Re: expanded manned space program

2008-02-15 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 2/15/2008 5:32:50 PM, Charlie Bell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On 16/02/2008, at 2:58 AM, Curtis Burisch wrote:
> >
> > I don't know what IANAC means either, but I got a chuckle from "I 
> > Am
> > Not A
> > Crook!"
> From context, probably I Am Not A Chemist.
Strangely, I would have expected IANACBIPOOTV

Conditioned Maru


Message To Pastafarians

2008-02-14 Thread Robert Seeberger

And this was a response to this scurvy dog:

Not Necessarily Newsworthy Maru


Re: I want whatever Anonymous was smoking!

2008-02-13 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 9:34 PM
Subject: I want whatever Anonymous was smoking!

> The juxtaposition of the protest outside a CoS building with "Never 
> Gonna
> Give You Up" smacks of benign surreality, which I don't mind in the 
> least.
> (One of my friends hung out at one of the protests this weekend for
> awhile.  Just happened to be passing by, saw it happening, and 
> figured
> he'd watch for awhile.  His experience was a lot warmer than that of 
> the
> folks on this video.)

Rickrolling is a favored prank in those circles. While not having the 
same stature, being "Belaired" has some of the same attributes.

Flu Day Out Maru


Re: Christians Join Anonymous

2008-02-06 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 2/6/2008 9:32:30 PM, Ronn! Blankenship 
> Which of course suggests a subject line of "Join Christians 
> Anonymous"
> Keep Moving.  Nothing More To See Here Maru

Stealing Williams lines?

Occurred To Me Also Maru


Christians Join Anonymous

2008-02-06 Thread Robert Seeberger

If this has any force of fact behind it, it is big news.from The 
Good News.

In any case Sci gets Pwned bigtime.
Epic Lulz
Epic Win

Go Jesus Go Maru


Re: New Anonymous Vid

2008-02-06 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Russell Chapman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: New Anonymous Vid

> snip
>> This Cult is Nothing but a psychotically driven pyramid scheme. Why
>> are you, the news media. Afraid of discussing these matters?
>> It is your duty to report on these matters.
>> You are Failing in your Duty.
>> Their activities make them an affront to freedom.
>> Remember. All that is necessary. For the triumph of evil. Is that 
>> good
>> men do nothing.
>> This information is Everywhere.
>> It is your Duty to expose it.
> I don't know about the USA, but the Co$ is pretty safe from the 
> media
> here - the entire media is dominated by two men, and they have just 
> gone
> into partnership. The more powerful of the two is one of the Co$ 
> glamour
> boys.
> They don't control the media in Oz - they ARE the media in Oz.

Oz marches on the 10th are slated for Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, 
Melbourne, and Sidney. Let 'em try to keep it off the internets.

Epic Raids Maru


Re: New Anonymous Vid

2008-02-06 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 12:48 AM
Subject: Re: New Anonymous Vid

> Robe  wrote:
>> I'm not looking at exit polls myself,
> Looks good for a McCain/Huckster ticket.
>> I think the actual election
>> results are showing a change in the wind.
> I'm normally an optimist, but the deck is stacked against 
> progressives.  We
> all know about Rove and the Swiftboaters.  They are masterful at 
> exploiting
> fear and doubt.  Corporate America is overwhelmingly Republican and 
> that
> their pocket's are deep.  And the press is not only not liberal, 
> they're
> mostly either conservative or willfully ignorant.
> McCain showed a bit of his future strategy recently; he stressed the 
> idea
> that if we leave Iraq we would be losers. He'll repeatedly use the 
> words
> loose and losers when referring to the withdrawal plans of his 
> opponent.
> Along with the reported success of the surge and under reporting on 
> the part
> of the press, the war won't be the issue it should be.  The economy 
> might be
> an issue, but here McCain will emphasize his status as an outsider 
> and will
> escape most of the blame.  Hell he'll even be able to tell us that 
> Anne
> Coulter and Rush Limbaugh hate him. He'll suck in the lions share of
> independent voters.
> There are lots of other factors; older people vote in larger numbers 
> and are
> not only more conservative they're more susceptible to the Bradly 
> effect.
> Although Obama would mobilize younger voters like never before, they 
> still
> won't vote in the numbers necessary to make a difference.  If he's 
> the
> nominee then we have the Bradly effect, and if he isn't we'll have 
> Hillary's
> huge negatives to deal with.
> And remember, the war is
>> still an issue and that is enough that it can sink McCain if he
>> doesn't change his attitude. Even conservatives are tired of this
>> crap.
> I don't think so.  I think conservatives still want to win the war 
> and see
> the surge as a huge success.  They will play on our dislike for 
> losing and
> our fear of terrorism.  They think we need a strong military 
> presence in the
> Middle East, and they think that the strength of our country is due 
> mostly
> to the strength of our military and that losing in Iraq would 
> undermine our
> strength and our reputation.
> Do you remember about this time four years ago when JDG expressed 
> his
> excitement at the inevitable nomination of Kerry?  He know that the 
> Dems had
> picked a candidate that could be beaten.  Well, I'm guessing that 
> while he
> isn't crazy about McCain, he's ecstatic about the possible 
> opposition.
> I may be wrong.  I hope with all my heart that I'm wrong.  But I'm
> disparately worried that I'm not.  If you think we've got this one 
> sewn up,
> you better think again.

It's funny.we are thinking about a lot of the same things and 
weighing them for consideration. Your concerns mirror mine quite 
closely. But I think you have to factor in how disheartened many 
conservatives are these days and it is getting worse for them. Only 
2/3 as many Conservatives are voting in the primaries as are Liberals.

I think a lot of Independents like Obama. A good sign.

But consider a Republican win in November. McCain and Romney doesn't 
bother me too much as long as the Dems control Congress. McCain and 
Huckabee is bothersome in the extreme as I have an extreme dislike for 
Huckabees beliefs.

The only one I actively dislike is Huckabee.

Constitutional Amendment Maru


Re: New Anonymous Vid

2008-02-05 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 2/5/2008 10:01:47 PM, Doug Pensinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Robert  wrote:
> >
> > This time next year Barack Obama will be President (probably)
> Good luck.  If McCain 
> is
> the
> Republican nominee, I give him better than even odds to win.
I'm not looking at exit polls myself, I think the actual election 
results are showing a change in the wind. And remember, the war is 
still an issue and that is enough that it can sink McCain if he 
doesn't change his attitude. Even conservatives are tired of this 

Windsock Maru


Greater Love

2008-02-05 Thread Robert Seeberger
View the photos:

 If there weren't pictures to prove it, people might have a hard time 
believing a loving father threw his child multiple stories to waiting 
rescuers below. This dangerous gamble was taken against an almost 
certain death in a smoke-filled burning building where, in the end, 
nine other people perished. The baby, however, survived. Rescuers 
managed to catch and save the baby from below.

Sacrifice Maru


Re: New Anonymous Vid

2008-02-05 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 9:08 AM
Subject: Re: New Anonymous Vid

> On Feb 5, 2008, at 3:02 AM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> On 2/4/2008 9:04:19 PM, Doug Pensinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>>> Rob wrote:
>>>> But it sure is fun to watch, and who knows, they might just get 
>>>> some
>>>> reform out of the COS. 
>>> You know, I'm sympathetic towards the outrage directed towards the
>>> CoS,
>>> but it makes me want to scream "Where's the [EMAIL PROTECTED]@#$ outrage 
>>> about
>>> what's going on in the White House??!!??!!  Torture, suspension of
>>> habeas corpus, Illegal wiretapping, destruction of evidence, 
>>> perjury,
>>> deception via propaganda and outright lies, incompetence on a 
>>> massive
>>> scale.  To me the CoS is small potatoes compared to all that, and
>>> I know
>>> that many many people have similar sentiments.
>>> I'd suggest that maybe we're just practicing and we'll take on the
>>> despots of the Bush administration next, but we're running out of
>>> time
>>> for that.
>>> Maybe we can get them when they're out of office and can't pardon
>>> each
>>> other.
>> Totally different game played by different rules and using a
>> completely
>> different strategy and tactics. Didn't you get the memo?
> I see that you are trying to be cute and funny, but I think that 
> Doug
> made an excellent point.
> America fiddles while the world burns, about sums it up. This little
> kerfuffle with Anon and CoS is certainly more substantive and 
> laudable
> than following the craziness of Britney and her ilk, but it is still
> an act of _not_ paying attention to the stuff that is killing 1000s
> upon 1000s of Iraqis, Americans, and others.

Well, I still think you and Doug and anyone who agrees with you are 
looking at it, if not wrongly, then incompletely. We only have to wait 
a matter of months and Bush is gone forever and will trouble us no 
longer. As for some hope for impeachment, it seems the time for that 
is gone. If you feel that those elected let you down, then it will 
take 6 to 8 years to replace them *all*, so you should start working 
on that soon. And I don't mean wait for someone else to do it, you 
should start now while the getting is good and people are still in the 
mood for protests and civil disobedience.

OTOH, The COS has been around for over 50 years and there are no "term 
limits" or barriers to disempower them. Waiting has no effect, so 
action of some sort has to be taken or nothing changes at all. Just 
between us, I *am* doing something and I *do* think it matters. But 
I'm not talking about it here cuz our every word is monitorable, 

(There is a listmember whose opinion here I would find invaluable, but 
for obvious reasons is not contactable by normal means. But anything 
that listmember would have to tell me would be welcome. If you don't 
understand, don't ask onlist. This is sort of sensitive and I have no 
desire to invade anyones privacy.)

>> Actually Read The Interwebs Maru
> All of them? The point of your sig seems to be "don't post to this 
> list
> unless you have read everything that I have read or I will look down 
> my
> nose at you", which does not seem to be constructive.
> If there was something specific on the Interwebs that you thought 
> Doug
> needed to have read before posting, a link to it, rather than a 
> snipe
> at him, might have been helpful.
> Actually Care About Important Things Maru

I don't doubt your sincerity nor Doug's. You guys are my friends for 
But my comment was just being humorous even if it was just a bit of 
tit for tat.

Let me quote myself from the 25th of last month:

"Right now I am angry, very angry. And to some degree I am angry with
myself for forgetting just how bad these people are.
All my life we have talked about the methods the evil people in the
world use to subjugate those with less power. And we felt more that a
bit superior because we were Americans and we didn't cotton to such
But here we see that the evils we abhor have taken root in our own
nation and are spreading out through the world from *our* soil. It is
small wonder that the nation of Germany has set to outlaw this group.
In my opinion we should do the same."

This time next year Barack Obama will be President (probably), but on 
the societa

Re: New Anonymous Vid

2008-02-05 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 2/4/2008 9:04:19 PM, Doug Pensinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Rob wrote:
> >
> > But it sure is fun to watch, and who knows, they might just get 
> > some
> > reform out of the COS. 
> >
> You know,
> I'm sympathetic towards the outrage directed towards the CoS,  but
> it makes me want to scream  "Where's
> the  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@#$ outrage about
> what's
> going on in the  White House??!!??!!  Torture, suspension of habeas 
> corpus,
> Illegal wiretapping, destruction of evidence, perjury, deception via
> propaganda and outright lies, incompetence on a massive scale.  To 
> me the
> CoS is small potatoes compared to all that, and I know that many 
> many people
> have similar sentiments.
> I'd
> suggest that maybe we're just practicing and we'll take on the 
> despots
> of the Bush administration next, but
> we're running out of time for that.
> Maybe we can get them when they're
> out of office and can't pardon each
> other.

Totally different game played by different rules and using a 
completely different strategy and tactics.
Didn't you get the memo?

Actually Read The Interwebs Maru


Re: CoS in the news

2008-02-04 Thread Robert Seeberger
What Anonymous hath wrought:

Protests next Sunday in at least 170 cities worldwide with over 
300,000 people participating. And a severe shortage of Guy Fawkes 

Minimums Maru


Re: New Anonymous Vid

2008-02-04 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:11 AM
Subject: Re: New Anonymous Vid

> Thanks, Rob, I passed along the link to a mailing list on which it's
> perfectly acceptable to leave a bare link.  :)  (At least I included 
> a
> subejct line, which doesn't always happen there, either.)
> Oh, and in Austin, in December, there was a Santa Rampage from about 
> 10AM
> until after midnight one Saturday, and at one point, there were a 
> good
> number of Santas in front of the Scientology building on the Drag
> chanting, "Naughty!  Naughty!  Naughty!"  (Heard about this from one 
> of
> the Santas)  Just a little thing, but *something*.

This whole thing is just so crazy. It is as if a cross between "1984" 
and "V For Vendetta" had been written by Phillip Jose Farmer and John 
I think that is why I find it so entertaining and addictive.

My favorite is "Anonymous' Response To The Media":

"Dear News Organizations.
We have been watching your reporting of Anonymous' Conflict with The 
Church of Scientology. As you said. The so called Church of 
Scientology, have actively misused copyright, and trademark law, in 
pursuit of its own agenda. They attempt, not only to subvert free 
speech, but to recklessly pervert justice to silence those who speak 
out against them. We find it interesting that you did not mention the 
other objections in your news reporting. The stifling and punishment 
of dissent within the totalitarian organization of Scientology. The 
numerous, alleged human rights violations. Such as the treatment and 
events that led to the deaths of victims of the cult such as Lisa 
This Cult is Nothing but a psychotically driven pyramid scheme. Why 
are you, the news media. Afraid of discussing these matters?
It is your duty to report on these matters.
You are Failing in your Duty.
Their activities make them an affront to freedom.
Remember. All that is necessary. For the triumph of evil. Is that good 
men do nothing.
This information is Everywhere.
It is your Duty to expose it.
It is easy to find.
Google is your friend.
This is not Religious Persecution.
But the suppression of a powerful, criminal fascist regime.
It is left to Anonymous.
The Church has been declared Fair Game.
It will be dismantled and destroyed.
"When Anonymous, sees an evil fascist brainwashing organization.
Anonymous knows, it has to help mankind.
Because Anonymous knows that it is only Anonymous that can help."
Members of the Church.
Anonymous is not your enemy.
The Church of Scientology is your enemy.
The Church has enslaved you.
Free Yourselves.
Change, does not roll in, on the wheels of inevitability.
But comes through continuous struggle.
Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor.
It must be demanded by the oppressed.

Take it. Demand it.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
This is only the beginning.
Expect us."

The first time I saw this I got chills and began to weep to myself. 
The way anon takes the words of Tom Cruise and throws them back into 
the face of COS, the way they mix this with the words that could come 
from any freedom fighters manifesto, it is brilliance. It resonates 
with my sense of justice. It makes me wonder if there are subsonics 
hacking into my emotional centers in my brain. It is just so 
Anon is promising to make a stand for the general good. Nobody does 
that these days, at least not without looking like a corny goofball. 
But they pretty much seem to be pulling it off, and pulling people in 
with them. Their ranks are said to be growing.
Who knows if they can pull this off. It is most likely they will 
buckle before attaining anything approaching their stated goal.

But it sure is fun to watch, and who knows, they might just get some 
reform out of the COS. 

