2006-08-11 Thread Bruno Marchal

Hi John,

Le 10-août-06, à 17:52, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> Bruno,
> I liked what George Levy wrote (19 July 2006):
>>  As a mathematician you are trying to compose a theory of everything
>> using mathematics, this is understandable, and you came up with COMP
>> which is strongly rooted in mathematics and logic.<

Mmh... OK, but comp is just the daughter of the old mechanist 
philosophy, which appears already in "The question of Milinda", an old 
Greco-buddhist text I love so much. Comp makes "mechanism" more 
mathematical by its insistence on digitalness, and that indeed makes it 
easier to reason mathematically. Then comp can help to tackle 
mathematically "not-comp" (and that is how I found that all the G-G* 
stuff remains correct and even complete for much weaker version of 
"comp": it works for a vast class of "angels" (machine with actual 
infinite reasoning abilities) and even "gods", for which G and G* 
remains correct (but no more complete) and even on many supergods etc. 
Only the big unameable one seems to escape the limitation of 
self-reference, but only by loosing those self-reference abilities. 
Here I am very close to Ennead V 6 where Plotinus criticizes the 
attribution of thought to the "first God" (Plato's one or Good).

> A bit lesser the continuation:
>>  I came up independently with my own concept involving a
>> generalization of relativity to information theory ( my background is
>> engineering/physics) and somehow we seem to agree on many points.
>> Unfortunately I do not have the background and the time to give my
>> ideas a formal background. It is just an engineering product and it
>> feels right.<
> because engineering and physics (as we know them from past times) are 
> also
> based on mathematical logic - (if not on straightforward math!) and 
> that
> puts George in a similar basket with you (No peiorative tone intended, 
> or
> involved!)
> To your advice to seek a mathematician (as gossip has it: Einstein 
> relied on
> the math-help of Goedel): it would serve to "anchor" George into YOUR 
> basket
> (sorry George, I believe you are way above such fallibilities as to be
> 'anchored').
> Why not consult (and not just educate into YOUR ways) somebody with a
> different view (background thinking?) from the rigorous mathematical
> concepts?
> I still believe that there is more than just 'numbers' and processes 
> in the
> existence with different basis than just comp.
> I don't believe you can "PROVE" that there is nothing else but
> "math-numbers-comp", unless you call "all other possibilities" with 
> such

It is NOTmy goal to prove that there is nothing else but numbers and 
their relation.
But I do pretend indeed that ONCE we *assume* comp, then the existence 
of something else is undecidable, and physics + psychology can be 
explained from numbers, and, indeed that the comp constraints on 
physics are such that they makes comp testable (refutable).

> Name-calling is futile. "I can arrive there in a 'little zillion'
> steps" is fairy tale - without at least  some details on the 'HOWs'. 
> (Old
> cliche: the validity of a legal argument).

Name-calling "per se" is worse than futile, it is a nuisance. 
Unnecessary jargon slows progress and can even accelerate regress.

> I still wait impatiently for your 'roadmap' communications and 
> preserve my
> mind to accept it as maybe proving me wrong.

As I told you many times, I am not sure you are wrong at all. The 
difference between me and you is that you take into account the "human 
limitations", and I take into account the vaster "machine limitations" 
(those are "vaster" because I *assume* comp, and so humans are machine 
and humans inherits machine's limitations). Such limitations are 
mathematically non trivial (that's the Post Turing Markov Godel ... 
discovery), and that is what I exploit.
The worst situation for you would be that I eventually prove comp 
wrong, in which case I will have less reason to believe what you say 
(having then no more clues on *our* limitations).

Thanks for telling me you are waiting impatiently the roadmap. I 
progress. Don't expect too much in the sense that, as an ancient list 
participant you will see I will not add things which I have not already 
explain more than one time on this list (and in my papers). Actually I 
will try to say less (that is the difficulty), and to take into account 
the last conversations. And to recall acronym as people regularly asks 
me out of line.

> I hope I will not miss them in
> the maze of posts now swarming this list - really beyond my reading
> capabilities. I would love to watch (and find) a 'subject' preserved 
> for
> YOUR line eg as: "ROADMAP" with nobody just clicking 'Reply' to make 
> posts
> as the same subject 350 times.

