[no subject]

2001-05-27 Thread Pranav Patel
unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-05-27 Thread Rodrigo De la Vega
Alguien sabe que pasa con kde.tdyc.com que hace días que no esta en 
servicio?, por otro parte, alguien me puede recomendar algún otro lugar para 
obtener kde2 vía rsync y apt para potato?



2001-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Este es mi .xinitrc
xhost spv
Por culpa del panel de gnome me sale lo siguiente
Gtk-WARNING **: gtk_signal_disconnect_by_data(): could not find handler
containing data (0x8112A90)
Me habrá faltado instalar algo de gnome o gtk?
Muchas gracias, saludos.
   //   Santiago Pastorino   \\
  (   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   )

Re: Incompatibilidad entre Mozilla y Netscape?

2001-05-27 Thread Juan \(Casa\)
 ¿Y ese paquete está en Potato?
Buenas. No, en Potato no esta. Yo lo he sacado de este repositorio:

deb http://www.opennms.org/files/mirrors/blackdown-java/debian/ potato

Con este paquete, el netscape no se cuelga nunca, cuando carga alguna
pagina con Java, pero claro, tambien se hace un pelin mas pesado. El
problema es que Mozilla, todavia es un mazacote (al menos para mi
Pentium 133 con 64 Mb de RAM) y me gustaria tener instalado mozilla para
poder utilizar el Galeon, algo mas ligero. Esto que me pasa a mi no
puede ser un bug, verdad? Le pasa a alguien mas?
Un saludo.

Re: Como gpart salvo mi día (algo largo)

2001-05-27 Thread Blu
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 04:50:46PM -0500, Dr. Aldo Medina wrote:
 Y aqui está lo raro, que fijándome en los sectores, reporta que mi
 particion debería iniciar en el 23069403, cuando al crearla con fdisk me
 la inicia en 23069444. Ambos inicios son reportados como (1437/1/1),
 pero son en realidad diferentes. Hago el cambio directo con fdisk, y
 listo! Santo remedio.
 No sé como la partición llegó a ser creada en un sector diferente (tal
 vez PQMagic?), pero la sugerencia o moraleja es: revisar siempre el
 sector de inicio de las particiones, y no solo la dirección CHS
 (especialmente si se usa alguna utilidad de reparticionado).


Hace bastante tiempo que necesitaba usar un par de gigabytes que tenia
libres en mi disco de 8Gb y cuando intentaba correr el mkfs (o
intentaba montarlo, no me acuerdo) me lanzaba eso del superblock. Ahora
que veo tu mensaje me puse a investigar y, efectivamente, los limites
de las particiones no coinciden cuando se calculan con CHS que cuando
se calculan con numero de sector.

Lo sobrenatural del asunto es que intente formatear (mkfs) la particion
de 2Gb inutil que tenia pues me daba terrr meterle mano a la tabla de
particion, y por telnet ademas, y la maldita se dejo formatear y montar
sin chistar sin hacer ningun cambio, cuando por dos a~os se habia
resistido, deben ser los duendes digo yo :)

En todo caso en  el man fdisk encontre lo siguiente, que puede tener
que ver con la discordancia entre las dos formas de medir los limites
de las particiones:

   In  a DOS type partition table the starting offset and the
   size of each partition is stored in two ways: as an  abso­
   lute  number of sectors (given in 32 bits) and as a Cylin­
   ders/Heads/Sectors triple (given in 10+8+6 bits). The for­
   mer  is  OK - with 512-byte sectors this will work up to 2
   TB. The latter has two different problems. First  of  all,
   these  C/H/S  fields can be filled only when the number of
   heads and the number of sectors per track are known.  Sec­
   ondly,  even  if we know what these numbers should be, the
   24 bits that are available do not suffice.  DOS uses C/H/S
   only, Windows uses both, Linux never uses C/H/S.

Ahora, mi disco reporta 16383 cilindros, pero con los 10 bits que tiene
para representar el numero de cilindros le alcanza solo para 1024, con
lo que me imagino que cada unidad de ese numero de 10 bits representa
no uno sino 16 cilindros en el mejor de los casos, en el peor quien
sabe que ensalada de numeros se hace para meter 16k en 1k. Ahora, por
que las cosas se arreglan solas me sigue pareciendo sobrenatural :)


Dudas en instalacion de debian

2001-05-27 Thread Juan Ortiz
Saludos a la lista
Estoy en plena lectura del manual de instalacion de Debian y tal como me habian
dicho en esta lista eth0 se refiere a ethernet y no a una coneccion via modem
no obstante el manual dice,(y recomienda):

configure the network

   Configuration for eth0

   Do you want to use DHCP or BOOTP to automatically configure... (¡No!
   Mejor a mano)


   Do you want to manually configure this interface?

   Yes (Es lo mejor, saber lo que uno se hace)

   Y ahora viene una serie de preguntas para configurar la red:

 * Choose the IP address (introducimos la IP de nuestra máquina y
 * Choose the network mask (generalmente si es de una red C será OK)
 * What is your Gateway address (ponéis la IP de vuestra pasarela,
   generalmente si la IP de vuestra máquina es W.X.Y.Z, la pasarela
   será W.X.Y.1)
 * Choose the domain name (lo ponéis, p.ej. en mi caso es us.es,
   Universidad de Sevilla, España)

tal como me habian dicho en esta lista yo al tener acceso via modem no debo
elegir la eth0,entonces,¿que hago?,¿elijo DHCP?, (al tener ip dinamica asignada
por mi isp),en esye caso (que elija DHCP),¿puedo hacer una configuracion
manual?,¿o  me conviene de forma automatica?.

Re: Dudas en instalacion de debian

2001-05-27 Thread dani

No te lies, una cosa es la tarjeta de red y otra el modem. Ahi lo que tienes que
configurar es la tarjeta de red, con lo que no debes elegir DHCP si tienes
conexión vía modem. Luego tendras que ejecutar como root pppconfig. desde 
configurar tu conexión con tu isp. Una vez hallas hecho eso, tienes que 
ejecutar pon nombre_conexion para conectar y poff para desconectar.

Espero haberte ayudado

En respuesta a Juan Ortiz, que escribió este mensaje sobre Dudas en instalacion 
de debian:

 Saludos a la lista
 Estoy en plena lectura del manual de instalacion de Debian y tal como me 
 dicho en esta lista eth0 se refiere a ethernet y no a una coneccion via modem
 no obstante el manual dice,(y recomienda):
 configure the network
Configuration for eth0
Do you want to use DHCP or BOOTP to automatically configure... (?No!
Mejor a mano)
Do you want to manually configure this interface?
Yes (Es lo mejor, saber lo que uno se hace)
Y ahora viene una serie de preguntas para configurar la red:
  * Choose the IP address (introducimos la IP de nuestra m?quina y
  * Choose the network mask (generalmente si es de una red C ser? OK)
  * What is your Gateway address (pon?is la IP de vuestra pasarela,
generalmente si la IP de vuestra m?quina es W.X.Y.Z, la pasarela
ser? W.X.Y.1)
  * Choose the domain name (lo pon?is, p.ej. en mi caso es us.es,
Universidad de Sevilla, Espa?a)
 tal como me habian dicho en esta lista yo al tener acceso via modem no debo
 elegir la eth0,entonces,?que hago?,?elijo DHCP?, (al tener ip dinamica 
 por mi isp),en esye caso (que elija DHCP),?puedo hacer una configuracion
 manual?,?o  me conviene de forma automatica?.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Re: Shell gratuita

2001-05-27 Thread Fco. Aguilar
En Sat, May 26, 2001 at 06:14:33AM -0500, Carlos López escribió:
 Bueno pues mi pregunta es: ¿existe algún tipo de
 servidor unix en internet que de cuentas gratuitas de
 shell? Antes tenia una en unixshells.com pero por lo
 que veo ese dominio ha sido dado de baja.

¿No será unix-shells.com?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ telnet unix-shells.com
Connected to unix-shells.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE (unix-shells.com) (ttypd)
We recommend to login with a SSH client, a windows version
is available from www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty.
Welcome to unix-shells.com
Log in as newuser to get a new account.

Francisco Aguilar de Soto
Linux reg: 140.527
Debian User

Re: Dudas en instalacion de debian

2001-05-27 Thread Luis M. García
Justo antes del párrafo que mencionas, el manual dice lo siguiente:

   Configure the hostname
   Preguntarán por el nombre de la maquina. Escoge el que mas te guste.
   Si das a ENTER por defecto sera debian. Luego preguntaran si estas
   conectado a la red. Si la conexión se va a establecer via PPP,
   entonces hay que responder No. 

En tu caso la conexión se va a hacer via PPP (es decir, con módem), con 
lo cual *no* debes configurar nada de red. Responde No a dicha pregunta 
para saltarse la parte de la configuración de red. En el mismo manual que 
estás usando viene más adelante cómo configurar la conexión a internet 
utilizando pppconfig.

Por cierto, ese manual no es el manual de instalación de Debian (al menos 
no el que está en www.debian.org), sino que se trata de la Guía Práctica 
de Debian 2.2 (Potato) para nuevos usuarios de Debian, de A. Gustavo 
González, que tiene la ventaja de que es más práctico que el manual de 
instalación oficial.

Espero haberte ayudado,

El Dom 27 May 2001 13:00, Juan Ortiz escribió:
 Saludos a la lista
 Estoy en plena lectura del manual de instalacion de Debian y tal como
 me habian dicho en esta lista eth0 se refiere a ethernet y no a una
 coneccion via modem no obstante el manual dice,(y recomienda):

 configure the network

Configuration for eth0

Do you want to use DHCP or BOOTP to automatically configure... (¡No!
Mejor a mano)


Do you want to manually configure this interface?

Yes (Es lo mejor, saber lo que uno se hace)

Y ahora viene una serie de preguntas para configurar la red:

  * Choose the IP address (introducimos la IP de nuestra máquina y
  * Choose the network mask (generalmente si es de una red C será OK)
  * What is your Gateway address (ponéis la IP de vuestra pasarela,
generalmente si la IP de vuestra máquina es W.X.Y.Z, la pasarela
será W.X.Y.1)
  * Choose the domain name (lo ponéis, p.ej. en mi caso es us.es,
Universidad de Sevilla, España)

 tal como me habian dicho en esta lista yo al tener acceso via modem no
 debo elegir la eth0,entonces,¿que hago?,¿elijo DHCP?, (al tener ip
 dinamica asignada por mi isp),en esye caso (que elija DHCP),¿puedo
 hacer una configuracion manual?,¿o  me conviene de forma automatica?.

