RE: [WSG] When is invalid CSS okay?

2007-08-22 Thread Philip Kiff
Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
 The real reason for me to not use 'CC' for separation, is that the
 versioning goes on on HTML level and adds unnecessary garbage to every
 single page.

If you happen to be designing an XHTML site and decide you want to use
server-side scripting to deliver your pages as XHTML/xml-application to
standards-compliant browsers and as HTML/text to MSIE, then you can
selectively include your various Conditional Comments into only the HTML,
dumbed-down-for-MSIE version.  Then the unnecessary garbage CC's will not
even show up in your pristine XHTML/CSS version.  This is probably not
that practical in most real-world cases, but it does take the separation
idea to its logical conclusion.  And for those who really want pristine,
separated code, it is a viable solution.

I like the CC method because it is easy to understand and it should be easy
for a different developer to understand five years from now.  CSS hacks, on
the other hand, require a bit of arcane knowledge that may be difficult to
understand for a newbie five years from now, even with explanatory comments
added.  But I agree with Gunlaug that the down-side of CC's is that it
requires adding unnecessary garbage to every single X/HTML page's head


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Usability Accessibility Over Design?

2007-08-14 Thread Philip Kiff
James Jeffery wrote:
 It is possible to get good Accessibility, Usability and Design, but
 usually you have to give and take for each or one of them.
 Its not our fault or the clients fault, whatever the
 client wants he gets
 The client is the hard part. Sometimes they want something that you
 know is not going to be great on the Accessibility front, and you try
 to advise them, but they do not listen, so you then have to do the
 best possible

Joseph Taylor wrote:
 As a web designer/developer, its my job to create the accessible
 version whether they consciously desire it or not simply because I
 know it should be built that way and it is my desire to build it

There are many different approaches to client-designer relationships, just
as there are many different web design philosophies.

I personally like Joseph's approach, but such an approach means that as a
designer you are not approaching the client-designer relationship in a way
that means the customer is always right.  You are rather approaching it
from a perspective that the customer does not know what is right, and needs
you to educate and inform her/him.  This can be good for your sense of moral
certitude, but bad for your pocketbook.

There will be some clients who are outraged by such an approach (especially
if they are competing in a market where their competitors are going all
flash-and-pizzazz AJAX-ey on you and doing it on the cheap by hiring the
lowest bidder).  There are others who will thank you for it (especially the
government/NGO sector or any other sector where a a governing body will
eventually bring in a set of accessibility/standard guidelines that become
required for all parts of the sector).  I don't think you can find a way of
satisfying both groups and at the same time satisfying yourself.

Choose your target market and live with it.

If you have enough time to browse the WSG Mailing List and write articles
about the relationship between accessibility, usability, and good design,
then you are probably already at risk of having the prices for your web
design services severely undercut by someone who is younger and faster, and
who places less importance on accessibility or standards...I mean,
seriously, whatever! As long as it works, right!?!  In which case, your
target market has already been narrowed for you.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Usability Accessibility Over Design?

2007-08-14 Thread Philip Kiff
Philip Kiff mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you have enough time to browse the WSG Mailing List []
 then you are probably already at risk of having the
 prices for your web design services severely undercut by someone who
 is younger and faster, and who places less importance on
 accessibility or standards...I mean, seriously, whatever! As
 long as it works, right!?!

A quick clarification, to deflect any criticism about my implied ageism.
That was just an example.  There are of course lots of young whippersnappers
who can code like demons and do so in fully accessible and
standards-compliant fashion.  Indeed, I expect that there are many more
*old* web designers who do things wrong than young ones.  But the younger
ones are often willing work for less (at least initially), and so they are
the real competition in the context of my earlier message...


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] (X)HTML Best Practice Sheet updated for MSIE

2007-08-12 Thread Philip Kiff
Philip Kiff wrote:
 Tested this link: [corrected]

 This link does not seem to work in MSIE 7, 6, or 5.55 on my test

Works now as designed on all MSIE browsers listed above - it serves HTML
4.01 Strict version, with a note added about my browser not being able to
display true XHTML.  Not sure when it started to work -- it could have just
been a cache issue on a server between here and there, or even just on my
ISP's server.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] (X)HTML Best Practice Sheet updated for MSIE

2007-08-11 Thread Philip Kiff
Philip Kiff wrote
 Tested this link:[...].html

Ooops. That isn't the link I tested.  I tested the xhtml one that is
supposed to get rewritten in the htaccess rules:


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] (X)HTML Best Practice Sheet updated for MSIE

2007-08-11 Thread Philip Kiff
Keryx Web wrote:
 This is the set of rules in my .htaccess that I think should do
 the trick:
 It works with FFox, Opera 9.2, Safari for Windows (complained at first
 about too many redirects for no apparent reason) and MSIE 6.

