Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-12 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 10:38:35PM -0700, George Levy wrote:
> Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> >The ionic gradients across cell membranes determine the transmembrane 
> >potential and how close the neuron is to the voltage threshold which 
> >will trigger an action potential by opening transmembrane ion 

Stop your heart now. See EEG collapse to zero in 20-30 sec. Your transient 
gradients (spikes) are gone with the oxygen, until circulation is restored.
All you see is a brief blackout.

I wonder for whom I'm writing all these mails.

> >channels. Other factors influencing this include the exact geometry of 
> >the neuron and composition of the cell membrane (which determines 
> >capacitance and the shape and speed of propagation of the action 
> >potential), the number, type and location of voltage-activated ion 
> >channels, the number, type and location of various neurotransmitter 
> >receptors, the local concentration of enzymes that break down 
> >neurotransmitters, and many other things besides. The ionic gradients 

You might be surprised:

> >across cell membranes (all cell membranes, not just neurons) are 
> >actively maintained within tight limits by energy-requiring 
> >transmembrane proteins, such as Na/K ATPase, and if this suddenly 
> >stops working, the cell will quickly die. The moment to moment 

Define quickly. You can culture human neurons for several days after death.  
At deep hypothermia and flushout, the empirical canine viability window is 
several hours
(the ceiling could be at 12 h or more, nobody knows yet).

> >variations in ion fluxes and membrane potential may be allowed to 
> >collapse and the neuron will remain structurally intact, so to this 
> >extent the exact cellular chemistry may not be necessary for long term 

You can safely remove the conditional here. 

> >memories. However, all the other things I have mentioned are important 
> >in determining the "wiring diagram and strength of connections", and 
> >could easily be maintained over decades. Look up "action potential" in 

Yes, and all of them seem to be present in vitrified brain tissue -- a
snapshot with geological shelf half-life.

> >Wikipedia, and think about how you would design an equivalent circuit 
> >for even one neuron. It may be a ridiculously complex way to design a 

You don't design a circuit for a specific neuron. That would be moot, as a
circuit is fixed, and a neuron is not (an understatement: see cell migration in

What you need is a computational engine capable of emulating arbitrary cells
in the CNS. The hardware layer of such a system can be very simple, the
complexity being contained in several emulation layers.

> >computer that would be able to run and maintain a human body, but 
> >whereas I would happily trade my heart or my kidneys for more 
> >efficiently engineered models, I would like any brain replacement to 
> >be an exact functional analogue of my present one.

Nobody is trying to sell anything else.

> Stathis,
> you don't have to get down to that level of complexity. As long as the 
> high level function remains the same, you can still say "yes doctor" to 
> a substitution experiment. Example: artificial eye lenses made of 
> plastic and not of tissue, prostheses made of titanium steel and not of 
> bone.

I seem to not be coming through, so this will be the last post on my part 
in this thread, for a long while.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-12 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Brent Meeker writes:

[quoting Stathis Papaioannou]

>In the case of the heart the
>simpler artificial pump might be just as good, but in the case of a 
>the electrical activity of each and every neuron is intrinsically 

>in the final result.

That last seems extremely dubious.  What evidence is there for it?

They're completely different things: one is information processing, the 
other is... pumping. If we went back to ancient Greece, we could do much 
better in terms of transportation than horses and chariots, but if we wanted 
to know what was in the Iliad and the Odyssey, we would have to copy, word 
for word, what the ancient manuscripts said, even if we decided to put the 
whole thing on a hard disk as a text file or whatever. It's not that there 
is anything special about papyrus; Homer would probably have used a computer 
if he had one, especially since he was blind. But just as we have to pay 
loving attention to the crumbly old ancient documents if we want to know 
what they said, so we have to pay loving attention to the crumbly old 
neurons if we want to know what *they* say, before transferring their 
contents to a more modern and durable medium.

--Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread George Levy

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
The ionic gradients across cell membranes determine the
transmembrane potential and how close the neuron is to the voltage
threshold which will trigger an action potential by opening
transmembrane ion channels. Other factors influencing this include the
exact geometry of the neuron and composition of the cell membrane
(which determines capacitance and the shape and speed of propagation of
the action potential), the number, type and location of
voltage-activated ion channels, the number, type and location of
various neurotransmitter receptors, the local concentration of enzymes
that break down neurotransmitters, and many other things besides. The
ionic gradients across cell membranes (all cell membranes, not just
neurons) are actively maintained within tight limits by
energy-requiring transmembrane proteins, such as Na/K ATPase, and if
this suddenly stops working, the cell will quickly die. The moment to
moment variations in ion fluxes and membrane potential may be allowed
to collapse and the neuron will remain structurally intact, so to this
extent the exact cellular chemistry may not be necessary for long term
memories. However, all the other things I have mentioned are important
in determining the "wiring diagram and strength of connections", and
could easily be maintained over decades. Look up "action potential" in
Wikipedia, and think about how you would design an equivalent circuit
for even one neuron. It may be a ridiculously complex way to design a
computer that would be able to run and maintain a human body, but
whereas I would happily trade my heart or my kidneys for more
efficiently engineered models, I would like any brain replacement to be
an exact functional analogue of my present one.


you don't have to get down to that level of complexity. As long as the
high level function remains the same, you can still say "yes
doctor" to a substitution experiment. Example: artificial eye lenses
made of plastic and not of tissue, prostheses made of titanium steel
and not of bone.


RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

>>Brent Meeker writes:
>>I find it hard to believe that something as stable as memories that last
>>decades is encoded in a way dependent on ionic gradients across cell
>>and the type, number, distribution and conformation of receptor and ion
>>proteins.  What evidence is there for this?  It seems much more likely 
>>long term memory would be stored as configuration of neuronal 

>If anything,
>parameters such as ionic gradients and protein conformation are more 

>regulated over time than gross anatomy.

Gradients where?  Surely you aren't saying that there is a pattern of 
in the brain that is relative to (x,y,z) coordinates and is independent of 

neuronal structures.

The ionic gradients across cell membranes determine the transmembrane 
potential and how close the neuron is to the voltage threshold which will 
trigger an action potential by opening transmembrane ion channels. Other 
factors influencing this include the exact geometry of the neuron and 
composition of the cell membrane (which determines capacitance and the shape 
and speed of propagation of the action potential), the number, type and 
location of voltage-activated ion channels, the number, type and location of 
various neurotransmitter receptors, the local concentration of enzymes that 
break down neurotransmitters, and many other things besides. The ionic 
gradients across cell membranes (all cell membranes, not just neurons) are 
actively maintained within tight limits by energy-requiring transmembrane 
proteins, such as Na/K ATPase, and if this suddenly stops working, the cell 
will quickly die. The moment to moment variations in ion fluxes and membrane 
potential may be allowed to collapse and the neuron will remain structurally 
intact, so to this extent the exact cellular chemistry may not be necessary 
for long term memories. However, all the other things I have mentioned are 
important in determining the "wiring diagram and strength of connections", 
and could easily be maintained over decades. Look up "action potential" in 
Wikipedia, and think about how you would design an equivalent circuit for 
even one neuron. It may be a ridiculously complex way to design a computer 
that would be able to run and maintain a human body, but whereas I would 
happily trade my heart or my kidneys for more efficiently engineered models, 
I would like any brain replacement to be an exact functional analogue of my 
present one.

--Stathis Papaioannou

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RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Brent Meeker

>-Original Message-
>From: Stathis Papaioannou [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, July 08, 2005 6:33 AM
>Subject: RE: where do copies come from?
>>Brent Meeker writes:
>>I find it hard to believe that something as stable as memories that last
>>decades is encoded in a way dependent on ionic gradients across cell
>>and the type, number, distribution and conformation of receptor and ion
>>proteins.  What evidence is there for this?  It seems much more likely that
>>long term memory would be stored as configuration of neuronal connections.
>You have to keep in mind that every living organism is being continually
>remodelled by cellular repair mechanisms. Jesse Mazer recently quoted an
>article which cited radiolabelling studies demonstrating that the entire
>brain is turned over every couple of months, and the synapses in particular
>are turned over in a matter of minutes. The appearance of "permanent"
>anatomical structures is an illusion due to the constant expenditure of
>energy rebuilding that which is constantly falling apart.

So?  I don't see the point of this observation.  If the structure is
maintained, then the structure *is* permanent and is suitable for storing long
term memories.  The fact that the physical elements of the structure are
replaced every five seconds or every ten years is neither here or nor there.

