Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-06-09 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 I guess so.  
 No one else have a view?  I have until 18th June to apply.

Well done PasTim and many thanks for continuing so steadfastly with this
issue. Sadly, I have to agree that it really isn't worth trying to take
this particular issue any further. We're not going to change what's been
done but, perhaps, the BBC will think more carefully about how they
implement any further changes they have in mind. Not least because, as a
result of our efforts, quite a number of influential people in the
current all Conservative government may now have this on their list of
BBC travesties for consideration at a future date.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-06-09 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 I don't think they give a flying F about this, other than to use as
 ammunition to break-up the BBC.

Hence why the BBC might be a little more circumspect in future. But hey,
I'm letting my inner optimist get the better of me - in truth nowt will
change. The BBC has its 5 year plan, regardless of outcomes, and the
Conservatives have their prejudices, regardless of outcomes. Meanwhile
my squeezebox systems are running great, thanks to really useful
outcomes from this group, and I'm really quite content with the things
in general.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-04-14 Thread ChipMonk

garym wrote: 
 Tilting at windmills?

Funny you should mention this but the Picasso version has been my avatar
on all my personal accounts for about 10 years. Any links to lost causes
in general and anthropomorphic global warming in particular are entirely

To PasTim - you/we all have put so much wasted time into this business
already, if you could be bothered to do another copy  paste (just
like the BBC) and send that to the Trust then you should do so. Probably
achieve no more than any of us so far but a nice parting shot.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-04-14 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 I'll have a go, with no expectation of success.

Thanks - a last whirligig in the wind? Keep us up to date with outcome.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-04-11 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 The bog is already closed after 4 comments!  A record?
 Not surprising really, as the whole concept is utter 'marketing'
 naffness of the first order.

Oh Dear - blogging the above on the BBC Blog and you've broken the BBC
House Rules again! That's you on the Naughty Step for 20 minutes! 

You're just not getting into the swing of this Luvvy Love Thing at all
are you?

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-04-11 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 I don't even any space for comments.  Did they delete the whole lot or
 am I looking in the wrong place?

The BBC Love Blog (bottom of my original post shortcut) was closed
after 4 comments! The above discussion by and about castalla relate to
the good old Audio Factory Blog - which is currently in zombie mode i.e.
living but dead!

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-04-11 Thread ChipMonk

And now, despite all, they want us to love them!

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-28 Thread ChipMonk

utgg wrote: 
  Does anyone know. Nabisco - where are you - do you know?

Intriguing! Perhaps Nabisco has been warned off by David Cameron in a
secretly coded message. Two Shredded Wheat (posts?) OK, three Shredded
Wheat - too much. i.e. get out of the kitchen. Unless, Hell, you're
tough enough for three. Come on Nabisco!

But seriously, utgg you make a very interesting point.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-28 Thread ChipMonk

garym wrote: 
  The numbers of listeners using only PC/Mac or smart phones/tablets for
 streaming make us almost irrelevant.

I agree, and that's pretty much what the BBC assumed at the offset.
We're a small minority of (predominantly) grumpy old codgers, hanging on
to a largely lost idea of sitting together, listening to the wireless.
A tiny minority who could, and would, be ignored. Perhaps the only thing
they underestimated was the degree and intensity of our grumpiness! 

I still think that this is/was a cause worth fighting for but, with a
mere 322 signatures on the ePetition, we're clearly never going to
summon the fire-power to influence a supposedly cash-strapped
organisation, especially one which has just ignored a petition of more
than one million signatures, aided and abetted with numerous celebrities
and a tank on the lawn at Broadcasting House, all trying and failing to
prevent Auntie from killing a prize cash cow.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-27 Thread ChipMonk

In the early days of this sad affair, I attempted to directly contact
all members of the BBC senior management with some remit in this area,
as well as politicians, BBC complaints departments and feedback
programmes, media etc. My initial communication with Helen Boaden (BBC
Director of Radio) was very rapidly passed on to Andrew Scott, who
replied immediately. Andrew's various replies to me were very much in
the manner which became familiar when he later started appearing on the
BBC blog posts, despite my urging that his team should take a more
cooperative and conciliatory stance vis a vis bloggers who, at that
stage, were mainly trying to help. Incidentally, Andrew's first email to
me also inadvertently had Ms Boaden's forwarding message attached (17th
Feb.) and it was pretty clear that she was not at all happy about what
was starting to show up and wanted swift action, although I suspect she
thought that an apology would be enough!

