[FairfieldLife] Re: American Heart Association report on meditation, blood pressure: TM winner-ish

2013-04-24 Thread card

Meta-Analyses or Reviews
The Healthcare Research and Quality report published an 
evidence-based document on meditation practices for health 
in 2007.31 The University of Alberta Evidence-Based Practice 
Center was commissioned to prepare the report. It was requested 
and funded by the National Center for Complementary and 
Alternative Medicine and included published studies through 
2005. For hypertension, 5 trials of TM, 2 trials of Zen 
meditation, and 2 other trials of meditation without a clear 
description (which were not included in the meta-analysis) 
were reviewed. Only 2 trials (both of TM) were considered 
to be of high methodological quality. The studies of TM had 
sample sizes ranging from 37 to 106 and were medium- to 
long-term interventions (≥3 months). TM was found to be 
superior to progressive muscle relaxation with respect to 
reductions in systolic (−4.30 mmHg; 95% confidence interval 
[CI], −6.02 to −0.57) and diastolic (−3.11 mmHg; 95% 
CI, −5.00 to −1.22) BP but not to health education (systolic 
BP, −1.10 mmHg; 95% CI, −5.24 to 3.04; diastolic BP, −0.58 
mmHg; 95% CI, −4.22 to 3.06). Compared with repeated 
measurement of BP ("BP checks"), Zen meditation was found 
to produce reductions in diastolic BP (−6.08 mmHg; 95% 
CI, −11.68 to −0.48) but not systolic BP (−3.67 mmHg; 95% 
CI, −9.04 to 1.70). For healthy individuals, 3 studies of TM 
were found for inclusion in a meta-analysis of TM compared 
with no treatment. TM was not associated with greater systolic 
(0.93 mmHg; 95% CI, −9.53 to 11.39) or diastolic (−1.63 
mmHg; 95% CI, −8.01 to 4.75) BP reductions.
Since the Healthcare Research and Quality report, 2 additional meta-analyses 
evaluating the effects of TM on BP have 
been published.32,33 They criticized the Healthcare Research 
and Quality report on several methodological grounds. Many 
of the studies included in both meta-analyses overlapped. In 
addition, numerous individual studies were ultimately not 
included in the final statistical analyses because of poor quality. The 
meta-analysis published in 2007 comparing TM with 
attention control included 6 randomized, controlled trials of at 
least 8 weeks' duration that were thought to be well designed 
with a total of 449 individuals. TM was associated with significant reductions 
in both systolic (−5 mmHg; 95% CI, −7.6 to 
2.3) and diastolic (−2.8 mmHg; 95% CI, −5.0 to −0.5) BP.
33 A 
separate meta-analysis published in 2008 included 9 randomized, controlled 
trials suitable for analysis (367 individuals in 
active and 344 in control groups). It compared TM with health 
education (7 studies), relaxation (1 study), or no treatment (1 
study).32 The studies varied in duration from 8 to 52 weeks 
(median, 15 weeks) and included individuals with normal 
blood pressure (n=3), with prehypertension (n=2), and with 
overt hypertension (n=4). For all studies, the outcomes were 
clinic-measured BP averages. TM was associated with significant reductions in 
both systolic (−4.7 mmHg; 95% CI, −1.9 
to −7.4) and diastolic (−3.2 mmHg; 95% CI, −1.3 to 
−5.4) BP 
compared with control arms. Similar reductions were reported 
for individuals with hypertension and individuals with normal 
blood pressure.

Recent Trials
A recent trial of TM randomized 298 university students with 
normal blood pressure to TM or wait-list control. The trial 
was a single-blind study; the primary outcome was clinic BP. 
Students randomized to TM did not have a reduction in BP 
unless they were deemed to be at high risk for hypertension 
(ie, body mass index >25 kg/m2
, BP >130/85 mmHg, and/or 
a self-reported family history of hypertension).34 The effect of 
TM versus health education was also recently assessed in a 
randomized, controlled trial for the secondary prevention of 
cardiovascular disease among 201 blacks.
35 During an average follow-up of 5.4 years, the primary end point (composite 
of all-cause mortality, myocardial infarctions, or stroke) 
was significantly reduced by 48% (hazard ratio, 0.52; 95% 
CI, 0.29–0.92) in the TM group. Compared with the control 
group, systolic BP was 4.9 mmHg lower (95% CI, −8.3 to 
−1.5) at the end of the trial among those randomized to TM. 
However, this net difference was attributable to an increase 
in systolic BP in the control group (4.9 mmHg) rather than a 
significant reduction induced by TM treatment (0.02 mmHg). 
In this regard, TM may have played a role in preventing agingrelated BP 
progression over half a decade. More long-term 
follow-up research is required.
Recent studies have also evaluated the effectiveness of contemplative forms of 
meditation, including mindfulness meditation and MBSR.36–42 Two trials were 
conducted in children and 
randomized participants in groups (eg, by class). One randomized trial compared 
breathing awareness meditation with lifeskills training and health education in 
166 black ninth grade 
students with elevated resting systolic BPs.40 Interventions 
were conducted by tea

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> I thought about the karma thing too when reading Anita's 
> book. One way to view what happens after death, in her 
> viewpoint a great equalizer, is that to be capable of 
> great atrocities during one's lifetime means one is 
> already in a sort of living hell. What could cause 
> someone to torture animals or people or go to endless 
> lengths in order to gain wealth, to exploit others 
> sexually, to exploit someone's good nature or trust? 
> What would allow someone to do that is to be living an 
> existence devoid of feeling or empathy, to be bereft 
> of the more subtle and sensitive impulses that guide 
> the life that is filled with the capacity to understand 
> and place oneself within the delicate space of another 
> - to be able to relate and therefore to feel you can 
> understand and want to enhance the condition of another 
> person. To be unable to feel such things is a sort of 
> hell, so after this life of suffering in what ways 
> should this poor sod have to suffer more? They have 
> already spent most of their earthly existence enacting 
> a nightmare, probably experiencing a kind of emotional 
> void. When is that allowed to end? Surely in death.

While I cannot disagree with what Ann says here,
I should point out to her that what she has posted
is pretty much the clinical definition of someone
suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder
or Sociopathic Disorder. 

Unable to feel empathy, driven only by ego and 
self-importance and the need to fuel it, they often
become charismatic (and abusive) priests or teachers 
or cult leaders and use their positions of supposed 
authority to dominate and exploit others (for whom
they can feel no pity because they can't *feel*). 
And all the while they're *masking* their inability 
to feel empathy or real emotion by talking in 
language that makes them appear more "sensitive" or 
empathic than others. It's a strange affliction. 

And one that, as I've pointed out before, is not
easily reversed or cured. Therapists and mental
health experts consider the condition almost 
irreversible, because the same ego- and self-
absorption issues that drive a person to think
and act like this also prevent them from ever
changing. They cannot conceive of anything they
might want to change *into*, because for them
the overpowering sense of their own importance
and center-of-the-world-ness and "I-ness" in the 
present moment often blinds them to any ability 
to perceive or conceive of a different modality
in the future. So the disorder becomes self-

As Ann says, it's a kind of living Hell. Sadly,
it often is as well for those who have to live
with or deal with NPD individuals. There have
been successful treatment therapies developed
for how to help the *victims* of NPD or socio-
pathy, but so far almost none that can help
the perpetrators of it. If they're far gone 
enough into the behavior to be diagnosed with
Narcissistic Personality Disorder, they're 
stuck with it for life. And possibly -- given
karma -- for many lives to come...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 04/24/2013 06:38 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >> I hope his teachers schedule extra checking for him. OTOH, if he tweeted 
> >> just after learning, then a lot of his misconceptions will have already 
> >> been cleared up by now.
> > Expecting it to improve *everything* is a tad ambitious
> > for the first week, but good luck to him. I imagine he
> > needs a bit of peace after all the lawsuits that have been
> > thrown at his hideous "news" network. All the revelations
> > about the phonehacking scum in his employ who probably thought
> > they'd never get caught. And all the, two-faced, cowardly
> > politicians who finally turned on him after years of black-
> > mail and denied him and his lawless family of parasites at
> > News International almost complete control of British media.
> >
> > He must have lost billions, if he hasn't the courts in this
> > country should keep at him until his brand of humiliation
> > as entertainment and his vile right-wing tabloids are as much
> > a part of history as the woman who enabled it all, our dear
> > departed Maggie Thatch. Just one of her major and unacknowledged
> > mistakes.
> >
> > Hopefully we'll never see his like again (once we've somehow
> > got rid of the Daily [hate] Mail). Or maybe TM will reverse
> > his fortunes! "Nature support" has to work for someone after
> > all. Yes, he probably needs a bit of peace of mind.
> >
> Funny thing is that FX, the FOX cable channel has some of the best 
> programming around.  It's current hit is "The Americans" about KGB spies 
> during the 1980s in America.  Also "Justified" which I know has some 
> fans here.  "American Horror Story", "Louis CK", "Sons of Anarchy", 
> "Legit" are more of my favorites.  I read an interview back in the 1990s 
> with Rupert in Esquire magazine where he said all he was concerned about 
> was the TV shows are profitable.  He keeps hands off FOX and FX and 
> apparently too hands on the news properties. Stu once said that FOX was 
> the easiest to work for. Apparently not so many MBAs trying their hand 
> at seasoning the TV series soup as with the other networks.

