Reading message from digest has locked up my computer three times?????

2019-06-22 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I have tried to read  the viphone digest, three different digests, and when
I use JAWS FIND to go to the words, "Back to Top" to go to the next post, it
has locked up my computer. This has happened three different times with
three different digest documents. Things seem to be working with other
email. Please check to see that some sort of a bug or virus isn't being
transmitted somehow. I won't be reading until I hear that something has been
determined and fixed. This is the only email I am receiving which is giving
me this trouble.


Sorry for the bad news, but I am a bit frustrated. When speech quits and I
can't tell what my computer is doing and it won't move properly, something
is interfering. Please fix and let me know.



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Question about Contacts?

2019-05-30 Thread Dianne B Phelps
Hello, Friends,


Can anyone tell me why when I am adding a contact to my phone contacts app I
am asked to provide a Yahoo email address? I am using ATT for  my mobile
phone and  WiFi and I have never had a Yahoo address for anything. Besides,
what does that have to do with putting someone's name and phone number
information into my contacts. When I check the Icloud iCloud settings
contacts are turned on, and I find nothing under the phone app to turn on or
off regarding that unless it has something to do with mail. I had had
problems like this regarding my calendar which I finally cleared up thanks
to good advice from the list. Hoping someone can tell me how to get rid of
this prompt for information which has nothing to do with me. I will probably
be upgrading to a new phone in the next few months, and I am going to be
seriously annoyed if I lose my information as  it kept doing with my


Hope all are well and thanks in advance for any ideas.


Dianne, Millie and Hibiscus 

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Voice Dream Scanner.

2019-04-07 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I did read through some mail this morning but felt that as I worked through
what I had, there may have been a degradation in scan quality after doing
and discarding several documents. I tried closing the program and restarting
and finally got something which identified what I had, but just wondering if
anyone else has noted this. It might have been that I was set up at my
kitchen table and I am personally not as comfortable out there as I am in my
big chair, page in my lap, phone to the center of the document, lifting and
positioning properly to get picture. I will play with it some more. Overall,
impressed and pleased and think it will ultimately be useful until or if NFB
gets things back in action with KNFB Reader.


Russ, Thank you as well for that link. That demonstration was clearer to
hear, and I learned a lot of things with the descriptives  there regarding
settings which I can try and work with as well.


I am pleased with the purchase. Thanks again for everyone's help.


Smiles to all,


Dianne and the Fur Crew

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Voice Dream Scanner-I just got it-Thank you All for information!

2019-04-06 Thread Dianne B Phelps
Ok, Friends, I just went into the  App Store and purchased Voice Dream
Scanner. I'll look into the reader program later. Frankly, that was $6 well
spent. I downloaded it, picked up a flimsy piece of mail waiting to be read.
Wasn't even sure what it was. It turned out to be a batch letter from my
Talking Book Library. It immediately read the return address. I don't think
it read the mail sticker with my address, but I then pulled out the letter,
Got the tone as I had with the envelop, and got the picture taken and it
read perfectly. The short of it is, it is doing what I want it to do for now
which means I can go back to doing at least some of my mail, and I am so


I have a sister who  makes a two hour drive so we can visit our mother who
is elderly and in assisted living, and then, she helps me with all my
garbage loose ends. With my reading systems having gone  gone down the
toilet of late, she has had to do all the mail reading as well. I still may
need her to read some things or at least go through with me, but I am back
in business and am so appreciative of Richard and Mary and all who have
helped give us the information we needed to make a decision. Now, if I can
just move it to my first page of apps, I'll have it made. I'll be happy just
as long as it will help me read what I have to read which it seems to be
doing at this point.


Thanks, Friends. Do Appreciate it.


Sending happy smiles to all,


Dianne and the Fur Crew, Millie and Hibiscus

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Voice Dream Scanner?

2019-04-06 Thread Dianne B Phelps
Thank you James for helping Richard answer one of my questions with your
question. I tend to use Dianne as my stand with these things too. I'll get a
stand if I must, but I have been able to free-hand take my pictures with
this equipment and prefer that not having to set something up special when I
have picked up something and just want to get a quick read.


Going to look at this app more seriously when I have time, sooner than
later. I really need better reading than I am getting with anything. So far,
most PDF things, I do on my computer for now. That too can change, but for
now, I am in need of handling easily what I am used to handling.


Smiles to all,



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Voice Dream Scanner versus KNFB question?

2019-04-06 Thread Dianne B Phelps
First of all, I was not impressed with the NFB Technology explanation as to
why KNFB Reader has fallen so far behind in terms of its ability. I suspect
Dr. Kurzweil may be retiring from the scene somewhat as he well deserves and
NFB is fiddling around with things instead of tending to business. Won't
further speculate on that.


I do have a couple of questions about Voice Dream Scanner. First of all must
you absolutely have to have the stand to use it or can you free-hand hold
the phone as I have managed for years with the KNFB products? Secondly, will
the scanner, Voice Dream Scanner, read the document you have taken a picture
of as I do with my mail and then begin reading or do I absolutely have to
get the document into their reader app in order to read? Frankly, all of
what sounds like a good bit of document manipulation absolutely overwhelms
me. I need to be able to take the picture and get the stuff read and am not
sure I have the patience to have to go into something else, dig around for
the document and maybe get it read. This stuff is absolutely boggling my


When I looked at your video the other day, Richard, I really could not hear
your demonstration well nor could I hear to understand the speech as it read
the document after which extra steps you had to take to get it to read.


Sorry, it's old lady ears and not quite understanding all the steps. KNFB
and Seeing AI are simple. They just don't work consistently.


I have been a Kurzweil reader since the first home version personal reader
in the early 1990's and have followed his technology all the way through. I
have had good luck with it until the last year or two since they are no
longer doing updates and keeping the product up to date. Also had a device
called the Read EZ Move which GW Micro sold for a while which was really
terrific too. It was a device from England, but mine just went out a few
months ago and it is not manufactured  nor can it be repaired any longer.
So, I am feeling kind of desperate  to find something which will make
reading easier once again. 


Thanks for further information, and NFB needs to get back on the stick. How
dare they treat Dr. Kurzweil's product and work like this. If they aren't
going to do it, someone needs to step up to the plate and get it done though
with all the R&D bellaching excuses,, I doubt it will happen where it is
now. It's a real shame, and I am not a happy long-time user.


Smiles to all,


Dianne and the Fur Crew

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Bone conduction head phones not what I expected?

2019-04-06 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I, too, have had excellent experience with Aftershokx Trekz Titanium
headphones. I have some significant hearing problems and had been originally
looking for something I could use with and in conjunction with hearing aids
and because these fit against the mastoid bone behind the ear, they would
work that way for me.


Having said that I started with hard wired versions of these devices having
one pair which tends to be better in strength than the other. Within the
past year, I did finally spring for the blue tooth wireless version of these
which does work quite well for me. Now, what I have found ultimately is that
trying to do GPS with the iPhone and any of my bone conduction devices is
done with only fair to middling satisfaction. I ended up purchasing the
Victor Reader Trek for my GPS needs, and it does have what they call
out-door volume which works well with the Aftershokx devices, and because I
also must use a balance cane along with managing my guide dog, I find the
fact that this has real buttons to work with makes it much easier to work.
For me, trying to hang onto the iPhone and deal with the flat screen and all
the rest is beyond overwhelming for me I use these devices for book reading
as well around the house and would have to agree, they don't have the best
quality for listening to music. They aren't terrible, it is just that the
depth isn't quite there.


Finally, if you are having trouble hearing bone conduction devices as
opposed to ear buds or over the ear devices, your bone conduction hearing
conduction hearing could be less effective than your direct hearing. This
can happen or it can be seen in certain frequencies which your overall
hearing does not manage well for you. I am almost 70 years old and do have
real hearing issues which even the hearing aides can't fix well because of
the frequency disturbance I have which causes hearing aids to transmit
distorted or what sounds like distorted unidentifiable sounds to me which is
worse for me than just toughing out the deficiencies on my own.


If you are serious about wanting the open-ear type of headphones, I think I
would strongly urge you to consider obtaining the Aftershokz product. They
are moderately pricy, however, if you order through a place like Amazon, I
do believe there is a return policy if you are not satisfied. There is
something to be said for looking at the strength of the headphones. They
don't all put out at the best volume, and for some of us, the lesser
amplitude just doesn't work. If you find trying these which are good does
not work, though I don't know your age, you might want to consider getting
your hearing checked.


We have all used earphone devices probably way more than we should have. My
work required me to use these for many years and  then an injury did the
rest of the damage with age now taking over the situation.. I know Mystic
Access was offering something, but I don't know which product or anything
about the quality which may work for their intended use, but not on the
street if that is what you need.


Hope this helps a little. This, as some on this list may tell you has been a
bitter battle issue for me for a lot of years, trying to find what really
worked for me.


Sending happy smiles to all,


Dianne and my Fur Crew, Millie and Hibiscus

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Reminders and Calendar control.

2019-03-27 Thread Dianne B Phelps
Mark, Thank you for advising me to check settings for the Calendar app. I
did find something which allowed me to make a selection other than Yahoo
which is now allowing me to make appointments using Siri which did register.
I'm not ready to give up my Braille method just yet, but will transfer the
next few weeks of appointments onto the phone again to see if I can follow.
Some of these settings get changed at times, I think, when we update, and I
always lose important information. I know what I set this to now, which, I
think, is where it should be under my name and hope this works because the
way it was, It has been useless for months now. Thanks for the tip. Let's
hope I have it better set now.


Dianne and the Fur Crew

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2019-03-26 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I have had absolutely no luck using reminders to keep track of what I have
to do when and every time we do an update, the calendar system loses my
appointment information. This has happened to me over and over and over
again. Not only that, now, it keeps asking me for a Yahoo ID, and I do
nothing with Yahoo. I have gone back to keeping appointment dates in Braille
because trying to keep things straight electronically has not proved to be
reliable even when I have typed the information in with a keyboard rather
than dictating. I can't continue to have the added confusion in life, so
devised a way of using sticky notes and Braille in a folder where I can move
things around as I need to. I have tried using the electronic calendars for
years, and it is just a total nightmare. I am probably missing something,
but this stuff shouldn't be that difficult.


Anyone having tricks to these features which really work reliable, I'd be
interested, but have burned too many times and am always having to call to
re-obtain the systems should have kept in the first place.



Smiles to all,


Dianne and the Fur Crew

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News Plus Service and News App as it has been

2019-03-26 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I just called the Apple Disability Support number, 877.204.3930,  as Richard
Turner suggested because reading news articles has been a difficulty for
quite some time now, as everyone has indicated since the IOS 12. I placed my
comments with the support person who answered and expressed a couple of
other concerns I am feeling about iPhone moving forward for us. You all may
already have this information, but I was told that going to
> and submitting comments or ideas we might have is
helpful to the team looking into these issues. He seemed to feel that many
improvements and ideas had come from that source, and it probably saves the
tech support team from having to listen to little old ladies and their
gripes and concerns about the equipment and software.


Just thought I would share that in case anyone does not have that
information. I told him that I was truly not sure what I was going to do
moving forward. I have the SE. He could not tell me for sure whether that
would still be supported in IOS 13 or not, telling me they never know these
things either until they happen. I also told him I would like to see an SE 2
with some aspects of updated technology as I was really not interested much
in carrying something larger or more bulky. Who knows what they do with all
of that, but I did express my feelings. The representative was personable,
professional and receptive to hearing. It's also a quiet environment to call
which is a good thing as well. I have terrible difficulties calling
technical support which is noisy in the background, trying to listen to the
tech and my device, making the entire experience beyond stressful.



Anyway, just sharing and hope it helps.




Dianne and the Fur Crew, Millie and Hibiscus

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Finger print no longer working...

2018-10-27 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I have been having this problem with my SE now for months. One thing to
check is that we found my screen protector had shifted and was in the way.
So, we took care of that, and the lady at the phone store helped me redo my
finger print which my sister said upon looking was more thorough than what I
was getting doing it myself. I, too have redone this thing time and time
again and hate having to put the passcode in every time or at least 95% of
the time. I don’t know whether it is the phone or just what and am not sure
what I am going to do about it since I do not have an Apple Store close by.
If it weren’t for some of the apps I have, I would switch to somme other
type of phone. I am getting really sick of this stuff not working.


Dianne B. Phelps 


&utm_medium=email> finger print no longer working 

Sieghard Weitzel> >: Oct 26

Is it not working at all, i.e. does it not even let you set it up? If so you
may have to take the phone to an Apple Store and get them to check out the
Touch Id home button.
From: <>> > On Behalf Of
Paul and Paula Jordan
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2018 7:07 AM
To: <> 
Subject: finger print no longer working
Hi all. My finger print is no longer working. I’ve re-set it several times,
turned the phone off and on and done the more complete re-set with the
volume down and home button. Nothing seems to work. I’ve also wiped the
screen and home button with a damp paper towel and also with a glasses
polishing cloth. Any other suggestions? It’s a pain to enter my pass code
each time I need to unlock the phone. Yes, I know I’m whining there a
little. SMILEY. Thanks for any thoughts.
God bless!
Paula and Garçon
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Seri sluggish and screen responsive to 4-finger at bottom of screen.

2018-10-23 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I also have an iPhone SE and find that Seri is not only sluggish, it
sometimes doesn't answer and I have to check the screen to find out whether
I got a response for simple things like setting timer, etc. 


Also, I am finding that screen response to gestures slow and requiring
repeated double-taps and am also seeing this with BT keyboard. I don't know
whether the phone is just being slow or the screen or keyboard messages just
aren't getting through. I find it frustrating and time consuming to say the


Dianne B. Phelps

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Logitech 480.

2018-03-20 Thread Dianne B Phelps
It looks like others have answered your question about the num pad which is
not present on the 480. Also, on this keyboard, various function keys are
labled with both the Windows and IOS functions. This truly the best keyboard
of this type I have found so far and tend to believe that the other models
will work just as efficiently.


I would love to find a case which was smaller to hold my keyboard and my


Smiles and love to all,


Dianne, Millie and Hibiscus

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Logitech 480.

2018-03-17 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I purchased mine at Christmas time and find it to be the best keyboard
experience I have had in a very long time. I was a medical transcriptionist
before I retired and have become quite particular about keyboards. I am
using my Logitech 480 with my iPhone and my Microsoft Surface. Mine cost
about $20 and would probably have been worth the full price. I have tried so
many of these darned things, and they have been horrible. This one actually
works effectively with IOS instead of just making do.


Dianne B. Phelps

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Logitech K480?

2017-12-14 Thread Dianne B Phelps
Dear Friends,


We can call off the SOS I just put out about pairing my K480 with my
Microsoft Surface. As I was writing my previous note requesting input, I
happened to think that the one thing I had not tried was to check that
second screen with the JAWS cursor to see things the PC cursor does not pick
up, and guess what? I arrowed down and could finally see that it was giving
me the pass code number to type into my K480, and it worked! So thank you to
anyone who may have seen my last message and responded already. Mulling it
all over in one's mind often dredges up just one more thing of help to try.


Thank you so muh for listening to me. I do learn so much from this list
still, including looking into this keyboard. It truly is a good one and will
make me less tired when typing. The keyboard covers are nice and compact,
but they feel like mush with no resistance. I have hated that dilemma from
the very start of using electronic keyboards. It's hard on the wrists and
everything else. Besides, thankfully, this one has control keys on both
sides of the keyboard which is a total blessing as well.


Thanks again for all the wonderful tips you all share. Have a terrific


Again, sending happy smiles,


Dianne, Millie, and Hibiscus

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Logitech K480?

2017-12-14 Thread Dianne B Phelps
Hello, Friends,


I know there has been quite a bit of discussion on this topic. So anyone who
might be able to assist me is most welcomed to email me privately at

I just purchased the above keyboard and got it set up for my iPhone without
a hitch. It seems to work just fine there, even having function keys work


After that terrific news and experience, I turned toward pairing the
keyboard with my Microsoft Surface Pro 4. It finally shows up. I space to
indicate that this is the keyboard I want, and then, it flips to a screen
which only says cancel, and nothing further happens. AND, for some reason, I
can't determine whether blue tooth is really turned on or not. I am on
Windows 10 which just did an update, but with my previous Surface, I could
see an indicator in the notification area that blue tooth was on. As I did
with my previous Surface.


