Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

1999-01-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/16/99 3:07:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>   What is still not undersood is so far NO Republicans have lied under oath

So that's what i've been missing!  Darn.

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Re: [CTRL] Striped Sleeves Mean Impeachment Is Military?

1999-01-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/15/99 3:57:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Contacted  by  CNNS,   Mr.   Skolnick   further  noted  that  the
>  striped-sleeve style of judicial robe was *de  rigueur*  in  Nazi
>  Germany.

We should not be tempted by this morsel.  It is tempting because Mr. Rhenquist
got his start in the Republican party by intimidating blacks and Hispanics
from voting.

However, the level of the proceeding has been drenched in pomposity to date as
though the Republicans are desperate in making themselves appear sober rather
than the vengeful little twits attempting to overthrow a government that they


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[CTRL] Larry Flynt Stoned

1999-01-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

January 16, 1999

Larry Flynt Stoned

We didn't need Larry Flynt to tell us that Bob Barr is a hypocrite. The
Georgia Congressman's sleazy marital history was already public back in '96
when he had the gall to champion an absurd bill called the Defense of Marriage
Act -- which that other proud defender of marriage, Bill Clinton, then signed
into law. But we may need Larry Flynt anyway -- not to expose any impeachment
manager's sex life but simply because his very presence exposes the
disingenuousness of everybody else, conservative and liberal, Republican and
Democrat, press and public, who inhabits the epic Bosch canvas that is
Monicagate. In the land of the pious hypocrite, the honest pornographer is

After a year in which the President repeatedly told us he didn't have sex with
that woman, and his antagonists repeatedly told us that their case "is not
about sex," and the media constantly lamented how horribly sad they were to be
covering this sex-driven, albeit lucrative, story, Mr. Flynt's candor is
downright refreshing. In interviews, he refers to himself as a "smut
publisher" who wants "to sell [his] magazine," not a public-minded seeker of
truth. He openly declares his partisanship ("I love Clinton. He's a great
President.") and eagerly declares his hope to have "the effect of derailing
the impeachment process." The Hustler editor who serves as Mr. Flynt's
collaborator in tracking down Congressional trysts unabashedly describes their
enterprise as "vandalism," not journalism.

It is almost too delicious to watch Mr. Flynt throw his higher-minded
colleagues in the news business into conniptions. Washington's bloviator-in-
chief, David Broder, brooded on PBS about how "the mainstream press" is now
having its agenda set by "the bottom-feeders in our business" -- and yet he
works for the paper (The Washington Post) that first asked the adultery
question to a Presidential candidate (Gary Hart) and is a regular on "Meet the
Press," the first mainstream Sunday gabfest that made a panelist out of Matt
Drudge, the Clinton-haters' answer to Flynt (though not as factually

Mr. Flynt's antics have similarly prompted many mainstream TV news outlets --
CNBC, ABC's "20/ 20," CNN, "CBS This Morning" -- to demonstrate yet again
that, for all their pious declarations to the contrary, the scandals they care
most about are those with sex.

The sexual allegations about Mr. Barr have received far more play than the
revelations of the Congressman's involvement with a white supremacist
organization -- much as TV pursued Monica rather than Clinton fund-raising and
wag-the-dog scandals, and largely ignored Henry Hyde's S.&L. shenanigans and
Dan Burton's campaign-finance chicanery to air their sexual histories instead.
The viewing audience, which tells pollsters it's had enough sex, exercises its
own hypocrisy by rewarding Mr. Flynt's appearance on "Rivera Live" with the
show's highest rating since the O. J. civil verdict.

The other hypocrites unmasked by Mr. Flynt's pranks could fill a cabinet
department. It's hard to stop laughing when Dick Morris, who sucked
prostitutes' toes while on the White House payroll, decries the publisher for
"degrading American politics." Jerry Falwell, a past Flynt legal foe, now goes
on TV to condemn his old adversary's tactics -- never mind that Mr. Falwell
himself marketed a video accusing the President of murder.

Conservative politicians and publications that happily feasted on a tabloid's
purchase of Gennifer Flowers's revelations and the recent Drudge-spread hoax
about an illegitimate Clinton son are now fuming about Mr. Flynt. Liberals and
feminists who vehemently attacked a Hollywood film for ostensibly sanitizing
the Hustler publisher's odious depiction of women are curiously silent about
his pursuit of Barr & Co. As for the President, his spokesman, Joe Lockhart,
says that his boss wants Mr. Flynt to "cease and desist." Oh, puh-leeze!

Larry Flynt is a bull in the china shop of false pieties, empty pretensions
and sexual sermonizing that have brought us to this low moment in American
history. On Thursday, alas, he checked into a Los Angeles hospital with
pneumonia. The networks that have been broadcasting soap operas rather than
the Senate trial their anchors keep telling us is "historic" can only pray
that Mr. Flynt, who has it in his power to make impeachment must-see TV again,
gets well soon.

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Re: [CTRL] Hermeneutics

1999-01-15 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/15/99 3:06:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Fabulous post, Alamaine.  This stuff is more than a tad complicated and this
post sheds light on why Peter declared that scriptures are not a matter of
private interpretation.

Hawk say:
>  : However, there is only ONE correct interpretation of any written
>  passage..

I don't agree with this.  Not only can there by layers of meanings but in
prophecy, there is more than a modest likelihood that the prophet could only
see darkly, as Paul might say.


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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

1999-01-15 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/15/99 1:55:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> you have the gall to attack my intelligence

Calm down and take your medication, Jeremy.  Just one question, young man.
Have you ever been institutionalized?

Your friend

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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

1999-01-15 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/15/99 10:44:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> And I
>  know you're a total pussy because the last time I challenged you on this
>  list, you backed down like a whipped dog! Keep your facile and juvenile
>  opinions to yourself, unless you're enough of a man to back them up.


I will condescend to reply to your insolent post but do not think that i have
any obligation to correspond with a midget like yourself.  The reason that you
are a pathetic mindless little boy pretending to be one of the boys and full
of machismo is that you publicly and, presumably, proudly use an insensitive
and offensive characterization for a disabled man.  He is now spending a
considerable fortune to inform the rest of us of the degree of hypocrisy in
the accusers President Clinton.  In other words, Flynt is doing a good thing.


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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt SLEAZEBALL?

1999-01-14 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/14/99 10:59:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Larry Flynt is a mushmouthed cripple

The neonazis just can't help themselves.

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Re: [CTRL] Clinton's "Don't Look Down" Economy

1999-01-14 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/14/99 8:42:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  The day before the president hailed December's
>   unemployment drop before the Economic Club of Detroit, wire reports
>   announced the highest layoff numbers of the decade.

Perhaps there is a new dawn here.  The only Republican who seemed to grasp the
hallucinatory nature of our up up and away GDP economy heretofore has been Pat
Buchanan.  Now Arriana has joined Pat.  Who next, Trent Lott?

Incidentally, is anyone here familiar with a couple of guys in San Francisco
who track an alternate to GDP?  They subtract out the things that add to GDP
but detract from our standard of living such as bodywork repairs after car
accidents and fees for divorce lawyers.  They show that our US GDP'/person
peaked in 1973 and has been going downhill since.


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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt on C-SPAN tonight.

1999-01-14 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/14/99 6:25:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> In a message dated 1/13/99 10:41:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>  <  conservative
>   dude
>   said he would put up 1 million dollars for information about the Democrats
>  and
>   their sex lives?

Kenneth Starr has already spent $40 million to get the sexual goods on
President Clinton.

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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt on C-SPAN tonight.

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/13/99 7:56:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Flynt is nothing more than a friggin' crippled pervert

How good it is to see you expose yourself for the creepy bigot that you are
amid your howls of "it's not fair when the extreme radical right wing colors
are shown."


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Torture in Israel - MER FlashBack

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/13/99 7:45:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Any credibility here?

Could be, Alamaine.  Our own troops were dropping VC out of choppers to
encourage other VC to talk.  And that was when we had nothing on the line.
The Israelis have plenty on the line.


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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Rehnquist Struts Latest Style In Judicial Robes]

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/13/99 5:43:39 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> If you
>  recall the old westerns when the US cavalry showed up they all had gold
>  braids on the trumpet, flag, and on the shoulders. We know for certain
>  that they were under martial law, for the federal government was
>  governing the territories directly previous to them entering as states.

Are you serious?

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Re: [CTRL] William: Larry Flynt on C-SPAN tonight.

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 10:48:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Well, you have every right to be.  Jabba the Flynt didn't get very much for
>  his million, did he.

He did get that Bob "family values" Barr repeatedly took the 5th when asked
about adultery and about his hand in his wife's abortion.


PS Flynt has 8 investigations still going.  He says the Republican Party will
be devastated if they come to fruition.  We'll see, they may not come to
anything more than the charges of the 13 year old boy being Clinton's son.
Has anyone at all apologized for this story being broadcast throughout the
mainstream media yet?

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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt on C-SPAN tonight.

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 9:25:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  ...Larry Flynt is anything but a sleazeball. He's a true champion of the
>  Amendment and is simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the radical right.
>  Cheers to Larry! Keep up the fight!

I agree.  Flynt has apparently been addicted to sex in the past but he is now
serving the national interest.

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Re: [CTRL] Rehnquist Struts Latest Style In Judicial Robes

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 9:22:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  According to Skolnick's recollection, a similar
>  striped-sleeve judicial robe was worn  by judges in Nazi Germany.
>  "Is it fashion, or fascism?" he asks.

I was reading when the trial began and was startled to hear some of the words
on the TV such as "hear ye, hear ye"  and "on pain of imprisonment."  My God,
it sounded like high school kids in a play.  Are the HypocriticalRepublicans
(one word) trying to impress us boobs with high sounding rhetoric?  They
should know that it is much too late for that.


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Re: [CTRL] Greatest Generation of Collectivist Fools!

