Re: ODF 1.3 development

2024-07-17 Thread Regina Henschel


Pedro Lino schrieb am 17.07.2024 um 13:13:

Hi Bidouille

On 07/17/2024 7:32 AM WEST Bidouille  wrote:

Microsoft seems to be engage to support ODF 1.4
Shouldn't we take the plunge and jump directly in 1.4?

The short answer would be yes. But we need someone with the skills and the time 
to do it...

That is the key problem.

Regarding the MS move, I find it odd that they are implementing a version that 
has not been released...

That is the Beta-version of MS Office. LibreOffice also supports 
features of the upcoming ODF 1.4, only LibreOffice has not yet changed 
the master branch to ODF 1.4.

The current state of ODF 1.4 is on

ODF 1.3 is on

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Re: XML namespace URLs

2024-06-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Arrigo,

notice the sentence
"In general, however, users should assume that the namespace URI is 
simply a name, not the address of a document on the Web."


So no, we do not need to provide any web page for a namespace name.

Kind regards,

Arrigo Marchiori schrieb am 03.06.2024 um 21:48:

Dear All,

OpenDocument files contain a lot of XML namespace URI's.

For example, an empty ODT file's content.xml contains among others:

  - xmlns:xlink="";
  - xmlns:dc="";
  - xmlns:math="";
  - ...

and some namespace URL's point to our web site:

  - xmlns:ooo="";
  - xmlns:oooc="";
  - xmlns:rpt="";
  - ...and more.

All the URL's seem to point to valid pages... except for the ones
pointing to

You can verify for yourself, that the above three URL's take to a 404
"not found" error page.

I believe we have to fix this... and it should not be hard to prepare
a "patch" our openoffice-org project.

But what documents shall be available at those URL's?

Best regards,

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Re: Problem with RTFSprms::equals() method in RTF import

2024-01-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Regina Henschel schrieb am 15.01.2024 um 15:19:

Hi Miklos, hi all,

sorry, wrong list.

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Problem with RTFSprms::equals() method in RTF import

2024-01-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Miklos, hi all,

I see a problem with the RTFSprms::equals() method. The problem is 
described in Bug 158950 - Paste as Rich Text Format loses character 
color and paragraph alignment from styles

Miklos, as far as I see you have implemented the RTF import. Could you 
please have a look at that problem and comment?

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doc file made Word hang

2023-07-25 Thread Regina Henschel
I was told by an employee of Microsoft, that OpenOffice produces a file 
which made Word hang. Word deals with the hang in the meantime, 
nevertheless OpenOffice should not produce such file. The problem in the 
doc file was described to me as:

Word expects that every character of text in the document has some 
record of character level formatting in plcbteChpx as detailed in the 
DOC file spec here: 
 Unfortunately, the plcbteChpx ends a few characters shy of the end of 
the document, leaving the final paragraph marker without any data, 
possibly the section mark character as well.

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Re: Future - Digital Signatures

2021-09-29 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dave,

Dave Fisher schrieb am 30.09.2021 um 00:11:

This document was not signed using the ODF 1.2 or 1.3 specification. Instead LO 
implements its own extension.


Which version of LibreOffice? For ODF 1.3 you need LibreOffice 7.0, some 
additions are in 7.1 and 7.2.

This replaces X509Data when PGP signing is done in LO. I wonder if we can 
implement this without looking at their code.

I don't know whether signatures use the same as OpenPGP encryption. But 
Thorsten Behrens told me, that LibreOffice uses the gpgme library and 
that it needs to be included in the distribution at least on Windows and 
Mac. But gpgme has LGPLv2+ license. So I think, use of LibreOffice's 
solution is not possible for Apache OpenOffice.

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Re: New Challange ODF 1.3 is out

2020-02-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Rory,

Rory O'Farrell schrieb am 09-Feb-20 um 17:29:

Is there a document from Oasis giving a synopsis of the changes from 1.2 to 
1.3?  This would give an  idea of how much work was involved in the transition 
from 1.2.

No, such synopsis does not exist. The committee candidate has an 
appendix which lists the issues, which were incorporated, and the relax 
schema has comments at the element/attributes by which issue they are 

Besides a lot of errata and clearing precedency of attributes and 
clearing corner cases, I see these new things in ODF 1.3 for example:

several changes and additions in number formats
several additions to charts, e.g new kind of interpolation and of 
regression curve

additional print option in Calc
PGP encryption

Example of things implemented in AOO and now in ODF 1.3:
attribute table:tab-color (Calc)
element chart:coordinate-region

You can compare the namespaces actually written by AOO with the 
namespaces listed in the ODF 1.3 specification candidate. Then you look 
in the core to which elements and attributes such own namespace is 
written. Then you take that element or attribute and look in the 
appendix of the ODF 1.3 specification, whether it is affected.

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Re: New Challange ODF 1.3 is out

2020-02-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jörg,

Jörg Schmidt schrieb am 09-Feb-20 um 12:28:



I myself have been following the development of ODF from the very beginning and 
I have to underline what you write, or rather I have to take a critical look at 
the approach of the TDF, because:

In terms of a free, uniform format for office documents and the declared 
intention to formulate this standard as an ISO standard, it is regularly 
counterproductive for LO to deviate from this and implement OASIS standard.

No, it is the only way to go. ISO itself does not develop standards by 
itself. The standards are developed somewhere else and then they are 
submitted to ISO. Only after ODF 1.3 is an approved OASIS standard, we 
can go the next step to ISO.

However, we should keep in mind that the behaviour of the TDF is not optimal as 
far as the interests of the sum of all users are concerned.

Without the help of TDF we would not have got the COSM project and ODF 
1.3 would be far away from becoming a standard.

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2019-10-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

there will be again a developer room "Open Document Editors". The call 
for participation is announced. Find details in

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Missing chapters in Developer's Guide in Wiki

2019-01-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

start with

In the TOC on the right side click on "Grouping, Combining and Binding"

The result is an empty page.
Missing too:
Rotating and Shearing
General Drawing Properties
Shape Types
Overall Document Features

and possible others. I have not tested all.

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Re: Possible Formula Bug in Calc? (IsError and Find)

2017-04-11 Thread Regina Henschel


The purpose of FIND is to get the position of a substring in a longer 
string. What do you want to achieve? The use of FIND in an array 
function looks strange.

Kind regards

ouch schrieb:

I have an array formula that is returning an error of #VALUE when it 
shouldn't.The formula is below.
{=ISERROR(INDEX($'Sales 4-10-2017'.$A$1:$A$1000;SMALL(IF(ISERROR(FIND("Discount";$'Sales 
4-10-2017'.$A$1:$A$1000))=0;ROW($'Sales 4-10-2017'.$A$1:$A$1000);"");ROW(A200}

Digging into it, it seems Find is culprit of the #Value error. However that 
initial iserror is not catching the error and the error propagates throughout 
the formula even overriding the error #504 on index caused by the Find function 
resulting in an invalid row being returned due to the error.
I put that final iserror around the index function just to show that something 
is not right. The formula still returns #VALUE with that on there when it 
obviously should be returning either true or false regardless of what the rest 
of the formula is doing.
What is strange is if you move the cursor through the formula in the function 
wizard it gets the expected results of true or false. But on the actual 
spreadsheet you get that #VALUE error.
Oh, I just tried switching out Find for Search and the same thing occurs. So 
maybe it's a bug in iserror as it's the only constant?

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Re: [VOTE] Recommend Marcus Lange (marcus) as the New Vice President for Apache OpenOffice

2016-09-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb:

[BCC to PMC]

 RESOLUTION: That Marcus Lange (marcus) be recommended to the
 Apache Software Foundation Board to serve as Vice President
 for Apache OpenOffice.

The Vice President for Apache OpenOffice serves in accordance with and subject 
to the direction of the Board of Directors and the Bylaws of the Foundation.  
The Vice President for Apache OpenOffice is the Chair of the OpenOffice Project 
Management Committee.

Please vote by reply to this dev@-list thread on approval of the resolution.

  [X ] +1 Approve
  [  ]  0 Abstain
  [  ] -1 Disapprove, with explanation

Regina Henschel

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Re: A Complaint

2016-02-07 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi J. Myers,

J. Myers schrieb:

  I installed the Open Office 4.1 thinking I was doing a good thing ---
just adding a processing program that was cheaper than Word.

OpenOffice is not a clone of Word and does not intend to be a clone of Word.


I regret it and I am more than angry.  I am furious.  Before loading
Open Office 4.1, I had and was using Star Writer (from Sun).  I was
using that particular program because it let me do things "outside
the box".

Go back to the recovery point set by your operating system. If Star 
Writer does not work out-of-the-box then, use the "repair" feature or 
the StarWriter installation. And as you have bought it, you should have 
got a CD, and therefore you can install it again.

If you have a lot of .sdw files, then the version 4.1 of OpenOffice is 
not suitable for you. Use a portable version of OpenOffice 3.4. That 
does not make any changes to your computer and it is able to read and 
write .sdw files. The support of .sdw files has been removed in 
OpenOffice 4.

If you will have a look at new features of OpenOffice 4.1 without making 
changes to the registry of your operating system, then you can do an 
"administrative" installation of the OpenOffice.

For using a recovery point, read the help of your operating system or 
ask a user group according your OS. If you need help in doing things 
with OpenOffice, we will try to assist you. Please write, which 
operating system do you use, and what do you want to achieve. Perhaps 
before you actual do it?

   I am a writer and I had hundreds of manuscript pages stored
onto my computer.  In addition to that there were many records
and account pages stored in Star Writer.  I don't use a template
for my account pages.  I do my own so that I can get more on
one page.  Some of my documents were written  for children's
books and did not fit any normal template because the words
went around some of the illustrations. Not any more.  I will need
to make corrections on hundreds of documents and that will take
me many hours and many days.

The installation of OpenOffice does not change anything in that files 
unless you save and therefore you overwrite the files. You can still 
read and edit the files with StarWriter.

  When I installed Open Office  my Star Writer program completely
disappeared out of my computer.

What makes you thing so? I bet, it is still there in folder program and 
you can still use it. Only some connection between file name extension 
and application might have changed.

  Who gave you the right to destroy

my property that I paid for?  And when I called up my records,
they had gone crazy. The lines and numbers were scattered all over
to fit some Open Office template, I presume.  What was one page is
now 5 pages and all my formatting is gone.

  To describe my emotions toward Open Office as RAGE is putting it
mildly.  The Open Office 3.1 tolerated Star Writer.  I had installed
both and used both.  Why did you change it?  Why is Open Office 4.1 so
intolerant and oppressive?  Also, why can't Open Office offer the

It does. If you need help in doing an "administrative" installation, 
then ask here or in a forum.

  People like me

who have their own ideas should be able to work outside the box
if they want to, but still be able to forward the program or store the
program as an Open Office document.

Calm done. We can surely help you, to get a satisfying working environment.

Kind regards

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Re: Building on Windows

2016-02-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patricia,

Patricia Shanahan schrieb:

My build finished!

The next problem is to run it. I have hit two problems, one minor. The
minor problem is that
has incorrect paths using "OpenOffice" rather than "Apache_OpenOffice".

The more serious problem is that there does not seem to be a zip file
for running without actually installing.

You are right, there is only the folder en-US (or your preferred 
language) in instset-native/wntmsci12/Apache_OpenOffice. You can use the 
setup or the msi-file to make an administrative installation.

When you have got the installation, then when you made changes, then it 
is enough to drop those files from solver/420/wntmsci12/bin into your 
installation, which have changed. Most times that are only a few dlls.

LibreOffice generates a folder with an immediately executable 
soffice.exe. So there might exist a configure switch for that in Apache 
OpenOffice too, but I don't know.

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Re: Building on Windows

2016-02-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patricia,

Patricia Shanahan schrieb:

I think maybe I need to clean up and start again. What is the best way
to clean, short of doing a fresh checkout?

I remove the output-tree manually

Starting in main:
find . -maxdepth 2 -name "wntmsci12*" | xargs rm -rf

In addition delete wntmsci12* from folder solver.

In addition delete wntmsci12* from folders in ext_libraries

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Re: Building on Windows

2016-02-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patricia,

I had sometimes curious build breaks because of parallelism and virus 
scan. So please try to make a build without any parallelism and disable 
virus scan. Additional benefit: without parallelism, the log tells you 
the actual module order.

Kind regards

Patricia Shanahan schrieb:

Yes, there is certainly stuff to investigate. My latest failure is:

/usr/bin/cp: missing destination file operand after

Try '/usr/bin/cp --help' for more information.
C:/OpenOfficeDev/Trunk/main/solenv/gbuild/ recipe
for target
make: ***
Error 1
dmake:  Error code 2, while making 'all'

1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making

When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build
by running:

 build --all:xmloff

On 2/3/2016 3:33 AM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

main/oox/prj/build.lst already lists xmlscript as a dependency, so
should have built it before starting to build oox. Something must be very
wrong for it not to.

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:

Yes, thanks. At least, it gets past oox.

So one trick for a missing file is to explicitly build and deliver in
directory the file should have come from.

Later, I may do a new build from a clean check-out, and try to
anomalies. Right now, my objective is to just get it built.

On 2/3/2016 3:19 AM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

That is strange. Does it work if you first do "build" and "deliver" in

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Patricia Shanahan  wrote:

I am now getting to:

Compiling: oox/source/ole/vbacontrol.cxx
C:/OpenOfficeDev/Trunk/main/oox/source/ole/vbacontrol.cxx(34) : fatal
error C1083: Cannot open include file:
'xmlscript/xmldlg_imexp.hxx': No
such file or directory
dmake:  Error code 2, while making '../../

1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making

On 2/2/2016 9:33 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

python had apparently not been built. I don't know why. I was able to

get the build going again with "build --all:python".

