Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-04 Thread Tim Bray
On Feb 4, 2005, at 9:10 AM, Robert Sayre wrote:
My interest is in simplification, not abstraction.  For example,
the draft wastes a lot of text talking in the abstract about
various constructs rather than simply defining one element for
each of those constructs.
Person, Date, and Text constructs all save space because they avoid 
repetitive requirements, and they match up nicely with the Relax NG. 
I'm pretty sure the group has agreed to drop Service constructs, and 
mnot has already moved atom:id into an element definition for -06.
Right, and Brent Simmons, one of the major implementors, published a 
blog entry talking about how much, as a programmer, he liked the 
"person" and "link" and so on constructs.  -Tim

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-04 Thread Robert Sayre
Roy T. Fielding wrote:
Entry is a data model that easily fits the XML format, assuming
we ignore (for the moment) that entries and entry summaries are
actually quite different.  It would be nice if atom would define
a distinct data model for entry first, before it got tied up in
the details of how feeds are supposed to work.
Agree. *looks for the well-formed log entry.
The purpose of PaceFeedRecursive is to simplify the feed data
format by specifying a particular method of answering the data
relationship question via XML containment.  
Now that you've written PaceRemoveHeadElement (Note to Bob: it still 
does what you want), I think that is what will probably happen. 
Secondly, it would be easy to turn it into PaceFeedRecursive at some 
point in the future.

My interest is in simplification, not abstraction.  For example,
the draft wastes a lot of text talking in the abstract about
various constructs rather than simply defining one element for
each of those constructs. 
Person, Date, and Text constructs all save space because they avoid 
repetitive requirements, and they match up nicely with the Relax NG. I'm 
pretty sure the group has agreed to drop Service constructs, and mnot 
has already moved atom:id into an element definition for -06.

Robert Sayre

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-04 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Feb 3, 2005, at 6:37 PM, Tim Bray wrote:
On reflection, I am growing very negative on almost all of the 
"Organization" Paces, including FeedRecursive, PaceEntriesElement, 
PaceCollection.  Here's why: they represent to increase the level of 
abstraction in Atom, and in my experience, when the goal is 
interoperability across the network, abstraction hurts.
Hmm, I am either suffering from a bad case of ennui at the moment
or I have just completely lost track of why atom needs a syndication
format in the first place, or perhaps both.  I think your summary
reflects the email discussion, not the content of those paces.
  I would like it if the markup found in Atom documents was as close 
as possible to a typical human mental model.
... of what?  Personally, I think that is the main problem with
all of the syndication formats -- they reify an interaction model
rather than a data model.
The word "feed" has entered the vocabulary, even the non-geek 
vocabulary, and the notion that there are "things" (entries, stories, 
items, whatever) in "feeds" likewise.  Any attempt to abstract away 
and generalize along the lines of "well, a feed is really an entry" or 
"well, an entry is really a feed" or "really, they're all just web 
resources and collections" is dangerously close to verging on 
Architecture Astronautics.
Entry is a data model that easily fits the XML format, assuming
we ignore (for the moment) that entries and entry summaries are
actually quite different.  It would be nice if atom would define
a distinct data model for entry first, before it got tied up in
the details of how feeds are supposed to work.
Feed is an interaction model.  It has more to do with the pipe in
pipe-and-filter and the slash in client/server than the actual data
passed in syndication.  It carries a lot of semantic baggage, which
is fine when that is the baggage you want to define.  Other than
that, it is just data, and all data looks like an entry because
(so far) entry is completely undefined.
The purpose of PaceFeedRecursive is to simplify the feed data
format by specifying a particular method of answering the data
relationship question via XML containment.  With all due respect,
that is far more concrete a solution than what is currently in
the draft, much easier to specify, and easily implemented by
existing XML tools without the need for (or conflict with) RDF/XML.
My interest is in simplification, not abstraction.  For example,
the draft wastes a lot of text talking in the abstract about
various constructs rather than simply defining one element for
each of those constructs.  Likewise, it talks about documents
in a very abstract way, whereas it really should define entry
first (and completely) before even talking about feed documents.
It defines an element, atom:head, that serves no useful purpose
whatsoever (XML is ordered and there is nothing preventing the
syndication format from requiring that entries be provided last)
while at the same time making a mess out of atom extensibility.
Having said all that, I have no objection to withdrawing
PaceFeedRecursive and replacing it with a PaceHeadless
that simply removes atom:head.  My interest in atom is almost
all on the back-end (content management) and that is the one
piece that dirties a clean implementation via Jackrabbit
(or any CMS based on JSR 170).
I think one reason that Robert has been exploring various
alternatives is because atom is not clear on what an entry
should be, which is a separate issue that has very little
to do with the organization paces, and yet that is the one
capability that distinguishes atom from the other syndication
formats.  OTOH, if people really want just a syndication format
containing typical blog entries, then I strongly recommend
just using the proposed RSS 1.1 and move on to greener pastures.
Roy T. Fielding
Chief Scientist, Day Software  

