TWM: truetype support

2007-09-18 Thread Eeri Kask

in order to reach broader audience I'll post my recent twm activities
besides  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  here as well (assuming these
audiences do not 100% cover)... :-)

For twm users here are two patchsets introducing truetype font support
into twm in two steps.

(1) twm-1.0.3-MyFont_ChangeGC.tgz cleans up some bitmap font rendering
infrastructure as a preparatory step.

(2) twm-1.0.3-TWM_USE_XFT.tgz then applied ontop introduces truetype
font support enclosed in "#ifdef TWM_USE_XFT".

So compile with  -DTWM_USE_XFT  -I/usr/include/freetype2  -lXft

Then insert

TitleFont   "sans-9"
IconManagerFont "sans-9"
ResizeFont  "sans-10:bold"

into .twmrc and have fun!

How it looks like you can see at

(Opacity visible there is not yet finished and present here.)

Step (1) actually does nothing in appearance and in speed, but as
intended, all bugs, if any, should come in here.

Step (2) then effectively only replaces XmbDrawString() by
XftDrawString8() for text rendering in util.c so any performance or
memory footprint issues coming up disclose problems hopefully only in xft.

I tried to keep the "Hamming distance" to the original xorg twm-1.0.3
source code minimal, i.e. touch as few code lines as possible.

If you are a twm user, please test it; what do you think? :-)


Eeri Kask

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Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-26 Thread Eeri Kask
Marc Aurele La France wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:
> []
>> So compile with  -DTWM_USE_XFT  -I/usr/include/freetype2  -lXft
>> Then insert
>> TitleFont"sans-9"
>> MenuFont"sans-9"
>> IconFont"sans-9:bold"
>> IconManagerFont"sans-9"
>> ResizeFont"sans-10:bold"
>> If you are a twm user, please test it; what do you think? :-)
> I have refit this to our current source.  However, I don't think the
> default fonts `twm` uses should be changed as doing so will surprise
> many users.  It appears that restoring the previous defaults would only
> require additional changes to InitVariables() in twm.c and GetFont() in
> util.c.
> Comments?
> Marc.

Wait, please, don't commit yet!  :-)

In the meanwile I have done some minor cosmetic improvements to the Xft
inclusion and now I am in two days ready to release these (I renamed two
macros, as being no english native speaker these looked stupid in the
first "iteration").  That is, I am in fact right now ready to release
these improvements, but additionally I have done some one-liner
corrections to text spacing everywhere in rendering as well, so that all
menu items, icon captions, iconmanager window label texts and so on look
considerably better spaced.  In the sense, that vertical spacing now
goes proportionally to the font height and not by a fixed amount like
"font height plus 4 pixels" etc. (but 1.2 times font height, and the
like).  It really goes hand in hand with using scalable fonts: one also
has to have scalable spacing as well!  :-)

These improvements are indeed finished too.

Two days I want to spend on completeing a small focus tweak: if and only
if some client window has focus and this client opens a transient window
(like thunderbird password prompt, or some file-open dialogue), then the
mouse should be warped into that window.  I am thinking how to do this
best using as much existing twm code and functionality as possible; and
it also remains to decide if it makes sense to invent a new keyword like
"WarpToTransients" as in vtwm to that purpose, to retain old behaviour
if the user so wishes.

Then I also found a serious bug and fixed a multicolumn iconmanager
geometry problem (in Xorg 1.0.3 twm release):  if mapped and one moves
that iconmanager window then its width gets corrupted during next
"packing".  It was a small thinking error in PackIconManager() in
iconmgr.c while computing "wwidth", it should/could be something like

wwidth = (ip->first ? (ip->first->width > 0 ? ip->first->width :
ip->width/ip->columns) : 150);

These above improvements are unrelated to xft-support in twm though.

So actually I didn't quite understand you what do you mean by preserving
default fonts twm uses?  Currently twm uses "fixed" and "variable" in
twm.c as default fonts if no fonts are specified in .twmrc.   Next, if
some font failed to load, then "fixed" is (unrelated to InitVariables()
in twm.c) tried in util.c as a fallback.  So by the way, the DefaultFont
as initialised in twm.c is actually never used as a fallback, this font
is used only to render infowindow text!  (It should be called InfoFont
instead, but let it be DefaultFont as it is; we have DefaultForeground
and DefaultBackground as colours as well and nobody actually knows for
what purpose: to draw size- and infowindows.)  Much more important is
that one can specify DefaultFont in .twmrc which needs to be fixed (and
already is :-).

I am afraid we need to change "fixed" and "variable" in twm.c if Xft is
included because xft-subsystem crashes (at least mine) if one uses these
in XftFontOpenXlfd(), probably because these names are not
XLFD-compliant. (xft should not crash because of that, but it is xft's
problem, not ours.)  So as long as default font names (or user-specified
font names in .twmrc) are xlfd-conform one can use these as usual, in
that regard nothing has changed.  If I am correct the choice of "fixed"
as a default font is always justified by the fact that this font is
guaranteed present in every X11 installation and so it is a very
reasonable decision.  Concerning xft I believe having read Keith Packard
"sans", "serif" and "mono" should be expected included in every xft
installation, so I chose "sans-10" and "mono-10" as a replacement for
"variable" and "fixed" in twm.c.
This is the story to that decision. :-)


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-26 Thread Eeri Kask
Eeri Kask wrote:
> Wait, please, don't commit yet!  :-)
> []

Here are my current twm improvement patches, organised thematically:

(1) Preparatory font rendering cleanup (should have no changes compared
to last time).

