Re: code 7

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Correct. The map view is only important if you enable hardcore mode (Or All Content Hardcore Accessibility Mode, or whatever its mouthful of a name is), which gives you access to all the puzzles, even those the developers did not know how to/did not bother making accessible. Please do not enable hardcore mode during your first playthrough, because you could get stuck pretty easily.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Correct. The map view is only important if you enable hardcore mode (Or All Content Hardcore Accessibility Mode, or whatever its mouthful of a name is), which gives you access to all the puzzles, even those the developers did not know how to/did not bother making accessible. Please do not enable hardcore mode during your first playthrough; and when you do, don't be too hopeful someone will be able to help when you get stuck. Some people can play with hardcore mode on, but I sure can't.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

@the_ruler_of_dark_forces If you wish to look at the map, then you should be holding shift, not just pressing it. Hold shift, and press the arrows alongside it. That map is ... kind of buggy, though.If you just wish to pause the game so you can resume playing it later, just close it. It autosaves all the time (when moving to a different room, a different network, before an important scene, etc.), so you won't lose any progress.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an appeal

2021-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an appeal

Damn it. I just lost a damn good rant because I didn't back it up. Learn from my mistakes, kids: if you are writing a huge text wall of roasts, do so in the notepad, not on the forum, or one wrongly-placed backspace will make it go poof!Oh well, It was a good rant, so I can't just abandon it like this. Here, at least enjoy it cold. The topic has moved on since then, however, and I only quickly skimmed it, so if most of this is a repeat of what others have said already, I am sorry.And who gives a shit if they were "officially bannable offenses"?We are not dealing with justice systems of governments here. Those can afford to write piles of law books, annalized by countless experts, with the intention of maing a law about every single thing a person could possibly do that would somehow inconvenience or harm others or their property. And even those law books are far, far from perfect. No, the online games you're joining are moderated by perfectly average people, and oftentimes only have a basic code of conduct, with the expectation that people will know better than to try and poke holes in it at every opportunity (but oh, do people ever (choose to) not know better ...) What this means is that every online community, regardless of whether it states it or not, has a Community Failure Clause like this forum has. Indeed, people like you who test the line are all the more screwed if no procedure is mentioned for dealing with people who aren't breakig the rules but are making the community a worse place, because that means the administrators hold the power to do whatever the hell they want. And that's perfectly fair and just, because it is *their* game/community, not yours.I don't know how much time you spend socializing with people offline -- it'd be an easy insult to say you live in your mom's basement, and someone as OK with taunting as you really shouldn't mind, but let's not go there -- but if you've been paying just a little attention, you've no doubt noticed that certain people get ostracized from certain social circles. And sure, because of the general terribleness of humanity, many such people have done nothing wrong and are merely different. But sometimes, just sometimes, these people aren't being invited to things because they are a shitty person, and their shitty behavior ruins those things for everyone else. And yes, when that happens, the word will spread around; this cancel culture that conservatives love to hate has, in some form, existed for as long as society has.As an example of what happens when such people are not kicked out, please read this article about the Cat Piss Man, a common fixture in comic stores. The store owners no doubt have a thought process similar to yours: "Oh, but he is *technically* not doing anything wrong! And he buys things sometimes! It would be incredibly impolite to kick him out." And so they don't say anything, don't do anything. But by doing so, they kick out several other people. And no, I don't think they do so indirectly and unintentionally. It is not a coincidence. The kinds of people allowed to stick around in a community say a lot about the skills and moral principles of the administration.(But please, I beg you, do not make me regret this roast by turning this thread into yet another whine-fest about the staff, you guys!)I honestly haven't been paying much attention to you, Caccio. I'm bad at remembering names of people and what each one did. I only came here because I saw there was fun to be had, and if this diminishes the value of this post to 0 in your eyes, so be it. But, judging entirely by the descriptions of your problematic actions you yourself provided -- which you no doubt attempted to write in such a way as to conceal the worst parts -- you seem like a relative of the Cat Piss Man to me. Not because of your appearance or smell (well possibly, but I don't know you IRL), but because you do things just because you like doing them, without so much as considering the feelings of others. And even now when that lack of consideration has gotten you banned over and over, you still insist that a big chunk of it is people overreacting and trashing your reputation, and that you still need to do further tests. Well, let's look at again at the behaviors you pointed out, and see if any of them might indeed be the problem:1.1. You like bragging to the extreme. OK, I suppose it is possible you didn't know how annoying that ... oh wait!Vazbol wrote:Initially, we told him to stop doing this as it was getting spammy and no one really cared as it was small potatoes with what other people were quietly messing around with.You were told to stop, but did not listen. Now here's your problem. Remember that often-said phrase, "No means no?" Well, it doesn't only apply to sexual assault. If someone tells you to stop doing something, then unless you have a bloody good reason (you do not), you should do so, because at that point it's clear that if you c

Re: code 7

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Spoilersfor Cargo Bay in Episode 1 aheadspoilers wrote: Hmm. How do I explain this one?The gate controls in the 4-6 part are all connected to each other, but each gate is only connected to one of them. Now, while the gate controls aren't ordered by number, at least the gates within them are. So access the network, raise and lower the 4th gate, then check the other two controls to see which one shows you gate 5. Raise, lower. Then it should be easy enough to find 6.Try to stay calm, and you should figure it out soon enough. It's OK, only minor inconveniences like Zoya dying could happen. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Mail recieved, I'll look at it when I can. Enjoy your sleep in the meantime!Haha, thank you. Definitely don't feel like you are obliged to. But to even it out, I did also thumb up your thoughtful posts about advice-giving methods. The one on #47 wasn't me though. So whoever that was, keep in mind that I have professional hacking skills, and will find you. I am kidding, of course. You are safe, vague-hints-hating stranger. Here, I'll thumb that one up as well, so you are not alone.Spoilersfor SQPC2 in Episode 1spoilers wrote: Ah, all the facepalms! Quite obvious, really. I am familiar with the _expression_, I just didn't think in that direction, because I was already so focused on the achievement being about the Causal loop. Once you are already aware of a solution, it is somehow harder to think outside the box.The conservatives' fondness of that phrase never fails to amuse me though. Given that pooling yourself up by your bootstraps is physically impossible, they are at times intirely accidentally correct ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Mail recieved, I'll look at it when I can. Enjoy your sleep in the meantime!Haha, thank you. Definitely don't feel like you are obliged to. But to even it out, I did also thumb up your thoughtful posts about advice-giving methods.Spoilersfor SQPC2 in Episode 1spoilers wrote: Ah, all the facepalms! Quite obvious, really. I am familiar with the _expression_, I just didn't think in that direction, because I was already so focused on the achievement being about the Causal loop. Once you are already aware of a solution, it is somehow harder to think outside the box.The conservatives' fondness of that phrase never fails to amuse me though. Given that pooling yourself up by your bootstraps is physically impossible, they are at times intirely accidentally correct ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Jayde wrote:there's a fine line between guiding, force-feeding and just being vague.Part of my trouble is that I often can't see that line, haha. I give out hints which I worry might be too obvious, and then it turns out that, just like in your example, they're obscure things that could only be understood if one thought the same way I do. Once you learn something, you sort of forget how it was like to not know it; just like we all, in time, largely forget what it was like to be a child (not that I am saying people who are worse at game puzzles are like children -- don't put too mcuh weight into my bad comparisons). Basically, mild trouble with putting myself in other people's shoes.Jayde wrote:I have since become overly critical of people who build obscure things purely to screw with folks, so I used that "gatekeeping" phrase.And I at least partly agree with you there. Things like Pathologic, praised by many for being so deep and clever with it's "games do not have to be fun" approach just seem pretentious to me. I respect people who like them, but I certainly couldn't.But -- and Pathologic is a bad example here, as it obviously isn't accessible and so isn't playable either way -- if I know a particular game's/genre's aim is to bring enjoyment by making you think and work to progress, like puzzle-heavy games do, I will avoid them if research tells me it'd be way over my level. And if I do get it, I will try my best /though I'm non perfect, so there might be exceptions) to first play it as the creators intended -- thinking hard about the solution, sleeping on it if needed -- and only then ask for hints. Which is also exactly what you're doing, and I appreciate that and, again, am sorry for lashing out. But that is why I am more stingy with people who have a reputation of asking before trying in my eyes, true or false, or those who fall for my little dumb morality test of a "cheatcode". Hmm, perhaps that's why I haven't removed that silly thing yet.So, the question I ask is whether the level of difficulty of a challenge is fair given the game itself, and where it is. In Code 7, the camera puzzle is much more difficult for visually impaired players than for sighted ones in my opinion, and it is required to progress, so I see no problem in offering a full solution. Or to use an example you're more familiar with, Manamon, I really appreciate that you wrote down all the locations of the hidden items, because while they may be meant as eastereggs for a few, the challenge there is just keymashing and I have no respect for it. But if you didn't do so, that'd be perfectly fair, as long as VGStorm designed Manamon in such a way that it is perfectly possible to beat it without those hidden items. Just like AHC is perfectly beatable without the Kickstarter rewards talked about recently. And, as you might've gathered from SQPC2, Code 7 does that.OK! Enough rambling; what needed to be said was said, and now I'm just boring everyone by repeating myself. Let's look at thesespoilersfor Episode 1spoilers wrote:SQPC2: Hah, that reference indeed went right over my head. I suppose I'll have to do some research once I get home. But at least this is a perfect example of the journey being *far* more of a reward than the destination.Induction: You're not alone! I didn't have trouble with that document (I couldn't unlock the safe the first time, instead), but there were several moments later on where I was helplessly walking around, inspecting, checking, but continuing to miss one very obvious computer. It's quite frustrating, like missing the excellent mark on an English exam not because of lack of knowledge, but because of the typos. Happens! Dude who likes cinnamon: I'm pretty sure that's not a bug. That one required quite a few pieces of info for me as well. I'll look at it later today either way, but if you could send me your save file so would have a better view of what you'd found, that would be nice. I think it's under: C:\Username\AppData\Roaming\Goodwolf Studio\Code 7\SavesOh, you are grateful? How about you give me a few thumbs ups, then? I'm collecting those, you know?  (Only mostly kidding)Yeah, I suppose it comes down to what each Helper thinks would bring more fun: immediate or delayed satisfaction. I won't feel bad if someone else decides to give people more direct advice; I'll just probably still be less likely to do so myself, because changes take time. I'll do my best to keep learning and adapting. "The game is never the same after a first playthrough though, not story-wise at least."Oh, you have no idea. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Jayde wrote:there's a fine line between guiding, force-feeding and just being vague.Part of my trouble is that I often can't see that line, haha. I give out hints which I worry might be too obvious, and then it turns out that, just like in your example, they're obscure things that could only be understood if one thought the same way I do. Once you learn something, you sort of forget how it was like to not know it; just like we all, in time, largely forget what it was like to be a child (not that I am saying people who are worse at game puzzles are like children -- don't put too mcuh weight into my bad comparisons). Basically, mild trouble with putting myself in other people's shoes.Jayde wrote:I have since become overly critical of people who build obscure things purely to screw with folks, so I used that "gatekeeping" phrase.And I at least partly agree with you there. Things like Pathologic, praised by many for being so deep and clever with it's "games do not have to be fun" approach just seem pretentious to me. I respect people who like them, but I certainly couldn't.But -- and Pathologic is a bad example here, as it obviously isn't accessible and so isn't playable either way -- if I know a particular game's/genre's aim is to bring enjoyment by making you think and work to progress, like puzzle-heavy games do, I will avoid them if research tells me it'd be way over my level. And if I do get it, I will try my best /though I'm non perfect, so there might be exceptions) to first play it as the creators intended -- thinking hard about the solution, sleeping on it if needed -- and only then ask for hints. Which is also exactly what you're doing, and I appreciate that and, again, am sorry for lashing out. But that is why I am more stingy with people who have a reputation of asking before trying in my eyes, true or false, or those who fall for my little dumb morality test of a "cheatcode". Hmm, perhaps that's why I haven't removed that silly thing yet.So, the question I ask is whether the level of difficulty of a challenge is fair given the game itself, and where it is. In Code 7, the camera puzzle is much more difficult for visually impaired players than for sighted ones in my opinion, and it is required to progress, so I see no problem in offering a full solution. Or to use an example you're more familiar with, Manamon, I really appreciate that you wrote down all the locations of the hidden items, because while they may be meant as eastereggs for a few, the challenge there is just keymashing and I have no respect for it. But if you didn't do so, that'd be perfectly fair, as long as VGStorm designed Manamon in such a way that it is perfectly possible to beat it without those hidden items. Just like AHC is perfectly beatable without the Kickstarter rewards talked about recently. And, as you might've gathered from SQPC2, Code 7 does that.OK! Enough rambling; what needed to be said was said, and now I'm just boring everyone by repeating myself. Let's look at thesespoilersfor Episode 1spoilers wrote:SQPC2: Hah, that reference indeed went right over my head. I suppose I'll have to do some research once I get home. But at least this is a perfect example of the journey being *far* more of a reward than the destination.Induction: You're not alone! I didn't have trouble with that document (I couldn't unlock the safe the first time, instead), but there were several moments later on where I was helplessly walking around, inspecting, checking, but continuing to miss one very obvious computer. It's quite frustrating, like missing the excellent mark on an English exam not because of lack of knowledge, but because of the typos. Happens! Dude who likes cinnamon: I'm pretty sure that's not a bug. That one required quite a few pieces of info for me as well. I'll look at it later today either way, but if you could send me your save file so would have a better view of what you'd found, that would be nice. I think it's under: C:\Username\AppData\Roaming\Goodwolf Studio\Code 7\SavesOh, you are grateful? How about you give me a few thumbs ups, then? I'm collecting those, you know? Yeah, I suppose it comes down to what each Helper thinks would bring more fun: immediate or delayed satisfaction. I won't feel bad if someone else decides to give people more direct advice; I'll just probably still be less likely to do so myself, because changes take time. I'll do my best to keep learning and adapting. "The game is never the same after a first playthrough though, not story-wise at least."Oh, you have no idea. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