>If anything,
>parameters such as ionic gradients and protein conformation are more closely
>regulated over time than gross anatomy.

Gradients where?  Surely you aren't saying that there is a pattern of gradients
in the brain that is relative to (x,y,z) coordinates and is independent of the
neuronal structures.

>Cancer cells may forget who they
>are, what their job is, what they look like and where they live, but if an
>important enzyme curled up a little tighter than usual due to corruption of
>intracellular homeostasis mechanisms, the cell would instantly die.

I doubt that any memories are stored in intracelluar chemistry.

>Recent theory based on the work of Eric Kandel is that long term memory is
>mediated by new protein synthesis in synapses, which modulates the
>responsiveness of the synapse to neurotransmitter release; that is, it isn't
>just the "wiring diagram" that characterises a memory, but also the unique
>properties of each individual "connection".

I would not have supposed otherwise.  I would guess that memories are stored as
they are in artificial neural networks: in the wiring diagram PLUS the strength
of the connections.

>But let's suppose, for the sake
>of argument, that each distinct mental state were encoded by the simplest
>possible mechanism: the "on" or "off" state of each individual neuron. This
>would allow 2^10^11 possible different mental states - more than enough for
>trillions of humans to live trillions of lifetimes and never repeat a

Yes, I'm well aware that a brain is really really complicated.

>In theory, it should be possible to scan a brain in vivo using some
>near-future MRI analogue and determine the state of each of the 10^11
>neurons, and store the information as a binary srtring on a hard disk. Once
>we had this data, what would we do with it? The details of ionic gradients,
>type, number and conformation of cellular proteins,

But what is the evidence that these play are part in long term memory?

>anatomy and type of
>synaptic connections,

That's wiring diagram and strength of connections.

>etc. etc. etc., would be needed for each neuron, along
>with an accurate model of how they all worked and interacted, in order to
>calculate the next state, and the state after that, and so on.

But calculating the next state corresponds to continuing consciousness without
a gap.  That I agree would require simulating all the gradients, etc, down to
near molecular level.  But my original contention was that you could simulate a
person, with a memory gap such as incurred under anesthesia, by just the wiring
diagram plus strength of connnections.

>This would be
>difficult enough to do if each neuron were considered in isolation, but in
>fact, there may be hundreds of synaptic connections between neurons, and the
>activity of each connected neuron needs to be taken into account, along with
>the activity of each of the hundreds of neurons connected to each of *those*
>neurons, and so on.

Sure  - but that's still wiring diagram.  I didn't say it was simple; but it's
a lot simpler than trying to capture the instantaneous chemistry.

Brent Meeker

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Eugen Leitl writes:

> likely that multiple error correction and negative feedback systems are 
> place to ensure that small changes are not chaotically amplified to 
> gross mental changes after a few seconds, and all these systems would 

> to be simulated as well. The end result may be that none of the cellular

Of course. And your point is?

> machinery can be safely ignored in an emulation, which is very far from
> modelling the brain as a neural net. I may be wrong, and it may be 

Strawman, again.

> than I suggest, but as a general rule, if there were a simpler and more
> economical way to do things, evolution would have found it.

Biological tissues are not evolved to e.g. work with EM radio, or electron 
spin for
information processing, or nuclear fission for power sources, or an enzyme 
deposit diamond. Regardless how many gigayears you spend evolving, this 
never be discovered due to kinetic blocks, fitness crevices, and sterile 

in fitness space which can't be crossed incrementally. Human design doesn't
have that limitation. We can in principle do whatever evolution can do (by
explicitly invoking the process, in an accelerated model), and more.

The fitness function of discrete information processing in solid state is
entirely different from CNS. Most of what the genome does is not devoted to
neural information processing, and, frankly anisotropically excitable
nonlinear medium is a control paradigm from hell.

There are simpler and more economical ways to do things, and we'll be there
in about 20-30 years. Meanwhile, biology reigns supreme in crunch/Joule,
integration density, error tolerance and a few other things, but we're
gaining on it rapidly.

There is a fundamental difference between copying evolution's version of, 
say, a pump, and a brain. The whole complex business of excitable cardiac 
muscle cells beating in synchrony with a pacemaker need not be emulated, of 
course, if you are just trying to build an efficient artificial heart. If 
the purpose is just to pump, what may have been necessary for nature is 
superfluous for an engineer. On the other hand, with a brain, all the 
elaborate detail is intrinsically important: the engineer doesn't just want 
to build an efficient processor which will keep the human body going, but to 
copy the *actual* processor, however needlessly complex.

But perhaps I should end this thread by admitting that I was not aware that 
there were "mind uploaders" out there seriously contemplating the emulation 
of a brain down to the molecular level, and express my astonishment, which 
hopefully will turn into admiration, at your 20-30 year time span for 
completing such a project.

--Stathis Papaioannou

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-11 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Mon, Jul 11, 2005 at 10:31:56AM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> Perhaps, perhaps not. For one thing, in the brain's case we are relying on 
> the laws of chemistry and physics, which in the real world are invariable; 
> we don't know what would happen if these laws were slightly off in a 

A systematic error or noise beyond the homeostatic capability of the
simulation would generate nonsense, of course. 

So, stay below the error threshold.

> simulation. For another, we do know that tiny chemical changes, such as a 
> few molecules of LSD, can make huge behavioural changes, suggesting that 
> the brain is exquisitely sensitive to at least some parameters. It is 

So, don't put LSD in the simulated brain. Don't zap the CMOS junction with
electrostatics. Don't put the system nearby a Co-60 source. Do not mutate
bits randomly. Do not change the meaning of a primitive randomly every few

If it hurts, don't do it.

> likely that multiple error correction and negative feedback systems are in 
> place to ensure that small changes are not chaotically amplified to cause 
> gross mental changes after a few seconds, and all these systems would have 
> to be simulated as well. The end result may be that none of the cellular 

Of course. And your point is?

> machinery can be safely ignored in an emulation, which is very far from 
> modelling the brain as a neural net. I may be wrong, and it may be simpler 

Strawman, again.

> than I suggest, but as a general rule, if there were a simpler and more 
> economical way to do things, evolution would have found it.

Biological tissues are not evolved to e.g. work with EM radio, or electron spin 
information processing, or nuclear fission for power sources, or an enzyme to
deposit diamond. Regardless how many gigayears you spend evolving, this will 
never be discovered due to kinetic blocks, fitness crevices, and sterile areas 
in fitness space which can't be crossed incrementally. Human design doesn't 
have that limitation. We can in principle do whatever evolution can do (by
explicitly invoking the process, in an accelerated model), and more.

The fitness function of discrete information processing in solid state is
entirely different from CNS. Most of what the genome does is not devoted to
neural information processing, and, frankly anisotropically excitable
nonlinear medium is a control paradigm from hell. 

There are simpler and more economical ways to do things, and we'll be there
in about 20-30 years. Meanwhile, biology reigns supreme in crunch/Joule, 
integration density, error tolerance and a few other things, but we're
gaining on it rapidly.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Stephen Paul King

Dear Johnathan,

   I find this idea to be very appealing! It seesm to imply that 
"consciousness" per say has more to do with the attractor in state space 
that any particular tableaux of neutron firings.
   This, of course, would not fit well with the material eliminativists to 
be forced to extend the same ontological status that we extend to flesh and 
blood and hardware and electromagnetic fields to such entities as "strange 
attractors" ! ;-)

Kindest regards,


- Original Message - 
From: "Johnathan Corgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Stathis Papaioannou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: where do copies come from?

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

It is likely that multiple error correction and negative feedback systems 
are in place to ensure that small changes are not chaotically amplified 
to cause gross mental changes after a few seconds,

On the other hand, the above may be precisely how consciousness operates!

Picture a system that traverses through many different states as "chaotic 
attractor" cycles, and outside stimuli act to nudge the system between 
grossly different chaotic attractors.  You have a system that needs to be 
exquisitely tuned to subtle input changes, yet also robust in the face of 
other types of changes (damage, etc.)

In the brain, these "state trajectories" would be neuronal firing patterns 
and synaptic chemical gradients.  Determining the chaotic attractors 
themselves would be neuronal morphology and ion channel types and 

The "short-term" information about a brain might not need to be stored in 
order to reconstruct a brain.  That is, individual neuron on-off states 
and synaptic chemical gradients may be "how you feel and what you are 
thinking this moment"--but discarding (or not measuring) this info might 
only mean the reconstructed brain would start from some "blank" state. 
Chaotic attractor dynamics would "pull" the system into one of the 
aforementioned chaotic cycles and the system as a whole would eventually 
recreate the short-term firing patterns and chemical gradients needed for 
normal functioning.

