Interesting development in black hole theory

2014-01-24 Thread Lance A. Brown
Stephen Hawking is upending the world of physics, again.



Evony (was Re: Starting Engineer's Salaries)

2010-10-24 Thread Lance A. Brown
Rceeberger said the following on 10/22/2010 9:23 PM:
> I've been here...I read the conversations and more or less keep up.
> I just havent had much worth adding recently.
> Mostly I spend my online time playing Evony, where I am the host of Bavaria, 
> a top 10 alliance on SS51.
> We use Skype in Bavaria so I can be found there pretty much every night under 
> Xponent.
> Drop by and chat sometime if any of you get a spare few.

Evony?  Really?  I didn't think anyone actually played that game...


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: Clash of Titans

2010-06-04 Thread Lance A. Brown
Alberto Monteiro said the following on 6/4/2010 7:36 AM:
> It's Evil, pure and simple Evil. Why they can't stick to History
> or Mythology, or even stay close to the books the movie is
> supposed to be based on, and just play with the visual? Those that
> did that became classicals: Ben Hur, Caligula and 300 will be 
> forever remembered, while this Clash of Titans (like the previous)
> will be thrown in the trash.

Man!  I grew up on the original stop-motion-animated version of Clash of
the Titans.  It was a B grade move, but it was a GREAT B grade movie!


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: On Listmail

2010-05-03 Thread Lance A. Brown

Peak Wind?


Matt Grimaldi said the following on 5/3/2010 3:30 PM:
> Funny thing, there's an anti-wind power movement as well, borrowing many
> of the same arguments that anti-oil protesters use.

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: On Listmail

2010-05-03 Thread Lance A. Brown

Nick Arnett wrote:
> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Doug Pensinger  > wrote:
> If anything good is to come out of this disaster, its that we'll be
> taking a closer look at offshore drilling, and that nobody will even
> be suggesting that we rape the California coast for a few buckets of
> oil.
> I've seen people seriously speculating that anti-drilling people,
> perhaps directed by the White House, sabotaged the platform, to cause
> the spill, so that drilling would slow down or stop.  There is no end to
> the conspiracy.

In an era where the Big Lie, "Teach the Controversy", and "balanced
reporting" are routine factors in the media and public discourse and we
have people like Limbaugh and Beck trumpeting conspiracy theories
constantly, I am 100% not surprised to hear people seriously considering
a White House conspiracy to blow up an oil rig.

> On a more rational note, DB commented that every well should have a
> deadman switch, so to speak - a device that shuts off the flow if it
> doesn't continuously receive a signal.  Maybe I'm naive, but it seems to
> me that something like that would be in place if it were practical. 
> Anybody know?  Why not an automatic shut-off valve?  Is it perhaps that
> some oil is under so much pressure that once it starts flowing, there's
> no stopping it as a practical matter?

I thought such a device was installed and we are now learning that it
was done poorly and/or improperly?  Charges are currently flying over
that very issue, no?


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: Univ of Calgary job opp

2010-03-09 Thread Lance A. Brown
Well, color me embarrassed. :-(  That's what I get for trusting the
quick fill feature in my mailer.  Apologies for the misaddressed
message, everyone.


P.S. if anyone needs a highly-experienced Linux administrator / web
programmer in Calgary, Alberta, I'm in the market.

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Univ of Calgary job opp

2010-03-09 Thread Lance A. Brown

Check this out:

It's being hired at the Univ of Calgary.  I wonder if Tannin or the Dean
could put in a good word for me.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer



2010-02-25 Thread Lance A. Brown
Cool!  Congratulations!


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: Electric trains and Clipperships!

2010-02-19 Thread Lance A. Brown

Jon Louis Mann said the following on 2/19/2010 8:30 PM:
> Shucks, we're better of without aircraft,
> heavy trucks and diesel powered ships.
> It will force us to use alt fuels and
> old tech, like wind and steam power!~)
> We'll still need oil for lubrication, 
> but maybe the whale population will 
> return to what it was in the 17th century.

Assuming you haven't just pushed your tongue all the way through your
cheek.  How do we feed/house/support anything like the current human
population without trucks, rail, and powered ships?


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Laser bug zapper at TED 2010

2010-02-12 Thread Lance A. Brown
Yet another of David Brin's ideas comes to life:

It's not exactly the africanized bee lazer zapper from _EARTH_ but its
very similar.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: IPad

2010-01-28 Thread Lance A. Brown

Andrew Crystall said the following on 1/28/2010 6:05 PM:
> On 28 Jan 2010 at 11:28, Jon Louis Mann wrote:
>>> But how about the iPad???:-)
>>> Kindle app does run on the iPad 
>>> so in just 60+ days.  learner
>> i have been hearing that apple is coming out with a netbook...
> It's not a netbook. It's a web appliance, basically an enlarged iPod 
> Touch. Different type of device, and not I believe what you're 
> looking for.

A locked in appliance just like the iPhone/iTouch.  Apple will be
gatekeeping the app store at least as tightly as they do for the iPhone.
 I've got an iPhone already and a perfectly usable laptop.  I've no
desire for the iPad.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: The worst

2010-01-04 Thread Lance A. Brown

Nick Arnett said the following on 1/4/2010 4:47 PM:
> My friends I hate to write this.  Been putting it off for a while.
> My younger sister, Lesley, the youngest of the four of us, mother of my
> five-year-old niece, Sarah, could not fight off the sepsis that attacked
> her body.  Lesley died this morning.
> I have never hurt so much.

My deepest condolences, Nick.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: Google Wave

2009-10-14 Thread Lance A. Brown

Wayne Eddy said the following on 10/14/2009 11:28 PM:
> Hi Lance, have you got a gmail address you want to use?
> I have sent Nick & Dave invites, and I am happy to you one too, but I
> want to invite a few others from elsewhere so three invites for the Brin
> List will have to do for now.  
> Looking forward to waving with you in the near future,


You can use for my invite.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: Google Wave

2009-10-14 Thread Lance A. Brown

Wayne Eddy said the following on 10/14/2009 6:07 PM:
> Hi all, I just got access to Google Wave, and I was wondering if there
> was anyone on the list who might be interested in helping my try it out
> by joining a discussion about the future?
> Regards,
> Wayne Eddy

I'd love to get an invite and give it a try as well, Wayne.

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: List administrators: list broken!