That's Infotainment! Maru


Re: Polygamy

2008-02-04 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: Polygamy

On 4 Feb 2008, at 14:40, Julia Thompson wrote:

> On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, William T Goodall wrote:
>> On 4 Feb 2008, at 05:10, Julia Thompson wrote:
>>> On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, William T Goodall wrote:

 On 4 Feb 2008, at 03:24, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:

> Keith Henson wrote:
>> Considering that polygamy is the norm for the vast majority of
>> the
>> cultures in the world, it's an interesting question how the
>> western
>> countries, and a few others, became monogamous.  It seems to be
>> associated with settled agriculture but I don't know if there
>> is a
>> connection or why.
> I would guess that it's peace that doomed polygamy. There can't
> be polygamy unless there's more women than men, otherwise
> the men without women will revolt.

 If gay men don't marry women then there are more available women
 straight men.
>>> You're failing to take into account lesbians who have absolutely 
>>> no
>>> interest in men.  (Like several people in one of my social
>>> circles)
>>> That might balance things out somewhat there, putting you back to
>>> square
>>> one.
>> The consensus is that the  proportion of women who are lesbians is
>> much lower than the proportion of men who are gay. If we remove all
>> gay and lesbian people from the equation there is still a surplus 
>> of
>> straight women to straight men. How big a surplus depends on whose
>> numbers for the proportions are correct.
> I think the concensus is off, then.  I think it's close to equal, or
> very
> slightly biased towards more lesbians.
> Do you have sources to cite?  I'd be interested in seeing them if
> you do.

"United States

1990: "Homosexuality/Heterosexuality: Concepts of Sexual Orientation"
published findings of 13.95% of males and 4.25% of females having had
either "extensive" or "more than incidental" homosexual experience. 

1990-1992: The American National Health Interview Survey does
household interviews of the civilian non-institutionalized population.
The results of three of these surveys, done in 1990-1991 and based on
over 9,000 responses each time, found between 2-3% of the people
responding said yes to a set of statements which included "You are a
man who has had sex with another man at some time since 1977, even one
time." [13]

1992: The National Health and Social Life Survey asked 3,432
respondents whether they had any homosexual experience. The findings
were 1.3% for women within the past year, and 4.1% since 18 years; for
men, 2.7% within the past year, and 4.9% since 18 years;[14]

1993: The Alan Guttmacher Institute found of sexually active men aged
20–39 found that 2.3% had experienced same-sex sexual activity in the
last ten years, and 1.1% reported exclusive homosexual contact during
that time.[15]

1993: Researchers Samuel and Cynthia Janus surveyed American adults
aged 18 and over by distributing 4,550 questionnaires; 3,260 were
returned and 2,765 were usable. The results of the cross-sectional
nationwide survey stated men and women who reported frequent or
ongoing homosexual experiences were 9% of men and 5% of women. [16]

1998: A random survey of 1672 males (number used for analysis) aged 15
to 19. Subjects were asked a number of questions, including questions
relating to same-sex activity. This was done using two methods — a
pencil and paper method, and via computer, supplemented by a verbal
rendition of the questionnaire heard through headphones — which
obtained vastly different results. There was a 400% increase in males
reporting homosexual activity when the computer-audio system was used:
from a 1.5% to 5.5% positive response rate; the homosexual behavior
with the greatest reporting difference (800%, adjusted) was to the
question "Ever had receptive anal sex with another male": 0.1% to 

2003: Smith's 2003 analysis of National Opinion Research Center
data[18] states that 4.9% of sexually active American males had had a
male sexual partner since age 18, but that "since age 18 less than 1%
are [exclusively] gay and 4+% bisexual". In the top twelve urban areas
however, the rates are double the national average. Smith adds that
"It is generally believed that including adolescent behavior would
further increase these rates."The NORC data has been criticised
because the original design sampling techniques were not followed, and
depended upon direct self report regarding masturbation and same sex
behaviors. (For example, the original data in the early 1990s reported
that approximately 40% of adult males had never masturbated--a finding
inconsistent with some other studies.)"

Re: Paging Jim

2008-02-02 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 2/2/2008 7:47:21 PM, Jim Sharkey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >Been meaning to send you this:
> >
> >Basically, Portal is a game about a gun that shoots vaginas.
> Rob, I clearly owe you a beer for sharing this with me.  I would
> never have realized the Portal gun was shooting space-bending 
> vaginas
> without it, nor would I have ever caught the feminist undertone in
> the game!  It's all so clear to me now!

I knew there was something familiar about the shape of that portal but 
it never occurred to me either.

> Of course, I might never have seen Chell performing oral sex on
> herself either, and that I probably could have done without.  0_o

I've spent a good number of hours exploring Encyclopedia Dramatica, 
much of it LMAO. A good bit of it is just dumb or profane, but there 
are a few jewels in there.

Over 9000 Maru


One for Pat

2008-02-02 Thread Robert Seeberger
Cat ladies always like stuff like this 

The LOLcat Bible

Oh hai. In teh beginnin Ceiling Cat maded teh skiez An da Urfs, but he 
did not eated dem.
2 Da Urfs no had shapez An haded dark face, An Ceiling Cat rode 
invisible bike over teh waterz.

3 At start, no has lyte. An Ceiling Cat sayz, i can haz lite? An lite 
wuz.4 An Ceiling Cat sawed teh lite, to seez stuffs, An splitted teh 
lite from dark but taht wuz ok cuz kittehs can see in teh dark An not 
tripz over nethin.5 An Ceiling Cat sayed light Day An dark no Day. It 
were FURST!!!1

6 An Ceiling Cat sayed, im in ur waterz makin a ceiling. But he no yet 
make a ur. An he maded a hole in teh Ceiling.7 An Ceiling Cat doed teh 
skiez with waterz down An waterz up. It happen.8 An Ceiling Cat sayed, 
i can has teh firmmint wich iz funny bibel naim 4 ceiling, so wuz teh 
twoth day.

9 An Ceiling Cat gotted all teh waterz in ur base, An Ceiling Cat hadz 
dry placez cuz kittehs DO NOT WANT get wet.10 An Ceiling Cat called no 
waterz urth and waters oshun. Iz good.

11 An Ceiling Cat sayed, DO WANT grass! so tehr wuz seedz An stufs, An 
fruitzors An vegbatels. An a Corm. It happen.12 An Ceiling Cat sawed 
that weedz ish good, so, letz there be weedz.13 An so teh threeth day 

14 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has lightz in the skiez for splittin 
day An no day.15 It happen, lights everwear, like christmass, srsly.16 
An Ceiling Cat doeth two grate lightz, teh most big for day, teh other 
for no day.17 An Ceiling Cat screw tehm on skiez, with big nails An 
stuff, to lite teh Urfs.18 An tehy rulez day An night. Ceiling Cat 
sawed. Iz good.19 An so teh furth day w00t.

20 An Ceiling Cat sayed, waterz bring me phishes, An burds, so kittehs 
can eat dem. But Ceiling Cat no eated dem.21 An Ceiling Cat maed big 
fishies An see monstrs, which wuz like big cows, except they no mood, 
An other stuffs dat mooves, An Ceiling Cat sawed iz good.22 An Ceiling 
Cat sed O hai, make bebehs kthx. An dont worry i wont watch u secksy, 
i not that kynd uf kitteh.23 An so teh...fith day. Ceiling Cat taek a 
wile 2 cawnt.

24 An Ceiling Cat sayed, i can has MOAR living stuff, mooes, An 
creepie tings, An otehr aminals. It happen so tehre.25 An Ceiling Cat 
doed moar living stuff, mooes, An creepies, An otehr animuls, An did 
not eated tehm.

26 An Ceiling Cat sayed, letz us do peeps like uz, becuz we ish teh 
qte, An let min p0wnz0r becuz tehy has can openers.

27 So Ceiling Cat createded teh peeps taht waz like him, can has can 
openers he maed tehm, min An womin wuz maeded, but he did not eated 

28 An Ceiling Cat sed them O hai maek bebehs kthx, An p0wn teh waterz, 
no waterz An teh firmmint, An evry stufs.

29 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, the Urfs, I has it, An I has not 
eated it.30 For evry createded stufs tehre are the fuudz, to the 
burdies, teh creepiez, An teh mooes, so tehre. It happen. Iz good.

31 An Ceiling Cat sayed, Beholdt, teh good enouf for releaze as 
version 0.8a. kthxbai.


The Strange Beliefs Of Cats Maru



Re: Paging Jim

2008-02-02 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 1:04 PM
Subject: RE: Paging Jim

> Julia Thompson wrote:
>>My off-list e-mails to you are bouncing, your e-mail provider
>>doesn't like my e-mail provider or something. :( Just wanted to say,
>>I'll check it out next week and may pass along info to other 
> That's odd.  I have your address on my safe list, and have for some
> time now.  >(
> Anyway, give that a look; one of my LJ/forum friends is involved in 
> it
> and it seems kind of interesting.

Been meaning to send you this:

Basically, Portal is a game about a gun that shoots vaginas.

Portal Of Birth Maru


Re: CoS in the news

2008-02-01 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: CoS in the news

> On 28 Jan 2008, at 03:47, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> How could a law protect these genuine religions
>>> and also ban the original Scientologists at the same time?
>> Easily! You take away the COSI's tax-exempt status away and give it 
>> to
>> the splinter groups. That would do more to damage the COS and 
>> enhance
>> a measure of justice than just about anything else. BTW, that is
>> basically what Anonymous is trying to achieve by causing 
>> *exposure*.
> My point was - how do you do that? Since we have established that
> Scientology can pass the religion test it would have to be because 
> it
> does awful things under the guise of religion. Like the the
> Unification Church. Or the the Catholic Church sheltering pedophile
> priests.  Or the fact that under Islam the penalty for  converting
> from the true faith is death.
> Rose sellers Maru.
Hare Krishnas they aint!

But for some info The Economist spouts:

"An online onslaught against Scientology

A VICIOUS cult run by cynical fraudsters, or a sincerely held 
religious belief persecuted by zealots? That is the long-standing row 
about Scientology, founded by the late science-fiction writer, L. Ron 
Hubbard. In some countries, such as Germany, the group is watched by 
the security services. In others, such as America and Australia, it 
has won charitable status as a religion.

Until now the fight could mostly be seen as one-sided. Scientology's 
lawyers are vigorous litigants. The group argues that its internal 
materials (which claim, among other things, that expensive courses of 
treatment can help rid people of infestation by alien souls from an 
extinct civilisation) are commercially confidential and protected by 
copyright. They react sharply to any perceived libel.

As a result, public critics of what they derisively term “$cientology” 
risk expensive legal battles. For example, a new unauthorised 
biography of Tom Cruise by a British author, Andrew Morton, contains 
detailed and highly critical material about the film star's 
involvement in Scientology. It is a bestseller in America but has not 
been published in Britain. The publisher, St Martin's Press, has even 
asked internet booksellers not to ship it to foreign customers. Though 
Scientology representatives vehemently deny breaking any laws, critics 
have claimed that they experience intensive harassment and 

Now Scientology is under attack from a group of internet activists 
known only as Anonymous. Organised from a Wikipedia-style website 
(editable by anyone) and through anonymous internet chat rooms, 
“Project Chanology”, as the initiative is known, presents no easy 
target for Scientology's lawyers. It is promoting cyberwarfare 
techniques normally associated with extortionists, spies and 
terrorists. Called “distributed denial of service attacks”, these 
typically involve using networks of infected computers to bombard the 
target's websites and servers with bogus requests for data, causing 
them to crash. Even governments find this troublesome.

Anonymous is also hoping to galvanise public opinion with a mass 
“real-world” protest outside every Scientology office worldwide on 
February 10th. But its best weapon may be ridicule. The group got 
going in reaction to efforts to ban an internal Scientology video of 
Mr Cruise that leaked onto the internet. The star appears to discuss 
his beliefs with a degree of incoherence and exaggeration that might 
lead some to question Scientology's effects on its adherents' sanity. 
A Scientology spokesman says it has been selectively edited. Several 
internet sites have taken it down after threats of lawsuits. But it 
keeps popping up. "

Same tactics as the Jesuits, right?



I Heir You Leik Mudkips Maru



Anonymous' next target: Princess Biscuit

2008-01-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

I laughed til I almost pissed myself.

Hey Deb! Maru


Fw: New Anonymous Vid

2008-01-29 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: New Anonymous Vid

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:11 AM
> Subject: Re: New Anonymous Vid
>> Thanks, Rob, I passed along the link to a mailing list on which 
>> it's
>> perfectly acceptable to leave a bare link.  :)  (At least I 
>> included a
>> subejct line, which doesn't always happen there, either.)
>> Oh, and in Austin, in December, there was a Santa Rampage from 
>> about 10AM
>> until after midnight one Saturday, and at one point, there were a 
>> good
>> number of Santas in front of the Scientology building on the Drag
>> chanting, "Naughty!  Naughty!  Naughty!"  (Heard about this from 
>> one of
>> the Santas)  Just a little thing, but *something*.
> LOL!
> This whole thing is just so crazy. It is as if a cross between 
> "1984" and "V For Vendetta" had been written by Phillip Jose Farmer 
> and John Scalzi.
> I think that is why I find it so entertaining and addictive.
> My favorite is "Anonymous' Response To The Media":
> "Dear News Organizations.
> We have been watching your reporting of Anonymous' Conflict with The 
> Church of Scientology. As you said. The so called Church of 
> Scientology, have actively misused copyright, and trademark law, in 
> pursuit of its own agenda. They attempt, not only to subvert free 
> speech, but to recklessly pervert justice to silence those who speak 
> out against them. We find it interesting that you did not mention 
> the other objections in your news reporting. The stifling and 
> punishment of dissent within the totalitarian organization of 
> Scientology. The numerous, alleged human rights violations. Such as 
> the treatment and events that led to the deaths of victims of the 
> cult such as Lisa McPherson.
> This Cult is Nothing but a psychotically driven pyramid scheme. Why 
> are you, the news media. Afraid of discussing these matters?
> It is your duty to report on these matters.
> You are Failing in your Duty.
> Their activities make them an affront to freedom.
> Remember. All that is necessary. For the triumph of evil. Is that 
> good men do nothing.
> This information is Everywhere.
> It is your Duty to expose it.
> It is easy to find.
> Google is your friend.
> This is not Religious Persecution.
> But the suppression of a powerful, criminal fascist regime.
> It is left to Anonymous.
> The Church has been declared Fair Game.
> It will be dismantled and destroyed.
> "When Anonymous, sees an evil fascist brainwashing organization.
> Anonymous knows, it has to help mankind.
> Because Anonymous knows that it is only Anonymous that can help."
> Members of the Church.
> Anonymous is not your enemy.
> The Church of Scientology is your enemy.
> The Church has enslaved you.
> Free Yourselves.
> Change, does not roll in, on the wheels of inevitability.
> But comes through continuous struggle.
> Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor.
> It must be demanded by the oppressed.
> Take it. Demand it.
> We are Anonymous.
> We are Legion.
> We do not Forgive.
> We do not Forget.
> This is only the beginning.
> Expect us."
> The first time I saw this I got chills and began to weep to myself. 
> The way anon takes the words of Tom Cruise and throws them back into 
> the face of COS, the way they mix this with the words that could 
> come from any freedom fighters manifesto, it is brilliance. It 
> resonates with my sense of justice. It makes me wonder if there are 
> subsonics hacking into my emotional centers in my brain. It is 
> just so unreasonable.
> Anon is promising to make a stand for the general good. Nobody does 
> that these days, at least not without looking like a corny goofball. 
> But they pretty much seem to be pulling it off, and pulling people 
> in with them. Their ranks are said to be growing.
> Who knows if they can pull this off. It is most likely they will 
> buckle before attaining anything approaching their stated goal.
> But it sure is fun to watch, and who knows, they might just get some 
> reform out of the COS. 
> xponent
> That's Infotainment! Maru
> rob


