2000-03-29 Thread Javier Romero

- Original Message -
From: Sara Jimenez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 8:13 AM

 From: Sara Jiménez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 11:12:51 +0200
 -Mensaje original-
 Para: Sergio García [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Fecha: lunes 27 de marzo de 2000 17:34
  Por favor, dedica unos minutos a leer este escrito.
  El gobierno de Afganistán está emprendiendo una guerra contra las
  La situación está tan mal que un editorial del Times comparó el trato
  mujeres de Afganistán al dado a los judíos durante el pre-holocausto en
  Polonia. El régimen fundamentalista de Talibán llegó al poder en 1995.
  entonces las mujeres empezaron a usar una buruca, un vestido largo con
  capucha que esconde la cabeza y que tiene una tela por donde mirar. Son
  apedreadas en público si no usan el traje formal, o solamente porque no
  tienen la malla que cubre el frente de los ojos. Una mujer murió porque
  grupo de fundamentalistas la atacó por exponer un brazo accidentalmente
  mientras caminaba. Otra fue apedreada hasta la muerte por haber tratado
  dejar el país con un hombre que no era su pariente.
  A las mujeres les está prohibido trabajar y hasta estar en público sin
  pariente masculino. Las profesionales como profesoras, traductoras,
  doctoras, abogadas, artistas y escritoras fueron despedidas de sus
  y consignadas a sus casas. La casa donde vive una mujer tiene que tener
  ventanas pintadas para impedir que ellas sean vistas por extraños.
  que usar zapatos silenciosos para nunca ser oídas. Las mujeres viven
  miedo de perder la vida por causa de un leve desliz en el
  les han impuesto. Como ellas no pueden trabajar, sus parientes
  maridos, o están pasando hambre hasta la muerte o están mendigando en
  calle. No hay ninguna instalación médica disponible para las mujeres, y
  muchos profesionales del área de salud, en protesta, dejaron el país
  llevandose medicamentos y otras cosas necesarias para tratar el
  índice de depresión entre las mujeres.  No hay manera de saber con
  la tasa de suicidio en esta sociedad fundamentalista islámica , pero se
  calcula que ha aumentado significativamente entre las mujeres , ya que
  pueden hallar un tratamiento para la depresión severa, y no soportan el
  cambio radical en sus vidas.
  En uno de los raros hospitales para mujeres, un reportero encontró
  casi inanimados, inmóviles encima de las camas, envueltos en burucas,
  voluntad para hablar, comer, hacer cualquier cosa. Otras han
  son encontradas en las esquinas, balanceando sus cuerpos o llorando, la
  mayoría con miedo. Un médico está considerando, cuando se termine el
  medicamento que queda, dejar a estas mujeres frente a la residencia del
  Presidente como una forma de protesta. Ha llegado el punto en que el
  violación de los derechos humanos es desconocido. Los hombres tienen
  de vida o muerte sobre las mujeres, especialmente sus esposas. Pero
  cualquier hombre tiene el mismo derecho de apedrear o golpear a una
  aun cuando sea desconocida, si ella simplemente expone una pulgada de
  cuerpo, aunque sea accidentalmente. Dicen que occidente no debería
  régimen Fundamentalista de Afganistán porque es una cuestión cultural,
  ni siquiera eso es verdad.
  Las mujeres disfrutaban de una libertad relativa para trabajar,
  vestían como quisieran, caminaban y aparecían solas en público hasta
  La rapidez de esa transición es el principal motivo de la depresión y
  suicidio: las mujeres que eran pedagogas o doctoras o simplemente
  disfrutaban de la libertad básica para cualquier ser humano ahora son
  severamente reprimidas y maltratadas en nombre del ala fundamentalista
  Si la OTAN usó su fuerza militar en Kosovo en nombre de los derechos
  humanos, por causa de la segregación racial contra los Albaneses,
  Occidente también puede expresarse contra la opresión, asesinato e
  injusticia cometida contra las mujeres por el Talibán.

Mis Xwindows Potato no cancionan

2000-03-29 Thread Nestor A. Diaz
Buenas, alguien sabe cual fue el cambio que se hizo en las Xwindows (version 
potato) la
verdad es que no tengo mucho tiempo para cacharrearle al asunto pero mirando el
/var/log/xdm.log me aparece un:

AUDIT: Mon Mar 27 18:28:44 2000: 571 X: client 2 rejected from local host
  Auth name: XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 ID: -1
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
/usr/X11R6/bin/xrdb: Can't open display ':0'
AUDIT: Mon Mar 27 18:28:44 2000: 571 X: client 3 rejected from local host
  Auth name: XDM-AUTHORIZATION-1 ID: -1
Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server
Error: Can't open display: :0

mm... alguien sabe que puede estar pasando, al parecer autentica, el usuario y 
la clave esta
bien pero a la hora de entrar  a las X, nada que ver.


Nestor A. Diaz L.
PGP Public Key  `wget http://www.tiendalinux.com/pgp/nestor.pgp`

Visita  http://www.tiendalinux.com  la tienda virtual de
  Productos y Servicios para los usuarios de Linux en Colombia

Listas de Perl (Re: Unidentified subject!)

2000-03-29 Thread Cosme P. Cuevas
El Wed, May 03, 2000,

 Tal vez no  sea el mejor lugar para preguntar  esto, pero no
 tengo dónde más hacerlo.  ¿Alguien conoce una buena lista(En
 español  de preferencia)  de  Perl?  Estoy escribiendo  unos
 cuantos scripts y tengo algunos problemas.

Tienes la lista `perl-es' en Onelist (http://www.onelist.com)

Hay otra más en español,


con body:

subscribe perl [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  Cosme P. Cuevas.oOo.GnuPG KeyID: 0A4305FB



Re: Telefónica mediante ADSL ¿puedor?

2000-03-29 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Javier,

On Fri, Mar 24, 2000 at 01:32:46PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 ¿Alguien sabe si es posible la conexión con estos modems mediante nuestro
 querido Linux?.

 Se que hay gente en Madrid que está conectada mediante ADSL y modem externo,
 que es el que me gustaría a mi, ¿alguien sabe de el tema?.

Me instalan el ADSL en el curro el dia 1 de Marzo, contratado con Mundivia.
Uso como servidor de intranet/internet una Debian ;-)

Mundivia han suspendido las altas ADSL porque hay muchos clientes que estan
 teniendo muchos problemas, en cambio reconocen que hay zonas en las que el
 ADSL va bien y sin problemas...

Ademas planean tener una reunión con Telefonica en Madrid pronto para pedirles
 que solucionen los problemas, que asi no se puede trabajar...

Todos suponemos que por el interes que le trae a Telefonica y la presión de
 los usuarios, todo acabara funcionando bien ¿pero cuando?

Mi ejemplo: En la semana pasada solo funcionó ADSL y lento el miercoles y el
 jueves por la tarde y bien lo que es bien solo el viernes.

Esta semana (28/3/2000) ha ido bien el lunes y el martes (he llegado a 18-24
 kBytes/segundo de los del Netscape :-)

Posible explicación:
- Telefonica deberia haber empezado la instalación de ADSL en Noviembre y
 parece que han empezado en Enero.
- Ademas la demanda es brutal, llamando al telefono de info del ADSL te dicen
 que los plazos de instalación son larguisimos porque no dan abasto.
- Y claro quieren llegar a cubrir toda España a finales de este año...

- ¿Os acordais del principio de infovia plus?

- Mi jefe me ha dicho que les damos de plazo dos meses...

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en  http://perso.wanadoo.es/manel3
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por http://www.libranet.com/petition.html ;-)

Re: Telefónica mediante ADSL ¿puedor?

2000-03-29 Thread Manel Marin
Hola Antonio,

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 08:21:54AM -0600, Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide wrote:
 Yo tengo una línea de pruebas con ADSL y el modem que tengo es externo y
 necesito una tarjeta ethernet para conectarme a él. Tengo un Linux funcionando

Yo también

 Lo que no he podido configurar bien el el dhcpcd (que con la distribución
 doslinux sí pude). Pienso que es un problema mío el no saber configurar el

Yo he usado el dhclient-beta, pero he tenido que reescribir el script
 dhclient-script completamente, y como la conexión en mi caso es intermitente
 me ha llevado casi hasta hoy el crear scripts para cambiar de proveedor,
 configurar el ADSL, y he tenido que currarme un cortafuegos nuevo...

Ahora lo tengo todo en plan beta pero parece que se aguanta

 He salido del paso poniéndole la dirección ip fija pero sé que no es una
 solución muy elegante, aunque de momento va bien, con algún problema si se va
 la luz, etc.

Los de Mundivia me dijeron que Telefonica planea cambiar las IP regularmente,
 aunque desde el dia 1 a mi no me la han cambiado.

De hecho cada 30 minutos se hace una negociacion DHCP PC/ADSL a la que
 previamente el router ADSL ha antecedido con una llamada broadcast a SU
 servidor DHCP (en la central telefonica supongo). Estas avisado...

Manel Marin   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Powered (Debian 2.1 slink)  kernel 2.2.14

Mira mis chuletas de Linux en  http://perso.wanadoo.es/manel3
Mi petición de drivers para Linux es la nº 33126
 (Pasate por http://www.libranet.com/petition.html ;-)

Rutar entre dispositivos con ip´s reales

2000-03-29 Thread exxex
Tengo tres interfaces de red actualmente, dos eth y una rdsi, eth0
tiene ip real via dhcp, ippp0 también, eth1 es mi red local. La maquina
hace masquerade y todo funciona correctamente, configuro los
dispositivos via isdnutils para la rdsi y para las eth con
/etc/network/interfaces via ifup e ifdown (con pump para el dhcp de
eth0), la cosa está en que de los dos dispositivos con ip real (eth0 e
ippp0) quisiera que eth0 fuera mi default gw y conseguir enrutar de
alguna manera viable todos los paquetes de mi red local hacia el puerto
6667 (ircd) por ippp0, con ipchains lo he intentado y no he podido... lo
mas que consigo es que si las conexiones son para maquinas de ctv
(proveedor con quien tengo la cuenta para la rdsi) la metrica hace que
ellos solos se escapen por ippp0, pero si no nada... quisiera saber si
hay alguna manera de hacer ese tipo de enrutado entre interfaces.

