Re: [OSM-dev] Restarting the EWG

2020-11-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/19/20 20:41, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> * why i as a pure hobby OSM contributor with experience in the field of 
> development should volunteer my time to manage the paid development work of 
> others on my own unpaid time.

You make it sound like this was something new, but the OSMF which
largely consists of unpaid hobbyists is already managing paid
contributions in various forms.

That doesn't make your point an invalid one - from the very first time
the OSMF was paying for development this question was on everyone's
mind, and many other Open Source projects who use bounties or Summer of
Code or other means of compensating developers in addition to attracting
volunteer contributions are faced with the same problem.

Speaking as a member of an existing OSM working group, the DWG, I can
say that I could imagine a couple of projects where I would like to put
some of my DWG volunteer time into managing paid development work that
would in the end make my life in the DWG easier, and it would not
diminish my DWG engagement at all - on the contrary, probably.

So yes, if not handled well then using money to pay for stuff can be a
turn-off, but it certainly doesn't have to be!

> * how i as someone with a business or professional career interest in the OSM 
> context would be able to contribute to this work without universally having a 
> massive conflict of interest with every decision of substance that is being 
> made.

That remains to be seen. Obviously we wouldn't want someone to bring in
their spouse and kids, or even their friends, as contractors. Then
again, "I have worked with this guy in the past and I am confident he
can do what we need here" could be a very valuable piece of information.
As always, the thing about conflicts of interest is that they need to be
properly declared and managed (instead of covering everything in sticky
"we all want the best for OSM so where's the conflict" sauce), but if
that is done well then they can be handled.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Standardized feature/tag database idea & proposal

2020-11-16 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/15/20 19:14, Seth Deegan wrote:
> Has anyone ever thought of creating an official database that stores all
> of the approved and in-use tags/features in OSM? 

Yes, of course, this idea has been around in a variety of flavours. I
remember a conference talk by David Earl in 2010
though even then it was not revolutionary.

I think that going from a wiki to a plain database doesn't actually
solve many problems. Many things that are difficult for people to deal
with - like tag definitions leaving room for interpretation, different
editors having different presets, different language versions describing
tags differently, a lot of vagueness about the proposal process and its
importance, etc.etc. - would not be solved by your idea. You'd only
replace the backend but that would not automatically fix the messy bits
(and for some of the messy bits, "fixing" them might also mean breaking
a part of OSM that many cherish).

For example, one point you mention is that with a database, things could
be somehow "locked", but you're completely ignoring the question of who
would get to lock stuff, who would decide which changes are allowed, and
how this relates to translations, what the appeals process would be
etc.etc. - and *those* are the difficult questions, not the question of
whether I could technically have a mechanism that would restrict editing
to certain people.

And of course, as has been pointed out, the wiki stuff can already be
accessed in a database-like fashion, not only through the data endpoint
but also through the taginfo-wiki SQLite database from


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[OSM-dev] Nominatim updates stuck with "tuple already modified"

2020-09-11 Thread Frederik Ramm

a couple of our (Geofabrik) Nominatim servers stopped updating properly
about 4 days ago. Closer inspection has shown that this was due to a
self-referencing place=locality relation (Chernobyl-2). I have fixed
that in the OSM data just now.

Affected systems would log something like

ERROR:  tuple to be updated was already modified by an operation
triggered by the current command
HINT:  Consider using an AFTER trigger instead of a BEFORE trigger to
propagate changes to other rows.

when running update.php. This would also be in your postgres log file. A
tell-tale sign would also be if your import_osmosis_log table ends with
something like

 2020-09-07 17:23:01 |  4185363 |670328 | 2020-09-07 17:23:16 |
2020-09-07 17:23:20 | import

without a matching "index" line.

Fixing the problem seems to require this SQL command:

update planet_osm_rels set
parts='{437725919}',members='{w437725919,outer}' where id=8184246;

After this, if you run the update.php script again, it will complete
indexing and resume downloading new data from OSM. It is possible that -
depending how your updating is configured - you run into the same issue
a second time, because there are two broken versions of the relation on
OSM and if the 2nd hasn't been downloaded yet, then it will overwrite
your fix. You will then have to enter the same "update" command again.
But after that, it should work.

I've filed an issue with Nominatim about this - just writing here
in case someone encounters the same issue.


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Re: [OSM-dev] OSM Database schema

2020-01-10 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10.01.20 15:08, Lorenzo Stucchi wrote:
> What does it mean the “timestamp” present in the table (“node", “way" and 
> “relation")?

When the object was last changed.

> What does it mean the “tile” element present in the “node" table?

An integer derived from the lat/lon of the node using a mathematical

> What does it mean the “sequence_id” in the “way_nodes” table and 
> “relation_member” table?

An integer used to store the ordering of the nodes/members (which node
is the first, the second, ... in the way).


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Re: [OSM-dev] Experimental regional taginfo sites

2020-01-05 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 05.01.20 21:17, Martijn van Exel wrote:
> Am I misinterpreting your instructions or did you not add these regions?

The US has always been a special case on the download server, where
because of its size there never was an extract for the country, just for
the continent (North America) and then the census regions and individual
US states. This leads to endless special-casing server-side, and I
forgot that here, hence the bug. Fixed now:


PS: Maybe some day I'll do a proper US extract and then the US will be a
normal country like all the others ;)

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[OSM-dev] Experimental regional taginfo sites

2020-01-05 Thread Frederik Ramm
Happy new year!

Following in Imre Samu's
( footsteps, I have used
the past holiday season to set up a taginfo server that is supposed to
serve daily updated taginfo data for all regional extracts routinely
offered on the Geofabrik download server.

It's still being tinkered with hence I'm not announcing it widely - I'd
hope that a few of you here might want to give it a spin and tell me how
it is working for them before it is properly "launched".

The site is and you have to append the
path of the region you're interested in as known from the download
server, e.g. or

If you do anything fancy with the URL e.g. leave off the trailing slash
or add one where it doesn't belong, you'll get an internal server error
;) The same is true for situations in which I should accidentally have
neglected to fix a hyperlink and it still points to /something instead
of /continent/country/something.

The map images are auto-generated from the data extent and will probably
require some tweaking in some cases, e.g. the Australia-Oceania image
essentially spans the globe.

The way this works internally is that it simply runs Jochen's taginfo
data analysis on every extract, separately, and then uses a slightly
modified web application that is capable of handling multiple databases
at the same time. For the non-extract-specific sources like the wiki
extract, a shared copy is used by all regions. The regional databases
are downloadable (e.g.,
but in contrast to Jochen's global taginfo site, these downloads are
compressed on demand, and you can easily overload the server by trying
to download all databases. If you want all regional databases, talk to
me and we'll set something up.

This is still missing a couple features, most of all some form of
navigation between regions (currently only by manual URL manipulation).
It also has a few issues that Imre has already encountered and fixed in
his approach, most notably the fact that the Geofabrik extracts are not
very precise, leading to strange artifacts like a
"source=cadastre-dgi-fr" being prominent in Luxembourg and so on.

Most of the changes I have made to the taginfo web site are on, some bits and
pieces are still missing but will ultimately all end up there.

Let me hear of the problems you encounter so I can fix them before
announcing this further!


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Re: [OSM-dev] Google-free phones

2019-11-26 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 26.11.19 08:57, Andrew Hain wrote:
> How well do OSM apps work on Google-free Android phones?

Don't see what the issue should be... I've personally run OsmAnd,
Vespucci, and OsmTracker on a non-Gapps Lineage phone and they all work
without a glitch.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Slow osmosis import

2019-10-05 Thread Frederik Ramm

the osm2city software should be changed to use an osm2pgsql database
instead of an osmosis database. Not only can a planet be imported in
less than a day with osm2pgsql (if you have SSDs), but also the
osm2pgsql database already has correctly built geometries for all
objects, whereas osm2city has to make an effort to build these
geometries from raw OSM data,thereby re-inventing the wheel when it
comes to the interpretation of multipolygon relations, the treatment of
way-based vs. relation-based polygons, etc.

osm2city does not seem to use anything that could *not* be found in an
osm2pgsql import.

If you insist on continuing down your current path then you must either
equip your computer with fast SSDs, or temporarily rent a large-SSD
Amazon instance on which you can do your import and then copy over the
resulting database (if you choose a setup where the importing instance
has the same CPU architecture, as well as exactly the same OS and
PostgreSQL/PostGIS versions, then you can copy over the raw database
directory). But even this is likely to take at least a week if not
several for the import - osmosis imports are just not something people
do normally on a planet scale.

I have only cursorily looked at the osm2city source code and it seems
that it uses most of OSM's data (buildings, roads, landuse). If you
should be in a situation where you only need some of OSM's data then a
speedup could be gained by first running "osmium tags-filter" to extract
the data you really need from the planet file. But if the list of "data
you need" contains roads and buildings and landuse then you might as
well not filter, since those categories make up the bulk of OSM data.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Slow osmosis import

2019-10-04 Thread Frederik Ramm

first question: are you absolutely sure you need an Osmosis import -
does your use case not work with an osm2pgsql import?


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Re: [OSM-dev] QA, check for tag change

2019-10-02 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10/2/19 20:36, yves wrote:
> What would be a cheap way to find ways that once were highway=* and are
> now a piste:type=nordic but no more a highway=* ?

Define "cheap" ;)

I usually tackle issue like this with a contraption of history file,
osmium, and a script in a programming language of choice (for easy cases
even shell script works).

The first step is to have osmium convert the history file into "OPL"
format which gives you one ascii text line for every version of an
object, neatly sorted by type, ID, and version:

osmium cat somefile.osh.pbf -tway -fopl

From there, the following Perl script would for example solve your problem:


use strict;

my $lastid;
my $was_highway;
my $lost;

/^w(\d+) .*T(\S+)/ or next;
my ($id, $tags) = ($1, $2);
my $piste = ($tags =~ /piste:type=nordic/);
if ($id eq $lastid)
$lost = ($piste && $was_highway && $tags !~ /highway=/);
print "way $lastid lost its highway tag\n" if ($lost);
$lastid = $id;
undef $was_highway;
undef $lost;
$was_highway = $was_highway || ($tags =~ /highway=/);

save that in and simply do a

osmium cat somefile.osh.pbf -tway -fopl | perl

You will find that it is a bit rough around the edges, e.g. it doesn't
correctly handle deleted objects and disregards the very last way in the
file, but it works *in general*.


PS: Slightly more sophisticated Perl snippets from some of my scripts
lying around include

my $part;
my @parts = split(/ /, $_);
my $obj = shift(@parts);
foreach (@parts)

(this splits the OPL line into a hash that you can then access with
$part->{'v'} for the version, $part->{'T'} for the tags etc.etc.) and

my @tags = split(/,/, $part->{'T'});
my $tag;
foreach (@tags)

which further splits the "tags" part into a hash with tags so that you
can then write code like "if defined $tag->{'highway'}" etc.

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Re: [OSM-dev] PostgreSQL 11 - osm2pgsql performance problems during --append?

