John Williams said the following on 8/16/2009 5:08 PM:
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:47 PM, David Hobby<> wrote:
>> It does strike me as a kludge, though.  To continue
>> your example of car insurance, I don't believe that
>> anybody markets insurance against having your car
>> insurance premiums rise dramatically.
> I do not think there is a as large a risk of such a dramatic rise in
> auto insurance premiums. Possibly auto insurance premiums could go up
> 5x after 2 DUI's, but short of that, I cannot think of anything that
> would result in such a thing. And that is relatively unlikely,
> compared to developing a chronic condition at some point in one's
> life.

The analogy between auto and health insurance fails in one regard:  Most
of the time, a 5x increase in auto insurance premiums is a direct result
of decisions by the covered person.  Many of causes for increases in
health insurance premiums are outside the control of the covered person.

Should this play into the plans?  I don't know.


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