No consigo hacer funcionar la aceleración HW en una voodoo 3

2001-05-27 Thread October
Hola !
Por más que lo intento, no consigo que funcione la aceleración hardware en 
las X (4.0.3). Tengo una Voodoo 3 2000, el módulo tdfx compilado dentro del 
kernel -no como módulo- , la pantalla está puesta a 16 bits de color. Creo 
que eso era lo necesario para que funcionase las X.
Por supuesto, el archivo XF86Config-4 hace referencia a la tarjeta voodoo en 
la sección de Screen.
Lo que es peor, es que antes (hará menos de 2 meses) sí que funcionaba, 
porque me estuve peleando con eso hasta que funcionó, pero no sé porque ahora 
ya no  (antes tenía las 4.0.1).
Si alguien puede arrojar luz sobre mi problema estaré muy agradecido.
Por si acaso, envío también la salida de glxinfo (sé que es demasiado, lo 

display: :0.0  screen:0
direct rendering: No
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.2
server glx extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
client glx vendor string: SGI
client glx version string: 1.2
client glx extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context,
GLX extensions:
GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating, GLX_EXT_import_context
OpenGL vendor string: VA Linux Systems, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
OpenGL version string: 1.2 Mesa 3.4
OpenGL extensions:
GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_tranpose_matrix,
GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate,
GL_EXT_blend_logic_op, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_EXT_blend_subtract,
GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint, GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array, GL_EXT_histogram,
GL_EXT_packed_pixels, GL_EXT_paletted_texture, GL_EXT_point_parameters,
GL_EXT_polygon_offset, GL_EXT_rescale_normal,
GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_texture3D,
GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_texture_env_combine, GL_EXT_texture_object,
GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_EXT_vertex_array, GL_HP_occlusion_test,
GL_INGR_blend_func_separate, GL_MESA_window_pos, GL_MESA_resize_buffers,
GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_PGI_misc_hints, GL_SGI_color_matrix,
GL_SGI_color_table, GL_SGIS_pixel_texture, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp,

(he quitado el final del vuelco de la salida)
Como pone en las primeras líneas, no está usando DRI, y el renderer de OpenGL 
es por software (también lo indica).
Muchas gracias anticipadas:


Cups, mal configurado?

2001-05-27 Thread Juan \(Casa\)
Buenas. Tengo instalado cups desde hace unos dias, la version 1.0.4-9 de
Potato. El caso es que la primera vez que lo instale, la configuracion
fue correcto, excepto en un pequeño detalle. Al abrir con navegador, el
navigator concretamente, la pagina de configuracion, me pidio la
password del root, del administrador. Pues bien, me equivoque al
teclearla, y ahora, no puedo acceder a ciertas opciones de
administracion de la impresora. Concretamente, no puedo acceder a
http://localhost:631/admin. Me dice que no tengo permisos (logicamente)
para acceder a ese recurso. He probado a desinstalar, purgando incluso
los ficheros de configuracion, pero na, cuando vuelvo a instalar, sigo
teniendo ese problema. Los paquetes que tengo instalados son:

ii  cupsys 1.0.4-9Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - base
ii  cupsys-bsd 1.0.4-9Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - BSD
ii  libcupsys1 1.0.4-9Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - libs
ii  libcupsys1-dev 1.0.4-9Common UNIX Printing System(tm) -

Como puedo hacer para volver a empezar de 0, y que me pida la password,
poner la correcta, y acceder a las opciones de administracion?

Un saludo.

Sobre x/y/z-Modem

2001-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola, necesito que alguien me ayude en un problemilla que tengo.
He desarrollado una aplicación tipo Hiperterminal, para comunicar dos
equipos mediante un módem. La duda viene al emplear unos comandos de
Linux llamados r[x|y|z] y s[x|y|z], que sirven para recibir y mandar archivos
con los protocolos X-Y-Z/modem. 
No se si es problema de al aplicación, o de que no se usar estos comandos, 
pero al intentar enviar archivos contra una maquina Windows el archivo no
se manda, y ya no se si es que las implementaciones de estos protocolos en 
Linux y en Windows son distintas, o que no se emplear estos comandos;
Si alguien los ha empleado alguna vez, me puede ayudar explicandome su uso?
En principio sería sólo sz nombrearchivo, pero no se si le tengo que 
especificar el puerto del modem, ni donde. La página del manual no lo explica,
o yo no lo he visto.
Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda...

Luis M. Arroyo Egoscozabal

lmarroyo at overclk dot dhis dot org
lmae at bbvnet dot com

cdrom y regrabado con emulacion ide-scsi

2001-05-27 Thread Agustin Garcia

Bueno, por fin consigo leer mi CDRom IDE con 
emulacion SCSI, y todo por unerror de principiante. Despues de cambiar el 
lilo.conf, no habia actualizadolilo y la linea de append con 
"hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi" no podia saber elordenador que 
existia.Ahora tengo otro problemilla. Cuando cargo el modulo ide-scsi 
genera asignalos dispositivos sr0 a sr7 para el cdrom y del sr8 al sr15 para 
laregrabadora pero apuntando todos, los dieciseis, al scd0. Con lo cual en 
lapractico solo puedo utilizar un dispositivo a la vez. A alguien se le 
ocurrepor que es esto. ¿hay que pasar algún parametro al cargar el modulo 
con elmodconf?Nota: los dispositivos los borre y los genere con 
MAKEDEV sg scd.

el nombre de debian

2001-05-27 Thread Agustin Garcia

Una curiosidad. Porque se llama a la distribución 

Los tipos mime pasan de mi

2001-05-27 Thread Fernando Marset
Hola amigos:

Acabo de actualizar mi potato a woody y el caso es que asocio un tipo
mime a un ejecutable (en este caso los jpeg al gqview) y pasa totalmente
de abrir el archivo, ni con gqview ni con gimp.

¿Que puede estar pasando?



2001-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Estoy pensando fuertemente la idea de pasarme a Sid, ya que potato tiene
paquetes muy viejos, ya probé Woody y no tuve mayores problemas.
Sera esto lo mejor para mi usuario que se lleva bien con debian pero es
totalmente inexperto?
Que recomendación me pueden hacer?
De donde se pueden bajar iso's actualizadas?.
Muchas gracias.
   //   Santiago Pastorino   \\
  (   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   )

lvm con reiser

2001-05-27 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


quizás tendré que juntar dos discos duros con reiser

es decir, de dos discos de 6GB hacer uno de 12GB. Si no estoy equivocado
se hace con LVM (estoy buscando el hwoto que leí hace tiempo)

Me gustaría saber si alguien lo ha intentado, si va bien, si con Reiser va
bien :-) etc..

es decir, con reiser seguirá siendo todo journaled?

vi en un howto hace tiempo que eran varios comandos, pero parecia que lo
ibas haciendo y no tenía mucho secreto, no?


Carles Pina i Estany - #Linux User: 87347 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Pinux
   URL: http://www.salleURL.edu/~is08139
   Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.5 @ PentiumII 450MHz 128MB ReiserFS Multihead
   Debian Woody Kernel 2.4.4 @ Laptop Pentium 166MHz 48MB
   Debian Potato Kernel 2.4.5 @ Pentium 233MHz 96MB ReiserFS
   CONNECT 300 {:-() Aaaah Uff!! Solo era una pesadilla...

Re: lvm con reiser

2001-05-27 Thread Dios Del Tiempo
--- Carles Pina i Estany [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :  
 es decir, de dos discos de 6GB hacer uno de 12GB. Si no estoy equivocado
 se hace con LVM (estoy buscando el hwoto que leí hace tiempo)

Si, así es, busca algo así como LVM-HOWTO

 Me gustaría saber si alguien lo ha intentado, si va bien, si con Reiser va
 bien :-) etc..

Yo ya lo he hecho varias veces, y aunque ReiserFS todavía no ha hecho un
release estable, a mi nunca me ha fallado esa combinación.

 es decir, con reiser seguirá siendo todo journaled?

Pues si, pero si se desaparece uno de los dos discos duros, es lo mismo que si
formatearas el volúmen lógico con EXT2: toda tu información desaparece.

 vi en un howto hace tiempo que eran varios comandos, pero parecia que lo
 ibas haciendo y no tenía mucho secreto, no?

Está muy bien explicado todo en el HOWTO, y si además puedes experimentar un
poco con los volúmenes antes de ponerlos a funcionar para todo mundo, mucho

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Do You Yahoo!? -- Pour faire vos courses sur le Net, 
Yahoo! Shopping : http://fr.shopping.yahoo.com

Re: Sid

2001-05-27 Thread October
Si no tienes una conexión a internet estable no te aconsejo ponerte la sid. 
Se bajan alrededor de 15Mb diarios en cada actualización (depende de cuantos 
paquetes tengas instalados, claro), y eso ahora, que está un poco más 
estable, que antes llegaba incluso a los 50Mb diarios.
Por lo demás, considero la sid más estable que otras releases de 
distribuciones que no son Debian. Algún que otro paquete te actualizará y no 
funcionará del todo bien, sobretodo al configurarse, pero se suele solucionar 
en cuestión de días en otra actualización.
De todas maneras, según tengo entendido, Woody va muy cerca de Sid ahora 
mismo (para que un paquete pase de Sid a Woody tiene que estar un tiempecito 
estabilizado), así que ponerse la Sid para trabajar en serio no lo 
recomiendo, pero para aprender viene de perlas.


Re: el nombre de debian

2001-05-27 Thread Thomas Bliesener
On Sun, May, 27, 2001 at 20:41:13 +0200, Agustin Garcia wrote:

 Una curiosidad. Porque se llama a la distribución debian?