It is now making progress, but from time-to-time I get this sort of


c:/OpenOfficeDev/Trunk/main/svl/source/numbers/zformat.cxx(25) :
error C1859:

unexpected precompiled header error, simply rerunning the compiler
fix this problem
recipe for
make: ***
Error 2
dmake:  Error code 2, while making 'all'

1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt


ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making

When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the
by running:

   build --all:svl

The build system knows the failure is potentially retriable. It
tells me
exactly what to type to do the retry. WHY can't it just retry itself,
without needing my fingers on the keyboard?

On 2/2/2016 8:10 AM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

OpenGrok looks and sounds like something I should learn about.

I think my next step is to look into the state of python. Matters
have been complicated because I did a "dmake clean" after
changing my
configure parameters to use a 32 bit JDK, before continuing the
from configure on.

There may be a pause - I have some non-programming stuff to do today
tomorrow morning.

Thanks for all the help. Posting immediately on hitting a problem is
definitely getting faster progress than when I tried to puzzle
out for myself first.

On 2/2/2016 6:39 AM, Damjan Jovanovic wrote:

OpenGrok[1] tells me the file is in main/python;

building it would get delivered to main/solver/... and found by
python not build before pyuno did? pyuno/prj/build.lst lists a
on python when PYTHON is defined[2]:

bgpupyuno   :   stoc cpputools cppuhelper bridges tools

but earlier you posted your config.log which had this in it:


and I am not sure whether that's enough. If the problem is that the

Re: Building on Windows

2016-02-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patricia,

Patricia Shanahan schrieb:

Now I'm stuck. I got through configure, with warnings.

Can you please be more specific about the warnings?

Are you sure, you start building in instsetoo_native ?

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Re: Building on Windows

2016-01-31 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patricia,

Patricia Shanahan schrieb:

On 1/30/2016 3:45 PM, Patricia Shanahan wrote:

Step: Optional: Get dbghelp.dll (for using the --enable-dbgutil
configure option)

This step contains the first mention of MS Visual Studio, but seems to
assume it is already installed. I do have a version of it installed, but
not the file dbghelp.dll.

Which version of MS Visual Studio do you have?

The link in our instructions goes to

And there you see
"To obtain the latest version of DbgHelp.dll, go to and 
download Debugging Tools for Windows."

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Re: Building on Windows

2016-01-31 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patricia,

please follow the link 
in addition. At top of the page is a list with download links and 
further explanation.

Patricia Shanahan schrieb:

After a busy couple of months, I am back to trying to build AOO on
Windows 8.1. I am following,
which seems to be the most up-to-date and relevant guide.

This time, rather than let myself get frustrated, I am going to document
any problems I hit as I go along.

Step: "Install Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework
3.5. SP1 (recommend by Microsoft)"

I did not see any option to download "setup.exe". The general download
button got me a file called "winsdk_web.exe", which I have run with
default settings.

I had used the iso-image so cannot say for true. Have you run the 
webinstaller? After that there should be a setup.exe.

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Re: Close Page Preview from Code

2015-12-18 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Tengiz,

Tengiz Merabishvili schrieb:

Hello Regina,

I am using Java,

then someone else should help you. Perhaps you can ask in the forum? 
Using the dispatcher is nothing special.

Or have you already searched for dispatcher in the developer guide? Most 
examples are in Java there.

 trying it like that:

PropertyValue[] args = new PropertyValue[3];

 args[0] = new PropertyValue();
 args[0].Name = "DocName";
 args[0].Value =
 args[1] = new PropertyValue();
 args[1].Name = "Index";
 args[1].Value = 1;
 args[2] = new PropertyValue();
 args[2].Name = "Copy";
 args[2].Value = true;

 XDispatchProvider xTempDispatchProvider =
unoQuery(XDispatchProvider.class, xTempNewDocumentController.getFrame());
".uno:ClosePreview", "", 0, args);

But the executeDispatch call doesn't seem to be working correctly.

In Basic "args" is an empty array in case of ".uno:ClosePreview".

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Re: Close Page Preview from Code

2015-12-18 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Tengiz,

I can only tell you how to do it in Basic, and there it is exactly as I 
have posted. Which language do you want to use?

Kind regards

Tengiz Merabishvili schrieb:

Hello Regina,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I am having trouble creating a Uno service.
This is what I am trying to do:
XDispatch dispatcher =

But I get "cannot find symbol" error for createUnoService and do not know
which package it is included in.

Could you help me with that?


Best Regards,

Tengiz Merabishvili

FINA Ltd |   ORACLE   Gold Partner

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 12:41 PM, Regina Henschel 

Hi Tengiz,

Tengiz Merabishvili schrieb:

Hello, I have a small question about working with documents.

Is there a function that allows me to check if the document I am currently
working on is in Page Preview state, or a function that lets me 'Close
Preview' for that document?

I searched XModel and XController classes but was unable to find anything
like that.

You can use the dispatcher and the slots ".uno:PrintPreview" and
".uno:ClosePreview" as recorded.

for example:
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:PrintPreview", "", 0, Array())

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Re: Close Page Preview from Code

2015-12-18 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Tengiz,

Tengiz Merabishvili schrieb:

Hello, I have a small question about working with documents.

Is there a function that allows me to check if the document I am currently
working on is in Page Preview state, or a function that lets me 'Close
Preview' for that document?

I searched XModel and XController classes but was unable to find anything
like that.

You can use the dispatcher and the slots ".uno:PrintPreview" and 
".uno:ClosePreview" as recorded.

for example:
document   = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:PrintPreview", "", 0, Array())

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Re: Introducing my self and my goals.

2015-12-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Iraklis

all the standard parts are at

You will find it in odt and pdf file-format, and a zip-container with 
all of them too.

Kind regards

Ηρακλής Μουτίδης schrieb:

Dear Damjam,

I started to work on the Calc functions you sugested. But the link for the
ODF formula specification at does
not work.
Is there any other website where i can get information about the formulas?

Best regards,

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Re: Patch to add bit shift functions to calc

2015-11-27 Thread Regina Henschel



Can someone review this issue, it's not a very complex patch, should be a quick 

I have some concerns, but I'm no professional developer and someone else 
should comment:

Why introduce a member method ScBitShiftOps together with the methods 
ScBitLShift and ScBitRShift ? For me ScBitShiftOps looks like a local 
helper function.

ScNewFunc is used as identifier for those functions, which correspond 
directly to a ocNewFunc, ScBitShiftOps does not fit into this schema.

Validity test is done, if possible, directly in ScNewFunc, especially 
the parameter count is done there.

Why restrict input to 2^48? Type "double" comes with 52 bit accuracy, 
why not use it? The specification ODF says "at least 48 bits", only the 
behavior for more bits is implementation-defined. It is inconsistent to 
forbid input values above 2^48 but accept output values above 2^48.

What is
in ScInterpreter::ScBitShiftOps in sc/source/core/tool/interpr1.cxx ?

I have not tested it yet, but I guess
  (double) result
will produce a warning. See "unsigned_int64_to_double" in 
stoc/source/typeconv/convert.cxx. Do you have compiled it on Windows?

Kind regards

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Re: [PROPOSAL] Distribute only one source package

2015-11-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Andrea,

+1 for your idea of only one source package.

Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

Rory O'Farrell wrote:

On Sun, 8 Nov 2015 09:51:07 -0800 "Dennis E. Hamilton" wrote:

There is interesting discussion on this thread that devolves into
what compression to use as the single source-package case.

My reaction is that most (all?) linux/non-windows builders will be
happy with the proposed .bz2 compression.

Last time I had the occasion to see them, all normal file decompressors
for Windows (Winzip, WinRAR, 7-Zip) were able to extract a .tar.bz2

So, speculations aside, is there anyone who has a working stack for
building OpenOffice on Windows and feels it would be problematic to
extract a .tar.bz2 archive?

You need Cygwin and tar anyway. So there is no problem to extract a 
tar.bz2 archive.

For them we ought make available a package that opens in the default
Windows Archive Manager, whatever that is.

Do Windows developers really use Windows' built-in utilities for
unzipping? I really think that the minimal stack for building OpenOffice
on Windows includes some .tar.bz2-capable programs. We do download and
expand .tar.bz2 files as part of the build process, so it seems obvious
that this is not an issue for Windows developers, meaning that this is
covered by standard tooling.

Using a tool outside Cygwin is dangerous. Remember the file permission 
troubles I had when building 4.1.2. If we don't deliver a .zip archive, 
it is less likely, that someone uses a tool outside of Cygwin.

MY OFFER: I will happily produce a signed, Windows-acceptable Zip for
a source release, using an SVN working copy of the released branch
and version.

So long as we (as the project) vote on ONE single source package (the
.tar.bz2 one), I'm absolutely OK with you doing that. People who want to
distribute their own "unofficial" archive produced with their utility of
choice can do that. We can advertise it as a "convenience source
package" on and store it on This is entirely possible.

What we must avoid is that, in theory (since it practice it would be
interesting to know how many people do that), we ask people who vote on
a release to download 3 source packages, expand all of them (wasting
several GBytes of disk space) and ensure they are equivalent. If we have
one "canonical" source package, everybody knows what we are voting on.
Then we can have any number of "unofficial" archives in other formats.

Having only one official source package would make the work flow and the 
voting unambiguous. So I support it. I have no strong opinion whether to 
use .bz2 or .gz. They are both easily to handle with tar in Cygwin.

Kind regards

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Re: MSI installer

2015-11-02 Thread Regina Henschel


Daiddel Borges schrieb:

Any way to get an .msi installer for deployment purposes?


*Daiddel Borges*
*IT Services Manager, OMG National*
Tel: 800-789-4619 x 1134 |

When you have unpacked the downloaded file (break installation after 
unpacking), you will see openoffice412.msi. You can use it for a full 
installation where you want. It will unpack the *.cab and register 
OpenOffice unless you set something different using parameters.

When you have made an administrative installation, the folder on the 
server will have a openoffice412.msi too. A client can use it, to get 
its own installation.

The methods have not changed, so you can likely use guides, which were 
written for OOo3.x. But I have never done such deployment and therefore 
I cannot say whether e.g. 
is still valid, or whether such as 
really works.

Kind regards

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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] Release 4.1.2-RC3 as OpenOffice 4.1.2

2015-10-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dennis,

Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb:

-Original Message-
From: Jürgen Schmidt []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 10:04
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] Release 4.1.2-RC3 as OpenOffice 4.1.2

On 27/10/15 17:45, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Jürgen,

Jürgen Schmidt schrieb:

checked the build in the morning and en-US built was successful.


the fact that we have some issues on newer Linux distros (we ever


the src package is fine.

@Regina, I still have no ideas what the problem is in your env but


you can give one of the tar balls a try instead of the zip.

I have use apache-openoffice-4.1.2-r1709696-src.tar.gz now and


it in Cygwin. That source builds fine then. I have added a note to

not to use Windows tools for unpacking.

good that we figured out why it didn't worked with the zip but it is
strange. We can think about dropping the zip completely. Users have to
use cygwin anyway and probably have the tools in place already. I would
drop the zip src release in the future.


Regina, can you explain what Windows tool you mean?

Do you mean not using the default way that Windows will open/extract a .zip 

Yes. I remember that for Windows own unpack tool problems have been 
reported at OOo-times.

Do you mean that a Zip utility like WinZip or 7Zip should not be used?

Yes. I had used 7Zip and had got these strange access problems.

I assume the change you mean is where you use the Cygwin bash session and use 
tar to unpack the tar.bz2 source.  Is that correct?

Yes. I have now unpacked it inside Cygwin, using "tar xvzf 

(Or has the change not been pushed yet?)

I have put my comment into section "Source release" right after the 
command example on the Wiki page

I don't know, whether unpacking the zip-source inside Cygwin would work.

As both Jürgen and me could build it with the "tar.gz" source, I agree 
with Jürgen, that next time we should not provide a zip-source at all.

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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] Release 4.1.2-RC3 as OpenOffice 4.1.2

2015-10-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jürgen,

Jürgen Schmidt schrieb:

checked the build in the morning and en-US built was successful. Besides
the fact that we have some issues on newer Linux distros (we ever had)
the src package is fine.

@Regina, I still have no ideas what the problem is in your env but maybe
you can give one of the tar balls a try instead of the zip.

I have use apache-openoffice-4.1.2-r1709696-src.tar.gz now and unzipped 
it in Cygwin. That source builds fine then. I have added a note to 
not to use Windows tools for unpacking.

Kind regards

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Re: [DISCUSS] [VOTE] Release 4.1.2-RC3 as OpenOffice 4.1.2

2015-10-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jürgen,

Jürgen Schmidt schrieb:

On 26/10/15 09:31, Regina Henschel wrote:

[x] 0 Abstain

It is still not clear, whether the fact, that I cannot build the
delivered source on Windows 7 is a problem in my build environment or a
bug in the source.

Regina I don't know why it doesn't build on your machine but I
successfully built the tagged AOO410 branch for the RC on Windows, Mac
and Linuxc 32/64 bit. It was always a clean fresh build to the latest
tagged sources. The src tar balls are gnerated on Mac as I did it always
in the past. The included config scripts for Mac are a mistake and were
probably in all src releases in the past as well (good catch Damjan)

Well I built the src tarball only on Mac because of the lack of time to
do it on the other platforms as well. But again it iis the same source I
used to build the binaries.

If it is not my build environment, then it is likely a problem on 
Windows, because building in Cygwin is a little bit special. Sadly no 
one found the time to try building a src tar ball on Windows. We are not 
releasing binaries but source, and as long as nobody does a successful 
build of a src tall ball on Windows, I cannot vote +1 in good conscience.

