Do I need orders for the summer?

2001-03-24 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
No, everyone can safely ignore NMR notices for the summer. You only need to send orders if you want something other than FRB 13 13 Greg cerebral@mind

Banana: Anonymous: At the CG Bivouac...

2001-03-24 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
At the CG Bivouac... 1st Voice: I say, this wine is excellent Sir! Booty perhaps ? 2nd Voice: (Sighs) You French have absolutely no nose for wine at all do you? Your reputation in these matters is much exagerated. Does it really taste like Spanish slop to you? (Sighs again). What you are drinkin

Banana: Anonymous Press - in Stockholm

2001-03-24 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
1st voice: "It couldn't be going better." 2nd voice: "What's that?" 1st voice: "The master plan." 2nd voice: "What's that?" 1st voice: "For world domination by the greatest nation on earth." 2nd voice: "Where's that?" 1st voice: "Sweden of course! They're nicely divided." 2nd voice:

Banana: Anonymous - Fleur's Filosophers

2001-03-24 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
1st Voice: I'm surprised he hasn't called Axel out already... 2nd Voice: Who? De Mylcandonai? 3rd Voice: No, we were talking about the new Marquis, de Cieux. 2nd Voice: Whyever should de Cieux want to call Axel out? 1st Voice: Haven't you heard? Axel agreed to allow de Cieux into the Cardinal'

Banana: Anonymous - At the Stonemasons Yard...

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Mason: Patron! Patron! I am so happy!! [Smothers the Patron in kisses in the true Gallic fashion which would leave a Scandinavian aghast] Master Mason: Control yourself, Jacques. Whatever has gotten into you? Mason: A Royal Commission at last! I know only too well how many years you've been wai

Banana: Anonymous: The Fromage Conspiracy....

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
[From the CPS file relating to the 'Fromage Conspiracy' - messages secretly intercepted and copied before delivery] -- Vodcheese to Cheddar: Vasterbotten will soon be in Paris on a secret state visit to Lou Pevre. We will receive further orders

Banana: More Anonymous Press

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Axel, What a cad you are! Not only do you leave me in Paris, alone and untended, while you go off gallavanting on the Spanish Frontier, but you reduce my friends to tears by your hateful actions. Princess Louisa has been inconsoleable since she found out. Poor Michelle had assured her that you wo

Banana: Anonymous: At the CG Bivouac...

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
At the CG Bivouac... 1st Voice: I'm not sure that I _can_ depend on Guy actually. I'd far rather that Coward had got the job. How was it that you could be so sure of Duc Robert? 2nd Voice: Serving for so many long years under a Colonel of absolutely no ambition who shows no thought whatsoever fo

Re: Banana: DdC to JSJ

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Chancellor_of_the_Exchequer currently fills the slot that would be for the Minister of Education. Greg "George W.

Banana: Summer Campaign Results

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Summer Campaign Results A King's Blessing: Elevated: Duc: AdM, DdC Marquis: CdA, FlF Comte: AdS, GlV, RRD Vicomte: CdC, GdA, GdJ, RH Baron: ACdE, OdlS, ZZ Ennobled: Chevalier: DdlV, JC, JD, NdP, PNdZ, QdC, RlB A Soldier's Death: Valiant Deaths: Odl

Banana: Greasy Pole - Aug 1672

2001-03-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Aug 1672 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 32 BBG CG/Minister of War8Fleur 4 Duc Jean Senior, Jr 2

Banana: Anonymous: An Announcement from the Establishment of Fer

2001-03-27 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Monsieur de Fer, licensed publisher and bookseller at the sign of the Sphere Royale, Quai de l'Orloge on the Isle du Palais, is pleased to announce a new series of autobiographical tomes by the most prominent Lords and Ladies of the Realm. Monsieur de Fer is confident these volumes will prove to b

npc_GFR is the new Field Marshall (eom)

2001-03-27 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne

Explanation Summer Campaign Results

2001-03-27 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
A quick explanation of the Summer Campaign Results that aren't obvious. A Warrior's Wisdom: Brilliant Maneuvers: Battle Result of 1 Humiliating Blunders: Battle Result of 6 A Lady's Decision: Fortune's Friend: Mentioned, Promoted, and found loot all in one month. Fortune's Fool:

Re: Banana: private mail to npc_EdP from JBD

2001-03-27 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Don't forget that, as noted in the rules, NPCs automatically use all Influence they have to prevent you from getting them to retire. Thankfully in your case, AdP is essentially an NPC and so can't help his relative out :) But then again, AdP served in the RFG and so he might have helpe


2001-03-27 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
When you announce your intent, it needs to be within the scope of possibility. I doubt you could muster the influence to get 5 captains in the RFG to resign. In a case like this, you need to use the All Character Listing to figure out which NPC is which and then ask that specific individua

Banana: Anonymous: It just keeps going, and going...

2001-03-28 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Voice 1: "So, did you hear the latest from that de Mylcandonai fellow?" Voice 2: "No, now what's happening?" Voice 1: "Far from apologizing..." - snorting and laughing ensues - "he's gone out of his way to publicly insult the Minister!" Voice 2: "You don't say? I'd never have thought it of

Banana: Anonymous: On the steps at the Fleur...

2001-03-29 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
1st Voice: I must say, you seem remarkably cheerful for a man walking in the shadow of the Bastille. Surely, with your refusal of that coach to Switzerland you've probably seen your last Christmas? 2nd Voice: Don't start making arrangements for my funeral just yet, my friend - they may be a littl

Banana: Anonymous Press: Send The Marines!

2001-03-29 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
"So he's really making you fill out all those bogus forms?" "Yes, he wants to make everyone think the Minister of State insists on approving whether a regiment goes to the front or not. So I get stuck filling out this stack of papers that's going to end up on a dung heap, just because laPointe i

Banana: In The Bastille, Sometimes There *Is* An 'Afterward'

2001-03-30 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Even the Bastille's finest accommodations, reserved for the highest nobility, are gloomy. The surroundings, however, have done nothing to affect the demeanor of the inhabitant, a man of tremendous stature and, despite his circumstances, noble bearing. He sits with excellent posture at

Banana: GM: Behind the scenes...

2001-03-31 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
First of all, let me congratulate all the parties involved. I haven't seen this much wheeling and dealing at a such a high level for quite some time. It's great to see the competition but please keep it friendly. Now down to business: AdS was expected to issue an arrest for AdM, but

Banana: Before His Majesty

2001-03-31 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The courtier precedes the well-dressed if somewhat bedraggled man into the Royal Chambers, and announces - "His Grace Duc Jean Senior, Minister of State!" The minister goes down on one knee, bowing deeply. "Your Majesty!" The king, sitting comfortably, gestures for the man to rise. "Yes, yes."

Banana: Before His Majesty

2001-03-31 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The courtier precedes the well-dressed if somewhat bedraggled man into the Royal Chambers, and announces - "His Grace Duc Jean Senior, Minister of State!" The minister goes down on one knee, bowing deeply. "Your Majesty!" The king, sitting comfortably, gestures for the man to rise. "Yes, yes."

Banana: Order deadlines

2001-04-01 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The deadline for the next turn is Friday, Apr. 13th with press announcements due Monday the 9th; both deadlines are 7pm EST (midnight GMT). Orders should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Banana: Orders for [your character's initials] as the exact subject line. Press announcements should be

Banana: Amended Greasy Pole - Aug 1672

2001-04-01 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Aug 1672 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 32 BBG CG/Minister of War8Fleur 4 Duc Jean Senior, Jr 2

Some press hasn't made it...

2001-04-02 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne If you don't see your press in the mail archive, please resend it to the list. Thanks. Greg

Re: Banana: A dilemma....

