Practical Joke!

2010-10-26 Thread Susan Blank
Don't know if this is how I'm supposed to vote for my favorite practical
joke Andy played on Barney.  I like the one where Andy tucked the corners of
the blanket under the feet of the cot in the back room of the courthouse,
and Barney couldn't get out of it!
Susi Blank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Briscoe's Song to Aunt Bee

2010-11-10 Thread Susan Blank
I'm sure the song he sings outside her window is Low and Lonely Over You.  
However, I'd have to watch the episode to get all the lyrics.  I was thinking 
that one of my many books on TAGS had lyrics to the songs sung on the show, but 
I must have dreamed it.
Happy watching!
Susi Blank
WBMUTBB mailing list

Hooray for not editing!

2010-11-12 Thread Susan Blank
Last night I watched The Cow Thief on our local Christian station, WLMB,
and when it came to my favorite line in the show, this station did NOT edit
it's when Andy is in Tate Fletcher's parlor waiting for the cow
thief to make his move, and Barney comes back into the house and says, I
remembered the time another mayor of this town accused you of having a
harebrained idea; when you had the idea of making me your deputy.
I think this is one of the most important lines in the show. It connects
Barney and Andy's loyalty to one another, and many other TV stations, in an
effort to make room for more commercials, edit out pivotal lines like this
one.  It's so great when at the end of the show, Andy is once again right,
and catches the cow thief.  Hooray!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Who Would You Be?

2010-11-15 Thread Susan Blank
I would like to be Miss ElliePh.G.  The Pharmacy Gal!  I've always had
an interest in medicine, but I've been a music teacher for 33 years!  I
really admired Ellie's independence and self-sufficiency...she was never
afraid to speak her mind to Andy or anyone else.  And back in the day, all
pharmacies were equipped with soda, there you are.  Free ice
Love the show...always have, always will!  TAGS, you rock!
Susan Blank, MTG  (Music Teacher Gal)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Character actors

2010-11-17 Thread Susan Blank
The first person who popped into my mind, as far as multiple roles, would be
Allan Melvin, who was credited with playing various heavies throughout the
series.  Not sure how many without consulting my TAGS books, but he's
definitely in the running!
Susi Blank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Miss Crump's Boo-Boo

2010-11-29 Thread Susan Blank
I agree that a competent teacher like Miss Crump wouldn't make too many
mistakes that large!  But if a teacher did that today, the parents would
probably sue the teacher, the school, the principal, and the entire school
system!!!  Ah, how I long for the good old days!!!
Susi Blank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Debbie Rauch's forward of Andy's music

2011-01-10 Thread Susan Blank
Hey Y'all!
I've been enjoying reading the posts of WBMUTBB.  Regarding Debbie Rauch's
forward of Andy's music, maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not finding
anything to click on to hear it.  Any suggestions?
Susi Blank
(Miss Crump many years later!)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Green Hornet!

2011-01-11 Thread Susan Blank
I too, remember the Ramblers of the 1960' grandparents lived in
Kenosha, Wisconsin and just down the street from them on (or near) 5th
Avenue was the AMC plant.  EVERYONE in Kenosha had a Ramblerthey were
Susi Blank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Fire burning

2011-01-13 Thread Susan Blank
Trivia time.would Jubal Foster's barn burning to the ground count as a
fire burning within a structure?  Maybe Barney's stomach would count too,
after he drank all that moonshine from the bucket!
Susi Blank 

Ju-bal..jubal, jubal,

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry pictures

2011-01-14 Thread Susan Blank
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed seeing the Mayberry '09 pictures that
Holland Shoaf posted.  Seeing many of the original actors.Betty Lynn,
Elinor Donohue, the Dillard boys, Maggie Peterson, James Best and others
brought back a lot of great memories of TAGS!  I plan on sharing them with
family members and friends this weekend. I've been a great fan since my
childhood, and being an elementary school teacher, I use Mayberry music in
my classroom whenever I can!
Thanks again!
Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie cooks!

2011-01-20 Thread Susan Blank
Hi, gang!
I too, was pleased to see TV Land begin the series over.  I got to thinking 
that in the first episode, The New Housekeeper, when Andy gets up, Opie has 
already cooked breakfast.  The 45 minute eggs still crack me upno pun 
intended! But what is a six (or five?) year old doing using the stove with no 
supervision?  Had he ever used it before?  Did Rose teach him?  Nowadays they 
would fry you on the 6 o'clock news is you let a child play with a stove!
Maybe those were the good old days.but I'm just thankful Opie didn't burn 
himself or catch the kitchen on fire, with those eggs boiling dry three times!
Susi Blank
Miss Crump many years later
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-01-25 Thread Susan Blank
I, too thought it strange that Opie and his friend didn't smell any perfume
when the bottle broke.  But I figured if they did notice, it would have
ruined the entire plot!  They would have simply told the owner and it would
have been the end of the episode!  Erego, it is just television!  I still
love the show, film flubs and all!
Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

How did the Fun Girls get to Mayberry?

