Re: D Language Foundation April 2024 Monthly Meeting Summary

2024-07-31 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 31 July 2024 at 16:00:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
DIP 1000 is completely unnecessary if we take the stance that 
if you want @safe, you use the GC, and any code that you have 
which can't do that for some reason, you vet and mark as 

Unfortunately that leads to certain patterns that are safe using 
dip1000 to now be @trusted. Which might cascade into surrounding 
code needing to be trusted as well. Overall it's a loss.

I understand not everyone uses those patterns, which are mostly 
focused on ownership and lifetime, but I have found them to 
enable so called pit-of-success apis more than anything else.

Contrast that with more 'prescriptive' apis that for instance 
require a certain ordering of calls or require certain functions 
to be called at certain points, which are far easier to use 
incorrectly. Plus they often fail/assert at runtime.

The whole reason that DIP 1000 and @live and the like come into 
play is basically because Walter wants to try to make dealing 
with malloc-ed memory @safe

Don't forget the stack. Being able to safely use references to 
the stack brings at least as much value.

but the cost in terms of language complexity is enormous (and 
it doesn't really solve the problem anyway, much as it does 
reduce it). So, DIP 1000 helps, but some of us think that it's 
far too complex given what it costs

The only two issues I have with dip1000 is that it a) sometimes 
requires its attributes in seemingly unrelated code, and b) can 
require some workarounds for its imperfect (practical?) tracking.

Overall though, I have found it is a natural conclusion when you 
combine lexical lifetimes and references/borrows.

Re: Fluid 0.6.0 — UI library for D

2024-01-25 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 25 January 2024 at 12:33:31 UTC, cookiewitch wrote:
Fluid is a flexible UI library for the D programming language. 
Minimal setup. Declarative. Non-intrusive.


Re: Good News: Almost all druntime supported on arsd webassembly

2023-11-08 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 9 November 2023 at 04:02:48 UTC, Lingo Chen wrote:
Yes, the wasmgc's main selling point is the sharing of GC and 
TypeInfo between Javascript and WASM.

Not just javascript, but any WASM runtime.

Sharing of data between the JS/WASM are problematic. JS has no 
destructor, so it practically impossible to do manual 
memory/resource management in JS side; One has to do a lot of 
works to pass data around.

With spasm I was auto-generating all glue code based off of 
WebIDL files. The post build step was annoying but it worked 
pretty well.

I even had a prototype that would do it for any typescript 

Of course using WASM ref types is way more ergonomic.

One thing to note about WASMGC, it is MVP and missing a lot of 
things like support for interior pointers etc. There are 
workarounds but it's not so simple.

Re: Good News: Almost all druntime supported on arsd webassembly

2023-11-08 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 6 November 2023 at 23:44:11 UTC, Lingo Chen wrote:
On Monday, 6 November 2023 at 11:05:45 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 

llvm ir seems to have support for the reftype(gc). so it a 
compiler problem?

Unsure how it's progressed since but as can be seen on the 
last slide of that pdf, it's work in progress.

Kotlin abandoned llvm and implemented a new wasm backend. So 
waiting for llvm probably is not a good idea?

Is taking D's frontend + binaryen's backend a feasible 
solution? If wasmgc's architecture is a good fit for D. Can it 
be done quickly?

I have only looked approx 5 minutes at it, so its really hard to 
say. I expect it to be quite some effort.

There are some things we can do today that are smaller in scope 
and will help any future effort, such as reviving my druntime 
port. You are going to need that anyway, unless you go with the 
custom druntime or betterC route.

Re: Good News: Almost all druntime supported on arsd webassembly

2023-11-06 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 6 November 2023 at 00:47:43 UTC, Lingo Chen wrote:
On Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 16:18:53 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 

On Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 01:28:25 UTC, Lingo Chen wrote:

wasmgc is shipping. any plan for porting?

My understanding is that it requires emitting dedicated 
instructions for allocating such objects, as well as dedicated 
instructions for accessing them. Since LLVM doesn't support 
them, I am not sure what a possible path to support should 
look like, aside from writing a complete fresh backend.

llvm ir seems to have support for the reftype(gc). so it a 
compiler problem?

Unsure how it's progressed since but as can be seen on the last 
slide of that pdf, it's work in progress.

Re: Good News: Almost all druntime supported on arsd webassembly

2023-11-05 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 01:28:25 UTC, Lingo Chen wrote:

wasmgc is shipping. any plan for porting?

My understanding is that it requires emitting dedicated 
instructions for allocating such objects, as well as dedicated 
instructions for accessing them. Since LLVM doesn't support them, 
I am not sure what a possible path to support should look like, 
aside from writing a complete fresh backend.

Re: D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting Summary for May 2023

2023-06-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 23 June 2023 at 14:32:51 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Walter brought up [Sebastiaan Koppe's presentation from last 
year]( on structured concurrency. 
He said he'd like to see Sebastiaan there this year for an 
update on the project, preferably as a follow-up presentation. 
He was excited about the project and felt it was a big deal in 
general and a big deal for D. Even if Sebastiaan decided not to 
move the project forward, Walter felt we should find someone to 
take it over. He said the ideas behind it were big and would be 
a nice thing for us. (We subsequently confirmed with Sebastiaan 
that he didn't have enough material yet for a follow-up talk).


For anyone interested, this is still very much alive.

In fact, the lovely folks at 
have validated several ideas I had for improving things, and I 
have been using any spare time I have left - which isn't much 
sadly - to incorporate these concepts.

I hope to find some time to do a lighting talk.

Re: Release: serverino - please destroy it.

2022-05-10 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 10:49:06 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:

On Tuesday, 10 May 2022 at 08:32:15 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
The difference is that with the route uda you can *only* map 
routes 1:1 exhaustively. With your approach it is up to the 
programmer to avoid errors. It is also hard to reason about 
the flow of requests through all those functions, and you have 
to look at the body of them to determine what will happen.

Sorry I don't follow you

It is simple, since all your handler are effectively chained, any 
error in any one of them can cause later ones to fail or 
misbehave. This decreases locality and increases the things you 
have to reason about.

There are other benefits to uda tagged endpoints too, for example 
they are easier to nest, or to programmatically generate them. In 
vibe-d I added the default option of generating OPTION handlers 
for every regular endpoint. This is required for CORS.

In any case if you want to use a different routing strategy 
it's quite easy. I really don't like libraries that force you 
to use their own style/way.

That is good.

Re: Release: serverino - please destroy it.

2022-05-10 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 9 May 2022 at 20:37:50 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:

On Monday, 9 May 2022 at 20:08:38 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
As an example, how many requests per second can you manage if 
all requests have to wait 100 msecs?

For non critical workload you will probably still hit good 
enough performance though.

Firstly, it depends on how many workers you have.

Then you should consider that a lot of (most?) websites use 
php-fpm, that works using the same approach (but php is much 
slower than D). The same goes for cgi/fastcgi/scgi and so on.

Let's say you have just 20 workers. 100msecs for each request 
(a lot of time for my standards, I would say). That means 20*10 
= 200 webpages/s = 720k pages/h. I don't think your website has 
so much traffic...

And I hope not every request will take 100msecs!

100msecs is on the upper end for sure, but if you add a database, 
external service call, etc. it is not uncommon to reach that.

The point however, is that the architecture breaks down because 
it is unable to do work concurrently. Every requests blocks a 
worker from start to finish.

Unless it is CPU heavy the system will be under utilized. That is 
not necessarily bad though. The simplicity has something going 
for it, but it is definitely a tradeoff that you should consider 

@endpoint void my_end(Request r, Output o)
 if (r.uri == "/asd") // or whatever you want: regex, 
or checking another field

return false; //

This is just like:

@matchuda(uri, "/asd") void my_end() { ... }

What's the difference? The first one is much more flexible, 

The difference is that with the route uda you can *only* map 
routes 1:1 exhaustively. With your approach it is up to the 
programmer to avoid errors. It is also hard to reason about the 
flow of requests through all those functions, and you have to 
look at the body of them to determine what will happen.

Re: Release: serverino - please destroy it.

2022-05-09 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 8 May 2022 at 21:32:42 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
Every request is processed by a worker running in an isolated 
process, no fibers/threads, sorry (or thanks?)

I did some tests and the performance sounds good: on a local 
machine it can handle more than 100_000 reqs/sec for a simple 
page containing just "hello world!".Of course that's not a good 
benchmark, if you can help me with other benchmarks it would be 
much appreciated (a big thanks to Tomáš Chaloupka who did some 

Typically server applications are IO heavy. I expect your 
isolated-process approach to break down with that kind of work.

As an example, how many requests per second can you manage if all 
requests have to wait 100 msecs?

For non critical workload you will probably still hit good enough 
performance though.

Instead of using a lot of different UDAs to set routing rules, 
you can simply write them in your endpoint's body and exit from 
it to pass to the next endpoint.

My experience is that exhaustive matching is easier to reason 
about at larger scale.

Please help me testing it, I'm looking forward to receiving 
your shiny new issues on github.

I noticed it has zero unittests, that is probably a good place to 

Re: Release D 2.099.1

2022-04-08 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 7 April 2022 at 21:32:34 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.099.1, ♥ to the 12 contributors.

This point release fixes a few issues over 2.099.0, see the 
changelog for more details.


Getting signature errors.