(2) Xft-support for twm, besides macro renaming the main improvement is:
 "use_fontset" is back again, now meaning to use XftDrawStringUtf8()
instead of XftDrawString8() if "locale" is set.
(What it effectively means I don't know as I don't have anybody using
twm in Chinese or Japanese, so if someone can try it out and explain me
the difference, I'd be happy!)  :-)

(3) Introduces twm menu and iconmanager (and icon) transparency,
introducing two keywords:  MenuOpacity, IconOpacity (in range 0 =
transparent ... 255 = opaque).  Effectively it will be compiled in only
if set '#define TWM_USE_OPACITY'.  It adds no complexity to twm as it
only sets the "window opacity property" and as long you don't run
something like

xcompmgr -c -o 0.5 -r 6 -t -6 -l -9  &

in the background, this has no effect on anything.

I found two keywords the only solution as menus and icons have too
different transparency values in order to configure them with one
keyword.  I have  "MenuOpacity 245" and "IconOpacity 200" in .twmrc.

(4) Xft-related apperance fixes: all fixed-pixel-height based spacing
computations are converted to scalable, font height-dependent spacing
computations.  These are effectively one-line improvements which don't
(should not) have side effects.

Here is one exception though -- iconmanager window entry layout.
Previously iconmanager was highlighted by calling
DrawIconManagerBorder(). This function now draws the whole iconmanager
window label entry, and I renamed it therefore to
DrawIconManagerEntry().  This is the most radical change I have made to
twm and it is not that fully tested (in regard to bugs and side effects
which may arise).
So in case of problems let this function be as it was; and then don't
remove MyFont_DrawString() at the end of HandleExpose() in events.c as
well.  This issue should affect no other places.

I only was trying to streamline iconmanager and twm menu appearance, I
was in opinion they should look somewhat similar.  Or alternatively I'll
try to optimise iconmanager to having only one row (not one column) with
text in huge letters, like as if one had

IconManagerFont "sans-13:bold"
IconManagerGeometry "=1500x10+200-300" 10
IconManagerForeground   "white"
IconManagerBackground   "grey15"
IconForeground  "white"
IconBackground  "grey15"
IconBorderColor "black"

in .twmrc.

As apparent, iconmanager appearance is not completed and I am more than
eager to discuss what you are thinking.

This patchset (4) introduces "DefaultFont" keyword as it is critical to
have all appearance parameters configurable from the outside and this
font is used prominently in InfoWindow text rendering.

Having that done I personally find twm regarding its appearance finished
for now for me;  and I'll continue working in my spare time in tracing
bugs and put some focus and iconmanager control/usability tweaks into
it, to make twm fully keyboard-usable in regard to present day GUI

(5) "Fixes" patchset is where I'll try to gather bugs/fixes as I'll find
them and find fixes.

(6) Then there is an "Improvements" patchset which is currently empty,
but should include experiments with new, selected features. (In the
sense of improving twm current usability, and not introducing completely
new functionality. :-)

Probably (1)...(4) can be made stable and completed quickly;  I consider
(1)...(3) finished myself if they only prove to being bugfree.


Eeri Kask

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Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-27 Thread Eeri Kask
Marc Aurele La France wrote:
>>xcompmgr -c -o 0.5 -r 6 -t -6 -l -9  &
>> in the background, this has no effect on anything.
>> I found two keywords the only solution as menus and icons have too
>> different transparency values in order to configure them with one
>> keyword.  I have  "MenuOpacity 245" and "IconOpacity 200" in .twmrc.
> This one is X.Org-specific as it relies on an extension not provided by
> XFree86.

It makes sense if I extract the iconmanager window entry drawing from
(4)-"Appearance" patchset and move it to (6)-"Improvements"; then swap
(4) and (3)-"Opacity", so patches (1)...(3) replace bitmap font
rendering with xft including all vertical spacing changes, and these
improvements can be treated as a whole.   So I'll do that.

>> [] Concerning xft I believe having read Keith Packard
>> "sans", "serif" and "mono" should be expected included in every xft
>> installation, so I chose "sans-10" and "mono-10" as a replacement for
>> "variable" and "fixed" in twm.c.
>> This is the story to that decision. :-)
> This can be remedied with the use of XListFonts().
> Marc.

I don't quite catch your suggestion, please help, be more specific. :-)

It seems XftFontOpenName() is quite robust, even if I give it '\0'
character as a font name, it returns a quite good "replacement".  So the
easiest way would be to rely on the smartness of XftFontOpenName()?

(In fact, I suspect we will never know for sure if our requested font is
really what we get out of XftFontOpenName() in the end, so maybe it
doesn't make much sense to do lots of work in formulating the
fallback/default replacement request?)


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-09-28 Thread Eeri Kask
As quick answer, I'd take two good ideas from you suggestion instantly:

(1) Use XListFonts() instead of XLoadQueryFont() to test if a font is

(2) Use DefaultFont as a first fallback if requested font could not be
loaded. (I don't know if it makes sense to give a stderr warning that
the requested font could not be found and a replacement was needed?)

Regarding the issue of "fixed"/"variable" <--> "mono-10"/"sans-10"  I'd
suggest to find out how XftFontOpenXlfd() is per definition _supposed_
to work if called with "fixed" or "variable".  Now my installed Xft
library crashes twm in whole;  but irrespective to that, if
XftFontOpenXlfd() is supposed or is free to choose a random replacement
(as not being able to load "fixed" for example), then initialising to
"mono-10" instead of "fixed" makes sense as the outcome to the user is
kind of more deterministic.  This is a matter of opinion/taste, and in
the end a minor issue.

