Re: [css-d] Bizarre timing bug with IE6, list styles

2005-09-08 Thread Ingo Chao
John Handelaar wrote: Well, this has us stumped. To replicate: a) Go to this development site with IE6: b) Follow a link to another page c) Push the 'back' button At either point A or point C, you'll see IE inserting default list styling bullets into the left han

Re: [css-d] h1 border not displayed in IE

2005-09-08 Thread Ingo Chao
Glenn E. Lanier, II wrote: The container needs some layout [1], i.e. div#divTitle {width: 100%} Ingo [1] __ css-dis

Re: [css-d] IE "jumping link" problem

2005-09-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Evan Kutter wrote: ...the page is loaded or refreshed, the text "tooltip text" displays at the top of the relatively positioned div.container, overlapping existing text. on mouseover, the text "jumps" down to its correct position between the 2nd and

Re: [css-d] more problems

2005-09-06 Thread Ingo Chao
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: with firefox when I resize the browser I get a flashing window on the left hand side...any ideas?? No way in Fx, I fear. It's fixed in DP. The problem is the overflow: auto in the four white boxes. overflow-container do jump

Re: [css-d] IE's transparency filter attribute breaks absolute positioning

2005-09-06 Thread Ingo Chao
Scott Reston wrote: URL: To make up for lacking PNG transparency support in IE, I'm using the "filter:" attribute to make a div's background transparent (yep - i'm aware that IE will make all descendents transparent, too...) huh? I'm running

[css-d] OT: Your broken SBS Exchange Server is sending hundreds of mails to me

2005-09-06 Thread Ingo Chao
Please fix your SBS Exchange Server! Since yesterday I am receiving 4 duplicated mails ("Re: [css-d] A 100% horizontal navigation bar") /per hour/ from this IMB Recipient 1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (name/domain removed) This email had more recipients, these are getting 4 copies per hour too. *

Re: [css-d] A 100% horizontal navigation bar

2005-09-05 Thread Ingo Chao
Thierry Koblentz wrote: Mac: does not work with MSIE, Can't test it, but as the li have a width in IE, wouldn't display: inline-block work for IE/mac? just guessing ... Ingo -- __ css-disc

Re: [css-d] A 100% horizontal navigation bar

2005-09-05 Thread Ingo Chao
Choan C. Gálvez wrote: . PS: Sorry, today is my unable-to-explain-anything-in-English day. Choan, nice. Some words on browser compatibility? Does the trick here with IE5.5+, Op7.54+, Moz1.6+ Ingo -- http://www.satzans

Re: [css-d] last image collapses margin in IE

2005-09-05 Thread Ingo Chao
Joe Huggins wrote: ... In IE 6 the last image's margin collapses with the 2nd to last image. Well I hope someone else can interprete this bug. The fix is to delete the blank before the in the 2nd to last image: a

Re: [css-d] Opera absolute positioning bug

2005-09-04 Thread Ingo Chao
Alex Robinson wrote: OK, there are quite a few of those (see QuirksMode for most of them -, but my head is really beginning to hurt over this one. I've spent quite a bit of time trying to see what I've done wrong, but for the lif

Re: [css-d] background not showing and right margin not correct in Firefox

2005-09-03 Thread Ingo Chao
Virtuallee wrote: I'm having problems figuring out why the left hand side background towards the bottom of this page is not showing (I get a white background to the left and below the green footer). body takes not the height of html Also, in Firefox, the right hand column with the 2 boxes is

Re: [css-d] Border on inline element in last block in IEWin 6

2005-09-02 Thread Ingo Chao
Ellen Herzfeld wrote: I encountered an anomaly I hadn't seen before in Internet Explorer 6: the bottom border on an inline element disappears in the last block on the page. Adding a 1px bottom padding fixes the problem. In IE5.5, strangely, there is no problem. In IE5 no problem either, becau

