Re: Non-blocking keyboard input

2024-01-14 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 27 December 2023 at 13:27:53 UTC, Adam D Ruppe 

On Wednesday, 27 December 2023 at 05:07:04 UTC, Joe wrote:
??? Surely there there is 
a one liner library solution  for this?

It is not one line because it needs a bit of setup (and 
teardown, but the objects' destructors do that for you) but it 
is close:

`input.getch` waits for a single line, but you can use 
`if(input.kbhit())` to see if it would block before calling it.

This shouldn't be hard... yet it is.

Better be careful, the mods are out in force deleting posts 
this week that tell the hard truth. But yeah, the stdlib in D 
has very little activity:

So you can't expect much from it. My arsd libs provide a broad 
set of functionality missing from it: stuff like this 
terminal/console stuff, window creation, basic guis, web 
servers, etc.

If you want to try them, you can use it from the dub system, 
but I recommend just `git clone` in your working 
directory then import what you want and use `dmd -i` to 
automatically include them in the build.

This does not actually work on my computer. It still blocks.

int itr = 0;
			writeln("1. closeKBThread = ", closeKBThread, ", iter = ", 

if (closeKBThread) return;

string op = "";
string istr = "";
while (!closeKBThread)
writeln("2. ", input.kbhit(), " ", 

if (input.kbhit())

istr ~= input.getch(false);
writeln("final istr = ", istr);

1. closeKBThread = false, iter = 1
2. false false
2. false false
2. false false
2. false false
final istr = f
1. closeKBThread = false, iter = 2
2. false false < now blocking

All this is just junk of me trying to figure out what was going 
on, but literally input.kbhit blocks after the first run(which 
really  means it's always blocking)

My original code was

if (input.kbhit()) { istr ~= input.getch(); break; }

and I've been trying all kinds of stuff to figure out what was 
going on but I believe it is the kbhit function itself. It calls 
getch(true) and blocks on that as if I were just using getch 

The issue is the same, the code does not block then after I hit a 
key and it goes through an iteration of the outside loop it then 
blocks waiting for the next input.

Non-blocking keyboard input

2023-12-26 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn
??? Surely there there is a 
one liner library solution  for this?

I have a program that spawns a thread for debugging information 
and uses the keyboard input which allows me to display the 

If I use getchar or readline then it blocks the thread. This is 
generally fine because that is all the thread does. The problem 
is that it also blocks the program termination as the main thread 
will not exit while the thread is running which is is because 
it's waiting on keyboard input stuck on getchar or fgetc or 

If I terminate the threads using thread_term then it terminates 
the program but the program then does not return the return code 
that it was successfully finished(because it was prematurely 
terminated by thread_term.

Surely there is some type of peek for keyboards in D? I can't 
seem to get kbhit or because the library is not included(well, I 
tried to use one from dmc but it seemed to be invalid. snn.lib 

This shouldn't be hard... yet it is.

D atomics

2023-12-18 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

How does one really use atomics in D?

shared string[int] AA;

causes a hangup.

If I just assign it "works":

AA[s[2]] = s[1];

I've had similar issues where:


fails and I have to use



atomicOp!"+="(count,1); // fails (does not increment count)

so I have to create a new variable

int rcount = atomicFetchAdd(count,1);

and this will increment count.

In fact, I don't know what works or what doesn't except by trial 
and error. I don't even know how to go about thinking about these 
issues. In my mind, when using multiple threads and shared 
variables I try to use atomics to avoid any race conditions.  
Usually this involves incrementing or storing values. I try to 
use atomics that replace the single threaded concept but they do 
not always seem to work.

Are there any known issues or is it just me? Should it just work? 
is there any good reference that gets ones mind right for 
multithreading? I have some idea but I rarely do multithreading 
until lately(I guess because I now have the HP to care). I think 
the main issue I tend to have is trying to convert single 
threaded code in to multiple threads and missing certain key 


I was doing a parallel for and it wasn't really working(it seems 
the task pool stalls the entire pool until all tasks are 

for(s; parallel(arr))
   // do stuff with s.

So I converted to using threads:

for(s; arr)
   new Thread({
   // do stuff with s.
} // slightly more complex as I limited the total number of 

But as I spun up threads I would get different threads working on 
the same s. I imagined that this likely had something to do with 
the variable being on the stack being reused. so I wrapped the 
thread in a function:

for(ss; arr)
   void foo(typeof(ss) s)
   new Thread({
   // do stuff with s.

and this seemed to solve the problem. I imagine this is because 
ss is duped by the function call essentially detaching it from 
the loop code so it is unique across the thread.

But I guess I need to learn exactly how to deal with all these 
problems rather than just hacking away.

Re: range shortened method not enabled, compile with compiler switch `-preview=shortenedMethods`

2023-09-24 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Sunday, 24 September 2023 at 12:59:57 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On Sunday, 24 September 2023 at 10:00:31 UTC, Joe wrote:

For absolutely no reason I started getting this error.

Last night I compiled the project and it worked just fine. 
This morning I made a single insignificant change and tried to 
compile and got that error. Only possible thing is that for 
some reason some change in updating the compiler may have no 
propagated correctly till after the reboot.


This sounds like a compiler issue. Are you on the latest 
compiler? Which compiler? Is there a set of code you can post 
or upload which causes the problem?


I accidentally deleted my D folder containing the compiler and 
other things. (It as a weird issue where I was trying to add a 
command to an app and because the %1 parameter didn't have quotes 
I guess it deleted the D folder as it shortened it to D) I had a 
backup and didn't change anything since then except for updating 
the compilers. Still had the same visual D version.

So I copied it over and updated dmd with visual D. Everything 
worked fine that day and I messed with the code several times. 
Woke up and wanted to make a simple change and code would not 
compile. The changes were insignificant. It gave me that error 
and when I added that switch then I got one about 
pragma(crt_constuctor) needing extern(C). Anyways, tried adding 
the extern(C) in the code but it wouldn't accept the changes.

BUT I just tried to compile it again and no issues.

Probably drive corruption issues or possibly some type of caching 

But I was able to make changes now and compile it like it should 

E.g., it's possible that when I copied over the old D directory 
that it had an old compiler(I think it was from '22). I did 
update with visual D but maybe there was caching going on that 
was causing the conflict.

In any case everything seems to be back to normal. I really 
didn't do much to fix anything so it was probably all caused by 
deleting that D folder accidentally.

Re: Vibe.d download function, how to get callback when done or error?

2023-09-24 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 23 September 2023 at 20:20:31 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

On 23.09.23 14:07, wrote:

I'm using download(url, filename) to download files in vibe.d.

The issue is that I do not know when the download is finished 
or errors. There is a callback for the streaming side but not 
for the file download.

A small test program shows, that if the function return 
normally the transfer was done (and the file saved).
The function raises an exception if there is e,g, an http error 
status communicated.

I am not sure what happens if the download is interrupted in 
the middle. I guess there will be an exception, but the file 
might be written partially.

Kind regards,

I can't do any testing because overnight for no explicable reason 
the app will not compile any more.

If it is synchronous then I should be able to do what I need 
without issue. When I initially was using it and the way the app 
works it seemed like it was running in parallel because I didn't 
see it execute synchronously because the tasks were relatively 
short and I just thought it was asynchronous for some reason(I 
didn't give it any thought at the time until I got errors in the 
download and needed to make the code more robust but I can't do 
anything until I figure out why the code no longer compiles(I 
made a post about it but it's not showing up yet).

Re: Vibe.d download function, how to get callback when done or error?

2023-09-24 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 23 September 2023 at 15:09:13 UTC, Elias wrote:

On Saturday, 23 September 2023 at 12:07:38 UTC, Joe wrote:

I'm using download(url, filename) to download files in vibe.d.

The issue is that I do not know when the download is finished 
or errors. There is a callback for the streaming side but not 
for the file download.

You don’t need a callback for that. It’s done when the 
download() returns.

Pretty sure it is not synchronous. I'm running it many times. 
Maybe it is synchronous and I just didn't notice.

range shortened method not enabled, compile with compiler switch `-preview=shortenedMethods`

2023-09-24 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

For absolutely no reason I started getting this error.

Last night I compiled the project and it worked just fine. This 
morning I made a single insignificant change and tried to compile 
and got that error. Only possible thing is that for some reason 
some change in updating the compiler may have no propagated 
correctly till after the reboot.

when I add the switch I then get.

function `core.time.TickDuration.time_initializer` must be 
`extern(C)` for `pragma(crt_constructor)`


EVERYTHING was working fine yesterday. All I did today was load 
up the project and change an integer value and I couldn't compile 
it ;/

Maybe corruption somewhere, I don't know.

Anyways, I added extern(C) to that method in the location it says 
the file exists but no change. I removed the pragma, no change. 
Doesn't seem to actually be using that file.