> void
> GetFont(font)
> MyFont *font;
> {
> #ifdef TWM_USE_XFT
>  char **fontlist;
>  int listcount;
>  if (font->font != NULL)
>   XftFontClose(dpy, font->font);

GetFont() is only called on screen initialisation in CreateFonts() and
the font->font variable is priorly initialised to NULL; this is
guaranteed.  So the 'if' test here --- if passing --- would hide some
programming error somewhere else, if I am correct...  :-)


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-10-01 Thread Eeri Kask
Marc Aurele La France:
> The point of using XListFonts() is that it'll resolve "fixed" & "variable" 
> to their respective XLFDs which can then be passed to XftFontOpenXlfd().

I have installed Xorg 7.2.0 release and here XListFonts() returns
"fixed" if called with "fixed", which XftFontOpenXlfd() unfortunately
cannot load.  Maybe this is a bug in XftFontOpenXlfd() or in
XListFonts(), it actually doesn't matter;  but as long as it is so
coding "fixed" as a default (at least for 7.2.0) is very inconvenient
for the end user (as there is as is no DefaultFont keyword to change the
default font), in fact resulting in twm being unusable.

Some possible solutions: (1) agree on a different than "fixed" font
which XftFontOpenXlfd() in all X11-implementations can definitely load;
(2) let "mono-10" or some other ttf-font be the default if XFT is
compiled in.  (1) makes not that much sense in the case one has to drop
"fixed" anyway.

(Regarding other aspects in XFT-font loading code I followed your


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-10-01 Thread Eeri Kask
Eeri Kask wrote:
> This means, any performance degrading or huge memory footprint you are
> going to observe from now on will hopefully reveal problems only in the
> xft-subsystem and not in twm.

Xft has disclosed probably a very old bug in twm!  :-)
(Drawing with a current screen GC onto a 'noncurrent' screen.)

Here are patchsets (against Xorg twm release 1.0.3) completing and
polishing Xft support for twm (and improving the icon manager):

(1) twm-1.0.3-diff1.MyFont_ChangeGC.tgz
to my knowing has not changed from last time: cleans up bitmap font drawing.

(2) twm-1.0.3-diff2.TWM_USE_XFT.tgz
introduces Xft support (replaces bitmap text rendering functions with
xft-font rendering). [Compile with -DTWM_USE_XFT to activate.]

(3) twm-1.0.3-diff3.Spacing.tgz
(Vertical) spacing corrections; having scalable fonts one should use
"scalable spacing" as well, otherwise one day having 600x600 dpi screen
vertical spacing of, e.g. 4 pixels, results in text line distance of
zero. Now baseline skip is computed like 1.2 times font height or something.

Maybe here some spacing corrections need to be done as some ttf-fonts
may include "bad metrics". I have mostly tested with bitstream vera
fonts.  (E.g. Apple's Lucida Grande looks vertically definitely too tight.)

(4) twm-1.0.3-diff4.TWM_USE_OPACITY.tgz
If you value transparency in twm menus and icon manger/icons, apply
this. This patchset introduces "MenuOpacity" and "IconOpacity" keywords
having integer values in range 0...255. [Enable with -DTWM_USE_OPACITY]

(5) twm-1.0.3-diff5.Appearance.tgz
Here lies probably the most radical change I have made to twm: the
iconmanager painting DrawIconManagerBorder() is now
DrawIconManagerEntry() and draws the iconmanager entry in full. This
work is not completed yet. This patchset introduces "DefaultFont"
keyword. The default font was up to now like some orphan parameter not
configurable by the user and in the same time used prominently in
rendering InfoWindow/SizeWindow text. (Letting it be "fixed" as in
bitmap rendering would cause twm become non-usable in whole as
XftFontOpenXlfd() (at least the installed library I have to use) is not
able to load that font, so something needed to be done anyway. Lacking
any better idea now by default DefaultFont is set to "mono-10" if XFT is
compiled in.)

(6) twm-1.0.3-diff6.Fixes.tgz
Here are bugs I encountered in twm as improving icon manager
functionality; some are serious.

(7) twm-1.0.3-diff7.Improvements.tgz
Here are some improvements to the icon manager. The old behaviour is
kept as long as "WarpCursor" is not defined: actually the meaning of
this variable is broadened in the sense that everywhere where warping
mouse makes sense, this is done:

(*) if some client window has focus and this client opens a transient
window, then mouse is transfered there; like in password prompt and
file-open dialogs (this is a valuable idea from vtwm);

(*) if iconifying some client window and the icon manager is currently
mapped, the mouse is transfered into the corresponding icon manager entry;

(*) if executing f.hideiconmgr transfer mouse into the corresponding
client if some iconmanager entry was "active".

(*) iconmanager navigation functions raise the corresponding client
windows as stepping around entries.

These are the most important modifications I feeled necessary to turn
the icon manager --- mostly by popping it on and off on demand --- into
a useful tool for keyboard-driven focus and mouse navigation along
client windows. Please let me know if you have problems, differing
preferences or further good ideas regarding this.

As further work the icon manager has few bugs remaining I have observed
but not yet investigated (some occurring in multiscreen environments).

How it now looks like you can see at

(Btw. menutitle is painted with titlebar font (as a menu-title-bar), not
included in the patches. There are some font height issues to be decided
regarding this in order to make it 'failsafe'.)

Greetings, and have fun,

Eeri Kask

P.S. If you don't mind tweaking in these patches, then please help test
diff7, diff6 and diff5 first. :-)  I'll consider diff1...diff4 finished
if no bugs (and needed spacing corrections) become apparent.