I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong.
I am getting rather frustrated because this is a far better keyboard Than
the Surface cover keyboard, For typing anyway.


I should probably also tell you that I am using JAWS 2018 WITH ITS LATEST
UPDATE, AND I am not sure that JAWS is always verbalizing the important
information on the screen, discussion for another place and time.


I thank you in advance for any suggestions anyone might have. They will be
very much appreciated.


Sending happy smiles to all,


Dianne, Millie, and Hibiscus

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Shouuld I upgrade to IOS 11 or wait?

2017-09-28 Thread Dianne B Phelps
I just updated my iPhone SE last night. The setup wasn't too bad except that
I always have trouble typing in my Apple password. I did get in eventually
and don't understand why it was not verifying. I am not the best flat-screen
typest, but until I could get into the program, I could not get my
mechanical keyboard  connected.. I finally got my Alex voice back which I
prefer, generaly not liking synthesized women's voices. Don't mind me, I
don't always like women book narrators either.


I did notice that when I use the app switcher to close programs, once the
programs are closed, it automatically goes back to the home screen, which, I
think, saves time. So, for me, I would say, so far, so good.


I always wait until we get notification of the second version for
downloading, in this case IOS 11.1 with a major update so that some of the
initial bugs have time to be sorted out.


Dianne B. Phelps,

Napa, Ca.

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At the risk of Apple treason or heresy, I have a question.

2016-05-12 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I have been really working this time to learn to use my MacBook Air and did 
find and acquire the book, MASTERING THE MACINTOSH WITH VOICEOVER by Tim 
Sniffen. Thank you for recommending it as it is a terrific text on this subject.

My treasonous question is whether there is any way to convert what I now have 
available by having connected with this book which would allow me to convert it 
into a daisy text file usable on my Victor Reader Stream? My other option would 
be to ask if anyone has made this book available in Braille   along with its 
screen shots? 

Working with this book and attempting to learn the Mac ins and outs kind of 
reminds me of way way back in the olden days when I was learning the old DOS 
WordPerfect which I studied with use of the olden day device of the Optacon. 
There is definitely something to be said about being able to see what the 
screen looks like.

Any advice on these treasonous and heretical thoughts would be greatly 
appreciated. I almost wish I had a Braille embosser capable of the graphics in 
the screen shots as well as the Braille and stuff on here to run it.

I never thought I would ever get used to my iPhone, but I have and have learned 
to do many things with it, and I am now really excited about genuinely getting 
into the Mac.

Thank you all for any suggestions you might offer on these points. I continue 
to learn many things from all of you.


Dianne B. Phelps

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MacBook Air question.

2016-04-29 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Hello, Friends,

I have been working again with my MacBook Air with a view to updating to a 
newer model or a MacBook. That probably has lots more visual features than I 
will need or could possibly use since I have no vision at all these days.

I am having some difficulty with cursor movement and being sure I am in the 
correct place to fill in text information and moving to the next required 
information. So, I am asking if anyone knows of an Applevis posting which 
specifically deals with these issues. I understand that some key combinations 
toggle certain behavior on and off, but can’t consistently use them in the 
proper order at the right time. Jonathan Mozen’’s pod casts have gotten me to a 
better understanding of many things and have helped me to set things up 
properly in various places to improve VoiceOver’s functioning. If anyone has 
any suggestions for me in this regard or suggestions on a comprehensive book 
from which I could really learn this thing, I would be most grateful.

I am so disgusted with my PC, but Apple computers are quite expensive, and I 
don’t want to make the switch unless I know I will do well or reasonably so 
with it.

Thank you all for any help you can offer. I don’t post too often, but read or 
check out the topics almost on a daily basis and have learned a great deal from 
all of you.

Sending our best to all,

Dianne B. Phelps in Napa, Ca.

P.S. I so wish we would get an Apple store here. I will be visiting my sister 
in the Sacramento area next month and plan to have a look.

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Sendero Seeing Eye GPS V Blind Square.

2016-04-07 Thread Dianne B. Phelps


Thank you for your wonderful suggestion. Unfortunately, my left ear is so
much weaker than my right that splitting the work between two won't work
well for me. I am almost tempted to obtain Those new JAW BONES type
earphones which works on the bone conduction of the sound. I wish I had a
store nearby where I could see those to see if splitting things that way
might work.


My left ear took a concussive blow in my accident and I have very little in
my high frequencies, making speech going into that left ear a kind of


Again, I do appreciate the suggestion very much.


Dianne B. Phelps

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Blind Square V. Sendero Seeing Eye.

2016-04-06 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I am sorry to say that Sendero's price for their product has gone too high
for this old lady. I do have Blind Square and do Like it. My problem is that
I can't found a pouch or carrying case which will place the phone near
enough to my ears and hearing aids so that I can truly hear what it is
telling me. I am afraid to use my special Bluetooth device which comes with
my hearing aide because, I still must listen for traffic and what is going
on around me. This has been my issue with most of these navigational
programs and devices. . I work a guide dog and use a balance cane and no
longer hae a hand free to hold the de ice where I can hear it. 


They are both good products, but difficult for me to use.

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Bluetooth and lightning connect keyboard, IPhone 6.

2016-02-05 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Hello, Friends,


I have an IPhone 6, running the latest version of IOS 9. I also use either a
Bluetooth and a lightning connected keyboard. Just before I did the latest
update, My keyboards both started producing double letters or gibberish.


I had advice to make sure the batteries in the Bluetooth keyboard were not
worn out. That made absolutely no difference in the situation, and the
problem persists with the lightning connected keyboard. I shut off and
rebooted the phone which worked a couple of times and even tried a reset
when the above reboot did not change the problem.


I am wondering if anyone has experienced this, and if so, how were you able
to correct this?


I am mostly using a Microsoft Wedge keyboard which I love because the touch
is quite solid, and it can be tossed in my bag for use on the run.


The lightning-connect keyboard is much too big to carry.


Another thing I have tried was to turn Voiceover off and then back on which
did little to help the problem.


Unfortunately, I am not comfortable with typing on a flat surface and would
really like to solve my problem. I have had three IPhone and have never seen
this issue before. I am having to turn off my phone and reboot every day
this past week which I have never had to do before.


Sorry this is so long, but I would appreciate any suggestions someone might
be able to offer.


Thank you so much for your help. I do hope this finds everyone doing well.


Sending happy smiles,


Dianne B. Phelps,

Napa, California

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KNFB Reader speed bug.

2015-11-02 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I am having difficullty with mine too. It is as if the settings are not
being saved  when you leave the settings menue. I have never looked at KNFB
reader under IOS settings to see what controls exist there, if any. I am
sure they will fix it eventually or, if it is an IOS issue, apple will.


Please keep us posted.


Dianne B. Phelps,

Napa, California

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Using Siri???

2015-05-06 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I am finding Siri useful, not only, to check the weather, but to make calls
for me; and I have started to use it more for dictating messages, including
text, Facebook and email. It's not fool-proof; but if the audio read-back
sounds right, I let it go. I still don't like trying to type on the iPhone
flat surface. I think a friend of mine and I figured out why. Like most of
us in the community, we have typed and have both been professional
transcriptionists. Typing on the iPhone is more of a hunt-and-peck way of
typing even if you are doing it with thumbs. In other words, you can't place
your fingers on the home keys and let it rip from there. Dictating is a
challenge for me as well since I have always been at the other end of that
task. I am getting used to it though.


Dianne B. Phelps,

Retired Lady in Napa, Ca.

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What happened to the speaker volume?

2012-09-24 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Because I use my iPhone with hearing aides as well, I am wondering if I
should wait until they put out another update with more bug fixes. I can't
afford to upgrade this only to find I can't hear it well enough to make it
work. That is already questionable in some environments for us.



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One-sided ear phone and mic for iPhone.

2012-08-24 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Does anyone know of a one-sided ear phone and mic for the iPhone. I have
this type of ear phone for a couple of my other devices around here, but,
obviously, that does not plug into the iPhone just for being able to listen.


Thank you for any suggestions you might offer.



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FW: For Moderator-Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

2012-08-22 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Dear Mods,

I used a link to write to you and got the below message back. I have been
attempting to reach one of you for a couple of weeks because I am absolutely
buried alive and need to be switched to Digest Mode if possible. I have been
to the Google Groups site and have had no luck in seeing where to change my
status. Could one of you help me, please. I know some of my friends call me
Smother Mother, but I don't think they mean literally.

Thanks so much for your help.


-Original Message-
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem [] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2012 6:33 PM
Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)


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- Original message -

Received: by with SMTP id u7mr3436465paw.25.1345685601647;
Wed, 22 Aug 2012 18:33:21 -0700 (PDT)
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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 18:33:21 -0700 (PDT)
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by with ESMTP id
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Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender)
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by with comcast
id q1ZL1j0082bsM4C8a1ZLRU; Thu, 23 Aug 2012 01:33:21 +0000
From: "Dianne B. Phelps" 
Subject: Digest mode, please?
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 18:33:18 -0700
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Dear Raul,


I am absolutely buried alive. Is it possible to put me into digest mode to
cut down on the amount of mail I am dealing with. I love the terrific
information, but some is so repetitive, and I think it would be easier to go
through a list of topics to select the things I want to read.


Your help will be much appreciated.





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RE: #Ot, A Possible Scan You Should Know About

2012-08-09 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Sorry, I missed your subject line and thought you were just telling us about
a service. I should add as well that the other gentleman with the messed up
computer because of calls like this contacted Microsoft who couldn't do
anything to get his money back, but they were aware of a scam like this. I
would let them know and give them the phone number. Also, I live in
California and have not personally heard of Jackson, California. I'm
thinking Fullsom where one of our prisons is located-Grin.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Wren Langley
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:20 PM
To: Accessible iOS;
Subject: #Ot, A Possible Scan You Should Know About


Hi all,


I just got a call from someone who said he was in Jackson, California. He
said he is from the Windows technical team, and he called me because I am
the windows registered user. He said there is an Internet protocol that
sends the information to them. I was told there are lots of viruses on my
computer that need to be deleted as soon as possible, and that my computer
was sending out lots of error reports. He said they wanted no personal
information from my computer, and that the work would be done free of charge
because the company wants to help. .


I called back and got another person. They both had foreign accents.


Here is the telephone number in case any of you get the call. (209)







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RE: #Ot, A Possible Scan You Should Know About

2012-08-09 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
You all be really careful with this type of call because I had similar calls
several months ago. I could barely understand the caller. When he called me
again, and I told him I thought he was scamming me, he said he would sue me
at which point I hung up on him. Then, I had trouble with my computer and
had to take it in for examination. It turned out that my computer was just
fine, and they had never heard of Microsoft doing this sort of calling.
Another person who had visited the store gave out a credit card number was
charged for some work which caused the need for computer and software help.


I had a call just a couple of weeks ago and simply hung up. If I were
getting error problems, it would show up on my Action Center or I would be
asked to send an error report. Even though you may have called the number
back and spoke with yet another foreign accent, it may still be a scam. I
would check with Microsoft and give them the telephone number you were given
and called.


Sorry, I am just paranoid in my old age.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Wren Langley
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 5:20 PM
To: Accessible iOS;
Subject: #Ot, A Possible Scan You Should Know About


Hi all,


I just got a call from someone who said he was in Jackson, California. He
said he is from the Windows technical team, and he called me because I am
the windows registered user. He said there is an Internet protocol that
sends the information to them. I was told there are lots of viruses on my
computer that need to be deleted as soon as possible, and that my computer
was sending out lots of error reports. He said they wanted no personal
information from my computer, and that the work would be done free of charge
because the company wants to help. .


I called back and got another person. They both had foreign accents.


Here is the telephone number in case any of you get the call. (209)







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RE: searching apps in app store on ipad

2012-08-07 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I certainly don't have all the answers here, but I found the search button
along the bottom of the app store screen. Then, you have to click the search
field and type in what you are looking fore. I am looking for some different
ring tones and managed to pull that or some of that information up to look
at this afternoon.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Hank Smith
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:08 PM
Subject: searching apps in app store on ipad

Hello how do I search for apps on the ipad?
I can't find the search button.

personal email:
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
also you can find my youtube channel at:

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RE: Stylus pen for apple devices

2012-07-26 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I would certainly ask about it if you have a store near by. I have a tremor
at times and have to be careful not to double click something by mistake. I
have a stylus for something else here and might give it a try. I mostly just
have to handle my iPhone carefully.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Carol Pearson
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: Stylus pen for apple devices


Have you tried one though, Richard?


I ask because I'm wondering if it might be helpful where your hands get too
hot and don't slide so well over the screen.  I'm thinking of asking to try
one out if at all possible when I go to the Apple Store.


Carol P

 Original Message 
From: Richard Turner
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: Stylus pen for apple devices

> Not in my opinion unless the person has trouble touching
> the screen with a finger. 
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of SYED IMRAN 
> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Stylus pen for apple devices
> Hi
> Is there any use of a stylus to a blind? I'm not talking
> of any Braille stylus; I'm talking about the stylus that
> is used with touchscreen devices  
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RE: Seri and dictation.

2012-07-23 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
There is something in the history of OCR back in the days of the Kurzweil
Personal Reader which allowed words to be reassessed as you continued to
read which  improved as you continued, and it is my understanding that these
products work the same way.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Lynn Schneider
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 1:39 AM
Subject: Re: Seri and dictation.

I would also add that, in my experience at least, Siri gets more and more
accurate as you use it, so don't give up if things don't work well right
away.  Of course, there are always those server and internet issues.  There
was a 2-day period of time recently where I could not use Siri at all
despite rebooting the phone, etc. and it just miraculously came back at some
point, but in general, Siri and I have worked well together.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 22, 2012, at 14:16, AppleGourmet  wrote:

> Hi!
> I am dictating this message. And I find that I am getting better and 
> better at doing so. Like most of you I do downloaded Fleksy  and installed
it. However having done that I find that voice dictation is vetter any day!
I really love it. I've had no problems whatsoever. If you notice that one or
two mistakes in my email. I have purposely  not corrected it to demonstrate
that they're only a few Eddas in such a long email! Please don't give up on
voice dictation! It's excellent. It's made me lazy though! :-) :-) Best
wishes and many blessings!
> --
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RE: Seri and dictation.

2012-07-22 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
As a former transcriptionist, my feeling is that the jury is still out on
voice recognition dictation. On many lists, I have seen examples of Siri's
work. Sometimes, it is all right, but it never corrects things which are
repeted such as generating Juaneta for Juanita or just throwing odd words
into the mix. This is why there are still a few transcriptionist editing
this type of dictation, a chore I didn't want in any way, shape or form.

Hopefully, this technology, be it Siri, or something else will get better,
but it must be capable of understanding so many languages and accents that
this is going to be a tall order.

I just received an email from a friend which she had dictated, and she was
having a devil of a time with it. It did, however, catch a few cuss words



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of James Mannion
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Seri and dictation.

I am one that has not yet installed fleksy and what I use most from Siri is
the dictate feature where I use the dictate button on the software keyboard.
My experience lately has not been any real issue with accuracy, but quite a
frequent issue with getting it to come back with the results from what was
dictated. It will take the dictation in those cases, but never respond with
the result. It's hard to say if the accuracy issue is an extension of the
issue of no response and they are quite related or not. Yeah, yeah they have
been using the beta thing as an excuse to have no standards to measure
against for nearly a year now and the reliability is the same or worse than
it was months ago. Not much of a quality job on that in my opinion.

