Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-12-01 Thread Roger Clough
Hi meekerdb 

My reaction is that nothing is perfect in this world anyway.

[Roger Clough], []
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content - 
From: meekerdb 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-11-30, 15:28:31
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

On 11/30/2012 10:02 AM, Roger Clough wrote: 
And a transcendent truth could be arithmetic truth or
the truth of necessary logic. 

True in logic and formal mathematics is just marker "T" that is preserved by 
the rules of inference.  In applications it is interpreted as if it were the 
correspondence meaning of 'true'.  But like all applications of mathematics, it 
may be only approximate.


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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-30 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Stephen P. King 

No, we can grasp truth by correspondence.

And a transcendent truth could be arithmetic truth or
the truth of necessary logic. 

[Roger Clough], []
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content - 
From: Stephen P. King 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-11-30, 11:17:12
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

On 11/30/2012 9:10 AM, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Stephen P. King 

Hintakka's concept of truth is what is called "pragmatic truth",
or "scientific truth". It's the same as Peirce's-- namely, what 
results when you carry out a particular protocol.

Dear Roger,

Sure, I agree. My point is that such is the only notion of truth that is 
within our ability to grasp. We obtain the transcendent notions of truth by 
abstraction in some infinite limit of the pragmatic truths.

[Roger Clough], []
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content - 
From: Stephen P. King 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-11-02, 18:20:11
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

On 11/2/2012 1:23 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> Are you familiar with Jaakko Hintikka's ideas? I am using his concept 
>> of game theoretic semantics to derive truth valuations.
> I read this. yes. I don't see relevant at all.
> I do appreciate his linking of intention and intension, but it is a 
> bit trivial in the comp theory.
Dear Bruno,

 Hintikka's idea is to show how truth values can be coherently 
considered to be the result of a process and not necessarily just some a 
priori valuation. This makes Truth an emergent valuation, just as I 
content all definite properties are emergent from mutual agreements 
between entities. Properties, in the absence of the possibility of 
measurement or apprehension of some type, do not exist; they are what 
the 1p project onto existence. Nothing more.




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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-30 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Stephen P. King 

Hintakka's concept of truth is what is called "pragmatic truth",
or "scientific truth". It's the same as Peirce's-- namely, what 
results when you carry out a particular protocol.

[Roger Clough], []
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content - 
From: Stephen P. King 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-11-02, 18:20:11
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

On 11/2/2012 1:23 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> Are you familiar with Jaakko Hintikka's ideas? I am using his concept 
>> of game theoretic semantics to derive truth valuations.
> I read this. yes. I don't see relevant at all.
> I do appreciate his linking of intention and intension, but it is a 
> bit trivial in the comp theory.
Dear Bruno,

 Hintikka's idea is to show how truth values can be coherently 
considered to be the result of a process and not necessarily just some a 
priori valuation. This makes Truth an emergent valuation, just as I 
content all definite properties are emergent from mutual agreements 
between entities. Properties, in the absence of the possibility of 
measurement or apprehension of some type, do not exist; they are what 
the 1p project onto existence. Nothing more.



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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-05 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Stephen P. King  

I don't think there's a better standard of truth.

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Stephen P. King  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-05, 13:39:57 
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm 

On 11/5/2012 1:14 PM, Roger Clough wrote: 
> Hi Stephen P. King 
> Plato in the end confessed that the best he 
> could offer was a likely story. I see no reason 
> to doubt his authority. Nor of the Bible, 
> for that matter. 
Dear Roger, 

 This tells me that you are OK with "arguments from authority". This  
saddens me! 



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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-05 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Stephen P. King 

Plato in the end confessed that the best he  
could offer was a likely story. I see no reason
to doubt his authority. Nor of the Bible,
for that matter. 

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Stephen P. King  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-03, 10:18:16 
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm 

On 11/3/2012 8:03 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
> On 03 Nov 2012, at 11:46, Stephen P. King wrote: 
>> On 11/3/2012 5:18 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
> How can anything emerge from something having non properties? Magic? 
 Dear Bruno, 
 No, necessity. The totality of existence, the One, cannot be  
 complete and consistent simultaneously, 
>>> Why not? The One is not a theory. 
>> Why does it have to be "a theory"? The concept of the One is a  
>> fragment of a theory... 
> You make the same coinfusion again and again. The One is not the same  
> as the concept of the One. 

 Does the One have a Concept of The One as its unique 1p? 



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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-03 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Stephen P. King  

The platonic realm is nothing.
Intelligence is nothing.
Life itself is nothing. 

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Stephen P. King  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-02, 23:17:40 
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm 

On 11/2/2012 8:25 PM, Quentin Anciaux wrote: 
> Either you can have emerging properties of nothing or you can't.  
> Either there is infinite regress or not, whatever is true (and one or  
> the other is), it's not an obstacle. 
Hi Questin, 

 It depends on whether you think of Nothing as merely an absence of  
properties or a complete lack of existence. I believe in the former  
case. I don't have problems with infinite regress as I understand that  
an actual regress requires infinite "stuff" to be real. Explanation that  
push the problem behind a insurmountable curtain are not infinite  
regressive, they are merely evasions of the problem. They are attempt to  
get people to stop asking hard questions. 
 I will not ever stop asking questions as I am not afraid of being  
wrong or foolish. 



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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-03 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Stephen P. King  

1 + 1 =2 is a necessary truth, not a fact. It is always true.
A priori. So there are necessary truths such as arithmetical truths
which were here before the contingent world of facts was created.
And will always be.

