CS: Pol-The march in March

2001-02-14 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is anyone aware of any coaches going to the march from the Merseyside area? Brian T -- Phone them on their "hotline". I think that's one of the reasons for it! www.march-info.org Steve. Cybersh

CS: Pol-Fishing next

2001-02-13 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Radio 4 just before 7 this morning had a feature on cruelty to fish from hooks and the problems of line etc tangling with birds and oyther wildlife. Even better on Radio 5 PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), whic

CS: Field-Cats the worst killers

2001-02-13 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Incorrect. It is because a dog is *property* whereas a cat is not. What? - So who does my cat belong to then? Wrong way round. You own a dog but feed a cat. If your lucky it deigns to live in your house. Brian T Cyb

CS: Pol-The March : Slogans

2001-02-11 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Actually I was going to suggest: "Gold if we win, imprisonment if we practice." as jail sounds too cosy. Jail usually refers to a local prison or the police lockup, certainly in the US you get sent to jail for a midemeanour

CS: Crime-Liverpool-armed Crime

2001-02-07 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Front page lead in the Liverpool Echo tonight. GUN LAW. Armed Police Aim To Halt City Shootings Armed police road checks are being set up on the streets of Liverpool. The crackdown aims to halt the recent spate of city centre shootings

CS: Pol-DNA Testing

2001-01-21 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The presenters of a radio prog were asking people to give reasons why DNA samples should not be held as "they couldn't think of any". First submission was from a serving police officer who gave an example of what he said were

CS: Pol-Hunting ban

2001-01-20 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] For the first time I've actually seen the intended penalties for hunting when any ban comes into force. A maximum of a L5,000 fine. Having noted that its a maximum and that probably a lesser amount may be levied I wonder how m

CS: Pol-video

2001-01-18 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Now if we could all attend the march and stop for just a few seconds, banners to the fore and best Sunday smiles, in front of one of the CCTV's. Then having paid the nice people at the Met a tenner for the tape we could take a still o

CS: Target-the It can be done dept.

2001-01-04 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Angus Hobdell recently won the Grand Master class of the American Handgunner World Shootoff 2000, but lost overall to Everette Brunelle who used a stock STI (if there is such a thing), i.e. no compensator or optics. (Oh, and he

CS: Misc-5000 Christmas cards for Tony Martin

2001-01-03 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The cards flooded in after our Man of the People columnist David Mellor called on the nation to show he had not been forgotten. Please tell me this is not THE Mellor. I know most politicians will need screwing into their graves but given

CS: Pol-Sport minister criticises handgun ban

2001-01-03 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Actually I've got a better idea that will really rub their noses in it, why not nominate her for a knighthood or an MBE or something? Does anyone know how to do this? Steve. http://www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/ceremonial/ Brian T -- Okay,

CS: Crime-Radio prog

2000-12-09 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If anyone fancies a listen Radio 5 on Sunday at 12.30pm is doing a half an hour on Contract killing and its suppposed increase. I'll refrain from comment till I've heard it. Brian T Cybershooters website: http://www.cybershooters.org

CS: Legal-Knives

2000-12-03 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Oh dear, now you've asked for it. The law is that you can't carry anything other than an ordinary pocket knife with a blade length of maximum 3 inches without lawful authority or reasonable excuse. An ordinary pocket knife has been wittled

CS: Misc-recommended reading

2000-12-01 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Try, "more Guns less crime" by John Lott. I've got a copy you can borrow if you want. Jonathan Laws -- The problem with that book is that you need a degree in statistical analysis to understand it. The Armed Citizen book contains

CS: Field-.458

2000-12-01 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I remember reading a while ago about one of the American Gun writers (big bloke who's name escapes me but shoots lots of big guns) who shot something like 1000 rounds of full charge .44 mag in a day of shooting, the next day he found his sho

CS: Misc-Emperor's New Clothes

2000-12-01 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So you don't feel threatened? Well sod your luck sunshine becaue I bloody well do. S carrying a firearm would make you feel safe? What are you going to do with it? Execute the next kid that tries to steal something out your van? How ab