On 7/22/12, Carol Pearson  wrote:
> Well, fortunately, I haven't pinned it down to Fleksy either but am 
> still unhappy with what I'm getting.
> I suppose I'll have to resort to headset and mic for best possible 
> results now, whereas I used to manage perfectly happily with the mic 
> from the phone.
> Carol P
>  Original Message 
> From: "Richard Turner" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 4:49 PM
> Subject: RE: Seri and dictation.
>>I have had almost no luck with Siri for several weeks.
>> I've done all the turning it off, rebooting the phone,  turning it 
>>back on, etc.
>> Siri, is a beta, and in my experience a very poor beta.
>> When it works, it is brilliant, but it doesn't work most  of the time 
>>for me.
>> This has nothing to do with Fleksy.  I had these problems  way before 
>>Fleksy was even talked about, let alone  released.
>> Richard
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Carol Pearson
>> Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 5:43 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Seri and dictation.
>> Yes, I'm wondering too.  Can anyone else shout up and say they 
>> actually do have a problem with Siri dictation and they also have 
>> installed Fleksy recently?
>> Think I may take out Fleksy and give a test because I'm certainly not 
>> happy with Siri right now!
>> Carol P
>>  Original Message 
>> From: "Jenifer Gilley" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 9:55 AM
>> Subject: Re: Seri and dictation.
>>> Actually I have noticed this problem only after installing fleksy. 
>>> Now u have me wondering perhaps the two have a conflict?  Not 
>>> sure but something to look into?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Jul 22, 2012, at 4:52 AM, "Carol Pearson"
>>>  wrote:
 Join the club.

 I noticed it the first time I used (a couple of days
 later) after installing Fleksy and I'd changed my UK
 settings.)  If this is not the cause for me, I'm looking at dirt 
 around the microphone and will be checking at an Apple Store this 

 Have you done similar things with, say, Fleksy recently?

 I just wish I could get to the bottom of the problem myself as I'm 
 using Siri less and less as a result.

 Carol P
  Original Message 
 From: "Jenifer Gilley" 
 To: "The iPhone List" 
 Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2012 10:42 PM
 Subject: Seri and dictation.

> Hi all. Has anyone else experienced seri acting up, especially 
> with dictation? It has been way off for me lately!
> Sent from my iPhone
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RE: purchasing Aps threw iTunes

2012-07-21 Thread Dianne B. Phelps


Thank you so much for explaining all that. Now, it makes sense to me, and
I'll have to try it soon. I am kind of interested in some of the word games
mentioned among other things.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Sandy Finley
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 8:02 PM
Subject: RE: purchasing Aps threw iTunes


Michael, is there a reason you especially want to purchase apps via iTunes?
I never buy apps that way and I have heard tell it's a bit convoluted,
although I can't really say. I purchase them directly from the App Store.
App store is one of the apps that was on the home screen when you bought
your phone.  Click on it and on the bottom you will find some  choices:
search, categories, update, top 25, featured. If there is a particular app
you want use Search and type the app name into the search field and Apple
will find it.  You can also browse categories. I personally find that
tedious because the apps are not in alphabetical order so, unless I  have
missed some kind of secret code,  finding one seems random at best.  You
need to have a credit card on file to do all of this. Once you say you want
to buy an app or install a free app, you will need your Apple password. Good
luck and let me know if you need something more specific.





From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Amaro
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 10:48 PM
Subject: ppurchasing Aps threw iTunes


Hello Listers,

How do I go about purchasing aps threw iTunes? Can some one please give me
step by step instructions?
Windows Live ID:> 
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John F. Kennedy
"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your

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RE: Mac lists?

2012-07-20 Thread Dianne B. Phelps

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how very much I have appreciated
your book for learing to use the iPhone 4 S. I haven't mastered everything,
but we are certainly well on our way.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Woody Anna Dresner
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: Mac lists?

Hi Phil,

Mac Visionaries is a great list for blind Mac users. Traffic is high, and is
likely to be higher when Mountain Lion comes out, but there's lots of
wonderful information. YOu can find out about it at


On Jul 20, 2012, at 4:46 PM, Phil Halton wrote:

> I took the plunge and bought an iMac. Is there a good list resource for
new apple Mac users - preferably from the VoiceOver perspective?
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RE: Shoes, anyone?

2012-07-20 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I definitely hear you loud and clear. Been there and done that and was
forced to get straight with my cane once and for all. Now, since I need a
balance cane, I really need to have a dog because this would put my white
cane in my left hand to be coordinated with the walking stick on the right.
I know people who have done this, but I am not sure I am made of the right
stuff for that. Besides, a well-matched guide dog helps with balance issues.

Sending smiles,


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Rob Harris
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Shoes, anyone?

My cousin worked in a local govt job.  He was wholly dependent on his dog,
the dog took ill and died prematurely, and there wasn't chance of a new one
for a while.  Since he was lost with any cane, work had to provide door to
door taxi for him.

This is where we strive to retain as much Independence as we can, by 
whatever means, and hopefully some of this tech helps,   until the batteries

run out! The simplicity of the cane is the untimate fallback position, or a
willing elbow of course.

- Original Message -
From: "Dianne B. Phelps" 
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 8:25 PM
Subject: RE: Shoes, anyone?

While there are some special reasons why using a white cane has become more
difficult for me, making my dog kind of a necessity, I have to agree with
you about the white cane. I was a late user of the cane, having gone to the
dog first, something I don't agree with doing now, but I found that the cane
did tell me so much about my surroundings and made it easier for me in some
ways to help my dogs to learn the area in which I traveled.

Besides, I like to feel the ground under my feet which also tells me about
my environment. To have something intermittently providing sensory input to
the foot, I think would be a mask for what we learn with our feet.

Dianne and Hibiscus

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of David
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: Shoes, anyone?

With all due respect, the cane is currently the all around best tool for
everyday travel. It's durable, lightweight, and provides excellent feedback
to the user. I can travel anywhere with mine. I do not see these shoes
replacing a cane, because of their complexity. One would have to constantly
worry about keeping the devices adequately charged, for one. Also, the cost
could be prohibitive, whereas you can get a cane for less than forty
dollars. Also, I doubt that the shoes will be advanced enough to provide
feedback on texture changes, which are important cues when travelling.
Perhaps within a few years, this technology will prove itself beneficial,
but for the time being, the cane, combined with gps technology is the best
method for travel.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 20, 2012, at 2:22 PM, "Fred Olver"  wrote:

> You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Howeverthe a cane is at
best an archaec method of travel. I, for one would appreciate any
improvement to my getting around. Look at the prices we pay for technology
just to make use of a computer, or used too, 900 or $1,000 for talking
software, sometimes many tiimes the amount for the computer itself. How many
of you are old enough to remember the Lazar cane, $1,500 a piece, and to
make one completely functional you just about needed two of them in case one
failed, glasses that emited tones, $300, a hand-held scanner $150, so maybe
it will work and maybe not, but basicly having an extention of your hand to
help you get around seems rather fatalistic to me.
> Fred Olver
> - Original Message - From: "Rob Harris"
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 1:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Shoes, anyone?
> I know these final year projects of students sound impressive,
> but this is another classic sightling trying to work out  something
> from his perspective of blind, rather than asking the blind end user.
Clive sinclair
> tried this method, I ahve a good idea, you will buy itand they
> didn't.  To be fair, he tried again with a computer, and they did buy
> that, and the snapon keyboard to work it.
> I know I sound cynical,  But the description is trying to make out
> he's going from 1920s technology to spaceage technology at a stroke;
> he isn't, we got so many gps and map and navigation systems here now,
> for the sake of the iPhone to run them.  So the  shoe gismo is an
interesting tangent, but
> Heck!he's not invading rocket science territory with it for sure.
> - Original Message - From: "Fred Olver"
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 4:25 PM
> Subject: Shoes, anyone?
> Footw

RE: Shoes, anyone?

2012-07-20 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
While there are some special reasons why using a white cane has become more
difficult for me, making my dog kind of a necessity, I have to agree with
you about the white cane. I was a late user of the cane, having gone to the
dog first, something I don't agree with doing now, but I found that the cane
did tell me so much about my surroundings and made it easier for me in some
ways to help my dogs to learn the area in which I traveled.

Besides, I like to feel the ground under my feet which also tells me about
my environment. To have something intermittently providing sensory input to
the foot, I think would be a mask for what we learn with our feet.

Dianne and Hibiscus

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of David
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: Shoes, anyone?

With all due respect, the cane is currently the all around best tool for
everyday travel. It's durable, lightweight, and provides excellent feedback
to the user. I can travel anywhere with mine. I do not see these shoes
replacing a cane, because of their complexity. One would have to constantly
worry about keeping the devices adequately charged, for one. Also, the cost
could be prohibitive, whereas you can get a cane for less than forty
dollars. Also, I doubt that the shoes will be advanced enough to provide
feedback on texture changes, which are important cues when travelling.
Perhaps within a few years, this technology will prove itself beneficial,
but for the time being, the cane, combined with gps technology is the best
method for travel. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 20, 2012, at 2:22 PM, "Fred Olver"  wrote:

> You are certainly entitled to your own opinion, Howeverthe a cane is at
best an archaec method of travel. I, for one would appreciate any
improvement to my getting around. Look at the prices we pay for technology
just to make use of a computer, or used too, 900 or $1,000 for talking
software, sometimes many tiimes the amount for the computer itself. How many
of you are old enough to remember the Lazar cane, $1,500 a piece, and to
make one completely functional you just about needed two of them in case one
failed, glasses that emited tones, $300, a hand-held scanner $150, so maybe
it will work and maybe not, but basicly having an extention of your hand to
help you get around seems rather fatalistic to me.
> Fred Olver
> - Original Message - From: "Rob Harris" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 1:11 PM
> Subject: Re: Shoes, anyone?
> I know these final year projects of students sound impressive, 
> but this is another classic sightling trying to work out  something 
> from his perspective of blind, rather than asking the blind end user.
Clive sinclair
> tried this method, I ahve a good idea, you will buy itand they
> didn't.  To be fair, he tried again with a computer, and they did buy 
> that, and the snapon keyboard to work it.
> I know I sound cynical,  But the description is trying to make out 
> he's going from 1920s technology to spaceage technology at a stroke;  
> he isn't, we got so many gps and map and navigation systems here now, 
> for the sake of the iPhone to run them.  So the  shoe gismo is an
interesting tangent, but
> Heck!he's not invading rocket science territory with it for sure.
> - Original Message - From: "Fred Olver" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 4:25 PM
> Subject: Shoes, anyone?
> Footwear for the blind
> Bluetooth shoes
> Jul 14th 2012
> MORE than 285m people across the globe suffer from visual impairment.
> Yet the tools to assist the blind in walking have changed little since 
> the 1920s,
> when their canes started being painted white to make other pedestrians 
> more aware of their presence. The gizmos that do exist have tended to 
> be expensive
> and clunky, and have not caught on. This may change if Anirudh Sharma, 
> a 24-year-old computer engineer from Hyderabad, a city in the Indian 
> state of Andhra
> Pradesh, has his way.
> His innovation, dubbed "Le Chal" ("take me along" in Hindi) pairs a 
> smartphone app with a small actuator sewn inside the sole of one shoe 
> via Bluetooth.
> The user tells the phone his desired destination, which is translated 
> into electronic commands using voice-recognition software. The app, 
> which can be
> programmed to run in the background, fetches the local map of the area.
> The phone's Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks the person's 
> location in real-time,
> telling the actuator to vibrate when it is time to turn. The side of 
> the shoe where the vibration is felt indicates which way to go. Mr 
> Sharma opted for
> a vibrating signal because for the blind, who rely on their sense of 
> hearing to make sense of the environment, audio feedback is a distraction.
> The system does not require constant internet access. Once downloaded, 
> ma

RE: wireless and cell

2012-07-20 Thread Dianne B. Phelps


I would check to see that cellular data is turned on. I turn mine off when I
am at home with my router, but turn it on when I am out.


You'll find this by going to Settings, General, and then Network. At the top
of that Network screen is a cellular data on/off toggle.


Hope you get your home wireless straightened out.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Regina Alvarado
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 10:43 AM
Subject: wireless and cell


Probably a very stupid question for folks who are technology savvy, Warning
you! (smiles)


First of all, I have Sprint.  I have unlimited data.  I have my iPhone on
our router but not at the moment as we are having problems putting our
router on the new modem.  However, normally I have wireless capability which
is the way I use my iPhone in my house.  Question:  Why when I lost my modem
and thus wireless did the Sprint network not take over and download email,
etc.?  When I was away from home yesterday I was able to download email fine
but could only read and not answer when I returned home.  What setting did I
need to turn on or off to get Sprint to take over? May need info for the
future! (smiles) Thanks!


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RE: Shoes, anyone?

2012-07-20 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Why don’t they just sew this thing into some quality insoles which could be
placed in any shoe. This might cut the cost down, though I am not all that
enamored with the overall idea. It won’t replace my dog, and I think I
would find more sensory input overwhelming. It will be interesting to watch
in any case.

Dianne and my irreplaceable guide dog, Hibiscus

From: [] On Behalf
Of Fred Olver
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2012 8:25 AM
Subject: Shoes, anyone?

Footwear for the blind

Bluetooth shoes

Jul 14th 2012

MORE than 285m people across the globe suffer from visual impairment.
Yet the tools to assist the blind in walking have changed little since
the 1920s,

when their canes started being painted white to make other pedestrians
more aware of their presence. The gizmos that do exist have tended to
be expensive

and clunky, and have not caught on. This may change if Anirudh Sharma,
a 24-year-old computer engineer from Hyderabad, a city in the Indian
state of Andhra

Pradesh, has his way.

His innovation, dubbed "Le Chal" ("take me along" in Hindi) pairs a
smartphone app with a small actuator sewn inside the sole of one shoe
via Bluetooth.

The user tells the phone his desired destination, which is translated
into electronic commands using voice-recognition software. The app,
which can be

programmed to run in the background, fetches the local map of the area.
The phone’s Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks the person’s
location in real-time,

telling the actuator to vibrate when it is time to turn. The side of
the shoe where the vibration is felt indicates which way to go. Mr
Sharma opted for

a vibrating signal because for the blind, who rely on their sense of
hearing to make sense of the environment, audio feedback is a distraction.

The system does not require constant internet access. Once downloaded,
maps can be stored locally and combined with GPS data. The app uses
Open Street Maps

(OSM), an open-source rival to Google Maps. OSM allows editing, a
helpful feature in updating rapidly changing urban landscapes. A
speed-dial function

can rapidly retrieve the most frequently visited routes.

The shoe pod is also equipped with an obstacle-detection mechanism. A
sensor in the tip of the shoe, devised by Mr Sharma’s business
partner, Krispian Lawrence,

scans the vicinity using sonar, which emits ultrasounds that bounce off
obstacles, indicating their presence. The shoe sets off a distinct
pattern of vibrations

to alert the person of any obstruction and guides him around it.

For now, the footwear, being tested at the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute,
one of India’s biggest eye-health facilities, may be most useful in
areas with little

or no traffic, such as quiet residential streets or parks. The
challenge, Mr Lawrence says, is to get the algorithm to tell an
uncovered manhole from a

flight of stairs, but he expects it to be able to do so in due course.
Dealing with moving obstacles like cars may take longer, though the
pair are working

on ways to alert wearers not just about cars' presence, but also their

To ensure that the final product resembles a regular shoe, fashion
technologists are being consulted to help with ergonomics and design.
Mr Sharma and Mr

Lawrence, who started a company called Ducere Technologies to
commercialise their idea, say their high-tech brogues should not cost
more than an ordinary,

stylish pair. Many of the world's visually impaired will like the sound
of that.


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RE: portrait or landscape?

2012-07-18 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
So far, I use portrate, but typing might be easier in landscape. I think you
have to go to the App Switcher, but beyond that, I am not sure what you have
to do in this regard.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Mike Maslo
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: portrait or landscape?

I use portrait 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 18, 2012, at 9:26 PM, Rebecca Ilniski  wrote:

> Hi all.  Do you have your phone orientation set to landscape or portrait?
I used fleksy and felt that landscape was better for me.  How can I set my
phone to landscape and lock it so it doesn't change?  I am in portrait now
and can't remember how I locked to one orientation.
> -- 
> Rebecca and Zeb
> email:
> facebook:
> Zeb's facebook:
> -- 
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RE: HP keyboard

2012-07-16 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Wouldn't the keyboard and iPhone generate the numbers to type in as it does
with other keyboards? When I paired my keyboard which is not an HP, when
numbers needed to be typed, they were announced and available on the iPhone.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Rob Harris
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 1:37 AM
Subject: Re: HP keyboard

The paring code shouldn't be that simple, too insecure.
- Original Message - 
From: "Steve" 
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: HP keyboard

I have an idea, but I don't know if it will work.