Todo esto en una debian potato :)

Gracias por anticipado :)

RE: Problemas con conectando con RDSI

2000-03-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 hola amigos les escribo porque tengo problemas al conectarme con mi RDSI

 el  kernel parece que esta bien compilado con todas las opciones
 modulo hisax, modulo HFC PCI, EURO etc
 el problema lo tengo con los scripts de conexion me he leido el RDSI
 como y he seguido todos los pasos para seguir usando los scripts del
 y no funciona ni patras
 me intenta conectar atraves del ppp0 con una ip que es la misma que mi
 esto es lo que meda el ifconfig cuando arranco

 lupus:/home/pepesan# ifconfig
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:C0:DF:23:6D:F2
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:51 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:100
   Interrupt:5 Base address:0xdc00

 ippp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
   inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:30

 ippp1 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
   inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
   RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:30

 loLink encap:Local Loopback
   inet addr:  Mask:
   UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:3924  Metric:1
   RX packets:191 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
   TX packets:191 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:0 txqueuelen:0

 y los scripts que estoy utilizando son los siguientes:

 lupus:/home/pepesan# cat /etc/chatscripts/iddeor
 # This chatfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
 # Please do not delete any of the comments.  Pppconfig needs them.
 # ispauth PAP

 # abortstring
 # modeminit
 #'' ATZ
 # ispnumber
 OK-AT-OK ATDT923000111
 # ispconnect
 # prelogin
 # ispname
 # isppassword
 # postlogin
 # end of pppconfig stuff

 lupus:/home/pepesan# cat /etc/ppp/peers/iddeor
 # This optionfile was generated by pppconfig 2.0.5.
 connect /usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/iddeor
 user ret0087t
 remotename iddeor
 ipparam iddeor
 idle 300

 el  pap-secrets esta bien configurado porque me conecto perfectamente
 con modem

 el intentar conectar me dice esto:
 Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
 Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: Using interface ppp0
 Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: local  IP address
 Mar 28 12:08:08 lupus pppd[9436]: remote IP address
 Mar 28 12:08:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
 1059 - 11
 Mar 28 12:08:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
 Mar 28 12:08:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
 Mar 28 12:08:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
 Mar 28 12:10:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
 1059 - 11
 Mar 28 12:10:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
 Mar 28 12:10:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
 Mar 28 12:10:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
 Mar 28 12:12:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
 1059 - 11
 Mar 28 12:12:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
 Mar 28 12:12:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
 Mar 28 12:12:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
 Mar 28 12:14:51 lupus kernel: OPEN: - TCP, port:
 1059 - 11
 Mar 28 12:14:51 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
 Mar 28 12:14:59 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
 Mar 28 12:14:59 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
 Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: pppd 2.3.11 started by root, uid 0
 Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: Using interface ppp1
 Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: local  IP address
 Mar 28 12:16:02 lupus pppd[9454]: remote IP address
 Mar 28 12:16:11 lupus kernel: OPEN: - UDP, port:
 137 - 13
 Mar 28 12:16:11 lupus kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0221345789...
 Mar 28 12:16:19 lupus kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
 Mar 28 12:16:19 lupus kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
 Mar 28 12:16:26 lupus kernel: OPEN: - UDP, port:
 137 - 13

 si alguien pudiera ayudarme se lo agradeceria eternamente


A mi me paso algo parecido, y en algun sitio lei que las direcciones de los
interfaces ippp, debian tener direcciones de origen validas, en tu 

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-29 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Ya, ya, pero es que en mi caso tengo Linux en /dev/hdc1, y entonces no me
vale. Si lo tuviera en /dev/hda1, pues aún. Miraré el loadlin a ver qué tal,
o seguiré arrancando de disquete, que tampoco se acaba el mundo.



 -Mensaje original-
 De: Jose Marin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 28 de marzo de 2000 14:51
 Para: Lista Debian Espagna
 Asunto: RE: Formato vfat

 El programa mbr que viene con Debian (man install-mbr) sabe 
 arrancar de
 particiones primarias en discos  8Gb.  Oi hace muy poco que 
 LILO tambien
 ha superado esa limitacion (chequea en freshmeat.net).

Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-03-29 Thread David Charro Ripa
Tras la migracion del servidor de intranet ahora voy a por el servidor
web y de correo.

Veo en Debian que tenemos como MTA a qmail, zmailer, smail, postfix.

¿Cual elijo?

El sistema que monte debera tener acceso POP3, para unos 120 usuarios
(aunque crecera hasta unos 300), deberia ser facilmente configurable,
tener todos los programas en paquetes Debian, que se puedan incluir
utilidades del tipo de listas de correo, redireccionamiento del correo,
incluir respuestas en caso de ausencia, deshabilitar el acceso a las
cuentas pero que se puedan cambiar el password.

¿Podrias sugerirme una buena combinacion de programas?



RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-29 Thread Jose Marin
On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Arregui-García, Javier wrote:

 Ya, ya, pero es que en mi caso tengo Linux en /dev/hdc1, y entonces no
 me vale. Si lo tuviera en /dev/hda1, pues aún. Miraré el loadlin a ver
 qué tal, o seguiré arrancando de disquete, que tampoco se acaba el

No lo he probado nunca, pero mbr si que puede hacer eso, segun la pagina
del manual:

install-mbr -d 0x82 -T /dev/hdc  /dev/hda

Esto instalara el mbr en el MBR del disco hda, y arrancara el disco que la
BIOS conoce como 0x82 (creo que hda es 0x80, hdb en 0x81, etc), con la
informacion sobre la tabla de particion de /dev/hdc.

Prueba!  :-)

Dept of Mathematics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 451 3893
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-03-29 Thread Jose Miguel Gurpegui
mira un mensaje que hay en www.barrapunto.com sobre el tema. Tal vez te 


José Miguel Gurpegui


David Charro Ripa wrote:

 Tras la migracion del servidor de intranet ahora voy a por el servidor
 web y de correo.

 Veo en Debian que tenemos como MTA a qmail, zmailer, smail, postfix.

 ¿Cual elijo?

 El sistema que monte debera tener acceso POP3, para unos 120 usuarios
 (aunque crecera hasta unos 300), deberia ser facilmente configurable,
 tener todos los programas en paquetes Debian, que se puedan incluir
 utilidades del tipo de listas de correo, redireccionamiento del correo,
 incluir respuestas en caso de ausencia, deshabilitar el acceso a las
 cuentas pero que se puedan cambiar el password.

 ¿Podrias sugerirme una buena combinacion de programas?



 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Imagenes de Potato

2000-03-29 Thread Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide
Vamos a ver:
Yo usé el make-pseudoimage de windows para bajarme los ficheros por http:
primero te bajas un fichero que tiene la lista de los ficheros del primer CD. A
este fichero lo llamé binaspar.lis.
Luego ejecuté el siguiente make-pseudo-image.bat

@echo off

set CYGWIN=binmode tty

bash make-pseudo-image binaspar.lis
%3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

#bash make-pseudo-image %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Lo retoqué para que el proxy que tengo me hiciera ip-masquerading directamente.
Por eso le puse la dirección IP real
pero tú podrás poner en lugar de eso sunsite.org.uk.

Con esto el programa va bajando todos los ficheros de la lista. Mantiene unos
ficheros donde tiene información de lo que ha bajado y lo que le queda.
 Cuando esto termine, debes correr el rsync como ya comenté en otro mail.

Yo tengo ya la imagen iso bien grabada y si la monto en linux con la opción -o
loop lo veo todo perfecto.
Pero tengo un problema con la grabadora. Es Plextor y no se hacerla funcionar
con Linux (cdrecord no la entiende).
Y el programa NERO que tengo en Windows me crea una copia con nombres cortos
(me trunca los nombres largos) en lugar de largos.
Si no consigo grabarla con nombres largos supongo que no se puede usar para
instalar porque la estructura de
instalación de debian creo que busca los nombres largos.
Ahora estoy probando con cdrwin y con el EasyCdcreator. Si me funciona pues ya
lo comentaré en la lista.



2000-03-29 Thread jmsiso

- Original Message -
From: Javier Romero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pamela Pollak [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Minerva Sepúlveda Luque
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mathias Von Leyser [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mariana
Alcérreca [EMAIL PROTECTED]; María Cristina Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED];
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; debian-user debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org;
Cristian Navarro Fuentes [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Cesar
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Andrés Madariaga amadari
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 9:50 PM

 - Original Message -
 From: Sara Jimenez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 8:13 AM

  From: Sara Jiménez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 11:12:51 +0200
  -Mensaje original-
  De: Oriol Marí [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Para: Sergio García [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fecha: lunes 27 de marzo de 2000 17:34
   Por favor, dedica unos minutos a leer este escrito.
   El gobierno de Afganistán está emprendiendo una guerra contra las
   La situación está tan mal que un editorial del Times comparó el trato
   mujeres de Afganistán al dado a los judíos durante el pre-holocausto
   Polonia. El régimen fundamentalista de Talibán llegó al poder en
   entonces las mujeres empezaron a usar una buruca, un vestido largo
   capucha que esconde la cabeza y que tiene una tela por donde mirar.
   apedreadas en público si no usan el traje formal, o solamente porque
   tienen la malla que cubre el frente de los ojos. Una mujer murió
   grupo de fundamentalistas la atacó por exponer un brazo
   mientras caminaba. Otra fue apedreada hasta la muerte por haber
   dejar el país con un hombre que no era su pariente.
   A las mujeres les está prohibido trabajar y hasta estar en público
   pariente masculino. Las profesionales como profesoras, traductoras,
   doctoras, abogadas, artistas y escritoras fueron despedidas de sus
   y consignadas a sus casas. La casa donde vive una mujer tiene que
   ventanas pintadas para impedir que ellas sean vistas por extraños.
   que usar zapatos silenciosos para nunca ser oídas. Las mujeres viven
   miedo de perder la vida por causa de un leve desliz en el
   les han impuesto. Como ellas no pueden trabajar, sus parientes
   maridos, o están pasando hambre hasta la muerte o están mendigando en
   calle. No hay ninguna instalación médica disponible para las mujeres,
   muchos profesionales del área de salud, en protesta, dejaron el país
   llevandose medicamentos y otras cosas necesarias para tratar el
   índice de depresión entre las mujeres.  No hay manera de saber con
   la tasa de suicidio en esta sociedad fundamentalista islámica , pero
   calcula que ha aumentado significativamente entre las mujeres , ya
   pueden hallar un tratamiento para la depresión severa, y no soportan
   cambio radical en sus vidas.
   En uno de los raros hospitales para mujeres, un reportero encontró
   casi inanimados, inmóviles encima de las camas, envueltos en burucas,
   voluntad para hablar, comer, hacer cualquier cosa. Otras han
   son encontradas en las esquinas, balanceando sus cuerpos o llorando,
   mayoría con miedo. Un médico está considerando, cuando se termine el
   medicamento que queda, dejar a estas mujeres frente a la residencia
   Presidente como una forma de protesta. Ha llegado el punto en que el
   violación de los derechos humanos es desconocido. Los hombres tienen
   de vida o muerte sobre las mujeres, especialmente sus esposas. Pero
   cualquier hombre tiene el mismo derecho de apedrear o golpear a una
   aun cuando sea desconocida, si ella simplemente expone una pulgada de
   cuerpo, aunque sea accidentalmente. Dicen que occidente no debería
   régimen Fundamentalista de Afganistán porque es una cuestión
   ni siquiera eso es verdad.
   Las mujeres disfrutaban de una libertad relativa para trabajar,
   vestían como quisieran, caminaban y aparecían solas en público hasta
   La rapidez de esa 

RE: Formato vfat

2000-03-29 Thread Alvaro Steiger

Justo ayer probé de hacer un fdisk /mbr desde DOS para recuperar el mbr 
Luego de eso la máquina entraba a Windows directamente sin pasar por el LILO. 
Como pensaba reinstalar el slackware, no me preocupé. Corrí la instalación y 
cuando llegué a la sección del LILO entré en modo 'expert'. Agregué una opción 
para Windows y otra para Linux y le dije que lo instalara en el superblock de 
la partición de Linux. Reinicié la máquina y apareció el LILO nuevamente, 
dandome la opción Windows y Linux!

