Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-19 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 08:15 PM 6/18/2003 -0400, Ian Grigg wrote:
Certificate caching is a far more powerful idea
than, say, CA-signed certs.  If it were added
to browsers, and servers initialised with self-
signed certs, then the security of the net would
go up immensely.  Integrated with some of the
ideas that people have suggested concerning WoT,
publically distributed certs, and individualised
displays (amounting to local secrets keyed on the
cert), we could actually start to see people using
secured browsing when they wanted to rather than
when they were forced to.
typically certificates have had two characteristics  1) asn.1 encoding 
for network interoperability distribution and 2) trusted third party 
binding of some information to the public key

self-signed certificate caching is really loading public key into a locally 
maintained table.

in principal there is no need to maintain asn.1 encoding format in a 
locally maintained table since it eliminates having to decode it on every 
use  and the asn.1 encoding is only useful if you 1) are planning on 
redistributing somebody else's public key and 2) need the original bit 
format for validating the self-signed signature. The validating of the 
self-signed signature can be done on initially acquiring the certificate 
 and then it can be decoded, and the decoded values loaded into the 
table. the table/database just becomes entries of public keys and the 
associated attributes (which might be a combination of the original plus 
any additional that you might want to add along the way).

in that sense it becomes more of authentication management  along the 
lines of kerberos, radius, and/or the AAA RFCs, aka 
authentication,  authorization, and accounting.

in previous posts about BBB, it is possible that it would be used in 
combination with online trusted references  i.e. analogous to real-time 
call to BBB and obtaining referrels and any complaint information ... and 
then possibly remembering it by recording it in the table (aka online trust 
propogation as opposed to the offline trust propogation represented by TTP 

Part of the issue with the offline TTP stale, static certificate model was 
that it periodically tried to overload the contents of the certificate  
trying to justify the expense of the ceritifcate to the public key owner 
 but having little or no idea what might be the future requirements  of 
a broad range of relying parties. A locally maintained relying-party 
table/database would allow the relying party to dynamically adapt the trust 
characteristics that they were interested in.

Decoding the self-signed certificate before loading into the local table 
 helps highlight that the recorded trust characteristics don't have to 
be restricted to just those that happen to exist in the stale, static 
certificate (created at some time in the past by entities that had no 
anticipation regarding your specific trust requirements).

past discussions of online & offline trust propogation: TTPs & AADS (part II) OCSP and LDAP An attack on paypal (trivia addenda) An attack on paypal U.S. & Ireland use digital 
signature Public Key Infrastructure: An 
Artifact... Public Key Infrastructure: An 
Artifact... Public Key Infrastructure: An 
Artifact... Public Key Infrastructure: An 
Artifact... Public Key Infrastructure: An 
Artifact... revised Shocking Truth about 
Digital Signatures Public Key Infrastructure: 
An Artifact... SSL certs & baby steps FTC says incidence of ID theft 
jumped in 2002 "SSL & SET Query" ... from 
usenet group SET; was Re: Why trust root CAs ?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-19 Thread Ian Grigg
Matthew Byng-Maddick wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 04:32:12PM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
> > An e-gold-specific or paypal-specific client can tell,
> > because it can remember that it's trying to see the real thing,
> > but the browser can't tell, except by bugging you about
> > "Hi, this is a new site that's giving us a new cert" placebo box.
> Don't knock this warning, it might be enough of an indication to the user
> that something is not quite right. "But I've logged into e-gold before,
> and it never said this...". It certainly should be. In most browsers,
> though, there isn't even that, by default, at least, IMLE.

It's certainly enough - IMHO - to take the wind out
of the sails of the current rash of pirates.  If
the "placebo box" were to present the number of times
connected, and showed this in a graphical fashion,
I think it would be something ordinary users would

E.g.,  bright and bold and pulsing for 1st time,
with a big frowny face and the number 1.  Warm and
fuzzy for 10th time, with a big 10 and a smiley
face.  It might even put the fun back into browser
programming :-)  

Certificate caching is a far more powerful idea
than, say, CA-signed certs.  If it were added
to browsers, and servers initialised with self-
signed certs, then the security of the net would
go up immensely.  Integrated with some of the
ideas that people have suggested concerning WoT,
publically distributed certs, and individualised
displays (amounting to local secrets keyed on the
cert), we could actually start to see people using
secured browsing when they wanted to rather than
when they were forced to.

It might even raise the stock of the profession
above the current "maybe it's all snake oil" rating
that some skeptics have applied :-)

(Oddly enough, the market for CA-signed certs
would also increase, and the factory signers
would make a killing, but that's a rant for
another day.)


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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-15 Thread Matthew Byng-Maddick
On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 04:32:12PM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:
> An e-gold-specific or paypal-specific client can tell,
> because it can remember that it's trying to see the real thing,
> but the browser can't tell, except by bugging you about
> "Hi, this is a new site that's giving us a new cert" placebo box.

Don't knock this warning, it might be enough of an indication to the user
that something is not quite right. "But I've logged into e-gold before,
and it never said this...". It certainly should be. In most browsers,
though, there isn't even that, by default, at least, IMLE.


Matthew Byng-Maddick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-14 Thread Bill Stewart
At 02:24 PM 06/11/2003 -0700, David Honig wrote:
At 12:42 PM 6/11/03 -0600, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
>actually, if you had a properly secured DNS  then you could trust DNS
>to distribute public keys bound to a domain name in the same way they
>distribute ip-addresses bound to a domain name.
Adding PKeys to Yellow Pages merely lets you get scammed *confidentially*.
Unfortunately, that doesn't help you against wetware attacks -
the "" and "" web sites can have valid certs,
and your browser is unlikely to notice that they're different
from the certs at the sites "" and ""
because they've got different domain names.
So it won't notice that the certs have changed, because they haven't,
they're just the new certs for the new websites.
And client-side certs won't help, because the bogus sites
can happily accept them or ignore them.
An e-gold-specific or paypal-specific client can tell,
because it can remember that it's trying to see the real thing,
but the browser can't tell, except by bugging you about
"Hi, this is a new site that's giving us a new cert" placebo box.

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-13 Thread John Gilmore
> as in previous observations  having a domain name owner register their 
> public key in the internet registry (domain name infrastructure or 
> ip-address registery) starts to lesson the requirement for having SSL 
> domain certificates.

Yes; this is why (I think) VeriSign bought Network Solutions.  Then no
matter who wins the tussle over which infrastructure certifies
peoples' keys, VeriSign will own it.  Of course, canny spooks at SAIC
extracted billions of dollars from VeriSign for this privilege...after
extracting hundreds of millions from gullible public investors, and
extracting more from domain users via their official government
approved monopoly...


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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Sunder
The problem with these stop crackers and hackers by law is that it allows
software developers to get away with leaving huge gaping security holes
unfixed.  Anecodatal evidence: The classic well known Robin Hood and Friar
Tuck "hack".