Kind regards

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Re: [VOTE] Release 4.1.2-RC3 as OpenOffice 4.1.2

2015-10-26 Thread Regina Henschel

[x] 0 Abstain

It is still not clear, whether the fact, that I cannot build the 
delivered source on Windows 7 is a problem in my build environment or a 
bug in the source.

Kind regards

Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

We have been in the Release Candidate stage for three weeks and it is
now time to start a VOTE for releasing OpenOffice 4.1.2.

Source and binary packages for RC3 are available at
and the reference revision is r1709696. Many people helped in making
this available, but let me think Juergen and Herbert again for their
assistance and guidance.

I'm initially keeping the VOTE just a bit longer than the minimum 72
hours: please vote by Monday 26 October, 14:00 UTC. Extensions are
surely possible if there is a need for them, but I hope that the very
long testing phase we've gone through helps in shortening the final
approval phase.

So please VOTE on releasing RC3 (as defined above) as OpenOffice 4.1.2:
[  ] +1 Approve
[  ]  0 Abstain
[  ] -1 Disapprove, with explanation


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Re: Cannot build RC2

2015-10-19 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Andrea,

Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

Regina Henschel wrote:

I try to build the source from download

It fails, because in stlport the intermediate files in
/ are written with wrong rights and so I get a
'Permission denied error'.

So, do I understand correctly that this is the second or third distinct
error you report, but that all of them have the same root cause, i.e.,
wrong permissions? Do you see the issue only in Windows? (stlport is not
used any longer on Linux, I think, but I mean the whole set of issues
you reported, not this specific one).

I don't know whether the error in config.guess is distinct from this 
one. I wrote this email, because I didn't get any response on my previous.

I have only a build environment for Windows, so I cannot tell you 
anything about Linux.

It would be good if someone else can build the downloaded source on 
Windows, so it is possible to say, whether it is an error in my build 
environment or in the source.

I have had never such problem, when building my local git repository.

Kind regards

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Cannot build RC2

2015-10-19 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I try to build the source from download

It fails, because in stlport the intermediate files in 
/ are written with wrong rights and so I get a 
'Permission denied error'.

I build on Windows with MSVC 2008 express.

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access rights problems in /

2015-10-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

and next problem. Build starts and then fails in module stlport because 
it cannot deliver to main/stlport/ because 
"Permission denied".

All subfolders of main/stlport/ have got rights
Folder main/stlport/ itself has got rights

The folder wntmsci12 and subfolders are generated while building, so 
they should get correct rights. What's going on there?

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access rights for file config.guess in RC source

2015-10-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I have download the source

Now I try to build from that. It fails already in step ./configure, 
because the file config.guess has wrong rights. I have corrected the 
rights for me, so that is not the problem. But it would be good, if 
someone else can look, whether he gets the same problem and if yes 
correct the rights in the source.

I build with Cygwin and Visual Studio 9.0 (Express).

Kind regards

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Re: [API] Priority Problem with AND and OR

2015-10-13 Thread Regina Henschel


Andrew Douglas Pitonyak schrieb:

The real question becomes should it be changed to follow expected
mathematical norms (breaking all existing correct code and fixing all
broken code where people assumed it was done in the generally accepted
way). I am glad I need not make that call.

No, it should not be changed. You cannot break existing macros after so 
many years, and the behavior is not really "wrong", because it follows 
the mathematical definition.

The problem is not, that Basic makes it different than some other 
languages. The problem is, that it is so badly documented.

Other example: Basic has no shortcut evaluation of boolean expressions.

Kind regards

On 10/12/2015 08:15 PM, Guenter Marxen wrote:


Am 12.10.2015 um 21:40 schrieb Mathias Röllig:

What do you expect?
For logical operations AND is equivalent to * and OR is equivalent to +.

no, that's not true. AND and OR have the same priority, just as * and
/ (division). (* and / have a higher priority than + and -.)

AND should have a higher priority than OR, so I would expect in both

Expressions have to be evaluated from left to right with respect to
priority and parenthesis.

Only for those specific operators. And the complaint was that your
statement is unexpectedly true.

"and" and "or" are binary operators. Therfore your examples can be
written as "A or B" where "B = (C and D)". If you write your example as
"A or (C and D)" then it is the same and everyone sees immediatly, how
it is evaluated.

I wrote an implementation for a proposed international standard in
Fortran 90 many years back It was suggested that I assume that
people would not know precedence rules so that I should use parenthesis
for all statements and that I should avoid things like ternary
operators since beginning programmers may not know what they were.

In both cases, the result is TRUE, because
"TRUE or anything" is TRUE, just as "TRUE or (anything)".

"(A or B) and C" is totally different.

On you can create "tables of
truth" (Wahrheitstabellen) for logical expressions like "A or B and C"
and more complex ones.

cases (because TRUE Or () = TRUE):
bResult = TRUE
But you will get

Is there any explanation that AND and OR have (and should have) the same

It is as it is!

You are correct in that!

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Re: 4.1.2_release_blocker granted: [Issue 125613] Insert Picture from file do not work

2015-09-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Andrea,

it would be nice, if you will merge it. I have not committed to branches 
and fell uneasy.

Kind regards
Regina schrieb:

Andrea Pescetti  has granted Andrea Pescetti
's request for 4.1.2_release_blocker:
Issue 125613: Insert Picture from file do not work

--- Comment #23 from Andrea Pescetti  ---
As per discussion in the issue: approved for 4.1.2. Regina: feel free to merge
it yourself or ask me/anyone to do it.

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Re: Section styles?

2015-08-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Rory,

Rory O'Farrell schrieb:

I recently had to make a trial document for a forum user.  In it I used 
multiple copies of a section.  Is there any reason why one cannot have Section 
styles (similar to Paragraph, Page, List styles etc), so that it would not e 
necessary to create each such repeated section from scratch?

I am looking into the OpenDocument definitions; I know that Rob and Dennis 
(possibly other list-members also) have experience with the OpenDocument format 
and wonder if they may remember why this was not included in the specification?

I find no reason in the spec. It is a missing feature of AOO, that it 
does not support a section style in  but only in 

Kind regards

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Re: [VOTE] Dennis Hamilton as new AOO Chair.

2015-08-16 Thread Regina Henschel

jan i schrieb:

Please vote

[x]  +1, I want Dennis Hamilton as new Chair

Kind regards

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Re: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Dear Dennis

Thank you for looking at this problem.  Please forgive the length of
the following e-mail; I suspect that when I have mastered the
environmental set-up of OpenOffice, then likely any subsequewnt
questions I can answer myself and will be far shorter.

From what you are saying, I think that although I may have re-built
the relevant modules where I changed the code, this of course did
not carry over to the already-installed software on Windows which I
installed immediately following the first complete build.

I have located using 'find' three 'soffice.bin' files in the
following directories of the code source:

The functionality is most times not in 'soffice.bin' but in the *.dll 
files. For example, if you make a change in module "svgio", then the 
corresponding dll "svgio.dll" will change.


That belongs to the outmost part of OpenOffice, which handles the 
applications. LibreOffice has put a README into each folder, which 
describes shortly the purpose of the module. There are differences 
between LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice, nevertheless these READMEs 
are useful.


From instsetoo_native you can take\Apache_OpenOffice\msi\install\en-US to administrative 
install the application. That folder is the same as you get, when a 
downloaded, released version is unpacked in the first step of installation.


In the solver, you find all the separate files, which were used to pack 
the versions in instsetoo_native. Read my other mail, how to use them.

Kind regards

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Re: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Hi everyone

I have successfully built OpenOffice 4.1.1 on a 32 bit Windows 7
platform.  I have installed this with windows integration and it runs
with no problem.  I have then tried to make a couple of changes to
the code as defined by the following hacks on the OpenOffice wiki
(addition of extra 'OK' button in about dialog box and reversal of

Within the directory of the relevant module changed (e. g.
/cygdrive/c/aoo44/main/vcl), I then call build and the build appears
to complete with no issue.

After you build a module, call deliver in that module. Some modules do 
that automatically but others not. So to be sure I run deliver each time.

  However, when I start OpenOffice from the

icon on the Windows taskbar, the changes do not appear to have
carried through, such that none of the coded changes are visible.

The installations is not directly connected to the source, therefore the 
installation knows nothing about your changes.

The files, which will be packed to an installation set are located in 
the folder main/solver//

Sort the folder by date, so that you can easily find, which are altered. 
Copy the altered *.dll files into the program folder of your 
installation. If your change alters UI strings too, you might need to 
copy a *.res file too. They go to program/resource.

This method only works for small changes inside one module, without 
changing the headers.

I have taken care to ensure that OpenOffice is closed and then
re-opened following the build, but to no avail.  I am guessing that
for some reason I am not starting OpenOffice correctly, such that it
is still running on code which does not contain the changes that I
have made.  Alternatively, perhaps the build has not actually worked
correctly without me being aware of this.  I am aware that the
hacking guide stipulates that OpenOffice should be started from the
Cygwin command line.  I have tried this, but the bash states the

Jason and Emma@JasonandEmma-PC
/cygdrive/c/aoo411/main/solver/411/ $ . soffice.bin
-bash: .: soffice.bin: cannot execute binary file

I suspect that my mistake is really rather elementary and perhaps
indicates my own lack of knowledge about how things work.
Accordingly, any advice would be much appreciated.

When you start working on the code, you should make an administrative 
installation fore-to keep your normal OpenOffice installation untouched. 
Another effect is, that an administrative installation is even quick, 
when you need to reinstall the whole OpenOffice, in case you have made 
changes, which require a clean build or affect a lot of modules. A 
normal installation is only needed, when you work on the system 
integration itself.

Kind regards

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Re: Build Problem (solved)

2015-08-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Hi Regina

Thank you for the advice here.  I followed what you said and moved
the source into the root of C drive, placing it in a directory with
no special characters.  I did subsequently encounter an issue with
building the modules associated with the SDK, but I re-ran configure
with SDK disabled using the --disable-odk command.  Accordingly, the
build completed and I was able to install from the build.

That is good news. Congratulation.

I will not move onto some of the tutorials kindly provided on the OO
wiki and have a go at hacking some of the code on my own computer.
Hopefully from there I can tackle some of the smaller issues
identified on Bugzilla and so make a meaningful contribution.

When you have identified an area of interest, you should write a note. 
OpenOffice is huge. Perhaps you can get then some useful hints and tips 
from our experts.

Kind regards

From: Regina Henschel Sent: ‎Tuesday‎, ‎21‎ ‎July‎ ‎2015 ‎12‎:‎51 To:

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Hi Regina

Thank you for looking at this.  I have ensured that with a new
Cygwin session I have run the following successfully:


Following that, I have run the following:

/build --all:comphelper 2>&1 | tee mybuild.log/

The build again did not progress past building the 'comphelper'
module and appeared to have the same error as previously.  However,
I have attached the log file, 'mybuild.log' that was produced.

When I ran the 'configure' command, I ran this with the following

/./configure --with-frame-home="$SDK_PATH"
--with-psdk-home="$SDK_PATH" --with-midl-path="$SDK_PATH/bin"


--enable-pch --disable-atl --disable-activex --without-junit

Please try with removed --enable-pch "pch" is "precompiled header

--with-epm-url is not needed for Windows builds.

You might want to add --without-fonts, download of "gentium"
sometimes fails.

I have also included as a file attachment the output of running
'configure' and can confirm that no errors were generated, although
two warnings were as follows, which appear to not be related to the
issue here:

/checking which cppunit to use... configure: WARNING: not using
cppunit/ /configure: WARNING: NSIS not found, no self contained
installer will be build./

I also note from the 'configure' output that the source code is
identified as being in the 'tmp' directory as follows:

/The variable SRC_ROOT  is set to:

Do you think that it may be better for me to delete the part of
the build that has succeeded and then unpack the source into
another directory that is not temp?  If so, would this simply be to
the root of the Cygwin file system?

Yes, I think it is better to put the source not under tmp or any
other directory, which is set somewhere as temp-directory.

I have always use a directory directly under C: I have always use
names without special characters. I have never tried to put the
source somewhere inside cygwin, so I cannot say, whether that is

To test, whether the tmp directory is the problem, please move the
folder aoo-4.1.1 under C: and rename it to e.g. aoo411

You need to remove all remainders of previous build tries then. In
cygwin change to the main folder of your source, then use the
following command (all in one line) find . -maxdepth 2 -name
"wntmsci12*" | xargs rm -rf

In addition you have to manually delete the wntmsci12* folders in
main/solver in all subfolders of ext_libraries in all subfolders of

Start with a new configure with parameters.

Hopefully it works better then.

Kind regards Regina


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Re: Is there any way to convert help content to ODF or word document?

2015-07-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Aron,

aronsoyol schrieb:

Thank you

My question is, why do you want such document?

Because user want an independent manual(or guide book). Like this

But those books in amazon are 1,not translated 2,may be licensed 3.not
editable (we did some hack,and we need to explain what is different from
original openoffice) , 4. not correspond to newest version of OpenOffice.

So I think it is probably good to just convert help contents to an editable
document. Or is there any easiest way else to do this work?

Thank you very much and best regards.

If you accept to work under Creative Common Attribution 3.0 license 
(CC-BY) [], then you can 
start with those tutorials provided by ODF Authors 

The latest version for OOo is on 
But that is without sidebar.

You should look at the versions for LibreOffice too. 
[] There are 
differences to Apache OpenOffice and you will need to adjust it, but it 
might be faster than starting from scratch.

If you will provide one book, then "Getting Started" will be suitable.

Which is the target language? Perhaps there exists already some 
translations. Have a look at

Kind regards

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Re: Is there any way to convert help content to ODF or word document?

