Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Good question. You shouldn't have any issue there. If we do detect any suspicious activity, we'll always check with you before suspending your account, and even if the account gets suspended you have the opportunity to clarify if this was a misunderstanding. But in general you don't have anything to worry about if the account is being used on a reasonable number of machines, and only by one user concurrently.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Spoiler for final boss fight***You can't prevent him from resurrecting. But there is a limited number of times he will resurrect. Just keep at it and stay alive long enough to finally finish him.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Phoenix: If you press control + shift + L it will open a text log, and you can copy the spoken errors from that document.@Darth Scorp: Spoiler-ish responses to your criticisms below... ***be warned***Regarding the basement, this has been raised by a couple other folks, and we will probably flesh this area out a bit in a future update. The truth is, it was never intended as a map to actually be explored, and as plans changed and the opportunity to explore it opened up, it simply fell through the cracks and we kind of forgot to do anything with it.Regarding variety based on your responses, I can tell you with full confidences that how you treat certain characters in the game most certainly does have effects. Will every nasty thing you say have an immediate or apparent effect? Of course not. Nor will every different response have a different effect every time—that would require an untenable degree of variety in quest design and would pretty much double the amount of dialogue in the game. For the record, I'd love for there to be more of this type of dynamic response—but we had to be sparing, because of limited resources. However, to say that there is no difference in the gameplay experience based on what sort of responses you choose is just patently incorrect.However, regarding the ending, yes, you don't have the option of turning into a dark overlord, or seeing Farhaven completely in ruin, or anything like that. I know a lot of people were expecting this sort of branching ending, but that wasn't a convention we chose to use, for a number of reasons.So I guess at the end of the day, it depends on what you mean by saying that your choices "don't matter at all." Do they matter in the overall plot? No, I suppose they don't. Do they matter in determining what little bits of narrative variety you experience? They certainly do. But, all of that said, I'm sorry to hear that this didn't live up to your expectations.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Kai, I need to disagree with you a bit, and clarify your contribution for public record. Kai didn't do any design work for AHC, but what he did do was a ton of VO processing. While that's certainly not as sexy or flashy as some other elements of sound design, it's incredibly tedious and time consuming, and having Kai do such an awesome job on it really freed Drew up to focus on other aspects.@Hayri Tulumcu: I'm not sure I understand your question. Can you clarify what you're having trouble with?


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Defender, looks like I did indeed get those emails. Sorry for missing them... As for graphics, there's nothing I can say at the moment. I do want to make some sort of public progress update in the near future though, as soon as we can get this next update hammered out. So once v1.3 rolls around, stay posted for that...And yes, for the record, Kai was a life saver. I know the game may not have gotten here as quickly as people would have liked...and I know that some could make the argument that it probably came out too soon...but all I can say is, without Kai, the wait would have been considerably longer.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

I am neither able, nor willing, to comment on any plans for DLC/expansions, because unless anything is officially announced by Out of Sight Games, there's really nothing to say. Also, did you see my request in post #1634 asking for an email about your lag issues?


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Kody: It's a good question. The answer really has two sides—the practical side, and the business side. The practical side is just that the nature of the gameplay makes it difficult to create a clearly defined demo. We would want any demo to include combat as well as exploration, but the logistical difficulties of determining that you can enter some areas, but not others, was more than we wanted to deal with, particularly in light of reason #2.But the second, and more important reason, is that there is a lot of data to indicate that game demos actually hurt game sales. And since the overwhelming majority of game developers, from small indies to triple-A studios, do not offer demos of their games, we didn't see any reason to buck the trend. We think the demo recordings give players more than enough idea of what they would be spending their money on, and the price point is low enough by audio game standards that it doesn't seem like that big of a gamble. So the question was: what do we stand to gain by offering a demo, and what do we stand to lose? And all of the data indicates that we have more to lose than we do to gain.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Sorry for the double-post...@Milos: If you haven't already, shoot an email to support[at] mentioning your lag issues. We're testing out some performance improvements that might help you out and I'd love to have you give them a try. This applies to anyone else who's experiencing lag in areas such as near the river in the Great North Road, and the Goblin Settlement and/or Great Bridge in the Goblin Tunnels.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Milos: Yeah, we're in the process of trying to fix some of these performance issues. Unfortunately there's some serious inconsistency in who is or isn't experiencing them (i.e. it's not something that's being seen by people with bad hardware, but not people with good hardware) so that makes it difficult to actually troubleshoot and solve the issue. You're not alone, though, and hopefully we're on our way to making some headway on the issue.@Phoenix: Regarding your new game bug, did you recently email support? If so, we received it, and you can expect a message back in the near future. As for Holy Warrior—you can't. Only Alexia can learn this skill.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Correct. You only need to clear bandit campsites in the Great North Road map. You definitely won't hear all the campsites from the road. But if you walk the trails as well, you should find them easily enough, especially if you've found the one north of the river already.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Enes: When you say you've walked the entirety of the road, do you just mean the road itself, or the whole map? I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there are probably areas of the map you have not yet visited. There is one campsite in particular that is difficult to find, but since there is an in-game hint specifically about this one, I'm reluctant to give any pointers.@Nick: It sounds like you may have found a menu that was showing an option that shouldn't have been there...I'll look at the menu logic and see if something is bugged. In theory though, if your quest log says you've collected 20 wolf pelts, then Madeline should have an option to deliver them. Hmm... Have you completed the main quest yet? It will be a different menu depending on whether or not you have so that will help me know where to start looking.@Darth Scorp: Have you reported any of these bugs you get while making evil decisions? We can't fix them if nobody reports them. Also, are you running version 1.2.1? As for decisions that change the plot, it depends on what you mean by that. There are a number of decisions that change things in minor ways, such as affecting different characters' disposition toward you, making certain quests available or unavailable, and so on.As for your question about weapons, nobody can tell you which is better because there is not an objective difference. It depends on how your character is built, and how you choose to play. If you're going to build someone in such a way that focuses on dealing critical damage, then a weapon with a higher critical threat may be better than something with a higher weapon rating. If you're fighting something weak to fire damage, something that does bonus fire damage is going to be better. If you're playing a character who is built for speed and accuracy, lighter weapons will be better than heavier, more powerful ones. The goal with the weapon stat system was to make it so that players aren't punished for choosing one tactic over another—rather, all options are viable, if your character build and play style are suited to them.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Nick: The quest isn't bugged in version 1.2.1 to the best of my knowledge. What does your quest log say? Does it indicate that you have enough pelts to hand in, or does it say you still need to collect more?@cw: The person you're looking for does live in town—in the northern part of town, just east of the manor. Regarding dragons...***spoiler*** Dragons aren't quest-related, they're just level specific. If you haven't seen dragons yet, you just aren't a high enough which case, be glad you haven't run into them yet, cause they'd mess you up.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Phoenix, I think what that was in reference to was the fact that in Lord of the Rings, a number of loose ends get wrapped up after the big bad is defeated, meaning the story doesn't end right when the main arc is finished. In the same way, you can still follow up side quests after beating the main story arc.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

All I'll say in response to that is that if you want to find out if there is anything more there, you should probably keep Gwen with you as much as possible to see what sorts of situational dialogue options open up...


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Lord Lundin: Excellent. Getting thoughtful feedback from gamers is incredibly helpful. Expect an email from me sometime, whenever I actually find the time to reach out, lol.@darth scoop: Sorry that we never emailed you back; we try to reply to everything that gets sent to that email so I'm sure it either got buried, or eaten by some sort of a filter. To answer your question—the on-demand translation means we haven't had to make human translation a priority, but once some other, higher-priority issues are more ironed out we do plan to partner more closely with a greater number of human translators to refine the automatically generated translations. When we are ready to start that process, you can expect to see a thread here on and some noise on Twitter about it. Thanks for the offer!


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Valmorian: Do you have a melee weapon equipped? You're not going to see melee attacks if you're using a ranged weapon. I'm unsure how you would have gotten Icy Strike if you don't know Melee Attack though...@Lord Lundin: I was glad to see the review, and really appreciate a lot of what you had to say—both the good and the bad. I was disappointed that there wasn't a way to reply to it, as I'd have liked to engage with you about a couple of things, either things I'd like a bit more info on your perspective about, or things that I think you unintentionally misrepresented OOSG a bit (i.e. "The developer has said X" where I don't think X is exactly what we've said). On a whole though, it was both encouraging and helpful—thank you! If you'd like to dialogue a bit I'd be happy to do it here or via email.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Defender, an agility-related imbalance might allow a couple of free rounds, but it wouldn't keep enemies from ever attacking. That's why I suspect it's a bug.@kdh: I think this is one quest that it's actually possible to completely miss if things don't get done in a particular order. If you've already finished "A Balancing Act" then I suspect you missed it.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hi Milos,What I was saying about the license is that, technically, you have only purchased one copy of the game. So if two people are using the same account to play, technically one of them is playing a copy they do not own. Now, if you weren't playing at the same time, then in a sense this is just like you are trading the one copy between one another. But if you do end up playing at the same time, then you are enjoying the experience of owning two copies of the game, while only having bought one copy. Again, we don't have a good way to prevent this (without requiring an active internet connection any time you're playing), which is why you're able to do it—but I at least want to be clear that I can't condone account-sharing in any form, even if I do understand why it's done.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Milos, does this happen in all battles, or just occasionally? Either way it does seem like a bug. In fact, this is probably the same as one we encountered during testing, but were never able to figure out the break in the combat timing logic.Also, I need to say publicly that, while I understand why you and your brother are doing what you're doing, and I understand that this is a pretty common practice, I can't condone it if you are playing the game simultaneously, as you are then in effect using two copies of the game, for the cost of one. If you are never playing at the same time, then technically you're still just using one copy. But if you are playing concurrently, I hope you will consider purchasing a second license, if and when you are able.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