These days, the bug wouldn't get fixed and the guys reporting it would
wind up in jail because they "convinced" the OS authors to fix the
bug.  IMHO, not the right way to go at all.

scroll down a bit more than half way down the page (also available from 
most other GNU sources)

 Back in the mid-1970s, several of the system support staff at
 Motorola discovered a relatively simple way to crack system
 security on the Xerox CP-V timesharing system.  Through a simple
 programming strategy, it was possible for a user program to trick
 the system into running a portion of the program in `master mode'
 (supervisor state), in which memory protection does not apply.  The
 program could then poke a large value into its `privilege level'
 byte (normally write-protected) and could then proceed to bypass
 all levels of security within the file-management system, patch the
 system monitor, and do numerous other interesting things.  In
 short, the barn door was wide open.

 Motorola quite properly reported this problem to Xerox via an
 official `level 1 SIDR' (a bug report with an intended urgency of
 `needs to be fixed yesterday').  Because the text of each SIDR was
 entered into a database that could be viewed by quite a number of
 people, Motorola followed the approved procedure: they simply
 reported the problem as `Security SIDR', and attached all of the
 necessary documentation, ways-to-reproduce, etc.

 The CP-V people at Xerox sat on their thumbs; they either didn't
 realize the severity of the problem, or didn't assign the necessary
 operating-system-staff resources to develop and distribute an
 official patch.

 Months passed.  The Motorola guys pestered their Xerox
 field-support rep, to no avail.  Finally they decided to take
 direct action, to demonstrate to Xerox management just how easily
 the system could be cracked and just how thoroughly the security
 safeguards could be subverted.

 They dug around in the operating-system listings and devised a
 thoroughly devilish set of patches.  These patches were then
 incorporated into a pair of programs called `Robin Hood' and `Friar
 Tuck'.  Robin Hood and Friar Tuck were designed to run as `ghost
 jobs' (daemons, in UNIX terminology); they would use the existing
 loophole to subvert system security, install the necessary patches,
 and then keep an eye on one another's statuses in order to keep the
 system operator (in effect, the superuser) from aborting them.

 One fine day, the system operator on the main CP-V software
 development system in El Segundo was surprised by a number of
 unusual phenomena.  These included the following:

* Tape drives would rewind and dismount their tapes in the
  middle of a job.
* Disk drives would seek back and forth so rapidly that they
  would attempt to walk across the floor (see {walking drives}).
* The card-punch output device would occasionally start up of
  itself and punch a {lace card}.  These would usually jam in
  the punch.
* The console would print snide and insulting messages from
  Robin Hood to Friar Tuck, or vice versa.
* The Xerox card reader had two output stackers; it could be
  instructed to stack into A, stack into B, or stack into A
  (unless a card was unreadable, in which case the bad card was
  placed into stacker B).  One of the patches installed by the
  ghosts added some code to the card-reader driver... after
  reading a card, it would flip over to the opposite stacker.
  As a result, card decks would divide themselves in half when
  they were read, leaving the operator to recollate them

 Naturally, the operator called in the operating-system developers.
 They found the bandit ghost jobs running, and X'ed them... and were
 once again surprised.  When Robin Hood was X'ed, the following
 sequence of events took place:

  !X id1

  id1: Friar Tuck... I am under attack!  Pray save me!
  id1: Off (aborted)

  id2: Fear not, friend Robin!  I shall rout the Sheriff
   of Nottingham's men!

  id1: Thank you, my good fellow!

 Each ghost-job would detect the fact that the other had been
 killed, and would start a new copy of the recently slain program
 within a few milliseconds.  The only way to kill both ghosts was to
 kill them simultaneously (very difficult) or to deliberately crash
 the system.

 Finally, the system programmers

Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Adam Selene
> IE checks the server name against each CN's individually.

I found that by experimentation too. I have VBScript sample on how to generate
such a CSR request for IIS using the CryptoAPI.

Furthermore, IE does not care if the CNs have different domains.



-or even-


You can self-sign such a cert with OpenSSL just fine. Whether you can get a real
CA to sign such a thing is another matter.


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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread tom st denis

--- "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --
> On 11 Jun 2003 at 20:07, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> > Let me point folk at 
> > for a related issue.  To put it very briefly, *real*
> > authentication is hard.
> I don't think so.
> Verisign's authentication is notoriously worthless and full of
> holes, yet very few attacks have been based on getting
> certificates issued to wrong party, or on stealing poorly
> defended and readily accessible certificates, even though that
> is quite easy to do.

On the whole PKI as used today is fairly useless.  I mean just because
Company A signed/issued me a key doesn't mean I'm a nice guy nor a
legit business.  All it means is I paid money to have another company
sign my key.

What *would* be more useful is a model of web-o-trust.  E.g. you make
up your own key.  Then you import public keys from third-party auditors
you trust.  Overtime the auditors will visit the business and if they
like it they will sign the key. 

So say you trust auditors A, B and C and I trust auditors B, C and D. 
Well chances are if company Z is good the will be audited by at least
one of the auditors we have in common.  

Unfortunately there is easy corruption in this model so you would have
to keep tabs on your auditor yourself.   However, in this model it
wouldn't cost money [hey everything net-related should cost money
right?] and would actually be meaningful.


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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread James A. Donald
On 11 Jun 2003 at 20:07, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> Let me point folk at 
> for a related issue.  To put it very briefly, *real*
> authentication is hard.

I don't think so.

Verisign's authentication is notoriously worthless and full of
holes, yet very few attacks have been based on getting
certificates issued to wrong party, or on stealing poorly
defended and readily accessible certificates, even though that
is quite easy to do.

One of the scams described in the paper you cite was the old
"" scam, but done using paper, rather than the
internet -- the scammers registered a company name similar that
of a target  company owning a large block of IP addresses, and
printed letter head paper similar to that of the other company.

The problem was not that authentication was hard.  Passwords
would have sufficed.   Self signed public keys would have
worked even better.

 James A. Donald

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 05:34 PM 6/11/2003 -0700, David Honig wrote:
When I buy $20 of gas with non-bearer credentials (ie, credit card),
the vendor does a real-time check on me.  Seems fair/useful to be able
to do same on them.  I suppose eBay's feedback suffices... if their
last N "feedbacks" are negative, I might go elsewhere.
we sort of tried that ... however the financial justification sort of fell 
apart. the big thing about BBB is being able to trust some merchant that 
you have absolutely no knowledge about. However, the actual buying patterns 
are extremely skewed ... with well over 80 percent of the transactions 
either repeat or with some organization that there is other avenues of 
trust propagation  and involving a very small number of very large 
merchants.  The BBB model tends to work with higher value, infrequent 
transaction. The remaining online, merchant market segment not covered via 
other trust processes, tended to represent a small percentage of total 
transactions, spread over a very large population of very small merchants, 
and frequently low value.

eBay is an attempt to provide an alternative delivery for such market 
segment  and the issue is how does eBay operations break even 
financially on a BBB like offering. The first filter is to quickly catch 
major scamming  operations ... and differentiate between the one-off 
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread David Honig
At 03:38 PM 6/11/03 -0600, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
even before e-commerce, the real 
>BBB process was that people called up the BBB and got realtime information 
> i.e. it was an online, realtime process.
>the equiivalent for an online, internet paradigm (as opposed to something 
>left over from the offline email genre of at least 10--15 years earlier) 
>was that the browswer tab;e pf trusted entities were of online authorities 
>(as opposed to certificate manufacturing) and if you cared, you clicked 
>thru to the BBB and got realtime information about the merchant in question 
>(being equivalent to when people call the BBB to actually get some level of 
>real input  as opposed to just a fuzzy comfort fealing).