Re: [css-d] 3 col fluid falling apart at 640x480

2005-09-01 Thread Ingo Chao
wendy wrote: Is there any way to salvage this at the smaller screen size? Validates, looks as it should on Mac browsers, and from what I can see via BrowserCam, on the Windows browsers...b

Re: [css-d] IE6 WIN won't show my background masthead image

2005-08-29 Thread Ingo Chao
Ingo Chao wrote: ... Not good. When you can't rewrite your rules, than you should overwrite them with "higher specifity rules" (for IE) in any other css file html .main { background-image: url('blog_library_header_dehb_lt.jpg'); ...} html .chair

Re: [css-d] IE6 WIN won't show my background masthead image

2005-08-29 Thread Ingo Chao
King's Cat wrote: Could someone kindly help me figure out why the background image (div.masthead) won't display on these pages in IE6 windows: but it WILL on this one in

Re: [css-d] Problem with list height/width in MSIE

2005-08-28 Thread Ingo Chao
Martin Cetkovský wrote: after change of main page layout I get a problem in MSIE with list (fixed) height/width. ... All links are at!sebranka/problem.htm With the xml declaration (), you are throwing IE into quirks mode. ul.photo_gallery li a { display: block

Re: [css-d] Unwanted Lines (repost)

2005-08-26 Thread Ingo Chao
Rahul Gonsalves wrote: * Even a slight text-zoom breaks the "mainnav" top navigation links. I'm not sure if there is a way to do this better than I have. Ideally, I would like the links to stretch all the way across the screen, and not resize or move

Re: [css-d] Content text disappears (re-post)

2005-08-26 Thread Ingo Chao
Dorothy Hesson 2336 wrote: It's a guillotine see The fix is to add a solid clearer at the very end of body. As this could be considered as a hack, you should consider using a

Re: [css-d] Different results on Firefox and IE

2005-08-26 Thread Ingo Chao
Mikko Levänen wrote: Please look at: But on IE I have problem that my css works differently and colors "visited" links green also in leftside navi.. Mikko, div .navList a, a:link, a:visited{ color: white; ... } ... This a:visited is overwritten by the subsequent a, a

Re: [css-d] Main content "jumps" in Opera 7.7 / PC

2005-08-25 Thread Ingo Chao
2geedesign wrote: When you visit using Opera 7.5 on Windows the main content is high is on the page and out of position. If you then pass the mouse over the links on the left the content "jumps" down into the correct position. typo in your URL http://www.per

Re: [css-d] Absolute Position Problem with IE

2005-08-25 Thread Ingo Chao
Glenn E. Lanier, II wrote: IE needs left:0; top:0; on this a.p. menu. Ingo -- __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [css-d] Font Rendering Bug?

2005-08-24 Thread Ingo Chao
Hershel Robinson wrote: Here is my test page: says it validates. In IE6 and Opera 8 on Win 2K, I see the first two 'continue shopping' texts in the same size font and the third one 'continue shopping big' in a larger font. I believe this is cor

Re: [css-d] to container/wrapper or not to container/wrapper

2005-08-23 Thread Ingo Chao
matthijs abeelen wrote: That's an issue I have been thinking about too. As i started learning css I just assumed a container div was a necessity in the standard fixed-width 750px layouts. It's hard to find a site that doesn't use one. Untill I found these examples/articles:

Re: [css-d] Odd placement of input element in IE. Why?

2005-08-22 Thread Ingo Chao
Will Merrell wrote: I have run into an odd bug where an input element is placed strangly when it is inside a div, but only when it is viewed in IE. I have been able to produce a small test example that exibits this bug. It is located at for you to loo

Re: [css-d] ALA Hybrid CSS Dropdown Help

2005-08-22 Thread Ingo Chao
BJ Clark wrote: ... I am trying to use the navigation on a page that all the content is centered. This obviously messes up the navgation royally. Can you give us an URl to your testpage? The "final Hybrid CSS Dropdown" in the ALA article should be c

Re: [css-d] My page breaking in IE - Any suggestions?

