[Orgmode] Re: What WebDAV service do you use for syncing org files?

2010-10-21 Thread Holger Wenzel
Hi Jeff,

> Well, I just answered my own question as far as getting MobileOrg to
> work... I just set the WebDAV directory to a local directory within
> Dropbox. I thought it had to be WebDAV (like that would make a
> difference).
> I'm still interested to know what everyone uses to sync working files, though.

I've got my Android rooted and have a ssh server running there. 

Then I use the following hooks to run the scp command to copy the files
back and forth.
(setq org-mobile-post-push-hook  '(lambda ()

"scp ~/org/mobile/*.org magic_home:/sdcard/stage")

(setq org-mobile-pre-pull-hook 
'(lambda ()
 (shell-command "scp 
magic_home:/sdcard/mobileorg/mobileorg.org /home/hw/org/mobile")

So my org files never leave my network and all traffic is encrypted. 

There is an ftp-server available for Android phones that should let you
do similar things, if you didn't root your phone.


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[Orgmode] Re: What WebDAV service do you use for syncing org files?

2010-10-21 Thread Holger Wenzel
Hi Jeff,

>> There is an ftp-server available for Android phones that should let you
>> do similar things, if you didn't root your phone.
> My phone is *so* rooted. Like the first thing I did after unboxing.
> The Verizon crapware was so annoying!
>> I've got my Android rooted and have a ssh server running there.
> I have a terminal emulator (I think it was installed with BusyBox).
> Did your terminal come with an ssh server, or did you hack it in? Any
> pointers or walkthroughs would be appreciated.

I have a HTC Magic, and use the Cyanogenmod ROM. There the ssh daemon
dropbear is included. It is just a matter to set it up.

A google search on "$YOUR_PHONE android dropbear" should tell you, if
this sshd daemon is running you your device as well.


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[Orgmode] Re: export html -> doc

2010-12-20 Thread Holger Wenzel
Hi Eric,

> I know this is an awfully tired topic, and I'll be thrilled when the odt
> exporter is ready, but in the meantime exporting to HTML and then either
> opening or copying/pasting into OpenOffice is not working for me, while
> it does seem to be working for other people.
> I'm on Ubuntu, Emacs 23.3 and yesterday's org-mode. I export to html
> just fine. Then I figure I have two options: open the html directly with
> OpenOffice, or copy and paste the text. Opening the html directly just
> shows me an unrendered html document. Copying and pasting into
> OpenOffice turns all the italics into funny little grey boxes (one on
> either side of the meant-to-be-italics text), and no actual italics.

Did you try to suppress the xml declaration in the exported html?

#+OPTIONS: org-export-html-xml-declaration (quote (("php" . "\"; ?>")))

At least MS-Word and Chromium don't seem to like that xml version line
and refuse to render the document.



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[Orgmode] Re: [mobileorg] Android sync failed

2010-06-16 Thread Holger Wenzel
Hi Torsten,

> I just got my new android based phone (HTC Desire) and the very first thing
> I'm interesting in getting my org-based brainswap onto the android. I
> installed Mats mobileorg program for android (btw., I hate the word "app",
> sorry ;) ) version 0.4 Alpha
> I followed the manuals and howtos, however, I can't get it to sync. I am
> aware that the url needs to contain the "/index.org" part.
> For first test I set-up a account on mydisk.se.
> I rewrote the password and login name several times. I noticed that a wrong
> passwort directly send me a "sync failed" whereas for the correct password
> it needs some seconds to come up with the same error message. Thus, I think
> the login into webdav works out correct. I can log-in via a direct webdav
> client on my android.  Thus. technically it should be ok.
> I tried several different org-files from very complex to just very simple
> (one link to another file, which contains a single header).
> I played around with the file permissions but without success.
> Is there any thing else I could check? How could I get more details on what
> actually failed. Is there a way to get more output via the usb debugging
> function?
> Any ideas are greetly welcome.

I use mydrive.ch,. I have the index.org file at the top-level directory
there and have on my android phone the URL in the Connectivity settings

I remember having to fiddle a little until I got it working - but
nothing bad.


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[Orgmode] Re: MobileOrg for Android...issues

2010-08-05 Thread Holger Wenzel
Hi C64Wiz,

> Also, I selected to store the .org files on my SD card.  Is there a
> way I can *manually* copy org files to the SD card (just need a
> location really) so that I can at least read/reference them? I don't
> have a need to edit/capture at this point, but would like to at least
> view them.

you can always set up your own webdav server. 

I briefly used nginx (nginx.org) a full blown web server, there is an
apache module for serving the webdav protocol and there is pywebdav 


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: MobileOrg for Android...issues

2010-08-05 Thread Holger Wenzel

> I do have my own WebDav server (Apache mod) but I'm a "security guy" so I
> only allow https.  Bad http, bad. :)

Even in your own private network? 

My setup was to have the webdav server only visible in my home wlan and
then sync the phone against that. 


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [O] org and microsoft exchange

2011-06-20 Thread Holger Wenzel
>> I was thinking of trying to get org and microsoft exchange talking to
>> each other via soap-client.el and exchange web services (ews).
>> Ultimately it would be nice to have a route into the corporate world
>> of exchange, outlook, entourage, and blackberry where so many of us
>> are forced to live.
>> My first goal is to link org TODOs to exchange tasks in some
>> simplistic way that allows two-way syncing.
>> If that proves feasible, perhaps calendar items could be next.
>> Does this sound useful? If anyone with elisp or web services
>> programming experience is interested in lending a hand, I am sure to
>> need some help.
> +1.
> My institution is moving to MS Live, whatever that means (I really am
> completely ignorant of the MS world, for better or for worse).  I think
> this is somehow related to Exchange etc. so any type of integration with
> org would be greatly helpful for me!  At first, all I care about is one
> way transfer, from the MS world to org but obviously two way syncing
> would be good.
> In my case, it's more about calendar events than tasks.  My tasks are
> typically for my information only but meetings etc involve multiple
> people.
> I can try to help in due course.  We haven't moved to the MS system yet
> so I cannot yet say how much I will be able to contribute.  Keep me in
> the loop!