$ curl -fsS | bash -s dmd
Downloading and unpacking

gpg: Signature made Thu Apr  7 16:35:02 2022 UTC
gpg:using EDDSA key 

gpg: Can't check signature: No public key
Invalid signature


Re: [Semi-OT] Cross-Platform GitHub Action 0.3.0 - NetBSD

2021-11-16 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 16 November 2021 at 13:34:49 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 

# Cross-Platform GitHub Action 0.3.0

I would like to announce a new release of [Cross-Platform 
Action](, [0.3.0](

I was reading and have to say I am impressed. Looks like a very well done library.

Re: DMD Frontend working in WebAssembly

2021-10-15 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 15 October 2021 at 11:52:24 UTC, hatf0 wrote:

Very cool! This all would not be possible with your wasm
forks -- they are the saving grace here.

Nice that you got it running.

GC also needs some investigation (or malloc), as I keep get 
spurious OOM errors. Could be because dmd is one hell of a 
memory hog, but who knows.

So far I haven't hit those when running druntime/phobos tests, 
but they could be caused by pointers being hidden from GC because 
they sit on the wasm stack/registers.

The only way to solve that would be to (somehow) have LDC put 
them on the shadow stack whenever they aren't. I know of some 
experiments where they did this with a boehm style GC on 
emscripten. Maybe I need to look more into how other languages 
(like go) handle this.

Re: DMD Frontend working in WebAssembly

2021-10-15 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 22:58:37 UTC, hatf0 wrote:

On Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 22:56:07 UTC, hatf0 wrote:

Hi all,

I've just managed to get the full DMD front-end to work in 
WebAssembly (with skoppe's druntime fork).

Cool stuff. I recently picked up my wasm forks again and updated 
to wasi 12, ldc 1.25.0 and the accompanying druntime/phobos 
versions and got all tests to pass (those that I didn't version 
out). I am currently in the process of updating to latest ldc and 
latest druntime/phobos. Phobos has a bunch of merge conflicts, 
but it should be doable if I find a few hours.

Then there is the process of upstreaming a 5000+ line patch and I 
probably need some help there. I reckon the WASI bindings are 
pretty standalone so those should be easy to add, but there is a 
sprawl of additions across almost all files due to not supporting 
threads, fibers and catching exceptions.

Re: Computing the next SemVer for dlang packages with dsemver

2020-10-22 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 22 October 2020 at 08:59:18 UTC, Robert burner 
Schadek wrote:

I should stop ranting now.

Not at all, I love it. Nice project.

Re: addle 0.1.0 - argument-dependent lookup for UFCS functions

2020-06-22 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 21 June 2020 at 00:06:12 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

Now available on Dub, by "popular demand"!

  - Documentation:
  - Dub:
  - Github:

Cool. Thanks.

Re: tardy v0.0.1 - Runtime polymorphism without inheritance

2020-06-17 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 June 2020 at 16:01:29 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
A while ago, I collaborated briefly with Adam Kowalski from the 
Dlang discord server on some code to emulate C++-style 
argument-dependent lookup in D. Using that code, your example 
above would be written:


Here's a gist with the code, along with a small example:

If anyone thinks it's worthwhile, I can toss this up on Dub. 
Personally, I've never had much use for it in my own projects.

Yeah I can see a use for this. If have had to refactor things 
before because I was hitting this restriction.

Re: tardy v0.0.1 - Runtime polymorphism without inheritance

2020-06-13 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 13 June 2020 at 15:11:49 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Tardy lets users have their cake and eat it too by not making 
them have to use classes for runtime polymorphism.

This is one of those things that is so obvious in hindsight. 

Re: Rationale for accepting DIP 1028 as is

2020-05-29 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 28 May 2020 at 16:01:35 UTC, Johannes Pfau wrote:

Am Thu, 28 May 2020 12:28:16 + schrieb Sebastiaan Koppe:
If it does come back to haunt him, he can always add a DIP to 
make extern(!D) @system by default. It won't invalidate any 

This would be another round of massively breaking user code.

The breakage will be split in two rounds, but the amount of code 
needed to be modified would be the same as with the 
safe-by-default-except-for-extern-non-c. With the possibility of 
not needing the second round.

I know, arguing for a lost cause...

Re: Rationale for accepting DIP 1028 as is

2020-05-28 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 28 May 2020 at 09:21:09 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
He did unfortunately manage to convince Atila, so the DIP has 
been accepted, but based on the discussions, I think that you 
may be the only person I've seen say anything positive about 
the DIP treating extern(C) functions as @safe.

- Jonathan M Davis

I think Walter had to make a tough call with many tradeoffs. The 
defining feature of engineering I would say.

Is he wrong? Maybe, I don't know. The obvious path is far from 
always being a winner.

If it does come back to haunt him, he can always add a DIP to 
make extern(!D) @system by default. It won't invalidate any work.

Re: LDC 1.21.0

2020-04-24 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 April 2020 at 06:13:09 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
Great work! What is the status of WebAssembly support beyond 

Almost there.

I originally planned to complete it last February. It turned out 
to be a bit more work because I didn't consider I would need to 
port parts of phobos as well. I then set a new deadline in March.

Covid-19 happened and my wife and I have been homeschooling our 
kids in-between work. I haven't been able to find a lot of time 
to work on this.

The druntime and phobos test-runners both compile, and I am using 
whatever spare time I have to fix or disable any tests that fail.

Once that is done, I will open up PR's to both upstream repos. I 
do expect some discussions on that front so it probably won't be 
a one-day deal.

After that there will be a little celebration since I have 
already have a PR to update LDC's CI to create prebuild releases.

Re: lookuptable

2020-04-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 23 April 2020 at 04:29:12 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
Hm... thanks for the suggestion. I'm not sure if it fits here, 
as the point is to avoid runtime cost and GC allocation, not 
make lookups uber-fast.

Granted, it was far-fetched.

These are meant to be short-lived things. My main target was 
e.g. mysql-native has an "asAA" function which generates an AA 
with keys being the column names. This is kind of crappy, 
because if you do that for each row, then you are generating 
and throwing away a LOT of data.

Yeah, that is quite crappy. I remember mapping each row to a 
struct and use member access, but then you have to sync the 
struct and the query yourself.

It doesn't have to be short-lived though. Most apps process the 
same set of queries, so pre-creating all your prepared statements 
and mappings might make sense. I am not sure about mysql, but 
postgres gives you back the columns and types after preparing a 
statement, so you could do some runtime mapping once at startup 
(and at each reconnect).

Re: lookuptable

2020-04-22 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 21:21:31 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
For the indexLookup you can also use

That is not quite true, only for strings.

Re: lookuptable

2020-04-22 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 22 April 2020 at 20:27:12 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
Just wanted to throw this out there on a slow day. I wrote this 
little utility to generate static lookup tables, because using 
an AA is too expensive for something like e.g. looking up 
database row data by column name.

It's very crude, but very short and sweet. Hopefully people 
find a use for it.

Let me know if you have any requests or find any bugs on github.



For the indexLookup you can also use

Re: DLS deprecation

2020-04-07 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 7 April 2020 at 19:12:49 UTC, Laurent Tréguier wrote:
So today, I am deprecating DLS, along with its editor 
extensions. If anyone was using them, be advised that they will 
not have any update or support from now on.

Webfreak is still working on code-d/serve-d from what I gather, 
so hopefully, the handful of people who could be using DLS on 
VSCode can use it instead.

Aww, too bad. Thanks for your effort.

I was wondering how much time maintaining took? And what where 
the biggest things to upkeep?

Re: reliability update

2020-03-05 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 5 March 2020 at 12:41:41 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
But making changes to the general architecture - be it in the 
form of adding load-balancing, or more deeply rooted, such as 
using GIT for storing and distributing the package index - is 
something that still is definitely desirable to push forward.

A week ago I created a git dub package index at it gets updated 
every 15 minutes by scraping

I use it to feed my registry-mirror, which is now fully standalone

A possible next step is creating a PackageSupplier class in dub 
that clones and uses this repo for resolution.

If I was aware of Sönke's work I might have skipped it, but it 
was a good exercise regardless.

Re: dub 502 bad gateway

2020-01-30 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 19 November 2019 at 13:27:31 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
After having had another day where my CI can't build because of 
gateway errors, this morning I had enough. (I setup an uptime 
robot so we can see how bad it actually is [1], it checks every 
5 min and I just started it.)


Of course, this is a bandaid solution. Probably dub can be made 
to do this as well. And likely should. If it were up to me I 
would go serverless.


I have updated the script to cache all routes. This means the 
registry mirror at will also work when the 
registry at is completely down, **if** your 
dependencies have been cached previously.