(The above might be wrong in particulars, but I strongly suspect the 
concept of small changes perturbing a chaotic system to shift between 
chaotic attractors will play a role in the ultimate explanation of how 
neuronal processes give rise to conscious experience.)


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Johnathan Corgan

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

It is likely that multiple error correction and negative 
feedback systems are in place to ensure that small changes are not 
chaotically amplified to cause gross mental changes after a few seconds, 

On the other hand, the above may be precisely how consciousness operates!

Picture a system that traverses through many different states as 
"chaotic attractor" cycles, and outside stimuli act to nudge the system 
between grossly different chaotic attractors.  You have a system that 
needs to be exquisitely tuned to subtle input changes, yet also robust 
in the face of other types of changes (damage, etc.)

In the brain, these "state trajectories" would be neuronal firing 
patterns and synaptic chemical gradients.  Determining the chaotic 
attractors themselves would be neuronal morphology and ion channel types 
and locations.

The "short-term" information about a brain might not need to be stored 
in order to reconstruct a brain.  That is, individual neuron on-off 
states and synaptic chemical gradients may be "how you feel and what you 
are thinking this moment"--but discarding (or not measuring) this info 
might only mean the reconstructed brain would start from some "blank" 
state.  Chaotic attractor dynamics would "pull" the system into one of 
the aforementioned chaotic cycles and the system as a whole would 
eventually recreate the short-term firing patterns and chemical 
gradients needed for normal functioning.

(The above might be wrong in particulars, but I strongly suspect the 
concept of small changes perturbing a chaotic system to shift between 
chaotic attractors will play a role in the ultimate explanation of how 
neuronal processes give rise to conscious experience.)


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Quentin Anciaux writes:

> Nevertheless, I still think
> it would be *extremely* difficult to emulate a whole brain.

while I agree with you about the difficulty to emulate a brain that already
exists (such as emulate you or me for example), I don't think it is as such
difficult as to emulate a conscious being. I remenber not so long ago the
project mindpixel which was about to learn the common sense to a machine.

I do think that passing the turing test is possible, and if it is one day
succesfully passed by a machine (and not once but several time), It will be 
proof that we are indeed turing emulable... if it is so, Bruno's theory 

not be far from the truth ;)

I agree: it will be *far* easier to build a conscious machine than to 
emulate a particular brain, just as it is far easier to build a pump than an 
exact, cell for cell analogue of a human heart. In the case of the heart the 
simpler artificial pump might be just as good, but in the case of a brain, 
the electrical activity of each and every neuron is intrinsically important 
in the final result.

--Stathis Papaioannou

REALESTATE: biggest buy/rent/share listings

RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Jesse Mazer wrote:

[quoting Stathis Papaioannou]
Nevertheless, I still think it would be *extremely* difficult to emulate a 
whole brain. Just about every physical parameter for each neuron would be 
relevant, down to the atomic level. If any of these parameters are 
slightly off, or if the mathematical model is slightly off, the behaviour 
of a single neuron may seem to be unaffected, but the error will be 
amplified enormously by the cascade as one neuron triggers another.

I don't think that follows. After all, we maintain the same personality 
despite the fact that these detailed parameters are constantly varying in 
our own neurons (and the neurons themselves are being completely replaced 
every few months or so); neural networks are not that "brittle", they tend 
to be able to function in broadly the same way even when damaged in various 
ways, and slight imperfections in the simulated behavior of individual 
neurons could be seen as a type of damage. As long as the behavior of each 
simulated neuron is "close enough" to how the original neuron would have 
behaved in the same circumstances, I don't think occasional slight 
deviations would be fatal to the upload...

Perhaps, perhaps not. For one thing, in the brain's case we are relying on 
the laws of chemistry and physics, which in the real world are invariable; 
we don't know what would happen if these laws were slightly off in a 
simulation. For another, we do know that tiny chemical changes, such as a 
few molecules of LSD, can make huge behavioural changes, suggesting that the 
brain is exquisitely sensitive to at least some parameters. It is likely 
that multiple error correction and negative feedback systems are in place to 
ensure that small changes are not chaotically amplified to cause gross 
mental changes after a few seconds, and all these systems would have to be 
simulated as well. The end result may be that none of the cellular machinery 
can be safely ignored in an emulation, which is very far from modelling the 
brain as a neural net. I may be wrong, and it may be simpler than I suggest, 
but as a general rule, if there were a simpler and more economical way to do 
things, evolution would have found it.

--Stathis Papaioannou

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Quentin Anciaux
Hi stathis, 

Le Dimanche 10 Juillet 2005 13:22, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :
> Nevertheless, I still think
> it would be *extremely* difficult to emulate a whole brain.

while I agree with you about the difficulty to emulate a brain that already 
exists (such as emulate you or me for example), I don't think it is as such 
difficult as to emulate a conscious being. I remenber not so long ago the 
project mindpixel which was about to learn the common sense to a machine.

I do think that passing the turing test is possible, and if it is one day 
succesfully passed by a machine (and not once but several time), It will be a 
proof that we are indeed turing emulable... if it is so, Bruno's theory will 
not be far from the truth ;)


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Bruno Marchal

I agree with Jesse. Nature (if that exists) build on redundancies. (As 
the UD). So if the substitution level is at the neural neurons, 
``slight" changes don't matter.

Of course we don't really know our substitution level. It is consistent 
with comp the level is far lower. But then at that level the same rule 

It probably converges to the "linear".

Bruno   (PS: I will answer other posts asap).

Le 10-juil.-05, à 20:22, Jesse Mazer a écrit :

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

Nevertheless, I still think it would be *extremely* difficult to 
emulate a whole brain. Just about every physical parameter for each 
neuron would be relevant, down to the atomic level. If any of these 
parameters are slightly off, or if the mathematical model is slightly 
off, the behaviour of a single neuron may seem to be unaffected, but 
the error will be amplified enormously by the cascade as one neuron 
triggers another.

I don't think that follows. After all, we maintain the same 
personality despite the fact that these detailed parameters are 
constantly varying in our own neurons (and the neurons themselves are 
being completely replaced every few months or so); neural networks are 
not that "brittle", they tend to be able to function in broadly the 
same way even when damaged in various ways, and slight imperfections 
in the simulated behavior of individual neurons could be seen as a 
type of damage. As long as the behavior of each simulated neuron is 
"close enough" to how the original neuron would have behaved in the 
same circumstances, I don't think occasional slight deviations would 
be fatal to the upload (but perhaps the first uploads will act like 
people who are slightly drunk or have a chemical imbalance or 
something, and they'll have to experiment with tweaking various 
high-level parameters--the equivalent of giving themselves simulated 
prozac or something--until they feel 'normal' again).


RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Jesse Mazer

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

Nevertheless, I still think it would be *extremely* difficult to emulate a 
whole brain. Just about every physical parameter for each neuron would be 
relevant, down to the atomic level. If any of these parameters are slightly 
off, or if the mathematical model is slightly off, the behaviour of a 
single neuron may seem to be unaffected, but the error will be amplified 
enormously by the cascade as one neuron triggers another.

I don't think that follows. After all, we maintain the same personality 
despite the fact that these detailed parameters are constantly varying in 
our own neurons (and the neurons themselves are being completely replaced 
every few months or so); neural networks are not that "brittle", they tend 
to be able to function in broadly the same way even when damaged in various 
ways, and slight imperfections in the simulated behavior of individual 
neurons could be seen as a type of damage. As long as the behavior of each 
simulated neuron is "close enough" to how the original neuron would have 
behaved in the same circumstances, I don't think occasional slight 
deviations would be fatal to the upload (but perhaps the first uploads will 
act like people who are slightly drunk or have a chemical imbalance or 
something, and they'll have to experiment with tweaking various high-level 
parameters--the equivalent of giving themselves simulated prozac or 
something--until they feel 'normal' again).