When I buy $20 of gas with non-bearer credentials (ie, credit card), 
the vendor does a real-time check on me.  Seems fair/useful to be able
to do same on them.  I suppose eBay's feedback suffices... if their
last N "feedbacks" are negative, I might go elsewhere.

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Matt Crawford
> "Matt Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >... Netscrape ind Internet Exploder each have a hack for
> >honoring the same cert for multiple server names.  Opera seems to honor at
> >least one of the two hacks, and a cert can incorporate both at once.
> >
> >   /C=US/ST=Illinois/L=Batavia/O=Fermilab/OU=Services
> >   /CN=(alpha|bravo|charlie)
> >   /
> Just to clarify this, so you need a multivalued CN, with one containing the
> expression "(a|b|c)" and the remaining containing each of "a", "b", and "c"?
> Is it multiple AVAs in an RDN, or multiple RDNs?   (Either of these could be
> hard to generate with a lot of software, which can't handle multiple AVAs in
> an RDN or multiple same-type RDNs).  Which hack is for MSIE and which is for
> Netscape?

Each CN is in a single-element RDN as usual. Netscape honors only the
first CN in the SubjectDN, but will treat it as a restricted regex
(shell-like * wildcard, alternation and grouping). IE checks the
server name against each CN's individually.

This was mainly determined by experimentation.  I think we did find a
limit on how long that first regex could be, but I don't remember
what it was.  Longer than my example, but short enough that some of
our bigger virtual-hosting servers were inconvenienced by it.

Openssl has no qualms about multiple same-type components.  You just
have to use the somewhat documented

0.commonName = ...
1.commonName = ...
2.commonName = ...

in the configuration file.

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Matt Crawford
> You can also use *

Yes, we know, but our in-house CA operator (me) won't issue such a

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Nomen Nescio
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
> Let me point folk at
> for a related issue.  To put it very briefly, *real* authentication is
> hard.

It may be that real authentication is hard, but the unbelievably sloppy
practices of domain name registrars doesn't prove the case.

Imagine if property ownership were recorded with the same degree of rigor.
"I'm sorry, sir, but you don't own your house any more.  We received a
typewritten letter with your name on it saying you were transferring
ownership to ShoppingMall Inc.  The demolition teams are moving in,
and I'm afraid you'll have to be out by Friday."

Domain names are handled carelessly while real estate is not, due to
many factors.  Probably one of the main ones is the relative immaturity
of the domain name system compared to the centuries of experience we
have evolving mechanisms to deal with real property.

Clearly the registrars are making little or no effort to authenticate
domain name transfers at present.  At one time you could specify that only
messages signed with a given PGP key would authorize a transfer, but that
precaution has apparently disappeared, no doubt due to lack of interest
and the costs of support.  Maybe this could be something that a registrar
could use to differentiate itself from the many otherwise-identical
competitors in the market: we won't let your domain names get stolen.
What a novel concept.

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-12 Thread Peter Gutmann
"Matt Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>True as written, but Netscrape ind Internet Exploder each have a hack for
>honoring the same cert for multiple server names.  Opera seems to honor at
>least one of the two hacks, and a cert can incorporate both at once.
>   /C=US/ST=Illinois/L=Batavia/O=Fermilab/OU=Services
>   /CN=(alpha|bravo|charlie)
>   /

Just to clarify this, so you need a multivalued CN, with one containing the
expression "(a|b|c)" and the remaining containing each of "a", "b", and "c"?
Is it multiple AVAs in an RDN, or multiple RDNs?   (Either of these could be
hard to generate with a lot of software, which can't handle multiple AVAs in
an RDN or multiple same-type RDNs).  Which hack is for MSIE and which is for


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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 08:07 PM 6/11/2003 -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
Let me point folk at
for a related issue.  To put it very briefly, *real* authentication is
"real" authentication is actually that hard; it is "identification" that 
tends to really get sticky. one of the reasons for simplified security 
taxonomy like PAIN or PAIIN ... aka

3-factor authentication is

something you have (like a token)
something you know (like password)
something you are (like biometrics)
In the past, I've posted regarding proposals for implementing 
authentication techniques in association with various internet operation 
registries  in part because they are currently relying primarily on 
identification which is easily spoofed.

the previous posts highlight the domain name take-over exploits  using 
the same techniques used in the referenced article for ip-address take-over.

the issue for SSL domain name certificates  and people concerned about 
the integrity of the domain name infrastructure  is that the 
certification authorities aren't the authoritative reference for the 
information that they are certifying  it is the domain name 
infrastructure (and similarly the ip-address registry). The domain name 
take-overs have been very similar to the described techniques in the 
article for ip-address take-over. Somewhat the CA industry proposal is for 
the registries to implement public key registration at the same time the 
domain name (or ip-address) is registered.  The public key is registered in 
the registry account record  and all future interaction is done via 
authenticated signed transactions (authenticated using the public key in 
the registry account record).

The claim regarding the operation of the internet operational registries is 
that they are effectively non-authenticated  in much the same way that 
current credit card transactions are not authenticated. The x9.59 standard 
is for all electronic retail payments and are authenticated using a public 
key registered in the account record. This is effectively the some proposal 
(somewhat instigated by the certification authority industry) for 
transitioning the internet registries from non-authenticated transactions 
to authenticated transactions (by using digitally signed messages that are 
authenticated with public key registered in the corresponding registry 
account record).

as in previous observations  having a domain name owner register their 
public key in the internet registry (domain name infrastructure or 
ip-address registery) starts to lesson the requirement for having SSL 
domain certificates.

random past posts regarding irony/catch22 for the CAs and SSL domain name 
certificates: How effective is open source crypto? How effective is open source 
crypto? (bad form) Why trust root CAs ? Web of Trust CA Certificate Built Into Browser 
Confuse Me SSL MITM Attacks SSL integrity guarantees in 
abscense of client certificates Root certificate definition SSL certificate modification SSL certificate modification SRP authentication for web app Are ssl certificates all equally 
secure? Cirtificate Authorities 'CAs', how 
curruptable are they to SSL & Man In the Middle Attack SSL & Man In the Middle Attack SSL questions Authentification vs Encryption in 
a system to system interface New RFC 3514 addresses malicious 
network traffic
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Let me point folk at
for a related issue.  To put it very briefly, *real* authentication is 

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)

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Re: An attack on paypal (trivia addenda)

2003-06-11 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
somewhat related to the early posting in this m.l. about distributed 
computing systems conference and possible interest from security and 
cryptography sections.

when my wife and I were doing ha/cmp
we were working with two people in the following meeting in ellison's 
conference room

who the following year, left and joined a small client/server startup and 
were responsible for something called the commerce server (the company also 
had this thing called https/SSL). we then worked with these two people on 
the implementation for payments for the thing called the commerce server 
and well as the infrastructure regarding
trusting online merchants (as part of promoting this whole thing that came 
to be called electronic commerce):
and more recent posting in the same thread that I had also posted about 
buffer overflows and the multics study: A Dark Day

in any case, one of the jokes has been there are actually only 200 people 
in the industry.