I did not directly hear from any other BBC manager until today, when I
received a reply from James Purnell, former New Labour minister now
Director, BBC Strategy and Digital. For information and comment, I copy
his reply in full below since very few BBC management voices have been
heard to date. It has a very familiar ring to it and, as usual, emphasis
is on the plan rather than the actual implementation and outcomes, but
we're used to that:

Thank you for contacting me and I apologise for the inconvenience that
these changes have caused you.

I am aware of the Audio Factory project, and the impact this has had on
Internet radios and some other devices.  The scope of the project was
clearly much broader than these devices, and delivered significant
improvements in efficiency and simplicity, as well as improvements in
quality to the vast majority of our radio listeners, but I understand
that will be of little consolation to you.

The team defined a set of technologies that provide the right balance of
improvements and compatibility for these devices.  I believe that the
team did make appropriate decisions on the technology solutions, given
the cost constraints within which we need to operate.  Certainly there
was not an option of continuing with the previous technologies and the
new system provides basic compatibility for as many devices as possible
with enhanced services for more capable devices.  It is never easy when
we have to change the services which people have become used to.

It is also clear that whilst the team did have a plan to try to minimise
the impact on users, that did not work as intended.  The plan involved
communicating with manufacturers and other industry partners far enough
in advance of the changes to allow the necessary modifications to be
made.  That early communication did provide some useful input which
allowed the team to refine their plan, but did not work effectively in
terms of minimising the impact on all our users, and I know that the
team are reviewing why.  They are also considering how they could have
communicated these changes to our audience in advance.   I know that
Helen Boaden and Ralph Rivera are planning to review this.

I know that there has been extensive discussion on our Internet Blog
about this issue.  This dialogue has actually resulted in some
significant changes in what the team are delivering, including adding
new UK only version of the backward compatible streams.  There is also a
great deal of ongoing discussion with manufacturers to help them take
advantage of the new technology.  It is definitely very important for us
to help support the industry through these changes, and the team are
very focused on that activity.

Once again, I apologise for the inconvenience that these changes have

Best wishes


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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-20 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 Someone else has commented about this on the bbc blog today, so the
 issue has got out into the open anyway.

Yes, I noticed that this morning. It'll probably have as little effect
as everything else which is written in the BBC blog. 

I guess we're all getting a bit frustrated and edgy over this whole


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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-19 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 If we accuse the BBC of unnecessary secrecy, and then indulge ourselves
 in the same habits we are as bad as they are.  They say they are
 defending themselves, ditto here.
 I can't be party to such hypocrisy for ever, 

I'm sorry but I really don't understand what you are banging on about.
You requested advice and, in good faith, we gave it - with reasons. What
you do with that advice is your business. Some of us have simply said
that we think that, at this stage in our very asymmetrical
negotiations with the BBC, we may have more to lose than to gain by
alerting the BBC to the RTMP streams. 

As for hypocrisy - where on earth does that come into it? The BBC is
withholding information which would allow its paying audience to listen
to its output - whilst telling everyone what a splendid job it's doing.
Their withholding of information is detrimental to listeners. We are
simply trying to get back the service we have paid for - well those of
us in the UK anyway. Firstly, we don't know the validity of the RTMP
stream information and secondly, any blagging on our part long lines of
Hey Auntie, we know something about RTMP which you don't can merely
result further degradation of our services. Some of us would regard that
as counter-productive.

Therefore, I'm not sure what good your somewhat holier than thou
approach would achieve but, no doubt, you'll do as your conscience, or
ego, dictates. 

