is simply a separate solution 
 that would not tie into VMWare View or or Apache VCL simply see VMWare View 
 as physical computers and that's how it would be best to implement.  Does 
 anyone have experience tying the two together?  Many thanks.
 -Nate @ UNH (SA).

Re: VMWare View with VCL

2011-03-10 Thread Aaron Peeler
Your welcome. As you research it more, feel free to ask questions. I and 
others here will be happy to answer them best we can.


On 3/10/11 11:19 AM, Nathaniel McMullin wrote:


That is a great help.  Thank you for your time.  I was tasked with finding a system to 
allow students to reserve time slots, and at first glance it appeared AVCL 
might be a fit.  It might now be worth it to add this to the mix for our PoC and see if 
we can justify some cost-savings.



On Mar 10, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Aaron Peeler wrote:

Hello Nate,

Apache VCL and VMware View are separate solutions. I'm not an expert on View, 
I've seen the sales rep. demo's etc. So I can only comment from a somewhat 
biased viewpoint. :) If someone else on the list has more to add on VMWare View 
that what's here, please do.


Apache VCL is:
- open source (free)
- community driven support
- community driven development
- built for Edu's by system-admins from Edu's.
- can provision, virtual machines and bare-metal (using xCAT), existing 
stand-alone Unix based machines from a lab for non-walkin hours use.
-not locked into a single hypervisor or vendor.
supports vmware products (free server, ESXi, ESX), virtual box
- highly customizable, ability to extend to use other provisioning tools, VCL 
development roadmap includes kvm support, maybe others
- ease of scale out - (add more HW)
- Course block allocations - priority allocations for sets of end-users, 
courses or workshops, etc
- Current OS support for win7,winxp,win2003,win2008,ubuntu,CentOS, RedHat, - 
easy to add more.
- Audit-able, source is open for tracing
- cost of entry is low
- Many more.

- Commercial product
- VMWare support available
- One benefit I see is the PCoIP protocol. It would do a better job for video 
streaming and probably CAD programs than remote desktop connection.
- requires vcenter licensing. ?  $$

Hope this helps.

On 3/10/11 10:17 AM, Nathaniel McMullin wrote:

We are currently investigating Virtual Labs for our Students.  We'd like to 
deploy VMWare View to complement our existing ESX infrastructure which hosts 
our servers, and eventually allow for thin clients for our Faculty/Staff.  The 
short-term, Phase 1, is to allow for more Open Lab space.  With that said, we 
need to ensure students can get onto the Virtual Labs and having a Reservation 
System would fill this need.

Looking at Apache VCL I am wondering if this is simply a separate solution that would not 
tie into VMWare View or or Apache VCL simply see VMWare View as physical 
computers and that's how it would be best to implement.  Does anyone have experience 
tying the two together?  Many thanks.

-Nate @ UNH (SA).

Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

Aaron Peeler
Program Manager
Virtual Computing Lab
NC State University

Re: Window 7 x64 Sysprep.exe not running

2011-03-10 Thread Andy Kurth
Sysprep.exe may be initiated by quickly terminates due to an error. 
Check if the following log file exists and contains any useful error 


Try running the command manually, trying to replicate the environment 
VCL attempts to run it in:

-Log in as root
-Open a Cygwin shell
-Run this command:
sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /quiet 

If this fails, try running it from a regular cmd.exe shell, but change 
the path to Unattend.xml to DOS\Windows format:
sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown /quiet 

Please reply with anything you find.


On 3/1/2011 11:39 AM, Hartl, Gerhard L. wrote:

I have been attempting to capture a Win 7 x64 image w/ sysprep on VCL
2.2 without success. I added the following:
***# Check if pre_capture() subroutine has been implemented by the OS
*my $computer_nodename = $computer_shortname;*
*if ($self-os-can(pre_capture)) {*
*# Call OS pre_capture() - it should perform all OS steps necessary to
capture an image*
*# pre_capture() should shut down the computer when it is done*
*notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, calling OS module's pre_capture() subroutine);*
*if (!$self-os-pre_capture({end_state = 'off'})) {*
*notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, OS module pre_capture() failed);*
*return 0;*
in esxthin.pm, as we use netapp hardware, and the pre_capture indeed
runs properly when sysprep is set to 1. At the end of the pre_capture
when sysprep.exe is actually called, nothing happens. The Unattend.xml
is in the proper place but *sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown
/quiet /unattend:C:/Windows/Sysnative/sysprep/Unattend.xml* is never
actually run. Eventually after the timeout, the poweroff() routine will
power off the machine unclean and without sysprep. I have checked the
taskman and sysprep.exe is not running.
*|19148|30:30|image| /usr/bin/ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key -l root -p 22 -x
vmwarewin7-base1-v1 '/bin/cygstart.exe C:/Windows/Sysnative/cmd.exe /c
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/ipconfig.exe /release 
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/route.exe DELETE MASK 
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe interface ip set address name=\Local
Area Connection\ source=dhcp  %SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe
interface ip set dns name=\Local Area Connection\ source=dhcp 
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe interface ip set address name=\Local
Area Connection 2\ source=dhcp  %SYSTEMROOT%/System32/netsh.exe
interface ip set dns name=\Local Area Connection 2\ source=dhcp 
%SYSTEMROOT%/System32/sysprep/sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /shutdown
/quiet /unattend:C:/Windows/Sysnative/sysprep/Unattend.xml' 21*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image|utils.pm:run_ssh_command(5540)|SSH command
executed on vmwarewin7-base1-v1, returning (0, )*
Sysprep.exe, waiting for vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to become unresponsive*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(396)|waiting for
vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping, maximum of 720 seconds*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(413)|attempt 1:
waiting for vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping*
17:19:55|19148|30:30|image|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(409)|attempt 1:
code returned false, seconds elapsed/remaining: 0/720, sleeping for 15
*2011-02-28 17:20:10|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:20:10*
17:20:10|19148|30:30|image|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(413)|attempt 2:
waiting for vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping*
17:20:11|19148|30:30|image|Module.pm:code_loop_timeout(416)|waiting for
vmwarewin7-base1-v1 to NOT respond to ping, code returned true*
*|19148|30:30|image|  WARNING  *
*|19148|30:30|image| 2011-02-28
subroutine has not been implemented by the provisioning module:
*|19148|30:30|image| ( 0) utils.pm, notify (line: 630)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-1) Provisioning.pm, wait_for_power_off (line: 354)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-2) Version_6.pm, run_sysprep (line: 1642)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-3) 7.pm, pre_capture (line: 171)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-4) esxthin.pm, capture (line: 1238)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-5) image.pm, process (line: 165)*
*|19148|30:30|image| (-6) vcld, make_new_child (line: 595)*
17:20:11|19148|30:30|image|Version_6.pm:run_sysprep(1645)|unable to
determine power status of vmwarewin7-base1-v1 from provisioning module,
sleeping 5 minutes to allow computer time to shutdown*
*2011-02-28 17:20:40|3111|vcld:main(166)|lastcheckin time updated for
management node 1: 2011-02-28 17:20:40*