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Sun, Jul 10, 2005 at 11:49:53PM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> >3) Combining General and Particular Architectures
> >Fusing information to combine apriori knowledge of general architecture 
> >brain functions, and particular architecture data obtained from in situ 
> >functional measurements (e.g. fMRI), neurological and psychological 
> >measurements, as well as self-analysis, it may be possible to reconstruct 
> >a functional copy of the brain close enough as to be indinstinguishable 
> >from the original by the owner. How does the owner knows it is 
> >indistinguishable? This is a whole topic. He could for example do a series 
> >of  partial substitutions to find out if it feels the same or not. For 
> >example, he could substitute in sequence the visual cortex, the auditory 
> >cortex, some of the motor functions
> >
> >We may be closer to this goal than you think.
> OK, I agree it is possible, and I'm glad nobody is insisting that just the 
> arrangement of neurons and their connections, such as could in theory have 
> been determined by a 19th century histologist, is enough information to 

Exactly; it's a strawman position. Nobody claims a 5 m resolution satellite
photo shows you what brands of pizza that shop on the corner is selling.

> emulate a brain. I think we would need to have scanning resolution close to 
> the atomic level, and very detailed modelling of the behaviour of cellular 
> subsystems and components down to the same level. I don't know how long it 

You need this level of detail only initially, to obtain empiric system
parameters for an abstracted system level. You might want to reach down to ab
initio level of theory, to obtain missing parameters for an MD simulation, to 
switching behaviour of an ion channel, depending on modification, to obtain
computational behaviour of a piece of dendrite (of course, you can also obtain
that empirically from e.g. voltage-sensitive dye/patch-clamping). Even then,
the actual simulation unit could be a few layers up, at abstract neocortex
columns, or similiar.

In the end, you have to destructively scan an animal to obtain your very
large set of numbers, to enter into your simulation. Transiently, that 
might involve sampling some voxels at a high level of resolution, very
possibly submolecular. That level of detail might be present in the voxel
buffer, transiently, before being processed by algorithms, and destilled into
a much smaller set of small integers.

> would take to achieve this, but I know that we are nowhere near it now. For 
> example, consider our understanding of schizophrenia, an illness which 

If we had fully functional (discrete, fully introspective, traceable)
models of individuals having schizophrenia, and controls, finding structural
and functional deficits resulting in the phenotype would be effectively

> drastically changes almost every aspect of cognition. For half a century we 
> have had drugs which ameliorate the psychotic symptoms patients with this 
> illness experience, and we have been able to determine which receptors 
> these drugs target. But despite decades of research, we still have no idea 
> what the basic defect in schizophrenia is, how the drugs work, or any 

We don't have methods with sufficient resolution, that's all.

> clinically useful investigation which helps with diagnosis. Although fMRI 
> and PET scans can show differences in cerebral blood flow compared to 

fMRI has voxel sizes at several mm^3, and temporal resolution of seconds. MRI
microscopy does much better, but only works on insect/mouse-sized samples.
Nondestructive methods do not scale into the volume.

> control subjects, this is a secondary effect. The brains of schizophrenia 
> sufferers, looked at with any tools available to us, are essentially the 
> same as normal brains. In other words, a very subtle, at present 
> undetectable, change in the brains of these patients can cause gross 
> cognitive and behavioural changes.

would seem to disagree. 

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

George Levy wrote:

[quoting Stathis Papaioannou]

>I believe the level of detail required and the complexity of the
   required models is grossly underestimated.
>Simply getting a 3D image of a brain down to electron microscopic
   detail, including all the synaptic
>connections, would be an enormous task, and it probabaly wouldn't
   tell us any more about the mind
>of the brain's owner than a picture of the books on a library
   shelf would tell us about the book contents.
>I would bet more on mediaeval monks decoding the data on a DVD
   sent back in time than I would
>bet on scientists decoding the contents of a human mind from
   cryopreserved brain sections.

Let's cut through all this complexity and look at the functional equivalent 
of a neuron or a group of neuron. I want to distinguish between general 
architecture and particular architecture: general architecture will provide 
the framework within which any human brain could fit. Particular 
architecture is the architecture of a particular brain.

1) General Architecture
The general architecture of the brain is a hot research project of the 
scale and importance of the Genome Project and is currently being worked on 
by major laboratories. We could speed up the functional identification of 
neuronal groups or modules by using general architecture apriori knowledge 
we have about these modules. For example the architecture of the visual 
cortex is well defined. We could treat it as a module with minor variations 
from individual to individuals due to genetic differences such as Single 
Nucleotide Polymorphism SNP. SNPs. Very soon we shall have the genetic map 
of all the human SNPs. We shall also have the general architecture of the 
brain and all its nominal variations.

2) Particular Architecture
Imagine using an advanced version of a functional Magnetic Resonance 
Imaging (fMRI) device operating at the microscopic level on a slice of 
brain tissue. Without knowing exaclty what is in the brain tissue black 
box, it may be possible to identify their functional property and recreate 
these in silicon or any other convenient substrate. By the way, microscopic 
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging is an existing technology that is 
currently being used. This is what I got using Google.

Scholarly articles for functional magnetic resonance imaging microscop$ 

	The primate neocortex in comparative perspective using ... 
- by Insel - 40 citations
Neuroimaging and neuropathology in epilepsy: With ... 
- by Nishio - 1 citations
Evaluation by Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of the ... 
- by Jeong - 2 citations

3) Combining General and Particular Architectures
Fusing information to combine apriori knowledge of general architecture 
brain functions, and particular architecture data obtained from in situ 
functional measurements (e.g. fMRI), neurological and psychological 
measurements, as well as self-analysis, it may be possible to reconstruct a 
functional copy of the brain close enough as to be indinstinguishable from 
the original by the owner. How does the owner knows it is 
indistinguishable? This is a whole topic. He could for example do a series 
of  partial substitutions to find out if it feels the same or not. For 
example, he could substitute in sequence the visual cortex, the auditory 
cortex, some of the motor functions

We may be closer to this goal than you think.

OK, I agree it is possible, and I'm glad nobody is insisting that just the 
arrangement of neurons and their connections, such as could in theory have 
been determined by a 19th century histologist, is enough information to 
emulate a brain. I think we would need to have scanning resolution close to 
the atomic level, and very detailed modelling of the behaviour of cellular 
subsystems and components down to the same level. I don't know how long it 
would take to achieve this, but I know that we are nowhere near it now. For 
example, consider our understanding of schizophrenia, an illness which 
drastically changes almost every aspect of cognition. For half a century we 
have had drugs which ameliorate the psychotic symptoms patients with this 
illness experience, and we have been able to determine which receptors these 
drugs target. But despite decades of research, we still have no idea what 
the basic defect in schizophrenia is, how the drugs work, or any clinically 
useful investigation which helps with diagnosis. Although fMRI and PET scans 

RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-10 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Jesse Mazer writes:

[quoting Stathis Papaioannou]
Recent theory based on the work of Eric Kandel is that long term memory is 
mediated by new protein synthesis in synapses, which modulates the 
responsiveness of the synapse to neurotransmitter release; that is, it 
isn't just the "wiring diagram" that characterises a memory, but also the 
unique properties of each individual "connection".

But these unique properties would be included in the simulation if you 
could record the levels of different neurotransmitters and proteins at each 
synapse, no? Wouldn't they still be present in the brain of a person that 
had recently died, at least if the individual neurons had not yet died at 
the moment the brain was frozen?


In theory, it should be possible to scan a brain in vivo using some 
near-future MRI analogue and determine the state of each of the 10^11 
neurons, and store the information as a binary srtring on a hard disk. 
Once we had this data, what would we do with it? The details of ionic 
gradients, type, number and conformation of cellular proteins, anatomy and 
type of synaptic connections, etc. etc. etc., would be needed for each 

I don't think you'd need the details of ionic gradients at the moment of 
death, as long as you know how ionic gradients work in a generic neuron 
you'd probably just be able to "restart" them.

The ionic gradients set the membrane resting potential, and it is the 
movement of ions through voltage-dependent ion channels that creates the 
action potential when a neuron "fires". The gradients are actively 
maintained by various energy-requiring transmembrane proteins, so it might 
be possible to reconstruct what they would have been at the moment of death 
if you could simulate the activity of these proteins.

along with an accurate model of how they all
worked and interacted, in order to calculate the next state, and the state 
after that, and so on. This would be difficult enough to do if each neuron 
were considered in isolation, but in fact, there may be hundreds of 
synaptic connections between neurons, and the activity of each connected 
neuron needs to be taken into account, along with the activity of each of 
the hundreds of neurons connected to each of *those* neurons, and so on.