The cache works in the following manner:

1. if a cache entry exists for a given route and it is no longer 
than 5 minutes old: return that
2. if a cache entry is older than 5 minutes: fetch from upstream, 
cache it and return that
3. if a cache entry is older than 5 minutes and upstream is down: 
reset cache expiry and return from cache
4. if a cache entry doesn't exist: fetch from upstream, cache it 
and return that
5. if a cache entry doesn't exist and upstream is down: return 

On top of that there is a 5 second timeout on fetches from 

Essentially a cached entry is kept up-to-date (5 minute lag) 
whenever upstream is alive, otherwise stale data is returned if 

Use it like so:

`dub build --registry=`

Code at

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2020-01-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 23 January 2020 at 17:05:10 UTC, Robert Schadek 



unittest {
  immutable SemVer v1 = SemVer(1,1,1);
  immutable SemVer v2 = SemVer(2,2,2);
  immutable SemVer v3 = SemVer(3,3,3);
  immutable SemVer v4 = SemVer(4,4,4);
  immutable VersionRange a = VersionRange(v1, Inclusive.yes, v2, 
  immutable VersionRange b = VersionRange(v3, Inclusive.yes, v4, 
  immutable VersionRange c = VersionRange(v2, Inclusive.yes, v3, 

  assert(intersectionOf(a, invert(a)).ranges.length == 0);
  assert(intersectionOf(a, a) == a);
  assert(intersectionOf(a, b) != a);
  assert(intersectionOf(a, b) != b);
  assert(intersectionOf(b, a) != a);
  assert(intersectionOf(b, a) != b);
  assert(intersectionOf(invert(a), invert(a)) == invert(a));
  assert(invert(intersectionOf(a, invert(b))) == 

  auto add(T, P)(T a, P b) {
return invert(intersectionOf(invert(a), invert(b)));
  auto remove(T, P)(T a, P b) {
return intersectionOf(a, invert(b));

  assert(add(a,b) == add(b,a));

  assert(invert(invert(a)) == add(intersectionOf(a,c), 

  assert(differenceOf(a, a).ranges.length == 0);
  assert(invert(intersectionOf(invert(a), invert(a))) == 
  assert(invert(invert(differenceOf(a, invert(a == 
  assert(invert(invert(intersectionOf(a, c))) == 
invert(invert(remove(a, remove(a, c);


Everything green. Nice work.

Haven't tried yet. I'll leave that to someone else.

Re: Visual D 0.51.0 - semantic engine based on dmd frontend

2020-01-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 18 January 2020 at 14:22:41 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 
This version features a first version of an intellisense engine 
that is based on the DMD frontend (as of version 2.090) for 
semantic analysis. It is still considered experimental and has 
to be enabled on the respective language options page.


Nice, that is awesome. Could the engine also be re-used for in 
e.g. the D lsp server?

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2020-01-07 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 4 January 2020 at 16:28:24 UTC, kinke wrote:
On Friday, 3 January 2020 at 10:34:40 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
You can track the work here:

I gave it a quick glance; looks pretty good, and like pretty 
much work. ;) - Thx.

Great. Thanks for looking.

The compiler should probably help a bit by firstly predefining 
a version `CRuntime_WASI` (either for all wasm targets, or for 
triples like wasm32-unknown-unknown-wasi) and secondly emitting 
TLS globals as regular globals for now, so that you don't have 
to add `__gshared` everywhere.

Yes. I will probably manage to do the first, but for the second 
one I definitely need some pointers.

- reals (probably are going to be unsupported)

It's probably just a matter of checking which type clang uses 
for C `long double` when targeting wasm, and making LDC use the 
same type.

Could be. I personally prefer to avoid them because wasm only 
supports f32/f64, which I guess means they will be emulated (I 
have no idea though, maybe some wasm hosts do the right thing). 
But some people might need them, so if fixing the ABI is not a 
big deal, we could include them.

- wasi libc needs to be distributed (either in source and 
compiled into wasm druntime) or statically linked

I'd prefer a static lib (and referencing that one via 
`-defaultlib=druntime-ldc,phobos2-ldc,wasi` in ldc2.conf's wasm 


Building it via LDC CI for inclusion in (some?) prebuilt LDC 
packages is probably not that much of a hassle with a clang 
host compiler.

I don't think so either. I have already got it building, so I 
just need to go over my notes.

once ldc-build-druntime works

If you need some CMake help (excluding C files etc.), might have 
something useful.


(_start is the wasm's equivalent of _Dmain)

Not really; _start (in libc) is used on Linux too, which sets 
up the C runtime, then calls C main, which calls druntime's 
_d_run_main which in turn calls _Dmain.

Ahh, fumbling as I go along. Thanks for the correction.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2020-01-07 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 5 January 2020 at 08:24:21 UTC, Denis Feklushkin wrote:
On Friday, 3 January 2020 at 10:34:40 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 

- reals (probably are going to be unsupported)

It seems to me for now they can be threated as double without 
any problems

Yeah, that is what I have done so far.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2020-01-03 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 10:29:24 UTC, Johan Engelen 
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

I'm assuming you already started some work in this area? Where 
can we track it?

Great initiative!

You can track the work here:

Almost all unittests pass.

I am in the process of getting `ldc-build-druntime` to build it, 
as well as hooking into main().

I really wanted to make a pr, so that others can build it as 
well, but I am pressed for time due to family weekend trip. It is 
on my list once I get back, as well as incorpareting all info 
from this thread back into the proposal.

Some things to tackle before going beta:

- AA unittests fail
- reals (probably are going to be unsupported)
- wasi libc needs to be distributed (either in source and 
compiled into wasm druntime) or statically linked

- CI (but should be doable once ldc-build-druntime works)
- hooking into main() (I thought about making a @weak _start() in 
druntime so that users can still override it when they want) 
(_start is the wasm's equivalent of _Dmain)
- probably need help from LDC to spill i32 pointer on the shadow 

Re: downtime

2019-12-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 18 December 2019 at 09:29:50 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
This is still down for me, regardless of using the IP or 
address. I don't think it's just me either:

Anytime you see the metadata working you can add 
`--registry=` to dub.

I am really tempted to cache the metadata as well. Although that 
brings up the question of how to purge it when new versions are 
released. (I could setup a job to import the dump every now and 
then, hmm).

This stuff just begs to be fixed.

Re: downtime

2019-12-17 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 17 December 2019 at 01:34:16 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
Oh, I don't doubt that. My point was that it makes the D 
language project look like a small-scale open source project 
relying on volunteers (in this case Sonke) being generous with 
time and resources. What manager is going to trust a project 
like that with a major project? It seems unlikely that this 
would not be considered a major issue.

I totally agree. I am very grateful for Sönke for everything he 
has and continues to do, but I believe we should move away from 
self hosting the dub registry. Not only will that increase the 
uptime, but it will also increase the bus factor and take some 
work off Sönke's hands into the d organisation.

In another post I outlined a very crude draft proposal 
Since no one replied I assume everyone is onboard. (just kidding)

The architecture isn't difficult, but the migration path is. In 
February I should have some time and I am willing to setup a 
proof of concept.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-26 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 26 November 2019 at 09:18:05 UTC, Thomas Brix wrote:
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

An alternative idea, would be to use emscriptens fork of musl 
to have a full C-library. AFAIK this includes threading.

LLVM is supposed to support TLS in wasm since version 9.

Yes, indeed. gives a good 

I believe it is best to first actually have a version of druntime 
on wasm, rather than eagerly pulling in all the latest features. 
I find the scope I set in the proposal to be quite reasonable.

Adding tls, threading and exception handling would be much easier 
after this work is done and merged. And it would also be 
something others might want to contribute to.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-26 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 13:50:20 UTC, Georgi D wrote:

Hi Sebastiaan,

If you are looking at the C++ coroutines I would recommend 
looking into the  proposal for "First-class symmetric 
coroutines in C++".

The official paper can be found here:

There is also a presentation with some nice animations 
explaining the proposal here:

There paper is still in early development, for example the 
syntax has changed since then as well as some other pieces.

If you are interested I can connect you with the author of the 
paper who can explain it with more details.


Thanks for that. It would be great, but I don't have time for 
that at the moment.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-26 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 18:44:01 UTC, thedeemon wrote:
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

Please correct me where I'm wrong, but on the level of 
WebAssembly there are no registers, there is an operand stack 
outside the address space, there are local variables to the 
current function, again outside the accessible address space of 
program's linear memory, and there is the linear memory itself. 
So scanning the stack becomes a really hard (should I say 
impossible?) part. What some compilers do is they organize 
another stack manually in the linear memory and store the 
values that would otherwise be on the normal stack, there.

Yeah, that accurately describes the situation. I will update the 
wording in the document to use 'stack', 'shadow stack' (also 
sometimes called 'user stack') and the local variable. Thanks.

One solution that I employed in spasm's experimental gc is to 
only run it directly from javascript. This way there can't be 
anything hiding in the stack or in a local variable. Although 
that approach doesn't work for all use cases.

Which means in case of D you'll have to seriously change the 
codegen, to change how local variables are stored, and to use a 
kind of shadow stack for temporaries in expressions that may be 
pointers. Do you really have a plan about it?

Well, no, not fully. That is why I said 'unknown'. But there must 
be a solution somewhere.

LLVM already puts pointers to stack or local variables in the 
shadow stack. As well as for structs-by-val that don't fit the 
stack. We could adjust LDC to nudge LLVM to maintain live roots 
on the shadow stack as well.

Go's approach is to put everything on the shadow stack. (see:

There is also the possibility of a code transformation. Binaryen 
has a spill-the-pointer pass that effectively gets you go's 
solution (but only for i32's) (see:

I am favoring the first option, but I don't know how hard that 
would be. Will update the document with this info.

Thank you for questioning this.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-25 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 13:28:17 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad 
On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 12:52:46 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
As an example, it is just a matter of time before a PaaS 
provider fully embraces wasm.

This sounds interesting, I've been pondering about serverless 
FaaS (function as a service), where you basically (hopefully) 
get functions triggered by NoSQL database updates and not have 
to bother with your own webserver.

This is already doable with dynamodb, or kinesis streams. Or 
google's dataflow.

Using wasm just makes that more seamless (and faster).

I see that CloudFlare has support for webassembly in their 
workers, but for Google Functions I only see Node10, but maybe 
they can run webassembly as well? I haven't found anything 
definitive on it though...

Node has good wasm support, I don't know how you would get the 
wasm binary in, but it probably can be done.