Tested this link:

This link does not seem to work in MSIE 7, 6, or 5.55 on my test machines.
The same link works on the same machines in Opera v.9.22.  Did not test
beyond that.

Not sure about your htaccess code. You might also consider an alternative
scripting method of serving the page to MSIE versions, such as one of these:


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Absolute positioning in the flow of the document?

2007-08-02 Thread Philip Kiff
Paul Collins wrote:
 I've spent a while trying to figure this out and I'm not sure there is
 a solution. I've got two levels of navigation here; visually one sits
 on top of the other, but the second level will change according to
 what top level link you click:

Probably you are just in the middle of making changes or something, but the
nav menu doesn't’t seem to show up at all on my Internet Explorer version 7
or version  6?

It does show up correctly on Opera and Firefox.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] To target or not

2007-07-20 Thread Philip Kiff
Designer wrote:
 Can we just step back a moment, and consider what we are doing.  As I
 write this reply, I am typing the content of this mail  IN A NEW
 Do those who proclaim annoyance at having 'new windows forced on them'
 apply the same thinking to mail, Dreamweaver (and all the other

Okay, stepping back for a moment, I would first of all admit that I quoted
somewhat selectively from the WCAG in order to make it seem like it was
absolutely wrong to open up a new window when a person clicks on a link.  In
a more even-handed moment, I might have pointed out that the issue is not
necessarily the opening up of a new window, but rather the *method* one uses
for opening up a new window and whether one can make a user aware of what
behaviour to expect when they click on a particular link.  So although I
would advise against it, it is nevertheless technically possible and within
accepted web standards to code a link in such a way that it will open up a
new window, provided that you notify your users that such behaviour will

Since we're looking at this from a web standards perspective, there are
other web standards that come into play.  For instance, although
target=_blank is regularly used to open a new window, I would argue that
this code is actually part of the HTML code intended for use with FRAMES,
and therefore, the use of this code to create pop-up windows in a non-frame
environment is an abuse of the HTML code.  In XHTML 1.1 Strict, of course,
target=_blank has been removed entirely in order to make such use
impossible if one wants to write valid XHTML code -- and I would suggest
that part of the reason it has been removed is precisely because of the
abuse of its intended use within a frames environment.

There remains, however, the possibility of using JavaScript to create new
windows.  And I would admit that there are certain contexts when such usages
are valuable for a user -- especially in those instances where a website is
attempting to serve more like a web application than a static,
information-only site.  But whenever you use JavaScript to code some
behaviour, you should from the very beginning be thinking about how you can
emulate that behaviour in a non-JavaScript environment -- if only because a
certain percentage of users will have JavaScript disabled.

With the wildly popular use of AJAX and other scripting technologies to make
web sites behave more like standalone programs, there is a temptation to
compare the two and draw similarities between them.  I would note however
that there remain deep, structural and perceived differences between
web-based applications and stand-alone programs that run on one or two
operating systems.  For instance, assistive technology like screen readers
can tap directly into an operating system's API or interface so that when a
modal/dialog box pops up it can always, without fail notify a user in the
exact same way every time.  By contrast, on the web, there are many
different methods of simulating the opening up of such modal windows, and
despite a decade of development, screen readers still cannot reliably
communicate to their users when such pop-ups occur and how to navigate
through them.  If there were a web standard that required that all pop-up
windows be created using the exact same specific coding method, then I am
sure that screen reader software could be written to predict and communicate
such activity.  The challenge for those who create AJAX/dynamic-scripting
web applications, then, is to find ways of ensuring that those sites are
usable by ALL users with CURRENT, or even somewhat-out-of-date, user agents
(since users with disabilities in particular are often financially
disadvantaged as well, and so are unable to purchase the latest versions of
their preferred assistive technologies).

With respect to the use of multiple windows and learned web behaviour
generally, I think there is some confusion.  Like you, I also use multiple
windows when browsing the web, and they are an integral part of my web
experience.  My annoyance with links that are coded to always open up in a
new window is that such coding actually gets in the way of my experience.
My web browser allows me to choose whether I want to open a link in a new
window or not.  When someone codes a site so that those links are forced to
open up in a new window, then it *breaks* my browsing experience.  Some less
experienced users may also get frustrated because such links *break* their
back button: there is no way back when you open a new window -- you have
to close the window in order to get back.  In general, this makes my
browsing experience less predictable, and it discourages a user who knows
exactly what they want and what the fastest way is for them to get it.