Go to Setting, General, Bluetooth on the iPhone.  Make sure bluetooth is on.
Then, make your HP keyboard discoverable.

Search for it on the iPhone under discoverable.  I think you may need to
enter the pairing code  on the keyboard and hit enter.

If you do a search on Google with Hp Keyboard +iPhone there is a five-minute
Youtube video that demonstrates this.

- Original Message - 
From: Tony
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 4:45 PM
Subject: HP keyboard

I have an HP keyboard that I used with my Trekker.  Anybody have an idea how
to pair it with my IPhone?



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RE: Problem with Iphone

2012-07-12 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
The first thing which comes to myt mind even though you have probably
already been told this is to check the mute switch on the left side of the
phone above the volume buttons. It needs to be in what I call the up
position or toward you as you look at the phone.






From: [] On Behalf
Of Michael Amaro
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 9:15 AM
Subject: Problem with Iphone


Hello Listers,

I am not getting any of the sounds associated with locking and unlocking the
phone.  Neither any of the clicks when navigating the screen.  Nor any of
the other sounds when going in to settings or phone etc. I have the 4s. I
went in to settings and sounds made sure every thing is on.  Can some one
please help?


Windows Live ID:
Skype ID:
John F. Kennedy
"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your

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RE: Word documents and an apple computer question

2012-07-12 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Is there a professional type word processing program for the Mac?


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: Word documents and an apple computer question

Hello Fred,

Your Word documents can be read on a Mac using TextEdit, the built-in word
processor. TextEdit isn't a professional tool, but it's fine for every day
use. It can produce files in Word format as well as RTF HTML and TXT.



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RE: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

2012-07-11 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I will apologize on list clutter as well because I encouraged her since
thias is something which has driven me nuts since upgrading my computer and


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jennie Facer
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

I'm glad i could help both of you out. It makes me feel good to help others.
Sorry for cluttering the list with stuff not related to iDevices.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 11, 2012, at 6:35 PM, "Dianne B. Phelps" 

> Jennie Facer []-Happy Smiles!
> Thank you, Jenny. I just made it work. I really appreciate the help 
> because I help moderate a list, and there are times when I need to see 
> that email address which has given me fits for quite some time. So, 
> you really helped me immensely
> Dianne
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Jennie Facer
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 5:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
> When you are focused on the message, shift tab to the from field. Now 
> do an alt plus insert plus the letter W, and you will be in a spot 
> where you can copy the sender's email address.
> Hope this helps,
> Jenn
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 11, 2012, at 6:06 PM, Regina Alvarado 
> wrote:
>> Yes.  Using Jaws and Outlook.  This is not on the computer I was 
>> using but another one a little newer.  Could access addresses on the 
>> computer I was on before this one.
>> Reggie
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Jennie Facer
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:32 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
>> Are you using jaws by any chance? I may be able to help you.
>> Jenn
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 11, 2012, at 5:13 PM, Regina Alvarado 
>> wrote:
>>> Christopher:
>>> Just tried reply again and arrowing down to the from, nothing, just 
>>> on behalf of Christopher ...  I am using Outlook and gmail.  Wonder 
>>> if it is gmail's doing?
>>> Reggie
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [] On 
>>> Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 1:30 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
>>> What email client are you using? If you find a message from Jessica 
>>> then you should be able to check the from or reply-to header from 
>>> that message to get her email address. this is how I sent you 
>>> Jessica's eamil address myself. I use the Thunderbird email client, 
>>> and I can use hot keys to reply directly to a sender or to the whole 
>>> list
> or to everyone.
>>> I can also use this to grab someone's email address. I haven't 
>>> looked into how to do this with the iPhone's email client, but it 
>>> should also be doable with that or any email client.
>>> On 11/07/12 11:16, Regina Alvarado wrote:
>>>> Raul:
>>>> No, I cannot find your email.  A setting must be wrong on my 
>>>> computer.  I only see where it says "on behalf of " with no 
>>>> email
> following it.
>>> Can
>>>> you tell me another way? That is why I could not get Jessica's 
>>>> email on opening to reply.  Never have tried on the iPhone, but 
>>>> since I have the
>>> same
>>>> settings, well ...
>>>> Reggie
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> From: [] On
>> Behalf
>>>> Of Raul A. Gallegos
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:03 AM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
>>>> Just so you all know, everyone's email address is always always 
>>>> always in the email they write to the list. It's just a matter of 
>>>> knowing how to get 

RE: 7" iPad to Be Launch This Fall

2012-07-11 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I am thinking that I might enjoy something like the iPad for entertainment
type things such as movies, music, books, etc. I am a bit reluctant to make
my phone do all of that. But, we'll see. I need to master this little beasty


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: 7" iPad to Be Launch This Fall

Hi, for what it's worth, I would be in the 7" iPad camp. I can see many uses
for a device of this size. Bigger than an iPod/iPhone, but smaller than the
large iPad. This would be perfect for me and my kids when traveling to watch
movies or play games on the road. Plus I know my 7 year old boy would be so
happy I'd have to wipe the drool off.

Raul A. Gallegos
Some people are like Slinkies ... not really good for anything, but you
can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.
Home Page:

On 7/11/2012 5:38 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I use to think what would be the point as well.  But, I'm starting to
think that a 7 inch iPad would eventually turn into an iPod touch killer.
IMO, The iPod touch has pretty much run its course.  Its pretty much the
alternative for those who don't want to buy an iPhone and be a slave to a
contract.  But now, iPhones are being offered on pre payed wireless carriers
in the U.S. like cricket and virgin mobile.  This really changes the game
for the touch.  Now, being a entertainment consumption device, I figure the
majority would appreciate the large screen of an 7 inch iPad not to
mentioned its cellular connectivity.  Something I think that would have
never would have come to the iPod touch.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jul 10, 2012, at 8:57 AM, Blinkin  wrote:
>> Honestly I don't really get the point of a 7 inch iPad. Obviously they
are going to target the mid range community there and probably make it
somewhere around 2 to $300 so people who can't or don't need to pay ful
price dont need o.
>>  This relates to the other topic about why people need an iPhone and
iPad. Honestly what is the point of yet another device that does the same
thing? Perhaps I am missing something though.
>>  Like Ricardo said, rumors abound and I am pretty sure this rumor has
existed since about 2010 ha ha.
>>  have a great day all!
>> On Jul 10, 2012, at 4:05 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I just want to point out that this is still a rumor and, no one truly
knows if such an animal as a 7 inch iPad exists.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Jul 10, 2012, at 1:16 AM, Eileen Misrahi 
 For those who really don't need a full-size iPad or the retinal screen,
 have read that a 7" iPad is to be launched in the fall. This may be a
 solution for those who feel that the full-size 10" iPad has too much
 estate to navigate on. I am waiting to see what the specs will be and
 the processor speed, RAM, and size of the ROM. This is just a thought
 those who can't decide between the iPhone or iPad. However, they do
 different purposes in what one would use these devices for.


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RE: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

2012-07-11 Thread Dianne B. Phelps

I used to be able to do it in previous versions asa well, but Jenny's
instructions do work. Then, you can copy the email address, and even if you
have to paste it somewhere to see it letter by letter as I sometimes need to
do, it is workable.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Regina Alvarado
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 5:06 PM
Subject: RE: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

Yes.  Using Jaws and Outlook.  This is not on the computer I was using but
another one a little newer.  Could access addresses on the computer I was on
before this one.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jennie Facer
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

Are you using jaws by any chance? I may be able to help you.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 11, 2012, at 5:13 PM, Regina Alvarado 

> Christopher:
> Just tried reply again and arrowing down to the from, nothing, just on 
> behalf of Christopher ...  I am using Outlook and gmail.  Wonder if it 
> is gmail's doing?
> Reggie
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 1:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
> What email client are you using? If you find a message from Jessica 
> then you should be able to check the from or reply-to header from that 
> message to get her email address. this is how I sent you Jessica's 
> eamil address myself. I use the Thunderbird email client, and I can 
> use hot keys to reply directly to a sender or to the whole list or to
> I can also use this to grab someone's email address. I haven't looked 
> into how to do this with the iPhone's email client, but it should also 
> be doable with that or any email client.
> On 11/07/12 11:16, Regina Alvarado wrote:
>> Raul:
>> No, I cannot find your email.  A setting must be wrong on my 
>> computer.  I only see where it says "on behalf of " with no email
following it.
> Can
>> you tell me another way? That is why I could not get Jessica's email 
>> on opening to reply.  Never have tried on the iPhone, but since I 
>> have the
> same
>> settings, well ...
>> Reggie
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On
>> Of Raul A. Gallegos
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:03 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
>> Just so you all know, everyone's email address is always always 
>> always in the email they write to the list. It's just a matter of 
>> knowing how to get it from the message, but with a little knowhow, it can
be done.
>> For example, you can get my email address just by reading my message 
>> and I don't even have to write it in the message itself.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Raul A. Gallegos
>> "I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because 
>> whoever stole it is spending less than my wife." - Ilie Nastase Home 
>> Page:
>> Twitter:
>> Facebook:
>> On 7/9/2012 11:35 PM, Jessica Brown wrote:
>>> Send you my what? If you meant address, then it is 
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Regina Alvarado" >> To: >> Date sent: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 21:05:57 -0400
>>> Subject: RE: 7 little words
>>> Sure.  Send me your addie, Jessica.
>>> Reggie
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [] On
> Behalf
>>> Of
>>> Jessica Brown
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 4:50 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: RE: 7 little words
>>> Can you write me offlist with the instructions please? I can't find 
>>> your post from yesterday.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Regina Alvarado" >> To: >> Date sent: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 10:27:11 -0400
>>> Subject: RE: 7 little words
>>> Yes, I definitely play it with VO, totally blind here.  I described 
>>> exactly how to play if you can find my post from last night.  If you 
>>> want me to re-do, write to me off list and I can run through it 
>>> again.  Fun and mind-saving game. (smiley) Reggie
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [] On 
>>> Behalf Of
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 7:11 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: 7 little words
>>> Does anyone know how to play it with VO?
>>> Or of a demo on how to?
>>> Inez, Celeste N. MyHand's iPhone
>>> If it is to be, it 

RE: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

2012-07-11 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Jennie Facer []-Happy Smiles!

Thank you, Jenny. I just made it work. I really appreciate the help because
I help moderate a list, and there are times when I need to see that email
address which has given me fits for quite some time. So, you really helped
me immensely


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jennie Facer
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

When you are focused on the message, shift tab to the from field. Now do an
alt plus insert plus the letter W, and you will be in a spot where you can
copy the sender's email address. 

Hope this helps,


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 11, 2012, at 6:06 PM, Regina Alvarado 

> Yes.  Using Jaws and Outlook.  This is not on the computer I was using 
> but another one a little newer.  Could access addresses on the 
> computer I was on before this one.
> Reggie
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Jennie Facer
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
> Are you using jaws by any chance? I may be able to help you.
> Jenn
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 11, 2012, at 5:13 PM, Regina Alvarado 
> wrote:
>> Christopher:
>> Just tried reply again and arrowing down to the from, nothing, just 
>> on behalf of Christopher ...  I am using Outlook and gmail.  Wonder 
>> if it is gmail's doing?
>> Reggie
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 1:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
>> What email client are you using? If you find a message from Jessica 
>> then you should be able to check the from or reply-to header from 
>> that message to get her email address. this is how I sent you 
>> Jessica's eamil address myself. I use the Thunderbird email client, 
>> and I can use hot keys to reply directly to a sender or to the whole list
or to everyone.
>> I can also use this to grab someone's email address. I haven't looked 
>> into how to do this with the iPhone's email client, but it should 
>> also be doable with that or any email client.
>> On 11/07/12 11:16, Regina Alvarado wrote:
>>> Raul:
>>> No, I cannot find your email.  A setting must be wrong on my 
>>> computer.  I only see where it says "on behalf of " with no email
following it.
>> Can
>>> you tell me another way? That is why I could not get Jessica's email 
>>> on opening to reply.  Never have tried on the iPhone, but since I 
>>> have the
>> same
>>> settings, well ...
>>> Reggie
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [] On
> Behalf
>>> Of Raul A. Gallegos
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:03 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
>>> Just so you all know, everyone's email address is always always 
>>> always in the email they write to the list. It's just a matter of 
>>> knowing how to get it from the message, but with a little knowhow, it
can be done.
>>> For example, you can get my email address just by reading my message 
>>> and I don't even have to write it in the message itself.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Raul A. Gallegos
>>> "I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because 
>>> whoever stole it is spending less than my wife." - Ilie Nastase Home 
>>> Page:
>>> Twitter:
>>> Facebook:
>>> On 7/9/2012 11:35 PM, Jessica Brown wrote:
 Send you my what? If you meant address, then it is
 - Original Message -
 From: "Regina Alvarado" >>> To: >>> Date sent: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 21:05:57 -0400
 Subject: RE: 7 little words
 Sure.  Send me your addie, Jessica.
 -Original Message-
 From: [] On
>> Behalf
 Jessica Brown
 Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 4:50 PM
 Subject: RE: 7 little words
 Can you write me offlist with the instructions please? I can't find 
 your post from yesterday.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Regina Alvarado" >>> To: >>> Date sent: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 10:27:11 -0400
 Subject: RE: 7 little words
 Yes, I definitely play it with VO, totally blind here.  I described 
 exactly how to play if you can find my post from last night.  If 
 you want me to re-do, write to me off list and I can run t

RE: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

2012-07-11 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I am using JAWS and have a similar issue with Outlook and acquiring that


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jennie Facer
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words

Are you using jaws by any chance? I may be able to help you.


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 11, 2012, at 5:13 PM, Regina Alvarado 

> Christopher:
> Just tried reply again and arrowing down to the from, nothing, just on 
> behalf of Christopher ...  I am using Outlook and gmail.  Wonder if it 
> is gmail's doing?
> Reggie
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 1:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
> What email client are you using? If you find a message from Jessica 
> then you should be able to check the from or reply-to header from that 
> message to get her email address. this is how I sent you Jessica's 
> eamil address myself. I use the Thunderbird email client, and I can 
> use hot keys to reply directly to a sender or to the whole list or to
> I can also use this to grab someone's email address. I haven't looked 
> into how to do this with the iPhone's email client, but it should also 
> be doable with that or any email client.
> On 11/07/12 11:16, Regina Alvarado wrote:
>> Raul:
>> No, I cannot find your email.  A setting must be wrong on my 
>> computer.  I only see where it says "on behalf of " with no email
following it.
> Can
>> you tell me another way? That is why I could not get Jessica's email 
>> on opening to reply.  Never have tried on the iPhone, but since I 
>> have the
> same
>> settings, well ...
>> Reggie
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 11:03 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Getting a sender's address - Was Re: 7 little words
>> Just so you all know, everyone's email address is always always 
>> always in the email they write to the list. It's just a matter of 
>> knowing how to get it from the message, but with a little knowhow, it can
be done.
>> For example, you can get my email address just by reading my message 
>> and I don't even have to write it in the message itself.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Raul A. Gallegos
>> "I haven't reported my missing credit card to the police because 
>> whoever stole it is spending less than my wife." - Ilie Nastase Home 
>> Page:
>> Twitter:
>> Facebook:
>> On 7/9/2012 11:35 PM, Jessica Brown wrote:
>>> Send you my what? If you meant address, then it is 
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Regina Alvarado" >> To: >> Date sent: Mon, 9 Jul 2012 21:05:57 -0400
>>> Subject: RE: 7 little words
>>> Sure.  Send me your addie, Jessica.
>>> Reggie
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [] On
> Behalf
>>> Of
>>> Jessica Brown
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 4:50 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: RE: 7 little words
>>> Can you write me offlist with the instructions please? I can't find 
>>> your post from yesterday.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Regina Alvarado" >> To: >> Date sent: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 10:27:11 -0400
>>> Subject: RE: 7 little words
>>> Yes, I definitely play it with VO, totally blind here.  I described 
>>> exactly how to play if you can find my post from last night.  If you 
>>> want me to re-do, write to me off list and I can run through it 
>>> again.  Fun and mind-saving game. (smiley) Reggie
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: [] On 
>>> Behalf Of
>>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 7:11 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: 7 little words
>>> Does anyone know how to play it with VO?
>>> Or of a demo on how to?
>>> Inez, Celeste N. MyHand's iPhone
>>> If it is to be, it is up to me.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
>>> "VIPhone" Google Group.
>>> To search the VIPhone public archive, visit 
>>> To post to this group, send email to
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
>>> "VIPhone" Google Group.
>>> To search the 

RE: OtterBox impact case

2012-07-11 Thread Dianne B. Phelps

I purchased a similar outer case when I purchased my iPhone, but was having
a devil of a time finding a case to house the phone in its protection that I
could get the phone out of quickly. I tried a nice one from OtterBox, but it
held things too snugly. I found one today at the AT&T Store which did
accomplish this. I am also using the Speed Dots advanced overlay which
really is helpful. I was getting the positions of things just fine without,
but these kind of narrow things down a bit.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Regina Alvarado
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 8:28 AM
Subject: RE: OtterBox impact case

I got a case from the store along with a screen protector that is a hard
shell around the whole phone except the screen.  It has a hole in the back
for the camera lens and apple logo further down the back.  They told me it
could take impact fairly well.  It has rough edges for fingers to hold the
phone.  Do these cases look anything like this? Curious.  By the way, it
fits nicely into pocket and purse as I have it.  I also placed Speeddots
over the screen protector I bought without a problem.