Fair enough but tear up a copy of the New York Post while
you're watching.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-24 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised in 
> a Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about criminals 
> and generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people merge into 
> the non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
> ...
> I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
> nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately 
> unfathomable, nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and 
> effect, karma seems to be a storehouse of "good" and "bad" elements, the 
> latter roughly defined as baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's ongoing 
> evolution toward greater Happiness. The baggage may be in the form of raw 
> attachments and a storehouse of prior events.
> .
> But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would take 
> an input of additional "causes" - i.e. some effort and work put into the goal 
> of eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
> I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient 
> to eradicate the storehouse of "bad" karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept 
> the concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
> ...
> But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
> consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and one's 
> Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all cases.  
> Many criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into prison. 
> Does their bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of faith?, 
> instantaneously?
> ...
> My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
> criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality or 
> happiness; imo. 
> http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/8/72183.jpg

I thought about the karma thing too when reading Anita's book. One way to view 
what happens after death, in her viewpoint a great equalizer, is that to be 
capable of great atrocities during one's lifetime means one is already in a 
sort of living hell. What could cause someone to torture animals or people or 
go to endless lengths in order to gain wealth, to exploit others sexually, to 
exploit someone's good nature or trust? What would allow someone to do that is 
to be living an existence devoid of feeling or empathy, to be bereft of the 
more subtle and sensitive impulses that guide the life that is filled with the 
capacity to understand and place oneself within the delicate space of another - 
to be able to relate and therefore to feel you can understand and want to 
enhance the condition of another person. To be unable to feel such things is a 
sort of hell, so after this life of suffering in what ways should this poor sod 
have to suffer more? They have already spent most of their earthly existence 
enacting a nightmare, probably experiencing a kind of emotional void. When is 
that allowed to end? Surely in death.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> >
> > thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
> > imo, contains elements of "Faux" Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
> > have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
> > One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
> > with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute 
> > and there's no "place" in that state; thus you will find no mention in her 
> > book of Locale I environments.
> > ...
> > Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I 
> > disagree with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in 
> > dire need, trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state but 
> > at least far from "happy"); let alone those in actual hells as reported in 
> > about 10% of NDE's.
> > Thus she goes too far in assuming everybody after death is "happy", free of 
> > bad karma, and in a non-dual state. 
> > http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/2/16015.jpg
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > >
> > > I liked Moorjani's book a great deal more that Alexander's - he was 
> > > "trying" to prove he had the experience, while she simply said this is 
> > > what happened, take it or leave it.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: Yifu 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:35 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE
> > >  
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > Received her book, "Dying to Be Me"; an account of her NDE and miraculous 
> > > healing from near terminal cancer.
> > > On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly erronous 
> > > suppositions.  Doesn't have the rigor of Dr. Eban Alexander's book; the 
> > > latter pretty much "covering"

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
Judy if it's not, as you say below, you with whom I need to make it right, then 
why have 
you spent the last almost 8 months badgering me about it?!  I'm actually 
starting to think that you don't want me and Robin to reconcile.  In 
fact you said something to that effect just recently to another poster.  

As for the records, if you want something expunged from them, then I guess you 
need to speak to Rick and or Alex about it.  But again, I actually don't
 think that's what you really want either.  No, I think what you really 
want is an excuse to keep attacking me for some seriously neurotic reason that 
exists only in the depths of your neglected psyche.

I'm guessing that Robin has not asked you to be his spokesperson in this 
matter.  In that case, I have nothing further to say to you about it, Ms. 
Becoming More Sanctimonious Every Nanosecond!   

 From: authfriend 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > >
> > > You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
> > 
> > (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
> > yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
> > Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
> Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in
> no time.

I never was *not* my normal self, feste, as hard as you
tried to make it appear so.

> The thing is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes
> me mad when you lay into Share the way you do.

Obviously. (You can call me Judy, by the way.)

> It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, and most
> people here appreciate her,

I'd need to see a poll, but this isn't a voting issue. In
any case, I don't think many here really understand what's

> so I wish you could stretch yourself and be a little bit
> nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident
> that seems to bug you most took place so long ago, why
> not just forget it, let it go?

Because it was a terrible, awful thing for her to say, a
*malevolent* thing for her to say, something that was
intended to do serious damage to a person who had done
and was continuing to do his damndest to rectify the
situation. It was based on Share's misunderstanding of
something entirely innocuous that he had said. She needs
to retract it and apologize to him, for the sake of her
own soul if nothing else.

> You talk all the time about honesty and truth, but such
> things are not always as black and white as you would like
> us to believe. Our opinions about all kinds of things can
> change as we reflect on them and consider them. A person
> can react in a certain way at the time to some incident
> involving someone else, but later (days, weeks, even months),
> the incident might seem rather different to them than it did
> at first. So they start to recontextualize it, to think of
> it in a different light. This happens all the time in 
> relationships. It doesn't mean the person is being dishonest.
> Indeed, sometimes it means that they are in fact being very
> honest -- to their changing feelings and understandings about
> what took place.

Generally speaking, all this is true, but not always. I do
not believe that was the case here, for a number of reasons
that I've already explained *and documented* a number of
times that your apologia cannot account for. I don't think
Share can account for them either, and I strongly suspect
that's why she has refused to provide a straightforward
explanation--because if it were honest, it would reflect
very badly on her, and perhaps even worse on some others.

> Share has tried in her own way to make it right with you,
> so why not take a step or two toward her?

It isn't me she needs to make it right with. And the steps
she has taken have been designed to get me off her back
without revealing the real story. She has also refused to
retract the accusation she made against Robin. She says
only that she isn't making that accusation *now*--but the
original accusation is still on the record. It needs to be
explicitly taken *off* the record; it didn't even come
close to being true in the first place.

This wasn't just a minor misstep, feste. This was
scandalous and entirely indefensible. I would suggest you
read over my posts to Share about it and her responses,
because I don't think you've retained the crucial details
from when you read them the first time (assuming you did).


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/24/2013 06:38 AM, salyavin808 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
>> I hope his teachers schedule extra checking for him. OTOH, if he tweeted 
>> just after learning, then a lot of his misconceptions will have already been 
>> cleared up by now.
> Expecting it to improve *everything* is a tad ambitious
> for the first week, but good luck to him. I imagine he
> needs a bit of peace after all the lawsuits that have been
> thrown at his hideous "news" network. All the revelations
> about the phonehacking scum in his employ who probably thought
> they'd never get caught. And all the, two-faced, cowardly
> politicians who finally turned on him after years of black-
> mail and denied him and his lawless family of parasites at
> News International almost complete control of British media.
> He must have lost billions, if he hasn't the courts in this
> country should keep at him until his brand of humiliation
> as entertainment and his vile right-wing tabloids are as much
> a part of history as the woman who enabled it all, our dear
> departed Maggie Thatch. Just one of her major and unacknowledged
> mistakes.
> Hopefully we'll never see his like again (once we've somehow
> got rid of the Daily [hate] Mail). Or maybe TM will reverse
> his fortunes! "Nature support" has to work for someone after
> all. Yes, he probably needs a bit of peace of mind.

