Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Bobby Powers
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Michael Stone  wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 05:53:14PM -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
>>   > This is Fedora's initramfs, right?
>>   > Peter's suggestion is to use pilgrim to create rawhide builds,
>>   > hence using the olpc initramfs.
>>That's an interesting idea.  I don't like it long-term, because
>>no-one's working on pilgrim or our initramfs, but it could help
>>us get moving.
> Two small corrections:
> a) the initramfs continues happily under active volunteer development -- it
> received two new features and a bugfix contributed by a deployment support
> volunteer (dsd) in the last two weeks, along with patch review and volunteer
> testing by folks back here in the States.
> b) While pilgrim may be a dead-end, the ideas underlying it are not. This 
> week,
> I translated pilgrim's ideas into the simplest form yet achieved, namely, a
> plain old Makefile:
> and used it to produce builds from the olpc4+joyride tree and the
> rawhide+olpc4+joyride tree (with minor edits).
> The former booted happily into Sugar and built on both Debian and Fedora. :)
> (The latter, still using the olpc initramfs, dies because upstart 0.5 still
> doesn't know how to run as non-pid-1. olpc4's upstart-0.3.9 has a patch which
> implements this feature.)

I've ported the patch to upstart's bzr trunk (it applies cleanly to
0.5.0), and scratch-built some rpms:

The patch is here, along with the srpm and spec file:

Of note, I had to add dbus-devel to BuildRequries, as upstart seems
now to need it.  I haven't had a chance to test the rpms, hopefully

Hope this helps :)

>>   > Peter does not have an XO (g...@contrib program extreme slowness!)
>>   > but may be able to help on other issues that surface as the result
>>   > of an available public build...
>>Oh, let's fix that.  Ed, SJ, could one of you take care of sending
>>Peter some XOs ASAP, please?
> Good idea.
> Michael
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread david
On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Mitch Bradley wrote:

> Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Mitch Bradley wrote:
>>> It has been my experience that USB sticks and SD cards with intact
>>> factory formatting tend to last longer and run faster than ones that
>>> have been reformatted with random layouts.
>> This gives us Linux users a bit of a dilemma if we want to use FTL flash
>> for primary storage.  FAT does not provide the file access permissions,
>> symlinks, hardlinks, or even case sensitivity, that we desire for most
>> filesystems on unixy systems.  However, FTL devices behave as a sort of
>> FAT-oriented black box, full of secret proprietary firmware that loves
>> FAT.
> I think that FTLs are getting better over time, so maybe the
> FAT-specific optimizations are starting to be replaced by more generic
> algorithms.  The rapidly growing market for FLASH-based storage is
> certainly attracting lots of development dollars.
> In the absence of FAT-specific optimizations, perhaps properly-aligned
> ext2 layouts will work well.
> Another solution is to choose high-quality devices.  I've had good
> results with some models from SanDisk and Transcend.  But sometimes it
> comes at a cost penalty - the really good SanDisk "Extreme III" SD cards
> cost 2.5x the going rate for commodity cards of the same capacity.  The
> good cards appear to be rather more tolerant of "abuse" than the El
> Cheapo's.  But even with the tough ones, I think its prudent to treat
> them gently.

the small devices are cheap enough, I'll bet a lot of people would be 
willing to chip in a few bucks if someone were to orginize a controlled 
test (or possibly one of the hardware websites can be prodded into doing a 
long enough and large enough test to have some valid statistics)

>>  One obvious proposal, therefore, would be to use FAT for storage,
>> but wrap it with a layer that implements all our favorite POSIX stuff.

the problem with this is that your access won't follow the FAT pattern 
anymore, it will follow the pattern of the higher-level filesystem.

also, most setups like this that I have seen concentrate the 'extra' 
metadata for read efficiancy, but that's exactly the wrong thing to do for 

David Lang
Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread david
On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Bobby Powers wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
>  wrote:
>> This gives us Linux users a bit of a dilemma if we want to use FTL flash
>> for primary storage.  FAT does not provide the file access permissions,
>> symlinks, hardlinks, or even case sensitivity, that we desire for most
>> filesystems on unixy systems.  However, FTL devices behave as a sort of
>> FAT-oriented black box, full of secret proprietary firmware that loves
>> FAT.  One obvious proposal, therefore, would be to use FAT for storage,
>> but wrap it with a layer that implements all our favorite POSIX stuff.
> What about a small script that could do two things:
> - determine and dump the factory partitioning data from a device (by
> looking at how the FAT filesystem is laid out) to a file (perhaps we
> could build up a database for popular FLASH devices, like the SanDisk
> Ultra III's?)
> - take the factory partitioning data from a device (or dump file) and
> create a new partition map and well behaved ext2/3/4/whatever file
> system on the device

all you need to do is to not change the partition table, do a mkfs on the 
existing partiton and then use tar or cp to put files there.

no need to involve dump files.

David Lang
Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread david
On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Mitch Bradley wrote:

> wrote:
>> so if the device is performing wear leveling, then the fact that your FAT 
>> is on the same eraseblock as your partition table should not matter in the 
>> least, since the wear leveling will avoid stressing any particlar part of 
>> the flash.
> That would be true in a perfect world, but wear leveling is hard to do 
> perfectly.  Relocating requires maintaining two copies of the erase block, as 
> well as hidden metadata that tells you which copy is which, plus a hidden 
> allocation map.  Updating all of these things in a way that avoids 
> catastrophic loss of the entire device (due to inconsistent metadata) is 
> tricky.  Some FTLs get it (at least mostly) right, many don't.  FTL software 
> is, after all, software, so obscure bugs are always possible.  Making 
> hardware behave stably during power loss is triply difficult.

so it sounds like you are basicly saying that if the FAT/Superblock gets 
corrupted due to a bug in the FTL software it's easier to recover than if 
the FAT gets corrupted, so isolating the two is a benifit. is this a fair 

I will note that even if you never write to the partition table, that 
eraseblock will migrate around the media (the fact that it's never written 
to make it a good candidate to swap with a high-useage block. it will move 
less, but it will still move.

> I suspect, based on cryptic hints in various specs and standards that I've 
> read, that some FTLs have special optimizations for FAT filesystems with  the 
> factory-supplied layout.  If the FAT is in a known "nice" location, you can 
> apply different caching and wear leveling policies to that known hot-spot,

this makes sense

> and perhaps even reduce the overall metadata by using the FAT as part of the 
> block-substitution metadata for the data area.

this I don't understand.

> Many manufacturers could care 
> less about what Linux hackers want to do - their market being ordinary users 
> who stick the device in a camera - so such "cheat" optimizations are fair 
> game from a business standpoint.

this is definantly true

>> as such I see no point in worrying about the partition table being on the 
>> same eraseblock as a frequently written item.
> Many filesystem layouts can recover from damage to the allocation maps, 
> either automatically or with an offline tool.  It's possible to rebuild ext2 
> allocation bitmaps from inode and directory information.  For FAT 
> filesystems, there's a backup FAT copy that will at least let you roll back 
> to a semi-consistent recent state.  But there's no redundant for the 
> partition map or the BPB.  If you should lose one of those during a botched 
> write, it's bye-bye to all your data, barring mad forensic skills.

I've recovered from partition table mistakes in the past, it's not that 
hard (and in the cases like flash where the media is small enough that 
there is usually only one partition it becomes as close to trivial as such 
things can be)

> In stress testing of some "LBA NAND" devices, we saw several cases where, 
> after a fairly long period, the devices completely locked up and lost the 
> ability to read or rewrite the first block.  I had done a bad job of 
> partitioning it, because I wasn't paying enough attention when I created the 
> test image.  It's unclear what the results would have been had the layout 
> been better - the stress test takes several weeks and the failures are 
> statistical in nature - but I can't help believing that, for a device with a 
> known wear-out mechanism and elaborate workarounds to hide that fact, working 
> it harder than necessary will reduce its lifetime and possibly trigger 
> microcode bugs that might otherwise cause no trouble.

interesting datapoint, but not something that I would call conclusive 
(especially when some of the elaborate workarounds you are referring to 
are speculation, not documented)

>> as for the block boundry not being an eraseblock boundry if the partition 
>> starts at block 1
>> if you use 1k blocks and have 256k eraseblocks, then 1 out of every 256 
>> writes will generate two erases instead of one
>> worst case is you use 4k blocks and have 128k eraseblocks, at which point 1 
>> out of every 32 writes will generate two erases instead of one.
>> to use the intel terminology, these result in write amplification factors 
>> of approximatly 1.005 and 1.03 respectivly.
>> neither of these qualify as a 'flash killer' in my mind.
> The main amplification comes not from the erases, but from the writes.  If 
> the "cluster/block space" begins in the middle of FLASH page, then 1-block 
> write will involve a read-modify-write of two adjacent pages.  That is four 
> internal accesses instead of one.  Each such access takes between 100 and 200 
> uS, depending on the degree to which you can pipeline the accesses - and 
> read-modify-write is hard to pipeline.  So the back-end throughput c

Re: x11vnc and vncviewer for classroom

2009-02-04 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 12:39 PM, Anna  wrote:
> Another option to accomplish this is to stream the screen of the
> Ubuntu machine as ogg and then the XOs can simply play the stream via
> totem.

The src of the video is a conventional ubuntu machine -

 - how powerful is the source machine?
 - how do you grab the screen?
 - what bandwidth does the stream take?

Setting things up so this is easy to do is something I hope to get to
at some point --


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-02-04 Thread John Watlington

On Feb 4, 2009, at 12:47 AM, Bobby Powers wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 7:55 PM,   wrote:
>> On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Martin Langhoff wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:03 PM,   wrote:
 Ok, what tools can I use to satisfy you of this 'opinion' that
 applications start faster on either KDE or GNOME than on Sugar  
 on the same

 by the way, you are the first person I have heard dispute this.
>>> Erik has done a few things lately that made me change perspective.
>>> Most comparisons have been made against stuff running off the SD- 
>>> card,
>>> and made our Sugar/Fedora look very slow in comparison. Everyone
>>> jumped on Python/Sugar.
>>> However, our NAND is *slow*, it busy-waits, JFFS2 is slow, and Linux
>>> under a bit of mem pressure (and having no swap) starts discarding
>>> pages, assuming that disk reads are reasonably fast and
>>> non-cpu-blocking. But reading pages from the NAND turns out to be  
>>> slow
>>> and most importantly it pegs the CPU hard.
>>> Get the debxo or the vanilla fedoras running on the NAND. The
>>> performance delta is not what we thought it would be.
>> I know that debxo will install on the NAND. I haven't done so on my
>> systems yet as I wanted to leave the NAND intact to test the official
>> builds. I'll go ahead and do this on one of my boxes.
>> most of my testing has been via USB, do you have any idea how it  
>> compares
>> performance wise to the NAND and SD card?