Yes, but the hope is that neurons are not overly idiosyncratic in how they 
behave, that once you've learned to simulate a single neuron, then you 
could apply the same rules to other neurons as long as you knew their shape 
(branching of synapses, length of axon and so forth), the levels of various 
significant molecules at each synapse (and maybe elsewhere in the neuron), 
and maybe some other parameters I haven't thought of. And if you have a 
general algorithm that can simulate any neuron once you've measured the 
relevant parameters, then simulating an entire brain would mainly be a 
matter of being able to record these parameters in every neuron of a frozen 
brain, and of having a big enough computer (although you'd also have to 
know how to simulate the way that sensory neurons are stimulated by sense 
organs, how motor neurons affect simulated muscles, and how neurons 
interact with organs to affect things like hormone levels).

I agree that if you knew enough about the brain, it should be possible to 
emulate it. My criticism of "mind uploading" was based on web pages like 
this one:

in which it is suggested that anatomical knowledge of the neurons and their 
connections in a frozen brain would be enough to create the upload (as an 
afterthought, it is stated that knowing all the other details about each 
neuron would also be helpful). I should probably apologise to Eugen Leitl 
for the contemptuous tone of my earlier posts, because it is clear that he 
*does* appreciate the complexity of the neuron. Nevertheless, I still think 
it would be *extremely* difficult to emulate a whole brain. Just about every 
physical parameter for each neuron would be relevant, down to the atomic 
level. If any of these parameters are slightly off, or if the mathematical 
model is slightly off, the behaviour of a single neuron may seem to be 
unaffected, but the error will be amplified enormously by the cascade as one 
neuron triggers another.

--Stathis Papaioannou

SEEK: Over 80,000 jobs across all industries at Australia's #1 job site.

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-08 Thread George Levy

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
Recent theory based on the work of Eric Kandel is that
long term memory is mediated by new protein synthesis in synapses,
which modulates the responsiveness of the synapse to neurotransmitter
release; that is, it isn't just the "wiring diagram" that characterises
a memory, but also the unique properties of each individual
This would be difficult enough to do if each neuron were
considered in isolation, but in fact, there may be hundreds of synaptic
connections between neurons, and the activity of each connected neuron
needs to be taken into account, along with the activity of each of the
hundreds of neurons connected to each of *those* neurons, and so on.

Stathis also wrote:
>I believe the level of detail required and the
complexity of the required models is grossly underestimated. 
>Simply getting a 3D image of a brain down to electron microscopic
detail, including all the synaptic 
>connections, would be an enormous task, and it probabaly wouldn't
tell us any more about the mind 
>of the brain's owner than a picture of the books on a library shelf
would tell us about the book contents. 
>I would bet more on mediaeval monks decoding the data on a DVD sent
back in time than I would 
>bet on scientists decoding the contents of a human mind from
cryopreserved brain sections.

Let's cut through all this complexity and look at the functional equivalent
of a neuron or a group of neuron. I want to distinguish between general
architecture and particular
architecture: general architecture will provide the framework within
which any human brain could fit. Particular architecture is the
architecture of a particular brain. 

1) General Architecture
The general architecture of the brain is a hot research project of the
scale and importance of the Genome Project and is currently being
worked on by major laboratories.
We could speed up the functional identification of neuronal groups or
modules by using general architecture apriori knowledge we have about
these modules. For example the architecture of the visual cortex is
well defined. We could treat it as a module with minor variations from
individual to individuals due to genetic differences such as Single
Nucleotide Polymorphism SNP. SNPs. Very soon we shall have the genetic
map of all the human SNPs. We shall also have the general architecture
of the brain and all its nominal variations.

2) Particular Architecture
Imagine using an advanced version of a functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) device operating at the microscopic
level on a slice of brain tissue. Without knowing exaclty what is in
the brain tissue black box, it may be possible to identify their
functional property and recreate these in silicon or any other
convenient substrate. By the way, microscopic functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging is an existing technology that is currently being
used. This is what I got using Google. 


articles for functional magnetic resonance imaging microscop$

primate neocortex in comparative perspective using ... - by Insel - 40 citations
and neuropathology in epilepsy: With ... - by
Nishio - 1 citations
by Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of the ... - by
Jeong - 2 citations


3) Combining General and Particular Architectures
Fusing information to combine apriori knowledge of general architecture
brain functions, and particular architecture data obtained from in situ
functional measurements (e.g. fMRI), neurological and
psychological measurements, as well as self-analysis, it may be
possible to reconstruct a functional copy of the brain close
enough as to be indinstinguishable from the original by the owner. How
does the owner knows it is indistinguishable? This is a whole topic. He
could for example do a series of  partial substitutions to find out if
it feels the same or not. For example, he could substitute in sequence
the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, some of the motor functions

We may be closer to this goal than you think.


RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-08 Thread Jesse Mazer

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

Recent theory based on the work of Eric Kandel is that long term memory is 
mediated by new protein synthesis in synapses, which modulates the 
responsiveness of the synapse to neurotransmitter release; that is, it 
isn't just the "wiring diagram" that characterises a memory, but also the 
unique properties of each individual "connection".

But these unique properties would be included in the simulation if you could 
record the levels of different neurotransmitters and proteins at each 
synapse, no? Wouldn't they still be present in the brain of a person that 
had recently died, at least if the individual neurons had not yet died at 
the moment the brain was frozen?

In theory, it should be possible to scan a brain in vivo using some 
near-future MRI analogue and determine the state of each of the 10^11 
neurons, and store the information as a binary srtring on a hard disk. Once 
we had this data, what would we do with it? The details of ionic gradients, 
type, number and conformation of cellular proteins, anatomy and type of 
synaptic connections, etc. etc. etc., would be needed for each neuron

I don't think you'd need the details of ionic gradients at the moment of 
death, as long as you know how ionic gradients work in a generic neuron 
you'd probably just be able to "restart" them.

along with an accurate model of how they all
worked and interacted, in order to calculate the next state, and the state 
after that, and so on. This would be difficult enough to do if each neuron 
were considered in isolation, but in fact, there may be hundreds of 
synaptic connections between neurons, and the activity of each connected 
neuron needs to be taken into account, along with the activity of each of 
the hundreds of neurons connected to each of *those* neurons, and so on.

Yes, but the hope is that neurons are not overly idiosyncratic in how they 
behave, that once you've learned to simulate a single neuron, then you could 
apply the same rules to other neurons as long as you knew their shape 
(branching of synapses, length of axon and so forth), the levels of various 
significant molecules at each synapse (and maybe elsewhere in the neuron), 
and maybe some other parameters I haven't thought of. And if you have a 
general algorithm that can simulate any neuron once you've measured the 
relevant parameters, then simulating an entire brain would mainly be a 
matter of being able to record these parameters in every neuron of a frozen 
brain, and of having a big enough computer (although you'd also have to know 
how to simulate the way that sensory neurons are stimulated by sense organs, 
how motor neurons affect simulated muscles, and how neurons interact with 
organs to affect things like hormone levels).


RE: where do copies come from?

2005-07-07 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Brent Meeker writes:

I find it hard to believe that something as stable as memories that last 
decades is encoded in a way dependent on ionic gradients across cell 
and the type, number, distribution and conformation of receptor and ion 

proteins.  What evidence is there for this?  It seems much more likely that
long term memory would be stored as configuration of neuronal connections.

You have to keep in mind that every living organism is being continually 
remodelled by cellular repair mechanisms. Jesse Mazer recently quoted an 
article which cited radiolabelling studies demonstrating that the entire 
brain is turned over every couple of months, and the synapses in particular 
are turned over in a matter of minutes. The appearance of "permanent" 
anatomical structures is an illusion due to the constant expenditure of 
energy rebuilding that which is constantly falling apart. If anything, 
parameters such as ionic gradients and protein conformation are more closely 
regulated over time than gross anatomy. Cancer cells may forget who they 
are, what their job is, what they look like and where they live, but if an 
important enzyme curled up a little tighter than usual due to corruption of 
intracellular homeostasis mechanisms, the cell would instantly die.