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 8:48:10 PM Eastern Standard Time, lloyd@A-

>  What crap!  The World War II generation:  traumatized and buffaloed by the
>  depression in Roosevelt's fascist New Deal and then tricked by the simple
>  minded Pearl Harbor strategem into the useless slaughter of WWII

Wow, that mean old FDR was pretty tricky OK.  Imagine how he suckered the
Japanese to invade Singapore, Indonesia, Indochina, Burma etc.  Did Roosevelt
also trick the Japanese into invading Manchuria in 1931?

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Re: [CTRL] Notice from "Joshua Report"

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 7:44:35 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> My husband's name is appropriate: Michael is the Chief Archangel of
>  God, who "contends with the devil"]


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Re: [CTRL] Worst Newspaper in America

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 5:30:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  "I said I would give a lot of
>  money to education, children, the homeless, that sort of thing," he
>  recalls. "Then I mentioned that if there were any money left over I would
>  start what this city really needs -- a competing daily newspaper to The
>  Daily Oklahoman . . . Well, everyone just started applauding. The place
>  went wild. And this is not a wild church. Even the Republicans were
>  clapping."

Yeah, i lived in OK for over 13 years and have to agree.  (the prize for how
the might have fallen would go to the Washington Post).  Frosty Troy, owner
and editor of the Oklahoma Observer, perhaps the sole liberal voice in OK,
used to rave over egregious examples of goofy stories and statements by the
owner of the Daily Oklahoman.


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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt on C-SPAN tonight.

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/11/99 5:43:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  According to WCNN, Atlanta, Whitehouse lap dog, Larry Flynt, will be giving
>  an exclusive press conference on C-SPAN tonight at 8:00 PM Pacific Time.
>  Check your local guides to be sure of the times.

Sorry to hear that he wasn't given air time.  Mustn't upset the right-wing
freaks by exposing their hypocrisy.  On the local TV news, it was stated that
Bob "family values" Barr was accused with shacking up with his third wife
while he was still married to his second wife.  There was also some he
said/she said regarding the abortion.  Regarding another self righteous but
unnamed Republican, it was said that he routinely visited the brothels along
the Mexican border.  One hopes he doesn't have too many STDs.  Let's hope, the
elites are not able to continue the news block.


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Re: [CTRL] Living in corporate America.

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/11/99 6:03:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Explanation:  The poorest 40 percent of Americans did not contribute as
> tp
>  the lifestyle and productivity of American individuals as did Bill Gates.
> Unlike
>  the poorest 40%, everyone who bought goods from Microsoft did so as a
> voluntary
>  decision, whereas many of the poorest 40% were recipients of funds extorted
> by
>  threat of violence from the other 60%.

Hawk, you seem to live in a dark pit.  Your response is so appalling that i
first passed it by because in the face of such unreality, there doesn't seem
to be much to say.  But i will say this.  Suppose that you are perfectly
right.  Gates wealth relative to the 40% is solely due to his superior
productivity so that God Almighty and all decent right thinking citizens see
the justice.  Suppose Gates were to increase his productivity even more in
ratio to his fellows so that his wealth now exceeds 80% of the population.
Would such a wealth distribution be wise even for Mr. Gates?  If so, do you
suppose that there might be some point at which society becomes so unstable
that the game is over?


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Re: [CTRL] Republican Hate Rhetoric Turns Deadly

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/12/99 9:27:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  MJ:
>  While the conclusion may or may NOT be true [cause], what exactly
>  makes the muder of an individual within a 'protected' group WORSE
>  than the murder of some other individual?

Yes, murder is murder and the US murder statistics stand out like a malignant
cancer.  The extreme right wing hate mongers have so many reason and excuses
for violence that it is astounding.  Bob Grant, Rush, Limbaugh, G. Gordon
Liddy and others give us more daily.  The hate murder is unique in motivation
because it is not based upon some twisted notion of benefiting oneself.  It is
based upon the absurd notion that certain groups, who do not harm other, are
intrinsically evil so that one is justified before God and right thinking
people for killing this person(s).  Of course, those who encourage such action
obviously bear some measure of responsibility.  Even if such creatures as Bob
Grant sincerely believe that they have some special role in helping to
eliminate homosexuals, i.e. even if they are completely insane, it does not
exonerate them from their responsibility to meet the natural requirements of
courtesy, respect, and tolerance for others that living in a democratic civil
society entails.

>  Would any robbery be a 'hate crime' since the perpetrator most
>  certainly 'hates' 'rich people'.

This statement does not make sense.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Vive La France!]

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/11/99 8:51:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Having lived and studied among the natives thereof, I gained a different
>  sense of perspective.

Thank you, Alamaine, for lifting this thread from the immature and silly to
the mature and refined.


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Re: [CTRL] Ecstasy & Prozac (The Economist)

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/11/99 7:19:57 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> So, when Calvinists ask if people taking Prozac to
>  eliminate elements of their personalities, such as shyness, is so
>  very far removed from the recreational use of ecstasy, the answer
>  appears to be "no".

I have long suspected that the reason the ruling elites ban all mind altering
drugs and not just the harmful ones is that they fear that people will come to
realize that although we live in a democracy, the opinions and well being of
the majority doesn't seem to matter.  People might get wise to the strange
notion that our young men should fight in wars that don't make sense, or that
the ever growing income/welath gap is not just or that our ruling elites are
not only not endowed with any particular wisdom but that through the highly
controlled mainstream media, we are manipulated and kept in the dark.

It has been said that if you have a gross of eggs, you may sort them according
to size or color or place them into various layouts.  But if the eggs ever
hatch, you have a problem.  Drugs are not necessarily a good thing in
all/most/any cases, but IMO they are viewed as  a threat in terms of hatching
power, i.e. in terms of people realizing their own authority.


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Re: [CTRL] Slave Documentation

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/11/99 2:08:08 PM Eastern Standard Time,

Potemkin Village was a bogus stage prop erected by the Czar to show visiting
bleeding heart liberal West Europeans that the local peasants had it made.

> We'd have to consider A LOT of other evidence along with
>  their personal feelings

The slave narratives are not about feelings.  They are matter of fact in tone
and the descriptions of conditions are well buttressed by related events.  It
is all but mind numbingly horrific to realize how these folks lived.  It's
true that they were in their teens but in those conditions, work began in
earnest at age 7 or 8.  The slaves were adults in their teen years.  Actually,
even when i lived through the adolescent years during the 1940s, there were no
teen-agers.  In white America, you were simply not a child and not yet an
adult, ambiguous to say the least.  The term and concept of teen-ager didn't
come along until the late 1950s.  You were expected to be a fully functioning
and responsible adult by age 18 during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s.  Perhaps
some other old codgers can comment on this transition.

The narratives i have read were lengthy excerpts in the book Bull Whip Days, a
work that should be in every American's library.  I appreciate our discussion
because the institution of slavery in the US is the most proscribed subject in
America.  It is the crazy aunt in the attic.  Uncle Sam is sort of like
Lazrus.  The Civil War called us out from the grave and the Civil Rights
movement removed the wrap but we still need to hose ourselves down with the
cleansing truth.

> Racism has not decreased as a result of "civil rights" laws.

Well, things are a bit more complicated than that.  What you say has a morsel
of truth.  However, the CR laws were necessary to firmly establish the rights,
whether of voting, attending public schools or whatever.  It is necessary to
see the entire flow of the civil rights movement, seemingly ending when LBJ
signed the CR Bill of 1964.  Of course the CR movement was a sort of add-on to
the Civil War.  The initial shot of phase 2 being the Rosa Parks thing.  It
included Medgar Evers at the University of Alabama (There was another fellow
who preceded Evers except he was at Ole Miss.  The kindly white students beat
him so bad, he was permanently injured and died prematurely with complication
stemming from that time.) , and other practicing integrationist such as the
Little Rock school children and the freedom bus riders who registered people
and crossed into white areas of bus stations and sat in at cafes and lunch
counters and so on.

Blood was necessary, it was shed and people went to jail.  The Southern blacks
simply essentially said, "We're not taking this any longer.  From now on we
will verbally correct you at the time of the infraction and by our presence
and boycotts and demonstrations and by law suit until you treat us with
dignity just as you do others."  Truly a great day in America!  In other
words, the signing of the civil rights bill was like the formal signing of a
peace treaty.  The Southerners did not have to like blacks but they had to
obey the law or from then on it would be the white overseers who had to
explain and possibly go to jail when blacks were denied voting rights or the
use of public rest rooms.

Incidentally, if you wish to get an earful of how it was like for a Negro to
travel through the South during the 1950s, read Black Like Me.  I certainly
was not surprised by the discourtesy of the bus drivers and offensive
treatment at various business establishments.  What took me back was how
difficult it was for a black person to simply find a john they were allowed to
use and the resultant necessary stratagems.


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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 10:23:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> There are two rather
>  interesting photographs related to the CSA prison camp in Tyler, Texas
>  Ford).  One shows a group of prisoners photographed upon their departure
> from
>  prison.. They were all dressed rather nattily, with frock coats, ties,
>  "plantation" hats, etc.  In fact, they "could have been dressed for the
> "

Shame on you, Hawk.  Have you never heard of Potemkin Village?

I think that the distance between us on how the slaves lived and were treated
is due to two things.

The living conditions and psychological environment of the slaves varied
enormously between regions and plantations.

I place greater credence in the slaves themselves as to what their lives were
like.  During the 1950s and 1960s when the South was being weaned from Jim
Crow, it was common for Southern apologists to say things like "Some of my
best friends..." or "We all got along fine here until those outsiders began
stirring things up."  [My wife attended a YWCA in the South during this time.
When she and a friend arrived by car to the motel of a small town on their
trip, they were frightened by the paranoia of the folks in the motel lobby.
Many questions aimed at determining whether the travelers were there "to stir
up trouble."]