You are not alone in feeling a little delicate about all this - many of
us have wasted far too much of our time on it over the past six weeks.
I'd much rather be doing something else but, perhaps like you, I believe
this is a battle worth fighting, especially on behalf of those less
technically able than ourselves. 

We have precious little leverage with the BBC so shouldn't squander what
little we have - or get sidetracked with internal squabbles.

Rant Over!

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-18 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 I think we should be told the manufacturers who have implemented the
 changes - I think he means aggregators.
 And what is the internal/external status of AF ?   
 ... and more

Just a tiny sign that the BBC is now starting to show some signs of

Thank you for contacting the BBC iPlayer Support Team.
I understand you are unhappy with the changes to internet radio
We have been working with manufacturers regarding the recent audio
format changes. If you could get back in touch using the contact us form
on the link below letting us know what equipment you are using we could
maybe see what the latest information from the manufacturer is.
Please provide the further details we’ve asked for via the webform
Remember to include the case number above (starting CAS) when contacting
us again.
We look forward to hearing from you again.
Kind regards
Caoilfhionn Cassidy
BBC Audience Services

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-18 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 I am finding it increasing difficult not to tell the BBC that when they
 say RTMP was turned off, and that's why Listen Again doesn't work on
 Internet Radios, that they are telling an untruth. My understanding is
 that they did was change the URLs in a way the devices couldn't handle.
 Some may say that if I do this they really may turn the feeds off.  But
 I also have read that they are used for computer iPlayer Listen Again
 feeds, so there's no risk to the great facilities provided by bpa for
 The reason I feel the BBC should be told is that it shows they don't
 know what is really going on at all, and that the change could probably
 be reversed if they put their minds to it (even if just by clever use of
 Can I ask for comments?

My inclination would be to hold fire on this. The BBC have so far
conceded very little and delivered even less. We have more to lose than
to gain in using this information in the current impasse. Let's just see
if their position changes (unlikely) or they start saying things which
even more blatantly contradict the facts as we see them.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-18 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 There's a clue here.  When it asks 'How are you accessing BBC iPlayer',
 how would you respond 'Internet Radio'?  The option doesn't even exist!

Well spotted hence my reply to

Dear Ms Cassidy

You have asked me to input my problem into the BBC web form below.
Unfortunately this form does not include any devices such as internet
radios or specialised internet radio steaming hardware as produced by
world class companies such as Linn, Naim, Cambridge Audio, Sonos,
Marantz, Logitech etc.

This would suggest to me that the BBC’s “working with manufacturers” has
been completely blind to a whole segment of the Radio Streaming industry
and associated  listening public. Serious listeners to the best radio
broadcasts in the world don’t necessarily listen on phones, tablets or
TV’s but on dedicated, high quality audio equipment. The BBC does not
seem to be even aware of that possibility.

To address this you need to modify your online form as a matter of
urgency, so those affected, like myself, can input their problems in a
meaningful way. More importantly, the BBC needs to do some immediate
research into the actual number of streaming radio listeners who have
been adversely impacted by this poorly implemented dash to DASH etc. The
numbers of complaints registered on the BBC blogs and the ongoing

reflect this. However, many more less technically able, for example many
in the blind community, will still not be sure what has gone wrong with
their streaming service let alone have found their way to these rather
esoteric websites

I hope you will be able to reply with some indication that the BBC has
begun to wake up to just what the problem is for some of its most loyal
and committed listeners.

Thank you


Unfortunately,  Ms Cassidy's reply email address is blocked so the above
email immediately bounced back. I then spent 10 minutes navigating
through the horrible multi-drop-down feedback site and cut down my reply
to fit into several boxes with 200 character max restrictions! Then, to
add insult to injury, when I pressed submit I got absolutely no
indication of whether it had gone through or not.

Don't you just love 'em.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-18 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 OK, as I said to Castalla I'll hold fire for now.  I am, however,
 thinking of a wider world than ours.  If LA could be restored for more
 people that would be a good thing.