2001-04-02 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
I agree with Paul (quoted below) that using the rules to your advantage is an acceptable tactic. When you go up against an experienced player, such as Paul or George, that is part of what you are going up against. An obscure rule is still a rule: if someone doesn't know two Lvl8s can be u


2001-04-02 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Not certain what the point is here, but it seems you have confused the press trial with the actual game mechanics of an arrest. Technically, arrests have to be issued for a particular week (1, 2, 3, or 4) and this order is submitted by the CoPS or noted in the CoPS comment section. As

In summation

2001-04-02 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
As I noted before, this is a very murky situation - probably one of the most difficult ones I have had to adjudicate in roughly 20 years of being a GM (D&D mostly, not EnGarde). I spent most of my weekend re-reading emails, pulling out archive copies of my Notes mail, examining the rules, a

Analyzing the Summer Campaign

2001-04-02 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
If any of you have done work analyzing the summer campaign results based on the # just after the army, div, regiment, etc., would you please send them to me? For those of you who didn't realize it, the # after the unit is how well it did. So in August, the First Army success was Inconcl

Re: Banana: Urgent Private Mail

2001-04-02 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
I'm tempted to allow it just from the humor that email injects into the situation, but Scott is splitting-hairs. The week in which the arrest is considered to have happened has an effect on if the PC arrested can attend parties, etc. and it also affects whether the CoPS can inherit a portfo

Re: Banana: OoC Query

2001-04-03 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
AdS will remain a PC through September; his character will be removed just after I finish the September turn. This will have the effect of freeing up the CoPS slot, any mistress, etc. for the October turn. AdS can of course still be referred to in press afterwards, regardless of the "g

His Majesty to Alain

2001-06-05 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
His Most Christian Majesty Louis the Fourteenth by the Grace of God, of the Kingdom of France and of His other Realms and Territories, King to General le Duc Alain de Mylcandonai Having been intimately acquainted with all three gentlemen involved in the recent fracas about the powers of th

Banana: Order deadlines

2001-09-26 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The deadline for the next turn is Friday, Oct. 12th with press announcements due Monday the 8th; both deadlines are 7pm EST (midnight GMT). Orders should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Banana: Orders for [your character's initials] as the exact subject line. Press announcements should be

BANANA: Running a bit behind but results should be out tonight for June (eom)

2002-03-11 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? - From Hamlet by William Shakespeare

BANANA: All Character Listing

2002-03-12 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
General Staff FM Marquis St John Swud (npc SJS), Field Marshal, Duelling Instructor: le Tigre (SL 22, MR 12). FM Duc Kenneth Tishton (npc KT), Third Army (SL 22, MR 9). Gen Duc Manwe de l'Ongar (npc MdlO), Foreign Minister (SL 32, MR 8). AdM (SL 29, MR 7). HGC (SL 27, MR ?). Gen Vicomte Geoffrey

BANANA: Greasy Pole - Jun 1673

2002-03-12 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Jun 1673 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 33 BBG CG/Minister of State 10 Lotta Fleur 4 Duc Le Roi

Re: BANANA: Military Structure

2002-03-12 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
The code to assign the FM has been flaky for awhile (or else I'm good at consistently doing the wrong thing). I'll take a look at it for July. Greg "Joel M. Halpern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Joel M. Halpern" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/12/2002 11:24 AM To: [EMAIL PRO

Banana: Greasy Pole - Jun 1673

2002-03-12 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Jun 1673 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 33 BBG CG/Minister of State 10 Lotta Fleur 4 Duc Le Roi

Banana: Greasy Pole - Jun 1673

2002-03-12 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Jun 1673 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 33 BBG CG/Minister of State 10 Lotta Fleur 4 Duc Le Roi

BANANA: Yes, July turn will be run this weekend (eom)

2002-03-21 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
___ Banana mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BANANA: Anonymous: Leaked from the Foreign Office

2002-03-28 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
Pine Marten to Mother As ordered, I have followed the Gotland Regiment to Northern Germany. The Swedish invasion has not progressed as rapidly as their King had hoped, thanks to the reluctance of his men to wage war upon their co-religionists. As an indication of this, the Gotland Regiment has on

Banana: Order deadlines

2002-04-15 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
The deadline for the next turn is Friday, Apr. 26th with press announcements due Monday the 22nd; both deadlines are 7pm EST (midnight GMT). Orders should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Banana: Orders for [your character's initials] as the exact subject line. Press announcements should b