CS: Misc-Emperor's New Clothes

2000-11-29 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I actually frequently go into inner city areas in the course of my work. I am not armed, not even with a baton or CS. I don't feel threatened or intimidated, nor do I feel that I am naked without a firearm to protect myself. Nor do most of the

CS: Misc-Recommended reading

2000-11-26 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've mentioned this before, but a really good book is "Marine Sniper" by Charles Henderson, and it's still in print and you can still get it easily! Steve. Definitely agree as I bought it last time you recommended it and couldn't pu

CS: Pol-Stop or I'll chant!

2000-11-25 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] What weapon do you think would have been effective in this case? A firearm? A baseball bat? CS or pepper spray? A cattle prod? A plastic shield such as the police use? A clothes prop? A rottweiler? Our right to self defence has not descended a

CS: Field-how to deal with roadkill

2000-11-01 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If people want to ponce about saving squirrels, that's up to them, just don't waste my tax money doing it! Steve. Except in the nickname given to these people in the States I have yet to hear anyone blame the person who probably more than

CS: Legal-killers jailed

2000-11-01 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] When the offences were committed at the same time the sentences usually run concurrently. Steve. Maybe so but the Sutcliffes and Shipmans of this country are still serving concurrent sentences for multiple murders committed over a peri

CS: Legal-killers jailed

2000-10-31 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mr Justice Jackson jailed him for 12 years on each offence, to be served concurrently. Has anyone in this country ever had sentences on more than one offence run consecutively? If not why not. Brian T -- When the offences were committed a

CS: Pol-Arming the police

2000-10-26 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] There was a phone in show on radio 5 last night about arming the police in the light of recent news of the arming of foot patrols in Nottingham. An MP from either side, Chris Akabussi (for reasons I haven't worked out yet) and another woman wh

CS: Legal-Brazilian ban overturned

2000-10-20 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This one is priceless, just lifted from BBC North West Teletext GUN SALE BAN NOT WORKING, ADMITS BRAZIL Brazil's supreme court has overturned a nationwide ban on gun sales imposed earlier this year by the

CS: Crime-Soccer players escape gunmen

2000-10-17 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] This happened about a mile from me and has obviously made the nationals due to the presence of the Liverpool players. Somebody being shot in the leg just round the corner about a week before went largely unremarked. Last weeks copy of the

CS: Legal-Certificate renewals

2000-10-09 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The RFD in question is not going to do this for charity and although the charge will be relatively small I wonder what the reaction would be to numerous invoices appearing in the police accounts department from disgruntled shooters. Brian T --

CS: Legal-Certificate renewals

2000-10-08 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Even if you do its safest to follow advice and ask for a Section 7 permit or lodge the guns and ammunition with an RFD. The RFD in question is not going to do this for charity and although the charge will be relatively small I wonder what th

CS: Pol-Conservatives

2000-10-05 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] So Albie Fox is to be a Conservative candidate. I haven't managed to find a record of his contribution to the party conference on either the Conservatives website or SAGBNI. I wont fault him for getting knee deep in politics for any par

CS: Target-Shooting on the radio

2000-10-04 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Heard this afternoon on Radio 5 a positive piece on shooting (recovers from faint and carries on). They did a feature on two minority sports that did well in the Olympics, Shooting and Canoeing. " Are minority sports going to increas

CS: Target-lottery funding

2000-09-26 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Do you have a national lottery in Australia? I am certain 90% of the improvement in our Olympic performance is due to the lottery funding of new facilities and the teams. Steve. Could someone just give chapter and verse on what lottery f

CS: Target-Radio Four

2000-09-26 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Whilst I have no opinion on this particular interview as I didn't hear it I do agree with the general point. The standard of reporting on all but the high profile sports in this Olympics has been awful. Intelligent and informed co

CS: Target-Steel Plate Shooting

2000-09-20 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The steel plate shoot seems to have been organised thru a club member - John Reddington - who I know is very keen on this kind of competition, as his name appears fairly .high up in the results on other like comps. I think he must be