Funny thing is that FX, the FOX cable channel has some of the best 
programming around.  It's current hit is "The Americans" about KGB spies 
during the 1980s in America.  Also "Justified" which I know has some 
fans here.  "American Horror Story", "Louis CK", "Sons of Anarchy", 
"Legit" are more of my favorites.  I read an interview back in the 1990s 
with Rupert in Esquire magazine where he said all he was concerned about 
was the TV shows are profitable.  He keeps hands off FOX and FX and 
apparently too hands on the news properties. Stu once said that FOX was 
the easiest to work for. Apparently not so many MBAs trying their hand 
at seasoning the TV series soup as with the other networks.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-24 Thread Yifu
She also has an uncommon viewpoint of karma, surprising having been raised in a 
Hindu family (but went to a Catholic School). She was asked about criminals and 
generally those with bad karma. Her reply was that all people merge into the 
non-dual state and also - their karma is eradicated.
I don't agree with this, or see how it's possible; from what I grok as the 
nature of karma. (with the caveat that since karma is ultimately unfathomable, 
nobody knows a lot about it).  In any event, as cause and effect, karma seems 
to be a storehouse of "good" and "bad" elements, the latter roughly defined as 
baggage that detracts from Dharma and one's ongoing evolution toward greater 
Happiness. The baggage may be in the form of raw attachments and a storehouse 
of prior events.
But strictly in terms of cause and effect, erradicating the karma would take an 
input of additional "causes" - i.e. some effort and work put into the goal of 
eradicating it, as offsetting a weight.
I don't see how mere death would equate to the offsetting causes sufficient to 
eradicate the storehouse of "bad" karma.  But Anita doesn't even accept the 
concepts of good and bad. (but ymmv).
But nor do I agree with the Christian concept of Sin and how to offset the 
consequences therof.  Offhand, I'd say that merely accepting Jesus and one's 
Savior might be insuffient cause to eradicate ALL bad karma in all cases.  Many 
criminals convert to nominal Christianity after getting into prison. Does their 
bad karma vanish merely because of the new profession of faith?, 
My hypothesis: criminals at death go to the hellish worlds inhabited by 
criminals, Saints to their Heaven. Death is not a free pass to nonduality or 
happiness; imo. 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
> imo, contains elements of "Faux" Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
> have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
> One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self 
> with ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute 
> and there's no "place" in that state; thus you will find no mention in her 
> book of Locale I environments.
> ...
> Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I disagree 
> with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in dire need, 
> trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state but at least far 
> from "happy"); let alone those in actual hells as reported in about 10% of 
> NDE's.
> Thus she goes too far in assuming everybody after death is "happy", free of 
> bad karma, and in a non-dual state. 
> http://www.museumsyndicate.com/images/2/16015.jpg
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> >
> > I liked Moorjani's book a great deal more that Alexander's - he was 
> > "trying" to prove he had the experience, while she simply said this is what 
> > happened, take it or leave it.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: Yifu 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:35 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Received her book, "Dying to Be Me"; an account of her NDE and miraculous 
> > healing from near terminal cancer.
> > On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly erronous 
> > suppositions.  Doesn't have the rigor of Dr. Eban Alexander's book; the 
> > latter pretty much "covering" his points with comments make in anticipated 
> > advance of criticisms by the likes of Shermer and others.
> > But for those who have not read either, I'll mention a few important points.
> > ...
> > 1. Eben wrote his book AFTER getting involved in the Monroe Institute (uses 
> > the hemisync technology to precipitate "Journey's out of the Body" (Cf. 
> > book by Robert Monroe).  Briefly, there are (as I recall), three "Locales" 
> > I - an environment similar to that of the earthhouses, people, 
> > landscapes, mountains, etc; i.e. an astral world similar to that of the 
> > earth.
> > .
> > Locale II. An "otherworldly" enviroment, mixing the usual environments with 
> > fantastical types of people, buildings, and various visionary elements akin 
> > to the more unusual categories of fantasy art.
> > .
> > Locale III - merges into pure realms of Light and Sound, but Intelligences 
> > may be present.
> > ...
> > Various Divine Beings such as Jesus may appear in all three Locales.
> > ...
> > Now back to Dr. Alexander:
> > His NDE started out in Locale I after exiting a hellish environment of 
> > clashing and grating sounds.  Met up with his deceased Sister.
> > In Locale II, saw what appeared to be Angelic Beings.
> > In Locale III, merged with the OM.  He equates "God" with the OM and with 
> > Pure Consciousness..
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-24 Thread Yifu
thx, Anita's book could be used as a text on Neo-Advaita; but unfortunately 
imo, contains elements of "Faux" Advaita which if parsed and analyzed would 
have parallel comments in this forum going back a few years.
One example: she clearly extrapolates her personal experience of the Self with 
ALL dead people, assuming that all dead people merge with the Absolute and 
there's no "place" in that state; thus you will find no mention in her book of 
Locale I environments.
Based on my own astral experiences in meeting up with dead people, I disagree 
with her presumption about the fate of the dead.  (some are in dire need, 
trapped in purgagories and probably not in a non-dual state but at least far 
from "happy"); let alone those in actual hells as reported in about 10% of 
Thus she goes too far in assuming everybody after death is "happy", free of bad 
karma, and in a non-dual state. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> I liked Moorjani's book a great deal more that Alexander's - he was "trying" 
> to prove he had the experience, while she simply said this is what happened, 
> take it or leave it.
>  From: Yifu 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:35 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE
> Received her book, "Dying to Be Me"; an account of her NDE and miraculous 
> healing from near terminal cancer.
> On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly erronous 
> suppositions.  Doesn't have the rigor of Dr. Eban Alexander's book; the 
> latter pretty much "covering" his points with comments make in anticipated 
> advance of criticisms by the likes of Shermer and others.
> But for those who have not read either, I'll mention a few important points.
> ...
> 1. Eben wrote his book AFTER getting involved in the Monroe Institute (uses 
> the hemisync technology to precipitate "Journey's out of the Body" (Cf. book 
> by Robert Monroe).  Briefly, there are (as I recall), three "Locales" I - an 
> environment similar to that of the earthhouses, people, landscapes, 
> mountains, etc; i.e. an astral world similar to that of the earth.
> .
> Locale II. An "otherworldly" enviroment, mixing the usual environments with 
> fantastical types of people, buildings, and various visionary elements akin 
> to the more unusual categories of fantasy art.
> .
> Locale III - merges into pure realms of Light and Sound, but Intelligences 
> may be present.
> ...
> Various Divine Beings such as Jesus may appear in all three Locales.
> ...
> Now back to Dr. Alexander:
> His NDE started out in Locale I after exiting a hellish environment of 
> clashing and grating sounds.  Met up with his deceased Sister.
> In Locale II, saw what appeared to be Angelic Beings.
> In Locale III, merged with the OM.  He equates "God" with the OM and with 
> Pure Consciousness..
> ..
> He's a nominal Christian but didn't see Jesus, nor does he apparently accept 
> the notion of a personal God.
> ...
> Now back to Anita Moorjani:  She seems to have bypassed Locale I and II 
> altogether, but had telepathic and feeling contact with her dead Dad and her 
> best friend who previously died of Cancer.
> ...
> Then she seems to have merged completely (but temporarily) into Brahman, and 
> she equates "God" with Being and with "Universal Energy".
> ...
> That's about it for these NDE's.
> http://anitamoorjani.com/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-24 Thread Michael Jackson
I liked Moorjani's book a great deal more that Alexander's - he was "trying" to 
prove he had the experience, while she simply said this is what happened, take 
it or leave it.

 From: Yifu 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:35 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE

Received her book, "Dying to Be Me"; an account of her NDE and miraculous 
healing from near terminal cancer.
On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly erronous 
suppositions.  Doesn't have the rigor of Dr. Eban Alexander's book; the latter 
pretty much "covering" his points with comments make in anticipated advance of 
criticisms by the likes of Shermer and others.
But for those who have not read either, I'll mention a few important points.
1. Eben wrote his book AFTER getting involved in the Monroe Institute (uses the 
hemisync technology to precipitate "Journey's out of the Body" (Cf. book by 
Robert Monroe).  Briefly, there are (as I recall), three "Locales" I - an 
environment similar to that of the earthhouses, people, landscapes, 
mountains, etc; i.e. an astral world similar to that of the earth.
Locale II. An "otherworldly" enviroment, mixing the usual environments with 
fantastical types of people, buildings, and various visionary elements akin to 
the more unusual categories of fantasy art.
Locale III - merges into pure realms of Light and Sound, but Intelligences may 
be present.
Various Divine Beings such as Jesus may appear in all three Locales.
Now back to Dr. Alexander:
His NDE started out in Locale I after exiting a hellish environment of clashing 
and grating sounds.  Met up with his deceased Sister.
In Locale II, saw what appeared to be Angelic Beings.
In Locale III, merged with the OM.  He equates "God" with the OM and with Pure 
He's a nominal Christian but didn't see Jesus, nor does he apparently accept 
the notion of a personal God.
Now back to Anita Moorjani:  She seems to have bypassed Locale I and II 
altogether, but had telepathic and feeling contact with her dead Dad and her 
best friend who previously died of Cancer.
Then she seems to have merged completely (but temporarily) into Brahman, and 
she equates "God" with Being and with "Universal Energy".
That's about it for these NDE's.


[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> > >
> > > You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
> > 
> > (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
> > yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
> > Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)
> Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in
> no time.

I never was *not* my normal self, feste, as hard as you
tried to make it appear so.

> The thing is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes
> me mad when you lay into Share the way you do.

Obviously. (You can call me Judy, by the way.)

> It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, and most
> people here appreciate her,

I'd need to see a poll, but this isn't a voting issue. In
any case, I don't think many here really understand what's

> so I wish you could stretch yourself and be a little bit
> nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident
> that seems to bug you most took place so long ago, why
> not just forget it, let it go?

Because it was a terrible, awful thing for her to say, a
*malevolent* thing for her to say, something that was
intended to do serious damage to a person who had done
and was continuing to do his damndest to rectify the
situation. It was based on Share's misunderstanding of
something entirely innocuous that he had said. She needs
to retract it and apologize to him, for the sake of her
own soul if nothing else.

> You talk all the time about honesty and truth, but such
> things are not always as black and white as you would like
> us to believe. Our opinions about all kinds of things can
> change as we reflect on them and consider them. A person
> can react in a certain way at the time to some incident
> involving someone else, but later (days, weeks, even months),
> the incident might seem rather different to them than it did
> at first. So they start to recontextualize it, to think of
> it in a different light. This happens all the time in 
> relationships. It doesn't mean the person is being dishonest.
> Indeed, sometimes it means that they are in fact being very
> honest -- to their changing feelings and understandings about
> what took place.

Generally speaking, all this is true, but not always. I do
not believe that was the case here, for a number of reasons
that I've already explained *and documented* a number of
times that your apologia cannot account for. I don't think
Share can account for them either, and I strongly suspect
that's why she has refused to provide a straightforward
explanation--because if it were honest, it would reflect
very badly on her, and perhaps even worse on some others.

> Share has tried in her own way to make it right with you,
> so why not take a step or two toward her?

It isn't me she needs to make it right with. And the steps
she has taken have been designed to get me off her back
without revealing the real story. She has also refused to
retract the accusation she made against Robin. She says
only that she isn't making that accusation *now*--but the
original accusation is still on the record. It needs to be
explicitly taken *off* the record; it didn't even come
close to being true in the first place.

This wasn't just a minor misstep, feste. This was
scandalous and entirely indefensible. I would suggest you
read over my posts to Share about it and her responses,
because I don't think you've retained the crucial details
from when you read them the first time (assuming you did).