>> is there any ability to not use JFFS2 on the NAND?
> I believe UBIFS is the up and coming JFFS2 killer:
> I don't know the status of it tho, I believe there was some testing at
> 1CC recently with mixed results.

Testing of UBIFS at 1CC ran into a bug which was patched and
has now been running for months without problems.


Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Network addressing for activation-over-IBSS

2009-02-04 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Wade Brainerd  wrote:
> I can possibly help too w.r.t. the OLPC initramfs, I have hacked it up to
> the point of not needing it but I have a general idea how it works.

dsd is proposing a patch. Might merit review :-)

> If you need to make simple modifications, Google "Building Initramfsen" for
> a simple guide.

Yes, I've been through that once :-/

-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] mod_ctrlextra, shared roster groups and more pubsub fun...

2009-02-04 Thread Martin Langhoff
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:16 PM, Martin Langhoff
> Do I need to patch mod_ctlextra? Retry with 2.0.2? 2.0.3?

Getting the same behaviour on v2.0.3.

Any hints?


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Network addressing for activation-over-IBSS

2009-02-04 Thread Wade Brainerd
On Thu, 5 Feb 2009, Martin Langhoff wrote:

> 2009/2/5 Daniel Drake :
>> I have modified the XO activation initramfs to attempt to locate a
>> lease server on an XS on each open infrastructure network that can be
>> found (early patch attached).
> Great -- I am not too conversant on the initrd code, probably makes
> sense to repost it to devel@ where cscott and mstone lurk...

I can possibly help too w.r.t. the OLPC initramfs, I have hacked it up to 
the point of not needing it but I have a general idea how it works.

If you need to make simple modifications, Google "Building Initramfsen" 
for a simple guide.

Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Michael Stone
On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 05:53:14PM -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
>   > This is Fedora's initramfs, right?
>   > Peter's suggestion is to use pilgrim to create rawhide builds,
>   > hence using the olpc initramfs.
>That's an interesting idea.  I don't like it long-term, because
>no-one's working on pilgrim or our initramfs, but it could help
>us get moving.

Two small corrections:

a) the initramfs continues happily under active volunteer development -- it
received two new features and a bugfix contributed by a deployment support
volunteer (dsd) in the last two weeks, along with patch review and volunteer
testing by folks back here in the States.

b) While pilgrim may be a dead-end, the ideas underlying it are not. This week,
I translated pilgrim's ideas into the simplest form yet achieved, namely, a
plain old Makefile:;a=tree;hb=make

and used it to produce builds from the olpc4+joyride tree and the
rawhide+olpc4+joyride tree (with minor edits). 

The former booted happily into Sugar and built on both Debian and Fedora. :) 
(The latter, still using the olpc initramfs, dies because upstart 0.5 still
doesn't know how to run as non-pid-1. olpc4's upstart-0.3.9 has a patch which
implements this feature.)

>   > Peter does not have an XO (g...@contrib program extreme slowness!)
>   > but may be able to help on other issues that surface as the result
>   > of an available public build...
>Oh, let's fix that.  Ed, SJ, could one of you take care of sending
>Peter some XOs ASAP, please?

Good idea.

Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread James Cameron
On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 07:51:44PM -0500, Bobby Powers wrote:
> What about a small script that could do two things:

Sounds great.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Network addressing for activation-over-IBSS

2009-02-04 Thread John Gilmore
> > The XS does not bind the server to the IPv6 address correctly (perhaps
> > we can work on that)., so it currently runs over IPv4
> True - the XS runs an IPv4 infra.

IPv6 offers link-level addresses that don't require any
infrastructure, not even a DHCP server.  If you make both ends work
with IPv6 then you don't have to worry about assigning addresses at

And you can send a UDP query to an IPv6 link-level multicast address,
so you don't need to know the school server's address.  It can respond
via unicast to your link-level address.  Many nodes who want to offer
leases can listen on that multicast address (the only one that should
respond is one who has a lease to offer this client).

(It doesn't appear to work to use IPv4 link-local addresses in this
application, because one is not always assigned; while in IPv6,
whenever your interface comes up, a link-local address is rapidly
assigned to it.)


Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Bobby Powers
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:11 PM, Benjamin M. Schwartz
> This gives us Linux users a bit of a dilemma if we want to use FTL flash
> for primary storage.  FAT does not provide the file access permissions,
> symlinks, hardlinks, or even case sensitivity, that we desire for most
> filesystems on unixy systems.  However, FTL devices behave as a sort of
> FAT-oriented black box, full of secret proprietary firmware that loves
> FAT.  One obvious proposal, therefore, would be to use FAT for storage,
> but wrap it with a layer that implements all our favorite POSIX stuff.

What about a small script that could do two things:
- determine and dump the factory partitioning data from a device (by
looking at how the FAT filesystem is laid out) to a file (perhaps we
could build up a database for popular FLASH devices, like the SanDisk
Ultra III's?)
- take the factory partitioning data from a device (or dump file) and
create a new partition map and well behaved ext2/3/4/whatever file
system on the device

I'm quite new to this wide world of filesystems and block devices, so
let me know if there are clear or obvious reasons this can't be done,
or why it would be harder than it sounds.

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-02-04 Thread david
>From: Francisco Castro 
>On Wednesday 04 February 2009 17:58:24 Albert Cahalan wrote:
>> Assembly has a reputation for being "hard", but this is
>> far from the truth. It is large assembly projects that are
>> hard to understand. For tiny things, assembly is even
>> easier than C. What you see is what you get, exactly.
>> Python has lots of magic. With assembly, everything
>> is there for you to see.
> Using assembly is the worst idea for a non hardware related open source 
> project, besides the fact that the x86 architecture is awful, 
> programming in assembly will lock the software to that architecture, 
> meaning that you would have to forget about porting to ARM or MIPS.

he wasn't advocating re-writing everything on the OLPC in assembly, he was 
commenting on the suitability of teaching beginning programming in 

David Lang
Devel mailing list

Re: Assembly vs. Python

2009-02-04 Thread James Simmons
I've been amused reading these comments about Knuth and Assembler vs. 
Python.  Back in 1978 at Western Illinois University I encountered 
Knuth's books in the school library.  He not only used Assembly in his 
examples, he used a made up version of Assembly language for a machine 
that did not exist.  He said that most programmers end up learning more 
than one kind of assembly language, so learning one more was no big 
deal.  Even in 1978 that sounded questionable!  I did study BAL at WIU.  
The first class I took I barely passed with a D.  The teacher had no 
clue how to teach BAL, but fortunately the textbook was good enough to 
learn from without him.  I decided that D or no D I did understand BAL, 
so I went on to learn COBOL and I took another BAL course after that 
where I got a B.  I've written a fair amount of BAL professionally.  
I've also done Turbo C, COBOL, Java, and other languages.

I only learned Python for OLPC, although I was exposed to it when I 
configured Freevo.  I like the language well enough and performance 
hasn't been much of an issue for me.  It's comparable to Java, probably 
better for most things.  It is certainly more understandable for complex 
apps than COBOL or BAL ever were, and I think its a decent language for 
a new programmer, especially one who is not interested in programming as 
a career but just has a problem he needs to solve.  Maybe he's studying 
trigonometry or linear programming or statistics and he needs to crunch 
some numbers to understand things better.  Why not write a Python program?

If blinding speed on the XO was all that mattered we'd still be using 
Turbo C on top of MS-DOS.  We'd be bypassing the BIOS and moving data 
directly to video memory.  We'd write TSR programs to get some of the 
benefits of multitasking without the overhead of a multitasking OS.  
We'd have to know the difference between expanded and extended memory.  
I have done all of those things, but I wouldn't wish them on anyone else.

At Walgreens many years ago we had a batch program in BAL that took 4 
hours to run because it used its own swap file.  I modified this program 
using a COBOL subprogram to replace the swap file with arrays in 
memory.  The finished program took 10 minutes to run after that.  Would 
it have run faster still if I used BAL for the subprogram?  Not much, 
but it would have been *much* harder to write.  The program was slow 
because it spent so much time waiting for disk reads and writes, not 
because it was running unnecessary machine instructions.  All programs 
wait at the same speed.

I would agree that whatever performance issues there are on the XO, we 
probably can't blame too many of them on Python.

James Simmons

>>> For teaching, remember that Knuth uses assembly. C is an awful
>>> lot closer to that than Python, and isn't the XO about teaching?
>> Ha, ahat age group is Knuth teaching assembly to??  What level of math and
>> science skills are they expected to have?
> Assuming we start with no programming skills...
> Assembly has a reputation for being "hard", but this is
> far from the truth. It is large assembly projects that are
> hard to understand. For tiny things, assembly is even
> easier than C. What you see is what you get, exactly.
> Python has lots of magic. With assembly, everything
> is there for you to see.

Devel mailing list

Gitorious still hanging up on me

2009-02-04 Thread James Simmons
I tried to do a git push to gitorious this morning and it failed without 
even trying to ask for my passphrase.  I'm going to try it tonight using 
the box I originally migrated to gitorious with and see if that works 
any better, but I believe I created the public keys the same way on both 
and they look similar when I view them in my user profile, so I have to 
wonder if there is a problem on the server side and if anyone is trying 
to resolve it.


James Simmons

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-02-04 Thread Francisco Castro
On Wednesday 04 February 2009 17:58:24 Albert Cahalan wrote:
> Assembly has a reputation for being "hard", but this is
> far from the truth. It is large assembly projects that are
> hard to understand. For tiny things, assembly is even
> easier than C. What you see is what you get, exactly.
> Python has lots of magic. With assembly, everything
> is there for you to see.

Using assembly is the worst idea for a non hardware related open source 
project, besides the fact that the x86 architecture is awful, programming in 
assembly will lock the software to that architecture, meaning that you would 
have to forget about porting to ARM or MIPS.

Also, in these days C compilers are very good, they can even sometimes 
generate better code than some experienced assemly programmers, thus 
performance reasons are no longer valid.