New Anonymous Vid

2008-01-27 Thread Robert Seeberger

"It has come to the attention of Anonymous that there are a number of 
you out there who do not clearly understand what we are or why we have 
undertaken our present course of action. Contrary to the assumptions 
of the media, Anonymous is not "a group of super hackers". Anonymous 
is a collective of individuals united by an awareness that someone 
must do the right thing, that someone must bring light to the 
darkness, that someone must open the eyes of a public that has 
slumbered for far too long. Among our numbers you will find 
individuals from all walks of life - lawyers, parents, IT 
professionals, members of law enforcement, college students, 
veterinary technicians and more. Anonymous is everyone and everywhere. 
We have no leaders, no single entity directing us - only the 
collective outrage of individuals, guiding our hand in the current 
efforts to bring awareness.We want you to be aware of the very real 
dangers of Scientology. We want you to know about the gross human 
rights violations committed by this cult. We want you to know about 
Lisa McPhearson. We want you to know about former members of 
Scientology's private navy, SeaOrg, who were forced to have abortions 
so that they could continue in service to the church. We want you to 
know about Scientology's use of child labor and their gulags. We want 
you to know about Operation Freakout and Paulette Cooper. We want you 
to know about Operation Snow White and Scientology's efforts to 
infiltrate the government of the United States of America.We want you 
to know about all of these things that have been swept under the rug 
for far too long. The information is out there. It is yours for the 
taking. Arm yourself with knowledge. Be very wary of the 10th of 
February. Anonymous invites you to join us in an act of solidarity. 
Anonymous invites you to take up the banner of free speech, of human 
rights, of family and freedom. Join us in protest outside of 
Scientology centers world wide. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do 
not forgive. We do not forget. We will be heard. Expect us."

Totally Skiffy!

Sci-Fi Maru


Re: CoS in the news

2008-01-27 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: CoS in the news

> On 28 Jan 2008, at 01:19, Doug Pensinger wrote:
>> William wrote:
>>> On 27 Jan 2008, at 21:49, Julia Thompson wrote:

 If the Scientologists have a schism, each side's lawyers will be 
 suing the other side that it'll all collapse sooner rather than
 later, and
 that will be the end of that.
>>> Or they could be like the  Sunni and Shi'a.
>>> Same but different Maru.
>>> From Wiki:
>> Although "Scientology" is most often used as shorthand for the
>> Church of
>> Scientology , a
>> number
>> of groups practice Scientology and Dianetics outside of the 
>> official
>> Church.
>> Some groups are breakaways from the original Church while others 
>> have
>> started up independently. The Church labels these as
>> "apostates"
>> (or "squirrels" in Scientology
>> jargon)
>> and often subjects them to considerable legal and social pressure.
>> These
>> groups avoid the name "Scientology" so as to keep from being
>> sued,
>> instead referring to themselves collectively as the Free
>> Zone.
>> Such groups include Ron's Org and the International Freezone
>> Association,
>> among others.
> Clearly these schismatic groups can't be termed fake religions under
> the criteria Rob was suggesting and yet they share most of the 
> beliefs
> of the original group.

To some degree I would agree here, but even that is dependent on how 
the splinter groups conduct their business. Still, any flavor of 
Scientology is more of a philosophical movement than an actual 
religion in the traditional sense even though it might satisfy a 
clinical definition say.the way a cargo cult would.


"The actions of the Church of Scientology have brought a storm of 
criticism upon the organization. Scientologists frequently compare the 
criticism of Scientology to the persecution of members of the Jewish 
faith, but the many actions of the organization have been decidedly 
non-religious in nature.

However, there are people who believe in the power of Dianetics. These 
people, who categorize themselves as the Free Zone, have broken away 
from the fascist control of Scientology; instead, they are applying 
the "tech" of Hubbard's writings to their own beliefs, transforming it 
into a philosophy of their own. The "official" Church of Scientology 
is terrified of the Free Zone and its appeal, for they believe that if 
knowledge of the Free Zone were to spread through the ranks of the 
Church, many people would break away from Scientology and form their 
own individual factions of Scientology. These denominations would be 
independent of Scientology's control…and this means that the Church of 
Scientology would not receive any money from the Free Zone. This 
concept contrasts with Hubbard's official policy, so the Church of 
Scientology is doing everything it can to wipe out the Free Zone.

But as with its attempts to silence its critics, the Church of 
Scientology is failing. The Free Zone is expanding, and despite the 
best efforts of the "official" Church of Scientology to present itself 
as a religion, the Free Zone may well be the true source for the 
religion of Scientology."

I think this points to the difference in our opinions on the subject. 
You see Scientology as a religion first and as a steaming pile of 
totalitarian crap second.

I see Scientology as a totalitarian mind-control/pyramid-scheme first 
and any expectations of a religious nature only at the fringes of 
their concern, and that only to the purpose of the preservation of 
their tax-exempt status here in the US.

>How could a law protect these genuine religions
> and also ban the original Scientologists at the same time?
Easily! You take away the COSI's tax-exempt status away and give it to 
the splinter groups. That would do more to damage the COS and enhance 
a measure of justice than just about anything else. BTW, that is 
basically what Anonymous is trying to achieve by causing *exposure*.

About Money Maru



2008-01-27 Thread Robert Seeberger

The bad thing is that I had to have this explained to me. I had seen 
this all before but never tied it in when viewing the picture.

Then I LMAO Maru


Re: CoS in the news

2008-01-27 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: CoS in the news

> On 27 Jan 2008, at 03:28, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> On 1/26/2008 8:47:30 PM, William T Goodall ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> wrote:
>>> On 27 Jan 2008, at 02:27, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>>>> - Original Message -
>>>> From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> Just ban all religions. That would solve the problem.
>>>> That might be a reasonable response if Scientology were in fact a
>>>> religion.
>>> What makes you think that it isn't?
>> Considering your point of view on all things religious, this could 
>> be
>> a difficult discussion. So if you consider The Church Of The Jedi 
>> or
>> Pastafarianism to be bonafide religions, then there is no point in 
>> us
>> wasting our time.
> 1) The intent of the founder of a religion is not part of the
> definition of whether it is or is not a religion for very obvious
> reasons:
> a) We can't know the real intent of the founder.
> b) Discussion of religion degenerates into attacks on the character 
> of
> the founders rather than the practices of the religion.
> 2) Whether the founder of a religion was a fraud who made it up for
> selfish purposes or a genuinely insane person with voices in his 
> head
> is neither here nor there - the religion is the same sick nonsense
> either way.
> 3) An inscrutable god might choose a false prophet to deliver true
> religion. Since inscrutable gods do those kind of things :)
> 4) Just because a religion is made up as a joke and everyone knows 
> it
> doesn't mean it's not a real religion e.g. Discordianism.  Being
> *actually true* can't be part of the definition of religion for
> obvious reasons.
> a) *At most* one religion can be true, yet there are thousands of
> religions.

So... you concede there are no grounds for discussion.

Oh, BTW...

1 Apple
1a Apple
1b Apple vs MS
2 Apple vs MS vs Linux
4a Unix and any derivation thereof

>> If you do indeed draw a line between organizations with origins 
>> that
>> arise from actual faith and those who are scams perpetrated for
>> various reasons when defining religions then we might have 
>> something
>> to discuss.
> So Christianity is a scam because of the existence of greedy lying
> televangelists and mega-church pastors? Or it's not a scam despite
> them since some people genuinely believe it? But some people 
> genuinely
> believe Scientology too.
Even you know that not all Christianity is televangelists and 
mega-churches, but you must be aware that all of Scientology is a 
bloated pyramid scheme regardless of what the common member believes. 
Lots of Christians have a low opinion of televangelists and the like 
and don't pay them heed. A Scientologist isn't allowed that freedom.

Totalitarian Maru


Re: CoS in the news

2008-01-26 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/26/2008 8:47:30 PM, William T Goodall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On 27 Jan 2008, at 02:27, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >> Just ban all religions. That would solve the problem.
> >>
> >
> > That might be a reasonable response if Scientology were in fact a
> > religion.
> What makes you think that it isn't?

Considering your point of view on all things religious, this could be 
a difficult discussion. So if you consider The Church Of The Jedi or 
Pastafarianism to be bonafide religions, then there is no point in us 
wasting our time.
If you do indeed draw a line between organizations with origins that 
arise from actual faith and those who are scams perpetrated for 
various reasons when defining religions then we might have something 
to discuss.

I would expect you are aware of the history of Sci/Dia but if not, as 
Anonymous says, "Google is your friend".

> Quacks like a duck Maru.
Sounds more like the barking of Lawyers to my ear.

Have you seen "Anonymous' Response To The Media"?
This, to me, is the single most science fictional real-life-event of 
my lifetime. Offhand I cannot recall anything that resonated with my 
favorite genre the way this story does.
You always hear people say "You can't make this stuff up", but in this 
case every aspect of it is like something "made up". Probably because 
every aspect of it is.

The Silence Of The Scientologists Maru


Re: The Clinic Seed

2008-01-26 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/26/2008 8:47:13 PM, Doug Pensinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> So has anyone else read Kieth's story?

I read it a while back when the link was posted before. It is quite 

Orions Arm Maru


Re: CoS in the news

2008-01-26 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: CoS in the news

> On 25 Jan 2008, at 23:18, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:33 PM
>> Subject: RE: CoS in the news
>>> Because I love you guys, I give you the CS orientation video:
>>> It's pretty funny stuff.
>> Because I love my country, I ask that you read this:
>> Right now I am angry, very angry. And to some degree I am angry 
>> with
>> myself for forgetting just how bad these people are.
>> All my life we have talked about the methods the evil people in the
>> world use to subjugate those with less power. And we felt more that 
>> a
>> bit superior because we were Americans and we didn't cotton to such
>> behavior.
>> But here we see that the evils we abhor have taken root in our own
>> nation and are spreading out through the world from *our* soil. It 
>> is
>> small wonder that the nation of Germany has set to outlaw this 
>> group.
>> In my opinion we should do the same.
> Just ban all religions. That would solve the problem.

That might be a reasonable response if Scientology were in fact a 

Tards Maru


Re: CoS in the news

2008-01-26 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Curtis Burisch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion'" 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 2:58 AM
Subject: RE: CoS in the news

> Curtis
> Someone tell me what the story is with Maru?

I really ned to put this on a webpage.

>> What is Maru?
>> H..good question.
>> Maru is a ship, a Japanese ship.
>> Maru is also a defense against the cultural imperialism of the
>> Culture
>> mailing list with their GSVs and ROUs.(That's a different
>> discussion
>> though)
>> Maru is a way of adding remarks at the end of a message in a way
>> that
>> is distinctive and exclusive to Brin-L.
>> If you see someone who uses a Maru shipname, they are from Brin-L.
>> Maru is a means to crack a joke, make an observation, or poke a
>> stick
>> in someone's eye.
>> And below is the background from which it was derived.
>> ***
>> The word "maru" originated in the seventh century and has since
>> come
>> to
>>> serve as a popular name for a host of Japanese vessels. The first
>>> ship to use the suffix is said to have been the 16th century ship
>>> called the Nipon Maru, built by the legendary Toyotomi Hideyoschi.
>>> However, despite its widespread use, the word has never been
>>> graced
>>> with a definitive definition.
>>> Our attempts to muster a universal meaning of the term maru have
>>> all
>>> ended in frustration, with each possibility smothered in a
>>> down-pour
>>> of vaguery. For instance, one Japanese reference worker gave as
>>> many
>>> as fourteen meanings for maru, while another offered at least five
>>> additional meanings without including all the other fourteen.
>>> These misunderstandings and discrepancies have arisen from the
>>> fact
>>> that maru is a word laced with suggestiveness. Here is a selection
>>> of some of the explanations we have found.
>>> Possible meanings
>>> The term maru originally seemed to act as a form of compliment
>>> when
>>> attached to certain personal names.
>>> For example, people seemed to be bestowing respect upon the eighth
>>> century poet Hitomaru Kikinomoto by attaching the term to his
>>> name.
>>> It could also be seen as a term of endearment rather like a
>>> diminutive, as in the juvenile name Ushiwakamaru, of the
>>> twelfth-century general Yoshitsune Minamoto.
>>> Gradually the word was thrown to the dogs, literally, as people
>>> became accustomed to bestowing it upon their pet animals. Other
>>> names which received the maru blessing included a precious utensil
>>> used perhaps in some kind of tea ceremony or even the favoured
>>> tool
>>> of a deft craftsman. Another example of this maru phenomenon can
>>> be
>>> found in the mighty sword Mura-same-Maru; this famous blade of the
>>> seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was supposed to be so potent
>>> that whoever owned it, regardless of his own intent, was destined
>>> to
>>> kill somebody sooner or later.
>>> The term maru also became associated with the concept of a circle.
>>> This circular affinity suggested completeness, entirety,
>>> wholeness;
>>> notions which the image of a circle seems to symbolise.
>>> Indeed, the connotation of 'wholeness' perhaps led to the use of
>>> maru to mean 'one entire hour' and also as a term for the fanciful
>>> frying of a 'whole' animal, as opposed to a mere handful of
>>> giblets.
>>> In addition to all these other meanings, it also has an
>>> association
>>> with 'dust', while at the same time referring to 'those naive in
>>> love', hence the wistful phrase "dusty lover".
>>> Maru and ships
>>> Having sashayed through the multifarious meanings of maru, it is
>>> now
>>> time to cut to the chase, examining it in the context of ships.
>>> The
>>> use of maru in a ship name would seem to express the hope that the
>>> ship will defend those aboard against all perils of the sea, being
>>> as complete as a circle, as trustworthy as a sword and as virile
>>> as
>>> a master craftsman's favourite tool. In addition to this, it also
>>> carried a feeling of attachment or endearment, such as that felt
>>> by
>>> one "dusty lover" for another. Also, unlike most other countries,
>>> a
>>> ship in Japan is referred to as a male and in adding "maru" to the
>>> ships name, as was done with young boys in olden times, the ship
>>> was
>>> protected from harm.
>>> In the 1905 edition of Basil Hall Chamberlain's "Things Japanese"
>>> he
>>> says of `maru' "It is often asked: what does the word Maru mean in
>>> the names of ships ...?" His answer is:
>>> a.. the real meaning is obscure
>>> b.. it is probably merging of two words: `maru' and `maro', which
>>> was a term of endearment.
>>> c.. it used to be used for swords, armour, parts of castles, etc.
>>> too.
>>> ***
>>> From India, the

Re: CoS in the news

2008-01-25 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:33 PM
Subject: RE: CoS in the news

> Because I love you guys, I give you the CS orientation video:
> It's pretty funny stuff.