2011-02-02 Thread Susan Blank
I just finished watching the episode where Barney  Andy were working on a
Friday night doing inventory, and Barney went to the diner to get some
sandwiches.  He ran into the Fun Girls from Mt. Pilot and brought them back
to the courthouse.  My question is, how did they get to Mayberry if Andy 
Barney had to drive them back to Mt. Pilot?  There was another episode where
they came to Mayberry, but they had a convertible.  Curious..curious!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Tall, darkand a door prize!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Name of the mouse

2011-02-05 Thread Susan Blank
I sure remember watching all those great TV shows back in the late 50's 
60's.  Every Sunday night, we gathered around the old black  white set (we
got three network stations and WGN out of Chicago) to watch Ed Sullivan.
His mouse?  A little Italian creation named Topo Gigio.  At the end of the
sketch he would always say, Eddiekiss me good night! And he would!

Susi Blank
Miss Crumpmany years later

Ain't it a dinger, Pa?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Broken bookcase glass

2011-02-07 Thread Susan Blank
I think I remember Gomer breaking it once in the courthouse when he was
helping out.or did I just imagine it?

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Lots of luck to you and yours!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Physical disability

2011-02-09 Thread Susan Blank
The only person with a physical disability that I can remember was a man
with a cane in the episode where Opie  Arnold find a baby.  They are going
door to door trying to find a home for him, and one old man with a cane
smiles and pats Opie on the head.  I'm hoping this is an accurate
recollection, as sometimes I must imagine things.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

You beat everything, you know that?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Hymn Books

2011-02-28 Thread Susan Blank
So Thelma Lou was helping out at the church.I believe a person is
innocent until proven guilty.  Besides, how many times did Barney step out
with Juanita from the diner, hmmm?
Just defending the female species!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump.many years later

Nip it in the bud!!!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Another curious discrepancy

2011-03-05 Thread Susan Blank
OK, so in Episode #165, Aunt Bee on TV, she wins a boatload of prizes on a game 
show.  In order to pay the taxes on these items, she sells off most of what she 
won.  One of the items she does keep is her garbage disposal.  Fade to Episode 
#178, Lost and Found, where she loses Aunt Martha's brooch, and with the 
insurance money, buys a garbage disposal.  Why did they need two?  Did Goober 
break the first one?  There were different writers for these two episodes, but 
only thirteen episodes between one and the other.  Seems to me someone in the 
cast would have remembered that she already had one!
Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

Just when you want garbage, there isn't any!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Paul's girlfriend

2011-03-06 Thread Susan Blank
So.did Paul's girlfriend, Peggy work at the IHOP???
She was caught in a lie, and didn't have a leg to stand on!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Wynken, Blinken Nod

2011-03-12 Thread Susan Blank
I just read the poem that Ken posted, and I got to thinking.if they
sailed on a sea of Crystal Light, does anybody know what flavor it was?
But seriously folks, I do remember the poem from my childhood (a L-O-N-G
time ago!) It was in a big book of children's poems, and my mom used to read
it to me.  Ah, happy memories!
Thanks for sharing the poem.  It's a goodie!
Susi Blank 
(Miss Crump...many years later)

You beat everything, you know that?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Towel Chicken

2011-03-13 Thread Susan Blank
Ken, I saw your chicken video, and hope you continue to entertain us with
your creativity.  In other words, don't throw in the TOWEL
(Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

Susi Blank
(Miss Crump..many years later)

You're not talkin' to a jerk, you know!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Cousins

2011-03-15 Thread Susan Blank
I think in the second episode, Manhunt, Andy refers to Barney as his cousin.  
When Barney finds Andy to inform him of the status of the escaped prisoner, 
Andy saysI never did think my own cousin would turn out to be such a fine 
deputy!  (Not sure if that's the exact wording, but it meets there.)
I'm pretty sure those were the only episodes where cousins were mentioned.
Have a Mayberry day!

Susi Blank
(Miss Crumpmany years later)

It's too late.I already 10-4'd ya!  It feels good to get it in first for a 
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-03-16 Thread Susan Blank
OK, so I figured Aunt Bea was sister to Andy's father because they both
would have had the same last name...Taylor.  If she was sister to Andy's
mother, it seems that she wouldn't have the last name of Taylor.
Coincidentally, my maiden name was Taylor, and I had an Aunt Helen Taylor,
Helen's name after she married Andy. So. I figure I'm related to all of
them!   Makes ya think..