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Antone Roundy
On Thursday, February 3, 2005, at 09:08  PM, Bob Wyman wrote:
	I see two non-compelling benefits to PaceAggregationDocument over
	1. In the case where a feed will contain more than one entry from a
"foreign" feed, you only have to include the atom:head data once. Thus,
there would be some increase in efficiency of encoding... However, as 
pointed out on numerous occasions, this is a rare case. Typically, at
PubSub, we DO NOT see many cases where atom:head information is 
repeated in
a single instance of a feed.
In the past few days, I've been reading people talking about different 
ways emerging for people to combine or divide the content of their own 
feeds based on what's going to end up in our  element and by 
other methods.  (See  
This kind of thinking could very well point the way to the emergence of 
more feeds being aggregated from a small number of sources.  Time will 

	2. It is easier to see how one would sign an aggregated entry since
you don't muck with the contents of entry by inserting the 
HeadInEntry. This
problem, however, would be solved by canonicalization rules that said 
you should remove HeadInEntry before processing signatures, or, rules 
said that you had to insert HeadInEntry before signing anything, or 
rules that allowed one to flag HeadInEntry as not part of the signed
content. (i.e. alternative solutions exist...)
When you remove HeadInEntry, do you remove from the start of the  
tag to the end of the  tag, or do you also take out the newline 
after the  tag...?  We'd have to be certain we defined the 
process precisely and that people followed it precisely.  The benefit 
of avoiding that complexity may be a little greater than it appears at 
first blush.

	But, there are tremendous problems with the proposal:
	1. It looks like I can't intersperse "native" entries with
aggregated entries. This is a nuisance. I would like to see people 
entries with "HeadInEntry" when they copy something from another feed 
their own feed. PaceAggregationDocument says that your feed must have 
"native" entries or "foreign" entries, but it can't have both. This 
like an unnecessary constraint.
You could always have a feed in the aggregation for the "native" 
entries.  But you do have a point--the thing that would be more 
difficult would be to occasionally import external content into a feed 
that is not always an aggregation--you'd either have to temporarily 
become an aggregation, refer to it rather than importing it, or forget 
it.  Out of curiosity though, how common is it to import entries 
wholesale from external sources as opposed to referring to them?

	2. As mentioned before, the introduction of a new level of
abstraction (i.e. aggregation) is likely to scare off a good 
proportion of
the aggregator developers. Current aggregators don't have the concept 
"aggregation" in them. Thus, new design and new architecture will be
required to address this Pace. On the other hand, staying with 
is much more gentle on the existing systems and thus much more likely 
to be
useful in the field.
Current aggregators don't have the concept of HeadInEntry either.  With 
HeadInEntry, it's easier because you don't have to deal with one more 
level of hierarchy--if you don't know about HeadInEntry and just ignore 
it, you can still function.  However, that leads to erroneously 
attributing an entry to the wrong feed.  To get it right, aggregators 
are going to have to understand SOMETHING new.  The containment in an 
aggregation document would be more intuitively obvious in meaning than 
seeing a head in an entry and figuring out that it was the head from 
the feed that used to surround the entry.