2005-08-20 Thread Ingo Chao
Karl Bedingfield wrote: If you look to the right of the archive image you can see a 2/3 pixel space. On my other pages all is fine. Can anyone see what is pushing the design out slightly? Since other pages render it fine,

Re: [css-d] Site Check: CSS causes hyperlinks not to work in IE on PC

2005-08-20 Thread Ingo Chao
Kris Black wrote: Site to check: hmm. While the page loads, the links are reacting in IE6 at my end, but not when the rendering is finished. You are triggering quirksmode in IE6 with that xml declaration. On a local copy, when this declaration is re

Re: [css-d] An IE minor problem

2005-08-20 Thread Ingo Chao
Christopher Harris wrote: My php: My CSS: My Problem: Where it says "Your Cart" - I want it to change color when you hover over it. The color I want is #A52A2A. I have everything else changing to that colo

Re: [css-d] span vs div

2005-08-20 Thread Ingo Chao
Jared Nielsen wrote: is it true that each "line" within a span is treated as it's own "box"? Each character has it's character-box (= em-box). These em-boxes build the content area, and together with the leading (= line-height - font-size), the inline-box is build. The different font-sizes

Re: [css-d] IE PNG hack disables links

2005-08-19 Thread Ingo Chao
Aurelius Capellan wrote: I'm futzing around with a PNG hack [1] in order to enable a translucent rollover effect on a dropdown menu. Everything works fine in Opera and Mozilla browsers (at least in Windows) but in IE 6 the links in the sub-menu don't want to work - I suspect because of the IE pro

Re: [css-d] Thumb troubleshooting help needed

2005-08-19 Thread Ingo Chao
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You would think if your read this list daily that using tables are the work of the devil, when you can control them with css they are actually not so badjust not for the overall structure of the pages. I have never said or read on this list that tables are the wor

Re: [css-d] Thumb troubleshooting help needed

2005-08-19 Thread Ingo Chao
cFA wrote: I'm trying to set up a page of thumbnails. I'm trying at all costs to avoid floating in this case (which I usually do) because ultimately I want all the thumbs centered. I've got it pretty close only when I add a title the thumbs become one centered row. Ive tried different display p

Re: [css-d] positioning inconsistencies all around

2005-08-19 Thread Ingo Chao
Christy Collins wrote: The header of a site I am working on has buttons that are supposed to rest on top of a brown line. The positioning of these buttons is a little different on almost every browser I check on. Christy, - Fx vs. Opera8

Re: [css-d] Dumbfounded by IE and floats

2005-08-18 Thread Ingo Chao
Mike Free wrote: I posted this question on the 12th but have had no replies. IE can't do that with floats (the two floats, #subsection and #newsfeed, are disconnected by #servicelinks + clear:right in #newsfeed). If you switch servicel

Re: [css-d] bg great in Firefox - but not in IE ???

2005-08-11 Thread Ingo Chao
Michael Landis wrote: Thomas Hall wrote (about If you look at it in Firefiox, you will see all have the background color of red, but in IE, only half of them do??? Anders Ringqvist wrote: As I can see it it´s nothing

Re: [css-d] IE offset problem

2005-08-11 Thread Ingo Chao
patrick mattison wrote: ... for the most part I really enjoy it :) It seems the #container and #bricks have been offset to the right, each greater then the next... To center #wrapper in IE5.5 (where margin: 0 auto; will not work), body

Re: [css-d] Firefox problem with footers at bottom of viewport

2005-08-11 Thread Ingo Chao
Peter Scott wrote: I've been managed to position my footers at the bottom of the viewport, based on the article at, and with the help of this list have ironed out some bugs, but I'm still having a recurring problem on one page. Basically, the footer ba