2009-08-22 Thread Lance A. Brown

Bruce Bostwick said the following on 8/22/2009 1:37 AM:
> On Aug 21, 2009, at 11:53 AM, Lance A. Brown wrote:
>> Heh.  I thought the list had just taken a deep breath.  Instead it
>> appears something has gone awry.  I, too, am not receiving everything
>> that is listed in the archive.
>> --[Lance]
> .. there's an archive? :\

Uh. Yeah.  Follow the link at the bottom of each message:



 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: List administrators: list broken!

2009-08-21 Thread Lance A. Brown
Heh.  I thought the list had just taken a deep breath.  Instead it
appears something has gone awry.  I, too, am not receiving everything
that is listed in the archive.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: A Real Free Market in Health Care

2009-08-16 Thread Lance A. Brown
John Williams said the following on 8/16/2009 5:08 PM:
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:47 PM, David Hobby wrote:
>> It does strike me as a kludge, though.  To continue
>> your example of car insurance, I don't believe that
>> anybody markets insurance against having your car
>> insurance premiums rise dramatically.
> I do not think there is a as large a risk of such a dramatic rise in
> auto insurance premiums. Possibly auto insurance premiums could go up
> 5x after 2 DUI's, but short of that, I cannot think of anything that
> would result in such a thing. And that is relatively unlikely,
> compared to developing a chronic condition at some point in one's
> life.

The analogy between auto and health insurance fails in one regard:  Most
of the time, a 5x increase in auto insurance premiums is a direct result
of decisions by the covered person.  Many of causes for increases in
health insurance premiums are outside the control of the covered person.

Should this play into the plans?  I don't know.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: The Role of Government in a Libertarian Free Market

2009-08-13 Thread Lance A. Brown
Bruce Bostwick wrote:
> I still think version control, requirements management, and user
> acceptance testing have very definite roles to play in the development
> of legislation, and I'd still like to see alpha and beta level testing
> with bug tracking, or a very close analogue, employed in the rollout of
> new legislation.  But I'm kind of a voice in the wilderness on that one ..

How the hell would you alpha test new legislation?  It's not like you
can set up a test lab for legislation.  I'm genuinely curious.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: A Real Free Market in Health Care

2009-08-13 Thread Lance A. Brown
Jo Anne said the following on 8/12/2009 9:04 PM:
> Also, when we had a H.S.A., it expired after a
> year.  We had to use everything in the account within the year or it was
> gone.  You have to look deep into your crystal ball to decide exactly how
> much heath savings you need each year.

Jo Anne, did you have an HSA or a health care flexible spending account?
 Flexible spending accounts have a pre-selected amount of pre-tax
dollars set aside that you can then spend on non-covered medical
expenses.  Those funds "expires" at the end of the calendar year.  I
thought all HSA accounts allowed you to accrue money over time.

Flexible spending accounts do need a fair bit of crystal ball gazing.  I
lost about 500 bucks last year because I overestimated my needs.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: A Real Free Market in Health Care

2009-08-12 Thread Lance A. Brown

John Williams wrote:
> There are billions of people around the world with worse healthcare
> than virtually everyone in the United States. If the goal is to
> redistribute wealth to improve healthcare because of the belief that
> everyone should have a chance to live and be healthy, then why not
> focus on redistributing wealth from people in the US to the people in
> the world who have far worse health care than those in the US?

Straw man.

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: Brin: On Incomprehensibility'

2009-08-02 Thread Lance A. Brown
Ronn! Blankenship said the following on 8/2/2009 8:17 PM:

> And the mandated DTV changeover was just another excuse to get money out
> of people who were satisfied with things the way they were, even those
> who have little or naught to spare.

Never mind the need for that freed up airspace for other uses...


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: WeChooseTheMoon

2009-07-30 Thread Lance A. Brown wrote:
> An interesting aside on this.  It took the Mercury program a bit over 9
> months to go from the first sub-orbital flight to the first orbital flight.
> The big private enterprise sub-orbital flight happened almost 5 years ago
> (5 years this coming November IIRC).  It cost 100 million to develop, and
> won a prize of 10 million.  I can find nothing in development for private
> orbital flight. (By private I mean without government money, not government
> contractors). 

So SpaceX doesn't qualify for your definition of 'private'?


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: WeChooseTheMoon

2009-07-30 Thread Lance A. Brown
And here is my reply:

Very good.  I should have dug deeper on their website before opening my
mouth.  :-)


Dan M wrote:
> Somehow this just went to the author instead of the list.  So, I'm
> reposting, even though I got a nice reply from Lance. 

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: Google Operating System

2009-07-11 Thread Lance A. Brown
Alberto Monteiro wrote:
>> Other than by breaking the M$ "pay to play" licensing paradigm and  
>> leveling the playing field for open source developers?
> Who says M$ won't have users pay to play M$-Linux? It's possible
> that the worse nightmare of the free-software jihad community
> happens: M$ may embrace, extend and then extinguish Linux.

I'm sure MS would love to do that, but the GPL licensing on Linux will
make it very difficult to accomplish.  To-date, no one who has been
caught misappropriating Linux for a commercial product has successfully
gotten past the GPL.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer


Re: My robot is more popular than I am

2009-01-29 Thread Lance A. Brown
Looks like you've blown out your account, Nick. :-)

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Scouted: U.S. to collapse in next two years?

2009-01-07 Thread Lance A. Brown
Dan M wrote:
> Look at

And if you RTFA, you'll see a not implausible argument made by Sherry
Boschertthat Cabasys is squelching the market for large-format NiMH

> In her book, "Plug-in Hybrids: The Cars that Will Recharge America"[1],
> published in February 2007, Sherry Boschert argues that large-format
> NiMH batteries are commercially viable but that Cobasys refuses to
> sell or license them to small companies or individuals. Boschert
> argues that Cobasys accepts only very large orders for these
> batteries. When Boschert conducted her research, major auto makers
> showed little interest in large orders for large-format NiMH
> batteries. However, Toyota employees complained about the difficulty
> in getting smaller orders of large format NiMH batteries to service
> the existing 825 RAV-4EVs. Because no other companies were willing to
> make large orders, Cobasys was not manufacturing nor licensing any
> large format NiMH battery technology for automotive purposes.
> Boschert concludes that "it's possible that Cobasys (Chevron) is
> squelching all access to large NiMH batteries through its control of
> patent licenses in order to remove a competitor to gasoline. Or it's
> possible that Cobasys simply wants the market for itself and is
> waiting for a major automaker to start producing plug-in hybrids or
> electric vehicles."