Because I love my country, I ask that you read this:

Right now I am angry, very angry. And to some degree I am angry with 
myself for forgetting just how bad these people are.
All my life we have talked about the methods the evil people in the 
world use to subjugate those with less power. And we felt more that a 
bit superior because we were Americans and we didn't cotton to such 
But here we see that the evils we abhor have taken root in our own 
nation and are spreading out through the world from *our* soil. It is 
small wonder that the nation of Germany has set to outlaw this group. 
In my opinion we should do the same.

Hard To Do Though Maru


Re: Scientology in the news

2008-01-23 Thread Robert Seeberger
Anudder update..this one is really making the rounds:

On 1/23/2008 4:11:46 PM, Robert Seeberger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> powerful-enemy
> - Original Message -
> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:31 PM
> Subject: Scientology in the news
> > Probably for the best that our man K not comment on this for 
> > obvious
> > reasons.
> >
> > But I have been enjoying the recent COS (L.Ron's bane) news 
> > lately.


Re: Scientology in the news

2008-01-23 Thread Robert Seeberger

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 7:31 PM
Subject: Scientology in the news

> Probably for the best that our man K not comment on this for obvious 
> reasons.
> But I have been enjoying the recent COS (L.Ron's bane) news lately.
> First was the extremely funny and insane video that made the rounds 
> with T.C. (Risky Business, Mission Impossible) making an utter ass 
> of himself.
> Then there was the standard COS threats to sue for copyright 
> infringement that were pretty much ignored by the masses until the 
> major news networks picked up the story.
> Then some hacking of COS sponsored websites and the expected COS 
> bounty on the perps.dead or reported on the COS 
> sponsored Religious Freedom Watch website. Digg picks it up and now 
> that site is in a toast coma...hahahaha!!!
> (Prominent on RFW site is an injuction against K)
> It occurs to me that if the COS thinks it can continue to piss off 
> and/or insult the haxxors and script kiddies they are going to find 
> their online outlets in a damaged condition with regularity.
> Who needs TV when you have this kind of humor, action, and drama 
> available.
> xponent
> Spectator Sports Maru
> rob
> ___


Re: Singularity (WARNING: Sarah Connors Chronicles spoiler)

2008-01-22 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/22/2008 9:14:59 PM, jon louis mann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> maybe [...] we can find out what's down with the jumper
> jon
> Looked to me like the jumper herself was down.
> Splat!!! Maru
> -- Ronn!  :)
> sicko!~)
> jon

What makes you think the jumper is part of the ongoing storyline?
It just impressed me as a momentary event that illustrated how screwed 
up the school John is going to is. Like the metal detectors at the 

Time Change Maru


Scientology in the news

2008-01-22 Thread Robert Seeberger
Probably for the best that our man K not comment on this for obvious 

But I have been enjoying the recent COS (L.Ron's bane) news lately.
First was the extremely funny and insane video that made the rounds 
with T.C. (Risky Business, Mission Impossible) making an utter ass of 
Then there was the standard COS threats to sue for copyright 
infringement that were pretty much ignored by the masses until the 
major news networks picked up the story.
Then some hacking of COS sponsored websites and the expected COS 
bounty on the perps.dead or reported on the COS 
sponsored Religious Freedom Watch website. Digg picks it up and now 
that site is in a toast coma...hahahaha!!!
(Prominent on RFW site is an injuction against K)

It occurs to me that if the COS thinks it can continue to piss off 
and/or insult the haxxors and script kiddies they are going to find 
their online outlets in a damaged condition with regularity.

Who needs TV when you have this kind of humor, action, and drama 

Spectator Sports Maru


Re: Portal (was RE: Fundamentalist Wisdom)

2008-01-21 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/21/2008 7:06:27 AM, Jim Sharkey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >Jim Sharkey wrote:
> >>William T Goodall wrote:
> >>>Evolution is a lie
> >>So is the cake.
> > I was going to have a party and invite all your friends.
> I'm glad at least someone knew that one.  Despite its brevity, I 
> think
> Portal ought to be game of the year.  It was fun, darkly hilarious,
> and features a great Jonathon Coulton song at the end.  What's
> not to
> love?
> And the best part is it requires very few "twitch" skills.  I 
> honestly
> think it's a game almost anyone could enjoy.

To me it was like an overblown intelligence test. You really have to 
twist your mind to figure out how to progress through some of the 

I bought the Orange Box after listening to people talk about how great 
it was for months figuring I'd play TF2 since I loved the original TF. 
I couldn't play TF because my PC had a crappy Nvidia 5200 card, but I 
suffered through *all* the HL2 episodes with the 5200 and in 
frustration upgraded to a 7300GT only to find it still isn't quite 
powerful enough to give good frame rates, but is just good enough to 
play the games.
(The fact that my MB is old enough to still have an AGP graphic slot 
and not PCI-E should say a lot..3.2Ghz single core)
By the time I got around to Portal, I was getting barely acceptable 
frames and having a blast. Portal *is* the game of the year without a 
doubt and the rumors that HL3 will have the Portal Gun as a feature 
have me eagerly anticipating.

Can Barely Play TF Maru


Brin: Dolphin wheels

2008-01-20 Thread Robert Seeberger

Them Fins sure are smart!

Bubble Bobble Maru


RE: Fundamentalist Wisdom

2008-01-20 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/20/2008 2:22:01 PM, Jim Sharkey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >William T Goodall wrote:
> >Evolution is a lie
> So is the cake.
 I was going to have a party and invite all your friends.

Portal Maru


Re: Young Earth Math?

2008-01-17 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/17/2008 8:32:01 PM, Warren Ockrassa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On Jan 17, 2008, at 7:27 PM, William T Goodall wrote:
> > So a lot of fundies are using the nails of faith to keep the 
> > closet
> > door shut?
> Could be they're either (1) looking for ways to strengthen 
> themselves
> against their "sinful urges"; or (2) miserable teens trying to self-
> loathe into heterosexuality; or (3) perverted youth pastors trying 
> to
> figure out what percentage of their summer-camp flock might be
> amenable to a little late-night hike "down by the riverside", if you
> know what I mean.

Conservapedia >< Conservatives>< Republicans>< Gay Sex Scandals in 

Maybe they can get Mercury Morris to do a commercial

[Cat scan movie of hot oral action (you know what I'm talking about)]
"This is your brain"
"This is your brain on cock"
"Any conservatives?"
[Cue background music: Queen's "I Want It All"]

I don't know if there is any real point to this, but it makes me LMAO 
(I find abject denial to be funny, does that make me a bad person?)

No Drinking At The Keyboard Please Maru


Contact lenses with circuits

2008-01-17 Thread Robert Seeberger

Movie characters from the Terminator to the Bionic Woman use bionic 
eyes to zoom in on far-off scenes, have useful facts pop into their 
field of view, or create virtual crosshairs. Off the screen, virtual 
displays have been proposed for more practical purposes - visual aids 
to help vision-impaired people, holographic driving control panels and 
even as a way to surf the Web on the go.

The device to make this happen may be familiar. Engineers at the 
University of Washington have for the first time used manufacturing 
techniques at microscopic scales to combine a flexible, biologically 
safe contact lens with an imprinted electronic circuit and lights.

"Looking through a completed lens, you would see what the display is 
generating superimposed on the world outside," said Babak Parviz, a UW 
assistant professor of electrical engineering. "This is a very small 
step toward that goal, but I think it's extremely promising." The 
results were presented today at the Institute of Electrical and 
Electronics Engineers' international conference on Micro Electro 
Mechanical Systems by Harvey Ho, a former graduate student of Parviz's 
now working at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, Calif. Other 
co-authors are Ehsan Saeedi and Samuel Kim in the UW's electrical 
engineering department and Tueng Shen in the UW Medical Center's 
ophthalmology department.

There are many possible uses for virtual displays. Drivers or pilots 
could see a vehicle's speed projected onto the windshield. Video-game 
companies could use the contact lenses to completely immerse players 
in a virtual world without restricting their range of motion. And for 
communications, people on the go could surf the Internet on a midair 
virtual display screen that only they would be able to see.

"People may find all sorts of applications for it that we have not 
thought about. Our goal is to demonstrate the basic technology and 
make sure it works and that it's safe," said Parviz, who heads a 
multi-disciplinary UW group that is developing electronics for contact 

The prototype device contains an electric circuit as well as red 
light-emitting diodes for a display, though it does not yet light up. 
The lenses were tested on rabbits for up to 20 minutes and the animals 
showed no adverse effects.

Ideally, installing or removing the bionic eye would be as easy as 
popping a contact lens in or out, and once installed the wearer would 
barely know the gadget was there, Parviz said.

Building the lenses was a challenge because materials that are safe 
for use in the body, such as the flexible organic materials used in 
contact lenses, are delicate. Manufacturing electrical circuits, 
however, involves inorganic materials, scorching temperatures and 
toxic chemicals. Researchers built the circuits from layers of metal 
only a few nanometers thick, about one thousandth the width of a human 
hair, and constructed light-emitting diodes one third of a millimeter 
across. They then sprinkled the grayish powder of electrical 
components onto a sheet of flexible plastic. The shape of each tiny 
component dictates which piece it can attach to, a microfabrication 
technique known as self-assembly. Capillary forces - the same type of 
forces that make water move up a plant's roots, and that cause the 
edge of a glass of water to curve upward - pull the pieces into 

The prototype contact lens does not correct the wearer's vision, but 
the technique could be used on a corrective lens, Parviz said. And all 
the gadgetry won't obstruct a person's view.

"There is a large area outside of the transparent part of the eye that 
we can use for placing instrumentation," Parviz said. Future 
improvements will add wireless communication to and from the lens. The 
researchers hope to power the whole system using a combination of 
radio-frequency power and solar cells placed on the lens, Parviz said.

A full-fledged display won't be available for a while, but a version 
that has a basic display with just a few pixels could be operational 
"fairly quickly," according to Parviz.


Future Collisions Maru



Re: US Doomed

2008-01-15 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/15/2008 6:58:55 PM, John Garcia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2008 7:21 PM, Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 1/15/08, John Garcia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > ... This is a guy who
> doesn't believe in
> > > evolution.
> >
> >
> > He apparently believes it's
> just fine for the Constitution to evolve a
> > bit.
> > Or would that be "devolve?"
> >
> > Nick
> >
> >
> Devolve for sure. Huckabee is just another (albeit charismatic)
> politician
> trying to remake the world they way he wants it to be. Alas, his 
> world is
> not the world I want to live in. I
> wouldn't leave the US if he won, but my
> attitude would be (to quote some friends of mine)
> "Oh, it's
> on now mr fr!"
Exactly why some interpret the second amendment the way they do, just 
for such occasions..and as a threat against such.

Judgment Day Maru


Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-12 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
To: "'Killer Bs (David Brin et al) Discussion'" 
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2008 11:24 PM
Subject: RE: Take that, Iowa!!

>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>> Behalf Of Jim Sharkey
>> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:08 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Take that, Iowa!!
>> I'm sure some of you knew this, what with your big brains and all,
>> but I found it interesting:
>> _Scientific American_ is saying grass as a source of ethanol has 
>> the
>> potential to be vastly more efficient than corn.  Pretty cool 
>> stuff,
>> I think.
> I've been busy, but I'm sorta back.
> Unfortunately, when the numbers are crunched, it doesn't look very 
> good.  I
> have a blog on the Scientific American website that looked into the
> fundamental numbers.
> I looked at 2006 numbers for a baseline.  I didn't include the 
> energy price
> of ethanol, so these numbers overstate the viability of ethonal.
> In 2006, 4.9 billion gallons of ethanol were produced.  That's a 
> yield of
> about 2.3 gal/bushel.a bit lower than the estimate I gave. 4.9 
> billion
> gallons of ethanol replace 3.3 billion gallons of gasoline.or about 
> 2.4% of
> gasoline consumption. 100% of the crop would give 5x that amount, or 
> 12%.
> That's slightly less than the 13% I estimated earlier.which means 
> that the
> 2.6 gallons/bushel was a bit optimistic.
> These yields are for a high density crop usually grown on the best 
> land with
> intense cultivation.  I cranked the numbers for switchgrass, and the 
> nominal
> yield of ethanol per acre on cultivated land is less than half of 
> that of
> corn.  It still might be better, due to a lower energy costs for 
> production,
> but it won't be better than my analysis which ignored the energy 
> cost of
> ethanol.
> In 2006, the US had about 320,000 sq. km of the best farmland 
> dedicated to
> corn.  In 2002, the US had about 1.760 million sq. km cultivated in 
> all
> crops (I couldn't easily find 2006 data for the total..but 2002 
> should give
> order of magnitude). The total land area of the US about 3.8 million 
> sq. km,
> of which about 0.5 million is in Alaska, which I will not consider 
> potential
> crop land. So, most of the Continental US and Hawaii is already crop
> there is not a lot of land just waiting to be used.  Some, 
> like
> the SW desert and the mountains are virtually impossible to use, so 
> it is
> very difficult for me to see how any significant contribution to our 
> energy
> supply will be afforded by ethanol.
> Then why the subsidy?  Two words: farm lobby.
I agree with you on almost every point here, especially when you point 
out the farm lobby. There are aspects of the American ethanol industry 
that are quite problematic.
And I think most would agree that supplanting food crops to enhance 
energy production is a pretty bad idea.
As I understood the original switchgrass proposals made a few years 
ago, switchgrass was supposed to be grown in addition to and not 
instead of other crops. The reason this was proposed was that 
switchgrass (and several other hardy grasses) would easily grow in 
areas considered marginal to poor (or worse) for other crops. Grasses 
could be grown on highway right-of-ways or to prevent erosion on 
hillsides and riversides. It would grow in swamps. It could even be 
grown in fallow fields if the need arose.
Our fuel standard is currently E15 and moving toward E85, but I have 
not seen any proposals for E100. So I don't think this will be a long 
term problem/solution.  Hopefully, we will have better alternatives in 
just a few years and won't have to burn anything more complex than 
hydrogen to move us and our goods around.

Like this from the Wikipedia article for Gallium:

"Aluminum is reactive enough to reduce water to hydrogen, being 
oxidized to aluminium oxide. However, the aluminum oxide forms a 
protective coat which prevents further reaction. When gallium is 
alloyed with aluminum, the coat does not form, thus the alloy can 
potentially provide a solid hydrogen source for transportation 
purposes, which would be more convenient than a pressurized hydrogen 
tank. Resmelting the resultant aluminum oxide and gallium mixture to 
metallic aluminum and gallium and reforming these into electrodes 
would constitute most of the energy input into the system, while 
electricity produced by a hydrogen fuel cell could constitute an 
energy output. The thermodynamic efficiency of the aluminum smelting 
process is said to be approximately 50 percent.  Therefore, at most no 
more than half the energy that goes into smelting aluminum could be 
recovered by a fuel cell. "

Interesting stuff.