The apologists for slavery in the US are hardly alone, the phenomena is common
enough.  For instance, i have no doubt that if we asked the Japanese who
participated in the POW camps where American prisoners were held how the
prisoners were treated.  They would assure the questioner that the treatment
was fair and reasonable.  My recollection is that Americans died in the
Japanese POW camps at a rate 8 times greater than they died in the camps of
Nazi Germany.  Nothing is more enlightening on this issue than to read Bataan
Death March which lets the American prisoners speak for themselves.

Likewise the ex-slaves speak for themselves.  Their opinions vary considerably
but overall the picture emerges of mostly semi-isolated lives on plantations
of fewer than 10 slaves having brutal lives of onerous labor in the fields
with no regard shown for families or respect for person.  Yes, there are
exceptions, such as owner buying a comely mulatto girl who could sew after a
fashion and taking her back home, installing her in a bedroom with a a needle
and thread and announcing to the Mrs. that they had a new seamstress.  This
was hardly a good life for either the slave girl or the mistress but i suppose
you could contend that it was a pleasant life of ease if your thinking allows


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[CTRL] Republican Hate Rhetoric Turns Deadly

 -Caveat Lector-

Tom J. Wright
A Semi-Weekly Column of Political Commentary
January 1-January 15, 1999

Republican Hate Rhetoric Turns Deadly:
Somebody Stop Them Before They Kill Again

"Brains you know, are suspect in the Republican Party."

--Walter Lippmann,  famous American political commentator, December 14, 1974

"Indeed there are some Republicans I would trust with anything-anything, that
is, except public office."

--Adlai Stevenson, Jr. during a Presidential campaign speech in Springfield,
Illinois, August 14, 1952

Although overshadowed lately by MonicaGate, the brutal beating and killing
of gay University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, shocked the nation and
disgusted people around the world.  The barbarity of the murderers, who tied
Matthew Shepard to a fence and beat him to death with the butts of their guns,
was stunning.

This vicious murder was motivated in large part, perhaps entirely, by the
radical homophobia of the two men who killed him.  Matthew Shepard lost his
life simply because he was gay.

Many other instances of homophobic acts of violence, here in the United
States especially,  have occurred as well.  Also, hate crimes in general are
on the rise across the country.  An obvious question arises:  Why has
homophobic violence, and many other kinds of hate crimes, been rising so
dramatically?  And why have the intensity and ferocity of that violence become
so extreme?

The increase in hate crimes is a direct result of the increase in hate
rhetoric.  And we all know who the masters of hate are:  the hard core
Republican right wing.  These lunatics spew out hate the way an open sewer
spews out raw sewage.

Here are just a few disgusting examples of Republicans at work:
Conservative New York radio commentator Bob Grant once said, on the air to
millions of listeners, that he wished that police had machine-gunned New York
City's gay pride marchers during a 1994 parade.  Grant also told one
disaffected listener of his show, who was angry about one minority or another,
to "Well, get a gun and go do something, then."

Republican Senator Trent Lott called homosexuality a "disease", like
kleptomania.   Radical Republican conservative Congressman Dick Armey called
fellow Congressman Barney Frank, "Barney Fag", then claimed it was a slip of
the tongue.  Right wing nutcase and Republican party BigWig Pat Robertson
stated that Disney World in Orlando, Florida would be struck by some
catastrophe because it didn't properly discriminate against gay people the way
he does.

The list goes on and on.  The Republican Party has turned hate and
scapegoating and fearmongering into a science.  It's what they are good at
doing.  It's what they do best.  And boy, are they proud of it.

But so far, no one has forced conservatives to take responsibility for
their hate rhetoric.  This certainly includes the media, which of course is
itself mostly right wing.  How else do you think sick bastards like the
aforementioned Bob Grant, Hitler-wannabee Pat Buchanan, the loony Nixonite G.
Gordon Liddy, and all of their right wing clones throughout the country, ever
get on the air?  It ain't accidental, folks.

Well, it is time for the American People to hold the Republicans, and
their mouthpieces in the media, personally accountable for their outrageous
scapegoating, inflammatory rhetoric, manipulative scare tactics, and the
violence that inevitably follows.  These spewers of hate must be stopped
before they kill again.

But we have to act quickly, because make no mistake about it, the
Republican Party is a very dangerous organization, full of hubris, hyper-
conservative dementia, and a ton of $$money$$.  This ill-begotten monster was
born with the rise to power of that famous loon Ronald "Bedtime For Bonzo"
Reagan, and it's been growing ever since.

The best way to stop it and these people behind it, is to vote the
Republican Party out of office.  And out of existence.  Like the Whigs of
yesteryear, it is time for the Republican Party to die.  It is too infested
with fanatics to be saved.  Just put the thing out of its misery, for God's
sake.  That will leave us with the Corporate Democrats on the right,
Progressives on the center left, and Libertarians somewhere in between.

Also, a sincere letter of apology, signed by conservatives everywhere,
should be promptly submitted to the American People, and put on display in
Washington D.C.  The display will serve to remind potential hatemongers
everywhere that they will endure Great Pain, Suffering, and Humiliation, if
they ever again attempt such crude tactics.

Not only that, if the likes of Bob Grant or his ilk ever openly encourage
violence against innocent citizens again, and said violence occurs, then the
District Attorney of the county in which the incitement to violence was made,
should promptly prosecute them as criminals, for aiding and abetting a crime.

You won't believe how quickly these cowardly

Re: [CTRL] More: Iraq inspectors seem guilty of spying

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/10/99 9:56:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  On the hook would
>  be Europe and Japan, both of which have relied on the Gulf region for oil.
>  So, the issue is STILL oil and petro$$$.

Yes, the petro$.  But underlying this is the need to control the oil producing
Gulf States.  This is why Western Europe and Japan were luke-warm toward the
war.  That's also why our foreign policy crowd didn't want democracy in Iran
and doesn't want it in the Arab police states.


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[CTRL] The natural condition of slavery, was ??

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/9/99 1:27:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> If you recall the thread, there were several people who said
>  that slavery is a sin, slave-owners are sinful, etc.  Now, to me at any
>  the
>  topic of "sin" is in the field of religion.

I see what you mean.  Perhaps, and i may have been one of those, we should
have used the term "evil."

Incidentally, if you will allow me to return to a previous response, you had
some doubt that it was a common thing for massah or the overseer to force
himself on the slave women.  You quoted some stats on mulatto children.  I
live in an area that resembles a sort of Noah's Ark of mankind and one can
generally tell the Africans from the African-Americans simply by how much
blacker the Africans are.  This doesn't prove rape, only the commonplace
nature of sexual intercourse between massah and his slaves.  Further insight
is gained by considering the relationship between supervisor and worker in the
sweatshops of Southeast Asia which are mostly staffed by young women/girls


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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/8/99 6:23:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Sometimes people
>  would rather "be taken care of" than face life's uncertainties armed only
> with
>  their own skills and decision-making abilities.

Welcome back, Hawk.  Many of us missed hearing your arguments however we
disagreed because your supporting evidence offered something to get one's
teeth into.

I'm not sure what to say regarding your remarks concerning the scriptures
since, apparently, some are grievously offended by any mention of spiritual or
moral matters - at least they are offended when scriptures are referenced as
opposed to, say, Urantia channeled baloney.  I will only point out that we are
directed away from legalism and toward general principles so i am puzzled by
your statement that the principles cannot be applied in the specific.  It
seems to me that they could then never be applied.

I am reminded of something a priest said at a class for the general public on
biblical exegesis.  The priest was British and supposedly a scholar of
considerable talent.  (Incidentally, this class was free, a not uncommon event
in those days of the 60s.)  He sarcastically said that whenever the
bureaucrats or politicians of Britain commented on the golden rule and other
such, they would say, "Well, that's all well and good but one cannot run an
empire on ideals."  Of course, at this time the empire had already dissolved.

You speak of the slave mentality and i know that it lives in many people.
However, IMO the root of it is in oppression.  When folks get so frustrated
and despair of being allowed to do, they sometimes sort of give up and go
along with the notion that if something good is going to happen, it must come
from massah (the corporation, government, church, et al).   Of course this is
not confined to actual ex-slaves.

You ask about what state had the removal of thumbs as punishment for learning
to read.  The plantations were in the bush.  The law was massah and vice
versa.  When you read the narratives of the ex-slaves your eyes are opened.
The law is irrelevant when it is not available and when the entire economy
depended upon supporting massah's heroic efforts to keep everyone in their

Literate thinking slaves are an obvious threat.  Why do you think our own news
media is so carefully controlled?  The weak spot in the plantation was the
owner's children, their eagerness to share what they know and show off at the
same time.  When a slave learned to read, he taught others.  When a plantation
had more than, say, a score of slaves, they would meet at night in culverts or
ditches with the overhead covered with branches and twigs.  They told each
other about what was going on, 10 pair of eyes in different places could see a
lot.   With good fortune, one would teach reading.  When a slave stopped
overnight attached to plantation visitors, they could hear about things far
away and give information in return.  These underground schools were vital to
the encouragement that comes from camaraderie.

The above remark applies to prayer also.  Bear in mind that each plantation
had its own way to deal with issues in the slave community, namely massah's
way.  A few, especially the large plantations with hundreds of slaves,  were
relatively liberal and followed their own house rules fairly consistently.
Jefferson Davis ran one of these operations.  Most plantation owners were
rather harsh.  Economics led the most intelligent owners to give their slaves
just enough sustenance and rest to maintain the work.  The photographs of the
slaves tell the story by their faces.


Apparently, many of the owners were as ignorant as the slaves about prayer.
It was common for owners to forbid prayer, possibly because they did not want
their slaves to have either hope or comfort or maybe because the owners really
were nervous about the slaves communicating with the living god.  The slaves,
who like the owners apparently never heard of silent prayer or believed it
ineffective, would speak their prayers into a tub of water to muffle it.