 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: peace offering on the brinlist

2008-11-13 Thread Lance A. Brown
Ronn! Blankenship said the following on 11/13/2008 6:45 AM:

> *Idaho students chant 'assassinate Obama' on school bus: Report
> *
> *David Edwards and Muriel Kane
> *Published: Wednesday November 12, 2008
> Madison County, Idaho was once dubbed "the reddest place in America" by
> Salon, but that didn't make it any less shocking when elementary school
> children started chanting "assassinate Obama on the school bus.
> Matthew Whoolery told KIKD News he found out about the chanting from his
> second and third graders, who had no idea what the word "assassinate" meant.
> "They just hadn't heard anything like this before," Whoolery stated. "I
> think the thing that struck us was just like, 'Where did they get the
> word and why would they put that word and that person together?'"
> Whoolery, a psychology professor at Brigham Young University in Rexburg,
> is not an Obama supporter, but he was shocked that any public official
> would be threatened in that way. "I don't think that the majority of
> people in Rexburg have extreme ideas like that, but we were just
> surprised that it would go that far," Whoolery told KIKD.
> The Madison County School District has sent out an email saying that
> students are to be told this sort of behavior is unacceptable.

Those kids are gonna be in for a surprise when the Secret Service shows

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: polarization

2008-11-12 Thread Lance A. Brown

Warren Ockrassa said the following on 11/12/2008 10:33 PM:
> To me it seems that there's no real reason, if you're so motivated, to  
> continue attacking the GOP. It's in the middle of its own self- 
> destruction. A better approach might be to talk to the moderates, the  
> centrist Republicans, who are very much like centrist Dems such as  
> Obama, and are quite as horrified by Palin as many others are, and  
> start trying to heal some breaches rather than continuing to hammer at  
> the idea of "them" (whoever they are) being "wrong" (whatever that  
> means).

I agree, Warren.  The "left" should talk to the moderate Republicans and
old-style (pro-business/small-government) Republicans and ignore
everyone else until they are willing to sit down and have a real

If we give an eye-for-an-eye against the neoconservatives and radical
religious right we will only feed into their program of hate/fear.  I'd
much rather let them stew in their own juices and continue demonstrating
to the rest of the U.S. just how out of touch they are.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Balancing the bad actors (was Re: Health Care (the same topic all week!~))

2008-10-31 Thread Lance A. Brown
Ronn! Blankenship said the following on 11/1/2008 12:24 AM:
> At 11:05 AM Friday 10/31/2008, John Williams wrote:
>> Lance A. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>> Instead, we are faced with actors who will collude with each other to
>>> manipulate markets, subvert systems, and for the short term gain without
>>> regard to long-term consequences.

>> Definitely. Such actors exist in government, as well. In fact, they dominate
>> government.

> Which is a big reason why some (including some who do not get health 
> insurance through their employers and cannot afford to purchase it 
> themselves) are so leery of putting the government in charge (either 
> directly or indirectly by holding the purse strings) of anything as 
> important as medical care.

If not government, then what can be brought to bear to counteract the
tendency of human beings to be bad actors?

The health system we have today is broken in many ways.  I don't see how
removing more regulations from it will make it better.  That only gives
the existing bad actors more leeway to continue their activities.

If not the government, who upholds the social contract?

I believe everyone deserves healthcare, education, and other basic
services needed to live a productive, healthy life.  I don't believe
free markets will choose to provide those services to all people willingly.

If less government regulation is better, why do are national health
systems prevalent in many parts of the world?

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Health Care (the same damn topic all f-ing week!~)

2008-10-31 Thread Lance A. Brown
John Williams wrote:
> Lance A. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> What's different between the ability of government actors
>> to make "large" mistakes vs. the ability of private actors to make
>> "large" mistakes?
> Government legally requires actors to behave in certain ways. Private
> actors must use more subtle means.

Private actors, with the bounds of government regulation, often have
access to potent coercive tactics nearly as strong, if not stronger,
than the force of law.

>> John, you consistently argue for less government regulation, but I don't
>> recall reading your ideas of what should replace government regulation.
> Good recall!

I'm done with this conversation since you ducked my question about what
should replace government regulation.  If you want to have a
conversation about what can/should be used instead of government
regulation, let's do it.  Otherwise I'm done.

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Health Care (the same damn topic all f-ing week!~)

2008-10-31 Thread Lance A. Brown
John Williams wrote:
> Lance A. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> John Williams wrote:
>>> there will be decisions made by people, and people do make mistakes.
>> You are assuming everyone is a rational actor.
> By no means is everyone a rational actor. People make mistakes, act
> emotionally instead of rationally, and generally tend to screw things up.
> Politicians especially.
>> You argue that diverse decentralized systems work better because
>> mistakes are uncorrelated and failures are localized.
> This is too strong, sorry if I overstated. Mistakes are less correlated
> and failures are more localized, relative to government control which
> tends to create strong, long-range correlations.

I'm not sure I agree that mistakes are smaller (less correlated/more
localized).  What's different between the ability of government actors
to make "large" mistakes vs. the ability of private actors to make
"large" mistakes?  Scale-wise, it seems to me that there are several
sets of private actors that can generate errors as large or larger than
the government can or has.

>> Instead, we are faced with actors who will collude with each other to
>> manipulate markets, subvert systems, and for the short term gain without
>> regard to long-term consequences.
> Definitely. Such actors exist in government, as well. In fact, they dominate
> government.

You're saying there are bad actors all around, then. So what is the
answer?  Can there be a balance point between two sets of bad actors
(government vs. private)?

John, you consistently argue for less government regulation, but I don't
recall reading your ideas of what should replace government regulation.
 What are your positive arguments?


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Health Care (the same damn topic all f-ing week!~)

2008-10-31 Thread Lance A. Brown
John Williams wrote:
> It is obvious that no system is perfect. No matter whether it is a
> centrally controlled system, or a completely decentralized system,
> there will be decisions made by people, and people do make mistakes.
> I'd rather have a fault-tolerant system that tends to evolve toward
> greater efficiency. With central control, the mistakes tend to be
> coordinated and are capable of destabilizing the entire system. With
> a diverse, decentralized system, there will be plenty of mistakes, 
> but they will tend to be uncorrelated and while you may see some
> local failures, most of the system will continue unabated. And as a
> bonus, the decentralized system is effectively a massively parallel
> set of experiments that, through trial and error, can result in
> evolution towards a more efficient system.

I've been following this discussion and something about this argument
was nagging at me, but I wasn't sure what.  Now I think I've figured it
out:  You are assuming everyone is a rational actor.

You argue that diverse decentralized systems work better because
mistakes are uncorrelated and failures are localized.  In a perfect
world, I think you may be correct, but we don't live in a perfect world.