One open source project that implements a pretty impressive interface to
exchange is http://davmail.sourceforge.net 

Maybe you can get hints on how to deal with the ideosycrasies of MS
coding from there.

Unfortunately I cannot use this, and your proposed solution, since my
Exchange server is behind an RSA-Token-"secured" gateway.

I'm planning to use the org-outlook protocol 


even if this means that I need to have an Outlook-instance running. 

Good luck!


[O] org-insert-link and partial-completion-mode incompatibility?

2011-06-22 Thread Holger Wenzel

in emacs 23.3 with the org-mode release_7.5-421-ge734e I experience an
incompatibility between org-insert-link and partial-completion-mode.

org-insert-link in an org-mode buffer results in:
"Symbol's definition is void: t"

The trace back looks like

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function t)
  org-icompleting-read("Link: " (("http:") ("https:") ("ftp:") ("mailto:";) 
("file:") ("news:";) ("shell:") ("elisp:") ("doi:") ("message:") ("file+sys:") 
("file+emacs:") ("bbdb:") ("bibtex:") ("docview:") ("gnus:") ("info:") ("irc:") 
("mew:") ("mhe:") ("rmail:") ("vm:") ("wl:")) nil nil nil tmphist nil)
  apply(org-icompleting-read ("Link: " (("http:") ("https:") ("ftp:") 
("mailto:";) ("file:") ("news:";) ("shell:") ("elisp:") ("doi:") ("message:") 
("file+sys:") ("file+emacs:") ("bbdb:") ("bibtex:") ("docview:") ("gnus:") 
("info:") ("irc:") ("mew:") ("mhe:") ("rmail:") ("vm:") ("wl:")) nil nil nil 
tmphist nil))
  org-completing-read("Link: " (("http:") ("https:") ("ftp:") ("mailto:";) 
("file:") ("news:";) ("shell:") ("elisp:") ("doi:") ("message:") ("file+sys:") 
("file+emacs:") ("bbdb:") ("bibtex:") ("docview:") ("gnus:") ("info:") ("irc:") 
("mew:") ("mhe:") ("rmail:") ("vm:") ("wl:")) nil nil nil tmphist nil)
  call-interactively(org-insert-link nil nil)

Deactivating partial-completion-mode let me insert the link with no

Then it looks like org-insert-link doesn't call org-completing-read at

Using the org version that comes with emacs 23.3 doesn't exhibit this

Kind regards,


Re: [O] MobileOrg app not available in the Belgian App Store?

2013-04-06 Thread Holger Wenzel
Hi Guido,
> I wanted to install the MobileOrg app on my iPhone, but iTunes claims
> that there is no such app in the Belgian App Store?!
> Did I miss something?

did you go to,



It looks like it's currently not available in the app store. At least in 
Germany I don't get it as well.

And with that OS running on the smartphone there is little chance to get the 
app installed through a different channel.

I wish I had my android back, unfortunately I work for an employer that 
constantly chooses mediocre tools.



Re: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty viewpoint)? Tips or a good guides sought after :)

2015-06-09 Thread Holger Wenzel
Hi Xebar,

Xebar Saram  gmail.com> writes:

> Dear Martin
> Thanks so much for your prompt response. I did ofc do an extensive google 
research yet found that as can be seen in your link most entries focus on 
either writing papers or general bits an pieces .What i am looking for is a 
holistic approach regarding organizing all aspects of academic life and to 
hear workflows of other colleagues using org for that

I'd start with:


follow John Kitchin's blog there closely and read everything he posts in 
this list.


> z
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2015 at 12:16 AM, M  web.de> wrote:
> >
> >
> > Von: Xebar Saram  gmail.com>
> > Datum: Mon, 8 Jun 2015 19:39:14 +0300
> > An: org mode  gnu.org>
> > Betreff: [O] Organizing and taming hectic Academia work (faculty 
> > Tips or a good guides sought after :)
> >> Hi all
> >
> > Im a young assistant professor (in humanities and thus my horrific 
> > skills..basically non ) and having been using orgmode for a year or two
> > now. I love orgmode dearly and use it mainly for note taking, lists etc
> >
> > I am aware of the fantastic orgmode capabilities that could benefit me 
> > such as exporting, email tie-ins, beamer support, organizing my 
> > (i have switched to a .bib file recently for my references), agenda
> > capabilities and so much moreand have tried several of these with mild
> > success. 
> >
> > unfortunately (and this maybe due to me not being very technical and 
lack of
> > coding skills) i still feel like im really not using orgmode to its 
> > and still feel miserably lost in terms of organizing my work in academia 
> > all aspects.
> >
> > i am looking for 2 things really: 
> > 1. as i said in the post topic a good guide if anyone is aware of or 
> > examples of using org in Academia (mainly aimed at faculty :))
> >
> > 2. related to that as a young researcher with multiple students, paper
> > writing, grant applications, department duties, endless TODOS, endless 
email i
> > would really be grateful for even non org specific tips on how other 
> > organize all this to make life more..well..organized :)
> >
> > thanks alot in advance and sorry for the long mail
> >
> > best
> >
> > Z
> Dear Xebar,
> I think the first 10 results of the correspondindg google search already
> show some very interesting examples:http://www.google.com/search?
> ch&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
> Did you have a look at those?
> Kind regards
> Martin