BANANA: 1673 Summer Campaign Results

2002-05-29 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
Summer Campaign Results A King's Blessing: Elevated:         Duc: AdS, ABS, GlV     Marquis: CdC       Comte: SdS, ZZ     Vicomte: QdC       Baron: CdP, JC, JM, PNdZ, RlB Ennobled:   Chevalier: AlP, DJT, GAlS, IvH, JdL, JF, PR A Soldier's Death: Valiant Deaths:     DDL Mourned Death

BANANA: 1673 Summer Campaign Results

2002-05-29 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
Summer Campaign Results A King's Blessing: Elevated: Duc: AdS, ABS, GlV Marquis: CdC Comte: SdS, ZZ Vicomte: QdC Baron: CdP, JC, JM, PNdZ, RlB Ennobled: Chevalier: AlP, DJT, GAlS, IvH, JdL, JF, PR A Soldier's Death: Valiant Deaths: DDL Mourned De

BANANA: The Greasy Pole - Sep 1673

2002-06-04 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Sep 1673 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 33 /Minister of State10 Lotta Fleur 4 Duc Le Roi

BANANA: Great press - good to see things rolling (eom)

2002-06-12 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
"Technology...the knack of so arranging the world that we don't have to experience it." - Max Frisch

BANANA: A quick tutorial

2002-06-27 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
Hello, A quick clarification on whether things are working or not. If you go to this address: you will be prompted to login. If your name or password isn't working, you'll get "Invalid username or password was specificed." If you

Re: BANANA: A quick tutorial

2002-06-27 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
The help is sorely lacking - I've been focused on raw functionality. 1. From the first page, click Register. 2. Log in with your name and password. 3. You should see your profile (and probably all other EnGarde profiles) in the view to the right. 4. Double-click your profile then click the Edit

Re: BANANA: Banana Press: PlG, What happened to orders?

2002-07-15 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
Questions concerning orders should be sent directly to the GM, not to press. You have to click Save & Exit after entering your orders; you can then refresh the view and verify they have been saved (you'll also get a Saved message). Greg [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/

BANANA: To our esteemed Minister of War

2002-08-29 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
Lt.Colonel le Marquis Zac Zilvain, Minister of War We concur with Field Marshall de Mylcandonai's sentiments regarding these posts and expect you to see to them post-haste, having full trust in your judgement regarding the appointment of suitable gentlemen to serve us well in the coming ye

BANANA: A Request from an Old Soldier

2002-09-06 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
Vicomte Christophe-Armand Tournage to His Excellency Field Marshal le Duc Alain de Mylcandonai, His Majesty's Minister of State Greetings! Mon Cher Alain, How you have risen in the world since we were both serving as Captains in the Dragoon Guards! You make me and, I'm sure, all those who ha

BANANA: Off to Ireland - back on the 18th (eom)

2002-11-11 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
"It is best to win without fighting." - Sun-tzu ___ Banana mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BANANA: Disaster Averted

2002-12-02 Thread gregory_rick_chadbourne
To: Subaltern Elias Renaud, 4th Arquebusiers From: Subaltern Christophe Renaud, Colonial Guard, Aide to Brig General Jean Senior, Jr Dear brother, There has been a most amusing turn of events here in Haiti, although for a while it looked like the administration might be returning

Email since Friday & Deadline

2000-07-19 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
OOC: Hello, If you sent me email since Friday, you'll need to resend it, especially if you got a delivery failure (resulting from playing around with encryption and servers being upgraded). I'll be able to get the press so this is only about email sent just to me (not the list). Deadli

Email since Friday & Deadline

2000-07-21 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
resend for those who didn't get it - Forwarded by Gregory Rick Chadbourne/CAM/Lotus on 07/21/2000 01:00 PM - OOC: Hello, If you sent me email since Friday [but not after Monday], you'll need to resend it, especially if you got a delivery failure (resulting from playing around with

You should see the results Monday or Tuesday at the latest - thanks (eom)

2000-08-20 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne

I haven't rolled for any marriages yet - it was a month of marriages

2000-08-22 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne

Re: Automatic Orders submitted for BJ

2000-08-22 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Hi, There was a good question about asking people to retire. You need first to announce it in the press (as David did) then order it as well with ARA npc_[npc initials derived from All Character Listing] for an appointment resignation, or else ARR npc_[npc initials derived from All Chara