Instead, we are faced with actors who will collude with each other to
manipulate markets, subvert systems, and for the short term gain without
regard to long-term consequences.

Some social contract is necessary to curb these activities and some
level of government regulation can provide that contract.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Redistribute the wealth

2008-10-27 Thread Lance A. Brown
Andrew Crystall said the following on 10/27/2008 8:40 PM:
> On 27 Oct 2008 at 18:52, Lance A. Brown wrote:
>> William T Goodall said the following on 10/27/2008 7:23 AM:
>>> Their could be highly efficient and competitive private militias  
>>> instead of the inefficient government monopoly paid for by taking the  
>>> money of people who don't want to pay for it.
>> You mean like Blackwater?
> Try the local Mafia.

As if I'd like to turn over our national defense to either group.

This conversation reminds me of the situation in Neil Stephenson's "Snow


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Redistribute the wealth

2008-10-27 Thread Lance A. Brown

William T Goodall said the following on 10/27/2008 7:23 AM:
> Their could be highly efficient and competitive private militias  
> instead of the inefficient government monopoly paid for by taking the  
> money of people who don't want to pay for it.

You mean like Blackwater?

Greed and Corruption Maru

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Redistribute the wealth

2008-10-26 Thread Lance A. Brown
William T Goodall said the following on 10/26/2008 10:38 PM:
> The internet candidate. McCain doesn't know how to use a computer.
> The Future Maru

Pigs Flying Maru!

We agree on something, William. :-)


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Redistribute the wealth

2008-10-26 Thread Lance A. Brown
Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro said the following on 10/26/2008 8:44 PM:
> This is something I don't understand. If Obama is the anti-corporation
> candidate, how he gets 2-3x more money for the campaing than
> McPalin?

About 90% of Obama's fund raising comes from individuals.  After
withdrawing from Federal campaign financing, he announced he would not
accept any donations from political action committees and has not done
so to date.  Details available at

He isn't beholden to particular PACs or corporations because he's not
taken their money.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Secretary of Defense

2008-10-21 Thread Lance A. Brown
Jon Louis Mann wrote:
> I would prefer Wesley Clark as Sec'y of Defense and give Colin Powell a 
> chance to redeem himself as Sec'y of State.

Clark would be a good choice for Sec. of Defense as well.  I'm not sure
I'd put Powell back in at State.  Seems like asking a bit much of the
world's nations to accept him in that role again after his last go-round
at it.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Gen. Colin Powell, Pres. Obama's Secretary of Defense

2008-10-20 Thread Lance A. Brown
Euan Ritchie said the following on 10/20/2008 3:38 PM:
>> I think Barack Obama shoud make Colin Powell his Secretary of Defense.
> One elegant speech does not magically change a person or their
> responsibly for their past.

Plus a long and distinguished career in the military, Chief of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, and as the National Security Advisor.  I even liked
Powell as Secretary of State until he was either duped into supporting
the Iraq war or choose to support it.  That was a mistake.  A huge
massive mistake.  I'd be willing to bet 5 bucks that he regrets it deeply.

Can honor not be redeemed after a mistake, even one as large as his?

Thoughtfully Yours,

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Gen. Colin Powell, Pres. Obama's Secretary of Defense

2008-10-20 Thread Lance A. Brown
I had this thought before lunch and thought I'd share it with the list.
  I googled it and found that I'm not the first to think of it so I
can't claim it as my own.

I'd been thinking about Powell's endorsement of Obama this weekend and
how much impressed with him I've always been, even after his failure to
live up to his own values by stumping the Iraq war to the U.N. for
President G.W. Bush.  His endorsement of Barack Obama this past weekend
may be the most powerful 7 minutes of television I’ve watched in the
past 10 years and his indictment of the current Republican party, the
Bush administration, and Sen. John McCain’s campaign and
Vice-Presidential choices is exactly on target.

I think Barack Obama shoud make Colin Powell his Secretary of Defense.
Who better to place over the abused and war-worn military of the United
States.  Who better to shepherd it back into the fine tradition of the
American military and restore its honor and morale.  Powell would defend
his men and women against ill-use and champion their cause with
President Obama and the Congress.  And what a blow it would lay to the
charges that Obama doesn’t know how to cross the aisle for bi-partisan

Choosing Colin Powell for his Secretary of State would be a courageous,
right, action by President Obama.

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: No more feeding the troll (was Re: Debunking B.S. from the so-called debunker )

2008-10-20 Thread Lance A. Brown
William T Goodall said the following on 10/20/2008 9:03 AM:
> On 20 Oct 2008, at 13:56, Lance A. Brown wrote:
>> William T Goodall said the following on 10/20/2008 6:59 AM:
>>> Do you think it is reasonable that someone should participate in a
>>> discussion they are also moderating?
>> Absolutely.
> Why?

As Mr. Bell said:  This is a private list on a private server.  It is as
if we were all invited to a never-ending coffee at Dr. Brin's house.
Dr. Brin drops in occasionally and his appointed host includes himself
in the conversation while also maintaining the decorum of the occasion.

I see nothing wrong with that.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: No more feeding the troll (was Re: Debunking B.S. from the so-called debunker )

2008-10-20 Thread Lance A. Brown
William T Goodall said the following on 10/20/2008 6:59 AM:
> Do you think it is reasonable that someone should participate in a  
> discussion they are also moderating?



 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Two Weeks To Go

2008-10-20 Thread Lance A. Brown
And folks are voting by the drove already.  My girlfriend and I voted
early yesterday afternoon and they had had almost 2,500 people through
the system for just that day.  If enough people vote early, no October
surprise will make a difference.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: monotonous posting

2008-10-19 Thread Lance A. Brown
William T Goodall said the following on 10/19/2008 7:27 PM:
>> First rule of dealing with trolls:  Don't Feed The Troll.
> That's a very sound policy I've been following for years. Don't post  
> in a thread you don't like, especially to complain that you don't like  
> it.

Did I say I didn't like this thread?  Don't put words in my mouth.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: monotonous posting

2008-10-19 Thread Lance A. Brown

Olin Elliott said the following on 10/19/2008 5:59 PM:
> Or maybe it was because each one of his "monotonous posts" elicit
> dozens of responses from people telling him how monotonous and
> irritating he is.  I find everyone's responses to William, and the
> energy that goes into villainizing him to be much more annoying than
> anything he's posted.  Perhaps if people just ignored his posts and
> used that time to post something interesting of their own, their
> would be something worthwhile going on here.

First rule of dealing with trolls:  Don't Feed The Troll.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Brin: What's in the works?