* Debian = GNU/Linux XP *

Re: No consigo hacer funcionar la aceleración HW en una voodoo 3

2001-05-27 Thread Israel Gutierrez
Hash: SHA1

El dom, 27 de may de 2001, a las 04:26:21 +0200, October dijo:
 Si alguien puede arrojar luz sobre mi problema estaré muy agradecido.
 Por si acaso, envío también la salida de glxinfo (sé que es demasiado, lo 
 display: :0.0  screen:0
 direct rendering: No
Debes asegurarte que las libGL esten en su lugar
y que tienes esto en tu fichero de configuración:
# This loads the GLX module
Load   glx
Section DRI
  Mode 0666

- -- 
Esperad, he perdido mi pipa y el tabaco, y no quiero que caigan en manos
de mi enemigo (Taras Bulba) 
amphora at escomposlinux dot org http://desdemona.dhis.org
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Sid de donde?

2001-05-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alguien sabe de algun servidor que tenga imagenes de sid? y si es posible
que actualizen por lo menos mensualmente?
   //   Santiago Pastorino   \\
  (   Debian GNU/Linux 2.2   )

emulacion scsi

2001-05-27 Thread jose maria
Bueno, por fin consigo leer mi CDRom IDE con emulacion SCSI, y todo por un
error de principiante. Despues de cambiar el lilo.conf, no habia 
lilo y la linea de append con hdc=ide-scsi  hdd=ide-scsi no podia saber 
ordenador que existia.

Ahora tengo otro problemilla. Cuando cargo el modulo ide-scsi genera asigna
los dispositivos sr0 a sr7 para el cdrom y del sr8 al sr15 para la
regrabadora pero apuntando todos, los dieciseis, al scd0. Con lo cual en la
practico solo puedo utilizar un dispositivo a la vez. A alguien se le 
por que es esto. ¿hay que pasar algún parametro al cargar el modulo con el

Nota: los dispositivos los borre y los genere con MAKEDEV sg scd.

eso es que reconoce un dispositivo por cada una de las velocidades de tu 
gravadora y lector deves introducir en la linea append de lilo.conf a 
continuacion de la definicion de la emulacion, es decir suponiendo que tu 
gravadora sea hdc y el lector hdd habras puesto esto
hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi ahora deves poner
hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi max_dev_luns=1 esto si quieres utilizar un lun 
es decir una linea scasi para los dos dispositivos.  acuerdate de poner 
en un script de arranque modprobe ide-scsi sino tendras que cargar los 
modulos cada vez que quieras utilizar la gravadora. suerte.
jose maria
-BEGIN J.M.G.S. signature
Declaro que naci sin saber nada de informatica, a los 35 no sabia de la 
existencia de linux, ni falta que hacia, y a los 39 tengo menos pases que 
la lamentable ganaderia de D. Eduardo Miura, asi es que se recomienda 
a enteraos y empleaduchos informaticos varios, que huyan de mi 
como de windows. un saludo. jose maria
icq: 82220484 mudito Pza. del Ayuntamiento nº3 abogados-Alicante
--end para los oportunos efectos---

Re: Är potato kompatibel med ATA-100 diskar ?

2001-05-27 Thread Kenneth Johansson
Andreas Berglund wrote:
 Är potato kompatibel med ATA-100 diskar (kernel 2.2pre18)?

Frågan är lite fel ställd. Det finns fler än ett chipset som stöder ATA100 
vilket har du ??

Och jag tror att de flesta är bakåt kompatibla så du iaf kan använda dem fast 
du inte får bästa möjliga prestanda.


2001-05-27 Thread John Ericson
On May 26 23:26, Anders Holmberg wrote:
 Vad beror det på att jag kan spela moddar och mp3or men inte wavar och .au
 När jag spelar .au och wav filer får jag dma timeout någonting som

Har du provat att spela upp ljuden i flera olika program? Och vilket
program använder du för att spela upp ljudet?

* John Ericson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* web: http://john.pp.se

Re: Mouse não instalado

2001-05-27 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Sun, 27 May 2001 11:46:04 -0300
Rafael Sasaki [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

   Antes de tudo eu queria dizer que estou impressionado com a rapidez com
 que as perguntas são respondidas. Me disseram que era melhor instalar um Red
 Hat que o Debian não tinha suporte. A ajuda aqui vem muito melhor que o
hmpf... empresas... =) sou muito mais pessoas =)

   Mas meu mouse não foi instalado. Eu uso um Microsoft Intelimouse PS/2.
 Procurei algum HOWTO que pudesse me ajudar, mas não achei nada. Alguém sabe
 como fazer?
hmmm, eu usava um ps/2 (até que ele queimou ou sei lá o que...), você
deve usar o gpmconfig pra acertar tudo no console, o device dele é
/dev/psaux. Mesma coisa no X, c configura o device pra /dev/psaux e
o protocolo pra PS/2...


   Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov http://www.metainfo.org/kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org|  (___)  |
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: http://debian-br.sourceforge.net |  o o  |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |  \ ^ /  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |   ()   |

Re: Mouse não instalado

2001-05-27 Thread Rafael Sasaki
Obrigado pela dica. Consegui instalar o mouse usando o gpm. Mas agora estou
com um outro problema. Depois que consegui instalar o mouse fui tentar usar
o X. Quando tentei executar o startx, o monitor ficou preto e eu não
conseguia fazer nada. Agora, toda vez que tento dar o boot pelo Linux a tela
fica preta e eu não consigo fazer nada. Alguém sabe o que pode estar

  Rafael Sasaki


2001-05-27 Thread fabao85
Como o Kov me pediu pra mim mandar um
email pra lista estou mandando ..
E sobre o grupo de revisores debian-br
eu dei essa ideia pra ele, por que ao
entrar todos os dias na pagina do
projeto vi alguns documentos que nao
estavam sendo revisados; Entao criando
o grupo terias pessoas para revisar
assim q o documento estivesse
traduzido totalmente ; E assim nao
demoraria tanto para que os documentos
estivissem em perfeito estavado
chamaremos assim para outras pessoas
pegarem e tirarem suas duvidas e talz
.A ideia e boa pelo o que eu axo ..
Mais a decisao e de vc .. Estou
disponivel a cuidar da parte de
revisores com muito prazer ..
Pensem na ideia

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ASSINE AGORA! http://www.bol.com.br/acessobol/

speed - ADSL

2001-05-27 Thread cosmo

Terca feira agora vao instalar speed aqui em casa :-) !!

Por acaso alguem conhece ou tem algum tutorial ou texto que me ajude a
configurar o servidor para poder utilizar speed ?!?! Ja instalei as duas placas
de rede e o linux ja reconheceu ambas, eth0 e eth1. Como esse micro eh o
servidor de acesso a net para os clientes windows, ip masquerading, a eth0 ja
esta configurada com o ip Encontrei um tutorial, so que os arquivos
de configuracao era para o redhat.

Desde ja obrigado pela atencao :-) !!

[ ]'s

***  .''`.
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   * : :'  :
* www.hackhour.com.br * `. `'`
* Hack Hour Inc.  *   `-
*** Debian 2.2r3

Re: Encontro carioca

2001-05-27 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
eu tambem.
mas, desculpa a ingnorancia:
Onde fica o Garage?
Um abraço,  PH
Quoting Gustavo Franco ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Fri, 25 May 2001 20:42:40 -0300
 Carlos Laviola [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Fala pessoal,
  Faz muito tempo já que tivemos o primeiro encontro de usuários cariocas.
  O que vocês acham de marcarmos um novo? Estou pensando em um lugar mais
  descontraído - o Garage, ou o bar que fica próximo a ele - e em chamar
  mais gente, sem se limitar a usuários de Debian, até porque eu estou
  com planos de criar um LUG/UUG carioca novo, já que não há nenhum em
  atividade mais, pelo que pude verificar. Seria uma boa oportunidade do
  pessoal conversar, ouvir música lá no Garage, etc.
  O que acham?
 dentro! :)
   _|  _|   _|  _| 
 _|_|_|_|_|  Gustavo R. Franco_|_|_|_|_| 
   _|  _|   a.k.a _Stratus [EMAIL PROTECTED]_|  _| 
 _|_|_|_|_|   (See Debian GNU/Linux at: www.debian.org)   _|_|_|_|_|
   _|  _|   _|  _|

Mouse não instalado

2001-05-27 Thread Rafael Sasaki
  Antes de tudo eu queria dizer que estou impressionado com a rapidez com
que as perguntas são respondidas. Me disseram que era melhor instalar um Red
Hat que o Debian não tinha suporte. A ajuda aqui vem muito melhor que o
suporte de qualquer firma e com certeza muito mais rápido. Vocês estão de
  Muito obrigado àqueles que responderam a minha pergunta. Instalei o Debian
sem problema algum durante a instalação.

  Mas meu mouse não foi instalado. Eu uso um Microsoft Intelimouse PS/2.
Procurei algum HOWTO que pudesse me ajudar, mas não achei nada. Alguém sabe
como fazer?

Agradeço desde já a ajuda,
  Rafael Sasaki

Re: php4

2001-05-27 Thread Brian Dunnette
Having the same problem using testing... could it be because the php4
package requires an earlier version (1.3.9) of apache-common than the
one I have installed?

And, on a related question, why is php4 in stable, but not in testing???

Brian Dunnette

On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 07:27:41PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 Wayne Sitton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed php4 from dselect.  I checked the apache httpd.conf, and
 uncommented the php4 loadmodule.  But, When I go to the website It still
 tries to open a 'save as' dialog box.  What am I forgetting?
 Is there anything in your web server's error log?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Eugene Tyurin
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 09:18:46PM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
 Presumably you meant into testing because it's not in stable.  You can't
 install the testing version in stable easily, either, because of dependency

How about such compiling portsentry from scratch?  Novel idea, eh? :-)

There's no reason why it *shouldn't* install in potato (and slink, and...),
except the maintainers.


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Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Carl Fink
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:01:35AM -0400, Eugene Tyurin wrote:
 How about such compiling portsentry from scratch?  Novel idea, eh? :-)

I do it m'self, but I *prefer* to use the package system when I can. 
It's just a constant frustration for me that to use the (most
excellent) apt/dpkg system, I have to stay two years out of date.

 There's no reason why it *shouldn't* install in potato (and slink, and...),
 except the maintainers.

Which is kind of my point.  If I were made dictator of the Debian
project (not bloody likely) I would declare all distributions to age
out at six months:  at that point, unstable becomes testing, testing
becomes frozen, frozen becomes stable, period.  And six months would
be a MAXIMUM, not the standard cycle.  One year of built-in
obsolescence is still a lot.