En tu caso deberías sustituir el fdisk /mbr que yo hice por la instalación del 
programilla que se instala en el MBR. No sé que distribución de Linux vas a 
instalar pero supongo que todas te dan la opción de instalar LILO en el 
superblock de la partición Linux.

Suerte !


On 28/03/00 at 08:38 Arregui-García, Javier wrote:

 Vale, en cuanto lo consiga, te lo mando a tu correo.

 Por cierto, como muy bien me han respondido, el programilla éste se instala
 en el MBR, con lo que ya no se puede utilizar el LILO (y hay que arrancar
 desde floppy). Si alguien sabe cómo hacer para poder utilizar también el
 LILO, que me lo diga, please...


  -Mensaje original-
  De: Alvaro Steiger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el: martes 28 de marzo de 2000 1:33
  Para: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
  Asunto: RE: Formato vfat
  Javier, a mi me interesa el programita. Estoy por instalar un
  disco de 18Gb en mi notebook Compaq que tiene uno de 1.4Gb y
  supongo que el BIOS no podrá verlo entero.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[semi-off-topic] Microsoft contra el soft libre

2000-03-29 Thread Pookie
Pos eso...


Re: Sobre el pasado Expo-Linux

2000-03-29 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Andres Herrera!

El día Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 05:54:37PM CEST

 estoy de acuerdo, pero si en estos eventos cada uno mira más por si que por
 Linux poco avanzamos. No nos engañemos, Linux es una filosofia completamente
 de hacer las cosas y eso se nota
 OK. El problema es decidir si realmente interesa que Linux se extienda o no,

que se extienda linux si, pero no a costa de cambiar toda la filosofia que
Linux conlleva. 

 y si eso se puede hacer solo basandose en la calidad o interesa un poco de

hasta ahora la calidad ha sido la mejor publicidad de linux  ;)

 ¿beneficio para quien? desde luego no creo que sea beneficioso para la
 comunidad Linux
 Todo lo que sea ampliar la comunidad es beneficioso. Lo peligroso son los
 efectos secundarios, y ahi es donde no tengo claro hasta que punto vale la
 pena el riesgo. El ejemplo de la propia Internet es para echarse a temblar

de acuerdo en eso  :(


Nos leemos...
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |o_o |
 SKaVeN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |:_/ |
 Linux Pauered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)  //   \ \
 Linux Registered User #158497 (http://counter.li.org)  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-03-29 Thread Eduardo Urrea
Alguien me podria dar un sources.list (para el APT-GET) en condiciones para
actualizar mi version de Debian (que se supone que es POTATO), a la
ultima version de Debian ... (la UNSTABLE ...)  Si alguien tiene algun
ftp o http que funcione rapidillo y pueda actualizarme mi debian, seria tan
amable de pastearlo por esta lista o mandarlo a mi email :?

Gracias por adelanto :P

Reenvío..[payno@gul.uc3m.es: Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo]

2000-03-29 Thread Daniel Payno
bueno, en tu caso, unstable 
(lo mando tb a la lista)
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

EL otro día, Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 04:17:36PM +, Eduardo Urrea dijo:
 Alguien me podria dar un sources.list (para el APT-GET) en condiciones para
 actualizar mi version de Debian (que se supone que es POTATO), a la
 ultima version de Debian ... (la UNSTABLE ...)  Si alguien tiene algun
 ftp o http que funcione rapidillo y pueda actualizarme mi debian, seria tan
 amable de pastearlo por esta lista o mandarlo a mi email :?
mismamente el que mantengo en el GUL. Si estás en rediris parece que va muy
bien. :)

deb ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian frozen main contrib non-free
deb ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian-non-US frozen main 
deb-src ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian frozen main contrib non-free
deb-src ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian-non-US frozen main 

feedback, plis
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

---End Message---

Re: Reenvío..[payno@gul.uc3m.es: Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo]

2000-03-29 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Daniel Payno wrote:
 deb ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian frozen main contrib non-free
 deb ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian-non-US frozen main
 deb-src ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian frozen main contrib non-free
 deb-src ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian-non-US frozen main
 feedback, plis

Creo que las non-US debieran ser en la forma

deb ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian-non-US frozen/non-US main
deb-src ftp://ftp.gul.uc3m.es/debian-non-US frozen/non-US main

Por lo demás, encantado de tener una réplica cerca.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html

Re: Eleccion del servidor de correo

2000-03-29 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o David Charro Ripa!

El día Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 12:05:33PM CEST

 Veo en Debian que tenemos como MTA a qmail, zmailer, smail, postfix.

exim  8-PP


Nos leemos...
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-   |o_o |
 SKaVeN - [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |:_/ |
 Linux Pauered (Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 Slink)  //   \ \
 Linux Registered User #158497 (http://counter.li.org)  (| | )
-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/'\_   _/`\


2000-03-29 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 29 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 07:39:27 +0200, jmsiso contaba:

 Me voy a arriesgar a ser duramente flameado:

   Por favor, dedica unos minutos a leer este escrito.

 Tienes que pasarle el parámetro -t vfat para que funcione:

# mount /dev/loquesea /mnt/dos -t vfat

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano/pgp_dsspubkey.asc | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mis Xwindows Potato no cancionan

2000-03-29 Thread Jordi
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 05:50:56PM -0500, Nestor A. Diaz wrote:
 Buenas, alguien sabe cual fue el cambio que se hizo en las Xwindows (version 
 potato) la
 verdad es que no tengo mucho tiempo para cacharrearle al asunto pero mirando 
 /var/log/xdm.log me aparece un:

Suena a picadura del bug en X_3.3.6-4, me equivoco?

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E


2000-03-29 Thread Jordi
On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 12:00:32AM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El miércoles 29 de marzo de 2000 a la(s) 07:39:27 +0200, jmsiso contaba:
  Me voy a arriesgar a ser duramente flameado:

Flameado? No...

Por favor, dedica unos minutos a leer este escrito.
  Tienes que pasarle el parámetro -t vfat para que funcione:
 # mount /dev/loquesea /mnt/dos -t vfat

Pero acuerdate de meter en /etc/modutils las opciones para los módulos de la
tarjeta de sonido...

options sb irq=5 io=0x220 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330... etc.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Imagenes de Potato

2000-03-29 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 29 Mar 2000 a las 01:26PM -0600, Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide escribio:
 Ahora estoy probando con cdrwin y con el EasyCdcreator. Si me funciona pues ya
 lo comentaré en la lista.

Yo he usado el EasyCDCreator en Windows NT para crear los CDs desde las
imagenes ISO y va perfecto.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.1 (slink) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
03/29   Flowering of the Mallorn (LOTR)
03/29   Swedish settled Christiana (Wilmington) DE, 1638
03/30   Alaska purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, 1867
03/30   Five rings around Uranus discovered, 1977
03/30   Pencil with eraser patented, 1858

Description: PGP signature


2000-03-29 Thread Jonas Ek
Hej, jag har ett lite udda problem som jag inte lyckas komma runt. I min
homekatalog har ett program som heter mp3c skapat en katalog med namnet ~.
Försöker jag ta bort denna katalog tar jag bort min hemkatalog och det vill jag
inte. Jag försökte ta bort katalogen när jag var root och då togs min
rootkatalog bort istället. Hur gör jag för att bli av med denna förbannade ~/


Re: tildeproblem

2000-03-29 Thread Ingemar Fällman
Jonas Ek wrote:

 Hej, jag har ett lite udda problem som jag inte lyckas komma runt. I min
 homekatalog har ett program som heter mp3c skapat en katalog med namnet ~.
 Försöker jag ta bort denna katalog tar jag bort min hemkatalog och det vill 
 inte. Jag försökte ta bort katalogen när jag var root och då togs min
 rootkatalog bort istället. Hur gör jag för att bli av med denna förbannade ~/


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

rmdir '~'
eller rm -r '~'

Re: Ferramenta para sincronizacão de links

2000-03-29 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo wrote:
 pmirror ou rsync
Eu não estou tendo sorte em encontrar o pmirror para testes, você tem 
alguma dica de onde posso acha-lo?

 On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
  Pessoal estou procurando por uma ferramenta que permita sincronizar
  simbólicos de servidores ftp remotos mas gravando localmente os arquivos
  no qual os links apontam (da mesma forma que o ftp faz).
  Alguém conhece alguma coisa que sirva e se possível permita especificar
  que tipo de arquivos não serão copiados.

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: Ferramenta para sincronizacão de links

2000-03-29 Thread Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:

 Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo wrote:
  pmirror ou rsync
 Eu não estou tendo sorte em encontrar o pmirror para testes, você tem 
 alguma dica de onde posso acha-lo?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# rpm -q --qf %{name} - %{URL}\n mirror
mirror - http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/mirror/

- Arnaldo

Re: Ferramenta para sincronizacão de links

2000-03-29 Thread Helio Loureiro
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# rpm -q --qf %{name} - %{URL}\n mirror
 mirror - http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/mirror/

Vc enviou o mail para a lista debian-user-portuguese.  Aqui
usa-se mais o apt ou dpkg.
Debianizando o comando acima teriamos algo como:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# apt-get install mirror

Aproveitando a deixa, estou tentando criar um mirror da Debian
aqui na UFSC.  A máquina chama-se debian.lcmi.ufsc.br.  Ainda estamos com
 uns problemas de conectividade, por isso ainda não anunciei
oficialmente.  Tentei sincronizar os arquivos com rsync e mirror e em
nenhum do dois obtive sucesso.  Fui (e estou indo) de wget mesmo. 

|  Helio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro  |[EMAIL PROTECTED]| Powered |
|  http://www.lcmi.ufsc.br/~helio  | http://www.engnux.ufsc.br |   by|
| http://www.engnux.ufsc.br/~helio | http://www.aikido.ufsc.br | FreeBSD |
Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vaccuum tubes and
weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes
and perhaps weigh 1 1/2 tons.
-- Popular Mechanics, March 1949  

Re: GTK (Re: Imposto de Renda no Wine)

2000-03-29 Thread Marcio Henrique Leiner
Desculpe a demora para responder, mas estive meio ocupado com algum

On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Debian Linux User wrote:

   Olha, as 3 linguagens mais portáveis que eu conheço: C (e C++), java e
  Concordo, porém, nem sempre o programa que se quer portar é feito em
alguma destas linguagens, além do que, sendo uma linguagem limitada, perl
não poderia ser a nossa opção para um programa como o da receita. Além
disso, o perl do Win32 e do Mac tem alguns problemas de compatibilidade.
Alem disso o C tem problemas de portabilidade também, alguns graves e que
são de difíceis de serem detectadas por um programador inexperiente na
linguagem e/ou em portagem de programas entre plataformas diferentes.