2008-08-25 Thread Lance A. Brown
Chris Frandsen wrote:
> I totally agree with Olin's comments.  I am not sure how Obama will  
> support the scientific community other than getting out of the  
> business of trying to make scientific reports match political agendas.  
> I suspect his economic social and foreign policy initiatives to get us  
> back on track will force science budgets to the back burner.

*heh*  I'll take science budgets getting backburnered if it means
getting the politicians out of driving scientific reporting in
government agencies.


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Brin: What's in the works?

2008-08-25 Thread Lance A. Brown
John Garcia wrote:
> McCain doesn't know how to use a computer. So? What does that have to do
> with
> being President?  My choice for President depends on which candidate I think
> will
> address all the issues facing the USA consistent with my values, not whether
> or not he has a cool Facebook page.

Someone who doesn't know enough about computers to be able to open his
own email (if he wants to) *cannot* have the proper understanding of
technology in today's world to be competent as POTUS.

 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Apology (was Re: Off-topic., monotonous posting (was Child-killing religion))

2008-08-21 Thread Lance A. Brown
Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
> If they are indeed _silent_, what makes you think they agree with you?

He's a mind reader.  Doesn't believe in religion, but does believe in
telepathy. :-)

The Amazing William Maru


 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Apology (was Re: Off-topic., monotonous posting (was Child-killing religion))

2008-08-21 Thread Lance A. Brown
Pat Mathews wrote:
> I can't speak for other members of the list's silent majority. I, for
> one, see another news article on some cult or its members run
> amok,yawn, and hit Delete.



 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Conspiracy theories

2008-07-28 Thread Lance A. Brown
Jon Louis Mann wrote:
>> And what are those two idiots doing, that the oil price
>> fell down
>> so much in the past weeks? They should strike Iran right
>> now!
>> Alberto Monteiro
> fortunately those two idiots have lost all credibility and could not pull off 
> a strike against iran at this time (unless they get lucky and there is 
> another major terrorist attack in the u.s. before november).  personally, i 
> don't think bush/cheney know what they are doing.  if i did i would have to 
> subscribe to one of the conspiracy theories:

I think they no exactly what they are doing:  Trying to shovel as much 
money into their friend's pockets as possible, and/or trying to bring 
about the Dominionist's desire for an early Apocolypse.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Chicken and Egg

2008-07-17 Thread Lance A. Brown
Charlie Bell said the following on 7/17/2008 3:32 AM:
> Welcome to my world. IT Support at a law firm at the mo... *banging  
> head on desk* I love my job, I love my workplace, but bloody hell it  
> can be frustrating at times!

I feel your pain, brother. :-)  I'm the sole in-department sysadmin for 
the Dept. of Statistical Science at Duke University.  I have a flat spot 
on my forehead just like yours.

  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Chicken and Egg

2008-07-16 Thread Lance A. Brown
Ronn! Blankenship said the following on 7/16/2008 7:13 PM:
> None of which means anything to the average non-technical person who 
> is buying a computer for his/her kids to use for school or a 
> grandmother finally buying a computer to view pictures of her 
> grandchildren who live out of state, who is not going to have access 
> to anywhere to read such information before they buy, much less the 
> knowledge or ability to do anything about it.  What do you have for them?

Alright, are you just yanking my chain or what?  You seem to be asking 
me to telepathically implant the information needed for un-knowledgeable 
computer users to safely attach their computers to the Internet.

You need to lobby the vendors who sell computers, Apple, Dell, HP, etc. 
to configure the machines they sell so they have all the security 
features needed turned on at time of sale.

If people can't/won't go out and educate themselves how to use computers 
in today's world, there isn't much I can do as a private citizen.  It is 
an ugly reality that computers AREN'T as easy to use and safe as they 
should be.  I can't snap my fingers and fix that myself overnight.

I think I'm done responding on this thread.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Computer Security

2008-07-16 Thread Lance A. Brown
Don't be get started on that SOB.  He's giving all IT professionals a 
black eye with his antics.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Chicken and Egg

2008-07-15 Thread Lance A. Brown
Nick Arnett said the following on 7/15/2008 9:47 PM:
> While we're on the subject, AVG's LinkScanner has created a lot of misery
> for me and other people who do web analytics.  I've pretty well decided
> never to use their products again.

*nod*  Yeah.  I uninstalled that damned component about 5 minutes after 
AVG upgraded itself on my computer.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Chicken and Egg

2008-07-15 Thread Lance A. Brown
Ronn! Blankenship said the following on 7/15/2008 7:24 PM:

> Now how about an actually helpful response for those who do not have 
> access to another computer at home?

Well, how about this:

Before plugging your new computer into a network connection:

1.  Go to Office Depot, Staples, etc. and buy a copy of your favorite 
Anti-Virus/anti-spam/anti-malware program and install it.  Make sure it 
is running.
2.  If your favorite package doesn't include a firewall, make sure the 
Windows Firewall is activated.
3.  Plug in the network connection and wait for the computer to get an 
4  Open Internet Explorer and go to and run 
the software updates.

That should give you a decent chance to get updated before your machine 
is compromised.

Your best bet is still to go out and buy a router or access point so you 
can just flat out avoid a lot of the scans.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Chicken and Egg

2008-07-15 Thread Lance A. Brown
Charlie Bell said the following on 7/15/2008 4:47 AM:
> ...and for the 95% of home PC users who buy a PC at PC World or  
> Walmart or from Dell, and plug it straight in to their modem when they  
> get it home?

I don't have a good answer for them.  Can't stop people from doing 
dangerous things.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Chicken and Egg

2008-07-14 Thread Lance A. Brown
William T Goodall said the following on 7/14/2008 2:53 PM:

> So how do you download the patches if you can't put an unpatched  
> Windows computer on the internet?

You don't hook it directly to the Internet.  If you are on a broadband 
connection, get a router or wireless access point with an integrated 
switch and connect your cable or dsl modem to the router or access 
point, then plug your new windows computer into that.  This lets the 
router take all the scans and intrusion attempts and as long as you are 
careful where you browse to, you can download the security updates 
without compromising your machine.