Since Squeezebox users are largely on top of this situation, thanks to
the efforts of key members of this community, those of us still slugging
it out with the Beeb are doing it largely on behalf of a silent
minority who may, or may not, give a damn! Your objectives are
admirable but I'd prefer to see more evidence that the BBC would use
your information for good rather than harm.  I can't answer your
question about RTMP use for PC streams - but it's important that we get
these facts absolutely right before we accuse the BBC management of
being misinformed.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-17 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 

I really wanted to put a reference to the ePetition in my post but,
since I was one of the campaigners who brought the wrath of the BBC
down on the previous blog, I refrained and spent 15 minutes on the
naughty step in penance for having had such bad thoughts.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-15 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 It belongs to all of us - despite what The Man wants us to believe!

Perhaps I had too much iCider over the weekend!

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 Well said!  
 No - not a member

Well I am now, a right honourable member of uk-radio-listeners forum -
but what a horrible forum and format. I can see why Yahoo is heading
nowhere. So much for Cridland working with the best brains at the
forefront of technology. Only thing clear is that he is Cock o' the
Midden there. However, I'm not sure that I have the mental strength to
try to make sense of it right now - I think that I'll stay stumm in my

Meanwhile, I seem to be in the middle of a fracas with Jim Lesurf in
Usenet, who writes in Hi Fi News and turns out to be
very much a BBC man. That's wearing me out quite enough for now - I'm
beginning to think I should just keep my head down, use the fixes from
this wonderful forum, as and when needed, get back into my Spring garden
- and sod the BBC. There's just too much inertia, vested interest and
apathy around - I don't need any more disillusionment.

I've seen the future for BBC Radio and it's an Applesphere iThingy - but
it must be able to talk to my RasPi LMS. 

Ergo, it would be nice if there was a satisfactory and robust solution
for integrating Airplay into LMS on Raspberry Pi's. Can anyone help

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

garym wrote: 
  I might as well be speaking a foreign language to them when I try to

You are absolutely right - we're now the weirdos. When I was young, more
than almost anything else that you could do with your clothes on, I
wanted near perfect sound reproduction, even though it was unachievable.
Nonetheless, I spent a relative fortune trying. Now that it's within
anyone's grasp for a relatively small outlay, most folk don't give a
damn. When I see folk playing music out of the speakers of a
smartphone I am absolutely dumbfounded. When folks come into my lounge
and see a pair of Quad electrostatics sitting atop a pair of matching
Gradient sub-woofers, they are, well, absolutely dumbfounded.

It's a funny old world - but it belongs to them now, not us.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

PasTim wrote: 
 The people I feel sorry for are those who just listen to Internet Radio
 without much knowledge of what's going on, will have lost Listen Again
 on March 9th, and will lose the replacement mp3 streams sometime sooner
 rather than later, particularly blind users.

Yep - that's the banner I've been trying to carry - mainly for the
lost, non-techie souls. But, for probably a variety of reasons, they're
just too invisible to give us the momentum we need. I do not enjoy this
rabble rousing at all and I'm getting fed up of being treated as a
Luddite or a daft old fool who doesn't get it, of beating my head
against a wall of indifference. 

Our problems, of course, are minor by comparison but when, on an almost
daily basis, I hear those folks who tried, over the decades, to raise
concerns of serious abuse or injustice or corruption and how they were
beaten down, simply ignored or themselves abused by public servants and
the system well, after six weeks of this, I now understand much
better. And when I hear, from Scott and countless others before him, how
lessons will be learned, and they never are, I just want to throw up.

Back to the music? Well, it'll depend on the amount of re-buffering I

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

garym wrote: 
 On my Vortexbox (fedora linux) install of LMS, there is a method for
 installing a plugin that allows airplay to work with LMS and play
 through squeezeboxes. I have no idea how it works, but I did try it as a
 test and it did work.  Is it some version of something I've seen
 referred to around here as shairplay?  A quick search led me to this:

Thanks garym - I should have said, I've already had a quick go at this
but without much success. I couldn't get the plugin to load on my RasPi2
LMS and I got so much incomprehensible perl stuff loading onto my SD
card that I ended up dumping it and starting again. . Castella looked at
this a few years back, again with only limited success I believe. I
think that, faced with the new realities vis a vis the BBC and the major
presence of the Applesphere (as I like to call it) it would be nice if
there was a new look into doing this right. But I'm afraid, when it
comes to issues as technical as this, I'm just a sad old leecher.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 That's what they're counting on - inertia.  They must all be on that
 fruity device juice ...