I have no idea what is going on. All I can do is try to reinstall 
the compiler and maybe redo the dub package. I'm using visual D + 
vibe.d + dub. Nothing fancy.

Vibe.d download function, how to get callback when done or error?

2023-09-23 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm using download(url, filename) to download files in vibe.d.

The issue is that I do not know when the download is finished or 
errors. There is a callback for the streaming side but not for 
the file download.

Re: Help on array pointers

2023-09-22 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 18 September 2023 at 02:49:37 UTC, vino wrote:

On Sunday, 17 September 2023 at 18:28:36 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 16:55:34 UTC, Vino wrote:



char[] invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * 

This is not the way to go about it. You are mixing "pointer 
arrays" with "arrays".


Thank you very much, I am still newbie for programming and 
currently concentrating on Arrays/Struct/Pointers/Memory 

It will make more sense over time. It's actually really simple 
but it takes time to get used to thinking along the lines of the 
computer languages and such.

My suggestion is simply do a lot of examples. Just type them in. 
As you type you think about what you are typing and how it 
relates. Then you will start to notice the patterns and such.

I wouldn't try to create new programs from scratch because it's 
easy to make mistakes that can be very hard to debug.

D might not be the best language to start learning programming.

E.g., might be better to go with javascript, lua, or python and 
get a nice rapid development environment. Even though D is fast 
to compile it's not that fast.

Maybe use Repl which lets you code line by line essentially. All 
languages more or less are the same but just look different so it 
you want to find out one that has the most convenience. you don't 
want to bite off too much as it will slow you down.

Ultimately it's just like anything else though in that you are 
learning a language and all it's nuances. You ultimately have to 
learn how to translate your thoughts and desires in to the 
correct syntax so you can make the language useful and act as a 
tool. If you try to us it as a tool before you learn to mimic 
others it will be very slow and frustrating.

Because most languages are 99% the same with just different 
syntax(just about every major programming language can do what 
ever other one can, it's just some are better/easier at doing 
certain things than others).

You might try learning several languages at once as it can 
actually speed things up.

Learn how to write simple programs(hello worlds) then modify 
those to do more and then learn control 
structures(branching(if's), loops(for)), variables, etc. Build up 
slowly and everything will make sense. Build up fast and you'll 
get lost at some point and then spend a lot of time trying to 
figure out how to make sense of it.

Ideally you want an ide and language that gives you precise info 
on errors that you make else it can be hard to track down 
mistakes because sometimes errors can be hidden. D is not good 

Even Q-basis might be better to start with or try to find Turbo 
Pascal if it still exists.

What makes D great is it's generic/template programming and that 
is a more complex topic that you probably won't get much in to 
for a few years(although it is not really hard it will seem like 
it at first).

D has a lot of features that hard core programmers like and so 
you are not going to be using those features for a while so it 
might not be worth using D to learn off of.

Not saying you can't do it but it might be slow. You could always 
do it in parallel. E.g., learn to write simple programs in many 
languages then build up.


for i=1:10 // Matlab
for(auto i = 1; i < 10; i++)  // D
for(int i = 1; i < 10; i++)  // C
for(var i = 1; i < 10; i++)  // JS
for i from 1 to 10 // maple
loop(50, ...) // JSFX
for i = 1,10 // lua


The underlying idea is that one wants a way to do the same thing 
over and over and so loops exist to handle that pattern. Each 
language uses different ways to express a loop. Just like 
languages, all languages uses nouns, verbs, etc but express them 

Re: Help on array pointers

2023-09-17 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 16:55:34 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 15:27:00 UTC, Vino wrote:

On Friday, 15 September 2023 at 02:25:09 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Thursday, 14 September 2023 at 14:21:09 UTC, Vino wrote:


A pointer is a type that points to something. It's literally 
that simple. Every piece of data and code exist somewhere in 
memory. Every piece of memory has an address. The address is 
what a pointer contains. Sometimes we want a type that is the 
address itself rather than a value/number.


Hi Joe,
Thank you very much for the explanation can you please correct 
me if my understanding is incorrect

byte[] z; // Creates an array of bytes. That is, the compiler 
will create a pointer to an array of memory and track it's 
length and deal with memory allocation and all that.

If we use the above method then :

The compiler takes care of initilizing the array and free the 
memory after the usage.

And this is the recommended method.

We can use a pointer as an array also, this is the "old school 
way of creating arrays".

int qlen = 5;
int* q = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof*qlen);
If we use the above method then :
We need to manual initilize the array.
Ensure that the memory is freed after the usage using 
try/final block.

By default the memory allocation for arrays in D is based on 
GC (expect for std.array containers) if we want to 
reduce/avoid GC then we need to use the old school way of 
creating the arrays.

In case of using the old school ways then can you guide me 
what is wrong in my earlier code that I am getting the below 
error and how do I correct the same.

Invalid Name passed: /T&name
double free or corruption (out)
Error: program killed by signal 6

Hi All,

 At last was able to resolve the issue, but not sure 
whether this is the reight solution.

import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.exception: enforce;
import std.range: empty;
import std.format: format;

auto ref testNames(in string[] names) {
  enforce(!empty(names), "Names cannot be Empty or Null");

 import core.stdc.stdlib;
 import std.algorithm: any, canFind;

 string[] _names;
 size_t len = 19;
 char[] invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * 

 invalid[0 ..len] = 0; //Array Initlization

 try {
   version(Posix) {
  invalid = 


  foreach(i; names.dup) {
  auto result = i.any!(a => invalid.canFind(a));
  if(result) { throw new Exception("Invalid Name 
passed: %s".format(i)); }

  else {_names = names.dup; return _names; }
} catch(Exception e) { writeln(e.msg);  }
  finally { invalid = null; free(invalid.ptr); } // 
added invalid = null resolved the issue

 return _names;

void main () {


char[] invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * len))[0..len];

This is not the way to go about it. You are mixing "pointer 
arrays" with "arrays".

You are creating a pointer array then turning that in to an 
array. There is no need to do that. Basically you are copying 
what the compiler already does for you.

When you are using arrays([] language) you don't have to worry 
about anything. Just use them as arrays directly and let the 
compiler deal with memory management. The entire point of 
"managed arrays" is to avoid having to manually deal with memory 
which can cause problems if one is not careful.

Of course you have to make sure your array used used correctly 
but that should be obvious.

char[] invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * len))[0..len];

is exactly the same as

char[] invalid. EXCEPT that you've forced it to be initialized 
with a length of len and went from D in to C then back to D just 
to create an array. You are making it much more complex than it 
needs to be. There are good tutorials on D arrays that you should 
look over. You will see how easy they are.

You could just do char[] invalid = new char[](len); for the same 
effect but is nicer. New understands char, malloc only 
understands bytes. You should not use malloc in D unless you 
explicitly know you need to use it. Malloc is primitive memory 

When you use D's symantics for arrays it is much easier... which 
is the entire point. You don't even need to free the arrays. D 
knows they are local variable sand will free them when out of 
scope. It will grow them when they need to grow, etc.

invalid = null; free(invalid.ptr);

That does nothing. you set invalid.ptr to null and are freeing 
null so you are not freeing the array.

You don't have to though, the array will be free out of scope(not 
in final though so exceptions could cause memory leak) because it 
is a D array.

Re: Help on array pointers

2023-09-14 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 14 September 2023 at 14:21:09 UTC, Vino wrote:

Hi All,

   Request your help to guide me in understanding about 
pointers, the below code works,I have few question which i need 
your help for better understanding.

char[] invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * 

The above statement allocate memory for char type and the size 
of the allocated memory is char.sizeof * length so what is the 
use of this "[0..length]";

char[]* invalidptr = &invalid;
Is this the right way to create a array pointer.

Question: 3
ST1: char[] invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * 
ST2: char[]* invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * 

What is the difference between the above to statement.