I didn't do any Investments or subtractions yet (eom)

2000-08-22 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne

Banana: Anonymous: A Note from the Palace

2000-08-23 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
To: His Grace Duc Sam d'Wich Your Grace, I note that you have applied for command of the Horse Guards Brigade and would like to wish you every success in your endeavours. Perhaps I might be so bold as to point out, however, that in similar circumstances in the future Your Grace will doubtless me

Marriage Proposals

2000-09-06 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Hi, Below are the four marriage proposals that I will roll for as soon as I verify time together and last attempt. If you proposed and are listed below (or did and aren't listed!) then please email me the game date you first won your mistress and, if applicable, the month of your last attemp

Banana: From the Palais de Justice

2000-09-06 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
"The Court will rise!" [The throng packing the Grand Chambre at the Palais de Justice rise respectfully as the judge presiding, His Excellency le Duc Jean Senior, Jr, His Majesty's Minister of State, enters from a paneled door behind the bench and takes his seat]. JSJ: This court is gathered to


2000-09-06 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Press announcements are due on Tues. the 12th and orders are due to me on Fri. the 15th. Both should arrive by 7pm EST (GMT midnight). Orders should have two words: Banana and Orders in the subject but it doesn't hurt to add your character initials as well. There should be no text accept c

Banana: More from the Court of Justice

2000-09-08 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
EdD: For my next witness I call upon le Duc le d'Erring. [PldE enters the court, takes the stand, and is sworn in as a witness] EdD: For the record, Your Grace, please state your name and position. PldE: Brigadier-General le Duc Pic le d'Erring, Officer Commanding the Dragoon Guards and His Maj

Banana: AdS takes the stand

2000-09-08 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
EdD: The prosecution now calls upon Baron Alain de Sevigny. [AdS enters the court, takes the stand, and is sworn in as a witness] EdD: For the record, My Lord, please state your name and position. AdS: Captain le Baron Alain de Sevigny, Officer Commanding E Troop, His Majesty's Dragoon Guards.

Banana: The Defense Offers Evidence

2000-09-11 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
BDP: "Your Honor, if I may, I will address the charges." "I did not override any regimental standing orders. There never were any. If you ask the dear Brevet Lieutenant-General le Comte Alain de Mylcandonai, he will tell you he himself jump over the now Colonel to become Colonel. So did the now

Banana: Judgment Handed Down

2000-09-12 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
"The Court will rise!" [The throng packing the Grand Chambre at the Palais de Justice rise respectfully as the judge presiding, His Excellency le Duc Jean Senior, Jr, His Majesty's Minister of State, returns through the paneled door behind the bench and takes his seat. The Minister appears to ta

GM Note: Orders received thus far

2000-09-15 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne

Unexpected issues with turn - should be out tomorrow

2000-09-25 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne


2000-10-04 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The deadline for the next turn is Friday, Oct. 20th with press announcements due Monday the 16th; both deadlines are 7pm EST (midnight GMT). Orders should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and press announcements to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Associated Websites:

Banana: Greasy Pole - Feb 1672

2000-10-30 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Feb 1672 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 31 BBG CG/MoFM 10 Fleur 4 Duc Georges Clattuc 2

Banana: All Character Listing

2000-10-30 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
General Staff FM Marquis St John Swud (npc SJS), Field Marshal, Duelling Instructor: le Tigre (SL 21, MR 12). Gen Duc Manwe de l'Ongar (npc MdlO), Duelling Instructor: le Tigre (SL 32, MR 7). GC (SL 28, MR 10). Gen Vicomte Geoffrey FitzRichard (GFR) (SL 24, MR 3). Gen Marquis Leopoldo Dorado (np

Banana: Anonymous: To the gentlemen of Paris

2000-11-06 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Complaint about Alain de Mylcandonai: I feel that it is my duty to prescribe a course of action. In the text that follows, I will not bother discussing the flaws in M. Alain de Mylcandonai's logic, because he decidedly does not use any logic. He needs to stop living in denial. He needs to wake up