This is hardly avoidable, at least until we clearly agree on our 
disagreements (at least). Also I find those last conversations rather 
interesting. They do clarify the disagreements i


2006-08-10 Thread jamikes


I liked what George Levy wrote (19 July 2006):

>  As a mathematician you are trying to compose a theory of everything
> using mathematics, this is understandable, and you came up with COMP
> which is strongly rooted in mathematics and logic.<
A bit lesser the continuation:
>  I came up independently with my own concept involving a
> generalization of relativity to information theory ( my background is
> engineering/physics) and somehow we seem to agree on many points.
> Unfortunately I do not have the background and the time to give my
> ideas a formal background. It is just an engineering product and it
> feels right.<
because engineering and physics (as we know them from past times) are also
based on mathematical logic - (if not on straightforward math!) and that
puts George in a similar basket with you (No peiorative tone intended, or
To your advice to seek a mathematician (as gossip has it: Einstein relied on
the math-help of Goedel): it would serve to "anchor" George into YOUR basket
(sorry George, I believe you are way above such fallibilities as to be
Why not consult (and not just educate into YOUR ways) somebody with a
different view (background thinking?) from the rigorous mathematical
I still believe that there is more than just 'numbers' and processes in the
existence with different basis than just comp.

I don't believe you can "PROVE" that there is nothing else but
"math-numbers-comp", unless you call "all other possibilities" with such
NAMES.  Name-calling is futile. "I can arrive there in a 'little zillion'
steps" is fairy tale - without at least  some details on the 'HOWs'. (Old
cliche: the validity of a legal argument).

I still wait impatiently for your 'roadmap' communications and preserve my
mind to accept it as maybe proving me wrong. I hope I will not miss them in
the maze of posts now swarming this list - really beyond my reading
capabilities. I would love to watch (and find) a 'subject' preserved for
YOUR line eg as: "ROADMAP" with nobody just clicking 'Reply' to make posts
as the same subject 350 times.

Grandmotherishly yours

John M

- Original Message -
From: "Bruno Marchal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 10:59 AM
You should perhaps try to find a mathematician in your neighborhood for
helping you to formalize a bit your approach. I can give you book
advices on information theory if you are interested. Unfortunately the
relation between information theory and logic are not so easy. I know
that Abramski works on it, and Devlin wrote a book on information in
some logician sense (this is not yet standard), you could search
"Devlin" on Amazon for the reference.
In this setting quantum information theory is also hard to avoid. There
are many good books too.
<-  Skipped:  Copied above  ->
>  I believe that what you are saying is right, however I am having
> some trouble following you, just like Norman Samish said. It would
> help if you outlined a roadmap. Then we would be able to follow the
> roadmap without having to stop and admire the mathematical scenery at
> every turn even though it is very beautiful to the initiated, I am
> sure. For example you could use several levels of explanation: a first
> level would be as if your were talking to your grandmother; a second
> level, talking to your kids (if they listen); a last level, talking to
> your colleagues.
Like I just said to Stathis, I have some difficulties. But this is
really because I want that roadmap post to be comprehensible by the

Thanks for being patient,


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2006-08-10 Thread Bruno Marchal

George Levy wrote (19 July 2006):

>  As a mathematician you are trying to compose a theory of everything 
> using mathematics, this is understandable, and you came up with COMP 
> which is strongly rooted in mathematics and logic.
>  I came up independently with my own concept involving a 
> generalization of relativity to information theory ( my background is 
> engineering/physics) and somehow we seem to agree on many points. 
> Unfortunately I do not have the background and the time to give my 
> ideas a formal background. It is just an engineering product and it 
> feels right.

You should perhaps try to find a mathematician in your neighborhood for 
helping you to formalize a bit your approach. I can give you book 
advices on information theory if you are interested. Unfortunately the 
relation between information theory and logic are not so easy. I know 
that Abramski works on it, and Devlin wrote a book on information in 
some logician sense (this is not yet standard), you could search 
"Devlin" on Amazon for the reference.
In this setting quantum information theory is also hard to avoid. There 
are many good books too.

>  I believe that what you are saying is right,  however I am having 
> some trouble following you, just like Norman Samish said. It would 
> help if you outlined a roadmap. Then we would be able to follow the 
> roadmap without having to stop and admire the mathematical scenery at 
> every turn even though it is very beautiful to the initiated, I am 
> sure. For example you could use several levels of explanation: a first 
> level would be as if your were talking to your grandmother; a second 
> level, talking to your kids (if they listen); a last level, talking to 
> your colleagues.