Question: 4
Who do we free the memory allocated.
auto ref testNames(in string[] names) {
enforce(!empty(names), "Names cannot be Empty or Null");

import core.stdc.stdlib;
import std.algorithm: any, canFind;

size_t length = 20;
	char[] invalid = (cast(char*)malloc(char.sizeof * 

char[]* invalidptr = &invalid;

	version(Windows) { (*invalidptr) = 
['\'','\"',':',';','*','&','[',']','-','+','$','#','<','>','{','}','(',')']; }

foreach(i; names.dup) {
auto result = i.any!(a => (*invalidptr).canFind(a));
		if(result) { throw new Exception("Invalid Name passed: 
%s".format(i)); }

string[] _names = names.dup;
return _names;

A pointer is a type that points to something. It's literally that 
simple. Every piece of data and code exist somewhere in memory. 
Every piece of memory has an address. The address is what a 
pointer contains. Sometimes we want a type that is the address 
itself rather than a value/number.

import std, std.stdio, core.stdc.stdlib;

void main()
   	float x = 43.534f;  // Creates a float type that hold 
sthe value 43.534

writeln("Value of x = ", x); // Displays it's value
writeln("Address of x = ", &x); // Displays it's address

float* y = null; // creates a pointer of type float note 
that it is point to no memory location(null) and so it is an 
error to store a value to the location

writeln("Value of y = ", y); // Displays it's 
address(remember, y is a ptr to a float, not a float)

y = new float(); // This allocates free/unused memory(of 
float type) to y so we can store a value.
*y = 50.34f; // assigns it the value 50.34. We have to 
use * because if we didn't we would be trying to change the 
address of y

writeln("Value of y = ", y); // Displays it's 
address(remember, y is a ptr to a float, not a float)
writeln("Address of y = ", &y); // Writes it's address(y 
is a pointer but it also is stored in a location in memory and 
hence has an address
writeln("Dereferenced value of y = ", *y); // Displays 
the value y is pointing to interpreting it as a float(the base 
type of the pointer)

writeln("Dereferences the value of y as if it were an int 
= ", *(cast(int*)y)); // Displays the value y is pointing to 
interpreting it as a int. We have to force the compilier to 
reinterpret it as an int*.

byte[] z; // Creates an array of bytes. That is, the 
compiler will create a pointer to an array of memory and track 
it's length and deal with memory allocation and all that.

writeln("Value of z = ", z); // Displays it's 
address(remember, z is a ptr to a float, not a float)
writeln("Address of z = ", &z); // Note that z is an 
array but it is a pointer to and &z gets the address where the 
"array" is stored.
writeln("Value of z's pointer = ", z.ptr); // Displays 
it's address(remember, y is a ptr to a float, not a float)
writeln("Length of z = ", z.length); // Writes it's 
address(y is a pointer but it also is stored in a location in 
memory and hence has an address


z ~= 4; // We can store/append a value to our array. The 
compiler will take care of dealing with allocating memory and all 
writeln("Value of z = ", z); // Displays it's 
address(remember, z is a ptr to a float, not a float)
writeln("Address of z = ", &z); // Note that z is an 
array but it is a pointer to and &z gets the address where the 
"array" is stored.
writeln("Value of z's pointer = ", z.ptr); // Displays 
it's address(remember, y is a ptr to a float, not a float)
writeln("Length of z = ", z.length); // Writes it's 
address(y is a pointer but it also is stored in a location in 
memory and hence has an address

z ~= 54; // We can store/append a value to our a

Re: parallel threads stalls until all thread batches are finished.

2023-08-29 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 28 August 2023 at 22:43:56 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 8/28/23 15:37, wrote:

> Basically everything is hard coded to use totalCPU's

parallel() is a function that dispatches to a default TaskPool 
object, which uses totalCPUs. It's convenient but as you say, 
not all problems should use it.

In such cases, you would create your own TaskPool object and 
call .parallel on it:


Thanks. Seems to work. Didn't realize it was that easy ;)

Re: parallel threads stalls until all thread batches are finished.

2023-08-28 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Monday, 28 August 2023 at 10:33:15 UTC, Christian Köstlin 

On 26.08.23 05:39, wrote:

On Friday, 25 August 2023 at 21:31:37 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 8/25/23 14:27, wrote:

> "A work unit is a set of consecutive elements of range to be
> by a worker thread between communication with any other
thread. The
> number of elements processed per work unit is controlled by
> workUnitSize parameter. "
> So the question is how to rebalance these work units?

Ok, your question brings me back from summer hibernation. :)

This is what I do:

- Sort the tasks in decreasing time order; the ones that will 
take the most time should go first.

- Use a work unit size of 1.

The longest running task will start first. You can't get 
better than that. When I print some progress reporting, I see 
that most of the time N-1 tasks have finished and we are 
waiting for that one longest running task.

"back to sleep"

I do not know the amount of time they will run. They are files 
that are being downloaded and I neither know the file size nor 
the download rate(in fact, the actual download happens 

While I could use work unit of size 1 then problem then is I 
would be downloading N files at once and that will cause other 
problems if N is large(and sometimes it is).

There should be a "work unit size" and a "max simultaneous 
workers". Then I could set the work unit size to 1 and say the 
max simultaneous workers to 8 to get 8 simultaneous downloads 
without stalling.

I think thats what is implemented atm ...
`taskPool` creates a `TaskPool` of size `defaultPoolThreads` 
(defaulting to totalCPUs - 1). The work unit size is only there 
to optimize for small workloads where task / thread switching 
would be a big performance problem (I guess). So in your case a 
work unit size of 1 should be good.

Did you try this already?

Kind regards,

Well, I have 32 cores so that would spawn 64-1 threads with hyper 
threading so not really a solution as it is too many simultaneous 
downs IMO.

"These properties get and set the number of worker threads in the 
TaskPool instance returned by taskPool. The default value is 
totalCPUs - 1. Calling the setter after the first call to 
taskPool does not changes number of worker threads in the 
instance returned by taskPool. "

I guess I could try to see if I can change this but I don't know 
what the "first call" is(and I'm using parallel to create it).

Seems that the code should simply be made more robust. Probably a 
just a few lines of code to change/add at most. Maybe the 
constructor and parallel should take an argument to set the 
"totalCPUs" which defaults to getting the total number rather 
than it being hard coded.

I currently don't need or have 32+ downlaods to test ATM so...

   this() @trusted
this(totalCPUs - 1);

Allows for custom number of worker threads.
this(size_t nWorkers) @trusted

Basically everything is hard coded to use totalCPU's and that is 
the ultimate problem. Not all tasks should use all CPU's.

What happens when we get 128 cores? or even 32k at some point?

It shouldn't be a hard coded value, it's really that simple and 
where the problem originates because someone didn't think ahead.

Re: parallel threads stalls until all thread batches are finished.

2023-08-25 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2023 at 21:43:26 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 August 2023 at 13:03:36 UTC, Joe wrote:

to download files from the internet.

Are they particularly big files? You might consider using one 
of the other libs that does it all in one thread. (i ask about 
size cuz mine ive never tested doing big files at once, i 
usually use it for smaller things, but i think it can do it)

The reason why this causes me problems is that the downloaded 
files, which are cashed to a temporary file, stick around and 
do not free up space(think of it just as using memory) and 
this can cause some problems some of the time.

this is why im a lil worried about my thing, like do they have 
to be temporary files or can it be memory that is recycled?

The downloading is simply a wrapper that provides some caching to 
a ram drive and management of other things and doesn't have any 
clue how or what is being downloaded. It passes a link to 
something like youtube-dl or yt-dlp and has it do the downloaded.

Everything works great except for the bottle neck when things are 
not balancing out. It's not a huge deal since it does work and, 
for the most part, gets everything downloaded but sorta defeats 
the purpose of having multiple downloads(which is much faster 
since each download seems to be throttled).

Increasing the work unit size will make the problem worse while 
reducing it to 1 will flood the downloads(e.g., having 200 or 
even 2000 downloads at once).

Ultimately this seems like a design flaw in ThreadPool which 
should auto rebalance the threads and not treat the number of 
threads as identical to the worker unit size(well, 

e.g., suppose we have 1000 tasks and set worker unit size to 100. 
This gives 10 workers and 10 workers will be spawned(not sure if 
this is limited to total number of cpu threads or not)

What would be nice is to be able to set worker unit size to 1 and 
this gives 1000 workers but limit concurent workers to, say 10. 
So we would have at any time 10 workers each working on 1 
element. When one gets finished it can be repurposed for any 
unfinished tasks.

The second case is preferable since there should be no issues 
with balancing but one still gets 10 workers. The stalling comes 
from the algorithm design and not anything innate in the problem 
or workload itself.

Re: parallel threads stalls until all thread batches are finished.

2023-08-25 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 25 August 2023 at 21:31:37 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 8/25/23 14:27, wrote:

> "A work unit is a set of consecutive elements of range to be
> by a worker thread between communication with any other
thread. The
> number of elements processed per work unit is controlled by
> workUnitSize parameter. "
> So the question is how to rebalance these work units?

Ok, your question brings me back from summer hibernation. :)

This is what I do:

- Sort the tasks in decreasing time order; the ones that will 
take the most time should go first.

- Use a work unit size of 1.

The longest running task will start first. You can't get better 
than that. When I print some progress reporting, I see that 
most of the time N-1 tasks have finished and we are waiting for 
that one longest running task.

"back to sleep"

I do not know the amount of time they will run. They are files 
that are being downloaded and I neither know the file size nor 
the download rate(in fact, the actual download happens 

While I could use work unit of size 1 then problem then is I 
would be downloading N files at once and that will cause other 
problems if N is large(and sometimes it is).