Problem with gnome-utils

2001-05-27 Thread Cam Ellison
I cannot get the 1.4 version of gnome-utils to install. 
gnome-utils.postinst has a reference to scrollkeeper-update, thus:

case $1 in
PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin scrollkeeper-update

The error is: command not found.

As a result, I have a big stack of packages held back.

Is this just an error in the script, or have I somehow managed to lose
something (besides my brain)?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help


Re: Problem with gnome-utils

2001-05-27 Thread Cam Ellison
Cam Ellison wrote:
 I cannot get the 1.4 version of gnome-utils to install.
 gnome-utils.postinst has a reference to scrollkeeper-update, thus:

Sorry about this one -- I turned my brain back on, looked for
scrollkeeper on the ximian site and installed it -- all is well.

Sorry for wasting the bandwidth.


list of installed packages messed up

2001-05-27 Thread Eric Boo
Hi all,

I just realized that many packages which I've installed cannot be removed 
because according to dpkg -s and apt-get, they aren't installed (eg gpm), when 
they really are installed.

What do I do?


Eric Boo
Sunday, May 27, 2001, 12:27 PM
13 hours and 3 minutes


Always the dullness of the fool is the whetstone of the wits.
-- William Shakespeare, As You Like It

Re: list of installed packages messed up

2001-05-27 Thread Carl Fink
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:29:05PM +0800, Eric Boo wrote:
 I just realized that many packages which I've installed cannot be
 removed because according to dpkg -s and apt-get, they aren't
 installed (eg gpm), when they really are installed.
 What do I do?

Assuming you did install 'em via dpkg/apt, you might try reinstalling
them (which would replace your existing binaries and conf files with
the ones from the package), then uninstalling.

Re: list of installed packages messed up

2001-05-27 Thread Eric Boo
Verily, on 27 May 2001 12:36AM (-0400), Carl Fink thusly proclaimed:
- Assuming you did install 'em via dpkg/apt, you might try reinstalling
- them (which would replace your existing binaries and conf files with
- the ones from the package), then uninstalling.

Yep, I did install them via dpkg/apt-get. As for your suggestion, it;s not very 
feasible because I have no idea what else isn't reflected properly. I would 
have to test each and every package.

Eric Boo
Sunday, May 27, 2001, 12:42 PM
13 hours and 17 minutes


It is easy to find fault, if one has that disposition.  There was once a man
who, not being able to find any other fault with his coal, complained that
there were too many prehistoric toads in it.
-- Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

Re: Finger

2001-05-27 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Sat, May 26, 2001 at 12:43:29PM +0200, Csontos B. Laszlo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Dear List members,
 I've realized the following problem on my machine. When I perform a finger
 command, I'll get the following:
 LoginName   Tty  Idle  Login Time   Office Office 
 adminSystem administra  pts/1  May 24 19:01 (
 egon Csizmadia Gaborpts/3  May 24 19:01 (
 laceeCsontos B. Laszlo  pts/2  May 24 19:01 (
 I don't know why aren't the IPs resolved. I've got internal DNS.

Curious.  In my case, hosts are resolved through finger, whether I'm
querying the local sever or remote ones.

 I've tried different diagnostic procedures, like this:
 [root:~]# host
 Name: d21.b8.jagik.sulinet.hu
 [root:~]# nslookup
 Server:  localhost

...if you're fingering a remote server, does this server have an entry
for your DNS box?  Not sure that this matters, but I had a rather
flagrently broken DNS here until I got reverse DNS configured propery
and convinced one of my boxen to stop rewriting its resolv.conf.

 domain jagik.sulinet.hu
 search jagik.sulinet.hu
 order hosts,bind
 multi on

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org
   Disclaimer:  http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/

Description: PGP signature

[Kris.VanHeurck@siemens.atea.be: i810 chipset on potato]

2001-05-27 Thread Jim McCloskey

| I am currently installing Debian GNU/Linux potato on a machine in
| our labs.  I found out (by opening the case, since I had no
| documentation on the machine) that there is a i810 chipset inside.

I'm not sure if our two situations are similar, but a couple of months
ago I had to install Debian (potato) on a Dell Optiplex, which has an
on-board video card which uses the i810 chipset.

It worked beautifully in the end, but the only way I found to make it
work well was to use the version of the agpgart module available from
the Intel site itself, along with the XFCom_i810 server from the same
site (support.intel.com).

There's a PDF document at the Intel site which provides very clear
step by step instructions for all of this. I still have a copy which
I'll be happy to mail you if you want it. 

I have a worry that having set the system up this way is going to
complicate the upgrade to woody and XFree 2.4; but at the time it was
the only solution that I could actually make work. And it worked
really well.



2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 05:22:12PM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
 A second stand-alone computer with a Epson Stylus Color 860 connected to 
 the usb port is still not working.  The stcolor.ppd and lpinfo are missing.

stcolor.ppd is included in the woody and sid versions of cupsys, but not

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:15:12AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
 Which is kind of my point.  If I were made dictator of the Debian
 project (not bloody likely) I would declare all distributions to age
 out at six months:  at that point, unstable becomes testing, testing
 becomes frozen, frozen becomes stable, period.  And six months would
 be a MAXIMUM, not the standard cycle.  One year of built-in
 obsolescence is still a lot.

Unfortunately, code has a nasty habit of being ready when it's ready, not
when someone decrees that it should be ready.  Going to a calendar-based
release cycle would adversely affect stability.

If you don't want to be running year-old software (with the latest security
fixes backported), switch over to testing instead.  It's both pretty solid
and pretty recent.  But if you want/need the absolute reliability of stable,
that takes time.  If it takes a year to produce that stability, then the code
will be a year old when it's released and, short of spending lots of money to
buy testing and bugfixing time, there's nothing anyone can do about it.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

perl mods for slashcode

2001-05-27 Thread Wayne Sitton
I decided to give up on php-nuke since I cannot get apache to recognize

So, I've gone to trying to configure slashcode.  Except now I'm having
problems  loading certain modules from cpan.  I can't load Compress::Zlib or
XML::Parser it errors saying that it must be some kind of bogus file.  It
also complains that it cannot load some file because I need to load
Term::ReadKey, but when i try to install that I get an EOF error.  I am
thinking the problem must be in the server CPAN is pulling from.
How do I change that? Or, does anyone have another suggestion?


Re: ppp connection

2001-05-27 Thread patrick q
--- Arian Novruzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to configure my ppp in my new Debian 2.2 (well, I think
 developers guys can make more easy the installation ;-)
 My modem is a lucent one and I use the appropriate package to install
 I'm using the same script which worked perfectly in RH6.2.
 Running ppp-on gives these messages:
 /usr/sbin/pppd: The remote system is required to authenticate itself
 /usr/sbin/pppd: but I couldn't find any secret (password) for it to
 use to
 do so
 /usr/sbin/pppd (none of the avalaible passwords would let it use an
 Thanks for any suggestion how to establish my ppp connection.

in Debian you want to use:
/sbin/pppconfig, pon, poff

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Adding stuff to menus

2001-05-27 Thread Cameron Matheson

I have a bunch of programs that I've compiled over time, and I kind of want
to add them to the debian menus.  How would I do this?  Is this window-manager
specific, or is their a global way to do this?  It seems if I do use a window
manager's configuration utility, everytime I install a new package, it overrides
the menu.

Cameron Matheson

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Fw tweetybird (2).htm

2001-05-27 Thread Jenn
Title: Fw: tweetybird

[Date Prev][Date 
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Fw: tweetybird

  Subject: Fw: tweetybird 
  From: "Bill Rappe" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 23:07:50 -0400 




Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 15:09:53 EDT 
Full-name: CDWild0172  


  Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
  Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 01:00:58 EDT 
  Full-name: DShep0516  


Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
Date: Sat, 15 May 1999 18:02:13 EDT 
Full-name: Gail3903  


  Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
  Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 20:55:59 EDT 
  Full-name: AGacc97323  


Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 19:45:21 EDT 
Full-name: Crzybitty1  


  Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
  Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:45:10 EDT 
  Full-name: TrueAccess  


Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 21:52:22 EDT 
Full-name: REBB620  


  Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
  Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 23:49:22 EDT 
  Full-name: SpoiledR1  



Subject: Fwd: tweetybird 
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 22:32:01 EDT 
Full-name: Plitz11 



  Subject: tweetybird 
  From: "Jennifer Lupo" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 17:10:02 -500 
  Organization: American Chiropractic 
 I'm SO sorry about this, but I had to
 keep it  going. The last time sent
 this exact e-mail out, I got a new job
 and now I'm 

Re: Adding stuff to menus

2001-05-27 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:14:57AM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote:
 I have a bunch of programs that I've compiled over time, and I kind of want
 to add them to the debian menus.  How would I do this?  Is this window-manager
 specific, or is their a global way to do this?  It seems if I do use a window
 manager's configuration utility, everytime I install a new package, it 
 the menu.

It's easy with Debian's menu system.  See /etc/menu/README.


title=Mozilla 0.9\

The local tells update-menus that it's a local package of all things!

Then run update-menus...

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: perl mods for slashcode

2001-05-27 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 01:20:15AM -0500, Wayne Sitton wrote:
 I decided to give up on php-nuke since I cannot get apache to recognize

Did you AddType application/x-httpd-php .php? PHP4 uses the .php

Eric G. Miller egm2@jps.net

Re: Adding stuff to menus

2001-05-27 Thread ktb
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:14:57AM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote:
 I have a bunch of programs that I've compiled over time, and I kind of want
 to add them to the debian menus.  How would I do this?  Is this window-manager
 specific, or is their a global way to do this?  It seems if I do use a window
 manager's configuration utility, everytime I install a new package, it 
 the menu.

You can do this with -

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

RE: php4

2001-05-27 Thread Ming Tan
I'm new to Debian, but I'm pretty familiar with freeBSD. I hope they're
similar... In my httpd.conf in freeBSD with apache 1.3.20+modssl+php4, the
following lines exist:

LoadModule php4_modulelibexec/libphp4.so
AddModule mod_php4.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

This works fine for me. I tried commenting out the AddModule line, and it
asks me to save. Do you have this line in your httpd.conf?