2015-07-22 Thread Regina Henschel


aronsoyol schrieb:

Hi all
Is there any way to convert help content to ODF or word document?
Best regards.

You can do it, but it makes no sense.

The help files are written in XML, file name extension is xhp. You find 
these files in the *.jar archives in the folder "help" in an installed 
AOO. For the in-build help viewer they are transformed to HTML by the 
transformation "main_transform.xsl" and styled by "default.css". You can 
look at the result of this, when you call the help, e.g. via F1, and 
choose "HTML source" from the context menu.

The help is not organized as a lot of independent files, but it is more 
like a building set. Some parts are embedded in several pages, some 
parts are only shown under special conditions, some parts are not shown 
directly in the help, but only as tooltip. Contents and Index are no 
special files, but generated.

The help is context sensitive. If you are working on a special function 
in Calc, calling the help will show the information about this special 
function, for example.

For all these reasons, it makes no sense to collect all these files into 
one document.

My question is, why do you want such document?

Kind regards

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Re: Build Problem

2015-07-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Hi Regina

Thank you for looking at this.  I have ensured that with a new Cygwin
session I have run the following successfully:


Following that, I have run the following:

/build --all:comphelper 2>&1 | tee mybuild.log/

The build again did not progress past building the 'comphelper' module
and appeared to have the same error as previously.  However, I have
attached the log file, 'mybuild.log' that was produced.

When I ran the 'configure' command, I ran this with the following

/./configure --with-frame-home="$SDK_PATH"
--with-psdk-home="$SDK_PATH" --with-midl-path="$SDK_PATH/bin"


--enable-pch --disable-atl --disable-activex --without-junit

Please try with removed --enable-pch
"pch" is "precompiled header support"

--with-epm-url is not needed for Windows builds.

You might want to add --without-fonts, download of "gentium" sometimes 

I have also included as a file attachment the output of running
'configure' and can confirm that no errors were generated, although two
warnings were as follows, which appear to not be related to the issue here:

/checking which cppunit to use... configure: WARNING: not using cppunit/
/configure: WARNING: NSIS not found, no self contained installer
will be build./

I also note from the 'configure' output that the source code is
identified as being in the 'tmp' directory as follows:

/The variable SRC_ROOT  is set to: C:/cygwin/tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/

Do you think that it may be better for me to delete the part of the
build that has succeeded and then unpack the source into another
directory that is not temp?  If so, would this simply be to the root of
the Cygwin file system?

Yes, I think it is better to put the source not under tmp or any other 
directory, which is set somewhere as temp-directory.

I have always use a directory directly under C:
I have always use names without special characters.
I have never tried to put the source somewhere inside cygwin, so I 
cannot say, whether that is possible.

To test, whether the tmp directory is the problem, please move the 
folder aoo-4.1.1 under C: and rename it to e.g. aoo411

You need to remove all remainders of previous build tries then.
In cygwin change to the main folder of your source, then use the 
following command (all in one line)

find . -maxdepth 2 -name "wntmsci12*" | xargs rm -rf

In addition you have to manually delete the wntmsci12* folders
in main/solver
in all subfolders of ext_libraries
in all subfolders of extras

Start with a new configure with parameters.

Hopefully it works better then.

Kind regards

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Re: Build Problem

2015-07-18 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

you have put the source into a folder under "tmp". I see the same in the 
mail you referred. I'm not sure, but it might be, that this confuses 
some path settings.

Some curious errors appear, if the path settings are not applied or if 
build is called from a wrong directory.

Please close your cygwin window. Then open it again.
Change into folder "main" of the source.
Call command


Change into folder "instsetoo_native"

Call command

build --all 2>&1 | tee mybuild.log

If build still breaks, you should provide some more information, for 
example your configure command with all its parameters.

Some access errors might occur, when an antivirus software is running. 
You can try to exclude the AOO source directory from any scan or you 
deactive the antivirus software while compiling (and do nothing parallel 
in that state!).

Kind regards

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Hi everyone

I am attempting to build OpenOffice on Windows 7 32-bit having downloaded 
version 4.1.1 of the source code.  I have got as far as calling build, but have 
encountered the following error which terminates the build:

Building module comphelper
Entering /tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/comphelper/prj
cd .. && make -s -r -j1   && make -s -r deliverlog
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/isal.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/icppuhelper.lib not defined: Assuming headers 
to be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/icppu.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/iucbhelper.lib not defined: Assuming headers 
to be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/ivos.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/msvcprt.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/uwinapi.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/kernel32.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/msvcrt.lib not defined: Assuming headers to be 
[ info  ALL ] LinkTarget Library/oldnames.lib not defined: Assuming headers to 
be there!
[ build PKG ] comphelper_inc
[ build PCH ] precompiled_comphelper
awk: fatal: can't open source file 
`C:/cygwinc:/cygwin/tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/solenv/gbuild/processdeps.awk' for 
reading (No such file or directory)
C:/cygwin/tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/solenv/gbuild/ recipe for 
make: *** 
 Error 2
dmake:  Error code 2, while making 'all'
1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /tmp/aoo-4.1.1/main/comphelper/prj
When you have fixed the errors in that module you can resume the build by 
 build --all:comphelper

I have confirmed that 'processdeps.awk' does indeed exist and believe that the 
problem is that the script is attempting to find the file using a following 
directory, which is clearly invalid:


It therefore seems that for some reason the build process is using a patently 
incorrect file path.  I have tried to understand the workings of the 'build' 
script and the overall process, including looking in the relevant 'build.lst' 
file, but there is nothing obvious.  Also, I note that this issue was reported 
by someone else previously at the following link:

However, it did not appear to get any answer.  I am rather stumped and 
essentially cannot move forward, so if anyone can help, that would be 



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Re: ODF 1.2 and AOO ?

2015-07-17 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jan,

jan i schrieb:


Can someone please help me understand the implications of this:

Do we also support ODF 1.2 ?
if yes, then we should also tell it,  if not what are the implications ?

I thought ODF 1.2 was relative old, but I might be wrong.

thanks for any information.

In regard to marketing, read

ODF 1.2 is not old, but the current version of the standard. Work has 
started for an errata to 1.2 and for a version 1.3, but both are in a 
very early stage. There are currently only about ten active members in 
the Technical Committee and they do not work on the standard in full 
time [in my case all is in my spare time], therefore the progress is 
very slow.

ODF 1.2 is the native format for documents generated by AOO, but there 
exists still some elements in ODF 1.2, which AOO does not support.

ODF 1.2 is an implementer driven standard. You should not think, that 
there is a group of people, who invents the standard, and then 
application developers will implement it. That is not the way 
standardization works. What really happens is, that the application 
developers implement features to satisfy their customers. And when this 
feature is not only implemented in one application, but in others too, 
then this feature is considered to go into the next version of the 
standard. Currently those features are of interest, which improve 
interoperability with OOXML, and "change tracking" is of special interest.

Therefore the file format is not "ODF 1.2" but "ODF 1.2 extended". AOO 
writes always "ODF 1.2. extended", LO has an option to write pure "ODF 
1.2". The ODF 1.2 standard uses the mechanism of namespaces to make such 
extensions possible. When such feature goes into the standard, then the 
code has to be changed to read and write the new standardized element. 
On reading a document, the element in AOO namespace will then be mapped 
to the corresponding element from the standard. Such change is not 
really difficult, because AOO does not work on the file format directly 
but has its own internal model.

Kind regards

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Re: Rat Patch take 2

2015-07-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gavin,

Gavin McDonald schrieb:

On 14 Jul 2015, at 12:37 pm, Regina Henschel  wrote:

Hi Gavin,

Gavin McDonald schrieb:

Just bumping this, anyone want to apply it?

As far as I see Kay has already done this with <>

Ah ok, thanks, the nightly RAT report run hasn’t updated to include these, I’ll 
force a build.

However, there is one file missed from being committed. At the bottom of the 
patch is this:

Index: main/rat-excludes
--- main/rat-excludes   (revision 1690389)
+++ main/rat-excludes   (working copy)
@@ -1492,4 +1492,6 @@


Done with

We are happy, that you support us.

Kind regards

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Re: Rat Patch take 2

2015-07-14 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gavin,

Gavin McDonald schrieb:

Just bumping this, anyone want to apply it?

As far as I see Kay has already done this with

Kind regards



On 11 Jul 2015, at 7:54 pm, Gavin McDonald  wrote:

HI All,

So two issues with the last patch:

1. I missed two pref file for excluding

2. Four files are treated as binaries (.project and .classpath) and so the diff 
never showed.

I’ve forced the diff in those files so should be good now.

I’ll talk about why those .project and .classpath have mime-types set in the 
first place in another

Please find attached a patch to resolve the 6 remaining RAT license issues.



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Build failure on aoo-win 7

2015-07-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

there is a build failure on

But it is the same revision as yesterday, when the build has been 
successful. The log reports the failure in serf and zlib.

Unfortunately the log is not verbose enough to tell the reason. Would it 
be possible to make the logs more verbose?

Any idea why it fails?

Kind regards

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Re: Are the Buildbots down?

2015-07-09 Thread Regina Henschel

JZA schrieb:

Hi wonder if the Nightly builds down for AOO?

Yes there are problems. You can look why it fails on

I have already written a bug report, but have got no response so far.

Kind regards

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Re: build is finished, but not transfered

2015-07-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I have created for it

Kind regards

Regina Henschel schrieb:

Hi all,

I see in
that the build itself was successful, but the build result is not
transfered and not available.

Is this something in our responsibility, or is this something for infra?

Kind regards

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Re: Building query: .bootstrap

2015-07-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

I'm building on Windows 7 and I do not have such problems with bootstrap.

Please open your and look, whether path-variables are set 

Are you building in tmp? That might conflict with other programs, that 
will "clean up" temp-directories.

Kind regards

Jason Marshall schrieb:


With reference to the query below and having examined the 'bootstrap' script, I 
realised that the script was expecting to be able to 'cd' to a directory named 
'DMAKE_4_12', using the comment below:

cd "$dmake_directory_name" || exit

However, the following command in the 'bootstrap' script resulted in the dmake 
archive being extracted to a directoyr named 'dmake-DMAKE_4_12' resulting in 
the above command failing, as indicated in my original e-mail below.

tar -xzf "dmake_full_package_name"

Accordingly, I manually added the following line to the 'bootstrap' script 
following the tar command, which renames the directory where dmake was 
extracted to, so allowing the script to change to the expected directory:

mv dmake-DMAKE_4_12 $dmake_directory_name

The workaround above is perhaps obvious when isolated as above, but I am 
unclear if this means that there is essentially an error in the 'bootstrap' 
script which is included or created as part of the download of the source code. 
 Or alternatively perhaps my own specific platform (Windows 7 32 bit) is 
causing this problem.

Anyway, having made the change above, bootstrap appears to have run and 
concluded without an error message.

Kind regards


Subject: Building query: .bootstrap
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2015 15:52:32 +

Hi everyone

I am building OpenOffice on a Windows 7 system and have got so far as 
successfully running .configure.  Following this, I execute .bootstrap, but I 
note the following:

* When the missing tarballs and external sources are downloaded, the script 
seems to identify that for some of these, the checksum does not match that 
expected.  Could anyone tell me why this would occur and if this is an issue 
from a security standpoint?  I. e. is it possible that what is being downloaded 
by .bootstrap is unsafe?  Also, is it okay to simply progress to the build 

* .bootstrap ends with the following:

DMAKE_4_12.tar.gz exists
epm-4.2.tar.gz exists
making and entering 
entering DMAKE_4_12
./bootstrap: line 100: cd: DMAKE_4_12: No such file or directory

The message clearly tells me that a directory does not exist, but I would 
assume that this directory would be created automatically.  Would anybody know 
what has gone wrong here?

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards


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build is finished, but not transfered

2015-07-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I see in
that the build itself was successful, but the build result is not 
transfered and not available.

Is this something in our responsibility, or is this something for infra?

Kind regards

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Re: Purpose of "Export = FALSE" in the *.sdi files

2015-07-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Marcus,

Marcus schrieb:

Am 07/04/2015 06:43 PM, schrieb Regina Henschel:

What is the purpose of "Export = FALSE" in the *.sdi files?

I do not find any explanation.

I'm no expert for translation/localization. However, I think it's for
strings that shouldn't be translated like brand names (Pivot), product
names (Writer) or other purposes that need the original words.

I hope I remember right. Otherwise please someone correct me. ;-)

That makes no sense to me. See the quotation from 

SID_INSERTTEXT //idlpp ole : no , status : no
ExecMethod = Execute ;
StateMethod = GetState ;
SID_IMPORT_FORMULA //idlpp ole : no , status : no
ExecMethod = Execute ;
StateMethod = GetState ;
Export = FALSE ;

What is "Export = FALSE" there?

Kind regards

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Purpose of "Export = FALSE" in the *.sdi files

2015-07-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

What is the purpose of "Export = FALSE" in the *.sdi files?

I do not find any explanation.

Kind regards

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Re: Helptext for new feature

2015-07-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Keith,

thank you. I have applied your changes.

Kind regards

Keith N. McKenna schrieb:

Regina; I will add a few comments on English syntax in-line. I hope that
they help.


Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

you might have noticed, that I'm going to implement a new feature:
Import MathML content from clipboard into a formula in module Math.

It is nearly finished. Now I'm working on the help text. You get the
help page currently, when the item "Import Formula" in menu "Tools" in
module "Math" is selected and you press F1.

The first paragraph below the heading is used as extended tooltip.

See below the suggested page. I have used exceptionally HTML format for
this email, so that you can see the formatting of the text too. Please
have a look at the text. I'm not native English and need some help here.