There should be a "work unit size" and a "max simultaneous 
workers". Then I could set the work unit size to 1 and say the 
max simultaneous workers to 8 to get 8 simultaneous downloads 
without stalling.

Re: parallel threads stalls until all thread batches are finished.

2023-08-25 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 August 2023 at 14:43:33 UTC, Sergey wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 August 2023 at 13:03:36 UTC, Joe wrote:

I use

foreach(s; taskPool.parallel(files, numParallel))
{ L(s); } // L(s) represents the work to be done.

If you make for example that L function return “ok” in case 
file successfully downloaded, you can try to use TaskPool.amap.

The other option - use std.concurrency probably.

I think I might know what is going on but not sure:

The tasks are split up in batches and each batch gets a thread. 
What happens then is some long task will block it's entire batch 
and there will be no re-balancing of the batches.

"A work unit is a set of consecutive elements of range to be 
processed by a worker thread between communication with any other 
thread. The number of elements processed per work unit is 
controlled by the workUnitSize parameter. "

So the question is how to rebalance these work units?

E.g., when a worker thread is done with it's batch it should look 
to help finish that batch rather than terminating and leaving all 
the work for the last thread.

This seems like a flaw in the design. E.g., if one happens to 
have n batches and every batch but one has tasks that finish 
instantly then essentially one has no parallelization.

Re: parallel threads stalls until all thread batches are finished.

2023-08-25 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 23 August 2023 at 14:43:33 UTC, Sergey wrote:

On Wednesday, 23 August 2023 at 13:03:36 UTC, Joe wrote:

I use

foreach(s; taskPool.parallel(files, numParallel))
{ L(s); } // L(s) represents the work to be done.

If you make for example that L function return “ok” in case 
file successfully downloaded, you can try to use TaskPool.amap.

The other option - use std.concurrency probably.

Any idea why it is behaving the way it is?

parallel threads stalls until all thread batches are finished.

2023-08-23 Thread Joe--- via Digitalmars-d-learn

I use

foreach(s; taskPool.parallel(files, numParallel))
{ L(s); } // L(s) represents the work to be done.

to download files from the internet.

Everything works. The issue is this:

the foreach will download 8 files at once. BUT it will not start 
the next batch of 8 *until* ALL of the previous 8 are done. It 
seems that taskPool.parallel will not immediately start a new 
thread once a task is done

E.g., I get

--- // nothing below is executed until all L(s1) through L(s8) 
are finished.


My expectation is that, say, when the first task is complete, say 
L(s4), that L(s9) is then executed.

The reason why this causes me problems is that the downloaded 
files, which are cashed to a temporary file, stick around and do 
not free up space(think of it just as using memory) and this can 
cause some problems some of the time. Also, the point of parallel 
tasks is to allow paralleling but the way the code is working is 
that it starts the tasks in parallel but then essentially stalls 
the paralleling a large portion of the time. E.g.,

If there are a bunch of small downloads but one large one, then 
that one large download stalls the everything. E.g., say L(s5) is 
a very long download while all others are very quick. Then L(s5) 
will prevent downloading anything afterwards until it is 
finished(I'll get L(s1) through L(s8) but nothing else until 
L(s5) is finished).

What's going on and how to reconcile?

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 13:58:29 UTC, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
I'm not particularly interested in defending dub - i consider 
it a useless piece of crap that I only suffer through cuz some 
users demanded it

For the record, I wasn't trying to attack dub (or dfmt).  I was 
more interested in determining whether DLang (the Foundation 
and/or the community) would consider working with the CMake and 
clang-format communities to get them to support D in their 
products, or whether they prefer to stick with what they have in 
terms of tooling.  I think I heard someone at DConf 22 ask about 
getting Intellij support for D and Walter said that JetBrains 
would ask for funding to do that.  I don't think CMake 
support/development is in the same boat, is it?

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 13:32:04 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The package registry is full of libraries, yes. That's what 
it's primarily for. There aren't a lot of executables uploaded 
there because they're usually better distributed in other ways. 
But plenty of people are using dub to build them.

One way to handle multiple executables is to write a simple 
script that makes multiple calls to dub with the configurations 
you need.

That's essentially the same as using a Makefile (or CMake with 
custom commands) to build your project.

What I had in mind when I mentioned "multi-executable projects" 
was something like Postgres or say, a tenth of that, e.g., a 
server executable, two or more client and utility executables and 
one or more libraries, all of it spread over a few directories, 
possibly to a depth of say, two from the root.  Can dub handle 
something like that, e.g., can it handle nested dub.json's, or 
wouldn't it make much more sense to build such a thing with make, 
cmake, meson?

Re: Code organization, dub, etc.

2023-03-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 13 March 2023 at 12:56:57 UTC, Bradley Chatha wrote:
For better or for worse we're stuck with dub as the standard 
package manager + build tool one-in-all for most of our open 
source libraries.

Yeah, it seems like it's *only* for libraries (and a few 
single-exe utilities).  Looking at, under 
"Stand-alone applications/Server software", the top rated item is 
"handy-httpd" which according to its dub.json builds a library! 
And the second place "voxelman" is builds three libraries and one 
executable, which appears to be a "launcher" to access the 
libraries as plugins.

Re: Passing and returning arguments by ref

2023-03-03 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

Thanks, Ali.

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 18:09:01 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

Think may be due to D not having reference variables. Sometimes 
one needs to use pointers.

Ah! I'm about five chapters away from Pointers ;-).

Actually, I had tried changing B.x1() to:

  `ref X x1() { return &xs[0]; }`

but the compiler didn't accept it.

It's a bit weird that by taking the address of calling B.x1() and 
thus getting an X*, I had to *dereference* that to pass it to the 
helper function of A.mfd() which actually takes a `ref C` 

Passing and returning arguments by ref

2023-03-03 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
Let's say we have two classes, A and B.  The latter has a dynamic 
array of X and type X has an add() method that can be used to 
append elements (of type C, another struct) to X's own dynamic 
array of C.  So it's something like the following:

struct C {}
struct X { C[] cs;
  void add(C c) { cs ~= c; }

class A {
  X x;
  void mfd(ref B b) {
 // manipulate A.x and one B.xs (returned by B.x1()
 // by calling another member function
 // that calls X.add(some C)

class B {
  X[] xs;
  this() { xs.length = 1; }
  ref X x1() { return xs[0]; }

After A and B are instantiated and A.mfd() is called, the changes 
to A.x are visible in main.  However, although the changes to the 
X returned by B.x1() are visible while A.mfd() executes, the 
B.xs[0] is unchanged after it returns.

My understanding was that since A, B and X[] are all reference 
types, this ought to work, but obviously something is missing.

std.math log and family

2018-10-30 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
I've discovered that the 'log' function as well several similar 
functions are only defined as taking a real argument and 
returning a real, unlike most other std.math functions, which 
have triple definitions (also supporting double and float types). 
This created a problem when I tried compiling code like the 

import std.math;

alias double function(double) Funcptr;

Funcptr sinptr = &sin;
Funcptr tanptr = &tan;
Funcptr logptr = &log;

dmd (and ldc2) report

test.d(7): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression & log of 
type real function(real x) pure nothrow @nogc @safe to double 

[ldc2 also reports
test.d(6): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression & tan of 
type real function(real x) pure nothrow @nogc @trusted to double 

but apparently this is an LDC-only problem]

I'd like to know if the lack of double/float versions of 'log', 
'log10', etc. are intentional, i.e., there's some rationale 
behind it, or an oversight.  I'd also like to know the 
proper/best way to deal with the error, considering the real code 
embeds the 'Funcptr's in an array of structs.  Is it better to 
write a function 'mylog' that internally casts the argument and 
the return value, or is there some safe way to cast away the 
'log' function at the point of initializing the array?

Also, is it preferable to post the first question 
(intentional/oversight) in the Phobos forum? And what is the 
preferred way of reporting the LDC problem, via GitHub?

Re: Dlang tour - Unittesting example

2018-10-02 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 13:24:09 UTC, Basile B. wrote:

The problem is the NaN madness.
Since several values are NaN there's this strange stuff:

void main()
import std.stdio;
import std.math : isNaN;
double d;

writeln(d.init);// nan
writeln(d); // nan
writeln(d.nan); // nan

assert(d == d.nan);  // fails
assert(d == d.init); // fails

the last assert is just crazy.

OK, so changing the example from

// .init a special built-in property that
// returns the initial value of type.
assert(vec.x == double.init);


import std.math : isNaN;

doesn't cause the crash. Although I'm a bit puzzled still, I 
thought (coming from Python) that when you ran the unittest 
version it would report which tests passed and which failed, not 
run through main().