Susi Blank
(Miss Crump...many years later)

And you'd better gird your loins, buster!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Three men smoking

2011-03-23 Thread Susan Blank
What is the question regarding three men smoking?
Susi Blank

Miss Crump (many years later)
I believe I could use a smoke.  (Andy.after delivering a baby.)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Spelling BEE

2011-03-23 Thread Susan Blank
OK, so I thought the other rule is:
I before E except after C and E before N in chicken!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

WBMUTBB mailing list

Elizabeth Taylor

2011-03-23 Thread Susan Blank
I do believe the episode where Elizabeth Taylor was mentioned was when Aunt
Bee did the Foster's Furniture Polish commercials, and she said this might
be alright for Elizabeth Taylor, but it's not for me.  Then the show was
off the road!  Does this sound correct?
My mother wanted to name me Elizabeth (my last name was Taylor) but didn't
want to attach me to a famous person.  Go figure!

Susi (Taylor) Blank
Miss Crump  (many years later)

Shine on, Foster's Polishthat's the one to buy,
You ain't had such shining since January, February, June or July!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-03-24 Thread Susan Blank
Oh, yeah...I forgot the line about ...the Taylors; Elizabeth and Aunt Bee.
Good catch!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Ain't it a dinger, Paw?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Howard McNear Jack Benny

2011-03-28 Thread Susan Blank
Ken, I agree with you!  I haven't seen a Hollywood movie in the theatre
since Mamma Mia.  I, too, prefer the old classics like The Ghost and Mr.
Chicken, and another one of my favorites, The Incredible Mr. Limpet.  It's
amazing what a versatile actor Don Knotts was.  How wonderful it is that
years later, we can enjoy his movies, and of course, our beloved TAGS!  I
think Jack Benny would have been a great guest star.  What great scenarios
could have come out of that situation! Long live TAGS!
Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

I ain't about to be beat to death with no spoon!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Floyd's haircut

2011-04-02 Thread Susan Blank
I'll bet he DID stick his head in a pencil sharpener.yeah, and it fit,

Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

And I've got the magazines to swing it!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sidecar sighting

2011-04-03 Thread Susan Blank
As I pulled into the parking lot of my local supermarket yesterday, I had to
laugh when I saw an old fashioned motorcycle, complete with sidecar.
Several people were gathered around it, so I moseyed over to take a gander.
No, it wasn't Barney and Andy, but in the sidecar was a large dog!  He
wasn't wearing the official motorcycle nomenclature..helmet, goggles and
the gauntlets.  (Although this dog probably thought the gauntlets would look
funny!) I had to smile to myself (and to the dog) as I thought of the
weisenheimers who had detached the sidecar from the 'sickle, and I wanted to
roll on the ground, laughing as they had. It's these little things that we
see during the day, that take us fondly back to Mayberryand for that
moment, all's right with the world!
Just thought I'd share this with you, then today I sit watching the
Motor-sickle episode on TV Land!  What a coincidence!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

You give 'em 35, they'll take give 'em 40, they take 45! 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Thelma Lou Barney

2011-04-04 Thread Susan Blank
The farmer who tried to steal Thelma Lou was Big Jeff Pruitt.  And how about
Edgar Coleman, the fellow from church who spent an evening gluing hymnbook
covers with her?  What about her and Edgar Coleman?
That's all I can think of right now.  Anyone else?

Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

Thelma Lou's my girl, everyone knows that, for heaven's sake!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Clocks in Mayberry

2011-04-08 Thread Susan Blank
I'm guessing that unless a certain episode focused on what time it was and why 
that was important to the plot, it was easier to film without having to 
readjust a clock.  In viewing reruns of I Love Lucy, I have noticed that the 
clock in the living room (by the kitchen door) is always at 2:05 (or something 
close).  I guess at that time, even though Desi was the first to use the 
three-camera setup with real film instead of the poor quality kinoscope, they 
didn't realize that the show would be seen over and over in reruns, and that 
those little things would even be noticeable.