   A Qt, para uso comercial, custa mais de 2000 dólares. Não curto muito
 isso... Mas dependendo da aplicação... 

  Este não seria obrigatoriamente o problema. Qualquer que seja o pacote
que eles compraram para fazer a versão windows, não deve ter saído por
menos de 1000 reais. Além disso, estava apenas citando mais uma opção

   A Borland tinha dito que dentro de 6 meses saia, isso foi quando eles
 lançaram o JBuilder pra linux.

  Esperemos que eles não sigam a forma microsoft de ser ...

   Eu comecei a programar em VB (não conhecia unix). Vivo dizendo e o
 pessoal acha que é piada, mas é a mais pura verdade: VB NÃO É LINGUAGEM
 MACROMEDIA!!! Eu não aceito soluções em VB e isso é um fato. Quem sai
 perdendo é quem compra a aplicação, que está comprando um lixo que,
 supostamente, funciona.

  Concordo plenamente, veja que no meu texto eu não afirmo o contrário,
e é até por isto que o VB é tão utilizado para desenvolvimento de
software, por ser um aplicativo as pessoas podem começar rapidamente a
escrever linhas de código e fazer com que algo apareça na tela e na
janela do seu computador. Lembrando, eu também não considero VB como uma
linguagem de programação, mas sim um automatizador de construção de
janelas. Veja que até a própria microsoft recomenda que softwares mais
sérios devem ser feitos em (Visual) C e não em Visual Basic.
  Mas como é fácil e barato encontrar e manter programadore de VB, 

   Eu ainda recomendo ou GTK+ e Glade, ou wxwindows. É necessário algo
 rápido, fácil e barato.

Em primeiro lugar padrões nem sempre são as melhores soluções. Veja
que o Visual Basic pode ser visto como um padrão para progrmação no
mundo Windows. Você compraria este pacote. Além do mais, qual é atualmente
a portabilidade do GTK+, do Glade e wxwindows para outros sistemas, tais
como Mac, Win32, BeOS, etc...
Veja que eu não estou negando a possibilidade disto ser feito via umas
destas bibliotecas, mas será que são realmente mais baratas, caso, por
exemplo, nenhum dos programadore da receita saiba trabalhar com C?

Aguardo comentários/críticas,

Marcio Hernique Leiner

USB Mouse under debian Linux

2000-03-29 Thread Lee

I need help getting my USB mouse under linux 
working. I have completely no idea how to do this and how to add it into my 
linux system to get it running.
An easier way would be to get a ps2 adapter, but i 
want to use it under USb.
Ive updated my kernel to 2.2.4, what ever the 
lastest one is.

any 'detailed' infomation would be 

[btw thanks for the xf86 help, I got it up and 
running. =) ]

Unidentified subject!

2000-03-29 Thread Robert Kubinec
I am trying to install debian on my system. I have 
a dvd rom drive and I have a bootable cd rom. I have 
the base files installed but when I open dselect and 
try to install packages it quits with: 
ISO9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 
internal error- no filename 
at -e line 12, P chunk 13 
any help would be appreciated ;) 

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RE: Find out who has that IP...

2000-03-29 Thread Brooks R. Robinson
You can go to the American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN)(www.arin.net)
if the nslookup doesn't work (some people just don't like setting up reverse
look ups in their DNS/BIND, especially ISP's).  They have a lookup facility
much like www.internic.net used to have.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ron Rademaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 8:58 AM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: Find out who has that IP...

 Does anybody here know how I can find out to what domain a given IP


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Wrong FS type on Syquest EZFlyer 230 MB

2000-03-29 Thread Matheson

I got my Syquest EZFlyer 230a zip-drive working, but I can't mount it.
When I try to mount /dev/eza it says 'wrong fs type, or bad superblock'
(It's similar to that).  I know the disks not bad, cause I've tried a
few, and none of them work (but they do work on windows).  I've tried
mounting them as msdos, vfat, and ext2.  What should I do?

Cameron Matheson

Re: su

2000-03-29 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 10:19:17PM +, Jim Breton wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 05:00:31PM -0500, Ben Collins wrote:
  Then that answers it. The slink su does not even care about login.defs.
 K.  I noticed.
 But, do you (or anyone else) have any clue as to why NO logging
 whatsoever was built into the regular slink su?  That is the whole crux
 here; I was surprised to find out that there was no syslog support AND
 no support for any other apprent means of logging.  Hence my original
 post.  It seemed too bad to be true if you know what I mean.
 That is very poor imo.

Not sure why, I only took over the shadow (login and passwd) packages
after slink released.


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: Error compiling kdenetwork-1.1.2

2000-03-29 Thread KELowery
On 28 Mar 2000, at 17:04, Jonathan Heaney wrote:

  On 27 Mar 2000, at 11:15, Bill Caskey wrote:
   1.  I'm running on a laptop with a 1.3 Gb hard drive and I want the system
   as lean as possible. By compiling, I can optimize for a pentium and
   eliminate the debug/exceptions code. Smaller footprint.
  Are you recompiling your entire Debian system, or just kde? Or might kde be
  your first step in recompiling? Are you recompiling from *.deb source 
  and then recreating the deb binaries?
  Reason I ask: although I've just bought a new laptop, with lots of hard 
  space, I have wondered how the Debian binaries are compiled in general -- 
  some lowest common denominator of CPU (386? 486?), whereas gcc could 
  do much better with the right switches for the Pentiums (I,II,III).
  Problem is that the thought of recompiling *everything* is a big daunting,
  nevermind time consuming. However, for laptops, it should be worth it. And
  there's something inside me which says, why aren't you taking full 
  of your hardware...?


 Word on the street is compiling for 586/686 doesn't make that much of a
 As you point out, it's a daunting task.  If the above statement is accurate, a
 pointless one too.

I've heard this before, too, especially when gcc was so far behind the times. 
But when egcs was merged back I just assumed things were better. And I imagine 
there's not much in the way of optimizations for the Pentium III yet, either.

Does anyone know how we can find out whether 586/686 compiling is worthwhile?

Wouldn't it be at least worthwhile to recompile the kernel, the Xserver one 
uses, window manager (e.g., fvwm2, englightenment, etc.), and the desktop one 
uses (gnome/kde, etc.)? After that, if there's time/energy, what? Most highly 
used daemons? Web browser? Emacs?


Kirk Lowery

RE: Lying to dpkg?

2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Lying to dpkg eventually causes huge problems and usually a re-install.  If you
can not install the software from debs, please mail the maintainer or submit
bugs.  It is very important to debian that all of our software work out of the
box for our users.  You should never have to see source if you do not want to.

So, you have to compile something.  Consider using apt-get source and compiling
the package yourself, seeing how it works.  You may even discover ways to make
our system better.

OpenSSL is available on the non-us mirrors.  add:
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US/ unstable non-US/main non-US/contrib

to your /etc/apt/sources.list.

Two additional pieces of information:

mailing package name@packages.debian.org always goes to the maintainer of the
package.  So mailing say [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets you to the person who
can help.

install reportbug and use it for bug reporting.  It lists open bugs, will give
you the bug's info, allow you to submit bugs or add info to existing ones, and

I hope this helps.

RE: yawmppp (not a debian package)

2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 25-Mar-2000 Roy Pluschke wrote:
 Has anybody managed to get this working under Debian?? I have tried
 everything in the included faq but still no luck!

having not looked at it I can only offer some ideas.

Debian's ppp is called via pon and poff.  Other dists use ppp-on, pppon, and
various other names.  Perhaps it is calling the wrong script?  Otherwise use
one of the many packaged Debian ppp helpers.

Other option is to ask someone to package it for you or make it work and
package it yourself.


2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 26-Mar-2000 Mark Beverage wrote:
 Does Debian currently support or is there a way to import support for an
 Intel Pro/DSL 2100 internal modem for a PC.

in the kernel source there in the Documentation/ directory is a list of
supported hardware.  If it is there, it works in Linux and thus Debian.  I do
not recall seeing anything about this type of hardware for Linux.  It may need
a driver.

RE: mknod -- minor device no.

2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 26-Mar-2000 Cameron Matheson wrote:
 I'm trying to use mknod, but I don't know what my minor device number
 is.  My major device number is 45, so right now I'm using mknod like
 this: mknod -m 666 syquest 45 ?.  But I don't know what I should use for
 my minor device number.  dmesg tells the devices major number, cluster,
 and nice, but not minor.  Where would I find the minor number?

also realize that MAKEDEV in the /dev hierarchy has several devices builtin. 
Consider looking in its help.

RE: kernel config question(s)

2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
Why do you think you need this?  No box I have running 2.2.14 have I had to
deal with this.

RE: font.c ?

2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 27-Mar-2000 Mark Bathie wrote:
 Can anyone tell me what debian package font.c is contained in ? The
 Debian search page truncates before it prints what I want :(

font.c is VERY vague.  What exactly are you looking for?  a file named font.c
is probably in many many X based packages.

RE: neomagic

2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 28-Mar-2000 pplaw wrote:
 i have a neomagic videro card.  dpkg shows that i have
 xserver-neomagic 1.1.0-1-1, but i have no success with it.  (if i
 use the svga xserver, i get really big fonts that don't fit my
 lapbox screen.)

the svga server has all that the neomagic had plus more debug time.  The actual
neomagic server is dead code.

If you get big fonts it means you need to enter a proper scanline for your
laptop screen.  Another alternative is to enter a large value range and let the
server try and work it out.

If you hunt the net for linux and laptop, you will likely find someone else
with your laptop and often working X info.

Re: XFree 3.3.6 SOUND problem (?)