in any case, back to the recent related thread on distributed system operation: A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats
and past posts discussing the BBB aspects for online electronic commerce: "SSL & SET Query" ... from 
usenet group U.S. & Ireland use digital 
signature Public Key Infrastructure: An 
Artifact... Public Key Infrastructure: An 
Artifact... SSL certs & baby steps TTPs & AADS (part II) OCSP and LDAP FTC says incidence of ID theft 
jumped in 2002 SET; was Re: Why trust root CAs ?
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

You need a Better Business Bureau's cert,  where the BBB is financially
(This implies it checks in *meatspace* and probably implies competition too.)
we actually included that in suggestion as part of original stuff for 
setting up electronic commerce and providing comfort to consumers. however 
it didn't take the form of a certificate  which is left over from 
ancient offline world (aka certificates are akin to the little BBB 
certificates that you get to put in your window ... a comfort issue but 
doesn't actually address any real cases). even before e-commerce, the real 
BBB process was that people called up the BBB and got realtime information 
 i.e. it was an online, realtime process.

the equiivalent for an online, internet paradigm (as opposed to something 
left over from the offline email genre of at least 10--15 years earlier) 
was that the browswer tab;e pf trusted entities were of online authorities 
(as opposed to certificate manufacturing) and if you cared, you clicked 
thru to the BBB and got realtime information about the merchant in question 
(being equivalent to when people call the BBB to actually get some level of 
real input  as opposed to just a fuzzy comfort fealing).

lots of past posts about merchant comfort certificates and ancient efforts 
to suggest requiring a BBB operation for internet merchants:

Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread David Honig
At 12:42 PM 6/11/03 -0600, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
>At 10:56 AM 6/11/2003 -0400, Sunder wrote:
>>In either case, we wouldn't need to worry about paying Verisign or anyone
>>else if we had properly secured DNS.  Then you could trust those pop-up
>>self-signed SSL cert warnings.
>actually, if you had a properly secured DNS  then you could trust DNS 
>to distribute public keys bound to a domain name in the same way they 
>distribute ip-addresses bound to a domain name.

The DNS is like the Yellow Pages phonebook.  A secure DNS would prevent
evil postmen from editing your copy of the Yellow Pages before he drops it
off at your house. 

But *anyone* can buy an entry in the Yellow Pages.  And you can't
sue the Yellow Pages because of an advert there --even a signed (unedited)

Adding PKeys to Yellow Pages merely lets you get scammed *confidentially*.

Verisign doesn't help ---they don't check anything in meatspace.  They're
not liable.  You can't sue them.  "Kosher meat certified by that 
vegetarian catholic up the street"

You need a Better Business Bureau's cert,  where the BBB is financially
(This implies it checks in *meatspace* and probably implies competition too.)

Another metaphor: you can't sue the DMV if someone defrauds you using
a fake-ID.  

You can't sue the DMV even if its a valid ID.  You can't
get your money back if the valid ID points to someone who is no longer
bound to that name & location.

And getting scammed by whispering doesn't help either.

On the other hand, if reputation is all that matters, you can conduct
business without a fixed IP, DNS record, or Verisign, by transacting on a 
public bulletin board (skywriting), using only signatures to maintain the
rep (and provide confidentiality when exchanging credit card info).
There's a bootstrap
problem of building reps, and getting others to believe them, but Pkeys
let you maintain all the *identity* you need.

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Matt Crawford" writ
>> The worst trouble I've had with https is that you have no way to use host
>> header names to differentiate between sites that require different SSL
>> certificates.
>True as written, but Netscrape ind Internet Exploder each have a hack
>for honoring the same cert for multiple server names.  Opera seems to
>honor at least one of the two hacks, and a cert can incorporate both
>at once.
>   /C=US/ST=Illinois/L=Batavia/O=Fermilab/OU=Services
>   /CN=(alpha|bravo|charlie)
>   /

You can also use *

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Matt Crawford
> The worst trouble I've had with https is that you have no way to use host
> header names to differentiate between sites that require different SSL
> certificates.

True as written, but Netscrape ind Internet Exploder each have a hack
for honoring the same cert for multiple server names.  Opera seems to
honor at least one of the two hacks, and a cert can incorporate both
at once.


> So you need to waste IP's for this.

Waste?  Heck no, that's what they're for!

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 10:56 AM 6/11/2003 -0400, Sunder wrote:
In either case, we wouldn't need to worry about paying Verisign or anyone
else if we had properly secured DNS.  Then you could trust those pop-up
self-signed SSL cert warnings.
actually, if you had a properly secured DNS  then you could trust DNS 
to distribute public keys bound to a domain name in the same way they 
distribute ip-addresses bound to a domain name.

the certificates serve two purposes: 1) is the server that we think we are 
talking to really the server we are talking to and 2) key-exchange for 
establishing an encrypted channel. a properly secured DNS would allow 
information distributed by DNS to be trusted  including a server's 
public key  and given the public key  it would be possible to do 
the rest of the SSL operation (w/o requiring certificates) which is 
establishing an agreed upon session secret key.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Eric Rescorla
Sunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The worst trouble I've had with https is that you have no way to use host
> header names to differentiate between sites that require different SSL
> certificates.
> i.e. can't all live on the same IP and
> have individual ssl certs for https. :(  This is because the cert is
> exchanged before the http 1.1 layer can say "I want" 
> So you need to waste IP's for this.  Since the browser standards are
> already in place, it's unlikely to be to find a workaround.  i.e. be able
> to switch to a different virtual host after you've established the ssl
> session.  :(
This is being fixed. See draft-ietf-tls-extensions-06.txt


[Eric Rescorla   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Sunder
The worst trouble I've had with https is that you have no way to use host
header names to differentiate between sites that require different SSL

i.e. can't all live on the same IP and
have individual ssl certs for https. :(  This is because the cert is
exchanged before the http 1.1 layer can say "I want" 

So you need to waste IP's for this.  Since the browser standards are
already in place, it's unlikely to be to find a workaround.  i.e. be able
to switch to a different virtual host after you've established the ssl
session.  :(

Personally I find thawte certs to be much cheaper than verisign and they
work just as well.

In any case, anyone is free to do the same thing AlterNIC did - become
your own free CA.  You'll just have to convince everyone else to add your
CA's cert into their browser.  You might be able to get the Mozilla guys
to do this, good luck with the beast of Redmond though.

Either way, having a pop-up isn't that big deal so long as you're sure of
the site you're connecting to.

In either case, we wouldn't need to worry about paying Verisign or anyone
else if we had properly secured DNS.  Then you could trust those pop-up
self-signed SSL cert warnings.

 + ^ + :25Kliters anthrax, 38K liters botulinum toxin, 500 tons of   /|\
  \|/  :sarin, mustard and VX gas, mobile bio-weapons labs, nukular /\|/\
<--*-->:weapons.. Reasons for war on Iraq - GWB 2003-01-28 speech.  \/|\/
  /|\  :Found to date: 0.  Cost of war: $800,000,000,000 USD.\|/
 + v + :   The look on Sadam's face - priceless!   