2019-09-12 Thread Frederik Ramm

if you are using the flatnodes option (which you should for a world-wide
import) then the node import step will mainly hit the flatnodes file and
only have relatively limited PostgreSQL interaction. It therefore sounds
unlikely that the PostgreSQL upgrade could be at fault.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Rendering OSM carto from epsg:4326 database

2019-09-11 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11.09.19 17:39, Sven Geggus wrote:
> This does not seem to work.

One thing that is likely to break is any queries that are based on the
content of way_area ("WHERE way_area > somevalue"). You'll either have
to make all these limits much smaller with a script, or use the
--reproject-area osm2pgsql flag on import.

(Or potentially run an update on your existing database the
re-calculates all the way_area values based on a reprojected polygon.)

There might be other issues - how exactly does it not work?


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Re: [OSM-dev] Feedback on project idea

2019-05-02 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 01.05.19 22:22, HWANG, MICHAEL  (MICHAEL) wrote:
> I’m looking for feedback/interest in a new open source software project
> idea.  This project is intended to address the problem of systematically
> combining private geo-spatial datasets with OSM data.  There can be
> overlap (in terms of objects) between the private geo-spatial datasets
> and with OSM and the project’s goal is to de-duplicate and to merge all
> objects together to produce a new single, consistent, more complete
> dataset.  The reason why this is needed is that organizations have
> private datasets that will take time/never be pushed into OSM.

It is important to take a moment to look at the reasons here:

* Some datasets might be theoretically suitable for inclusion in OSM,
but the person or organisation using them doesn't have the patience or
resources to commit to a proper import process.

* Some datasets might be of insufficient quality for inclusion in OSM,
but the quality might be sufficient for a particular use case.

* Some datasets might be outright wrong - e.g. a politically defined
"official" set of boundaries that needs to be used to publish maps in a
country but is useless for all other purposes.

* Some datasets might be confidential or copyrighted and therefore not
suitable for contributing to OSM.

If there was a platform that allowed people to mix such data with OSM at
on the data user side, that would be a huge relief for OSM because it
would stop people from pushing low-quality data into OSM "just to make
nice maps" or "just to have the hospitals on their Garmin maps" or so -
they could mix-in questionable data with your toolchain.

Even better if the platform were public in a way that would allow people
to mix-in data provided by others, e.g. someone could at the push of a
button choose to have built-up areas from in their
maps or so.

Lots of technical challenges, of course. In some of the cases above
there might also be license challenges; mixing your own restaurant data
with OSM's and de-duplicating and generating a "new and better" data set
would likely, if you publicly use that, lead to it having to be
published under ODbL so the "confidential/copyrighted" use cases would
have to be carefully checked.

> Would the OSM community be receptive to this sort of project and be open
> for collaboration?  If this is not the proper forum to ask, please let
> me know where else I can go to ask.

It is hard to ask "the OSM community" for anything but I guess here's as
good as anywhere.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: Request for a Map as JPEG export

2019-04-16 Thread Frederik Ramm

"bigmap" essentially downloads lots of tiles from OSM and stitches them
together. This can give you a map with lots of pixels but not really a
high resolution map, it will always have "screenshot quality".

Plus, the user interface of my bigmap (at is a
bit sucky. Zverik has made an improved version here


On 16.04.19 08:08, PanierAvide wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm not sure this covers all the functionalities you're looking for, but
> are you aware of "BigMap" ? This website allows to export an area with
> more or less high resolution. This avoid to stitch manually the tiles,
> and maybe the tool can be customised to add functionalities you're
> looking for.
> Regards,
> Adrien P.
> Le 16/04/2019 à 00:23, Flaviu S a écrit :
>> Dear Dev Community,
>> I searched for a way or a tool which can do following:
>> I need to create a JPEG with the Size of A0 (841 x 1189 mm) at least
>> or of 2A0 (1189 x 1682 mm) if possible.
>> The corners of the map have following coordinates:
>> 48.03731, 15.85933
>> 47.88788, 15.85933
>> 47.88742, 16.33449
>> 48.03601, 16.33476
>> image.png
>> The Zoom Level should be as high as possible, so that the names of the
>> streets are still readable.
>> For example like this 
>> Screenshot 2019-04-15 20.20.49.png
>> And then I need also this polygons (a KMZ File) to be on the map
>> image.png
>> Do you have any possibility to make a JPEG like this in that high Zoom
>> Level?
>> Because without programming skills, the only way I found is to make
>> more screenshots and then stitch it together to one big picture and
>> then resize it to A0, but this would mean, I can't change anything
>> afterwards.
>> If you can help me, I would be very thankful ☺
>> P.s.:
>> If something is unclear or you need more information, please feel free
>> to contact me.
>> Best regards
>> Flavius Sarca
>> ___
>> dev mailing list
> ___
> dev mailing list

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Re: [OSM-dev] Fwd: Request for a Map as JPEG export

2019-04-16 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 16.04.19 00:23, Flaviu S wrote:
> I searched for a way or a tool which can do following:

Here's a couple ways/methods you could try.

Method 1:

The following method does not need *programming* skills but you'll have
to know your way around a Linux machine:

* install osm2pgsql, Mapnik, and PostGIS
* clone openstreetmap-carto from github and follow instructions for
downloading shape files there
* install
* get an .osm.pbf data file that covers the region you are interested
in, perhaps from
* import into database with osm2pgsql
* run nik4 to generate large output image

To add custom KML data, EITHER (variant 1a)

* convert KMZ to shape file, add a new layer to your openstreetmap-carto
style to draw this shape file with the appropriate styling

OR (variant 1b)

* instruct nik4 to output a "world file" in addition to output image,
then open output image in QGIS, load your KMZ in QGIS, style as desired.
Note you may have to tell QGIS that your image is in EPSG:3857 and
possibly enable "on the fly transformation" to load the KMZ which likely
is in EPSG:4326

Method 2:

If all this sounds too complicated, you might be able to use to generate a couple of large
images that you can then stitch together (better than screenshots). But
adding your KMZ would then be difficult - perhaps it can be done by
uploading your KMZ tu UMAP and then using the maposmatic UMAP functionality.

Method 3:

Another option might be to use only QGIS, and start by adding an OSM
layer from a free WMS server and
then add your KMZ on top. The "print composer" in QGIS should then allow
you to create a large image. The output quality of this approach depends
on whether or not the WMS supports high(er) resolution output; worst
case, it will be only screenshot quality.


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[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 23/24 Feb

2019-01-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

the next Karslruhe Hack Weekend is on the 23/24 February. Details:


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Re: [OSM-dev] iD news - 2.12.0 released 🎉

2018-12-10 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 12/10/18 17:42, Simon Poole wrote:
> I suspect Frederik was more concerned about the consequence that it
> makes place names essentially uneditable.

I was hoping to get an explanation from Bryan what the idea behind this
was, especially if there's any API level connection to Wikidata either
implemented or planned. My gut reaction is "we certainly don't want to
defer to Wikidata for names" but perhaps I've got this wrong and that's
not what this whole thing is about. I wanted to ask for details before
judging it or expressing concern.


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Re: [OSM-dev] iD news - 2.12.0 released 🎉

2018-12-10 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10.12.2018 03:14, Bryan Housel wrote:
> iD now displays linked data if a feature has a wikidata tag, and will
> protect fields like name and brand from direct editing.

Can you elaborate on the logic behind this a bit more?

On first reading it sounds like if I set a wikidata tag on something, iD
will load name and brand from wikidata and not allow editing of those
fields but that certainly can't be right. Which fields exactly are
protected, what does protection mean, and by what is this protection


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Re: [OSM-dev] Indexing of PBF files

2018-10-15 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10/15/2018 11:32 PM, Nick Stallman wrote:
> In doing this I noticed that all the tools handling PBF files are
> horribly inefficient. With PBF files being in essentially raw
> chronological order it means extracting any kind of meaningful data out
> of them requires scanning the entire file (even if you are only
> interested in a small region) and vast quantities of random reads.

I don't think your analysis is correct. I am not aware of any file that
processes PBFs and does random reads - they're all streaming, and worst
case they're reading the file in full three times. But no seeking. And
reading "only a region" from a PBF file is kind of a niche use case;
most people get the file that covers the area they need, and load it
into a database, where derived data structures will be built for
whatever the use case is.

The osmium command line tool is relatively good and efficient at cutting
out regions from a planet file if needed. Indexing a planet file would
only make sense if your use case involves repeatedly cutting out small
areas from a planet file.

> Judging from the PBF wiki page, all the work was done ~8 years ago and
> included the foresight to have fields for indexing but from what I can
> find nothing has been done about that since. Adding an index seems like
> a logical step which would reduce processing times for many common
> operations drastically.

As I said, most people take a PBF and load it into a database, and I
don't see how that processing would benefit from an index. What are the
"many common operations" you are thinking of?

> Some tools do make their own index or cache but
> it needs to be done for each tool and is sub optimal.

I'm only aware of Overpass which is essentially a database
implementation of its own, which not only does regional cuts but also
filtering by tags, and would certainly not be able to simply replace its
own database with an indexed PBF.

> I'm a little tempted to find the time to create an indexed format myself
> if needed and submit patches to the relevant tools so they can benefit
> from it.

Again, I struggle to understand which operations and tools would
benefit; I don't think the general OSM data user struggles with the
issues an index would solve. I could imagine if you ran a custom extract
server like then having random, regionally indexed
access to a raw data file could be beneficial but that's about the only
case I can think of.
 > With this scheme, if you needed to make a country extract it would be
> too easy, Blobs could simply be copied as-is selected by their geohash.
> A later step could then filter out by polygon or bounding box if
> required over the subsequent significantly smaller file. If the entire
> planet file was being imported in to PostGIS then it could be done in a
> single pass since everything would be easily locatable.

The planet is imported into PostGIS in a single pass even now, at least
if you use osm2pgsql.

I am running a nightly job that splits the planet into tons of country
and smaller extracts on It takes a couple of
hours every night. Having an indexed planet file could save a little
time in the process but I'm not sure if it would be worth it. The reason
many people download country extracts from is
probably not that the planet file isn't indexed and therefor extracting
a region is hard - it's that the planet file is huge and they don't want
to download that much. An indexed planet file would not help these users.

Not saying you shouldn't try it but I haven't yet understood the benefits.


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Re: [OSM-dev] [OSM-talk] Tool update from HOT: MapCampaigner

2018-09-30 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 01.10.2018 03:28, Nate Smith wrote:
> Last week we
> released a new version of a data quality monitoring tool

I would like to recommend that you don't use the term "quality
monitoring tool" for this since you're measuring quantity not quality.
At best, I'd call it a tool that monitors "richness" or "completeness".