[FairfieldLife] Anita Moorjani's NDE

2013-04-24 Thread Yifu
Received her book, "Dying to Be Me"; an account of her NDE and miraculous 
healing from near terminal cancer.
On the whole, a purely Advaitic account, with some possibly erronous 
suppositions.  Doesn't have the rigor of Dr. Eban Alexander's book; the latter 
pretty much "covering" his points with comments make in anticipated advance of 
criticisms by the likes of Shermer and others.
But for those who have not read either, I'll mention a few important points.
1. Eben wrote his book AFTER getting involved in the Monroe Institute (uses the 
hemisync technology to precipitate "Journey's out of the Body" (Cf. book by 
Robert Monroe).  Briefly, there are (as I recall), three "Locales" I - an 
environment similar to that of the earthhouses, people, landscapes, 
mountains, etc; i.e. an astral world similar to that of the earth.
Locale II. An "otherworldly" enviroment, mixing the usual environments with 
fantastical types of people, buildings, and various visionary elements akin to 
the more unusual categories of fantasy art.
Locale III - merges into pure realms of Light and Sound, but Intelligences may 
be present.
Various Divine Beings such as Jesus may appear in all three Locales.
Now back to Dr. Alexander:
His NDE started out in Locale I after exiting a hellish environment of clashing 
and grating sounds.  Met up with his deceased Sister.
In Locale II, saw what appeared to be Angelic Beings.
In Locale III, merged with the OM.  He equates "God" with the OM and with Pure 
He's a nominal Christian but didn't see Jesus, nor does he apparently accept 
the notion of a personal God.
Now back to Anita Moorjani:  She seems to have bypassed Locale I and II 
altogether, but had telepathic and feeling contact with her dead Dad and her 
best friend who previously died of Cancer.
Then she seems to have merged completely (but temporarily) into Brahman, and 
she equates "God" with Being and with "Universal Energy".
That's about it for these NDE's.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras

2013-04-24 Thread Yifu
right!apparently CC, UC,...etc; don't have much bearing on strategic 
blunders, and "fooling one'self". Such states involve transcending relative 
existence, not necessarily making changes or selecting certain options of 
behavior "in" relative existence.
Ramakrishna smoked on occasion, although I haven't found a statement as to 
exactly how much.  In any event, that could have been a contributing cause to 
his fatal throat cancer.
Nikola Tesla by Napoleon Sarony:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> Well, MMYP sincerely believed that John Hagelin would win the 2000 election, 
> from what I hear.
> L
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Lawson!  Really?!  Fully enlightened and able to fool one's self?!  
> > Maybe by fully enlightened you mean CC only?  I don't see how a person in 
> > UC or Brahman could possibly fool themselves.  Ok, maybe Nisargadatta 
> > fooled himself about the dangers of smoking cigarettes.  Anyway, can you 
> > give an example?  Thanks.  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: sparaig 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 2:44 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Sure. My point is that just because some theoretical state of consciousness 
> > brings with it total honesty, doesn't mean that that is really the case. I 
> > can conceive of situations where one might be "fully enlightened" according 
> > to some aspect of the TM definition, and still be fooling themselves.
> > 
> > Of course, if you define enlightenment as "never fooling yourself," then 
> > this doesn't make sense.
> > 
> > L
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Lawson, couldn't they be having an internal dialogue and be witnessing 
> > > it, not identifying with it, not being gripped by it?  Something along 
> > > those lines. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: sparaig 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 8:41 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > We all tell ourselves lies. Even fully enlightened people likely lie to 
> > > themselves, but since they allegedly no longer have an internal dialogue, 
> > > they can't catch their own lies because they appear to be intuitive 
> > > truths.
> > > 
> > > L
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I am simply unafraid of the truth. But you like most extremists can't 
> > > > stand the truth. I was a real TM true believer and became unafraid to 
> > > > look clearly with no blinders on at Marshy, TMO and TM itself. I didn't 
> > > > like what I found, but dealing with the truth is better than continuing 
> > > > to tell myself lies.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >  From: "srijau@" 
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > > Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 9:59 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >   
> > > > 
> > > > you have shown time and again here that you use any occasion to make 
> > > > the most extremist statement, and a good deal of plain nonsense too. So 
> > > > I doubt any careful observer cares much anymore.
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread feste37

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels
> > > > That seems like a curse to me!
> > > 
> > > I'll assume you're just joking here.
> > > 
> > >   Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
> > > > Bagels from hell with love, gluten
> > > > free for thee and all that lies beneath your
> > > > grateful belly button, etc.
> > > > 
> > > > BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits
> > > > with my own experience. So nobody really CONVINCES me of 
> > > > anything.
> > > 
> > > Your self-report is duly noted. Whether it's accurate
> > > is another question. Let's just say you give every
> > > appearance of being easily swayed by those who purport
> > > to support you.
> > > 
> > > > As for your list of trustworthy people, I think all and all
> > > > it's a really good list. But 1 or 2 people on that list often
> > > > sound prejudiced against me.
> > > 
> > > Yes, as I believe I said, some of us may give you a hard
> > > time now and then. I said you could trust us, not that we
> > > all thought you were a swell person (nor that we felt *we*
> > > could trust *you*, for that matter).
> > > 
> > > > Fine, it's their right, etc. But hopefully they'll
> > > > understand why I then won't be giving their words on
> > > > anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.
> > > 
> > > By all means, shut out anything anyone says about you
> > > that's negative and dismiss it as "prejudiced." (You
> > > might want to consult a good dictionary for the meaning
> > > of that term, BTW. I do not think it means what you
> > > think it means.)
> > > 
> > > > And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this
> > > > so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting someone about
> > > > this.
> > > > 
> > > > As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing
> > > > feud on FFL and I will continue to do this. I aim to take
> > > > each post on its own merit, believing that people do change
> > > > and grow in their ability to experience and express truth.
> > > 
> > > Interesting that you believe you can "change and grow" in
> > > your "ability to experience and express truth" while
> > > dismissing without consideration anything negative about
> > > yourself as "prejudice."
> > > 
> > > Remember what I told you about being accountable for your
> > > behavior to the FFL community.
> > 
> > You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.
> (Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
> yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
> Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)

Indeed, an excellent recovery. Back to your normal self in no time. The thing 
is authfriend, I actually like you, but it makes me mad when you lay into Share 
the way you do. It seems unfair and disrespectful. Share enjoys FFL, and most 
people here appreciate her, so I wish you could stretch yourself and be a 
little bit nicer to her. Why should that be so hard? The incident that seems to 
bug you most took place so long ago, why not just forget it, let it go? 

You talk all the time about honesty and truth, but such things are not always 
as black and white as you would like us to believe. Our opinions about all 
kinds of things can change as we reflect on them and consider them. A person 
can react in a certain way at the time to some incident involving someone else, 
but later (days, weeks, even months), the incident might seem rather different 
to them than it did at first. So they start to recontextualize it, to think of 
it in a different light. This happens all the time in relationships. It doesn't 
mean the person is being dishonest. Indeed, sometimes it means that they are in 
fact being very honest -- to their changing feelings and understandings about 
what took place. 

Share has tried in her own way to make it right with you, so why not take a 
step or two toward her?

> > I suggest you drop the smug sense of superiority you exude when 
> > writing to Share. Share has more empathy, compassion, humor, and 
> > humility than you can even dream about.
> I would far rather be a pompous, finger-wagging ass than
> a person overflowing with empathy, compassion, humor, and
> humility that are phonier than a three-dollar bill, at
> least as she shows up on FFL.
> > And if we are all "accountable" for our behavior to the "FFL 
> > community," isn't it about time that we held YOU accountable
> > for YOUR behavior?
> You're missing the context of what I told her. Yes, of
> course I'm accountable in exactly the same way she is,
> which means I don't get to counter negative impressions
> of my behavior from folks in the FFL community by
> protesting that people who have

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 25-Apr-13 00:15:03 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/20/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/27/13 00:00:00
576 messages as of (UTC) 04/24/13 22:51:24

46 authfriend 
45 Richard J. Williams 
41 Michael Jackson 
36 Ann 
35 doctordumbass
34 Share Long 
33 card 
32 sparaig 
29 turquoiseb 
28 Bhairitu 
23 Buck 
20 curtisdeltablues 
19 nablusoss1008 
18 seventhray27 
15 Alex Stanley 
13 salyavin808 
13 feste37 
12 Ravi Chivukula 
10 merudanda 
10 John 
 9 Rick Archer 
 7 Mike Dixon 
 6 laughinggull108 
 5 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 4 merlin 
 4 Yifu 
 4 WLeed3
 3 wleed3 
 3 srijau
 3 raunchydog 
 3 Dick Mays 
 2 martin.quickman 
 2 azgrey 
 2 Goddess Ninmah 
 1 obbajeeba 
 1 martyboi 
 1 mainstream20016 
 1 hermandan0 
 1 emptybill 
 1 david allen 
 1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 41
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras

2013-04-24 Thread sparaig
Well, MMYP sincerely believed that John Hagelin would win the 2000 election, 
from what I hear.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Lawson!  Really?!  Fully enlightened and able to fool one's self?!  Maybe 
> by fully enlightened you mean CC only?  I don't see how a person in UC or 
> Brahman could possibly fool themselves.  Ok, maybe Nisargadatta fooled 
> himself about the dangers of smoking cigarettes.  Anyway, can you give an 
> example?  Thanks.  
>  From: sparaig 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 2:44 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> Sure. My point is that just because some theoretical state of consciousness 
> brings with it total honesty, doesn't mean that that is really the case. I 
> can conceive of situations where one might be "fully enlightened" according 
> to some aspect of the TM definition, and still be fooling themselves.
> Of course, if you define enlightenment as "never fooling yourself," then this 
> doesn't make sense.
> L
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Lawson, couldn't they be having an internal dialogue and be witnessing it, 
> > not identifying with it, not being gripped by it?  Something along those 
> > lines. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: sparaig 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 8:41 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > We all tell ourselves lies. Even fully enlightened people likely lie to 
> > themselves, but since they allegedly no longer have an internal dialogue, 
> > they can't catch their own lies because they appear to be intuitive truths.
> > 
> > L
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > >
> > > I am simply unafraid of the truth. But you like most extremists can't 
> > > stand the truth. I was a real TM true believer and became unafraid to 
> > > look clearly with no blinders on at Marshy, TMO and TM itself. I didn't 
> > > like what I found, but dealing with the truth is better than continuing 
> > > to tell myself lies.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: "srijau@" 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 9:59 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > 
> > > you have shown time and again here that you use any occasion to make the 
> > > most extremist statement, and a good deal of plain nonsense too. So I 
> > > doubt any careful observer cares much anymore.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: New papers on TM for lowering hypertension and Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms

2013-04-24 Thread sparaig
I sent him the link to the original American Heart Association report last 



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> From: David Orme-Johnson [mailto:davidoj@...] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:36 PM
> To: David Orme-Johnson
> Subject: New papers on TM for lowering hypertension and Post-Traumatic
> Stress symptoms 

[FairfieldLife] Just Curious

2013-04-24 Thread Michael Jackson
This is for Salyavin - who do you think was the better leader, Thatcher or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread doctordumbass
Interesting thing about being triggered. There is both a spectrum of responses, 
and a continuum of attachment, wrt being triggered. 