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> The most expensive and inconvenient part of https, getting
> certificates from verisign, is fairly useless.
> The useful part of https is that it has stopped password
> sniffing from networks, but the PKI part, where the server, but
> not the client, is supposedly authenticated, does not do much
> good. 

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Dave Howe
James A. Donald wrote:
> How many attacks have there been based on automatic trust of
> verisign's feckless ID checking?   Not many, possibly none.
I imagine if there exists a site for purposes of
fraud, it won't be using a self-signed cert. Of course it is possible that
the attackers are using http:// instead, but more people are likely to
notice that.

> That is not the weak point, not the point where the attacks
> occur.   If the browser was set to accept self signed
> certificates by default, it would make little difference to
> security.
I don't think any currently can be - but regardless, an attacker wishing to
run a fraudulent https site must have a certificate acceptable to the
majority of browsers without changing settings - That currently is the big
name CAs and nobody else.

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RE: An attack on paypal

2003-06-11 Thread Vincent Penquerc'h
> the lack of buffer overruns in Multics.  However, in the 
> Unix/Linux/PC/Mac
> world, a successor language has not yet appeared.

Work on the existing C/C++ language will have a better chance
of actually being used earlier. Not that it removes the problem
entirely, but it should catches a lot of easy stack smashing bugs.

Vincent Penquerc'h 

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-10 Thread Peter Gutmann
"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>On 8 Jun 2003 at 14:47, tom st denis wrote:
>>I disagree.  That attack is more akin to a "Hi, I'm calling
>>from {insert bank here} and we need your CC info to update
>>your file."
>>That doesn't mean credit cards [nor your bank] are flawed.
>Actually credit cards, and your bank, are flawed, as any porn
>site operator will tell you.

There's a wonderful story at by someone who
tried to see how b0rken he could make his signature before anyone complained.
He tried at various times a random scribble, a crosshatched scribble, a
regular grid, an 'X', a drawing of a stick-figure person, his name in Egyptian
hieroglyphics, various famous people's names, and even "I stole this card".
No-one ever complained.


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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-10 Thread Bill Frantz
At 5:12 PM -0700 6/8/03, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
>somebody (else) commented (in the thread) that anybody that currently
>(still) writes code resulting in buffer overflow exploit maybe should be
>thrown in jail.

A nice essay, partially on the need to include technological protections
against human error, included the above paragraph.

IMHO, the problem is that the C language is just too error prone to be used
for most software.  In "Thirty Years Later:  Lessons from the Multics
Security Evaluation",  Paul A. Karger and Roger R. Schell
 credit the use of PL/I for
the lack of buffer overruns in Multics.  However, in the Unix/Linux/PC/Mac
world, a successor language has not yet appeared.

YMMV - Bill

Bill Frantz   | Due process for all| Periwinkle -- Consulting
(408)356-8506 | used to be the | 16345 Englewood Ave.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | American way.  | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-10 Thread James A. Donald
On 9 Jun 2003 at 2:09, Dave Howe wrote:
> The problem is here, we are blaming the protective device for
> not being able to protect against the deliberate use of an
> attack that bypasses, not challenges it - by exploiting the
> gullibility or tendency to take the path of least resistance
> of the user. The real weakness in HTTPS is the tendency of
> certificates signed by Big Name CAs to be automagically
> trusted - even if you have never visited that site before.
> yes, you can fix this almost immediately by untrusting the
> root certificate - but then you have to manually verify each
> and every site at least once, and possibly every time if you
> don't mark the cert as "trusted" for future reference. To
> blame HTTPS for an attack where the user fills in a web form
> received via html-rendering email (no https involved at all)
> is more than a little unfair though.

How many attacks have there been based on automatic trust of
verisign's feckless ID checking?   Not many, possibly none.

That is not the weak point, not the point where the attacks
occur.   If the browser was set to accept self signed
certificates by default, it would make little difference to

A wide variety of ways of getting big name certificates that
one should not have, have been discovered.   Attackers never
showed much interest. 

 James A. Donald

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-10 Thread James A. Donald
On 8 Jun 2003 at 20:00, Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
> that is why we coined the term merchant "comfort"
> certificates some time ago. my wife and I having done early
> work for payment gateway with small client/server startup in
> menlo park ... that had this thing called SSL/HTTPS ... and
> then having to perform due diligence on the major issuers of
> certificates  we recognized 1) vulnerabilities in the
> certificate process and 2) information hiding of transaction
> in flight only addressed a very small portion of the
> vulnerabilities and exploits.

https is like a strong fortress wall that only goes half way
around the fortress.

The most expensive and inconvenient part of https, getting
certificates from verisign, is fairly useless.

The useful part of https is that it has stopped password
sniffing from networks, but the PKI part, where the server, but
not the client, is supposedly authenticated, does not do much

 James A. Donald

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-10 Thread James A. Donald
On 8 Jun 2003 at 14:47, tom st denis wrote:
> I disagree.  That attack is more akin to a "Hi, I'm calling 
> from {insert bank here} and we need your CC info to update 
> your file."
> That doesn't mean credit cards [nor your bank] are flawed.

Actually credit cards, and your bank, are flawed, as any porn 
site operator will tell you.

> The attack is based on you giving out the secrets, and alas, 
> no crypto can really stop that

If people routinely conduct business by sharing secrets, they 
will tend to share secrets with the wrong people.   The 
solution, envisaged a long time ago, but not implemented 
successfully, is not to use shared secrets. 

 James A. Donald

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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-10 Thread Sunder
Yes, >NOW< if you can load yourself into kernel space, you can do anything
and everything - Thou Art God to quote Heinlein.  This is true of every
OS.  Except if you add that nice little TCPA bugger which can verify the
kernel image you're running is the right and approved one. Q.E.D.

Look at the XBox hacks for ideas as to why it's not a trival issue, but
even so, one James Bond like buffer overflow in something everyone will
have marked as trusted (say IE 8.0, or a specially crafted Word 2005
macro), and the 3v1l h4x0r party is back on and you iz ownz0red once more.

It's not enough to fear Microsoft, you must learn to love it.  Give us 2
minutes of hate for Linux now brother!

 + ^ + :25Kliters anthrax, 38K liters botulinum toxin, 500 tons of   /|\
  \|/  :sarin, mustard and VX gas, mobile bio-weapons labs, nukular /\|/\
<--*-->:weapons.. Reasons for war on Iraq - GWB 2003-01-28 speech.  \/|\/
  /|\  :Found to date: 0.  Cost of war: $800,000,000,000 USD.\|/
 + v + :   The look on Sadam's face - priceless!   

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Rich Salz wrote:

> But if the system is rooted, then the attacker merely has to find the
> "today's secret word" entry in the registry and do the same thing.
> Unless Windows is planning on getting real kernel-level kinds of protection.
> > It was none other than Microsoft's NGSCB, nee Palladium.  See
> >
> See previous sentence. :)

Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-10 Thread Rich Salz
> For example, a proposal I saw recently which
> would have the OS decorate the borders of "trusted" windows with facts or
> images that an attacker wouldn't be able to predict: the name of your
> dog, or whatever.