Recent theory based on the work of Eric Kandel is that long term memory is 
mediated by new protein synthesis in synapses, which modulates the 
responsiveness of the synapse to neurotransmitter release; that is, it isn't 
just the "wiring diagram" that characterises a memory, but also the unique 
properties of each individual "connection". But let's suppose, for the sake 
of argument, that each distinct mental state were encoded by the simplest 
possible mechanism: the "on" or "off" state of each individual neuron. This 
would allow 2^10^11 possible different mental states - more than enough for 
trillions of humans to live trillions of lifetimes and never repeat a 
thought. In theory, it should be possible to scan a brain in vivo using some 
near-future MRI analogue and determine the state of each of the 10^11 
neurons, and store the information as a binary srtring on a hard disk. Once 
we had this data, what would we do with it? The details of ionic gradients, 
type, number and conformation of cellular proteins, anatomy and type of 
synaptic connections, etc. etc. etc., would be needed for each neuron, along 
with an accurate model of how they all worked and interacted, in order to 
calculate the next state, and the state after that, and so on. This would be 
difficult enough to do if each neuron were considered in isolation, but in 
fact, there may be hundreds of synaptic connections between neurons, and the 
activity of each connected neuron needs to be taken into account, along with 
the activity of each of the hundreds of neurons connected to each of *those* 
neurons, and so on.

--Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-07 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 07-juil.-05, à 16:27, Eugen Leitl a écrit :

Currently, there's only output, not input. It's invasive, and the 

don't age well.

Actually (but I'm not a specialist) I read about systems not using 
electrodes. The neural nets was sensible to the waves of barin activity 
like in a Electro Encephalo Gram (EEG in "french, sorry).

Thanks for the info and links.


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-07 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 04:15:30PM +0200, Bruno Marchal wrote:

> I think so. I have recently discovered impressioning progress in 
> neuronal nets used for handicaped (completely paralyzed) people. They 
> are able to learn fast the handling of a cursor and files on a 
> computer. No doubt it will be used soonely to vide-games and in the 
> middle run it could replace the keyboard for most application. Then 
> those neuronal nets will grow into "artificial" sort of neocortex and I 
> can imagine taking up the main role in our brain information 
> processing. Then we could just abandon brain!

Currently, there's only output, not input. It's invasive, and the electrodes
don't age well. You'd need something with the I/O of corpus callosum to allow
migration into an exocortex. This would seem to absolutely require invasive
nanotechnology. It is very unlikely that this technology will become
available within our biological life span.

> Yet I think Cryo will progress too, most probably by genetic 
> manipulation, copying and ameliorating some molecular technics used by 
> frogs I think.

Current vitrification solutions are already good enough. Biological
cryoprotectants do not vitrify (no frogs had to adapt to -150 degrees C
habitat), mostly due to failure to achieve high enough molality by metabolic
generation (desiccation-resistant organisms do achieve this by dehydration), 
though some of them might be useful ice blockers.

We have synthetic ice blockers however, which are excellent. Again, look at
some of the images at

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-07 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 07-juil.-05, à 08:51, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :

If mind uploads were to become a reality, I think the best strategy 
would be research into brain-computer interfacing.

I think so. I have recently discovered impressioning progress in 
neuronal nets used for handicaped (completely paralyzed) people. They 
are able to learn fast the handling of a cursor and files on a 
computer. No doubt it will be used soonely to vide-games and in the 
middle run it could replace the keyboard for most application. Then 
those neuronal nets will grow into "artificial" sort of neocortex and I 
can imagine taking up the main role in our brain information 
processing. Then we could just abandon brain!
Yet I think Cryo will progress too, most probably by genetic 
manipulation, copying and ameliorating some molecular technics used by 
frogs I think.


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-07 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 07-juil.-05, à 04:55, Stathis Papaioannou a écrit :

How does a quasi-zombie differ from a full zombie?

Well a full zombie is not conscious at all. By a quasi-zombie I was 
meaning someone with some consciousness pathologies.

 And how could his descendants ever realise this, even after centuries 
- wouldn't this require a foolproof 3rd person method of determining 
1st person experience?

After centuries of "immortality" people can have better theories on 
correlations between some experience and some third person features of 
their brain.

I have myself once believed that synesthesia (hearing color, seeing 
sound) was sort of poetical stuff until I read people have discovered 
specific neuronal channels corresponding to it.

But here with "immortal zombie" I was just alluding on the fact that we 
can't known for sure the level of substitution. We must bet on 
theories, and in practice we let the doctor make the bet. Logician use 
"model" for testing the validity of an argument, and I can *conceive* 
(not believe!) something like

1- Hameroff is right and consciousness is produced by information 
processing in the microtubule in interaction with gravitation (say, 
this does not contradict comp)

2- Without it, the neurons can manage very high level information 
processing so that without the microtubule working someone can still 
pass a (long) Turing test

3- Yet, they could not pass a much longer Turing test. So that 
ultimately people discovered they are in a sort of loop, etc.

OK, this could contradict Darwin, and I could search a better example, 
but my point was just that nobody can give garantees on that matter 
(actually it is the same with taking a plane, or just a cup of tea).


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-07 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 12:49:07PM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> The "high standard" I have described does not go nearly as far as copying 
> the exact quantum state of every atom. It is merely aknowledging the fact 

Two systems in the same quantum state being indistinguishable is only
relevant for equilibrium constants and gedanken experiments.

> that information in brains is not stored in the anatomical arrangement of 
> neurons, any more than data on a computer is stored in the computer's 
> circuit diagram. If you copy a car down to the scale of a fraction of a 
> millimetrel you can expect that the copy will work the same as the 
> original, but if you copy a computer down to the sub-micron level you might 
> end up with a machine that will run Windows XP or whatever, but you won't 
> copy the data in RAM or on the hard drive. While it is not known exactly 

Okay, your objection is simply "not enough resolution". I agree. TEM is not
enough resolution by far. 

> how information is stored in a brain, it is certainly dependent on such 
> parameters as ionic gradients across cell membranes and the type, number, 

No, that's wrong. Gradients collapse (you see them collapsing on the EEG in
realtime) after 20-30 sec of stopped blood flow, even at normothermic
ischaemia (even without hypothermia and drugs (barbiturates, etc)).

> distribution and conformation of receptor and ion channel proteins. At its 

Yes, and quite a few other things.

> simplest, the brain could be seen as using a binary code, each neuron 
> having two possible states, "on" or "off". However, a snapshot of the state 
> of each neuron will not allow a model of the brain to be built, because all 
> the anciliary cellular machinery as above is needed to work out how to get 
> from one state to the next. If it were otherwise, why would all this 
> complexity have evolved?

I do not understand your objections here.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-07 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 04:51:23PM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> I have no problem with the idea that everything about a person's 
> personality, memories etc. is physically encoded in his brain, and that in 
> principle, sufficiently detailed knowledge about his brain should allow an 
> emulation on a computer which would be just like the original person. The 

Fair enough. You seem to suddenly deviate from this position at some point
below, though.

> problems are:
> (1) what is the level of detail of neuronal information required;

It doesn't matter, if that information is present in the vitrified brain.
Preliminary results look good
More results will be forthcoming in the next 1-2 years (this is something I
know, not guess).

> (2) can this requisite information be preserved in a post-mortem specimen;

See above. No showstoppers, under optimal conditions.

> (3) can the information be scanned or read in a way that can be used in a 
> computer model;

Yes, though TEM is probably not sufficient. Scaled up cryo AFM has more than 
resolution, and allows individual sampling of ablated molecules. In times
where CO molecules are individually sorted by the isotopes by numerical 
control, and assembled into elaborate circuits, this shouldn't require much 

> (4) can each subsystem of neuronal function relevant to cognition be 
> modelled closely enough to allow emulation;

This is the most difficult point: you have to build a system which can
abstract models, building at least 2-3 hierarchies, until you arrive at an
isofunctional model well mapped to the hardware used.

I have ideas in that direction, but nothing has been tested yet.

> (5) given adequate information and adequate models, is the computer power 
> available up to the task of emulation in anything like real time?

Near future will give us systems built from moles of bits (by self-assembly
of individual molecular circuits). Pretty speedy
systems, enough for a speedup of 10^6, if not more. The difficulty lies in
obtaining a model which is isofunctional to the original. By the time you
have that model, hardware will not be a bottleneck. 

> I believe the level of detail required and the complexity of the required 
> models is grossly underestimated. Simply getting a 3D image of a brain down 

No offense, but given the level of your ignorance, how do you know who 
has estimated what? 

> to electron microscopic detail, including all the synaptic connections, 
> would be an enormous task, and it probabaly wouldn't tell us any more about 

Yes. You need more resolution than TEM, btw. That's what automation is for.

> the mind of the brain's owner than a picture of the books on a library 
> shelf would tell us about the book contents. I would bet more on mediaeval 

I told you we have results that there's probably enough preserved for the
tissue to be retransplantable(!). Once it's in the dewar, time stops. I told
you we have current methods allowing you to resolve submolecular structures
in cryopreserved tissue. There's no fundamental reason why you can't image
kg-sized vitrified objects at atomic resolution, at least transiently where
it matters (what is this transmembrane protein, and how is it been modified, 
the membrane itself is rather boring). This is easily verified even with only 
online information.