Re: Dlang tour - Unittesting example

2018-10-02 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 12:25:19 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 09:59:28 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 04:13:01 UTC, Joe wrote:

There appears to be a problem with the example at

If compiled with -unittest, the resulting program crashes. It 
happens with ldc2 on Linux but it can also be seen if you 
click on "Export" and run it with dmd -unittest.

I think it's more likely a problem with your OS.

I am unable to reproduce that with either of dmd or ldc.

Well then it's also a problem with, since as I 
said it also happens when you run it there.

I forgot to mention: at the end, it reports "1/1 unittests 
FAILED". I see three tests--two in the struct and the separate 
one--but the assertion failure is in line 49 (the standalone) so 
apparently the other two are not being run (or reported).

Re: Dlang tour - Unittesting example

2018-10-02 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 09:59:28 UTC, bauss wrote:

On Tuesday, 2 October 2018 at 04:13:01 UTC, Joe wrote:

There appears to be a problem with the example at

If compiled with -unittest, the resulting program crashes. It 
happens with ldc2 on Linux but it can also be seen if you 
click on "Export" and run it with dmd -unittest.

I think it's more likely a problem with your OS.

I am unable to reproduce that with either of dmd or ldc.

Well then it's also a problem with, since as I said 
it also happens when you run it there.

Dlang tour - Unittesting example

2018-10-01 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

There appears to be a problem with the example at

If compiled with -unittest, the resulting program crashes. It 
happens with ldc2 on Linux but it can also be seen if you click 
on "Export" and run it with dmd -unittest.

Re: Access to structures defined in C

2018-09-18 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Tuesday, 18 September 2018 at 13:47:50 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Tuesday, 18 September 2018 at 02:39:39 UTC, Joe wrote:
The second type is like that shown above. The first is a 
simpler array of pointers to int, e.g.,

int *yp = {2, 4, 0};
int *yq = {10, 12, 0};

This is valid C in the sense that it compiles, but I doubt it 
does what you think it does. This is equivalent code:

int *yp = 2;
int *yq = 10;

Sorry, Atila, I got confused looking at my two cases. I should 
have said "an array of ints", e.g.,

int yp[] = {2, 4, 0};
int yq[] = {10, 12, 0};

int *ys[] = {yp, yq, 0};

This isn't even valid C code.

It is, because C treats 'yp' as a pointer.

In D, I first declared these as

int[] yp = [2, 4];
int[] yq = [10, 12];
__gshared int*[] ys = [ &yp, &yq ];

D dynamic arrays are not equivalent to C arrays.

It's hard to see what you're trying to do with the code you 
posted. Have you tried instead to use a tool to translate the C 

At this point, I've translated everything, even the code above. I 
had to use 'immutable(int [])' in the second and higher level 
arrays like 'ys' so that they could refer to 'yp' and 'yq' 
(without the address operators).

I still have to make several changes to the library code because 
these arrays were declared as dynamic arrays of pointers, of size 
1, to bypass bounds checking. Now they're proper dynamic arrays, 
and I can use foreach on them and get other D benefits.

However, I still would like to have a deeper understanding of the 
"static variable yp cannot be read at compile time" error 
messages which went away when I declared yp immutable.

Re: Access to structures defined in C

2018-09-17 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 17:59:12 UTC, Joe wrote:
That worked but now I have a more convoluted case: a C array of 
pointers to int pointers, e.g.,

int **xs[] = {x1, x2, 0};
int *x1[] = {x1a, 0};
int *x2[] = {x2a, x2b, 0};
int x2a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 0};

Only the first line is exposed (and without the 
initialization). So I tried:

extern(C) __gshared extern int**[1] xs;

After a long hiatus, I'm back to working on something related to 
the above, but now that various other C pieces have been 
converted to D I'm down to converting these static arrays to D. 
There are two arrays that are giving me trouble. The second type 
is like that shown above. The first is a simpler array of 
pointers to int, e.g.,

int *yp = {2, 4, 0};
int *yq = {10, 12, 0};
int *ys[] = {yp, yq, 0};

In D, I first declared these as

int[] yp = [2, 4];
int[] yq = [10, 12];
__gshared int*[] ys = [ &yp, &yq ];

The compiler (ldc2) gave errors like "cannot take address of 
thread-local variable yp at compile time" or "static variable yp 
cannot be read at compile time" (when I replaced the "&yp" by 
"yp[0]". Eventually, I managed to get them to compile without 
errors by using the following:

immutable int[] yp = [2, 4];
immutable int[] yq = [10, 12];
__gshared immutable(int[])[] ys = [ yp, yq ];

I still haven't tested them (or linked them) so I don't know what 
other changes I'll have to make to the library (now in D) where 
ys is declared as:

__gshared extern int*[] ys;

Presumably changing it to

__gshared extern immutable(int[])[] ys;

should do the trick (everything is still within extern (C))? But 
I suspect I'll have to change several array access statements as 

However, I've been unable to compile the other case, which now 
looks like this:

immutable int x1a[] = [ 9, 7, 5];
immutable(int[])[] x1 = [ x1a ];
immutable(int[])[] x2a = [ 1, 3, 5];
immutable(int[])[] x2 = [ x2a, x2b ];
__gshared immutable(int[])[][] xs = [ x1, x2 ];

The error is like "static variable x2a cannot be read at compile 
time". It seems like I would have to wrap that immutable(int[]) 
within another immutable, as

immutable(immutable(int[])[]) x2 ...

and extend that to xs as well.

I'll try it later but I'd like some confirmation or better yet, 
pointers to where this is explained in some comprehensible way, 
i.e., on what can you apply an address operator or array 
subscript and when, is the behavior differerent for immutable, 
const, static, thread-local and why?

Re: Linking a C program with D library

2018-08-15 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 06:39:50 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
String literals are implicitly convertible to const(char)* and 
are guaranteed to be nul-terminated like a C string, so this 


Does that help?

Yes, indeed. I think I possibly read about literal strings being 
nul-terminated somewhere but it must've slipped my mind.

Re: Linking a C program with D library

2018-08-14 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 15 August 2018 at 01:56:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
The correct thing to do is to keep the original C function 
signatures in the converted code, i.e. don't change char* to 
string[]. And don't use anything from Phobos internally that 
requires linking. In other words, treat your converted code as 
C code in a D module as much as possible. Only when the 
conversion is complete and everything is in D do you start 
pulling in the D features.

I understand that, Mike. However if I'm not mistaken given 
something in C like

char* strs[] = { "This", "is a", "test"};

AFAIK, even with -betterC and an extern (C), the literals will 
still be understood by D as type "string", and there is no other 
way around it, right?

I could put the array and the function in its own C file for the 
time being, but instead chose to replace the toStringz by a small 
hack: use memcpy to copy the string to a stack fixed, big enough 
array and a NUL terminator.

Linking a C program with D library

2018-08-14 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm attempting a piecemeal conversion of some C programs. I've 
converted a few that depend on C modules that are in a library 
and now I'm sort of in the middle of converting those C modules. 
One of them has an array of strings, i.e., array of char*, which 
most easily translated to D's string[]. However, the array is 
used by a function that expects a const char*, so I had to use 
toStringz to pass those values.

Now there are some C programs that haven't been converted yet, 
but they depend on the function above. When linking those 
programs, the linker complains about an undefined reference to 
the mangled name of std.string.toStringz.

What is the most appropriate way around this? Is there a way to 
declare an array of const char* and initialize it to literal 
strings? Or can the mangled name (and Phobos library) somehow be 
made visible to the linker?

?? How to subscribe to Multicast Broadcasts ??

2018-08-12 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello All!

I've been trying every possible combination and cannot get 
anything working. (>_<)

This is I think the closest I've got, I think the problem may be 
with the 3 argument.  I'm not sure how to join the Multicast IP 

(this code currently does not work - throws error:
'Unable to set socket option: An invalid argument was supplied'.)

Socket listen_socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, 
SocketType.DGRAM, ProtocolType.UDP);
SocketOption.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, 1);

auto adr = getAddress("", "56000");

This is how the messages are sent (which works fine):

Socket udp_broadcast_soc = new UdpSocket();
SocketOption.BROADCAST, 1);

auto adr = getAddress("", 54000);
udp_broadcast_soc.sendTo(, adr[0]);

Please Please Please Help, I am desperate!

Many Thanks in Advance for your time & attention,

Re: How to call a C function from D that takes a FILE * as an argument?

2018-07-03 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 July 2018 at 02:16:00 UTC, Seb wrote:

Hmm, calling e.g. fprintf with stdout should just work:

void main()
import core.stdc.stdio;
fprintf(stdout, "Hello %s", "world".ptr);

Could you maybe provide your whole code?