But if the system is rooted, then the attacker merely has to find the
"today's secret word" entry in the registry and do the same thing.
Unless Windows is planning on getting real kernel-level kinds of protection.

> It was none other than Microsoft's NGSCB, nee Palladium.  See

See previous sentence. :)

Rich Salz  Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway
XML Security Overview

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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-10 Thread Peter Gutmann
Nomen Nescio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>I don't see how this is going to work.  The concept seems to assume that
>there is a distinction between "trusted" and "untrusted" programs. But in the
>NGSCB architecture, Nexus Computing Agents (NCAs) can be written by anyone.
>If you've loaded a Trojan application onto your machine, it can create an NCA,
>which would presumably be eligible to put up a "trusted" window.
>So either you have to configure a different list of doggie names for every
>NCA (one for your banking program, one for Media Player, one for each online
>game you play, etc.), or else each NCA gets access to your Secret Master List
>of Doggie Names.  The first possibility is unmanageable and the second means
>that the trustedness of the window is meaningless.

Maybe MS will implement something like the secure attention key in the old VAX
A1 VMM (Ctrl-Alt-Del already serves this purpose for logins) which gives you a
guaranteed non-spoofed interface to the kernel (see for example "A
Retrospective on the VAX VMM Security Kernel" by Karger et al for more
information on this).  They certainly have the VMS knowhow :-).


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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-10 Thread Nomen Nescio
Tim Dierks wrote:
>  - Get browser makers to design better ways to communicate to users that 
> UI elements can be trusted. For example, a proposal I saw recently which 
> would have the OS decorate the borders of "trusted" windows with facts or 
> images that an attacker wouldn't be able to predict: the name of your 
> dog, or whatever. (Sorry, can't locate a link right now, but I'd 
> appreciate one.)

It was none other than Microsoft's NGSCB, nee Palladium.  See

   NEW ORLEANS--Microsoft is trying to make security obvious.

   The software giant plans to visually alter document or application
   windows that contain private information that's secured through
   Microsoft's Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB), formerly
   known as Palladium. Secure windows will look different than regular,
   unsecured windows in order to remind users that they are looking
   at confidential material, Peter Biddle, product unit manager for
   Microsoft, said Thursday at the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference
   (WinHEC) here.
   The border of a secured page may contain information--such as the
   names of all the dogs that someone has ever owned--to make the data
   instantly recognizable as sound to the individual owner, as well as
   difficult to replicate. A hacker can create a spoof page with dogs'
   names running along the border but, in all likelihood, not one reading
   "Buffy, Skip and Jack Daniels--and in that order," Biddle said.
   Information on secured windows will vanish if another window is placed
   on top of it or shifted to the background. Erasing the information
   will prevent certain types of attacks and remind people that they're
   dealing with confidential material, Biddle said.

   When the secure window returns to the top of the stack, the information
   will reappear, he said.

I don't see how this is going to work.  The concept seems to assume
that there is a distinction between "trusted" and "untrusted" programs.
But in the NGSCB architecture, Nexus Computing Agents (NCAs) can be
written by anyone.  If you've loaded a Trojan application onto your
machine, it can create an NCA, which would presumably be eligible to
put up a "trusted" window.

So either you have to configure a different list of doggie names for
every NCA (one for your banking program, one for Media Player, one for
each online game you play, etc.), or else each NCA gets access to your
Secret Master List of Doggie Names.  The first possibility is unmanageable
and the second means that the trustedness of the window is meaningless.

So what good is this?  What problem does it solve?

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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-09 Thread Peter Gutmann
Amir Herzberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Ka Ping Yee, User Interface Design for Secure System, ICICS, LNCS 2513, 2002.

Ka-Ping Yee has a web page at and a lot of interesting
things to say about secure HCI (and HCI in general), e.g. a characterisation
of safe systems vs. general-purpose systems:

  In order for Alice to use her computer usefully, she has to be able to
  instruct programs to do things for her.  In order for those programs to
  carry out tasks, she has to trust those programs with some authority.  So
  every useful operation involves making the system a little bit less safe.
  In order to keep the system from becoming unboundedly unsafe, Alice must
  also be able to make her system more safe.

  A system in an ultimately safe state is one that can't do anything other
  than what was planned ahead of time.  General-purpose computing is useful to
  Alice only because she can make unpredictable inputs into the system, asking
  it to do new things.


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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-09 Thread Sean Smith

>Yuan, Ye and Smith, Trusted Path for Browsers, 11th Usenix security symp, 

Minor nit: just Ye and Smith. (Yuan had helped with some of the spoofing)

Advertisement: we also built this into Mozilla, for Linux and Windows.


Sean W. Smith, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED]   (has ssl link to pgp key)
Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH USA

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Re: An attack on paypal --> secure UI for browsers

2003-06-09 Thread Amir Herzberg
At 18:03 08/06/2003 -0400, Tim Dierks wrote:

 - Get browser makers to design better ways to communicate to users that 
UI elements can be trusted. For example, a proposal I saw recently which 
would have the OS decorate the borders of "trusted" windows with facts or 
images that an attacker wouldn't be able to predict: the name of your 
dog, or whatever. (Sorry, can't locate a link right now, but I'd 
appreciate one.)
Here are two...

Yuan, Ye and Smith, Trusted Path for Browsers, 11th Usenix security symp, 

Ka Ping Yee, User Interface Design for Secure System, ICICS, LNCS 2513, 2002.

This issue is also covered somewhat by my article in CACM (May 2002).

Best, Amir Herzberg
 - Combine the two to allow sites to provide a user-trustable UI to enter 
a password which cannot be sucked down.
 - Evangelize to users that this is better and that they should be 
suspicious of any situation where they used such interface once, but now 
it's gone.

I agree that the overall architecture is broken; the problem is that it's 
broken in more ways than can just be fixed with any change to TLS/SSL or HTTPS.

 - Tim

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Amir Herzberg
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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 02:09 AM 6/9/2003 +0100, Dave Howe wrote:
The problem is here, we are blaming the protective device for not being able
to protect against the deliberate use of an attack that bypasses, not
challenges it - by exploiting the gullibility or tendency to take the path
of least resistance of the user.
The real weakness in HTTPS is the tendency of certificates signed by Big
Name CAs to be automagically trusted - even if you have never visited that
site before.  yes, you can fix this almost immediately by untrusting the
root certificate - but then you have to manually verify each and every site
at least once, and possibly every time if you don't mark the cert as
"trusted" for future reference.
that is why we coined the term merchant "comfort" certificates some time 
ago. my wife and I having done early work for payment gateway with small 
client/server startup in menlo park ... that had this thing called 
SSL/HTTPS ... and then having to perform due diligence on the major issuers 
of certificates  we recognized 1) vulnerabilities in the certificate 
process and 2) information hiding of transaction in flight only addressed a 
very small portion of the vulnerabilities and exploits.

lots of past discussions related to our use of merchant comfort 
certificates from the past:

we concluded that a real issue is that way too much of the infrastructure 
is based on shared-secrets and there was no realistic way of providing 
blanket protection to all the exposures and vulnerabilities of such 
shared-secret infrastructures. somewhat related discussion in the security 
proportional to risk posting:

so rather than trying to create a very thick blanket of encryption covering 
the whole planet  a synergistic approach was attempting to provide 
alternatives to as much of the shared-secret paradigm as possible. As in 
the referenced post: authentication white paper

strong encryption of identification and privacy (and shared-secret) 
information is good ... but not having identification, privacy and 
shared-secret information is even better.

there are all sorts of ways of obtaining shared-secret information (and/or 
privacy and identification information prelude to identity theft)  
including various kinds of social engineering.

as previously mentioned requirement for X9.59 standard was to preserve the 
integrity of the financial infrastructure for ALL electronic retail 
payments. As per previous notes, X9.59 with strong authentication 
eliminates the account number as a shared-secret as well as eliminating 
requirements for name, address, zip-code, etc as part of any credit card 
authentication process (strong encryption of vulnerable information is 
good, not having the information at all is even better).