Re: [css-d] Unexplained Space in IE

2005-08-10 Thread Ingo Chao
David Marr wrote: I am trying to figure out the space to the right of the third column in this example (only seems to happen in IE). The third column is dynamically being applied the class name of 'right' via javascript. Adding overflow:

Re: [css-d] Site Check: IE 6

2005-08-10 Thread Ingo Chao
Tanya Renne wrote: Two people in a client of 20 people are having trouble with this page: - the splash image on the right is sliding down below the navigation on the left. While I fixed the issue for most IE users (too wide main div due to padding) I can't se

Re: [css-d] htc / son of suckerfish type dropdowns, iE probs

2005-08-10 Thread Ingo Chao
Rebecca Cox wrote: Hi there, I've been fiddling with a sort of combo of the htc-enabled dropdowns ( and suckerfish II ( and have it all sweet except for a problem with, err, IE6 / Win;( See http://www.reb.

Re: [css-d] site check

2005-08-09 Thread Ingo Chao
Ingo Chao wrote: #invnav a { display: block; width: 240px; height: 140px; text-indent: -9px; margin-bottom: 15px;} /* 1 */ #invnav li { list-style-type: none; list-style-image: none; list-style-position: outside; } /* 2*/ Opera 8.02 (not 7.54!) /Win shows weird problems with the

Re: [css-d] site check

2005-08-09 Thread Ingo Chao
Todd Silver wrote: You know what to do. IE6: When I hover over the left navigation link/bgimages, they jump up (at least on my side). I suggest to move the margin-bottom in /*1*/ to /*2*/ #invnav a { display: block; width: 240px; he

Re: [css-d] Need some help - seems simple

2005-08-09 Thread Ingo Chao
Christopher Harris wrote: In IE the top part of the header is way too tall. And in FF - the word "Search" is dangling way below its container div. Why? Chris, #navigation { ... height: 130px;} this height causes trouble, I think. It's a float

Re: [css-d] CSS class name problem

2005-08-09 Thread Ingo Chao
Christian Heilmann wrote: Try using an alphanumeric character first, like "nav1". While the specs seem not to forbid class names that are only numbers (it is a different issue for IDs!) I doubt browsers really understand what is going on. So would

Re: [css-d] Re: Firefox issue from "Exploring footers"

2005-08-08 Thread Ingo Chao
Peter Scott wrote: I should have included this in my earlier post, but the actual page and code is at Thanks. Fx needs img dimensions. height="120" > Ingo -- _

Re: [css-d] clearing problem?

2005-08-07 Thread Ingo Chao
John Haas wrote: The URL: (user/pass: buyblue:letmein) At the bottom of the Center column lies the "Company discussion" area. It's div (profile_forum) seems to be clearing left (to the bottom of the left column, which by the way is in an outside div) in all

Re: [css-d] IE Creating Elements?

2005-08-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Ingo Chao wrote: Ingo Chao wrote: It's the position:relative in #rap, without a dimension. IE don't like such constructs. Well, you need the position:relative to offset a.p. boxes relative to it. But you can't give #

Re: [css-d] IE Creating Elements?

2005-08-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Ingo Chao wrote: Richard Garbutt wrote: I'm totally mystified by this... Assuming you are still referring to Fx sees a lonely "-->" on the page. Do you have nested html comments? Ingo ok, you have fixed the comme

Re: [css-d] IE Creating Elements?