This short test program shows the error:

import std.stdio;

void main()
extern (C) void list(FILE *fd);

Now I fixed this by changing the import to core.stdc.stdio. I 
guess the problem is if you import std.stdio (which brings in the 
other one), there are two slightly incompatible stdout's and the 
D takes precedence.

Re: How to call a C function from D that takes a FILE * as an argument?

2018-07-03 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 4 July 2018 at 01:58:15 UTC, Seb wrote:

So just add the declaration to your D file:

extern(C) void myCfunction(FILE* stream);

I do have a similar declaration in D.  It appears the problem is 
that the C program I'm trying to convert passes stdout as the 
argument and the D compiler complains somewhat like the following:

Error: function foo.main.myCfunction (shared(_IO_FILE)* stream) 
is not callable using argument types (File)

So I guess the question is what to pass instead of stdout.

How to call a C function from D that takes a FILE * as an argument?

2018-07-03 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
The subject basically says it all. The C function uses the 
argument to call fprintf and also passes it to other functions 
where it's used to call fileno, fprintf or putc.

Re: Access to structures defined in C

2018-06-10 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 10 June 2018 at 17:59:12 UTC, Joe wrote:
That worked but now I have a more convoluted case: a C array of 
pointers to int pointers, e.g.,

int **xs[] = {x1, x2, 0};
int *x1[] = {x1a, 0};
int *x2[] = {x2a, x2b, 0};
int x2a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 0};

Only the first line is exposed (and without the 
initialization). So I tried:

extern(C) __gshared extern int**[1] xs;

The D compiler accepts that, but just about any manipulation 
gets screamed at, usually with Error: only one index allowed to 
index int. Note that I'm trying to access the ints, i.e., in C 
something like xs[1][0][2] to access the 5 in x2a. Do I have to 
mimic the intermediate C arrays?

I don't know why I didn't try this first.  It seems that the D 
equivalent of C's xs[1][0][2] is simply xs.ptr[[1][0][2].

Re: Access to structures defined in C

2018-06-10 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Wednesday, 14 March 2018 at 02:17:57 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
The type system would *like* to know, certainly for correct 
range errors, but if you declare it as the wrong length and use 
the .ptr, it still works like it does in C:

extern(C) __gshared extern char*[1] files; // still works

import core.stdc.stdio;

void main() {
printf("%s\n", files.ptr[2]); // ptr bypasses the range 


That worked but now I have a more convoluted case: a C array of 
pointers to int pointers, e.g.,

int **xs[] = {x1, x2, 0};
int *x1[] = {x1a, 0};
int *x2[] = {x2a, x2b, 0};
int x2a[] = { 1, 3, 5, 0};

Only the first line is exposed (and without the initialization). 
So I tried:

extern(C) __gshared extern int**[1] xs;

The D compiler accepts that, but just about any manipulation gets 
screamed at, usually with Error: only one index allowed to index 
int. Note that I'm trying to access the ints, i.e., in C 
something like xs[1][0][2] to access the 5 in x2a. Do I have to 
mimic the intermediate C arrays?

But if you can match the length, that's ideal.

Unfortunately, although the C array lengths are known at C 
compile time, they're not made available otherwise so I'm afraid 
the [1] trick will have to do for now.

Re: unittests, dub and libraries

2018-03-27 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Wednesday, 28 March 2018 at 03:07:23 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 


dub test

The problem is that an executable needs a main, and a library 
doesn't have one, whereas when you're testing a library, you 
need an executable. So, a main must be inserted - e.g. with the 
-main flag to dmd. Just building the unittest build doesn't 
insert one. However, dub test _does_ deal with that for you.


unittests, dub and libraries

2018-03-27 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to build a very simple library. For now it just has a 
single class, constructor, destructor and one method.  I added a 
unit test right after the method, declared the targetType to be 
"library" and a buildType of "unittest" (with options 
"unittests", "debugMode", "debugInfo"). When I run

  dub run -b unittest

it builds the library, but then says:

  Target is a library. Skipping execution.

If I compile with ldc2 -unittest the linker throws the error:

  (.text+0x20): undefined reference to `main'

If I add an empty main function to the source file, ldc2/gcc 
manage to create an executable that can be invoked manually and 
it runs through the unit test.

Is this the best that can be done?

Re: core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-18 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 19:01:11 UTC, Joe wrote:
I managed to get it working by declaring a D dynamic array, 
appending n_recs pointers to it and using it as argument to 
sort. Unfortunately, I then had to copy from the dynamic array 
to the fixed array in order to continue using the latter. Any 
shortcuts around this?

I just saw your other reply.  Passing recs[0..n_recs] does the 
trick. Thanks.

Re: core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-18 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 18:11:02 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
Well since recs is array of pointers this looks like a null 
pointer in your data.

The usual ways to fix that is either print stuff or poke around 
in debugger to see if a Record* is null or .name is null.

The problem is that although the "recs" array is declared as 
having 10 pointers, not all pointers are used.  In the qsort 
case, the second argument limited the sort to just the first 
n_recs (valid) pointers. There doesn't seem to be a way to tell 
std.algorithm.sorting.sort to only look at part of the fixed 

I managed to get it working by declaring a D dynamic array, 
appending n_recs pointers to it and using it as argument to sort. 
Unfortunately, I then had to copy from the dynamic array to the 
fixed array in order to continue using the latter. Any shortcuts 
around this?

Re: core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-18 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 18 March 2018 at 13:10:08 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Do this to get the usual ptr + length:

sort!((a, b) => to!string((*a).name) < 

Also to!string would be computed on each compare anew. May want 
to use schwartzSort to avoid that, on 10 elements there is no 
real difference though.

The 10 elements are just because it's a small test program.

What does changing "recs" to "recs[]" as the argument actually 
do?  Does it duplicate the fixed array on the fly? [I guess I 
have to study more!]

The change does pass the compiler, but at runtime it causes a 
segfault.  The next to last frame in the backtrace shows (having 
changed from to!string to fromStringz and using a string template 
instead of a lambda):

#6  0x55565760 in 
std.algorithm.sorting.sort!("fromStringz((*a).name.ptr) < 
fromStringz((*b).name.ptr)", 0, 
testd.Record*[]).sort(testd.Record*[]) (r=...)

Then it goes through quickSortImpl, shortSort and sort5, moving 
on to either std.functional.binaryFun or processing of the 
lambda, with a and b equal to 0, ending with a segfault in a ?? 
call from fromStringz or in memcpy called from object._dup (in 
the to!string case).

Re: core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-18 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 03:50:42 UTC, Joe wrote:

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 03:13:08 UTC, Seb wrote:
Out of interest: I wonder what's your usecase for using qsort. 
Or in other words: why you can't use the high-level 

This is only temporary. I will be using 
std.algorithm.sorting.sort. I was converting a C program and it 
annoyed me that I couldn't get the qsort invocation past the D 

Now that I'm trying to use std.algorithm.sorting, I'm again 
puzzled by what I need to use for the "less" predicate. My first 
try was:

   sort!((a, b) => to!string((*a).name) < 

This results in the error:

Error: template std.algorithm.sorting.sort cannot deduce function 
from argument types !((a, b) => to!string((*a).name) < 
to!string((*b).name))(Record*[10]), candidates are:

/usr/lib/ldc/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/d/std/algorithm/sorting.d(1851):std.algorithm.sorting.sort(alias less = "a < 
b", SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.unstable, Range)(Range r) if ((ss == SwapStrategy.unstable && 
(hasSwappableElements!Range || hasAssignableElements!Range) || ss != SwapStrategy.unstable && hasAssignableElements!Range) 
&& isRandomAccessRange!Range && hasSlicing!Range && hasLength!Range)

which is not very helpful. It's a bit different from the "no 
function match" that Adam complains about, but I presume it's 
because now we're dealing with templates, and although the 
compiler finds a single candidate, it's not satisfactory but it 
can't tell the user anything further.

I've tried using fromStringz((*x).name.ptr) instead of to!string 
(I'm still unclear to what extent can templates be used within 
templates).  I also tried using an explicit cast(Record *)x 
because I'm also unsure that type information is passed down.  
Neither change helped.

Access to structures defined in C

2018-03-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
What is the correct way to declare and access storage managed by 

For example, say a C module defines an array of filenames, e.g.,

char *files[] = { "one", "two", "three", 0};

The C header of course declares this as:

extern char *files[];

The way to declare it in a D module appears to be:

extern (C) {
   __gshared extern char *[] files;

However, trying to index into this, e.g.,

char *filename = files[1];

does not work.  In gdb if I try to examine 'filename' I see 
something like a reverse text string but treated as an 
(inaccessible) address and calling fromStringz causes a segfault.