Instead of having docker containers you just compile to wasm, 
which will be pretty small and can boot in (sub) milli-seconds 
(plus they don't necessarily need a linux host kernel running 
and can run it closer to the hypervisor.)

Yes, but the biggest potential I see is when you don't have to 
set up servers to process data.

I rather not setup servers for anything.

Just throw the data into the distributed database, which 
triggers a Function that updates other parts of the database 
and then triggers another function that push the resulting PDF 
(or whatever) to a service that serves the files directly (i.e. 
cached close to the user like CloudFlare).

You don't have to wait for that. That future is already here. The 
in and output could also be distributed storage, event streams or 
some queue.

The problem, however, is often when using those tools you get 
pushed into a small set of supported programming languages. Like 
AWS' glue that focuses on Scala or Python, or google's functions 
that only support js/python and go. Understandable, but I rather 
choose my own language. Wasm makes that possible.

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-25 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 12:15:42 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
What's currently broken or impossible in DUB?  What parts of 
that can be fixed without changing the config or CLI?  And what 
improvements are most efficiently made via breaking changes?

Please, let's bring our focus on that.

The biggest thing for me would be incremental compilation. As 
well as a dub build and test 'watch' mode to avoid scanning the 
dependencies every time.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-25 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 12:19:30 UTC, Joseph Rushton 
Wakeling wrote:
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

Thanks for putting this together, it looks very carefully 
thought out.


Exceptions can be thrown but not catched. A thrown exception 
terminate the program. Exceptions are still in the proposal 
When the proposal is accepted exceptions can be fully 

This would suggest that there may be some benefit in D 
providing improved support for return-type-based error 
propagation (as with `Result` from Rust), no ... ?

Yes, definitely. But what do you mean with improved support? Like 
better pattern matching over either types?

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-25 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 25 November 2019 at 09:01:15 UTC, Dukc wrote:
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

This proposal is so perfectly balanced between value and 
implementability that I can find nothing to add or remove.


I'm interested, what's your motivation in doing all this? If I 
understood correctly, your primary motivation to write Spasm 
was to write better optimized front-end programs than you get 
with JS frameworks.

That is a fair question. Spasm has been very successful if you 
look at rendering speed. It (almost) beats everything else out 
there [1]. Well, that is not surprising since everything is known 
at compile time; it literally compiles down to the same code as 
if you issued low-level dom calls manually. I am very happy about 

With regards to developer experience it is behind. First of all 
you have to deal with betterC. This alone is already a hurdle for 
many. Second is the DSL, or lack of it. It doesn't come close to 
something like e.g. SwiftUI. In fact, I wrote a (unfinished) 
material-ui component library on top of spasm and I was 
struggling at times.

So it became clear to me I need to have druntime available. It 
will allow people to use the (almost) complete set of D features 
and it opens up some metaprogramming avenues that are closed off 
right now. With that I will be able to create some nice DSL, in 
line with JSX/SwiftUI or 

There are plenty of opportunities here. It is not unfeasible to 
connect spasm to Qt, or dlangui, and create a cross-platform UI 
library, something like flutter.

On the other hand, I am very excited about WebAssembly in 
general. It is certainly at the beginning of the hype curve and I 
suspect some very exciting things will appear in the future. Some 
of them are already here right now. For instance, you can target 
ARM by compiling D code to wasm and then use wasmer to compile it 
to ARM. With D connecting itself to the wasm world it exposes 
itself to a lot of cool things, which we mostly get for free.

As an example, it is just a matter of time before a PaaS provider 
fully embraces wasm. Instead of having docker containers you just 
compile to wasm, which will be pretty small and can boot in (sub) 
milli-seconds (plus they don't necessarily need a linux host 
kernel running and can run it closer to the hypervisor.)

There are tons of possibilities here, and I want D to be a viable 
option when that day comes.

So it is not just about frontends anymore.

But wouldn't it be easier to just use Rust since it has already 
implemented all this?

All the rust frameworks for web apps that I have seen rely on 
runtime techniques like the virtual dom. As a consequence they 
spend more cpu time and result in bigger files. That may be 
perfectly fine for most (and it probably is), but I wanted to 
squeeze it as much as I could. Maybe it is possible to do that in 
rust as well, I don't know. D's metaprogramming seemed a more 
natural fit.

[1] except Svelte, which is a little bit smaller in code size, 
and a tiny bit faster. But they build a whole compiler just for 
that. Lets wait for host bindings support in wasm and measure 

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-24 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 24 November 2019 at 18:46:04 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2019-11-23 10:51, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

What will happen to code that uses TLS? Will it be promoted to 
a global variable or will it fail to compile?

LLVM errors out saying it can't select tls for wasm. We could 
modify ldc to not emit TLS instructions under WebAssembly.

But yeah, right now, you need to __gshared everything.

I know.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 15:23:41 UTC, Alexandru Ermicioi 
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

I was wondering whats your position on Fibers?

I am not going to support them in this initial port. And to be 
honest I rather see us moving towards stackless coroutines.

Can they be implemented in current WebAssembly?

I haven't looked into it. I suppose they could be, since go has 
their goroutines supported in wasm as well.

But I don't think it is easy. WebAssembly uses the Harvard 
architecture, which means code and data is separate and code 
isn't addressable. That is why wasm uses a function table and 
indexes instead of function pointer addresses. So things like 
moving the instruction pointer are out.

If so I'd guess they would be a nice match for async related 
functionality javascript is known for.

You can still use the JavaScript eventloop, either browser or 

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 12:40:20 UTC, Ola Fosheim Gr 
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 09:51:13 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I 
would like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

Yes, if I read this right the plan is to keep the runtime 
small. That is good, small footprint is important.

Small footprint is super important, especially when targeting the 

The first stage is getting something to work though, but I will 
definitely chisel bytes off afterwards.

Also, if applicable, structure the object file in way that 
compress well (gzip). E.g. the layout of compiler emitted data 
structures and constants on the heap.

I don't know how much control we have (or want) over this. In the 
end LLVM and wasm-lld do that and we just piggyback that.

Re: Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 10:29:24 UTC, Johan Engelen 
Perhaps you can explicitly clarify that "port" in this context 
means that you will add the required version(WebAssembly) 
blocks in the official druntime, rather than in a fork of 

Indeed. It will not be a fork, but the changes will be upstreamed 
into the official druntime.

(WebAssembly predefined version now explicitly mentions that it 
is for 32bit. Do you want to broaden this to 64bit aswell, or 
add a new version identifier?)

I haven't seen anybody working on wasm64. I know it exists, but 
that is about it.

I do not know what the future of wasm64 will hold. Probably there 
will come a time somebody needs it, but as of yet everybody 
focuses on wasm32, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Still, I think it is a good idea to be prepared. Personally I 
would add wasm32 and wasm64 and also define WebAssembly whenever 
one of them is. Don't know if that is the smart thing to do.

I read that Clang uses a triple with explicit mention of WASI: 
--target wasm32-wasi
Are you planning for the same with LDC? Will you need a new 
predefined version identifier for WASI-libc? Perhaps group all 
required compiler features in a section (and move the `real` 
story there).

Rust uses that as well. It would make sense for us to use that as 
well. Good idea.

The ultimate goal is to not use libc, but directly call the wasi 
api. In the mean, yes, we should introduce the WASI-libc version. 
I have now put all that under the WebAssembly version, but that 
is conflating things. (although it is not a big deal, since the 
linker will strip them out if unused.)

Will add to a separate compiler section in the gist.

Can you elaborate on how you envision CI testing?

We can use any of the WASI runtimes. I personally use Wasmer 
(written in rust, uses cranelift which is also used in Firefox). 
Another option (or in parallel) would be using the V8 in either 
node or an headless browser (although that would be better suited 
for testing JavaScript interoperability).

I would go with wasmer first.

Do you want to add that to LDC testing? (this may also mean 
that you first add a new change to LDC's druntime, confirming 
functionality with LDC CI, and then upstreaming the change)

Yes, in fact, I am already targetting LDC's druntime.

I'm assuming you already started some work in this area? Where 
can we track it?

Will post the link here after some clean up. A few days.

Great initiative!

Thanks, these are some very good points.

Proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly

2019-11-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
This is my proposal for porting D runtime to WebAssembly. I would 
like to ask you to review it. You can find it here:

dub 502 bad gateway

2019-11-19 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
After having had another day where my CI can't build because of 
gateway errors, this morning I had enough. (I setup an uptime 
robot so we can see how bad it actually is [1], it checks every 5 
min and I just started it.)

I know, I can setup my CI to cache dub packages. But that is just 
an optimisation.

Things ought to just work.

So this morning I started on a quick fix. I took a look at the 
source and concluded that for dub packages hosted on gitlab and 
github you can simply redirect to gitlab's and github's 
respective archives. That is what the dub registry does anyway.

To that end I setup that logic in a cloudflare worker [2]. So for 
metadata it redirects to the api endpoint on 
(which is pretty stable), and for to actual packages directly to 
gitlab or github.

Use it like so:

`dub build --registry=`

Of course, this is a bandaid solution. Probably dub can be made 
to do this as well. And likely should. If it were up to me I 
would go serverless.


Re: setup-dlang v0.4.0 released

2019-11-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 10:32:29 UTC, Mihails wrote:

Note: assuming no new issues will be found in a next few weeks, 
this will be eventually promoted to the 1.0.0 release. Fingers 

Thanks for this. It works perfectly.

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 09:53:56 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi 
A win-win move would be to have dud emit the other formats 
automatically as part of the compilation procedure, so to have 
always all of them present and synced on the content.