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:34 AM
Subject: OtterBox impact case

Hi all,
For anyone who has had both the OtterBox defender case and the impact case,
which is less bulky.
If using the impact case, can you easily fit your phone into a pants pocket
or purse or bag?
I'm thinking of ordering one from speed dots.
Stacey and GEB dog Chesley.

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RE: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions

2012-07-11 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Actually, since this discussion arose, that is what I have been doing as
well, and I do think it works better.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions

Hi, one suggestion I have for this situation is to try and use the index and
middle finger. This might mean shaping them into a print V so they are a bit
separated from each other. You can make a fist with only these two fingers
extended. Now, making sure your fingertips touch the screen at the same
time, lightly tap the screen twice in rapid succession.

Maybe this will help.

Raul A. Gallegos
1963 : Whitney Houston  2012 : Whitney Houstoff   1958 : Michael Jackson 
  2009 : Michael J..   Actually, I don't like this game.
Home Page:

On 7/11/2012 8:35 AM, Kimber Gardner wrote:
> A lot of my problem with the two finger double tap is that 
> occasionally I end up tapping with three fingers, accidentally of 
> course, which turns off VO. I wish there was a greater distinction 
> between these gestures.
> K
> On 7/10/12, Dianne B. Phelps  wrote:
>> That may actually be part of my problem, especially when I am on the 
>> go and in a hurry to pick up and panicked as well. It will get better I
am sure.
>> Dianne
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Godwin Adoyi
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:05 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions
>> Hi,
>> Try a gentle and soft tabbing!
>> Some people tab the little phone so hard, causing the phone to shake 
>> during tabbing.
>> Godwin
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:23 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions
>> When I first got my iPhone, I had a similar problem. It turns out I 
>> had a lazy finger, I think it was my thumb, and it would kind of 
>> droop down a bit and occasionally brush the screen during a gesture, 
>> changing the gesture altogether! I also found that the fingers 
>> holding the iPhone would occasionally wrap around to the front a bit 
>> too much and get picked up as another finger during a gesture. As 
>> Raul said, paying attention to this and practicing resolved these issues
for me.
>> On 10/07/12 09:12, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
>>> Your fingers must be shaped oddly, . Seriously I've seen 
>>> others have trouble with a 2-finger double-tap and if I could see 
>>> how they do it perhaps I could offer a suggestion as to how they 
>>> could adjust things. My only suggestion if you want to improve this 
>>> gesture would be to do it over and over in the practice area.
>>> --
>>> Raul A. Gallegos
>>> Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life. - Steven Wright 
>>> Home Page:
>>> Twitter:
>>> Facebook:
>>> On 7/9/2012 8:11 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
>>>> i find that the two finger double tap doesn't work most of the time.
>>>> The iPhone confuses it with a 3 finger double tap, and speech 
>>>> toggles on and off.
>>>> Andy
>>>> *From:* David Chittenden <>
>>>> *Sent:* Monday, July 09, 2012 12:21 AM
>>>> *To:* <>
>>>> *Subject:* Re: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions 
>>>> Oops, my bad, I was thinking of something else when I wrote that
>>>> My most sincere apologies. I answer call waiting with a two-finger 
>>>> double-tap. You can also find the answer button on the screen if 
>>>> you wish.
>>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>>> Email: <>
>>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 09/07/2012, at 17:53, "Michael Amaro" >>> <>> wrote:

RE: I got a new bt keyboard

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Turning quick nav on or off is accomplished by pressing left and right arrow
keys simultaneously. There is also a key help combination by using the VO
key combination, CTRL and Options with the letter Kay and then escape to get
out of it when you are done.

The other thing which will help you identify your keys is to go to setting,
general, accessibility, vision, and VoiceOver Practice. In this area, you
can depress each key to find out what it is. My keyboard happens to have a
specific key for the home key, and while I was practicing, I kept
accidentally hitting it and would have to go back into settings to get back
to the practice.

The NBP Anna Dresner book I am using has wonderful lists of key combinations
which do certain things which has been extremely helpful.



-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jessica Brown
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:18 AM
To: viphone
Subject: I got a new bt keyboard

Hi. I got a new bt keyboard for my iPhone. I am trying to figure out how to
use it. I got it paired ok. Now I have a few things I am trying to figure
out. What is quick nav? What is the difference between turning it off or on?
Also, how do you get to the home screen on the keyboard without having to
press the home button? Can you use the keyboard to get to the app switcher?
Is there a full list of commands to use with bt keyboards and iPhones out
there somewhere?  This is just a generic keyboard not an apple one. Thank

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RE: IOS list status

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Truthfully, I get more real information here and on the GDB Tech Dogs List
and feel as though my questions are better answered on these two sites as


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Rob Harris
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: IOS list status

Don't see a lot of traffic on it compared to before!
- Original Message - 
From: "Jessica Brown" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: IOS list status

No no. It is not shut down. It was just moved that is all. I am
subscribed to it and it works. Go and search for it on google

 - Original Message -
From: PHILLIP TRACY  wrote:

 I would appreciate knowing what's up with the IOS list.  When I
attempted to post an email message, I got the below response.

 Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
 Technical details of permanent failure:
 DNS Error: Domain name not found


 Don Roberts

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RE: OtterBox impact case

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
While I have ordered the defender for my phone and will use it, in the past,
I have noted that sometimes, cases muffle the sound of the speech, which,
not always, but can be an issue for me because of a hearing problem. So far,
so good. My other big thing is that I want to be able to grab the phone and
not have to pull it out of something in order to answer.

I am just picky, but I am enjoying getting to know the iPhone and really am
impressed with what it can do. For me, it's right up there along with the
guide dog, computer, optacon and speech recognition.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Amy Billman
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: OtterBox impact case

Personally, I have the impact, not the Defender. There are a couple of
reasons, the most important one, being that for me, it's ugly IMO.
When you have it in the Defender with its belt clip, I feel like a
construction worker. I know they have all sorts of girly colors, but the
style/design is just off putting. Plus, I'm careful. I take care of my
phone; meaning it's either in my purse or backpack or something unless it's
in use, and even then I can keep it in my pocket if I have earbuds or
headphones of some kind.
So for me because I'm not scaling tall buildings, mountain climbing, hiking,
or diving, it's not a need.
The other thing is I want my bulk to give me something useful. If the
Defender for example included battery with its bulk, like the juice packs or
other similar cases, maybe that would make me change my mind. But it
doesn't. It provides bulk without a purpose.
Now, I have a friend who is the mom of a very active six year old boy, plus
she breaks stuff; a lot. For her, the Defender is a good choice and she
loves it because it can take a beating and doesn't impact the phone in any
For me, if I'm not using a battery case, I use the impact case. It's thick
rubber, that the phone just sits in, with the screen exposed. I like it also
because if I want to switch cases, it's easy to get in and out. I find the
Otterbox a project, one that's not worth my time. Just my two cents on the
subject. *smile*

Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Tara Prakash
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: OtterBox impact case

The other day someone tried to shoot iPhone with a shortgun and couldn't
make a hole in the phone. Do we really need to defend the phone that much? I

am happy with a screen protector, so what am I missing by not having a
defender? Is it a matter of personal choice or these cases are really

- Original Message -
From: "Raul A. Gallegos" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: OtterBox impact case

Hi, actually neither. But not because I don't like Otter Box. In fact, I
highly recommend them. I'm just a person who is a free spirit and likes
trying new things and different things to experiment. So, I'm currently
using some cases which are made of a tpu rubber, this is a bit of a
harder rubber, and doesn't feel like the silicon rubber that the Impact
case feels like. This means less friction, but also less catching on
things like in the pocket. It also means a bit of less bulk. In fact, I
just got an order for 9 tpu cases which are all different colors ranging
from purple, to blue, to clear, to neon yellow. They don't cover the
bottom part of the screen like the impact case from Otter Box does, but
it does form-fit the phone very well and really let's it shine through.

The nice thing about these cases is that you can put them on and take
them off with ease, yet they stay on the phone very nicely. I also like
the fact that I can go back to my impact case whenever I want. The one I
don't use any more is the Defender case. I finally got tired of the
bulk, but again, this isn't anything bad against Otter Box, since that's
the purpose of the case.

Raul A. Gallegos
How do you write zero in Roman numerals?
Home Page:

On 7/10/2012 10:44 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Thanks Raul,
> Which one do you use?
> On Jul 10, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
>> Hi, the impact case is less bulky, but I found that it tends to catch on 
>> things due to the nature of the rubber. This doesn't make the case bad, 
>> but it does have a bit of friction. And that can be a good thing because 
>> it won't slide so easily across a surface. I think you will like the 
>> impact if you get it.
>> --
>> Raul A. Ga

RE: OtterBox impact case

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
That is a good question because truthfully, I like the feel of the phone in
my hand by itself, but I would hate like the dickens to drop it or fall with
it or something and have it chip or scratch.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Tara Prakash
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: OtterBox impact case

The other day someone tried to shoot iPhone with a shortgun and couldn't
make a hole in the phone. Do we really need to defend the phone that much? I
am happy with a screen protector, so what am I missing by not having a
defender? Is it a matter of personal choice or these cases are really

- Original Message -
From: "Raul A. Gallegos" 
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: OtterBox impact case

Hi, actually neither. But not because I don't like Otter Box. In fact, I
highly recommend them. I'm just a person who is a free spirit and likes
trying new things and different things to experiment. So, I'm currently
using some cases which are made of a tpu rubber, this is a bit of a
harder rubber, and doesn't feel like the silicon rubber that the Impact
case feels like. This means less friction, but also less catching on
things like in the pocket. It also means a bit of less bulk. In fact, I
just got an order for 9 tpu cases which are all different colors ranging
from purple, to blue, to clear, to neon yellow. They don't cover the
bottom part of the screen like the impact case from Otter Box does, but
it does form-fit the phone very well and really let's it shine through.

The nice thing about these cases is that you can put them on and take
them off with ease, yet they stay on the phone very nicely. I also like
the fact that I can go back to my impact case whenever I want. The one I
don't use any more is the Defender case. I finally got tired of the
bulk, but again, this isn't anything bad against Otter Box, since that's
the purpose of the case.

Raul A. Gallegos
How do you write zero in Roman numerals?
Home Page:

On 7/10/2012 10:44 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
> Thanks Raul,
> Which one do you use?
> On Jul 10, 2012, at 9:43 AM, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
>> Hi, the impact case is less bulky, but I found that it tends to catch on 
>> things due to the nature of the rubber. This doesn't make the case bad, 
>> but it does have a bit of friction. And that can be a good thing because 
>> it won't slide so easily across a surface. I think you will like the 
>> impact if you get it.
>> --
>> Raul A. Gallegos
>> "I just broke up with someone and the last thing she said to me was, 
>> 'You'll never find anyone like me again!' I'm thinking, 'I should hope 
>> not! If I don't want you, why would I want someone like you?' " - Larry 
>> Miller
>> Home Page:
>> Twitter:
>> Facebook:
>> On 7/10/2012 9:33 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> For anyone who has had both the OtterBox defender case and the impact 
>>> case, which is less bulky.
>>> If using the impact case, can you easily fit your phone into a pants 
>>> pocket or purse or bag?
>>> I'm thinking of ordering one from speed dots.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley.
>> --
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RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Thanks, Amy. I did get your email and will be watching our mail for the

Sending smiles,


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Amy Billman
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:15 AM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Thank you, Dianne. I'm glad you didn't have any trouble.
You should have a shipping email by the way...

Yes, that would also work well too re: the sunglass cleaner. I've used a
solution of vinegar and water also if I have made some to clean windows and
You just don't want anything that is going to leave a residew behind, but
will get off the gunk that always seems to accumulate despite how clean a
person you may be. haha

Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dianne B. Phelps
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 7:35 PM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Thank you for the suggestion, Amy. I have also used a soft cloth with a
little of the stuff I used to clean my  sun glasses when they get gunky
which has helped as well. By the way, I just ordered some items from your
Speed Dots and was very impressed at how nicely your web site worked for me.
Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Amy Billman
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 3:07 PM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Even the OtterBox cases can get gunky. A little Windex on a paper towel or
even an alcohol wipe can work wonders!
They don't damage the case or any tactile screen protector/s, and you don't
need a lot of it. I've also personally used Clorox wipes if that's what I've
got nearby.

Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dianne B. Phelps
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Thanks so much. I am going to look at that site again. The case I have is
one I purchased with the phone and covers the back and edges of the phone,
but not the front. I bought an OtterBox case into which I can slide the
phone, but it is a royal pain you know where when you need to get at your
phone in a hurry. The other thing which bothers me is that when the face of
the phone gets dirty, I don't like the feel of it and I am always cleaning
it on my pants or something to get rid of the offending gunk. I know. I am
kind of funny about such things, but that's how it is.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Yes,you can buy just the case without the screen protector with dots.

On Jul 8, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Dianne B. Phelps wrote:

> Is it then possible to just purchase the OtterBox to protect the 
> screen without the speed dots? So far, I am managing the screen 
> without help, but I would certainly love some way to protect the face 
> of
my phone.
> Dianne
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 10:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Hello. You put on the OtterBox case like normal. The OtterBox case has 
> its own screen protector. The next thing you do is put on the speed 
> dots screen protector case over it. In order for it to fit, it will 
> need to be cut so that the top and bottom portions of the protector 
> itself are no longer there. I hope this makes sense.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent from my brain
> Twitter: @rau47
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:16 AM, Rob Harris  wrote:
>> I have Otterbox defender cases on my 3GS, does the speedDots cover go 
>> on the outside?  seems a stupid question, but  the ones I got sent 
>> from a UK supplier didn't say, and for sure it was not good direct on 
>> the phone

RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
The blue tooth keyboard is my preference for checking email, but one still
needs to be able to function when there isn't time for a keyboard.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Rob Harris
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Ok, thanks.  I managed without thus far, though did get on quicker on a
spare I tried with one of the dots thinghies.  A little bt keyboard helps

- Original Message -
From: "Amy Billman" 
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 10:51 PM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Hi Rob,
The speedDots protector can be cut to fit the OtterBox for the 3GS, but we
personally do not sell them pre-cut to fit that case. The 3gs Defender case
design was such that it required all four sides of the protector be cut in
order to fit over the top, and the fact that there are already
inconsistencies with the OtterBox cases not being uniform, we determined
that it would not be possible or wise to sell them for the Defender case for
The Defender cases for the 4/4s are much easier to cut, and are designed
more uniformly; so we can confidently sell them.
I hope this makes sense.

Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector
Follow us on Twitter:
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-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Rob Harris
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 1:17 AM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

I have Otterbox defender cases on my 3GS, does the speedDots cover go on the

outside?  seems a stupid question, but  the ones I got sent from a UK
supplier didn't say, and for sure it was not good direct on the phone screen

and under that of the otterbox case.

Ditto my iPad1, also Otterboxed,  so are there suitable and effective dot
protectors for those?