P.P.S. How to put TWM_USE_XFT, TWM_USE_OPACITY into autoconfig or Imake
if you are interested please kindly help as not coming from software
development it is a little complicated. (Few weeks ago I only learned
how to use 'diff'.)  :-)

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Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-10-10 Thread Eeri Kask
ow (one can enter the root window in leaving
some client window on the same screen; and in leaving some other screen)
while coming from some other screen and then --- being on the screen
just entered NotActiveIconManager() gets called with the UnHighLight_win
client window data structure on the screen just left in order to paint
the iconmanager entry on that screen 'not active'.  Being at it,
entering DrawIconManagerBorder()/DrawIconManagerEntry() we have the GC
of the screen we just *entered* with the WList *tmp of the screen we
just *left*.  This ends in X-server refusing to do anything with this
GC.  Nobody noticed this because we have a couple of double-drawings
executed for every iconmanager not-active cases which get triggered as
the mouse leaves the twm-created frame window of the client, as well as
the reparented client window itself.  (The same double painting occurs
as we enter some client: we draw iconmanager 'active' as we enter the
frame window followed by a draw 'active' as we enter the reparented
client window itself.)

Noone noticed this bug probably because the iconmanager entry was
(doubly) painted 'not active' already as we left the corresponding
client window on the previous screen, and now entering the current
screen this entry was tried to paint 'not active' 3rd time; ending in

It became only visible as now we paint the iconmanager entry in full,
including text.  Now travelling from one screen to the other the
iconmanager entry was painted 'not active' as usual; but the third time
painting after entering the current screen root window resulted in
overpainting the iconmanager entry window name label on that screen in
noticeably *huge* letters.  So I observed this overpainting with
different font sizes, not cleaning up there the previous (normal sized)
text first.  Only then I discovered the issue of the GC problem: the X
server refused to XFillRectangle() that entry, but XftDrawStringUtf8()
had no problem to overdraw text ... having the font structure of the
current screen with a significantly different dpi resolution ended in
huge letters.

>> (7) twm-1.0.3-diff7.Improvements.tgz
>> Here are some improvements to the icon manager. The old behaviour is
>> kept as long as "WarpCursor" is not defined: actually the meaning of
>> this variable is broadened in the sense that everywhere where warping
>> mouse makes sense, this is done:
>> (*) if some client window has focus and this client opens a transient
>> window, then mouse is transfered there; like in password prompt and
>> file-open dialogs (this is a valuable idea from vtwm);
>> (*) if iconifying some client window and the icon manager is currently
>> mapped, the mouse is transfered into the corresponding icon manager entry;
>> (*) if executing f.hideiconmgr transfer mouse into the corresponding
>> client if some iconmanager entry was "active".
>> (*) iconmanager navigation functions raise the corresponding client
>> windows as stepping around entries.
> OK, except that, as you currently have it coded, that last one does not 
> depend on "WarpCursor".  Is that intentional?

Yes, this is the last one: stepping along iconmanager entries raises
them unconditionally.  I had no good idea what to do with the situation:
usually one wants windows be raised, while looking for / searching some
application in a stack of lots of windows.  In the same time I am
hesitant to invent new keywords for every single little feature (I think
 it is better to try to utilise already existing keywords).

The correct solution could maybe be to overwork the twm used-defined
function execution framework.  This is incomplete in the sense, that if
user-defined functions include commands depending on the existence of
some 'active window', execution of these functions is not deterministic,
if they are executed at all; as the 'active window' is sometimes not
defined at the moment the execution starts. But that situation can
change during execution! And this aspect seems not implemented in the
current model.

If this gets fixed then the autoraise feature can be removed as I am
then able to incorporate it into a user-defined function.

P.S. The f.hideiconmgr case above is badly implemented as well, I'll
correct this next time: we don't have to move the mouse if we are
already in the correct client window.


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-10-10 Thread Eeri Kask
Eeri Kask wrote:
>>> (6) twm-1.0.3-diff6.Fixes.tgz
>>> Here are bugs I encountered in twm as improving icon manager
>>> functionality; some are serious.
>> Such as?  Please be more descriptive.
> (1) In iconmgr.c.diff6  at the end is corrected a bug which leads to
> *multicolumn* iconmanager window width gradual collapse under certain
> circumstances while computing 'wwidth'.  I observed this while resizing
> and/or moving the icon manager window and then terminating some client,
> say xcalc.  In that moment the icon manager window gets squeezed
> unexpectedly showing this bug.

I am sure my correction to this problem is not correct, as it only
"undoes" something what gets screwed somewhere else (namely, ip->width
seems to have incorrect value on enrty into PackIconManager()).  I'll
have to study the problem more closely and then suggest a bugfix.


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-10-12 Thread Eeri Kask
> Oops.  Use this one instead.
> Marc.

Thank you very much!
(In the moment I have to finish a conference paper but in few days I'll
be back at twm.)

Actually I only had in mind the part considering the memory leak.  You
have apparently completed a huge work in delaing with fallback to bitmap
raster fonts if some xft font problems arise.  I never wanted to make
this issue that complicated (I never even thought about this
possibility),  :-)   so momentarily I don't yet have any opinion about
reusing your work in full in this regard.
(I always considered the significantly simpler approach being enough:
the user in enabling TWM_USE_XFT voluntarily passes "the point of no
return"; if xft-font problems arise, then these are to be solved.)


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-10-22 Thread Eeri Kask
>> (I always considered the significantly simpler approach being enough:
>> the user in enabling TWM_USE_XFT voluntarily passes "the point of no
>> return"; if xft-font problems arise, then these are to be solved.)
> Well, that's the point.  As you have it, the end user does _not_ in fact 
> decide on TWM_USE_XFT.  The distributor does.
> Marc.

I not quite sure if this is the essential point in our case who and how
compiles twm, but which fonts are installed and what stands in
system.twmrc for a user not wishing to touch the default,
distributor-provided configuration.

Having not verified, but I strongly suspect if starting the unmodified
twm having first removed the 'misc/' font directory entirely, then X is
not going to find 'fixed', and as of now, twm refuses to start. It
appears, 'fixed' is an alias to something like
according to misc/fonts.alias;  and the key is, this name is XLFD compliant.