I already regret starting about this. Instead of rooting for the 
SDL format, I should have just recommended to deprecate the json 

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 18 November 2019 at 08:57:58 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

Is SDL the right format? Cargo uses TOML to great effect.

And TOML has, I suspect greater traction more widely than SDL.

I personally prefer SDL when it comes to nested data, but yeah, 
that would work as well.

The point I was making is to just have 1 format. With dud that 
should be possible.

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-17 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 17 November 2019 at 16:26:45 UTC, Denis Feklushkin 
On Thursday, 14 November 2019 at 23:33:06 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
Also, this, apparently, should lead to the fact that dud will 
have their own package description format. Almost inevitable. 
(This has already been discussed, perhaps.)

SDL all the way please.

Re: dud: A dub replacement

2019-11-17 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 11 November 2019 at 13:44:28 UTC, Robert Schadek wrote:
So dub has some problems, and personally I find its code base 
very hard to get into.

I understand what you mean. What I found most disruptive to my 
internal model of the code is the mutable state. It prevented me 
from a solid understanding of all the parts.

The bigger goal, at least personally, is to have a code base of 
pure functions

that is "trivial" to understand and debug.
The rules of thumb is: "When your line gets longer than 80 

restructure your code!", "Branch statements are code smells."

I certainly applaud your goal and I think many parts can be 
improved upon. However, not everything is accidental complexity; 
sometimes problems are hard and code is non trivial. Although in 
almost all cases it can be made nicer, it is just a matter of how 
much time you want to spend on it.

Re: sumtype 0.9.0: BetterC and DIP 1000 support

2019-09-28 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 28 September 2019 at 21:28:00 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

New since the last announced version, 0.8.3:
  - SumType is now fully compatible with DIP 1000 and BetterC!
  - Self-referential SumTypes can now be nested.

Sweet! Keep up the good work.

Re: Demo: Calling Typescript library from D via WebAssembly

2019-09-27 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 27 September 2019 at 10:07:08 UTC, Dennis wrote:
On Thursday, 26 September 2019 at 09:25:28 UTC, Sebastiaan 
Koppe wrote:
I would like to announce an example showcasing D interacting 
with a Typescript library via WebAssembly.

I love how much work you put into WebAssembly support for D. 
Keep up the good work!

Thanks, I hope to be able to spend more time on it in the future. 
There are still a lot of things that need to be improved.

I have started work on a small project that generates these 
bindings automatically, leveraging the typescript compiler.

I can imagine some basic types are easy (such as number -> 
double), but I wonder how you bind to functions that take sum 
types or 'any'. Are you going to use opaque JS objects on the D 
side or convert D structs/classes upon calling TS/JS functions?

I am using opaque JS objects. Spasm already has Sumtypes and 
supports Any as well, so it is going to move forward from that.

Having said that, the lineSeries data in the tradingview example 
is implemented with a proxy object that directly accessed memory 
from the wasm module. There are pros and cons to either approach.

Also, I have to take into account the upcoming interface-types 

Demo: Calling Typescript library from D via WebAssembly

2019-09-26 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
I would like to announce an example showcasing D interacting with 
a Typescript library via WebAssembly.

I have started work on a small project that generates these 
bindings automatically, leveraging the typescript compiler. This 
could also be used to interact with javascript libraries which 
have typescript bindings.

Re: SAOC - Looking for a mentor

2019-08-09 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 9 August 2019 at 05:50:22 UTC, Ionuț Mihalache wrote:
I have here [1] my project proposal, could you give me some 
opinions about it(if it's ok, what should be changed or added, 
maybe removed).


I would first work out some real-world mixed-compilation 
scenario's that you would want to write support for. In the very 
least that will give you (and others) a clear and understandable 
goal. Right now I have no idea what you intend to support and 
what not.

There have been countless post on the forum of compilation setups 
that dub doesn't support.

I think the most common one (for me) is having a C/C++ library 
that first needs to be compiled into a static library before 
compiling the D code.

A more advances use case for myself is a code generation scenario 
I often use. E.g. first compile one program (if modified), run it 
to generate code, then use that to compile another program. Here, 
either one could be in D or C/C++. (currently I have one in 

With those scenario's you can structurize your proposal a bit 
better. For instance you can describe a common scenario (the 
problem), then describe what you want to support (scope it) and 
finally describe the method or way your are going to implement it 
(while also looking at more advanced scenario's that you don't 
support right away, but can be implemented in the future). Right 
now it is in a very draft form and goes too much into dub's 

Hope that helps.

Re: Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2019-08-07 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 at 22:57:52 UTC, a11e99z wrote:
tried. --combined => got error about time.d. could not fix, idk 
how to fix.

If calling ldc2 manually you need to use the -betterC flag, see for the 
minimal working example.

so, I think need to fix dub/sdl/json generating for wasm/spasm 
for Windows

- -of=..WASM not EXE
- libs as last with prefix -L="". probably all file names 
better put in quotes. probably with Unix-slashes

I have opened a dub issue for the .lib .exe issue.

Re: Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2019-08-06 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 6 August 2019 at 19:02:09 UTC, a11e99z wrote:

hi. can not compile for Windows
LDC ver 1.16.0.

Currently ldc 1.16.0 isn't supported. You can downgrade to ldc 

spasm 0.1.13: target for configuration "library" is up to date.
test_spasm ~master: building configuration "application"...
Error: unrecognized file extension lib   
ldc2 failed with exit code 1.

Have you tried the github issues? I remember dukc having the same 
issue on windows as well.

and I have some questions:
- spasm contains some GC-allocator. can I use "hello" ~!string or something? or I can use string literals only 
without some kind of string builder?

No you cannot use the concat operator (~). Neither can you use 
new, class, AA or dynamic arrays among others. This is because 
Spasm uses betterC, and a lot of D features aren't available in 
betterC. I am working on a PR for druntime to at least compile to 
wasm without betterC. This will open the way to incrementally 
support more and more D features.

In the meantime you need to get familiar with the betterC 
constraints. You can always look in the examples for workable 
code. Make sure to use the 0.1.13 tag, since master has some new 
unreleased stuff (which I hope to release in the coming month).

There is a string builder in spasm as well as a betterC version 
of the phobos `text` function.

The GC allocator is still unreleased and experimental.

Re: Redis client hunt-redis RC1 released

2019-07-27 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 27 July 2019 at 21:09:47 UTC, zoujiaqing wrote:

I'm  sorry.

I'm durking to litght, I want to respect all software authors 
and keep copyright, but we don't know how to express it.

In every source file you simply paste the original copyright at 
the top. And then maybe add "ported to D by ..."

Re: Ownership and Borrowing in D

2019-07-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 23 July 2019 at 19:15:44 UTC, Olivier FAURE wrote:

That's as good a time as any to plug my own proposal draft:

Any thoughts?

So in a nutshell, a variable with the unique qualifier ensures 
that there are no other references to that data during the 
lifetime of said variable? In other words, you can only take 1 
addressOf/ref at a time?

Does it prevent more that just use-after-free?

Random idea: what about an @owned destructor? One that only runs 
on the original object, not on any of its copies. Which implies 
scope of course, so that nothing of the copies or its internals 
are allowed to escape.

Re: Ownership and Borrowing in D

2019-07-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 23 July 2019 at 04:02:50 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:

On 21.07.19 02:17, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/20/2019 3:39 PM, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:

Do you mean to keep track of ownership/borrowedness manually?

No, that's what the copyctor/opAssign/dtor semantics so.

This is not true.

I thought as much. Thanks for the confirmation. I am considering 
moving to pointers to benefit from the future semantics. It's 
just that I don't like pointers that much...

Re: Ownership and Borrowing in D

2019-07-20 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 20 July 2019 at 21:56:50 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/20/2019 5:42 AM, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
Anyway my question is whether the ownership and borrowing 
semantics ever gets applied to non-pointers?

Currently, no. The programmer would be expected to include the 
correct copyctor/opAssign/destructors which would take care of 

Do you mean to keep track of ownership/borrowedness manually? 
Sure, that will work. But how would I then get the compiler to 
complain when a borrowed one outlives the owned one?

Re: Ownership and Borrowing in D

2019-07-20 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 16 July 2019 at 06:12:42 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

Now I just have to deliver the goods!

I am very excited about this, together with unique these are some 
very desired semantics.

I have a practical question. In spasm I have to solve the 
lifetime of javascript objects that are referenced from D. The 
way it works is that objects in Javascript are put in a big array 
and the index - the handle if you will - is passed to D. When D 
code wants to do anything with the js object, it passes the 
handle to a js glue function which looks up the object in the 
table and does what it needs to.

The trick is finding an efficient mechanism to free the js 
objects in the js array. At first I tried reference counting - 
which worked, but introduced a lot of code bloat.

Now I have settled on having the wrapper struct (JsHandle) of the 
handle be non-copyable, and pass it around by either moving or 
using `ref scope` with dip1000 and @safe. Then if you need to 
have the handle around for longer you can always wrap it in a RC 

This works remarkably well. It gives cheap, efficient and safe 
code and still allows multiple long-lived references with RC if 
that is what is wanted.

There are 2 issues I currently have.