I got a baby 49key kb,   need to look for UK available battery pack ideas

Thanks, RobH, or just R! for short.
- Original Message - 
From: "Regina Alvarado" 
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 12:51 AM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Got it.  I have the full Speeddots screen protector.  I bought a screen
protector originally when I got the phone.  My Speeddots fit right over top
and over the whole original screen protector.  Next new piece of equipment
is a extra battery of some sort and maybe a keyboard.  However, Speeddots
helps quite a bit.  Still want Fleksy, though.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Actually it is possible to put on the OtterBox screen protector
speed.version on upside down. The reason for this is because this screen
protector has been cut shorter to fit over the OtterBox face it self. This
means that the top portion and the bottom portion of the speed.protector is
not there. So I can see why somebody who wasn't paying attention would do
this. Or rather, I can see how someone who isn't paying attention could do
this.  Hopefully this explanation adds some clearity  to this puzzling


Raul A. Gallegos

Sent from my brain

Twitter: @rau47

On Jul 7, 2012, at 7:38 PM, "Regina Alvarado" 

How in the world did they do that? Just looking at Speeddots one can tell
there is a round circle for the home key and a line opening for the ear
piece! Duh? Think you are stuck getting another, but I will defer to longer
users than myself! Sorry this happened.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Anthony Vece
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Are you kiddingc me!

Sent from my Verizon iPhone!

On Jul 5, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Suzanne Wilson 

Hi all,

I got my new Otter Box case along with a SpeedDots overlay and was quite
perplexed.  There didn't seem to be any logic to where the dots were.  Then,
after conferring with a friend who has a similar setup, the answer became
clear:  the Apple Store genius who had put on the SpeedDots overlay had put
it on upside down.  Is this something I can redo, or do I pretty much need
to buy another one at this point?  Thanks for any suggestions.


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RE: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
That may actually be part of my problem, especially when I am on the go and
in a hurry to pick up and panicked as well. It will get better I am sure.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Godwin Adoyi
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 10:05 AM
Subject: RE: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions

Try a gentle and soft tabbing!

Some people tab the little phone so hard, causing the phone to shake during

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Christopher Chaltain
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions

When I first got my iPhone, I had a similar problem. It turns out I had a
lazy finger, I think it was my thumb, and it would kind of droop down a bit
and occasionally brush the screen during a gesture, changing the gesture
altogether! I also found that the fingers holding the iPhone would
occasionally wrap around to the front a bit too much and get picked up as
another finger during a gesture. As Raul said, paying attention to this and
practicing resolved these issues for me.

On 10/07/12 09:12, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:
> Your fingers must be shaped oddly, . Seriously I've seen others 
> have trouble with a 2-finger double-tap and if I could see how they do 
> it perhaps I could offer a suggestion as to how they could adjust 
> things. My only suggestion if you want to improve this gesture would 
> be to do it over and over in the practice area.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life. - Steven Wright 
> Home Page:
> Twitter:
> Facebook:
> On 7/9/2012 8:11 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
>> i find that the two finger double tap doesn't work most of the time. 
>> The iPhone confuses it with a 3 finger double tap, and speech toggles 
>> on and off.
>> Andy
>> *From:* David Chittenden 
>> *Sent:* Monday, July 09, 2012 12:21 AM
>> *To:* 
>> *Subject:* Re: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions Oops, 
>> my bad, I was thinking of something else when I wrote that message.
>> My most sincere apologies. I answer call waiting with a two-finger 
>> double-tap. You can also find the answer button on the screen if you 
>> wish.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email: 
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 09/07/2012, at 17:53, "Michael Amaro" > > wrote:
>>> how do you answer call waiting?
>>> Thanks
>>> Michael
>>> Windows Live ID:
>>> e-mail:
>>>  Skype ID:
>>> mikeameli
>>> John F. Kennedy
>>> "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for 
>>> your country"
>>> *From:* David Chittenden 
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, July 08, 2012 7:07 PM
>>> *To:* 
>>> *Subject:* Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions Hello, 
>>> This is accurate, unless you are answering call-waiting.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email: 
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 09/07/2012, at 12:29, "Joseph Lee" >> > wrote:

 From what I found (at least with my 4S), you cannot do two finger 
 double tap to start a call (unless others have other things to say).
 For ending a call, you can double tap with two fingers anywhere on 
 the screen.



 [] *On Behalf Of *Jen Colley
 *Sent:* Sunday, July 08, 2012 5:20 PM
 *Subject:* Re: I have a few questions

 Can you double tap the screen with two fingers to start a call?

 Is there a certain point on the screen where you should tap?


 *From:*Joseph Lee 

 *Sent:*Sunday, July 08, 2012 7:59 PM


 *Subject:*RE: I have a few questions


 At least for first question, you can make a call in at least three

 .Use keypad: dial the phone 
 number using the phone keypad (from phone app, tap the keypad 
 button to bring it). After entering the phone number, press the 
 call button (bottom center between "add 

RE: Ansering and hanging up calls with Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Unfortunately, Raul, I am one of those with problems with the two-finger
double-tap. Answering my phone on the go often results in a missed call
because I can't make it work fast enough. One thing I did pick up on in my
reading is making sure your fingers are separated so that the screen
registers that there are two fingers.

That brings up another thought. Is it possible to answer and hang up calls
with the power or home button? This really has been difficult for me.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 7:13 AM
Subject: Re: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions

Your fingers must be shaped oddly, . Seriously I've seen others have
trouble with a 2-finger double-tap and if I could see how they do it perhaps
I could offer a suggestion as to how they could adjust things. My only
suggestion if you want to improve this gesture would be to do it over and
over in the practice area.

Raul A. Gallegos
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life. - Steven Wright Home

On 7/9/2012 8:11 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:
> i find that the two finger double tap doesn't work most of the time. 
> The iPhone confuses it with a 3 finger double tap, and speech toggles 
> on and off.
> Andy
> *From:* David Chittenden 
> *Sent:* Monday, July 09, 2012 12:21 AM
> *To:* 
> *Subject:* Re: Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions Oops, 
> my bad, I was thinking of something else when I wrote that message. My 
> most sincere apologies. I answer call waiting with a two-finger 
> double-tap. You can also find the answer button on the screen if you 
> wish.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: 
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 09/07/2012, at 17:53, "Michael Amaro"  > wrote:
>> how do you answer call waiting?
>> Thanks
>> Michael
>> Windows Live ID:
>> e-mail:
>>  Skype ID:
>> mikeameli
>> John F. Kennedy
>> "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for 
>> your country"
>> *From:* David Chittenden 
>> *Sent:* Sunday, July 08, 2012 7:07 PM
>> *To:* 
>> *Subject:* Two-finger double-tap Re: I have a few questions Hello, 
>> This is accurate, unless you are answering call-waiting.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email: 
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 09/07/2012, at 12:29, "Joseph Lee" > > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> From what I found (at least with my 4S), you cannot do two finger 
>>> double tap to start a call (unless others have other things to say).
>>> For ending a call, you can double tap with two fingers anywhere on 
>>> the screen.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Joseph
>>> *From:*  
>>> [] *On Behalf Of *Jen Colley
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, July 08, 2012 5:20 PM
>>> *To:* 
>>> *Subject:* Re: I have a few questions
>>> Can you double tap the screen with two fingers to start a call?
>>> Is there a certain point on the screen where you should tap?
>>> Jen
>>> *From:*Joseph Lee 
>>> *Sent:*Sunday, July 08, 2012 7:59 PM
>>> *To:* 
>>> *Subject:*RE: I have a few questions
>>> Hi,
>>> At least for first question, you can make a call in at least three ways:
>>> .Use keypad: dial the phone 
>>> number using the phone keypad (from phone app, tap the keypad button 
>>> to bring it). After entering the phone number, press the call button 
>>> (bottom center between "add to contacts" and "delete" keys).
>>> .From contacts list: Tap the 
>>> contact you wish to call, then tap the phone number, and it should 
>>> start dialing.
>>> .Using Siri: Bring Siri (hold 
>>> down the home key) and say, "call num" where "num" is the phone 
>>> number. Speak clearly. Or, if the phone number is in the address 
>>> book, say, "call someone" where "someone" is the name of the contact.
>>> Once you start a call using any of these methods, double tap the 
>>> screen with two fingers to end a call.
>>> Note that Siri works only on iPhone 4S. A similar method exists for 
>>> iPhone 3GS and 4.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Joseph
>>> *From:* 

RE: Why get iPhone and iPad?

2012-07-10 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
That is terrific to know about. I used to be secretary for our homeowners
association and carried the laptop to do it. Even emailing it to myself
would have been helpful for finishing on the computer. This would also make
carrying a note-taker to class much much easier.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Amy Billman
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:21 AM
Subject: RE: Why get iPhone and iPad?

There are several programs that you can use for notes, and at least a couple
that I personally use, you can sync them with Dropbox.
The ones that I'm thinking of are Drop Text and nebulous Notes.
I know a few college students in particular that are actually using nebulous
notes for note taking.

But they're not the only programs out there I'm sure.
Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of John Diakogeorgiou
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 5:59 PM
Subject: RE: Why get iPhone and iPad?

How are the college visually impaired students using the ipad as a note
taker? i.e. what program are they actually writing in?

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Amy Billman
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 5:33 PM
Subject: RE: Why get iPhone and iPad?

I own both, and what I use depends on what I'm doing.
I still gravitate to my iPhone because it's small enough and I can hold it
in my hand.
That being said, I love typing on the iPad over the phone because of the
bigger keyboard.
So it's great for couch surfing. LOL
It's lighter than any netbook or laptop, (at least the ones that I've
owned,) so when I've gone out of town, I take the iPad, my phone, and a
bluetooth keyboard; because if you're having lengthy email or IM
conversations, it's easier still to do all that typing on a keyboard to save
time on occasion.
The iPad speaker is better for streaming.
iBooks on the iPad is a beautiful experience, and some of the native iPad
apps for recipes are made even better by the bigger screen.
But really, despite all that, I'm not sure I'd own one as a blind person
were it not necessary in order to properly test out our screen protectors;
unless I were a college student. Then, I would be on Rehab's bureaucratic
butt to buy me one, since it's cheaper in the long run than the over priced
note takers.

I'm not really sure why if you cannot see the screen beyond wanting a note
taking/ebook reading solution for school, people tend to own both unless
they just love techy toys. The visual appeal of all that screen real estate
and having their apps in HD, is not something that the average person who is
sight impaired can benefit from unless they have quite a bit of sight.
Just, my two cents; or more accurately, it's probably only worth about one.

Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Rob Harris
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Why get iPhone and iPad?

Bigger screen means bigger keyboard, mrs is sighted and does the pad on her
lap in the arm chair;  the phone goes out and about. She's into jigsaw 
puzzles and there's tons for the pad;   could be vGood for other games too; 
but phone is still the everywhere work horse.
- Original Message -
From: "Kramlinger, Keith G., M.D." 
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 7:01 PM
Subject: Why get iPhone and iPad?


I've heard of folks getting both, but I'm not sure why.

Does the iPad offer somethings more or different? I can perhaps understand
low vision folks benefitting from the larger screen for more or larger text.

I'm just curious; I'm certainly open to getting an iPad, too, if it provides
something additional or different from iPhone.

Thanks. Keith

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RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-09 Thread Dianne B. Phelps

The defender I bout at the store with my iPhone, I believe, adds weight to
the phone as well as bulk, and, as you explained, there is no protection for
the screen. Unfortunately, I was used to carrying a small little Nokia, and
the iPhone is just different and still a little awkward to manage, though I
did find a section of my wallet into which my phone does fit quite well. I'm
still learning, and we will get there ultimately. It is just different from
what I have used for many years.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Amy Billman
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 3:01 PM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

We recommend unless you already have a case, purchasing the protector and
Defender from us directly; that way, we can insure a proper fit.
We measure and cut the screen protector to fit the case, and apply it prior
to sending.
Yes, if you only purchase the protector from us and buy the case elsewhere,
from time to time there may be additional adjustments that need to be made
to the screen protector to make sure it fits. The reason for this, is
because you can buy three different Defender cases from three different
sellers, and two might be the same size, while one is cut differently. This
is a widely published and widely known manufacturing flaw. I've personally
seen it in reviews for that particular case.
While we can measure and cut our screen protectors to fit over the majority
of Defender cases, the occasion might arise where the one you bought from
your cell phone retail store is just a fraction off. This is something
beyond our control, unfortunately.

Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Suzanne Wilson
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

As I understand it, the SpeedDots for Otter Box Defender cases are cut to
match the cases.  However, once in a while, adjustments need to be made by
the end user.  If you would rather know for sure that the overlay is a
precise fit, SpeedDots sells the Otterbox Defender with the screen overlay
already on it.


- Original Message -
From: "Rob Harris" 
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

> If we have to start cutting it, it ceases to be worth buying
> Thanks, R!since how can we  cut to line up the dots to the virtual keys?
> the whole purpose of buying is for that.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Raul A. Gallegos" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 6:42 PM
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Hello. You put on the OtterBox case like normal. The OtterBox case has its
> own screen protector. The next thing you do is put on the speed dots 
> screen
> protector case over it. In order for it to fit, it will need to be cut so
> that the top and bottom portions of the protector itself are no longer
> there. I hope this makes sense.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent from my brain
> Twitter: @rau47
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:16 AM, Rob Harris  wrote:
>> I have Otterbox defender cases on my 3GS, does the speedDots cover go on
>> the
>> outside?  seems a stupid question, but  the ones I got sent from a UK
>> supplier didn't say, and for sure it was not good direct on the phone
>> screen
>> and under that of the otterbox case.
>> Ditto my iPad1, also Otterboxed,  so are there suitable and effective dot
>> protectors for those?
>> I got a baby 49key kb,   need to look for UK available battery pack ideas
>> next.
>> Thanks, RobH, or just R! for short.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Regina Alvarado" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 12:51 AM
>> Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> Got it.  I have the full Speeddots screen protector.  I bought a screen
>> protector originally when I got the phone.  My Speeddots fit right over
>> top
>> and over the whole original screen protector.  Next new piece of 
>> equipment
>> is a extra battery of some sort and maybe a keyboard.  However, Speeddots
>> helps quite a bit.  Still want Fleksy, though.
>> Reggie
>>  _
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf
>> Of Raul A. Gallegos
>> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:47 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> Actually it is possible to put on the OtterBox screen protector
>> speed.version on upside down. The reason for this is because this screen
>> p

RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-09 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Thank you for the suggestion, Amy. I have also used a soft cloth with a
little of the stuff I used to clean my  sun glasses when they get gunky
which has helped as well. By the way, I just ordered some items from your
Speed Dots and was very impressed at how nicely your web site worked for me.
Thanks again.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Amy Billman
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 3:07 PM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Even the OtterBox cases can get gunky. A little Windex on a paper towel or
even an alcohol wipe can work wonders!
They don't damage the case or any tactile screen protector/s, and you don't
need a lot of it. I've also personally used Clorox wipes if that's what I've
got nearby.

Amy Billman
Check out my company for your screen protector and phone accessory needs!
SpeedDots: the makers of the tactile screen protector Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Dianne B. Phelps
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 2:11 PM
Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Thanks so much. I am going to look at that site again. The case I have is
one I purchased with the phone and covers the back and edges of the phone,
but not the front. I bought an OtterBox case into which I can slide the
phone, but it is a royal pain you know where when you need to get at your
phone in a hurry. The other thing which bothers me is that when the face of
the phone gets dirty, I don't like the feel of it and I am always cleaning
it on my pants or something to get rid of the offending gunk. I know. I am
kind of funny about such things, but that's how it is.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Yes,you can buy just the case without the screen protector with dots.