Makes ya think

Have a Mayberry day, and a great weekend..TGIF!!! (Thank Goodness It's 

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)
WBMUTBB mailing list

Count Iz Vantelecky

2011-04-18 Thread Susan Blank
I thought I remembered Barney saying Countess Vantelecky also, but during
the scene where Andy was explaining everything to Helen at her house, he
said Come on, Mrs. Taylor.  Helen said, Oh, then we ARE getting married!
To which Andy replied, Just in case the count's listening.  So I'm
thinking it was a Count, not a Countess.  Was Iz his first name?  His
nickname?  Short for Isadore, or Israel, or something foreign, perhaps.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

My name's Barney.but that's just a nick for Bernard!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Rascal Flatts' Mayberry

2011-04-19 Thread Susan Blank
Yes, I am VERY familiar with this song!  Rascal Flatts is a popular country
group who must have a strong connection with TAGS.  They record songs they
really believe in, and it's worth a listen!  It really hits home, talking
about the good old days, when Sunday was a day of rest, and the value of
small town living. 
Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Ken!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Hey to Goober!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Barney/Furley

2011-04-26 Thread Susan Blank
Of course, Don Knotts will always be remembered as Barney Fife!  It seems that 
whoever wrote the article found on the internet, had grown up watching Three's 
Company, and not TAGS.  So, in their mind, he was better known to them as Ralph 
Furley.  I guess that this is not even an option to us TAGS fans.he IS 
Barney Fife!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Women, they're all nuts!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Young people love TAGS, too!

2011-04-27 Thread Susan Blank
I am an elementary music teacher in Defiance, Ohio.have been for the
past 30 years.  In those years, I have quoted many a TAGS episode, and
laughed at lines the kids have quoted as well. I've also had quite a few who
love to imitate Barney.  I have found that lots of kids and their parents
are avid watchers of our beloved TAGS reruns.  This, I believe, proves that
this show is timeless, and will endure and entertain forever!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Tick, tick, it's time for lunchtick, tick, it's time for dinner!  

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Opie's PJ's

2011-04-29 Thread Susan Blank
OK, so I'm thinking that Barney could have used the pajamas match the
wallpaper trick when he was undercover as a department store dummy, trying
to catch the shoplifter at Weaver's Department Store!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Just go, go, go, go!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Pick-ups and Splashes

2011-05-04 Thread Susan Blank
And what about Mr. Schwump?  I have strong suspicions that he carried his
little black book in his jacket pocket.he was really Mayberry's
undercover playboy.  (Don't let the rug fool you!)
Just a thought..

Susi Blank
Miss Crump  (many years later)

There goes a happy NUT!

WBMUTBB mailing list

A Tribute to TAGS

2011-05-05 Thread Susan Blank
Every year at the elementary school where I teach music, we celebrate Right to 
Read Week. This year's theme is Dive Into Reading, and I was asked to write a 
song for the kids to sing at our Kickoff Assembly. The first day is fishing 
day, and everyone wears fishing gear.  Well, as soon as I heard about the 
theme, the TAGS theme song popped into my head!  I rewrote the words, and we 
have a song! When I taught it, I was surprised and pleased to find that a LOT 
of the kids recognized the tune, and a lot of them and their parents are fans 
of TAGS!  It really made my day.  Long live TAGS

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Me and you fished that spot, didn't we?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Key by the cell DOOR..........

2011-05-10 Thread Susan Blank
I was watching The Guitar Player tonight on a local channel, and I noticed
something curious..when Bobby Fleet (could he be related to Freddy
Fleet?  Was that his long lost twin brother?) and his band (with a beat)
were incarcerated, (not inarculatedthat's when the doctor gives you a
shot) the jail key was hanging on the wall between the cells.  So when they
were in jail with no one guarding them, before Opie came in and kicked
Bobby, why didn't they reach through the bars, grab the key and escape?
Maybe Otis had snuck in and spiked the spring water, and they lost their
sense of reasoning!
Just thought this was an interesting point.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

You're not talking to a jerk, ya know!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Helen on Adam-12; Re: opposites

2011-05-12 Thread Susan Blank
I thinkand I've been doing a lot of thinking with my bucket on, that I
want to moveI never get to move is from Season 1, when Mayberry
celebrated The Apricot Festival.  Someone on the celebration committee moved
to use balloons instead of paper lanterns or something  of that sort.
In regard to opposites like pretty ugly or jumbo shrimp  I think that's
called an oxymoron.  (Not to be confused with a Nazi Moron!)