Rewriting everything done to assembly would take ages, and you'd need to 
rewrite everything again if you change the architecture. If you understand 
me, you should propose C instead.

PS: Sorry for my english.


Francisco Castro

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Devel mailing list

Re: [Server-devel] Network addressing for activation-over-IBSS

2009-02-04 Thread Martin Langhoff
2009/2/5 Daniel Drake :
> I have modified the XO activation initramfs to attempt to locate a
> lease server on an XS on each open infrastructure network that can be
> found (early patch attached).

Great -- I am not too conversant on the initrd code, probably makes
sense to repost it to devel@ where cscott and mstone lurk...

> The XS does not bind the server to the IPv6 address correctly (perhaps
> we can work on that)., so it currently runs over IPv4

True - the XS runs an IPv4 infra.

> But assuming we want a working IPv4 implementation... we need to
> figure out a way of getting the XOs to address themselves in a way
> compatible with the school server. The current IPv4 code picks an
> address (randomly) at 172.18.16.xx and this does not work with the XS.
> I also am quite confused by the XS network interface setting.

The XS routing routes 172.18.16.xx the first active antenna (if
present). DHCP never assigns an IP address on that range.

> We need to choose an appropriate address range which the XOs can
> suitably randomly assign themselves in, not covered by DHCP leases,
> and make sure that an appropriate interface is "listening" (at least
> acting as a gateway) on the XS. At the moment I am using 172.18.1.x
> which seems to be free of dhcp assignments.

According to Wad's original schema, where the plan was to scale out
aggressively, the 172.18.1.x range was for the main wired NIC of each
XS. My plan is to scale up before we scale out (farming out highly
integrated services without causing havoc and bottlenecks is
non-trivial), but I am keeping the same routing model as scaling out
is still a valid strategy.

Still, the potential number of XSs in a network is very low.

So a safe thing would be to pick a random IP address in when using a/b/g accesspoints, and 172.18.16.xx when
trying mesh channels.


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Devel mailing list

Re: Mesh support very likely to miss Sugar 0.84

2009-02-04 Thread Chris Ball
Hi Peter,

   > (In the last 10 times I'm been powered up I've never seen a
   > mesh network so I'll power down the mesh until the next time I
   > reboot/powerup and will rescan. If I don;t find one then I'll just
   > turn off. Rescan on restart and then turn off. If a mesh is there
   > don't power off and join in".

The problem is that the mesh is entirely composed of people operating
the same way as you; if everyone only powers up the mesh for long enough
to scan temporarily for someone else's broadcast, then no-one ever finds
anyone else.  You need to be sending out and listening for beacons in a
window that's going to overlap with someone else's in order to work out
whether you're in a mesh or not.

If we had a shared time source, you can imagine something along the
lines of "spend the first ten seconds of every minute sending/receiving
mesh beacons, and then stay powered off until the next minute if you
didn't hear anything".

- Chris.
Chris Ball   
Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Chris Ball

   > This is Fedora's initramfs, right?


   > Peter's suggestion is to use pilgrim to create rawhide builds,
   > hence using the olpc initramfs.

That's an interesting idea.  I don't like it long-term, because
no-one's working on pilgrim or our initramfs, but it could help
us get moving.

   > Peter does not have an XO (g...@contrib program extreme slowness!)
   > but may be able to help on other issues that surface as the result
   > of an available public build...

Oh, let's fix that.  Ed, SJ, could one of you take care of sending
Peter some XOs ASAP, please?


- Chris.
Chris Ball   
Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Greg Dekoenigsberg

On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Chris Ball wrote:

> Hi Greg,
>   > cjb, it was my understanding that you were already essentially
>   > doing nightly builds from rawhide using livecd-tools.  Am I
>   > mistaken?
> I was doing manual builds from rawhide using livecd-tools, trying to get
> them to boot.  Haven't got around to nightly yet, since it didn't seem
> like there was much point when they aren't booting.

Which is still true, apparently, so there you are.

Although nightlies may be required at some point -- perhaps this process 
is what Peter is volunteering to help get off the ground?


Got an XO that you're not using?  Loan it to a needy developer!
   [[ ]]

Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Chris Ball
Hi Greg,

   > cjb, it was my understanding that you were already essentially
   > doing nightly builds from rawhide using livecd-tools.  Am I
   > mistaken?

I was doing manual builds from rawhide using livecd-tools, trying to get
them to boot.  Haven't got around to nightly yet, since it didn't seem
like there was much point when they aren't booting.

- Chris.
Chris Ball   
Devel mailing list

Re: Mesh support very likely to miss Sugar 0.84

2009-02-04 Thread Peter Robinson
Hi All,

I've never used the mesh before so I'm not 100% on how it works...

>> In Sugar 0.84, will mesh at least be disabled, from the point of view
>> of Ohm and the kernel, so that the WiFi chip can be powered down when
>> it's not in use for WiFi?
> To me, one of the most attractive points about the OLPC is the
> capability to use it collaboratively "far from civilization".  This
> capability is customarily described as "two kids under a tree".

I'm not sure completely sure about deployments but how much are they
actually used? "Two kids under a tree" don't technically need a mesh
to collaborate (as cool as it sounds).

> The language in the above quote implies that 'mesh' is disposable.
> With help from this list, I've been successful in using a (manually
> initiated) mesh between XOs running Joyride 2633.  PLEASE do not
> take away my ability to do this !!

I'm not sure about mesh as such but I wonder how much the mesh is
actually used in large deployments (I believe in at least one large
deployment the network function was essentially nor used)or
deployments generally but on the other side of things Fedora 10 and
the associated NetworkMager 0.7 on which the non kernel side of OLPC
networking is based supports also by default the sharing of wifi. If
there's issues with mesh would is be possible to add a "sharte my
network" checkbox which automagically uses the network sharing options
included in NM 0.7 to allow "Two kids under a tree" to collaborate
without the mesh (unless they're both looking over the shoulders of
each other anyway :-)

> My own long-term proposal for powering down the radio chip is to
> have *two* checkboxes in Control Panel -> Network -- one for 'Mesh'
> and one for 'Wifi'.  The user who wanted to power down the chip
> would uncheck both.

My thoughts would be to have this a whole lot automated as why
would/should some random "kid" care about what "wifi" and "mesh" mean.
Surely it would be better to have almost a learning style system (In
the last 10 times I'm been powered up I've never seen a mesh network
so I'll power down the mesh until the next time I reboot/powerup and
will rescan. If I don;t find one then I'll just turn off. Rescan on
restart and then turn off. If a mesh is there don't power off and join

Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Drake
2009/2/4 Chris Ball :
> Hi Jerry,
>   > I've been playing with booting fedora on the XO, mostly with
>   > anaconda (F9/F10) to be able to run an install on the XO itself for
>   > the XS. I'll try to boot the F11 kernel/installer when one is
>   > available, it looks like there are issues building anaconda atm,
>   > there is no isolinux directory on the mirrors...
>   > Perhaps someone could shed some light on the issues with rawhide
>   > that were uncovered thus far. Is there a tracker somewhere?
> F10 boots, but here's what happens when I try to boot Rawhide:

This is Fedora's initramfs, right?

Peter's suggestion is to use pilgrim to create rawhide builds, hence
using the olpc initramfs. If we are still facing problems beyond
Friday, this may be a good thing to do in the interim. Peter does not
have an XO (g...@contrib program extreme slowness!) but may be able to
help on other issues that surface as the result of an available public

Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Greg Dekoenigsberg

On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Peter Robinson wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> Thanks for poking :)
>> After a brief discussion with Jeremy, it appears that Fedora 11 in rawhide
>> has had many boot issues on many platforms, and they're tackling them one by
>> one.  He promises to have a look at OLPC specifically on Friday.
> Excellent news. In the mean time, even with boot issues, there's nothing 
> wrong with getting a rawhide based stream in progress so that various 
> other issues that will undoubtedly show up so that when the boot problem 
> is fixed we're already on the ground and can start running. After all 
> there will no doubt be other deps and composing issues that need to be 
> resolved. too.
> Either way, ping me on or off list for any heavy lifting I can help with.

cjb, it was my understanding that you were already essentially doing 
nightly builds from rawhide using livecd-tools.  Am I mistaken?


Got an XO that you're not using?  Loan it to a needy developer!
   [[ ]]

Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Peter Robinson
Hi Greg,

Thanks for poking :)

> After a brief discussion with Jeremy, it appears that Fedora 11 in rawhide
> has had many boot issues on many platforms, and they're tackling them one by
> one.  He promises to have a look at OLPC specifically on Friday.

Excellent news. In the mean time, even with boot issues, there's
nothing wrong with getting a rawhide based stream in progress so that
various other issues that will undoubtedly show up so that when the
boot problem is fixed we're already on the ground and can start
running. After all there will no doubt be other deps and composing
issues that need to be resolved. too.

Either way, ping me on or off list for any heavy lifting I can help with.

Devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Network addressing for activation-over-IBSS

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Drake

I have modified the XO activation initramfs to attempt to locate a
lease server on an XS on each open infrastructure network that can be
found (early patch attached).

The XS does not bind the server to the IPv6 address correctly (perhaps
we can work on that)., so it currently runs over IPv4

But assuming we want a working IPv4 implementation... we need to
figure out a way of getting the XOs to address themselves in a way
compatible with the school server. The current IPv4 code picks an
address (randomly) at 172.18.16.xx and this does not work with the XS.
I also am quite confused by the XS network interface setting.

We need to choose an appropriate address range which the XOs can
suitably randomly assign themselves in, not covered by DHCP leases,
and make sure that an appropriate interface is "listening" (at least
acting as a gateway) on the XS. At the moment I am using 172.18.1.x
which seems to be free of dhcp assignments.