BBC Radio 4 just had Kazuo Ishiguro's The Buried Giant as Book at
Bedtime over the last two weeks. About a mysterious mist which leads to
forgetfulness across the land, erasing of all recollection of misdeeds
done in the past. All due to a Dragon, can't remember the
name...was it called Querig or perhaps Auntie? I'm really
not sure, it's all gone I'm afraid. Oh, and before I forget even more,
Brian Gulliver's Travels, Radio 4 last night (I think) - all about
visiting a planet where folks instantly forget nasty things. Well, I
think that's what it was about. If you remember, and if it still works,
you just might be able to hear some of it again on Listen Again. If
that's what it was called.

I have a feeling that the BBC was trying to tell us something, perhaps
it's even more sinister than that. But I've forgotten what.

Brave New World.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 here's an interesting titbit :
 James Cridland - a former big cheese of the BBC online mob - and a
 techno-elitist who probably renews to the latest wow-shite gizmo on a
 monthly basis ...
 Despicable but probably representative of the Audio Brewery mob.

James Cridland, Former Head of Future Media  Technology for BBC Audio 
Music Interactive - speaking in 2008 in that position

In radio we agree on technology and compete on content. We agree and
co-fund with commercial radio RAJAR. Using paper diaries alas. We agree
and have co-marketed digital radio. We agree on NICAM, teletext, you
name it. We are looking at Radio DNS to look for IP-enabled web
services. And other things that the BBC has done in it’s time are … the
reason people agree that the Web is a trustworthy source of news is down
to BBC News Online. When we say forward slash, that was some BBC
steering group which came up with that phrase.
I’d like to stress, in terms of how the BBC operates we have a massive
positive effect.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-14 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 Cridland's blog states he is a 'Radio Futurologist' (pretentious or
 what?) and that:
 ''Since leaving the BBC in 2009, he has worked for a variety of
 businesses, including the receiver manufacturer Pure ...''
 Fancy that!

I think his pretentiousness is only out matched by his modesty,
even-handedness and utter lack of complacency. Working with the best
brains and in order to lock BBC Internet Radio into the domain of
companies with the deepest pockets - Pure genius I'd call it.

Remind me where most Pure and Apple products are manufactured these
days, and probably for about 60 quid - but that's not the asking price.

Are you a member of the of Yahoo UK Radio Listeners Forum? I suspect one
now has to be a card carrying BBC luvvie in order to gain access into
this sacred inner sanctum. Only 155 members and strictly controlled. I'm
trying to be No.156.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-13 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 or as Marie said 'Let them use iThings ...'

She was out of her head, in the end. The BBC Heads have only lost the

Rolls eyes!

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-13 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 It's a 21st century rewrite of The Trial  Catch-22 ...
 or In The Thick of It meets W1A

What I find particularly worrisome is that the responses from the BBC
Management and the BBC Trust are almost identical.

This cannot, or rather should not, be right.

It took some time for me to realise that George Orwell and Franz Kafka
were futurology's great optimists.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-13 Thread ChipMonk