Banana: Game Report for Feb 1672

2000-11-14 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The winter campaign season came to a close with a cursed, sad note. The brave EdD was slain commanding the 2nd Battalion of the KM despite recognized military ability. For his many public services rendered to our fair country, Le Roi elevated him to the title of Vicomte before he was interred in

Banana: Order deadlines

2000-11-16 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The deadline for the next turn is Friday, Dec. 1st with press announcements due Monday the 27th; both deadlines are 7pm EST (midnight GMT). Orders should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Banana: Orders for [your character's initials] as the subject line. Press announcements should be emai

Banana: GM Note: Orders received thus far

2000-11-28 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
I have orders from the following people: Carolyn Boselli Chris Holmes Dan Corrin David Tye Kingfrediv Mark Forsyth Mark Williams Paul Vernon Lydiate Per Karlsson Qucpr Reeves, Richard Steve Nicewarner Tim Meyen Vladimir Butusov Thanks, Greg

Banana: All Character Listing

2000-10-04 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
General Staff FM Marquis St John Swud (npc SJS), Field Marshal, Duelling Instructor: le Tigre (SL 21, MR 12). Gen Duc Manwe de l'Ongar (npc MdlO), Duelling Instructor: l'Ours (SL 32, MR 7). GC (SL 28, MR 10). Gen Duc Le Roi (King), The King (SL 26, MR 8). GFR (SL 24, MR 3). Gen Marquis Leopoldo

Banana: Greasy Pole - Jan 1672

2000-10-04 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Jan 1672 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 31+BBG CG/MoFM 10 Lucy Fleur 4 Duc Georges Clattuc 2

Banana: Greasy Pole - March 1672

2000-12-11 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Mar 1672 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 31 BBG CG/MoFM 10 Flo Fleur 4 Duc Georges Clattuc 2

Banana: All Character Listing

2000-12-11 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
General Staff FM Marquis St John Swud (npc SJS), Field Marshal, Duelling Instructor: le Tigre (SL 21, MR 12). Gen Duc Manwe de l'Ongar (npc MdlO), Field Army (SL 32, MR 7). GC (SL 28, MR 10). Gen Vicomte Geoffrey FitzRichard (GFR), Duelling Instructor: le Chien (SL 24, MR 3). Gen Marquis Leopold

Re: Private Mail

2000-12-11 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
You weren't given a choice of weapon - you were offended and the gentleman offending you therefore chose weapons (and usually you are stuck with the gentleman's regimental weapon).

Banana Rules Update needed

2000-12-11 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Hello, I realize that the rules have not been touched in some time and need to be brought in-sync with what actually is the case. If anyone is interested in volunteering to work with me (i.e., you'll do the work and I'll answer questions :) to revise the HTML code to reflect how the game is

Banana: Anonymous: Fleur's Filosophers....

2000-12-11 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
1st Member: Sorry to be the one to tell you, old chap, but the first thing that that despicable Grosscanard did after returning from his exile - I still think that you should have pushed to have the bounder executed - was steal your ex-wife from that Cowardly Whatshisname in your old regiment. 2n

Banana: Anonymous: Further Fleur Filosophers....

2000-12-11 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
An alcove slightly away from the 1st and 2nd members 3rd member: I just overheard those two bickering about Grosscanard up to his old mistress stealing antics again and something about that other fellow from "M. Inky's" old regiment who is no doubt after Grosscanard's blood now too. Why he

Banana: Anonymous: Fleur Doorstep Filosophers....

2000-12-12 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
2nd Member: Looks as though you were right, my friend. It's started already...Ah, here's my coach. See you at the Ball...?

Banana: Anonymous: Overhead by a Maid, Chez Sue....

2000-12-12 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
1st Voice: I can't tell you how glad I was to find you on my doorstep, dear Guillaume. Coward was such a great disappointment. He was lacking a "good flint" if you know what I mean, as I always used to tell him. His little "pocket pistol" was never more than half-cocked at best - consequently he w

Welcome to Banana EnGarde

2000-12-12 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
In case anyone is curious, here is what I send to new players (when I remember to do more than just send a character sheet :) Hello, Welcome to the Banana EnGarde. This game has been run as a free, PBEM (play-by-email) game for a number of years now and has had many different GMs and contri

Banana: Anonymous: To Guillaume

2000-12-14 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Dear Guillaume, I regret to inform you that I can no longer meet with you for our intimate "mutual comforting" sessions. Now that you have returned to Paris I fear my son would cut off my allowance if he found out about our special relationship. I have already had to lie to him to impress on hi

Banana: Anonymous: Overheard by the Butler, Chez Sue....