2005-08-07 Thread Ingo Chao
Richard Garbutt wrote: I'm totally mystified by this... Assuming you are still referring to Fx sees a lonely "-->" on the page. Do you have nested html comments? Ingo --

Re: [css-d] Opera issues semi-reolved; HUGE IE6 issues

2005-08-06 Thread Ingo Chao
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: there are *huge* display issues with IE6. Same url: Problems present on all pages. I've gone through them to the best of my ability, changing certain values, with no luck whatsoever. There must be something I'm missing

Re: [css-d] IE Jump on Hover bug

2005-08-06 Thread Ingo Chao
Richard Garbutt wrote: The problem is with the navigation on the right. The elements with red borders are an unordererd list (#menulist) inside an absolutely positioned div (#menu). The unordered list has width set to 9em and margin: auto. The page is meant to behave like it does in Firefox, and

Re: [css-d] horizontal list top border

2005-08-05 Thread Ingo Chao
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Please look at with css at On Netscape 7.1 each of the horizontal lists look the same and as I expect. On IE 6.0 when the width of the DIV enclosing the list

Re: [css-d] Firefox: little bu g with text-transform and "ß"

2005-08-05 Thread Ingo Chao
David, thanks for clarifying. And for the tons of bugs fixed every day. Regards, Ingo -- __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] List wiki/FAQ -- htt

Re: [css-d] Firefox: little bu g with text-transform and "ß"

2005-08-05 Thread Ingo Chao
Klaus Hartl wrote: If you use "text-transform: uppercase;" on an element holding text which contains "ß", that letter transforms to "SS" (correct), but than, under certain circumstances (has to be one word or the second of two), the last letter is missing. I.e.: "Europäische Außenpolitik

Re: [css-d] FF impossible resize bug

2005-08-05 Thread Ingo Chao
Michiel van der Blonk wrote: I am not sure about Deer Park. I tested it and still got the bug, but then this is DP from 16th July, you might have the latest build. I don't know if this conversation is meant off list or onlist, so apologizes if I do disturb. - Assuming you are still spe

Re: [css-d] IE background flicker on a:hover

2005-08-04 Thread Ingo Chao
David Feldman wrote: I've read a bunch of different techniques for dealing with background- image flicker in IE Anyway, I've come up with an additional technique that uses the IE AlphaImageLoader filter a { background-image: url(/img/some-image.gif); filter:progid:DXImageTra

Re: [css-d] Visual Artifacts in IE6

2005-08-04 Thread Ingo Chao
Martin Tschofen wrote: Perhaps someone has seen this before. In IE browsers (I'm mostly concerned about IE6) I see some text artifacts that appear below the "fold". In my current project, the footer is initially not visible. When I scroll down to see the footer, IE puts the last few characters o

Re: [css-d] hacks in IE7 ?

2005-08-04 Thread Ingo Chao
Zoe M. Gillenwater wrote: I personally use the star html hack for IE all the time, so I really hope they don't fix that in IE7. It doesn't do any harm, and it serves as a nice filter. I may need to switch entirely to conditional comments, though. I think it depends on the amount of bugs the

Re: [css-d] hacks in IE7 ?

2005-08-04 Thread Ingo Chao
Haoshiro wrote: Heh, exactly. That's why hacks, in general, are a bad idea. More headaches for developers when future releases happen... whether that be the browser devs or the web devs! Personally I just try to rework the way I am implementing something until it is cross-browser without ha

Re: [css-d] float in div clears float from outer div

2005-08-04 Thread Ingo Chao
The snippet of code you provided seems to work. Do you have an URL of a minimal test page which produces the problem? Ingo -- __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [css-d] 2 column List Issue In Firefox

2005-08-04 Thread Ingo Chao
Brian Peddle wrote: I am trying to do a 2 column list. what about using a definition list: .dashbox dl { float: left; /* float container */ width: 151px; /* whatever */ margin:0; padding:0; border: solid #6C9A

Re: [css-d] Disappearing (sometimes) background - IE/Win

2005-08-03 Thread Ingo Chao
Travis Nep Smith wrote: At 2005/08/03, Matthew Ohlman Said unto me: Sounds like the peek-a-boo bug. Try position everything: Thanks. I tried: a) adding "position: relative" to the floating DIVs, and I tried b) adding "height: 100%"