Kind regards

  Import Formula from File

This command opens a dialog for importing a formula.

The *Insert* dialog is set up like the Open

dialog under *File*. Use the *Insert* dialog to load, edit and display a
formula saved as a file in the *Commands* window.

You can import MathML files created by other applications as well. The
MathML source must have a math element with an xmlns attribute with
value "";. The languages MathML and
StarMath are not full compatible, therefore you should revise the import

The last sentence of the above paragraph should read as below.

The languages MathML and StarMath are not fully compatible, therefore
you should revise the import result. (changed full compatible, to fully

For details about the language MathML see its specification


To access this command...

Choose *Tools - Import Formula*

  Import MathML from Clipboard

This command transforms a MathML clipboard content to StarMath and
inserts it at cursor position.

Above should read as follows:

This command transforms MathML clipboard content to StarMath and inserts
it at the current cursor position. (drop the a from before MathML and
add the current before cursor.)

If the transformation fails, nothing is inserted.

To access this command...

Choose *Tools - Import MathML from Clipboard*

This command handles only MathML content. If you have copied a
OpenOffice Math formula to clipboard, insert it using the command Paste

under *Edit*.

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Re: Helptext for new feature

2015-07-01 Thread Regina Henschel


HTML has not worked, look here

Regina Henschel schrieb:

Hi all,

you might have noticed, that I'm going to implement a new feature:
Import MathML content from clipboard into a formula in module Math.

It is nearly finished. Now I'm working on the help text. You get the
help page currently, when the item "Import Formula" in menu "Tools" in
module "Math" is selected and you press F1.

The first paragraph below the heading is used as extended tooltip.

See below the suggested page. I have used exceptionally HTML format for
this email, so that you can see the formatting of the text too. Please
have a look at the text. I'm not native English and need some help here.

Kind regards

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Helptext for new feature

2015-07-01 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

you might have noticed, that I'm going to implement a new feature: 
Import MathML content from clipboard into a formula in module Math.

It is nearly finished. Now I'm working on the help text. You get the 
help page currently, when the item "Import Formula" in menu "Tools" in 
module "Math" is selected and you press F1.

The first paragraph below the heading is used as extended tooltip.

See below the suggested page. I have used exceptionally HTML format for 
this email, so that you can see the formatting of the text too. Please 
have a look at the text. I'm not native English and need some help here.

Kind regards

 Import Formula from File

This command opens a dialog for importing a formula.

The *Insert* dialog is set up like the Open 
dialog under *File*. Use the *Insert* dialog to load, edit and display a 
formula saved as a file in the *Commands* window.

You can import MathML files created by other applications as well. The 
MathML source must have a math element with an xmlns attribute with 
value "";. The languages MathML and 
StarMath are not full compatible, therefore you should revise the import 
result. For details about the language MathML see its specification 

To access this command...

Choose *Tools - Import Formula*

 Import MathML from Clipboard

This command transforms a MathML clipboard content to StarMath and 
inserts it at cursor position.

If the transformation fails, nothing is inserted.

To access this command...

Choose *Tools - Import MathML from Clipboard*

This command handles only MathML content. If you have copied a 
OpenOffice Math formula to clipboard, insert it using the command Paste 
under *Edit*.

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ODF 1.2 is published ISO standard since 2015-06-17

2015-06-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

only to inform you:

ODF 1.2 is a published ISO standard since 2015-06-17. It has the numbers 
ISO/IEC 26300-1:2015, ISO/IEC 26300-2:2015, and ISO/IEC 26300-3:2015.

Kind regards

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Re: Looking for help for clipboard in Math

2015-06-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael (and others who are interested in Math),

Michael Stahl schrieb:

On 23.06.2015 20:46, Regina Henschel wrote:

But now I have this problem:
I start module Math with a fresh document, I write a formula into the
command window (e.g. a^2+b^2) and then try to save as *.mml.
I get the errors cited below. I have not used any operations with the
clipboard. A build from current trunk does not have this error, so it
must be something, which I have introduced. But I do not know, what are
possible causes and where to start.


Locking problem.
Sharing violation while accessing the object.

this is a problem with file locking that generally only manifests on
Windows: a file has been opened once and is opened a second time; the
second opening fails.  for example, the SvStream class uses file locking
by default.

check for code that opens the file for debug purpose and forgets to
close it, or memory leak of something that contains an open file handle.

There was nothing which uses the file.

or perhaps you have the file open in a text editor?

No, the file does not exist when the error occurred.

if it's not obvious try SysInternals Process Monitor, it can trace
system calls and their return values, and even display stack traces of
the calls.

With Process Monitor I could see, that there was no error in file access.

I then revert all my changes and add them piece by piece, testing after 
each step. I found, that the error was, that I had added a clipboard 
format in filter/source/config/fragments/types/math_MathML_XML_Math.xcu

I have attached the current version to I still have no 
environment for LibreOffice, so Gerrit is currently no option for me. If 
you nevertheless will have a look at it, that would be nice.

Kind regards

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Re: Looking for help for clipboard in Math

2015-06-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

and another report:

I found, what I did wrong. I had used GetTree() and not realized, that 
it does not only return a pointer but actually performs a "pop".
For text clipboard content I have followed your tip with SvMemoryStream 
and utl::OInputStreamWrapper.
So now I can import from clipboard, if the clipboard is of MIME type 
"application/mathml+xml" or if it is of type FORMAT_STRING and is 
actually a math-fragment.

But now I have this problem:
I start module Math with a fresh document, I write a formula into the 
command window (e.g. a^2+b^2) and then try to save as *.mml.
I get the errors cited below. I have not used any operations with the 
clipboard. A build from current trunk does not have this error, so it 
must be something, which I have introduced. But I do not know, what are 
possible causes and where to start.


Locking problem.
Sharing violation while accessing the object.

Error: An error or a warning has occurred during XML import/export!
Error-Id: 0x60040004
Class: 4 API
Number: 4
Exception-Message: io exception during writing
 From File 
c:/AOO_debugbuild_420/trunk/main/xmloff/source/core/xmlerror.cxx at Line 193

 Error: cached Sequence not written From File 
C:/AOO_debugbuild_420/trunk/main/sax/source/expatwrap/saxwriter.cxx at 
Line 164

Kind regards

Michael Stahl schrieb:

On 06.06.2015 22:03, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Michael,

thank-you for looking at my problems.

Michael Stahl schrieb:

On 05.06.2015 01:44, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I struggle with the clipboard. My goal is to import MathML in module
Math from clipboard, similar as it is imported from file. But I'm stuck.
Therefore some questions:

[skipped a lot of text]

Helpful comments. Looking around I think, the connection to the OS is
done in /main/dtrans/source/win32/

I have found the table m_TranslTable, which refers the SOT_FORMATSTR_IDs
from exchange.cxx. I'll try what happens, when I add the MathML format
there too. I had already added it in exchange.cxx, but that was not
enough to be recognized. [I need some time for that. I will report back,
when I have finished.]

that sounds plausible.

I try to use SmViewShell::InsertFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium). It seems to
work, but when the process arrives at SmXMLImport::endDocument(void),
the node tree is empty.  Any tips, what I might have missed?

how do you prepare the SfxMedium?  i'm not sure if it requires an actual
file, or if it can read from an input stream (XInputStream); it probably
can't read from a Sequence buffer directly...

there is a SfxMedium::setStreamToLoadFrom() which looks promising.

I have used:

TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper(
TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard(GetEditWindow()) );
uno::Reference < io::XInputStream > xStrm;
aDataHelper.GetInputStream( nId, xStrm );
SfxMedium* pClipboardMedium = new SfxMedium();
SfxMedium aClipboardMedium = *pClipboardMedium;

this is probably not a good idea: the aClipboardMedium is now a copy of
pClipboardMedium (using the copy-constructor), so any modification to
aClipboardMedium will not be visible if you use pClipboardMedium.

if you need a pointer, better do it the other way around, and use "&
aClipbardMedium" when needed.

aClipboardMedium.setStreamToLoadFrom( xStrm, sal_True /*bIsReadOnly*/ );

oh, nice, the TransferableDataHelper can already get you a stream.

When I then proof it with

SvStream* pStream = aClipboardMedium.GetInStream();
sal_uLong nBytesRead = pStream->Read( aBuffer, nBufferSize );
printf("%s \n", aBuffer);

I can see, that the stream contains the expected MathML-source in case
the clipboard viewer lists the clipboard format "application/mathml+xml".

ok, so we can read the data.

do you re-wind the stream with Seek() after this debug output?  perhaps
the import filter reads from the current position, which is going to be
in the middle or at the end of the stream after this.

In addition I have set the filter by

const SfxFilter* pMathFilter = SfxFilter::GetFilterByName(
String::CreateFromAscii(MATHML_XML) );

so that

if ( rFltName.EqualsAscii(MATHML_XML) )

in InsertFrom becomes true

it looks like SmXMLImportWrapper is using the usual xmloff XML-parsing

so i would try to check if the root element of the MathML document is
being recognized; set a breakpoint or add a SAL_DEBUG output in the
right CreateChildContext() method...

this is apparently SmXMLImport::CreateContext() - which should create a
SmXMLDocContext_Impl, since there's not going to be a "office" namespace.

most of the work is going on in the CreateChildContext() and
EndElement() overrides in various child classes of SmXMLImportContext;
basically xmloff maintains a stack of contexts, one for each currently
open XML e

Re: Build OO from Source Code: Build Requirement Version and Repository Questions

2015-06-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:


I have reached a relatively advanced stage of the building process and have 
been saving some queries in order to put these into a single e-mail, with an 
awareness that this is a busy mailing list, so hopefully not taking up too much 
of people's time.

I am building OpenOffice from source code on a Windows 7 platform.  All has 
gone smoothly and I am now at the point where I am about to call 'configure'.  
I am aware that the current building guide includes a call to configure which 
in turn includes the following arguments:

--with-epm-url=""; \

"--with-epm-url" is not necessary on Windows 7 and it should be removed 
in the guide, or it was a wrong building guide you have used. Can you 
please provide the link?

I had assumed that the building guide was up to date, but am aware that dmake 
and epm now have more up to date versions and in the case of dmake, are now 
hosted in a different repository to the URL listed above.  Would my assumption 
therefore be reasonable in assuming that the calls above would work with the 
following URLs, which I believe are the most up to date:

The preconditions on Windows are in such way, that the MSVC Express 9.0 
can be used. But I'm no expert for building.

When you come to ./bootstrap please read the answer from Kay with the 
workaround for the problems I have reported in my recent mail "Bootstrap 
download failures, mainly from";.

Kind regards

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Re: Bootstrap download failures, mainly from

2015-06-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hello Kay,

for my personal need, I can copy the files from older local directories.

I'm looking for a general solution, because the build bots seem to be 
affected too.

Do you know someone to provide a longtime host of those files? Do you 
know the download volume per week for OpenOffice for those files?

As you are working on it already, here some notices: does not exist.
Current download there is
The old version can be found on
But because of their mirrors, I cannot get a reliable direct download 
address. does not exist.
vigra is already on version 1.10.0
The old version can be found on

Can we use a download from
for the Gentium Basic Fonts?

The direct download from
works for me. I don't know why it doesn't work for bootstrap.

Kind regards

Kay Schenk schrieb:

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 8:19 AM, Regina Henschel 

Hi all,

I want to make a new build from current trunk. I have got a lot of
download failures in ./bootstrap.

I have attached a log file and in addition I copy the relevant parts of
the file below (for the case the attachment is stripped).

Kind regards

Regina --

Hi,. No idea at all about what's happening here! :(

The alternate URL for the AOO extras was working just fine from this
SourceForge URL a few months ago (March) --

see external_deps.lst in /main

now this seems to be redirecting to -- (???)

which we believe will be going away soon.

Suggestions for an immediate fix (in external_deps.lst --

comment out this line --

and add a new OOO_EXTRAS line --


You will see a commented out OOO_EXTRAS line as well. This one does not
work either because it is referencing a directory that n longer exists.

I am working on a new OS setup and hopefully I can get back to helping with
builds soon.

I hope this helps.

downloading 11 missing tar balls to
downloading to
download from
 download failed
downloading to
download from failed
 download failed
downloading to
download from failed
 download failed
downloading to
download from
 download failed
downloading to
 MD5 checksum does not match (0a82c3b58c9d54468a387c1aa5fc0e7c instead
of 8127a65e8c3b08856093099b52599c86)
downloading to
download from
 download failed
downloading to
download from
 download failed
downloading to
download from
 download failed
downloading to
download from
 download failed
downloading to
download from
 download failed
downloading to

Bootstrap download failures, mainly from

2015-06-21 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I want to make a new build from current trunk. I have got a lot of 
download failures in ./bootstrap.

I have attached a log file and in addition I copy the relevant parts of 
the file below (for the case the attachment is stripped).

Kind regards

downloading 11 missing tar balls to C:/AOO_debugbuild2_420/trunk/ext_sources
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 

download from failed
download failed
downloading to 

download from failed
download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
MD5 checksum does not match (0a82c3b58c9d54468a387c1aa5fc0e7c 
instead of 8127a65e8c3b08856093099b52599c86)
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 

download from failed
download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
MD5 checksum does not match (e60dfb762d50d88b1c8b41d361a3fd43 
instead of 067a04150b1d8b64f7da3019688a7547)
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed
downloading to 
download from 

download failed

ucpp-1.3.2.tar.gz exists, MD5 checksum is OK exists, MD5 checksum is OK
mythes-1.2.0.tar.gz exists, MD5 checksum is OK
mdds_0.3.1.tar.bz2 exists, MD5 checksum is OK
libtextcat-2.2.tar.gz exists, MD5 checksum is OK exists, MD5 checksum is OK
Adobe-Core35_AFMs-314.tar.gz exists, MD5 checksum is OK

buildbot failure in ASF Buildbot on an aoo-win7

2015-06-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

there has been build success at 2015-06-18 10:04
and build failure at 2015-06-19 05:05 and today.