Land Use Maru


Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-11 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/10/2008 11:09:29 PM, Ronn! Blankenship 
> At 06:13 PM Thursday 1/10/2008, Lance A. Brown wrote:
> >Perhaps.  The use of corn to produce ethanol is already driving the 
> >cost
> >of corn higher, impacting food costs already[1].  I
> don't think we want
> >to use corn _or_ sugarcane for producing ethanol in the long term.
> [1] Karnack the Magnificent:  "A buccaneer."  (Opens the envelope 
> and
> reads the card inside.)  "What is too much to pay for corn?"
> Straight From The Mayonnaise Jar On Funk And Wagnell's
> Back Porch Maru
> -- Ronn!  :)

YMMV, but there have already been food riots in Mexico over the price 
of corn. 100 bucks an ear...ahhh a barrel oil has repercussions even 
in countries that are not significant consumers of oil per capita.

Poppies And Heroin Maru


Re: Take that, Iowa!!

2008-01-10 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/10/2008 6:13:29 PM, Lance A. Brown ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
> > Jim Sharkey wrote:
> >
> >>I'm sure some of you knew this, what with your big brains and all,
> >>but I found it interesting:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>_Scientific American_ is saying grass as a source of ethanol has 
> >>the
> >>potential to be vastly more efficient than corn.  Pretty cool 
> >>stuff,
> >>I think.
> >>
> >
> > But still less efficient than sugarcane :-P
> Perhaps.  The use of corn to produce ethanol is already driving the 
> cost
> of corn higher, impacting food costs already[1].  I don't
> think we want
> to use corn _or_ sugarcane for producing ethanol in the long term.

The problem with corn is that it produces a lower energy ethanol. 
Sugarcane *is* much better in that regard.
But why are you worried about sugarcane? We don't use it all that much 
in the US, even for making sugar. Last I heard, sugar beets was the 
big resource in that industry. (In the US that is.)

As I understand the ethanol research, grass and cellulose are looking 
to become popular resources for ethanol with several useful byproducts 
as an added bonus.

Drastic Maru


Re: On the American Standard front.....

2008-01-09 Thread Robert Seeberger
Wow.even more!
(some repeated though)

Don't Cross The Streams Maru


Re: On the American Standard front.....

2008-01-09 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/9/2008 8:27:50 PM, Warren Ockrassa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2008, at 7:18 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >
> > On 1/9/2008 7:45:00 PM, Warren Ockrassa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> > wrote:
> >> On Jan 9, 2008, at 6:41 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >>
> >>> Some funny toilets and environs...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> That first one is not funny at all.
> >>
> > Kind of makes pissing an adventure.
> Xtreme urination? Or just circumcision with an attitude?

Making a Prince Albert just the perforation in preparation?

I suppose in the case of a Jacobs Ladder one would need a Veg-e-matic.

> > Off With Their Heads! Maru
> Indeed.

This conversation is decidedly discomfiting.

Lorena Bobbit's Ginsu Maru


Re: On the American Standard front.....

2008-01-09 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/9/2008 7:45:00 PM, Warren Ockrassa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2008, at 6:41 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> > Some funny toilets and environs...
> >
> >
> That first one is not funny at all.

Kind of makes pissing an adventure.

Off With Their Heads! Maru


Re: Zen Time Travel

2008-01-09 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 1/9/2008 7:40:25 PM, Warren Ockrassa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Jan 9, 2008, at 3:09 PM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> > An interesting little article about what you are doing when you 
> > are
> > doing nothing.
> >
> >,9171,1580364,00.html
> This isn't Zen, actually,

Of course not. But I think it is an apt description of what people 
tend to ^think^ they are doing during idle-minded moments.

>which really *is* about doing nothing, and
> the "time travel" aspect of the brain is actually extremely 
> well-known
> to Buddhist meditators. The idling mind is seen in Buddhist 
> psychology
> to be absolutely packed full of discursive thought, virtually all of
> which is concerned either with reliving the past or anticipating the
> future.
My understanding, introspective and otherwise, is that human brains 
model one's experiences and potential outcomes pretty much constantly. 
The only time I seem to drop out of this mode is when I have to focus 
on something immediate such as a conversation.Even when I am working I 
seem to be modeling what I am working on and only stop to perform 
individual tasks.

Modeler Maru


On the American Standard front.....

2008-01-09 Thread Robert Seeberger
Some funny toilets and environs...

Fun Stuff Maru


Zen Time Travel

2008-01-09 Thread Robert Seeberger
An interesting little article about what you are doing when you are 
doing nothing.,9171,1580364,00.html

What are you doing when you aren't doing anything at all? If you said 
"nothing," then you have just passed a test in logic and flunked a 
test in neuroscience. When people perform mental tasks--adding 
numbers, comparing shapes, identifying faces--different areas of their 
brains become active, and brain scans show these active areas as 
brightly colored squares on an otherwise dull gray background. But 
researchers have recently discovered that when these areas of our 
brains light up, other areas go dark. This dark network (which 
comprises regions in the frontal, parietal and medial temporal lobes) 
is off when we seem to be on, and on when we seem to be off. If you 
climbed into an MRI machine and lay there quietly, waiting for 
instructions from a technician, the dark network would be as active as 
a beehive. But the moment your instructions arrived and your task 
began, the bees would freeze and the network would fall silent. When 
we appear to be doing nothing, we are clearly doing something. But 

The answer, it seems, is time travel.

The human body moves forward in time at the rate of one second per 
second whether we like it or not. But the human mind can move through 
time in any direction and at any speed it chooses. Our ability to 
close our eyes and imagine the pleasures of Super Bowl Sunday or 
remember the excesses of New Year's Eve is a fairly recent 
evolutionary development, and our talent for doing this is 
unparalleled in the animal kingdom. We are a race of time travelers, 
unfettered by chronology and capable of visiting the future or 
revisiting the past whenever we wish. If our neural time machines are 
damaged by illness, age or accident, we may become trapped in the 
present. Alzheimer's disease, for instance, specifically attacks the 
dark network, stranding many of its victims in an endless now, unable 
to remember their yesterdays or envision their tomorrows.

Why did evolution design our brains to go wandering in time? Perhaps 
it's because an experience is a terrible thing to waste. Moving around 
in the world exposes organisms to danger, so as a rule they should 
have as few experiences as possible and learn as much from each as 
they can. Although some of life's lessons are learned in the moment 
("Don't touch a hot stove"), others become apparent only after the 
fact ("Now I see why she was upset. I should have said something about 
her new dress"). Time travel allows us to pay for an experience once 
and then have it again and again at no additional charge, learning new 
lessons with each repetition. When we are busy having 
experiences--herding children, signing checks, battling traffic--the 
dark network is silent, but as soon as those experiences are over, the 
network is awakened, and we begin moving across the landscape of our 
history to see what we can learn--for free.

Animals learn by trial and error, and the smarter they are, the fewer 
trials they need. Traveling backward buys us many trials for the price 
of one, but traveling forward allows us to dispense with trials 
entirely. Just as pilots practice flying in flight simulators, the 
rest of us practice living in life simulators, and our ability to 
simulate future courses of action and preview their consequences 
enables us to learn from mistakes without making them. We don't need 
to bake a liver cupcake to find out that it is a stunningly bad idea; 
simply imagining it is punishment enough. The same is true for 
insulting the boss and misplacing the children. We may not heed the 
warnings that prospection provides, but at least we aren't surprised 
when we wake up with a hangover or when our waists and our inseams 
swap sizes. The dark network allows us to visit the future, but not 
just any future. When we contemplate futures that don't include 
us--Will the NASDAQ be up next week? Will Hillary run in 2008?--the 
dark network is quiet. Only when we move ourselves through time does 
it come alive.

Perhaps the most startling fact about the dark network isn't what it 
does but how often it does it. Neuroscientists refer to it as the 
brain's default mode, which is to say that we spend more of our time 
away from the present than in it. People typically overestimate how 
often they are in the moment because they rarely take notice when they 
take leave. It is only when the environment demands our attention--a 
dog barks, a child cries, a telephone rings--that our mental time 
machines switch themselves off and deposit us with a bump in the here 
and now. We stay just long enough to take a message and then we slip 
off again to the land of Elsewhen, our dark networks awash in light.


Paging Dr Bob Maru



Planets in scale and size

2008-01-09 Thread Robert Seeberger

Impressive Maru


Re: A Family Tragedy

2007-12-22 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 12/22/2007 9:14:38 AM, John Garcia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Sorry for your loss, Rob.

Boy, his friends sure did love him.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sets/72157603522894505/

Christmas Shopping Still Maru


Re: A Family Tragedy

2007-12-22 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 12/21/2007 10:53:02 PM, Doug ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I'm very sorry for your loss, Rob.

Aw man, the story just took a bad turn. Some of Chase's friends have 
contacted me via e-mail and (I think) unintentionally confirmed a 
Chase was street racing when the accident occurred.

These kids might lie to their parents (or the police accident 
investigators) about their activities, but I doubt they are making 
this up.



Re: A Family Tragedy

2007-12-20 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 12/20/2007 6:59:06 PM, Warren Ockrassa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Sympathies and condolences, for what they're worth.

If one considers how such a situation would feel if no one extended a 
hand, then I would have to say that they are valuable. I do not forget 
that people show that they care.
I thank you all!

Commonality Maru


Re: A Family Tragedy

2007-12-20 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 12/20/2007 5:49:16 PM, Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2007 2:54 PM, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > The obit appeared in the paper today, but they got his date of 
> > death
> > wrong placing it a day later for some reason.
> Until I read it, I had forgotten that you're in Wes' neighborhood,
> practically.  In fact, Chayla (his widow) bought a house in Webster. 
> Wes'
> funeral was in Webster.
> Burying children stinks.

I live in Webster these days. Hwy 3 and Bay Area if it matters.

Locations Maru


Re: A Family Tragedy

2007-12-20 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: A Family Tragedy

> On Dec 19, 2007 7:52 AM, Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Let me offer a sentence that has helped many people get through the
>> holidays when in grief:  "Not this year."  It means that it's okay 
>> to tell
>> others -- and yourself -- that you're choosing not to skip 
>> something this
>> year.  If it will take more energy than it gives you, don't do it.
> Choosing not to skip... sheesh.  I meant choosing to skip, which 
> probably
> was apparent.
> Robert, thanks for telling us more.  Tears in my eyes.
> Nothing makes these things better, we just learn to live with them.
> I think it is good to choose to believe in things that seem 
> impossible.
The obit appeared in the paper today, but they got his date of death 
wrong placing it a day later for some reason.

Honoring Memory Maru


Re: A Family Tragedy

2007-12-19 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 12/19/2007 9:52:13 AM, Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 7:52 PM, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > My family mourns today the death of Chase Taylor Williamson, my
> > nephew, my sister
> Tracy's oldest child. Chase died hours after an
> > automobile accident in the early hours of the morning.
> I'm
> so sorry to hear this... After our
> niece's husband was killed just
> before Thanksgiving, I decided to let it be a good thing that it 
> happened
> near a holiday because it means that when the anniversary comes 
> around,
> we'll
> be with family.
> Let me offer a sentence that has helped many people get through the
> holidays
> when in grief:  "Not this year."  It means that
> it's okay to tell others --
> and yourself -- that you're choosing not to
> skip something this year.  If it
> will take more energy than it gives you, don't do it.
> How old was Chase?

He was 21.
In my immediate family we had a cluster of children all born in a 5 
year period, and they were all close and tight-knit having been 
practically raised together. Brittany was one of the older kids in 
this group and Chase was one of the younger ones. They are taking this 
very hard and watching their grief is excruciating. "It's not fair! 
It's not fair!" must have been repeated hundreds of times yesterday 
and there is so little one can say that does not sound empty during 
these initial stages of grieving. All I could do was hold them tight 
and cry with them, every single one.

I used to babysit all seven of the kids frequently. We would unfold 
the hide-a-bed couch and make popcorn or eat ice cream while watching 
monster movies. I'd get them to stay on the bed by telling them the 
"toe-monsters" would stick out their claws and snip their toes off if 
they got off and that was good for a great deal of giggly fun.
They would fall asleep with some crappy 80s horror movie on and I 
would sleep on a recliner next to the couch. I was their "Uncle 
Robbiee" and it felt like all the love in the world.
Sunday morning I stood in line in the wee hours of 34 degrees so that 
I could get my son a Wii for Christmas, and thought I was suffering in 
that cold. 

 I called the Ex-Wife to tell her about Chase last night and she tells 
me that she had been diagnosed with uterine cancer and had been 
hospitalized over the weekend for a procedure. So my son too has 
worries on his 12 year old mind. But we will spend this weekend and 
Christmas Day together and it is all the love in the world.

My wife's birth mother died last week. It is a complicated situation 
that precluded any chance of Susan going to the funeral. But her Dad 
and Step-Mom will coming in to town to be with us this weekend
It will still be Christmas this Christmas. And we will have all the 
love in the world as the little groups of us come together.
Tell people you love them, it matters.

Family And Extended Family Maru


A Family Tragedy

2007-12-18 Thread Robert Seeberger
My family mourns today the death of Chase Taylor Williamson, my 
nephew, my sister Tracy's oldest child. Chase died hours after an 
automobile accident in the early hours of the morning.
His death is particularly tragic in light of a similarly deadly car 
accident that took his cousin Brittany from us in May of 2001 and the 
fact of the holiday season upon us.
Chase is survived by his mother, Tracy Clause; Father, Allan 
Williamson; Step-Father, Ritchie Clause; Brother, Kennedy; Sister, 
Elliot; and grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. He is also 
survived by siblings and relatives through his Father, Allan, but 
sadly I know too little about them to list them properly and I 
apologize for the omission.

When I started writing I thought I had a lot to say, but right now 
everything feels like damage.
I'd appreciate it if those who are inclined would pray for my sister 
and her family.
Otherwise I would hope that everyone spend a few closeness moments 
with loved ones when you can.



Re: What is the Monkeysphere?

2007-12-17 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 12/17/2007 8:45:45 AM, Ronn! Blankenship 
> At 06:54 PM Sunday 12/16/2007, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >
> >
> >http://en.wikipedia.
> org/wiki/Dunbar's_number
> >
> >Any article that talks about monkeys and the movie They Live is 
> >sure
> >to get my attention
> And finally, DON'T
> LET ANYBODY simplify it for you. The world cannot
> be made simple. Anyone who tries to paint a picture of the world in
> basic comic book colors is most likely trying to use you as a pawn.
> "Anybody" including folks posting on a site named for a humor
> magazine who have books for sale . . .
> Mr. Pot, Meet Mr. Kettle Maru
Actually, the article was not written by Cracked, just reprinted 
there. It's been appearing in blogs all over the net.
It gets treated a bit more seriously in other venues.

So..I take it that you do not see our monkey brains limitations 
being a factor in much of what's wrong with the world?

Honest Question Maru


What is the Monkeysphere?