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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/9/99 12:51:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Now, I been a-thinkin', Lord have mercy, I can create a list that will
> recieve
>  all posts from CTRL and will be open for more discussion and chat.

Sounds good to me.  Jerry

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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/9/99 7:55:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I was raised in the old South in Claxton, Georgia 1941-1949 and I can tell
> you from personal
>  experience that the old South I experienced respected everyone.

Your post is disconnected from reality.  You and Howard have shared your
fantasy but it doesn't wash.  When southern blacks with a number of
participating whites began the freedom bus rides and sin-ins during the 1950s
and 1960s, they were a threat to most of the quaint gentle white folk of the
South.  That's why so many of the marchers and bus riders and sit-in people
were beaten, sometimes so bad that they were maimed, sometimes even killed but
most were simply hosed or had police dogs sicked on them or were beaten with
night sticks and jailed.  Reality may not be pretty but if you face it you
don't have to defend something that never was.


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Re: [CTRL] Iraq inspectors seem guilty of spying

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/9/99 6:38:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> military force for the NWO at this time) forces to "teach someone a lesson."
> As I
>  recall, our Secretary of State met with Saddam when he asked for help in a
>  squabble with Kuwait (which was an artificial state previously carved out
>  Iraq), and told Saddam, "You go ahead and take care of it... We won't
> interfere."

Iraq was indeed claiming that the Rumallah oil field which overlapped the
Iraq/Kuwait border was being drained by Kuwait.  Iraq also said that Kuwait
was using horizontal drilling to first deplete the Iraqi portion.  Kuwait
denied this but since Iraq declined to develop the field on a unitized basis,
it had no basis for complaint unless it could prove the encroachment of the
slant drilling.  Saddam met with April Glaspie of the State Department, i.e.
she worked for Jim Baker III.  When Saddam asked the key question, Glaspie was
ready - she had received her instructions.

Saddam asked if the US would settle the matter in favor of Iraq.  Glaspie
replied to the effect that the US would not involve itself in a border
dispute, she pointedly stated that there would be no interference from the US.
IMO Perot had it right.  He said that Bush was shocked when Saddam took the
whole country, which included, for example, the key rights of Zapata, instead
of the Rumallah area only as Bush and his foreign policy geniuses expected.
Bush was ticked.  There was misunderstanding.  There is no reason to believe
that Bush "suckered" Saddam into anything.  Let's not forget that the foolish
Saddam had blithely launched an eight year war against Iran.



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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/9/99 11:55:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  We have had this before.  Multiple personal conversations (expessally from
>  the same person, on the same thread) without documentation, citations, or
>  URL's!  My answer.  Substance--Not soapboxing!

Give 'em hell, Sergeant.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Hawk et al

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/9/99 6:11:47 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Hawk really had what was coming to him. I also agree that William 'egged'
> on

If any person disagrees with a defender of slavery, does that disagreement
constitute egging on?

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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/9/99 12:36:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Hawk was not put on 'no post' for 'baiting or flaming, but my own personal
>  distaste for bible-thumping slavery apologists. Historical
>  outlooks/discussions buttressed by bibical 'infalliabilty and
>  are futile and a waste of time. MHO

I agree with all that you state.  Hawk causes my hair to rise straight up, the
man is more than a little wrong headed.

However, variety in opinion is a good thing because it forces some of us to
clearly state why we are opposed to that which is anathema to us.  If you
don't push Hawk, he remains fairly courteous.  I wish to add my voice to
Tunstall and Shrum in suggesting that although Hawk's temporary (?) exile was
probably a good thing for him, it will be good for all of us if he is now let
back in.  CTRL is a marvelous forum, maintained at no small price by RoadsEnd.
One hears (ok, reads) things here that are essentially forbidden in the
mainstream media.  I understand that folks like the butterfly should be given
the boot because they are incoherent and obviously insane.  Hawk has his head
on backward but he will state chapter and verse for his opinions (thereby
revealing that civilization requires more than "just the facts, mam").  In his
own way he makes us think anew and thus adds to the CTRL goal of freeing
through the truth.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/8/99 1:16:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> My
>  understanding of law has lead me to believe that the southern states had
>  the legal right to leave the union and that they did so lawfully. As I
>  stated, the Supreme Court of the time was probably in agreement with
>  this position. It was Lincoln and others in the northern states who
>  ignored their oathes to the Constitution.

Suppose that you are quite correct in saying that Jefferson Davis, Stonewall
Jackson, Robert E. etc.  were strictly legal.  What you are missing is that
more is involved with every man's actions than legality, or for that matter,
profit.  These men in high leadership positions knew this.  What motivated
them.  They did not perform an act merely because it was legal, i.e. they did
not act arbitrarily.

They joined in the Confederacy because it stood for their way of seeing, their
way of living.  That way was based upon slavery.  The Southern leadership
could not stay in the Union without accepting a gradual change over in the
dirty little condition that made their way possible.  The North was not going
to accept additional slave states and the opposition to slavery was growing.

It was much like those doors in Deuteronomy, one leads to life and one leads
to death.  The strange thing is that the doors are very well marked.  No
mistake is possible.  Many white people in the South chose life but most of
the leaders chose death.  To be sure, choosing life is emotional; that's
because our deepest values are emotional issues with us.  The sin of keeping
people enslaved is emotional.  The slavers may taunt those who vote for
freedom as being emotional but those who would even defend slavery, much less
practice it, are also being emotional.  Part of their dysfunction is that they
must pretend to a strange machismo of the psyche.

Incidentally, in an earlier posting someone referred to the reluctance of some
of the ex-slaves to their new situation and even persistent opinion that the
old slave times were preferable.  It was sort of like the Israelis coming out
of the land of fleshpots.  Some weren't so sure.  Many of the slaves of Dixie
were dismissed from the plantations at war's end because it simply was not
profitable for the planters to keep them on.  These, now vagabonds, newly
freed illiterate blacks lined the roads in their trek north to find work.
They had only the clothes on their backs (few received 40 and a mule).  Some
died on the way but others made it to partly fuel the latter part of the
industrialization of America.

Most freed slaves far preferred their freedom but a few never obtained a
decent life and actually remembered their slavery as a better time.  Even with
the night patrols, the removal of thumbs for the crime of learning to read,
the forbiddance of prayer, and the merciless beatings when they took a bit of
extra nourishment, the commonplace forcible sex by massah and supervisors of
the slave women and, if these times are any guide, of boys and girls as well,
the fleshpots glowed in their remembrance.  Think of the filthy crimes
committed today for those fleshpots, the dismemberment of companies along with
massive disruption in lives, the unnecessary wars in Vietnam, Panama, the
Gulf, Grenada, Somalia.  Freedom came in second when we overthrew democracies
in Iran, Guatemala, Chile and installed criminal governments.  Man, how do we
free ourselves of this sort of blindness?


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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/7/99 5:38:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Most plantations had land set aside for the slaves in which they could
> conduct their
>  own personal farming operations, and the proceeds were used either directly
> or sold
>  for their personal benefit.

Isn't it strange that the slaves did not seem to be aware of this.  Instead,
their own narratives show that they were given the worst portions of
slaughtered animals and the lowest quality fruits and vegetables of the
harvest.  Inner city meat cut availability in the markets indicate that this
heritage of eating animal parts spurned by the slavers has become a preferred
meat selection.  The slaves didn't need land set aside for themselves because
the relatively small plantation operations, which owned most of the slaves,
numbering fewer than 10 for the most part, grew their own food and raised
their own slaughter stock as did farmers generally up to about the 1940s.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] The level of chattiness and civility are getting quite ...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/7/99 2:33:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> PLEASE, let us focus on the
>  subject at hand.

Allow me to be the first to second RoadEnd's suggestion.  I am might tired of
reading all the Clinton bashing and neofascist blather.  Let's be reasonable
people expressing reasonable opinions.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: TV Kidz

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/7/99 1:43:01 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Linda Shafran, a publicist for the Springer show, said she could not recall
>  any show on the topic of incest.
>  ``We have never had a show that is even remotely close to this situation,
> and
>  unfortunately there are situations in the world for which we are blamed,''
> she
>  said.

Sounds like watching the Springer show is being used as a false excuse for
these brats.


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Re: [CTRL] Email #2, About Indian Population

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/7/99 1:39:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> the estimates as ranging from the lower end of the scale
>  with Kroeber (1939) at some 9,000,000 Indians to the highest estimate
>  12,000,000 Dobyns (1966) with Dobyns being considered by far the more
>  inflationary scholar.  The chart is actually solidly placed as far as
>  estimates go -- all the scholars except for Dobyns fall within the range
>  of 1-3 million indigenous population in North America in A.D. 1500 with
>  nearly 8 of the scholars citing a figure at about one million maximum.
>  North America is defined as including Canada, U.S., and Arctic.

I' a bit confused.  Does the 9-12 million range pertain to extant populations
while the 1-3 million applies to 1500?  Is the existing population not known
to a fair degree of accuracy from census figures?  What am i missing here?

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/6/99 4:04:51 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Anyone
>  who understands the bible (which I allow as the only reliable source of
> determining "good" and "evil"),
>  should quickly pick up on the idea that God does not consider the
> institution of slavery as evil.  And
>  if God doesn't consider it evil, then I certainly am not going to condemn
> HIM for His position on it.
>  It is clear from the Bible that involuntary servitude is not preferable in
> many cases, but it is not
>  condemned.

The Fundamentalist's bible says "Holy Bible" on the front cover.  Many folks
don't know that on the back cover, in invisible ink, it says "Unholy Babble."
The Fundamentalists read the unholy babble.  The unholy babble is read
backwards and many confused conclusions are drawn from it.

The bible is practically a paean to freedom.  Look up "freedom" and "liberty"
in a concordance and you will be drowned in references.  No, my friend, the
verses do not exalt slavery or bondage but freedom.  Look up slavery and
bondage and the references, with one exception, speak disparagingly and
sometimes alarmingly of these.  The exception is that we are urged to be
slaves or bondsmen to God so that we never think of ourselves as in servitude
to others.  My God, man, wake up!  You are living in a delusionary world.
Seek help.  Save yourself.


