Re: [Elecraft] [Bulk] 8 or5 Pole cw filters

2015-01-21 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, Maybe I misinterpreted the data, but when I selected my filters, I opted for the 8 pole 400 hz, plus the 5 pole 200 hz. I selected the latter one simply because the actual width seemed more compatible in relation to what the 400 hz filter provided. The 250 hz filter almost overlapped

Re: [Elecraft] My KX3 desk microphone project

2015-01-24 Thread dyarnes
Gary and all, Whoa! Gary! Don’t get your knickers in a knot. Jim was NOT making a “personal statement”, as you suggest. He was, however, making a definitive comment based on knowledge and experience. That’s all! It would make no sense for him to make some “wishy-washy” critique of your eff

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Ed Muns - W0YK

2015-01-30 Thread dyarnes
Ken and all, Forget about Ed's prowess in ham radio! Let's talk about something really important--like those wines he makes, for example!!! Just kidding! Ed's accomplishments are almost legendary. I don't know Ed personally, though, and I wasn't aware of his involvement in the wine indust

Re: [Elecraft] Accessing KX3 buttons when using Side KX

2015-01-31 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, I have the Side KX panels on my KX3, and it's really not a problem for me. As has been pointed out, there are fairly large slots on both sides through which you can access any of the buttons on either side row. I suppose someone with especially large fingers might possibly have an iss

[Elecraft] CW in SSB mode

2015-02-11 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, I probably missed this somewhere as I don't do SSB all that much. I can do CW in SSB mode, but not when I'm operating split. It works fine if I am not operating split. I do have the menu set for SSB + CW. Am I doing something wrong? Dave W7AQK __

Re: [Elecraft] Clock chip

2015-02-15 Thread dyarnes
Seems to me the answer may be simpler than trying to use VLF transmissions for U.S. or U.K. atomic clocks. I think that technology is almost "old hat" these days. I have a "golf" watch that gives me yardages on just about any golf course in the world, and it is all coordinated by GPS satellit

Re: [Elecraft] Nifty Ham Accessories Plus Opt booklet

2015-03-01 Thread dyarnes
Mike and All, The manuals that Elecraft puts out are very substantive. However, some folks, including me, have a problem at times finding the portion of the manual that directly addresses the question I might have. That's probably just me, but often I find it more effective to refer to the d

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement - the next

2015-03-08 Thread dyarnes
Phil and All, Since it's a slow day, I thought I would pass on this tidbit from the Washington Post about all the "myths" as to what really justifies Daylight Savings time. Here in Arizona we don't change our clocks, but just about everyone else does--Hawaii Doesn't, and there are a couple mo

Re: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Announcement - the next

2015-03-09 Thread dyarnes
Fred and all, You are correct! The Navajo Tribe does not stay on AZ time (standard time) during the DST timeframe. However, there are several reasons for that. For one thing, the Tribe itself is scattered over 3 states--AZ, NM, and UT. The biggest chunk is in AZ, but those other states do

Re: [Elecraft] (Mini)P3 v SubRX

2015-03-10 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, That modified (cut down) version of the P3 by WA6KBL is quite intriguing. Someone else has suggested that doing this could cause some interference action with the display, which is too bad if it is true. It seems to me that, since the PX3 works fine in a smaller enclosure, why wouldn'

[Elecraft] 2nd RX Vs. P3

2015-03-14 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, There has been a fair amount of discussion here about which accessory for the K3 trumps the other --a P3 or a 2nd RX. I don't have an answer, but I do have an opinion. I have the full K-Line here, but due to neighborhood restrictions, my antennas are modest. I use an R8 and a verti

[Elecraft] AGC

2015-03-19 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, Band conditions of late have made things pretty difficult. Lots of QSB, and I'm hearing a lot more noise than usual. Of late, I've had problems getting 100% copy on some stations because the QSB, even when fast and not too deep, has clipped characters I try to copy (on CW) making it

Re: [Elecraft] AGC

2015-03-19 Thread dyarnes
Hi again, I got several very nice responses to my question already, and it seems I need to do some adjusting. My AGC threshold was set at 5, which apparently is too low. I've also increased by AGC slope setting as well. I'll have to check all this out with some weaker signals to see just ho