2007-12-16 Thread Robert Seeberger's_number

Any article that talks about monkeys and the movie They Live is sure 
to get my attention

An Infinite Series Of MonkeySpheres Maru


Re: Pratchett has Alzheimer's

2007-12-12 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 9:46 AM
Subject: Pratchett has Alzheimer's

> I'll warrant we've got a fan or two on board here, so I thought I'd
> share the sad news.  Alzheimer's has to be one of the truly awful
> scourges of our ability to live longer.
> Yet, as a fan of the man's work, I can't help but want to make 
> jokes,
> even though I know it's not really funny.  He just doesn't strike
> me as someone who'd want his fans to get maudlin about it.

The real tragedy of this is that it is an early onset variety. My wife 
works with Alzheimer's patients as a part of her job. She has one 
woman who is only 60 and is mostly gone most of the time.
A few months ago, Susan was promoted to the "Activity Director" 
position. She arranges entertainment for regular elder folks most of 
her day, but also has to play memory games to help the alxhiemers 
patients too. Some of her after work stories are quite sad, but others 
are uplifting.

I suspect that we have a few good years of Pratchett remaining and 
there are many reasons to remain optimistic.

Hope And Prayers Maru


Darwin's Surprise

2007-12-09 Thread Robert Seeberger

Viruses are hacking our genome.
We are in part descended from viruses.
This is good news.

This article is far too long to post here, but I recommend it highly.


When the sequence of the human genome was fully mapped, in 2003, 
researchers also discovered something they had not anticipated: our 
bodies are littered with the shards of such retroviruses, fragments of 
the chemical code from which all genetic material is made. It takes 
less than two per cent of our genome to create all the proteins 
necessary for us to live. Eight per cent, however, is composed of 
broken and disabled retroviruses, which, millions of years ago, 
managed to embed themselves in the DNA of our ancestors. They are 
called endogenous retroviruses, because once they infect the DNA of a 
species they become part of that species. One by one, though, after 
molecular battles that raged for thousands of generations, they have 
been defeated by evolution. Like dinosaur bones, these viral fragments 
are fossils. Instead of having been buried in sand, they reside within 
each of us, carrying a record that goes back millions of years. 
Because they no longer seem to serve a purpose or cause harm, these 
remnants have often been referred to as "junk DNA." Many still manage 
to generate proteins, but scientists have never found one that 
functions properly in humans or that could make us sick.

Evolve Maru


Germany moves to ban Scientology

2007-12-08 Thread Robert Seeberger

Germany's top security officials said Friday they consider the goals 
of the Church of Scientology to be in conflict with the principles of 
the nation's constitution and will seek to ban the organization.

The interior ministers of the nation's 16 states plan to give the 
nation's domestic intelligence agency the task of preparing the 
necessary information to ban the organization, which has been under 
observation for a decade on allegations that it "threatens the 
peaceful democratic order" of the country.

The Church of Scientology, in a response sent to CNN, denounced the 
German proposal, calling it out of step with various international 
court rulings. Read the Church of Scientology response

The ministers, as well as federal Interior Minister Wolfgang 
Schaeuble, "consider Scientology to be an organization that is not 
compatible with the constitution," said Berlin Interior Minister 
Ehrhart Koerting, who presided over the officials' two-day conference.

Sabine Weber, president of the Church of Scientology in Berlin, said 
she views the renewed attempt to ban the organization as a reaction to 
increasing acceptance of Scientologists in several European countries.

"It is very, very clear that the true picture of what Scientology is 
about is pushing its way through," Weber said. "The interior ministers 
are clearly reacting to that."

The Scientologists have long battled to end the surveillance, saying 
it is an abuse of their right to freedom of religion. They point to 
several lower court rulings in favor of their right to practice in 
Germany as a religious organization.

The U.S. State Department regularly criticizes Germany in its annual 
Human Rights Report for the monitoring practice.

The interior ministers gave no specific examples for their decision, 
but the most recent annual report on extremism compiled by their 
agencies criticized the organization for disregarding human rights.

"From a number of sources, some of them not available to the public, 
it has been determined that (the organization) seeks to limit or 
rescind basic and human rights, such as the right to develop one's 
personality and the right to be treated equally," the report said.

Earlier this year, the German government initially refused to allow 
the producers of a movie starring Scientology member Tom Cruise as the 
most famous anti-Hitler plotter to film at the site where the hero was 
executed, although it did not expressly state Scientology as its 
reason. It later allowed the production to go ahead.

The Los Angeles-based Church of Scientology was founded in 1954 by the 
late science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. It first set up in Germany 
in 1970 and officials estimate it counts some 6,000 members in the 


Bring Me The Head Of L Ron Hubbard Maru




2007-12-08 Thread Robert Seeberger
I got them all correct because I've learned to read an entire post 
before answering.

Riddle Me This Maru

On 12/8/2007 3:49:00 PM, jon louis mann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Passing requires 4 correct answers)
> 1) How long did the Hundred
> Years' War last?
> 2) Which country makes Panama hats?
> 3) From which animal do we get catgut?
> 4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
> 5) What is a camel's
> hair brush made of?
> 6) The Canary Islands are named after what animal?
> 7) What was King George VI's first name?
> 8) What color is a purple finch?
> 9) Where are Chinese Gooseberries from?


Peter vs. Bob --A Heroes PC/Mac parody

2007-12-01 Thread Robert Seeberger
[Piano music]

Peter: Hello, I'm a Mac.

Bob: And I'm a PC.

Peter: So, I hear there's a really nasty virus going around.

Bob: Yeah, it's going to kill 93% of the world's population.

Peter: Woah, 93%? Glad I'm not infected.

Bob: You were supposed to be.

Peter: Yeah well, apparently it doesn't affect Macs.

Bob: I can see that.

Peter: But you must feel bad.

Bob: Me. Why is that?

Peter: It's your company's fault that everyone ends up dead.

Bob: How am I responsible for killing 93% of the world's population?

Peter: Your company developed the virus, and unleashed it upon an
unsuspecting world. Kind of like Vista.

Bob: (groans) Don't remind me about Vista.

Peter: Not to worry, I'm aware of the future, and I'm back in the
present to save the day.

Bob: And how are you going to do that?

Peter: With my multimedia powers.

know what, you're too busy whining to ever use them!

Peter: Ouch, you really hurt my feelings.

Bob: I should say so!

Peter: But it's not exactly true.

Bob: Yeah? Then tell me what you've been up to?

Peter: Last season, I saved the cheerleader, saved the world. Where
were you?

Bob: I was busy running a Company.

Peter: Doing what?

Bob: Doing productive things.

Peter: Such as?

Bob: (smugly) Turning things to gold

Peter: Now that I'm next to you, I can do that too.

Bob: Arrgh! At least I don't whine!

Peter: No, your customers do that for you.

[Peter teases Bob with a little blue spark to the nose.]

Peter: Gotcha.

Bob: Just stay away from my daughter, okay?

[Piano music ends]


Funny Maru


Re: To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

2007-12-01 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 12/1/2007 7:14:53 PM, Ronn! Blankenship 
> At 06:03 PM Saturday 12/1/2007, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >Thus, Paine and others of the Revolutionary Era reasoned, any
> >institution made up by and of humans - from governments to churches 
> >to
> >corporations - must be subordinate to individual living people in
> >terms of the rights and powers held by the institution.
> >
> >
> php?option=com_content&task=view&id=183&Itemid=38&mosmsg=Thanks%20for%20your%20vote!
> >
> >
> Interesting article.  I had not previously read that account of how
> corporations achieved "personhood" status.  Some of the comments
> brought up some of the issues he didn't, and it would be interesting
> to read his responses concerning some of those before deciding if
> abolishing that status would likely make things better or not . . .
> was the comments section that was in itself interesting 
enough to be worth posting.
Before reading the article, I would have had pretty much the same 
sentiment as the articles writer, but now I believe I should hold a 
few more reservations until some time when I've more data and time to 
consider more of the implications.

As things stand, I still believe corporations should not have all the 
rights of personhood. They are really just big dumb (albeit powerful) 
machines designed to make profit. The problem as I see it is that 
corporations have rights but suffer very little when it comes to 
responsibility. When has a corporation been sentenced to death (and I 
mean in exactly the same way a person would) and executed?
When a corporation causes a death, it always falls back on 
scapegoatism or it gets it's hands slapped with insignificant fines.

The corporate right to free speech to me is a joke. Corporations can't 
have free speech because they can't run for office or die in the 
service of their countries.

I suppose some wiseass here will contend that Halliburton is VP at the 
moment, but I would suggest that at best we have a composite 

A more serious aspect of this as a problem is that corporations cross 
national boundaries. How can you trust a multi-national to be loyal 
within a nation?

Serious Questions Maru


To Restore Democracy: First Abolish Corporate Personhood

2007-12-01 Thread Robert Seeberger
Thus, Paine and others of the Revolutionary Era reasoned, any 
institution made up by and of humans - from governments to churches to 
corporations - must be subordinate to individual living people in 
terms of the rights and powers held by the institution.!


Tom Paine Maru



RE: Don't drink and drive: Smoke marijuana and drive

2007-11-28 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 11/28/2007 4:55:58 PM, Jim Sharkey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> >
> drivers/
> >Stoned drivers are safe drivers
> >Two decades of research show that marijuana use may actually reduce
> driver accidents.
> I can't be the only one who thought this was going to be a Bill 
> Hicks routine, can I?
You mean Beelzebozo?

Relentless maru


Re: Most interesting social networking link I've seen

2007-11-26 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 9:34 AM
Subject: Most interesting social networking link I've seen

> Here it is... The Constitution of the United States, whose current
> occupation is "Owners manual."
> I'm only one degree away from it, thanks to John Perry Barlow.

Now you are one degree away from it twice.

Constitutional Maru



2007-11-26 Thread Robert Seeberger
I read this on another list and really liked it. So I poked around 
"til I found the author and got permission to re-post it.
I hope you like it!!

And The Curtain Rises Maru


by David Krieger

On the last night of the world, the gods decreed for themselves a
 revel, a final masquerade in which they took on their long-discarded
 human forms and spent themselves in orgiastic and drunken festivity.
 It was a wake for spacetime itself.

The numbers of the gods had dwindled through the long middle age of 
Universe. Each was a vast and unique information structure, grown from
a merely human seed. Augmented and elaborated first in magnitude and
then in kind, each became a god, a single mind as complex as a
civilization or an entire ecosystem, with instrumentality capable of
manipulating individual molecules or entire galaxies. A wave of
transformation had spread out from the birth-world of the gods, a
phase-change that swept through all space-time and transformed it to
the liking of the gods. Their capabilities were bounded only by the
limits of what was possible.

Yet those limits proved confining enough. The gods had known, while
still seeds in the womb of Earth, that the very matter they were
composed of was not immortal. They conjectured, and later 
that the protons constituting baryonic matter were unstable, and would
decay over the course of the protracted lifetimes of the gods. As time
progressed, the gods knew, their very substance would grow more and
more radioactive and less reliable. Information, the real essence of
the gods, would be lost. In the end, the gods themselves would die.
This, they could not bear.

They consumed whole galaxies seeking the underlying mechanisms of 
doom, and finding them, found they could change nothing. Physics had
graven its laws in the substrate of spacetime itself. The instability
that accumulated in the proton came from a source the gods could
neither locate nor dam. Baryonic matter was provably doomed.

The gods contrived a reprieve. One who styled himself Perdurabo
discovered a way to spread the instability among all of the remaining
baryons as it accumulated. Linked by a hyperspatial network of
equipotential conduits, all of the baryons of existence would age
together, in lockstep... none could grow any more unstable than any
other. When they decayed, they would all decay at once...

The gods had traded slow dissolution for a final cataclysm. Their
Universe would live fast and die young. The Stabilization cost the 
much -- enacting it consumed fully half of their remaining baryons --
but it bought them time to work on the problem of encoding
consciousness in non-baryonic matter. Leptons -- electrons and
mesons -- were immune to the accumulation of instability that doomed
the protons and neutrons. If the gods could find out how to build new
minds from these unwieldy members, they could perhaps survive the 

The problem was the liquidity of leptonic matter. Even as the Universe
cooled to near absolute zero, the particles from which the gods hoped
to build their new selves remained intractably fluid and evanescent,
refusing to form well-behaved machinery of any kind. The gods worked 
this problem for a period of time longer than their entire previous
existence. The gods had already long traced the perimeter of
possibility; all physical law was known to them. Within that perimeter
was the rich fractal space of all physically possible phenomena, so
vast and complex that it was impossible for them to know a priori
whether or not there was a solution to their problem within it. The
gods continued to experiment, and explore, and worry, while around 
the stored energy of the stars and galaxies burned low and the hidden
pressure of apocalypse mounted higher inside every proton.

When only a sliver of the lifetime of the baryonic universe remained 
it, the god known to his fellows as Excelsius published what he 
was a proof that leptonic minds were impossible. There was 
from several quarters, but most of the gods were convinced. It came as
a relief to some; it triggered madness in others. Religion was
rediscovered, as the gods were faced for the first time in an eternity
with the prospect of death being imposed upon them, arbitrarily and
without exception, by the Universe.

The idea spread among the gods that the end of eternity called for a
fête, a spectacular wake to end all wakes, a funeral for existence
itself. As the true diehards continued to explore increasingly
desperate lines of research, the remaining gods -- only a few million
had survived the Stabilization -- gathered in a single galaxy, a 
solar system, for their revel.

The nominal host of the extravaganza was Perdurabo, author of the
Stabilization. The solar system chosen was in fact the site of the
instrument of the Stabilization itself. Each of the gods created a
human for

Re: Turduckin

2007-11-25 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Matt Grimaldi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: Turduckin

> From: Doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ] Or just turkey or chicken or duck or the soy equivalent.
> ] Hope y'all have a happy one.
> I'm still in the dark (mmm...dark) about how the turkey, chicken, 
> duck, or soybean would be happy about the situation.

And for you gourmets, the Hotchken:

Bored Maru


Re: Starting trouble for the hell of it

2007-11-24 Thread Robert Seeberger
I guess the list couldn't stomach it after all.

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 9:54 PM
Subject: Starting trouble for the hell of it

>I guess I'm bored. I figure I'll start an argument somewhere.
> Like here:
> xponent
> The Way It Smells Maru
> rob
> ___


Re: Mankind destroying the universe... by looking at it?

2007-11-24 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2007 12:36 PM
Subject: Mankind destroying the universe... by looking at it?

> Folks,
> "Incredible as it seems, our detection of the dark energy may 
> have
>  reduced the life-expectancy of the universe."
>   -- Prof. Lawrence 
> Krauss
> Interesting story found via Slashdot: According to quantum theory, 
> at
> least
> as it is posited by Lawrence Krauss of Case Western Reserve
> University and
> James Dent of Vanderbilt University, our observations of dark matter
> may be
> hastening the end of the universe itself.

All cool, but SurferDude is cooler.

The science geeks just won't quit talking about him.

Digest that!!!

Magical Multidimensional Trees Maru


Starting trouble for the hell of it

2007-11-24 Thread Robert Seeberger
I guess I'm bored. I figure I'll start an argument somewhere.
Like here:

The Way It Smells Maru


Fw: Starting trouble for the hell of it

2007-11-24 Thread Robert Seeberger
I think the list ate this as a late night snack last night.