Keep a good thought.
Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re:Re: Helen on Adam 12

2011-05-14 Thread Susan Blank
Thanks for reminding me that Aneta Corsaut appeared as a judge on
MatlockI had forgotten about that! I'm also a big fan of that show.
I'm not sure if the actress Larry was referring to was Charlene Darling's
portrayer, Margaret (Maggie) Peterson, or if he was thinking of the female
lead on F-Troop, Melody Patterson.  Both are blonde, and look very similar.
Also, it's ironic that their names sound so much alike!
It's really fun to hear about the many regular and character actors from
TAGS can be seen on so many other shows!
Keep up the good work, and long live TAGS!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Oh, Paw, can't I even look at the pretty man? 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Old TAGS fans

2011-05-18 Thread Susan Blank
So Harry, don't you even THINK about feeling bad, relaying your
grandmother's stories and memories!  When the aged ones among us share their
lives and feelings with us, it's a piece of Americana, and history!  We
can't get that from books, or even the good old-new internet.  They are
priceless, and how blessed and truly fortunate we are to be able to be a
part of the memories!
Thank you for the storyplease feel free to share others.  That's what we
are in this fan club and website in the first place!  She not only saw TAGS
on television, she saw the invention and production of the television and
its impact on the world!

Have a great Mayberry day!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later) 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: O Sole Mio

2011-05-20 Thread Susan Blank
So I don't recall hearing O Sole Mio on any TAGS episodes.maybe I missed 
it.  There was the song that the choir sang with Barney/Gomer/Andy singing 
various solos/trios..Santa Lucia.  Is that it?
Please advise.

Miss Crump (many years later)

And you call yourself a trouper!!
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re:Re: WBMUTBB Vol. 12, Issue 149

2011-05-20 Thread Susan Blank
Having a gun, even a replica, is indeed cause for concern, especially in
this day and age.  However, I'm thinking that Ken, emulating Barney as well
as he does, had his bullet in his pocket, so it wasn't a threat.  Am I

Keep a good thought.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Oh, my Barney, oh my Barney, had a jail and couldn't lock it,
Had one bullet for his pistol, had to keep it in his pocket!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: O Sole Mio

2011-05-23 Thread Susan Blank
Fellow TAGS fans,
Thanks for reminding me of the last episode with Ken Berry, when O Sole Mio
was sung.  I haven't seen that episode in years, so the memory of the song
eluded me.  

Forever TAGS,
Susi Blank
Miss Crump many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry Songs

2011-05-23 Thread Susan Blank
OK, so it's too difficult to choose a favoriteI love them all!  I really 
like when Charlene and the boys do There Is a Time, but another one I enjoy 
hearing is when Opie sings The Crawdad Song with Andy on guitar.  He was such a 
natural child actor.  Nowadays, it seems like so many kids are stilted, and are 
either reading their lines or are being fed the lines off-camera.  (Like we 
can't tell!!!)  Ron Howard was, and still is one of the greatest!  Hooray for 
Little Ope!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Ain't it a dinger, paw?
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Bad weather in Mayberry

2011-05-24 Thread Susan Blank
I thought of another time there were bad storms in Mayberrythe episode
where Luke Comstock returned to pay Andy a visit, and Barney thought he was
coming back to do Andy in..he sent Aunt Bee and Opie over to Clara's (I
think), and Aunt Bee said storms made her so nervous.  Andy told her to get
her nerves all tucked in...this one's going to be a beaut...  Later in the
episode, we saw the Mayberry Knot-Tying Classthey meet every Tuesday.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry songs

2011-05-24 Thread Susan Blank
Reading Cathy's post of Aunt Bee's song, I can't help but smile when I
remember her bouncing up and down on the piano stool, belting out Toot Toot
Tootsie, Goodbye! when she was soused on Colonel Harvey's Indian Elixir!
What a hoot!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite girlfriend

2011-05-25 Thread Susan Blank
OK, so last night at dinner, while watching TAGS, my husband and I got to
discussing all of Andy's girlfriends, and I thought it would be interesting
to find out who everyone's favorite girlfriend of Andy would be.  My
personal fave was Ellie, the lady druggist (Pharmacy Gal).  Anyone else have
a favorite?

Susi Blank  
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Paul's Update

2011-05-27 Thread Susan Blank
Thanks for the update on how things are going for you!  As I read it, it
amazed me (though not really) how people really step up to help in this type
of tragedy.  So many people don't even think twice about donating, helping
out, sending things, delivering supplies and/or monetary donations.  It
makes us step back and realize what's really important in life, and how we
band together in an emergency, without thought to cost or trouble.
God bless you and your family!  Our prayers continue to go up.

Susi Blank

Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-06-01 Thread Susan Blank
OK, so I was watching an episode of TAGS on WLMB, the Christian station out
of Toledo, and lo and behold, it was our online chapter episode, about Bob
Rogers the temporary deputy.  I busted out laughing when Barney said, Who's
been messing up the bulletin board?  It's so great the way Andy lures
Barney back onto the force, and at the same time they teach Deputy Bob a
thing or two about working with people.  He turned out to be a good old boy,
so it was a great experience for everyone.  I did notice, however, that
after Barney gave Bob the ticket for illegal parking, he tore it up and
threw it in the street!  Does that mean Citizen Bob could have given Barney
a Citizen's Ticket (kind of like a Citizen's Arrest) for littering?  Maybe
Barn picked up the torn ticket later and threw it away proper-like. (There
may be more to this.than meets the eye!)