2000-03-29 Thread markm
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 05:57:27PM +, Esdras Beleza de Noronha wrote:
  1. what resolution are you running at? 1024x768 may be more efficient
 I'm running 800x600.
  2. did you use pnpdump to configure the card, or did you just use the
 I used pnpdump. The sound is perfect in console and older versions of 
  3. have you tried www.alsa-project.org?
 No, because the problem isn't with the sound configuration.
  4. What sound / what games are giving you the problem? I don't have any
 I'm having problems with all sounds, except cd's or midi. The problem is 
 only when I'm running XFree 3.3.6 in 16bpp. With XFree or 
 console, it's perfect.
[my questions only were snipped]

Well, if it works with but not 3.3.6, there must have been a bug
introduced between those versions. You could try filing a bug report with 
them, though they may not be accepting bug reports for the 3.3 series

If works for you, you might as well just use that untill the
4.0 series stabalises.


Re: kernel config question(s)

2000-03-29 Thread tjm
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
 Why do you think you need this?  No box I have running 2.2.14 have I had to
 deal with this.

Just curious as to why the ip_always_defrag choice
was removed from configuration list and buried in
the sysctl stuff.  What this means to me I'm not
quite sure.  I picked ip_always_defrag as an
example because the documentation suggests there
is some advantage to having this switched on.

Also, the firewall configuration tool at
generated a file with lines such as:

# Enable always defragging Protection
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_always_defrag=1

The utility states that the firewall will work on
Redhat boxes.  Is that sysctl line a utility that
is common only to Redhat?  To use this on Debian I
would assume that the line changes to

   echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag

Is this correct, or am I missing something?  There
are other config lines like this, not only the 

Overall, I'm just trying to understand what might
affect my machines after any upgrades, especially
kernel upgrades.  Wading through all the docs gets
somewhat tedious at times.  

Thanks for the one and only reply,

tony mollica

perl dbi problems

2000-03-29 Thread Evan Moore
i have tried running a script out of the Perl DBI book (O'Riely) and it
keeps failing. It is barfing and giving the message:

install_driver(Proxy) failed: Can't locate RPC/PlClient.pm in @ INC ...

so I did a search for PlClient.pm and it doesn't exist, and there doesn't
seem to be a deb package for PlClient.

Any ideas?

Thanks very much

Evan Moore

Memory (RAM) problems?

2000-03-29 Thread Carlos Bustamante G.
Hi, I'm a litlle worry about the memory (RAM) used by my machine. 
I'm using slink ( recompiled kernel 2.0.36) and recently I realized that
I have my memory full very frecuently, even when running only a few
programs. Actually, the buffer and the cache use a lot of memory. 
I have 256 Mb, and a typical (not the most terrible) output of 'cat
/proc/meminfo ' looks like :

total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  263127040 221241344 41885696 47808512 95961088 79933440
Swap: 133885952   286720 133599232
MemTotal:256960 kB
MemFree:  40904 kB
MemShared:46688 kB
Buffers:  93712 kB
Cached:   78060 kB
SwapTotal:   130748 kB
SwapFree:130468 kB

Sometimes, there are a release of memory (e.g. when I run a heavy
process) , but the cache an buffer slowly increase  
their memory usage.
Is it normal, or I have a serious problem? Maybe a not well tuned
kernel? Is there a way to release the memory used by the buffer and/or


RE: Lying to dpkg?

2000-03-29 Thread Phoenix Amon
 Lying to dpkg eventually causes huge problems and usually a 

Uh-oh! :) Well, I'll probably do a clean install when potato is released as 
stable anyway. I still don't have an awful lot riding on the current 
installation. Maybe I'll even try installing apache/php/mysql/mod_ssl/openssl 
from debs again. 

 If you
 can not install the software from debs, please mail the 
 maintainer or submit

In my case (never have looked at a unix-like system before) it's more likely 
that I did something wrong than that there's a problem in the packages. I 
probably failed to install some package or other that would have acted as a 
bridge between the various main packages... or something like that. That's my 
guess anyhow. The problem's more likely with my ignorance than with the debs. 
At any rate, I don't know how to tell the difference yet. ;)

 So, you have to compile something.  Consider using apt-get source 
 and compiling
 the package yourself, seeing how it works.

I've tried that on a few things now that I (blush) know how it works. That's 
gone really well, and beats the heck out of trying to figure out how to lie to 
the system after the fact.

Thank you for the help. I will definitely do my best to report bugs as soon as 
I feel confident enough that what I'm reporting is actually a bug in the 
software and not in the wetware.


Re: USB Mouse under debian Linux

2000-03-29 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Lee say

 I need help getting my USB mouse under linux working. I have completely no 
 idea how to do this and how to add it into my linux system to get it running.
 An easier way would be to get a ps2 adapter, but i want to use it under USb.
 Ive updated my kernel to 2.2.4, what ever the lastest one is.
 any 'detailed' infomation would be appreciated
 [btw thanks for the xf86 help, I got it up and running. =) ]

Your best hope now is upgrading to 2.3.99-pre3. USB has pretty good support in

 #Chanop Silpa-Anan   #
 #gpg @ http://kenji.anu.edu.au/~chanop/chanop.asc#

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel config question(s)

2000-03-29 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
 Also, the firewall configuration tool at
 generated a file with lines such as:
 # Enable always defragging Protection
 sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_always_defrag=1
 The utility states that the firewall will work on
 Redhat boxes.  Is that sysctl line a utility that
 is common only to Redhat?  To use this on Debian I
 would assume that the line changes to
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag

I have sysctl on my Debian box running potato.  It is only available to root.

 Is this correct, or am I missing something?  There
 are other config lines like this, not only the 
 Overall, I'm just trying to understand what might
 affect my machines after any upgrades, especially
 kernel upgrades.  Wading through all the docs gets
 somewhat tedious at times.  

Frankly I dont play with firewalling.  Perhaps another mail with a more direct
subject will help.  Like what is ip_always_defrag in the kernel and do I want
it?  People scan debian-user and respond to subjects that catch their eye. 
The volume here is fairly high.

Re: Limiting user access in ftp, ssh, samba, etc... 'passwords'

2000-03-29 Thread Ethan Benson
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 02:47:57PM +0200, Christian Surchi wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 05:34:45PM -0900, Ethan Benson wrote:
  read the rest of my message!  yes i am familier with it, its fine for
  *nix users and for the paranoid on lessor OSes, but when it comes to
  telling *users* of say MacOS to give up thier pretty GUI drag and
  drop, point and drool ftp clients for scp (which works completly
  different, and to them is very clumsy (which it is on a GUI)) your not
  going to get a very desireable response.  
 I don't use mac, but I saw a nice interface to ssh and scp too, in mac
 style. Its name is Nifty telnet, if I remember correctly.

i am aware of it, however it is not considered good enough to replace
anarchie (ftp) by mac users.  (they are most stubborn)

  only the most powerful and invulnerable BOFH could pull off a forced
  migration from ftp - scp ;-)
 I don't think so. I saw a departmentet leaving telnet/ftp for ssh/scp. Ftp
 must be only anonymous. If you give instruments for transition, is is
 really possible. :-)

for some, it depend son how stubborn the users are and how powerful
root is :-) 

is it possible to create the equivilent to chrooted ftp with scp? like
an anonymous ftp but for non-anonymous users.

 | Christian Surchi   | www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi| www. |  
 | FLUG: www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: www.debian.org | org  | 
 There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking
   -- John von Neumann
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: perl dbi problems

2000-03-29 Thread Daniel Yang
Perl can't find the modul: RPC/PlClient.pm in the path @INC. If it is a
extended module, you need to include it in @INC.
Hope this is helpful
-Original Message-
From: Evan Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 7:29 PM
Subject: perl dbi problems

i have tried running a script out of the Perl DBI book (O'Riely) and it
keeps failing. It is barfing and giving the message:

install_driver(Proxy) failed: Can't locate RPC/PlClient.pm in @ INC ...

so I did a search for PlClient.pm and it doesn't exist, and there doesn't
seem to be a deb package for PlClient.

Any ideas?

Thanks very much

Evan Moore

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Apache virtual hosting

2000-03-29 Thread Robert Varga

Not really like that. Don't forget there are hosts out there which have
only one ip-address, so they must use name-based virtual hosting. For this
they must configure their only ip-address as NameVirtualHost. After this
the documentroot in srm.conf is ignored. All ip-names which the
server have, should appear in a VirtualHost section in a ServerName or
ServerAlias directive. If it does not, then the default virtualhost is
served for it, which is the first VirtualHost section parsed.

Of course if you use mass virtual hosting (vhost module), then the
operation is as it is described in its documentation.

Robert Varga

On Mon, 27 Mar 2000, Daniel Yang wrote:

 normally, you would have main web server and then virtual web servers.
 Here is what it looks like in the httpd.conf
 #setup main web server
 DocumentRoot /www/mainweb
 ServerName www.mainweb.com
 #then set up virtual web server (e.g. IP based)
 Virtualhost 111.222.333.444
 DocumentRoot /www/virtualweb1
 Servername www.virtualweb1.com
 #if you want, the second virtual web server
 Virtualhost 111.222.333.555
 DocumentRoot /www/virtualweb2
 Servername www.virtualweb2.com
 So the answer is obvious.
 inal Message-
 From: Dzuy M. Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Debian User Mailing List debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Date: Monday, March 27, 2000 2:32 PM
 Subject: Apache virtual hosting
 If I figure my apache web server to allow virtual hosts,
 does the 'DocumentRoot' directive in the main server
 configuration area of httpd.conf get ignored?
 By setting up the virtual hosts, do all my domains
 have to be listed in:
 VirtualHost ip
 And is this now the default directives the all the


2000-03-29 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker


It would be nice if one can, while browsing  packages at www.debian.org,
to have the url of the package in its  description.

This way one can  explore functionality and documentation without
installing the package.




Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tel. 09.874.60.17  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Potenciado por Ql/Linux  http://www.qlsoft.cl

USB Mouse under debian Linux

2000-03-29 Thread Charlie Kroeger
Lee give us a break and go into your mailer:

X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200

and change the sending options to TEXT ONLY..It's a small thing but when I
try to open your message(s).. have to wait a few seconds which in itself is
also no big deal, but it's the little things that finally wear you down;
for some reason waiting that extra five seconds has become tedious.

It is unnecessary on this list to have the fancy formatting.



Missing library libXamwM.so.0

2000-03-29 Thread Alan Tam
I am setting up siag-3.3.2 to work on my 2.1 box with 
2.2.14 kernel.
I have done ./configure, make, make install. When I
run the program siag, pw, or egon it complains about
error in loading shared libraries
libXawM.so.0:Can not open shared object file:No such
file or directory.

I've looked into the slink and frozen packages of
xaw-wrappers, xaw3dg, xaw3dg-dev or xaw95g none of them provide
the above library.