General announcement: any time a post contains plot details about the identity of the game's antagonist without spoiler warnings, I will be reporting to moderation. If you've posted something like this please edit in spoiler tags. Sorry to be so unyielding on this but I really hate the idea of someone having the surprise ruined.Now, some minor pro-tips and hints below. Nothing plot related, just tips and tricks and clarifications:- To Nick and others having trouble finding ambush sites: often, these will have containers in them. So if you walk along the road and turn to check out any containers you hear to your left and right, you'll have a good chance of spotting them. This won't guarantee that you'll catch them all but it's a good start. Again, they are all visible from the Great North Road.- The revive skill people are talking about is actually bugged and might never get learned. This will get fixed in the next update.- Regarding a confusion about skills being learned and then not showing up in your skills list, perhaps this was a passive skill? For example if a warrior learns Counterattack, that isn't going to show up in your skills list in combat because it is a passive skill.- Regarding the special item you get after the boss fight, I assume this is the Ring of Occlusion. Was it your main character you were trying to equip it to? If so, was this your first or second play through? Just trying to figure out what could be the source of the bug, if indeed this is a bug. Only your main should be able to equip this ring.- Enes, It's possible you've either already had that conversation with Gwen and missed your chance based on the path you took in that dialogue, or that you haven't unlocked it yet, depending on how far you've progressed in the game.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hey Milos, sorry I forgot to answer your question. Technically there is no fixed point at which you stop learning skills, simply because some skills will only be learned once you purchase certain prerequisites. Theoretically you could wait until level 100 to buy Melee Attack for your ranger, and then you'd still have new skills to learn as he learns new melee skills. For your friend's warrior character, it's certainly possible they've learned everything there is to learn by level 40 but this isn't a given.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Technically everything below contains minor spoilers...nothing plot-related, just little gameplay things:@Nick: Regarding Master Focus for regenerating mana in combat...I've received reports indicating this may not actually be working properly. I'm going to be looking into that this weekend, hopefully. Either way, though, this skill is only available to certain classes.@Defender, regarding Actually Love and Victoria's dialogue progression: Yeah she doesn't get new things to say until your next trip to Farhaven. Otherwise you could just walk right up to her and blitz through it all in one fell swoop which, given the nature of the conversations, @2would feel a little odd.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Um Phoenix/Audioracer...I just clarified about Actually Love in the post immediately above yours, including correcting some misinformation that is now also contained in Audioracer's post. SO please refer above to post #1539 to be sure you don't go the wrong way on this.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hold up guys, there is some misinformation going on about Actually Love. I'll clarify after a spoiler tag below, but first a response to Sir Badger about key binding:I'm definitely not saying it's not possible. Nor am I saying it's not going to happen. All I was saying is that since basically all of the key mapping logic is custom coded (since the whole engine is) this sort of thing is not as easy as it would be if we were working through some API that intelligently handled all of that for us. At least that's the way I understand it. And of course any time you have a task that requires developer resources, then you have to prioritize it...and since we're still dealing with some inexplicable lag on some users' machines, and still have a couple of tenacious crashing errors that we want to hammer out, those things definitely take priority.Now, on to clarifying the Actually Love quest.***Spoilers and pro-tips below this point. Do not read on if you want the joy of figuring out quest progression by your own ingenuity***Victoria's note has nothing to do with triggering or advancing the quest, however its contents are useful once the quest is active—but strictly speaking it's just pure auxiliary world-building. The "Tools of the Trade" quest also has nothing to do with starting this quest. The quest only triggers once you have progressed to a certain point in your conversations with Victoria, at which point it will start when you have a conversation with the blacksmith. Ordinarily I wouldn't give this kind of detail on how to start a quest but I want to be sure people aren't driving themselves crazy trying to pursue false leads. That's not a dig at you, Defender—I can understand why you made these assumptions. The quest's starting point is deliberately organic, so I wouldn't expect it to be intuitively obvious how it begins.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

The game engine was written by Ian Reed in C#, with a lot of the scripting logic exposed to _javascript_ (which we later moved to Typescript). If you're impressed with the technical capabilities of the game, such as positional SAPI TTS in combat, don't look at me—that's all Ian Reed's brilliance on display. If you're annoyed with all the script errors...yeah sadly that's probably more my fault.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Enes: Go ahead and email if you don't mind.@Sir Badger: This is really more of an engine issue, so it's not my area of expertise, but as far as I know the issue is less the number of key combinations/unique commands and more just actually programming the logic to allow the game engine to take key input from any sort of control device and map that input to a command, without causing problems.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

A reminder: please, please do not submit bug reports here. If you encounter a bug, please email it to support [at] key remapping: We'd really love to get an in-game remapping interface set up as well. This is easier said than done, but is still something we'd like to do in a future update.Some more behind-the-scenes info about enemy scaling:Random encounters all have a pre-defined level bracket, so which encounters you will run into depends on your level. This is a little more complex than just saying different enemies appear at different levels. For example, you might run into a single Goblin Marauder along with a bunch of Goblin Archers starting at one level, but it will be a little longer before you run into a bunch of Goblin Marauders.All enemies have a pre-defined list of random armor and weapon options, and pre-defined skills and attributes. So these factors do not scale, per se, other than they scale with enemy type—but a level 45 Tree-kin will have the same skills, strength, constitution, etc. as a level 3- tree-kin. However, factors such as HP, mana, stamina, attack power, etc. that factor level as well as fixed statistics will adjust based on the unit's level, up to a pre-defined level cap which some units have.Some scripted encounters scale based on your level—so a boss mob might include more or less powerful units depending on your level. Some bosses' skills and gear also scale based on your level. However, there is always a cap to this (obviously—we can't make an infinite number of pre-defined units). So once you get past the final tier, then the higher your level, the more outdated a boss' gear and skills will be. This is part of why some people have found the final boss too easy at particularly high levels.Hopefully that clarified some things.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Michael—the difference is percentage based. So especially at low levels you're not going to see much. For example, if you're dealing an average of 25 damage with melee attacks, and then add 20% fire damage, you're only going to be doing an average of 30 damage. But once you're looking at larger numbers, or you get it upgraded all the way up to a 50% bonus, you'll definitely see the difference.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Lots of little replies here. Rather than a lot of spoiler warnings, I'll say what the response is in regards to, for each response. If you don't want possible spoilers about that topic, skip to the next paragraph.@buu420 #1359: Regarding dual-wielding, I will do some investigating next chance I get, but as far as I know, dual-wielding is behaving as it should, in which case the added damage and other effects of your off-hand weapon are added automatically.@phoenix1991 #1361 - Regarding Family Legacy reward: If Gwen is wearing the Ring of Legacy she will have a skill called Summon Ancestor which can be used in combat.@nyanchan #1363 - Regarding dual-wielding: I'm a little confused. What about the dual-wielding system are you disappointed with? Why would you want to choose which weapon to use, rather than having both weapons factored into your attack?@audioracer #1364 - Regarding Who Framed Rogarr Rabgurg: The gatehouse is in the northeastern part of the Goblin King's palace.@michaelhoffman #1369 - Regarding the forest temple: I won't give this one away, as there are some resources in the game that give you explicit details about where this is. If you have any books that talk about the forest in your inventory, you might want to take a look at those.@Jayde #1387 - Regarding Alexia and Pacifist: Let me know how this turns out. Most people tend not to take this route but in my experience it can make Alexia ridiculously powerful. It doesn't matter that she does less damage because your party is so hard to take down if you focus her exclusively on healing and buffs.@Phoenix1991 #1391 - Regarding Simeon and the ring: You can find the outlaw settlement either way, but if you make Simeon give you the ring back, you'll have to find it on your own, as he won't be willing to lead you there.Regarding where to find Nigel: Nigel's home. It's in the southwest part of Farhaven, down the street right before you get to the west gate.@kianoosh #1395 - regarding unique items: Don't worry too much about the loss of your Masterforged hammer, as it is unique as well. Anything you got as a boss reward, out of a display case, or as a quest reward is going to be unique.@michaelhoffman #1406: I know someone who's playing with a character that's over level 100, and there's pretty much no challenge as he can destroy whatever he faces...but that has to be fun in its own right. He's encountering some weird issues that may actually be a result of his high level—we haven't had a lot of testing up that high so we're looking into it.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Spoilers for Stolen From the Rich below***Simeon won't tell you where the outlaw settlement is if you make him return the ring. After all, he's probably mad at you for making him lose a payday.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