2000-12-14 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
1st Voice: I can't tell you how sad I was to find you on my doorstep. Oh dear! Look Guillaume, Coward was such a great enjoyment, he was never lacking a "good flint" if you know what I mean, as I always used to tell him. His ample "pocket pistol" was forever more than half-cocked and not at rest -

Banana: Anonymous: Below Stairs, Chez Sue....

2000-12-15 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Butler: I can't understand how details of the Major's...little around so quickly... Maid: I mentioned it confidentially to Agatha, the new kitchen maid in Duc Senior's household, when I bumped into her in Les Halles. I never realised she was a such a gossip! It must have been all ar

Banana: Order deadlines

2000-12-15 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The deadline for the next turn is Friday, Dec. 29th with press announcements due Monday the 25th; both deadlines are 7pm EST (midnight GMT). Orders should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with Banana: Orders for [your character's initials] as the subject line. Press announcements should be

Re: Banana Rules Update needed

2000-12-15 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Not at the moment. I want to get the rules to reflect how the game is being run. Once I can reconcile the different versions of code, then the house/carriage rules can be put back in. Greg

Banana: Anonymous: earl grey

2000-12-15 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
"One lump or two?" The well-groomed lady looked solicitously at her beautiful companion and then at their multiple reflections in the cafe's mirrored walls. "Oh, one please," was the distracted answer. Her friend watched as she turned her leather gloves - not so fine as they once were -

Re: Banana: OOC: Re: BDP to CdC

2000-12-20 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
Out of character (OOC): Hi Mark, That certainly deserves an explanation. You see, Greg Jr. asked for a recount . . . Seriously, FeP was given to a friend of mine, Jim Solomita, but he never actually played the character. After NMRs, I gave the character to my dad (I'm actually the third).

GM Note: Orders received thus far

2000-12-29 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
I have orders from the following people: Bengt Str|Mberg Bjornh Cerebral Hobbies Chris Schletter Dan Johnson David Challoner Docproccb Frank-Michael Zimmer Greg F. Ivan Jamie Joel M. Halpern Kingfrediv Mark Forsyth Mark Rogers Mark Williams Martin Jennings Matthew Ott Paul Vernon Lydiate Per Karl

Banana: Game Report for April 1672

2001-01-07 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
MURDER, MURDER!!! The town criers have been shouting the news up and down the avenues of Paris - news first given voice by the horrified scream of a bread-maker trundling to work in the early dawn. In what appears to have been a vicious month of duels, two bloody corpses, both unclaimed (

Banana: Greasy Pole - Apr 1672

2001-01-07 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
The Greasy Pole - Apr 1672 NameSL Rank, Regt/Appt MR Mistress Club DC --- -- - -- - - - Duc Axel von Fersen 32+BBG CG/MoFM 10 Flo Fleur 4 Duc Jean Senior, Jr 2

Banana: All Character Listing

2001-01-07 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
General Staff FM Marquis St John Swud (npc SJS), Field Marshal, Duelling Instructor: le Tigre (SL 22, MR 12). Gen Duc Manwe de l'Ongar (npc MdlO), Field Army (SL 32, MR 7). Gen Vicomte Geoffrey FitzRichard (GFR), Duelling Instructor: le Chien (SL 24, MR 3). Gen Marquis Leopoldo Dorado (npc LD),

Banana: Anonymous - Salacious details...

2001-01-09 Thread Gregory_Rick_Chadbourne
A figure exits a building rumored to house the real offices of the Commissioner of Public Safety, dashes across a street lit by the midnoon sun, and scurries into a dim alley. A second figure slowly walks forward. "I only have a few moments," the first figure whispers. "Did you bring t

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