[Elecraft] [K2] Number of toroids in a K2/100

2015-04-21 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, I don't remember how many toroids I had to wind when building my K2, but it was more than a few! However, I still think the "grand daddy" for toroid winding may have been my Sierra. I jokingly tell people that is where I got my Phd. in toroid winding! Hi. Every band module required

Re: [Elecraft] K3 TX DELAY

2015-06-02 Thread dyarnes
Jim and All, Not sure if you were really including Dick, K4XU, in your comment about those who are SK. Dick is very much alive and kicking, and living now in Bend, Oregon!!! Dick is a very dedicated CW op, so you can be assured that QSK was a big deal on his "must do" list. I'm not all tha

[Elecraft] W6MMA SK

2015-06-04 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, It is with the deepest of regret that I am passing on the news that Vern Wright, W6MMA, passed away yesterday. Vern, and his wife June, are very dear friends, and I can't begin to express how sad it makes me to bring news like this to the rest of you. I suppose this might not be the

Re: [Elecraft] K3S stainless screws

2015-06-18 Thread dyarnes
Hi All, Interesting how experiences vary. We spend most summers in our motorhome on the Oregon coast--only a couple hundred yards away from the ocean in an RV resort. I've experienced corrosion in just a matter of days while staying there. One summer I "toasted" a laptop just by using it oc

Re: [Elecraft] KX3 dimensions?

2011-10-21 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All, Shortly after the KX3 was announced and described, I started contemplating just what radios I own that it could replace. Several radios I own were obvious candidates for replacement, but the FT-817 wasn't immediately that obvious. That was due to the exceptionally small size of the FT

[Elecraft] KAT500

2011-11-04 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All, I haven't seen much of anything lately about the KAT500. Is there any updated info out there? I meant to ask Eric or Wayne at Pacificon, but they were swamped with customers. Dave W7AQK === Email scanned by PC Tools - No viruses or spyware found. (Email Guard:, Viru

[Elecraft] Yamaha CM500 Headset

2011-11-17 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All, I know a lot of folks have shown an interest in the Yamaha CM500 headset. One of the primary suppliers has been B & H Photo, but they were often out of stock on it. I just noticed that Amazon appears to have some in stock, and their price, including shipping, was $46, which I think com

Re: [Elecraft] KAT500 By Christmas??

2011-11-21 Thread Dyarnes
Wayne and All, As much as I am interested in getting the new KX3, I'm even more anxious for the KAT500 to round out my "K Line" properly. It doesn't sound like Christmas is a very realistic goal, but since they are still making improvements I think I can wait! Hi. I wish I was a field tester

Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical - mine is 31ft

2013-09-04 Thread Dyarnes
Wim DeWilder posted: I have a 31 foot vertical myself (S9 V31) and since I have the KPA500 I use the 600 WATT MFJ remote auto tuner. With about 8 radials of 30 ft it works well on 40m - 10m. The MFJ can't tune it on 80m but the internal K3 tuner does. Feedline is 100ft of RG213 ---

Re: [Elecraft] K2: maximizing RF output, upping audio output.

2013-09-26 Thread Dyarnes
Ron and All, I think Ron's cautionary comments are right on! I remember a number of years back when the Kenwood TS-50 first came out. It didn't take long for the "tinkerers" to realize that the output transistors in that rig were very conservatively rated. It was often stated that they coul

Re: [Elecraft] [K3] K3 frozen on power-up

2013-10-14 Thread Dyarnes
Good Morning All, I can't explain the problem, and maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. However, in recent years it has become pretty obvious to me that microprocessors are pretty finicky! All the devices we use these days that have microprocessors seem to periodically get hung up due to even

[Elecraft] QRQ KPA500 amp

2014-01-07 Thread Dyarnes
Mike and All, Not sure what was so humorous exactly, about "Full QRQ break-in", but my reaction would be more like "are you kidding me?" . "Full QRQ break-in" says two things--Not only does it have QSK capability (the "full break-in" part of that phrase), but also at really high CW speeds (Q

[Elecraft] Heil Proset KX3 Element?

2014-12-27 Thread dyarnes
Carl, Are you sure you have the the menus set correctly? For the Heil Pro Set (“IC” model) MIC BIAS should be “on” and MIC BTN should be “off”. I have one of those Heil Pro Set (IC) models, but haven’t tried it, or my Yamaha CM500, on the KX3. I use the MH3. The manual suggests that you ca

Re: [Elecraft] Using K3's Pre-amp

2009-01-12 Thread dyarnes
Hi Adam, As Wayne pointed out, and as I suspected, I was kind of beating a dead horse due to the noise level I have. I have done something similar to what you did--turning off various circuits in the house to see if much of the noise disappeared. It didn't seem to make much difference here, b

Re: [Elecraft] ELECRAFT KEY FOR SALE SAVE $ 100.00!!!