ALL in addition to referring to things like credit cards, debit cards, atm 
transactions, stored-value transaction, over the internet, at 
point-of-sale, face-to-face, automated machines, etc  also refers to 
ACH transactions. ACH information allows for unauthenticated push or pull 
transactions. Social engineering requesting bank account information so 
somebody can push tens of millions into your account also allows for them 
to generate a pull transaction removing all the money from your account. 
Part of the above posting on the authentication white paper  makes 
references to securing ACH transactions:

Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Internet trivia 20th anv

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Anne & Lynn Whee
ler writes:

>at a recent cybersecurity conference, somebody made the statement that (of 
>the current outsider, internet exploits, approximately 1/3rd are buffer 
>overflows, 1/3rd are network traffic containing virus that infects a 
>machine because of automatic scripting, and 1/3 are social engineering 
>(convince somebody to divulge information). As far as I know, evesdropping 
>on network traffic  doesn't even show as a blip on the radar screen.

One could argue that that's because of https...

More seriously, eavesdropping on passwords was a *very* big problem 
starting in late 1993.  Part of the problem was that ISPs then didn't 
know better than to put NOC workstations on their backbone LANs; when 
those were compromised, the attackers had wonderfully-placed 
eavesdropping stations.  

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Dave Howe
> in a world where there are repeated human mistakes/failures 
> at some point it is recognized that people aren't perfect and the design
> is changed to accommodate peoples foibles. in some respects that is what
> helmets, seat belts, and air bags have been about.

The problem is here, we are blaming the protective device for not being able
to protect against the deliberate use of an attack that bypasses, not
challenges it - by exploiting the gullibility or tendency to take the path
of least resistance of the user.
The real weakness in HTTPS is the tendency of certificates signed by Big
Name CAs to be automagically trusted - even if you have never visited that
site before.  yes, you can fix this almost immediately by untrusting the
root certificate - but then you have to manually verify each and every site
at least once, and possibly every time if you don't mark the cert as
"trusted" for future reference.
To blame HTTPS for an attack where the user fills in a web form received via
html-rendering email (no https involved at all) is more than a little unfair

> in the past systems have designed long, complicated passwords that are
> hard to remember and must be changed every month. that almost worked when
> a person had to deal with a single shared-secret.
> when it became a fact of life that a person might have tens of such
> different interfaces it became impossible. It wasn't the fault of any
> specific institution, it was a failure of humans being able to deal with
> large numbers of extremely complex, frequently changing passwords.
> Because of known human foibles, it might be a good idea to start shifting
> from an infrastructure with large numbers of shared-secrets to a
> non-shared-secret paradigm.

I am not aware of one (not that that means much, given I am a novice in this
Even PKI relies on something close to a shared secret - a *trustworthy* copy
of the public key, matching a secret copy of the private key. In x509, this
trustworthyness is established by an Ultimately Trusted CA; in pgp, by the
Web Of Trust, in a chain leading back to your own key; in SSH, by your
placing of the public key into your home dir manually (using some other form
of authentication to presumably gain access)
in each of these cases, the private key will almost invariably be protected
by a passphrase; at best, you can have a single passphrase (or even single
private key) to cover all bases.. but that just makes that secret all the
more valuable.

> at a recent cybersecurity conference, somebody made the statement that (of
> the current outsider, internet exploits, approximately 1/3rd are buffer
> overflows, 1/3rd are network traffic containing virus that infects a
> machine because of automatic scripting, and 1/3 are social engineering
> (convince somebody to divulge information). As far as I know, evesdropping
> on network traffic  doesn't even show as a blip on the radar screen.
That is pretty much because defence occupies the position of the interior -
attackers will almost invariably attack weak points, not strong ones. It is
easy to log and calculate how many attacks happen on weak points, but
impossible to calculate how many attacks *would* have happened had the
system not been in place to protect against such attacks, so the attackers
moved onto easier targets.
It makes little sense to try and break one https connection (even at 40 bit)
if by breaking into the server you get that information, hundreds of others
(until discovered) and possibly thousands of others inadvisedly stored
unprotected in a database.

> The types of social engineering attacks then become convincing people to
> insert their hardware token and do really questionable things or mailing
> somebody their existing hardware token along with the valid pin (possibly
> as part of an exchange for replacement). The cost/benefit ratio does start
> to change since there is now much more work on the crooks part for the
> same or less gain. One could also claim that such activities are just part
> of child-proofing the environment (even for adults). On the other hand, it
> could be taken as analogous to designing systems to handle observed
> failure modes (even when the failures are human and not hardware or
> software). Misc. identify theft and credit card fraud reference:

Which again matches well to the Nigerian analogy. Everyone *knows* that
handing over your bank details is a Bad Thing - yet they still do it.

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler
At 11:43 PM 6/8/2003 +0100, Dave Howe wrote:
HTTPS works just fine.
The problem is - people are broken.
At the very least, verisign should say "ok so '..go1d..' is a valid server
address, but doesn't it look suspiously similar to this '' site over
here?" for https://pseudo-gold-site/ - but really, if users are going to
fill in random webforms sent by email, they aren't going to be safe under
any circumstances; the thing could send by unsecured http to any site on the
planet, then redirect to the real gold site for a generic "transaction
completed" or even "failed" screen
A world where a random paypal hack like this one doesn't work is the same as
the world where there is no point sending out a Nigerian as you will never
make a penny on it - and yet, Nigerian is still profitable for the con
in a world where there are repeated human mistakes/failures  at some 
point it is recognized that people aren't perfect and the design is changed 
to accommodate peoples foibles. in some respects that is what helmets, seat 
belts, and air bags have been about.

in the past systems have designed long, complicated passwords that are hard 
to remember and must be changed every month. that almost worked when i 
person had to deal with a single shared-secret. when it became a fact of 
life that a person might have tens of such different interfaces it became 
impossible. It wasn't the fault of any specific institution, it was a 
failure of humans being able to deal with large numbers of extremely 
complex, frequently changing passwords. Because of known human foibles, it 
might be a good idea to start shifting from an infrastructure with large 
numbers of shared-secrets to a non-shared-secret paradigm.

at a recent cybersecurity conference, somebody made the statement that (of 
the current outsider, internet exploits, approximately 1/3rd are buffer 
overflows, 1/3rd are network traffic containing virus that infects a 
machine because of automatic scripting, and 1/3 are social engineering 
(convince somebody to divulge information). As far as I know, evesdropping 
on network traffic  doesn't even show as a blip on the radar screen.