The information is preserved in the structure. Are you claiming that there is
something missing? What, precisely, then?

> monks decoding the data on a DVD sent back in time than I would bet on 
> scientists decoding the contents of a human mind from cryopreserved brain 
> sections.

You'll see individually accurate numerical models of simple critters +
virtual models within the 20-30 year time frame. We could do this now with C.
elegans, given 5-10 years, and a considerable budget.

> If mind uploads were to become a reality, I think the best strategy would 
> be research into brain-computer interfacing.

What is your estimated time frame for advent of technology like

I, personally, am not holding my breath. YMMV.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Jesse Mazer wrote:

[quoting Stathis, responding to a post by George Levy]
The "high standard" I have described does not go nearly as far as copying 
the exact quantum state of every atom. It is merely aknowledging the fact 
that information in brains is not stored in the anatomical arrangement of 
neurons, any more than data on a computer is stored in the computer's 
circuit diagram.

If you scan the anatomical arrangement of synapses *and* the concentration 
of all the relevant proteins at the synapses, you probably would have 
enough to run a simulation that would act like a continuation of the 
original person. The upload might find he'd lost his short-term memories of 
what happened immediately before he died and his brain was frozen (just as 
we often do when we regain consciousness after being suddenly knocked 
unconscious by an accident), but as I understand it long-term memories are 
stored in terms of the pattern of synaptic connections and the 
neurotransmitters at each synapse, and as long as the simulated neurons 
behave closely enough to how the original neurons behaved, shouldn't the 
upload behave like the original person in terms of personality, thought 
processes, emotions, preferences and so forth?

I have no problem with the idea that everything about a person's 
personality, memories etc. is physically encoded in his brain, and that in 
principle, sufficiently detailed knowledge about his brain should allow an 
emulation on a computer which would be just like the original person. The 
problems are:

(1) what is the level of detail of neuronal information required;
(2) can this requisite information be preserved in a post-mortem specimen;
(3) can the information be scanned or read in a way that can be used in a 
computer model;
(4) can each subsystem of neuronal function relevant to cognition be 
modelled closely enough to allow emulation;
(5) given adequate information and adequate models, is the computer power 
available up to the task of emulation in anything like real time?

I believe the level of detail required and the complexity of the required 
models is grossly underestimated. Simply getting a 3D image of a brain down 
to electron microscopic detail, including all the synaptic connections, 
would be an enormous task, and it probabaly wouldn't tell us any more about 
the mind of the brain's owner than a picture of the books on a library shelf 
would tell us about the book contents. I would bet more on mediaeval monks 
decoding the data on a DVD sent back in time than I would bet on scientists 
decoding the contents of a human mind from cryopreserved brain sections.

If mind uploads were to become a reality, I think the best strategy would be 
research into brain-computer interfacing.

--Stathis Papaioannou

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Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread Jesse Mazer

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

George Levy wrote:

[quoting Stathis]
You would also need to know the electrical potential at every point of 
every cell membrane; the ionic gradients (Na, K, Ca, pH and others) 
across every cell membrane, including intracellular membranes; the type, 
position and conformation of every receptor, ion channel and other 
proteins; the intracellular and local extracellular concentrations of 
every neurotransmitter; the workings of the cellular transport, synthetic 
and repair mechanisms for each neuron and probably also for each 
supporting glial cell; the intracellular and extracellular concentration 
of other small molecules such as glucose, O2, CO2; how all of this is 
changing with respect to time; and probably thousands of other 
paramemters, many of which would currently be unknown.

This is unfair. According to this strict standard you are not the same 
person today as you were yersterday. In fact even an automotive 
transportation method would violate the above standard. We can't expect a 
Star-Trek tranporter to have more "High Fidelity" than a car. The question 
is how much can we relax the standard until the person at the output is 
"not the same" as the person at the input. In a brain substitution 
experiment, when should the patient say "yes doctor" or "no doctor"?

The "high standard" I have described does not go nearly as far as copying 
the exact quantum state of every atom. It is merely aknowledging the fact 
that information in brains is not stored in the anatomical arrangement of 
neurons, any more than data on a computer is stored in the computer's 
circuit diagram.

If you scan the anatomical arrangement of synapses *and* the concentration 
of all the relevant proteins at the synapses, you probably would have enough 
to run a simulation that would act like a continuation of the original 
person. The upload might find he'd lost his short-term memories of what 
happened immediately before he died and his brain was frozen (just as we 
often do when we regain consciousness after being suddenly knocked 
unconscious by an accident), but as I understand it long-term memories are 
stored in terms of the pattern of synaptic connections and the 
neurotransmitters at each synapse, and as long as the simulated neurons 
behave closely enough to how the original neurons behaved, shouldn't the 
upload behave like the original person in terms of personality, thought 
processes, emotions, preferences and so forth?


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

George Levy wrote:

[quoting Stathis]
You would also need to know the electrical potential at every point of 
every cell membrane; the ionic gradients (Na, K, Ca, pH and others) across 
every cell membrane, including intracellular membranes; the type, position 
and conformation of every receptor, ion channel and other proteins; the 
intracellular and local extracellular concentrations of every 
neurotransmitter; the workings of the cellular transport, synthetic and 
repair mechanisms for each neuron and probably also for each supporting 
glial cell; the intracellular and extracellular concentration of other 
small molecules such as glucose, O2, CO2; how all of this is changing with 
respect to time; and probably thousands of other paramemters, many of 
which would currently be unknown.

This is unfair. According to this strict standard you are not the same 
person today as you were yersterday. In fact even an automotive 
transportation method would violate the above standard. We can't expect a 
Star-Trek tranporter to have more "High Fidelity" than a car. The question 
is how much can we relax the standard until the person at the output is 
"not the same" as the person at the input. In a brain substitution 
experiment, when should the patient say "yes doctor" or "no doctor"?

The "high standard" I have described does not go nearly as far as copying 
the exact quantum state of every atom. It is merely aknowledging the fact 
that information in brains is not stored in the anatomical arrangement of 
neurons, any more than data on a computer is stored in the computer's 
circuit diagram. If you copy a car down to the scale of a fraction of a 
millimetrel you can expect that the copy will work the same as the original, 
but if you copy a computer down to the sub-micron level you might end up 
with a machine that will run Windows XP or whatever, but you won't copy the 
data in RAM or on the hard drive. While it is not known exactly how 
information is stored in a brain, it is certainly dependent on such 
parameters as ionic gradients across cell membranes and the type, number, 
distribution and conformation of receptor and ion channel proteins. At its 
simplest, the brain could be seen as using a binary code, each neuron having 
two possible states, "on" or "off". However, a snapshot of the state of each 
neuron will not allow a model of the brain to be built, because all the 
anciliary cellular machinery as above is needed to work out how to get from 
one state to the next. If it were otherwise, why would all this complexity 
have evolved?

--Stathis Ppapaioannou

Sell your car for $9 on

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

How does a quasi-zombie differ from a full zombie? And how could his 
descendants ever realise this, even after centuries - wouldn't this require 
a foolproof 3rd person method of determining 1st person experience?


Le 06-juil.-05, à 22:12, George Levy a écrit :

In a brain substitution experiment, when should the patient say "yes 
doctor" or "no doctor"?

The comp answers: this is a question bearing on a private and personal 
domain,  including the possible relations you have with a doctor you thrust 
(if that exists!). The level is a matter of personal opinion or choice, the 
lower the better probably ...

No guarantees of success at all. Logically, it could be that the ``pioneer 
of immortality" will just be quasi-zombie, although their descendant will 
take centuries to realize that!

I don't say it will be necessarily so. There are other scenarios ...


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Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread Bruno Marchal

Le 06-juil.-05, à 22:12, George Levy a écrit :

In a brain substitution experiment, when should the patient say "yes 
doctor" or "no doctor"?

The comp answers: this is a question bearing on a private and personal 
domain,  including the possible relations you have with a doctor you 
thrust (if that exists!). The level is a matter of personal opinion or 
choice, the lower the better probably ...

No guarantees of success at all. Logically, it could be that the 
``pioneer of immortality" will just be quasi-zombie, although their 
descendant will take centuries to realize that!

I don't say it will be necessarily so. There are other scenarios ...