I'm sorry. I reacted a lot more harshly than I should have. Impulsiveness is clearly one of my flaws, and a lot of trouble is avoided when I decide to slow down for a moment and think.When saying that some of my hints are ephemeral, I imagine you are, at least in part, referring to my interactions with pineapple21 (at least, if you are referring mostly to this topic). Which ... yeah, valid, they are, in a way. Especially given the different levels of English skill, a more direct approach would've worked better. But on the other hand ... perhaps if you ever find the Lerna Computer yourself, you might realize that while worded badly, those hints actually gave away more of the solution than it would seem.As I said, how openly I give out information depends on the importance of the puzzle in question -- for example, hidden computers like SQPC2 and Lerna are meant to be harder-to-get eastereggs for those that take the time to find them and figure them out, and you honestly don't lose out on much by not opening them. Well, Lerna has something potentially interesting, but SQPC2 ... well, you'll find out, I'm sure. But it also depends a lot of the attitude people approach me with. aAd yeah, for sure, my mood at the time.For better or worse, I've been taking inspiration from how the game developers give out hints, and trying to copy them; though generally, I still give more details than they do. I want my advice to add to the feel and experience of the game, not detract from it. Does that make sense? Um ... basically, since the puzzles are such a core part of the gameplay and good thinking being rewarded with the next part of the story being such a pro of the game for me, it feels more wrong to "ruin" that than it would be to provide a detailed guide on how to solve a quest for A Hero's Call. It's sort of like magic (card tricks and the like, I mean): everyone wants to learn how it works, but once they do, they can never see the magic again. You can only get that thrill of completing something by yourself once.Perhaps I need to examine my reasons for not sharing what I know. After all, as you pointed out, we're all here to have fun. I will still give fairly vague hints at the start, to give people a chance to figure things out on their own, but perhaps I shouldn't outright refuse to provide the answer when those hints are not enough.OK ... now that I think about it, I suppose another major reason about why I am so stingy with info sometimes is because I'm not the smartest person, and it was actually several months after the release of the episodes, when replaying, that I realized what the trick for Lerna was. And Party Heist ... god, did that one take long. So perhaps, while attempting to help people, at the same time I want them to go through some of the same trouble as I did because ... hmm.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

I mean sure, I did tell you you could ask if you needed more info. And I've been giving you hints; it's not like I told you to just figure it out on your own. Here, does this satisfy your "a little more direction" requirement?Obviously, spoilers for Episode 1 ahead.spoilers wrote: 1. Well, we've already got a problem. I don't really remember that part all that well. I can go look through it again, but tomorrow. For now though, from what I recall, there are two computers that belong to the security guy. One on the main PC's (whatever it's called) network, and one on the Credcube's. So if one doesn't work and you feel like you have enough information, try the other one first.In case there is still a piece of information you need first, try going to the command line and letting the speech read out everything. Near the end is the mission, which should tell you what you're looking for, I think.2. Being on Itch does not change the anything here, since that list of achievements is available without a Steam account, as well. Look at the names and descriptions, and see if there is anything that stands out as particularly password-like.Another hint: Quite an odd way to do it, don't you think? After all, this would mean that the achievement causes itself ... 3. You are looking for a file on a computer. Again, I don't remember the specifics. but I definitely found it in the Science Area. On one of the Secof (I should look up how it's spelled) computers, if I recall correctly. Should not be too far away from the cameras; Security perhaps?4. All red herrings, except for one file which would've gotten you an achievement of the same name upon downloading (but wouldn't have done anything else). You can download them anyway, but hard drives in the future are apparently much smaller than they are now, so that might prove inconvenient.In case you're curious, no, sighted people can't look at any of the photos, either. But the  file is an interesting challenge for them to parse. Much harder when you can't review the letters, though. Here's some of what it's repeating:"EmaC eramthgiN emaC eramthgiN evil em tel esaelp dekcip neeb evah I dnuof neeb evah i"As mentioned above, I just like helping new players because I like the game, and am not an official customer service person; no customer service is included in the price of the game. So yeah, I have every right to decide against sharing particular information. I've found from experience that far too often people (me included, mind you!) ask for help with something, then within a few hours or after sleeping on it figure it out on their own. And when it comes to optional puzzles, well, they're optional, so me sharing their solutions is even more so. I do so, sometimes, when I get the feeling that a player has actually been trying hard, but nothing will collapse if I do not.If you feel like I am "gatekeeping" you, join the Discord, ask there, and see if anyone else is kinder than I. Or hell, nothing is stopping other players from answering here, either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

I mean sure, I did tell you you could ask if you needed more info. And I've been giving you hints; it's not like I told you to just figure it out on your own. Here, does this satisfy your "a little more direction" requirement?Obviously, spoilers for Episode 1 ahead.spoilers wrote: 1. Well, we've already got a problem. I don't really remember that part all that well. I can go look through it again, but tomorrow. For now though, from what I recall, there are two computers that belong to the security guy. One on the main PC's (whatever it's called) network, and one on the Credcube's. So if one doesn't work and you feel like you have enough information, try the other one first.In case there is still a piece of information you need first, try going to the command line and letting the speech read out everything. Near the end is the mission, which should tell you what you're looking for, I think.2. Being on Itch does not change the anything here, since that list of achievements is available without a Steam account, as well. Look at the names and descriptions, and see if there is anything that stands out as particularly password-like.Or here, if you need an even more specific hint: Quite an odd way to do it, don't you think? After all, this would mean that the achievement causes itself ... 3. You are looking for a file on a computer. Again, I don't remember the specifics. but I definitely found it in the Science Area. On one of the Secof (I should look up how it's spelled) computers, if I recall correctly. Should not be too far away from the cameras; Security perhaps?4. All red herrings, except for one file which would've gotten you an achievement of the same name upon downloading (but wouldn't have done anything else). You can download them anyway, but hard drives in the future are apparently much smaller than they are now, so that might prove inconvenient.In case you're curious, no, sighted people can't look at any of the photos, either. But the  file is an interesting challenge for them to parse. Much harder when you can't review the letters, though. Here's some of what it's repeating:"EmaC eramthgiN emaC eramthgiN evil em tel esaelp dekcip neeb evah I dnuof neeb evah i"As mentioned above, I just like helping new players because I like the game, and am not an official customer service person; no customer service is included in the price of the game. So yeah, I have every right to decide against sharing particular information. I've found from experience that far too often people (me included, mind you!) ask for help with something, then within a few hours or after sleeping on it figure it out on their own. And when it comes to optional puzzles, well, they're optional, so me sharing their solutions is even more so. I do so, sometimes, when I get the feeling that a player has actually been trying hard, but nothing will collapse if I do not.If you feel like I am "gatekeeping" you, join the Discord, ask there, and see if anyone else is kinder than I. Or hell, nothing is stopping other players from answering here, either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Opening the link in my earlier post or using a search engine would have answered your question, you know?Yes, of course you can. You will not have access to achievements, as those are Steam-only, but absolutely everything else is there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Opening the link in my post would have answered your question, you know? Yes, of course you can. You will not have access to achievements, as those are Steam-only, but absolutely everything else is there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Is it worth buying? Well I don't know ... maybe? Depends what you're into. You can play Episode 0 for free, so just grab the demo from Steam or, complete it, and decide afterwards. Nobody can tell you whether it is worth it quite as well as you can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Spoilersfor episode 1spoiler wrote:I'm pretty sure you're cross-referencing, yes. Because if you had found that document and let Zoya know, she would've connected the dots upon opening the safe. Although if you are worried, you can send over the send file, and I'll look at the variables.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