Like I just said to Stathis, I have some difficulties. But this is 
really because I want that roadmap post to be comprehensible by the 

Thanks for being patient,


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Re: Not yet the roadmap (was: Are First Person prime?)

2006-08-09 Thread David Nyman


I'm glad you follow. As I've indicated, I've been inventing this grisly
teminology 'on the fly' in the attempt to make clearer some
distinctions that I didn't feel were explicit enough, and I've probably
found the process at least as irksome as others trying to follow it.
Colin's version is more succint though it will be interesting to see
how he defends it in detail. Hopefully, your roadmap will supersede my
jargon, and we can express future exchanges in terms of this. Lets see.


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Re: Not yet the roadmap (was: Are First Person prime?)

2006-08-09 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 08-août-06, à 17:00, David Nyman a écrit :

> Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> FP2: I do periphrases to talk about it. It is a confusing notion (cf
>> Chalmers "delusion"). Mathematically it needs bimodal logics (or just 
>> G
>> handled with care);
> Bruno
> Thanks for the summary, I'll look out for the roadmap.  I'd just like
> to clarify the role of FP2 above:
> Where FP1i is an individual first-person-as-instantiated, FP2 is its
> analog in what I've termed the 'shareable knowledge base' (SKB) that is
> part of the structure of FP1i.  The reason I make this distinction is
> that when I make some unqualified reference simply to 'Bruno', it is
> not thereby clear whether this is meant to indicate 'FP2 Bruno' - i.e
> the representation you or I have of 'Bruno' in the SKB - or 'FP1
> Bruno', the unique entity to which my FP2 analog refers.  In
> inter-personal dialogue, this can become really confusing because one
> party may be conceptualising in an FP2-manner - i.e. thinking in a
> 'naturalistic' way purely in terms of the FP2 representation of the
> world and its embedded FP2 representations of first persons - when the
> other (usually me, I must confess) is thinking in an FP1-manner - i.e.
> extrapolating from the FP2 representations to their FP1 referents. Such
> confusion may be implicated in 'Chalmers' delusion' and other puzzles.
> I say something about this in my comments on your earlier posts.
> To be consistent, what I'm calling FP2 should be split along the lines
> of FP1 into:
> FP2g - representations in the SKB of FP1g
> FP2i - representations in the SKB of FP1i
> Does the above clarification make a difference?

I still believe I can follow you, but I fear your vocabulary/acronym 
proliferation. I will not add comments, because those would be 
anticipation on critics you will do (no doubt) about the (future) 
"roadmap post". But thanks for trying to be clear and for being patient 
about that roadmap,


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Re: Not yet the roadmap (was: Are First Person prime?)

2006-08-08 Thread David Nyman

Bruno Marchal wrote:

> FP2: I do periphrases to talk about it. It is a confusing notion (cf
> Chalmers "delusion"). Mathematically it needs bimodal logics (or just G
> handled with care);


Thanks for the summary, I'll look out for the roadmap.  I'd just like
to clarify the role of FP2 above:

Where FP1i is an individual first-person-as-instantiated, FP2 is its
analog in what I've termed the 'shareable knowledge base' (SKB) that is
part of the structure of FP1i.  The reason I make this distinction is
that when I make some unqualified reference simply to 'Bruno', it is
not thereby clear whether this is meant to indicate 'FP2 Bruno' - i.e
the representation you or I have of 'Bruno' in the SKB - or 'FP1
Bruno', the unique entity to which my FP2 analog refers.  In
inter-personal dialogue, this can become really confusing because one
party may be conceptualising in an FP2-manner - i.e. thinking in a
'naturalistic' way purely in terms of the FP2 representation of the
world and its embedded FP2 representations of first persons - when the
other (usually me, I must confess) is thinking in an FP1-manner - i.e.
extrapolating from the FP2 representations to their FP1 referents. Such
confusion may be implicated in 'Chalmers' delusion' and other puzzles.
I say something about this in my comments on your earlier posts.

To be consistent, what I'm calling FP2 should be split along the lines
of FP1 into:

FP2g - representations in the SKB of FP1g
FP2i - representations in the SKB of FP1i

Does the above clarification make a difference?