From: Daniel Drake 

diff --git a/src-olpc/ b/src-olpc/
index f21b30d..f9b27e7 100644
--- a/src-olpc/
+++ b/src-olpc/
@@ -6,10 +6,14 @@ from initutil import blk_mounted, SD_DEV, SD_MNT, USB_DEV, USB_MNT
 from initutil import sd_init, usb_init, net_init
 from socket import *
 from ipv6util import if_nametoindex
+import subprocess
 from subprocess import check_call, call
 sys.path += [ '/act-gui' ] # gui_client is in a subdir
 from gui_client import send
+#def send(foo):
+#print "would send:", foo
 def try_blk(device, mnt, fstype='msdos'):
 """Try to mount a block device and read keylist from it."""
@@ -19,25 +23,60 @@ def try_blk(device, mnt, fstype='msdos'):
 return None
-def select_network_channel (channel):
-check_call(['/bin/ip','link','set','dev','msh0','up']) # rely on ipv6 autoconfig
+def set_addresses (iface):
 # set up link-local address
-mac = open('/sys/class/net/msh0/address').read().strip().split(':')
+mac = open('/sys/class/net/%s/address' % iface).read().strip().split(':')
 top = int(mac[0], 16) ^ 2 # universal/local bit complemented
 ll = 'fe80::%02x%s:%sff:fe%s:%s%s' % \
  (top, mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5])
-call(['/bin/ip', 'addr', 'add', '%s/64' % ll, 'dev', 'msh0'])
+call(['/bin/ip', 'addr', 'add', '%s/64' % ll, 'dev', iface])
 a = 2+(ord(os.urandom(1)[0])%250)
-call(['/bin/ip', 'addr', 'add', '172.18.16.%d' % a, 'dev', 'msh0'])
+call(['/bin/ip', 'addr', 'add', '172.18.1.%d/24' % a,
+  'brd', '', 'dev', iface])
 # XXX: BSSIDs of all 0, F, or 4 are invalid
-# set up route to
-call(['/bin/ip', 'route', 'add', '', 'dev', 'msh0'])
-call(['/bin/ip', 'route', 'add', 'default', 'via', ''])
+call(['/bin/ip', 'route', 'add', 'default', 'via', '', 'dev', iface])
 # should be able to ping after this point.
 # the IPv4 address is a little hacky, prefer ipv6
+def select_mesh_channel (channel):
+check_call(['/bin/ip','link','set','dev','msh0','up']) # rely on ipv6 autoconfig
+def select_ibss (ssid):
+print "attempting connection to open IBSS", ssid
+check_call(['/bin/ip','link','set','dev','eth0','up']) # rely on ipv6 autoconfig
+# wait for association, max 5 secs
+for i in range(0, 10):
+output = subprocess.Popen(["/sbin/iwconfig", "eth0"],
+  stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
+lines = output.split("\n")
+if len(lines) < 2:
+print "bad iwconfig output?"
+return False
+ssidpos = lines[0].index("ESSID:")
+iw_ssid = lines[0][ssidpos + 6:].strip()
+if iw_ssid != '"' + ssid + '"':
+if iw_ssid != '""':
+print "unexpected ESSID value:", iw_ssid
+appos = lines[1].find("Access Point: ")
+if appos == -1:
+iw_ap = lines[1][appos+14:].strip()
+if iw_ap[0].isdigit():
+print "connected!"
+return True
+return False
 def try_to_get_lease(family, addr, serial_num):
 s = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM)
@@ -55,23 +94,87 @@ def try_to_get_lease(family, addr, serial_num):
-def try_network (channel, serial_num):
+def contact_lease_server (iface, serial_num):
+# try to contact the lease server
+for family, addr in [ (AF_INET6,('fe80::abcd:ef01',191,

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Mitch Bradley
Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Mitch Bradley wrote:
>> It has been my experience that USB sticks and SD cards with intact 
>> factory formatting tend to last longer and run faster than ones that 
>> have been reformatted with random layouts.
> This gives us Linux users a bit of a dilemma if we want to use FTL flash
> for primary storage.  FAT does not provide the file access permissions,
> symlinks, hardlinks, or even case sensitivity, that we desire for most
> filesystems on unixy systems.  However, FTL devices behave as a sort of
> FAT-oriented black box, full of secret proprietary firmware that loves
> FAT. 

I think that FTLs are getting better over time, so maybe the 
FAT-specific optimizations are starting to be replaced by more generic 
algorithms.  The rapidly growing market for FLASH-based storage is 
certainly attracting lots of development dollars.

In the absence of FAT-specific optimizations, perhaps properly-aligned 
ext2 layouts will work well.

Another solution is to choose high-quality devices.  I've had good 
results with some models from SanDisk and Transcend.  But sometimes it 
comes at a cost penalty - the really good SanDisk "Extreme III" SD cards 
cost 2.5x the going rate for commodity cards of the same capacity.  The 
good cards appear to be rather more tolerant of "abuse" than the El 
Cheapo's.  But even with the tough ones, I think its prudent to treat 
them gently.

>  One obvious proposal, therefore, would be to use FAT for storage,
> but wrap it with a layer that implements all our favorite POSIX stuff.

Puppy Linux does something like that, using a (FAT, ISO9660, or 
whatever) file as a container for an ext2 filesystem image.

The practice is also rather common in the world of virtualization.  My 
primary Linux system is actually a colinux "vm" running under Windows 
with the ext2 filesystem image inside an NTFS file (actually three 
files, one for root, one for home, and one for miscellaneous big wads of 
client-specific stuff) .  That's proven itself very convenient over 
time; I've transported and mixed-and-matched those filesystem images to 
several different host machines.  Based on that and other pleasant 
experiences with VM filesystem "snapshots", I'm of the opinion that a 
quiet revolution is brewing in the way that people deal with filesystems 
inside files.

You could treat an existing FAT filesystem as a very flexible 
partitioning scheme.  You can make any number of partitions, of any 
size, with a hierarchical namespace, with a good collection of tools for 
manipulating them.

> This has been done before for Linux, in the guise of UMSDOS/UVFAT [1][2].
>  Although that work has fallen out of date, I suspect one could
> reimplement it quickly using new linux features such as FUSE.  The
> question is: would such an approach be worthwhile?

I think that the wrapped-metadata approach has largely run its course.  
There used to be a lot of activity in that area, but I haven't seen much 
of interest lately.  I think that containerization is likely to be the 
happening thing for the near term.

> - --Ben
> [1]
> [2]
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEARECAAYFAkmKBJ0ACgkQUJT6e6HFtqR8kwCfc9MlcbGv1yaSEog6lNJoqmey
> kE0AmwRxwXtORZSITzyDUW5gqu9xBpoq
> =Kxa1

Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Greg Dekoenigsberg

After a brief discussion with Jeremy, it appears that Fedora 11 in rawhide 
has had many boot issues on many platforms, and they're tackling them one 
by one.  He promises to have a look at OLPC specifically on Friday.


Got an XO that you're not using?  Loan it to a needy developer!
   [[ ]]

On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Jerry Vonau wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 20:47 +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>>>  > I wanted to put it to the lists and get some feedback, with the
>>>  > plans on basing the 9.1.0 release on Fedora 11 I think we need to
>>>  > have a testing stream based on rawhide so that we can start testing
>>>  > core OS related bits and dealing with them sooner rather than
>>>  > later.
>>> Totally agreed.  The reason I haven't pushed to set up nightly builds is
>>> that right now Rawhide *doesn't boot* on the XO.  I think energy should
>>> probably be aimed at fixing that before we start setting up nightlies.
>>> I pinged Jeremy earlier in the week, he didn't have any strong ideas
>>> about what's wrong.  I should retry with latest Rawhide in case
>>> something's been fixed recently..
>> Oh! I wasn't aware of that as I don't currently have an XO to test
>> (although that should be sorted soon) not that I know enough about the
>> boot/kernel of the XO to be of much help fixing it. I wonder if any of
>> the 50 odd people on fedora-devel that got an XO in the lead up to the
>> F-10 release could help with that? Greg, do you know of someone that
>> isn't as busy as Jeremy that could help shed some light on XO boot
>> issues?
>> Peter
> I've been playing with booting fedora on the XO, mostly with anaconda
> (F9/F10) to be able to run an install on the XO itself for the XS. I'll
> try to boot the F11 kernel/installer when one is available, it looks
> like there are issues building anaconda atm, there is no isolinux
> directory on the mirrors...
> Perhaps someone could shed some light on the issues with rawhide that
> were uncovered thus far. Is there a tracker somewhere?
> Jerry
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Jerry Vonau
On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 15:05 -0500, Chris Ball wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
>> I've been playing with booting fedora on the XO, mostly with
>> anaconda (F9/F10) to be able to run an install on the XO itself for
>> the XS. I'll try to boot the F11 kernel/installer when one is
>> available, it looks like there are issues building anaconda atm,
>> there is no isolinux directory on the mirrors...
>> Perhaps someone could shed some light on the issues with rawhide
>> that were uncovered thus far. Is there a tracker somewhere?
> F10 boots, but here's what happens when I try to boot Rawhide:
> Thanks,
> - Chris.

kernel commandline: root=mtd0 rootfstype=jffs2 liveimg console=tty0 console=tty2

If your booting the live image shouldn't the root= line be something like:
root=LABEL=... You could use the device name also: root=/dev/mtd0

Have a look at the mkliveinitrd part of mkinitrd at:;a=blob;f=mkliveinitrd;hb=24d6d9779ca5bacc0c649e9d783263661ceb81f0
Without the /dev part the init script will not have anything to match the root= 
in the "case $root in" part of the init file, resulting in the udev rules not 
getting created 
for the /dev/root symlink.

Hoping that is the fix,


Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Jerry Vonau
On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 20:47 +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> >   > I wanted to put it to the lists and get some feedback, with the
> >   > plans on basing the 9.1.0 release on Fedora 11 I think we need to
> >   > have a testing stream based on rawhide so that we can start testing
> >   > core OS related bits and dealing with them sooner rather than
> >   > later.
> >
> > Totally agreed.  The reason I haven't pushed to set up nightly builds is
> > that right now Rawhide *doesn't boot* on the XO.  I think energy should
> > probably be aimed at fixing that before we start setting up nightlies.
> >
> > I pinged Jeremy earlier in the week, he didn't have any strong ideas
> > about what's wrong.  I should retry with latest Rawhide in case
> > something's been fixed recently..
> Oh! I wasn't aware of that as I don't currently have an XO to test
> (although that should be sorted soon) not that I know enough about the
> boot/kernel of the XO to be of much help fixing it. I wonder if any of
> the 50 odd people on fedora-devel that got an XO in the lead up to the
> F-10 release could help with that? Greg, do you know of someone that
> isn't as busy as Jeremy that could help shed some light on XO boot
> issues?
> Peter

I've been playing with booting fedora on the XO, mostly with anaconda
(F9/F10) to be able to run an install on the XO itself for the XS. I'll
try to boot the F11 kernel/installer when one is available, it looks
like there are issues building anaconda atm, there is no isolinux
directory on the mirrors...