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[CTRL] Weekly earnings

 -Caveat Lector-

Someone asked, in response to a post of mine, whether the average weekly
figures in $1982 that were stated were for manufacturing employees only.  I
deleted the post before i thought to reply but the answer is that they are for
total private nonfarm workers.  In other words the government and farm sectors
are excluded but all other sectors are included.  You can check the data at">this BLS site.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/6/99 10:18:54 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> The last American soldiers to fight for "freedom" were
>  Confederate soldiers.

You're just confused.  The Confederate soldiers were fighting for slavery.
Some understood this and other, like yourself, didn't.  The South was
prostrate before evil.  Say it with me, "Thank you, God, for Lincoln and thank
you for the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s and thank you, Jesus,
that at the price of much blood, freedom has won the day for the slaves and
for the South."


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Re: [CTRL] Roman Jews In America: 775 A.D.?

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/6/99 9:20:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  I chanced across the article below while going through
>  old New York Times from year 1925. It suggests a different
>  history of the American continent than is usually supposed.

Thanks for posting this, Brian.  I am driven nuts by sitting here trying to
think of the names of two books written about or by a New Zealand fellow who
amassed considerable evidence that various ancient people, including
Egyptians, Sumerians, and Romans, were in North America.  I think his last
name was Feller.  A title that sticks in my mind is America BC.  However, when
i tried to look it up at, the search came up empty.


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Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 6:24:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  I was trying to
>  show that overall there has been a growth in population so that the
>  losses have been greatly overwhelmed by the increases.

Hey, kill a few, grow more.  It all evens out.

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Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 6:05:56 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> the nation
>  and the south and even the black population of the south would probably
>  have been better off if Lincoln had not forced the south through
>  military means back into the union.

You don't seem
to understand much about human nature.  Slavery was not just an economic
It was a way of life and cheap self esteem.  It was the dark pleasure of
having absolute power over others.  Slavery had deeply corrupted the South.
To think that the results of slavery were typically benign or even neutral is
fantasy.  It is also naive to think that the slave
masters would ever have voluntarily given up their corrupt power.  Don't just
focus  on  the shallow economics oriented histories, consider and read about
the social/psychological realities.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [FTC] Dangerous NAFTA Trucks Invade US

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 6:05:40 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  About ten years ago, I drove into Mexico..  After having done so, I
>  decided to never do it again

Having heard similar things several times, i certainly believe you.  I spent
the summer of 1962 in Mexico.  The crime rate was quite low despite the
poverty.  More than once i found myself alone in poor areas of the city in the
wee hours and felt perfectly safe.  What in the world has happened over the
past 27 years?


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Re: [CTRL] Hundreds protest police killing of black teen in Calif...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 4:38:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> someone
>  sitting in a car that is running and has a flat tire, if having gone on
>  say, an hour, would be reason for ME to inquire if I were a police officer

Hey, how does the cop know she wasn't a commie?

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 4:19:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> o   It wants the U.S. to nationalize health care, start a
> nuclear freeze, adopt national energy policies and pass
> more gun-control laws.

Run in circles, scream and shout.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men an...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 3:15:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> For instance, Lebenon was once known for its forests. I
>  understand that has greatly changed. Many other areas of the earth have
>  also been depleted. I believe this was the case in many parts of the
>  "New World" even before the arrival of the "white man"

The Semites of the Near East are caucasian.  You are apparently thinking
European and saying white.


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Re: [CTRL] Rachel's Enviroment & Health WEEKLY #631

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 3:01:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  So are you saying that we need to return to the polocies of Ronald
>  Reagan who had been president during this last expansion?
>  best wishes, Howard Davis

I hope not.  I have not made the averages but according to the BLS, the
December average weekly industry (nonfarm payroll) earnings in $1982 for 1972
was $317 (the peak year), in 1980, just before Reagan, it had slipped to $274,
in 1989 it was down to $262.  Clinton has not been good for the average guy
but neither was Reagan.  With Clinton, however, there is less openly expressed
bigotry and there is a sense that the president is trying to make things fair
ala higher minimum wages, Family Medical Leave Act, an attempt to enact
universal medical insurance.  Reagan clearly had the opinion that trickle down
is best.


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Re: [CTRL] Two Cows (humor)

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 2:03:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> >
>  > CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
>  >

This single line for capitalism which makes it sound like a right smart system
while the alternatives are described with multiple sentences and none too
flatteringly is not well balanced.  I don't know what the right add-on should
be but as it is, it doesn't account for the ruthless quality of capitalism
which leaves 41 million Americans below the poverty line.  It is also silent
about the harsher tone of American capitalism that developed after the fall of
the Soviet Union.  For the sake of the Russian people and the American people,
we need Gorbachev back.


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Re: [CTRL] Stampeding Bison

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 12:54:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  and history.  For your information, the typical Negro slave received back,
> over the period of
>  his life, about 90% of the wealth he produced... He had a longer life
> expectency than white
>  Europeans of the time, and was better off in practically every measurable
> aspect of economic
>  life and physical health than was any  "peasant class" worker in the world
> specifically factory
>  workers in the industrial north and Europe).

You must be living in a dream world, have you been shooting something into
your arm?  If you learned very little in school, it is not too late.  I
suggest you read Bullwhip Days to unburden yourself of the scales that cover
your eyes.


PS the notion that privately held property is taken better care of is
certainly pure crap where the corporations are concerned.  Consider Hurwitz
and his tender treatment of the resources of MAXXAM.

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Re: [CTRL] Midwife who delivered Clinton adds fuel to row over his ...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 10:43:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Mr Clinton was brought up to believe he was sired by Bill Blythe, an accused
> bigamist


How many posts on this thread will it take for someone to declare that
Clinton, being the Antichrist, was fathered by you know who?


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Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men and ...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 12:50:31 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  What is your explanation for the seeming ability of a
>  capitalist society to sustain so many more people on the same land mass?

Have all the other people of the earth agreed upon a goal without telling me?
Is there really some game whose winner is determined by what country sustains
the most people per square mile of land?  Is Bangladesh the winner?


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Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men an...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/5/99 1:16:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>   To your list that includes "capitalism," you might also add,
>  "communism, socialism, facism, witchcraft, imperialism, sickness, disease,
> famine,
>  and pestilence.

Put slavery at the top of the list.  This sorry practice manages to demean
both practitioner and victim.


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Re: [CTRL] Read this post. It is about senseless and cruel men an...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 11:26:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  In reality, it was the Southern soldiers who were fighting for the
>  principle of self-government.

Is there anything so jaw dropping inexplicable than the few who attempt to
make the South out as a victim of the North over the Civil War?  There are
"shrines" to Jefferson Davis and Stonewall Jackson.  Take a tour of the South
and your ear will be bent by a guide babbling about how cruel the Yankees were
at Vicksburg.  Listening to them, one would never guess that the South was run
by a gang of slavers who do not at all correspond to those portrayed in Gone
With the Wind as kindly masters taking loving care of some child like people.

Of course, things are complicated and there were many decent Christian
Southerners who smuggled slaves, spied on Southern military units, and
sabotaged when possible.  There were right-wing Northerners who spoke and
acted for the South.  There were slave holding prosperous free blacks in the
South.  There were a few slave holders who did treat their slaves with some
shred of fairness considering the relationship.  The real point is that every
son of the South who involves himself in discussions about the Civil War
should get down on his knees and thank God that the Union won the war thereby
freeing both slave and "free" Southerner.

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Re: [CTRL] What Koestler actually said

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 9:47:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Except that it's main premise that modern Jews are
>  really not
>  Jews is completely wrong. But this has never stopped Christians before
>  and
>  won't stop the really desperate now.

All too true.

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Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: Xtians and Khazars.]

 -Caveat Lector-

I admit that i am not always sure whether the best response to hatred of Jews
is to ignore it or to speak out.

The traditional anti-Semites seem preferable to the brand that, not satisfied
with declaring the Jews to be the cause of all misfortune, are so driven by
intense hate that they wish to essentially obliterate the Jews; if not by
murder, then by obliterating their position.  Those who jump on the Koestler
thesis deny the Jews their linkage with their forefathers while attempting to
declare themselves the genetic heirs of the Patriarchs, the ten lost tribes
and all.  This is a strange sort of attempted murder at the psychic level.  It
eerily anticipated the move about someone's being wiped out of all
computerized records and bureaucratic files (Sandra Bullock?).


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Re: [CTRL] United States.... A Communist Nation?

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 2:22:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  In communist countries, the people are controlled with
>  inflation, fear, lies, illusions, disease and amusememts.
>  Aren't Americans controlled with inflation, fear, lies,
>  illusions, disease and amusements?

You need to learn what communism is.  Your poster has merely taken our
government/news propaganda about communism - communism is responsible for all
bad stuff.  He sees that bad stuff happens in the US.  Therefore, America is
communist.  Read up on political theory.  Hint: The US ain't communist.


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Re: [CTRL] SnoOwl: Drudge Report//agreement

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 11:04:56 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Why are youassuming it's not true?
>  J2

You miss the point, J2.

SnowOwl is talking about the responsibility of the news media to not spread
every rumor of scandal.  Nor is this a responsibility of the news media only.
It is one thing to privately think that yes, the SOB is probably guilty of
whatever happens to be said about him and it is another for the, so far,
unsupported, rumor to be published.  Got it?


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Re: [CTRL] hello (again)

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 9:53:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Look all
>  As far as June is concerned, why doesn't shetell me which chat
> I
>  supposedly go to and all that stuff.

How about a padded one?  Seriously, Lynne, have you considered professional
help?  You obviously have a substantial need to take umbrage.  But it sort of
gets boring even though many are egging you on.  I suggest you keep your peace
until you get your head straight.