Re: [css-d] Negative margin, border dispute in IE Win

2005-08-03 Thread Ingo Chao
Travis Nep Smith wrote: (Though why IE insisted on using the wrong background image I'll never know.) Can you provide an to the hover/background problem, please? Ingo -- __ css-discuss [EMAIL

Re: [css-d] firefox is displaying unwanted gap between menu and below content, other issues

2005-08-03 Thread Ingo Chao
Bruce Gilbert wrote: in FF 1.0 PC, I am getting unwanted spacing between the top green menu and the flash file below which I can't come up with a fix for. UA's have different defaults for some elements. ul#navlist {margin-bottom:0

Re: [css-d] Negative margin, border dispute in IE Win

2005-08-03 Thread Ingo Chao
Travis Nep Smith wrote: I thought I could just make a box with side borders and no top border, create an image that was 2 px wider than the box, and use a -2px negative left margin on the image to yank it out, over the left border. but when th

Re: [css-d] Is there any workaround to this bug (overflow:visible;)?

2005-08-03 Thread Ingo Chao
forgot: If you shrink the window to about 300-400px, the orange container starts to grow again. -- __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] List wiki/FA

Re: [css-d] Is there any workaround to this bug (overflow:visible;)?

2005-08-03 Thread Ingo Chao
Roberto Gorjão wrote: Olá Uwe! I must confess that I had not understood your solution in first place. If we skip the "position:relative;" rule in the first container and apply it to the second container, with a negative value for the margin-right rule proportional to the wanted width (in this

Re: [css-d] Q: Son of a Suckerfish

2005-08-02 Thread Ingo Chao
Tanya Renne wrote: My suckerfish markup is correct as far as I can tell but my implementation is still jumpy in IE 6.0 for windows. While playing with your page, I've taken out and the jumping in IE stopped. Can

Re: [css-d] Is there any workaround to this bug (overflow:visible;)?

2005-08-02 Thread Ingo Chao
Roberto Gorjão wrote: I’m stuck in an Explorer bug… It’s the same bug (overflow:visible;) that was described by Mark Wilton-Jones in this article . I have recreated it (see links below) and would like to know if anybody k

Re: [css-d] Floats crashing IE6/Win?

2005-08-02 Thread Ingo Chao
Sorry, must be the cache, now its fixed. Ingo -- __ css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED] List wiki/FAQ -- Supported by

Re: [css-d] Floats crashing IE6/Win?

2005-08-02 Thread Ingo Chao
ugo pozo schrieb: Ingo Chao wrote: No, it crashes mine too, thanks. On a local copy, it crashed when I was playing with the text-zoom. This can happen in tight fittings. In div#content form#contato p.formcontainer I changed the padding: 0px 20px; to padding: 0px 19px; and I didn't m

Re: [css-d] IE Background-Image Problem

2005-08-01 Thread Ingo Chao
Richard Garbutt schrieb: The problem is that the background images for the links at the top of the 2nd and 3rd columns (next to the text "Black and Blue" and "Octopussy") seem to be repeating vertically and also overflowing their container. This happ

Re: [css-d] Win/IE5x & Safari & DP

2005-07-31 Thread Ingo Chao
David Laakso schrieb: A quick check in Win/IE5x and Safari to see if this page is wonky Hi David, nice page. You havent asked, but Deer Park has a problem with your menu. When I click on a link, or tab, the "dotted black focus outline" (btw. w

Re: [css-d] absolutely positioned menu vanishes with IE

2005-07-31 Thread Ingo Chao
rupert schrieb: your bug trigger is similar to case #2 in Bruno Fassino's great test page: #2 float - ap - clearer: #main float #eventsPane float #navigation a.p. #footer clear A fix is according to case #10:

Re: [css-d] Scroll bars show through absolutely positioned background images

2005-07-30 Thread Ingo Chao
Justin Makeig schrieb: I've got an absolutely positioned div with a partially transparent background (png). When I position the div above a block level element that has a scrollbar (triggered by overflow content). The scrollbars show through the background images, but not through the content

Re: [css-d] Link plus background image, plus undereline

2005-07-30 Thread Ingo Chao
Jono Young schrieb: I want to make a link, and give the link a left aligned icon image, and also give the link a bottom border so that the link's underline is a different color than the actual link text. What I do not want is for the underline to also appear below the icon image that will

Re: [css-d] Floats crashing IE6/Win?