I also noticed that you have
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
but in your DirectoryIndex you have an index.php, do you have/need an
Addtype to handle just .php?

Also, in my httpd.conf, php3 seems to be handled with this AddType:
AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3

Does your libphp4.so exist in /usr/lib/apache/1.3?

Hope this helps.


-Original Message-
From: Ehren Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 11:33 AM
To: Wayne Sitton
Cc: debian-user
Subject: Re: php4

here is the relevant sections from my conf files...tell me if they compare

LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.php3
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3

I vaguely remember the first time I set up php4 and it is something silly
but those are the only things I can think of.  Oh and make sure that apache
has been restarted.  Else than that shrug  it works for me, on my
woody/sid hybrid of a beast

Ehren Wilson
Echostar Solutions

- Original Message -
From: Wayne Sitton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Ehren Wilson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 12:28 PM
Subject: RE: php4

 Did that also, still have the same problem.  That's why I'm stumped.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ehren Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 1:05 PM
 To: Wayne Sitton; debian-user
 Subject: Re: php4

 in srm.conf you you have the following line uncommented?

 AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

 Hopefully that should fix it

 Ehren Wilson
 Echostar Solutions

 - Original Message -
 From: Wayne Sitton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-user debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 11:57 AM
 Subject: php4

  I just installed php4 from dselect.  I checked the apache httpd.conf,
  uncommented the php4 loadmodule.  But, When I go to the website It still
  tries to open a 'save as' dialog box.  What am I forgetting?
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Setting the time with Samba

2001-05-27 Thread Andrew Pollock
Sorry if my problem was not clear...

The Windoze box is reporting a totally different time to what's on the
Linux box when I use the net time command.

On Sat, 26 May 2001, Mike Egglestone wrote:

 The Samba list guys should know more about this stuff...
 but you may want to try this in your netlogon batch file..
 net use \\samba /set /y
 Hope this helps...
 - Original Message -
 From: Andrew Pollock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 12:58 AM
 Subject: Setting the time with Samba
  I was being lazy, and was going to sync the time on my Windoze box against
  my Linux box, using the net time command from a DOS box.
  Here's what happened:
  C:\WINDOWSnet time \\caesar
  Current time at \\CAESAR is 5-26-2001 2:53A.M.
  The command was completed successfully.
  But on my Linux box:
  caesar:/home/apollock# date
  Sat May 26 17:56:20 EST 2001
  I'm pretty sure I do have my hardware clock set to UTC (how can you
  tell?), but even then:
  caesar:/home/apollock# date --utc
  Sat May 26 07:57:06 UTC 2001
  So I'm at a bit of a loss to work out what's going on with respect to the
  time differences.
  The timezone on the Linux box is same as the Windoze box.
  Any suggestions?
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problem running xf86cfg

2001-05-27 Thread Andrea Vettorello
Philipp Bliedung wrote:


 I just upgraded to XFree 4.0.3 but when I try tu run xf86cfg I get this
 error message:


 Any ideas how I can fix this?
 BTW what does the VidModeExtension do?

Don't know if this can helps, but you could try using xf86cfg in textmode
running xf86cfg -textmode, try looking in the man page for further options...


potato udma100

2001-05-27 Thread Sebastian Ezequiel Ovide
hi, can someone splain me how can i install a potato on a new machine
width udma100 ?


Sebasti?n Ezequiel Ovide ICQ:113198452
Universit? degli studi di Padova http://www.unipd.it
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica http://www.dei.unipd.it

Netscape memory leak in debian?

2001-05-27 Thread Steve Kieu
Hi, every one.

Has ony one noticed that when you exit Communicator
4.77 if you select File / Exit; then go to the console
type top

There are still two or at least one communicator
process running, takes up a lot of memory and does
nothing!. I have to kill it with signal 9. It is a
rule I bet that at least on my machine :-). But If you
select File / Close and close untill the last netscape
windows it doesn't usually happen like that.
I got communicator installed from netscape and suspect
that it may not be compatible, then I delete that and
use apt-get to install from security.debian.org site;
it is the same.

I can not remember if it happened when I ran Netscape
4.77 in Slack (I got that before) but may be not. I
not sure this is debian specific or netscape itself ?

what could cause it? how to fix it? any ideas pls ?



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apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade hassels

2001-05-27 Thread Jeroen Valcke

I has been a long time since I apt-get update/upgrade my machine. I issued
the commands but got some errors. If somebody could please explain.
apt-get update works well. When I do apt-get upgrade I get the following

Tomsk:~# apt-get upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done 
Building Dependency Tree... Done 
The following packages have been kept back
aalib1 adduser apt binutils bsdgames bsdutils bug-buddy communicator
snip ... a lot of packages /snip
xchat-common xchat-gnome xgalaga xscavenger xscreensaver 
106 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 153 not
upgraded.  Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
dpkg: PreDepends: libc6 (= 2.2.3-1) but 2.2.2-4 is to be installed E:
Internal Error, InstallPackages was called with broken packages!

And when I apt-get dist-upgrade
Tomsk:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  libguile6 libqt2.2 netkit-rpc opera perl-5.004 perl-5.004-base
perl-5.004-suid pnmtopng snmp snmpd 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  bonobo communicator-base-477 communicator-smotif-477 console-common
following packages have been kept back communicator debian-policy pan 
254 packages upgraded, 32 newly installed, 10 to remove and 3 not
Need to get 115MB/132MB of archives. After unpacking 34.3MB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

Which I abort since I don't really trust it, Perl is listed among the
packages to be removed. I have had bad experience with the perl package
being removed.

Also When is it appropriate to just apt-get upgrade and when to apt-get


Jeroen Valcke   jeroen@valcke.com   
ICQ# 30116911   Home page: http://www.valcke.com/jeroen
Phone +32(0)56 32 91 37 Mobile +32(0)486 88 21 26
The good thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
-Andrew S. Tanenbaum-

Re: Netscape memory leak in debian?

2001-05-27 Thread Mario Vukelic
On 27 May 2001 19:05:41 +1000, Steve Kieu wrote:

 Has ony one noticed that when you exit Communicator
 4.77 if you select File / Exit; then go to the console
 type top

Everybody noticed this and a lot more. Most people wrote a script
'kill -9 netscape; rm -f ~/.netscape/lock' for this.
The reason is netscape is a pile of s.
It has done a lot of good when it was the only useable graphical browser
for linux, but now it's time to give it a rest and use konquerer,
mozilla ( 0.9), galeon or opera

I did not vote for the Austrian government

Re: Kde Sid directory problem

2001-05-27 Thread Matthew Gibbins
And yo was Bruce Sass heard to yodel:
 On Sat, 26 May 2001, Matthew Gibbins wrote:
   I'm running konqueror in Sid and am encountering problems loading1 some 
   for konqueror configuration.
Particularly those under the directories:
 No problems here.  I can get at them via:
   K - Control Center
   K - Preferences - Web Browsing | File Browsing
 and by pointing Konqueror at
   Just to clarify only ebrowsing.desktop, crypto.desktop and nsplugin.desktop
 are loaded.
   The rest fail with 'The diagnostics is:' where there is unfortunately no 
 diagnostic information.

apt-setup problem

2001-05-27 Thread Preben Randhol
I ran apt-setup to add another ftp site, but now it skips asking this
and only asks if I want to have non-us and crontrib and then it gives me
/etc/apt/source.list to manually edit it. Is there some setup file that
makes apt-setup not behave properly? Earlier I always got first a choice
if I wanted ftp, http, etc.. and then the country and then the server,
now apt-setup skips all that.

Perhaps it is a bug, but I just want to check before reporting...

Preben Randhol --- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

root via ssh / why su - ?

2001-05-27 Thread Blazko

A silly theoretical question: in a ssh thread above, one got the answer *not* 
to enable root user access to a station, it would be better to use a limited 
user account and then gain access via su or that.
What is the difference between that. Don't I have full admin rights with su?
Or if I have, what is the difference? Is it cos a direct root login allows to 
exploit the sys due to some scripts that get autom. exec'd?
I just want to knowcos thus I know why I do things that way :-)

Thanx in advance  greetz,

Timo Boewing

root via ssh / why su - ?

2001-05-27 Thread Blazko

A silly theoretical question: in a ssh thread above, one got the answer *not*
to enable root user access to a station, it would be better to use a limited
user account and then gain access via su or that.
What is the difference between that. Don't I have full admin rights with su?
Or if I have, what is the difference? Is it cos a direct root login allows to
exploit the sys due to some scripts that get autom. exec'd?
I just want to knowcos thus I know why I do things that way :-)

Thanx in advance  greetz,

Timo Boewing

Re: apt-setup problem

2001-05-27 Thread Preben Randhol
Preben Randhol [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 27/05/2001 (12:40) :
 I ran apt-setup to add another ftp site, but now it skips asking this
 and only asks if I want to have non-us and crontrib and then it gives me
 /etc/apt/source.list to manually edit it. Is there some setup file that
 makes apt-setup not behave properly? Earlier I always got first a choice
 if I wanted ftp, http, etc.. and then the country and then the server,
 now apt-setup skips all that.

I found the problem. If the xterm is more than 24 lines then the above
happens. Strange.
Preben Randhol --- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

Re: conclusion from Re: Samba won't start

2001-05-27 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 12:12:07PM -0400, D-Man wrote:
 Well, I have more or less solved the problem (at least identified what
 the solution would be) :
 It turns out I had xinetd configured properly.  When I tried it on the
 Duron 750 box (with 128MB RAM) it works beautifully with no visible
 delays!  If I run nmbd as standalone (since it doesn't die anyways)
 and smbd from xinetd it works on the 486 box (only 8MB RAM) iff the
 box isn't busy doing other stuff.  When I try to browse the shares I
 can see and hear the hard drive cranking for a few seconds before I
 see a response.
 I guess I need to increase the power of the machine  (acquire more
 RAM), or perhaps I will get better performance if I run it as
 standalone and let it sit in swap most of the time. 

There are two problems.

First that you identyfied. More, more RAM ...
On my server (486/33) 20MB RAM was sufficient on potato. Now it is running
woody - I had to remove many services, play with priorities for others.
Currently nmbd and bind have -6, smbd +3, lprng +12, sendmail +19 (with
limiting to 3 children). Apache was gone, dhttpd is in use.