The cameras were only "a little" tricky? Oof. I had to cheat on those. Sounds like you have nothing to worry about regarding Muffin after all.Spoilersfor Episode 1spoiler wrote:You can do the areas in whichever order you wish, and apart from a few lines of dialog to reflect how much Zoya knows, it doesn't change anything.But that particular puzzle requires you to find two documents, and so far you've only found one. Zoya has the phrases, sure, but not yet the context about how they should be used. It might be obvious to you, but apparently not to her. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Haha! I blame Windows 10's new approach to settings, where it just saves them automatically. Before that (and still, in the control panel and the like) you actually had to confirm you did want to change those things. Just like you have to do when changing settings in NVDA, for example.1. SQPC2? That one is related to an achievement, so looking at the list of achievements would help.. I suppose I could provide more info, if you really insist.2. There is no way to go back there. You will eventually be able to access all the computers in that area, so you can't get stuck because of missing info earlier. But yes, you might've missed a few things if you didn't inspect those rooms when you had the time. An optional dialog, a sidequest, etc.3. As far as I recall, you are never punished for opening optional dialogs. Hell, sometimes they aren't even optional (and really should be labeled better). The developers want you to explore the world they created, so don't be afraid to do so. And, while you said you aren't looking for specifics, if you are having trouble with the dialog I'm thinking of, that one actually gives you options once opened; if you'd rather not ask, you can do so from there.4. I noticed this, but didn't think that it was a bug. I assumed that once a word is selected, obviously you'd have to delete it first before you can go back. But in that case, speed shouldn't affect it. I think you should join the Discord and ask the developers about this one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Good News #1: Well done, hacker!Bad News #1: Even when using the other path listed in my guide? And making sure to press OK? That's odd. I'll do some more testing, but I'm not sure what could be wrong.Good news #2: I'm glad that helps! I generally prefer to use autocomplete because of the feel, but a lot of people prefer to just use tab everywhere.Bad News #2: Would you like a hint, or would you prefer to figure it out yourself once you do a replay? Here's a small tip in a block quote, so you can easily skip it if necessary (man, we need spoiler tags!)spoiler wrote:Both methods of dealing with the robot require you to put to use what you'd already learned to do.Good News #3: Just remember that that folder only has tips for the toughest of the puzzles, and even then only some of them. I am far too lazy to write amazing things like your Manamon guide.Bad News #3: Nooo! You'll love Muffin! They're the best, trust me. And the cutest, too!I just really, really like it, and became one of those weird clingy fans. I am friends with one of the developers now, we play D&D  and such, but that was the result of me being such a fan of the game, not the reason. And no, I get no money from this, either. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

1. As seb2314 already mentioned, you can't. I tried NVSAPI with it, that add-on that allows you to use NVDA in programs that use SAPI, but the experience was terrible.2. Hopefully, Seb's method worked. There is no ReadMe, true, but you can at least find the instructions in one of the files of my tips folder (in the signature), which also has a link to an article explaining how to modify the registry to make some more SAPI voices available. For some reason, Windows makes a difference between 32-bit and 64-bit ones, so for example eSpeak is not available for Code 7 by default. RH Voice is, if that helps.3. Wait, it tells you to press return? It should tell you to press tab. Press tab to move between available options, return to confirm. You can also type in the first letter, and it should autocomplete it for you.4. The Code 7 Discord server has spoiler channels for discussing the story, as well as a gameplay one for people that are stuck and need hints. It isn't extremely active, as only so much can be said about the game. But every so often, a lively discussion starts; especially in Episode 3's spoiler channel. If you mean you are worried people there will be like "Nah, we aren't telling you, try harder!", that won't be the case. The developers and community are pretty friendly. And ... let's be honest, I'll probably catch any questions myself before they can get to them ... sorry for the inconvenience! 5. Yes, it does. All the Man In The Middle attacks, all the stealth sections, and something else you'll be able to do later on (spoilers!). They definitely remove from the feel of the game a bit, and especially in later episodes, they mean some optional dialog is skipped. The developers promised to work on the accessibility after Episode 4 was released, but given their recent blog post about how the development was (or wasn't) going, I'm not sure how much energy/desire they will have for that.But the reason I had to make a tips folder in the first place is because there are, especially in later episodes, still some puzzles in the game that can be pretty tough. If you find the game too easy now, wait for the Muffin levels; trust me, you'll love them!6. The game autosaves. Generally it does so whenever you move rooms, whenever you move to a different computer in the network, and before an important scene begins. If you listen carefully enough after moving, you might be able to hear a quiet voice saying "game saved". So if you close the game and continue later, your progress should still be there.Oh, and since you're here already, I sent you a PM. It isn't super important admittedly, but just an FYI.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any good games with voice acted storyline or just any good multiplayer

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any good games with voice acted storyline or just any good multiplayer

@Rich_Beardsley Ah, so you would like a non-configured client for everything else?Well, I think you should still install MushZ. That way, you get all the necessary plugins to make Mushclient actually work. Don't worry, when you create a new world, it will still be a clean slate, with none of the configuration of MushZ unless you choose to enable it.Here are the plugins I've set in global preferences to load in every world. I was given this list by someone else and admittedly don't know what half of these do, so some of them might be unnecessary. If anyone else has better advice, feel free to share it!Add_NewLine_To_Prompt.xmlauto_retyping.xmlCaptureMudOutput.xmlChannel_History.xmlCopy_Output.xmlCurrent_Output_Window.xmlLuaAudio.xmlMsp.xmlMushReader.xmlOmit_Blank_Lines.xmlOutput_Functions.xmlQueueControl_Lua.xmlRepeat_Command.xmlSapi_lib.xmlTrace_To_Notepad.xml


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any good games with voice acted storyline or just any good multiplayer

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any good games with voice acted storyline or just any good multiplayer

Voice acted storyline, huh? Now that's one topic I can participate in! Ahem ...Have you tried Code 7, perhaps? The dialog is fully voice acted, and although there's certainly a few charmingly awkward lines in there, most of it is actually really great and professional. And as for the storyline, it's nicely complex and twist-filled, and will give you plenty to think about if you let it. The game is paid, but you can play episode 0 for free, and even if you decide not to buy the rest afterwards, EP 0 can stand quite well on its own. You can get it on Steam or here's a few other games, to make it seem less like I'm just here to advertise Code 7 (although I absolutely am, go play it!):I guess Alt-Frequencies? Short and kind of disappointing imo; its premise is interesting, but not expanded on nearly enough. But it still has several good moments, and I had fun finding all the achievements! Might be worth waiting for a Steam discount. It's also on Steam and Black: A Detective's Demise is basically an audio drama where you can walk about, so of course it has voice acting. It's short, and the combat is disappointing, but the sound design is high quality indeed, and there's enough exploration value for a replay or two. The price is quite fair, I'd say; I don't regret picking it up. It can be bought on the developer's website.HEARtREAD and Bulwark in The City of Flesh are both set in the same weird universe of science fiction mixed with fantasy. But, despite there being two games, only little is explained, and it often feels like you're observing a story in the middle of the book, missing the start and end. For some reason, I find that charming. The voice acting is just done by friends and family, and yeah, it often shows (All those sighs! And the songs, oh god, the songs!) I find that charming, too. I honestly love these two. I have odd standards, OK?Depending on how skilled you are at using OCR and other tools to navigate halfway-accessible games, perhaps you could try Hades? I've not tried it myself, but I heard Talon playing it, and it sounded doable. You can grab it on Steam.If you own a Playstation, then obviously you'll want to grab The Last Of Us 2 eventually. You've no doubt heard of it; hell, it won the poll for the Blind Accessible Game of 2020 on this forum. And, while debate could be had about the quality of the story and the attempted moral message, we can all agree that the voice acting and sound design are absolutely amazing.Also on that aforementioned poll was 13 Centenals: Aegis Rim, so apparently that one is at least partially accessible as well. Not quite my favorite genre, so I haven't been paying enough attention. But if you have a PlayStation, likely also worth looking into.Can't think of anything else right now. I guess all the fighter games, those have voice acting for sure. Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Skullgirls, the like. I'm running out of spoons over here, so I'll leave those to others as usual.Why do you not like AHC? Just because navigation is too challenging to you, or something else? I can help you out some, if you'd like.For multiplayer games, there are a whole lot of options out there if you wouldn't mind playing MUDs (multiplayer dungeons). Sure, they're text-based, but many of them still have opportunities for great exploration, detailed crafting, and of course, engaging combat. More recommendations can be given later if you show interest, but for now, I'd say try Alter Aeon. Because there, any "Ugh, but it's just text!" excuses can be countered by the fact it has an already pre-configured client with a soundpack.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Can't get speech in Code7

2021-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can't get speech in Code7