Perhaps someone could shed some light on the issues with rawhide that
were uncovered thus far. Is there a tracker somewhere?  



Devel mailing list

[Server-devel] Cooking around ejabberd - Fwd: mod_ctrlextra, shared roster groups and more pubsub fun...

2009-02-04 Thread Martin Langhoff
Just to keep people in the look as to what I'm working on...

 - using mod_ctlextra to control shared rosters from moodle enrol/unenrol hooks

 - testing ejabberd to 2.0.3 - which claims to fix some pubsub issues,
and has the ssl/tls memory consumption bug fixed...

 -- martin

-- Forwarded message --
From: Martin Langhoff 
Date: Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 8:16 PM
Subject: mod_ctrlextra, shared roster groups and more pubsub fun...

ejabberd 2.0.1 plus mod_ctlextra (r814 from SVN). Playing around with
2 clients...

 $ ejabberdctl srg-create group1 localhost G1 G1 G1
 $ ejabberdctl srg-user-add user1 localhost G1 localhost
 $ ejabberdctl srg-user-add user2 localhost G1 localhost

at this point, user1 sees user2, but user2 cannot see user1.

This is similar to the issues seen before with shared rosters and
pubsub events.

Do I need to patch mod_ctlextra? Retry with 2.0.2? 2.0.3?


-- -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first
Server-devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Mitch Bradley
>> >
>> > 
>> > Read it and weep.
> It's a great article, but people that aren't very familiar with
> filesystems and the filesystem tools are going to read the article, look
> at their tools, scratch their heads, decide the whole thing is too hard,
> and go on making the same mistakes. It would be useful if actual command
> arguments could be given for various sane defaults.

Indeed, I'd like to do that as time permits.  It's sort of an open-ended 
proposition though, because there are so many possibilities.  Deciding 
where to draw the line is tricky.  And for each example, to do it right, 
I'll have to write a mini-treatise on the pertinent assumptions and 

For me, the hard thing about writing is finding an appropriate stopping 
point - i.e. there is always more that could be said.  So I tend to 
avoid starting, because I know that the task will grow to fill all 
available time and then some.

For starters, I wanted to lay out the issues and the theory, so at least 
people start to realize that there is a possible problem.  From what 
I've seen, most people are currently totally unaware of it.

At least I did give one concrete recommendation - avoid reformatting if 
you can.

Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Benjamin M. Schwartz
Hash: SHA1

Mitch Bradley wrote:
> It has been my experience that USB sticks and SD cards with intact 
> factory formatting tend to last longer and run faster than ones that 
> have been reformatted with random layouts.

This gives us Linux users a bit of a dilemma if we want to use FTL flash
for primary storage.  FAT does not provide the file access permissions,
symlinks, hardlinks, or even case sensitivity, that we desire for most
filesystems on unixy systems.  However, FTL devices behave as a sort of
FAT-oriented black box, full of secret proprietary firmware that loves
FAT.  One obvious proposal, therefore, would be to use FAT for storage,
but wrap it with a layer that implements all our favorite POSIX stuff.

This has been done before for Linux, in the guise of UMSDOS/UVFAT [1][2].
 Although that work has fallen out of date, I suspect one could
reimplement it quickly using new linux features such as FUSE.  The
question is: would such an approach be worthwhile?

- --Ben

Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)

Devel mailing list

Re: Mesh support very likely to miss Sugar 0.84

2009-02-04 Thread Mikus Grinbergs
> In Sugar 0.84, will mesh at least be disabled, from the point of view
> of Ohm and the kernel, so that the WiFi chip can be powered down when
> it's not in use for WiFi?

To me, one of the most attractive points about the OLPC is the 
capability to use it collaboratively "far from civilization".  This 
capability is customarily described as "two kids under a tree".

The language in the above quote implies that 'mesh' is disposable. 
With help from this list, I've been successful in using a (manually 
initiated) mesh between XOs running Joyride 2633.  PLEASE do not 
take away my ability to do this !!

My own long-term proposal for powering down the radio chip is to 
have *two* checkboxes in Control Panel -> Network -- one for 'Mesh' 
and one for 'Wifi'.  The user who wanted to power down the chip 
would uncheck both.

[In the meantime, for powering down the chip, please document (or 
adapt the 'Radio checkbox' for) a bypass action such as 'echo 0 > 
/sys/power/wlan-enabled'.  Please don't "disable" mesh altogether.]


Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Mitch Bradley
I am the author of the page in question.  To establish my credentials, I 
wrote my first filesystem forensic tool in 1980, to diagnose and repair 
a Unix filesystem that had been damaged by a kernel misconfigured that 
made it swap on top of the filesystem.  That was when 10 MB disk packs 
the size of garbage can lids cost $5000.

Since then I have written filesystem readers, writers, and forensic 
tools for UFS, ext2, FAT12/16/32, ISO-9660, NFS, Mac HFS, romfs, and 
JFFS2.  I have studied, with an eye toward implementation, the data 
structures for NTFS, UBIFS, cramfs, and squashfs. wrote:
> so if the device is performing wear leveling, then the fact that your 
> FAT is on the same eraseblock as your partition table should not 
> matter in the least, since the wear leveling will avoid stressing any 
> particlar part of the flash.

That would be true in a perfect world, but wear leveling is hard to do 
perfectly.  Relocating requires maintaining two copies of the erase 
block, as well as hidden metadata that tells you which copy is which, 
plus a hidden allocation map.  Updating all of these things in a way 
that avoids catastrophic loss of the entire device (due to inconsistent 
metadata) is tricky.  Some FTLs get it (at least mostly) right, many 
don't.  FTL software is, after all, software, so obscure bugs are always 
possible.  Making hardware behave stably during power loss is triply 

I suspect, based on cryptic hints in various specs and standards that 
I've read, that some FTLs have special optimizations for FAT filesystems 
with  the factory-supplied layout.  If the FAT is in a known "nice" 
location, you can apply different caching and wear leveling policies to 
that known hot-spot, and perhaps even reduce the overall metadata by 
using the FAT as part of the block-substitution metadata for the data 
area.  Many manufacturers could care less about what Linux hackers want 
to do - their market being ordinary users who stick the device in a 
camera - so such "cheat" optimizations are fair game from a business 

> as such I see no point in worrying about the partition table being on 
> the same eraseblock as a frequently written item.

Many filesystem layouts can recover from damage to the allocation maps, 
either automatically or with an offline tool.  It's possible to rebuild 
ext2 allocation bitmaps from inode and directory information.  For FAT 
filesystems, there's a backup FAT copy that will at least let you roll 
back to a semi-consistent recent state.  But there's no redundant for 
the partition map or the BPB.  If you should lose one of those during a 
botched write, it's bye-bye to all your data, barring mad forensic skills.

In stress testing of some "LBA NAND" devices, we saw several cases 
where, after a fairly long period, the devices completely locked up and 
lost the ability to read or rewrite the first block.  I had done a bad 
job of partitioning it, because I wasn't paying enough attention when I 
created the test image.  It's unclear what the results would have been 
had the layout been better - the stress test takes several weeks and the 
failures are statistical in nature - but I can't help believing that, 
for a device with a known wear-out mechanism and elaborate workarounds 
to hide that fact, working it harder than necessary will reduce its 
lifetime and possibly trigger microcode bugs that might otherwise cause 
no trouble.

> as for the block boundry not being an eraseblock boundry if the 
> partition starts at block 1
> if you use 1k blocks and have 256k eraseblocks, then 1 out of every 
> 256 writes will generate two erases instead of one
> worst case is you use 4k blocks and have 128k eraseblocks, at which 
> point 1 out of every 32 writes will generate two erases instead of one.
> to use the intel terminology, these result in write amplification 
> factors of approximatly 1.005 and 1.03 respectivly.
> neither of these qualify as a 'flash killer' in my mind.

The main amplification comes not from the erases, but from the writes.  
If the "cluster/block space" begins in the middle of FLASH page, then 
1-block write will involve a read-modify-write of two adjacent pages.  
That is four internal accesses instead of one.  Each such access takes 
between 100 and 200 uS, depending on the degree to which you can 
pipeline the accesses - and read-modify-write is hard to pipeline.  So 
the back-end throughput can easily be reduced by a factor of 4 or even 
more.  The write-amplification factor is 2 by a trivial analysis, and it 
can get worse if you factor in the requirement for writing the pages 
within an erase block sequentially.  The implied coupling between the 
two spanned pages increases the difficulty of replacement-page 
allocation, increasing the probability of garbage collection.

The erase amplification factor tracks the write amplification factor.  
You must do at least one erase for every 64 writes, assuming perf

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Chris Ball
Hi Jerry,

   > I've been playing with booting fedora on the XO, mostly with
   > anaconda (F9/F10) to be able to run an install on the XO itself for
   > the XS. I'll try to boot the F11 kernel/installer when one is
   > available, it looks like there are issues building anaconda atm,
   > there is no isolinux directory on the mirrors...

   > Perhaps someone could shed some light on the issues with rawhide
   > that were uncovered thus far. Is there a tracker somewhere?

F10 boots, but here's what happens when I try to boot Rawhide:


- Chris.
Chris Ball   
Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-02-04 Thread Albert Cahalan
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Wade Brainerd  wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:38 AM, Albert Cahalan  wrote:
>> Bobby Powers writes:

>>> The idea is to give kids as much transparency into the software
>>> stack as possible, AND make it easy to hack on and easy to create
>>> new activities for.  Python is much more forgiving than C.
>> Python is less forgiving if you want performance on the XO. :-)
>> For teaching, remember that Knuth uses assembly. C is an awful
>> lot closer to that than Python, and isn't the XO about teaching?
> Ha, ahat age group is Knuth teaching assembly to??  What level of math and
> science skills are they expected to have?

Assuming we start with no programming skills...

Assembly has a reputation for being "hard", but this is
far from the truth. It is large assembly projects that are
hard to understand. For tiny things, assembly is even
easier than C. What you see is what you get, exactly.
Python has lots of magic. With assembly, everything
is there for you to see.

>> > Its killing the XO?  A personal pygtk based project launches in a few
>> > seconds on my debXO install on an XO, but much much longer on 8.2.
>> > It is a completely loaded statement to say that Python is killing
>> > the XO, and didn't really deserve a response :)
>> I'm assuming that "personal [...] project" means small.
>> The fact that you consider "a few seconds" to be acceptable shows
>> just how much people have lost touch with the concept of performance.
> Python is not the problem. Just strace the activity startup process to see
> everything that goeson.