The more that one is unattached to being triggered, the response is done as 
soon as it is expressed. However, if there is a strong localized me, the 
[triggered] response is held onto, and judged, questioned, in terms of the more 
localized and more identified me. It becomes an entire drama, based on the more 
localized identity.

There is really nothing wrong with reacting to any stimulus, small or large, as 
appropriate for the moment; being triggered. There is also no solution  to be 
found, by questioning our reaction to something. 

The solution is to keep being ourselves, and reacting as appropriate, and 
continue to moderate our  response, or at least have the choice to so so, as we 
ever expand our awareness [which of course means letting any current identity 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Wong you Wascally Wabbit, Doc!  I said floats yer boat echoing what turq had 
> said to me and OMMV because he often says YMMV.  Unless I'm very triggered, 
> I don't even think thoughts like your door phrase below.  YMMV (-:
>  From: "doctordumbass@..." 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:05 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> Share, He trots this little drama out from time to time, when he becomes 
> overwrought by his inability to interact gracefully on FFL. No need to fret, 
> I assure you. He needs this place like a Turquoise Bee needs honey.
> However on second read, your reply does sound a bit like, "sorry to see you 
> go, but don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out." :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > well turq I would miss you if you stopped posting here but OMMV and 
> > obviously you must do whatever floats yer boat (-:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: turquoiseb 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:40 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > dear my turqish delight and Ann who was looking forward 
> > > to this reply. BTW Ann, I have another in the queue 4 u. 
> > > Anyway, turq, thank you because my feelings were hurt 
> > > when you gave all those kudos to Curtis and Steve yesterday. 
> > 
> > That's called 'ego,' otherwise known as 'self-importance.' 
> > You'll get over it. Either that, or you won't. :-)
> > 
> > > But I think I've learned a thing or two here at the Funny 
> > > Farm Lounge so I simply enjoyed myself, hopefully not being 
> > > mean spirited in the process and Bob's your uncle! Here we are!
> > > 
> > > If you're saying that I shouldn't let them matter to me in 
> > > an unhealthy way, then I totally agree with you. But turq, 
> > > I gotta let them matter to me, you know, in a healthy way, 
> > > even if I don't like how they're acting. 
> > 
> > If you feel that you have so much time remaining in your
> > life that you feel OK spending it interacting with people
> > who are only trying to set you up for the next time they
> > can vent their own unhappiness on you and yell at you, so
> > be it. You *know* in advance that this is what is going to
> > happen. So if you continue to interact with them, some part
> > of you *enjoys* being yelled at. Cool, I guess. Some people
> > enjoy being tied up and whipped, or engaging in orgies with
> > dwarves and small rodents. It's an odd planet, and there
> > is room for pretty much any kind of kinkiness. :-)
> > 
> > > I think it might be my biggest life lesson, whatever the 
> > > heck that is! In this project, FFL is a great classroom, 
> > > wicked grin. 
> > 
> > As I said, whatever floats yer boat. Better you wasting
> > your time with these people than me.
> > 
> > > Hope your project is on schedule, going well, being fun, etc.
> > 
> > All of the above. Paris has been an utter delight, both at
> > work and away from it. The contrast it provides to FFL and
> > the normal conversations here makes me feel less and less 
> > like being here. To be perfectly honest, the grittiest 
> > banlieus (urban slums) of Paris are often more high-vibe. 
> > 
> > I'm not knocking your decision to keep interacting with 
> > people who you *know* intend you ill, and are only feign-
> > ing civility in between yelling at you, hoping that *either*
> > of these tactics will tempt you into continuing to interact 
> > with them. From my point of view, you're fortunate that one 
> > of them isn't (at the current time) Robin, because then -- 
> > like Curtis -- you'd have them writing serial short-story 
> > length diatribes at you and actually expecting you to read
> > them. The current crop of pis

[FairfieldLife] New papers on TM for lowering hypertension and Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: David Orme-Johnson [mailto:davi...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 3:36 PM
To: David Orme-Johnson
Subject: New papers on TM for lowering hypertension and Post-Traumatic
Stress symptoms 




Dear Colleagues, 


Here is a newly reported scientific statement from the American Heart
Association recommending TM practice for hypertension, and a new paper
reporting that the practice is effective in reducing post-traumatic stress
symptoms in Congolese refugees.



1. TM recommended for hypertension by the American Heart Association.


An estimated 29% of American adults suffer from hypertension and it is
projected to affect >1.5 billion people by 2025. It accounts for 13.5% of
all deaths and half of all strokes and ischemic heart disease. The global
hypertension-related public health burden is enormous.1


The American Heart Association just published a scientific statement on
alternative approaches to reducing blood pressure, which included a critical
evaluation of research on meditation techniques, including the
Transcendental Meditation technique (TM). 1 Here is what they said about the
TM technique and other meditation practices:


* "TM may be considered in clinical practice to lower BP.


* Because of many negative studies or mixed results and a paucity of
available trials, all other meditation techniques (including MBSR) received
a Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C recommendation .


* Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in clinical
practice to lower BP at this time."

MBSR refers to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Here is a link to the
full report.


2. TM reduces PTSD symptoms in Congolese refugees. 

The Second Congo War killed 5.4 million people and forced an estimated
80,000 refugees to flee. A new controlled study published in the Journal of
Traumatic Stress of Congolese refugees in a camp near Kampala, Uganda found
that TM practice markedly reduced post-traumatic stress symptoms from the
severe level to the normal level at the one month and 4.5 month posttests.2 

Abstract: This matched single-blind pilot study tested the effect of
Transcendental Meditation R [1] (TM) practice on symptoms of posttraumatic
stress (PTS) in Congolese refugees. Urban refugees (N = 102) staying around
Kampala, Uganda attended introductory meetings. After initial random
assignment to the TM group, 30 refugees who revealed that they were unable
to attend all meetings were eliminated from the study. The remaining 21 TM
group participants were then instructed in TM and matched with refugees in
the control group on age, sex, and baseline scores on the Post-traumatic
Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian (PCL-C). All participants completed the
PCL-C measure of PTS symptoms at baseline, and 30-day and 135-day posttests.
The PCL-C scores in the control group trended upward. In contrast, the PCL-C
scores in the TM group went from 65 on average at baseline indicating severe
PTS symptoms to below 30 on average after 30 days of TM practice, and
remained low at 135 days. Effect size was high (d > 1.0). Compliance with TM
practice was good; most reported regular practice throughout the study.
There were no adverse events. All refugees who learned TM completed the
study and were able to practice TM successfully, with subsequent substantial
reduction in PTS symptoms.



1.   Brook RD, Appel LJ, Rubenfire M, et al. Beyond medications and
diet: Alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure : A scientific
statement from the American Heart Association. Hypertension: Journal of the
American Heart Association. 2013(61).

2.   Rees B, Travis F, Shapiro D, Chant R. Reduction in post
traumatic stress symptoms in Congolese refugees practicing Transcendental
Meditation. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 2013:1-14.


All the best,




David W. Orme-Johnson, PhD


>From October to April

191 Dalton Dr., Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459

>From May to September

1100 University Manor Dr., # 15B, Fairfield, Iowa, 52556

(850) 231-2866 (Home)

(850) 830-5847 (Mobile)

Skype: davidoj108






[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > > Ann: there are two kinds of people when it comes to Robin; 
> > > > those that 'get' him and those that simply will never get 
> > > > past a combination of puzzlement and reaction to him. 
> > > 
> > > Share to Ann: I usually question such a polarizing idea.  
> > > I don't think such polarities serve the well being of 
> > > anyone, especially the one about whom they are spoken. 
> > > They imply an us and them, just for starters. And as the 
> > > words puzzlement and reaction carry somewhat negative 
> > > connotations, then it is implied that those who aren't 
> > > in this category, that is, those who "get" him are the 
> > > ones in the positive realm in this context. 
> > 
> > I'll comment on this, because it's one of the most
> > commonly-pushed-out pathologies on Fairfield Life.
> > I think that what Ann means by "getting" Robin is
> > accepting his descriptions of himself and his moti-
> > vations at face value and agreeing with them.
> Wow. Barry sure got this embarrassingly wrong, 
> didn't he?
> > That's not "getting" someone; that's being their
> > toady. Not to mention gullible.
> Now, if this isn't an amazing assertion. The only
> way, as far as Barry is concerned, for one to avoid
> being a gullible toady is to *disagree* with a
> person's self-descriptions and motivations.
> > FFL is rife with this kind of thinking, that if 
> > someone disagrees with how a person sees themselves,
> > and proposes a different way of seeing that person,
> > the one doing this is "lying" or "malevolent" or 
> > has a "hidden agenda."
> I don't recall Ann ever saying anything like that,
> do you?
> However, sometimes folks who say they're just proposing
> a "different way" (always negative, BTW) of seeing a
> person *are* malevolent and/or *do* have a hidden
> agenda (although it's usually pretty obvious what their
> agenda is). And they may well be lying if they justify
> this "different way" by supplying descriptions of the
> person that are at odds with the facts.
> > Nonsense. All that is
> > happening is that someone is viewing a person
> > differently than they like to view themselves.
> > 
> > Some can handle this gracefully, and others...uh...
> > can't. They write long diatribes trying to demon-
> > ize the people who see them differently than they
> > see themselves, or instigate vendettas against
> > those who see them differently, and try to urge
> > others to see *them* as malevolent or liars or 
> > whatever.
> The way Barry does, in other words. The way Barry
> is doing in this very post. (Remember what I said
> this morning about Barry's projections of his own
> behavior onto others?)