Simply counting how many features there are and how many of a
pre-defined list of tags each one has shouldn't be called "quality
monitoring", because there will be situations where the OpenStreetMap
community requests of project managers (who your web site claims to be
targeted at) that they implement some form of quality assurance; calling
your statistics tool a "quality monitoring" tool runs the risk of making
these people believe that quality requirements can be fulfilled by
ensuring that enough tags are set, which is definitely not what the
wider community would regard as a suitable quality assurance for a
humanitarian data entry project.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Various types and means of account blocks

2018-09-26 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 26.09.2018 10:43, Frederik Ramm wrote:

Uh, the "discussion" there is currently taking a xenophobic turn that
will lead to more removals maybe it wasn't a good example.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Various types and means of account blocks

2018-09-26 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 24.09.2018 21:05, wrote:
> Well, as outlined in GitHub, these concepts seem to exist already.
> Number 1 would be called "block" (you could still use the forum, I
> guess) and (2) "suspension" (everything hidden).

Yes. The "everything hidden" bit is very confusing though. One example
from the recent past:

There used to be a changeset comment there. The user, and his comment,
were then kicked out. The response to his comment remains, though,
without any apparent motivation.

It would be better to have "(a comment by user X has been removed)" or so.

I guess if someone sets up an account just for adding a spam profile, it
would be ok to remove them without a trace, but once they've
participated in any way (and potentially provoked a response, like
here), you can't really act as if they never existed.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Various types and means of account blocks

2018-09-24 Thread Frederik Ramm

I would like to start a discussion/brainstorming about the technical
aspects and means of blocking OSM user accounts.

First of all, the wider OSM community uses a wealth of communications
channels, most of which are not even controlled by us; here I just want
to discuss the actual OSM account and the means of communication
associated with that.

Currently an account can be blocked (by the DWG for a limited time, or
by admins for arbitrary timespans). There's a UI for that (even though I
think the long-term blocks need manual database fiddling). A blocked
user cannot edit OSM data. They can, however, still use the various
communication functions: write personal messages, write or comment on
diary entries, comment on changesets, and open, close, and comment on
notes. And they can modify their user page, change their account name,
and "befriend" other users.

Currently, if we wanted to keep someone from using these functions, we'd
have to "suspend" the account altogether, which is almost the same as
deleting it: The account will not be visible any more, at all, and
nobody can log in to it (cf. discussion in

OSM has largely been spared from obnoxious nutcases that you find online
elsewhere, but our increasing popularity will certainly send a couple of
them our way in the future.

Some examples of borderline behaviour that we have seen in the past:

* user creating tons of playful/funny notes, and modifying his user name
several times a day

* user closing 100s of notes without actually doing something about them

* user "stalking" another user in changeset comments, writing rant-y
comments in response to everything the other user writes

* user writing longish, rant-y, unwanted, and off-topic diary comments
 to third party's diary entries

* user sending legal threats to other users in personal messages

* user adding a "shit list" to his profile page listing the account
names of other mappers they don't like

I wonder what the best way would be to deal with issues like that. The
ticket I quoted above is from a DWG member suggesting that normal user
blocks should simply be extended to block all the "communication"
functions as well. In the discussion it was suggested that someone
blocked for, say, participating in an edit war, should not necessarily
be prevented from writing and receiving messages.

Is the opposite true as well - would/should someone given a cool-off
period for being a dick in a discussion still be allowed to do mapping?

Should a normal user block perhaps simply come in two flavours, "block
mapping only" and "block all"?

It has been suggested that blocking *all* communication functions might
be problematic because one thing you might expect from someone you have
blocked is that they apologise, or set something right, which they might
not be able to do without the ability to write messages.

Do we need a full array of permissions - "can change user name", "can
edit own user page", "can write personal messages", etc. - and the
ability to short-time suspend any and all of them?

Thoughts are welcome.

This also ties in somewhat with a separate discussion, on how a
prerequisite for allowing children on the platform might be that we can
disable the "social" functions of an account. In that case it would not
be a short-term block, but a whole class of accounts that can edit, but
not participate in discussions (for their own protection). I'm not sure
that can work at all (given that the ability to contact a mapper is very
important to us). Maybe such accounts would have to be linked to a
"responsible" parent account who then gets the messages...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] How to find the way with the most relation memberships

2018-08-27 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 27.08.2018 13:23, Maarten Deen wrote:
> I have seen duplicates of (bus) relations also in Germany,

No way, the Germans would never allow that kind of relation breakage...

... err, ehm ;)


PS: top 100 planet-wide are in, done with
exactly the script from the beginning of this thread.

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Re: [OSM-dev] How to find the way with the most relation memberships

2018-08-27 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 27.08.2018 11:41, Simon Poole wrote:
> Come on, you're  leaving us out on a limb. Now we want to know the world
> leader in relation membership :-).


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] How to find the way with the most relation memberships

2018-08-26 Thread Frederik Ramm

in the course of a discussion over on talk-gb, I wanted to find out
which ways have the highest number of relation memberships. In case
someone is interested, here's how to do it with Osmium and Perl.

1. create this Perl script which reads "opl" ascii format


next unless /boundary/;
s/.* M//g;
foreach (split(/,/))
my ($a,$b)=split(/@/);

foreach (sort { $mem{$b}<=>$mem{$a} } keys(%mem))
printf "%d %s\n", $mem{$_}, $_;
last if ($i++>100);

2. feed an .osm.pbf file into it:

osmium cat some-file.osm.pbf -trelation -fopl | perl

I ran this for England and found a small number of ways that were
actually in over 100 different (bus route) relations ;)

If you like Python, you could of course do the whole thing in one go
using the PyOsmium library


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Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-21 Thread Frederik Ramm

the changes that I proposed mean that your Overpass API will, if it
wants to continue downloading user data from OSM, at some point in the
future have to identify itself to OSM with an OSM account as proof of
your acceptance of the Terms of use.

This is the *technical* requirement for having access to OSM user data
in the future, and it is easy to do. I'm happy to provide the necessary
script for that when the time comes.

Overpass already differentiates between output with and output without
meta data. The output without meta data, which IMHO is totally
sufficient for the overwhelming amount of Overpass use cases, would
continue unchanged.

So these use cases are all covered without any of us investing any work,
without a "development backlog of more than a year" or killing the
project entirely.

Let's look at those use cases where Overpass users would like to
download user data.

You seem to assume that this not only requires the overpass user to have
an OSM account but also that the overpass user somehow goes through an
OAuth process with OSM every time they want to access Overpass.

This is *not* intended to be a requirement.

The ToU will require - in wording that is yet to be defined - that you
take care to only distribute OSM user data for purposes that the OSMF
considers legitimate. Now it is clear that you cannot actually *control*
what users do with data - but you will be expected to inform them that
they have to conform to the OSMF's rules when they process this data.

One *possible* way of doing that would be to simply have them prove that
they have an OSM account, because if they have an account, then they
also have accepted the ToU, and then you don't have to explain anything
to them. This *could* be done with OAuth, either with every request they
send, or you could have your own database of Overpass API keys where
people have to prove they have an OSM account when they register.

But you could also run a scheme completely independent of OSM, where
anyone can register for an "Overpass account" and you show them some
text that says "By signing up for an Overpass account you promise to
always stick to OSM's terms of use" or so.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 06/20/18 11:38, Jochen Topf wrote:
> And if you actually want to make sure that redacted data (because the
> user wanted it to be deleted) is deleted downstream also, 

We will not try to "make sure" that this happens, but we plan to offer
help for downstream data processors, likely by publishing some sort of
feed or list of user deletions and redactions. This hasn't been specced
out yet, and doesn't have to be at this point in time.

We sure as hell don't intend to track and record who accesses OSM user data.

> It might be "the least disruptive", but if it doesn't make any sense,
> that doesn't make it better. Any judge will laugh at you if you tell
> them: Well, we trust the million users we already have and the other 6
> billion who can sign on to OSM anonymously more than we trust the
> general public.

I think that setting out clear terms for the users we already have and
those who might sign up in the future *is* a step in the right
direction. It conveys the message that personal data isn't handed out
willy-nilly, and that you have a certain responsibility when dealing
with it.

> It is a step towards making the project more closed and burying it in
> burocracy. 

I don't see that.

> You are ceding ground

This isn't a war between us and the EU in which we "cede ground". I
don't even think that being able to bandy around personal information
about OSM users is a goal worth fighting for. If I had to decide whether
the fact that everyone can stalk our mappers using OSM data is a
necessary side effect of our work, or counter to our interests, I would
probably lean towards the latter.

> instead of arguing that this data needs to be public for everyone.

Any judge will laugh at you if you say that the information that user
John Smith has mapped something at 4:23 on the 3rd of January needs to
be public for everyone. Why would it, outside of a very narrow number of
QA related use cases?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 20.06.2018 08:32, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> Such agreement would not be an agreement to process your own data given 
> by individuals to the OSMF (which is the kind of agreement you would 
> normally expect in the GDPR context).  You probably mean some kind of 
> contractual agreement about what can be done with the data.

Yes. This also requires the delicate distinction that not everything in
a .osm file is necessarily under ODbL.

> But to be 
> honest i don't really see the point in that.  People who download the 
> data can easily create an ad hoc account every time they download data. 

Yes. There would still be a natural person in front of the monitor who
clicks "I agree to be bound by these rules" though.

> The OSMF does not verify the identity of who is behind a user account 
> created. 

And doesn't intend to.

> So what do you expect to gain from such an agreement?  Is 
> there any reason to assume that in a case of such data being released 
> in a way that is not according to the legal requirements by a third 
> party the agreement can be used to avoid legal responsibility for the 
> OSMF it would otherwise need to face?

I think the idea is more: If someone releases, or abuses, personal OSM
data, it is clear that

* this violates OSMF policy and
* someone somewhere in the transport chain from OSM server to
rule-violating use has agreed to rules that they then broke.

In my view, this is not "cargo cult". If someone comes to us, today, and
complains that their OSM contributions are being used to stalk them,
then we cannot even point to a rule that says you cannot do this. The
stalker is, as far as OSMF is concerned, 100% within their rightful use
of the data. This is something that needs to stop - even if, in the
future, it only becomes marginally more difficult for the stalker to use
OSM data, at least we clearly say that (a) this use is not allowed, and
(b) the stalker knows it.

> What i can understand is giving people a simple selection option between 
> [ ] i want to be safe w.r.t. personal data and not being provided 
> potentially sensitive information when logged in.
> [ ] i want to have the possibility to access potentially sensitive data 
> when logged in.
> which would mainly be a service to the user - kind of like the sensitive 
> content switch on youtube.

This is essentially the login. If you are not logged in to OSM then you
will not have access to personal data. If you are logged in, then you
will. We are not currently planning to offer a third way (logged in with
the capability to edit but unable to see personal data).


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 20.06.2018 07:58, Jochen Topf wrote:
>> 3a. issue guidelines about what you are allowed to do with the user data
>> files,
>> 3b. ensure that everyone who has an OSM account agrees to these
>> guidelines one way or the other,

> This is the part that's not easy and where there is a lot of important
> detail missing. You have to get everybody to agree, which is not going
> to happen.

I was thinking of simply blocking accounts from logging in until they
have agreed. Or more precisely, they would be able to log in, but only
to see the message telling them they need to "click here".

> You probably have to
> change rules in the future so you have to make this generic, keeping
> information about who clicked through which version of the rules. 