Happy Birthday, Andy

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

And you'd better gird your loins, buster! 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Time Capsule

2011-06-08 Thread Susan Blank
So how about Miss Crump's ruler from when she smacked Ernest T. on the hand
and forever became his mother figure?  Maybe also, Otis's vase.  I've
come to fill my vase.

Susan Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Mayberry scene

2011-06-08 Thread Susan Blank
Paul, you are not alone!  I've always been moved by that scene, too.  Barney
gets outside and realizes that Andy has always been loyal to him, so he
decided to be loyal back.  (Kinda like now he digs you, so you be nice and
dig him back!)
Another classic scene is in Andy on Trial when Barney delivers his
monologue blaming himself for the mess Andy was in, and tells everyone what
a great sheriff Andy is...that he's not only a sheriff, but a friend.
I just love those episodes!  And of course, the ones where Barney gets
himself in a pickle, then becomes SO indignant!  That is why TAGS is such a
great show.  No other series can present all these elements, and still be so
Off my soapbox now...
Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Why don't we go up to the hospital and take the bolts off the
wheelchairsthat'd be funny too!

WBMUTBB mailing list

One episode wonder

2011-06-09 Thread Susan Blank
I guess my favorite OEW would be Alan Hale, Jr. (Jeff Pruitt).  I loved it
when, in his pre-skipper days, he kept calling Barney little buddy.  There
is a local doctor named Jeff Pruitt, and whenever I see him, I picture him
in overalls picking up women on the streets and saying, 'Scuse me ma'am,
just checking your weight.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Jeff's a good old boy, he just doesn't know any better.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Let's keep it light!

2011-06-14 Thread Susan Blank
So the death of a very good friend's son brings everything else into
perspective.  Let's let the little things go.  I so enjoy reading all the
posts of our TAGS chapter.  I feel like I am really getting to know
everyone!  We love our TAGS, and the posts pretty much revolve around that.
If it strays a little bit, well.we all feel the frustrations.
Have a super Mayberry day!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

The sun is going to shine in your back door some day!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Fuel pumps

2011-06-27 Thread Susan Blank
So, jlj, did your fuel pump fall off because Goober had to take it off and
put it back on so many times that the fittings were worn off?  I guess
you're stuck in Mayberry along with Barney and the man in a hurry.  Ah, that
we could all be so fortunate!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Did it go.pucka, pucka, pucka or p-ding, p-ding?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Pop at Wally's

2011-06-28 Thread Susan Blank
So I watched the episode tonight with pop at Wally'snot sure which I
like better, Nectarine Crush or Huckleberry Smash.  I don't believe I've
ever tasted a huckleberry, even though I was raised in southwestern
Michigan, The Heart of the Fruitbelt.  I know that Brad Paisley (he broke
my daughter's heart when he married Kim) named his firstborn son Huckleberry
(Huck), so I'm not sure if this had something to do with the famous soda
spoken of by Floyd, or if it has some other origin or meaning.  I must ask
Brad next time I run into him in Nashville. (I can only dream)

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

That's the finest job of stalkin' I've ever seen!

WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS sighting

2011-06-29 Thread Susan Blank
I'm watching the I Love Lucy episode where they're in England during their
European tour, and the bell boy was played by Sam Edwards, who played Lester
Scobey and Sam Muggins in TAGS.  He did a great job doing an English accent.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Blimey, but that Ben Weaver sure is a cheapskate!  Pip, pip, and a cheerio
to y'all!  

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Ken's prize

2011-07-05 Thread Susan Blank
Congratulations on your winning the comedy division of the parade!  Thank
you (and Janet) for bringing a slice of Mayberry to other communities.  It's
a piece of heaven!
Keep up the good work, and I sure can tell you enjoy it!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Buddy, you're going sidecar express to the diner!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Oscar winners

2011-07-06 Thread Susan Blank
Someone had mentioned former TAGS members who were in other movies.  I know
who Howard Hesseman is, and that he later appeared on WKRP in Cincinnati,
but in which episode of TAGS did he appear?
Susi Blank

Miss Crump (many years later) 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Andy....a morning person

2011-07-11 Thread Susan Blank
I agree that Andy being grumpy with Opie practicing piano at 6 a.m. was
inconsistent with his character. However, I did notice that in the color
episodes, he kind of turns into grumpy Andy, as my husband says.  I'm
wondering if that had anything to do with his Guillaine-Barre syndrome and
the pain he had with that.  Then I'm thinking that Andy, the consummate
actor, wouldn't have let his personal health issues interfere with his
Any opinions or information on this?  Thanks!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

How can one boy practice for another boy?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Music Man cast

2011-07-15 Thread Susan Blank
So what role did Ray Kellogg play in Barney's First Car?  Was he one of Mrs.
Lesch's partners in crime?  Anyone?