  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Gates without Microsoft

2008-06-24 Thread Lance A. Brown
Jon Louis Mann wrote:
> if i had the tens of billions that gates has to work with, i really
> believe i could do a lot more good. i suspect a lot of that money is
> being used inefficiently. jon

Yep.  Here at Duke they recently opened the French Science Building.  I 
mean, a WHOLE building devoted to the science of French?  I know the 
French are snooty about their language, but come on  :-)


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Gates without Microsoft

2008-06-23 Thread Lance A. Brown
Just for grins.  Pictures of the founders of Microsoft, then and now:


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: USA presidential race(ism)

2008-06-19 Thread Lance A. Brown
John Garcia wrote:
> technically, the first seven Presidents were born in what was at the time,
> colonies of the British Empire. the first President to be born after the US
> became an independent country was Martin Van Buren.
> John McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone to a serving US Navy officer
> and is considered a natural born citizen. Barack Obama was born in Hawaii
> after it became a state. until the Constitution is changed to permit
> naturalized citizens to become President, no one born in Austria will be
> elected President.

What about offspring of someone in the U.S. Foreign Service in Austria 
working at the U.S. embassy, for example?


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: A videogame that will make William happy

2008-06-06 Thread Lance A. Brown
Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> If that videogame ever gets published, the purpose of it is
> to slay Muhammad and Abraham before they establish Islam and
> Judaism. I don't think there's a Jesus-slaying mode: it seems
> pointless, because he would also resurect if, instead of
> being crucified, he was mowed with a chainsaw or torched with laser guns

U... No Abraham, no Judaism, no Christianity.  Right?  Or am I 
missing something here


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: approaching L2 at last...

2008-05-22 Thread Lance A. Brown
David Hobby said the following on 5/22/2008 1:49 PM:
> Dave Land wrote:
>> On May 22, 2008, at 7:01 AM, David Hobby wrote:
> ...
>>> I figured somebody would propose taking out the battery,
>>> and then putting it back in at just the right time.
>>> But we agree that's cheating?
>> Oh, no, that's not cheating at all: that's hacking, the highest form  
>> of geek art -- use some built-in characteristic of the system to your  
>> advantage.
> Dave--
> So it's O.K. if I solve a Rubik's cube by taking it
> apart, etc?

That would depend entirely upon the rules and conditions you are 
operating under.  ;-)  Disassembly/reassembly would probably not be 
permitted in a "solve the rubic's cube" speed contest under traditional 

Betting your friend a beer that you can solve it faster than s/he can is 
another story...


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Creationism Creeps into U.S. Classrooms

2008-05-22 Thread Lance A. Brown
"Creeps into U.S. Classrooms"?

I daresay it's been there all along and people just weren't looking for 
it until relatively recently.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: What were they thinking? (MS Office 2007)

2008-04-25 Thread Lance A. Brown
David Hobby wrote:
> But that is the configuration.  One computer, one printer, and an
> old-style cable between them.  (It's unfortunate that it wouldn't
> work well over a network, but I've had problems too.  Another
> story...)

That sucks.  I'd make sure you have the correct driver installed for the 
printer.  It's about the only variable left in that setup.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: What were they thinking? (MS Office 2007)

2008-04-25 Thread Lance A. Brown
Julia Thompson wrote:
> OK, so a good reason to keep every box in the house under the same OS, and 
> specifically, this computer (which is acting as a print server) and the 
> one in the guest room (which does not have a printer attached directly to 
> it)

It does tend to make things easier to work right. ;-)


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: What were they thinking? (MS Office 2007)

2008-04-25 Thread Lance A. Brown

David Hobby wrote:
> Hi.  I don't see that.  I think the printer is capable
> of printing whatever pattern of dots it's told to, and
> these are supposed to be "True Type" fonts.

You would be amazed.  It depends entirely how the job is processed, 
especially if the printer is not attached directly to the computer you 
are using.

Best chance for a good outcome is using a printer attached directly to 
your computer, with the proper driver for the printer installed.  Then 
you will almost certainly get the result you are after.

If you are accessing a network printer by printing directly to it, make 
sure you have the appropriate driver for the printer make/model installed.

If you are accessing a printer using a print server or print service on 
another computer, then things can get squirrely.  Your computer may have 
the font needed, but depending on the print driver on your computer, 
that print job may be re-processed on the print server, with the worst 
case being embedded fonts getting dropped, leading to wrong output on 
the printer, for example. (How's that for a nasty run-on sentence?)

Crossing platforms, a Windows desktop sending print jobs to a UNIX print 
server, or a Mac sending a print job to a print attached to a Windows 
computer, can also lead to problems unless everything is handled correctly.

As usual, heterogeneous environments lead to strange edge cases.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: What were they thinking? (MS Office 2007)

2008-04-25 Thread Lance A. Brown
David Hobby said the following on 4/25/2008 7:12 AM:
> Yes.  So hunting up the right fonts and installing them
> everywhere would have solved it.  I don't really understand
> why a word processor would ever have different screen and
> display fonts, though.  I mean I can see how it would happen,
> but that seems like pretty dumb design.

More likely it was a difference in fonts available to the word processor 
and the printer.  It's amazing how "stupid" such things can be.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: What were they thinking? (MS Office 2007)

2008-04-25 Thread Lance A. Brown
Dave Land said the following on 4/25/2008 2:15 AM:
> Well, as long as the answer to Nick's frustrations with Office 2007
> is to suggest an entirely different office package (Open Office, which
> I was forced by Sun Microsystems to use, and found it to be a turd,
> but that was about 5 years ago), it is probably OK for me to say that
> the best/most cost-effective PDF output I've obtained comes free via
> the "Preview" button on every Mac OS X print dialog, and works in
> every application, not just Office.

The current version of OpenOffice is almost infinitely better than 5 
years ago. :-)


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: What were they thinking? (MS Office 2007)

2008-04-24 Thread Lance A. Brown
I've had my beard longer than I've had my professional career and a 
software applications developer and then sysadmin.  My and my moderately 
fuzzy chin do just fine professionally. :-)

  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: What were they thinking? (MS Office 2007)

2008-04-24 Thread Lance A. Brown
Curtis Burisch wrote:
> This kinda backfired, where I'm from. Sensor II razor was so popular they
> were forced to continue selling the blades ever after. I'm on a 15 year old
> razor, buying a blade every 2 months. The modern innovations do not impress.
> I give gilette like around a dollar a month, and I don't begrudge them that.
> It's a great razor, with great blades. Screw the 3 and 4 blade things, they
> don't do it for me.

Or go like me.  I've not put a razor to my face in something like 18 
years or so.  I forget.  I did shave my head for a while after doing 
away with my thinned out pony tail, but gave that up for the stubbly 
look a trimmer leaves.  Much easier to maintain and actually looks 
better on my dome. :-)


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: An interesting response

2008-04-17 Thread Lance A. Brown

hkhenson said the following on 4/17/2008 5:16 PM:
> At 12:00 PM 4/17/2008, Dan M wrote:
> And what kind of a deal would the Russians give you if you wanted to 
> launch 110 of these a day?