Unsure how useful that would be; would I not want to have everyone "on
the same page" at all times, i.e. having agreed to the same rules?

> So you
> are generating more information you are tracking with each user, more
> personal information for which you need consent from the user. 

As I said, I would simply block all accounts until they have agreed to
the rule. This is not just about being allowed to download data; someone
who edits OSM will also have access to the full user data through the
API and hence agreeing to the rules is a prerequisite for editing too.

> All of
> this needs to be tied in the OAuth stuff and it has to be done in a way
> that 3rd party services using OSM data can ask *their* downstream users
> to identify in the same way which allows OSM to track everybody who uses
> the full OSM data everywhere adding more personal data to keep and to
> explain to users and get permissions from users for.

No, there's a mistake in your reasoning here.

It is true that downstream data distributors like Overpass or the
Geofabrik downloads need to be able to verify whether someone has an OSM
account or not. Pascal has been doing that for ages on his HDYC site,
for example.

But downstream data distibutors do not need to know or store anything
more than that; the Geofabrik download server for example will not even
store the user name of the person who has logged in, just that "whoever
is here has just proven they have an OSM account". So the downstream
distributor can deal with this without processing any personal data. (It
would be possible to extend our OAuth system by a call that would not
even return the user's identity to the caller - currently the identity
is returned to the caller and the caller must then decide whether to
process it or not.)

On the OSM server side it is true that the server can know that "user X
has just gone through the OAuth process at ". But
there's no reason why we would have to keep, store, or process this
information in any way. If we don't process the data then we don't have
to explain, and we don't have to get permission either.

(I don't see why it would be useful to store who has downloaded a full
planet file when.)

> Please stop this nonsense now!

The only alternatives I can see would be:

1. Stop distributing who-did-what-when information to everyone, period.
This is possible but it would create a privileged class inside OSM that
has access to this information, and it would harm the ability of the
community to do QA.

2. Take the view that distributing the data is what we do and tough
luck, you've signed up to it. The LWG has advised against that course of
action. Even if we were to get away with it, we would still have to stop
distributing someone's data once they protest (or at least restrict the
distribution of data), at which point you either have to implement the
whole stuff I outlined in my original post and ensure that some user
data is not publicly available, or (point 1 above) stop distributing
that one person's data altogether.

Given these alternatives, I think the course currently followed by the
OSMF is the least disruptive.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] GDPR implementation on

2018-06-19 Thread Frederik Ramm

as you probably know, the EU data protection rules compel us to be a bit
less open in handing out personal data to everyone. Following LWG's
analyses and recommendations, the OSMF has decided to implement
restrictions on publishing user names and changeset IDs.

The general plan is to allow everyone "in OSM" (i.e. with an OSM
account) to fully access all data as before (and have a policy that says
you must only use the personal data for OSM purposes), while removing
user names, user IDs, and changeset IDs from the publicly availalbe data
(i.e. what you can get without an OSM account).

This requires changes to the API which I've started to sketch here:

but this message is about changes to the downloads on Here's a three phase plan for changing the way
we run, and I would like to hear feedback about
the feasibility from users and those familiar with running the site
alike. I haven't run this by the sysadmins so if there are any bloopers
I hope they will be pointed out. (I will put this up on and try to
work in any results from discussion here but if you're more comfortable
to edit directly on the Wiki that's fine too.)


Phase 1 - Introduction of no-userdata files

This does not require software development and could start immediately,
but some scripting is required.

1a. set up a new domain for OSM internal data downloads, e.g.
"", initially duplicating all data.

Issue: name of domain?
Issue: ironbelly disk usage is at 70%, possible to add space?

1b. modify the planetdump.erb in the planet chef cookbook to generate
versions without user information of all the weekly dumps, in addition
to the versions with user information; have the versions without user
information stored in the old "" tree, and the
versions with user information in the new "osm-internal" tree.

Issue: should files have the same names on internal and public site, or
should they be called "planet-with-userdata" and "planet" or something?

1c. modify the replication.cron.erb as follows:

* have osmosis write minutely replication files to the new "internal" tree
* run a shell script after generating the replication files that will
find the newly generated file, pipe it through osmium stripping user
information, and write the result to the old "planet" tree, copying the
state.txt files as needed
* run the osmosis "merge-diff" tasks separately on both trees OR run on
internal tree only and pipe result through osmium as above
* write changeset replication XMLs to the new "internal" tree only

For step 1c, it might make sense to announce a maintenance window
beforehand during which the changes will be made, so that consumers who
rely on user data can stop their replication for a few hours and then
make the switch.

1d. modify index pages to point to the internal
page in case people wish to download stuff with user data; place marker
on internal page that these files are with user data.

At the end of phase 1, we will have this situation:

* new changeset diffs only on the "internal" tree
* regular diffs come in two flavours, with and without user data
* planet dumps etc. also come in two flavours
* old files are unchanged
* consumers will automatically get the stuff without user data
* consumers who need user data will have to change their URLs

Phase 2 - Cleaning out old files that contain user data

This can be done slowly in the background over the course of however
long it takes:

2a. remove all changeset dumps and changeset diffs from the public tree.
2b. run all .osc, .osm.pbf, and .osm.bz2 files on the public tree
through osmium, scrubbing user data (retain file timestamp if possible)
and re-creating .md5 files where necessary

Phase 3 - Controlling access to files with user data

Once the parallel systems are up and running, we will want to

3a. issue guidelines about what you are allowed to do with the user data
3b. ensure that everyone who has an OSM account agrees to these
guidelines one way or the other,
3c. start requiring an OSM login for all downloads from the internal,
"with userdata" tree.

One possible technical solution for 3c is which also
comes with a guide for users on how to run it in a scripted setup.

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Re: [OSM-dev] Loc2Vec

2018-06-18 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 06/18/2018 07:30 PM, Christoph Hormann wrote:
> I think it is probably possible to create scenarios where all three 
> viewpoints (the two above and the 'no copyright issues involved' case) 
> are plausible interpretations.

I can certainly construct a primitive "machine learning" machine that
can be "trained" with OSM data and that will nicely respond with that
very OSM data very time I set it to work on the same geographical area ;)

I have a hunch that in order to disprove that your machine learning
installation and all it produces is a derived work, you would at least
have to lay open the algorithms and the training data used.

If someone has a proprietary machine and trains it with OSM data, then
my default assumption would be that everything the machine ever outputs
is derived from OSM, because how will I know that the machine doesn't
simply store everything it sees during learning?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Changes on

2018-05-24 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 24.05.2018 07:22, Roland Olbricht wrote:
> given that the GDPR is going into effect tomorrow and there have been
> plans announced to restrict the minute diffs:

It is very likely that access to user data will be restricted at some
point in the future, but this will be announced well in advance. There
will not be a sudden change tomorrow.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] issue with geofabrik europe update

2018-05-16 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 05/16/18 14:43, Julien Fastré wrote:
> We had a strange issue with a europe diff update from geofabrik: the
> diff file is not a valid xml.

And that's entirely my fault for using "sed" to modify a couple of .osc
files around the beginning of May. Sorry for that! It was after we got
rid of uid/user fields in .osc files, and it turned out that some people
has issues with the reduced files, so we decided to put dummy uid/user
fields back in, and for the old files I quickly did that with a too
broad search-and-replace command ;)

Fixed the file now (and another one in the "georgia-updates" dir).

> I wonder if we were the only one affected and, if not, how did you cope
> to pass this diff without error ?

Since the bug was introduced a day or two after the diff was published,
it is possible that other consumers of the diff who loaded it
immediately didn't run into the issue.

Sorry for that - I'm sure it took you some time to figure out what was


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] GDPR related changes to web site and API

2018-05-07 Thread Frederik Ramm

(this has been on osmf-talk already but I think it should go to a wider
dev audience)

The LWG has made some recommendations about what we need to change on
the web site and API to comply with future European data protection
rules. On the whole this boils down to "logged-in users get the same
stuff they get today, but guests who are not logged in will not see
details about users".

The detailed LWG recommendations are here I
have made a list of what I believe needs to be changed on the API and
web site, here:

It would be good if some more people with a solid knowledge of the Rails
code, or people who use it a lot, could cross-check that and point out
potential issues.

We'll also be needing people who are willing and able to implement the
changes once we agree on what's necessary ;)


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Re: [OSM-dev] Generalisation

2018-04-15 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 04/14/2018 11:18 AM, Tomas Straupis wrote:
>   As OSM is mature enough to start generalisation (more than
> "selection" operator), maybe there is some place where such topics (in
> OSM context) are discussed in English?

The most likely location for this to be discussed is probably within the
openstreetmap-carto developer community as they would benefit most from
such approaches. I don't follow their work closely though so couldn't
say if the issues have been discussed in the past.

I'm sure Arne himself would be happy to participate but I hear he's gone
on holiday after completing his thesis ;)

>   Also, maybe there are ideas to translate the thesis mentioned above
> to English?

I'm not aware of any plans, but I do know that Arne has quoted similar
work done by others, and there were many English-language works among
that, so perhaps if you skim through his literature list at the end of
the PDF you'll find interesting articles.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Read-only API calls, fair usage

2018-02-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 20.02.2018 10:51, Michał Brzozowski wrote:
> You can use changeset replication with ChangesetMD to query your own DB.

I was tempted to respond the same, but I imagine the idea is that as
soon as the user clicks on the "I have fixed this" button, MapRoulette
checks what has been committed... and replication could mean up to one
minute delay. Picture the eager MapRouletteer staring at the "please
wait" cursor for a minute every time they fix something...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Working with OSM data with less or no metadata

2018-02-14 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 14.02.2018 15:23, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> it seems Brexit could become effective March next year. Maybe we just wait?

We would still have to apply EU regulations to processing the data of EU

> I really hope we will not obfuscate or remove meta data because of some
> EU privacy regulation, please do not overreact.

The LWG is, or has been, discussing this with lawyers so I hope they
will come up with sensible recommendations. I don't think the new
regulations will be without consequences though.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Scale of downloaded images seems to vary.

2018-01-11 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 01/11/2018 12:44 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> note that this will always only be approximate as it will vary across
> your sheet of paper (getting smaller towards the equator and bigger
> towards the poles in the mercator projection we use), so you would want
> to say something like "the scale in the centre of your sheet will be 1 :
> 25000")

Also, "this applies to the horizontal scale, the vertical scale is
another matter altogether" ;)


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[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 17/18 Feb

2018-01-04 Thread Frederik Ramm
Gah, got the date in the subject wrong on my first attempt. Fixed ;)


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[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 18/19 Feb

2018-01-04 Thread Frederik Ramm

   a new year - a new hack weekend! Everyone's welcome in Karlsruhe on
the 17th/18th February (and in the pub on the evening before) if they
like hacking on something together, or at least not totally on their own ;)

Details on the Wiki


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Re: [OSM-dev] Automatically triggering export as PDF from -> share?

2017-12-21 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 12/21/2017 09:40 PM, Bjoern Hassler wrote:
> The idea would be to produce a PDF in the same way as manually going to
> export, selecting format PDF, scale 1:2500 and dimensions 800x1000?