Aha, but you have the old guide, Amir! Since then, thanks to Thseus, a new solution has been found. So now, the guide goes like this:guide wrote:SAPI not starting at all when blind mode is enabled.A really dumb bug that, for some reason, seems to be more common for people who have just recently installed Windows. Even more annoying because the solutions we've found for it work for some people, and not for others. But there are several solutions now, so hopefully, one of them will work! If not, please get in touch with us on Discord.Solutions: 1. Make sure you are pressing left control (or alt) and the letter v (for visually impaired). For some reason, right control doesn't work for some people.2. If you get the confirmation beep, but SAPI does not start after 20 seconds or so, try running the game as admin, and with compatibility mode enabled.3. Try installing the x64 version of Visual C++ 2013, which you can find here: … x?id=40784*Solution suggested by TheEaterOfSouls from Thank you!4. Find the file called SAPI_UNITY_DLL.dll in the same folder as this document and download it. Find the place where Code 7 stores that plugin, and replace it. If you are using a DRM-free download ( or Humble Bundle), this would be, in whichever location you extracted the game:Code 7\code7_Data\PluginsAnd on Steam, the path should be:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Code 7\code7_Data\Plugins*Plugin compiled by and used with permission from Thseus#7013 from Discord. Thank you very much!5. Run a system check, to make sure an important component required for SAPI to work isn't missing or corrupted, by following the instructions here: … ted-system


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible table top dice rolling apps

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible table top dice rolling apps

@drums61999 That's exactly why I did *not* suggest buying the dice from them. Instead, I recommended the Knights Of The Braille Discord server because someone was offering to print these for free some time back, as well as my dungeon master, Zein Okko, who told me the material cost for printing a full set was less than an euro (so you'd basically only have to pay for the shipping and packaging).So if you would like them, I can ask around, and I'm almost sure I can get you an option that, while less professionally made, will also be much cheaper.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible table top dice rolling apps

2021-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible table top dice rolling apps

Somewhat off topic perhaps, but if you think you'd like the feel of them, perhaps you could invest into braille dice? Over at the Knights Of The Braille Discord, someone recently offered to print them for free, so perhaps you could join it and ask if that offer still stands. Or I could ask on your behalf, if you don't have Discord. got mine from our Dm. He's not a professional by any means, so the resulting dice would be a bit rough at parts, but I'm sure he'd be happy to help if I ask him. Idk if for free, but I can pay for you as well.And, if you know someone with a 3D printer near you, that would be the easiest option. Just ask them if they could print you the dice from the schematics which they can get for free here: if you're not interested ... well, I'm not on iOS, so can't recommend any good apps, sorry. Until I got the physical dice, I was just rolling on my computer, using D&D Beyond. But I've been told its mobile app isn't quite there accessibility wise yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: accessible steam games?

2021-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible steam games?

Hey now, Aron. Sure, I might've linked to it, but I also linked to several other games! Let me just count how many ... 7. ... oh.Well, that's 8 games in total, so definitely just a coincidence!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Stories in video games

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stories in video games

@targor I'm glad I'm not the only one! She isn't that unknown -- I recall a few other blind people were aware of who she is, and I've seen her mentioned on TVTropes here and there -- but she's definitely not on PewDiePie's level, for obvious reason.I like that about her, too. She reacts to tense situations, but without going into fake panic mode. She gives off the impression of genuinely being there for the game each time, not to get more viewers or fame. Could be a wrong one, but I don't think so.Yeah, she describes the things she sees a lot. I love how naturally she does it. Not nearly as intrusive as audio description would be. I wonder if she even knows how much more accessible that makes her videos? I'm half tempted to make a Twitter account just to thank her. Or are you on there and could thank her on our behalf?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: accessible steam games?

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible steam games?

Ooh, ooh, I know one! Code 7! Great story, great voice acting, great gameplay. You can play Episode 0 for free if you're unsure.Yeah, couldn't resist.  But there's also- A Blind Legend, which is free on phones, and more fun to play there, but the desktop version has no lives to worry about.- Alt-Frequencies which I'd say isn't worth getting normally, but is fairly priced now that there's a discount.- Audio Wizards, which isn't my thing, but others seem to like, so I guess it's OK.- Hades, which isn't accessible exactly, but is apparently playable.- Slay The Spire which is accessible after you install a few mods.- Sound Strider, which I'd recommend you get on instead, because the statistics are all in the game itself (no Steam achievements), and if you get it on Itch, you also gift someone a community copy. But wherever you get it, it's an awesome and chill game, very much worth the money.- Warsim, which has an unbelievably huge world and many things to do, and is just all around worth getting.That  Western game is also apparently on Steam now. I won't link to it. I have pride.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Stories in video games

2021-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stories in video games

A lot of the great ones (Bioshock, Soma, Portal, Life is Strange, etc.) were already mentioned, so let's see what's left! I'll include links to a playlist of the let's play for each game, from Materwelonz. She's decently descriptive, and I enjoy that she thinks aloud a lot about what she plays. But if that's not your thing, there's a lot of other let's plays out there.The Fall and The Fall Part 2: Unbound: I love stories with AI protagonists, and imo, this one (unlike Detroit: Become Human, ugh) does that pretty well. The first game is a lot less complex, but the second one really picks it up, at parts making you feel genuinely guilty for continuing to play (or listen, in this case) onward, because of ARID being completely incapable at considering anyone else's goals and feelings beside her own. I also love how the major part of the story is interaction *between* AIs, them learning from each other, and not an AI character in a mostly human crew like it usually is.Final Fantasy VII Remake: This one will likely be pretty hard to understand if you don't at least read up on the basics of the original games on TVTropes. And, speaking of tropes, I've read several criticisms of how full this story is of them. How it might've been good in comparison in 1997, but has not been updated enough to age well. As well as of how badly things like the the Don Corneo plotline are handled. And ... yes, valid, and I agree. But ... Aerith! <3Little Misfortune and Fran Bow: Are you into horror games about mental disorders that take the cute and creepy and mash them together in the most weird ways? No? Yeah, I didn't think so either, and yet, I really enjoyed these two when I caught parts of them on LevelUpPixie's stream. I haven't watched the full let's plays yet, and this reminds me that I need to. Because damn, they're a trip! Rumu: A cute little story about a sentient vacuum cleaner that can love! ... Just kidding. As you can no doubt guess from it being placed with several other games with complex stories, this one can't be quite so simple, either. For love is a complicated thing. It can be one of the greatest things about humanity, or one of the worst ones. Perhaps it all depends on who we have as a model ...Tell Me Why: Another game from DONTNOD Entertainment, the same studio that made the Life Is Strange games, although made by a different part of the studio than LiS. I am no expert, of course, but I think that Tyler, one of the twin protagonists, is one of the (regrettably few) transgender characters done right. He is just a beautiful and complexly human character as his sister. It was really fascinating to watch the interactions between them, both so familiar to each other and yet almost complete strangers after growing up in completely different environments for 10 years. As well, the reminder of the uncertainty of our memories, and the many little (and not so little) ways in which we humans are all broken was really eye-opening. The developers did a lot of research into gender issues, Tlingit culture and mental health problems, and it shows. It's one of those games that we can honestly tell our parents are educational.Oof. 7 games. OK, I think this might be enough for today. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: any main streem games i can play for free.

2021-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any main streem games i can play for free.

It has a few, yes. But in the end, it's still a roguelike. Text-based. If you're not into text-based games, it won't be your thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: any main streem games i can play for free.

2021-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any main streem games i can play for free.

As for Code 7, you can get the demo on Steam: … Adventure/Somewhat more expensive than Warsim, but it can be down for as much as 50 % and more during sales. And there's an option to buy just Episode 1 if you're not sure.Unlike Defender, I can't promise anything right now, but I might be able to buy it for you. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: any main streem games i can play for free.

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: any main streem games i can play for free.

Episode 0 of Code 7 is free. The ending is a bit of a cliffhanger, but it's not that bad. It can stand on its own as a short story game. Given that death is the main theme of that one I probably shouldn't be recommending it to you, but heck, I know I would've still played it at your age, and been fine.Warsim has a demo mode. It is outdated and a large chunk of the paid game's features aren't there, but it's something. And if you decide you like it, it is fairly cheap, so you just might be able to convince your parents (or someone else) to buy it.Your best bet is to play these and other demos until the spring sale on Steam (assuming you are able to use Steam). They'll be cheaper then, and so people will be more generous. Who knows, if you like something, I might even decide to chip in myself. But no promises! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

2021-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

To anyone that wants a free copy of Code 7, perhaps you could test your luck by entering a giveaway Team Caresalot (which Zein Okko, one of the developers, is also a part of) is doing? The 3 lucky winners will receive Steam keys though, so please keep that in mind and give others a chance if Steam's interface confuses you. … t-giveaway


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Right, completely forgot to respond to this. Or rather, put it off until later, I suppose.@omer Thumbs ups! I like thumbs ups!  I'm glad to have brought some amusement haha, especially since I wasn't even trying all that hard.@pineapple21 No, that puzzle has nothing to do with the periodic table. It is not related to chemistry. Here, let me try to explain:Spoilers for an Episode 2 puzzle ahead---Every 3 turns, each letter is *randomly* assigned a number. There is no logic to this assignment, no way to tie it to anything outside the game. You then get a combination of these letters (3 of them, I think?) when trying to log in, and succeed if you choose the password that has the numbers that match those letters behind it.The letters of the passwords themselves are irrelevant. What you need to do is check the Authenticator List where their number values are stored. On first turn they will be fairly meaningless, but whenever you choose the wrong password, the right password for that turn will be invalidated, and you can check the Authenticator List again to see which one it is. So if the second letter code contains one of the same letters, you can look for one of the same numbers. For example:You try to log in, and hear that the code is ARB. You check the auth list to get a list of passwords, choose one at random, and it turns out to be the wrong one. So you check the auth list again, and see that the password that got invalidated has the numbers 174.So what does this mean? It means that ARB =174. A =1, R =7, B =4.Now, imagine the next log in code you got was RED. You don't know the values for the other two letters, but you know R =7. So you can check the authenticator list for passwords with values that start in 7, and choose one from between those passwords. And if you're lucky, it will be the right one. If not, you have one more try left, and if you're lucky, the code for that one will include one of the letters you know (of which there's now 5).I hope that clears it up, because I'm not sure how to explain it better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2021-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Right, completely forgot to respond to this. Or rather, put it off until later, I suppose.@omer Thumbs ups! I like thumbs ups!  I'm glad to have brought some amusement haha, especially since I wasn't even trying all that hard.@pineapple21 No, that puzzle has nothing to do with the periodic table. It is not related to chemistry. Here, let me try to explain:Spoilers for an Episode 2 puzzle ahead---Every 3 turns, each letter is *randomly* assigned a number. There is no logic to this assignment, no way to tie it to anything outside the game. You then get a combination of these letters (3 of them, I think?) when trying to log in, and succeed if you choose the password that has the numbers that match those letters behind it.The letters of the passwords themselves are irrelevant. What you need to do is check the Authenticator List where their number values are stored. On first turn they will be fairly meaningless, but whenever you choose the wrong password, the right password for that turn will be invalidated, and you can check the Authenticator List again to see which one it is. So if the second letter code contains one of the same letters, you can look for one of the same numbers. For example:You try to log in, and hear that the code is ARB. You check the auth list to get a list of passwords, choose one at random, and it turns out to be the wrong one. So you check the auth list again, and see that the password that got invalidated has the numbers 174.So what does this mean? It means that ARB =174. A =1, R =7, B =4.Now, imagine the next log in code you got was RED. You don't know the values for the other two letters, but you know R =7. So you can check the authenticator list for passwords with values that start in 7, and choose one from between those passwords. And if you're lucky, it will be the right one. If not, you have one more try left, and if you're lucky, the code for that one will include one of the letters you know (of which there's now 5).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