But there had not been any commits in the time between the two builds. 
So what has changed?

Kind regards

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bugzilla notice for commit

2015-06-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

the associated bug has 
not got a commit notice. Is there something wrong with my commit 
message? Or is the service down (again)?

Kind regards

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Re: [RAT REPORT] - 30 files with an unknown or no License Header

2015-06-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jan, hi Jürgen,

as I wrote, license headers in

are indeed missing. They were not included in the patch. They are no 
real binaries, but xml-files.
Do they need a license at all? I see other .classpath or .project files 
listed in rat-excludes.

But the files


are listed in

So I do not know, why the Rat Report reports missing licenses for them.

Is there a problem having a dot in the name of a subdirectory? Or is 
there an error in the way how they are listed in rat-excludes?

Kind regards

jan i schrieb:


Newest rat report still shows the same 6 files as being a problem.

jan i.

On 18 June 2015 at 20:19, jan i  wrote:

Thanks for applying the patch.

I will check the next RAT-Scan to see if the files sill appear.

jan I.

On 18 June 2015 at 19:36, Regina Henschel  wrote:

Hi Jan,

jan i schrieb:


did anybody note the rat-scan output, seems we have 6 files still that
a problem (a probably should be deleted):

Unapproved Licenses:







I had submitted the patch from Gavin McDonald. But that patch contains
the lines
Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/JavaPartManager/.classpath
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml
Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/JavaPartManager/.project
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml

Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/OOXMLViewer/.classpath
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml
Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/OOXMLViewer/.project
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml

so for those no change exists in the patch. I read that, but did not
notice the consequence.

The files


should have entries in rat-excludes, at least I see that in the commit
message of r1684976.

Kind regards

jan i.

On 16 June 2015 at 08:27, Jürgen Schmidt  wrote:

  On 11/06/15 18:23, jan i wrote:

On 8 June 2015 at 16:58, Regina Henschel 


  Hi Jürgen,

is it OK to commit the patch?

  if it not ok to commit the patch, then I wonder how the files was


in the first place.

If it is not ok, then the files should be deleted. We cannot have files


trunk without the proper
ALv2 license.

Furthermore we cannot make a release with these files.

I recommend applying the patch. Deleting the files might have


No it have no sideeffect and yes it is ok to apply the patch. As I
explained before these files are part of the started but currently
stopped new OOXML framework. It's part of the parser generator ...

Anyway it is a eclipse project in Java and the license headers were
simply forgotten in the first shot. If you want a Java tooling that
would have created C++ stubs and parser for doing the ground work for
OOXML parsing ...

Again these files should not be part of y source release and can be
filtered out as some other things as well.

Applying the patch and adding the license header is even better and more
clean for future purpose.


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Re: [RAT REPORT] - 30 files with an unknown or no License Header

2015-06-18 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jan,

jan i schrieb:


did anybody note the rat-scan output, seems we have 6 files still that are
a problem (a probably should be deleted):

Unapproved Licenses:

I had submitted the patch from Gavin McDonald. But that patch contains 
the lines

Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/JavaPartManager/.classpath
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml
Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/JavaPartManager/.project
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml

Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/OOXMLViewer/.classpath
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml
Index: main/ooxml/source/framework/OOXMLViewer/.project
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/xml

so for those no change exists in the patch. I read that, but did not 
notice the consequence.

The files

should have entries in rat-excludes, at least I see that in the commit 
message of r1684976.

Kind regards

jan i.

On 16 June 2015 at 08:27, Jürgen Schmidt  wrote:

On 11/06/15 18:23, jan i wrote:

On 8 June 2015 at 16:58, Regina Henschel 


Hi Jürgen,

is it OK to commit the patch?

if it not ok to commit the patch, then I wonder how the files was


in the first place.

If it is not ok, then the files should be deleted. We cannot have files


trunk without the proper
ALv2 license.

Furthermore we cannot make a release with these files.

I recommend applying the patch. Deleting the files might have


No it have no sideeffect and yes it is ok to apply the patch. As I
explained before these files are part of the started but currently
stopped new OOXML framework. It's part of the parser generator ...

Anyway it is a eclipse project in Java and the license headers were
simply forgotten in the first shot. If you want a Java tooling that
would have created C++ stubs and parser for doing the ground work for
OOXML parsing ...

Again these files should not be part of y source release and can be
filtered out as some other things as well.

Applying the patch and adding the license header is even better and more
clean for future purpose.


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Re: Looking for help for clipboard in Math

2015-06-10 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

a short status report:

Michael Stahl schrieb:

On 06.06.2015 22:03, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Michael,

thank-you for looking at my problems.

Michael Stahl schrieb:

On 05.06.2015 01:44, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I struggle with the clipboard. My goal is to import MathML in module
Math from clipboard, similar as it is imported from file. But I'm stuck.
Therefore some questions:

[skipped a lot of text]

Helpful comments. Looking around I think, the connection to the OS is
done in /main/dtrans/source/win32/

I have found the table m_TranslTable, which refers the SOT_FORMATSTR_IDs
from exchange.cxx. I'll try what happens, when I add the MathML format
there too. I had already added it in exchange.cxx, but that was not
enough to be recognized. [I need some time for that. I will report back,
when I have finished.]

that sounds plausible.

I have added the MathML format to m_TranslTable and now I get the 
clipboard content. In addition I have added debug outputs for MimeType 
and HumanPresentableName.

With all that I see:

The MathML-content from Microsoft MathInputPanel can be detected in 
clipboard and the stream contains a complete MathML content, so if saved 
to file it would result in a valid MathML file.

The same is true for copying an equation from Microsoft Word 2010. Among 
15 detected clipboard formats, I can get the correct one by using the 
new introduced SOT_FORMATSTR_ID.

The clipboard format from MathCast is not a real MathML content, but it 
is MimeType = text/plain;charset=windows1252 and HumanPresentableName = 
OEM/ANSI Text. So importing that is a different problem and has to wait 
until the import of valid MathML is successful.

For your tips about XML-parsing I need some more time.

Kind regards

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Re: [RAT REPORT] - 30 files with an unknown or no License Header

2015-06-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jürgen,

is it OK to commit the patch?

Kind regards

Jürgen Schmidt schrieb:

On 06/05/15 14:45, jan i wrote:

On 6 May 2015 at 14:14, Gavin McDonald  wrote:

Hi All,

shows 30 files that need attention in getting valid license headers adding.

A quick look shows to me that we should probably insert ASF license
in all of those files.

If nobody gets to it before me I’ll provide a patch to that effect.

I just had a look, all the files should really have ALv2 added. I wonder
what happened, because I know a couple of these files used
to have ALv2. I will take a look at "svn log" later.

The archives however is covered by the general LICENSE file, when we make a

Patches are welcome.
jan I.

the files were from a new project that is currently stalled, I believe
the headers were simply forgotten. They are not part of the office yet
and if they are in the source tarball it is just a mistake.


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Re: Looking for help for clipboard in Math

2015-06-06 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

thank-you for looking at my problems.

Michael Stahl schrieb:

On 05.06.2015 01:44, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I struggle with the clipboard. My goal is to import MathML in module
Math from clipboard, similar as it is imported from file. But I'm stuck.
Therefore some questions:

[skipped a lot of text]

include/sot/formats.hxx: enum class SotClipboardFormatId

there is no MathML in there, but various STARMATH_* ones.

 // the point at which we start allocating "runtime" format IDs

so what you probably have as ID is "user-defined", which means we can't
do anything with it really.

it looks like there needs to be some mapping from the OS-specific
clipboard to these office-internal IDs - if there's no ID for MathML it
can't be mapped.

there is a big array in sot/source/base/exchange.cxx, you probably need
to add an entry for MathML there.

the array is ordered and indexed by the SotClipboardFormatId.

/* 48 SotClipboardFormatId::STARMATH_50*/{
5.0\"", "StarMath 5.0", &cppu::UnoType>::get() },

that's the mime-type and human-readable name.

i was wondering how this would work on Windows, given that the Win32
clipboard presumably does not use mime-types; apparently the
";windows_formatname=\"...\"" appendix to the mime-type here covers that.

Helpful comments. Looking around I think, the connection to the OS is 
done in /main/dtrans/source/win32/

I have found the table m_TranslTable, which refers the SOT_FORMATSTR_IDs 
from exchange.cxx. I'll try what happens, when I add the MathML format 
there too. I had already added it in exchange.cxx, but that was not 
enough to be recognized. [I need some time for that. I will report back, 
when I have finished.]

I try to use SmViewShell::InsertFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium). It seems to
work, but when the process arrives at SmXMLImport::endDocument(void),
the node tree is empty.  Any tips, what I might have missed?

how do you prepare the SfxMedium?  i'm not sure if it requires an actual
file, or if it can read from an input stream (XInputStream); it probably
can't read from a Sequence buffer directly...

there is a SfxMedium::setStreamToLoadFrom() which looks promising.

I have used:

TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( 
TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard(GetEditWindow()) );

uno::Reference < io::XInputStream > xStrm;
aDataHelper.GetInputStream( nId, xStrm );
SfxMedium* pClipboardMedium = new SfxMedium();
SfxMedium aClipboardMedium = *pClipboardMedium;
aClipboardMedium.setStreamToLoadFrom( xStrm, sal_True /*bIsReadOnly*/ );

When I then proof it with

SvStream* pStream = aClipboardMedium.GetInStream();
sal_uLong nBytesRead = pStream->Read( aBuffer, nBufferSize );
printf("%s \n", aBuffer);

I can see, that the stream contains the expected MathML-source in case 
the clipboard viewer lists the clipboard format "application/mathml+xml".

In addition I have set the filter by

const SfxFilter* pMathFilter = SfxFilter::GetFilterByName( 
String::CreateFromAscii(MATHML_XML) );


so that

if ( rFltName.EqualsAscii(MATHML_XML) )

in InsertFrom becomes true

I'm still a novice in coding and it might be, that I do basic things wrong.

you can create an input stream from the buffer via SvMemoryStream and
then wrap that in utl::OInputStreamWrapper.

You mean, it will be possible to use the "Unicode-Text"? That would 
help, when copying from Websites. But first I need to solve the problem, 
that I get no node-tree, and the problem to detect the clipboard correctly.

Kind regards

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Looking for help for clipboard in Math

2015-06-04 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I struggle with the clipboard. My goal is to import MathML in module 
Math from clipboard, similar as it is imported from file. But I'm stuck. 
Therefore some questions:

Has someone tried such already and found, that it is not possible?

The comments in file exchange.cxx refer to a document "CLIP.SDW". Has 
someone this document and can provide it?

I have added a .uno command which is executed in 
SmViewShell::Execute(SfxRequest& rReq)

My current attempt looks like this:

TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( 
TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard(GetEditWindow()) );

SotFormatStringId nId;
DataFlavorExVector* pFormats;
pFormats = &aDataHelper.GetDataFlavorExVector();
DataFlavorExVector::iterator aIter( 
((DataFlavorExVector&)*pFormats).begin() ),
((DataFlavorExVector&)*pFormats).end() );

while ( aIter != aEnd )
nId = (*aIter).mnSotId;

I get some nId-values and for some of them I can get a stream and can 
look at the content. But the clipboard content, which is generated by 
the Windows program "Math Input Control" (mip.exe) is not noticed. But I 
see that the clipboard has a content "MathML" and a content "MathML 
Presentation" using the clipboard viewer "Free Clipboard Viewer 2.0". 
Why do I get no nId for it?

The numbers I get in nId are those from the list in exchange.cxx, and 
for "application/mathml+xml", which is not listed there, I get the next 
one following the list. But how can I get the MimeType or the 
HumanPresentableName for the detected nId? My following try does not 
work, the strings are empty in all cases:

::com::sun::star::datatransfer::DataFlavor aFlavor;
SotExchange::GetFormatDataFlavor( nId, aFlavor ) )
String sHumanPresentableName(aFlavor.HumanPresentableName);
String sMimeType(aFlavor.MimeType);

I try to use SmViewShell::InsertFrom(SfxMedium &rMedium). It seems to 
work, but when the process arrives at SmXMLImport::endDocument(void), 
the node tree is empty.  Any tips, what I might have missed?

Kind regards

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Re: [BUILDBOT] - Status of the Buildbot builds

2015-06-03 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Gavin,

that is fantastic. I do not have the skills to look for buildbots. I'm 
very glad that you took the time to repair the Buildbot. This makes me 
more confident that we might succeed in releasing an AOO 4.1.2

Kind regards

Gavin McDonald schrieb:

Hi All,

After going through all the builds we are now in a much healthier position.


Only ONE failing build as of writing (fbsd-nighty) and that is being
looked into.

I have also added the mac-mini to that status page as is is on and ready
for building.



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Re: Change color of menubar and docking area

2015-05-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Xaver,

X Roemer schrieb:


I already asked this question in the forum but didn't receive any answer:

Is is possible to change the color of the menubar and the docking area
from an extension?

This is what I tried:

I can get the menubar via the layoutManager:
menubar = layoutmgr.getElement("private:resource/menubar/menubar")
but the menubar doesn't have a realInterface, which I guess I would need
to change its style.

I searched the configuration for a value holding the color but couldn't
discover one.
Is there maybe another file holding the configuration?