So I can totally understand how the riddles would be difficult especially if they're being auto-translated. This is one place where human translations will be especially important and we'll try to be more intentional about getting these translated into a variety of languages.Honk: From my perspective, your English is very good.@wlomis: ***minor map-related pro-tips below***The study is in the northwest wing, last door on your left before you exit the back door. It's down the hall from the bedroom, gallery, servant's quarters, etc., just across from the alchemy lab. HTH.@Fionella you asked some good questions about weapons. I'm happy to provide some behind the scenes info.***Pro-tips about game mechanics below this point***Dual-wielding: Assuming everything is working as it should, dual-wielding will increase your damage health, but the off-hand weapon does not deal full damage (I think it's 75% of its weapon rating is counted, not positive offhand). However, there is a trade-off in that dual-wielding negatively impacts some other things—honestly I can't remember offhand what exactly it decreases, maybe attack speed and/or accuracy? This was for balance reasons, so dual-wielding isn't too O.P. We should probably have included some sort of in-game info about dual-wielding, maybe as a book or as one of the elements of combat you can ask Captain Lucian for info about. Honestly not sure why we didn't.Regarding different weapon types: there are a variety of different factors that come into play when asking what the practical difference is between weapons. The lighter your weapon, the faster and more accurate you are. Gear weight also affects evasiveness. So someone wielding just a dagger will deal less damage than with a higher-rated weapon but will also be much lighter on their feet. Weapon weight comes into play when calculating parry chance as well, with the difficulty of parrying going down the more difference there is between weapon weights (ask Captain Lucian about parrying for more details).Other than this, different weapons may have different effects (for example, daggers tend to have a higher critical hit chance). Hit 4 to report effect info on weapons. Also, damage type matters. Most swords, daggers, and axes deal slashing damage (with a few special exceptions) whereas spears and the like deal piercing damage (along with most bows) and maces, hammers, etc. deal blunt damage. Some armor is weaker or stronger against particular damage types, and some enemies also have weaknesses or resistances to different damage types. Some of this can be discovered through reading books or talking to people, and some of it is just stuff you have to pay attention to—you may notice you're dealing way more or less damage with two weapons of comparable strength but different types. Sometimes using logic is helpful too. Here's a freebie example: which do you think would be more useful against a skeleton: an arrow (when skeletons have no meat for it to stick in) or a hammer (when bones can be crushed and broken apart easily)?


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Jayde I'm going to correct something you said about Gwen's quest. Actually I'm just going to basically say to ignore what you said, cause it will lead players in the wrong direction. All I will say, and it's pretty non-spoilers, is that the book does not start the quest. There is a location that is connected to the Adrianus family in some way (not the cabin in the woods) which starts the quest. That's all I'll say on the matter.Nick: I can't imagine anything about AHC is on Wikipedia, though that would definitely be a life-goal come true, lol. I'm also not prepared to hand out answers to riddles or puzzles, but I'll echo Jayde's tips for solving them: use process of elimination.***Mild spoilers for the Deepwood quest below this point***One riddle begins "Though small in size, respect my role"—so it's describing something small in size. Is the sun small? Nope—you can eliminate the sun. Is a tree small? Nope. A river? Nope. Now you know this is either referring to a seed or a bee. Which does it describe better, and is there another riddle that describes one or the other of these two as well?Here's what I'll do. Since it seems you're having trouble understanding the syntax of the riddles, I'll rephrase them below. I won't give you answers, but I will re-write the riddles in plain speech. If that's not enough for you, then I don't know what else to tell you. I hope this helps. I'll start with the original text, and then the simplified version:Original text: "Tiny worker though I be, the mighty woods dpend on me."Simplified Version: Even though I am tiny, the woods depend on me. What am I?Original text: "To all that's living, life I give—yet deep within me, you can't live."Simplified version: Nothing can live without me, but you can't live in me. What am I?Original text: "Though small in size, respect my role; within me dwells a giant soul."Simplified version: Even though I am small, the potential for something huge lies within me. What am I?Original text: "If I am gone, you'll never see; but look too close, and blind you'll be."Simplified version: People need me in order to see, but they can't look at me for very long without going blind. What am I?Original text: "As I reach to touch the sky, Deepwood never let me die."Simplified version: I am part of Deepwood forest that reaches up to touch the sky. What am I?I really hope this helped, and hope you're enjoying AHC despite the frustrations.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Nate, you got a thumbs-up for that post. Cracked me up.***Spoilers/Pro-tips from here on***Regarding Holy Warrior: only Alexia can learn this skill.Regarding Masterforged weapons: Their weapon rating is impacted by your level when you get them.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Heart of Deepwood Spoilers***If you're looking for the ranger's journal, head south from the main entrance. The chamber you're looking for will be through an opening on your right. Not sure which opening it will be, but it will be before you reach the corner and turn west. So if you go in a chamber and it's not there, just head back out to the ring and keep going south. The chamber in question will have some running water and bottomless pits, along with buzzing flies at a trash heap, so it's pretty acoustically distinctive. Hope that helps—sorry for the frustration.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

fPSA: The validation server, as well as the game download server, are both down. These are two separate servers hosted by the same server farm, so my guess is that the farm is having some issue. We're waiting to resolve it. In the meantime: if you launch the game and get only the music, but no window, leave it open. After a couple of minutes you should (if I understand the issue correctly) get the "Main Menu" announcement and be able to interact with the game—it's just taking that long for the server request to time out. This will be addressed in our next update. Alternatively, you should be able to launch the game without an internet connection, if you've already validated.If you need to validate your game for any reason, sadly you'll need to wait until the server is up. We're so sorry for this inconvenience.Edit: For those wondering why the game cares if the server is up—the game always checks to see if your game is validated, that way if we ever have to shut off an account that has been pirated, as we've had to do twice now, those players lose their ability to play. However, if it can't reach the server, it will fall back on the last successful check-in. However, this request currently takes a couple of minutes to time out if the server is simply non-responsive. Also, the game needs to be connected to the internet to handle on-demand translation.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Replying to topics rather than individual users this time. But first, a general note: it continues to be so good to see how much generosity and kindness this game brings out in people—whether that's buying it for others, or helping out with hints and the like. It's just cool to see people coming together around something we did.Regarding "Mysteries of Deepwood": There are four possible locations this item can show up in. All four are significant landmarks that you can "see" from the ancient road in the Deepwood Ruins. I don't like to give away specifics, but I will at least tell you all that much.Regarding IPs and DRM: For those of you who don't have a static IP, I don't think you have to worry about it showing up as a bunch of different devices being registered. Also no, those of you who are having the game de-register on you for whatever reason, you're not showing up as installing it on a zillion machines. We still aren't quite sure why that's happening though.Oh, and let's maintain the benefit of the doubt and hope that nobody is trying to share the game illegally or anything. Like I said, we're waiting to hear from the user in question—it's possible that there is a valid reason for the multiple installations.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Ambro86, I don't have much to say about the navigation that hasn't already been said. While I understand what you're saying, in theory, at the end of the day you can't simply flip a switch and say "Navigation Option 2 is available." Because the two options are fundamentally different perspectives. The perspective of the game is first-person, not third-person. You exist in the same space as the main character. Could we make the a third-person navigation mode? Yes, but it would not be the game we designed, because we designed a first-person game. If you prefer to navigate in a top-down third-person mode, we have provided this option by allowing you to explore the map in this perspective. But for actually exploring the world—interacting with things, hearing the sounds around you, walking through locations—third-person navigation isn't an option because that's not the way the game is designed.Now to pick up a few things that have been asked or mentioned:@rtt entertainment, regarding retreating from battle: It sounds like you are failing to retreat. Retreat isn't always a sure bet—sometimes you can't get away. There's a somewhat random chance, influenced by your speed and the speed of your enemies. The game is supposed to announce when you fail to retreat but it's possible that if you're not using the battle log, that announcement isn't being spoken.@ZK, regarding enemies and level caps: Yeah there were a couple of enemies with level caps that slipped through the net. Bandits are the worst as they pretty much are impossible to find after level 42 or so—this will be fixed in an update. Wolves can still be found as buddies of other units, but you have to be in the right places and they aren't very common. We actually may need to figure out a way around this for Madeline's quest, since the design of that quest assumed that you would hang on to any wolf pelts you might get, until you trigger the quest—didn't take into account the New Game + idea, which was added later.@ogomez92, regarding Linarrio Mausoleum: ***Pro-tips*** Sometimes, people in Farhaven will have as good of answers, or better, than people on the forums for your questions. If you are trying to figure something out, it doesn't hurt to ask people who might have a reason to know about it. Want to know something about the mines? Why not ask a miner, or a miner''s wife. Wondering about some religious matter? See if the priest has any advice. Trying to figure out how to get into Linarrio Mausoleum? Maybe ask someone with the last name Linarrio. We have really tried to reward you for asking around—you'll be surprised the practical hints you can get from talking to people.@Lord Lucius, regarding tricky sound with multiple campsites: Ooh good catch. We may be able to tweak the audio there to make that more distinctive. I'll add it to the list.@Jayde, regarding final boss level: Technically the final boss does level with you, as much as any units are able to level. The actual situation with difficulty scaling is a bit more complicated and, while I won't go into details, the boss will ideally track with you but there comes a point when you're going to start outpacing him, and leaving him farther and farther behind the higher your level is. I've never been thrilled with this but we never came up with a better alternative, so there you go.@nidza07 and Defender, regarding Mysteries of Deepwood **minor spoilers*** The location of this item actually isn't fixed. There are a handful of locations it might show up in. Just don't want anyone getting frustrated when they're told "It's here" and then it isn't there for them.@BlindNinja #1175: Lol.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Jayde #1088: It's going to be cleared from New Game +, along with Summon Undead, for a number of reasons. We should've done that from the start, but didn't think about it. That was an oversight on our part. The problem with making the second part of the amulet appear at a particular point in another quest is that it gets a little messy if you haven't started Trouble Sleeping yet. Still, you might be on to something. I'll have to think on that a little more.@Loxias #1089: Hmm, if you have Master Endurance / Focus, your stamina/mana should be regenerating between turns. I'll look into this and confirm it isn't bugged, though if it is, it may be a situational bug in which case I'd need to know the right circumstances.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@michaelhoffman #1080: Status effects should be indicated by a sound in combat—or, in the case of skills like Curse that deal an automatic effect, you'll know the effect was inflicted because you'll hear the sound of the skill. I'd advise using the battle log as an aid to learn these sounds before deciding to play without it. Remember that you can press enter on a battle log item to replay the associated sound.@Aaron #1081: The map sounds are mostly the same as the radar sounds but I believe there's an alternative, lower-pitched opening sound to indicate an opening to the south. I'd have to check in-game but I believe that's the only sound that you don't encounter in the explore mode.As for the amulet quest, it actually really is not intended as a low-level quest. Part of the reason we didn't give more specific instructions for finding the second half of the amulet is that we didn't want players to easily complete this quest very early in the game, since the reward can be a little O.P. at early levels. So in retrospect, by doing a demo that people can essentially follow to get this reward right at the start of a play through, we may have broken things a little bit. I've been thinking about causing the amulet's location to be a little more random, but I suspect that would incite a revolt, lol. At present, though, the open grave containing the amulet will be in the same place as in the demo—so it's just a matter of listening carefully enough to where I go in that demo...or stumbling upon the amulet accidentally, as we intended initially.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