The current usage policies in

say that

"Calls to /cgi-bin/export may only be triggered by direct end-user
action. (For example: “click here to export”.) The export call is an
expensive (CPU+RAM) function to run and will frequently reject when
server is under high load."

so using a script to produce these PDFs would violate the policy except
in rare circumstances where running the script is triggered by a user

What you could do instead:

* download and stitch tiles, convert to PDF; search for "OSM bigmap" for
different implementations.

* use the "staticmap" script on like this:,-50&zoom=2&size=500x350

Both will only give you standard resolution raster images. You could
also try

* (a working fork of the
discontinued MapOsMatic project, does PDFs)

or the somewhat idiosyncratic but powerful

* (Europe only, quarterly data updates,
does PDFs in theory but currently only PNG works)

or if you're on Windows or willing to use Mono, Maperitive can also
generate PDFs for any region using data from Overpass, and it's
scriptable (even headless).

Of course, the canonical solution is "install your own
postgres/mapnik/ and run it locally" ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Live User Statistics

2017-11-25 Thread Frederik Ramm

  I've long wanted to have something a bit like "show me the way", where
I can have a "live" display of what's happening in OSM. I started
building something at the last hack weekend in Karlsruhe but only now
had the time to make it into something that is not *totally*
embarrassing. A live demo is here:

and the source is here:

I'm sure it has a couple of bugs, and the user interface you see here
(with the bar chart) is by far not the only possible thing; it should be
equally possible to have a line chart with a time axis for the most
active users or so.

The whole enterprise is of course hampered a bit by the minutely
granularity of the diffs; maybe some time we can have experimental
streaming replication (it has been built into Osmosis since forever but
I don't think anybody ever tried it:

Perhaps this gives someone an idea for their own projects. Fork away -
the server doesn't really require any resources so you can easily run it
yourself. (Or build your own frontend and use my API if you want.) It
would also be possible to drop the server altogether and have the
browser request and process the diffs directly. But I thought that with
the millions of people reading this and clicking on the link above, that
could temporarily bring down OSM ;)


PS: The server is in Perl. Sorry. I read it's the most hated programming
language. Hope it doesn't say anything about me.

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Hack weekend in Karlsruhe on 21/22 Oct

2017-08-24 Thread Frederik Ramm

   there's another OSM hack weekend in Karlsruhe on the 21/22 Oct
(pre-hack drinks on the 20th). As always, everyone is welcome. Details here:


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Andy Allan joining web site maintainers

2017-07-10 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10.07.2017 11:14, Andy Allan wrote:
> My intentions for the next few months are to continue to
> do whatever I can to encourage new contributors. 

I think it would be helpful for new contributors if the following two
points could be explained:

* What kinds of changes to the API are acceptable while still being "API
0.6"? Is anything that adds new API calls automatically on hold until we
do "0.7", or should we just refrain from breaking existing API calls?

One reason I'm asking this is that there's a bunch of things that have
an API call but are not accessible through the web site (e.g. "show me a
specific version of this object" - website has just full history or
latest), and vice versa (web site can show all changesets by a given
user, but no API call exists for that). It could be a low-hanging fruit
to create feature parity between website and API at least in some areas.
Maybe this is even on some mental roadmap somewhere - I heard people
talking about making the web site actually *use* API calls, rather than
accessing the database directly.

* What is the relationship between "cgimap" and the web site, and in how
far are contributions that touch an area handled by "cgimap" required to
cover both the C++ and the Rails implementation?

One reason why this is of interest to me is that I'm still very much
interested in being able to access deleted objects through the API and
through the web site. I've made a few half-baked attemtps at
implementing that in the past
and would appreciate guidance of how to "do this right", if at all
possible within the constraints of "0.6".


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] stable labels and resolution for main administrative areas, proposal

2017-06-25 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 06/25/2017 01:32 PM, Peter Krauss wrote:
> I am looking for a OSM's webservice where we can request a canonical
> place name, and it returns the polygon associated with the place?

I think it would be possible to write something like this, either
perusing existing hierarchies in Wikipedia, or evaluating OSM data
yourself in a suitable server setup.

Have a look at which already
does a lot of boundary processing.

We're unlikely to add a service like that to the core of OSM but the
beauty of OSM is that with all the data being available openly, such a
service does not *need* to be in the core (and make the core ever more
complex to run) - such a service can be developed and operated by a
third party.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] How to use transifex for osm ?

2017-06-21 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 22.06.2017 03:33, Shrinivasan T wrote:
> I am looking for translating street names and poi in tamil language.
> How to use transifex for this?

If an object really has a name in the Tamil language, then we would add
a "name:ta" tag to the object (and not use transifex). Of course this
name will not automatically show up on any map - you'll have to
configure your own map rendering engine to use the name:ta tags. (But it
will automatically be considered in th standard search engine.)

Please only use this name:xx mechanism in situations where the object
does have a name in that language. Never use it to "translate" names.
For example, if there's a street in a small town in France called "rue
de la gare", it would be wrong to add "name:en=Station Street" just
because that is the correct translation of the name! You would only do
this in an area that is bi-lingual or where the name "Station Street" is
at least locally understood.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Programatic reconstruction of postal code areas

2017-03-29 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 29.03.2017 09:10, Alex K wrote:
>   * For one, this type of information is already part of
> OSM:

Generally we don't like data that is impossible (or difficult e.g.
"knocking on doors") to verify on the ground, but we do make exceptions
for admin boundaries and, usually, postal code boundaries.

But that exception would certainly not apply to derived data; if it is
desired to use derived data in geocoding, then the code to run the
derivation must be in Nominatim (so that any derived geometries
automatically update when base data is modified).

>   * The current postal code tagging of admin levels in
> Austria/Switzerland is not only of bad quality but also wrong from a
> logical aspect. The boundaries of the two have no connection in real
> life. We should get rid of THAT information because it produces
> false results in Nominatim.

You are welcome to suggest the deletion of this information on the
mailing lists/forums in Austria and Switzerland, and remove them if the
community agrees.

> So the information has high practicle value and can help push OSM into
> new areas of usage. That's why I believe it is very important to add it
> for more countries...

You can add code that does sophisticated post code guessing to Nominatim
but you cannot add the result of a sophisticated guessing algorithm as a
base geometry in OSM - even less so if the algorithm you used for
guessing isn't available for inspection.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Programatic reconstruction of postal code areas

2017-03-28 Thread Frederik Ramm

   interesting work. Maybe there's a way you can automate that and offer
it as a module for Nominatim so people who would like to use "guesswork
postcodes" as a better-than-nothing alternative could activate that in

Similar things have been done before e.g. for the UK and

Importing your "guesswork postcodes" to OSM is not possible I'm afraid.


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[OSM-dev] full history files on Geofabrik server

2017-02-19 Thread Frederik Ramm

   "full history" files are kind of a niche interest, but they can be
useful to analyze some things like "how many different people have added
a certain tag", or "how has an object evolved over time", and so on.
They can also be used to reconstruct the complete data set for any given
timestamp in the past (minus, of course, redactions).

I'm happy to announce that the Geofabrik download server now has full
history files for all regions served. These files (called ".osh.pbf")
can for example be processed with the Osmium library and the osmium
command line tool. If you want to run analyses on them without C++
coding, Osmium can convert them to a text-based format ("OPL") that is
then accessible for grep et al.

The full history files will be updated weekly.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Make Nominatim more dev friendly

2017-02-01 Thread Frederik Ramm

   I'm not a Nominatim developer but I've followed Nominatim development
and issues for a while. One thing that contributes to the impression
that "pull requests/issues are ignored" is that Nominatim aims to be a
good, or at least a functioning, geocoder for the whole planet.
Contributors (understandably - that's how Open Source works) often
scratch their own itch, they find a problem with Spanish addresses and
submit a fix - but they don't notice (or care) that it breaks geocoding
elsewhere (for example where
someone adds stop words).

It is then the role of the Nominatim developers to think about the
effects the contributor might have been missing, and tell him or her
"sorry, but that doesn't work for us".

This is actually good and important - it may look unfriendly to you
(albeit there's nothing unfriendly in the ticket I quoted) but in fact
it ensures that Nominatim doesn't break for some country once a week.

> Unfortunately there's not much I can do about it apart
> from pointing the problems to wider audience.

You said you're a developer, have you actually tried to participate in
the Nominatim devlopment?

> [4] -

Are you the user "sanitas2" from this issue? I've read through it and I
must say that I find the reaction of the developers absolutely
understandable. I don't think you have been helpful, respectful, or
polite in that issue.

> Anyway, I think the solutions to the problems are quite obvious. How can I 
> convince someone to make the project open and friendly to new collaborators?

I think this public claim that the current developers ignore "obvious
solutions" won't do much good to improve their enthusiasm. What is your
suggestion? Chuck out the "unfriendly" developers and replace them with
whom? Or force the developers to spend more of their spare time trying
to understand your issue?

Can you point me to a good pull request that you have submitted and that
was ignored/rejected even though it didn't break anything?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Geofabrik downloads to change multipolygon handling

2017-01-16 Thread Frederik Ramm

  this is just a small heads-up. The Geofabrik downloads (regional
.osm.pbf extracts for various continents, countries etc) will switch to
a different software stack later this month. We currently use
osm-history-splitter which is based on an older version of Osmium, and
will in the future use a new feature offered by the osmium command line
tool and the newest Osmium version instead.

This will enable us to change the handling of relations in the extracts.

Currently, relations are included in the extracts if one of their
members lies (partially) inside the area; but members of the relation
that lie fully outside the area are not considered.

This has adverse effects when large multipolygons cross the border, for
example Lake Constance not be fully contained in any of the Germany,
Austria, or Switzerland extracts.

In the future we will be able to include all members of multipolygon
relations that have at least one member (partially) inside the area.
This will only be done for multipolygons and not for other relations
(like boundaries or routes). Therefore, water bodies, forests etc. that
cross the boundary should in the future be fully contained in the extracts.

This comes at a price of a slightly larger extract but the difference is
negligible. On the day we make the switch, all regional .osc files will
have a slight size bump becasue all the missing bits and pieces required
to complete the multipolygons will be contained in them.


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[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 18/19 Feb

2017-01-04 Thread Frederik Ramm

   a new year - a new hack weekend! Everyone's welcome in Karlsruhe on
the 18th/19th February if they prefer hacking on something together, or
at least not totally on their own ;)

Details on the Wiki


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Looking for Hackers/Admins to build OSM sandbox

2016-11-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

   many of you will be familiar with the test APIs available from
* - that's where every now and then a new release
of the OSM web site code is made available for test driving before stuff
is incorporated into the central setup.

These test sites are, alas, rather limited. They are fit for the purpose
of testing API features, but they only have the API and a mostly empty
database behind them. These test sites lack, for example

* processing of GPS traces
* publication of planet files and incremental updates
* tile rendering (you always see the real OSM tiles on the test API
sites, not something drawn from the actual test data)
* coastline processing
* Nominatim, Overpass, Routing, Taginfo...