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Re: [CTRL] What Koestler actually said

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 9:44:43 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  This is dated thinking. It applied a generation ago. The legend of
>  chosenness is part of the Jewish national myth. It applies to those
>  who
>  have converted as well. There is no problem here except that
>  Christians
>  can't usurp that title while Jews continue to exist.

IMO this is not quite it.  It is true that we Christians have totally usurped
the scriptures and beliefs of the Jewish/Hebrew people up to the time of
Christ.  But i think it gets kind of complex.  It has been said of Hitler that
that he especially resented the Jews because while Hr, Hitler, babbled about
the natural superiority of the Aryan race, he realized that the difference was
that the Jews really did believe in their own superiority by virtue of being
the Chosen People.  This is not it either though it is an interesting theory.

I think that it is a matter of some naive but determined Christians thinking
that since theirs is the true religion and is built upon Judaism, it is right
and natural for the Jews to be converted.  They are thwarted and shocked when,
after the Christian faith has been explained, the Jews still do not convert.
The surprise quickly turns to anger.  Martin Luther strongly believed that the
Jews simply had not had the Faith explained to them properly but he, Luther,
would do it right.  Again, disappointment.  Luther became one of many anti-
Semitic Christians, adding more coals to the Holocaust to come.


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Re: [CTRL] Do stay, Lynn

 -Caveat Lector-

For God's sake, let the poor creature go.

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Re: [CTRL] Forward 1776misc list: Chelsea's Half Brother -- Inspires ...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/4/99 2:54:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> kids.
>  Ask one of these mother's who have been left with the two, three, four,
>  five, or six kids after the Dad goes elsewhere to play "house" --- about
>  what kind of "liberation" the NOW she-devils have secured for HER.

Listen to SnowOwl, i.e. don't assume that every claim you hear of that is
detrimental to President Clinton's reputation must be true.  The Clinton
bashers make themselves foolish when they do this.


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Re: [CTRL] [Future-Cities] Theocratic Cities in Space. (fwd)

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/3/99 9:32:24 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> does it make any
>  substantial difference as to what the "religionists" and their clergy
>  have to say or not concerning their structure and functioning?

Well, if it's a David Koresh offshoot, you would have to plan for residences
with one humongous apartment for a harem plus dorm space for the men.  If it
were an operation like Elizabeth Clare Prophet runs, it would mostly be
underground to prepare for Armageddon.  I hope this helps.


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Re: [CTRL] Elizabeth Dole May Run For President

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/3/99 7:45:07 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Elizabeth Dole is planning to step aside as president of the American Red
> Cross in a step her political supporters hope will lead to her running for
> president

Hey, anybody who can sit in a big office at the Red Cross should make a good
Republican president.

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Re: [CTRL] Congressional Record: Leftist Agenda, 1963

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/3/99 2:57:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  Break down cultural standards of morality

Well it sure sounds like the leftist agenda has been wholly successful among
the Republicans.


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Re: [CTRL] Taking Communism Seriously

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/3/99 2:28:19 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> a lot is asked of native-born Americans with no experience
>  of foreign occupation or tyranny

I was initially startled to read this since native Americans flahed through my
mind, who, of course, have experienced occupation and tyranny.


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Re: [CTRL] Poll Conspiracy - Public Opinion Conspiracy - Voting C...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/2/99 10:43:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  I am eager to hear your reply, because I have found that Clinton-type
>  supporters invariably LOVE the current no-checks-and-balances computerized
>  vote tallying systems.

I have to admit to being more than a tad suspicious of anything which the
Libertarians or conservatives find appealing.  The Libertarians sound
appealing because they at least have the good sense to know that locking up
huge numbers of citizens for victimless crimes and squandering billion of
dollars on the "war on drugs" is damaging to the nation.  On the other hand, i
heard much of what was said at their convention in 1996 and it became plain
that the party leaders are mostly interested in avoiding taxes.  They either
believe that it is possible to have a society worth living in without expenses
or their top priority is "let George pay for it" where George is you or me.
This gives them plenty in common with those for whom the Republicans carry
water despite the hypocritical moralizing by the conservatives.

At this point i am not sufficiently familiar with the issue of going back to
count the ballot the old fashioned way.  Doubtlessly, there are certain
efficiencies in automated vote counts for both time and money.  There were
charges of vote fraud when the ballots were still hand counted.  There are
questions here of the impact on the growing use of referendums that going back
would have, i.e. would they still be practicable?  In short, i must weasel out
here and not give the court room lawyers preferred answer of yes or no.


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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: You Most Admire Bill & Hillary, Right?

 -Caveat Lector-

No, i most admire Helen Chenoweth and Henry Hyde for their whining self pity
when they were exposed.

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Re: [CTRL] Larry Flynt Blackmailing Clinton?

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/2/99 11:34:42 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  I really liked it when Jerry Falwell
>  commented that surely in all those men, they should be able to find one who
>  had been faithful to his wife.  It took them a while, but they finally got
>  one.

Which one?

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Re: [CTRL] China White, USA

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/2/99 9:23:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>   The use of China White and other forms of illegal drugs is now
>   rampant in the United States.

I trust we are all aware of the irony.

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Re: [CTRL] Bill Clinton: Deadbeat Dad?

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 9:44:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Other persons with offices there, according to the
>  1956 Dallas City Directory, included George DeMohrenschildt, Suite 1639-40;

Linda, is this the guy who turned out to be a sort of facilitator for Lee
Harvey Oswald?


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Re: [CTRL] Euro (Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At ...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 9:35:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Could you please quantify this?  A quick check of census figures and the
>  C1A World Factbook he difference in average income between Germany and
>  Greece is greater than the difference between Connecticut and Mississippi
>  (the difference between west & east Germany is even greater).
>  Or were you referring to the difference in income levels between the
>  richest and poorest within a country?  In Europe these are held lower by
>  high rates of taxation and social welfare, i.e. income redistribution.

Yes, one must be careful in these comparisons.  It's sort of like the
epidemiological studies that can make cancer rate differentials invisible by
carefully selecting the population group.  As you suggest, when considering
income or wealth gaps, one must look at ratios of the richest to the poorest.
When considering absolute income, it is important to look at medians rather
than averages.

>  Europe will never be as cohesive as the US due to differences in language.
>  But I don't see this as being much of a factor in the Euro being a popular
>  trading currency.  Trading ties and currency stability will factor much
>  higher.  Look for the Euro to be popular in Europe, Africa, possibly
>  Western Asia, and the Dollar to maintain its strength in Eastern Asia and
>  the Americas.
>  Che

You are probably correct for over the next few years.  The reason i believe
that those nations which have the most widely shared income, wealth,
knowledge, and power are going to become gradually dominant is that such a
nation is naturally able to marshall superior strength in any endeavor over
other countries of similar population size.  Of course, this applies to the
290 million Euro Europeans compared to the US.  Unless our corporate masters
and their servants, the Republicans and the news media wake up fast, and there
is no sign of this about to happen, the Euro folks are going to pass us
economically.  The international politics follows the money.

Nothing has been more revealing than the way Bush and his boys passed the
begging bowl so we could make war in The Gulf.  The Japanese really rubbed it
in when they objected to having to pay at all saying they could live with
Saddam just fine.  To a great extent out international leadership rests upon
the memories of WWII and fears among various nations of Japan and Germany
including fears from many in Japan and Germany.  This condition is has
weakened some and, naturally, will contine to do so with the passage of time.
We didn't have to help it along with our cowboy adventures in Vietnam, Panama
etc. but that is another story.

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Re: [CTRL] [prj] Listen Up! Clinton Supporting Scum!

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 9:17:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, lloyd@A-

>  The Clinton elections was a Rockefeller coup d'tat.  Ross Perot got his
>  start with contracts from Nelson Rockefeller.  Rockefeller used Perot and
>  his press power to throw the election to Clinton a CIA-Rockefeller tool.
>  Now we have a Rockefeller National Security dictatorship under
>  Clinton...thank God the Anglophile
>  conspiracy isn't going to let the Rockefeller cabal winthey want to
>  maintain an Oligarchical Establishment, with some semblance of the rule of
>  law not a stinking dictatorship.

Oh.  OK.

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Re: [CTRL] Poll Conspiracy - Public Opinion Conspiracy - Voting C...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 12:39:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, lloyd@A-

>  And, you are on a conspiracy research list, and you're putting out the bunk
>  that Clinton is the one responsible for the economy? He's giving the
>  Alan Greenspan crowd, The Ruling Elite, what they want, and Greenspan keeps
>  the interest rates down. Also, the economy is only great for the Vultures
>  on Wall Street, the average working man is groaning under unnecessary debt
>  artificially created by even the "low" interest rates we have, and the
>  ungodly tax burden.

OK, Lloyd, you don't trust the polls and you don't trust the election.
Perhaps you would trust the polls and elections only if they came out as you

Where i find a major disconnect in your opinions that you assume Clinton is
the boy of the ruling elite.  However, the ruling elites must constantly check
him such as paring back the initial request for increasing the minimum wage or
setting up an expensive and extensive propaganda barrage against national
health insurance.  I fully agree that although GDP keeps climbing and the
number of millionaires in the nation grows, the average guy is not sharing in
the prosperity of the rich.  I hardly think that the answer is to vote against
the one presidential candidate and party which consistently proposes and works
for a more inclusive society.  I don't buy the quasi-nihilistic notion of
they're all the same.

History is clearly on our side.  The march of history has been toward a
greater sharing of power and wealth.  The SOBs that have recently reversed
this trend are going to be rolled over.  Contrary to popular opinion on this
list, people are not stupid.  They do catch on and begin to vote for and work
for their own interest and for the values they share.

I do get a little tired of constantly seeming to defend Clinton when it is
merely a matter of choosing to be led by a brilliant talented leader who has
ideas and spiritually based ideals or a wholly cynical gang of power hungry
hypocrites who can only view society as something to manipulate.