Could someone pls tell me where to get it, or get 
siag running ?


apt-get stone

2000-03-29 Thread Oki DZ

I'm looking for a port forwarder for Debian Sparc. I have tried, but I
couldn't get stone. I could, but it was for Intel. There is ipportfw, but
I think my SunClassic would be too slow for recompiling the kernel (and
it's already running Squid). Makes me wonder, why on earth there are some
packages that are not available on Debian Sparc. 

BTW, I'm connecting to the Internet via a dial-up line, and stone wouldn't
run if the connection is not up yet. If I use ipportfw, can ipportfw be
used for forwarding to outside hosts? As I understand it, ipportfw is
mainly to be used for forwarding ports from outside to inside ones (via a
gateway which is masqueraded). 

Thanks in advance,

Re: Memory (RAM) problems?

2000-03-29 Thread Andrei Ivanov
This is normal, and done by kernel to keep memory full all the time, so
access time to binaries is less (so your machine works faster). This can
only be a problem on systems with low RAM (I remember having 48M, and
having it all full.going into swap even when I was just running X
alone). If you don't like it, there are 2 files you can tweak:
/proc/sys/vm/pagecache and /proc/sys/vm/buffermem
Read about them in kernel docs, but with 256M you have nothing to worry
about. Just turn off the swap, and never touch it again.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 http://arhses.dyndns.org   -|
 http://scorpio.dynodns.net -|
 http://scorpio.myip.org-|   --All the pages bundled together.
 UIN 12402354

 For GPG key, go to above URL/GnuPG

Re: Memory (RAM) problems?

2000-03-29 Thread spectral
 Buffers:  93712 kB
 Cached:   78060 kB
 Is it normal, or I have a serious problem? Maybe a not well tuned
 kernel? Is there a way to release the memory used by the buffer and/or

Don't worry.. Thats perfectly normal.. The caches speed up the system, and
it frees mem there whenever a program needs more.


Re: kernel config question(s)

2000-03-29 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: kernel config question(s)
Date: Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 03:07:44PM -0800

In reply to:tjm

Quoting tjm([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
| After looking through much documentation, I'm
| still not sure whether I have the info I need.
| Going through the config stuff to build a new
| 2.2.14 kernel (up from 2.2.11) I notice that the
| previous parameter of 'CONFIG_IP_ALWAYS_DEFRAG'
| is now missing or not offered in this 2.2.14 
| kernel config.  I have found that it is in the sysctl
| docs and directory (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_always_defrag)
| and is off by default.  My questions are these:
| Is it true that this now needs to be set 'manually'  
| somewhere in the startup scripts ?
| Is there some utility other than 
|   'echo 1  /proc/sys/...{etc}' that can be used?
| and
| I may have overlooked the docs for this sysctl  
| feature.  Where might I find the clearest explanation
| of how and what parameters are the most important and
| what the default settings are compared to the previous
| kernel configs.

uname -a
Linux mtntop 2.2.14 #10 Wed Mar 22 12:28:34 EST 2000 i586 unknown

rgrep -r ip_always_defrag /usr/src/linux/Doc*/*
/usr/src/linux/Documentation/Configure.help:  Enabling masquerading
automagically enables ip_always_defrag too.


Keyboard not connected, press to continue.

Re: kernel config question(s)

2000-03-29 Thread tjm
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

 I have sysctl on my Debian box running potato.  It is only available to root.

Thanks,  I found it in the procps package in unstable,
compiled it on my slink system and it seems to work.

tony mollica

only want one lp under frozen

2000-03-29 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I have three LP interfaces in my computer, but I only
want one of them to be attached to the lp driver.  I
intend to write my own driver to hook the others to a
home brew prom burner and an 8051 ice.

Under slink I could add the parm lp0 io=0x3bc but
under frozen the driver still reports that three lp's
are assigned during boot.  Also it seems that under
2.2.x the lp driver has been split into two modules.

How do I get the kernel drivers to only use one of the
lp interfaces and leave the other two for me to use
with my own driver?  (I have the O'Reily Linux device
drivers book).

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: ftp proxy

2000-03-29 Thread John Pearson
On Wed, Mar 29, 2000 at 09:39:19AM +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 I just found out that the reason why our PC's are unable to ftp to the
 outside (internet) is because they are behind a masquarading firewall.  I
 have tried passive mode but that did not seem to work... so i guess the
 next option is to put a ftp proxy on the firewall.  Has anyone had this
 problem?  Is there an easier way then setting up a ftp proxy?

To FTP from behind a masquerading firewall requires that the
masquerading machine be configured to allow it.  If the
firewall is a Linux box using the kernel's masquerading features,
the firewall administrator needs to load the `ip_masq_ftp'
module; other firewalls will require other measures.

Using a conventional ftp proxy typically requires using
SOCKS-aware clients, which may not be possible depending on the
client operating system and specific clients required.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark

Re: Find out who has that IP...

2000-03-29 Thread Robert Waldner
On Tue, 28 Mar 2000 22:10:20 -, Jim Breton writes:
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 04:58:27PM +0200, Ron Rademaker wrote:
 Does anybody here know how I can find out to what domain a given IP

Either do an nslookup on the IP, or use whois:

(say the ip is

whois -h whois.arin.net 1.2.3

Just use the first 3 octets of the address, leave off the last part.

ahemm, ARIN is not the only registry, at least with RIPE (european registry)
it´s also possible to register subnets, so I´d recommend using all 4 octets:

whois -h whois.ripe.net  (european area)
whois -h whois.apnic.net (asia+pacific area)

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Solved: ethernet card problem

2000-03-29 Thread Robert Waldner
Some problems take care of themselves:

after a reboot (not the first, though) the BIOS assigned another
IRQ to the network card, and, all of a sudden, everything worked fine.

I hadn´t remembered that I assign IRQ 7 to my sb16 via isapnp, so the BIOS
doesn´t know about it. Setting it to used actually solved the problem.
That´s why I called myself dumbstupid, though I hadn´t intended to be
a prophet about this :-/

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: locate warning . . . ?

2000-03-29 Thread kmself
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 02:01:05PM +0200, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:
 kmself@ix.netcom.com writes:
  There have been several reports of similar problems, most of which
  appear to be associated with anacron, an occasional jobs schedular
  similar to cron.
  I had the problem myself on two boxes.  Apparently one or more of the
  scripts in /etc/cron.daily was bugging out when run under anacron --
  though I have no clear understanding why this should be, as both anacron
  and cron run run-parts with the same arguments.
 I have got the same problem since several days, anacron seems to be
 the trouble maker here too.
 Did anyone file a bug report? If not, I would do it, but better if
 someone has a better understanding of the real problem (and a
 workaround, maybe).

Neither 'anacron' nor 'findutils' list any current bug reports which
match this symptom, according to the bug tracking system:

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

perl versions?

2000-03-29 Thread david sowerby
I'm hoping someone can answer this :-) I just upgraded to potato using apt-get
and everything went smoothly ( was that easy or what? ) But I noticed that I
have both perl-5.004 and the newer perl-5.005 on my system. Do I need both of
them? /etc/alternatives/perl points to perl-5.005, are there some packages
that need .004? Or can I just 'dpkg -P' them? -david.
Remember, you are unique ... just like everyone else.

Re: flat panels anyone?

2000-03-29 Thread kmself
We've got a host of them at the office -- ViewSonic VG150s.  They're
reasonably good, though I prefer my 19 Princeton Ultra95 CRT for
overall image quality, resolution, and clarity.

The ViewSonics are well supported under Linux, console works out of the
box, and X config is generally pretty straightforward.  There are some
artifacts -- in particular, console mode text gets seriously chunky at
higher resolutions -- say 50x80 or 60x80.  There's also the stray
dropped pixel -- essentially a screen bit that's always either on or
off.  Most panels have one or two.  

Effective resolution under X is slightly less than an equivalent (17)
CRT -- 1024x768 was about the most I could sqeeze out (vs. 1280x1024).

On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 03:13:35PM +1200, Hunter H Marshall wrote:
 Anybody using a flat panel display? Are there any special issues
 regarding their use? I don't know what Dell, etc, are using for their
 cards, but ATI makes a digital card that I think is a supported chip
 set (ATI Rage LT Pro). Is that the only thing to worry about?
 I'm guessing that the DFP connector refers to a recent standard so
 that displays and cards no longer need to be purchased together?
 Thanks for any info, anecdotes, or vague rumors.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Take a Break

2000-03-29 Thread Craig H. Block
Can't figure out that problem with your Debian box?

Take your mind off it for a bit and play Trade Wars 2002 at
http://franknputer.com  It's fun.  It's free.

Re: USB Mouse under debian Linux

2000-03-29 Thread Roso Giuseppe \(Beppe\)

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Lee wrote:

 I need help getting my USB mouse under linux working. I have completely no 
 idea how to do this and how to add it into my linux system to get it running.
 An easier way would be to get a ps2 adapter, but i want to use it under USb.
 Ive updated my kernel to 2.2.4, what ever the lastest one is.
 any 'detailed' infomation would be appreciated
 [btw thanks for the xf86 help, I got it up and running. =) ]

I think you must have at least a 2.3 kernel to use USB ports (2.2.X
doesn't support them).
Normally I don't use unstable kernels and I think it's better if you use
the ps2 adapter (or you must compile an unstable kernel).



Re: Memory (RAM) problems?

2000-03-29 Thread Roso Giuseppe \(Beppe\)
I think that isn't normal (normally on PC a good system with XWin etc.
uses something like 64 Mb of RAM).
You must see which apps use too much memory (I suggest you to see kernel
modules such like NFS).
Which system are you using?

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Carlos Bustamante G. wrote:

 Hi, I'm a litlle worry about the memory (RAM) used by my machine. 
 I'm using slink ( recompiled kernel 2.0.36) and recently I realized that
 I have my memory full very frecuently, even when running only a few
 programs. Actually, the buffer and the cache use a lot of memory. 
 I have 256 Mb, and a typical (not the most terrible) output of 'cat
 /proc/meminfo ' looks like :
 total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
 Mem:  263127040 221241344 41885696 47808512 95961088 79933440
 Swap: 133885952   286720 133599232
 MemTotal:256960 kB
 MemFree:  40904 kB
 MemShared:46688 kB
 Buffers:  93712 kB
 Cached:   78060 kB
 SwapTotal:   130748 kB
 SwapFree:130468 kB
 Sometimes, there are a release of memory (e.g. when I run a heavy
 process) , but the cache an buffer slowly increase  
 their memory usage.
 Is it normal, or I have a serious problem? Maybe a not well tuned
 kernel? Is there a way to release the memory used by the buffer and/or
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Fwd: Bug#61223 acknowledged by developer (Unresolved symbols after setting up kernel-image)

2000-03-29 Thread Ross Boylan
I have a few questions, partly for my own edification and partly because 
I'm concerned something is not quite right.  Let me start with the second.