So, luckily we are now a step closed to the solution:  let's not use
'fixed' as coded-in-default in twm.c if TWM_USE_XFT is defined, but
'-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*', and neither XListFonts() nor
XftFontOpenXlfd() have any further difficulties!  (Is XListFonts()
supposed to translate font alias names at all?)  This looks a good idea,
in fact this is what you suggested first: let XListFonts() resolve
'fixed' and then use it.  Now we know how to do that. :-)

(As a backside, we then remove the flexibility in twm to use the
'fixed'-alias-redirection to an arbitrary font.)


Eeri Kask

P.S. We could use some better initialisation for 'fixed' as above, maybe
'-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1' or whatever.
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-11-01 Thread Eeri Kask
>>> (1) In iconmgr.c.diff6  at the end is corrected a bug which leads to
>>> *multicolumn* iconmanager window width gradual collapse under certain
>>> circumstances while computing 'wwidth'.  I observed this while resizing
>>> and/or moving the icon manager window and then terminating some client,
>>> say xcalc.  In that moment the icon manager window gets squeezed
>>> unexpectedly showing this bug.
>> I am sure my correction to this problem is not correct, as it only
>> "undoes" something what gets screwed somewhere else (namely, ip->width
>> seems to have incorrect value on enrty into PackIconManager()).  I'll
>> have to study the problem more closely and then suggest a bugfix.
> OK.  I've "#if 0"'ed it out for now.  Let me know when you're ready.
> Marc.

I am making progress.  While finalising XFT-support in cleaning up
memory leaks with the help of your patches I noticed you have missed one
case in leak-cleanup:  the client window title bar.  Here is the
relevant snippet from events.c function HandleDestroyNotify():

if (Tmp_win->title_height)
int nb = Scr->TBInfo.nleft + Scr->TBInfo.nright;
XDeleteContext(dpy, Tmp_win->title_w, TwmContext);
XDeleteContext(dpy, Tmp_win->title_w, ScreenContext);
if (Tmp_win->hilite_w)
XDeleteContext(dpy, Tmp_win->hilite_w, TwmContext);
XDeleteContext(dpy, Tmp_win->hilite_w, ScreenContext);
if (Tmp_win->titlebuttons) {
for (i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
XDeleteContext (dpy, Tmp_win->titlebuttons[i].window,
XDeleteContext (dpy, Tmp_win->titlebuttons[i].window,
#ifdef TWM_USE_XFT
XftDrawDestroy (Tmp_win->xft_title_w);

So all in all we have three cases for every client window to clean up:

(1) client window title
(2) client window icon caption
(3) client window entry in icon-manager window

In addition to these I learned from your code is the case of destroying
some menus, in particular the ' "TwmWindows"' which is apparently
created and destroyed each time on demand.

Currently I am working on the "multicolumn icon manager width gradual
collapse" problem.  I come to the conclusion this should be an ancient
bug as I encounter various places in code I recognise as attepmts to
work around it.  I suppose the problem is a "design error" in tracking
the whole icon manager window width as such, and not the width of a
single entry (the whole width can be trivially computed each time when
needed).  Tracking the whole width leads to some unpleasant corner cases
which need to be dealt with care in various places.
I am not done yet, it looks better but I have twm crashes in multiscreen
configurations resulting from this bug (as being only half-fixed by now).

Then I propose replacing "mono-10" and "sans-10" with


in twm.c for the case "TWM_USE_XFT" and it works great if no fonts are
given in .twmrc.  (I am not sure if size -100- is better for the general
case, as nowadays fixed resolutions 75x75 are not generally used any
more, but significantly higher, as dynamically autodetected from EDID data?)

In few days I'll put my overworked patch set into public, including
nothing new but finalised opacity enhancements I described some time ago.


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-11-05 Thread Eeri Kask
>> So, luckily we are now a step closed to the solution:  let's not use
>> 'fixed' as coded-in-default in twm.c if TWM_USE_XFT is defined, but
>> '-*-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*', and neither XListFonts() nor
>> XftFontOpenXlfd() have any further difficulties!  (Is XListFonts()
>> supposed to translate font alias names at all?)  This looks a good idea,
>> in fact this is what you suggested first: let XListFonts() resolve
>> 'fixed' and then use it.  Now we know how to do that. :-)
>> (As a backside, we then remove the flexibility in twm to use the
>> 'fixed'-alias-redirection to an arbitrary font.)
> First, the X server does not even start if it cannot resolve 'fixed'.  In 
> that case, whether or not `twm` starts is a moot point.
> Secondly, there are likely to be .twmrc's out there that specify other 
> aliases, such as '7x13' and so on.  Thus, it is important to fall back to a 
> raster font when Xft cannot resolve a font name, whether or not that name is 
> a default.  This makes it unnecessary to change twm's default font names.
> Marc.

The good news is, Xft is hardly going to fail.

One can easily put "A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" for
TitleFont into .twmrc as an amusing proof.  So if XLFD loading fails, we
will in fact never enter the "fallback" branch in util.c in GetFont().