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Stephen P. King  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-02, 18:16:09 
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm 

On 11/2/2012 1:23 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
> You are the one saying that truth is limited to the means of knowing!!! 

 Yes and no, Truth is limited to the *possibility* of knowledge of  
it. In the absence of the possibility of a statement being true (or  
false), there is not such thing as true or false. 



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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-03 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Stephen P. King  

The Platonic Realm doesn't exactly exist, because
it is non-contradictory truth beyond spacetime.
It is the a priori, the One, from which all things
come. Sometimes I think of it as Cosmic Mind,
Universal Intelligence, which has the attributes of God.

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Stephen P. King  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-02, 18:12:19 
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm 

On 11/2/2012 1:23 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 
 I can understand these symbols because there is at least a way to  
 physically implement them. 
>>> Those notion have nothing to do with "physical implementation". 
>> So your thinking about them is not a physical act? 
> Too much ambiguous. Even staying in comp I can answer "yes" and "no". 
> Yes, because my human thinking is locally supported by physical events. 
> No, because the whole couple mind/physical events is supported by  
> platonic arithmetical truth. 
Dear Bruno, 

 Where is the evidence of the existence of a Platonic realm? The  
mere self-consistency of an idea is proof of existence but the idea must  
be understood by a multiplicity of entities with the capacity to  
distinguish truth from falsehood to have any coherence as an idea! We  
cannot just assume that the mere existence of some undefined acts to  
determine the properties of the undefined. Truth and falsity are  
possible properties, they are not ontological aspects of existence. 



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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-11-03 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Quentin Anciaux  

Any statement that cannot be contradicted is always true. 
As such these truths are called "a priori". They were
here before the world or you or me was created.
Prime numbers seem to be such.

A posteriori truths are truths of existence called facts.
They may be contradicted, may not be always true
or false. Today it is raining is such.

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Quentin Anciaux  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-11-02, 20:25:00 
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm 

2012/11/2 Stephen P. King  

On 11/2/2012 1:23 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 

I can understand these symbols because there is at least a way to physically 
implement them. 

Those notion have nothing to do with "physical implementation". 

? ? So your thinking about them is not a physical act? 

Too much ambiguous. Even staying in comp I can answer "yes" and "no". 
Yes, because my human thinking is locally supported by physical events. 
No, because the whole couple mind/physical events is supported by platonic 
arithmetical truth. 

Dear Bruno, 

? ? Where is the evidence of the existence of a Platonic realm? The mere 
self-consistency of an idea is proof of existence but the idea must be 
understood by a multiplicity of entities with the capacity to distinguish truth 
from falsehood to have any coherence as an idea! We cannot just assume that the 
mere existence of some undefined acts to determine the properties of the 
undefined. Truth and falsity are possible properties, they are not ontological 
aspects of existence. 

Either? you can have emerging properties of nothing or you can't. Either there 
is infinite regress or not, whatever is true (and one or the other is), it's 
not an obstacle. 




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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. 

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Re: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm

2012-10-31 Thread Roger Clough
Hi meekerdb  

I think the = sign allows a concept to be predicated, such
as  2 = 1+1 where 1+1 is the predicate. A concept
and a predicate form a proposition, and you need
a proposition to judge whether something is true or false. 

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: meekerdb  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-30, 14:50:24 
Subject: Re: Numbers in the Platonic Realm 

On 10/30/2012 10:39 AM, Stephen P. King wrote:  
On 10/30/2012 12:51 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote: 

On 30 Oct 2012, at 17:04, meekerdb wrote: 

On 10/30/2012 4:30 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:  
My argument is that concepts of truth and provability of theorems apply only to 
the concepts of numbers and their constructions, not to numbers themselves. 

Truth applies to proposition, or sentences representing them for some 
machine/numbers. If not, comp does not even makes sense. 

So your are agreeing?  "Two" has no truth value, but "Two equals one plus one." 

Yes I agree. It seems I insisted on this a lot.  
But in this context, it seems that Stephen was using this to assert that the 
truth of, say  "Two equals one plus one." depend on some numbers or subject 
having to discover it, or prove it. 


Dear Bruno, 

My point is that a number is not a capable of being an ontological 
primitive *and* having some particular set of values and meanings. A statement, 
such as 2 = 1+1 or two equals one plus one, are said truthfully to have the 
same meaning because there are multiple and separable entities that can have 
the agreement on the truth value. In the absence of the ability to judge a 
statement independently of any particular entity capable of "understanding" the 

I think you are confusing the tokens "2 = 1+1" with the proposition 2 = 1+1.  
The former requires someone who understands the notation to interpret it, but 
the latter is the interpretation, i.e. the concept.  A concept has meaning by 
definition, otherwise we say we cannot conceptualize it, e.g. klognee flarbles 
myrable, and so there is nothing to assign a truth value to. 

there is no meaning to the concept that the statement is true or false. To 
insist that a statement has a meaning and is true (or false) in an ontological 
condition where no entities capable of judging the meaning, begs the question 
of meaningfulness! 

That sounds like idealism, but whatever it is sll theories that will explain 
the world to us are going to have to apply to times and places where there are 
no humans.  So I guess the question is whether 2=1+1 means to you what it means 
to the rest of us.  If it does it can be part of our explanation. 


   You are taking for granted some things that your arguments disallow. 


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