Second is that nmbd is like DNS service but it has different properties.
Yes, you can run it from inetd but it will be usable ater some time after
starting (only one advantage for non standalone nmbd is quick reload via
killall :) I use that samba server in multiple subnets enviroment for years
without mayor problems but in all cases I allways configure WIN*-stations to
use my server as WINSserver - dynamic configuration (aka browser election)
causes many troubles.


Re: Netscape memory leak in debian?

2001-05-27 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:55:13AM +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
 On 27 May 2001 19:05:41 +1000, Steve Kieu wrote:
  Has ony one noticed that when you exit Communicator
  4.77 if you select File / Exit; then go to the console
  type top
 Everybody noticed this and a lot more. Most people wrote a script
 'kill -9 netscape; rm -f ~/.netscape/lock' for this.

I suggested to use kill -12, netscape closes nicely bookmarks, history, ...



2001-05-27 Thread Antonio Lobato


I have a SoundBlaster 16 sound card (no Plug and Play). I`m able
to play CD`s on my computer after the command:  modprobe sb io=0x220
irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5. 
But I don`t know how to play/record midis and wav`s. Must I to
configure more something ? If so, How ?

The Windows use the configuration below for this card :

Intervalo de entrada saida: 0220 - 022F
Intervalo de entrada saida: 0330 - 0331
Intervalo de entrada saida: 0388 - 038B
IRQ : 10
DMA: 3
DMA: 10


Re: root via ssh / why su - ?

2001-05-27 Thread Alson van der Meulen
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:41:33PM +0200, Timo Blazko Boewing wrote:
 A silly theoretical question: in a ssh thread above, one got the answer *not*
 to enable root user access to a station, it would be better to use a limited
 user account and then gain access via su or that.
 What is the difference between that. Don't I have full admin rights with su?
 Or if I have, what is the difference? Is it cos a direct root login allows to
 exploit the sys due to some scripts that get autom. exec'd?
 I just want to knowcos thus I know why I do things that way :-)
if someone steals your root password, they have full control over your
box. with having remote root logins disabled they have to break in a
user account _and_ in the root account.

if you're really security minded you should use ssh keys instead of
passwords, since passwords can be easier stolen.

the advantage of ssh keys is that you need a key _and_ a passphrase to
break in

for more info, look at the freebsd security manpage (applies to linux

for simple, local servers this might be a bit overkill, so you prolly
can get away with only choosing good passwords for root and others
 Name:   Alson van der Meulen  
 Personal:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Say, What does Superblock Error mean, anyhow?

Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Andrew Suffield
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:15:12AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
 It's just a constant frustration for me that to use the (most
 excellent) apt/dpkg system, I have to stay two years out of date.

Why? Pull the debianised source from testing/unstable and build a deb from
it against your system. Just be warned that any code more recent than that
which is in potato might not be stable.

  There's no reason why it *shouldn't* install in potato (and slink, and...),
  except the maintainers.

Actually, the release manager. Who is doing what he's supposed to do, ie: not
allow any non-essential updates to stable.

Andrew Suffield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK

Description: PGP signature

chrony vs. cron

2001-05-27 Thread Henrik Grotjahn

this week I installes chroony on my box. Today I got a message from
the cron-deamon:

| Subject: Anacron job 'cron.weekly'
| /etc/cron.weekly/chrony:
| awk: cannot open /etc/chrony/chrony.keys (No such file or directory)
| run-parts: /etc/cron.weekly/chrony exited with return code 2

the script looks like this:

,[ /etc/cron.weekly/chrony ]
| #!/bin/sh
| # Log rotation script for chrony John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| # This script is published under the same license as chrony.
| set -e
| [ -d /var/log/chrony/. ] || exit 0
| [ -x /usr/sbin/chronyd ] || exit 0
| umask 022
| cd /var/log/chrony
| [ `ls -1A *.log 2/dev/null` ] || exit 0
| for FILE in *.log
| do
| savelog -c 7 $FILE  /dev/null
| done
| PASSWORD=`awk '$1 ~ /^1$/ {print $2; exit}' /etc/chrony/chrony.keys`
| cat  EOF | /usr/bin/chronyc | sed '/^200 OK$/d'
| password $PASSWORD
| cyclelogs
| exit 0

my System is Debian testing. Do I need chrony.keys? What should it
look like? And where can I get it?



GnuPG-Key now available on public keyservers  -  http://www.gnupg.org/

ximian 1.4 and woody

2001-05-27 Thread vester


my system is debian testing/unstable and i'd still like to use ximian
1.4...any experiences?

i mean it's working, more or less...i basically added the ximian server to
my sources list and apt-get installed the packages. results: gnome is
working as far as i can tell, with the following exceptions:

-red carpet depends on packages usermode, which depends on two packages
which don't seem to be available for woody, so i got them from potato
instead. but when i try to start red-carpet (after the query for the root
password pops up as usual) i get a segmentation fault...so, no red-carpet!

-there is this general problem that the package libgnomeprint11 won't
install because apparently it doesn't want to overwrite some files that
have already been provided by libgnomeprint-bin -- because of the arising
dependency issues nautilus, gnumeric and abiword won't install either! any
ideas there?

well, those are my main problems basically. any ideas on how to fix them?

thanks all!


The following packages have been kept back

2001-05-27 Thread matlads

Hi everyone,

I tried  to move from stable to testing yesterday. I edited my sources.list
and changed all occurances of 'stable' to 'testing'. I then run  the
 fot2:~#apt-get update
 fot2:~#apt-get dist-upgrade

It upgraded only a few of the packages and 'kept' back the rest.

i rerun the above commands, to see if I could get the rest to also be
upgraded and I got the following output:

 fot2:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
 Reading Package Lists... Done
 Building Dependency Tree... Done
 Calculating Upgrade... Done
 The following packages have been kept back
   aalib1 abbrowser adduser ae aktion alien apache apache-common apt apt-move
   base-config base-passwd bash bc bin86 bind binutils bison bsdmainutils
   bsdutils bzip2 console-data console-tools console-tools-libs cpio cpp cron
   dc debconf debhelper debianutils dlint dnsutils dosemu dpkg dpkg-dev dwww
   e2fsprogs ed eject elvis-tiny esound exim fdutils fetchmail fetchmailconf
   file fileutils findutils finger fingerd fortune-mod freetype2 gnupg
   kdebase-crypto kdelibs3-crypto libssl09 lynx-ssl openssl postgresql
   postgresql-client ssh
 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 62 not upgraded.

What is going on, and why can't apt-get upgrade the remaining 62 packages?
How do I get it to upgrade them?

$file /usr/bin/file
/usr/bin/file: unknown file type (edit /etc/magic, or read magic(5))

Re: root via ssh / why su - ?

2001-05-27 Thread ktb
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:39:54PM +0200, Timo Blazko Boewing wrote:
 A silly theoretical question: in a ssh thread above, one got the answer *not* 
 to enable root user access to a station, it would be better to use a limited 
 user account and then gain access via su or that.
 What is the difference between that. Don't I have full admin rights with su?
 Or if I have, what is the difference? Is it cos a direct root login allows to 
 exploit the sys due to some scripts that get autom. exec'd?
 I just want to knowcos thus I know why I do things that way :-)

I think you have it.  You don't want untrusted people to login in as root.
To limit sshd to non root accounts makes someone have to work harder to
gain root access.  

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

kernel, 2.4.5, and, Lite-On, LNE100TX, NIC

2001-05-27 Thread Damon Muller
Hi folks,

This is a little OT for this list, but I thought I'd ask around here
before annoying the kernel gods on the kernel list.

At the moment I'm running 2.4.3-ac7 with no real problems. I have an
ethernet card which identifies itself thusly to lspci

00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Lite-On Communications Inc LNE100TX (rev

This uses dhcpcd to get an IP address to connect to the outside world. I
also have another NIC, which also uses the tulip chipset (as does the
one above) to connect to my local lan.

I tried upgrading to both 2.4.5 and 2.4.5-ac1 last night, and with both
of these kernels, my NIC was unable to connect to the dhcp server to get
an ip address. If I rebooted back into the 2.4.3-ac7 kernel, it works
fine again. The other NIC works fine, regardless.

Is there anyone else here who is having problems with that kernel and
that NIC? I haven't yet established whether it's the card or dhcpcd or a
combination of both, unfortunately. Any advice on how to further
diagnose the possible problem? Any other info that would be helpful?



Damon Muller   | Homicide is, no matter what else it might
Department of Criminology  | be, a social relationship. 
University of Melbourne|   -- Paul Bonnana

Re: php4

2001-05-27 Thread Colin Watson
Brian Dunnette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 07:27:41PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
 Wayne Sitton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed php4 from dselect.  I checked the apache httpd.conf, and
 uncommented the php4 loadmodule.  But, When I go to the website It still
 tries to open a 'save as' dialog box.  What am I forgetting?
 Is there anything in your web server's error log?

Having the same problem using testing... could it be because the php4
package requires an earlier version (1.3.9) of apache-common than the
one I have installed?

That sounds like a very plausible reason why it won't work. Versions in
dependencies are usually there for a reason.

And, on a related question, why is php4 in stable, but not in testing???

php4 has had problems getting into testing for a long time now, mainly
because it and other Apache-related packages all have to be in sync with
the current version of Apache before any of them can be moved into
testing. This will be fixed before release (at least, it had better be).

testing has gone a bit weird over the last day, mind you. Most of it
seems to be fixed now ...


Re: apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade hassels

2001-05-27 Thread Colin Watson
jeroen@valcke.com wrote:
And when I apt-get dist-upgrade
Tomsk:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Calculating Upgrade... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  libguile6 libqt2.2 netkit-rpc opera perl-5.004 perl-5.004-base
perl-5.004-suid pnmtopng snmp snmpd 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  bonobo communicator-base-477 communicator-smotif-477 console-common
following packages have been kept back communicator debian-policy pan 
254 packages upgraded, 32 newly installed, 10 to remove and 3 not
Need to get 115MB/132MB of archives. After unpacking 34.3MB will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] n

Which I abort since I don't really trust it, Perl is listed among the
packages to be removed. I have had bad experience with the perl package
being removed.