Re: VCL fails to grant OS access

2011-03-10 Thread Andy Kurth
This was a bug which was fixed in VCL 2.2.  You can resolve this by 
editing Windows.pm:

-Find sub firewall_enable_rdp
-Add the following line to the end of this subroutine:
return 1;


On 2/23/2011 6:30 PM, Kelly Robinson wrote:

We've had occurrences where some reservations will load, but the login
screen on the vm is slow and turns black and becomes unusable. When
parsing through the logs, there seems to be issues at the point of
configuring the firewall to allow RDP. The messages first state the
firewall was configured to allow RDP access from the user's ip address,
but then states that the firewall could not be configured to grant RDP
access. Then a failed to grant OS access on computer_name message is
given, but the reservation continues to load and does not fail. Has
anyone had any similar issues or know what the problem could be? A
snippet from that portion of the log is given below: (note: the user's
ipaddress has been X'ed out)


environment variable set to 0 for this process

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|Module.pm:new(132)|constructor called,

object created

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|State.pm:initialize(85)|obtained a
database handle for this state process, stored as $ENV{dbh}

corrections need to be made, not an imaging request, returning 1

true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1429

count: 1



process to 'vcld VCL::reserved 1436:1429 reserved'

true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1429

true: parent reservation ID for this request: 1429

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|State.pm:initialize(121)|attempting to
load provisioning module: VCL::Module::Provisioning::esx

2011-02-23 14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|esx.pm:initialize(138)|esx
vmware toolkit root path found: /usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|esx.pm:initialize(140)|vmware ESX
module initialized

module loaded

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|Module.pm:new(132)|constructor called,

object created

2011-02-23 14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|esx.pm:initialize(138)|esx
vmware toolkit root path found: /usr/lib/vmware-viperl/apps

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|esx.pm:initialize(140)|vmware ESX
module initialized

provisioner object created

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|State.pm:initialize(145)|attempting to
load OS module: VCL::Module::OS::Windows::Version_5::XP

module loaded

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|Module.pm:new(132)|constructor called,

object created

OS object created

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|State.pm:initialize(169)|returning 1

object created and initialized

14:58:55|29239|1436:1429|reserved|reserved.pm:process(120)|updated log
table, set loaded time to now for id:912

user group defined

data returned for usergroupid returning empty lists

user group membership count = 0


Win7 + SP1 linked dll data write copy failed

2011-03-10 Thread James O'Dell
Hash: SHA1

Hi All,

I tried several times to add SP1 to a working Win7 image.
It failed every time.

I noticed errors in the vcld log that contained:
 child_copy: linked dll data write copy failed

This error message typically means that some process
is interfering with cygwin's sshd. (e.g. BLODA,

So, I booted the pre-SP1 Win7 image and wrote down the running
services. Added SP1, rebooted, and wrote down the running
services again.

(Btw, the first reboot after a SP1 install shows a box
on the screen that says the Service Pack is completing
the installation - and then gives a percentage. I suspect
this process also starts up additional services)

The system after adding SP1 shows the following services difference.

- - ManualStarted Microsoft .Net Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86
- - Automatic Started Windows Font Cache Service
- - ManualStarted Portable Device Enumerator Service
- - ManualStarted Compatibility Assistant Service
- - ManualStarted VMWare Snapshot Provider
- - ManualStarted Volume Shadow Copy
- - ManualStarted Windows Modules Installer
- - Automatic Multimedia Class Scheduler
- - Automatic Windows Time

One of these services is conflicting with Cygwin's sshd.(And apparently
with a couple of the other services).

I just rebooted the system again, and the 'Manual' processes
stayed down, while the down'd automatic services came back up.

At this point, I tried to create an image and it worked normally.

Hope this helps,


- -- 
Jim O'Dell
Network Analyst
California State University Fullerton
Email: jod...@fullerton.edu
Phone: (657) 278-2256
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