Re: core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-11 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 03:13:08 UTC, Seb wrote:
Out of interest: I wonder what's your usecase for using qsort. 
Or in other words: why you can't use the high-level 

This is only temporary. I will be using 
std.algorithm.sorting.sort. I was converting a C program and it 
annoyed me that I couldn't get the qsort invocation past the D 

Re: core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-11 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 March 2018 at 01:45:54 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I just reformatted it but now the difference should be visible: 
`extern(C)` is missing on your callback.

The scope things might make a difference too, but I know for 
sure extern(C) is necessary on your callback function.

I saw the extern(C) and I believe I tried it before my previous 
post, but dismissed it because I saw no difference in compiler 
behavior.  In any case declaring

extern (C) int compar(const (void *) p1, const (void *) p2) {
   ... // as before

still gives the error:

function core.stdc.stdlib.qsort (scope void* base, ulong nmemb, 
ulong size, extern (C) int function(scope const(void*), scope 
const(void*)) @system compar) is not callable using argument 
types (void*, ulong, ulong, extern (C) int function(const(void*) 
p1, const(void*) p2))

It only went away with

extern (C) int compar(scope const (void *) p1, scope const (void 
*) p2)

Could you explain or direct me to something that elucidates why 
the "scope" qualifiers are needed?  And is there something else 
that is necessary inside compar() or are the "scope"s just for 
decorative purposes?


Re: core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-11 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Sunday, 11 March 2018 at 23:26:04 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:

You have to pass a pointer to the function.
Otherwise it'll be a parenthsis-less call.
use :  qsort(recs, num_recs, (Record *).sizeof, &compar);

After passing a pointer, getting some other error messages, I 
changed the call to

qsort(cast(void *)recs, num_recs, cast(size_t)(Record 
*).sizeof, &compar);

and the latest error is:

Error: function core.stdc.stdlib.qsort (scope void* base, ulong 
nmemb, ulong size, extern (C) int function(scope const(void*), 
scope const(void*)) @system compar) is not callable using 
argument types (void*, ulong, ulong, int function(const(void*) 
p1, const(void*) p2))

I fail to see which argument is causing the problem now.


core.stdc.stdlib._compare_fp_t and qsort

2018-03-11 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

I'm getting a compiler error in a qsort() call as follows:

qsort(recs, num_recs, (Record *).sizeof, compar);

Record is a struct, recs is a fixed array of pointers to Record's 
and num_recs is a size_t that holds the number of valid records.

compar is this:

int compar(const void *p1, const void *p2)
import core.stdc.string : strcmp;
const Record **rp1 = cast(Record **)p1;
const Record **rp2 = cast(Record **)p2;

return strcmp((*rp1).name.ptr, (*rp2).name.ptr);

The error is: Error: function testd.compar (const(void*) p1, 
const(void*) p2) is not callable using argument types ()

I don't quite understand what those parentheses mean: is it 
implying "no arguments" and if so, where would one provide 


Re: Understanding the AST...

2018-02-22 Thread joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 14:53:11 UTC, Seb wrote:

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 12:03:06 UTC, joe wrote:

Hello everybody!

Last week end I found this post ( ) on the Blog and thought to myself awesome.


BTW I know it's not as powerful as DMD (and not the real 
thing), but often the AST XML dump from DScanner helps to 
deepen the understanding:

You can even play with libdparse on the web:

Hello Seb,

I had a look at the resources you provided and they are quite 
useful. Thank you.

However, while technically a lexer would be enough to solve the 
problem at hand, I think I'm going to want that full front-end a 
bit later.

The more information, the better. I rather have the option to 
ignore something I don't need than to need something I don't have 

Re: Understanding the AST...

2018-02-22 Thread joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 13:44:51 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 13:21:04 UTC, joe wrote:


Indeed, @Stefan is right. The ParseTimeVisitor only contains 
information available at parse time. If you are interested in 
the parent you have 2 options: either (1) use the 
ParseTimeVisitor and implement the AST traversal logic yourself 
or (2) you can use the SemanticTimeTransitiveVisitor in which 
case the parent is not going to be null. In the case of (2) you 
need to also do some semantic analysis (so you need the whole 
dmd library, not just the parsing one). Here's an example on 
using the dmd library (including semantic) [1]. You can copy 
paste that example and add a few lines of code where you 
instantiate your visitor (which will inherit 


awesome, that helps a lot!

Thanks both of you :)

Re: Negative index range violation

2018-02-22 Thread joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Thursday, 22 February 2018 at 02:41:30 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

On 2/21/18 7:30 PM, SrMordred wrote:
But with a slice negative indexes are never allowed, even on 
a pointer.

youd have to do
(c-1)[0 .. 1];

Thank you both!

In D Slice article it says "You can even use negative 
indexes!" so I thought

that the [-1..x] should work too :)

Hah! I never thought of doing a slice with negative indexes ;)



At night I dream about doing something like this

auto pos = haystack.find(needle);
auto something = haystack[pos..+3];  // meaning [pos..pos+3]
auto somethingElse = haystack[pos..-3];  // and [pos..pos-3] 


Re: Understanding the AST...

2018-02-22 Thread joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 February 2018 at 08:47:58 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hi Joe,


On Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 12:03:06 UTC, joe wrote:


The FuncDeclaration node contains all the information for that.
For example, you can access fd.parent to see if the function is
declared at top-level (in which case, the parent is going to be 
a module
declaration ) or if it is a nested function (in a class, in a 
struct, in a function).
Every AST node contains information about the position in the 
AST, all you
have to do is find how to get that information: which field to 
access or which

member function to call.



Follow up question...

Why is *.parent always null?

extern(C++) class MyVisitor(AST): ParseTimeTransitiveVisitor!AST
  override void visit(AST.Import i)
assert(i.parent is null); // always true

  override void visitFuncBody(AST.FuncDeclaration f)
assert(f.parent is null); // always true

Re: Understanding the AST...

2018-02-22 Thread joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 12 February 2018 at 08:47:58 UTC, RazvanN wrote:

Hi Joe,

I suggest you watch this video which explains how the parse 
time visitors work: 

On Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 12:03:06 UTC, joe wrote:


The FuncDeclaration node contains all the information for that.
For example, you can access fd.parent to see if the function is
declared at top-level (in which case, the parent is going to be 
a module
declaration ) or if it is a nested function (in a class, in a 
struct, in a function).
Every AST node contains information about the position in the 
AST, all you
have to do is find how to get that information: which field to 
access or which

member function to call.


The function average length visitor inherits a transitive 
which means that the AST traversal logic is already implemented 
for you.
All you have to do is override the visiting methods of interest 
and do
whatever suits you : print stuff, alter the ast, stop the 
visitation or

continue the visitation (by calling super.visit(ASTnode)).


I know that my explanations might not be very explicit, but if 
you have an example please post it and we can work on it.


Hello RazvanN,

thank you very much for taking the time to reply and also your 
effort in making this happen.

I watched the video you linked and read your reply over and over, 
yet I still have a hard time to wrap my head around this idea.

Like for example DHTML DOM is very easy for me to grasp. It's 
like riding the car down the country road and I know where I am 
and which town I'm going to be next, etc.

This AST thing is more like a teleporter room on the Enterprise. 
Scotty activates the teleporter and a canister appears an a spot 
labeled imports. He repeats and a canister appears on a spot 
labeled functions, etc.

I will try again...

Understanding the AST...

2018-02-06 Thread joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

Hello everybody!

Last week end I found this post ( ) on the Blog and thought to myself awesome.

So I built the library and everything went smooth. Thanks for the 
effort of all the involved people who made that possible!

I've had a look at the 2 examples, too, the avg. function lines ( ) and 
the import ( ) ones and for a start I decided to make a program that prints the outline of a module.

Turns out I don't really understand how to access the data in the 
For everything there's a visitor method and overriding a few of 
them to print return statements and some such works as advertised.

However, I have no idea where I am in the tree when any of those 
methods are called.
Like for example in 
FunctionLengthVisitor(AST).visitFuncBody(AST.FuncDeclaration fd).
I have a function declaration object which tells me everything 
about what's inside the function, but how do I know what or where 
this function belongs to, where can I get that information ? I 
don't see anything about UDAs either, nor the doc comment.

I understand when visitor.getAvgLen is called with the parsed 
module, the accept function calls a visitor overload for each 
But this sounds to me like I'd have to do a lot of book keeping 
in my visitor to keep track of things which are already present 
in the AST.

Any insight to this would be much appreciated :)

Further questions on interfacing to Postgres libpq

2018-01-26 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
An example test program that I'm using to learn D to C 
interfacing (specifically calling the libpq library) has a call 
to a C function declared as follows:

void PQprint(FILE *fout,  /* output stream */
 const PGresult *res,
 const PQprintOpt *po);

PQprintOpt is a struct whose first six members are declared as 
'pqbool' which is in turn declared as "typedef char pqbool;" in 
the distributed Postgres header file. I've defined an "alias 
pqbool = char;" in the D file, which is pretty straightforward.