2020-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game Purchase Request Topic

Well heck. It is at quite a discount right now. If I talk about it so much, might as well actually do a thing now and then.@Socheat A PM is coming your way. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

@pineapple21 No, they changed a typo in the #Hints channel on Discord ... Sigh. Let's try this again: That binary code is a joke. There. Is. No. Cheatcode.I am not posting the password for the Lerna computer. I gave you hints. And while it's cool, you don't need it to progress. Figure it out on your own.The Oriens Data Hub puzzle does not use the periodic table. Which letter =which number is chosen randomly, and changes every 3 turns. But you should be far beyond that puzzle now, so I am a bit confused as to what you're doing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

@Minionslayer Yes, that is intentional. The explanation for that is above, actually. And additionally, it used to be one of the hints on the Discord before Palex finally notified the devs about the typo and they changed it to "Check everything".Correct. A lowercase letter "a" would indeed be 0111. Uppercase, it would be 0101. I don't actually know any of the letters in binary though, I just used a converter because I'm lazy. We did learn how to convert numbers into binary and back though, so I might still remember that.@bgt lover What do you find confusing about the wind? It carries Muffin in the direction stated. And if it is mentioned that it changes every 3 Muffin movements, that means that for 3 turns (go forward, turn left/right, press button) it will be on, then for 4 to 6 off (just a normal square Muffin can safely cross), then on the 7th it turns on again, etc. You only have to navigate around it if it doesn't help you reach your goal; sometimes it is good to let it carry you, while at other times that will make you move in circles.You do not need to restart the game. All the computers you got information from while outside the station are still accessible while inside it, so you should be able to find some emails to remind you who is who. Additionally, the disguise browser not working really isn't such a big problem, since arrow keys do move you through the disguises, they just don't tell you that. And you can always just delete the new disguises and make new ones; the info is still in the intelligence app, after all.But in the event that you do want to restart, you're out of luck. The best you can do is restart back from the start of EP 1. And because of the way the save files work, that is very unlikely to change.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

@pineapple21 Yes. It isn't supposed to work. You've been pranked. There is no need to copy paste the hint. I mean jeez, I specifically put it under a spoiler warning because it is a hint for one of the hardest achievements, and now it's not under a spoiler anymore. Oh well, it was a tiny hint anyway.Spoilers for an EP 3 achievement ahead---All but one of the letters are already there for you to find. (Sighted folks get all of them, but one isn't available in VI mode unfortunately) Sometimes, seemingly unimportant details can end up mattering a great deal.This is your last hint. This is an optional achievement computer that is meant to be challenging. And I think I was very unsubtle.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

@amerikranian Yeah, guilty. But hey, in my defense, I totally did give them a subtle warning!@pineapple21 Try putting the code in here, then. Yes, you can copy paste it. wrote: Check everything and hack everything; those are the "cheatcodes" for getting past most puzzles in the game.I cannot help you hack reality. You'll have to do things the hard way. But I sure am glad I made you write out that long code! But fine, I guess I do feel a little bad now. Here, have another tip for the Lerna computer.Spoilers for an EP 3 achievement ahead.---What is Lerna anyway? What is important about it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

@jdawg1983 If you buy the Full Season Bundle, you will get all the episodes. But if you wish, you can also just buy Episode 1 for now, and then buy the Season Pass later, which will give you access to 2, 3 and (when it comes out) 4.@pineapple21 Ah FFS ... enter the code in the main menu and see what happens. Carefully, though. And you can't copy-paste.Party Heist? Those are extra levels, not  essential to the completion of the game. They are supposed to be a challenge. I was kind enough to include some side levels in the main game, but you'll have to figure these out the hard way.The same goes for the Lerna computer. That is an achievement. Figure it out as best you can. Admittedly doing it the way the developers intended is a bit harder for us, since one letter is missing. But you could also think outside the box ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

@milos Hmm. It will tell you the pressure is equal when it is; if it keeps moving after that, it could be non-equal again. Try adding a +1 or -1, depending on the number, and see if that gets you any closer.@pineapple21 Cheatcode? What cheatcode? There is no cheatcode.  But ... I would suggest a binary to text converter. Check everything and hack everything; those are the "cheatcodes" for getting past most puzzles in the game.As for Muffin, which level are you having trouble with?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Are you sure it is locked? It should've told you something like "pressure equal, door unlocked." Did you inspect the door?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

No. I honestly have no idea.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7

2020-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7

Gameplay spoilers for Episode 0 ahead.---You need to change the modifier until the first and second number are the same, or at least similar enough (it doesn't mind if decimals don't match). So how about you experiment a little? Put in a small number, positive or negative, and see what that does. Are the numbers now farther apart, or closer?Good luck, hacker!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: pretend you're XYZ, cards against humanity online

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: pretend you're XYZ, cards against humanity online

I've played there a couple times. @Angel's info is out of date; cards are perfectly accessible buttons now. The interfice might require a bit of getting used to, but if you are good with web browser shortcuts, it's 100 % accessible.I can play with you, sure.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: should I play a game more than once?

2020-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: should I play a game more than once?

If you enjoyed that game, Sure!Because there are different strategies to take. In Manamon, different teams to try. In AHC, different classes to pick. There are side-quests you may have missed. In games with choices, you can see how choosing differently affects things. Not much, in the games you listed, but you might still find fun variations here and there. And you can see how much faster you can get through the game, if you like speedrunning.It may not be as fun as trying a whole new game. But sometimes, there's nothing wrong in engaging in a little nostalgia. And besides, the developers spent several months on these games, so no doubt they'll want to reward people trying to explore everything.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Alt-Frequences on PC - Can't Load?

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alt-Frequences on PC - Can't Load?

Hmm. I was almost certain there was a shortcut, but can't find it anywhere. You can still try to enable screen reader support using OCR tho.Open the game, press NVDA+r, find the Settings button. Focus it using NVDA+NumPad Divide, then activate using NVDA+NumPad Enter. Assuming you are using the desktop layout, that is. For laptop, I believe it is NVDA+shift+m, then NVDA+enter. Then, find Audio and do the same thing, then Screen Reader Support. That should do it, hopefully. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: i need help

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i need help

Most of the things you need to find will be close to the road. Only a few sidequests will require more exploration than that. So enter those scary ruins, explore them, and see where they take you! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: i need help

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: i need help

I don't think so. But generally most quests are solvable with enough patience and exploration. And for those that aren't as easy, like finding all the bandit campsites, it is pretty difficult to provide a walkthrough anyway.Which quest are you having trouble with? Let's see if we can offer tips.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Developing a new game. Asking the community some questions!

2020-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Developing a new game. Asking the community some questions!

1. I'll have to disagree with Meatbag here. Just like there are many video games with low-quality or no graphics (think text adventures, MUDs, simple indie projects, etc.), some of our best games aren't outstanding in the audio department.Is high-quality audio a good thing? For sure! But it is not the main thing. The developers of Purple Jam learned that the hard way with games like Pitch Black: A Detective's Demise. Sure, the sound design was epic and we all praised it ... but then we (or I, at least) spent several paragraphs talking about how there isn't much to do, no real replayability value, and oh, the combat is just not enjoyable at all.Good sound design is the sauce in the sandwich. If the bread is stale and you were stingy with the cheese and ham (or tofu and ... soya ham? for the vegans out there), the sauce will not be able to save you. But if the sandwich is good, then yeah, it will make it even better.2. Not including any sonar, camera, echo, object finder, or other way to navigate besides just bumping into walls until you find something. I think that is the major one. I'd especially love it if a developer would play more with echo, white noise and such, to sort of simulate how real life works. But that would be difficult to accomplish.3. Not my area of expertise, so I'll let the sound designers handle that. But in general, pay attention to volume, so one sound doesn't overpower the others too much (except where that would be intentional). Make sure there is a clear difference between an object that is behind you and in front of you. Pay attention to panning; if objects only have a short sound range, they will be hard to discover, but if they have a long one, they will appear closer than they actually are.4. Lack of visuals doesn't make games unplayable, not for us at least. But ... they are decently important, I'd say. Not as much so as sound, for sure, but worth including. Because let's face it, the audio game market is a small one, and even smaller if you plan to make this paid. Visuals are a must if you want the interest of sighted gamers, or even those with partial vision. They aren't going to play an audio game, not when there's so many better options out there.5. Not my area of expertise, again. But generally, the best solution is to make them able to choose for themselves. Have a settings screen with different background colors, different text sizes, and so on. Look up the accessibility menus of other games, and copy what you think they did right. And of course, make sure to have beta testers with different levels of sight.Well, I tried my best. I hope it helps some. I'd be glad to offer more specific feedback once you have a prototype out. Good luck with your project! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for recommendations for a good mainstream PC game

2020-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for recommendations for a good mainstream PC game

Well, depends on what you mean with mainstream. Because, while it wouldn't be considered a mainstream game in the sighted community since it's an indie game and not extremely known and popular, by the blind standard of mainstream  =game for sighted folks, Code 7 would qualify ... … Adventure/Yes, predictable recommendation coming from me, I know. But hey, it is in a futuristic setting, and not a fighting game! Fits! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: problem with steam

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with steam

First, open the client and log in. Then try logging in on Steam's website, and navigating to the pages of the games you've bought. There should be a download button, I think titled "Open in Steam".If you press that, and confirm that you want to open the link in Steam client, you should be on the download screen.You should probably download the ObjPad add on. I think I needed its scan mode to pass that dialog.NVDA's mouse focusing command (NVDA+shift+M on laptop, NVDA+NumPad Divide on desktop) and the mouse clicks (NumPad Divide and NumPad Multiply, or an actual mouse obviously) are also good things to know.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: linking up with blind video gamers