	4. Massive changes need to be made to the specification when we
don't have a great deal of time left before we're supposed to be doing 
"Last Call." This is dangerous.
If we don't want to reorganize the spec to do this, we can create 
PaceAggregationDocument2 which does it more simply by making only four 

1) add an aggregation element
2) state that it requires an atom:head
3) state that it can contain any number of atom:feeds
4) state that it can be the document element

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Robert Sayre
James Snell wrote:
On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 23:08:43 -0500, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   4. Massive changes need to be made to the specification when we
don't have a great deal of time left before we're supposed to be doing a
"Last Call." This is dangerous.
+1. Big +1.  

I really regret writing down the religion that format-05 seems to 
embody. Take a look at PaceEntriesElement. It does not propose a 
"massive change". It's just *shorter*.

Some quotes from format-05:
"Atom is an XML-based document format which describes lists of related 
information known as "feeds". Feeds are  composed of a number of items, 
known as "entries", each  with an extensible set of attached metadata. 
For example, each entry has a title."

"The "atom:feed" element is the document (i.e., top-level)  element of 
an Atom Feed Document, acting as a container for  metadata and data 
associated with the feed"

"The "atom:entry" element represents an individual entry."
I really must find out more about this theology that allows one to 
divine the precise nature of lists, data, metadata, items, containers, 
and representations.

Robert Sayre

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread James Snell

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 23:08:43 -0500, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Bray wrote:
> > So I think I'm +1 on PaceAggregationDocument.  (And I think
> > if we adopted that we could certainly lose PaceHeadInEntry, right Bob?)
> -1...
> PaceAggregationDocument does not seem to me to add much benefit for
> all the costs that it entails. I'm particularly concerned that adding a new
> type of root document "aggregation" is likely to add enough to the
> complexity of Atom that only a subset of developers will actually get around
> to supporting this third type of document -- a type which doesn't exist in
> the simple RSS aggregators that exist today.

+1 to this -1.  The aggregation element is not a necessary part of the
core and adds complexity without adding *significant* benefit to the

> 2. As mentioned before, the introduction of a new level of
> abstraction (i.e. aggregation) is likely to scare off a good proportion of
> the aggregator developers. Current aggregators don't have the concept of
> "aggregation" in them. Thus, new design and new architecture will be
> required to address this Pace. On the other hand, staying with HeadInEntry
> is much more gentle on the existing systems and thus much more likely to be
> useful in the field.

This is precisely why I don't think this belongs in the core.  For
those who need this type of functionality, the opportunity exists for
them to create a separate Internet-Draft that describes how to
aggregate feeds -- without adding complexity to the core syntax by
introducing elements that the vast majority of users will *likely*
never use.  (I obviously base this assumption on the reasoning that
most Atom users will use it as a drop in replacement for RSS).

> 3. Since there will be at least some subset of aggregators that
> won't understand the "aggregation" thing, it is likely that we'll have a
> chicken and egg problem. No one will produce "aggregation" documents since
> not everyone supports them. Thus, no one will support them since no one
> generates them. 

Well, I wouldn't go this far.  There is obviously a requirement for it
for some folks and those folks are likely to make good use of it. 
What I would rather see the WG do is take a minimalist approach with
this.  Right now, I see aggregated feeds falling into that limited 20%
of use cases that could be done, but aren't necessarily critical to be
done.  Aggregation could be defined as an extension to Atom, and
later, based on an analysis of its implementation over time, can be
merged into the Atom core if deemed appropriate.  Merging it into the
core now does not guarantee that its adoption and use will be any
greater than if it were done as an extension.

> 4. Massive changes need to be made to the specification when we
> don't have a great deal of time left before we're supposed to be doing a
> "Last Call." This is dangerous.

+1. Big +1.  

> -1. I really don't see any compelling benefit in exchange for the
> tremendous risk and cost of accepting PaceAggregationDocument and dropping
> HeadInEntry. Let's avoid adding to the levels of abstraction here and keep
> it simple. We should have feeds and entries -- nothing else.