The problem is not then with the use of multiple windows, but with the lack
of predictability and control over those windows.  In an operating system
environment, I only have to learn about a 

RE: [WSG] To target or not

2007-07-19 Thread Philip Kiff
Joyce Evans wrote:
 I always thought it was a good idea to open links to other websites
 in a separate window, so you don't lose the visitor. [...]

I think that the weight of public opinion has been steadily turning against
this view over the past 10 years or so.  I would be interested in knowing if
there is any current research that supports the theory that opening links in
new windows will somehow keep visitors interested in your site longer.  Sure
it may keep them *stuck* there longer, but does that keep them *interested*?
My impression is that in 2007 the reverse is true.

There is certainly a considerable amount of anecdotal evidence that suggests
that for a certain percentage of web users, nothing infuriates them more
than forcing causing a new window to pop-up unexpectedly when you click on a
link.  I personally now use a JavaScript snippet to strip all
target=_blank entries from the DOM before rendering pages are rendered in
my browser.

From a web standards perspective, the argument against opening links in new
windows dates back to the very first W3C Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines (1999), if not before:

Guideline 10.1
Until user agents allow users to turn off spawned windows, do not cause
pop-ups or other windows to appear and do not change the current window
without informing the user. [Priority 2]

See also, the WCAG Techniques document notes for 10.5:

Lastly, if one really must spawn new windows with certain links, then I
quite like the method suggested by Bill Posters (note that this is
apparently still a Work In Progress):


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] To target or not

2007-07-19 Thread Philip Kiff
Hassan Schroeder wrote:
 I've done usability tests where users *preferred* off-site links to
 open in another window.

I find that surprising.  I am sure you are right, however, that it is all
about context.  Certainly if you sat down in a room full of 20- to
25-year-olds today you would not find that the majority of those users
*preferred* off-site links spawning new windows.  My impression is that the
more a user knows about how to use their web browser, the less they like
windows or tabs opening up without their consent.  As more and more people
become better and better with their web browsers, fewer and fewer will want
off-site links to open up in new windows or tabs.

This almost seems like common sense to me now.  Should I be rethinking this?
Aren't there any current studies that demonstrate this?


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] intuitive text resizer for accessibility toolbar

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Kiff
Benedict Wyss wrote:
 My idea is to have a basic font size to allow a reasonable amount of
 content with less scrolling and then in an accessibility toolbar give
 the visitor the oportunity to increase the font size in the main
 content area. This to me seems like a decent compromise. I am open to
 correction on that, but it seems fair though.

 So I will still need to place a text resizing mechanism to cover that
 government standard for the site.

I'm not sure what you mean by government standard here.  There is some
debate about whether text resizer widgets are a good idea at all, and I
don't think that there is any government standard that explicitly requires
them.  There are a variety of arguments about this, but a couple quick ones
are: is the widget usable without JavaScript? (This is required for the site
to meet W3C WCAG 1.0 Priority 1 Guidelines). Is it usable without cookies?
How can you inform a visitor that the widget exists, and what it will do, if
they cannot read the text on the site to begin with?

What is usually required from a standards perspective, at minimum, is that a
site use relative font sizes in a way that allows a visitor to increase the
font size of the site using browser controls.  Some very respectable sites
provide a link to increase text size that offer simply an explanation of
how to increase the text size in different browsers, rather than trying to
change the size of the fonts being sent to the browser.

 [...] I worked on
 the assumption that lower that normal font sizes are unneccessary but
 as a standard we are obliged to offer a larger text size alternative,
 and one that differs from the cnrt+/- that applies to the whole site.

I don't think you are obliged to offer a larger text size alternative, and
one that differs from the cnrt+/- that applies to the whole site.

 On 6/21/07, Felix Miata wrote:
 I think what you want is to reinvent the wheel and clutter your page
 duplicating browser tools. One job of a modern web browser to provide
 its user with whatever text size adjustment is required to
 make a page comfortable and/or usable.
 [] All you need to do is
 accommodate them all by leaving the base size as you found it and
 setting only contextual sizes relative to the base size presumptively
 chosen by each individual user.