2005-07-29 Thread Ingo Chao
ugo pozo schrieb: Is this a problem of my IE only? And, if it's not, what should I do? No, it crashes mine too, thanks. On a local copy, it crashed when I was playing with the text-zoom. This can happen in tight fittings. In div#content form#

Re: [css-d] Mysterious gaps -first

2005-07-29 Thread Ingo Chao
Mark Holden schrieb: I'm having two display headaches in IE6 First, in the section navigation menu under "services" at left, it's putting a gap between the main navigation link (services) and the sub-navigation links. It can't be because of the white space

Re: [css-d] Strange IE behaviour

2005-07-28 Thread Ingo Chao
Schalk Neethling schrieb: Found the problem. It is not a:hover:visited but a:visited:hover. Stupid me :-[ Schalk Neethling wrote: a:link { color:#000; } a:visited { color:#000; } a:hover:visited { color:#f9bc01; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { color:#f9bc01; text-decoratio

Re: [css-d] one more for list of IE CSS nastys ?

2005-07-27 Thread Ingo Chao
Rebecca Cox schrieb: Grr IE, you know how you can use an ID & class selector together on same element? Eg .resources .stories#banner { background: #666; } .resources .know#banner { background: #ccc; } All fine & valid etc but IE6 Win will only apply the first such style in the

Re: [css-d] Line breaks and font-weight...

2005-07-27 Thread Ingo Chao
medial | André Huf schrieb: I have a styled list as navigation where the text-links sit in list items with a fixed length (which i cannot change). If one entry gets longer than the size of the list item it just breaks to another line. They are supposed to have "font-size: bold;" in the a:hover p

Re: [css-d] Background position in inline elements

2005-07-27 Thread Ingo Chao
Antonio Bueno schrieb: Hello, all. I've found some weird behavior when using background-position of links. This test page seems to be related for the situation in IE But only a flaw hope for a workaround in CSS. And, right or wrong? "The ti

Re: [css-d] Problem in Firefox on initial page load only

2005-07-27 Thread Ingo Chao
AntonyG schrieb: I saw a short rearranging on the right side in DeerPark a2. Have you tried to give the img "Elite cyclists" a height? Ingo -- __ css-discuss [EMAI

Re: [css-d] Site Check

2005-07-26 Thread Ingo Chao
Vicki Skinner (Stebbins) schrieb: Now the chilli—the final concept design was a collaboration between myself and another designer who did their print work (posters)... That's a good reason to hide the chilli (and the calendar) in your print style sheet. Ingo --

Re: [css-d] A little more IE help - IE Freezes

2005-07-22 Thread Ingo Chao
Saul, your page freezes IE6/Win XP SP2 here when the window is resized so that the content drops. Ingo -- __

Re: [css-d] Background overlapping in float layout

2005-07-21 Thread Ingo Chao
Jørgen Farum Jensen schrieb: I'm having a problem with an example page I've constructed, The problem is confined to IE, which displays a band of background color in the right hand column on window resize. your page starts like this:

Re: [css-d] PNG Transparency in IE for background-image

2005-07-21 Thread Ingo Chao
Tony Haddon schrieb: your behavior manipulates the img element, not the background-property. img {behavior: url("");} it is possible to get cross-browser backgrounds to work

Re: [css-d] Forced Margin in IE

2005-07-20 Thread Ingo Chao
Tim Zappe schrieb: ... In IE/WIN the sidebar acts likethey have a top and bottom padding and show the tile below the footer image. IE/win sometimes adds some spurious whitespace content into empty elements, reacting to font settings. fix: #top, #bottom

Re: [css-d] strange disappearing padding in IE - anybody seen this before?