General note about navigation and quest difficulties: I definitely get that it can be frustrating when you can't figure things out. However, I hope that the sense of accomplishment when you do figure out what's been giving you trouble makes it all worth it. We tried to find the appropriate balance between "hand-holding" (i.e. doing all the work for you, such as with automatic beacons), rewarding logical reasoning and exploration (i.e. maybe you need a beacon to something involving Farhaven's spiritual history, so you think to ask someone who might know about Farhaven's spiritual history, or read some books about it, and get rewarded with a beacon), and plain old free-form exploration (i.e. you really just stumbled upon a thing as you were roaming around in a new area). Some players will wish we'd leaned more one way or another, but I hope the end result is rewarding, no matter where you fall on that spectrum.***Pro-tip for navigating the graveyard (and elsewhere)*** Your forward scan is your friend. If it reports a fence between you and an item, then you can't go straight to the item. But you can walk along the fence in question until you find an opening, then go through it, and then you should have a straight shot to that item. The trick with navigation isn't to try to navigate directly to object X. It's to know that object X is in a particular area, then try to find the way into that area, then navigate to object X.***Minor spoilers for Mines*** I owe an apology to anyone who's had difficulty because of fighting the hydra before the quest. We decided this would be more realistic since it's not like the hydra would only attack people who have a particular quest (I don't know, maybe he knows what's up). But we now realize that this means you can miss out on important directions, and that's no good. Will be fixing this in a future update so that encounter doesn't trigger before the quest line is at the appropriate point.@Loxias #1076: That's awesome. May we post a copy of that file on our website, with your instructions? We'll credit you however you want to be credited of course.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Loxias #1047: I would tell you if you're right or wrong but honestly I'd have to dive into the logic to be sure I'm not giving you any misinformation, and at the moment I'm too tired from a long day of debugging, lol. I think you're on the right track, though.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@michaelhoffman #1034: THere's a "Known Issues" list in the 1.2 change log—this is one of them. Can't quite figure out why its happening, actually. Side note, I know the formatting of the change log is weird. Will fix that soon.@the imaginatrix #1042: It sounds like your Keys.config file is messed up somehow, or that the game thinks you are always holding the shift keys. Weird. What files do you see in your Data for RPG folder which aren't in sub-folders?***Spoilers for Betrayed and Haunted By the Past***Betrayed has nothing to do with the lake or clearing—I think people are mixing this up with Haunted by the Past. Betrayed will be encountered as part of the main story—there is no way to trigger it apart from following the main storyline.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

A little clarification about damage bonus effects: as stated above, weapons with a damage bonus only apply that bonus when the weapon is being used. Items like rings, amulets, etc. that apply a bonus do so to the character as a whole. At least I think that's how it works—honestly it's been a while since I've interacted with that logic.@Nick #1009: There is almost no chance that I will do that. Partially because it would be a lot of work that I don't have time for, and partially because everything about this game is geared toward encouraging players to explore and discover things for themselves. If someone else wants to make such a walkthrough, that's fine, but providing one officially from Out of Sight Games would work directly against what we're trying to accomplish with a game like this.@Jayde #1019: That's not a bad idea though offhand I'm not sure how easy it would be—save files are on the engine end, not the script end, which is more Ian's gig than mine. Though honestly I figured having it default to "Create a New Save" was the safest way to go, to avoid accidental overwrites. I guess it depends on the user.@michaelhoffman #1026: This is an important part of game balance, since magic tends to hit harder than physical attacks (on the majority of enemies that is). Until you can find non-restrictive armor (there is some) rings of shielding are going to be your best friend. Sometimes you have to find the right balance between restricting magic enough that you aren't too squishy, but can still use skills effectively.***Tiny Spoiler and Question***I've been trying to track down the source of Liam cloning himself when fighting the vampires, and can't seem to replicate it on my end. If anyone is able to get this to occur, it would be helpful if you could give me your exact course of action. (i.e., "I talked to Hope, and she said to meet her at the vampire den. Then I fast traveled to the forest. Then I fast traveled to Farhaven. Then I walked out the gate into the graveyard. Then I fast traveled to Valenport Mausoleum. Then I walked to the vampire den. Then I told Hope I wasn't ready to fight. Then I talked to Hope again and started the fight." Or whatever that sequence may be for you.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Loxias #992: They tend to be much lighter than other weapons, which in turns means you are faster and more accurate. You'll also notice that daggers tend to have a much higher critical hit threat than comparable weapons. So yes, you take a hit to overall damage, but on the flip side, your attacks are going to be more accurate, and have a higher chance of dealing double damage. So it depends on your build. If I had a character built to be light, fast, and evasive, and focus on attacks that have high critical threat, I'm gonna seriously consider equipping him with a dagger.@kratos #993: "Free-turning" like you would do with the mouse isn't necessary for gameplay—you can turn to the cardinal directions using the gamepad triggers, and can snap to face containers and units using the shoulder buttons. We are still working on implementing free-turn with the analog stick, however. But in short, yes, you should be able to play with just a gamepad—I do, quite often.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hey assault_freak, yeah this is an area trigger—you'll want to walk right up to the thickets that you're trying to clear and it should trigger.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Sorry about our server issues this morning. If anyone purchased the game while the server was down and hasn't received their welcome email please email support[at] of misinformation above ***minor spoiler regarding "Family Legacy" quest*** - Finding the book will not start the Family Legacy quest. It is necessary to advance the quest, but the quest begins by going to a certain location, with a  certain character in your party, and that's all I'm going to say about that. @Jayde #951: Once we have as many stability issues as possible resolved, I'm thinking of hosting an informal speed-run competition here, just for fun. Will be very interested to see how quickly this can actually be done.@CrystalD #955: It's one of my favorites, too, for reasons of character development. Plus, the reward is (in my opinion) pretty epic. Glad you enjoyed it.@SeanTerry01 #956: No, that is not the right book.For those with trouble entering the grassy knoll, ***spoilers/pro-tips below***This one is a little tricky. Since you can see it to the east from the road, but can't get to it from there, you have to go into the woods and come at it from the opposite side. However, when you get to the break in the undergrowth that lets you head west to reach it, you won't be able to see it from where you are. All I can say is head into the forest, past where the grassy knoll is located, then look for a way back toward the road that is roughly across from where the knoll was. Honestly not sure if this is helpful or not but hopefully it will be. Also remember that you can explore using the top-down map and set a marker on your map if you find it that way.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