Perhaps this is naive of me, but who is going to want to build the 
multiple launching facilities 110 launches/day will require?  I would 
expect most of those pads would go idle once the project completed, no? 
  Seems like a sunk cost to me.


  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: 'Lost'

2008-03-21 Thread Lance A. Brown

Jim Sharkey said the following on 3/21/2008 11:22 AM:
> Not sure I agree.  I've seen so many L&O episodes over the past 10+
> years that the "twist" is almost always obvious and it kind of
> ruins the show for me.  And the mini-sermon wrap up at the end of the
> show has gotten grating.  Might be familiarity breeding contempt, but
> still...

I'm liking the new episodes.  Cutter has injected some new "balls to the 
wall" energy.

  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Brin: The Latest In Dolphin Technology

2008-03-16 Thread Lance A. Brown
David Brin said the following on 3/16/2008 11:29 PM:
> this showed a scientology minister at a city council
> meeting.  What dolphins?

Was wondering if this was some new kind of rickrolling...


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Schneier vs. Brin

2008-03-09 Thread Lance A. Brown
Julia Thompson said the following on 3/9/2008 10:53 AM:
> In Texas, if you're an adult, you cannot be outside your residence without 
> an ID.

Is that a state law or "the way it is"?


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Schneier vs. Brin

2008-03-08 Thread Lance A. Brown
jon louis mann said the following on 3/8/2008 5:33 PM:
> I do feel that spying on the government will prevent some of these
> abuses, but there are times when matters of national security require
> secrecy.  Nevertheless, I like the idea of being able to listen in on
> high government officials planning ways to subvert the constitution.


I found myself disturbed that I'm attracted to the idea of carrying an 
MP3 recording device at all times, just in case I get stopped by law 
enforcement and want my own recording of the event.

I used to have a lot of trust in the Police.


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Schneier vs. Brin

2008-03-07 Thread Lance A. Brown
Bruce Schneier has a column up on WIRED talking about the myth of the 
'Transparent Society'.


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Let us all pause for 2d8 seconds

2008-03-05 Thread Lance A. Brown

Martin Lewis wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 7:55 PM, Horn, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Gary Gygax has died...
>  Really?


It seems somehow peculiarly fitting CNN placed his article in the 
Technology section.

Gary, Rest In Peace Maru


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  My LiveJournal
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Re: Wal-Mart and more L4

2008-02-21 Thread Lance A. Brown
Dan M said the following on 2/21/2008 12:44 AM:
> Nationwide, Wal-Mart pays just under average for retail workers.  Here near
> Houston, it pays a bit better than average.  So, exploiting the worker by
> paying far less than the next guy for a worker does not seem to be the MO.
> Indeed, as the reference I gave shows, Wal-Mart pays way under scale only in
> those areas where scale is set by union to be far higher than it is in the
> rest of the nation.

Hi Dan,

I'm going to inject one statement into this discussion and then get the 
hell out of the way as I don't really have time to engage this 
discussion.  Normally, I wouldn't do this, but I can't let this pass.

My point:  I think it is disingenuous to talk about the pay scales 
without including the value of benefits such as health insurance, etc. 
and also take into consideration corporate policies concerning hiring of 
part-time vs. full-time workers.[1]

Wal-Mart has been accused of cutting full-time employees in order to 
hire part-time workers without the same set of benefits.  An article in 
January, 2007 states that only 47.4% of their workforce receives health 
insurance through the company and 10% have no coverage at all.[2]

I'm disturbed that Wal-Mart appears to me to be driving its costs down 
on the backs of its workers.

[2] NY Time article via TinyURL


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Fwd: CNN Breaking News

2008-02-21 Thread Lance A. Brown
Ronn! Blankenship said the following on 2/21/2008 12:31 AM:
> So . . . if they shot it /down/ before it crashed to Earth, where is 
> it going to fall now?
> (Yes, I know . . . just seems they could have phrased that better . . . )

The point of shooting the satellite was to disrupt the fuel storage.  If 
the satellite came down in one piece, there is a chance the hydrazine 
fuel on board would survive to reach the surface.  If it impacts on 
land, you get nasty poisonous gas cloud.

If the missile did it's job, the fuel storage was destroyed.  The 
satellite (or remaining parts) will still come down, but now the 
hydrazine will burn up during reentry.


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: A little too close to home...

2008-02-20 Thread Lance A. Brown

Dave Land said the following on 2/20/2008 9:36 PM:
> Folks,
> Two videos, definitely NSFW (and maybe NSFH, if you have kiddies in
> the room or a partner with extremely delicate sensibilities) showing
> what happens when online community behaviors find their way into the
> corporate boardroom...

That was strangely uncomfortable.

Weirded Out Maru,


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

I do love me some xkcd

2008-02-20 Thread Lance A. Brown


  Celebrate The Circle
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Re: Young Earth Math?

2008-01-17 Thread Lance A. Brown
David Hobby wrote:
> An interesting find!  That's the first I've heard of the
> Conservapedia.  It's sometimes hard to tell, but my sense
> is that it's not actually meant as humor?

Conservapedia is 100% serious in its intent.  There have been occasional 
articles in various places about it.


  Celebrate The Circle
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Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Lance A. Brown
Trent Shipley wrote:
> How much private land is there that could be converted from lower yield to 
> cellulose production?  Could ex-farms on the Montana and Dakota prairies be 
> put back into production as cellulose ranches?  (In AZ we can grow agave on 
> some private ranch land.)

I dunno.  We should note that high-yield switchgrass cultivation
requires tending and fertilizing the grass.  "Natural" growth will not
yield enough product to be economical.  The research I linked to
previously *does* include the energy cost for the tending and fertlizing
in the cost-benefit ratio, so it's still a good thing.


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Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Lance A. Brown
Alberto Monteiro wrote:
>>Unused land suitable for corn or sugarcane? 
> You didn't parse my e-mail address. Do it now.
> There's plenty of suitable land for sugarcane here... :-)

Yer right.  I didn't.  Assumption has once again worked against me. :-)


 Celebrate The Circle
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Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Lance A. Brown
Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> This is not necessarily true - if there's unused land and
> the new crop grows into that land, then this would have no positive
> impact in the food price. The reverse would even be more likely,
> since if it becomes not viable to turn the food crop into fuel,
> the new crop would compete with the previous crops, making
> food prices cheaper.

Unused land suitable for corn or sugarcane?  Surely you jest.