Well, at least you ate your Cheerios this morning. I simply don't have the 
time, the stomach or the energy to even begin to deal with Barry's dreck. He is 
absolutely proving true what I said yesterday: he is never interested in 
mediating, clarifying any truth or making something good out of something else. 
He could take an angel food cake and turn it into smegma.
> > 
> > It's an evil act, and a really dumb one. I'm still
> > surprised that anyone here falls for it, but then
> > I'm still surprised by many things here. 
> > 
> > In my opinion, NO ONE'S view of themselves is
> > accurate, let alone a reflection of "reality."
> > It's just the way they like to see themselves and
> > think of themselves and, if they're as full of
> > self-importance and ego as some of our members
> > here, try to get others to see them that way,
> > too. What a waste of time and life.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread azgrey
the hurler of curses and insults
spinning truth as though it is a dreidel
fails again and again

succeeds only in revealing 
inner darkness
poisoned words from disturbed mind

earth day echoes in native nebraskan's consciousness
arbor day planting day after next
desert willow- chilopsis linearis
while mindful of grateful dead scarlet begonias earworm
"and i knew without asking she was into the blues" 

soft smile dreams of lush lawns as owls converse
"too pat to open and too cool to bluff"

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Earth Day is ending, the lawn
> of my lady-parts is still not green.
> Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
>  From: azgrey 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 6:14 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: what a Sunday on FFL
> Dear Share, 
> Google has a full translation function. I'm not sure that
> the Jerseyese section contains all of the dialects as what
> I came up with is she either wants to preform sanyama
> on your lawn or is expressing an unnatural interest in the 
> operation of your lady-parts. 
> Alex might be able to help as he seen to be a native speaker. 
> He might have to first get a refill on his ointment. 
> Hugs, 
> azgrey 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > Share, are you familiar with the expression "Blow it
> > out your ass"?
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Judy, your biases are noted.  As is your continuing self
> > > delusion about the presence of those biases and your ongoing 
> > > inability to see more complete truth much less express it.
> > (snip)
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > (snip)
> > > > from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic
> > > > to dishonesty.
> > > (snip)
> > > > *hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is
> > > > likely to become ill, often involving symptoms when illness
> > > > is neither present nor likely,
> > > 
> > > Says the person who has to her discredit an *astounding*
> > > number of examples of the most flagrant dishonesty--most
> > > recently her combined smear of raunchy and Robin today--
> > > including rewriting history as documented by *her own 
> > > posts*, and who has been unable either to explain away
> > > the dishonesty or acknowledge it.
> > > 
> > > (And by the way, the symptoms of allergy *are* the illness.)
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] What's Wrong with this Picture?

2013-04-24 Thread John
For the movie buffs in the group, here's an iconic picture of Marilyn Monroe in 
a powder room of a bygone era.  But something is oddly out of place.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > > Ann: there are two kinds of people when it comes to Robin; 
> > > those that 'get' him and those that simply will never get 
> > > past a combination of puzzlement and reaction to him. 
> > 
> > Share to Ann: I usually question such a polarizing idea.  
> > I don't think such polarities serve the well being of 
> > anyone, especially the one about whom they are spoken. 
> > They imply an us and them, just for starters. And as the 
> > words puzzlement and reaction carry somewhat negative 
> > connotations, then it is implied that those who aren't 
> > in this category, that is, those who "get" him are the 
> > ones in the positive realm in this context. 
> I'll comment on this, because it's one of the most
> commonly-pushed-out pathologies on Fairfield Life.
> I think that what Ann means by "getting" Robin is
> accepting his descriptions of himself and his moti-
> vations at face value and agreeing with them.

Wow. Barry sure got this embarrassingly wrong, 
didn't he?

> That's not "getting" someone; that's being their
> toady. Not to mention gullible.

Now, if this isn't an amazing assertion. The only
way, as far as Barry is concerned, for one to avoid
being a gullible toady is to *disagree* with a
person's self-descriptions and motivations.

> FFL is rife with this kind of thinking, that if 
> someone disagrees with how a person sees themselves,
> and proposes a different way of seeing that person,
> the one doing this is "lying" or "malevolent" or 
> has a "hidden agenda."

I don't recall Ann ever saying anything like that,
do you?

However, sometimes folks who say they're just proposing
a "different way" (always negative, BTW) of seeing a
person *are* malevolent and/or *do* have a hidden
agenda (although it's usually pretty obvious what their
agenda is). And they may well be lying if they justify
this "different way" by supplying descriptions of the
person that are at odds with the facts.

> Nonsense. All that is
> happening is that someone is viewing a person
> differently than they like to view themselves.
> Some can handle this gracefully, and others...uh...
> can't. They write long diatribes trying to demon-
> ize the people who see them differently than they
> see themselves, or instigate vendettas against
> those who see them differently, and try to urge
> others to see *them* as malevolent or liars or 
> whatever.

The way Barry does, in other words. The way Barry
is doing in this very post. (Remember what I said
this morning about Barry's projections of his own
behavior onto others?)

> It's an evil act, and a really dumb one. I'm still
> surprised that anyone here falls for it, but then
> I'm still surprised by many things here. 
> In my opinion, NO ONE'S view of themselves is
> accurate, let alone a reflection of "reality."
> It's just the way they like to see themselves and
> think of themselves and, if they're as full of
> self-importance and ego as some of our members
> here, try to get others to see them that way,
> too. What a waste of time and life.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Ann:  there are two kinds of people when it comes to Robin; those that 'get' 
> him and those that simply will never get past a combination of 
> puzzlement and reaction to him.  Share to Ann:  I usually question such a 
> polarizing idea.  I don't think such polarities serve the well being of 
> anyone, especially the one about whom they are spoken.  They imply an us and 
> them, just for starters.  And as the words puzzlement and reaction  carry 
> somewhat negative connotations, then it is implied that those who aren't in 
> this category, that is, those who "get" him are the ones in the positive 
> realm in this context.   

No, no. I think you are misinterpreting what I am saying here. I put absolutely 
no value judgement either on Robin or on those who either 'get' him or don't 
'get' him. But just for one moment, think even about what has happened here at 
FFL. There don't seem to be too many people who hold a middle ground with 
regard to him. You have those who revile him and those who like and support him 
pretty strongly. That has, on one level, nothing to do with him. It has to do 
people and how they perceive and react; it is their own subjectivity that 
determines how they end of feeling, irrespective of Robin.

In no way am I saying because I feel I 'get' Robin more than I don't 'get' him 
that I am better, smarter, superior or different than those who find him 
pedantic, long-winded, boring, insane or deluded. I am not attempting to create 
sides or polarities here. I am merely stating what I have noticed in the over 
30 years I have known/known of him. It is an observation, not a judgement call.
> Along with this is the idea that Robin is unique.  But since we all are, 
> maybe what you're saying is that he is especially unique, more unique than 
> the rest of us, or unique in a better way?  But again, I wonder if such 
> labels, especially if they go unchallenged, I wonder if they really serve the 
> well being of anyone, including the one to whom they are applied.

I think Robin is not more or less unique than anyone else. We are all 
individuals. I can find him irksome, infuriating, interesting, strange and many 
other things just as I can feel this with other people but perhaps for other 
reasons. Share is Share, Ann is Ann and Robin is Robin. Some like you or me or 
him more or less than other people like you or me or him. That doesn't make us 
anything; we remain who we are and how others see us will vary from individual 
to individual. And that neither makes any of us better or more unique than the 
other. So again, I make no value judgement on 'quality' of uniqueness with 
regard to Robin (or you or me).
> As for willingness to take life's ride, I'm content to let my unfolding track 
> record here speak for me.

I made no value judgement on your ability to let life take you for a ride. Some 
of us go more willingly than others, that was what I was saying. My reference 
to heels in the dirt was an image of being dragged backwards unwillingly 
creating heel marks in the ground. God knows I have dug my heels in enough in 
my lifetime - there are drag marks all over this planet from where I've been.

Thanks for your thoughts. This has been worthwhile for me.
>  From: Ann 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:01 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Ann, I admit I chuckled when you say below that my description sounds 
> > contradictory and then you say that Robin is very certain within his 
> > uncertainty.  I conclude that we both understand paradox.
> Perhaps a sort of paradox but also a sort of duality where he remains 
> constantly open to new input (so in a way he is illustrating a kind of 
> uncertainness) and is merely certain that he has to be this way -open to the 
> feedback of life. It is a state of constant movement as I see it although the 
> perceiver himself can remain still but keeps the gate open for constant 
> feedback from the outside (and inside). That feedback back and forth from 
> perceiver to environment, environment to perceiver is the flow, the movement.
> > 
> > A while ago Robin told Curtis that he wants a reconciliation with me and I 
> > also want a reconciliation between us.  But neither of us appreciates 
> > how the other person apologizes so I'm not sure how that would work!
> > 
> > Nonetheless I
> >  remain available for and open to reconciliation and THAT is the action I 
> > do beyond wishing Robin happiness and well being.  I stay engaged with 
> > him whereas he was the one who disengaged from our last exchange.  Fine, 
> > his right to do so, etc., and perhaps that is his way of reconciling.  I 
> > think we're both doing our best.  Though Robin did

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Last edition: 'survival in paradise' with LB shriver 7:30pm Revelations bookstore wed April 24th

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of Duveyoung
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 2:22 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Last edition: 'survival in paradise' with LB
shriver 7:30pm Revelations bookstore wed April 24th



Any chance it can be videoed and put on youtube.com?