If I follow what's going on, the kernel has been updated.  In that case, 
the update does not succeed because it doesn't update the kernel the system 
is actually running.  That seems like a problem.

Second, I chose to create a boot diskette.  That diskette failed to boot 
the system when I tried it.

Third, the process is confusing.  I thought from the error messages that 
the standard kernel was no good--that is, that the process of making a new 
standard kernel had failed, and that I therefore should not try booting 
into it.

That's it on the bug/desirable enhancement vein.  My question is simple: 
could you tell me a little more about what these errors mean, and what is 
going on?  I have built some kernels in the past, so I'm somewhat familiar 
with the process.  Here's my expectation/understanding:
* kernel modules need to be built for the specific kernel they'll be run 
with, or they won't work properly

* they won't work because they have the wrong memory addresses
* The error messages I got are NOT the product of wrong memory addresses, 
but missing symbolic information

* Compact and regular kernels are the same, except the former has fewer drivers
* So I should only get a missing symbols error if a module references a 
symbol not in the kernel
In fact, I get errors even for a module (vfat) which I know is present in 
the compact kernel.

So something about my understanding is wrong.

I think the error I reported below resulted in an error return from package 
configuration (I'd have to check and I'm not on the system).  They did not 
prevent apt-get from proceeding on its way.


P.S. I copied debian-user because I think others might benefit from an 
answer to these questions, or might even be able to answer them.

X-Received: 28 Mar 2000 08:18:03 GMT
Date: 28 Mar 2000 08:18:03 -
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Bug Tracking System)
Subject: Bug#61223 acknowledged by developer (Unresolved symbols after 
setting up kernel-image)

X-Debian-PR-Message: they-closed 61223

This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report.

It has been closed by one of the developers, namely

Their explanation is attached below.  If this explanation is
unsatisfactory and you have not received a better one in a separate
message then please contact the developer directly, or email

Darren Benham
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at 61223-done) by bugs.debian.org; 28 Mar 2000 08:16:56 +
Received: (qmail 7106 invoked from network); 28 Mar 2000 08:16:52 -
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  by master.debian.org with SMTP; 28 Mar 2000 08:16:52 -
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by gondor.apana.org.au (8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian 8.9.3-21) id SAA03580
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 28 Mar 2000 18:16:42 +1000
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 18:16:42 +1000
From: Herbert Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bug#61223: Unresolved symbols after setting up kernel-image
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on Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 11:55:40PM -0800

On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 11:55:40PM -0800, root wrote:
 Package: kernel
 Version: kernel-image-2.2.14
 Severity: normal

 After doing apt-get upgrade I got the following errors:
 Setting up kernel-image-2.2.14 (2.2.14-2) ...
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/umsdos.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/lockd.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/coda.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/vfat.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/hfs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/nfs.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/nfsd.o
 depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.2.14/fs/autofs.o
 etc (many more)

 This may be related to the fact that the system is running 2.2.14-compact,
 so the libraries in question were not in use.

This is as expected since you're not running the same kernel.  Once you
boot this kernel, it'll be correct.  It isn't a bug unless this is preventing
the configuration of the package.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( http://www.debian.org/ )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

Re: Fwd: Bug#61223 acknowledged by developer (Unresolved symbols after setting up kernel-image)

2000-03-29 Thread Herbert Xu
On Tue, Mar 28, 2000 at 11:29:25PM -0800, Ross Boylan wrote:
 * kernel modules need to be built for the specific kernel they'll be run 
 with, or they won't work properly
 * they won't work because they have the wrong memory addresses
 * The error messages I got are NOT the product of wrong memory addresses, 
 but missing symbolic information

You are getting errors because it's trying to match the modules' symbols with
the kernel that you're currently running.  I don't know why it tries to do
depmod at install time, perhaps Manoj can answer that one.

 * Compact and regular kernels are the same, except the former has fewer 

They are configured differently, thus the checksums which are part of the
symbols are different.
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 is out! ( http://www.debian.org/ )
Email:  Herbert Xu ~{PmVHI~} [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/
PGP Key: http://gondor.apana.org.au/~herbert/pubkey.txt

Re: perl dbi problems

2000-03-29 Thread Rolf Schillinger
you don't wanna look for a debian package when you are missing a *.pm
(perl module).
Simply goto cpan.org insted. That is the perl package repository.
hth, Rolf

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Evan Moore wrote:

 i have tried running a script out of the Perl DBI book (O'Riely) and it
 keeps failing. It is barfing and giving the message:
 install_driver(Proxy) failed: Can't locate RPC/PlClient.pm in @ INC ...
 so I did a search for PlClient.pm and it doesn't exist, and there doesn't
 seem to be a deb package for PlClient.
 Any ideas?
 Thanks very much
 Evan Moore
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Re: Memory (RAM) problems?

2000-03-29 Thread Rolf Schillinger
I think this is totally normal.
Thats why linux is fast. And if you need more memory for applications it
gets freed from cache or buffers. No need to worry.
hth, Rolf

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Carlos Bustamante G. wrote:

 Hi, I'm a litlle worry about the memory (RAM) used by my machine. 
 I'm using slink ( recompiled kernel 2.0.36) and recently I realized that
 I have my memory full very frecuently, even when running only a few
 programs. Actually, the buffer and the cache use a lot of memory. 
 I have 256 Mb, and a typical (not the most terrible) output of 'cat
 /proc/meminfo ' looks like :
 total:used:free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
 Mem:  263127040 221241344 41885696 47808512 95961088 79933440
 Swap: 133885952   286720 133599232
 MemTotal:256960 kB
 MemFree:  40904 kB
 MemShared:46688 kB
 Buffers:  93712 kB
 Cached:   78060 kB
 SwapTotal:   130748 kB
 SwapFree:130468 kB
 Sometimes, there are a release of memory (e.g. when I run a heavy
 process) , but the cache an buffer slowly increase  
 their memory usage.
 Is it normal, or I have a serious problem? Maybe a not well tuned
 kernel? Is there a way to release the memory used by the buffer and/or
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Potato and Modem

2000-03-29 Thread Marcin Jakubowski


I have probem with Potato and modem. I had Slink and everything was great. 
Then I made upgrade to Potato and my modem dont work. Problem is after connect. 
Under minicom everything seems to be ok, I can send AT command and I have 
response. But when I am tring to connect I recive trash. On the screen is 
Connect and speed and then strange signs, there should be login prompt from the 
Unix machine. When I reboot to windows on the same machine and teh same modem 
everything is ok I can connect. Answering modem is US Robotisc Flash and 
dialing modem is US Rbotics K56. I tried with RAS based on erricson but it was 
the same under win works, under Potado dont.

So there is no hardware problem I think that setserial set samthing strange

hades:~# setserial -a /dev/ttyS0 
/dev/ttyS0, Line 0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4 
Baud_base: 115200, close_delay: 50, divisor: 0 
closing_wait: 3000
Flags: spd_vhi skip_test 

I swithed setserial from slink but it wasen it.

I tested under 2.2.14 2.3.48 2.2.13 self made and from the debian install

Linux hades 2.2.14 #1 Wed Mar 22 17:54:03 EST 2000 i686 unknown

What is wrong, do you have the same probelm ?

Please help.

  Marcin  user  Jakubowski

Re: neomagic

2000-03-29 Thread Radim Gelner

concerning a NeoMagic cards, I would like to share my own
observations. I own a Siemens Scenic Mobile 510 AGP
notebook, that is equipped with video+sound combo called
NeoMagic 256 AV. This card is not very well supported by the
Linux as of time because the manufacturer does not release
any specs. Anyway, I found out, that the video card runs
nicely under SVGALib as a VESA card. Even the tweaked modes
like 400x300 work! I do not have any experiences with X as
I do not use it. Now to the sound: there is a driver for a
NeoMagic sound card in a Linux Kernel, but it works only
for the 'genuine' cards with ACL97 chipset. But my card was
not compatible with this driver. The commercial OSS drivers
seem to support the card in a right manner, but I haven't
tried. There are also some compatibility modes (8bit SB,
MSS) which didn't work too. The only message I've got using
any of these was: Interrupt test on IRQ5 failed - Probable
IRQ conflict. Accidentaly, loading one module after another
the card started working! I tried that several more times
until it turned out, that the right sequence is to load a
soundblaster module, that will fail. And then immediatelly
a module for OPL3-SAx, that will initialize correctly! This
way you get 44kHz, 16bit sound instead of a crappy 8bit.
I do not understand why it is so, but it works. Below is my
sound.sh. The values may not be the same for your machine,
try to look into the Windows driver settings or in a Bios.

# sound This shell script starts the NeoMagic 256AV
#   sound modules.
# I do not know why, but the soundcard works only with
# this sequence:

echo Initializing sound modules.

/sbin/modprobe sb io=0x220 irq=5
/sbin/rmmod -r sb
/sbin/modprobe opl3sa2 io=0x370 mss_io=0x530 irq=5 dma=0 dma2=1

I hope this will help,


Re: xterm remote log in

2000-03-29 Thread Tolga KILICLI

I use TERM=vt100 in such cases.


On Tue, 28 Mar 2000,  Shane   wrote:

 Whenever I log remotely to my Debian system
 from a Sun xterm, the environment does not
 seem to be correct (I can not use vi).
 Setting the TERM=xterm and EDITOR=vi
 does not help.  What are the correct environment
 variables(I use /bin/bash)?
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Returned mail: User unknown (fwd)

2000-03-29 Thread Tolga KILICLI
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RE: USB Mouse under debian Linux

2000-03-29 Thread Emilio Tejedor

Try the 2.3 or 2.4-pre kernel which has USB support.
I guess that the mouse will work but haven't tried it.

Emilio Tejedor Escobar
-Mensaje original-
De: Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles 29 de marzo de 2000 0:20
Para: debian
Asunto: USB Mouse under debian Linux

I need help getting my USB mouse under linux working. I have completely no
idea how to do this and how to add it into my linux system to get it
An easier way would be to get a ps2 adapter, but i want to use it under USb.
Ive updated my kernel to 2.2.4, what ever the lastest one is.

any 'detailed' infomation would be appreciated

[btw thanks for the xf86 help, I got it up and running. =) ]

Apache VH Help needed

2000-03-29 Thread Jaume Teixi
I've setup this in order to not to restart apache each time I enter a
new customer:

My problem is How To config that automatically  *.customer1.com points
to www.customer1.com ?

I've setup on httpd.conf :

CustomLog /var/customers/logs/access_customers.log vcommon
VirtualDocumentRoot   /var/customers/webs/%0

On /var/customers/webs/ I put each directory as www.customer1.com,
www.customer2.com, etc.


dynamic linking

2000-03-29 Thread Andzo

 Gnome-libs configure says: 

modules disabled, and dynamic
 linking not supported 

This comes right after searching for dlopen. What this 

How can I enable the modules
and dynamic linking?