On Jul 8, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Dianne B. Phelps wrote:

> Is it then possible to just purchase the OtterBox to protect the 
> screen without the speed dots? So far, I am managing the screen 
> without help, but I would certainly love some way to protect the face 
> of
my phone.
> Dianne
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 10:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Hello. You put on the OtterBox case like normal. The OtterBox case has 
> its own screen protector. The next thing you do is put on the speed 
> dots screen protector case over it. In order for it to fit, it will 
> need to be cut so that the top and bottom portions of the protector 
> itself are no longer there. I hope this makes sense.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent from my brain
> Twitter: @rau47
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:16 AM, Rob Harris  wrote:
>> I have Otterbox defender cases on my 3GS, does the speedDots cover go 
>> on the outside?  seems a stupid question, but  the ones I got sent 
>> from a UK supplier didn't say, and for sure it was not good direct on 
>> the phone screen and under that of the otterbox case.
>> Ditto my iPad1, also Otterboxed,  so are there suitable and effective 
>> dot protectors for those?
>> I got a baby 49key kb,   need to look for UK available battery pack ideas

>> next.
>> Thanks, RobH, or just R! for short.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Regina Alvarado" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 12:51 AM
>> Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> Got it.  I have the full Speeddots screen protector.  I bought a 
>> screen protector originally when I got the phone.  My Speeddots fit 
>> right over top and over the whole original screen protector.  Next 
>> new piece of equipment is a extra battery of some sort and maybe a 
>> keyboard.  However, Speeddots helps quite a bit.  Still want Fleksy,
> though.
>> Reggie
>> _
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
>> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:47 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

RE: Speeddots online shopping/SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-09 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I purchased their case for the iPhone with the advanced version of the
Speeddots glass cover along with a longer cord for charging. I was impressed
with their web site in any case because it gave enough explanation and
description of their products and its working and responding easily.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Speeddots online shopping/SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

What all did you get. I love their products.

On Jul 9, 2012, at 2:50 PM, Dianne B. Phelps wrote:

> Just wanted to encourage anyone who wishes to deal with Speed Dots 
> online to not be afraid as for this simpleton, their site was pretty 
> straight forward to use. I went in there yesterday afternoon and 
> ordered successfully some of their material and was impressed. I will 
> add that I did this on my computer, not the iPhone itself, but I was
> Dianne
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 12:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> I would doubt it, but I suspect SpeedDots or resellers of their 
> tactile screen protectors were or ar at this summer's blindness 
> conventions. If you have a store that sells some blindness specific 
> equipment locally, they may be resellers of SpeedDots tactile screen
> On 09/07/12 02:43, Jessica Brown wrote:
>> I don't know about ordering online. Is there a store that you can 
>> walk in to and buy them?
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Christopher Chaltain > To:
>> Date sent: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 02:40:15 -0500
>> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> You can get them from and learn more about them at 
>> Here's what it says about them on their web page:
>> Our custom screen overlays provide guidance and facilitate navigation 
>> of touch screen devices by placing a single dot over each letter and 
>> control, making it easier than ever before for blind and visually 
>> impaired individuals using the Voiceover screen reader to orient and 
>> input text and access screen controls quickly and efficiently.
>> Our standard model of screen protector fits the iPhone 3GS, the 
>> iPhone4, and the iPhone4S. It contains a dot on each letter and input 
>> control, and costs only $7.00.
>> We also offer an advanced overlay that contains similar markings on 
>> the buttons and input controls, however only the letters F and J on 
>> the virtual keyboard contain raised dots. The advanced model also 
>> costs only $7.00!
>> On 09/07/12 02:29, Jessica Brown wrote:
>> What tactile guides? How many are there on the screen cover? Is there 
>> one for each button? How would that work because the buttons are 
>> always changing depending on what screen you are on. Where can you 
>> get this tactile screen cover? .
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Christopher Chaltain > To:
>> Date sent: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 02:17:52 -0500
>> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> You don't need another screen protector, but if you want the tactile 
>> guides you get with the SpeedDots screen protector then you can apply 
>> it to an Otter Box.
>> On 08/07/12 15:50, Jessica Brown wrote:
>> Why would you want to have a screen protector and then another screen 
>> protector on top of that? Isn't one enough? I am just wondering 
>> because I have an otterbox defender but i don't have any additional 
>> screen protectors.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Raul A. Gallegos" > To: "" > Sun, 8 Jul 2012 13:42:16 -0400
>> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> Hello. You put on the OtterBox case like normal. The OtterBox case 
>> has its own screen protector. The next thing you do is put on the 
>> speed dots screen protector case over it. In order for it to fit, it 
>> will need to be cut so that the top and bottom portions of the 
>> protector itself are no longer there. I hope this makes sense.
>> --
>> Raul A. Gallegos
>> Sent from my brain
>> Twitter: @rau47
>> On Jul 8, 2012, 

RE: Speeddots online shopping/SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-09 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Just wanted to encourage anyone who wishes to deal with Speed Dots online to
not be afraid as for this simpleton, their site was pretty straight forward
to use. I went in there yesterday afternoon and ordered successfully some of
their material and was impressed. I will add that I did this on my computer,
not the iPhone itself, but I was impressed.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Christopher Chaltain
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2012 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

I would doubt it, but I suspect SpeedDots or resellers of their tactile
screen protectors were or ar at this summer's blindness conventions. If you
have a store that sells some blindness specific equipment locally, they may
be resellers of SpeedDots tactile screen protectors.

On 09/07/12 02:43, Jessica Brown wrote:
> I don't know about ordering online. Is there a store that you can walk 
> in to and buy them?
> - Original Message -
> From: Christopher Chaltain  To:
> Date sent: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 02:40:15 -0500
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> You can get them from and learn more about them at 
> Here's what it says about them on their web page:
> Our custom screen overlays provide guidance and facilitate navigation 
> of touch screen devices by placing a single dot over each letter and 
> control, making it easier than ever before for blind and visually 
> impaired individuals using the Voiceover screen reader to orient and 
> input text and access screen controls quickly and efficiently.
> Our standard model of screen protector fits the iPhone 3GS, the 
> iPhone4, and the iPhone4S. It contains a dot on each letter and input 
> control, and costs only $7.00.
> We also offer an advanced overlay that contains similar markings on 
> the buttons and input controls, however only the letters F and J on 
> the virtual keyboard contain raised dots. The advanced model also 
> costs only $7.00!
> On 09/07/12 02:29, Jessica Brown wrote:
> What tactile guides? How many are there on the screen cover? Is there 
> one for each button? How would that work because the buttons are 
> always changing depending on what screen you are on. Where can you get 
> this tactile screen cover? .
> - Original Message -
> From: Christopher Chaltain  To:
> Date sent: Mon, 09 Jul 2012 02:17:52 -0500
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> You don't need another screen protector, but if you want the tactile 
> guides you get with the SpeedDots screen protector then you can apply 
> it to an Otter Box.
> On 08/07/12 15:50, Jessica Brown wrote:
> Why would you want to have a screen protector and then another screen 
> protector on top of that? Isn't one enough? I am just wondering 
> because I have an otterbox defender but i don't have any additional 
> screen protectors.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Raul A. Gallegos"  To: ""  Sun, 8 Jul 2012 13:42:16 -0400
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Hello. You put on the OtterBox case like normal. The OtterBox case has 
> its own screen protector. The next thing you do is put on the speed 
> dots screen protector case over it. In order for it to fit, it will 
> need to be cut so that the top and bottom portions of the protector 
> itself are no longer there. I hope this makes sense.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent from my brain
> Twitter: @rau47
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:16 AM, Rob Harris  wrote:
> I have Otterbox defender cases on my 3GS, does the speedDots cover go 
> on the outside?  seems a stupid question, but  the ones I got sent 
> from a UK supplier didn't say, and for sure it was not good direct on 
> the phone screen and under that of the otterbox case.
> Ditto my iPad1, also Otterboxed,  so are there suitable and effective 
> dot protectors for those?
> I got a baby 49key kb,   need to look for UK available battery pack ideas
> next.
> Thanks, RobH, or just R! for short.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Regina Alvarado"  To:  Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 12:51 AM
> Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Got it.  I have the full Speeddots screen protector.  I bought a 
> screen protector originally when I got the phone.  My Speeddots fit 
> right over top and over the whole original screen protector.  Next new 
> piece of equipment is a extra battery of some sort and maybe a 
> keyboard.  However, Speeddots helps quite a bit.  Still want Fleksy,
> Reggie
>  _
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

RE: Prizmo

2012-07-08 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I don't know if this helps or not, but I started out way way back with the
Kurzweil Personal Reader after having used the optacon for many years. I now
have the KNFB Mobile, the phone of which I have retired, keeping the reader
in full use for now. Eventually, I will look for one of these for the
iPhone. However, not everyone is going to be happy with the same products.
This will be a little like Kurzweil versus Open Book or something else. The
main thing is that you use what give you the quality you wish and ease of

Some of my friends who have never had vision ever seem to have a bit more
trouble with the camera concepts than some of us who have had partial vision
for a time, though with practice, you can master this.

With my readers, I like to be able to move through the text by character,
word, line, and sentence as well as get an overall read of the document with
reasonable clarity.

I am thinking that with the prices of these apps, one may have more of an
opportunity to try a couple of these to find what works best for you. As I
say, I will explore this as I gain more experience with the iPhone itself.
Perhaps, one day, someone like Dr. Kurzweil or others will develop something
for iPhone, though I understand the development of products of this nature
for iPhone is an expensive undertaking. I tend to believe that the apps now
available will only get better with time and that being able to purchase a
product right off the shelf for immediate use at the same price as everyone
else is quite something to be pleased with.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Roger Frischenmeyer
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 3:55 PM
Subject: Re: Prizmo

I personally have had better luck with Text grabber but that could just be
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Stone" 
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: Prizmo

> Paula, good for you. I must admit I haven't managed to make it work 
> for me, but I haven't practiced very hard.
> Cheers
> Alex
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Paula Mack
> Sent: 08 July 2012 18:51
> To:
> Subject: Re: Prizmo
> I have an iPhone 4 and read my mail every day using this app.
> Paula Mack
> On FaceBook: pm3456
> On Twitter: pm3456
> On Skype: psm3456
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 12:10 PM, AppleGourmet  wrote:
>> Save your time, save your money, and keep your cool, to not buy this app!
>> This is my opinion. I bought this app and just cannot use it.
>> Vest wishes & many blessings!
>> --
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> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" 
> Google
> Group.
> To search the VIPhone public archive, visit 
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> You received this message because you are subscribed to the "VIPhone" 
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RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-08 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Thanks so much. I am going to look at that site again. The case I have is
one I purchased with the phone and covers the back and edges of the phone,
but not the front. I bought an OtterBox case into which I can slide the
phone, but it is a royal pain you know where when you need to get at your
phone in a hurry. The other thing which bothers me is that when the face of
the phone gets dirty, I don't like the feel of it and I am always cleaning
it on my pants or something to get rid of the offending gunk. I know. I am
kind of funny about such things, but that's how it is.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Yes,you can buy just the case without the screen protector with dots.

On Jul 8, 2012, at 3:19 PM, Dianne B. Phelps wrote:

> Is it then possible to just purchase the OtterBox to protect the 
> screen without the speed dots? So far, I am managing the screen 
> without help, but I would certainly love some way to protect the face of
my phone.
> Dianne
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 10:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Hello. You put on the OtterBox case like normal. The OtterBox case has 
> its own screen protector. The next thing you do is put on the speed 
> dots screen protector case over it. In order for it to fit, it will 
> need to be cut so that the top and bottom portions of the protector 
> itself are no longer there. I hope this makes sense.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent from my brain
> Twitter: @rau47
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:16 AM, Rob Harris  wrote:
>> I have Otterbox defender cases on my 3GS, does the speedDots cover go 
>> on the outside?  seems a stupid question, but  the ones I got sent 
>> from a UK supplier didn't say, and for sure it was not good direct on 
>> the phone screen and under that of the otterbox case.
>> Ditto my iPad1, also Otterboxed,  so are there suitable and effective 
>> dot protectors for those?
>> I got a baby 49key kb,   need to look for UK available battery pack ideas

>> next.
>> Thanks, RobH, or just R! for short.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Regina Alvarado" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 12:51 AM
>> Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> Got it.  I have the full Speeddots screen protector.  I bought a 
>> screen protector originally when I got the phone.  My Speeddots fit 
>> right over top and over the whole original screen protector.  Next 
>> new piece of equipment is a extra battery of some sort and maybe a 
>> keyboard.  However, Speeddots helps quite a bit.  Still want Fleksy,
> though.
>> Reggie
>> _
>> From: [] On 
>> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
>> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:47 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
>> Actually it is possible to put on the OtterBox screen protector 
>> speed.version on upside down. The reason for this is because this 
>> screen protector has been cut shorter to fit over the OtterBox face 
>> it self. This means that the top portion and the bottom portion of 
>> the speed.protector is not there. So I can see why somebody who 
>> wasn't paying attention would do this. Or rather, I can see how 
>> someone who isn't paying attention could do this.  Hopefully this 
>> explanation adds some clearity  to this puzzling situation.
>> --
>> Raul A. Gallegos
>> Sent from my brain
>> Twitter: @rau47
>> On Jul 7, 2012, at 7:38 PM, "Regina Alvarado" 
>> wrote:
>> How in the world did they do that? Just looking at Speeddots one can 
>> tell there is a round circle for the home key and a line opening for 
>> the ear piece! Duh? Think you are stuck getting another, but I will 
>> defer to longer users than myself! Sorry this happened.
>> Reggie
>> _
>> From: [mailto:

RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

2012-07-08 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Is it then possible to just purchase the OtterBox to protect the screen
without the speed dots? So far, I am managing the screen without help, but I
would certainly love some way to protect the face of my phone.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question

Hello. You put on the OtterBox case like normal. The OtterBox case has its
own screen protector. The next thing you do is put on the speed dots screen
protector case over it. In order for it to fit, it will need to be cut so
that the top and bottom portions of the protector itself are no longer
there. I hope this makes sense.

Raul A. Gallegos
Sent from my brain
Twitter: @rau47

On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:16 AM, Rob Harris  wrote:

> I have Otterbox defender cases on my 3GS, does the speedDots cover go 
> on the outside?  seems a stupid question, but  the ones I got sent 
> from a UK supplier didn't say, and for sure it was not good direct on 
> the phone screen and under that of the otterbox case.
> Ditto my iPad1, also Otterboxed,  so are there suitable and effective 
> dot protectors for those?
> I got a baby 49key kb,   need to look for UK available battery pack ideas 
> next.
> Thanks, RobH, or just R! for short.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Regina Alvarado" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 12:51 AM
> Subject: RE: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Got it.  I have the full Speeddots screen protector.  I bought a 
> screen protector originally when I got the phone.  My Speeddots fit 
> right over top and over the whole original screen protector.  Next new 
> piece of equipment is a extra battery of some sort and maybe a 
> keyboard.  However, Speeddots helps quite a bit.  Still want Fleksy,
> Reggie
>  _
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 7:47 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Actually it is possible to put on the OtterBox screen protector 
> speed.version on upside down. The reason for this is because this 
> screen protector has been cut shorter to fit over the OtterBox face it 
> self. This means that the top portion and the bottom portion of the 
> speed.protector is not there. So I can see why somebody who wasn't 
> paying attention would do this. Or rather, I can see how someone who 
> isn't paying attention could do this.  Hopefully this explanation adds 
> some clearity  to this puzzling situation.
> --
> Raul A. Gallegos
> Sent from my brain
> Twitter: @rau47
> On Jul 7, 2012, at 7:38 PM, "Regina Alvarado" 
> wrote:
> How in the world did they do that? Just looking at Speeddots one can 
> tell there is a round circle for the home key and a line opening for 
> the ear piece! Duh? Think you are stuck getting another, but I will 
> defer to longer users than myself! Sorry this happened.
> Reggie
>  _
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Anthony Vece
> Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 9:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SpeedDots Otter Box Defender Question
> Are you kiddingc me!
> Sent from my Verizon iPhone!
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Suzanne Wilson 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I got my new Otter Box case along with a SpeedDots overlay and was 
> quite perplexed.  There didn't seem to be any logic to where the dots 
> were.  Then, after conferring with a friend who has a similar setup, 
> the answer became
> clear:  the Apple Store genius who had put on the SpeedDots overlay 
> had put it on upside down.  Is this something I can redo, or do I 
> pretty much need to buy another one at this point?  Thanks for any
> Suzanne
> --
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RE: home key not working

2012-07-08 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I think I might be inclined to try doing a reset by holding both the power
switch and the home switch down for ten seconds to see if the device is just
confused unless you can feel that it is a physical thing with the button
itself in which case, you probably have no choice but to have it repaired.