First off, thank you all for the continued positive feedback. It means the world to know that our efforts have resulted in something people are enjoying.Regarding those with .NET issues, I'm sorry to hear about that and very surprised about the 4.5 thing; Ian told me that the game runs on the 4.0 framework. Odd.General note to those experiencing slowdowns or lag: This is drigin us crazy, because as you can see, some people are running smoothly with very outdated hardware, and others are experiencing slowdowns with beefy modern hardware, which is identical to hardware that works fine for someone else. All I can advise at this point is ensuring that your drivers are up-to-date and that you don't have any background processes or other junk on your machine that may be slowing things down. We're still looking into this and trying to see if there's anything more we can do on our end, but the inconsistency across hardware is making it look more and more like it's an end-user software issue, and not a hardware issue or an issue with AHC itself.@BlindNinja #891: If I'm guessing right, I think the bug you mention was actually from switching your party after your main died, then was raised as a thrall, then was killed (I think all three of those had to happen to trigger this break). I believe this was fixed in the 1.2 patch but people should definitely be cautious, and let us know if you manage to lose your main character again.@Imaginatrix #893: Argh. I think we forgot to fix the Star Gem Pendant in 1.2. The whole point of that item was for it to be with a lot of gold, a nd we went and made it un-sellable. Sigh.@Paddy #907: That error should be resolved by updating your graphics drivers. If you haven't already, please email support[at] and we can give you more detailed instructions.@Aaron #910: That's a huge compliment. Obviously, feel free to spread the word however you like, though it may not hurt to wait until we are sure the game is as stable as possible. I actually think 1.2 has addressed almost all of the known issues, but there are probably still a few bugs lurking in the shadows (not to mention the one we introduced with 1.2)...@assault_freak and michaelhoffman #936-937: ***Mild Spoilers*** If you've found the secret exit, you can't be far. Trimming the hedges isn't necessary for progress toward the center of the tree—these are two separate, independent quest lines.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hey all, sorry again that I can't seem to keep up with this thread. Will try to go back and review when I get a chance—but in case anyone missed the memo, version 1.2 is now available, with a whole mess of bug fixes. All players should have received email instructions with how to update (you need to update your updater first, which is a little tricky). If your email got gobbled up and you didn't receive it, please shoot a message to support[at] and we'll hook you up. Thank you for continuing to make AHC a milestone moment for accessible gaming!


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Getting close to that long-expected update. Trying to confirm that we've indeed fixed the crash that sometimes happens when combat intros and other sound sequences are skipped, before we blast it out.I haven't read anything I've missed, but here are some corrections and clarifications of what has been written above. Spoilers from this point on:There is only one way to get Summon Undead. Just want to clarify that.There is no way to fight the Goblin King. He is a coward, and runs away as cowards often do. Perhaps someday you'll get that chance, but not today...Wilhelm does not currently patrol. That was an oversight.@assault_freak #861, if you've got all those quests, you probably have some beacons to use as a starting point, at least for Getting at the Heart.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

What weapons did your units have equipped? This looks like an issue of the game not being able to find the weapon sound for a given weapon.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Honestly I need to check when I get home but I believe Finesse is supposed to learn automatically, and should be one of the first skills a warrior learns. I don't think it has any prerequisites—that's why I'm particularly concerned.Sorry for slandering you, lol—I couldn't remember who made the observation about ranged damage and was too lazy to check.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Aaaah! So many posts! I probably can't address individual questions at the moment but I do want to remind people of a few known issues, and also clarify some misinformation.Known issues:- I'm beginning to think there may be some sort of serious bug with skill learning. It was working fine as far as I know before release, but Warriors never learning Finesse is a problem, among other things I'm hearing. So I'm going to look into that...- Remember that there is a bug with the wolf dens causing their volume not to attenuate with distance. That's part of why you're all having so much trouble with them.- Sounds like the new game plus may indeed be broken, which is indeed frustrating as everything seemed to be working fine. Clearly there's something happening in your use cases that wasn't happening in test cases...we'll just have to figure out what.Also a request: to those of you commenting on balance, and enemy AI, your feedback is helpful, but would be more helpful if I knew what difficulty you're playing on, since difficulty level does adjust all of these factors. I'm not going to be too concerned by someone on easy saying the final boss has poor strategy, for example.Clarifying (contains minor pro-tips):- I think it was Jayde that mentioned that ranged weapons do less damage against armored targets. This is not correct in the strictest sense. If you look at armor stats you will find that many pieces of armor are weaker or stronger against a given damage type. Some enemies also have a baseline weakness or resistance to certain damage types. Against an enemy with a neutral armor type and no unit-specific resistances or weaknesses, a bow and a sword with the same weapon rating will deal the same amount of damage.- Regarding lack of magic-using enemies, it's true that magic-users are probably less common than physical attackers, but this also depend somewhat on where you are. You're probably far more likely to deal with magic users in the graveyard or the Goblin King's Palace than in the Heart of Deepwood, just as an example.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

IronCross, BlindNinja called it. That's what I was starting to suspect which is why I asked for your equipment. Sorry about that confusion.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@ulisesmonge39, #544: Could you please send that save and a description of the error to support [at] Thanks!@IronCross #545: I'm curious, does your main character act like he/she is frozen? Meaning, do they miss every turn in combat, with the battle log reporting something like "Character is frozen and was unable to move"? One other thought—would you (with a spoiler tag) please let me know what gear you have equipped?***Spoiler/Pro-tip***Posts 547-548, the journal will not necessarily be in the watchtowers. All I can say is, explore every significant location you can see from the road.@Jayde, post #550: Regarding balance and spell cost, remember that armor restricts magic. The heavier the armor, the more expensive the magic (barring certain special exceptions).


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Agreed with the above comment. That posts needs something likeMAJORSPOILERWARNING**


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Pro-tips regarding skill learning logic***You will never learn more than one skill per level, and you will only learn skills when you level up. So if you reached level 100 without purchasing a prerequisite for some other branch of the skill tree, then you would theoretically get a new skill every level after purchasing it, until you exhaust that branch. Hopefully that makes sense.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Soulkeeper #532: Dang. What was your level and willpower in that battle? Assuming you've also got some fun lightning-boosting gear?@Luel, #534: Sounds like a bug. However I know others have advanced so it must only be bugged in some circumstances.@Chris, #537: If the game's running well, I wouldn't worry about it too much though honestly I can't say whether or not the heat and diminished battery life is expected behavior or not.***Spoilers/Pro-tips***@SoulKeeper, #536: Yes, it is possible. Yes, it happens from completing a quest. However, it is also possible to complete all of the forest quests and not unlock fast travel. How's that for a riddle?


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Regarding skill trees, I'll add this to my list of things to look at for the patch. What about Matthias/ranger type characters? Are those showing the ability to learn Melee attacks?@Chris, #524: Obviously the game is doing some audio processing that requires a bit of CPU but it shouldn't be anything too high. Are you running the game from your local drive or from an external drive? I believe running from an external drive may be less efficient.***Spoilers/Pro-tips***@BryanP, #525: There are two in Farhaven, plus ones in maps outside Farhaven as well, near the city wall.@animal metal, #527: Lockpicking is a character-specific ability, not a thief class skill.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Spoilerish things***@Defender, #519: Have you asked Jerome if there's anything else you can do to help?@Kelwl #521: Two things. First, are you running version 1.1? Second, does your quest log currently show that you have collected enough wolf pelts? If you collected all of the pelts before the 1.1 patch, you will need to get one more to advance the quest, once you are running 1.1.Regarding the blacksmith: do the goblin weapons not show up in your sell inventory?@SpiralingWyvern #522: First, if I am right about who you're talking about, technically their level still scales with yours, but their gear is definitely built around a higher level bracket, making them brutally difficult at low levels.Thanks for the comment about extra-high levels not necessarily being a good gauge for lack of levels. Once you're that high, you are expected to be pretty god-like.When you say Simeon hasn't gotten any options for Ranged attacks, does that include the base Ranged Attack? That one should show up in your lists of skills to purchase, by default. Any time skill learning is concerned, bear in mind that some skills will not be learned until preceding skills are purchased or upgraded to a certain point.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Leveling-related spoilers***While there isn't technically a level cap, there is a point at which you're going to start outpacing enemies more quickly. Level 70 is well above that theoretical level cap, so I'm not surprised the final boss wasn't too much of a challenge. I'm not buying your comment about finishing quests in "a couple of hours" though...there's no way you got to level 70+ without a dozen hours, probably significantly more. If you did, I'm in awe, and also very confused.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@The Imaginatrix #510: So glad to hear that solved your trouble. We'll have to poke around and see if we can figure out why that is happening.@BryanP, #512: Could you edit in a spoiler tag for your post please? Thanks!***Spoilers/Pro-tips***@Jayde #508: Yes, that quest is still valid. I'd say the quest log directions are pretty specific but let me know if they still aren't clear. While you succeeded in discovering why Farhaven is being attacked from Deepwood Forest, the Balancing Act quest is actually doing something to repair the damage. Also you won't have encountered golems yet if you haven't been hanging out in the mines, plus I'd be surprised if you encounter them at your current level anyway.@Arqmeister, #512: I will let you know that there is a very useful item you can pick up in the southeast part of the Heart of Deepwood that makes navigation much easier in that area. However even if you don't find it, it can still be done. One helpful tip: as the region names suggest, the map is designed in a series of concentric rings. Each of the rings has different chambers and such ranching off of them, toward the center of the tree. Perhaps that will help you orient yourself, I don't know.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