Not all of that is super important. But we do have regular questions
from programmers who would like to test something with diffs, or from
mappers who would like to construct a complex junction layout and see
how it looks on the map, or maybe even how the router processes it.

Doubtlessly, it would be useful for many people to have a somewhat
complete OSM sandbox.

FOSSGIS e.V. could - subject to a funding decision by the FOSSGIS
members which I can champion when the time comes - make available the
server(s) needed for such a project. But we need more than servers, we need

1. A concept: which services would we like to run, how will they
interact, is one instance enough or do we need several, what amount of
data will we store by default - and deriving from that: What kind of
server(s) do we need?

2. People to install all this

3. People to to maintenance and administration on the running system

I briefly raised the idea with OSMF OWG ("would certainly be useful, we
don't have concrete plans for something like that right now, and if
something came out of this that we can re-use in our setup, all the
better") and with the FOSSGIS board ("sounds good, and if something
comes out of this that others can re-use when setting up a sandbox, all
the better"). So at least we don't have anyone saying it's a stupid idea.

I'm now looking for a small team of people who have the time and engery
to plan and install such a sandbox together. You'd have to spec the
system so that I can go back to FOSSGIS and request the funding, and
then FOSSGIS would provide the server(s) and you could start working.

I'll send the same message to talk-de. Of course I hope that all
interested people will work on this together, and that there aren't
three competing proposals in the end.

I've tentatively set up a wiki page to coordinate discussio/efforts but
feel free to ignore the Wiki and discuss elsewhere if deemed more suitable:


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Multipolygon relation way member without role

2016-09-19 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 09/19/2016 05:50 AM, patrick keshishian wrote:
> It seems that this association is a mistake. If so, is there a
> better place to report these sort of things as I come across them?

As pointed out by Michael, using "notes" is an option.

> As I am still learning my way through the data, I don't wish to
> do wholesale edits.

I hope you won't ever do wholesale edits, even after you have learned
your way ;) but editing individual objects is totally ok.

> Question: Is there a general rule used when processing role=""?
> OSM wiki for Relation [3] indicates that roles are optional. It
> looks that OSM is rendering way=428362225 as an area [4].

Certainly depends on which kind of relation it is. For polygons/
boundaries, software processing them is advised not to look at the role
tag at all, and instead use geometric reasoning to determine how the
polygon needs to be constructed. There is usually only one valid


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] OSM API lookups to complement minutely diffs?

2016-09-15 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 09/15/2016 10:53 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
> AFAIK augmented diffs are rather an experimental feature and I'd like
> to avoid the latency time and blackouts of overpass which runs in same
> server. So I'm concentrating on the main OSM API.

This reads to me like:

"There is a third-party service that solves the problem I have, but
because it is experimental, I would like to build my own experimental
third-party service instead" ;)

The augmented diffs were made to solve exactly the problem you have. The
underlying idea that Overpass implements - load updates from OSM into
its own full history database and generate augmented diffs using that
database - is by far the best solution in terms of load caused on the
central servers. It also scales nicely; if a thousand people decide to
run Overpass instances to produce their own augmented diffs then the API
won't suffer.

If you cannot work with overpass but must implement your own version of
that, then you should at least copy the principle. The central OSM API
is meant to support editing activity and doesn't scale to support use
cases like yours (especially if others come after you and decide they
need their own system because yours is experimental ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend October

2016-09-06 Thread Frederik Ramm

   I just made the obligtory wiki page for our next Karlsruhe Hack Weekend:

As always, the event is open to all and has no fixed agenda, but if
you'd like to use it for something specific, be our guest ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Tile usage without proper identification

2016-08-23 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 08/23/2016 04:45 PM, Manuel Reimer wrote:
> For privacy reasons all my browsers don't send a Referrer.

It is a valuable information for us who's using our tiles (not who as in
you-the-individual, but who as in the site you are visiting that points
your browser to our server). We need this information for proper rate
limiting and knowing when we might have to contact a site operator and
tell them to find another tile source.

I'm in favour of privacy too but please spend a moment to think what
would happen if everyone did what you do - we'd never know who uses our
tiles, at all, and hence we'd be unable to allocate our resources for
the maximum benefit of all.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Polygon inner/outer relation in osm file

2016-08-23 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 08/23/2016 09:39 AM, patrick keshishian wrote:
> What is the mechanism used, while processing "relation"-s, in
> matching "inner" and "outer"-s of polygons?

There's no guarantee that role="inner" and role="outer" are even set. I
strongly advise against trying to write your own algorithm that combines
polygons; you will get 80% right quickly and fight with the other 20%
for weeks. Rings can be nested (valid), self-intersecting (invalid) or
missing bits (invalid), they can have missing or wrong inner/outer tags
(usually considered valid)... the C++/Python library "osmium" is
probably the most advanced in building proper polygons, or check out
osm2pgsql, imposm, or ogr2ogr which also have code to deal with that.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Simple app for "making contributions" (not to display maps)

2016-06-29 Thread Frederik Ramm

   not need to stress the inaccuracies of GPS - GPS traces is how this
whole OpenStreetMap started, long before we even had aerial imagery. To
this day some of the older hands in OSM consider using aerial imagery a
not quite sportsmanlike way of adding data a.k.a. "cheating" ;)

On 06/29/16 14:04, Bjoern Hassler wrote:
> (There are of course issues with GPS traces, so perhaps automated
> capture of GPS traces is not that useful.)

Automatically recorded tracks, even without any extra information, can
be useful but of course it always requires someone with local knowledge
to translate a raw GPS track into something that can be added into the
database proper. Your user's contributions would be immensely more
valuable if there was a way for them to at least record the information
whether they're currently on a path or travelling cross-terrain.
(Sometimes this can be guessed from the speed of movement but not always.)

When mapping on my own with GPS I always used the waypoint marker button
on the GPS to mark intersections; this makes it easier to work witht the
data later. However this information will not find its way into the
standard GPS trace background in editors; it is only available when you
work with the track directly.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] SSL-Certificate for

2016-03-21 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 03/21/2016 09:22 AM, Tom Hughes wrote:
> The horribly backward Java certificate root authority list is the main 
> obstacle to most of our attempts to improve https support in fact.

Perhaps we could just ignore that? I'm a JOSM user myself but I don't
think that the rest of the world should suffer just because Java is
unhappy with our SSL.

I'm sure that JOSM users who desperately need SSL can find a workaround
(could one not e.g. have JOSM connect insecurely to localhost and then
reverse-proxy from there?)

Or perhaps there are alternative SSL stacks for Java that can be employed?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Release candidate for new osm2pgsql 0.88.0 stable release

2016-02-27 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 02/27/2016 05:57 PM, Paul Norman wrote:
> We ended up removing nodecachefilereader
> (, as it is no
> longer useful. It was developed for the initial testing of flat nodes,
> and hasn't been properly maintained in years.

I routinely use nodecachefilereader to find out the highest node ID in
order to bootstrap replication. But I guess just --adding an empty .osc
file with osm2pgsql will also produce console output that includes this
ID so I could use that instead...


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[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend in February

2016-01-03 Thread Frederik Ramm

   there will be another OSM hack weekend in Karlsruhe on the 27/28

Everyone is welcome.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Which is best for this task, osmosis, osmconvert osmupdate or...

2015-12-30 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 12/30/2015 01:02 AM, Dave F. wrote:
> A couple of problems with that, I'm afraid. Firstly they don't provide 
> my area & secondly I'm trying to avoid large downloads like the 670mb 
> England file & amendment files for data I'm never going to need. Is 
> there not a way to work just within a user specified polygon?

There's no service I know that would deliver updates for an user defined
area (only). It is however possible to apply updates for a larger area
to your extract if you cut away the extra stuff afterwards again, i.e.
the workflow being:

(once) download UK, or Europe, or world
(once) cut out your area of interest
(regularly) apply UK, or Europe, or world updates to your area of
interest yielding a file with your area of interest plus bits and bobs
around the world
(regularly) cut out your area of interest from the "area of interest
plus bits and bobs around the world" file

Of course if the area you are interested in is *so* small that even
downloading the too-large diffs each day will seem like a waste, then
I'd recommend to simply download the full area from Overpass regularly.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Using native social SDK for signing in to OSM on mobile

2015-12-23 Thread Frederik Ramm

   I have a rather non-technical remark about this recurring "we need to
make sign-up easier" topic.

My question is: Do we want to encourage casual editing?

And my answer is "not 100% sure but perhaps rather not".

There are some benefits to casual editing; if people could just fire off
a quick edit to something without even signing in then surely we could
get more people to do just that - upload a quick OCR'd photo of shop
opening times or whatever. Point, shoot, upload, bam! - OSM improved in
5 seconds. I see that benefit and I would like to have it.

But I also view us OSM contributors as a community. We share something.
We care for this project together. We participate in various
communication channels. We watch our backyard. We chat up new users and
invite them to meetings.

I think it is important for people to make a decision to join this
community. This decision is not just a quick "I agree" screen where you
put your work under a certain license; it also means you should know
that you're signing up for something here; that you take responsibility;
that you have to be contactable, and will be contacted, about your

Making it too easy to breeze through the signup process, on a mobile
device, using your stored credentials from elsewhere - how can we expect
anyone who signs up this way to understand what this project is about,
what he's signing up to?

"Making signup easier" is certainly a good goal to have, but signup
includes getting people to understand OSM. A workflow that lets people
sign up in 5 seconds but lands us with users who don't even know what
the consequences of their actions are is not a step forward, it is
detrimental to the project in my opinion.

This is not saying you shouldn't write an easy to use mobile editor, or
you shouldn't attempt to reduce the mobile signup workflow to a few
clicks, but from anyone who ships an app that does quick signups I'd
like to see a concept of how they intend to make sure that users
understand what they are signing up for (legally and socially).


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] bug in tirex mapnik backend?

2015-12-16 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 12/16/2015 01:41 PM, Stefano Salvador wrote:
> I'm trying to set up a tile server with tirex but using the latest svn
> code the mapnik backend fails with a buffer overflow.

I've wanted to move tirex from SVN to git, and created

where the bug you describe has been fixed a while ago. I then had second
thoughts about hosting it on "geofabrik" and wondered if it should
rather be on "openstreetmap" and then procrastinated, failing to
actually remove the SVN repo and replace it with a "moved to github"
message as I had originally intended.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Geofabrik OSM extracts breakage

2015-12-07 Thread Frederik Ramm

   on the night of Saturday 05 December, a couple of European Geofabrik
country extracts (*not* the full Europe extract) failed to compute
correctly, and the auto-generated diff files for these region then
indicated the deletion of a very large number of objects (sometimes
*all* objects). This mistake was detected and fixed on Sunday noon, by
dropping the broken data and reverting to the previous version.

However, anyone who downloaded and applied the diff between Sunday ~ 4am
UTC and ~ noon UTC will probably have ruined their database and will
have to start anew from a full extract. Simply carrying on downloading
diffs will *not* suffice because when reverting to the previous version
we completely erased the broken diff, and hence the diff generated the
next night will *not* simply make everything good again if you consumed
one of the broken diffs.