Being able to grow switchgrass on marginal land not suitable for other,
more traditional, crops is one of its benefits.  We would not be
stealing crop output usually used for foodstuffs to produce fuel.


 Celebrate The Circle
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Lance A. Brown
Robert Seeberger said the following on 1/10/2008 8:56 PM:
> The problem with corn is that it produces a lower energy ethanol. 
> Sugarcane *is* much better in that regard.
> But why are you worried about sugarcane? We don't use it all that much 
> in the US, even for making sugar. Last I heard, sugar beets was the 
> big resource in that industry. (In the US that is.)

I assumed, perhaps incorrectly, tha using any food crop for ethanol 
production would inflate the price of said food crop, leading to 
economic issues for the heavy users of that crop.

I believe you are correct that most U.S. sugar comes from sugar beets 
these days.

What do you get when you ferment beets?  :-)

> As I understand the ethanol research, grass and cellulose are looking 
> to become popular resources for ethanol with several useful byproducts 
> as an added bonus.

Yep.  The lignin in the switchgrass can be burned to help power the 
ethanol production plant, for example.


  Celebrate The Circle
  Carolina Spirit Quest
  GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-10 Thread Lance A. Brown

Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
> Jim Sharkey wrote:
>>I'm sure some of you knew this, what with your big brains and all,
>>but I found it interesting:
>>_Scientific American_ is saying grass as a source of ethanol has the
>>potential to be vastly more efficient than corn.  Pretty cool stuff,
>>I think.
> But still less efficient than sugarcane :-P

Perhaps.  The use of corn to produce ethanol is already driving the cost
of corn higher, impacting food costs already[1].  I don't think we want
to use corn _or_ sugarcane for producing ethanol in the long term.



 Celebrate The Circle
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Re: Religion and greed

2007-12-13 Thread Lance A. Brown

jon louis mann wrote:
> they do seem to go together.  there are greedy liberals as well,
> although their religious beliefs are generally more progressive than
> evangelical.  hopefully, there may be a way to medicate all varieties
> of social and behavior disorders, some day...

Welcome to Brave New World...


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Re: Where the web is heading?

2007-11-20 Thread Lance A. Brown
Just reading that gave my eyeballs hives

I *really* hate marketing speak.

20% to 200% uplifted customers...  Damn, can't they get their clients

Weak Joke Maru

 Celebrate The Circle
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Br*n: Uplift at Star Trek

2007-11-19 Thread Lance A. Brown

Deborah Harrell wrote:
>>"Lance A. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Deborah Harrell wrote:
>>>Andre Norton wrote a children's book called _Star
>>>Cat_ IIRC, about a race of telepathic
>>>interstellar-travelling cats...hmm, maybe we've
>>>mentioned that here previously.
>>Oh my.   I own a copy of that book. :-)

And here's the listing in my catalog:

My own cat is a strictly indoor star kitty, although she'll chase comet
tails all over the place. :-)

 Celebrate The Circle
 Carolina Spirit Quest
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Tattoos - Scientifical

2007-11-19 Thread Lance A. Brown
Now that's certainly a lady believer in Darwin!


 Celebrate The Circle
 Carolina Spirit Quest
 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Uplift at Yellowstone

2007-11-10 Thread Lance A. Brown
Always fun to arrive in the middle of a cultural movement and have to
play catch-up.  Thanks for the comments on maru-ism.

Matt Grimaldi said the following on 11/10/2007 11:21 PM:
> This whole thing started because, for a time, there were
> a large number of brin-lers that also belonged to the
> list for fans of Ian Banks' Culture series. 
> (see:

I've only read one of the Culture books (Use of Weapons) and didn't get
all the way through it.  I seriously don't see what fascinates people
with those books.


 Celebrate The Circle
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Uplift at Yellowstone

2007-11-10 Thread Lance A. Brown
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following on 11/10/2007 2:07 AM:
> In a message dated 11/9/2007 11:43:03 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
> Yellowstone is rising.
> The word "uplift" makes me think the tytlal have been
> pouring bicarbonate of soda down Old Faithful.


> "A maru once bit my sister."

What is the fascination (mania? obsession?) with the word "maru" on this
list?  The only maru I'm familiar with is the Kobyashi Maru from Star
Trek and I somehow don't think that is the correct reference.


 Celebrate The Circle
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Br*n: Uplift at Star Trek

2007-11-08 Thread Lance A. Brown

Mauro Diotallevi wrote:
> On Nov 7, 2007 2:03 PM, Lance A. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Deborah Harrell wrote:
>>>Andre Norton wrote a children's book called _Star Cat_
>>>IIRC, about a race of telepathic
>>>interstellar-travelling cats...hmm, maybe we've
>>>mentioned that here previously.
>>Oh my.   I own a copy of that book. :-)
> I've never read that one, but I just re-read _Cat-A-Lyst_ by Alan Dean
> Foster.  It's not exactly worldview-changing stuff, but it's a fun
> read if you're in the mood for something light and silly.

I picked up my copy of _Star Cat_  in, I think, 4th grade, as a
"Scholastic Book Club" selection. :-)  Definitely a light read these days.


 Celebrate The Circle
 Carolina Spirit Quest
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Br*n: Uplift at Star Trek

2007-11-07 Thread Lance A. Brown
Deborah Harrell wrote:
> Andre Norton wrote a children's book called _Star Cat_
> IIRC, about a race of telepathic
> interstellar-travelling cats...hmm, maybe we've
> mentioned that here previously.

Oh my.   I own a copy of that book. :-)


 Celebrate The Circle
 Carolina Spirit Quest
 My LiveJournal
 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Internet Privacy and "Earth"

2007-11-07 Thread Lance A. Brown
Here's an interesting interview about privacy in the age of Facebook and
other social networking sites.  Immediately reminded me of the net and
the anti-secrecy viewpoints in "Earth".


 Celebrate The Circle
 Carolina Spirit Quest
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer

Re: Religiosity correlates with poverty

2007-11-06 Thread Lance A. Brown

Doug said the following on 11/6/2007 12:49 AM:
> Ronn! wrote:
>> So what would most folks think of someone who professed a belief in
>> God and spent his evenings and weekends drinking and carousing?
> Wouldn't that depend on what particular brand of God this person believed  
> in and which particular folks were making the observation?

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable evening with Bachus if you ask me.
:-)  Someone got a beer?


 Celebrate The Circle
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 GPG Fingerprint: 409B A409 A38D 92BF 15D9 6EEE 9A82 F2AC 69AC 07B9 Assurer