[ a-t ]#505, non-spoiler: The game should remember those changes when you exit and re-enter.#506: Well I'd be interested to know what level he's at when he manages to beat the final boss. May have to do some grinding before then, who knows.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Oh yeah, somebody asked a question about if they're doing something wrong since they're at a fairly low level after beating two of the main quest branches. But if I remember right they also said they were running away from a lot of fights. Well, fights are where you get most of your XP, so I would say it's reasonable to expect that you'd be a much lower level. I don't think that means you're doing anything wrong, just not grinding like some other players.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Spoiler response to #501***Yes, they are. After all, they're made of stone. So, that post should probably be tagged as a spoiler.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

First off, cannot thumbs-up flyby chow in post #486 hard enough. I also want to note that you don't need a PayPal account to purchase—you can process a debit or credit card directly I believe. However, we are looking into other payment options for areas where PayPal isn't available as a payment processing service.@The Imaginatrix #473: My advice would be to make a mental note of what wall the door is on. If I'm heading into a building and I'm facing East, then the door is on the West wall. Then it doesn't matter how much I snap around, i can always reorient to the proper direction. It's all a matter of maintain a fixed mental reference point as you create your mental map of the area. Also I'd be interested to know if moving the game to your local drive improves performance.@Soulkeeper, #474: Lol, [[wow]]. I'm wondering if you may have found a bug in the Goblin Shaman's armor...@Valmorian, #488: non-spoiler answer: Yes, there is. What, you think we're that heartless?@Imaginingstuff, #489: Wolf pelts are a random item drop like any other meaning you won't get them every time, just like other creatures with item drops. As for picking locks, that is a character-specific ability, not a class ability. Every party member has a unique ability in the interest of making you keep them around from time to time.@Jayde #499: Don't hate us, but there isn't one specific place that you can find the hint. It's dropped in one of a few randomized locations. I can list them out if you'd really like, or give a more general, vague hint.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@The Imaginatrix #462: Can you tell what sound is being played over and over before the game crashes? Where were you/what were you doing when it crashed? These are the sorts of details we need to try and track these bugs down. Also, bear in mind that Liam has spent more time with the game than you, both learning the maps and getting accustomed to the navigation system. I suspect that the longer you play, the more comfortable you'll become with it, as well.@BryanP #463: Yep, can't remember how much offhand but it's a fair bit.@Defender #467: You capped out a warrior and never learned Finesse or Flurry? I'm honestly not sure how that could happen unless there's a bug in the skill learning logic. What skills does your warrior know? Maybe send this info to the support[at] to avoid spoilers and whatnot...I'd like to ensure this isn't bugged.EDIT: Also, we may have figured out a fix for the updater and Windows permissions. Hopefully we are not far from a future where updates to the game do not come with a risk of the game not wanting to launch afterward.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

IronCross, regarding your question about accuracy:***Pro-tip below this point***Ordinarily I wouldn't give away info like that if there was a hint in-game for discovering it such as a book or character dialogue but since I can't remember if we put anything like that in there: equipment weight and dual-wielding both negatively impact accuracy. Assuming Matthias is using a bow, he's obviously not dual-wielding; is his equipment weight particularly high compared to his sex, versus say your main's weight compared to whatever stat governs their accuracy?


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Regarding updates: Updating should not cause a problem with saved games. In theory you should be able to run the updater and then fire the game up as if nothing has changed. The only problems some people are encountering have to do with Windows restricting permissions to certain files, based on where you have installed your game. We're still trying to figure out if there's anything we can do on our end to prevent this from happening.@IronCross #433: the address is Ian's and is the right place to send crashing errors as those are his domain. If he gets script errors, he'll forward them over to the address, and if crashing errors are sent to that address they get sent over to Ian usually anyway. So it all comes out in the wash, no worries.@Austin #435: That's not a bug—those are two separate quest lines. I do need to double check that the quest you're describing isn't bugged but I suspect you just aren't quite going where you need to in order to trigger it.@Aaron #446: Right-stick free look is definitely a feature we plan to implement. We had some trouble getting that one implemented but it's on the list. Hope we can resolve your crashes soon.@Jayde #447-8: Freida wouldn't talk to you? That sounds buggy to me...could you send an email to that effect to support [at] if you haven't already? Regarding your attack power question, anyone dual-wielding Dolphin Blades is gonna do a lot of damage. I'm curious to know what those units' strength is. I don't know the relevant algorithms offhand but weapon power is definitely a major deciding factor.Regarding difficulty, no penalty at all. Just a self-imposed decision.@mojsior #449: You can't automatically read the last message but you can open a log of all recent speech with control + shift + L.***Spoilers/pro-tips below this line***@assault_freak #450: Reunited is one quest where your actions have a direct impact on how it plays out. Sounds like you did not find a way to distract the guards.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@SplendidFault #427: No, I have not. I've mostly been responding to support emails and, when possible, this forum topic. I will try to check my PMs soon. In the meantime, if you have encountered a bug or error, please email support [at] and we'll get you up and running as quickly as possible.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@LordLundin, #423: Glad those references piqued your interest. I' not going to say anything more about that, but I will say that I definitely wanted players to walk away with a desire to see more of the world than AHC had to offer...The point about Laying Down the Law is interesting...I'll need to test that. If you haven't, could you please email that bug to support [at] #424: That's great feedback. Controller support is functional but definitely not as elegant as we'd eventually like, especially if we ever want to see a console release. So yeah, thank you so much for the feedback.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

***Spoilers / Pro-tips below***@Rockstorm #419: Sounds like you found a bug with Wilhelm's quest if the lever didn't unlock the doors. Please help me out by emailing this bug to the support [at] I will also let you know that pulling the lever is not the way to distract the guards; if you haven't come up with a distraction for them yet, you should get a prompt about that when pulling the lever. You can still do it—that is up to you, just know that the guards won't be distracted.@BlindNinja: Yes there is a point where you stop learning new skills, otherwise you'd keep learning skills forever which wouldn't be possible. However it's not a fixed point since it depends somewhat on if/when you purchase skill prerequisites that are required before you can auto-learn other skills. What level is Matthias? That amount of expertise is probably either due to him being an inordinately high level, or perhaps you missed an upgrade branch. Are there any skills left to purchase?As for what happens to old class skills if you start a new game, while you should be able to try for yourself and find out, basically you keep the previously learned skills, but if you change class you should not learn any new skills from the previous class. Hope that helps.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

I'll keep non-spoiler/pro-tip things first.To those having trouble playing after updating, this is a Windows file permissions issue. We're trying to see if there's anything we can do about it on our end, but thus far it looks like it all has to do with where you locate the game. For best results we recommend installing on your local drive, not a removable drive, and in something like Documents or your Desktop, not Program Files. Hopefully we'll have some fixes for this soon so you won't have to worry about it though.SpiralingWyvern: Sounds like you're a pro at this. Nice job on those pointers.@Trajectory, #396: You've hit on a couple of important points here. The balance between giving players enough information to be useful, but not so much that it's burdensome, is one we strove for at all levels of designer nd it's always hard to find. Your point about the in-sight list is a good example. I suspect that if we included bearings for those items, some players would b happy, but others would be irritated as they would essentially have to listen to twice as much text. We erred on the side of less information here, since you can snap to those items and then check their bearing that way. In locations such as the forest, also remember that you can use the top-down map to search for openings in the "maze" walls.Here's how my process would go in a situation like you described. I scan and hear that there are some skeletal remains, a Deepwood ranger, and a bandit cache. So I hit ctrl + A or d to snap around. First thing I see is twenty tiles away and there are multiple lines of brambles between me and it...well, I'm not going there, too much work. I snap again and find a bandit cache eight tiles away in a Rock Outcropping, and there are brambles between me and it. Great! Now I'm going to note the heading toward the itemit's Northwest of me? Cool. I am on a trail that heads east and west, so I'm going to face west and set off, listening for an opening to my north (my right, if I'm heading west). One of a few things will happen:1. I will hear an opening that leads directly into that area where the cache is. I pass through it, use ctrl + A or D again to face the container, and walk up to it uninterrupted.2. I hear an opening that leads me to a north/south trail along either side of the area the cache is in. If I couldn't find an opening on the east/west path I was on, I'll head north into this new trail, listening for openings on the proper side and, once I find it, proceed as described in the step above.So the trick is, I'm not trying to find the container, per se. I'm orienting myself to the general location of the container, and then I'm trying to find a way into the area the container is in. Does that make sense? I think I'll do a more detailed navigation demo sometime once things slow down a little—maybe hearing me walk through this process will give folks some skills they can use. Obviously I have a lot more practice with this navigation system than most of you.Regarding forward scan while moving NPCs are involved, which I think you may have alluded to but I'm not sure, that's one area where we've always been dissatisfied, but haven't yet been able to find a more elegant solution. Hopefully we'll come up with something for a future patch.You made a great discovery with the wolf dens, and I'm kicking myself for not noticing it before—these sounds don't attenuate with distance. There's a good reason why, but I won't go into it here. Will try to get this changed in our next content patch.***Spoilers and pro-tips below this point***@Jayde #392: Some of when you will learn skills depends upon what other skills you learned, and when you learned them. However in general, units will learn their top-level skills no earlier than the upper twenties. What level is Gwen? There are definitely some fire skills you've yet to learn. As for Holy Warrior, I won't give you too much information—just that this is not a skill Alexia can learn through leveling up.@BlindNinja#397: Congrats on beating the main story. Regarding romance...maybe you just weren't nice enough to anyone? I wouldn't write off the possibility of finding love, after just one play-through...