First some code:

alias Handle = uint;

struct JsHandle {
  package Handle handle;
  alias handle this;
  ~this() {
if (handle != invalid)
  @disable this(this);

struct HTMLElement {
  spasm.bindings.dom.Element _parent;
  alias _parent this;
  this(JsHandle h) {
_parent = .Element(h);
  // ... functions

struct HTMLCanvasElement {
  spasm.bindings.html.HTMLElement _parent;
  alias _parent this;
  this(JsHandle h) {
_parent = .HTMLElement(h);
 // ... functions

1) Sometimes the web api's accept an Nullable/Optional, which 
means I have to wrap, for instance, the HTMLElement into an 
Optional type and pass that. Of course, I want to maintain the 
unique reference constraint and enforce that the Optional won't 
outlive the original HTMLElement. Which I can't, since they are 
all non-pointers and I can't store a scope ref inside a Optional. 
The solution I have now is to create a Nullable!(T*). This does 
solve the unique semantics, at the expense of having an api that 
accepts both Nullable!(T) and Nullable!(T*). Pretty ugly.

2) the other issue is that I sometimes want to "upcast" a 
HTMLElement to a HTMLCanvasElement. I can simply do this by 
moving the handle around, but I want the HTMLCanvasElement not to 
outlive the HTMLElement. Again, the solution is to involve 
pointers. Since all wrapper structs have the same memory layout 
(only a uint), I used this hack:

template as(Target) {
  auto as(Source)(scope return ref Source s) {
return cast(Target*)&s;

Anyway my question is whether the ownership and borrowing 
semantics ever gets applied to non-pointers?

Re: S2Geometry Library Release v0.2

2019-05-25 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 25 May 2019 at 11:48:12 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:
D's philosophy of having a large tool-box makes this work 
doable by a single person while other languages have spent many 
years with many contributors.

Great work! Can you tell something about how you converted the 
code and how you plan to stay up-to-date?

Re: Phobos now compiling with -dip1000

2019-03-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 23 March 2019 at 03:06:37 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
Many thanks to Sebastian Wilzbach, Nicholas Wilson, Mike 
Franklin, and others!

It's been a long and often frustrating endeavor, but we made it 
and I'm very pleased with the results.

This is really nice. I congratulate your efforts. Safety for the 

Re: DConf 2019 Schedule

2019-03-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 at 22:43:28 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
We're extending the Early-Bird Discount until March 24, so if 
you haven't registered yet, you still have a chance to save. No 
definitive word yet on whether we'll be offering a 201 attendee 
discount, but I should know something this week.

I was actually waiting for the early bird discount to end, but I 
guess I will just register now.

Re: LDC 1.15.0-beta1

2019-03-12 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 9 March 2019 at 19:57:36 UTC, kinke wrote:

Please help test, and thanks to all contributors!

Thank you very much guys!

I opened an issue about exports 
in WebAssembly.

ldc 1.14's default is to export pretty much everything, and ldc 
1.15-beta1's default is to export only the bare minimum.

Of course I want something in between :) See the issue for more 

Re: Project Highlight: Spasm

2019-03-01 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 1 March 2019 at 13:26:58 UTC, Olivier FAURE wrote:
Would the author be interested in structural level-feedback? As 
in, not "I wish there was this feature", but "I think the way 
you're doing X and Y is wrong, and the project would probably 
benefit from a complete refactoring".

I realize this kind of feedback is pretty irritating to get and 
hard to act on several months into the project, hence why I'm 

Maybe. But in the beginning no one is willing to give it :)

I am very much interested in qualitative feedback on spasm's 
internals and its design. It is the main reason I announced the 
project. I am completely willing to overhaul each and every line 
if that benefits the project.

The short version is, it's pretty clear Sebastiaan has designed 
spasm with the goal of giving the library compile-time 
information on the structure of the widgets to render, to avoid 
React's superfluous updates and prop comparison; that said, I 
think it's possible to give the library that information 
without losing React's "your components are all functions, 
don't worry about how the data is updated" simplicity, which I 
think is an area where spasm comes up short.

That would be awesome. I initially tried very hard to stick to 
React/JSX functional rendering. I could not find a way to make it 
a zero-cost abstraction, but maybe you have more success!

Re: Project Highlight: Spasm

2019-03-01 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 1 March 2019 at 07:28:06 UTC, Radu wrote:

Dip1000 would make reference counting safe.

Memory management should be handled by reference counting. RC 
should delegate malloc, free to an allocator.

I see. Yeah, RC could work. Sure.

Hence my suggestion to implement a typed malloc. Probably an 
allocator and memcpy friends that works in betterc without any 
C dependencies would worth its own dub package :)


dip1000 is usable right?

Re: Project Highlight: Spasm

2019-02-28 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 28 February 2019 at 12:47:32 UTC, Radu wrote:
Re. the memory management section, I wonder if reference 
counting using dip1000 would work for memory management.

At least partly. One memory issue spasm has is to release JS 
objects once D code is done with them. The approach I am likely 
to take is to simply disallow more than 1 reference to a JS 
object, and then when that reference is destroyed, to also 
destroy the JS object. Basically a non-copyable struct with a 

Over time this can be expanded with dip1000 to allow having more 
references to the same JS object as long as the compiler can 
prove it doesn't escape and has shorter lifetime.

I don't see how dip1000 can help free memory though.

You could also use the type system information for a D malloc 
implementation that uses free lists for known sizes. Something 
in line with

I saw memcpyD before. In fact I used part of the implementation 
in a (uncompleted) wasm port of druntime.

But again, I don't see how it would help with freeing unused 

It is quite interesting to see that WebAssembly lines up pretty 
close to bare metal programming, maybe there are some synergies 
here that can be exploited and create the minimum runtimes for 


Re: Spasm 0.1.3 released - with bindings to web apis

2019-01-30 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 30 January 2019 at 00:22:15 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
the underrun example looks really cool! I'm on linux but I 
don't use docker

Wait, you are on linux. Why doesn't your ldc have wasm target? 
How did you install it?

I will try out making something with spasm soon!


Re: Spasm 0.1.3 released - with bindings to web apis

2019-01-27 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 26 January 2019 at 15:34:15 UTC, WebFreak001 wrote:
amazing! I would really like to try it but it seem the 
precompiled LDC version doesn't support the wasm output and I 
have no idea what that wercker stuff is you mentioned or how to 
use the container you sent with compiling on my local 
filesystem and not inside a sandbox :/

Make sure you have installed docker on your machine (are you 
running windows?), go inside your workspace directory and run

`docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/app --workdir /app 
dlang2/ldc-ubuntu:1.13.0 /bin/bash`

This will start a docker container with ldc 1.13.0 installed on 
ubuntu. It will also mount the current directory under `/app`.

Inside the container you can just run dub, etc. And on your host 
you can just edit the files.

Still looks great having this, especially now with all these 
APIs. I would really like to try making WebGL run with this in 
the future

Have you seen the underrun example?

Re: Spasm 0.1.3 released - with bindings to web apis

2019-01-27 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 26 January 2019 at 23:40:01 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

This is really cool; nice work!


Are you aware of SignalR, and do you see something similar 
eventually being added to Spasm?

I don't use .NET myself, but I once reverse engineered a signalR 
client for some data feed I wanted to listen to, so I am a little 
familiar with it.

But why not use gRPC over websockets, or real-time graphQL? Spasm 
has bindings to the browsers websocket and I don't think its hard 
to connect that to a D client implementation of gRPC or graphQL.

Also, what are the limitations that prevent the D runtime (just 
druntime, not Phobos) from being ported to WASM?

The real blocker was the GC. In wasm the address space starts at 
0, so almost everything looks like a pointer :)

But now that we have a precise GC, that should be solved.

Maybe some issues with threaded since Webassembly is currently 
single-threaded (although multithreading is on the roadmap.)

So yeah, there aren't many blockers. I did actually try it a 
couple of months ago, and got pretty far. But I wanted to keep 
things lean and mean and decided to constrain it to betterC.

I am first going to see how well I can implement some material-ui 
components. That is going to be the litmus test for the SPA 
framework part of spasm.

Again, nice work!

Thanks. A lot of praise goes to the LDC team and the fact they 
build it on top of LLVM.

Spasm 0.1.3 released - with bindings to web apis

2019-01-26 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
Spasm is a betterC library for web development that uses LDC to 
compile to WebAssembly, and I just released a major update.

It now has bindings to most web api's, like the dom, fetch, 
audio, webgl, etc.

So you can do things like this:

import spasm.bindings;
import spasm.dom;
import spasm.types;

extern (C) export void _start()
  auto elem = document.createElement("div").as!HTMLElement; = "green";
  elem.innerHTML = "BLA BLA!";

  auto root = document.querySelector("body").front;

And have it Just Work.

See the repo for more info:

It is still a WIP but I am getting there.

Re: Top Five World’s Most Underrated Programming Languages

2019-01-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 09:14:18 UTC, Bienlein wrote:

On Friday, 18 January 2019 at 08:55:23 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
D really needs its killer use case if it is to move away from 
that list.

D is a lot like Scala on the JVM: Both language have myriads of 
language features and bells and whistles, but there is no 
killer feature in the language itself.

For me the killer feature is meta-programming. No other language 
comes close.

Take the wasm-reader [1] library I recently wrote for instance. 
While not feature complete - nor a fair direct comparison - it is 
far less code than anything in C++ [2] or Rust [3].


Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-28 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 28 December 2018 at 16:31:01 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
For last year's meeting, my manager (the team I'm on has done 
our meetings differently for a while) convinced the CEO to try 
a more interactive approach for the org-wide meeting too. We 
did that speaker intro, small random group work, whole group 
conclusion pattern.