Er, perl-5.004? That's ancient, go ahead and remove it as long as some
other perl is still there (which I imagine it is). Most of the others
have been superseded; dunno about snmp and snmpd.

Also When is it appropriate to just apt-get upgrade and when to apt-get

apt-get(8) says:

  dist-upgrade, in addition to performing  the  func­
  tion  of upgrade, also intelligently handles chang­
  ing dependencies with  new  versions  of  packages;
  apt-get  has  a smart conflict resolution system,
  and it will attempt to upgrade the  most  important
  packages  at  the expense of less important ones if
  necessary.  The /etc/apt/sources.list file contains
  a  list of locations from which to retrieve desired
  package files.

It's appropriate from one release of the distribution to another, and it
may well be appropriate from time to time while running unstable.

If you don't feel confident interpreting what apt-get tells you, perhaps
you should use dselect or one of the apt frontends, as they'll give you
more details.


Re: Obsolete packages?

2001-05-27 Thread Colin Watson
I run debian testing and I was looking under the obsolete and locally created 
packages in aptitude, and it appears that a lot of packages I use have been 
obsoleted. These include kdebase, all the X packages, and a few others. So i 
went to the debian website, and checked to make sure and sure enough, they no 
longer apear in the package listings. The list of X11 packages has gotten 
especially shorter. Anyone know why this has happened?

testing broke yesterday. It should be mostly fixed when the mirrors
update today.


Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread mdevin
Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
having to view it through the web browser when connected to the

I want something that you can use fetchmail or something similar to
download the mail with.  Is there any that allow this?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Testing/Woody

2001-05-27 Thread Colin Watson
Simon Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The  package  lists  I  download  for the  Testing  distribution  from
http.us.debian.org, and  the mirrors that  I've tried, do  not contain
any of the packages whose names start after f something.  This results
the package  'apt' appearing in the  list, but the  package 'grep' not
appearing in  the list and therefore 'dselect'  declaring my installed
version as 'obsolete'.

Can someone please fix the problem and rebuild the packages list?

The ftpmasters already know about it, and it's being fixed. debian-user
is probably not the best place to ask for this sort of thing to be
fixed, though ...


Re: potato udma100

2001-05-27 Thread ktb
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 09:48:15AM +0200, Sebastian Ezequiel Ovide wrote:
 hi, can someone splain me how can i install a potato on a new machine
 width udma100 ?

If your motherboard supports udma100 directly then you might want to try
installing with cd #4 or use the udma66 boot disk (floppy).
Hopefully that will get you installed and from there you can upgrade
(compile udma100 support into kernel) your system to udma100.

If you have a promise card, attach your hard drive directly to the
motherboard, install and then compile support into your kernel for
udma100, change your /etc/fstab to reflect the change, put the promise card in 
and reboot.  The link below gives information on upgrading to kernel


 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread ktb
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:47:22PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
 download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
 having to view it through the web browser when connected to the
 I want something that you can use fetchmail or something similar to
 download the mail with.  Is there any that allow this?

How about doing it the other way around, access your isp's email account 
with a free email account?

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread vester

try www.crosswinds.net -- i think they offer a free pop3 account...

On Sun, 27 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
 download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
 having to view it through the web browser when connected to the
 I want something that you can use fetchmail or something similar to
 download the mail with.  Is there any that allow this?
 Thanks in advance.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Upgrading to Testing (was: Re: Ive been getting scanned...)

2001-05-27 Thread Marc Shapiro
What are the proper lines to put in /etc/apt/sources.list to upgrade
from stable to testing?  I seem to recal someone on the list saying to
replace the lines for stable with:

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free

but this will also get packages from unstable, which I would prefer not
to do at this time.  If I do make these changes and do an 'apt-get
update/upgrade' then apt wants to upgrade 188 packages on my box, add 40
some packages and delete 11 packages.  If I only have the line for
testing in my sources.list then 'upgrade' only wants to change 7
packages and 'dist-upgrade' also updates only 7 packages and wants to
delete 3 others.  There is much that simply does not exist in testing
that is in stable and unstable.  I thought that testing was a complete
set of packages, but this does not seem to be the case.  Can anyone
explain exactly the way packages flow through the system, including when
a new release becomes stable?

 If you don't want to be running year-old software (with the latest security
 fixes backported), switch over to testing instead.  It's both pretty solid
 and pretty recent.  But if you want/need the absolute reliability of stable,
 that takes time.  If it takes a year to produce that stability, then the code
 will be a year old when it's released and, short of spending lots of money to
 buy testing and bugfixing time, there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Marc Shapiro If you drink melomel every day,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]you will live to be 150 years old,
Please visit The Meadery at:   unless your wife shoots you.
http://www.bigfoot.com/~m_shapiro/   -- Dr. Ferenc Androczi, winemaker,
 Little Hungary Farm Winery

Re: What's the current best printing arrangement? (HP P1000)

2001-05-27 Thread Stuart Krivis
I found that Mandrake offers an rpm of drivers for CUPS that works rather 
well on Debian too.

The quality of the drivers varies from printer to printer. An HP 8000 was 
supported very well, while a Lexmark Rn+ showed poor results.

I went back to lprng and magicfilter, but I generally only print to one 
printer and it's postscript capable.

--On Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:27 PM -0400 Peter S Galbraith 

I wrote:

I've been using a combination of magicfilter and lpr (and now
lprng), for a long time to print to inkjet printers.  Today I
tried a new HP photosmart P1000 printer at work and searched for
the best way to make it work.

Using magicfilter from testing/unstable, I pick the dj550c filter
but it appears to use 300 dpi.

A quick google search yields an entry at www.linuxprinting.org


They say to use the cdj550 ghostscript driver at 600x600.
Selecting the cdj550 links brings us to a configuration tools
with options for PDQ-O-Matic, CUPS-O-Matic, LPD-O-Matic.

I suppose this means the Debian-compatible method of using this
is to install cupsomatic-ppd, cupsys and cupsys-client?  This
wants to remove lprng and I'll have to learn everything.  Is it
worth it?

I thought I'd check it out.  Man, my skill level must be much
lower than what is expected for these packages...

- I installed cupsomatic-ppd, cupsys and cupsys-client.  It
  looked like installing my own ppd file wasn't required because
  it was already in /usr/share/cups/model/

- I searched for how to setup the printer:
   /README.Debian.gz says:

After installation, CUPS is pretty close to being ready to go.  The
last step is to add administrative access; the lpadmin group has
been created and granted administrative rights to CUPS.  You may need
to add users to this group in order to add printers, modify settings,

   Well, that doesn't tell me what to do.

- I looked up http://localhost/doc/cupsys but got only broken

- cd /usr/doc/cupsys/ and find documentation.html and click on

  It tells me I can setup a printer via http://localhost:631/admin

  Now I know what to do!  (But it wasn't obvious!)

So I configured it and ran a test page.  Works.  I then printed a
colour graph I had just printed using lprng+magicfilter, and the
results are darker and muddier.  :-(


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread Phillip Deackes
On Sun, 27 May 2001 23:47:22 +1000

 Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
 download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
 having to view it through the web browser when connected to the
 I want something that you can use fetchmail or something similar to
 download the mail with.  Is there any that allow this?

Yes. I use GMX which offers a POP3 mailbox and SMTP send facility as well
as web-based email. I use fetchmail to get my mail directly from GMX.

GMX is a German company based in Munich. The service is free. have a look
at www.gmx.co.uk.

Phillip Deackes
Using Progeny Debian Linux

Re: Upgrading to Testing (was: Re: Ive been getting scanned...)

2001-05-27 Thread ktb
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 06:07:24AM -0400, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 What are the proper lines to put in /etc/apt/sources.list to upgrade
 from stable to testing?  I seem to recal someone on the list saying to
 replace the lines for stable with:
 deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
 deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
 but this will also get packages from unstable, which I would prefer not
 to do at this time.  If I do make these changes and do an 'apt-get
 update/upgrade' then apt wants to upgrade 188 packages on my box, add 40
 some packages and delete 11 packages.  If I only have the line for
 testing in my sources.list then 'upgrade' only wants to change 7
 packages and 'dist-upgrade' also updates only 7 packages and wants to
 delete 3 others.  There is much that simply does not exist in testing
 that is in stable and unstable.  I thought that testing was a complete
 set of packages, but this does not seem to be the case.  Can anyone
 explain exactly the way packages flow through the system, including when
 a new release becomes stable?

You really could have started another string here.  Anyway your
questions are answered at -

 From seeing and seeing the seeing has become so exhausted
 First line of The Panther - R. M. Rilke

Re: Netscape memory leak in debian?

2001-05-27 Thread Mario Vukelic
On 27 May 2001 13:09:42 +0200, Mirek Kwasniak wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:55:13AM +0200, Mario Vukelic wrote:
  On 27 May 2001 19:05:41 +1000, Steve Kieu wrote:
   Has ony one noticed that when you exit Communicator
   4.77 if you select File / Exit; then go to the console
   type top
  Everybody noticed this and a lot more. Most people wrote a script
  'kill -9 netscape; rm -f ~/.netscape/lock' for this.
 I suggested to use kill -12, netscape closes nicely bookmarks, history, ...

Yeah, you're right. Try that first. But still, sometimes only -9 is good
enough for netscape


I did not vote for the Austrian government

Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread matlads
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:47:22PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
 download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
 having to view it through the web browser when connected to the

Try www.myrealbox.com

$file /usr/bin/file
/usr/bin/file: unknown file type (edit /etc/magic, or read magic(5))

Mouse didn't install

2001-05-27 Thread Rafael Sasaki
  thanks to all who helped me with the instalation. It was ok, very smooth.

  but i`m still having a problem. My mouse wasn`t installed and i can`t find
any HOWTO or any guide about it. How can i install my mouse. It is a
Microsoft Intellimouse PS/2.

  Rafael Sasaki

Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Carl Fink
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:20:14AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:

 If you don't want to be running year-old software (with the latest security
 fixes backported), switch over to testing instead. 

Bad news:  testing *is* year-old software.  By the time it's stable it'll be
two eyars old.

I plan to switch when it's frozen.
I-Con's Science and Technology Programming

Re: root via ssh / why su - ?