Just received this latest reply

Thank you for your e-mail of 10 March, to the Secretary of State for
Culture, Media and Sport, the Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, about BBC radio. I
have been asked to reply.
Under the terms of the BBC’s Charter and Agreement, the BBC is
operationally independent of Government and there is no provision for
the Government to intervene in the Corporation’s day-to-day operations.
The BBC is accountable to the license fee payer through the BBC Trust.
The Royal Charter is the constitutional basis for the BBC. It sets out
the public purposes of the BBC, guarantees its independence, and
outlines the duties of the Trust and the Executive Board.
It is still possible to enjoy live radio on Freeview, Freesat and
YouView devices. It is also possible to receive live and on demand radio
from the BBC iPlayer Radio on computers, tablets and smart phones.
The Government believes it is important that the Corporation is aware of
the concerns of viewers and listeners. In the first instance your
concerns about bit rates may be raised with BBC Information: email via
the website,; or
telephone 03700 100 222, or by writing to BBC Information, PO Box 1922,
Glasgow, G2 3WT, or by writing directly to the programme area
Alternatively, if you would like to contact the BBC Trust directly for
more information, you may do so by writing to the BBC Trust Unit, 180
Great Portland Street, London, W1W 5QZ, by emailing or by calling their information line on 03700
103 100.
I hope that this is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Dempster Marples

So we can only talk to the BBC Trust about all this and the BBC Trust
has its fingers in its ears and hands over its eyes and, if it replies
at all, sends copies of the September Diktat.

I'm not suggesting for a moment that this business is on a par with
Jimmy Savile, various hospital and care home scandals, Hillsborough,
Rotherham child abuse - oh I could go on and on - but, despite being
constantly told that lessons will be learned the response of our
public servants is alarmingly consistent.

Those who can please use Usenet, social media or whatever to publicise
the ePetition. We have very few other options to show how many people
are affected by all this.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-12 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 e-petition at

How to get this petition best publicised by us old non-twitter/facebook
types? At least anyone here who has accounts with Sonos, Linn, Naim even
Pure etc forums should give it a plug. I'm sure the numbers who would
sign worldwide would be high - it's just a question of letting them know
about it. At the moment the epetition has a lower profile than even the
famous BBC September 2014 blog.

I think we need lots of help from the young bloods on this forum! How to
get this thing going viral, well sort of! Now there's a challenge boys
and girls.

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Re: [slim] BBC online radio fiasco - comments, news, moans, campaigns

2015-03-11 Thread ChipMonk

castalla wrote: 
 1972,  ... and in those days, the future was bright

Oh yes - we had the 3 day week, power cuts, IMF, streets full of
rubbish, IRA bombs, Russian aggression etc to look forward to. But the
shirts, flares and minis were nice and bright and we were younger!

For info, I haven't given up yet, I wrote to quite a few politicians,
BBC folk and even the press to let off steam yesterday but, like you,
I'm not optimistic. We're not going to get Jeremy Clarksonesque support
for this one even if we are another bunch of old techno freaks who spend
too much time and money playing with computers and old HiFi stuff. Not
as sexy as cars and therefore not many votes or emphasisers there! Will
report if I hear anything positive.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-06-01 Thread ChipMonk

SamS wrote: 
 For the simple noobs like myself that hope to buy a little box, put some
 software on it, and use it as a player to compliment their existing
 Squeezeboxes, is there hope for us?

Buy a Raspberry Pi (£25) put on a decent DAC (like IQAudio Pi-DAC £22)
and run PicorePlayer. WiFi option and extra £5. Works a treat. I've got
4 working alongside Touches and Receivers. They work brilliantly. Just
do it.

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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2014-06-01 Thread ChipMonk

Dogberry2 wrote: 
 Do they sync with the Touches and Receivers without problem?

Using any of the following:
The Server player gui,
Receiver Controller, 
or various phone apps 
the PiCorePlayer (or Squeezeslave if preferred, but no benefit) on
Raspberry Pi  is indistinguishable from any of the official players
and plays and synchronises accordingly. Just do a bit of research. 

A month ago I knew next to nothing of all this, now I've got a Raspberry
based server and player with a 2TB USB HDD of music going for my
daughter and a couple of PiCorePlayers added to my own network and I
know how to replace my current system for peanuts if my server goes

When Logitech pulled out I was as depressed as anyone - since then,
thanks to this community and the availability of small, cheap Linux
based micro computers, things have never looked or sounded better. And
you can use the players to do lots of other things - like being proxy
servers, VPN gateways, PBX servers - on your network if you feel the

Thanks Logitech - you really blew the business opportunity that
squeezebox offered, but things have never looked better for your former

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