A list of affected extracts is in this forum post:

I'm sorry if this has caused a hiccup in your downstream services and
I'm implementing a few extra sanity checks to avoid something similar in
the future.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] creating OSM-based tactile maps

2015-12-01 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 12/02/2015 04:22 AM, Rich Morin wrote:
> I'm hoping for some suggestions on how to get from OpenStreetMap
> data to tactile maps for use by blind or visually impaired users.
> See below for a bit of background information and some qustions.

There was a project once to create these maps but I don't know the
status, it may be dead/frozen. Here are two wiko pages
(furGerman-langauge wiki pages (German version of the
page may be more current - try auto-translating)

There's a German-language mailing list

The main people behind these efforts were OSM users bahnpirat and
Lulu-Ann and if all else fails, try to contact them directly for info.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] How to keep a geographic local part of OSM updated with minutely diffs?

2015-12-01 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 12/01/2015 11:33 AM, tb wrote:
> But the disadvantage here is time: the computation of the three steps 
> might take to much time and brings me way behind even by using minutely 
> diffs. On the other hand i can start over every night by using a fresh 
> cut my region(s) of interest.

There's a third option in theory; Overpass API produces and publishes
"augmented diffs" that contain the geometry of all modified objects.
That information would be sufficient to clip from such an update the
region of interest, and apply only that to your OSM database. I'm not
aware of anyone using this however and haven't tried myself.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] How to keep a geographic local part of OSM updated with minutely diffs?

2015-11-30 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/30/2015 03:29 PM, tb wrote:
> Now i'm interested in keeping just a region like a city or a small state 
> updated the same way (on a much smaller system). 


> But unfortunately the other tables used by osm2pgsql 
> (planet_osm_nodes, ...ways, ...rels) getting bigger by time.

Option 1:

Use bounding box option with osm2pgsql import, and run the cleanup
queries documented here:

Option 2:

Instead of applying diffs to the database directly, do this:

* download worldwide diffs
* apply them to an extract (file containing only your regional data)
with osmosis
* have osmosis cut out your polygon of interest from the resulting
updated file (since applying diffs will have added stuff outside your
* have osmosis compare a diff between your previous local extract and
the new, updated local extract
* update your database with that diff

The three osmosis steps can be done in one if you're adventurous.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Truncating geometries

2015-11-09 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/09/2015 10:00 AM, Malcolm Herring wrote:
> Are there any tools out there that will properly truncate ways & 
> multipolygons at bounding box boundaries, keeping closed ways & 
> mutipolygons as properly formed areas?

Not to my knowledge. You'd have to convert to shape files and then use
ogr2ogr (or similar) to achieve that. Of course nothing keeps you from
running something like shp2osm or polyshp2osm on the resulting shape
file, generating a pseudo-OSM file again...


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Re: [OSM-dev] New Map Style feedback

2015-11-02 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/02/2015 09:40 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:
> I agree that the abandonging of the blue for motorways is a bad choice. 
> It is not only a british color, motorways are signalled in blue also in 
> lots of other countries in europe.

I find it strange to see many people arguing that there should be a
similarity between street signs and the colour used on the map. Germany,
for example, uses blue motorway signs exclusively, but the first thing
that went out of the window when the German OSM style
( was created in 2011 was the
blue motorways ("nobody apart from the Brits likes that") ;)


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Re: [OSM-dev] proposal for mechanical edit reg. power_source + generator:source

2015-10-13 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10/13/2015 08:10 PM, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> my motivation is simple:
> JOSM claims that the old tag should not be used,
> the wiki is also clear:
> "Use generator:source
> <>=*instead."

Yes, but JOSM presets and Wiki pages are not made by the community as a
whole, and can never serve as a reason for running a mechanical edit. It
requires only a very small number of people to devise a silly preset or
"vote" a tag to be deprecated; this absolutely must not lead to others
mass-editing OSM according to the wishes of that minority.

> I assume that I am not the only JOSM user who is wasting
> time looking at these obsolete tags, 

In that case, a change in JOSM would be the best solution.


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Re: [OSM-dev] osm2pgsql: avoid addition to planet_osm_point when importing ways?

2015-09-28 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 09/27/2015 05:24 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
> And: I can't imagine who needs these "way supporting" coordinates
> there (since there's osm_nodes).

Nodes which have none of the tags defined in your will
not end up in planet_osm_point (if they do, it's a bug, or a careless
use of the hstore facility).


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Re: [OSM-dev] Announcing the launch of OSM Maps for Wikipedia

2015-09-18 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 09/18/2015 02:53 PM, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> Sadly not yet -- mapnik needs to be substantially changed to pass
> through the hstore. Looking for a kind hardcore c++ soul ))

Make a view against the hstore table and let that view have as many
columns as there are name:xx tags ;)


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Re: [OSM-dev] Email account compromised?

2015-09-16 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 09/16/2015 09:26 PM, Ian Dees wrote:
> Brian has been made aware of this issue and is working to solve the
> problem. In the mean time, perhaps the talk@ moderators could moderate
> his address so it stops getting sent to the talk@ mailing list?

It looks to me as if some spam-bot is sending emails under dozens of
different email addresses, not just one? And this is not really an issue
of a "compromised mail account", is it, because anyone can send email
with any From: header without having to compromise anything?


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[OSM-dev] Nect Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 17/18 Oct

2015-09-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

  our next hack weekend in Karlsruhe is on the 17/18 October. Details on
the Wiki:


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: get node data from flatfile

2015-05-17 Thread Frederik Ramm
Hash: SHA1


On 05/17/2015 09:42 PM, Bernhard R. Fischer wrote:
>> But there is no existing plugin for flatfiles, right?

> It always reads flat files. (Option -i) But probably I
> misunderstood your problem.

Yes, Walter is talking about the node coordinate index file created by
osm2pgsql's "--flatnodes" option. It is a binary file that contains
(only) the coordinates of every node.


- -- 
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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] get node data from flatfile

2015-05-07 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 05/07/2015 11:58 AM, Walter Nordmann wrote:
> Is there any way to access those nodes by osm_id? I tried to write a litte
> program starting with node-persistent-cache-reader.c but i did not manage
> it. Many nodes are missing.

Until very recently, node-persistent-cache-reader.c had a bug where it
would not use the correct 64-bit data type for node IDs. If all node IDs
missing in your setup are > 2^31-1 then that's probably the issue!


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[OSM-dev] Cloud Foundry

2015-04-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

   has anyone set up, or attempted to set up, a tile server in a Cloud
Foundry environment and is willing to share what they learned?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Google Summer of Code announcement + Mentor sign up

2015-03-02 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 03/03/15 01:13, Cristiano Giovando wrote:
> In the mean time we
> would like to add one or two ideas to your list since they are OSM
> related:

I think that /7 is, at least in the form it is currently presented, very
difficult as a GSoc project. It appears that it requires someone who is
not only up to speed with CartoCSS but also knows enough about HOT work
to make hard "what's in and what's out" decisions - quoting from the

"rendering ... it's an editorial choice that serve a purpose, so having
someone that would take the issues one by one an adding the requested
feature on the map would not help ... the challenge about the rendering
is a lot in making arbitration in what to render and what not."

"some of these improvements need skills not just technical but also a
lot of communication..."

"We need to ensure that any new tags we are selecting to render are
agreed upon by many of the actors in HOT ecosystem including actors out
in the field and those involved in activations and OSM communities
HOT-francophone communities..."

To me this sounds much too broad and too difficult for a GSoc student
project. As it currently stands it would only be suitable for a student
who is already a long-time HOT "insider".


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Re: [OSM-dev] Is there or should there be an OSM approved work exchange forum? (Jo Walsh)

2015-02-13 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 02/13/2015 05:13 PM, Jo Walsh wrote:
>> Of course such a list could not be "approved" in any way like the
>> subject line suggests, because who would be approving?
> The community of people for whose benefit decisions are enforced?

Ok then let's call it self-approved ;)


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Re: [OSM-dev] Is there or should there be an OSM approved work exchange forum? (Jo Walsh)

2015-02-13 Thread Frederik Ramm
Hash: SHA1


On 02/13/2015 01:19 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
> the premise is that it would be for osm related work only
> (including projects that are using osm tools not necessarily with
> osm data.) job advertisements for non-osm geo work would not be
> welcome.

Please also make (and enforce) a decision about whether, and in what
form, OSM professional services firms are allowed to participate.

I am one of the directors of Geofabrik. I never advertise our services
directly in the OSM lists/forums, and when someone asks on help.osm I
always point them to the list of businesses on the wiki (which, as has
been correctly remarked, cries out for some editing but understandably
I am keeping out of that).

If such a list were created, I would like to see rules about (a)
whether it is ok for me as a business to solicit the help of
freelancers in projects, and (b) whether it is ok for me as a business
to reply to inquiries about services, and whether such replies ought
to be public or private.

I don't mind either way and will happily adapt to whatever rules are
set, I'm just keen on having a level and clearly defined playing field
- - and not one where business opportunities depend on how brazen the PR
person is ;)

Of course such a list could not be "approved" in any way like the
subject line suggests, because who would be approving?


- -- 
Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.28.0

2015-02-08 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 02/08/2015 08:38 PM, Matthijs Melissen wrote:
> You are right that this does not look right, it is indeed a bug. We
> will try to solve this problem as soon as possible.

It also appears that there is a problem with railway lines at z12 (only)
- more precisely, a bug with *no* railway lines ;)

This z12 tile has no railways: z12

Same area on z11

and on z13

both have railways.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] OSM with Hadoop

2015-01-14 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 01/14/2015 11:16 AM, Paweł Paprota wrote:
> Main central server with a single multi-TB-sized database
> somehow screams single point of failure to me...

... until you learn that there's actually an active replication, based
on technology that has been tried and proven.

I'm not saying brush away parallel storage, just don't assume from the
outset that it will magically solve problems without incurring others.
Also, we're not the only people operating large relational databases,
and development on that front is also occurring, with the potential of
an efficient multi-master replication system somewhere down the line
leading to a different kind of also-parallel infrastructure. Where the
failure points of each of these architectures lie and how
cost-effective, maintenance intensive, or error prone they are, is
indeed a good subject for analysis.

All I'm saying that it's worth to apply a scientific approach (i.e.
looking at facts) rather than a geek approach (i.e. looking at cool new
technology and shiny lights). And from Stephen's paper I had the
impression that we wouldn't easily be blinded by those shiny lights
which is a good thing.

(In our particular case, the amount of editing that occurs rises far
slower than the amount of data that we have collected, which means that
it is not unlikely that we will be able to work with a "centralised
writing, distributed reading" approach for quite a while still.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] OSM with Hadoop

2015-01-12 Thread Frederik Ramm

   previous discussions of combining NoSQL *or* massively parallel
storage with OSM were often less driven by the approach "let's
investigate solid future storage models for OSM" but rather by "hey
there's a cool new technology I'd like to play with and I'm sure it can
somehow work with OSM".