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: linking up with blind video gamers

@defender, there is a Twitch channel like that on VIP Lounge ( ) So if there's any streamers you want added to it, you can contact the admins there.But yeah, having another one wouldn't be a bad idea, I suppose. I'd probably just use one though, so there wouldn't be as much overlap.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: linking up with blind video gamers

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: linking up with blind video gamers

@defender, there is a Twitch channel like that on VIP Lounge (


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: linking up with blind video gamers

2020-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: linking up with blind video gamers

@rings2006 all the Discord shorcuts are here: … rd-HotkeysAs usual, a simple search can do wonders. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Code 7 Issue

2020-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Code 7 Issue

That's wonderful! I hope you'll enjoy the game. Yeah, that file is amazing isn't it? Thseus compiled it. He found the sourcecode for the plugin somewhere and just ... made a 32 bit version of it.There's some real hackers on that Discord server. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Code 7 Issue

2020-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Code 7 Issue

Hey there @Siri,As @shane said, please do join the Discord server. We'll be able to help you much more quickly there. And also, it's a cool place full of friendly people!But also, could you try taking a look at my Code 7 Tips folder? The second file in that folder is "Common Bugs In Blind Friendly Mode", and a few solutions for the SAPI not working are right on top. None of thos ideas are mine, because I'm mostly clueless when it comes to computers, but fortunately, others aren't.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: is it worth creating a steam account

2020-10-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: is it worth creating a steam account

Depends. What features matter to you?Many games that are available on Steam are also available elsewhere. Code 7, Slay the Spire, Alt-Frequencies, A Blind Legend, Sequence Storm, etc. All also available elsewhere, be it on, Humble Bundle, or both.If you buy those games there instead, a bigger cut of your money will go towards the developers. You will get a DRM-free version. You won't need an account or an internet connection. You'll be able to make as many copies as you want.The games might be slightly more expensive, since with Steam you can wait for one of the regular discounts, once every season. You will not get a convenient library and auto-updater (well, depends; I know at least does have a desktop program, but I have not tested its accessibility). And, more importantly, since many games use the Steam UI for the achievements, you will not be able to challenge yourself with getting them all.And, of course, I'm sure there are also games which are only available on Steam. At least some of the fighting games, perhaps?So is it worth it? I don't know. I am a huge fan of achievements, so for me, it definitely is.Humble Bundle sometimes offers the purchase of both a DRM-free version and a Steam key. Redeeming that Steam key does require some skill with the screen reader (either JAWS cursor for JAWS or the ObjPad add-on or OCR on NVDA), but it definitely can be done. Several people I've talked to have had trouble with that platform, with games not showing up in their library, but I'm sure it's fine in general. So, perhaps you can try checking if the games you want are on there?In the end, the games are mostly going to be the same wherever you buy them. The choice is yours.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What have your gaming experiences been as blind or visually impaired?

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What have your gaming experiences been as blind or visually impaired?

Games like Nightjar and Papa Sangre, as @Lucas1853 pointed out, don't get recommended anymore because they can't be played anymore. PG13 did streams on those though, so at least that can be still enjoyed. Definitely very creative for their time, and with very gruesome sound design!DeadFright and The Vale aren't completed yet. All we have are demos. They will no doubt be great some day, but for now, there's only so much to recommend.But for games like The Vale, A Blind Legend, The Blind Swordsman and the like, there's another reason:Several people are getting a bit sick of blind swordsman games.They used to be cool, for sure. ABL, what with having amazing sound design and being a phone game, was quite impressive for its day. But these days, people feel there have been enough games where all you do is stab left, up or right before the other person can stab you, or raise your shield, wait for them to try to stab you, then quickly stab them back.The Vale tried adding to that mechanic some, with power attacks and different types of weapons and armor. But in the end, there's only so much you can do. And The Blind Swordsman, where you actually had to turn towards the enemy, and time your block since there was no shield, did most of that.Don't get me wrong; I will still be buying The Vale. I'm a noob, so the simpler kind of gameplay still appeals to me. And I like the protagonist. The story isn't going to be anything exceptional, but judging by the demo, there will be a few fun moments.But while some of us are OK with  this style of game still, some just aren't anymore.Code Dungeon hasn't been getting much love yet -- and I admit I haven't praised it much yet either, because I haven't yet learned how to be good at its navigation and combat -- but while it's somewhat harder to master, it is a good example of what more open combat could be like. Iirc, Shadow Line has more open combat, too. Those kind of things are what people are hoping for. Games where you actually have to move, instead of just staying in place and reacting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What have your gaming experiences been as blind or visually impaired?

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What have your gaming experiences been as blind or visually impaired?

Q1. What is your favourite game, and why? What hooked you, and what kept you playing?This will be a surprise to absolutely no one; there have been amused comments, bewildered questions, and even some mocking about constant presence in its topic, and hell, it is right there in my signature! Code 7.The first time I heard about it was while listening to PG13 ( stream it. It's been a while since then, but I guess what got my attention is how different it was from what I'd played in the past. I'd mostly stuck to audio and text games, not really being skilled enough with OCR and such back then to attempt mainstream ones. So a game with an actually interesting story, and with pretty high quality voice acting ... well, that was new!It was a while until I got my hands on the game to play it myself. I was a young teen with no clue how buying games online worked, and not much money to speak of. But once I did get it, through a giveaway, what kept me playing was definitely the above-mentioned story. The characters, their motivations, flaws, quirks. The plot twists, oftentimes painful, yet so well foreshadowed that they leave you facepalming. And of course, the dialogue, the interactions, the jokes.Don't get me wrong; the gameplay is great! I love the puzzles, even if they some took me a while. The coding puzzles are particularly fun. And since I am fond of interactive fiction, the modern text adventure style certainly caught my attention.But in the end, I am a reader. So if a game has a story, it better be good. And if it is, I can tolerate even a more unpolished gameplay.Q2. What pleasant game experiences did you have when you played digital games, and which were some frustrating ones?Pleasant? Oh dear, too many to list. Ever since discovering the first one while I was 12 or so, audio games have been an ever-present form of fun, relaxation and social connection. First learning how to center sounds in Super Egg Hunt, figuring out map navigation in Survive the Wild, watching my completion times for missions slowly improve in Marina Break, maintaining almost 100 % accuracy in World of War ... I could go on for quite a while.Unpleasant? There have definitely been some games I haven't been all that good at. I'm not a good enough key masher for Adventure at C:, nor do I have a good enough memory for Paladin of the Sky's rhythm-based casting, for example. But that's just personal preference; some people suck, some get it immediately. Some like the challenge and train, while some of us just give up, and hopefully go find something else instead of whining. The most unpleasant part is, of course, hoping desperately that something might be accessible, then finding it isn't. Especially when it's virtual novels and text adventures, which should be accessible in theory, and yet often aren't, even with OCR.Q3. Did a game ever impact you so much that it changed your life for better or for worse? What game was it, what got altered, and why?Super Egg Hunt was the first ever audio game I played. It is the game that started my journey, that caused me to wonder just how much else could be out there.Alter Ego was the first gamebook-like thing I found. It sparked my interest in text based games like CYOAs (choose your own adventures) and interactive fiction. Because of it, I eventually found and was a frequent reader and poster there for several years.And Alter Aeon was the first MUD, and the only one I still keep coming back to every couple months. I tried a couple good ones, and they were good for sure! But this one is just particularly fun.Q4. Are there any non-favourite games, or even bad games, with potential that you would like to see another attempt at?Hmm. Perhaps more online cooperation games? Undead Assault is not a bad game, by any means, but it is a pretty buggy one, so people have mostly lost interest. But it is a shooter game where you are shooting at zombies, not at other people, and that immediately removes a lot of the potential for drama pretty much all our player-killing games (Redspot, TK, etc.) had.I'm sure there are other ones, but I can't think of them at the moment. And anyway, this has already been way too many not-that-useful words. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: JasonBlaze

2020-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: JasonBlaze

Not an expert, since I haven't played it myself, but doesn't Slay the Spire's accessibility rely on Steam mods? Would the non-Steam version be equally accessible?Also, since this is at least the second post like that I've seen from you today (the first being about Code 7 in the Game Purchase Request topic) I really have to ask:When you say you can give game X to these people, do you mean that you would buy it for them?Because the way you phrase this does not exactly make me optimistic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7 codes

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7 codes

In the Code 7 Discord, the developers have actually posted a couple hints for this puzzle among others. So for now I'll just copy those; I'll provide a more detailed explanation if these aren't enough.Warning!Spoilers for Episode 2 of Code 7 ahead!Authenticator Code Puzzle (Raven, Hermes Facility)1. Hint: The authenticator list changes. Keep an eye on it!2. Hint:  Pay attention to the letters in the login and the numbers in the auth list.3. Hint: Every number equals a letter. Which letter equals which number changes as soon as you enter three wrong passwords.4. Hint:  Enter a wrong password and try to login again. See if the next letter combination contains a similar letter as the previous one, and check the auth list for codes with the same number as the invalidated one.


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Re: deleted

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: deleted

Well to be fair, considering deleting topics is no longer an option (not that I am against that, mind you), this is the best he could do. And while you are complaining now, @targor, keep in mind that, had he kept the first post as-is, there would have been many more replies like the one from @Meatbag.It seems this is another case of one never being able to ride the donkey in a way that makes everyone happy.


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Re: rotateing the cams

2020-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: rotateing the cams

Hmm. I suppose I can.Spoilersfor Episode 1 aheadWhen you entered the lab, Zoya found a key. Try to find the door this key unlocks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: rotateing the cams

2020-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: rotateing the cams

You gain the ability to rotate the cameras once you've obtained the software for it. If you haven't yet done so, then keep searching.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anyone happen to still have the previous Vale Demo?

2020-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone happen to still have the previous Vale Demo?