Using strace is not appropriate here. It's appropriate when
you know that computational overhead is low. (when using C)

> A lot of it appears to be erelated to
> a) Rainbow
> b) Journal instance creation

Not that strace is appropriate, but AFAIK these are Python.

> Also I agree that the huge animated loating icon is probably not helping on
> XO.  Could'nt it be replaced by a large non-animated icon in the center of
> the screen, and then smoe dots that appear around the icon in a circle,
> adding one dot per second, like a clock?  That would take no overhead and
> would even give an informal way to measure startup time by counting the
> dots.

That'd be an improvement, but it would still hurt. Good software
can start far faster than you can display a non-animated icon.

> Please don't try to hijack a technical discussion into a political one.

Already done...

(disturbing that a technical choice is considered political though)

> Use of the Python language is not the cause of the performance problems
> on the XO or in Sugar in general.  Every system must be optimized no
> matter what language it is written in.  It just takes a little effort.

...and you are in fact in denial.

If it were a **little** effort, Sugar would be well-optimized by now.
Lots of effort has been applied to the problem, with little result.

Sure, one can optimize code in any language. This does not
contradict the simple fact that some languages are really slow.
You won't get far if you insist on using a stinker.
Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Peter Robinson
Hi Chris,

>   > I wanted to put it to the lists and get some feedback, with the
>   > plans on basing the 9.1.0 release on Fedora 11 I think we need to
>   > have a testing stream based on rawhide so that we can start testing
>   > core OS related bits and dealing with them sooner rather than
>   > later.
> Totally agreed.  The reason I haven't pushed to set up nightly builds is
> that right now Rawhide *doesn't boot* on the XO.  I think energy should
> probably be aimed at fixing that before we start setting up nightlies.
> I pinged Jeremy earlier in the week, he didn't have any strong ideas
> about what's wrong.  I should retry with latest Rawhide in case
> something's been fixed recently..

Oh! I wasn't aware of that as I don't currently have an XO to test
(although that should be sorted soon) not that I know enough about the
boot/kernel of the XO to be of much help fixing it. I wonder if any of
the 50 odd people on fedora-devel that got an XO in the lead up to the
F-10 release could help with that? Greg, do you know of someone that
isn't as busy as Jeremy that could help shed some light on XO boot

Devel mailing list

Re: Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Chris Ball
Hi Peter,

   > I wanted to put it to the lists and get some feedback, with the
   > plans on basing the 9.1.0 release on Fedora 11 I think we need to
   > have a testing stream based on rawhide so that we can start testing
   > core OS related bits and dealing with them sooner rather than
   > later.

Totally agreed.  The reason I haven't pushed to set up nightly builds is
that right now Rawhide *doesn't boot* on the XO.  I think energy should
probably be aimed at fixing that before we start setting up nightlies.

I pinged Jeremy earlier in the week, he didn't have any strong ideas
about what's wrong.  I should retry with latest Rawhide in case
something's been fixed recently..


- Chris.
Chris Ball   
Devel mailing list

Joyide on Fedora 11/rawhide

2009-02-04 Thread Peter Robinson
Hi All,

I wanted to put it to the lists and get some feedback, with the plans
on basing the 9.1.0 release on Fedora 11 I think we need to have a
testing stream based on rawhide so that we can start testing core OS
related bits and dealing with them sooner rather than later.

My thoughts are that we should setup a new stream
(joyhide/rawjoy/rawride?? ) at least initially which would give the OS
people something to test and play with while giving Activity and sugar
developers the option of either a more stable platform for developing
and/or the bleading edge. With the F-11 alpha release out in the next
couple of days rawhide should start (or maybe not) to stabilise so it
might be a good time to start. Most of the major stuff that will
affect OLPC (read python 2.6) is already in. There's a few other bits
that will come but should have minimal impact.

I'm quite happy to step up and sort out the build and poke repos and
the like if people are happy to give me access to pilgrim and
associated bits to get this moving. I have a reasonable amount of time
next week that I can dedicate to getting this moving as well so I
thought I'd poke now so as to get things moving if its decided to be a
reasonable proposal.


Devel mailing list

Re: Mesh support very likely to miss Sugar 0.84

2009-02-04 Thread John Gilmore
> > Not sure who's able to contribute, but just wanted to wave a red flag
> > here to warn that it's looking like any mesh support is very unlikely
> > to make the 0.84 Sugar release, unless someone is interested/able to
> > work on it:
> >
> >

In Sugar 0.84, will mesh at least be disabled, from the point of view
of Ohm and the kernel, so that the WiFi chip can be powered down when
it's not in use for WiFi?

Devel mailing list

Re: Life in an insecure world

2009-02-04 Thread John Watlington

Is this really true ?   If you've removed /versions, how does alt-boot
find the other image ?

On Feb 4, 2009, at 10:33 AM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:22 AM, John Watlington   
> wrote:
>> Should we care ?  I just proved that it is possible for any kid in
>> Peru to slag their laptop by
>> simply typing "sudo rm -rf /*" in a terminal window, a similar feat
>> of child-like naivete.
> Alt-boot could recover from most cases like this -- although it will
> always be possible to do something similar.
>  --scott
> -- 
>  ( )

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-02-04 Thread Wade Brainerd
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:38 AM, Albert Cahalan  wrote:

> Bobby Powers writes:
> > 2009/2/2 Tiago Marques :
> >> Python is killing the XO, what's being done in that regard?
> >> The $100 laptop will always be hardware limited, how can
> >> python be a benefit and not a *huge* burden? I for one can't
> >> get my head around that.
> >
> > The idea is to give kids as much transparency into the software
> > stack as possible, AND make it easy to hack on and easy to create
> > new activities for.  Python is much more forgiving than C.
> Python is less forgiving if you want performance on the XO. :-)
> For teaching, remember that Knuth uses assembly. C is an awful
> lot closer to that than Python, and isn't the XO about teaching?

Ha, ahat age group is Knuth teaching assembly to??  What level of math and
science skills are they expected to have?

> > Its killing the XO?  A personal pygtk based project launches in a few
> > seconds on my debXO install on an XO, but much much longer on 8.2.
> > It is a completely loaded statement to say that Python is killing
> > the XO, and didn't really deserve a response :)
> I'm assuming that "personal [...] project" means small.
> The fact that you consider "a few seconds" to be acceptable shows
> just how much people have lost touch with the concept of performance.

Python is not the problem. Just strace the activity startup process to see
everything that goeson.

A lot of it appears to be erelated to
a) Rainbow
b) Journal instance creation

Also I agree that the huge animated loating icon is probably not helping on
XO.  Could'nt it be replaced by a large non-animated icon in the center of
the screen, and then smoe dots that appear around the icon in a circle,
adding one dot per second, like a clock?  That would take no overhead and
would even give an informal way to measure startup time by counting the

> Current usage of Python can be mostly explained as follows:
> The remaining bit of the explanation is that the developer pool
> is now full of Python people. Nearly all others have run away.
> One can't expect to attract non-Python talent when Python gets
> a non-negotiable privileged position.

Please don't try to hijack a technical discussion into a political one. Use
of the Python language is not the cause of the performance problems on the
XO or in Sugar in general.  Every system must be optimized no matter what
language it is written in.  It just takes a little effort.

Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-02-04 Thread Wade Brainerd
Regarding Gentoo, don't miss  That project
combined with the Sugar overlay might be a good start for a tiny XO Sugar


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Nirbheek Chauhan  wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:12 AM, S Page  wrote:
> > Nirbheek Chauhan wrote:
> >>
> >> Since you're looking at making a gentoo-based sugar distro, you might
> >> find useful :)
> >
> > Please update ,
> which
> > lists a similar overlay project
> >  by Aleksey
> Lim.
> >  Maybe you could mention differences or work together.
> >
> I've talked with Aleksey, and _some_ code sharing is doable. However,
> the approach of the two overlays is completely perpendicular
> (automagic ebuilds using jhconvert vs manual ebuilds), and so one
> cannot replace the other.
> Also, my overlay currently consists of only live git ebuilds (ie, they
> fetch and install from git instead of releases), and release ebuilds
> are blocking on a number of things including
> . Once these problems are handled,
> I'll update the aforementioned page.
> >> --
> >> Sent from my mobile device
> >
> > ... with its patented "top-post and include the entire message thread
> with
> > no changes so every reader must scroll through it to see if you made
> other
> > comments" UI  8-/
> Yeah, it sucks. gmail for mobile doesn't show the rest of the thread,
> and top-posts without mercy <_<
> --
> ~Nirbheek Chauhan
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

No ActivityTeam meeting this Friday

2009-02-04 Thread Wade Brainerd
We didn't schedule one, but in case anyone thought there would be, there is
no ActivityTeam meeting this Friday.

I'm out of town this week, and I'm leaning towards bi-weekly anyway.  I'll
send out another email when we set the next time.

Devel mailing list

Please update etoys in 8.2.1

2009-02-04 Thread Bert Freudenberg
Dear Release Manager,

as we discussed on IRC today (and which I had not realized until  
today) the 8.2.1 release will be pre-installed on XOs for much longer  
than anticipated, since the 9.1 release has been canceled, and no  
replacement is in sight.

We have had fixed Etoys / Squeak-VM packages ready for many months  
now, they just did not make it into 8.2 by a few days, and 8.2.1 was  
scheduled to be only a major-bugs fixing release, so we were holding  
out for 9.1. Since that is not going to happen we would very much  
appreciate if the updated RPMs would get included in 8.2.1.

The most severe bugs that are fixed there are #8351 (Composite  
characters not displayed correctly), #8608 (Mic LED stays on after  
quitting Etoys), #8700 (View-source key broken) and #8536 (Page up /  
page down / home / end not working). More bugs have been fixed since,  
but no features added. We did update the major version number (4.0  
now) in the mean time because the latest release is now completely  
license clean, but from a user's point of view the features are  
identical to the 3.0 series.

The latest release is in Joyride:


Please consider these to replace the ones in 8.2.