It was a success. Everyone was more engaged, we had more 
cross-team collaboration (which has continued throughout the 
year as people are more comfortable with each other!), and 
people have shown better retention of the material. Staff 
surveys about subjective feelings about this meeting were up, 
too, people said it is more enjoyable.

Nice! I have seen this work as well and it is amazing to see it 
when it happens. Great that your team could be that catalyst.

In my experience it works great in trainings and workshops, but 
it might as well be very enjoyable and productive on dconf. 
Although I would keep at least 60% talks.

Re: Fuzzed - a program to find DMDFE parser crash

2018-12-15 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 15 December 2018 at 15:37:19 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
I think this is what Walter calls "AST poisoning" (never 
understood how it worked before today). And the whole parser is 
like this.

This poisoning kills the interest of using a fuzzer. 99% of the 
crashes will be in hdrgen.

As is common with fuzzing, you'll need to ensure the program 
crashes. Sometimes that requires some tweaking.

Regardless, you still have the input to investigate.

Re: Fuzzed - a program to find DMDFE parser crash

2018-12-15 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 15 December 2018 at 11:29:45 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
Fuzzed [1] is a simple fuzzer for the D programming language. 
It allows to detect sequences of tokens that crash the parser. 
While the D front end is not yet used to make tools, if this 
ever happens the parser will have to accept invalid code. As 
experienced with dparse, invalid code tend to crash more a 
parser because of a cognitive bias that lead us, "hoomans", to 
prove that things work rather than the opposite.

Nice. In my experience fuzzing parses works very well. I have 
good memories with afl. So much so that I once wrote a wrapper 
around it to handle running it distributed.

Could use a readme and a how-to though.

Re: DLP identify leaf functions

2018-12-01 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 30 November 2018 at 20:10:05 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I would like to announce a new project I've started, called DLP 
(D Language Processing). Currently it's quite experimental but 
the idea is that it would contain a collection of commands for 
inspecting D code in various ways. It uses the DMD frontend as 
a library (the Dub package) to process D code.

Really nice! I have some ideas about data-flow analysis and this 
allows some easy experimenting without forking the compiler.

Re: Ported js13k game underrun to D targeting webassembly

2018-11-19 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 19 November 2018 at 11:13:52 UTC, Dukc wrote:
I had a look at your code, and just now I realized that spasm 
can really call JavaScript without any glue from JavaScript 
I am not sure where you got that impression from, but I am afraid 
you'll still need js glue code.

This is huge! Now I can start to think about expanding my usage 
of D at the web page I'm developing, potentially replacing 
parts of my application made with Bridge.NET.
The only thing I did with spasm was to use a subset of the D 
language to define a declarative language for creating html 
components, and I used lots of introspection to optimise the 
rendering of them.

Everything else comes from the wasm backend from llvm and it's 
support in ldc.

I really appreciate you getting excited about it but look, Spasm 
is still in an early stage. The code is rough, the documentation 
poor. And it has plenty missing that needs to be fixed before you 
should consider writing anything serious with it. The two most 
important being bindings to all web apis and memory deallocation.

Having said that, of course I want you to use it :)

I know you did announce about Spasm earlier and I should have 
thanked you already. My fault: I realized that you made 
something that enables one to generate WebAsm, but didn't 
realize it enabled calling JS classes directly. Should have 
looked closer.
The way calling js classes from D (or any language out there) 
works, is to insert the js object in a big associative array at 
the js side with an int as the key. The int (handle) is passed to 
D. Anytime D wants to call a function or retrieve a property of 
that class it calls some glue code with the handle as first 
parameter. In the javascript glue code the handle is used to 
lookup the object and the corresponding function is called.

Since javascript allows you to call by string (e.g. 
`object["foobar"]()`), you can minimize glue code at the expense 
of decoding utf-8 strings.

1. Manually compile your code and parts of Druntime/Phobos 
targetting 32-bit X86, link them manually with llvm-link using 
--only-needed and only then compile to JavaScript (Haven't 
tried with WebAsm, but theoretically should compile the same 
way). This way you don't need to manually stub what you don't 
use -well, when the linkers have same ideas about what you're 
calling, which's not always the case.
That might work, but for the end-user it really needs to be as 
simple as `dub build`.

2: Use Vladimir's DScripten. I haven't tried, as I was limited 
by not being aware of anything like spasm to call Web API, but 
probably easier than my method above and brings larger portions 
of Phobos into user's reach. Also IIRC Vladimir managed to get 
allocators working.
Yep. The prototype version of spasm ran on top of 
dscripten-tools. I decided to move to native llvm wasm 
compilation instead, since I don't particularly like the 
emscripten toolchain.

Even with my relatively meager method, pipeline-style 
programming with std.algorithm and std.range over (often 
static) arrays is doable and practical in my experience.

As long as std.algorithms/ranges don't allocate, they work.

Re: Ported js13k game underrun to D targeting webassembly

2018-11-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 18 November 2018 at 19:51:06 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 
Really cool. I didn't play the original, but I found this 
reasonably straightforward.

I love this this webassembly stuff, I think it's a fantastic 
demonstration, and test for the power of D.

Thanks, I think so too. Although there are definitely some 
hurdles to overcome.

A system to do closures by hand should be doable with templates 
I would think. Do you have a quick example?

For example
The whole Handler struct is just to call `terminal_run_story` 
after `terminal_write_text` completes.

One thing that bugs me is that anything that allocates on the GC 
- like the closures here - can't be hooked into to call a custom 
allocator. That includes things like std.array.Appender, AA's, 

Re: Ported js13k game underrun to D targeting webassembly

2018-11-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 18 November 2018 at 10:33:14 UTC, blahness wrote:
Good stuff. Any reason why the music & some of the sound 
effects are missing?
Yep, I have only ported the most essential sound effects. The 
music I skipped entirely. It wouldn't be much work since the 
audio api / buffers are already there. I just didn't want to 
spend more time on an example.

The text when you bring a system back online is corrupted.
I know, I have looked at it for quite a while and I just can't 
figure out why it is broken.

Ported js13k game underrun to D targeting webassembly

2018-11-17 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
Underrun is small game build by Dominic Szablewski for the 2018 
js13kGames competition.

I decided to port it to D and to target webassembly. You can play 
the game here

It is part of my endeavour into the wonderful world of 
webassembly. I specifically choose this project so I could get a 
feel for how to call web api's other than the dom, i.e. WebGL and 

Porting went pretty smooth, except for the fact that I wanted it 
to be done in betterC, which turned out to cripple lots of things 
I am used to rely on.

Things like:

- having to write closures by hand
- not being able to use stdx.allocator
- almost no use of phobos (even at CTFE)

D could definitely use some love in that area. I was specifically 
stumped that stdx.allocator doesn't work in betterC; if somewhere 
is a good place to use stdx.allocator you would expect it to be 
betterC, but alas.

Had lots of fun though. Hope you like it.

Re: Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2018-10-18 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 19:07:16 UTC, aberba wrote:
A common use case for wasm is to port C++ native apps to web. 
e.g. is the recent autoCAD web app which does almost everything 
the desktop app can. That's the only reason to IMO do stuff in 
wasm. Games, productivity software, etc...performance. Spasm 
might just be perfect for that kind of stuff

There are issues getting the current GC ported to webassembly, so 
it is hard to port D code to wasm. That is one of the reasons why 
spasm has taken the betterC approach.

But remember, spasm is just a library to render and update html, 
and to respond to dom events. It won't help you in anyway to port 
something to wasm.

If you really want to port existing D code to wasm you either 
need to rewrite that in betterC or port druntime, which includes 
writing a precise GC. Dscripten-tools is a move in that direction.

The reason spasm exists is because I wanted to optimise web 
application's rendering code at compile-time, to reduce the 
runtime (setup) costs and to deliver high performant web 

I first tried to do that by writing a javascript optimiser that 
can take React code as input and spit out highly optimised js 
code. I got pretty far with that but at one point I realised that 
to do it well I needed advanced things like data-flow analysis 
and abstract interpretation. So I decided to ditched that and 
just use D's static introspection and LLVM's wasm target. A 
couple of weeks after that spasm was born.

Re: Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2018-10-16 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 16 October 2018 at 03:23:21 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
It would be cool if D provided the easiest way to develop 
webasm first to see if it could claim that market.

If you have some minutes to spare it would be great if you could 
try it out. It should only take 10min to render your first divs, 
otherwise something is wrong.

The major hurdle with any wasm dom framework is that there are no 
standard components to build on (like dropdowns, drag-n-drop, 
input validations, notifications, etc.), nor any css frameworks 
(like material ui, bootstrap). So'll need to build everything 
from scratch, and no sane person is likely to do that.

What might be an option is to try to integrate with other wasm 
libraries out there, so at least we can use their components. But 
everyone does his own thing, so integrating is going to be hard 
as well.

Re: Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2018-10-14 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 14 October 2018 at 06:03:10 UTC, Bogdan wrote:
Awesome work! I remember that, at some point the authors wanted to write their vm in rust 
for better performance. It looks like D is a new option for 
such projects.


Thanks, a lot of credits go to LDC for supporting the webassembly 
backend of LLVM.

I thought about doing a VM as well, specifically because I was 
afraid of the performance penalty of switching a lot between js 
and wasm. The idea was to emit all dom operations into one 
bytebuffer (possibly at compile-time) and then instruct js to 
execute that.

It turns out jumping between wasm and js isn't really a big deal 
(at least not anymore), so I ditched that idea to keep things 

Plus, there is a good chance that in the near future wasm will be 
able to call the browsers' api directly.