I was not paying attention to The Vale back when those demos were released, so thank you for sharing them!It's quite interesting to see what has changed. Not as much as I'd have expected, but still, there have been some changes for sure, the difficulty system being the main one.Now that I have heard what the male Alex was like, I'm even more certain that female Alex is the better option. Not to bash the voice actor -- he's not bad by any means, and no doubt did his best -- but he doesn't put quite as much emotion into his voice as female Alex's voice actress does.I'm a bit less sure about the Shepherd, but I think I do like the current male one just a little bit more. Although I hope that change wasn't made just to ensure an M+F pairing for a potential romance option later on ... that just wouldn't work.And I got to try out the horse catching quest! It's a very simple one, so I can see why they decided to show that mechanic using rat catching instead. But it's not a bad quest per see, so in my opinion, it could've stayed.Once again, thank you for uploading these,  @Staticmaster and @Sethgamer.


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Re: I need a name in games

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a name in games

How about ... Bob?A true assassin name, is it not?Or perhaps: NotBehindYou.YourFriendStaySafe!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need a name in games

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a name in games

How about ... Bob?A true assassin name, is it not?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I need a name in games

2020-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I need a name in games

Nobody's going to fear you more because of a name that also happened to be used by someone from history, no matter how well-known and badass they were.At best, they won't care. In the middle is the possibility they'll think you're bragging just a bit too much. The worst possibility? "Lol, history nerd! Get him!"But, history is awesome. So, hmm ... Carolus Rex?If you like the sniping approach, you could go with White Death.Or perhaps just ...SPARTA!Yes, all of those links lead to metal songs. From Sabaton. Best way to learn history. Definitely don't use anything related to Hitler. Or to anyone recent, for that matter. When I was younger and an admin on an online game, I banned someone because of that. And while I know now I should've at least given a warning, I still think that some form of punishment would've been necessary. Just don't do that, please.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: code 7 is making me mad

2020-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: code 7 is making me mad

Another instance of that bug. Great.OK, let's try something. After continuing the game, press control+v to disable blind friendly mode. Type in soli.override, confirm, and wait for the next scene to start. When it does, press control+v again.If that doesn't work, just send me your save file, and I'll move you to the next scene. You won't miss anything.Your save file is located in:C:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\GoodwolfStudio\Code 7\saveFilesIf you ever get stuck again, there's a file in my folder of tips (check my signature) called "Common Bugs In Blind Friendly Mode". I just added the soli.override bug to it as well.The devs have fixed several of these bugs, but those fixes only come out with EP 4. Sucks, I know.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any software for creating text games?

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any software for creating text games?

Damn, you're right. I've made a mistake once again.The time I tested it, I must've mostly done so with Jaws. It definitely plays much worse with NVDA, for some reason. I guess you could use things like OCR and scan mode to get around it? Not sure how much that would help though.I'm sorry for giving you false information. I hope you find something that works better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: steam problem

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: steam problem

I think you have to use space when selecting the installation language.But don't worry, you don't need to uninstall it. You can switch its language using a flag. Go to its shortcut, open properties, and in the target field (the one you should already be focused on), make a space after the path that's already there, and add:-language Then open the shortcut, and it should be fixed! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any software for creating text games?

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any software for creating text games?

Like I said, you'll have to get the older version of it. That one is labeled.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any software for creating text games?

2020-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any software for creating text games?

If you want choose your own adventures, the editor over at is pretty accessible. The scripting system is not as easy as the menus in Sable, of course, but it's also not as limiting. And with there being so many help files, it's actually not that hard to learn.If you'd prefer interactive fiction, perhaps Adrift would work? You'd have to use the older version, V4 instead of V5. It's also got a strong scripting system; there's a lot you can do with the many types of tasks and events. I've played some really amazing games made with that thing. Tingalan and Skybreak! (yes, with an exclamation mark), for example.Otherwise, hmm, maybe Twine? Is that accessible? Never tried it, to be honest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

@Exodus Hmm, didn't think of that, good thinking! That's quite a lot of work though. I think the solution I posted in post #12 would work just as well. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

@caio I think just pasting it and pressing enter should work? If not, the scan mode in ObjPad should hopefully help.@Dark That's indeed odd. Like I said, here I get the website view immediately after opening Steam via the shortcut (well, sometimes I have to press tab once first). But opening it via the taskbar after that doesn't seem to change anything. It just brings up that invisible pane, as IronCross called it, and I have to alt+tab out of steam and back, then press tab, to get back into the browseable library screen.Are you sure -no-dwrite is working as it should be? Perhaps the order does matter? Probably not though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

@caio Perhaps your steam client is in another language? Try adding this to the target field of your shortcut, after all the stuff that's already there:-language That should hopefully fix it.@Dark That is ... very odd. Scan mode should enable you to move around the entire window in Steam; it's sort of like the Jaws cursor.And even just with the normal mode, you should be able to move around your game library like you would with a web page, with up and down arrows and shortcuts like t for table.Oh well. Different computers, different bugs, I suppose.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

@ironcross32 What do you mean? You still can, as far as I know. Buy the game on the website, then press enter on the install button, and if the Steam client is open, it'll automatically send the install request to it, and you just have to confirm (another thing scan mode of ObjPad works well for).As for the non-existent pane, just pressing tab usually gets me out of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

@Dark I mean this add-on: life much easier, not just in Steam but in other applications as well. With that, and knowing how to use NVDA's mouse-focusing feature, you can suddenly access a lot more menus. (for example, in Steam, by going to the top of the window and then down, a few more menus should show up.)And yeah, the order of the login and no-dwrite flags isn't important. They execute the same either way.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

Yup, still valid. You'll want to write it like this, in the target field (the one automatically focused when you open properties of the shortcut):"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -login Username Password -no-dwriteIn addition, I recommend you install ObjPad, since some parts of Steam are much easier to access using scan mode and simulated mouse clicks.If it doesn't work, could you give us more detail? What isn't working?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Steam

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Question about Steam

Yup, still valid. You'll want to write it like this, in the target field (the one automatically focused when you open properties of the shortcut):"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -login Username Password -no-dwriteIn addition, I recommend you install ObjPad, since some parts of Steam are much easier to access using scan mode and simulated mouse clicks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The last of us part 2. please give me more!

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part 2. please give me more!

@MSlion But ... but the rhetorical questions are the best part! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The last of us part 2. please give me more!

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part 2. please give me more!

I'm from slovenia, definitely outside of the US, and I was able to play the game.I think you are mixing up the accessibility of the game with the accessibility of the PS4 itself. The PS4 menus will be inaccessible, true, but once a sighted person starts the game for you, the TTS and all the other accessibility settings will work as normal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: some questions.

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some questions.

Here is the AHC download: for those rushing to report this post: No, I am not giving him the link to a cracked game. This is the official download link. The game he obtains by downloading this is completely useless if he hasn't also bought the game and connected that purchase to his BlindGamers account.@Gaki_shonen Please clean your inbox of emails you no longer need regularly, so that this doesn't happen with other things as well. Trust me, the feeling of having a clean inbox is absolutely amazing! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The last of us part 2. please give me more!

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The last of us part 2. please give me more!

Would you be happy with a playthrough by a sighted person? Because if so, there are a lot of them. My favorite so far is from Materwelonz, because while she isn't making them for blind people specifically, she is still fairly descriptive (and also, ngl, I like her voice and her way of thinking): … cWT1PIXoXOSome other blind people have played it on Twitch, but I can't remember the names right now. I know PG13 are planning to, but not when.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

No. We told you. AHC has typical RPG turn-based combat.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Rich_Beardsley wrote:And @2, I think the reason a lot of people dislike text based games is because they have very little sound if anyWell yes, obviously. They are, after all, text-based.So what?Text-based games are designed to be enjoyable without needing sound. They can keep your attention with a good story, vivid descriptions, challenging puzzles, unique gameplay mechanics, etc.Imagine if you showed your favorite audiogame to a sighted player, and they said they didn't like it. Not because of the content, the gameplay, but just because it didn't have graphics.And speaking of sighted gamers, they can at least argue they are too lazy to read all those words (as silly as that is). We blindies can just have the screen reader read them to us. A bit less enjoyable than braille, but faster.But hey, if you really need sounds that much, there are text based games that have them. There are MUDs with soundpacks, such as Alter Aeon and CLOK, and there are text adventures with sounds too, like Code 7 and Tingalan (and, with the current accessibility mods, Slay the Spire).And of course, if you count games like AHC as text-based somehow ... But while I enjoy good sound design as much as anyone else, it is also incredibly fun to use your own imagination sometimes. Variety is great, is it not?


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

But ... but that's not text-based ... That just means it has turn-based combat. Which, yes, it does. It's an RPG, that's generally what they do.But yeah, if you don't like that, then I guess it won't be for you. Neither will be Entombed, Slay The Spire, anything of the Pokemon style, etc.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

A Hero's Call? Text-based?What exactly does text-based mean to you? Because to me, it means MUDS, interactive fiction, visual novels, choose your stories, and the like. Things where you read text, then make your choice either by typing it in, or by choosing between a few options.I love text-based games. They are generally the strongest when it comes to storytelling, can be enjoyed even if you don't have fast reflexes, and helped me a lot when learning English. I really don't know why the majority of people on this forum dislike them so much.But AHC is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a text-based game. There are sounds, music, voice acting. You walk around in first-person, explore different environments. The sound design for combat is absolutely epic. Yes, obviously there are text menus -- you won't find an RPG without them -- but that doesn't make it text-based.Is it worth buying? I definitely don't regret doing so. It doesn't offer the same value as mainstream games can, of course, but compared to the sometimes quite unreasonable pricing of audio games (looking at you, VGStorm), I'd say it's quite fair. Sounds aren't cheap, and voice acting isn't, either!It depends on what you're interested in, though. If you enjoy RPGs -- turn-based fighting, leveling up your party members, deciding on which skills to give them, comparing equipment, completing quests -- then yes, you'll like this. If you enjoy great sound design, you'll have it. If you're into exploration, AHC's navigation system makes it fun enough once you get the hang of it.If you want a super strong and well thought out story, that's not quite what you'll get. But it is decent, and there are some nice character interactions and good laughs to be had. It's also not the most challenging game around, but judging by your previous topic, that is a bonus.It is, in my opinion, one of the best audio games we have. There is nothing *just* as good that I can think of. The closest is Entombed, which is abandonware now, but that is already a different style of game, and while amazing, can be quite buggy on newer computers.But you can't always rely on other people to answer your questions. Do your own research, think about the pros and cons, and then decide. The database is right here, after all ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