But anyways, on our adventurous path to save "fixed" I'll put up a one
more proposition.   What about the following code fragment at the
beginning for GetFont() in util.c?   Now "fixed", "variable", "7x13" et
cetera are fine as font names.   :-)


GetFont(MyFont *font)
#ifdef TWM_USE_XFT

XFontStruct *xlfd;
Atom  atom;
char *atom_name;

if (font->font != NULL) {
XftFontClose (dpy, font->font);
font->font = NULL;

/* test if core font: */
xlfd = XLoadQueryFont (dpy, font->name);
if (xlfd) {
if (XGetFontProperty (xlfd, XA_FONT, &atom) == True) {
atom_name = XGetAtomName (dpy, atom);
if (atom_name) {
font->font = XftFontOpenXlfd (dpy, Scr->screen, atom_name);
XFree (atom_name);
XFreeFont (dpy, xlfd);

/* next, try Xft font: */
if (font->font == NULL)
font->font = XftFontOpenName (dpy, Scr->screen, font->name);

/* fallback: */



Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2007-11-08 Thread Eeri Kask
Mike Russo wrote:
> Hey dude - thanks for spending some time on twm and making it look
> good. Any chance you might upload a gzipped Linux/x86 binary?  :)

Hey I have a better idea.  You have wget, gcc and X11 headers installed?

(1) Then run this script:


mkdir twm.tweaked
cd twm.tweaked


tar -xzf twm-1.0.3.tar.gz
tar -xf  twm-1.0.3-diff1-7.tar

cd twm-1.0.3
CFLAGS="-O2 -DTWM_USE_OPACITY -DTWM_USE_XFT -I/usr/include/freetype2" \
./configure  --prefix=/usr/local

cd src
tar -xzf ../../twm-1.0.3-diff1.MyFont_ChangeGC.tgz
tar -xzf ../../twm-1.0.3-diff2.TWM_USE_XFT.tgz
tar -xzf ../../twm-1.0.3-diff3.Spacing.tgz
tar -xzf ../../twm-1.0.3-diff4.TWM_USE_OPACITY.tgz
tar -xzf ../../twm-1.0.3-diff5.Fixes.tgz
tar -xzf ../../twm-1.0.3-diff6.Improvements.tgz
tar -xzf ../../twm-1.0.3-diff7.Appearance.tgz


cp twm ../../
cd ../../
rm -rf twm-1.0.3
rm twm-1.0.3-diff[1-7].*.tgz


... and you'll have twm with XFT Linux/x86 binary in twm.tweaked/.

(2) xcompmgr is at

(3) put

Section "Extensions"
  Option "RENDER" "Enable"
  Option "Composite" "Enable"
  Option "DAMAGE" "Enable"
  Option "XFIXES" "Enable"

into xorg.conf,

(4) run "xcompmgr -c -o 0.5 -r 6 -t -6 -l -9 &" prior to "exec twm" in

That's it.  :-)


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: [Patch] twm: combined patchset

2007-11-25 Thread Eeri Kask
Ed Schouten wrote:
> * Eeri Kask <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> In my opinion too, this would be a very helpful feature.  It would be
>> even perfect if in all places you can specify a window name in a list in
>> .twmrc you could use regexp notation generally.  (E.g., vtwm has it for
>> some years probably.)
>> (Probably all strcmp() calls in LookInList() and GetColorFromList() in
>> list.c are the starting place to look at.)  :-)
> Well, I'm not sure about that. We're supposed to keep it minimalistic,
> right? But I'm only saying this because I don't have a use for that
> (yet).
> Anyway: I've finished my patchset, consisting of three new features I
> wanted my twm to be capable of:
> 1. The wildcard support, which allows you to match all windows in
>AutoRaise and, more important, WindowRing.

To be strict, momentarily "*" is not "wildcard support" but an alias for
"all windows".  :-)

> 2. Retaining focus when moving the pointer on the root window.

Unfortunately the mouse gets too sloppy as it stands in the final
version.  Test this:

(1) Put

NoTitle { "XTerm" }

into .twmrc, start xterm, then xcalc.  (I assume xcalc has titlebar.)

(2) Now move mouse into xcalc, then into xterm.  How do you focus xterm?
 Probably only by killing xcalc. (Or doing f.unfocus to xcalc.)

Why that?

It appears twm is architected with the "focus follows mouse" from ground
up and everywhere in the code this policy seems to be assumed (excluding
the case one executes f.focus on some window explicitly, only then you
leave the "PointerRoot" mode).  Now it is true every titled window gets
focus explicitly assigned to that window (in HandleEnterNotify()), but
if you kill PointerRoot recovery in HandleLeaveNotify() no window
without a title bar is assigned focus in HandleEnterNotify(), they rely
on PointerRoot focus mode.  Destroy handler (as well as f.unfocus)
recovers PointerRoot mode.

Attached is an alternative initial attempt of the sloppy-mouse
functionality.  Mostly this is based on what f.focus does but adapted so
that it (1) should coexist peacefully with the PointerRoot overall
policy, (2) does not break the icon manager (keeps sending focus into
client windows if mouse is in icon manager, and so on).

This patchset is a "minimalistic implementation" in the sense that now
we don't have f.focus functionality: If one sets f.focus to some client
and then enters some other client, the focus warps over there as well.
To keep f.focus functionality probably some additional housekeeping
state is needed to distinguish SloppyFocus mode from focus tied to some

There may be (I hope only) some minor cosmetic bugs in this
implementation remaining, probably in drawing icon manager entries under
some conditions.

(Apply this patchset against plain Xorg twm-1.0.3 realease.)

> 3. Automatically focusing windows after they have been placed on screen.
> I've written the last patch, because I tend to use the keyboard a lot.
> It would be nice if I could just press a keycombo to start the terminal
> and have focus on it automatically. Right now you first have to move the
> mouse cursor on top of the window, which is awful in my opinion.