- Bert, for the Etoys team -

Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread david
On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Umm, what?
>> "To alleviate the "wear out" problems, the FTL must move data around so
>> that repeated writes to a given sector don't cause too many writes to the
>> same NAND page."
>> "UBIFS was designed to work on top of raw flash, which has nothing to do
>> with block devices. This is why UBIFS does not work on MMC cards and the
>> like - they look like block devices to the outside world because they
>> implement FTL (Flash Translation Layer) support in hardware, which simply
>> speaking emulates a block device"
> so if the device is performing wear leveling, then the fact that your FAT
> is on the same eraseblock as your partition table should not matter in the
> least, since the wear leveling will avoid stressing any particlar part of
> the flash.
> as such I see no point in worrying about the partition table being on the
> same eraseblock as a frequently written item.
> as for the block boundry not being an eraseblock boundry if the partition
> starts at block 1
> if you use 1k blocks and have 256k eraseblocks, then 1 out of every 256
> writes will generate two erases instead of one
> worst case is you use 4k blocks and have 128k eraseblocks, at which point
> 1 out of every 32 writes will generate two erases instead of one.
> to use the intel terminology, these result in write amplification factors
> of approximatly 1.005 and 1.03 respectivly.
> neither of these qualify as a 'flash killer' in my mind.
> now, if a FAT or superblock happens to span an eraseblock, then you will
> have a much more significant issue, but nothing that is said in this
> document refers to this problem (and in fact, it indicates that things
> like this follow the start of the partition very closely, which implies
> that unless the partition starts very close to the end of an eraseblock
> it's highly unlikely that these will span eraseblocks)
> so I still see this as crying wolf.

A far more significant problem would be the use of a journal on flash. 
since there are generally two writes to the journal for every write to the 
storage (one write to put the data in the journal and one write to mark 
the journal entry as completed), and frequently each write to the journal 
gets pushed out immediatly (rather than waiting to consolodate writes) for 
safety, the journal gets _far_ more writes than anything else on the 
storage device.

so using a full journaling filesystem (ext3 with data=journaled for 
example) would produce a write amplification factor of at least 3.

David Lang

> as for ubifs, that is designed for when you have access to the raw flash,
> which is not the case for any device where you have a flash translation
> layer in place, so it is really only useful on embedded system, not on
> commercially available flash drives of any type.
>> As for the author only being familiar with FAT, that is hilarious.  Mitch
>> implemented JFFS2 support in OFW, and wrote this page to explain how he
>> produced optimal ext2 formatting of FTL FLASH.  Indeed, that is the
>> subject of
> I didn't read carefully enough before I made that comment. my apologies.
> David Lang
> ___
> Devel mailing list
Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread david
On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> wrote:
>> On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Mitch Bradley wrote:
>>> Read it and weep.
>> this completely ignores wear leveling, which is very nessasary for just
>> about any filesystem, but especially for FAT (which appear to be the only
>> filesystems this author is familiar with)
> Umm, what?
> "To alleviate the "wear out" problems, the FTL must move data around so
> that repeated writes to a given sector don't cause too many writes to the
> same NAND page."
> Mitch is describing "FLASH" devices like SD cards.  All such devices have
> a built-in microcontroller (the FTL) that performs wear-leveling.
> Layering additional wear-leveling filesystems like JFFS2 or UBIFS on top
> of the FTL requires a reverse translation (block device->MTD) and is not
> recommended.  e.g.  From :
> "UBIFS was designed to work on top of raw flash, which has nothing to do
> with block devices. This is why UBIFS does not work on MMC cards and the
> like - they look like block devices to the outside world because they
> implement FTL (Flash Translation Layer) support in hardware, which simply
> speaking emulates a block device"

so if the device is performing wear leveling, then the fact that your FAT 
is on the same eraseblock as your partition table should not matter in the 
least, since the wear leveling will avoid stressing any particlar part of 
the flash.

as such I see no point in worrying about the partition table being on the 
same eraseblock as a frequently written item.

as for the block boundry not being an eraseblock boundry if the partition 
starts at block 1

if you use 1k blocks and have 256k eraseblocks, then 1 out of every 256 
writes will generate two erases instead of one

worst case is you use 4k blocks and have 128k eraseblocks, at which point 
1 out of every 32 writes will generate two erases instead of one.

to use the intel terminology, these result in write amplification factors 
of approximatly 1.005 and 1.03 respectivly.

neither of these qualify as a 'flash killer' in my mind.

now, if a FAT or superblock happens to span an eraseblock, then you will 
have a much more significant issue, but nothing that is said in this 
document refers to this problem (and in fact, it indicates that things 
like this follow the start of the partition very closely, which implies 
that unless the partition starts very close to the end of an eraseblock 
it's highly unlikely that these will span eraseblocks)

so I still see this as crying wolf.

as for ubifs, that is designed for when you have access to the raw flash, 
which is not the case for any device where you have a flash translation 
layer in place, so it is really only useful on embedded system, not on 
commercially available flash drives of any type.

> As for the author only being familiar with FAT, that is hilarious.  Mitch
> implemented JFFS2 support in OFW, and wrote this page to explain how he
> produced optimal ext2 formatting of FTL FLASH.  Indeed, that is the
> subject of

I didn't read carefully enough before I made that comment. my apologies.

David Lang
Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
On Wed, 2009-02-04 at 00:40 -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
> Read it and weep.

It's a great article, but people that aren't very familiar with
filesystems and the filesystem tools are going to read the article, look
at their tools, scratch their heads, decide the whole thing is too hard,
and go on making the same mistakes. It would be useful if actual command
arguments could be given for various sane defaults.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 

PLEASE don't CC me; I'm already subscribed

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Devel mailing list

Re: Life in an insecure world

2009-02-04 Thread C. Scott Ananian
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:22 AM, John Watlington  wrote:
> Should we care ?  I just proved that it is possible for any kid in
> Peru to slag their laptop by
> simply typing "sudo rm -rf /*" in a terminal window, a similar feat
> of child-like naivete.

Alt-boot could recover from most cases like this -- although it will
always be possible to do something similar.

 ( )
Devel mailing list

Re: Life in an insecure world

2009-02-04 Thread John Watlington

On Feb 4, 2009, at 7:14 AM, Daniel Drake wrote:

> 2009/2/4 John Watlington :
>> I insist on b) in order to prevent inadvertent "bricking" of laptops
>> by typing "enable-security",
> Are you concerned that there is a realistic and common use case when a
> particular type of user would want or need to run enable-security?
> Or is your concern simply that there is such a command (regardless of
> what it actually does internally) that will break your XO?

Tthere are valid reasons in repair and manufacturing to have such
a command.   And there might even be a reason why a deployment might
decide to turn on security.

My concern is that with security disabled, kids are now free to  
explore OFW
(this is a good thing) and that command is relatively easy to  
discover and
might break your machine.

Mitch is going to make the syntax a little more onerous.   One  
current proposal
is to require the serial number of the laptop as an argument.How  
refusing to perform the command unless a valid signed image is  
present in
the NAND ?   In the same way we protect the flash command...

Regarding Reuben's original concern:
If you are going to enable security on a large number of laptops, you  
are probably
going to be setting a few tags (such as providing your own signing  
keys) at the
same time, and using a forth script on boot to perform it.   Having  
to remove the ak
tag at that point shouldn't be any extra hassle.


Devel mailing list

Re: Life in an insecure world

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Drake
2009/2/4 Reuben K. Caron :
> Yes, I was particularly thinking of you and your experience in Ethiopia and
> the difficulties you faced to re-secure the laptops. I prefer to think of it
> as: Is there a realistic and common use case for when a *deployment* would
> want or need to run enable-security.

Well, that doesn't apply to wad's concerns. At the same time as using
a developer key to enable security, they flashed a customised build
(where the signed parts had not been modified, so booting would work
anyway). With the manufacturing process changes, such a deployment
need not change their practices.

Devel mailing list

Re: Life in an insecure world

2009-02-04 Thread Gary C Martin
On 4 Feb 2009, at 12:14, Daniel Drake wrote:

> 2009/2/4 John Watlington :
>> I insist on b) in order to prevent inadvertent "bricking" of laptops
>> by typing "enable-security",
> Are you concerned that there is a realistic and common use case when a
> particular type of user would want or need to run enable-security?

FWIW, I vaguely remember a deployment last year(Uruguay maybe?)  
needing to do some maintenance steps (on borked XOs) where they would  
disable security to get into OF (I think) and then re-enable security  
again before sending it back.


> Or is your concern simply that there is such a command (regardless of
> what it actually does internally) that will break your XO?
> Daniel
> ___
> Devel mailing list

Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Benjamin M. Schwartz
Hash: SHA1 wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Mitch Bradley wrote:
>> Read it and weep.
> this completely ignores wear leveling, which is very nessasary for just 
> about any filesystem, but especially for FAT (which appear to be the only 
> filesystems this author is familiar with)

Umm, what?

"To alleviate the "wear out" problems, the FTL must move data around so
that repeated writes to a given sector don't cause too many writes to the
same NAND page."

Mitch is describing "FLASH" devices like SD cards.  All such devices have
a built-in microcontroller (the FTL) that performs wear-leveling.
Layering additional wear-leveling filesystems like JFFS2 or UBIFS on top
of the FTL requires a reverse translation (block device->MTD) and is not
recommended.  e.g.  From :

"UBIFS was designed to work on top of raw flash, which has nothing to do
with block devices. This is why UBIFS does not work on MMC cards and the
like - they look like block devices to the outside world because they
implement FTL (Flash Translation Layer) support in hardware, which simply
speaking emulates a block device"

As for the author only being familiar with FAT, that is hilarious.  Mitch
implemented JFFS2 support in OFW, and wrote this page to explain how he
produced optimal ext2 formatting of FTL FLASH.  Indeed, that is the
subject of

- --Ben
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)

Devel mailing list

Re: Life in an insecure world

2009-02-04 Thread Reuben K. Caron

Daniel Drake wrote:
> 2009/2/4 John Watlington :
>> I insist on b) in order to prevent inadvertent "bricking" of laptops
>> by typing "enable-security",
> Are you concerned that there is a realistic and common use case when a
> particular type of user would want or need to run enable-security?
Yes, I was particularly thinking of you and your experience in Ethiopia
and the difficulties you faced to re-secure the laptops. I prefer to
think of it as: Is there a realistic and common use case for when a
*deployment* would want or need to run enable-security.

Devel mailing list

Re: [Testing] Notes from an impromptu 8.2.1 Release Mtg.