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:39:54PM +0200, Timo Blazko Boewing wrote:
 A silly theoretical question: in a ssh thread above, one got the answer *not* 
 to enable root user access to a station, it would be better to use a limited 
 user account and then gain access via su or that.
 What is the difference between that. Don't I have full admin rights with su?
 Or if I have, what is the difference? Is it cos a direct root login allows to 
 exploit the sys due to some scripts that get autom. exec'd?
 I just want to knowcos thus I know why I do things that way :-)

Two reasons come to mind:

1)  In order to gain remote root access, an attacker must first compromise a
user account to log in with.  Simply obtaining the root password is not

2)  It is possible (though not likely) that there may be a little-known
technique for sniffing the data sent while establishing an ssh connection.
If such a technique were to exist, disabling root logins would ensure that an
attacker using it would only get a user password while the root password
would remain secure.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread Paul Wright
On Sun, 27 May 2001 23:47:22 +1000, Mark wrote:

 Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
 download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
 having to view it through the web browser when connected to the
 I want something that you can use fetchmail or something similar to
 download the mail with.  Is there any that allow this?
 Thanks in advance.

I use gmx.net  http://gmx.net/ .  They also allow you to use them as 
your Smart Mailer using cram-md5 login.  I use masqmail to fetch my mail 
from my gmx.net and another account and send all mail out through gmx.

Works great for me, but they do require that you fill out a questionaire.  
No spam so far (three weeks)

-currently seeking employment-

Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: I've been getting scanned...
Date: Sat, May 26, 2001 at 09:18:46PM -0400

In reply to:Carl Fink

Quoting Carl Fink([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 06:08:59PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
  If this annoys you, take a trip into non-free and install portsentry:
 Presumably you meant into testing because it's not in stable.  You can't
 install the testing version in stable easily, either, because of dependency

How about from here

Any program that runs right is obsolete.

Re: I've been getting scanned...

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 10:59:47AM -0400, Carl Fink wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 12:20:14AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  If you don't want to be running year-old software (with the latest security
  fixes backported), switch over to testing instead. 
 Bad news:  testing *is* year-old software.  By the time it's stable it'll be
 two eyars old.

Unless I'm mistaken, testing is mostly software that hasn't changed in
unstable for two weeks.  Making an allowance for bursts of minor changes and
things being held back by dependencies and cross-package conflicts (which you
probably don't want on your system anyhow, which makes this a good thing,
IMO), most testing packages are within 1-2 months of unstable.

So, are you claiming that unstable is 10-11 months old?  (BTW, I just got
around to pulling kernel 2.4.4 out of testing...  I don't deny that there's
likely to be some year-old stuff in testing, but I doubt that it's the
majority and I know that a fair bit of unstable is more recent than that.)

Based on my observations of the (pre-testing) slink-potato changeover
and my understanding of how testing works, I would suspect that most of
woody's package aging en route to stable will be taking place in frozen,
not testing.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: The following packages have been kept back

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 03:16:55PM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is going on, and why can't apt-get upgrade the remaining 62 packages?
 How do I get it to upgrade them?

It doesn't want to automatically process them for some reason.  Explicitly
telling it to upgrade each package with `apt-get install package` will
cause apt to upgrade the package if it can or tell you why it can't.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: Free mail a/c that allows download of mail

2001-05-27 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 08:53:05AM -0500, ktb wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:47:22PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is there any free mail accounts (like hotmail etc.) that allow you to
  download your mail so that you can read it with mutt say?  Instead of
  having to view it through the web browser when connected to the

 How about doing it the other way around, access your isp's email account 
 with a free email account?

There are lots of reasons why this is, IMO, a less desirable solution, mostly
centering around the basic notion that, if the mail is on your machine, you
can access and filter it however you want instead of being tied to whatever
piece of drek interface the mail service provider gives you.  In this
particular case, I suspect (based on the when connected to the internet
comment above) that mdevin is on a dialup link and doesn't want to have to
bring the link up and tie up a phone line while reading mail over that slow

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.12:  GCS d? s+: a C++ UL$ P+ L+++ E- W--(++) N+
o+ !K w--- O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv+ b+ DI D G e* h r y+

Re: chrony vs. cron

2001-05-27 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: chrony vs. cron
Date: Sun, May 27, 2001 at 01:47:49PM +0200

In reply to:Henrik Grotjahn

Quoting Henrik Grotjahn([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 this week I installes chroony on my box. Today I got a message from
 the cron-deamon:
 my System is Debian testing. Do I need chrony.keys? What should it
 look like? And where can I get it?

VT1 root-2.2r3-prince:~# grep chrony.keys /usr/share/doc/chrony/*
/usr/share/doc/chrony/README.Debian: Created default /etc/chrony/chrony.conf, 
/usr/share/doc/chrony/README.Debian: installed in chrony.keys as key 1 (unless 
chrony.keys already has
/usr/share/doc/chrony/README.Debian: /etc/cron.weekly/chrony read key 1 from 
/etc/chrony/chrony.keys and use it
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:The Debian package puts a default key in 
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:create a file TT`/etc/chrony.keys'/TT 
containing a single line
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
/usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.html:keyfile /etc/chrony.keys

Information Center, n.:
  A room staffed by professional computer people whose job it is
  to tell you why you cannot have the information you require.

Re: Netscape memory leak in debian?

2001-05-27 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Netscape memory leak in debian?
Date: Sun, May 27, 2001 at 07:05:41PM +1000

In reply to:Steve Kieu

Quoting Steve Kieu([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Hi, every one.
 Has ony one noticed that when you exit Communicator
 4.77 if you select File / Exit; then go to the console
 type top
 There are still two or at least one communicator
 process running, takes up a lot of memory and does
 nothing!. I have to kill it with signal 9. It is a
 rule I bet that at least on my machine :-). But If you
 select File / Close and close untill the last netscape
 windows it doesn't usually happen like that.
 I got communicator installed from netscape and suspect
 that it may not be compatible, then I delete that and
 use apt-get to install from security.debian.org site;
 it is the same.
 I can not remember if it happened when I ran Netscape
 4.77 in Slack (I got that before) but may be not. I
 not sure this is debian specific or netscape itself ?
 what could cause it? how to fix it? any ideas pls ?

Install Navigator and remove Communicator.  It doesn't have that
problem here.
Office Automation, n.:
  The use of computers to improve efficiency by removing anyone
  you would want to talk with over coffee.

Re: Installing Potato with Promise RAID controller

2001-05-27 Thread Jonas Wolz
Now, after 4 hours of work, I've finally managed to install potato using the 
linux driver from Promise.
If someone is interested in the exact way I did it, I could provide a 


Am Samstag, 26. Mai 2001 18:55 schrieb Jonas Wolz:

 I'm trying to install Potato (2.2r2) on a box with two harddisks connected
 to a Promise PDC20265 controller in RAID 0 mode (the two harddisks appear
 like one, big harddisk).
 With the UDMA66 kernel, the system boots up fine, and it recognizes a disk
 connected to the controller as /dev/hde, but the kernel thinks that
 /dev/hde has only the size of _one_ disk, not the sizes of _both_ disks
 together. One effect of this is that the partition table is considered
 corrupt: The primary NTFS partition is considered to extend over the end of
 the drive and the logical NTFS and FAT partitions inside a extended
 partition (where the linux partitions should go, too) are not found.

 Has anybody a idea how to fix this, so that the correct size is recognized



apt-get dist-upgrade

2001-05-27 Thread Eddy Young
Hash: SHA1

Hi everyone,

When I execute 'apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade', nothing seems
to happen. apt-get reports back that the packages are up-to-date. I
am pretty sure that they are not because before it was asking me to
update some GNOME libraries and other packages (which I did not

Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour?


Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org


Re: Upgrading to Testing (was: Re: Ive been getting scanned...)

2001-05-27 Thread Paul Wright
On Sun, 27 May 2001 06:07:24 EDT, Marc wrote:

 What are the proper lines to put in /etc/apt/sources.list to upgrade
 from stable to testing?  I seem to recal someone on the list saying to
 replace the lines for stable with:
 deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free

That line is correct, leave unstable out of it, unless you want sid.

 but this will also get packages from unstable, which I would prefer not
 to do at this time.  If I do make these changes and do an 'apt-get
 update/upgrade' then apt wants to upgrade 188 packages on my box, add 40
 some packages and delete 11 packages.  If I only have the line for
 testing in my sources.list then 'upgrade' only wants to change 7
 packages and 'dist-upgrade' also updates only 7 packages and wants to
 delete 3 others.  There is much that simply does not exist in testing
 that is in stable and unstable.  I thought that testing was a complete
 set of packages, but this does not seem to be the case.  Can anyone
 explain exactly the way packages flow through the system, including when
 a new release becomes stable?

Testing is a bit screwy right now, but word is it should be fixed sometime 
soon. AFAIK, there's something wrong with the Packages file, but I could 
be wrong. 

I'd wait a day or so so they can get everything repaired.  Anyone know 
more or more accurate info?

-currently seeking employment-

Re: The following packages have been kept back

2001-05-27 Thread matlads
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 10:16:45AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
 On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 03:16:55PM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What is going on, and why can't apt-get upgrade the remaining 62 packages?
  How do I get it to upgrade them?
 It doesn't want to automatically process them for some reason.  Explicitly
 telling it to upgrade each package with `apt-get install package` will
 cause apt to upgrade the package if it can or tell you why it can't.

Thanx Dave for writing back.

I run apt-get with the first package that was listed in the 'kept back' list


Script started on Sun May 27 18:59:47 2001
fot2:~# apt-get install aalib1
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  aalib1: Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.2-2) but 2.1.3-18 is to be installed
  Depends: xlibs (= 4.0.1-11) but it is not installable
E: Sorry, broken packages
fot2:~# exit

Script done on Sun May 27 18:59:50 2001


Actually running apt-get install on any of the 'kept back' packages gets me
an error message with 'Depends: libc6' in it. (or a depends on a package(s)
that depends on libc6).

So I figure that I need to somehow upgrade my libc6 to  2.2.2-2. But
apt-get says that '2.1.3-18 is to be installed' !?

How do I get it to upgrade my libc6?

$file /usr/bin/file
/usr/bin/file: unknown file type (edit /etc/magic, or read magic(5))

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