Cheers and have a happy new year.


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Re: [CTRL] United States of Urantia

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 3:34:33 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  that bait is awfully old. no one is going to bite on that anymore. you are
>  obviously an agent for some right wing police state advocacy group. are
>  they still sending you checks? they obviously don't know that you are the
>  list joke here. better hope they don't update your file, you might find
>  yourself knocking on the gate at the russian consulate in bolivia.
>  hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I'm not sure what you are objecting to.  Can you be explicit?


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Re: [CTRL] June Learning About RC teaching on Birth Prevention

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/1/99 3:59:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> God in this world so as to be happy with Him in the next for all eternity.
>  The second, but subordinate, end of marriage is for the mutual support of
>  the spouses and to allay concupisence (libido).

This is the teaching but is it complete?  Catholics are mostly ignoring the
prohibition on artificial means of birth control.  What the Church teaching
does not seem to account for is the benefit of a deepening of psychological
intimacy between responsible adults that comes about through having sexual
intercourse.  The big problem is that folks are not measuring up to the
greater responsibility of sex with birth control.  Society becomes more
hedonistic and unmindful that pregnacies occur even with birth control devices
and that, as the cliche goes, you are sleeping with whoever your partner is
sleeping with so that STDs are having a field day.  Of course the let it all
hang out attitudes especially prevalent among the young unmarrieds of 15-25
years don't help.


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Re: [CTRL] Source: Fate Of Clinton Being Decided At Hilton Head

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/31/98 11:08:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> >
>  >Now,  in  her  latest  communique,  Mills'  source  has  revealed
>  >something  so  inherently  obvious  that the wonder is it was not
>  >discerned until now.  He is quoted as saying, "The Euro goes into
>  >effect today.  Once this  happens,  kiss  good-bye to the Federal
>  >Reserve."  With the advent of  the  "Euro,"  a  unified  European
>  >currency,   the  U.S.  dollar/Federal  Reserve  Notes  face  real
>  >competition as the world's reserve currency of choice.

This has been discussed a number of times over the past couple of years in
Business Week, the business section of the NYT, and in US News.  The
conclusion has generally been that both currencies will serve as reserve

IMHO, the Euro will prove the most popular.  This is because the US is
becoming less modern as time passes.  The key to societal (national) strength
is for knowledge and wealth to widely exist over the entire population.  We
are slowly losing ground and Europe is gaining ground in the areas of societal
strength and cohesion.  It is inevitable that we lose ground on a relative
basis.  In fact, we have already lost enormous ground.  Our 800 pound gorilla
armed forces is keeping our prestige up but that is becoming less of a factor
since the fall of the Soviet Union.  In the end, we will look on as the new
big boys make the key decisions.

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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] y2k..another view

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/31/98 10:47:14 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Y2K is the biggest scam to come
>  along since "reverse engineering", and everyone getting caught up in this
>  madness is aiding and abetting the government's planned "national
>  in 2000.

This is another view all right.  The right wing religious nuts with their
survivalist shops of wilderness equipment and books have been heavily pushing
this for some time.  Another self interested group would be the y2k
consultancy and programming shops that are making a bundle by supplying
solution activity.  The antigovernment militia groups are also deep into this.
IMO the guy is right about this being a crises of a week or so.  Then echoing
problems over a span of a few months.  Perhaps a recession but no end of
civilization.  Save your wheat grinder money for beer and peanuts.


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Re: [CTRL] The Consortium 12/29/98

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/98 9:42:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Watching President Clinton appeal to House Republicans in the weeks before
>  his impeachment brought to mind the president in the movie "Independence
>  Day."

Excellent post, Linda.- Jerry

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Re: [CTRL] United States of Urantia

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/98 3:37:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  The URANTIA book is nothing but some bullsheet channeled by discarnate
>  entities from the astral plane

Ah yes, the channeling scam.  My hat is off to that gal Ms. Knight in
Washington State who "channels" some character she calls Ramtha.  Folks flock
to Ms. Knight to catch a bit of Ramtha's wisdom and he is not shy to lay it
out.  He advises the earnest truth seekers to give in abundance to Ms. Knight
(surprise!).  They are said to come from all walks of life including the
educated and wealthy.  Of course if an uneducated pedophile can collect a gang
of same in Waco, why not the clever Knight?


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 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/98 3:03:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  you have not seen the film about the ark on mount ararat. it is there. any
>  more leaps of faith, june? it was archeological

In 1977 our family paid full fare to see The Ark.  It was a cheesy
presentation made by, i think, Christopher Frates.  One month later it was
shown on non-premium TV.  I have seen several Ark documentaries since but have
had the sense to not pay for any.  When the Ark is brought to the US near my
home and there are signed affidavits from the Pope and the President plus a
herd of scientists that feces has been identified from every species on board
the thing i will be impressed.  I won't believe but will be impressed that
such a conspiracy could be arranged.

Of course, many do not require even common sense to believe most anything.
Surely the Nobel prize for credulity should be given to those poor souls who
have their bodies or heads frozen in hopes they will be brought back to life
when cures are found for dead brains, kidneys, livers, etc ravaged by a life
of hard living.


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Re: [CTRL] Arthur Koestler's ***novel*** The 13th Tribe.

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 10:49:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> It's a pity that a CTRL
>  reader would repeat a personal smear like this instead of discussing the
> issue at
>  hand.

Is this a joke?

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 10:06:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  They don't do tremendous harm to women at all. You do tremendous harm
>  to
>  women by spreading primitive unscientific superstitious bullshit.

It was found in the 1970s that birth control pills were causing appalling
heart problems.  Many women had to avoid physical exertion.  Advanced but
officially unsubstantiated information on this began to surface even in the
1960s.  They may or may not be OK now.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Khazaria.......NOT!

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 7:58:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>  "Jim Condit Jr." wrote:
>  >
>  >  -Caveat Lector-
>  >
>  > I'm happy to be able to refer all to research that will settle the
>  > issue. (incidentally, I'm not the two people below are communicating
>  > accurately with each other) -- Arthur Koestler, himself a Jewish scholar,
>  > wrote The Thirteenth Tribe which was on the New York Times best seller
> list
>  > for quite a few months back in the 1970's. In it he urges support for
>  > Israel but, but also urges that the "chosen people" line be dropped
>  > according to him, 70% of the Jews in the world today are descended from
> the
>  > Khazars in Russia who converted to Judaism, only 30% being descended from
>  > the Hebrew people of Biblical times.

I am surprised by Koestler's superficial concept of the chosen people.  At
times like this i wish i knew the bible better.  There is a place in the Old
Testament which describes the tribes of Israel lining up on slopes of two
adjacent hills where they would respond to one another in apparently a sort of
chant format.  The notion was that they were participating in the Exodus, not
commemorating it or recalling it but participating in it.  A notion quite
analogous to the Catholic Mass.  In other words, though i am no rabbi, my
understanding is that, like with Catholics, those who convert to Judaism are
considered to be fully Jews, not apart or inferior.  Therefore, if not a
single living Jew carries a dollop of DNA from the Hebrews of the biblical
era, the living Jews are still the Chosen People.


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Re: [CTRL] Polls

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 7:30:19 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  If you do the math, the percentage of the actual population of the
>  United States represented in the polls works out to .027%. That
>  doesn't sound very "representative" to me!

Statistical samplig, especially when stratified, can yield highly accurate
results from a relatively small number of respondents.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 3:01:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Caveat Lector-
>  And pagan elements being incorporated into the actual structures of the
>  churches, not to forget superstitions that became part of the rituals.

Why are so many on this list making a big deal about the pagan elements of
Christmas?  I have been hearing this for decades with each teller under the
impression he/she is stating some new finding.  Folks, this info has been
around for hundreds of years.

The early missionaries merely coopted the pagan festivals and imagery.  Of
course, new meanings were supplied, these new meanings incorporated to a
greater or lesser degree the underlying beliefs of Christianity.  The adults
understand that the Christmas decorations or the determination of the birthday
of Jesus of Nazareth are not Christian beliefs, they are trivia that keeps
certain people occupied.

This is slightly analogous to the Israeli religious practice of using the
common stories of their region for their purpose such as the stories of
creation or the story of the flood.  Of course the Israeli prophets charged
them with profound and extraordinary meaning.  The analogy is somewhat shallow
because, in the case of the early Christians, we are speaking of co-option at
a much shallower level.  For instance, the specious claims that the Christmas
tree stands for the wood of the cross or that since the tree was at least once
alive, it stands for the living God are harmless though very weak linkages.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Religious Right,Religious Rights: an interview with A

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 2:44:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  I believe the problem arose when the civil rights of some were being
>  violated by those felt to be the majority.  Separating the two allowed for
>  free exercise thereof without infringement on others / others' rights.
>  Suffice to say, the Judeo-Christian perspective was pervasive in them olden
>  days, before the quilt of religions / faiths that exist currently.  As the
>  Pilgrims fled Jolly Ol' England for some tolerance

Good post.  Your take is coorect and your thoughts about the ongoing nature of
the constitution is also correct.

However, the Pilgrims did not come to America to escape English persecution.
They fled first England and then Holland because neither the English nor the
Dutch would permit the Pilgrims to persecute others.  They came to America so
they could force their religious practices on those around them.  They were
not alone in this.  It is not for nothing that creeps like Pat Robertson
admire the religious leaders of the early colonies


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Re: [CTRL] Christmas Eve Conspiracy Power Move

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 1:08:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  This move by the Germans is consistent with their historic Drang nach
>  Whenever the Germans get antsy, they start pushing to the east. And
>  destabilizing the Serbs is just part of the reassertion of their old ties
>  Croatia (*Catholic* Croatia, I guess we should note). "Indeed do many
>  come to pass" fnord.