> Le 07-août-06, à 22:12, David Nyman a écrit :
> > 1) FP1g - primitive 'global' first person entity or context
> > 2) FP1i - individual person delimited by primitive differentiation
> > (which is agnostic to comp, physics, or anything else at this logical
> > level)
> > 3) FP2 - narrative references to first persons, as in 'David is a first
> > person', an attribution, as opposed to 'David-as-first-person', a
> > unique entity.
> > 4) TP - third person, or structure-read-as-information, as opposed to
> > structure-demarcating-an-entity
> OK, I copy this in some file so as to be able to come back on it later.
>   If I comment it here, before the "roadmap-summary",  it will be
> confusing. Still, before I send the "roadmap" I give the correspondence
> for those who have followed your posts and remember my earlier
> summaries.
> FP1g will most probably correspond to the "time/knowledge" modal logic
> S4Grz;
> FP1i will not be explicitly treated, but can correspond to any
> particular relative implementation of a self-referentially correct
> machine. Then S4Grz will still work, but its arithmetical
> interpretations can vary;
> FP2: I do periphrases to talk about it. It is a confusing notion (cf
> Chalmers "delusion"). Mathematically it needs bimodal logics (or just G
> handled with care);
> TP:  will correspond to the G and G* logic of arithmetical reference,
> including self-reference. Of course the dissociation of the
> corresponding logics into G and G* (and the non-dissociation of the 1
> person logic S4Grz = S4Grz*, is a key phenomenon which is forced by the
> incompleteness phenomenon. G corresponds to the provable
> self-referential statements and G* will correspond to the true
> self-referential statements. That the set of true statements minus the
> set of provable statements (that is G* \ G) is not empty is due to
> Godel incompleteness.
> But there are other hypostases (person pov): the 0-person pov (More or
> less Nagel's pov from nowhere) which can be  just "arithmetical truth"
> with the comp. hyp. It plays the role of the neoplatonist "ONE" in the
> arithmetical interpretation of Plotinus's hypostases.
> Then there is the "matter" or "1-plural-pov" where "matter" becomes
> apparent ...
> I will try to present a roadmap tomorrow or the day after. In the
> meantime you could consult my SANE paper:
> SANE2004MARCHALAbstract.html
> You can also download the UDA slides for reference to its 8 steps
> presentation.
> Bruno

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Not yet the roadmap (was: Are First Person prime?)

2006-08-08 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 07-août-06, à 22:12, David Nyman a écrit :

> 1) FP1g - primitive 'global' first person entity or context
> 2) FP1i - individual person delimited by primitive differentiation
> (which is agnostic to comp, physics, or anything else at this logical
> level)
> 3) FP2 - narrative references to first persons, as in 'David is a first
> person', an attribution, as opposed to 'David-as-first-person', a
> unique entity.
> 4) TP - third person, or structure-read-as-information, as opposed to
> structure-demarcating-an-entity

OK, I copy this in some file so as to be able to come back on it later.  
  If I comment it here, before the "roadmap-summary",  it will be  
confusing. Still, before I send the "roadmap" I give the correspondence  
for those who have followed your posts and remember my earlier  

FP1g will most probably correspond to the "time/knowledge" modal logic  
FP1i will not be explicitly treated, but can correspond to any  
particular relative implementation of a self-referentially correct  
machine. Then S4Grz will still work, but its arithmetical  
interpretations can vary;
FP2: I do periphrases to talk about it. It is a confusing notion (cf  
Chalmers "delusion"). Mathematically it needs bimodal logics (or just G  
handled with care);
TP:  will correspond to the G and G* logic of arithmetical reference,  
including self-reference. Of course the dissociation of the  
corresponding logics into G and G* (and the non-dissociation of the 1  
person logic S4Grz = S4Grz*, is a key phenomenon which is forced by the  
incompleteness phenomenon. G corresponds to the provable  
self-referential statements and G* will correspond to the true  
self-referential statements. That the set of true statements minus the  
set of provable statements (that is G* \ G) is not empty is due to  
Godel incompleteness.

But there are other hypostases (person pov): the 0-person pov (More or  
less Nagel's pov from nowhere) which can be  just "arithmetical truth"  
with the comp. hyp. It plays the role of the neoplatonist "ONE" in the  
arithmetical interpretation of Plotinus's hypostases.
Then there is the "matter" or "1-plural-pov" where "matter" becomes  
apparent ...

I will try to present a roadmap tomorrow or the day after. In the  
meantime you could consult my SANE paper: 
You can also download the UDA slides for reference to its 8 steps  


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