I have found, over the years that sometimes, these electronic devices
scramble their own brains requiring either a reset of some type or with some
things, removal of the battery with reinsertion. Obviously, we can't do that
with the iPhone, but we can try the reset.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Tom Rash
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2012 9:57 AM
To: viphone groups
Subject: home key not working


A friend of mine has an iPhone 4.  The home key quit working.  Other than a
physical fix is there some software trick to remedy this problem?  Thanks.

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RE: ot happy fourth

2012-07-06 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
One of the best things about the Internet and these lists is meeting people
from all over the world. I was not offended and just didn't think.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Søren Jensen
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 12:02 AM
Subject: Re: ot happy fourth

Thanks for your answers.
I didn't ment to offend any of you. I would just know what that day means,
and note that this list is full of people from the whold world. :) Have an
awesome day.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 05/07/2012 kl. 22.06 skrev Rebecca Ilniski:

> nope Diane.  I was the one who posted it.  Sorry about that.  I won't do
it again.
> --
> Rebecca and Zeb
> email:
> facebook:
> Zeb's facebook:
> --
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RE: ot happy fourth

2012-07-05 Thread Dianne B. Phelps


I apologize to you and others not living in the States because I was
probably the one who started that at the endof  one of my posts. I certainly
did not mean to offend or be disruptive and will note this for the future.


Sending smiles,




From: [] On Behalf
Of Sieghard
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: ot happy fourth


Hi Soren,


I am in Canada and while I know that July 4 is the US independence day, I
agree that it is hardly an iOS related topic and that this is an
international list. Maybe the majority of list members are from the US, but
then we are all part of a minority being blind or visually impaired and I
sure don't hope everybody from every country will start to post a message
when they have their national holiday. I guess this is one of those examples
where somebody posted a message without doing a lot of thinking as to
whether it is relevant to the list; maybe they are new and haven't realized
that this list has a lot of members from other countries.






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RE: hi

2012-07-04 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Hi from us in Napa, Jessica,

I just joined this group as well, and have found a good bit of really
interesting and helpful information.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jay Phinnemore
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: hi

Hi Jessica, Welcome, I live up here in Canada also. Ontario to be a little
more accurate. Hope you have fun on here and there's good info.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Jessica Brown
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2012 1:17 PM
To: viphone
Subject: hi

Hi. My name is Jessica Brown. I live in Canada. I just joined the list
today. I am blind and I got an iPhone 4s a few weeks ago.

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RE: Up dating iOS?

2012-07-04 Thread Dianne B. Phelps


There was something in the reading I have been doing about the app you
mention, and it is for finding your iPhone as well as going to a website to
erase data from your phone if it is stolen. It is connected with iCloud, and
I am not functioning proficiently enough just yet to work on that aspect of
things, but will. Right now, I am working on keyboard commands, and
sometimes, I read stuff and if it doesn't sink in, I go back to it later.


Happy 4th, everyone!




From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Ferrara
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:18 PM
Subject: Re: Up dating iOS?


Hi, I was talking about find my iPhone not find my friends.


Hope I'm right about that.



- Original Message - 

From: Daniel Miller <>  


Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 5:16 PM

Subject: RE: Up dating iOS?




That's not 100% true, for Find My Friends.

It will ask you if you want to set that up, but in order to locate it, you
do need the app.



From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Ferrara
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: Up dating iOS?


When you set up the iCloud account, it will ask you if you want it; you do
not have to go to the app store to get it.


I've only had my phone since August; I've asked plenty of questions on here.

It gets easier.



- Original Message - 

From: Dianne B. Phelps <>  


Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:40 PM

Subject: RE: Up dating iOS?


Thanks, Paul. I thought all of this could be done from the phone itself. I
have to keep studying here, but we'll get there for sure. I will definitely
look for that app for the sake of protection, though, knock on wood, I
haven't lost a cell phone yet and have no intention of doing so any time


Thanks for the help.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Ferrara
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Up dating iOS?


The phone should let you update it without iTunes since you are on wifi.

It may restart after the update.

If you don't have iCloud set up, it may ask you to do that; I would do that
so that your phone will back up to the cloud.

Also you should be asked about installing the find my iPhone app which I
would do in case the phone is lost.



- Original Message - 

From: Dianne B. Phelps <>  


Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:51 PM

Subject: Up dating iOS?


I notice that under settings, I have a note that I need to update my iOS. I
have not done anything at all with the iPhone and my PC. Do I need to
download something from ITunes first to then proceed? Could someone tell me
how to proceed. I am still reading, but have not gotten to that point in the
book just yet because my iPhone was set up somewhat for me at the store. I
did manage to get my WiFi and the iPhone working.


Any tips will be greatly appreciated.



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RE: Up dating iOS?

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Paul and Daniel,


Thank you both for your information and offer to help. The iPhone 4 S is my
first iPhone and I have had it for just about a month. There are parts of
using it which are very intuitive: others for which I have had help: and I
am definitely still in the process of learning. I have the Anna Dresner book
from NBP and the Missing Manual book, and I will get there eventually I am


I am just an old retired lady who likes to keep learning new things and ways
to do old things.


Smiles to all,




From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Ferrara
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: Up dating iOS?


When you set up the iCloud account, it will ask you if you want it; you do
not have to go to the app store to get it.


I've only had my phone since August; I've asked plenty of questions on here.

It gets easier.



- Original Message - 

From: Dianne B. Phelps <>  


Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 4:40 PM

Subject: RE: Up dating iOS?


Thanks, Paul. I thought all of this could be done from the phone itself. I
have to keep studying here, but we'll get there for sure. I will definitely
look for that app for the sake of protection, though, knock on wood, I
haven't lost a cell phone yet and have no intention of doing so any time


Thanks for the help.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Ferrara
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Up dating iOS?


The phone should let you update it without iTunes since you are on wifi.

It may restart after the update.

If you don't have iCloud set up, it may ask you to do that; I would do that
so that your phone will back up to the cloud.

Also you should be asked about installing the find my iPhone app which I
would do in case the phone is lost.



- Original Message - 

From: Dianne B. Phelps <>  


Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:51 PM

Subject: Up dating iOS?


I notice that under settings, I have a note that I need to update my iOS. I
have not done anything at all with the iPhone and my PC. Do I need to
download something from ITunes first to then proceed? Could someone tell me
how to proceed. I am still reading, but have not gotten to that point in the
book just yet because my iPhone was set up somewhat for me at the store. I
did manage to get my WiFi and the iPhone working.


Any tips will be greatly appreciated.



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2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I just received a funny message from one of the group, I believe, Marcus was
the name. It had just a bunch of funny looking links within the message body
which looked like what we have seen as viral content on other lists. What
ever you do, please don't click any of these links, and our member may have
to take steps to remedy this within his own system.



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RE: Bluetooth keyboards

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I probably should have said that it was sold by Apple when I called and was
one of two they had available. It worked and all, but it wasn't comfortable
for me as I am picky about my QT keyboard.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ricardo Walker
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: Bluetooth keyboards


I don't think she's using an Apple bluetooth keyboard.  Apple doesn't make a
folding bluetooth keyboard.


Ricardo Walker

On Jul 2, 2012, at 11:49 PM, Andy Baracco  wrote:

> Hi Dianne,
> i'm so glad that you have stepped up to the iPhone.  Actually, I like the
Apple Bluetooth keyboard a lot. Sorry it hasn't worked for you.
> Enjoy your iPhone.
> Andy
> -Original Message- From: Dianne B. Phelps
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 6:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Bluetooth keyboards
> This is Dianne here in the Napa Valley, a new member to viphone list. 
> I purchased a folding keyboard from Apple and was v ery disappointed. 
> Having been a professional transcriptionist, the touch was just 
> horrible. I purchased one by Zag, which, so far, is far superior to 
> what I bought from Apple. It paired without any difficulty as well, 
> and we had to do a bunch of fumbling around to get the former up and
> Dianne B. Phelps
> -Original Message-
> From: [] On 
> Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
> Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 4:37 PM
> To:
> Subject: Bluetooth keyboards
> Hi,
> What types of bluetooth keyboards do people use with your iDevices?
> I had an apple bluetooth keyboard for a while but traded it for one of 
> the little tiny keyboards that speed dots sells.
> I'm thinking of selling this little keyboard but was wondering what 
> types of bluetooth keyboards people use?
> I have a lot of difficulty using this mini bluetooth keyboard so 
> considering selling this keyboard. The keys are just to small for me.
> Stacey and Chesley
> am
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RE: Bluetooth keyboards

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps

I am just picky about my typing-That's all! Good to see you here too.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Andy Baracco
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: Bluetooth keyboards

Hi Dianne,

i'm so glad that you have stepped up to the iPhone.  Actually, I like the
Apple Bluetooth keyboard a lot. Sorry it hasn't worked for you.
Enjoy your iPhone.

-Original Message- 
From: Dianne B. Phelps
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 6:59 PM
Subject: RE: Bluetooth keyboards

This is Dianne here in the Napa Valley, a new member to viphone list. I
purchased a folding keyboard from Apple and was v ery disappointed. Having
been a professional transcriptionist, the touch was just horrible. I
purchased one by Zag, which, so far, is far superior to what I bought from
Apple. It paired without any difficulty as well, and we had to do a bunch of
fumbling around to get the former up and running.

Dianne B. Phelps

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 4:37 PM
Subject: Bluetooth keyboards

What types of bluetooth keyboards do people use with your iDevices?
I had an apple bluetooth keyboard for a while but traded it for one of the
little tiny keyboards that speed dots sells.
I'm thinking of selling this little keyboard but was wondering what types of
bluetooth keyboards people use?
I have a lot of difficulty using this mini bluetooth keyboard so considering
selling this keyboard. The keys are just to small for me.
Stacey and Chesley

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RE: Up dating iOS?

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Thanks, Paul. I thought all of this could be done from the phone itself. I
have to keep studying here, but we'll get there for sure. I will definitely
look for that app for the sake of protection, though, knock on wood, I
haven't lost a cell phone yet and have no intention of doing so any time


Thanks for the help.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Paul Ferrara
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Up dating iOS?


The phone should let you update it without iTunes since you are on wifi.

It may restart after the update.

If you don't have iCloud set up, it may ask you to do that; I would do that
so that your phone will back up to the cloud.

Also you should be asked about installing the find my iPhone app which I
would do in case the phone is lost.



- Original Message - 

From: Dianne B. Phelps <>  


Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 3:51 PM

Subject: Up dating iOS?


I notice that under settings, I have a note that I need to update my iOS. I
have not done anything at all with the iPhone and my PC. Do I need to
download something from ITunes first to then proceed? Could someone tell me
how to proceed. I am still reading, but have not gotten to that point in the
book just yet because my iPhone was set up somewhat for me at the store. I
did manage to get my WiFi and the iPhone working.


Any tips will be greatly appreciated.



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RE: Problem with Looktell Money Reader

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
Might how this works have something to do with the condition of the note you
are trying to read? I have had a couple of devices for this over the years,
and if the note has become really dirty, I don't get a good read. I am still
using my I-Bill (Suddenly realized I don'

T remember  the proper spelling of that). But it is tiny and has come in
handy for me since I am not too sure how many of these chores I want my
iPhone to do for me just yet.




From: [] On Behalf
Of Raul A. Gallegos
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: Problem with Looktell Money Reader


Something odd about this app is that I have seen it take a little longer
sometimes than others. I attribute this to lighting and distance and shaking
of the phone just like you said. However if I were to rate this on how many
times it works perfectly on a scale of 1 to 10, I would say maybe eight
times it works flawlessly. The other two times it works less efficiently but
still works overall for me.



Raul A. Gallegos

Sent from my brain

Twitter: @rau47

On Jul 3, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:

I have not had any problems with this app either. Yes it can be a little
slow at times; however, I attribute some of this to me shaking the camera
while holding the bill in one hand and the camera in the other. I also have
been known to put a thumb in the way. :) I also think it takes a little more
time since the app can recognize other types of currency and likely has to
look in the database to compare what it is seeing. The little slowness is
hardly an issue really in my opinion.


On Jul 2, 2012, at 11:29 PM, Raul A. Gallegos wrote:

Hi all. I have not had any trouble using this app on my 3GS for my for S.
This has been with and without the case. One thing that I have noticed
however is that things tend to work better with the 4s if it is out of the
case. I suspect that some cases do not have the appropriate size hole in the
back for the camera and flash to function properly. If it is a more rounded
whole, then you have an iphone 4 case. The cases that are going to work with
both beforthe 4 and the  4S will have a more oval hole in the back with the
camera is.
of course if the people having trouble with this app do not have a case, or
the case has an oval shape for the camera in the back, then I do not know
what the problem is.



Raul A. Gallegos

Sent from my brain  

Twitter: @rau47

On Jul 2, 2012, at 12:48 PM, "paul and paula jordan" 

Hi, Grant. Does your app scan and beep?  If it does, perhaps you're holding
the bill and the phone too close together.  That's something I've learned by
experience.  I hold the bill flat in my left hand about 8 or so inches from
the phone which I'm holding camera lense down in my right hand.  Hope this

God bless!

Paula Jordan and Babe



From: [] On Behalf
Of Rose Combs
Sent: Sunday, July 01, 2012 10:26 PM
Subject: RE: Problem with Looktell Money Reader


Make sure you don't have really intensive apps in the switcher, I noticed
last week when I had about 9 things in there mine was slow,  Emptied the app
switcher and it worked perfectly.  



From: [] On Behalf
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 3:26 PM
Subject: Problem with Looktell Money Reader


Hi All,


When I had this app loaded on my old 3GS, it worked perfectly.  Now that I
have it on my 4S, it is very unreliable.  Has anyone else had this problem
and how did you cure it?


Thanks very much.



Kevin :)

Amateur Radio:  K7RX



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Up dating iOS?

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I notice that under settings, I have a note that I need to update my iOS. I
have not done anything at all with the iPhone and my PC. Do I need to
download something from ITunes first to then proceed? Could someone tell me
how to proceed. I am still reading, but have not gotten to that point in the
book just yet because my iPhone was set up somewhat for me at the store. I
did manage to get my WiFi and the iPhone working.


Any tips will be greatly appreciated.



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RE: verizon and IPhone

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
There always seems to be a disclaimer in case certain features are not
available in certain areas.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of paul and paula jordan
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 6:08 AM
Subject: RE: verizon and IPhone

I have my iPhone through Verizon and I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio. I've heard
other people say vVerizon in their area doesn't support iPhones.  Very
God bless!
Paula and Babe

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of dan thompson
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 8:53 AM
Subject: verizon and IPhone

Hi All, I thought verizon

 supported the IPhone.  However, locally I am hearing not.  Does anyone know

if verizon

 does indeed support the IPhone? 

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Version: 8.5.455 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/5105 - Release Date: 07/02/12

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RE: verizon and IPhone

2012-07-03 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
I may be incorrect about this, but it seems to me that Verizon was one of
the carrier options listed on the Apple web site. Before I purchased my
iPhone, I checked a lot of different things and did quite a bit of reading.
You might even want to check the Verizon site which I did not do because I
was already on AT&T.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of dan thompson
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 5:53 AM
Subject: verizon and IPhone

Hi All, I thought verizon

 supported the IPhone.  However, locally I am hearing not.  Does anyone know
if verizon

 does indeed support the IPhone? 

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RE: Bluetooth keyboards

2012-07-02 Thread Dianne B. Phelps
This is Dianne here in the Napa Valley, a new member to viphone list. I
purchased a folding keyboard from Apple and was v ery disappointed. Having
been a professional transcriptionist, the touch was just horrible. I
purchased one by Zag, which, so far, is far superior to what I bought from
Apple. It paired without any difficulty as well, and we had to do a bunch of
fumbling around to get the former up and running.

Dianne B. Phelps

-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 4:37 PM
Subject: Bluetooth keyboards

What types of bluetooth keyboards do people use with your iDevices?
I had an apple bluetooth keyboard for a while but traded it for one of the
little tiny keyboards that speed dots sells.
I'm thinking of selling this little keyboard but was wondering what types of
bluetooth keyboards people use?
I have a lot of difficulty using this mini bluetooth keyboard so considering
selling this keyboard. The keys are just to small for me.
Stacey and Chesley

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