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 9:54 PM
Subject: Starting trouble for the hell of it

>I guess I'm bored. I figure I'll start an argument somewhere.
> Like here:
> xponent
> The Way It Smells Maru
> rob


Re: Strangely, I wasn't invited . . .

2007-11-24 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 6:32 PM
Subject: Re: Strangely, I wasn't invited . . .

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
> Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 4:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Strangely, I wasn't invited . . .
>> On Fri, 23 Nov 2007, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
>>> SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- The World Toilet Association kicked off
>>> its inaugural conference Thursday,
>>> <>
>>> --Ronn!  :)
>>> "Bathroom humor is an American-Standard."
>> That *is* odd that you weren't invited.  ;)
> Maybe they already had auh.stuntman for the swirly 
> demonstration?
> (Leaving me wondering about the qualifications for such a purported 
> Commodial Houdini)
> xponent
> A Toilet Craptacular Maru
> rob
:)  :)   :) : )
Dammit.I always forget to add smileys after such a jape!

Clarification: Ronn! is not a toilet stuntman, no matter how 
overqualified he might be!

Cannot Resist Temptation Maru


Re: Strangely, I wasn't invited . . .

2007-11-24 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Strangely, I wasn't invited . . .

> On Fri, 23 Nov 2007, Ronn! Blankenship wrote:
>> SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- The World Toilet Association kicked off
>> its inaugural conference Thursday,
>> --Ronn!  :)
>> "Bathroom humor is an American-Standard."
> That *is* odd that you weren't invited.  ;)

Maybe they already had auh.stuntman for the swirly 
(Leaving me wondering about the qualifications for such a purported 
Commodial Houdini)

A Toilet Craptacular Maru


Re: Where the web is heading?

2007-11-22 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 11/22/2007 7:34:49 PM, Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Nov 22, 2007 2:22 PM, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> >
> > Now all we need is for someone to introduce a discussion of 
> > snowclones.
> >
> It would beaulicious to continuify the thread -- as long as nobody 
> is
> confuzzled.

Knowing you guys, everyone can fully expect a few days of contiguation 
whether anyone is dumbfumbulated or not.

I'm sure any newbies here suspect us of suffering from some psychrotic 

Comfrumption For The Newbreeds Maru


Re: Tattoos - Scientifical

2007-11-18 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 11/18/2007 2:45:35 PM, Charlie Bell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> On 19/11/2007, at 3:24 AM, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >
> >
> > Has to be seen to be believed.
> That appears to be shamelessly nicked from Carl
> Zimmer's blog The
> Loom, where he's been running a series on science
> tats for a while.
Sure looks like it!

A Good Idea Goes Round More Than Once Maru


Tattoos - Scientifical

2007-11-18 Thread Robert Seeberger

Has to be seen to be believed.

Tempted Maru


Writers Strike - Why Plumbers Don't Get Residuals

2007-11-18 Thread Robert Seeberger

My friend Jeff often jokes (half-jokes, I think) that he wishes he got 
residuals on spreadsheets he made in 2003. He's articulating a 
familiar frustration: Why should screenwriters get paid extra money 
years after they finish their work? After all, plumbers don't get 
residuals. Neither do teachers, secretaries or auto workers.

So I want to explain why writers in film and television get residuals, 
and why they're at the heart of the ongoing WGA strike.


Pretty Interesting Maru



Re: Writer's Strike

2007-11-18 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 11/18/2007 1:35:21 AM, Ronn! Blankenship 
> At 09:10 AM Saturday 11/17/2007, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >If anyone is interested there are some interesting tidbits here:
> >
> >
> Well,
> that's one side heard from.  Is there a version from the
> writers saying it is all the producers'
> fault?

You need to go back ard read that *page* again 

Both Sides Now Maru


Re: Writer's Strike

2007-11-17 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "John Garcia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 2:35 PM
Subject: Writer's Strike

> If you are interested in the writer's strike (or even if you are 
> not)
> watch this video uploaded to YouTube.

If anyone is interested there are some interesting tidbits here:

Tracking Maru


Re: Brin-L FAQ (was: Uplift at Yellowstone)

2007-11-12 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 11/12/2007 8:08:57 PM, Nick Arnett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Nov 12, 2007 2:20 PM, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> >
> > I occurs to me to wonder if Dr Brin got (is getting) messages in 
> > this
> > thread.
> I don't think so.  The subject has to have "Brin:" at the beginning.

I could have sworn it did.

Tricky Maru


Re: Brin-L FAQ (was: Uplift at Yellowstone)

2007-11-12 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 10:51 AM
Subject: Brin-L FAQ (was: Uplift at Yellowstone)

>> Matt Grimaldi wrote
>>> Lance A. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> What is the fascination (mania? obsession?) with the word
>>> "maru" on this list?
>> This whole thing started because, for a time, there were a
>> large number of brin-lers that also belonged to the list for
>> fans of Ian Banks' Culture series.
>> (see:
>> A feature of the books (I gather) is to name spaceships by
>> their designation (GCU, ROU, and others, similar to the way
>> that naval ships are organized into classes based on size,
>> speed, and purpose) along with something apropos to the
>> personality of the owner, mission, commander, or whatever
>> (e.g.: ROU Nail in the coffin).
>> The members of the Culture list would often put such a ship
>> name in their signatures  even when they were sending
>> messages on Brin-L.
>> This simply would not do :-), so we started using Maru
>> designations instead.  As to why that particular word, others
>> have better explanations than I could give.
> I think we need to have a Brin-L FAQ and this would be the number 
> one
> entry!
> Not that I'm volunteering or anything...

I occurs to me to wonder if Dr Brin got (is getting) messages in this 

As for the Maru thing, it makes me feel like Dr Frankenstein (Young 
Frankenstein pronunciation). "It Lives!"

What Great Knockers! Maru


Re: Uplift at Yellowstone

2007-11-12 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Dave Land" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: Uplift at Yellowstone

> On Nov 12, 2007, at 9:21 AM, Julia Thompson wrote:
>> On Mon, 12 Nov 2007, Horn, John wrote:
 Dave Land wrote

 I was about to reply with a snarky comment about how the
 Discovery Channel will no doubt produce a fear-mongering
 video about the dangers of the Supervolcano in Yellowstone,
 but the Discovery Channel beat me to it
>>> There was a made for TV (cable?) movie called "Supervolcano" if I
>>> recall
>>> correctly a few years ago about the eruption of caldera at
>>> Yellowstone.
>>> My wife and I watched it but I'm not sure why.  Not horrible but 
>>> not
>>> great either.
>>> Ah, here it is:
>> I wanted to watch that, but it came on at an inconvenient time for
>> me and
>> we didn't have DVR yet.  Is it available on DVD?  If so, is it
>> worth the
>> effort to get my hands on the DVD?  Is there any way for me to put 
>> any
>> more questions in this paragraph without it being ridiculous?  And 
>> can
>> anyone write up a laymen's explanation comparing Cymbalta to
>> Zoloft, or
>> will I be stuck doing that myself later today?  (OK, the last one 
>> is
>> unnecessary, I can do that one just fine.)
> You're going to have to figure out the whole Cymbalta/Zoloft thing 
> on
> your own, but I can point you here for your first question:
> You can buy the DVD from Discovery Channel. Bud from Virginia Beach
> wrote (on the page above), ""Excellent. It was a real movie, not 
> just a
> run-of-the-mill documentary."

Well...if you just wait and keep your eyes open for it, it will 
come back into rotation at some point. I've seen it and it is "fair to 
good", but I don't think I'd spend money for it.
Now Cosmos or Connections, or Earth, I might spend some cash on, but 
Supervolcano is basically Discovery/Science Channel pedestrian fare. 
Stuff they come up with to fill air time. (Most of their programs fit 
this description.)

Where's The Real Science? Maru


That Greatness Of Spirit

2007-11-07 Thread Robert Seeberger

Covering the story of this Medal of Honor recipient is doing much more 
than a profile of a heroic American. This is the reunion of two old 
friends, both of them foot-soldiers from the U.S. Army, and both 
decorated with the highest military honors this county bestows.

I am working with Col. Jack Jacobs (on the left), a recipient of the 
Medal of Honor for his service in Vietnam. Jack was here in Orange 
County, California to interview another Medal of Honor soldier, 78 
year-old Tibor Rubin (on the right), who served in Korea. Rubin had 
spent almost three years in a Nazi concentration camp before he was 
liberated by Gen. George Patton's troops. It was then he vowed to 
"become a GI Joe, 'cause that is what we call the American Army."

As Jack Jacobs asks Rubin about his time in combat, the tone is very 
matter-of-fact. These men take no pleasure in remembering similar 
shared experiences of escaping death while friends and fellow soldiers 
lost their lives.

It's fascinating to hear Rubin describe times in combat: defending a 
hill in Korea, for example, as his unit retreats. His Staff Sergeant 
had ordered him to defend the hill alone. The sergeant had called Ted 
a "stupid son-of-a-bitch Jew" but promised to come back and get the 
corporal in two days. It was Rubin's first combat mission, and here is 
how it is described by the Medal of Honor Foundation:

"Rubin single-handedly defended the hill for over 24 hours. He 
incapacitated or killed a staggering number of Korean troops, and 
slowed the remaining force to a standstill. His regiment made a 
successful retreat, but his sergeant never came to relieve him."

It was that kind of war for Rubin. A sergeant who assigned him to the 
most dangerous missions, and never processed the paperwork from the 
commanding officers who recommended the young Hungarian immigrant for 
Silver Stars and the Medal of Honor.

The day before this video shoot, when Jacobs and I were talking about 
the upcoming interview, Jack told me that decorated combat veterans 
often do not elaborate much on their time under fire. He was right. 
When Jacobs asked Rubin several times how he was able to persevere 
against such difficult odds, Rubin had two basic replies, "I was young 
and strong and somehow I made it, I don't know how," and, "You know, I 
never want to be a hero, I don't know what really a hero means."

I got a good idea of what being a hero is during my visit with Ted 
Rubin. To quote again from the Medal of Honor Foundation:

"The sergeant continued to send Rubin on impossible missions. Each 
time he not only survived, he fought brilliantly, and each time the 
sergeant deliberately withheld his commendation."

On another hill without a name near the border with North Korea, Ted 
Rubin's days in combat ended. He ran through enemy fire to fill in for 
a machine-gunner and his mate who had been killed. Rubin was wounded 
in the leg, arm and chest but kept firing the machine gun until he ran 
out of ammunition. He was taken prisoner. He was held for two and a 
half years in a POW camp where the Red Cross was not allowed to visit. 
Food was scarce, water was dirty and infected, and there was no 
medicine. It's a time Rubin doesn't like to talk about.

Here's the exchange between Rubin and Jacobs about how the young 
corporal would break out of prison camp - not to escape, but to steal.

"I try to steal everything I can."

"You stole? You stole from who? From the Chinese and the North Kor.."

"From the Chinese."

"..and you stole what, food?

"Corn. Barley. Millett, ah vegetables, whatever I can."

"And then what did you do?"

"I come back.. and then I give it to all the rest of the guys, because 
they was my brothers that needed.. that didn't have food."

Here, Rubin pauses a moment.

"It was very hard."

That Rubin, a survivor of the Nazi death camps, had to deal with 
anti-Semitism in the Army, even as he served with honor, is a deep 
injustice. It took 55 years for the Army and the leadership in the 
Pentagon to recognize his heroism. When President George Bush 
presented Rubin the Medal of Honor in 2005, there was only one brief 
reference by the president to the long wait: "By awarding the medal of 
Honor to Corporal Rubin, the United States acknowledges a debt that 
time has not diminished."

The last photo-op of the day was snapshots of the two Medal of Honor 
recipients. I got to take the picture, which I hope will take it's 
place among the many of a truly remarkable life. Jacobs and Rubin wore 
their medals, and the smiles of men who have performed at the highest 
level in the worst of circumstances.

I am in awe of this man.


Aspire Maru


Re: Brin: Fire info

2007-10-24 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 10/24/2007 4:04:13 PM, David Brin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >
> That's Dr. Brin for you.  At Nippon 2007 I  happened
> > to observe him
> > stuff 10,000 yen into the donation box for a fan
> > that had to taken to
> > the hospital by ambulence.
> SHucks, Jim, that ain't
> much.  Anyway,
> it's part of my
> attempt to create massive fandom cognitive dissonance.
> Half of the community thinks I'm
> cool and the other
> half considers me an SOB.
> Diff is, the latter set can't ever point to an actual
> action or event, only at a personality.  And on THAT
> basis... well... I guess I agree with them! ;-)
> Your SOB



Re: Death Note

2007-10-21 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 10/21/2007 4:22:01 PM, Gwern Branwen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On 10/20/07, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Tonight on the Cartoon Network.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > xponent
> > Watch It Maru
> > rob
> I watched a little of it.
> Can't say I'm thrilled by the dub - Raito is not nearly as suave,
> sophisticated, or sinister as he should be. (Although Ryuk and
> everyone else introduced so far struck me as fine.)

Next week will be the real test, when L is introduced.

Light Maru


Re: Death Note

2007-10-21 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Ronn! Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: Death Note

> At 09:30 PM Saturday 10/20/2007, Robert Seeberger wrote:
>>Tonight on the Cartoon Network.
>>Watch It Maru
> Is there a missing link?
I normally recommend that people watch this on TV, but in this case 

Shinigami Maru


Death Note

2007-10-20 Thread Robert Seeberger
Tonight on the Cartoon Network.

Watch It Maru


150 MPG from a Toyota Prius

2007-10-20 Thread Robert Seeberger

TG Video: Aftermarket lithium-ion battery pack squeezes 150 MPG from a 
Toyota Prius

Ontario (CA) - A new lithium-ion battery pack for the Toyota Prius may 
not lower gas prices, but it promises to make trips to the gas station 
less frequent - a lot less frequent.  Made by Hymotion and A123 
Systems - the same folks that brought you the batteries in the 
Killacycle - this aftermarket kit converts the car into a plug-in 
hybrid and allows it to run on electric power for the first forty 
miles of a trip.  As you can expect, total gas mileage goes through 
the roof and company executives claim drivers can easily exceed 150 
miles-per-gallon in the city and 100 MPG on the highways.

We inspected one of Hymotion's specially outfitted cars at the Clean 
Vehicle Technology Expo in Ontario California.  The 175-pound battery 
pack installs in the spare tire well of the trunk and you still have 
the entire trunk space for cargo.  You can even lay the spare tire on 
top of the battery pack, but Nick Rothman, a kit installer for Green 
Gears, told us that some companies go without the spare and carry a 
can of "Fix a Flat" instead.

In your average Prius, the gasoline engine still does the majority of 
the work and the batteries merely take over at low speeds.  The 
Hymotion-equipped car, however, works much differently.  Owners charge 
up their vehicles with a regular 110 or 220 volt extension cord and 
afterwards the car will drive dozens of miles solely on electrical 
power.  From empty, the five kilovolt battery pack charges in about 
six hours with 110 volt and 3 hours with 220 volt electricity.