I'd have to agree with Felix on this one, particularly for a site whose
target market includes large numbers of seniors.  Seniors are more likely to
be unfamiliar with how web browsers work than the younger population, and as
a result, they will be less likely to know how to change the font size in
their browsers, and they will also be less likely to understand the function
of font resizing widgets on a page, no matter how you present them.  And
given that deteriorating vision is such a common issue for that population,
the best approach for a site targeting that market would be to use a large
enough default size that most users can use it.  To do this, I would
seriously consider following Felix's recommendation of leaving the base size
as you found it.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Accessibility and fly out menus

2007-06-21 Thread Philip Kiff
Mary-Anne.Nayler wrote:
 I was wondering how members here feel about the accessibility of Fly
 Out menus. The type I'm talking about are CSS based, ie no
 JavaScript but I'd be interested to hear what people think about
 those that utilise JavaScript.

There was a discussion about this *exact* same topic on this list just one
to two weeks ago:

Those earlier threads address the questions of CSS vs. JavaScript
flyout/dropdowm menus, keyboard navigation, hover delays, etc.

Additional older threads on the same topic can be found in the archives:


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Back to the Future

2007-06-12 Thread Philip Kiff
 Chris Taylor wrote:
 My initial tests show that NN4.03 handles some CSS (float,
 background, border, font etc) but not some important things
 (list-style, margin and padding on lists). Is there a source for
 information about CSS support on old browsers?

Nick Roper wrote:
 Info on CSS support at:

If you're forced to work old-school, then you might find some old, otherwise
outdated information websites of value.  For instance, I would combine the
W3CSchools info with old info from the CSS Pointers Group:

and also from

The CSS Pointers Group info was especially useful in the early 2000's in
understanding how to deal with the many failures of different browsers to
meet the W3C CSS standards.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Accessible Drop Down

2007-06-12 Thread Philip Kiff
 Ryan Moore wrote:
 I see that it relies on a source of JS to complete the effect, and
 i'm wondering if it's possible to complete this purely with XHTML 
 CSS. Anyone have a good example of this?

 Keryx Web (Lars Gunther) wrote:
 Just do not do it. It cannot be done.

 a. JS is the best tool for *behavior*. CSS for design.
 b. There are huge accessibility and usability issues with pure CSS
 menus, such as:
 - off-screen positioning
 - moving the mouse the shortest distance will often lead to the menu
 getting closed
 - non-intuitive keyboard navigation

Ryan Moore wrote:

 So typically is any form of navigation that relies on a rollover or
 hover state would be a bad practice of accessibility/usability?

It depends on how it is done.  I would disagree with Lars that it cannot be
done, but to do it properly in a way that meets usability and accessibility
guidelines requires a great deal of care and attention to detail.

I think that the Ultimate Drop Down Menu 4.5 by Brothercake comes about as
close as any I've seen to meeting those guidelines (someone else mentioned
it last week in response to a similar question about accessible drop-down

UDM4 normally uses JavaScript, but it is designed so that the it will
degrade gracefully and you can set it up so that your menu will work the
same way as a CSS-only menu if JavaScript is turned off.  It also includes a
keyboard module that allows you to configure better keyboard access.

UDM4 is copyrighted and there is a licensing fee, but non-profit
organizations can obtain a free license.  I do not have any relationship,
business or personal, with Brothercake/UDM4 other than having used it when
working on a non-profit site in the past.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Safari now on Windows

2007-06-11 Thread Philip Kiff
Michael MD wrote:
 Speaking of Mac browsers -
 a friend called me on the weekend and said he can't find anything
 newer than IE5 for OS9 but won't upgrade to OSX because it would be
 way too slow on his G3. (and he doesn't have the money to buy a new
 now that is something to think about!

I ran into this problem a year or two ago, and the local sys admin explained
that my best bet would probably be to use Netscape for Mac OS 9 instead.  I
ended up installing IE, Netscape and iCab and then switched back and forth
depending on which site would work with which browser.

It looks like you can actually get Netscape 7.02 for OS 9 (Mac PowerPC),
which, while buggy, would still probably be better than IE5 in most cases:


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] What does Semantic mean?

2007-06-06 Thread Philip Kiff
Lucien Stals wrote:
 It seems to me that many people here have different ideas about what
 semantic means. It would be helpful it we shared a common
 understanding in our conversations. I welcome, and invite, a *polite
 and professional* debate about the use of the term semantic as it
 relates to our work on the web.

I have also noticed that the term semantic seems to be understood
differently by different people, especially with respect to websites and
coding.  There are probably many reasons for this, but one reason is that
there really are at least two different definitions in use: one is based on
the proposal/theory of the Semantic Web, and the other is based on
linguistics and the theory of how language produces meaning.  These two
definitions are similar and related, but not identical.  And sometimes it
appears that people slip back and forth from one definition to another.