I'll ask. Someone videotaped the last one.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer" mailto:rick@...> > wrote:
> hi friends,
> LB will be giving a talk "Last edition: survival in paradise" 7:30pm wed
> April 24 at Revelations bookstoreplease plan to be on time!
> all blessings, jennifer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Transcendentalism

2013-04-24 Thread Buck
In a polycentric world
Coming to meditation and large groups of people meditating,

Whether diplomacy between 1900 and 1914 resembles diplomacy today:

".. I mean, I must say I was struck by the opposite insight, namely that it 
seems to me that our world is getting more like 1914, not less like it. You 
know, we're just starting to come to terms with the fact that we're no longer 
in a world that is disciplined by the standoff between two nuclear hyperpowers. 
And what we're drifting back into now is a polycentric world with many 
potential sources of conflict. So in some ways, our world is drifting back 
towards 1914, even if the ocean of time between us and the First World War gets 
larger and larger."

> A Christian fundamentalist was once conversing with the noted India spiritual 
> teacher, J. Krishnamurti.
> "The more I listen to you, the more convinced I am that you must be an 
> atheist," the fundamentalist said.
> "I used to be an atheist," Krishnamurti replied, "until I realized that I was 
> God."
> The fundamentalist was shocked. "Are you denying the divinity of Jesus 
> Christ?"
> Krishnamurti shrugged. "I've never denied anyone their divinity. Why would I 
> do it to Jesus Christ?"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Last edition: 'survival in paradise' with LB shriver 7:30pm Revelations bookstore wed April 24th

2013-04-24 Thread Duveyoung
Any chance it can be videoed and put on youtube.com?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> hi friends,
> LB will be giving a talk "Last edition: survival in paradise" 7:30pm wed
> April 24 at Revelations bookstoreplease plan to be on time!
> all blessings, jennifer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > Ann: there are two kinds of people when it comes to Robin; 
> > those that 'get' him and those that simply will never get 
> > past a combination of puzzlement and reaction to him. 
> Share to Ann: I usually question such a polarizing idea.  
> I don't think such polarities serve the well being of 
> anyone, especially the one about whom they are spoken. 
> They imply an us and them, just for starters. And as the 
> words puzzlement and reaction carry somewhat negative 
> connotations, then it is implied that those who aren't 
> in this category, that is, those who "get" him are the 
> ones in the positive realm in this context. 

I'll comment on this, because it's one of the most
commonly-pushed-out pathologies on Fairfield Life.
I think that what Ann means by "getting" Robin is
accepting his descriptions of himself and his moti-
vations at face value and agreeing with them. 

That's not "getting" someone; that's being their
toady. Not to mention gullible. 

FFL is rife with this kind of thinking, that if 
someone disagrees with how a person sees themselves,
and proposes a different way of seeing that person,
the one doing this is "lying" or "malevolent" or 
has a "hidden agenda." Nonsense. All that is
happening is that someone is viewing a person
differently than they like to view themselves.

Some can handle this gracefully, and others...uh...
can't. They write long diatribes trying to demon-
ize the people who see them differently than they
see themselves, or instigate vendettas against
those who see them differently, and try to urge
others to see *them* as malevolent or liars or 

It's an evil act, and a really dumb one. I'm still
surprised that anyone here falls for it, but then
I'm still surprised by many things here. 

In my opinion, NO ONE'S view of themselves is
accurate, let alone a reflection of "reality."
It's just the way they like to see themselves and
think of themselves and, if they're as full of
self-importance and ego as some of our members
here, try to get others to see them that way,
too. What a waste of time and life. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels
> > > That seems like a curse to me!
> > 
> > I'll assume you're just joking here.
> > 
> >   Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
> > > Bagels from hell with love, gluten
> > > free for thee and all that lies beneath your
> > > grateful belly button, etc.
> > > 
> > > BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits
> > > with my own experience. So nobody really CONVINCES me of 
> > > anything.
> > 
> > Your self-report is duly noted. Whether it's accurate
> > is another question. Let's just say you give every
> > appearance of being easily swayed by those who purport
> > to support you.
> > 
> > > As for your list of trustworthy people, I think all and all
> > > it's a really good list. But 1 or 2 people on that list often
> > > sound prejudiced against me.
> > 
> > Yes, as I believe I said, some of us may give you a hard
> > time now and then. I said you could trust us, not that we
> > all thought you were a swell person (nor that we felt *we*
> > could trust *you*, for that matter).
> > 
> > > Fine, it's their right, etc. But hopefully they'll
> > > understand why I then won't be giving their words on
> > > anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.
> > 
> > By all means, shut out anything anyone says about you
> > that's negative and dismiss it as "prejudiced." (You
> > might want to consult a good dictionary for the meaning
> > of that term, BTW. I do not think it means what you
> > think it means.)
> > 
> > > And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this
> > > so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting someone about
> > > this.
> > > 
> > > As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing
> > > feud on FFL and I will continue to do this. I aim to take
> > > each post on its own merit, believing that people do change
> > > and grow in their ability to experience and express truth.
> > 
> > Interesting that you believe you can "change and grow" in
> > your "ability to experience and express truth" while
> > dismissing without consideration anything negative about
> > yourself as "prejudice."
> > 
> > Remember what I told you about being accountable for your
> > behavior to the FFL community.
> You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend.

(Says feste pompously, wagging his finger. Gee, and just
yesterday I had melted down and was reduced to sputtering
Yiddish insults. Pretty quick recovery, wouldn't you say?)

> I suggest you drop the smug sense of superiority you exude when 
> writing to Share. Share has more empathy, compassion, humor, and 
> humility than you can even dream about.

I would far rather be a pompous, finger-wagging ass than
a person overflowing with empathy, compassion, humor, and
humility that are phonier than a three-dollar bill, at
least as she shows up on FFL.

> And if we are all "accountable" for our behavior to the "FFL 
> community," isn't it about time that we held YOU accountable
> for YOUR behavior?

You're missing the context of what I told her. Yes, of
course I'm accountable in exactly the same way she is,
which means I don't get to counter negative impressions
of my behavior from folks in the FFL community by
protesting that people who have known me for many years
offline think of me differently and that FFL members
don't know me as I really am.

For the full context, see posts 340145 and 340163. They
aren't long. Then maybe you can make sense of my response
above to Share's claim that some FFLers are "prejudiced"
against her so she's just going to ignore anything
negative they say to or about her.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fwd: Muslim My Ass.....Need to read!!

2013-04-24 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WLeed3@... wrote:
> NOT my heading but I did see strippers in The Lebanon & Iraq &  Jordon as 
> well as Egypt.

Native Americans were celebrating the first Thanksgiving?

Not many more after that I'll wager

>  From: fuller791@...
> To: wleed3@...
> Sent: 4/24/2013 11:05:01 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
> Subj: Fwd: Muslim My Ass.Need to read!!
> -Original  Message-
> From: Louis Bieronski 
> To:  alias123 
> Sent: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 8:47  am
> Subject: FW: Muslim My Ass.Need to read!!
> Subject: Fwd: Muslim My Ass.Need to read!!
> To: 
> Subject: FW: Muslim My Ass.Need  to read!!
> > Have you ever seen a Muslim  hospital?
> > 
> > Have you heard a  Muslim orchestra?
> > 
> > Have you seen a  Muslim band march in a parade?
> > 
> > Have you witnessed a  Muslim charity?
> > 
> > Have you shaken hands  with a Muslim Girl Scout?
> > 
> > Have you seen a  Muslim Candy Striper?
> > 
> > The answer is no, you  have not. Just ask yourself WHY ???
> >> 
> > Barack Obama,
> >  during his Cairo speech, said:
> > "I know, too, that Islam has always  been a part
> > of America 's history."
> > 
> > 
> >  Dear Mr. Obama:
> > 
> > Were those Muslims  that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed?
> > Funny, I  thought they were Native American Indians.
> > 
> > Were those Muslims  that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day?
> > Sorry again, those  were Pilgrims and
> > Native American Indians.
> > 
> > Can you show me one  Muslim signature on the: United States Constitution?
> > Declaration  of Independence ?
> > Bill of Rights?
> > Didn't think  so.
> > 
> > Did  Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England ?
> >  No.
> > 
> > Did  Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America ?
> >  No, they did not.
> > In fact, Muslims to this day are
> > still  the largest traffickers in human slavery.
> > Your own half-brother, a  devout
> > Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even
> >  though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed  
> slaves."
> > Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your  family's
> > "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr.  Obama?
> > 
> >  Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country?
> >  Not present.
> > There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims  walking side by
> > side with Martin Luther King, Jr.
> > or  helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
> > 
> > Where were Muslims  during this country's
> > Woman's Suffrage era?
> > Again, not  present.
> > In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient  to men in
> > the Islamic culture.
> > So much so, that often they  are beaten for
> > not wearing the 'hajib' or
> > for talking to a  man who is not a direct family member or their husband.
> > Yep, the  Muslims are all for women's rights,
> > aren't they?
> > 
> > Where were Muslims  during World War II?
> > They were aligned with Adolf Hitler.
> >  The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the 
> troops  and
> > accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.
> > 
> > Finally, Mr.  Obama,
> > where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001?
> > If they  weren't flying planes into
> > the World Trade Center , the Pentagon  or
> > a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000
> > people on  our own soil, they were rejoicing
> > in the Middle East .
> > No  one can dispute the pictures
> > shown from all parts of the Muslim  world
> > celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news  networks that 
> day.
> > Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims
> >  who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in
> > Cairo, Egypt on  June 4th were
> > stone cold silent post 9-11.
> > To many  Americans,
> > their silence has meant approval
> > for the acts  of that day.
> > 
> > And THAT, Mr.  Obama,
> > is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here
> > in America  ...
> > 
> > Oh,  I'm sorry, I
> > forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates.
> > They  were Muslims.
> > 
> > And now we can add  November 5, 2009 -
> > the slaughter of American soldiers at
> >  Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor
> > and a psychiatrist who  was supposed to be
> > counseling soldiers returning from battle  in
> > Iraq and Afghanistan .
> > 
> > That, Mr.  Obama
> > is the "Muslim heritage" in America
> > 
> > Be sure to
> > 
> >  Muslim Heritage, my ass.
> > And if you don't share this  message,
> > you are part of the  problem!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
Lawson!  Really?!  Fully enlightened and able to fool one's self?!  Maybe by 
fully enlightened you mean CC only?  I don't see how a person in UC or Brahman 
could possibly fool themselves.  Ok, maybe Nisargadatta fooled himself about 
the dangers of smoking cigarettes.  Anyway, can you give an example?  Thanks.  