Why don't you use the already existing "WarpCursor" keyword for that?
There seems no apparent reason not to do that.  This only is maybe a
matter of taste:  to utilise existing keywords as much as possible than
inventing new ones for every feature. :-)


Eeri Kask

Description: application/compressed-tar

Re: [vtwm-hackers] TWM: truetype support (now for VTWM)

2007-12-10 Thread Eeri Kask
>> }Hello twm users,
>> }
>> }let me kindly present recent advancements done to the twm window
>> }manager.  Attached is a tar file containing the following tar files:
>> Thanks Eeri. Now we just need someone to port the diffs to vtwm.
>> C
> As there seems interest I definitely want to do that in principle.
> The first part (preparatory cleanup work for porting
> twm-1.0.3-diff1.MyFont_ChangeGC.tgz) is the most tedious part I think,
> but not that hard.  []

Hello vtwm users,

Here comes what I once promised:  attached are

(*) vtwm-5.4.7-diff0-2.tar

(You can get these at

as well.)

In fact this is only a very preliminary patchset, I only ported some of
the twm work to vtwm over the weekend with as little effort as I only could.

Included are:


this disables sound support  (I don't have rplay installed, ... and I
prefer silence anyway. :-)  If you run for automatic
compile and want sound, then manually please comment out the appropriate
line in that script you'll find easily.

(*) Intro-twm.h.diff  Intro-screen.h.diff

I had problems with the 'Image'-data structure in util.h being unknown
to the compiler so I had to change the order some header files are included.

(*) vtwm-5.4.7-diff0.NO_I18N_SUPPORT.tgz

This is the most intrusive cleanup patch I had to do to vtwm in order to
start Xft support work at all.  Hereby I ask anyone among vtwm
developers with free time and interest in helping to read these
line-by-line and detect places I have unintentionally screwed up.  :-)

NO_I18N_SUPPORT now actually only determines how window and icon names
are retrieved from window properties, and I think this could be
streamlined as well, i.e. one should remove this configuration parameter
entirely (i18n support will be determined in run-time evaluating some
locale-functions, as twm does).

(*) vtwm-5.4.7-diff1.MyFont_ChangeGC.tgz
(*) vtwm-5.4.7-diff2.TWM_USE_XFT.tgz

These come directly from twm, I even was 'lazy' to change TWM_USE_XFT
into VTWM_USE_XFT (as simply being irrelevant).

(*) dot.vtwmrc

Slightly edited system.vtwmrc file I used for testing, to reflect my
keyboard shortcut preferences.

If you are a vtwm user, please test this in all your configurations and
lets sort out bugs et cetera you may encounter.  I haven't tested the
"doors" part because I dont know yet what they are and how to make use
of them, thought.

Spacing corrections are missing for now as vtwm code is a little harder
to read in that respect but at least some icon labeling adjustments need
to be done.  Opacity support is as an easy part coming as well.  Then
later the sloppy-focus if finished for twm will follow for sure as my
elbow unintentionally moves the mouse out of windows permanently
otherwise resulting in constant hassle in using computers.  :-)

Greetings and have fun,

Eeri Kask

P.S. Apply against vtwm-5.4.7.tar.gz (or only run the script attached).
Description: application/shellscript

Description: Unix tar archive

Re: TWM: truetype support

2008-01-05 Thread Eeri Kask
 e.g. the icon manager in twm was
supposed to work at all --- maybe one should dig in decades old mailing
lists to get some hints :-).

> I'm attaching a diff, against XFree86 CVS source, of those of your changes 
> that I have so far integrated.

In the Xorg version of the twm source code one has to use in the
following code sequence while drawing the window title


else if (Tmp_win != NULL)
if (Event.xany.window == Tmp_win->title_w)
MyFont_DrawImageString (dpy, DRAW_WIN(Tmp_win,title_w),
&Scr->TitleBarFont, DRAW_COL(Tmp_win,TitleC),
Scr->TBInfo.titlex, Scr->TitleBarFont.y,
Tmp_win->name, strlen(Tmp_win->name));
flush_expose (Event.xany.window);
else if (Event.xany.window == Tmp_win->icon_w)


the function MyFont_DrawImageString() and not MyFont_DrawString(). This
is because if there is no "NoTitleHighlight" in .twmrc then moving mouse
in and out of the client window causes the title-highlight window (the
checkerboard pattern) be mapped/unmapped as focus moves in and out.
While moving out expose events are generated for the underlying
titlebar-window which draws the title bar always anew without erasing
the draw area first, effectively alpha-blending the Xft partly
transparent text onto the title window again and again resulting in
smearing the titlebar text.  In the other case if NoTitleHighlight is
active then expose events only come if the title bar was obscured,
resulting in clearing the titlebar window by the X server first, then
drawing the title by MyFont_DrawString().

> Lastly, do you intend to update twm's man page?

It has to be updated of course if these improvements are finished and
considered useful to be included into the twm source tree.
I am happily going to write the initial text, but I'll have to find
someone with English as a native language to correct this then.  :-)


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: TWM: truetype support

2008-02-07 Thread Eeri Kask
> These cannot be consider finalised.  In the meantime I was working on
> vtwm in porting some of these twm enhancements to vtwm.  (In particular
> vtwm got a better infowindow spacing which I want to bring back to twm,
> among a few other things.) Then, SloppyFocus is getting into a good
> shape thanks to vtwm experiments (there are some minor iconmanager rare
> painting issues left) then I am probably finished with vtwm and I'll
> want to continue with twm then.

Hello Marc,

Now I am slowly turning back to twm, it seems vtwm is in a pretty good
shape considering Xft and SloppyFocus; I only have obligation to do some
final "QA" work.  We accomplished the following.