I'm not sure that I can define what semantic means in each case, but I
would nevertheless highlight these two cases as two different uses of the
word, and as one reason it can be difficult to come up with a common
language to discuss semantics as they relate to web standards.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] layout/font site test - please

2007-06-04 Thread Philip Kiff
Felix Miata  wrote on  EDT:
 On 2007/06/02 11:06 (GMT+0100) Designer apparently typed:

 Sparked partly by the recent discussions on elasticity, I've been
 attempting to put together a 'template', based on em's and with a
 You can see it at:

 I only looked in IE7  FF. Pretty good, although the line lengths are
 on the long side of what I like, and the text is too small. is the same
 basic layout, but without breaking IE's font resizer, with no special
 treatment for antique browsers, and without disrespecting the
 visitor's choice of font size.

Just FYI, on my default browser settings, the font sizes used on Designer's
site provide better readability than those on the DancesSRQ site.  In
particular, the subheading tag line on the DancesSRQ is just a wee bit too
small for my tastes -- my browser computes it as 10px.  The same size font
is displayed in the bottom copyright statement.  By contrast, the smallest
size that appears on Designer's site shows up as 12px.  No doubt it is a
matter of taste and personal preference, but I would be cautious in
promoting the current DancesSRQ design over the one used by Designer as far
as font sizes are concerned.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] layout/font site test - please

2007-06-04 Thread Philip Kiff
Designer wrote:
 Sparked partly by the recent discussions on elasticity, I've been
 attempting to put together a 'template', based on em's and with a
 max-width.  I've used an expression for max-width in IE 7 (pinched
 from Georg!). I've tested it in FF1.5, IE6 IE7, Opera 9, and Netscape

Felix Miata wrote: is the same
 basic layout, but without breaking IE's font resizer [...]

As Felix points out, your current template breaks IE's built-in font resizer
(View - Text Size - Larger/Largest).  This problem is caused by your
definition of the default body text size as 14px.  The use of “px”
measurements for font sizes is not scalable under Microsoft Internet

Here is the specific line in your CSS file that is causing this problem:
htmlbody { font-size : 14px; }

In terms of standards, using a px-based measurement is not technically
against the font and unit guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines version 1.0, since the error is actually caused by Internet
Explorer’s misunderstanding of px units.  But since the W3C WCAG also
recommends testing with actual users of actual browsers, then the use of
px-based font sizes becomes an identifiable barrier for users of Internet
Explorer, and so ends up as something that goes against the WCAG in the end.

To resolve this issue, you should use a different kind of relative font
measurement (like em or percentage), or better, leave the default body font
size untouched -- you’ve already set the body font size to a percentage
value in your body { font-size } setting anyways.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Converting font size from pt to % or em

2007-05-28 Thread Philip Kiff
Felix Miata wrote:
 Your mission, should you choose to embrace it, is to convince the
 client that maintaining an anachronistic practice is the wrong thing
 to do, and that doing the right thing is always the right thing to
 do. Maybe this will help whenever that discussion ensues.

Perhaps not the best example to provide for this thread...from their default
body {font-size: 80%;}


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Converting font size from pt to % or em

2007-05-28 Thread Philip Kiff
Felix Miata wrote:
 On 2007/05/25 17:47 (GMT-0400) Philip Kiff apparently typed:

 Felix Miata wrote:

 What matters is:
 5-that any deviation a designer makes from 100% is
 arbitrary, as it's made from an entirely unknown starting point

 100% of the visitor's choice equals respect for the visitor.

 I'm not really convinced that this is an issue of respect for the
 users of one's site.

 The reference that Kane provided to Owen Briggs's charts over at I think demonstrates how the operating system
 manufacturers and browser companies are the ones who have been
 arbitrary about what 100% font size on the body element means.  Here
 is a link to Owen Briggs's page discussing Sane CSS Typography:

 That's the 2nd time in this thread that poison-pill anachronism has
 been included. Its focus is on pixel perfection with tiny fonts that
 provides at most marginal utility when applied to the much larger
 pixel sizes necessary on modern high resolution/high PPI displays. It
 only applied when the very overwhelming majority of browsers had 16px
 defaults *and* most users were running sub-~72DPI displays. It
 misleads the uninitiated into thinking mousetype is an OK standard
 for web pages.