In the following thread on a financial  authentication white paper: Authentication white paper FINREAD was. Authentication 
white paper FINREAD ... and as an aside FINREAD was. Authentication 
white paper

there is point made that X9.59 standard doesn't directly address the 
Privacy aspect of security (i.e. no encryption or hiding of data). However, 
the point is made that it changes the paradigm so that the financial 
account number no longer represents a shared-secret and that it can be 
supported with two-factor authentication  i.e. "something you have" token 
and "something you know" PIN. The "something you know" PIN is used to 
enable the token, but is not a shared secret. Furthermore, strong 
authentication can be justification for eliminating the need for name or 
other identification information in the transaction.

However, if X9.59 strong authentication is used with two-factor 
authentication and no identification information is necessary  then it 
would make people more suspicious if privacy information was requested. 
Also, since privacy information is no longer sufficient for performing a 
fraudulent transaction, it might mitigate that kind of social engineering 

The types of social engineering attacks then become convincing people to 
insert their hardware token and do really questionable things or mailing 
somebody their existing hardware token along with the valid pin (possibly 
as part of an exchange for replacement). The cost/benefit ratio does start 
to change since there is now much more work on the crooks part for the same 
or less gain. One could also claim that such activities are just part of 
child-proofing the environment (even for adults). On the other hand, it 
could be taken as analogous to designing systems to handle observed failure 
modes (even when the failures are human and not hardware or software). 
Misc. identify theft and credit card fraud reference: Identity Theft Losses Expect to 
hit $2 trillion

Slightly related in recent thread that brought up buffer overflow exploits A Dark Day
and the report that multics hasn't ever had a buffer overflow exploit Thirty Years Later: Lessons from 
the Multics Security Evaluation Thirty Years Later: Lessons from 
the Multics Security Evaluation

somebody (else) commented (in the thread) that anybody that currently 

Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Dave Howe
James A. Donald wrote:
> Attached is a spam mail that constitutes an attack on paypal similar
> in effect and method to man in the middle.
> The bottom line is that https just is not working.  Its broken.
HTTPS works just fine.
The problem is - people are broken.
At the very least, verisign should say "ok so '..go1d..' is a valid server
address, but doesn't it look suspiously similar to this '' site over
here?" for https://pseudo-gold-site/ - but really, if users are going to
fill in random webforms sent by email, they aren't going to be safe under
any circumstances; the thing could send by unsecured http to any site on the
planet, then redirect to the real gold site for a generic "transaction
completed" or even "failed" screen
A world where a random paypal hack like this one doesn't work is the same as
the world where there is no point sending out a Nigerian as you will never
make a penny on it - and yet, Nigerian is still profitable for the con

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread John S. Denker
"James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Attached is a spam mail that constitutes an attack on paypal similar
>>in effect and method to man in the middle.
Yeah, I've been seeing that one for a month or
two now.  I've seen several versions.  Some of
them are quite well done.  I imagine they get
more than a few victims.
I would have thought that the perpetrators would
have been too afraid of stings to try something
so bold.  The existence of such schemes is a sad
commentary on the state of law enforcement.
>>The bottom line is that https just is not working.  Its broken.

On 06/08/2003 05:47 PM, tom st denis wrote:
I disagree.  That attack is more akin to a "Hi, I'm calling from
{insert bank here} and we need your CC info to update your file."
So your "conclusions" are a bit off.
You guys are talking past each other.

All statements of the form.
 -- foo is working (or not)
 -- foo solves the problem (or not)
are so imprecise as to be useless.
It is better to talk about a definite specification.
Then we can ask whether foo meets the spec or not.
If you ask whether a given https implementation meets
the https specifications, then quite possibly it does.
So in this sense the technology is not "broken".
But if you ask whether https makes the world safe
for naifs to conduct e-commerce, by protecting them
from all possible spoofs and MITM attacks, then no,
it certainly does not do that.  There are some who
rashly claimed it was supposed to do that, so in
this sense it is quite broken.  It fails to meet
the broader spec.
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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread Tim Dierks
At 02:55 PM 6/8/2003, James A. Donald wrote:
Attached is a spam mail that constitutes an attack on paypal similar
in effect and method to man in the middle.
The bottom line is that https just is not working.  Its broken.

The fact that people keep using shared secrets is a symptom of https
not working.
The flaw in https is that you cannot operate the business and trust
model using https that you can with shared secrets.
I don't think it's https that's broken, since https wasn't intended to 
solve the customer authentication / authorization problem (you could try to 
use SSL's client certificates for that, but no one ever intended client 
certificate authentication to be a generalized transaction problem).

When I responded to this before, I thought you were talking about the 
server auth problem, not the password problem. I continue to feel that the 
server authentication problem is a very hard problem to solve, since 
there's few hints to the browser as to what the user's intent is.

The password problem does need to be solved, but complaining that HTTPS or 
SSL doesn't solve it isn't any more relevant than complaining that it's not 
solved by HTML, HTTP, and/or browser or server implementations, since any 
and all of these are needed in producing a new solution which can function 
with real businesses and real users. Let's face it, passwords are so deeply 
ingrained into people's lives that nothing which is more complex in any way 
than passwords is going to have broad acceptance, and any consumer-driven 
company is going to consider "easy" to be more important that "secure".

Right now, my best idea for solving this problem is to:
 - Standardize an HTML input method for  which does an SPEKE (or 
similar) mutual authentication.
 - Get browser makers to design better ways to communicate to users that 
UI elements can be trusted. For example, a proposal I saw recently which 
would have the OS decorate the borders of "trusted" windows with facts or 
images that an attacker wouldn't be able to predict: the name of your dog, 
or whatever. (Sorry, can't locate a link right now, but I'd appreciate one.)
 - Combine the two to allow sites to provide a user-trustable UI to enter 
a password which cannot be sucked down.
 - Evangelize to users that this is better and that they should be 
suspicious of any situation where they used such interface once, but now 
it's gone.

I agree that the overall architecture is broken; the problem is that it's 
broken in more ways than can just be fixed with any change to TLS/SSL or HTTPS.

 - Tim

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Re: An attack on paypal

2003-06-08 Thread tom st denis

--- "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Attached is a spam mail that constitutes an attack on paypal similar 
> in effect and method to man in the middle.
> The bottom line is that https just is not working.  Its broken.

I disagree.  That attack is more akin to a "Hi, I'm calling from
{insert bank here} and we need your CC info to update your file."

That doesn't mean credit cards [nor your bank] are flawed.  It means
you're an idiot for giving out the information.

Note that this "attack" doesn't actually exploit the automated side of
things.  It doesn't learn the secret key [password] nor does it decrypt
packets [via https].  The attack is based on you giving out the
secrets, and alas, no crypto can really stop that [unless you stop
letting the users have the secrets].

So your "conclusions" are a bit off.


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