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread George Levy

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

You would also need to know the electrical potential at every point of 
every cell membrane; the ionic gradients (Na, K, Ca, pH and others) 
across every cell membrane, including intracellular membranes; the 
type, position and conformation of every receptor, ion channel and 
other proteins; the intracellular and local extracellular 
concentrations of every neurotransmitter; the workings of the cellular 
transport, synthetic and repair mechanisms for each neuron and 
probably also for each supporting glial cell; the intracellular and 
extracellular concentration of other small molecules such as glucose, 
O2, CO2; how all of this is changing with respect to time; and 
probably thousands of other paramemters, many of which would currently 
be unknown.

This is unfair. According to this strict standard you are not the same 
person today as you were yersterday. In fact even an automotive 
transportation method would violate the above standard. We can't expect 
a Star-Trek tranporter to have more "High Fidelity" than a car. The 
question is how much can we relax the standard until the person at the 
output is "not the same" as the person at the input. In a brain 
substitution experiment, when should the patient say "yes doctor" or "no 


Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Wed, Jul 06, 2005 at 10:31:50PM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> This may be getting a little off topic for this list, but it has always 
> seemed to me hopelessly naive to think that a person's mind could be 

Perhaps, perhaps not. 

> emulated from cryopreserved brain tissue. It would be like trying to 
> recreate a telephone conversation by examining a diagram of a city's 
> telephone network. Even if you could get the anatomy correct, which would 

This is not a correct analogy. Individual spike trains are readily
regenerated from a neuron circuit. Neurons are not people on the telephone.
There's nobody using your telephone network above but whatever intrinsic
activity there is in the network itself.

> mean knowing every neuron's connection with every other neuron, you would 

Of course. Empirically, submolecular resolution is available (cryo AFM).
Whether it is going to be needed (say, to read the degree of phosphorylation
of a protein, or identify individual ion channel type) is another question.

The information is there, and we can almost access it with current 
technology (completely ignoring scaling up issues).

> have nowhere near enough information to model a human brain, let alone a 
> particular human brain state at the time of death. You would also need to 

Which information you think would be missing?

> know the electrical potential at every point of every cell membrane; the 
> ionic gradients (Na, K, Ca, pH and others) across every cell membrane, 
> including intracellular membranes; the type, position and conformation of 
> every receptor, ion channel and other proteins; the intracellular and local 
> extracellular concentrations of every neurotransmitter; the workings of the 
> cellular transport, synthetic and repair mechanisms for each neuron and 
> probably also for each supporting glial cell; the intracellular and 
> extracellular concentration of other small molecules such as glucose, O2, 
> CO2; how all of this is changing with respect to time; and probably 
> thousands of other paramemters, many of which would currently be unknown. 

We empirically know that individual animal or human pattern can resume from zero
electrochemical activity and about zero metabolic activity (few degrees above 0 
We also have evidence (not fully validated yet) that vitrified retransplanted 
(renal, so far) tissue is viable.

Taken together it strongly hints that there is enough information, and that
most of above factors cited are empirically incorrect. You don't need them.

There might be showstoppers yet, but current trends are good. Some publications
are in the pipeline, hang on for a year or two.

> Most of this information would probably be lost post-mortem, but even if 
> some process could be found that preserves it, the sort of technology 
> needed to scan a brain at this sort of detail would probably not be far 
> short of atom for atom matter duplication and teleportation.

You cannot scan a living cephalon without invading it with several liters of
active nanomachinery. Most likely, no such machinery will be available within
our lifetime.

Because of this I'm focusing on cryopreserved people.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-06 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

Eugen Leitl writes:

[quoting Stathis]

> point in human evolution. But while we have been discussing the rich
> philosophical issues raised by this possibility, and touched on some of 
> social issues in a world where copying is common, nobody has really 
> about how these copies will actually be made. It seems to me that our 

This has been discussed in other places though, ad nauseam. Of current
relevance is only one: building numerical models from crysectioned
cryopreserved (vitrified) human tissue. We won't see anything else within 


There you have a number of issues arising: loss of a few hour window
(everything not yet consolidated into long-term memory), destruction of the
original (destructivey copy), creation of an abstracted copy (or several
copies), based on a different substrate yet isofunctional.

This may be getting a little off topic for this list, but it has always 
seemed to me hopelessly naive to think that a person's mind could be 
emulated from cryopreserved brain tissue. It would be like trying to 
recreate a telephone conversation by examining a diagram of a city's 
telephone network. Even if you could get the anatomy correct, which would 
mean knowing every neuron's connection with every other neuron, you would 
have nowhere near enough information to model a human brain, let alone a 
particular human brain state at the time of death. You would also need to 
know the electrical potential at every point of every cell membrane; the 
ionic gradients (Na, K, Ca, pH and others) across every cell membrane, 
including intracellular membranes; the type, position and conformation of 
every receptor, ion channel and other proteins; the intracellular and local 
extracellular concentrations of every neurotransmitter; the workings of the 
cellular transport, synthetic and repair mechanisms for each neuron and 
probably also for each supporting glial cell; the intracellular and 
extracellular concentration of other small molecules such as glucose, O2, 
CO2; how all of this is changing with respect to time; and probably 
thousands of other paramemters, many of which would currently be unknown. 
Most of this information would probably be lost post-mortem, but even if 
some process could be found that preserves it, the sort of technology needed 
to scan a brain at this sort of detail would probably not be far short of 
atom for atom matter duplication and teleportation.

--Stathis Papaioannou

Sell your car for $9 on

Re: where do copies come from?

2005-07-04 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 12:41:26AM +1000, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

> point in human evolution. But while we have been discussing the rich 
> philosophical issues raised by this possibility, and touched on some of the 
> social issues in a world where copying is common, nobody has really talked 
> about how these copies will actually be made. It seems to me that our old 

This has been discussed in other places though, ad nauseam. Of current
relevance is only one: building numerical models from crysectioned
cryopreserved (vitrified) human tissue. We won't see anything else within our

There you have a number of issues arising: loss of a few hour window
(everything not yet consolidated into long-term memory), destruction of the
original (destructivey copy), creation of an abstracted copy (or several 
copies), based on a different substrate yet isofunctional.

> workhorse, the Star Trek teleporter, even if theoretically possible, would 
> be a fantastically difficult thing to make. Any civilization advanced 
> enough to be up to the task of building one would have long ago developed 
> much easier methods of copying and transferring minds by going all 
> electronic (or photonic, or whatever), so that atom for atom duplication of 
> a biological entity would be a pointless exercise.

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820
8B29F6BE: 099D 78BA 2FD3 B014 B08A  7779 75B0 2443 8B29 F6BE

Description: Digital signature

where do copies come from?

2005-07-04 Thread Stathis Papaioannou

My initial purpose in discussing copies on this list was as an analogy for 
the copies of an observer in other branches of the multiverse, to make a 
point about the significance of absolute versus relative measure in the QTI. 
However, the discussion has obviously taken off in a different direction, 
and it appears that now we are not talking about thought experiments, but 
about something that might become a reality at some future point in human 
evolution. But while we have been discussing the rich philosophical issues 
raised by this possibility, and touched on some of the social issues in a 
world where copying is common, nobody has really talked about how these 
copies will actually be made. It seems to me that our old workhorse, the 
Star Trek teleporter, even if theoretically possible, would be a 
fantastically difficult thing to make. Any civilization advanced enough to 
be up to the task of building one would have long ago developed much easier 
methods of copying and transferring minds by going all electronic (or 
photonic, or whatever), so that atom for atom duplication of a biological 
entity would be a pointless exercise.

It therefore seems likely that if copying minds is to be commonplace and 
easy, the minds will be uploaded humans or AI's on a computer network. This 
would change *everything* that has so far been said about copies and their 
relationship to each other and to the original. When I think about whether 
concern for the welfare of one of my copies is selfishness or altruism, I do 
so from the point of view of a poor unmodified human who experiences a 
single track, unidirectional stream of consciousness unfolding linearly in 
time and relying on memory to hold it all together. But if I were a computer 
program with ability to rewrite my own source code (or have someone else do 
it), that all goes out the window. I would be able to merge with other 
people, spin off sub-personalities, enhance any attribute or ability I 
liked, just *decide* what philosophical or other belief I wanted to hold, 
make myself altruistic on Mondays and selfish on Tuesdays, edit my memory so 
that things happen in a different order, assimilate any experience that I 
fancy, be basically content with life but with a cynical edge and a mild 
yearning for old-style human limitations, and so on and on...

--Stathis Papaioannou

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