According to Rothman, the kit takes about four hours to install and a 
few more hours of testing and configuration.  Other than the extra 
batteries and an added charging outlet, the Prius remains stock and 

The Hymotion kits are currently being tested by several companies, but 
Ricardo Bazzarella, President of Hymotion, told us Prius owners won't 
have to wait long to get their own kits and plans on having them 
available in the first quarter of 2008 for approximately $9500 dollars 
(installation included).


Rolling Maru



Rowling Outs Dumbledore

2007-10-20 Thread Robert Seeberger

Albus Dumbledore took quite a few secrets with him to the grave. And 
it's possible that even he didn't know about this one.

After helping Dumbledore's favorite pupil uncover a treasure trove of 
information about the Hogwarts headmaster in Harry Potter and the 
Deathly Hallows, the final installment of her billion-dollar fantasy 
series, J.K. Rowling has pulled something new out of the pensieve:

Dumbledore was gay.

(What you just heard was the sound of conservative religious groups 
scribbling down one more reason to loathe the Harry Potter franchise.)

"Falling in love can blind us to an extent," Rowling explained Friday 
in front of a packed house at New York's Carnegie Hall, where she 
capped off her first U.S. book tour since 2000.

Which explains why the brilliant wizard was briefly blinded as a young 
man by the charm and skill of Gellert Grindelwald, his companion 
turned arch-nemesis who turned out to be more interested in the Dark 
Arts than a three-bedroom craftsman in Hogsmeade.

After Dumbledore was "horribly, terribly let down," Rowling explained, 
he went on to destroy Grindelwald in what is considered in the 
wizarding world to have been the ultimate wand-toting battle between 
good and evil.

That love, she said to raucous applause, was Dumbledore's "great 

"If I had know this would have made you so happy, I would have told 
you years ago," Rowling said.

If this revelation seems almost too whimsical, consider this: Rowling, 
who penned much of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in a café 
while living out of her car, can certainly be a bit cheeky, but it 
seems highly unlikely that she would try to put one over on a 
Manhattan landmark full of kids and other readers who have made her 
one of the richest people in England.

While working on the sixth Potter film, Harry Potter and the 
Half-Blood Prince, which focuses largely on Dumbledore and Harry's 
relationship, as well as the elder wizard's interaction with a young 
Voldemort, Rowling said that she slipped director David Yates an 
eye-opening note after noticing that there was a reference in the 
script to a girl in Dumbledore's past.

There's no word yet on if this will affect Michael Gambon's character 
in the final two Potter movies, which are slated for release in 2008 
and 2010, respectively.

Dumbledore's sexuality has apparently been of great interest to 
bloggers and chat room denizens for years, with his history-and 
intimate affinities-becoming the subject of much debate and, ahem, 
original short stories.

"Just imagine the fan fiction now," Rowling joked.

Of course, one could always have shrugged off the lack of romance in 
his life, what with his hectic work schedule and his penchant for 

And, as the scarred one learned in Harry Potter and the Order of the 
Phoenix, Dumbledore could be quite temperamental, especially when 
protecting those he loved.


Expectnot Decorum Maru



Re: Turkey, Genocide & Congress.

2007-10-14 Thread Robert Seeberger
We usually celebrate our turkey genocide in late November.
But we don't invite Congress.

We Don't Invite The President Either Maru


Re: What the heck is "Maru"?

2007-10-13 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Kevin B. O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 10:48 PM
Subject: What the heck is "Maru"?

>I have been reading this list for months, and I don't know what this 
> about. I suppose some kind of in-joke, but would someone explain it 
> to
> me?

The long answer:

>> What is Maru?
>> H..good question.
>> Maru is a ship, a Japanese ship.
>> Maru is also a defense against the cultural imperialism of the
>> Culture
>> mailing list with their GSVs and ROUs.(That's a different 
>> discussion
>> though)
>> Maru is a way of adding remarks at the end of a message in a way
>> that
>> is distinctive and exclusive to Brin-L.
>> If you see someone who uses a Maru shipname, they are from Brin-L.
>> Maru is a means to crack a joke, make an observation, or poke a
>> stick
>> in someone's eye.
>> And below is the background from which it was derived.
>> ***
>> The word "maru" originated in the seventh century and has since
>> come
>> to
>>> serve as a popular name for a host of Japanese vessels. The first
>>> ship to use the suffix is said to have been the 16th century ship
>>> called the Nipon Maru, built by the legendary Toyotomi Hideyoschi.
>>> However, despite its widespread use, the word has never been
>>> graced
>>> with a definitive definition.
>>> Our attempts to muster a universal meaning of the term maru have
>>> all
>>> ended in frustration, with each possibility smothered in a
>>> down-pour
>>> of vaguery. For instance, one Japanese reference worker gave as
>>> many
>>> as fourteen meanings for maru, while another offered at least five
>>> additional meanings without including all the other fourteen.
>>> These misunderstandings and discrepancies have arisen from the
>>> fact
>>> that maru is a word laced with suggestiveness. Here is a selection
>>> of some of the explanations we have found.
>>> Possible meanings
>>> The term maru originally seemed to act as a form of compliment
>>> when
>>> attached to certain personal names.
>>> For example, people seemed to be bestowing respect upon the eighth
>>> century poet Hitomaru Kikinomoto by attaching the term to his
>>> name.
>>> It could also be seen as a term of endearment rather like a
>>> diminutive, as in the juvenile name Ushiwakamaru, of the
>>> twelfth-century general Yoshitsune Minamoto.
>>> Gradually the word was thrown to the dogs, literally, as people
>>> became accustomed to bestowing it upon their pet animals. Other
>>> names which received the maru blessing included a precious utensil
>>> used perhaps in some kind of tea ceremony or even the favoured
>>> tool
>>> of a deft craftsman. Another example of this maru phenomenon can
>>> be
>>> found in the mighty sword Mura-same-Maru; this famous blade of the
>>> seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was supposed to be so potent
>>> that whoever owned it, regardless of his own intent, was destined
>>> to
>>> kill somebody sooner or later.
>>> The term maru also became associated with the concept of a circle.
>>> This circular affinity suggested completeness, entirety,
>>> wholeness;
>>> notions which the image of a circle seems to symbolise.
>>> Indeed, the connotation of 'wholeness' perhaps led to the use of
>>> maru to mean 'one entire hour' and also as a term for the fanciful
>>> frying of a 'whole' animal, as opposed to a mere handful of
>>> giblets.
>>> In addition to all these other meanings, it also has an
>>> association
>>> with 'dust', while at the same time referring to 'those naive in
>>> love', hence the wistful phrase "dusty lover".
>>> Maru and ships
>>> Having sashayed through the multifarious meanings of maru, it is
>>> now
>>> time to cut to the chase, examining it in the context of ships.
>>> The
>>> use of maru in a ship name would seem to express the hope that the
>>> ship will defend those aboard against all perils of the sea, being
>>> as complete as a circle, as trustworthy as a sword and as virile
>>> as
>>> a master craftsman's favourite tool. In addition to this, it also
>>> carried a feeling of attachment or endearment, such as that felt
>>> by
>>> one "dusty lover" for another. Also, unlike most other countries,
>>> a
>>> ship in Japan is referred to as a male and in adding "maru" to the
>>> ships name, as was done with young boys in olden times, the ship
>>> was
>>> protected from harm.
>>> In the 1905 edition of Basil Hall Chamberlain's "Things Japanese"
>>> he
>>> says of `maru' "It is often asked: what does the word Maru mean in
>>> the names of ships ...?" His answer is:
>>> a.. the real meaning is obscure
>>> b.. it is probably merging of two words: `maru' and `maro', which
>>> was a term of endearment.
>>> c.. it used to be used for swords, armour, parts of castles, etc.
>>> too.

Abortion rates same whether legal or not

2007-10-11 Thread Robert Seeberger

Study: Rich, poor countries have equal statistics; half of procedures 

By Numbers Maru


Global Humidification

2007-10-11 Thread Robert Seeberger

With global warming, the world isn't just getting hotter - it's 
getting stickier, due to humidity. And people are to blame, according 
to a study based on computer models published Thursday.
The amount of moisture in the air near Earth's surface rose 2.2 
percent in less than three decades, the researchers report in a study 
appearing in the journal Nature.

"This humidity change is an important contribution to heat stress in 
humans as a result of global warming," said Nathan Gillett of the 
University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, a co-author of the 

Gillett studied changes in specific humidity, which is a measurement 
of total moisture in the air, between 1973-2002. Higher humidity can 
be dangerous to people because it makes the body less efficient at 
cooling itself, said University of Miami health and climate researcher 
Laurence Kalkstein. He was not connected with the research.

Humidity increased over most of the globe, including the eastern 
United States, said study co-author Katharine Willett, a climate 
researcher at Yale University. However, a few regions, including the 
U.S. West, South Africa and parts of Australia were drier.

The finding isn't surprising to climate scientists. Physics dictates 
that warmer air can hold more moisture. But Gillett's study shows that 
the increase in humidity already is significant and can be attributed 
to gas emissions from the burning of fossil fuels.

To show that this is man-made, Gillett ran computer models to simulate 
past climate conditions and studied what would happen to humidity if 
there were no man-made greenhouse gases. It didn't match reality.

He looked at what would happen from just man-made greenhouse gases. 
That didn't match either. Then he looked at the combination of natural 
conditions and greenhouse gases. The results were nearly identical to 
the year-by-year increases in humidity.

Gillett's study followed another last month that used the same 
technique to show that moisture above the world's oceans increased and 
that it bore the "fingerprint" of being caused by man-made global 

Climate scientists have now seen the man-made fingerprint of global 
warming on 10 different aspects of Earth's environment: surface 
temperatures, humidity, water vapor over the oceans, barometric 
pressure, total precipitation, wildfires, change in species of plants 
in animals, water run-off, temperatures in the upper atmosphere, and 
heat content in the world's oceans.

"This story does now fit together; there are now no loose ends," said 
Ben Santer, a scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab and author 
of the September study on moisture above the oceans. "The message is 
pretty compelling that natural causes alone just can't cut it."

The studies make sense, said University of Victoria climate scientist 
Andrew Weaver, who was not part of either team's research.

It will only feel worse in the future, Gillett said. Moisture in the 
air increases by about 6 percent with every degree Celsius (1.8 
degrees Fahrenheit), he said. Using the Intergovernmental Panel on 
Climate Change's projections for temperature increases, that would 
mean a 12 to 24 percent increase in humidity by the year 2100.

"Although it might not be a lethal kind of thing, it's going to 
increase human discomfort," Willett said.


Industrial Gills Maru



RE: bikes v. cars

2007-10-11 Thread Robert Seeberger

On 10/11/2007 9:11:18 PM, Ronn! Blankenship 
> Ohm, I!

Isn't Williams motto: "Ohm My God"?

Resistance Maru


Re: More crap about music - really stupid this time

2007-10-10 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Nick Arnett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 11:18 PM
Subject: Re: More crap about music - really stupid this time

> On 10/9/07, Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Lord Emslie said: "The key point to note, it was said, was that the
>> findings on each occasion were the same with music audibly 
>> 'blaring'
>> from employee's radios in such circumstances that the defenders'
>> [Kwik-Fit] local and central management could not have failed to be
>> aware of what was going on."
> Hee... now I see how we can stop all those idiots who insist on 
> sharing
> their music with megawatt amplifiers in their cars... we'll give 
> their
> license plate numbers to the RIAA!
> I'm reminded of a story about Idi Amin, president and dictator for 
> life in
> Uganda.  A reporter at a press conference once said something like, 
> "People
> in your own government have accused you of doing XYZ (bad things)." 
> Amin's
> reply?  "Who?  Give me names."
> Hey, your new song is so popular, some fan says to a superstar.  "I 
> hear
> people playing everywhere."  Record label exec: "Who?  Give me 
> names."

I suspect that the next step is to charge by the ear.
Deaf in one ear?
You get music for half-price!

Half-Deaf In Both Ears Maru


More crap about music - really stupid this time

2007-10-09 Thread Robert Seeberger

A car repair firm has been taken to court accused of infringing 
musical copyright because its employees listen to radios at work.
The action against the Kwik-Fit Group has been brought by the 
Performing Rights Society which collects royalties for songwriters and 

At a procedural hearing at the Court of Session in Edinburgh a judge 
refused to dismiss the £200,000 damages claim.

Kwik-Fit wanted the case brought against it thrown out.

Lord Emslie ruled that the action can go ahead with evidence being 

The PRS claimed that Kwik-Fit mechanics routinely use personal radios 
while working at service centres across the UK and that music, 
protected by copyright, could be heard by colleagues and customers.

It is maintained that amounts to the "playing" or "performance" of the 
music in public and renders the firm guilty of infringing copyright.

The Edinburgh-based firm, founded by Sir Tom Farmer, is contesting the 
action and said it has a 10 year policy banning the use of personal 
radios in the workplace.

Playing music

The PRS lodged details of countrywide inspection data over the audible 
playing of music at Kwik-Fit on more than 250 occasions in and after 

It claimed that its pleadings in the action were more than enough to 
allow a hearing of evidence in the case at which they would expect to 
establish everything allegedly found and recorded at inspection 

Lord Emslie said: "The key point to note, it was said, was that the 
findings on each occasion were the same with music audibly 'blaring' 
from employee's radios in such circumstances that the defenders' 
[Kwik-Fit] local and central management could not have failed to be 
aware of what was going on."

The judge said: "The allegations are of a widespread and consistent 
picture emerging over many years whereby routine copyright 
infringement in the workplace was, or inferentially must have been, 
known to and 'authorised' or 'permitted' by local and central 

He said that if that was established after evidence it was "at least 
possible" that liability for copyright infringement would be brought 
home against Kwik-Fit.

But Lord Emslie said he should not be taken as accepting that the PRS 
would necessarily succeed in their claims.


Quit Buying Music Maru



Re: Oops...

2007-10-09 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "Horn, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 9:08 AM
Subject: RE: Oops...

>> Robert Seeberger wrote
>> >
>> > Type O was the original paleolithic blood type.
>> > Type A showed up after agriculture changed our diet from
>> > hunter/gatherer.
>> > Then type B, AB, etc.
>> > I didn't realize type O (high protein diets) correlates with
>> > internet posters.
>> Jon..that is all bull.
> Is that part of a high protein diet?  I guess that depends on 
> whether or
> not that's the actual animal or the by-product...

/Me suspects you are trying to moove a bum steer on me.

Cow Tipping Maru


Re: Oops...

2007-10-08 Thread Robert Seeberger
- Original Message - 
From: "jon louis mann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" 
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 9:26 PM
Subject: Oops...

> IAAMOAC is a good idea.
> I am a member of a civilization
> Opps...
> The Most Common Blood Type Among Internet Posters Is Type-O Positive
> Maru
> -- Ronn!  :)
> uh, uh...
> Type O was the original paleolithic blood type.
> Type A showed up after agriculture changed our diet from
> hunter/gatherer.
> Then type B, AB, etc.
> I didn't realize type O (high protein diets) correlates with 
> internet
> posters.
> I am A positive which means I should be a vegetarian.
> Instead I am a carnivore and like my steakmedium rare.
> -- Jon  :{

Jon..that is all bull.

It is doubtful that there is any truth to it at all.

Pop Culture Crap Maru


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