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

I'm going to be Mr. Independent Wheels!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Bev/ gimme the old shows

2011-07-17 Thread Susan Blank
Really cool station that plays the old is VERY odd that
TAGS wasn't included!  What WERE they thinking?  (Or not thinking, I guess!)

Susi Blank

Miss Crump (many years later)

Ain't it a dinger, Paw?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Jim Nabors Hospitalized

2011-07-20 Thread Susan Blank
Thank you, Paul, for the info on Jim Nabors.  We'll keep him in our prayers!

Susi Blank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Gun Flinging

2011-07-21 Thread Susan Blank
Yes, I always noticed that, toowhy would a sheriff toss a (probably)
loaded firearm halfway across a room?  Number one rule:  ALWAYS handle a gun
or rifle as if it were loaded!  Guess I'm a trained noticer.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

That's a nice one you got there, boys!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Old car memories

2011-07-22 Thread Susan Blank
Thanks for sharing your feelings about your cars, and about the joy you and
your wife bring to kids of all ages!  I love old cars, although I don't have
the funds to invest in them.  My most cherished picture is one of my family
in front of my dad's '55 red Chevy.  I think I was about five years old, so
it was in 1959.  The car is long gone, but what a great memory!  This is the
stuff that life is made of!
Keep on touring!  

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Buy a car today, Barney!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: '65 Rambler Classic

2011-07-25 Thread Susan Blank
Great pic of the old Rambler!  My dad grew up in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Fifth
Avenue, just down the street from the old Rambler Plant.  Everyone in
Kenosha owned a Rambler!  (except for my grandmother, who drove a 1956 PINK
two-tone Ford sedan!)  We spent lots of summers at Grandma's, and my sister
and I walked past that Rambler plant lots of times!
Thanks for the memory!  Hope you hear from whoever may have your old car!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump  (many years later)

This one has just been sittin' on a velvet pillow...Miz.Lesch?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Scotkins!

2011-07-27 Thread Susan Blank
So, Ken, I remember Scotkins!  My mom used to buy them, and just use them on
special occasions, like when we had company.  The napkins would match our
dishes!  Other days, we would just use plain white napkins.  I haven't
thought about those in many, many years!  Thanks for the mental nudge, and
your trained noticing!  I guess that being Barney, your keen
investigations just come naturally.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

I told you I'd keep these baby blues open!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TAGS moments

2011-07-27 Thread Susan Blank
I totally relate to the TAGS Moments post regarding the baby eaglets and how it 
reminds us of episodes and lines from TAGS.  This is what the chapter is all 
about.and if the lines aren't word for word, we know exactly what they 
mean, and that is what's important!  I don't think a day goes by when I'm not 
reminded of a line or situation from the show, and it always makes me smile!  
My husband, who likes the show but isn't as familiar with it as I am, will know 
what I'm referring to and laughs or smiles about something I've talked about, 
or an episode that I'm watching.  I recently visited the Weaver's Department 
Store site, and purchased the book, The Way Back to Mayberry, and am thoroughly 
enjoying Joey Fann's take on his (as well as my) favorite episodes from the 
show, and how they're intertwined with Bible verses.  Although there are 
several series that are very family oriented and dear to the heart (Little 
House on the Prairie, The Waltons, Touched By An Angel, and others,)  I'm 
always drawn back to TAGS.  Having grown up watching the series (as have so 
many of us) I believe this show, even though very humorous, has a very deep 
connection for everyone.  That is why the show that will NEVER be out of 
style or dated as other series, and is a one of a kind part of our lives.
Thank you for letting me share in this wonderful's more a part 
of my life than I realized!