The color values are in "StyleSettings". But as far as I know, they are 
readonly and only reflect the settings of the operating system. You 
might want to look whether the "Personalization" feature of LibreOffice 
(Firefox Themes; "Persona") gives you more options.

Kind regards

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Re: disabling the toolbar

2015-05-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Erik,

Johnson, Erik schrieb:


I am attempting to disable certain functions of the toolbar in OpenOffice. The 
version I have is 3.4.1 and I have created the commands.xml file and placed it 
in the proper file location. My issue is that I can not disable the drop down 
menu arrow button, once the toolbar icons have been removed. It still will 
allow a person to add or create a toolbar with icons and functions that I would 
like to disable. So my question, Is there a way to disable the drop down menu 
arrow button on the toolbar?

If the user cannot alter settings in the installation folder, then you 
can write the restrictions into the configuration files in the 
installation folder. For the file format look at
Especially the parts "Layering and Merging" and "Access Control" might 
be helpful.

To be honest, I have not done such, but the descriptions in that 
document look promising.

A different question is, why you need such restrictions. For creating a 
well defined environment, it might be easier to reset the user profile 
to a profile with your preferred setting using a batch process on 
starting the client.

Kind regards

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Re: Build Apache open office

2015-05-18 Thread Regina Henschel


Nguyen Dinh Van schrieb:

Dear Apache group,
I Build source fllow link :
When I run command build --all then It's output this error message :
build -- version: 275224

Building module solenv

Entering /cygdrive/f/AndroidDev/aoo-4.1.1/main/solenv

mkout -- version: 1.8
 ro/inc/ No
such file or directory
dmake:  Error code 1, while making

1 module(s):
need(s) to be rebuilt

Are you sure, you have changed into folder instsetoo_native before 
running build --all ?

Which source do you try to build and from where do you download the source?

Kind regards

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Re: Fwd: Build Apache open office

2015-05-08 Thread Regina Henschel


Nguyễn Đình Văn schrieb:

-- Forwarded message --
From: Nguyễn Đình Văn 
Date: 2015-05-07 14:40 GMT+07:00
Subject: Build Apache open office

- I build source apache open office fllow :
But when i run command :

SDK_PATH="/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ SDKs/Windows/v7.0"
./configure \
 --with-frame-home="/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\
SDKs/Windows/v7.0/Bin" \
 --with-cl-home="/cygdrive/d/abc/abc/VC" \
 --with-midl-path="/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/java/Windows/v7.0/Bin" \

The --with-midl-path looks suspicious. The path to java should be in 
My current configure does not contain --with-midl-path at all, and in 
some older configure it points to "Microsoft SDKs"

 --with-directx-home="/cygdrive/d/DXSDKInstalled" \
 --with-ant-home="/cygdrive/c/apache-ant-1.9.4" \
 --with-dmake-url="/cygdrive/c/dmake-4.12.tar.bz2" \
 --with-epm-url="/cygdrive/c/epm-3.7-source.tar.gz" \
 --enable-pch \
 --disable-atl \
 --disable-activex \

Then output error message :

can't find ms visual studio /vc++ at ./oowintool line 236 configure: error:
oowintool failed to copy CRT

Are you sure, that escaping the blank in "Program\ Files" works? I have 
such paths without escaping but as simple "Program Files".

Kind regards

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Re: Usage about pyuno

2015-05-08 Thread Regina Henschel


He Sun schrieb:

2015-05-08 15:34 GMT+08:00 Marcus :

Am 05/08/2015 04:14 AM, schrieb He Sun:


Thanks very very much for your kindly reply, it does help me some way. :-)
The factor the option and so on if I find the API to deal with it.

you can start on 
section "Page Styles".

Kind regards

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Re: Need help with strings

2015-04-12 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ariel,

Regina Henschel schrieb:

Hi Ariel,

thanks for your hints. It seems that the class OUString has the needed
methods. But I need some time to test it.

It is still about the file trunk\main\starmath\source\smdetect.cxx

Problem in detail:
The existing code has
   const sal_uInt16 nReadSize(4095);
   sal_Char aBuffer[nReadSize+1];
   pStrm->Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_BEGIN );
   const sal_uLong nBytesRead(pStrm->Read( aBuffer, nReadSize ));
   aBuffer[nBytesRead + 1] = 0;

If the stream is actually UTF-8 encoded, then
   OUString sFragment(aBuffer,nBytesRead,RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
gives a correct OUString and then my further ideas work.

But if the stream is actually UTF-16, then converting fails. I can 
detect, that the first two elements of the variable aBuffer are a BOM. 
But I don't know how to get an OUString from aBuffer in that case.

   OUString sFragment(aBuffer,nBytesRead,RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE);
does not work.

Kind regards

Kind regards

Ariel Constenla-Haile schrieb:

Hello Regina,

On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 09:02:06PM +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I'm going to improve the MathML type detection. Currently there exist
that can be opened or imported fine, when the type detection would
allow it.

I have attached a C++ file to show what I want to do.
The problem is, that MathML does not need to be encoded in utf-8 but can
have any other encoding. For example MS Windows "Math Input Control"
formulas in utf-16.

So my question is, which kind of string can I use, that is able to
detect/use utf-16 and has the needed methods similar to C++ string
find, rfind, insert, substring, clear, erase? Does AOO has such kind of

You can use OpenOffice's rtl string and string buffer classes, together
with the lower lever text conversion from

It is possible to get the encoding from the MathML file or set default
utf-8, in case that information is needed for to instantiate a string

If the file has no information about its encoding, you will have to
perform some kind of encoding detection, see Writer's ASCII filter for

bool SwIoSystem::IsDetectableText

used in sal_uLong SwASCIIParser::ReadChars()

Searching rtl_convertTextToUnicode in OpenGrok might give other useful


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Re: Need help with strings

2015-04-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dennis,

Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb:


You are digging into my favorite subject.

We talked about your interest, but with my small spare time, my progress 
is slow.

I am assuming you are talking about strings within the MathML and that it is in 
some form of XML. In that case:

If it is XML, the encoding can be specified in the  XML prologue.  
Sniffing for this prologue will determine such things as whether UTF8 or UTF16, and 
big-endian or little-endian.  If single-byte, that will usually mean some kind of 
code page which has a subset of ASCII as a common subset of a larger encoding, such 
as Western European.  In that case, one can read the content of the prefix to see 
what it says, because it should be in a simple, pure ASCII form.  Even if it is a 
double-byte character encoding, such as Shift-JIS, the prologue only needs the 
single-byte portions that are the same as ASCII.

MathML is XML. But because formulas are seldom used as stand-alone 
files, when users e.g. copy&paste a formula from a website, they get not 
a complete file but only a fragment. Such fragments can be used via 
Tools > Import Formula in module Math. That had worked in OO1.1.5, 
(where users need to choose the filter themselves) and it works in LO, 
but currently fails in AOO.

The default, however, depends on the MIME type of the XML file.  Text/xml and 
application/xml have different defaults.  Also, MIME types can have parameters 
that specify character sets.

If no BOM and no encoding is given, UTF-8 can be assumed. (I would need 
to search for the correct reference for MathML 2, but see, 
last sentence.)

The way Windows manages this also includes using a Unicode prefix on UTF8 
(big-endian, I think).  These are not uniformly used across platforms.

Not even unique for MS applications. The "Math Input Control" produces 
UTF-16 and "Word" produces UTF-8. The parser can handle both. I have 
tested it already.

Internally, because ODF and AOO are Unicode based, it is necessary to translate 
all arriving text into Unicode for internal storage and use by the application. 
 To do otherwise, lies madness.  There are difficulties with this, because 
Unicode allows local specializations. This comes up in craziness around Symbol 
fonts that do not have common Unicode correspondence.  (Bullets in AOO have 
this disease.)

There is no problem in this aspect. I only need to examine the input 
stream, whether it can be used with the smath-filter.

I have probably provided more information than you require.  I love this 

Me too.

I have not looked at your code.

No need to spent your time on it now. I have attached it only to show 
what kind of methods I need.

Kind regards

  - Dennis

PS: The default representation of XML inside OOXML is UTF16 as I recall.  I 
could be mistaken.

-Original Message-
From: Regina Henschel []
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 12:02
To: AOO dev
Subject: Need help with strings

Hi all,

I'm going to improve the MathML type detection. Currently there exist
files, that can be opened or imported fine, when the type detection
would allow it.

I have attached a C++ file to show what I want to do.
The problem is, that MathML does not need to be encoded in utf-8 but can
have any other encoding. For example MS Windows "Math Input Control"
exports formulas in utf-16.

So my question is, which kind of string can I use, that is able to
detect/use utf-16 and has the needed methods similar to C++ string
methods find, rfind, insert, substring, clear, erase? Does AOO has such
kind of string?

It is possible to get the encoding from the MathML file or set default
utf-8, in case that information is needed for to instantiate a string

Kind regards

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Re: Need help with strings

2015-04-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Ariel,

thanks for your hints. It seems that the class OUString has the needed 
methods. But I need some time to test it.

Kind regards

Ariel Constenla-Haile schrieb:

Hello Regina,

On Wed, Apr 08, 2015 at 09:02:06PM +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi all,

I'm going to improve the MathML type detection. Currently there exist files,
that can be opened or imported fine, when the type detection would allow it.

I have attached a C++ file to show what I want to do.
The problem is, that MathML does not need to be encoded in utf-8 but can
have any other encoding. For example MS Windows "Math Input Control" exports
formulas in utf-16.

So my question is, which kind of string can I use, that is able to
detect/use utf-16 and has the needed methods similar to C++ string methods
find, rfind, insert, substring, clear, erase? Does AOO has such kind of

You can use OpenOffice's rtl string and string buffer classes, together
with the lower lever text conversion from

It is possible to get the encoding from the MathML file or set default
utf-8, in case that information is needed for to instantiate a string

If the file has no information about its encoding, you will have to
perform some kind of encoding detection, see Writer's ASCII filter for

bool SwIoSystem::IsDetectableText

used in sal_uLong SwASCIIParser::ReadChars()

Searching rtl_convertTextToUnicode in OpenGrok might give other useful


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Need help with strings

2015-04-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I'm going to improve the MathML type detection. Currently there exist 
files, that can be opened or imported fine, when the type detection 
would allow it.

I have attached a C++ file to show what I want to do.
The problem is, that MathML does not need to be encoded in utf-8 but can 
have any other encoding. For example MS Windows "Math Input Control" 
exports formulas in utf-16.

So my question is, which kind of string can I use, that is able to 
detect/use utf-16 and has the needed methods similar to C++ string 
methods find, rfind, insert, substring, clear, erase? Does AOO has such 
kind of string?

It is possible to get the encoding from the MathML file or set default 
utf-8, in case that information is needed for to instantiate a string 

Kind regards

// detect MathML

int main ()
// to be used in starmath/source/smdetect.cxx
// dummy sFragment with minimal MathML; will be variable 'aBuffer' later on
  const std::string sFragment("\x0022 >");
  std::cout << "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" 
<< "\n";
  std::cout << sFragment.c_str() << "\n";

// does it have a MathML namespace attribute? First look for URL.  
  std::size_t posURL = sFragment.find("";);
  if (posURL != std::string::npos)
// URL needs to be a attribute value, look for "="
std::size_t posEQ = sFragment.rfind("=",posURL);
if (posEQ != std::string::npos)
// attribute needs to be 'xmlns'
   std::size_t posXMLNS = sFragment.rfind("xmlns",posEQ);
   if (posXMLNS != std::string::npos)
// look whether a prefix to 'math' is specified
  std::string sPrefix = sFragment.substr( posXMLNS+5 , 
posEQ-(posXMLNS+5) );
  if (sPrefix.length() > 0)
 // remove any whitespace
 const std::string sWhitespace="\x0020\x0009\x000A\x000D";
 for (unsigned i=0; i< sPrefix.length(); ++i)
if ( sWhitespace.find( != std::string::npos )
 // trim
 if ( sPrefix.length() > 0 && sPrefix.find(":") == 0)
// don't know what SAX parser does on not well-formed XML
// for now simple ignore the trash
  // In last step look for 0 )
  std::size_t posMATH = sFragment.rfind(sMath, posXMLNS);
  if (posMATH != std::string::npos)
  std::cout << "MathML file" << "\n";
  std::cout << "Not a MathML" << "\n";

  return 0;
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Re: [Issue 54923] No obvious way to quickly increase/decrease font-size from the keyboard

2015-04-07 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patrick,

Patrick Lynn schrieb:

Thanks for your in-depth explanation on how to go about solving this bug.

I have made an attempt so far but couldn't get the font to decrease
size. I originally added the shortcuts for increase font size to be
CTRL+SHIFT+> and to decrease CTRL+SHIFT+< but both shortcuts ended up
increasing the font size. So I then replaced the uno command Grow with
Shrink so in theory both shortcuts should now decrease the font size but
instead they both increase the font size.

What is your keyboard layout? I have got a German keyboard layout. To 
get the character > I have to press Shift+[key with < and > and | on 
it]. I cannot use GREATER_MOD1 to access the character >, but I have to 

This leads me to believe that there may be some sort of issue with the
UNO Shrink command. There is some functionality that allows for
decreased font size because you can still manually set your own shortcut
under customize in writer and it works.

.uno:Shrink and .uno:Grow have icons in the sidebar. If they work there, 
the commands itself are OK.

I have attached my patch code showing the differences between the
original Accelerators.xcu and my current version. As you can see I've
only added 10 lines of code and I intentionally have both shortcuts
using the Shrink command so i'm not sure why this code is making the
font size increase.

How do you test it? Do you have a new user folder?

If I test something after making a build, I do an administrative 
installation of the generated AOO from instsetoo_native, and then I 
tweak the file bootstap.ini in folder program to get a new user folder 
inside the installation.