2009-02-02 Thread dyarnes
James, I am so sorry to hear about you hand problem. I'm sure this has been a terrible thing to deal with. I don't know your full situation, but may I be so bold as to suggest that perhaps you try learning to send with your other hand? I've often thought about doing that myself, but never

Re: [Elecraft] DXpedition computer for K3

2009-02-06 Thread dyarnes
Dave and All, I have an Acer Aspire One (I'm using it now), and it works fine with the K3. I can download K3 updates, etc. with no problem. Mine has a 120 GB hard drive, 1 MB RAM, and uses Windows XP. I'm really enjoying the computer. By the way, I got an email from the other day tha

Re: [Elecraft] KX1 SOS

2009-02-18 Thread dyarnes
Ron and All, This story made the rounds last fall right after it happened. Probably wasn't picked up on this reflector, although that surprises me. However, this is a much more detailed version of the event than what I saw previously. Anyway, this guy must be made of "stout stuff" to have do

Re: [Elecraft] K1 ANTENNA

2009-03-01 Thread dyarnes
Chuck and All, The Par End Feds work fine with a K-1, but you need to get one end up in the air as much as possible. You might be better off with one of the portable vertical systems at the beach. Dave W7AQK - Original Message - From: "Chuck Pridgen" To: Sent: Sunday, March 01, 20

Re: [Elecraft] Where is it in the MANUAL???

2009-03-08 Thread dyarnes
Jim, Steve, and All, Well, Steve is being a little hard on Jim, but the point is that most questions are answerable in the manual---somewhere! The problem is that the "contents" page at the front isn't all that helpful with regard to many specific questions. A lot of things you want to find o

Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner

2009-03-15 Thread dyarnes
Paul and All, This is very interesting! Thanks for bringing that article by VK1OD to our attention. I think I agree with you about trap losses. I have used a Cushcraft R7, and now an R8, for years with surprisingly good results. What appealed to me about both of these models is that they emula

Re: [Elecraft] 43' Vertical and the K2 tuner

2009-03-15 Thread dyarnes
Mike and All, I'm not all that surprised that W5OV was able to get a match using his K3, although I'm not sure exactly how severe the mismatch is. It has to be pretty far off though. Using my K3, with its built-in ATU, I am able to get a 1:1 match on 80 meters using my R8 vertical, which isn'

Re: [Elecraft] K2 resetting itself

2009-03-23 Thread dyarnes
Chris and All, I had a power on--power off problem some time back. I think several others had a similar issue. My problem was traced to the I/O board. I believe this has been fixed, and later units don't have the problem. Not sure what your number is though. I suggest you contact Gary or R

Re: [Elecraft] K2: The Dog Ate My Part

2009-03-24 Thread dyarnes
Jon, It's that "pit" mix that is your problem. A purebred lab (or better yet, a bullmastiff like I have) would have whipped out a soldering iron and installed it for you! Hi. Dave W7AQK - Original Message - From: "Jon Perelstein" To: "elecraft reflector" Sent: Tuesday, March 24,

Re: [Elecraft] OT: Digital Signals on 20M

2009-03-27 Thread dyarnes
Ken, I don't know what they are, but I hear them too--on all radios. Dave W7AQK - Original Message - From: "Kenneth Moorman" To: Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 8:44 AM Subject: [Elecraft] OT: Digital Signals on 20M > For the past several days I have been seeing a couple of powerful d

Re: [Elecraft] [KX1]External Speaker ?

2009-03-28 Thread dyarnes
I would try a small amplified speaker, perhaps like the one radio shack sells or similar. The audio output from the KX-1 is a little puny in my view. I also often use a headphone amplifier, similar to the "Boostaroo", to beef up the output. The KX-1 works fair without that, but on weaker sig

Re: [Elecraft] K3 & ALS 600

2009-11-24 Thread Dyarnes
You can hook up the ALC if you want, but don't need to. Just connect the amp to the keying line on the K3, and the antenna, and you are good to go. It only takes about 40 watts of drive from the K3 to get 400 plus out of the ALS-600. Dave W7AQK - Original Message - From: "Bob Wehkin

Re: [Elecraft] Yamaha CM500 Headset is a WINNER (and a BARGAIN)

2009-11-24 Thread Dyarnes
I checked on the internet, and was pointed to the Sam Ash link. The link said "free shipping, but when I got to the Sam Ash website, it wanted to charge about 10 bucks shipping, which put their price about the same as what Amazon sells it for. I have another suggestion some might want to try.