A Hero's Call? Text-based?What exactly does text-based mean to you? Because to me, it means MUDS, interactive fiction, visual novels, choose your stories, and the like. Things where you read text, then make your choice either by typing it in, or by choosing between a few options.I love text-based games. They are generally the strongest when it comes to storytelling, can be enjoyed even if you don't have fast reflexes, and helped me a lot when learning English. I really don't know why the majority of people on this forum dislike them so much.But AHC is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a text-based game. There are sounds, music, voice acting. You walk around in first-person, explore different environments. The sound design for combat is absolutely epic. Yes, obviously there are text menus -- you won't find an RPG without them -- but that doesn't make it text-based.Is it worth buying? I definitely don't regret doing so. It doesn't offer the same value as mainstream games can, of course, but compared to the sometimes quite unreasonable pricing of audio games (looking at you, VGtorm), I'd say it's quite fair. Sounds aren't cheap, and voice acting isn't, either!It depends on what you're interested in, though. If you enjoy RPGs -- turn-based fighting, leveling up your party members, deciding on which skills to give them, comparing equipment, completing quests -- then yes, you'll like this. If you enjoy great sound design, you'll have it. If you're into exploration, AHC's navigation system makes it fun enough once you get the hang of it.If you want a super strong and well thought out story, that's not quite what you'll get. But it is decent, and there are some nice character interactions and good laughs to be had. It's also not the most challenging game around, but judging by your previous topic, that is a bonus.It is, in my opinion, one of the best audio games we have. There is nothing *just* as good that I can think of. The closest is Entombed, which is abandonware now, but that is already a different style of game, and while amazing, can be quite buggy on newer computers.But you can't always rely on other people to answer your questions. Do your own research, think about the pros and cons, and then decide. The database is right here, after all ...


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Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help!!!!

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help

@Dark Many of the NPCs can be found using the aforementioned beacons, and wall hugging and following the roads will make you able to find the other ones without much problems as well. And once again, no mouse is required; hell, before today, I didn't even know you could use one!It might take a couple minutes, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help!!!!

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help

@Dark I can also confirm that you do not need a mouse for playing AHC. The maps are also much more manageable than they are in say Manamon, since there are things like beacons and fast travel to help you out.@Deucalion If it helps, I've had trouble with a lot of those you've mentioned, too. I only managed to memorize the first couple spells in Paladin, and then gave up on it as they got more challenging, while the story got more painful. The Gate uses a lot of fake difficulty (like spawning enemies right on top of you at checkpoints), is boring, and just in general not a good game in my opinion. Hell, even Talon from PG13 got tired of playing it when they streamed it. Perilous Hearts I did complete, though not without difficulty. But if it helps, that's only an unfinished demo, so the second level is actually also the last one.I also very much recommend Crazy Party, Castaways (and the other games from Aprone, such as Pawprints and Preludeamals) and A Hero's Call. The first for fun little sidescrollers, the second for easier strategy, and the third for an RPG much easier than Paladin.You could also check out A Blind Legend and the newest demo of The Vale; both are sword fighting games, with combat focused more on reacting at the right time than smashing lots of keys. Alien shooters like God of War also have a pretty reasonable difficulty curve, usually with multiple difficulty modes. Or perhaps Marina Break, if you'd like something different; it's a game where you destroy blocks using a ball, with pretty damn good physics and very fun!And it goes without saying that I'd very much love if you checked out the game I mention in my (overly long) signature.  Though that one, while not requiring nearly as much fast typing as you'd expect, does have some puzzles for which you'll have to be patient and determined.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help!!!!

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help

Wow. Well ... thank you very much, Jimmy! I suppose I do try.I can definitely be as much of an asshole as anyone else when I feel like being one. Being sarcastic and harsh towards people can be fun. And my patience still needs working on.But I try to keep that off of this forum for the most part. There are some snarky posts, for sure, but in general I've always viewed this as a wholesomer sort of place, and so have been doing my part to keep it that way.Also, I can't deny that helping people feels pretty nice. As does being helped, of course. So, an excellent investment of time.You are a pretty cool dude, too. I'm always a little worried when I see things like the number 69 in people's usernames, but you're good proof that I should be less judgemental. Flawed, as we all are, but willing to recognize that and improve. One of the best qualities to have, as far as I'm concerned.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help!!!!

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm an execrable audio player, help

I think we'll need more detail before we can advise you. Could you tell us which games exactly you've been having trouble with, and what parts? Perhaps we can recommend better alternatives.Seemingly logical things sometimes aren't obvious? Trust me, that happens to everyone.  Several times, I've been completely stuck in a game, gave up, went to sleep, and realized the solution was right in front of my nose once I woke up.If the games have it, reading the ReadMe might help. But the best way to learn is by failing. Try everything you can think of, and try to enjoy yourself even when you don't get it right immediately. Games are supposed to be challenging. And you are playing for yourself, not an audience.But of course, if you ever get completely stuck, there are many wonderful people on this forum that would be happy to help.As for typing, I'm sure that you'll become better with practice. And perhaps it would be easier if you bought a better keyboard? Mechanical keyboards are much better than laptop ones.Not everyone is good at key mashing though -- I certainly am not -- and that's fine. There are all sorts of games out there. Tell us what you're looking for, and perhaps we can help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

I'll chip in as another of the people that don't have an issue with the dialog.Alex not reacting to "Have a listen around" sounds reasonable to me. Do you always correct people when they do that? I do not. It all depends on how receptive I think they'd be to the correction, if they said it as a joke or to be polite, and just how much I care at the moment.I can't remember the scene exactly at the moment, but didn't Shepherd mean the "Have a listen around" as a joke? Not a funny one, for sure, for anyone that's been blind more than a month. But for him, it's a fresh one. Perhaps Alex might be the type to politely correct him or quietly sigh, but she seems too polite to snap at him. Not reacting seems like a reasonable response.Also, c'mon, he also calls her Sheep. Correcting him would just encourage him."Describe it for me" might sound a bit unusual, but is it really that much worse than, say, asking "What does it look like?" She is a princess; we should be glad she does not sound even more sophisticated. And, unlike Alex from another game, she doesn't have any inspect buttons. As for Alex being given a sword? Well, I'm sure there are multiple universes where she isn't. But the creators don't focus on those, because otherwise, there'd be no story. That's Anthropic Principle for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

I'll chip in as another of the people that don't have an issue with the dialog.Alex not reacting to "Have a listen around" sounds reasonable to me. Do you always correct people when they do that? I do not. It all depends on how receptive I think they'd be to the correction, if they said it as a joke or to be polite, and just how much I care at the moment.I can't remember the scene exactly at the moment, but didn't Shepherd mean the "Have a listen around" as a joke? Not a funny one, for sure, for anyone that's been blind more than a month. But for him, it's a fresh one. Perhaps Alex might be the type to politely correct him or quietly sigh, but she seems too polite to snap at him. Not reacting seems like a reasonable response.Also, c'mon, he also calls her Sheep. Correcting him would just encourage him.As for Alex being given a sword? Well, I'm sure there are multiple universes where she isn't. But the creators don't focus on those, because otherwise, there'd be no story. That's Anthropic Principle for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Walking vs Running vs Both in A Detective's Demise (and others)

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Walking vs Running vs Both in A Detective's Demise (and others)

I'm going to be in the minority here, but ... have you asked yourself what would make more sense for the protagonist? Are they the type to start jogging when they are in a rush, or even go for a full out run? Are they tall, with long legs, and so can walk briskly and with big strides, or are they on the shorter side, meaning they'd have to move much more quickly to achieve that brisk walk speed? Does them being a detective mean they like to slow down themselves, just like you'd want them to, and inspect everything? Or perhaps, are they the type to be very attentive when solving a case, but not the type to stop and smell the flowers outside of work?I'm all about the story, as you can see. So, if suddenly running wouldn't make sense from a in-character perspective, I wouldn't mind walking.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

I've just finished playing through the demo, and this was actually quite fun! It is not completely outstanding when it comes to gameplay, using a lot of the same strategies games like The Blind Swordsman and A Blind Legend did. There's only so much you can deviate when making a game about a blind warrior, after all. But there's clearly some innovation on the known concepts, such as the (admittedly very simple) sneaking system, types of weapons and armor, etc.And the voice acting is pretty damn good! I especially like Alex's voice actress (are there credits somewhere?)My favorite scene was probably the right-killing quest. Not because of the mechanics; it was, after all, just a "center the rat's sound and walk towards it, while the rat stays still and doesn't care at all about how loud you are" minigame. But Alex sounds just so delighted about the prospect of killing rats that I couldn't help but enjoy it, too.The tutorials are still imperfect, as others have already mentioned, sometimes giving controller instructions instead of keyboard ones, or even mix-and-matching. The pitch inconsistency in the menu narration is a bit odd, too. But so far, I've been lucky enough to encounter no other bugs.This is no doubt going to be an extremely thought-provoking and cliche-free story. But sometimes, good old fantasy works quite fine. And we at least get a female protagonist this time, not a gruff old dude!  I'll definitely be buying this once it comes out.Edit: I bet that this has been suggested before as well, but could we please have an option to quickly skip the intro when opening the game? Or an option to turn it off in the settings?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

2020-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Vale (final?) Demo

I've just finished playing through the demo, and this was actually quite fun! It is not completely outstanding when it comes to gameplay, using a lot of the same strategies games like The Blind Swordsman and A Blind Legend did. There's only so much you can deviate when making a game about a blind warrior, after all. But there's clearly some innovation on the known concepts, such as the (admittedly very simple) sneaking system, types of weapons and armor, etc.And the voice acting is pretty damn good! I especially like Alex's voice actress (are there credits somewhere?)My favorite scene was probably the right-killing quest. Not because of the mechanics; it was, after all, just a "center the rat's sound and walk towards it, while the rat stays still and doesn't care at all about how loud you are" minigame. But Alex sounds just so delighted about the prospect of killing rats that I couldn't help but enjoy it, too.The tutorials are still imperfect, as others have already mentioned, sometimes giving controller instructions instead of keyboard ones, or even mix-and-matching. The pitch inconsistency in the menu narration is a bit odd, too. But so far, I've been lucky enough to encounter no other bugs.This is no doubt going to be an extremely thought-provoking and cliche-free story. But sometimes, good old fantasy works quite fine. And we at least get a female protagonist this time, not a gruff old dude!  I'll definitely be buying this once it comes out.


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