Kind regards

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Re: review requested: [Issue 95167] XIRR() function gives Err:502 : [Attachment 84632] Patch for finanical.cxx

2015-04-05 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi, schrieb:

Driss  has asked  for review:
Issue 95167: XIRR() function gives Err:502

Attachment 84632: Patch for finanical.cxx

It doesn't build with MSVC 9.0 Express.

Compiling: scaddins/source/analysis/financial.cxx
: error C3861: 'isnan': identifier not found
: error C3861: 'isinf': identifier not found
: error C3861: 'isnan': identifier not found
: error C3861: 'isinf': identifier not found

dmake:  Error code 2, while making '../../wntmsci12/slo/financial.obj'
ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making 

What compiler do you have used for building?

isnan and isinf is not available in the old MSVC. Use ::rtl::math::isNan 
and ::rtl::math::isInf instead.

Perhaps ::boost::math::isinf works too, but I have not tested it.

Kind regards

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Re: [Issue 54923] No obvious way to quickly increase/decrease font-size from the keyboard

2015-03-31 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Patrick,

Patrick Lynn schrieb:

I had asked about this bug previously and got a response saying to look at

The file was extremely long and didn't have a ton of comments so I wasn't
sure exactly how it functioned. Many of the shortcuts were repeated with
identical code several times so I assumed the shortcuts applied to
different OO modules.

The format is explained in
There is the article Creating_a_Custom_Configuration_Schema in the 
developer guide in the Wiki, but Wiki is currently not accessible, so I 
cannot look whether it fits to your questions.

To try to narrow down which parts of the code apply to where I replaced all
of the 4 N_SHIFT_MOD1 commands from NewDoc to Grow and after building the
system the change did work and I could increase the font size in writer.

To test your changes before building, you can change the 
registrymodifications.xcu of the local OpenOffice user.

Is there some hidden structure to this file that i'm unaware of? I still
don't know which one of the commands I replaced applies to writer, granted
I can figure this out through trial and error, but i'm not sure where in
the code I would add in the new shortcuts.

Then the big question is what should the shortcut keys be to increase and
decrease font size in Writer?

Use Strg+< and Strg+>. That short cuts are used in other applications 
(e.g. MS Word, Composer ) too. If you will test them before building, 
you need to edit the registrymodifications.xcu manually. > and < are not 
available in the customize dialog.

Kind regards

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Re: Windows buildbot failures -- can you help?

2015-03-27 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Kay,

I see in the log other folder missing too. It might be, that they have 
no wntmsci12 and therefore do not appear in the log. Is it possible to 
see, which source is actually there in the virtual machine?

Because it breaks so early and I have successfully build it, I think we 
need to make sure, that all needed parts are actually exists, but I 
don't know how to do it.

Kind regards

Kay Schenk schrieb:

Hi Regina --

On 03/26/2015 11:46 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:

Hi Kay,

Kay Schenk schrieb:

Dear all --

If you've been building with Windows, we could use some assistance with
tracking down our Windows buildbot problem. See our buildbot results
page --

Since rev. 1667884 (a possible result of making one thing right but
breaking something else), the win7 nightly has been failing.

If you are a windows builder, please update your source, and possibly do
a clean and reconfigure, and build. See what happens.

If your build is fine, report this.

I have made a clean build, but no reconfigure. The actual trunk builds
without problems.

My local source has got a folder trunk/ext_libraries/apr-util. And
therein the folder wmtmsci12, which has to be deleted for a clean build.
Looking in the log of step 2 "rsync_svn_files" I see the deletion of all
the other wmtmsci12-folders, but that of apr-util is missing. Can you
check that aspect?

Kind regards

Thanks so much for helping with this and for your hints.

Not being a Windows builder, the step you pointed out would have been
completely lost on me! :)

I will see what we can do about it.

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Re: Windows buildbot failures -- can you help?

2015-03-26 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Kay,

Kay Schenk schrieb:

Dear all --

If you've been building with Windows, we could use some assistance with
tracking down our Windows buildbot problem. See our buildbot results
page --

Since rev. 1667884 (a possible result of making one thing right but
breaking something else), the win7 nightly has been failing.

If you are a windows builder, please update your source, and possibly do
a clean and reconfigure, and build. See what happens.

If your build is fine, report this.

I have made a clean build, but no reconfigure. The actual trunk builds 
without problems.

My local source has got a folder trunk/ext_libraries/apr-util. And 
therein the folder wmtmsci12, which has to be deleted for a clean build. 
Looking in the log of step 2 "rsync_svn_files" I see the deletion of all 
the other wmtmsci12-folders, but that of apr-util is missing. Can you 
check that aspect?

Kind regards

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Re: Information

2015-03-13 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Dewey,

thank you for pointing us to that site.

Dewey Monroe schrieb:

I just wanted to let you know that I made the mistake of attempting to
download OO 4.1.1 from the following site *openoffice*.com

. Doing this caused numerous problems with other programs and numerous
infections which had to be removed. I know, my bad. However, these
unscrupulous bastards are causing a tarnish on the good you folks are
doing. You might want to look into it.

By the way, Open Office 4.1.1 is great, Thanks for the good work.

I think, we should officially act. When you click on the link "Click 
here" in the text "Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7 (32 and 64 bit)
Click here for other operating systems." near the blue arrow at the end 
of the page, you get the page

I think, that is a copyright infringement. They add there own banner 
above our website content and provide it under

In addition, the sentence "OpenOffice is an open source product licensed 
under GNU LGPL v3. " at the end of the page is suspicious. I cannot test 
the download itself. You first get an .exe file of 707KB and I have no 
safe environment to test, what happens when I use it. When they indeed 
provide an Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1, then the product name and license is 

How to proceed?

Kind regards

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Re: List of service administrators (Re: Keith McKenna as CWiki admin)

2015-03-02 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Marcus,

the text in INFRA-9217 is "In the meantime only the OOODEV space is used 
and OOOUSERS is empty. "
Shouldn't it be the other way round, "In the meantime only the OOOUSERS 
space is used and OOODEV is empty."

Kind regards

Marcus schrieb:

Am 02/27/2015 12:32 AM, schrieb Andrea Pescetti:

On 26/02/2015 Marcus wrote:

Am 02/22/2015 04:56 PM, schrieb Marcus:

I guess we need a Jira isuse for Infra, right? Should I do it?

I've deleted all pages but the space itself (OOODEV) remains. So, has
someone the power to remove it or should I notify Infra to do it?

An INFRA JIRA issue is better in both cases; so, since you volunteer,
it's all yours, thanks!

1) One JIRA issue for setting the OOOUSERS "space admins" to knmc +
pescetti; if any other "space admins" exist, they should be removed;
Dave Fisher and possibly others are "global admins" and their privileges
are unchanged.

logged as INFRA-9217 [1].

2) One JIRA issue for removing OOODEV.

In both cases, consensus thread is at

Logged as INFRA-9218 [2].



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Re: Some old OOo SVN dumps, of use to anyone?

2015-02-28 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Rob,

Rob Weir schrieb:

I was cleaning up my office at home and I found an old external
harddrive with some SVN dumps on them.

One, at around 150 GB,  is a dump of the legacy

It looks like OOo used SVN before Mercurial, and this has file history
from the migration from CVS to SVN in September 2000, if I'm reading
this correctly.

The other dump is of DMake, 67MB.   That might be a filtered version
of the above.

Note: these are the complete SVN dumps, not just an extract of the
tip.If anyone thinks we should preserve this, let me know.
Otherwise I'll reclaim the drive for other uses.

I want that it is preserved. You cannot find even a simple source for 
older versions in the web. The oldest source version I have got is for 
an OOo1.1.5. And the size of 150GB for your dump is small nowadays. Can 
you put it somewhere on

Kind regards

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Re: Assigning an issue to myself

2015-02-19 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Erik,

Erik Engstrom schrieb:


I'd like to start working on fixing a bug from Bugzilla, but I don't know
how to assign one to myself.

The issue has a line
 Assigned To:

The default entry is
AOO issues mailing list (edit) (take)

Click on "take" to assign the issue to you.

Kind regards

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Re: Starting Introduction to Contributing to Apache OpenOffice Module

2015-02-15 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jaya,

your are welcome.

Is one of the modules your favorite?

Do you already had a look at and 
the pages mentioned there?

Maybe you just start off to familiarize yourself with our Bugzilla ?

Kind regards

Jaya schrieb:

   I a jaya from USA. I am a qa tester and interested to contribute my time 
in the project.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] move repo to Git.

2015-02-13 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jan,

jan i schrieb:


We have now for a while had a readonly Git copy of our svn repo.

Should we move to a full git repo, making it easier for new developers to
participate (although it is in no way a guarantee, that it will attract new
people) by lowering the barrier.

For more documentation on Git at Apache see

Moving to a full git repo (see, would mean giving
up our current SVN repo, but history etc. will be available in Git instead.

The choice is there, and it is just a matter of how people want to work.

thoughts ?

I do not think, that a move is needed. New developers without commit 
rights do not need it, because they create patches.

I'm surely no professional developer and commit only patches from time 
to time. I use "git svn" and that works for me.

Kind regards

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Re: [VOTE] New Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair

2015-01-31 Thread Regina Henschel


Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

Who of the two candidates do you prefer to replace Andrea Pescetti as
the OpenOffice project PMC Chair?
[ ] Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid)
[ ] Jan Iversen (jani)

[x] Dennis E. Hamilton (orcmid)

Kind regards

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Re: Short-term priorities for OpenOffice

2015-01-25 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

Taking into account the different opinions expressed so far, I'm now
seeing a certain agreement on:
1) Election a new PMC Chair ...
2) Internal reorganization: people say what they are going to do to
drive the project forward ...
Later) Re-alignment between PMC and active community ...
Later) External reorganization: decide how we see OpenOffice as part of
a larger ecosystem ...
Later) Release OpenOffice 4.1.2 ...

The "Later" items need not be done in this order. What matters is that
nobody should push their completion as priorities over #1 and #2.

I agree on that order.


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Re: [CODE] keyboard shortcut definitions

2015-01-23 Thread Regina Henschel

Hallo Kay,

Kay Schenk schrieb:

Does anyone know where I can find information on where actual keyboard
shortcut definitions -- the actual escape sequences -- are defined for
use in OpenOffice. I found an old thread on where the menus are defined
-- the *.xcu files -- but the not the actual ascii sequence assignments.

When you do not look for the configuration but for the code, then you 
can start with the files 
main/framework/source/accelerators/keymapping.cxx and 
main/vcl/inc/vcl/keycodes.hxx. With the internal names, e.g. 
KEY_CONTEXTMENU, you can search and find relevant code parts.

Kind regards

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Re: [VOTE] New Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair

2015-01-20 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,


Kind regards

Andrea Pescetti schrieb:

On 31 December 2014 I wrote to this list that I would be available to
resign from the Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair position as soon as a
successor could be elected. We had nominations and long discussions and
in the end we have one candidate available to be the next OpenOffice PMC
Chair: Louis Suárez-Potts. It's now time to vote.

Do you approve that, in his capacity as the Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair,
Andrea Pescetti submits a resolution to the Board asking to be replaced
by Louis Suárez-Potts as the Apache OpenOffice PMC Chair?
[ ] +1 Yes
[ ]  0 Abstain
[ ] -1 No

Vote opens now and it will last one week (and a few hours), until 22
January 2015 10:00 AM GMT, to give all community members the opportunity
to participate. If vote passes, the resolution will be submitted to the
Board in time for the February meeting (18 February 2015).


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Has "SVN Robot" stopped to work?

2015-01-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi all,

I see no notifications in Bugzilla for new commits. The last one I found 
is in issue 125981 from 2014-12-30.

Kind regards

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Re: Committer with Mac OS X environment needed

2015-01-08 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Michael,

Michael Acevedo schrieb:

Hello Regina,

I have a MacBook Pro with OS X Yosemite. Do you want me to download the
icns attachments found in Bugzilla?

Let me know!

On Windows these icons are integrated into the executable soffice.exe 
file. So you need to make an own build of OpenOffice to test whether 
Windows can use them correctly. I don't know, but I guess for Mac OS it 
is similar. So if you can build OpenOffice on Mac, that would be great.

But if not, you can at least download and test, whether the icons 
themselves look correctly. Windows cannot show them natively, but a 
MacBook might have a build-in tool to show .icns files.

Kind regards

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Regina Henschel 

Hi all,

do you know about specifics of Mac OS? Your help is needed.

The review request
Updated icons for Mac OS X
is pending. I have used an online converter to look at the icons. I think,
that they look good. But I've got no Mac and cannot test, whether they work
well, especially the new large ones.

The review request
List box within writing aids dialog too small
is pending. There are screenshots of Mac OS and Windows attached, which
show, that the situation is different. Does the code contains parts, which
can consider this difference? The patch contains a simple shift, but there
might exist a better solution.

The problem in is of
similar kind as issue 125986. The dialog is on Mac very different from

I ask for your help, because it is frustrating when someone attaches
patches and gets no response. We should be more encouraging.

Kind regards

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Re: can't access

2015-01-07 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Kay,

Kay Schenk schrieb:

I was in the middle of several updates to the source tree from issue
125922 --

...I had the last 2 from /main/more_fonts/... to do when the svn failed
for me.

Anyone else having this problem?

I was able make a "git svn rebase" and the last commits I got are:

r1650184 = c984e9af7513243048ffd8cbb23c70b9983dc12f (refs/remotes/git-svn)
M   main/external_deps.lst
r1650187 = 02c90a6a6c011d455be469868eb21ffa700b9461 (refs/remotes/git-svn)

Kind regards

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