Re: Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2018-10-13 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 13 October 2018 at 04:34:28 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:

What are the main current limitations?

Mainly that it is written in betterC, which is quite the 
limitation if you are used to freely call anything from phobos, 
or expect the GC to clean up.

Also I currently don't free memory.

Re: Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2018-10-13 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 13 October 2018 at 04:34:28 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
(Abscissa) wrote:
Nifty, I'll have to look into this. Any idea what it would take 
to get this doing some WebGL? (Or playing audio?) Or is this 
more for HTML-ish sorts of stuff?

This is more focused on HTML rendering, but you can do anything 
that you can do from JS, you just have to write JS glue code.

WebGL is based on and follows the OpenGL ES (Embedded Systems) 
spec, which is a subset of OpenGL. So if you have the API 
definitions you are already half done. The other half is writing 
that in JS and calling the actual WebGL.

If you want to do it right now you can use vladimir's 
dscripten-tools project, which is based on emscripten.

I just don't like emscripten because it has a complex toolchain 
(D->LDC->(patched)LLVM->asm.js->binaryen->wasm) and results in 
bloated code.

Spasm - webassembly libary for single page applications

2018-10-12 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

I like to announce Spasm

It is a webassembly library to develop single page applications 
and builds on my previous work 

It generates fast and small webassembly binaries. The example 
todo-mvc is only 5995 bytes (wasm) + 2199 bytes (html+js) when 
gzipped, and loads pretty fast 

Spasm can be used with dub and only requires a recent version of 
ldc. See the readme on github how to get started.

The library includes a webpack bootstrap project to build a 
production ready web page.

Spasm is written in betterC.

Next steps are:

- more js host bindings (xhr, localstorage, etc.)
- memory deallocation
- gather an angry mob to make phobos more betterC compatible ;)

Re: Webassembly TodoMVC

2018-09-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 18:36:11 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Vladimir mentioned that there's a Musl port to wasm, have you 
tried it?

Druntime and ldc support Musl.

Thanks for the link, I will have a look at it!

Re: Webassembly TodoMVC

2018-09-23 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 23 September 2018 at 17:53:32 UTC, Suliman wrote:
What do you think of the struct approach compared to a 
traditional jsx/virtual-dom?
jsx is sucks. Look at Vue.js way, if you will able to fo you 
framework Vue-style it will be perfect!

The reason I made this wasm experiment was not to port some 
js-framework over to D, just to do the same thing but then in D.

If I like some js framework out there, I would just use that one.

My goal here is to bring something new to the table.

Re: Webassembly TodoMVC

2018-09-22 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 14:54:29 UTC, aberba wrote:
Can the SPA code be released as a separate module for 
WebAssembly web app development?

Currently the whole thing is not so developer-friendly, it was 
just the easiest way for me to get it up and running.

Right now I am trying to ditch emscripten in favor of ldc's 
webassembly target. This will make it possible to publish it as a 
dub package (ldc only), as well as reduce some of the bloat.

The downside is that ditching emscripten means I have to 
implement things like malloc and free myself.

There is some obvious overlap between this and recent efforts by 
others (I remember D memcpy, and people trying to run it without 
libc, etc.), so I expect a situation in the future where all 
these efforts might be combined.

Regardless, I don't need much from the C library, just enough to 
make (de)allocations and parts of the D standard library work.

TL;DR I intend to publish it on dub, but it does takes some more 

What do you think of the struct approach compared to a 
traditional jsx/virtual-dom?

Webassembly TodoMVC

2018-09-21 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

Hey guys,

Following the D->emscripten->wasm toolchain from CyberShadow and 
Ace17 I created a proof of concept framework for creating single 
page webassembly applications using D's compile time features.

This is a proof of concept to find out what is possible.

At you can find a 
working demo and the repo can be found at

Here is an example from the readme showing how to use it.

struct Button {
  mixin Node!"button";
  @prop innerText = "Click me!";
struct App {
  mixin Node!"div";
  @child Button button;
mixin Spa!App;

Re: asdf json library moved to libmir

2018-07-12 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 11 July 2018 at 21:42:45 UTC, yannick wrote:

Hi All,

Since i'll be leaving Tamedia (who sponsored development of 
Asdf) and it's not under active use anymore here we decided to 
donate it to libmir.

Asdf has a few nifty features that make it perfect for reading 
large amounts of json lines and transforming data. For an 
example use case see je, the json to csv transformer app ( )

I still think that it is by far the easiest to use and fastest 
production grade Json Library for D.

Maybe it should be renamed to reflect that, proposals welcome.


Great! Thanks for keeping it alive.

I use the library specifically for reading json files stored on 
s3 that were generated by  aws' kinesis service. (The files have 
multiple json roots in them, but aren't separated by newlines; 
just one after another. I created a small custom parseJsonByLine 
for that).

Re: flycheck-dmd-dub v0.12 - Emacs on-the-fly syntax checking for D

2018-02-12 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 February 2018 at 17:05:32 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

flycheck already works with D, but the problem is setting the 
right compiler flags for your project in order to able to 
compile properly. flycheck-dmd-dub does this automatically for 
dub projects.

This new release fixes bugs and speeds up opening files by 
using `--nodeps --skip-registry=all` if the dependent packages 
have already been downloaded.


Really nice. Big thanks!

Re: Trip notes from Israel

2017-05-22 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 22 May 2017 at 15:05:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote: -- 

Wow, that was really good. Love to read more of your trip notes.

Re: LDC 1.1.0 released

2017-02-01 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce


Re: Autotesting dub packages with dmd nightly

2016-08-27 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 26 August 2016 at 18:52:17 UTC, Seb wrote:

That's awesome to know!

How difficult would it be to integrate it with the dlang GitHub 
PR workflow?

Not at all. Just need an api key from someone with administration 
access. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Right now I am just 
planning to contact the github api.

Still, there is some work to be done first for purging and 
updating the job queue when prs are updated and probably some 
other cases.

Also there are some choices left regarding the interpretation of 
the results. Right now, for pull requests I do a diff with the 
latest dmd release and collect all the packages that have a 
different outcome. It would be better to run the comparison 
against the commit the pull request was based on, although that 
requires building twice as much.

Currently I am focused on a simple frontend to give people a view 
into the results. It is coming along quite nicely.

I am just shooting an idea that popped into my head:

We already use CircleCi and Travis for the dlang repos, so if 
we lock the packages to a fixed version (to prevent failures 
caused by the package authors), we might be able create a 
simple file like:


We could select a subset (e.g. 50-100), s.t. the runtime 
doesn't get exorbitant.
Following we could then do enable the checking in CircleCi with 
sth. similar to:

wget # just an example, idea is to host the file somewhere on GitHub s.t. editing it is easy

dub fetch your-fancy-tool --version="x.y.y"
dub run your-fancy-tool --config dlang-stable.packages

Of course CircleCi doesn't have the access rights to post back 
to the hook API, but you could send a notification to dlang-bot 
[1] which has the permissions or let the CI error / fail.

Otherwise you could of course look into setting up your own job 
queue (or hack with the code from the auto-tester [2]), which 
might be fun.
I already have my own queue. The important part though is a place 
to keep the results and running queries against it. Currently I 
use various regexes against dub test's output and categorise 

What I am really happy about is the aggressive caching. It allows 
me to build and unit tests a package in 10sec on average.

Re: Autotesting dub packages with dmd nightly

2016-08-22 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 10 August 2016 at 18:35:03 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 

So true. Then I will do PR's first.

I finally got around implementing running dmd/druntime/phobos 
pull requests against all dub packages. Thank you digger, for 
making it so easy.

I did a run of master + druntime#1602. Then I ran a comparison 
with a batch from 2.071.2-b2. 108 packages had a different build 
result. I have no nice stats or pictures, but a quick glance over 
the raw data:

50 of them went from green unittests to a dmd exit code 1.
16 went from unknown build results to dmd exit code 1.
10 went from dmd exit code 255 to 1
9 of them are now green.
8 of them went from linker errors to a dmd exit code 1.
6 of then went from non-zero exit code during unittest run to a 
dmd exit code 1.

3 previous ran out of memory but now resulted in dmd exit code 1.

All in all I think +/- 96 package are affected. A little over 11%.

Re: Autotesting dub packages with dmd nightly

2016-08-10 Thread Sebastiaan Koppe via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 10 August 2016 at 10:32:24 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:
We want better ranking of dub packages (mostly by download, but 
for sure also showing CI results [¹]).

I was also thinking about integrating results from CI builds that 
packages do themselves. But there is some 'impedance mismatch': 
those CI build are done on the master branch, not on the latest 
release that is on

Is it already usable?

Short answer: No.

I am currently test running it on all packages against the 10 
latest dmd releases (I have done 6k packages on and off since 2 
days ago). But I am running into vibe.d issues/missing features. 
Things like not being able to use gzip with requestHttp (let 
alone with a RestInterfaceClient), invalid internal state with 
the http client pool on interrupting requests, and some other 

Also, I am writing a PR for vibe.d to send http request to unix 

How to deploy then?

For the worker it's just a docker container. But until the unix 
sockets PR is done you do have to setup the docker daemon to 
listen on the docker0 interface.

I need to test and otherwise have 
to resetup my project tester for that.

I am using digger to build dmd, so adding in the pull request is 
trivial. I do need to adjust internals to properly handle it 

But alas, family is coming over so don't expect anything anytime 

Yes, but from past experience we know that people don't look at 
results, if you don't make it part of PR acceptance.

So true. Then I will do PR's first.

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