I included the 2nd link to the Briggs article because I thought that perhaps
the first link might not have been understood since it went directly to the
a page of Briggs's images.  I realize that you have spent considerable time
studying this issue, but your explanation of Briggs's technique seems
misleading to me.  Under Briggs's technique, the body font-size is set to
76% and then the p font-size is set to 1.0 em.  All other elements are then
sized with ems.  This should not produce tiny fonts on most people's
systems: that is the whole purpose of his going through the exercise of
producing all the screenshots using different browsers and operating
systems.  Although the screenshots date back to 2002, they do include IE 6,
and I doubt there are differences in font-size rendering between IE 6 and 7
that would make Briggs technique suddenly unusable.

Briggs's method will produce pages where fonts appear similar to what they
appear like if you use 12pt text as your base font-size.  This is the size
that is still used today by millions of websites.  No doubt some people find
that size too small, but that is still the norm on the web these days.  I
don't quite understand the issue with the different dpi displays.  Won't
that have the same affect on all browsers, regardless of what method is used
to size fonts -- unless you use pixel sizes, of course?

I would also add that the reason I found the Briggs method attractive was
that there is a certain elegance to the code involved, and some other
designers may have been attracted for the same reason.  Under Briggs, your
base site font text is 1.0 em.  Headings, lists, and other elements can all
be set in relation to that 1.0em base.  Whenever you are working on the CSS
file, you can immediately grasp what the relative size of any element will
be in comparison to your base body text (2.5em = two and a half times).
Also, you can upsize your entire website simply by changing the body
font-size from 76% to a larger number.  There is no need to go through and
change each and every percentage or em value of your other elements since
the whole site should scale with the body font-size setting.

 As Kane pointed out, and as Owen Briggs's screenshot studies
 demonstrate, the use of 76% as the body font size is to create a
 more even base-line size across multiple browsers.  This 76% figure
 is not therefore entirely arbitrary:

 The arbitrariness is an illusion induced by a mindset that all
 browsers should make every web look like a clone of that page in
 every other web browser. Modern browsers do a remarkable job of
 providing the similarity among themselves that they do, which is due
 in no small part to the standards bodies considerable efforts to
 create sensible and achievable standards. Different, within reason,
 should be a perfectly OK standard.

I agree wholeheartedly.  Different viewports and preferred sizes are
perfectly OK.  But if a designer finds a way to make sites appear almost
identical across all major browsers and platforms at a screen resolution of
1024x768 on a 17 monitor with everything else set at default settings, and
those sites are STILL scalable for other users, then shouldn't that be OK

 setting the body font size to 65%-76% or so is the size that

 76% was a particular sweet spot for a particular period that has since
 passed. Any deviation from 76% did and does move the result out of
 that anachronistic sweet spot.

 designers have come up with over the years that allows them the most
 freedom to produce designs that appear similar across different
 browsers and different operating platforms.

 That particular basis doesn't make it any less arbitrary

RE: [WSG] Converting font size from pt to % or em

2007-05-28 Thread Philip Kiff
I spent some time carousing through various sites and email lists and ended
up trying to pull together some of the disparate techniques, arguments, and
references about page font sizing into a single document.  Because this
message grew to an unwieldy size, I've divided it up into 5 sections:

1. Common Body Font Size Settings
2. Best Practices with Respect to Web Standards
3. User CSS Stylesheets
4. Sample Sites
5. Additional References

1. Common Body Font Size Settings

Christian Montoya wrote:
 I hate to make a quick reply to a long post, but not all designers set
 body font size to 62.5% when creating websites...

Out of curiosity, I did some browsing through the style sheets of some major
websites and some other selected sites with an interest in design and
standards, and it would appear that Christian is right here.  I did not of
course think that all designers set body font size to 62.5%, but I did
think that I would find default body font-size settings of 60-75% being
quite common, if not the norm.  From what I can tell, however, body
font-size settings are all over the map.

Some of the biggest major sites, like Google, Flickr, YouTube, and Amazon
use keywords (usually, font-size: x-small) and then scale up from there.
Lots and lots of the other big sites also set the body font-size to a point
size (12 and 13 seem to be the most common).  Of those that are setting body
font-sizes to a percentage value, the numbers range from the 62.5% that Paul
mentions right up to 95%, and there does not seem to be any trend towards
one number or another.

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
 Though I agree with the sentiment, the fact remains that the large
 majority of websites out there do size text below 100% (and yes, more
 often than not around the 75%ish mark).