One point, HeadInEntry solves the problem of having a standalone Atom
Entry document be able to reference a feed of which it is a part. 
Unless I'm misreading something, if PaceAggregationDocument gets rid
of the ability to put Head elements in the entry, don't we lose this
capability?  (this is something that is important, for instance, in my
Atom Notification Protocol proposal)

> > I would like Atom to be more like Visual Basic and less like Lisp.
> As an ex-Visual Basic Product Manager, I think this would be a good
> idea! Let's keep it simple and NOT accept PaceAggregationDocument. (Note to
> reader: "Visual Basic .NET" is .NOT "Visual Basic"...

Aargh! VB... it burns!  (sorry, temporary flashback to past hell. 
Sorry Bob, VB was an excellent product, I just was forced to be
witness to some extremely bad uses of it.  Nightmares, I tell you,

> bob wyman
- James Snell

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Mark Nottingham
+1 - someone else made a comment about OPML which really hit the spot; 
if you try to make a format do all things, it does most of them 

On Feb 3, 2005, at 6:37 PM, Tim Bray wrote:
On reflection, I am growing very negative on almost all of the 
"Organization" Paces, including FeedRecursive, PaceEntriesElement, 
PaceCollection.  Here's why: they represent to increase the level of 
abstraction in Atom, and in my experience, when the goal is 
interoperability across the network, abstraction hurts.  I would like 
it if the markup found in Atom documents was as close as possible to a 
typical human mental model.  The word "feed" has entered the 
vocabulary, even the non-geek vocabulary, and the notion that there 
are "things" (entries, stories, items, whatever) in "feeds" likewise.
Mark Nottingham

RE: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Bob Wyman

Tim Bray wrote:
> So I think I'm +1 on PaceAggregationDocument.  (And I think 
> if we adopted that we could certainly lose PaceHeadInEntry, right Bob?)
PaceAggregationDocument does not seem to me to add much benefit for
all the costs that it entails. I'm particularly concerned that adding a new
type of root document "aggregation" is likely to add enough to the
complexity of Atom that only a subset of developers will actually get around
to supporting this third type of document -- a type which doesn't exist in
the simple RSS aggregators that exist today.
I see two non-compelling benefits to PaceAggregationDocument over
1. In the case where a feed will contain more than one entry from a
"foreign" feed, you only have to include the atom:head data once. Thus,
there would be some increase in efficiency of encoding... However, as I've
pointed out on numerous occasions, this is a rare case. Typically, at
PubSub, we DO NOT see many cases where atom:head information is repeated in
a single instance of a feed.
2. It is easier to see how one would sign an aggregated entry since
you don't muck with the contents of entry by inserting the HeadInEntry. This
problem, however, would be solved by canonicalization rules that said that
you should remove HeadInEntry before processing signatures, or, rules that
said that you had to insert HeadInEntry before signing anything, or filter
rules that allowed one to flag HeadInEntry as not part of the signed
content. (i.e. alternative solutions exist...)

But, there are tremendous problems with the proposal:
1. It looks like I can't intersperse "native" entries with
aggregated entries. This is a nuisance. I would like to see people insert
entries with "HeadInEntry" when they copy something from another feed into
their own feed. PaceAggregationDocument says that your feed must have either
"native" entries or "foreign" entries, but it can't have both. This seems
like an unnecessary constraint.
2. As mentioned before, the introduction of a new level of
abstraction (i.e. aggregation) is likely to scare off a good proportion of
the aggregator developers. Current aggregators don't have the concept of
"aggregation" in them. Thus, new design and new architecture will be
required to address this Pace. On the other hand, staying with HeadInEntry
is much more gentle on the existing systems and thus much more likely to be
useful in the field.
3. Since there will be at least some subset of aggregators that
won't understand the "aggregation" thing, it is likely that we'll have a
chicken and egg problem. No one will produce "aggregation" documents since
not everyone supports them. Thus, no one will support them since no one
generates them. On the other hand, HeadInEntry will slide past minimally
updated aggregators with no trouble -- i.e. folk who don't want to do the
work of handling the stuff properly will simply ignore the Head element...
(i.e. it would be suicide for producers like PubSub to support
4. Massive changes need to be made to the specification when we
don't have a great deal of time left before we're supposed to be doing a
"Last Call." This is dangerous.