2005-07-20 Thread Ingo Chao
Don Hinshaw schrieb: Ingo Chao wrote: inline-block lets the link more act as an entity. Thanks for the fix. I'm trying to understand why it works...what did you mean by 'act more like an entity'? display: inline-block makes the link behave like a rectangle, no "part&qu

Re: [css-d] strange disappearing padding in IE - anybody seen this before?

2005-07-20 Thread Ingo Chao
Don Hinshaw schrieb: ... If you narrow your window until the Save Link 'buttons' begin to wrap to the next line you will see that the left padding disappears. Confirmed on IE6/WinXP. One option is to apply #maincontent a.saveLink { _d

Re: [css-d] CSS and Ad Impressions

2005-07-20 Thread Ingo Chao
hmm. playing the role of the last hope isn't much attractive, you know. The people on the other forums are not dumb. Maybe you should reformulate the question? Would you mind explaining the problem again in other, less words to someone who never had heard a word about ads on the web? So you h

[css-d] On having layout

2005-07-20 Thread Ingo Chao
In this article, the editors focus on some aspects of "hasLayout" in IE/Win. rev. July 19 -- a work in progress. regards, Ingo -- __ css-

Re: [css-d] The secret handshake?

2005-07-19 Thread Ingo Chao
After researching , I think one option is to float both the green and the yellow box to the right, giving them an appropriate width. Both are already positioned relative and are perfect usable to establish containing blocks for absolutely positioning of the "e-wr

Re: [css-d] The secret handshake?

2005-07-19 Thread Ingo Chao
Tanya Renne schrieb: So I've posted three things to this list and not gotten any response at all. I've helped out several others on issues - but no nibbles on my problems ... do I have the secret handshake wrong or something? Don't know what handshake you are talking about. In "[css-d] float

[css-d] WIKI changes: BrowserBugs

2005-07-19 Thread Ingo Chao
I have made separate WIKI pages for some of the browsers, trying to provide at least one relevant external resource link. This is still an inadequate section of the WIKI. Thank you Ingo -- ___

[css-d] pseudo-class, pseudo-element, pseudo-CSS

2005-07-18 Thread Ingo Chao
I've compiled some basic information about inconsistencies and bugs regarding pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes in IE6/Win: it's a work in progress, though. If you have weired experiences related to :hover, :first-letter & Co. not listed in this

Re: [css-d] IE border problems with dir="rtl"

2005-07-18 Thread Ingo Chao
Another idea is to drop that border-underlining .underlinedText { display: inline; position: relative; top: 20px; right: 20px; color: red; text-decoration: underline; } em {font-style:normal; color: black;} This should have a red underline. Its a bit difficult to provide an idea without an U

Re: [css-d] IE border problems with dir="rtl"

2005-07-18 Thread Ingo Chao
Ryan Becker schrieb:";> Underline Test .underlinedText { display: inline; position: relative; top: 20px; right: 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #FF; }

Re: [css-d] Opera 7.X in winXP refuses to show body background.

2005-07-16 Thread Ingo Chao
BJ schrieb: ...Help! Opera 7.x (and, when I'm not wrong, some versions of Safari) don't like the mix: was: background: #3A3D2B url(images/horzgrad150.jpg) repeat-y 751px top; fix: background: #3A3D2B url(images/horzgrad150.jpg) repeat-y 751px 0; In CSS2

Re: [css-d] not getting the desired hover effect on bottom links

2005-07-15 Thread Ingo Chao
Bruce Gilbert schrieb: on the home page, I am getting the desired effect with the top and bottom borders on hover. However, on any other page the hover effects are a blue background which is the default hover effect on . ... the code is the same on every page. Actually it isn't. http://www.

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