Re: [Elecraft] Special offer

2009-11-25 Thread Dyarnes
Hi All, It's a really good deal, particularly when you see that ARRL is selling them for $20 more, and that is supposedly $10 off the regular price. I already ordered (and received) one from Bill Kelsey (Kanga US). It cost a bit more, but the shipping was less, so around the same price--and I

Re: [Elecraft] K3 in the CQWW contest

2009-11-30 Thread Dyarnes
That's an excellent point Jim! I don't think most folks realize how close you can get to another station with a K3 and not even know they are there! I used to have big problems with a fellow who lives about a quarter of a mile from me--not his fault, but he was just LOUD! Now, I don't even kno

Re: [Elecraft] Switching PS with the K3 - thoughts?

2009-05-25 Thread dyarnes
The Radio Shack 25 amp supply, which someone else mentioned and recommended is available on the website, but the local store nearby told me they will order it for you (at that sale price--$59), and no shipping cost. Most Radio Shack stores have stopped stocking those power supplies locally. I

Re: [Elecraft] Re: recommended switching supply

2004-09-26 Thread DYARNES
Like others, I have been using the Alinco 330 switching supply for a couple of years now, and no detectible RF interference. Dave W7AQK ___ Elecraft mailing list Post to: You must be a subscriber to post to the list. Subscribe

Re: [Elecraft] directional antenna

2004-11-27 Thread DYARNES
Probably your best bet would be a loop, like those used for enhancing broadcast band reception. You could probably find info on one for the broadcast band, and make the appropriate changes by calculating the dimensions for that lower frequency range. Also, Palomar has a loop system that is

Re: [Elecraft] wireless headfones?

2005-01-03 Thread DYARNES
Fred and All, I do it all the time! I use an RCA wireless headphone system that cost about $50 on sale. Works great. I can go through most of the house and still hear fine. It can get spotty in places. Be careful though. Not all of these systems work that well. Some time back I had

Re: [Elecraft] Roger Daltry

2005-03-06 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 3/6/2005 10:07:15 AM US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I was stopped in my tracks momentarily when I was told I sounded like Roger Daltry! Is this good? Apparently it was meant as a compliment and I therefore took it as one. Well, its very po

[Elecraft] T1 Arrives--Good News and Bad NewsQ

2005-03-24 Thread DYARNES
First the good news! My T1 arrived today! Now the bad news! I have a new Bullmastiff puppy--3 months old--his name is Linus, but I may rename him T1--I had the bags out of the box to inventory parts--got a phone call--puppy (he's 30 lbs. already), stretches up to table and grabs bag of pa

[Elecraft] Linus (The T1 Eating Maching) Update

2005-03-25 Thread DYARNES
Hi All, Seems like I'm giving folks a good laugh, and I don't blame you. Unbelievable, isn't it? Anyway, the parts inventory fortunately yielded good news. The only part that seems to be missing is the stereo jack, which I assume will "show up" later I even found all the little LED

[Elecraft] The Linus Special

2005-03-27 Thread DYARNES
Hi All, Notwithstanding my dog Linus's efforts to the contrary (trying to eat my parts), the T1 is up and running. Still running tests though, but it tunes fine. My firmware is v 1.07--looks like there has been an update since the manual was prepared. The only construction question I hav

Re: [Elecraft] The Linus Special

2005-03-27 Thread DYARNES
In a message dated 3/27/2005 1:53:27 PM US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: My prototype T1 has v 1.07. I think that was the last revision before shipments begun. What in the operating manual makes you suspect something different? Only that the owner's manual refers to V

[Elecraft] Case For The New T1

2005-03-29 Thread DYARNES
Hi All, One of the first things I did after building the T1 was to look for something in which to store it. Amazingly, I had something already that seems to work very well. It's a case originally intended for one of my earlier Pocket PC's. My wife keeps that unit on her bedstand now, so

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