-1. I really don't see any compelling benefit in exchange for the
tremendous risk and cost of accepting PaceAggregationDocument and dropping
HeadInEntry. Let's avoid adding to the levels of abstraction here and keep
it simple. We should have feeds and entries -- nothing else.

> I would like Atom to be more like Visual Basic and less like Lisp.
As an ex-Visual Basic Product Manager, I think this would be a good
idea! Let's keep it simple and NOT accept PaceAggregationDocument. (Note to
reader: "Visual Basic .NET" is .NOT "Visual Basic"...

        bob wyman

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Tim Bray
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 9:38 PM
To: Atom Syntax
Subject: On organization and abstraction

On reflection, I am growing very negative on almost all of the 
"Organization" Paces, including FeedRecursive, PaceEntriesElement, 
PaceCollection.  Here's why: they represent to increase the level of 
abstraction in Atom, and in my experience, when the goal is 
interoperability across the network, abstraction hurts.  I would like 
it if the markup found in Atom documents was as close as possible to a 
typical human mental model.  The word "feed" has entered the 
vocabulary, even the non-geek vocabulary, and the notion that there are 
"things" (entries, stories, items, whatever) in "feeds" likewise.  Any 
attempt to abstract away and generalize along the lines of "

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Tim Bray
On Feb 3, 2005, at 7:06 PM, Graham wrote:
On the other hand, the notion that sometimes you have collections of 
feeds is easy to understand, easy to verbalize, and widely evidenced 
in practice (cf PubSub & friends), if not perhaps widely seen outside 
of geekland.  So I think I'm +1 on PaceAggregationDocument.  (And I 
think if we adopted that we could certainly lose PaceHeadInEntry, 
right Bob?)
If you removed the ability to have entries within the feeds in 
aggregation documents, I'm in. PaceHeadInEntry covers a fundamentally 
different task.
I'm claiming they do the same thing.  Instead of

you'd have

Which on the face of it seems like an improvement. -Tim

Re: PaceAggregationDocument (was: On organization and abstraction)

2005-02-03 Thread Eric Scheid

On 4/2/05 2:06 PM, "Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you removed the ability to have entries within the feeds in
> aggregation documents, I'm in. PaceHeadInEntry covers a fundamentally
> different task.
> A collection of feeds would be something like a list of blogs about a
> certain topic? You get all the information you need in the feed-head,
> and supplying entries is fairly redundant. Essentially supplying recent
> entries from those feeds would be extra metadata about the feed.

I think the purpose of PaceAggregationDocument is to provide a means to
subscribe to an intermediary aggregator like pubsub, and thus receive

A collection of feeds for the purpose of a blog roll (ie. no entries) can be
modelled in atom as it currently stands - each entry is descriptive about
some resource, being a feed, and you'd just have a  to
the feed itself.


Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Robert Sayre
Graham wrote:
On 4 Feb 2005, at 2:37 am, Tim Bray wrote:
On the other hand, the notion that sometimes you have collections of 
feeds is easy to understand, easy to verbalize, and widely evidenced 
in practice (cf PubSub & friends), if not perhaps widely seen outside 
of geekland.  So I think I'm +1 on PaceAggregationDocument.  (And I 
think if we adopted that we could certainly lose PaceHeadInEntry, 
right Bob?)

If you removed the ability to have entries within the feeds in 
aggregation documents, I'm in. PaceHeadInEntry covers a fundamentally 
different task.
Why in the world should we define some other document format? OPML will 
do that just fine.

Robert Sayre

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Graham
On 4 Feb 2005, at 2:37 am, Tim Bray wrote:
On the other hand, the notion that sometimes you have collections of 
feeds is easy to understand, easy to verbalize, and widely evidenced 
in practice (cf PubSub & friends), if not perhaps widely seen outside 
of geekland.  So I think I'm +1 on PaceAggregationDocument.  (And I 
think if we adopted that we could certainly lose PaceHeadInEntry, 
right Bob?)
If you removed the ability to have entries within the feeds in 
aggregation documents, I'm in. PaceHeadInEntry covers a fundamentally 
different task.