CS: Target-BBC TV Coverage of Shooting Sports at the Olympics

2000-09-18 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] If anyone is seriously going to suggest that shooting, any kind of shooting, on TV is less interesting than watching two "sportsmen" chucking darts at a board or the almost blanket coverage of Curling in the last winter Oly

CS: Pol-More Dumpy Pumpy

2000-09-13 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] With regard to why we don't take similar action to the truckers and farmers. It will be interesting to see over the coming months how many FAC's and SGC's of those photographed on the picket lines are refused renewal or otherwise hassled.

CS: Pol-Dump the Pump

2000-09-12 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] I suppose its OK as long as its just the country and not me or you. Lets see how jovial we all are when the weekly run to Tesco's can't be done or the local curry house can't deliver the madras just ordered or we can't get the kids to school or

CS: Pol-rallies

2000-08-27 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Someone made reference to the poll tax riots earlier. I quite agree, violent protest has, in the past, forced a change in laws. Does anyone think, seriously, that violent protest by firearms owners is going to get a law repealed? Worse still, d

CS: Target-Beginners guide

2000-08-27 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Radio5 every Saturday morning on Adrian Chiles program they have a beginners guide to a sport which, I kid you not, has included such high profile sports as Ferret racing. Finally this morning shooting got a look in or more specifical

CS: Legal-Anonymity etc

2000-08-21 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Well I for one will be sorry to see Iggy go. I suppose as he keeps mentioning the length of time he's been a copper we should call him Iggy Pop. Wether I agree with his point of view or not it's enough of a rarity to have someone in the forc

CS: Legal-S.54 etc.

2000-08-18 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Oh, and by the way, Dave, a little piece of education for you. The revenue from all your beloved speed cameras goes to the treasury. The Police don't get any of it! Strange but true. Just on this one specific point. On Radio 4 this

CS: Pol-Commonwealth Games

2000-08-17 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Your quite right that there will probably be little press coverage at Bisley for the Commonwealth Games. So lets make sure that along with the friendly TV idea we offer the the print media stills and copy from any pro shooting freelance pho

CS: Pol-Olympic shooters lobby for easing of handgun ban

2000-08-15 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] A demonstration in Manchester based on dumping large numbers of vehicles to cause traffic chaos to make contestants in other sports late for their events--or miss them all together. That's the way to get publicity. Barry Woodward An id

CS: Legal-Anonymity

2000-08-12 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] IG I agree with you totally but don't expect support from the majority of subscribers. They will take any chance to have a pop at the Bill. Stay with the professionals In the few short sentences above is encapsulated the entire 'us and them'

CS: Misc-RIP Bill

2000-08-02 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The following is culled from the Computer Buyer website and may be of interest as this bill has been mentioned before on the list. The interesting part is at the end as it appears reasonably easy to avoid the snoops if you really need to. &

CS: Pol-Lower than Paedophiles

2000-07-26 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] Some of you may remember that the previous Conservative administeration found it preferable to make space in Parliaments schedule to persecute us rather than proceed with legislation regarding Paedophiles. A situation that was only reversed af

CS: Pol-checks and balances

2000-07-26 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] The day we see online voting on the majority of issues is the day that Murdoch achieves world domination. The film "Running Man" was on TV last night and I was struck by the fact that far from looking dated it's getting closer t

CS: Legal-Advertising Shooting

2000-07-20 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] You said - ' You can advertise gun clubs anywhere '. Not true for some obscure reason you cannot advertise shooting on TV its enshrined in one of the Broadcasting Acts of the 1960's. Regards Jerry -- Oh damn, better can the multi-million pou

CS: Target-Shooting on TV

2000-07-12 Thread Brian Toller
From: "Brian Toller", [EMAIL PROTECTED] On North West Tonight, which is a regional Beeb news program in the early evening. A piece about five minutes long which I think is one of a series on Olympic competitors. This one featured Phil Babb who will be competing in Prone rifle.