It appears that Patrick is right here: the number of sites that leave the
body font-size element untouched (and so allow the browser defaults to stay
at the usual defaults of medium, 16pt, and 100%) is a clear minority.  I
think that this statistical fact is an important piece of information for
designers who are weighing the advantages and disadvantages of leaving the
default body font sizes untouched in their stylesheets since it forms the
real world usage background against which such decisions are made.

For reference purposes, in section 4 below, I've provided links to a
selection of significant sites that set body font-size to a percentage

2. Best Practices with Respect to Web Standards

Sagnik Dey wrote:
 I'm developing a website that have some standards defined. The font
 size specified is 9pt. But due to accessibility standards I wanted to
 convert that in % or em. Can anybody tell what do i need to use to
 view the same size in different browsers?

To respond to the original poster's question, I would say that there are at
least three general techniques for converting page styles from point-based
font sizes to a relative font size system:

1. Use Percentage on body font-size, then apply ems on the rest
Owen Briggs
The Noodle Incident - Sane CSS Sizes

2.. Use Keywords on body font-size element, then apply relative sizing on
Dive Into Accessibility: 30 days to a more accessible web site
Day 26: Using relative font sizes

3. Use some combination of percentage and em sizing on all elements
Note that if you avoid changing the default base font-size setting, then
this method can be used to create a fully scalable/zoomable design while
still addressing the objections of those who believe that the default text
font size should be left unchanged.

The one clear no-no, is that absolute font sizes, like points, should not
be used.  As the original poster points out, the use of point sizes can
cause accessibility issues for some users.  For more information about this,
CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
Units of Measure:

There has been considerable discussion about the potential use of pixel
sizes because pixels can be technically described as a relative font size.
Unfortunately, Internet Explorer does not treat pixels as such, and using
pixel sizes will break the View - Increase Text Size function on most
versions of Internet Explorer, and so pixel sizing is not a viable option at

The last major position, of course, is the one advocating against any
changes to the default base font sizes for the body text.  This is the 100%
Easy-2-Read Standard advocated by Felix Miata:

From my browsing around, I learned that the debate over this position is a
recurring discussion in various communities of coders and designers.  I find
some of the arguments in favour of Felix's position compelling.  For
instance, I had not fully examined the potential problems 

RE: [WSG] Converting font size from pt to % or em

2007-05-28 Thread Philip Kiff
Felix Miata wrote:
 body {font-size: 62.5%} was recently overhauled. It used to be 13px.
 Here's a look at before:

Ooops.  My mistake, your screenshots are right.  The BBC news site uses the
same 13px setting that you based your screenshots on.  Those are useful
screenshots for understanding the differences across screen resolutions and
screen sizes.

I guess I reviewed the BBC site too quickly and assumed incorrectly that the
BBC used a uniform set of styles across their site.  It turns out that they
different settings for different sections of their site.  The main front
page uses the body font-size 62.5% that I found, but the news site uses the
13px setting that you identify.

body {font-size: 62.5%}
body {font-size: 13px}


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Converting font size from pt to % or em

2007-05-28 Thread Philip Kiff
Felix Miata wrote:
 On 2007/05/28 02:43 (GMT-0400) Philip Kiff apparently typed:

 1. Use Percentage on body font-size, then apply ems on the rest
 Owen Briggs
 The Noodle Incident - Sane CSS Sizes

 This is the method of undersizing that is least visitor unfriendly.
 Gecko browsers don't compound an enforced minimum font size as badly
 as on Clagnut pages. More importantly, a simple user stylesheet with
 'body {font-size: medium !important}' fixes all or substantially all
 of most pages that strictly use this method.

 The last major position, of course, is the one advocating against any
 changes to the default base font sizes for the body text.  This is
 the 100% Easy-2-Read Standard advocated by Felix Miata:

 There is at least one rather significant other proponent. From

 'Size: respect the users' preferences, avoid small size for content
 * As a base font size for a document, 1em (or 100%) is equivalent
 to setting the font size to the user's preference. Use this as a
 basis for your font sizes, and avoid setting a smaller base font
 size * Avoid sizes in em smaller than 1em for text body, except
 maybe for copyright statements or other kinds of fine print.'

I was not aware of this document.  Thanks for highlighting it.  I note that
it is merely a tips document and therefore should not be seen as anything
else than informative bits of wisdom, and especially, they are not normative
W3C technical specifications.  But having noted that, I think you are right
that it suggests that the W3C collective wisdom on this topic is to
recommend leaving the base font sizes unchanged, especially given that their
own site follows that policy as well.