A collection of feeds would be something like a list of blogs about a 
certain topic? You get all the information you need in the feed-head, 
and supplying entries is fairly redundant. Essentially supplying recent 
entries from those feeds would be extra metadata about the feed.

Whereas something like Feedster search results are a collection of 
entries that come from various blogs. It's the entries the user is 
interested in, and knowing which feed they came from is essentially 
extra metadata about the entry.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Robert Sayre
Tim Bray wrote:
On reflection, I am growing very negative on almost all of the 
"Organization" Paces, including FeedRecursive, PaceEntriesElement, 
PaceCollection.  Here's why: they represent to increase the level of 
abstraction in Atom, and in my experience, when the goal is 
interoperability across the network, abstraction hurts. 
There's a diff of your feed in PaceEntriesElement. It's pushing it to 
claim one is more interoperable than the other. You just asked for 
examples 15 minutes ago, why don't you wait for them?

The word "feed" has entered the vocabulary, 
even the non-geek vocabulary, and the notion that there are "things" 
(entries, stories, items, whatever) in "feeds" likewise.  
None of the "feed formats" out there use the term "feed" in their 

Any attempt to 
abstract away and generalize along the lines of "well, a feed is really 
an entry" or "well, an entry is really a feed" or "really, they're all 
just web resources and collections" is dangerously close to verging on 
Architecture Astronautics.
OK, define "Feed" and "Entry". We haven't done it yet.
I think calling other designs "astronautics" is unjustified. HeadInEntry 
is astronautics in the worst way--just nest them. But hey that's just my 
opinion. Also, atom:content is architecture astronautics. Base64? 
Please. HTML in atom:copyright? architecture astronautics.

Put another way, Adam Bosworth, likely one of the best computer 
programmers in the world, said "every time I add abstraction to an 
interface I lose 90% of the audience."  I would like Atom to be more 
like Visual Basic and less like Lisp.
This is not a meaningful comparison to me.
On the other hand, the notion that sometimes you have collections of 
feeds is easy to understand, easy to verbalize, and widely evidenced in 
practice (cf PubSub & friends), if not perhaps widely seen outside of 
geekland.  So I think I'm +1 on PaceAggregationDocument.  (And I think 
if we adopted that we could certainly lose PaceHeadInEntry, right Bob?)
I think you should wait for examples.
Robert Sayre

On organization and abstraction

2005-02-03 Thread Tim Bray
On reflection, I am growing very negative on almost all of the 
"Organization" Paces, including FeedRecursive, PaceEntriesElement, 
PaceCollection.  Here's why: they represent to increase the level of 
abstraction in Atom, and in my experience, when the goal is 
interoperability across the network, abstraction hurts.  I would like 
it if the markup found in Atom documents was as close as possible to a 
typical human mental model.  The word "feed" has entered the 
vocabulary, even the non-geek vocabulary, and the notion that there are 
"things" (entries, stories, items, whatever) in "feeds" likewise.  Any 
attempt to abstract away and generalize along the lines of "well, a 
feed is really an entry" or "well, an entry is really a feed" or 
"really, they're all just web resources and collections" is dangerously 
close to verging on Architecture Astronautics.

Put another way, Adam Bosworth, likely one of the best computer 
programmers in the world, said "every time I add abstraction to an 
interface I lose 90% of the audience."  I would like Atom to be more 
like Visual Basic and less like Lisp.

Put another way, starting in 1986 there was a system called SGML, an 
ISO standard for marking up documents, which was awesome in its 
generality; the notion of what a delimiter was, what a character was, 
what an element was, all these things were entirely abstract.   So, it 
was almost impossible to implement and never really caught on.

On the other hand, the notion that sometimes you have collections of 
feeds is easy to understand, easy to verbalize, and widely evidenced in 
practice (cf PubSub & friends), if not perhaps widely seen outside of 
geekland.  So I think I'm +1 on PaceAggregationDocument.  (And I think 
if we adopted that we could certainly lose PaceHeadInEntry, right Bob?)