The second of the six members has the name "align", which is a D 
keyword. So I renamed it "align_" and I presume that won't cause 
any problems.

To deal with the first argument to PQprint, I added "import 
core.stdc.stdio : FILE;".  The question is how to pass the D 
"stdout" as that argument.  The D compiler tells me I can't pass 
it as is (as was done in C), because in D it's of type "File".

Re: Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-20 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 20 January 2018 at 04:54:47 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

Same as above. The general pattern is:

C_Type[] name = new C_Type[](requested_size);
// pass as `name.ptr`. This becomes a C_Type*

Thanks, Adam. Perhaps something like this ought to make its way 
into the "D for C Programmers" page.

Re: Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-19 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 at 05:28:17 UTC, Joe wrote:
Going beyond the connection, there are various other libpq 
functions that use a similar pattern of values passed using 
multiple parallel C arrays, e.g.,

   PGresult *PQexecParams(PGconn *conn,
   const char *command,
   int nParams,
   const Oid *paramTypes,
   const char * const *paramValues,
   const int *paramLengths,
   const int *paramFormats,
   int resultFormat);

Each of the `paramXxxxs' arguments are arrays (Oid is an alias 
for uint).


Focusing on the above function, suppose the first two parameter 
arrays are defined in a C program as:

Oid paramTypes[] = {23, 25};
char *paramValues[] = {"1", "abcde"};

which could be expressed in D as:

Oid [] paramTypes = [23, 25];
string [] paramValues = ["1", "abcde"];

I know the paramTypes could be passed as null, letting PG deduce 
the data types but suppose we have some reason to accumulate 
types, etc., in D slices.  I know the paramValues can be 
manipulated in a manner similar to the one shown in my first 
post, namely something like this:

   extern(C) char * [2] pvs;
   foreach (i, val; paramValues)
   pvs[i] = cast(char *)toStringz(val);

And then use "cast(const char **)pvs" for the paramValues 
argument. The only feedback that I received that was explicit to 
this approach was in response to my initial post, in which Adam 
D. Ruppe said that what I did was "decent".

So I have two lingering doubts:

1. Is malloc() the only way to allocate the arrays, either of 
Oid's, int's or char *'s, for passing to the libpq functions?  
IOW, isn't there a way to take advantage of D's 'new' (and thus 
the GC)?

2. How to convert a slice of Oid's or int's to an array of 
pointers suitable by processing by the libpq C function?  A 
technique similar to the previous one seems to work, e.g.,

extern(C) Oid [2] pts;
foreach (i, typ; paramTypes)
pts[i] = typ;

But I'm not sure if it's really working (when I mistakenly had a 
* in the pts declaration, at one point it also seemed to work).

Re: Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-15 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Monday, 15 January 2018 at 02:28:29 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
In any case, please don't start another Postgres library and 
consider contributing to one of the existing ones, so that we 
maybe have one really awesome, 100% complete library at some 

If, on the other hand, your goal is to learn about the 
low-level Postgres interface and not just to have a Postgres 
interface for an application you develop, by all means, play 
with it :-)

At this point, I am indeed learning about low-level Postgres 
interfaces (but not so low-level as the client-server protocol) 
as a way to understand the challenges of interfacing D to C.

However, as part of the Pyrseas open source project, which I 
maintain, I had started to create a Postgres interface in Python 
inspired by The Third Manifesto, as opposed to ORMs like 
SQLAlchemy (see I got criticized for "reinventing the wheel" but I believe TTM, if properly done, is quite different from an ORM.

I understand your concern about not starting another PG library. 
From the cursory investigation of the existing libraries, I think 
they span a spectrum, with ddb at one end (low-level protocol), 
then derelict-pq (low-level binding over libpq), ddbc at the 
opposite end (multi-DBMS support) and several others in between. 
So I  guess the real problem is with the proliferation in the 
latter group.

Re: Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-13 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
On Saturday, 13 January 2018 at 10:10:41 UTC, Jacob Carlborg 
There's a native D library, ddb [1], for connecting to 
Postgres. Then you don't have to worry about null-terminated 

There are several D libraries that I would consider "native": 
derelict-pq, dpq, dpq2 and ddb. The latter perhaps has the 
distinction that it doesn't use libpq, but rather implements the 
Postgres FE/BE protocol. That's a bit *too* native for my taste. 
It means the library maintainer has to keep up with changes to 
the internal protocol, which although published, the Postgres 
group doesn't have to maintain compatibility from version to 
version. For example, they haven't dropped the PQsetdbLogin 
function even though the PQconnectdb and PQconnectdbParams 
functions are obviously preferred. OTOH, there used to be an 
AsciiRow message format in the protocol, that was dropped, 
unceremoniously (not even mentioned in the release notes).

Re: Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-12 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
Going beyond the connection, there are various other libpq 
functions that use a similar pattern of values passed using 
multiple parallel C arrays, e.g.,

   PGresult *PQexecParams(PGconn *conn,
   const char *command,
   int nParams,
   const Oid *paramTypes,
   const char * const *paramValues,
   const int *paramLengths,
   const int *paramFormats,
   int resultFormat);

Each of the `paramXxxxs' arguments are arrays (Oid is an alias 
for uint).

   PGresult *PQprepare(PGconn *conn,
const char *stmtName,
const char *query,
int nParams,
const Oid *paramTypes);

   PGresult *PQexecPrepared(PGconn *conn,
 const char *stmtName,
 int nParams,
 const char * const *paramValues,
 const int *paramLengths,
 const int *paramFormats,
 int resultFormat);

My point is that there seems to be a need to have a generic or 
generalized mechanism for passing these argument arrays from D to 

Re: Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-12 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 13 January 2018 at 04:26:06 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

If and only if the values are known at compile time, you can do:

const char** keywords = ["hostaddr".ptr, "port".ptr, 
"dbname".ptr, null].ptr;

or even do it inline:

PQconnectdbParams(["hostaddr".ptr, "port".ptr, "dbname".ptr, 
null].ptr, ditto_for_values, 1);

The keywords are (or could be) known at compile time, but almost 
by definition, the associated values are only known at runtime.

Using Postgres connection functions

2018-01-12 Thread Joe via Digitalmars-d-learn
I'm trying to learn how to use D to connect (and send queries) to 
Postgres, i.e., libpq in C. Postgres has three families of 
connection functions: PQsetdbLogin which takes multiple 
individual arguments (all as const char *), PQconnectdb which 
takes a single connection string (which Postgres then has to 
parse into keywords/values) and PQconnectdbParams (introduced 
with PG 9.0 in 2010) which takes two arrays of char pointers, one 
for the keywords and another for the values, i.e., it's 
pre-parsed, and I believe, more convenient for callers since it's 
most likely that they get the parameter values from command line 
arguments, environment values or UI dialogs, so it saves the 
connection string formatting on the caller side and the 
parsing/decomposing on the library side.

In spite of the latter considerations, it appears most D 
libraries for Postgres only support connection string usage (only 
derelict-pq has a declaration for PQconnectdbParams--but I 
haven't tested it).

In any case, I tried to use PQconnectdbParams by first declaring 
it, as per the Postgres manual, with

struct PGconn;

PGconn *PQconnectdbParams(const char * const * keywords,
  const char * const * values,
  int expand_dbname);

This caused ldc2, on Linux, to complain as follows:

connection.d(30): Error: found 'const' when expecting ')'
connection.d(30): Error: semicolon expected following function 

connection.d(30): Error: declaration expected, not '*'

It only compiled after I removed the second 'const' in the first 
and second arguments.

The hard thing was figuring out how to pass the keyword/values 
arrays, defined as:

string[] keywords = ["hostaddr", "port", "dbname"];
string[] values = ["", "5432", "testdb"];

to the D invocation of PQconnectdbParams.  I ended up with the 
following, which looks like covering a patient with lots of 
bandaids and looking the other way (and I had to modify the 
arrays above with a fixed length).

extern(C) char * [keywords.length + 1] kws;
extern(C) char * [keywords.length + 1] vals;
foreach (i, k; keywords) {
kws[i] = cast(char *)toStringz(k);
vals[i] = cast(char *)toStringz(values[i]);
kws[keywords.length] = null;  // Postgres wants the NULL 

vals[keywords.length] = null;

conn = PQconnectdbParams(cast(const char **)kws,
 cast(const char **)vals, 1);

I assume that in a real program I'd have to malloc the C arrays, 
since I wouldn't know beforehand how many parameters there would 
be (or I could define them with a static size of about 30 since 
that's how many connection parameters are recognized currently).

So my question is: is there an easier or better way of passing 
two arrays of C null-terminated strings to an extern(C) function?