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

#380: If you're one of the handful of users whose game is crashing because the Oculus Spatializer isn't loading on start-up, we're searching for a solution. Thus far the best we have found is that you need to ensure your sound card drivers are up to date. Basically all FMOD Studio is telling us is that it's failing to initialize but it's not giving us enough useful information to pin down the cause. Sorry about this—we're going to keep trying to find a solution.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hi Michael,The initial release of AHC does not have graphics, because we didn't want to make blind gamers wait the amount of time it was going to take to implement graphics. However, the plan remains to implement graphics for AHC and release to the wider indie gaming world. Online gameplay is not planned for A Hero's Call, as it's built around a single-player mechanic. Hope that answers your question!


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

What directory do you have the game located in? For some reason Windows is causing problems for some users if they aren't running the game out of a particular directory—usually the Documents folder. It seems like some sort of user permissions issue, though we haven't been able to nail down why it's happening.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hey all,Can confirm the target menu hover sound no longer working—not sure how we broke that. Looks like we've got plenty more to fix so we'll be hard at work trying to get it all patched up. Sorry about the bugs...I really hate that your gameplay is being affected by them.***SPoilers Abound***@SeanTerry #337: Not a bug. You'll have to roam around a bit. Pro-tip: It will be easier to find if Matthias is with you.@Stewie #342: The thing with the captain sounds like a bug, [lease email to support.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Jason: Have you reported this crash to support? Not aware of what you're describing.At BlindNinja #300: Have you checked with Captain Lucian to see if you've marked all the ambush spots? He'll tell you if you've gotten them all or not. We are hoping to add a sound marker for marked locations in a future patch, to make it easier to tell which ones you've marked—that was one thing we had to push off to a later date so that we could get everything done in time. Drew has created a ridiculous amount of audio content for this game, and there simply wasn't time for every possible detail we would've liked to add.@Simba #324: ***Minor Spoilers***The fight with the hydra isn't supposed to trigger until after you have encountered the blocked mine shaft. I suspect you have discovered a bug. However, you should be able to advance the quest by continuing to explore northward as Simeon would have told you. Don't forget that Simeon told you that you will need him with you to find the trapdoor.@Jayde #328: ***Spoilers and pro-tips persist***It all depends on how you build the character. Personally I've had Simeon as the only thing standing between me and death many times, where everyone but him has been killed and he's had to take on a whole enemy party single-handed. But remember that different types are suited to different play styles. Simeon will be more dangerous as someone impossible to hit who can debt enemies and make them ineffective, as opposed to someone designed to just hit hard. Hope that helps!


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2018-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

A Hero's Call 1.1 is now available with a number of bug fixes. Thank you to everyone who has emailed detailed feedback to support.You can get this patch by running updater.exe from your main game folder. Be sure to back up your game before updating! Also, if you encounter difficulty running the game after the update, this can usually be resolved by re-running the updater. Be sure to email support if you have any trouble!Changelog for Version 1.1Changes:* Added a tutorial message for buying/selling itemsBugs fixed:*Some errors after picking up the sacred stone in the hidden outpost* missing bump sound on waterfall terrain* missing sound for Wolf Slash* Occasional error message when receiving gold from completing a quest* Missing effect descriptions on Fire, Ice, and Lightning Attunement* Missing equip sound for spears* Missing sound when neutralizing rune stones* Game does not end when the entire party is killed by poison outside of combat*Possible voice mismatch when reporting on killing goblins to a guard* Gathering 20 wolf pelts does not advance the "Supply Lines" quest*Occasional error when accessing containers that contain gold (not sure if we fixed this's very tough to pin down)* Ravens do not play a miss sound when their attacks miss*Sound missing error when hitting locked gates in some maps*Sound missing error when entering Farhaven Catacombs*Missing ambient sound for Necromancer2*Sound error from Web Spew skill*Deepwood Guardian causing sound errors and crashes*Completing multiple chapters of the main quest in one conversation can break the main quest


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2017-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

BlindNinja: Pro-tip, the game will (or should) prompt you to mark the ambush sites when you enter them. So if you are not getting prompted, you are not entering the ambush sites. Like the captain said, look for areas overlooking the road—meaning they will be areas you will be able to see from the road, though you will usually not be able to walk directly to them from the road due to brambles.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2017-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hey all,Once again, I will catch up to forum messages when I have time, but if you encounter bugs or have other support needs, it's incredibly important that you email them to the support email. I am currently working on a patch for a number of missing sound errors and other script errors—will update you all here when that is pushed out.


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Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

@Crashmaster, #92: Reporting those errors to our support email would be incredibly helpful. Like I said in another post, we weren't able to test the final build nearly as extensively as we would have liked, but we thought it was important to stick to the announced release date. Errors like the ones you're reporting are very easy for us to patch, if you let us know what's missing. You can launch a log of speech using ctrl + shift + L and can copy that speech for your report, if that helps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Much thanks to Ian for holding down the fort. Whew...I think I'm finally starting to catch my breath.Regarding the problem about needing to be online, you should not need to be online the whole time you play. In fact, after the initial log-in, you should be able to play the game completely offline. If you encounter any problems with this, absolutely let us know.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Hi everyone,I'll catch up on posts and respond as needed once things settle down but wanted to let you know that if you purchased the game but never received a welcome email, please go to and re-enter your email to have it sent. Our email provider decided we must be robots because of all the traffic, and then the fix required a visual captcha (go figure). So sorry for the inconvenience!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

Hi everyone,I'll catch up on posts and respond as needed once things settle down but wanted to let you know that if you purchased the game but never received a welcome email, please go to and re-enter your email to have it sent. Our email provider decided we must be robots because of all the traffic, and then the fix required a visual captcha (go figure). So sorry for the inconvenience!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

2017-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


A Hero's Call: an Accessible Fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games

We are thrilled to announce the release of A Hero’s Call, a fully accessible fantasy RPG from Out of Sight Games!The game can be purchased for $19.95 USD at the following link: reach out if you have any difficulty with the purchase process or have any questions. We also did not have the luxury of testing the final build as extensively as we would have liked, so we will be patching any issues that you find as quickly as possible. If you encounter an error, please post it here or email to supp...@outofsightgames.comThis has been a moment almost five years in the making, and we can’t believe it’s finally here! Happy adventuring—may this game bring you all as much joy playing as it brought us making it.Sincerely,The Out of Sight Games TeamExperience exploration and adventure like never before! In the premier title from Out of Sight Games, you are a traveler thrust into a world of possibilities when you find the city of Farhaven under attack by a mysterious enemy. Along with a small band of allies, you must explore the surrounding lands, discover the identity of your enigmatic foe, and save Farhaven from certain conquest. Do you have what it takes to answer a hero’s call?Discover an expansive world – Venture forth from the town of Farhaven to explore mysterious forests, goblin-infested tunnels, haunted catacombs, and much more. With 17 unique maps, you’ll always have new lands to explore. Follow an innovative turn-by-turn beacon system to locations you’ve already discovered, or venture out on your own—you never know what you might find!Gather your allies – Expand your party with four unique allies; the feisty daughter of a powerful governor, a noble ranger with a troubled past, an idealistic priestess, and a sarcastic thief with a heart (and pockets full) of gold. Each brings their own skills and bonuses to the party, and opens up new possibilities in the world of Farhaven. Talking to your party members and traveling with them will open character-specific quest opportunities that delve deeper into each party member's personality and history.Engage with a dynamic world – Meet over 40 NPCs, with dynamic behaviors and dialogues affected by your choices and actions. Some will fight alongside you, while others may have secrets to reveal.Build your character – Choose from one of six different classes, each with unique skills, and tailor your attributes for your specific style of play. Will you be a stealthy thief? A hardy warrior? A strong-willed mage? The choice is yours.Hone your skills – Gain experience to level up and learn new skills. With over 80 unique options to choose from, you can develop any combat style. Will you wield melee or ranged weapons? Strike down your opponents with the power of the elements, or attack from the shadows? Heal and defend with holy magic, or strike terror with the powers of necromancy?Customize your gear – Buy equipment from shops, take it from fallen enemies, or discover it as you explore. With hundreds of items to choose from, you will always be able to choose the armor and weapons that best suit your character.Test your might – As you explore, encounter over 70 different enemies—from bandits and wolves to giant spiders, golems, and dragons, you will never be lacking for foes to vanquish. Turn-based combat provides comfort for players of all skill levels, while positional audio puts you in the center of visceral, action-packed battles.Build your legend – Whether you pursue the main story, or one of over two dozen side quests, you will be part of an epic narrative. And as you explore lands with a rich history, read lore in books and scrolls, and talk to the citizens of Farhaven, you’ll feel like yours is just part of a much larger story.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