The results were often, if there were any at all, along the lines of
"hey this particular very specific use case is now 2% faster than
before", but looking closer you'd see that the same speedup could have
been had with an old-fashioned un-sexy "create index" statement if the
author had known anything about PostgreSQL/PostGIS (*), or maybe that
the data import took five weeks unless you had massive hardware, or

I was therefore a bit skeptical reading your message, but relieved when
I found that you're keeping an open mind about the results and plan to
thoroughly analyse whether using a massively parallel storage will
indeed perform better than plain old PostgreSQL/PostGIS for what are
OSM's everyday use cases.

(I'd like to see the word "cost-effective" thrown in somewhere - and for
data reading we have a sufficiently well scaling data replication in
place already. As far as the central database is concerned, OSM is very
interested in making it easy for everyone to run their own local copy.)


(*) It is an often overlooked fact that the amount of actual geo
information in the central database is small - just the node coordinates
- everything else is plain old relational stuff. Therefore the OSM
database doesn't even need or use the PostGIS spatial extensions - but
they are often used for analysing OSM data after importing them in a
separate database.

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 21/22 Feb

2015-01-06 Thread Frederik Ramm

   I've just set up the wiki page for the next hack weekend in Karlsruhe
on the 21/22 February:


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.25.0

2014-12-12 Thread Frederik Ramm

   ah, an opportunty to hijack a thread and plug my pet feature:

On 12/12/2014 07:59 PM, SomeoneElse wrote:
> Rather than say "let everyone contribute to the standard map style" why
> not say "let everyone create their own map style" - let a thousand
> flowers bloom!

I think it would be nice if we could somehow be more dynamic in what
layers we support. Currently only world-wide and high-performance
third-party tile layers are eligible for addition to, but just like our editors can offer different
aerial imagery layers depending on where you edit, the map could
also, if you're zoomed in to some place, offer regional tile layers that
only cover a country or even smaller region. The layer switcher could
get an extra selection called "regional layers" and if you click that,
you'd be offered a selection of what is available.

Not that that would solve the question of direction-setting for the
openstreetmap-carto style in any way but it would be really nice to have.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Adding Slippy Map to Taginfo's Projects Tab?

2014-11-25 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 11/25/2014 08:27 PM, Paul Norman wrote:
>> Any news about a quick-and-dirty 80/20 solution for adding Slippy Map
>> as a project file?

> What do you mean by Slippy Map? A slippy map doesn't necessarily use OSM
> data.

I think he meant openstreetmap-carto.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Documentation Improvement

2014-10-03 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 10/03/2014 12:31 PM, Vanya Jauhal wrote:
> all beginners currently have to start with the OSM tasking manager

Can you explain more? As I understand it, the tasking manager is a very
specialist tool that will not usually be the first thing a beginner
comes into contact with.

Beginners in OSM usually start with mapping things they are familiar
with, like that bakery around the corner from where they live. They
choose their own field of activity.

The tasking manager is a coordination platform that lets *other* people
tell you what you should be doing. It is used for unusual purposes like
data imports or HOT activations, but it is far from the standard mode of
working for beginners.

> 1. The OSM beginner's page can have an FAQ section, where we can add
> some common issues faced by users and their solutions.

Are you talking of the Wiki or some other platform? We have plenty.

> 2.Adding user comments to the documentation.

This kind of depends on which platform you have in mind. The Wiki, of
course, already allows everyone to edit the documentation. If you're
thinking of another platform, the mechanism for reader participation
might be different.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Karlsruhe Hack Weekend 18-19 Oct

2014-09-15 Thread Frederik Ramm

we'll have another hack weekend in Karlsruhe on 18-19 October.
Details, as always, on the Wiki:


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] Changesets

2014-07-04 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 07/04/2014 03:23 PM, SomeoneElse wrote:
> It might also be worth mentioning to the users (at least two) who have 
> done reverts there and ask if they've escalated to the DWG at all.

Indeed DWG has had a complaint about this user, and I had emailed him on
1st July asking to explain what he was doing. I guess we'll have to be a
bit more blunt with him.


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Re: [OSM-dev] Size difference between extracts from geofabrik and bbbike

2014-07-01 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 07/01/2014 10:16 AM, amrit karmacharya wrote:
> I just observed that the data from bbbike is 19mb while from geofabrik
> is 25mb. Both are in osm.bz2 format. The area selected in bbbike is
> greater than the area in geofabrik, but the data size is smaller. Why is
> such a difference in data?

Compare the files and you will notice that bbbike doesn't include
"metadata" like last modified timestamp, changeset etc. - these are
usually not required for processing.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] ogr2osm coordinate precision

2014-06-30 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 07/01/2014 12:19 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> Using Replace Geometry preserves the history of the objects, enables
> easy tag merging, and restores borders to their official geometry.

If you are saying that you regularly kill any modifications made by
mappers and replace the OSM geometry with some official shape file
without even investigating who changed what and why, then you are
clearly acting against OSM best practice and you should stop!

OSM is not intended to be a "mirror" of some official data set. You may
edit OSM's data with the aid of third party data - but not blindly and
without looking at what you are doing.

How do you make sure that you are not overwriting a change that someone
has made on purpose because there was a mistake in the "official" geometry?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] ogr2osm coordinate precision

2014-06-30 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 06/30/2014 11:08 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> This way the coordinates downloaded from the API would match those from
> ogr2osm, and needlessly modifying the node coordinates with a higher
> precision could be prevented.

Why would anyone use JOSM's "replace geometry" method to replace a
geometry with something that looks identical?


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[OSM-dev] Vector tile based raster rendering - toolchain architecture

2014-06-25 Thread Frederik Ramm

   if you have followed recent developments then you know that both
Mapbox and Andy Allan have moved, or are moving, away from producing
raster tiles the old fashioned way, to producing raster tiles on-the-fly
from pre-computed vector tiles.

For the time being (i.e. until we have reached a point where every
possible client can simply process vector tiles directly), this seems to
be an elegant solution that allows great flexibility in styling at a
manageable cost.

For those of you who are not familiar with the concept, I would suggest
you review Dane Springmeyer's presentation at SOTM US 2013 and 2014, and
Andy Allan's talk at SOTM EU 2014; all talks are recorded and available

As far as I can see, the current implementations of this concept are
based on the idea: "Let's make it so that we always have a world-wide
set of current vector tiles, and render raster tiles from that on the fly."

In order not to require too many vector tiles, vector tiles are usually
produced for zoom levels no higher than 14; and the z14 vector tile will
contain all information required for rendering any higher zoom tile
below it.

(There's also the technical possiblity of combining vector tiles from
different zoom levels to produce a raster tile, e.g. you could load
woodland boundaries from a z12 vector tile and road geometries from a
z14 tile but I'll ignore that for now - Dane explains in his 2014 talk.)

With our old-fashioned raster tile servers, based on renderd or tirex,
the updating and even the production of tiles is demand-driven. You are
usually well advised to do some pre-rendering on a tile server but you
don't *have* to; likewise, tiles don't have to be updated as a diff
comes in, they are just marked as outdated, then when someone asks for
them next time they get updated. (And if updating doesn't work fast
enough, an old tile is delivered and the update happens in its own time.)

I wonder if this old architecture could somehow be combined with the
shiny new world of vector tiles, something along these lines:

1. Browser requests tile from Apache
2. Apache (mod_tile) checks if the raster tile is in the memory cache
3. if yes, deliver from memory cache
4. if no, mod_tile checks if the required vector tile(s) is/are on disk
5. if yes and vector tile is current, render raster tile, store in
memory cache, and deliver
5. if yes and vector tile is outdated, request new vector tile from
tirex/renderd and proceed as above, falling back to using the outdated
vector tile if response takes too long
6. if no, request new vector tile from tirex/renderd and proceed as
above, returning 404 if response takes too long

This would require a significantly beefed-up mod_tile (that includes
mapnik for turning vector tiles into raster tiles) and only a slightly
modified tirex/renderd (able to produce vector tiles in much the same
way they now produce raster tiles). A lot of work that has gone into
tirex/renderd regarding different storage backends, queue management
etc. would probably be valuable for this use case too.

This architecture would also do away with nodejs altogether, although
whether a C/C++ Apache module and a C/C++ and/or Perl based backend is
any better is of course very much a matter of taste.

I'd be interested to hear your opinions on this.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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Re: [OSM-dev] OSM based replacement for builtup_area.shp in standard style

2014-06-03 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 06/03/2014 07:52 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> As a sidenote I wanted to point out that there are currently already
> 281547 ways (I suspect most of them to represent areas) tagged with
> place=* (not much compared to a total of 3.1M places in OSM) which could
> serve as an alternative to your (preprocessing intensive) process if
> more mappers could be convinced for this concept of mapping settlement
> extensions.

I doubt that; I think people are adding place=* to boundary relations
and it has nothing to do with actual built-up area, e.g.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Less than two weeks until SOTM-EU

2014-05-31 Thread Frederik Ramm

   I should have added: If you have already registered, consider adding
yourself to

where you can also arrange room or ride shares if you want; and we're
still looking for a couple people to lend us a hand during the
conference, details here:


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[OSM-dev] Less than two weeks until SOTM-EU

2014-05-31 Thread Frederik Ramm

just a small reminder - and my last one on these lists, I promise -
that SOTM-EU 2014 in Karlsruhe is around the corner.

Thursday 12th June - pre-conference meetup TBA
Friday 13th June - full day of talks; BBQ in the evening
Saturday 14th June - full day of talks
Sunday 15th June - hack day, excursion day, workshops

We have an excellent line-up of speakers (see and talks about practically anything
that is important in OSM these days - routing, rendering, geocoding,
editing techniques, quality assurance, gamification, you name it. And
most of all, we have copious breaks in which you can talk shop with
fellow mappers and developers from across Europe (and beyond, hello USA
and Japan ;)

We're expecting between 200 and 250 attendees, one of which can still be
you if you head over to and sign up now!

(The conference language is English of course but we'll take the liberty
to serve German food & beer if that's ok.)

See you in Karlsruhe,

PS: There will be video recording and possibly even live broadcasts of
talks but nothing beats being there in person. We won't broadcast the beer.

Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] OSM software repositories -- git and svn

2014-05-23 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 05/23/2014 07:31 PM, Paul Hartmann wrote:
> I just like to point out, that there is already a dedicated github account:
> It hosts for example iD, osm2pgsql, mod_tile and lots of mirrors.

I was aware of that but I'm not sure if people would be happy for a
couple hundred people (or even "any OSM contributor") to have write
access to the lot, and if swamping that with ...

>> Or would we create hundreds of mini repos and then have a
>> separate index for them, e.g. a wiki page or a 101st repo?
> That might be the best option.

... 100s of repos would be good. There's also the "osmlab" group account
on github which might be a bit more of a free-for-all than the
"openstreetmap" account (README says "we are liberal with commit
rights"). Possibly that one was created in order to not have to be too
liberal on the "openstreetmap" account ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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