I guess that means that now I'm not sure if I agree with the W3C either (!).
I know some people are quite comfortable occupying that position, but for
me, I'm not so sure...   G...


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Converting font size from pt to % or em

2007-05-25 Thread Philip Kiff
Felix Miata wrote:
 What matters is:
 5-that any deviation a designer makes from 100% is
 arbitrary, as it's made from an entirely unknown starting point

 100% of the visitor's choice equals respect for the visitor.

I'm not really convinced that this is an issue of respect for the users of
one's site.

The reference that Kane provided to Owen Briggs's charts over at I think demonstrates how the operating system
manufacturers and browser companies are the ones who have been arbitrary
about what 100% font size on the body element means.  Here is a link to Owen
Briggs's page discussing Sane CSS Typography:

As Kane pointed out, and as Owen Briggs's screenshot studies demonstrate,
the use of 76% as the body font size is to create a more even base-line
size across multiple browsers.  This 76% figure is not therefore entirely
arbitrary: setting the body font size to 65%-76% or so is the size that
designers have come up with over the years that allows them the most freedom
to produce designs that appear similiar across different browsers and
different operating platforms.  These levels don't come from any disrespect
felt towards site visitors, but from a disrespect for the arbitrariness of
different browser defaults and a desire to override the choices made by
those browsers.

Isn't this basically the same kind of thing that a designer does when they
apply zeroing to the body margins or body padding or to any other CSS
element that different browsers set differently.  Designers modify the
default settings of CSS elements all the time - that is what a designer does
in order to create a design.  Sure, designers should create designs that
scale nicely and play well with user specified font sizes, and of course web
designers should learn to embrace the idea that the sites they create will
be accessed in different ways and with different technologies that will not
permit pixel-perfect identical versions to be served to all users.  However,
that doesn't mean that they have to give up on trying to produce designs
that look almost identical to the way they want in the default settings of
the browsers that appear most frequently in their site traffic logs.

I wonder, is it possible that 65%-76% base size body font is in fact the
level that has become a kind of standard on the web?  Or perhaps the web has
a dual standard: one is 65-76% and the other is 100%?  In any case, I'm not
convinced that the choice by many web designers to use 65-76% will be easily
overcome, especially given its usefulness from a design standpoint, and the
apparent arbitrariness of the 100% alternative.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] wa state guidlines question

2007-05-10 Thread Philip Kiff
Thierry Koblentz wrote:
 The script can do much more than just adding the event. It can add a
 title attribute, plug an icon or even add some text within the anchor
 tags. That way the info about the behavior is plugged only if the
 behavior is available.

Frank Palinkas wrote:
 You can find more info on the use of unobtrusive DOM/JavaScript in
 Jeremy Keith's book [...] and James Edwards and Cameron Adams book [...]

While I personally agree with Michael that such scripting is not really
something to be encouraged, nor something that can be done in a way that
really meets accessibility standards 100%, I would point to the following
test site by Bill Posters as the closest I've seen to a best practices
method of doing this:

No need to buy anyone's book to get caught up on the latest methods!


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] Markup for Poetry?

2007-03-29 Thread Philip Kiff
Jeremy Boggs wrote:
 Are there
 any discussions or examples on strategies for marking up and styling

I don't know of a set of guidelines for simple markup of poetry in X/HTML,
but you can find some discussions about it as well as some more involved
methods of marking up such texts through the Text Encoding Initiative

TEI uses SGML markup, which theoretically could then be run through a parser
to produce whatever flavour of X/HTML one wanted.  But because it requires
its own DTD or a server-side XSLT/translator of some sort, it is probably
not what you are looking for.  If you are really interested in poetry markup
however, they have done some fairly extensive thinking about it.

For e.g., check out

A Gentle Introduction to SGML:


TEI - 4 Encoding the Body - 4.3. Prose, Verse and Drama:

In actual practice, if you are just encoding a couple poems, then I think
that the simple use of either pre or p + br as suggested by others
makes more sense.


List Guidelines:

RE: [WSG] site check - almost ready for prime time

2007-03-19 Thread Philip Kiff
Bob Schwartz wrote:
 The test site at
 has been refurbished [...] I would appreciate it
 if you guys could check it out for any errors or wrong practices

It looks like the site may have problems displaying at widths of less than
1000px in Opera 9 and Firefox.  The backgrounds don't stay within the three
columns properly, leaving some text unreadable.  Probably an issue with div
positioning, and the box model since the problem doesn't seem to show up in
IE -- which is what you presumably used to test the positioning.


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