Re: perl versions?

2000-03-29 Thread Ron Rademaker
As far as I know you can delete .004 now, I've installed potato with
potato boot disks and installed packages, I never installed perl-5.004
and there are no problems. You said the upgrade went smoothly, I remember
perl-5.004 and perl-5.005 conflicting with each other.


On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, david sowerby wrote:

 I'm hoping someone can answer this :-) I just upgraded to potato using apt-get
 and everything went smoothly ( was that easy or what? ) But I noticed that I
 have both perl-5.004 and the newer perl-5.005 on my system. Do I need both of
 them? /etc/alternatives/perl points to perl-5.005, are there some packages
 that need .004? Or can I just 'dpkg -P' them? -david.
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Re: printer port

2000-03-29 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello there,

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, John Anderson wrote:

 Did you configure the parallel printer port module during the installation 
 Debian?  If not that may explain the problem.  I'm not very experienced with
 Linux, but I would say that the kernal would have to be redone or reinstalling
 Debian if it's easy enough.

If this is really the problem, you do not have to reinstall the whole
system, and usually you also do not have to recompile your kernel (though
this is always a thing to consider after a new installation, as it usually
makes your kernel smaller and therefore your system faster). Many modules
get installed automatically while installing debian, the lp-module for the
printer-port included. If you didn't configure this during installation,
you can do it by running the modconf command, which allows you to load
and configure modules after your installation is completed.


Re: Help

2000-03-29 Thread John Gould
Nice one Oswald!

Regards JohnG

_/  John Gould  _/
_/  Senior Systems Support Engineer _/
_/  Power Innovations Limited   _/
_/  Manton Lane, Bedford. MK41 7BJ, England _/
_/  PGP - Public key available  _/ 
_/  Tel:   +44 1234 223002  Fax: +44 1234 223000_/

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

  I want to unsubscribe and I don't know what I have to do.
 you get instructions in the signature of every single mail you receive
 from this mailinglist!
 send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 subject: unsubscribe
 reply to the CONFIRM message you will receive - done
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
 Zwei Dinge scheinen unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit.
 Beim Universum bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher.
 -- Albert Einstein
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Re: USB Mouse under debian Linux

2000-03-29 Thread Nick Cabatoff
On Mar 29, Emilio Tejedor wrote:
 Try the 2.3 or 2.4-pre kernel which has USB support.
 I guess that the mouse will work but haven't tried it.

I'm pretty sure 2.2.14 supports it, and I think some earlier ones.  I
haven't tried it myself, but my colleague discovered it by accident,
and I know he hasn't built any development kernels.

Woody: missing parse-xf86config? /etc/init.d.xdm wants it!

2000-03-29 Thread Brian Boonstra

Something blew away a program called parse-xf86config this weekend.   
I suspect it was when I did my apt-get upgrade.  This is a problem because  
/etc/init.d/xdm won't run properly without it.

Any clues as to how I can get it back?

- Brian

Re: Woody: missing parse-xf86config? /etc/init.d.xdm wants it!

2000-03-29 Thread Phil Dyer

Brian Boonstra wrote:


 Something blew away a program called parse-xf86config this
 I suspect it was when I did my apt-get upgrade.  This is a problem because
 /etc/init.d/xdm won't run properly without it.

 Any clues as to how I can get it back?

 - Brian

Yeah, I noticed that too. It seems that parse-xf86config has been removed
xserver-common (and removed altogether). My kdm init script was complaining.
I just
changed the kde.config(?) file to not check for or parse an XF86Config file.
not the best solution, but it works. Maybe Brandon will respond and tell us
what the
future is for this.


Re: OReileys Debian Book?

2000-03-29 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Martin Fluch wrote:

 On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, Jeremy Gaddis wrote:
  At 11:13 AM 3/28/00 +0300, Martin Fluch wrote:
  short question, in which package was the OReileys Debian Book? - Thanx.
  It was in the package I got at Barnes  Noble, along with a slink
  CD and a bumper sticker. :)
 Opss, I meant the online version. There is a .deb, but I don't remember
 the name anymore :(

I didn't think anyone had packaged it.

Packages I know of:

debian-guide 1.0.0 
 Text from: Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage 

tdlug 2.0-2 [non-free] 
 The Debian Linux User's Guide online book 

See also the installation instructions on the Debian web site.
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - http://counter.li.org/ 


2000-03-29 Thread David Wright
The Colos list adds these tags, and the consequence is that
the fallback subject threading fails dismally, and most of the
contributors seem to use broken mailers that can't get their
references or in-reply-to headers right. If it wasn't fairly
quiet, I'd have to unsubscribe.

Quoting Oswald Buddenhagen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
  I find this more than adequate for sorting.
  I've found Resent-From: more reliable, but YMMV.
 i found both unreliable - so i have both rules in my .procmailrc
 * ^TO_.*\.debian\.org.*
 * ^Resend-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't recall any of these failing at all:

* ^X-Mailing-List:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

* ^X-Mailing-List:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

* ^X-Mailing-List:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: GUI FTP package

2000-03-29 Thread Alex Kwan

I am looking for a GUI FTP download software
with resume broken download fuction 
(like Gozilla under MS Windows),
Does anybody know which and where?



Make bzlilo -error

2000-03-29 Thread Vitux
Hi there
Trying to roll my own kernel (first time!).
What I did is basically:
Install ncurses and bin86 packages.
Download source of 2.2.14 from kernel.org.
make menuconfig
enable SMP, FATmsdos filesystems and sound, disable scsi.
The rest is left to the defaults.
make dep (took quite a while)
make clean
make bzimage (took several hours on my 486/100)
All of these scrolled bunches of text on the screen, but as
far as I could tell, there were no errors.
Now, the last step should be make bzlilo, but I get this
make:  no rule to make target 'bzlilo'. Stop.
Am I commiting some stupid newbie mistake here?
AFAIK, I've followed the Kernel-Howto at linuxdoc.org, to
the letter, but maybe not?
BTW, my system is a standard slink, 486/100/50Mb. I'm
running Slink only, / is on /dev/hda, which is a WDC IDE
My lilo.conf looks exactly like the standard one in the

Best Regards

Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

Re: Woody: missing parse-xf86config? /etc/init.d.xdm wants it!

2000-03-29 Thread tjm
Brian Boonstra wrote:
 Something blew away a program called parse-xf86config this weekend.
 I suspect it was when I did my apt-get upgrade.  This is a problem because
 /etc/init.d/xdm won't run properly without it.
 Any clues as to how I can get it back?
 - Brian

According to the docs, you don't need that any more.
Just remove the line 'check-local-xserver' from your
/etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options.  The short explanation is
somewhere in the /usr/doc/xserver-common/changelog.Debian.gz

tony mollica

Re: delete key acting like backspace

2000-03-29 Thread Colin Watson
I have _no_ idea how this started happening, but recently, the two
programs I type in the most (Eterm, emacs) have started treating my
backspace key the same as my delete key. (others such as xterm and
gnome-terminal work but gnu-cash doesn't).

I've seen people struggle with this kind of thing before so I'm sure
someone out there will know the answer for me, but beyond fixing the
problem, does anyone know _why_ this behavior would start? I'm running
potato and keeping pretty up to date with the tip.

See the Debian X Window System FAQ, in /usr/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz;
it goes into a fair bit of detail about this.


Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(eh?) Perl library shifted...?

2000-03-29 Thread Jeff Gordon
Not sure, but it looks like a recent Potato update must've rewritten a
variable holding the location of Perl libraries -- at least, I've got a
little program running here, that can no longer locate a needed module.

Anybody know where to reach in and change the values Perl sees as
'@INC' ...? 


 -- Jeff --   http://www.wellnow.com

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

fresh compile, unresolved symbols complaints

2000-03-29 Thread Jeff Gordon
So I did my very first kernel compile, and all appears to have gone
well -- except, I'm seeing a long list of messages during boot (that
don't seem to be logged anywhere and are gone from the screen before I
can copy 'em down), each line mentioning unresolved symbol and naming
a lib file.

The system seems happy and stable; I'm not aware of any trouble this
might be causing  Should I be concerned?  Or, is there some way to
invite these messages to go 'way...?


 -- Jeff --   http://www.wellnow.com

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Can't find libXpm.4.so

2000-03-29 Thread Vitux
Please tell me I'm a complete moron:
I can't find the above, neither in the us debian-mirror nor
in the danish (closest).
I need it for running Corel WordPerfect, and some folks here
told me I could just install it, and all would be well. I
believe so, now if I could only find the damn thing
(hmmm, maybe I could ask AltaVista?!)

Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

[Fwd: Can't find libXpm.4.so]

2000-03-29 Thread Vitux
Vitux wrote:
 Please tell me I'm a complete moron:
 I can't find the above, neither in the us debian-mirror nor
 in the danish (closest).
 I need it for running Corel WordPerfect, and some folks here
 told me I could just install it, and all would be well. I
 believe so, now if I could only find the damn thing
 (hmmm, maybe I could ask AltaVista?!)

YES, I'm a complete moron. Found it through the archives.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Death comes to us in various guises, 
swiftly changing as a baby's mood...

Debian GNU/Linux
Micro$loth-free Zone

RE: s...l...o...w... ppp xfers

2000-03-29 Thread Rick Hayter
 I'm looking for some troubleshooting help.
 Slink is working like a champ in all aspects but ppp connection speed.
 Actually, I connect at high speeds, but my sustained throughput runs from
 only 200-400 bps!  When first downloading, I get a burst of speed, but in
 seconds all activity seems to stop then another short
 transfer burst...
 then another pause... etc. (I am using an external modem that
 works fine in
 windoze98). Am I looking at a buffer overflow or handshake problem? What
 should I do to help diagnose this? Thanks!

Me, again... this is still unsolved. I've tried the two solutions offered:
1. echo 0 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
2. try turning off all compression by ppp
Neither one helped (though by turning off compression my throughput MAY have
gone up to 500-600 bps.)

I've attached my ppp.log and debug.log for any kind sole that wants to dive
in! :-)
- Rick

Re: Can't find libXpm.4.so

2000-03-29 Thread Sean Johnson
Vitux wrote:
 Please tell me I'm a complete moron:
 I can't find the above, neither in the us debian-mirror nor
 in the danish (closest).
 I need it for running Corel WordPerfect, and some folks here
 told me I could just install it, and all would be well. I
 believe so, now if I could only find the damn thing
 (hmmm, maybe I could ask AltaVista?!)

apt-get install xpm4.7

WordPerfect uses the old version of xpm, which lives in the oldlibs


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