I'm loving all of this enthusiasm and positivity! Still privately terrified that AHC won't live up to the hype, but it's exciting to see everyone so upbeat and united in their excitement. Thank you all for your encouragement!Ok, rather than responding individually I'll just answer all the broad questions as best as I can:Q: What time is release?A: Don't hate me, but there is no official release time. Pretty much, the game will release once everything is ready to go and successfully uploaded to our server. So you'll just have to watch for the release announcement. Double don't-hate-me, it is probably going to be later in the day (in the US, that is). We are not going to be able to pull off a midnight release, as much as we'd want to. So for some of you the game may actually drop on the 30th in your local time.Q: How will we know when the game has released?A: We will post announcements on Twitter,, and Kickstarter when we release. We will also provide a purchase link on the "A Hero's Call" page at Kickstarter backers who earned a free copy of the game will receive an email confirming their "purchase" of the game as soon as the game is available for purchase.Q: What about demos?A: There will not be a playable demo for "A Hero's Call." However, there will be plenty of audio demo content available. Liam Ervin will be streaming the game on release day (see post #512), and I'm sure that plenty of other community members will be posting Let's Plays and hosting streams in the days and weeks following release. Hopefully they'll tweet those @OutOfSightGames and will post them here on as well.Q: What about bonus items?A: At present, this is a one-time-only offer for those who supported our Kickstarter. We don't mean to punish people who didn't know about the campaign or chose not to contribute; we just want to give a special token of appreciation to those who made this all possible. Don't worry; there are still hundreds of items to find in A Hero's Call, many of which are just as powerful and interesting as the ones you'll find in the bonus pack. One note about the bonus items: due to some technical challenges we've encountered, the bonus items may not be available to donors immediately upon release. If that is the case, we promise we will make them available as soon as possible, and will notify you as soon as they are.Q: System requirements?A: I know I promised official system specs, but I'm a bad person and don't have them. I don't even have the exact file size in front of me because I'm typing this on a break at work. What I can tell you is that it will require in the neighborhood of 1 to 1.5 GB of disk space—last I looked it was 1.2 but I know there were a few audio assets that hadn't been added at that point. As for RAM and processor usage, it should work on any modern computer with at least 2 GB of RAM. The game should (theoretically) run on 32 or 64 bit versions of Windows, but we have not been able to test 32 bit Windows extensively. We can confirm that the game works on Windows 7 and higher (64 bit). Again, in theory, it should work as far back as XP but we haven't had the luxury of doing through testing on a machine running Windows XP.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Yes, absolutely—unless we somehow manage to release a completely bug-free game, which would be a miracle. But any fixes that do need to be made will be patched and updated as quickly as possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Me too, Arq [wink]


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

@Muhammad: I suspect you're asking if backers will get their copy early? Sadly, no. We had discussed this as a possibility but the difficulties we've encountered since the release announcement have prevented this from being a possibility.On that note, I should let you know that this release does come with a disclaimer that we have not been able to test the final build of the game as extensively as we would have liked. We are going to be releasing the most stable product we can while still sticking to the release date—but you all may need to be patient, if there are any bugs that slipped through the cracks. I promise we'll be as responsive as we can to any problems that arise. Don't get me wrong—I don't expect issues, and we will be releasing with all known bugs having been squashed. But we won't be surprised if you all find issues we were not aware of.Also, for those of you counting down the minutes, be aware that we will likely release later in the day on Friday. I don't have an official time yet—we're discussing that right now. But it will probably not be released the very first minute of 12/29, simply because of our own schedules that day, and our desire to be available to offer any support that players might need during the initial rush.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Hey all,So, if you haven't guessed by now, pre-orders won't be a thing. In fact, I'll be completely honest, we're going to be cutting it down to the wire to ensure that payment processing for the game works by release day without having to push back. It's all a bit technical and over my head but as I understand, PayPal has decided to change something in their code base for 2018 that has rendered something about our website and server code incompatible and wound up generating an inordinate amount of work for Ian to re-design things so that payment processing will work again. Please don't ask for details cause I've literally told you all I know. I think we've got it figured out, but at any rate, I'll keep you all posted about the exact time that things will go on sale.I really appreciate the continued attention to the soundtrack. I'm glad that people continue to enjoy it.To answer the question about voice discrepancies in the demos: in the radar demo, which is quite old, no VO had been recorded for the game; everything you hear came from sample packs. In the talisman demo, specific VO was recorded for characters that were interacted with (though some of it has since been re-recorded, and one character has been re-cast), but the ambient dialogue is still place-holder. All dialogue in the finished game has been recorded specifically for AHC. Hope that clears things up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

@Dragomier: Thank you so much for the thoughtful post. It's definitely making for a crazy, stressful holiday season, but we appreciate the kind wishes.I definitely don't think we can live up to the type of ground-breaking plot or depth that games like the Final Fantasy series have consistently brought to their respective consoles. My only hope is that AHC will be able to push the boundaries, like those games did in their own right.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Thank you guys so much for sharing these stories—EricY, reading your post really moved me. The truth is, we're all incredibly stressed right now; it seems the closer we get to release, the more absurd and ridiculous technical or logistical issues we have, and right now we feel like the game is fighting as hard as it can to keep from being released smoothly. So reading stories like this is a great reminder of why it's all worthwhile. Thanks for reminding me why we do this!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Oh cool! I wasn't aware of that, but I'm happy for them. Ian's been telling me I need to play that game pretty much as long as we've been working on AHC...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

@RTT Entertainment, to the best of my knowledge AHC may actually be the first full accessible story-driven RPG. Games like Entombed are more of what I'd consider a dungeon-crawler, which I suppose is in the RPG family but is driven more by grinding than by narrative and exploration of a pre-defined world. I also think AHC is probably the first accessible RPG with fully voice-acted characters (but please correct me if I'm wrong). Ultimately, though, we're really just building on the foundation of what's come before and trying to take it to a new level of quality.Regarding your second question, the soundtrack can be purchased on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon mp3, or through CDBaby or Bandcamp. A quick Google search should do the trick but if you need links, let me know. We keep meaning to create a soundtrack page on our website but this keeps falling into the "We can't afford to spend the time on this" category.@Muhammad: This is the sort of question I said I'm going to refrain from answering, since it's something players will be able to find out for themselves.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Hmm. I don't have a good answer then, short of "You'll have to try it and see." I hate saying that because obviously I don't want you to spend money on the game and then have it virtually unplayable because of bad audio. If that happens, please shoot an email to support [at] and let us know.Have you considered purchasing a USB DAC? If you aren't familiar with them, DAC stands for digital-to-analog converter. Essentially you plug the DAC into a USB drive and it takes the digital audio signal your computer is pushing out and converts it to an analog signal at a much higher quality than your onboard sound card is able to. It's an improvement over most standard sound cards, so I'm sure it would be better than yours if yours is that terrible, and would be cheaper than buying a whole new rig. Just something you may want to look into if the audio problems are limiting your gaming options.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Hey, sorry we didn't get back to that right away...there really aren't enough hours in the day right now. The sound design does use HRTF for spatial audio (if you choose to play with HRTF enabled; it can also do standard panning for playing with speakers). We also use some basic reverb, but I don't think any of what we're doing is too processor intensive. I'm not familiar with the LibAudio effects you mentioned, so I can't comment on how what we're doing compares to them terms of processor drain. Do you know your system specs?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

@Kratos:'s-call/audio-demos/ will be your most convenient source. Also stay posted for Liam's Twitch stream on release day, and the gameplay and commentary we'll be doing on 195 The Globe at some point. I'm sure plenty more gameplay demos will be cropping up after we release, as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

Hey all, sorry for my silence—it's been downright crazy over here. Glad to see all the continuing enthusiasm; I just hope our game can live up to the hype. I know you're all eager to get system specs, and are wondering if and when we'll make the game available to preorder. All I can tell you is that, whenever the game is available to be purchases, we'll publish system specs along with it. We appreciate your patience as we try and make the best of what little time we have left before release. My goodness, there is not a lot of time...yikes!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

BryanP—the distribution method of the game is going to be digital download. So, it is a given that internet access will be required to at least purchase the game. You make a good point about sometimes having to cut internet access, though. Those are the sorts of things we're trying to sort out. I'm not directly involved in the discussions about DRM but I know those are all things that have been taken into consideration. For example, we want users to have the freedom to install on a different machine if they get a new computer or have a desktop and a laptop—but we also don't want users to be able to simply share their copy with anyone and everyone and have dozens of different people using the same registration. It's a tough balance.@Connor #166: The initial release will not be on Steam, nor can we guarantee a Steam release. We are definitely hoping and planning to release on Steam once the graphics are implemented but as I've said before, that is ultimately out of our hands, since games have to go through an approval process to be included on Steam. Currently that process is a Steam Greenlight campaign, though I understand Steam is planning to change this and make it a simple submission fee. All of that is to say, we can't promise an eventual Steam release because it's not 100% in our power to guarantee, but either way, the December 29 release will definitely NOT include a Steam release.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

2017-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Release Date Announcement for A Hero's Call

@Naruto #152: The game is a digital download, not a physical product, so I'm not sure how you would lose a copy. If you receive a copy and still want to support us, you could simply donate—or, you could pay it forward and gift a copy to someone else.@hadi.gsf #154: Sorry, that was an oversight on my part...honestly, considering how long the other topic about AHC has been up, I figured anyone who had any interest in it would have already had a frame of reference, so I didn't think it was important to post a second copy of the game description here. Lesson learned, though—when the game releases and we post our official release thread, I'll be sure to include the game description and other relevant details.


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