Susi Blank
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TAGS on The View

2011-07-28 Thread Susan Blank
You go, Whoopi, girl!  This proves that TAGS is still watched and
revered (as was Seth Taylor, I expect!) and will never be forgotten!  Thanks
for sharing this historical moment!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Ain't it a dinger, Paw?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Aunt Bee of Orlando

2011-08-04 Thread Susan Blank
So glad you found an Andy episode!  Hope you get to see more.  I have two
stations that run TAGS episodes regularly, and I own the first three
seasons.  I am SO blessed!
Have a VERY Mayberry dayand more!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

You beat everything, you know that?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Barney's cry

2011-08-11 Thread Susan Blank
I'm thinking that another episode where Barney made the cry face, was when
he assumed that Andy and Helen were getting married.  He and Aunt Bee were
sitting on the living room couch (divan, settee...whatever they called it
back then).  Aunt Bee started to cry, and Barney told her not to cry, then
he puddled up, bit his index finger and made the famous cry face.  Hope
I'm not mixing up the scenes with the episodes.  Better put my bucket on and
take a good think under there!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Barney, you beat everything, you know that?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Howard Morris episode

2011-08-13 Thread Susan Blank
While I am HUGE TAGS fan and own the first three seasons (my favorites),  I
also love the old Dick Van Dyke show, and have three seasons of that as
well.  I was watching the episode entitled The Masterpiece, in which the
writers of the Alan Brady Show attended an antique auction to do some
research, then unwittingly bid on a painting that would be later bought by
an art devotee, Ernest Holdecker.  This character, an eccentric German, was
played by none other than Howard Morris!  He did a fabulous job, and was as
entertaining as he has been as Ernest T. Bass (notice the same first name!)
What a talented and versatile actor!

Susan Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

How do you do, Missuz Wy-lee!

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-08-16 Thread Susan Blank
So I was watching the episode where Andy goes to a Sheriff's convention in
Mt. Pilot, and Goober watches the courthouse.  He ends up taking a car apart
and putting it together inside the that an old
Studebaker?  Anyone?

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

When this is over, I'm going to kill you!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Gilly Walker's car

2011-08-18 Thread Susan Blank
OHG!  I should have recognized it as a Rambler!  Of course, it's been 50
years, so my absentmindedness is a great excuse!  Thanks for the reminder!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Barney Napping

2011-08-19 Thread Susan Blank
I remember another episode where Barney was napping in the back room, and
Andy snuck his hat out of his hands, replacing it with his (Andy's) hat.
Then when Andy slammed the door and Barney woke up, he came out with Andy's
hat on, which was too big for him.  Andy then asked, You get a haircut?
I think it's the Chain Letter episode, but I'm not sure.

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Let's go up to the hospital and take the bolts off the
wheelchairsthat'd be funny too!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Elderberry Wine

2011-08-30 Thread Susan Blank
I'm thinking that the episode where Aunt Bee mentioned Andy's homemade wine
was the one with the former Senator from Washington D.C., John Canfield.
(played by Charlie Ruggles).  Can anyone confirm this or am I totally (not
partially) nuts?

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Well, is he?
Is he what
Is he married?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Alfred Hitchcock Presents

2011-08-30 Thread Susan Blank
OK, I get that the people who portray the characters we love on TAGS have
real names, and I think that most of us know their real names.  But when you
love a show as much as we love TAGS, I think that most of us come to think
of the characters AS real people.  I always say,
There's Aunt Bee or There's Barney Fife when I see them on other shows.
I don't think it's a matter of not knowing their real names.  I feel that
this site should be for having fun and sharing info and our mutual love for
the show and its characters.  So let's continue to have fun with it!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

If it were anyone else, I'd say she was tiddly!

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Names to the List

2011-09-21 Thread Susan Blank
I think I remember Barney calling the hotel manager Blabbermouth, (in the
Gold Shipment episode) and I also remember Andy calling Barney Bucketmouth
in another episode (not to be confused with the bucket on the head!)

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

Who can you trust these days?  Who can you trust?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: TAGS moment

2011-09-22 Thread Susan Blank
So..if you put your two cents in, but it's only a penny for your
thoughts, the extra penny MUST go for taxes!  After all, Andy said that a
penny saved is a penny taxed.
I'm quite the bucket-thinker today!  Have yourself a Mayberry Dayeven if
you can't get to Mayberry Days!  (sniff, sniff!)  Maybe next year!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump (many years later)

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Re: Name Calling

2011-09-22 Thread Susan Blank
I always laughed when Barney said Beasto Maristo!  I've used that term
myself a few times.

Susi Blank

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Codes and Tickets

2011-10-13 Thread Susan Blank
I loved the post from Dewey Lamb regarding the origin of the word gossip.
It certainly makes sense, and I love learning about word origins.  Anyone
have more of these that pertain to TAGS?

Have a great Mayberry day!

Susi Blank
Miss Crump, many years later

According to you, God made two kinds of peoplemen and blabbermouths.
Well put, Aunt Bee, well put!

WBMUTBB mailing list