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Drake
2009/1/31 Hal Murray :
>> Probably best to upload somewhere and put a link here.
> It also contains the info from when I poked my icon and it worked.  That
> starts at 08:49.  I inserted a few blank lines at that point to separate it
> from the booting stuff.

Thanks. This is very odd -- it appears that association and WPA
handshake completes, but it receives no response to DHCP. I have
finally got my hands on some APs which work reliably with WPA/WPA2 and
reproduced this bug. I posted my results in a new thread titled "8.2.1
wireless testing results #2"

Devel mailing list

XOLPC gathering Cosi Sat Feb 7, 2009 noon-2pm

2009-02-04 Thread Henry Edward Hardy
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
 ;CN=Henry Hardy;
DESCRIPTION:XOLPC gathering Cosi Sat Feb 7\, 2009 noon-2pmThere wil
 l be a gathering for ex-OLPC employees and contractors at Cosi across from 
 1cc this Saturday from noon to 2pm. If it is available we will gather in th
 e "back room" around behind the counter and kitchen area. We can play with 
 our XO's\, hang out and see our friends again. Also think about mentioning 
 any job leads which might be of interest to others. Please pass this on to 
 other X-OLPC'ers.cheers\,--HH.-- He
 nry Edward Hardyhhard...@gmail.com
 ardy+1-734-474-7215\n\nView your event at
LOCATION:Cosi at Kendall
SUMMARY:XOLPC gathering Cosi Sat Feb 7\, 2009 noon-2pm

Description: application/ics
Devel mailing list

[Invitation] XOLPC gathering Cosi Sat Feb 7, 2009 no on-2pm @ Wed Feb 4 12pm – 2pm (

2009-02-04 Thread Henry Hardy
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
 ;CN=Henry Hardy;
DESCRIPTION:XOLPC gathering Cosi Sat Feb 7\, 2009 noon-2pmThere wil
 l be a gathering for ex-OLPC employees and contractors at Cosi across from 
 1cc this Saturday from noon to 2pm. If it is available we will gather in th
 e "back room" around behind the counter and kitchen area. We can play with 
 our XO's\, hang out and see our friends again. Also think about mentioning 
 any job leads which might be of interest to others. Please pass this on to 
 other X-OLPC'ers.cheers\,--HH.-- He
 nry Edward Hardyhhard...@gmail.com
 ardy+1-734-474-7215\n\nView your event at
LOCATION:Cosi at Kendall
SUMMARY:XOLPC gathering Cosi Sat Feb 7\, 2009 noon-2pm

Description: application/ics
Devel mailing list

8.2.1 wireless testing results #2

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Drake
Comparing staging-25 against 8.2-767, I have 2 more APs to play with:

1. D-Link DWL-7100AP
Open and WEP work fine. I also confirmed that connection is
automatically reestablished on reboot.

WPA(TKIP): 8.2.0 connects every time. 8.2.1 always fails to connect,
bringing up the password request dialog. Here are the NM logs, showing
that association completes but it fails before DHCP (very likely
during WPA handshake):

NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) New wireless user key for
network '821testwpa' received.
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device
Prepare) scheduled...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device
Prepare) started...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device
Configure) scheduled...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device
Prepare) complete.
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device
Configure) starting...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0/wireless): access point
'821testwpa' is encrypted, and a key exists.  No new key needed.
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'INTERFACE_ADD
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'AP_SCAN 1'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'ADD_NETWORK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was '0'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 ssid
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 proto WPA'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 key_mgmt WPA-PSK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 psk '
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'ENABLE_NETWORK 0'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device
Configure) complete.
avahi-daemon[1122]: Withdrawing address record for
fe80::217:c4ff:fe3c:c8a1 on eth0.
NetworkManager:   msh0: Got association; scheduling association handler
NetworkManager:   msh0: got association event from driver.
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0/wireless): disconnected
during association, asking for new key.

I had limited success connecting by disabling NM, writing a
wpa_supplicant config file, and connecting with wpa_supplicant spewing
debug messages onto the console.

WPA2: not supported by AP (wtf? not a cheap AP!!)

2. D-Link DWL-2100AP
Open and WEP work fine. I also confirmed that connection is
automatically reestablished on reboot.

WPA: works fine on 8.2.0
Generally works the first time you try and connect on 8.2.1, but not
after you disconnect and reconnect.
On reboot, it also fails, bringing up the password input dialog.

WPA2: works fine on 8.2.0
Also works well on 8.2.1. However, upon reboot, connection is not
automatically reestablished. NM logs indicate the same bug that Hal
Murray reported, which is a very strange one. It seems that
association and handshake completes, but it receives no response to
DHCP requests. Manually clicking on the AP icon soon after boot works
around this problem. NM logs:

NetworkManager:   Will activate connection 'eth0/dlinkwpa2'.
NetworkManager:   Device eth0 activation scheduled...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) started...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device
Prepare) scheduled...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device
Prepare) started...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device
Configure) scheduled...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 1 of 5 (Device
Prepare) complete.
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device
Configure) starting...
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0/wireless): access point
'dlinkwpa2' is encrypted, and a key exists.  No new key needed.
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'INTERFACE_ADD
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'AP_SCAN 1'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'ADD_NETWORK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was '0'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 ssid
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 proto WPA2'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 key_mgmt WPA-PSK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'SET_NETWORK 0 psk '
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   SUP: sending command 'ENABLE_NETWORK 0'
NetworkManager:   SUP: response was 'OK'
NetworkManager:   Activation (eth0) Stage 2 of 5 (Device
Configure) complete.
NetworkManager:   msh0: Got association; scheduling association handler
NetworkManager:   msh0: got association event from driver.
NetworkManager:   Activa

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread pgf wrote:
 > On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Mitch Bradley wrote:
 > >
 > >
 > > Read it and weep.
 > this completely ignores wear leveling, which is very nessasary for just 
 > about any filesystem, but especially for FAT (which appear to be the only 
 > filesystems this author is familiar with)
 > all in all this doesn't seem like a very useful page.

since i'm 99% sure that mitch wrote that page, let me be the
first to disagree.  :-)

i believe that everything he's said is completely spot on.  i
confess i wasn't conscious of the partition vs. erase block
alignment issue until a couple of months ago when i first heard
mitch mention it, but i'm absolutely sure the effect is real.

 paul fox,
Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread david
On Wed, 4 Feb 2009, Mitch Bradley wrote:

> Read it and weep.

this completely ignores wear leveling, which is very nessasary for just 
about any filesystem, but especially for FAT (which appear to be the only 
filesystems this author is familiar with)

all in all this doesn't seem like a very useful page.

David Lang
Devel mailing list

Re: Life in an insecure world

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Drake
2009/2/4 John Watlington :
> I insist on b) in order to prevent inadvertent "bricking" of laptops
> by typing "enable-security",

Are you concerned that there is a realistic and common use case when a
particular type of user would want or need to run enable-security?
Or is your concern simply that there is such a command (regardless of
what it actually does internally) that will break your XO?

Devel mailing list

Re: Which wikipage lists activities for 8.2.1 ('staging') ?

2009-02-04 Thread Daniel Drake
2009/2/4 Mikus Grinbergs :
> I'm confused as to which Activities are "mated" to 8.2.1.
> The subject came up before, when it was pointed out that wikipage
> Activities/G1G1 lists some newer activity versions than wikipage
> Activities/G1G1/8.2.

Correct. G1G1 lists activities that have been ported (incompatibly) in
preparation for Sugar 0.84 and/or what we were working on as 9.1.0.

> Does that mean that wikipage Activities/G1G1
> officially applies to the latest 8.2 (i.e. 8.2.1), whereas wikipage
> Activities/G1G1/8.2 applies only to the earlier 8.2.0 ?

No - 8.2.1 still contains sugar 0.82 and contains relatively few
changes on top of 8.2.0, and (hopefully) nothing that would affect
activity performance or reliability. 8.2.1 is not considered unstable.
G1G1/8.2 applies for 8.2.0 and 8.2.1.

The naming of the page is chosen in agreement with the activity
updater. Because the final version of 8.2.1 will be built in the
existing stream named "8.2", the activity updater will look for

Devel mailing list

Re: Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread quozl
On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 12:40:38AM -1000, Mitch Bradley wrote:
> Read it and weep.


Fixed a couple of typos in the last section.

Also, re:

"Conversely, if the layout is bad, every cluster write might "split" two
pages, forcing the FTL to perform four internal I/O operations instead
of one."

Is it therefore four times slower?

Devel mailing list

Treatise on Formatting FLASH Storage Devices

2009-02-04 Thread Mitch Bradley

Read it and weep.


Devel mailing list

Re: OLPC upgrades

2009-02-04 Thread Albert Cahalan
Bobby Powers writes:
> 2009/2/2 Tiago Marques :

>> Python is killing the XO, what's being done in that regard?
>> The $100 laptop will always be hardware limited, how can
>> python be a benefit and not a *huge* burden? I for one can't
>> get my head around that.
> The idea is to give kids as much transparency into the software
> stack as possible, AND make it easy to hack on and easy to create
> new activities for.  Python is much more forgiving than C.

Python is less forgiving if you want performance on the XO. :-)

For teaching, remember that Knuth uses assembly. C is an awful
lot closer to that than Python, and isn't the XO about teaching?

> Its killing the XO?  A personal pygtk based project launches in a few
> seconds on my debXO install on an XO, but much much longer on 8.2.
> It is a completely loaded statement to say that Python is killing
> the XO, and didn't really deserve a response :)

I'm assuming that "personal [...] project" means small.

The fact that you consider "a few seconds" to be acceptable shows
just how much people have lost touch with the concept of performance.

IIRC, that's about how long it took my old Pentium 200 MMX with 64 MB
of RAM (a quarter of what the XO has) to launch Netscape.

Today on an XO, I can write code that pops up a window far faster than
it needs to. Xlib can do the job in what looks like a few tenths of a
second or better -- it's really too fast for me to tell.

Even with a feature-rich monster like Tux Paint, I can at least pop up
a window much much faster than a Python activity ever does. The stupid
generic splash screen causes a very noticeable slowdown for any activity
that wasn't horrifically slow by itself.

Current usage of Python can be mostly explained as follows:

The remaining bit of the explanation is that the developer pool
is now full of Python people. Nearly all others have run away.
One can't expect to attract non-Python talent when Python gets
a non-negotiable privileged position.
Devel mailing list