(1) We introduced a screen-based 'EnableXftFontRenderer' boolean .vtwmrc
variable to indicate if Xft is to be used on that particular screen.
Otherwise the core font renderer is used.  Then there is an
Xft-availability test on start-up; if this fails, the legacy core fonts
are used on all screens anyway.  So the font rendering infrastructure
(Xft or legacy core fonts) is 'screen-based'; there is no font
technology mixing inside one particular screen.  I implemented this with
the idea from you, introducing the MyWindow data structure (the
corresponding Xft-color I did put into 'ColorPair').  Then we
accidentally detected a bug in MyFont_TextWidth() by me, this function
ignored the 'len' parameter in Xft mode.  Further, it appears
XftDrawCreate() can return a null pointer if some malloc()'ing fails, so
I invented wrapper functions for XftDrawCreate() and XftDrawDestroy();
and if this fail happens (which I consider a very rare occasion), a
warning is printed on stderr and the corresponding XftDrawString()
functions are silently runtime-skipped. (I consider no runtime
null-pointer tests for Xft 'font' pointers necessary as we always leave
GetFont() with a valid Xft 'font' pointer.)

(2) SloppyFocus isn't showing up any bugs since ... some months, so I
can't but consider it finished so far as well.  (We have 'SloppyFocus'
.vtwmrc global boolean variable, and f.sloppyfocus run-time function to
turn this on.  f.focus and f.unfocus turn SloppyFocus off; and
f.sloppyfocus on root window only restores PointerRoot focus mode,
effectively unfocusing the currently-focused client.)

My intensions for twm for the immediate next would be:

(1) Bring the patchsets 1 (MyFont_ChangeGC) ... 6 (SloppyFocus) to the
state they are in vtwm.

(2) Roll back the iconmanager improvements, except the multicolumn width
collapse bug.

(3) Update the man pages.

Then here I would suggest a temporary 'development stop' in order to
fresh start with the icon manager.  For the icon manager I have to
figure out first what I actually want, i.e. how it would make sense to
be most useful (and to be reached with the least effort).  (Maybe it
appears necessary to fix the function executor as well in parallel in
order to fix the icon manager, therefore I think it makes sense to make
a stop here and now.)

Then, later one day if this is completed I tend to think about
minimalistic xinerama support which includes probably only
xinerama-aware new client window positioning and xinerama aware zoom
(e.g., a window is zoomed across these physical screens which the window
already geometrically crosses, or something).

What do you think about all these EWMH extensions?  I have no opinion
today because I am not in a need to have these implemented; it is only
sometimes some people ask for this.


Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Re: ANN: xterm patch #234

2008-03-22 Thread Eeri Kask
Hello guys,

what do you think, would it be a good idea to invent some shell-escape
sequence for xterm to set the XUrgency hint by shell scripts?

We have some for setting the xterm window title, icon name, and some
properties.  Currently one can even configure the bell to set this hint.

(Maybe this feature exists already and I only haven't figured out how to
use it... :-)


    Eeri Kask
Devel mailing list

Xinerama support for vtwm

2008-05-18 Thread Eeri Kask

Hello vtwm users,

includes a patchset containig the backport of the Xinerama support 
recently developed for twm.  It is to be applied against the 20080210 
trunk version of the vtwm source code; execute

  svn export

to download this.  Not entering the local 'trunk/' subdirectory, running

should download the above patchset and compile the tweaked vtwm with 
Xinerama enabled.  (Having been asked to supply compile 
scripts/instructions, so here I am happily doing this.) :-)


How this Xinerama support looks like and how it was created is somewhat 
tedious/unnecessary to describe here, though this dummy screenshot

shows some of the development/testing environment.

In short, the left half is a circular Xnest/Xdmx Xinerama mockup 
(spanning 9 tiles), 'fdclock' running in the background and vtwm 
managing the vertically-zoomed ghostscript window (depicting the 
implemented full-zoom algorithm enlarging the pink sample window into 
green). The right half is twm-managed X11 physical screen used to take 
the screenshot by gimp.

(As xcompmgr seemingly does not run on Xinerama, the vtwm "screen" looks 
somewhat flat.)

The most important implementation aspect to be noted here probably is, 
the zoom functions (fullzoom included) only zoom across Xinerama tiles 
which the client window already intersects, and do not perform a kind of 
"global maximise", spanning the client across Xinerama tiles resulting 
in a maximum possible area covered.

Second, the vtwm/twm window manager elements (iconmanagers, icon 
regions, virtual-display window, doors, etc) falling onto "dead areas" 
by .vtwmrc configuration are brought back onto visible area with the 
least possible effort.  This means, under certain unlucky conditions 
these elements may appear one ontop of some other, if the geometric 
computations so result.  (I did not put any effort into tracking screen 
coverage in this respect as being unnecessary complexity, which can be 
in fact easily avoided by .vtwmrc configuration.)

Having tested this code for some time already, though I am not using 
Xinerama very extensively myself, so I have to rely largely on any 
problem reports, ideas, etc. one may encounter.

Have fun,

Eeri Kask

Devel mailing list

Re: ANN: xterm patch #236

2008-07-31 Thread Eeri Kask


Having studied the

document I discovered several very useful xterm escape-sequence
features.  There is one of which I am not able to put to work properly 
though, so here is the puzzle.  :-)

Lets consider the sequence category

   CSI P s ; P s ; P s t Window manipulation ...

and in particular

   P s = 2 1   -> Report xterm window’s title as OSC l title ST

(It appears  " OSC l title ST "  means  " ESC] l title ESC\ ")

Obviously something like

   t=`echo -ne "\033[21t"`
   for i in 5 4 3 2 1
 echo -ne "\033]2;...wait $i...\07"
 sleep 1
   echo "$t"

doesn't work as l above needs to be replaced by 2; and ESC\ by \07 
provided this is kind of approach is possible at all.

Is there any way to use this above escape sequence in the sense as 
apparent from the above shell script? ... or how is this sequence 
supposed to be used?

Thanks in advance for your time,

Eeri Kask

Devel mailing list