Yeah, God forbid that a bigot should not note that.  The non-bigots should
note that the Serbs attempted to keep Croatia as part of the Frankenstein
monster called Yugoslavia by force.  Serbia occupied a good chunk of Croatia
for months after Croatia finally pulled loose from the bloodsucking Serbia.
Croatia finally had to use force to recover the ground.


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[CTRL] With No Decency

 -Caveat Lector-

December 29, 1998

With No Decency

BOSTON -- In 1994, when Bosnia was nearly crushed by the attacking Serbs,
President Clinton decided to make no objection if Croatia violated a U.N.
embargo by letting arms go through to the Bosnians.

Our Ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbraith, was told to say -- if President
Franjo Tudjman asked whether we objected -- that he had "no instructions" on
the point. Mr. Tudjman asked, got the answer and let the arms through. They
made a crucial difference in saving Sarajevo and Bosnia.

Two years later The Los Angeles Times told the story, emphasizing that some of
the arms had come from Iran. Senator Bob Dole, the prospective Republican
candidate for President, demanded an investigation. Speaker Newt Gingrich
appointed a special subcommittee with a $1 million budget. He named as
chairman Representative Henry Hyde.

There was in fact no mystery to investigate, and no failure. Ambassador
Galbraith and others involved testified freely about what they had done --
without regrets, because the policy had been a great success. Bosnia survived.
So did the new Muslim-Croat Federation brought into being by the United
States. The military balance shifted against the Serbs, making possible the
Dayton Accords. They paved the way for the expulsion of Iranian agents from

But Henry Hyde was determined to find something that could be called
wrongdoing. So the committee pursued, among other things, a report that
Ambassador Galbraith had dated an American journalist while he and she were in

Both were single, so the most prurient bluenose could not have objected. But
committee investigators deposed Mr. Galbraith's secretary and a member of his
staff to get details of the relationship -- until a lawyer objected.

Mr. Galbraith was also questioned about how he had been told what to say to
Mr. Tudjman. A White House assistant had telephoned, he said, passing on word
from Anthony Lake, the President's national security adviser, to say that he
had "no instructions." The assistant added that Mr. Lake had said it with a
smile and a raised eyebrow, Mr. Galbraith testified, saying that he had made a
note of that.

The committee then questioned Mr. Lake and his assistant, and they said they
could not remember the smile and raised eyebrow. Mr. Hyde and his committee,
implying that Mr. Galbraith had made that up, referred his testimony to the
Justice Department for criminal investigation.

Why mention that two-year-old investigation now? Because it shows how petty,
nasty and partisan Henry Hyde was in a situation where no wrong had been done.
His purpose was to find something -- anything -- to discredit the Clinton
Administration in an election year. If individuals were hurt, their
reputations damaged for no reason, so be it. Casual McCarthyism.

When the House Judiciary Committee started its impeachment inquiry, the
Washington press corps trotted out its usual adjectives for chairman Hyde:
grandfatherly, nonpartisan. In reality, Mr. Hyde performed exactly as he had
in 1996: as a relentless partisan.

When Salon, an Internet magazine, broke the news that Mr. Hyde had had a five-
year affair with a married woman starting when he was 41, Republican leaders
reacted with outrage, demanding an F.B.I. investigation of how the truth had
been told. They can dish it out, but they think they should be immune to such
attacks themselves.

The press made little of Mr. Hyde's hypocrisy in that episode. Nor has it done
much with the discovery that Representative Bob Barr, a leading advocate of
impeachment, and Trent Lott, the Senate majority leader, spoke to a virulent
racist group: something more deplorable than anything President Clinton has

But the public understands. I think that is one large reason why an
overwhelming majority continues to support President Clinton.

Most Americans did not like the vengeful partisan tone of the impeachment
process. They did not like Kenneth Starr's bullying of Monica Lewinsky and her
mother, or his prying into the most private side of their lives, or his
publishing of gratuitous sexual detail. They understood that breaking down the
wall between private and public life is the hallmark of tyranny.

In all of this the American sense of fair play was offended. And as Joe
McCarthy learned, you offend that at your peril.

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Re: [CTRL] Polls

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 11:53:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> routinely garner 75 to 85 percent support.
>  Even regular polls show a hardcore of one-third of the
>  public that wants to see Clinton ousted immediately.
>  Add to that those who don't answer, those who don't
>  reveal the truth, and those for whom the entire political
>  game is utterly sickening, and you've reached the
>  two-thirds mark and then some.

When are you Clinton haters going to stop weaseling about Clinton's popularity
and face the fact that the voters have elected him twice, think he is terrific
for the economy and conducts foreign policy much better than his recent
predecessors?  All your awkward rationalizing does not persuade.  Polling has
become an important statistical discipline, the practitioners know the ins and
outs.  You simply don't want to know the facts but the Republicans will pay
the price in 2000.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] A Noninterventionist Revival

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/27/98 9:00:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Lott came out to support military action under certain conditions

Yeah, a month earlier when there was no immediate impeachemt vote,

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] [prj] Incredible Newsweek cover--European Union Tower ...

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/28/98 7:16:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, lloyd@A-

>  Lloyd Responds:  Here's a good revision for you:--the Pope is the head
>  of the Beast!

Lloyd is a fellow member of the long, boring, bombastic, legalistic posters
club that seems to thrive on this list.  Here he is at least brief but in
being so he has exposed his know nothing fundamentalist philosophy with great


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Bill: Thanks for the 1998 Memories

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/27/98 9:01:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Though the American people have always known you to be a lying rogue,
>  they overlooked that in two elections.

Gee, i wonder if that was because your first opponent brought us the wholly
gratuitous invasions of Panama, Somalis, and got us permanently involved with
Iraq.  Most of us realize that the price has been steep and, at least in the
case of Iraq, it has just begun.

Your second opponent was also a lying philanderer (i know, the word lying is
redundant since all philanderers lie).  The difference was that you were
capable and knowledgeable while Dole led by compromise, no ideas put forward -
just draw a line in the middle of notions the media allow to be discussed.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/27/98 9:01:16 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  So, the United States government has waged—or is that wagged?—another
>  little war. Missiles rained down on Baghdad

Actually, not many on Baghdad, mostly on the Republican Guard installations
which form the main internal support for Saddam.

I agree that since the end of WWII the US has proven itself ready to invade,
bomb, and sponsor armies led by political oppressors and even create terrorist
groups in addition to training police state police forces in techniques of
crowd control and "interrogation."  The US has done this on what often seems a
willy nilly basis, including the overthrow of democratically elected
governments.  Makes one wonder where our leaders get what appears to be
training that is alien to US values.

I wonder if the author is proposing a change in the US's sorry eagerness for
violence or just a change in the stance on Iraq.


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[CTRL] Snvel snivel was Re: Echoes from the Past

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/27/98 6:27:22 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> My 5-year-old son
>  Jack recently saw a picture of Clinton and said, "He lied." I couldn't
>  disagree

Where were all these 5-year old kids when Gingrich, as though in a sign of
thing to come, was found to have had blow jobs in his congressional office,
claiming to the women, two of whom stepped forward, that since it was oral sex
it didn't count.  Where are these youngsters when livingston turns out to have
had sex (in what sounds like not exactly affairs but service for service swaps
with comely female lobbyists) in his office?  There are others of course and
they all lied.  Are these 5-year olds strangely selective?  When our kids were
young, there were scandals also but our youngsters were not continually coming
forward with "Why would that mean old person lie?"  Could it be that these
assorted stories about "what to tell the innocents" are so much horse shit?

Another bit of hogwash we've heard a lot of recently is that everything was
wonderful until those young people demonstrated against the Vietnam War in the
1960s.  Of course, the reality is that these demonstrators, seeing that the
war was evil, attempted to bring the war to a halt, thereby saving American
and Vietnamese lives.

Another thing those terrible liberals of the 1960s did was help to bring a
screeching halt to the corrupt way of life of the Jim Crow south.  The battle
for civil rights was costly and the snivelers of today can thank those who
paid the price to achieve the openness of today's society.  Obviously, monster
controversial issues are still with us in the form of poverty and environment.
Both involve corporate exploitation and media manipulation.


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Re: [CTRL] Weapons of Mass Deception

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/27/98 8:59:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  Yes, if Saddam had any sense at all, he would hire a liberal American
>  political consultant on the order of a Dick Morris

This political rant ran down hill after this unreal statement.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Politically Correct Seasons Greeting ;-) (fwd)

Best wishes to all !

> Please accept with no obligation,
> implied or implicit our best wishes for
> an environmentally conscious,
> socially responsible, low stress,
> non-addictive, gender neutral,
> celebration of the winter solstice
> holiday, practiced within the most
> enjoyable traditions of the religious
> persuasion of your choice, or secular
> practices of your choice, with respect
> for the religious/secular persuasions
> and/or traditions of others, or their
> choice not to practice religious or
> secular traditions at all . . .
> and a fiscally successful,
> personally fulfilling, and medically
> uncomplicated recognition of the onset
> of the generally accepted calendar
> year 1999, but not without due respect
> for the calendars of choice of other
> cultures whose contributions to
> society have helped make America great,
> (not to imply that America is necessarily
> greater than any other country or is
> the only "AMERICA" in the western
> hemisphere), and without regard to the
> race, creed, color, age, physical ability,
> religious faith, choice of computer platform,
> or sexual preference of the wishee.
> (By accepting this greeting,
> you are accepting  these terms.)
> This greeting is subject to
> clarification or withdrawal. It is freely
> transferable with no alteration to the
> original greeting. It implies no
> promise by the wisher to actually
> implement any of the wishes for
> her/himself or others, and is
> void where prohibited by law, and is
> revocable at the sole discretion of
> the wisher.   This wish is warranted
> to perform as expected within the
> usual application of good tidings
> for a period of one year, or until the
> issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting,
> whichever comes first, and warranty is
> limited to replacement of this wish
> or issuance of a new wish at the
> sole discretion of the wisher.

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