 From: sparaig 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 2:44 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras

Sure. My point is that just because some theoretical state of consciousness 
brings with it total honesty, doesn't mean that that is really the case. I can 
conceive of situations where one might be "fully enlightened" according to some 
aspect of the TM definition, and still be fooling themselves.

Of course, if you define enlightenment as "never fooling yourself," then this 
doesn't make sense.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Lawson, couldn't they be having an internal dialogue and be witnessing it, 
> not identifying with it, not being gripped by it?  Something along those 
> lines. 
>  From: sparaig 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 8:41 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> We all tell ourselves lies. Even fully enlightened people likely lie to 
> themselves, but since they allegedly no longer have an internal dialogue, 
> they can't catch their own lies because they appear to be intuitive truths.
> L
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> >
> > I am simply unafraid of the truth. But you like most extremists can't stand 
> > the truth. I was a real TM true believer and became unafraid to look 
> > clearly with no blinders on at Marshy, TMO and TM itself. I didn't like 
> > what I found, but dealing with the truth is better than continuing to tell 
> > myself lies.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: "srijau@" 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 9:59 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Secrets of the Mantras
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > you have shown time and again here that you use any occasion to make the 
> > most extremist statement, and a good deal of plain nonsense too. So I doubt 
> > any careful observer cares much anymore.
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
Ann:  there are two kinds of people when it comes to Robin; those that 'get' 
him and those that simply will never get past a combination of 
puzzlement and reaction to him.  Share to Ann:  I usually question such a 
polarizing idea.  I don't think such polarities serve the well being of anyone, 
especially the one about whom they are spoken.  They imply an us and them, just 
for starters.  And as the words puzzlement and reaction  carry somewhat 
negative connotations, then it is implied that those who aren't in this 
category, that is, those who "get" him are the ones in the positive realm in 
this context.    

Along with this is the idea that Robin is unique.  But since we all are, maybe 
what you're saying is that he is especially unique, more unique than the rest 
of us, or unique in a better way?  But again, I wonder if such labels, 
especially if they go unchallenged, I wonder if they really serve the well 
being of anyone, including the one to whom they are applied.

As for willingness to take life's ride, I'm content to let my unfolding track 
record here speak for me.

 From: Ann 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:01 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Ann, I admit I chuckled when you say below that my description sounds 
> contradictory and then you say that Robin is very certain within his 
> uncertainty.  I conclude that we both understand paradox.

Perhaps a sort of paradox but also a sort of duality where he remains 
constantly open to new input (so in a way he is illustrating a kind of 
uncertainness) and is merely certain that he has to be this way -open to the 
feedback of life. It is a state of constant movement as I see it although the 
perceiver himself can remain still but keeps the gate open for constant 
feedback from the outside (and inside). That feedback back and forth from 
perceiver to environment, environment to perceiver is the flow, the movement.
> A while ago Robin told Curtis that he wants a reconciliation with me and I 
> also want a reconciliation between us.  But neither of us appreciates how 
> the other person apologizes so I'm not sure how that would work!
> Nonetheless I
>  remain available for and open to reconciliation and THAT is the action I do 
> beyond wishing Robin happiness and well being.  I stay engaged with him 
> whereas he was the one who disengaged from our last exchange.  Fine, his 
> right to do so, etc., and perhaps that is his way of reconciling.  I think 
> we're both doing our best.  Though Robin did say something recently about 
> wanting more development so probably he disagrees with this.  I asked him 
> about it but he disengaged without replying. 
> Anyway, it just might be as I was saying to Robin towards the end of our 
> interactions last year:  that we're simply two people too different from one 
> another to have a viable friendship.

I think that you have hit upon something that is true here, or could be. In my 
experience there are two kinds of people when it comes to Robin; those that 
'get' him and those that simply will never get past a combination of puzzlement 
and reaction to him. It is as if he lives on this slightly different frequency 
where if you venture there you are either discombobulated and can't exit fast 
enough or you look around and sort of wonder at it all while at the same time 
appreciating the slight strangeness of it. It can cause you to have to move a 
little further into areas you are not used to exploring. That doesn't mean I 
always agree or even understand what it means to 'get to' where Robin functions 
from but it is unique.

  Perhaps we've come to this understanding each on our own and a 
reconciliation of sorts already exists!

That's a good way to look at it. Perhaps the reconciliation isn't happening 
BETWEEN the two of you but within, individually, each one of you so it is 
finished on some level - at least on that other subject. And there simply may 
not be the opportunity or means for this to happen in the future anyway so you 
are going to have to accept that as it is now, is how it has to be until if and 
when you can communicate again and that communication may never touch upon this 
particular subject - directly - again.

> This reply is very different from the reply I wrote 2 days ago.  But it is 
> an expression of my
>  thoughts and feelings now.  Just as last year my various so called 
> discrepancies were expressions of my thoughts and feelings as I rode out a 
> very challenging experience and came to different insights about it.  So 
> much so that even recently when Robin was attributing thoughts and feelings 
> to me that I wasn't having, it didn't bother me.  So in this sense, there 
> has been change I think, and positive change at that.  But I could be wrong 
> and am confident that i

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Share - Peter Mayer "Holy Now" (with lyrics in captions) - YouTube

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of turquoiseb
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 1:02 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: For Share - Peter Mayer "Holy Now" (with lyrics
in captions) - YouTube



Great song, great sentiment. I sometimes feel for those
who feel that the only holy things are the ones they've
been told are holy. 

Sometimes I think that the only things on this planet 
that *aren't* holy are the people saying that some things

And even they're holy, although maybe not in the way or to the degree they
may think they are.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer" mailto:rick@...> > wrote:
> Just ran into Share at the store and told her about this song. I think all
> will enjoy it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiypaURysz4

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Source of the Sacred Ganges by William Dalrymple

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 12:11 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Source of the Sacred Ganges by William



I thought I had read all of my favorite travel-writer William Dalrymple's
books from India. From which book is this Rick ?

Don't know. Someone sent it to me.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 , "Rick Archer" mailto:rick@...> > wrote:
> This was written by William Dalrymple, A British writer who lives in India
> and has written several award winning books about India.
> Source of the Sacred Ganges
> "If you think it is cold now," said the holy man, "you should see it 
> in winter." Ram Sarandas and I were standing on the edge of the 
> Ganges, not far from its source high in the Himalayas, near the 
> Indian-Tibet border. 
> It was May, but while in the plains the mercury 
> was hitting close on 48 degrees, here at Cheerbasa a chill wind was 
> blowing down from the snow peaks and I was shivering in my thermals. 
> Ram Sarandas, however, was naked but for a saffron loincloth, and 
> seemed completely immune to the icy winds. He stood in front of me 
> smiling broadly, skin oiled and supple, his hair tangled in a mass of 
> knotted dreadlocks.
> "But even you can't live here in the winter," I said looking at the 
> glacier glinting in the sun, only a mile down the valley. "It must be 
> completely cut off."
> "It is," said Ram. "From November to May the road is closed. Some 
> years we get fourteen feet of snow here. So I stay in my hermitage, 
> praying to Mother Ganga."
> "Do you have electricity?"
> "Of course not. Just a petromax lamp. I eat dried fruit and in 
> summer 
> I dry green leaves and eat them as well. For sixteen years I have 
> lived liked this."
> "But what if you fall sick?"
> "In all these years I have never had any serious cold or fever."
> "Don't you feel the cold?"
> "Yes! But I am used to it like the creatures and other wildlife 
> here. 
> I do my yoga for fourteen hours a day. But first, I take a dip in the 
> Ganges, normally at 5 am. This sets me up for the day."
> "A dip ? Even in winter? But isn't the Ganges frozen over?"
> "Yes, sometimes. But we cut a hole. The cold is good: it helps you 
> concentrate more on what you want to achieve. It leads you more 
> brightly into the path ahead." Ram paused and considered for a 
> second. 
> "Only occasionally I have problems," he added. "But then I am looked 
> after."
> "What do you mean?" I asked.
> "Once or twice I have taken a dip in the freezing waters, and I have 
> stuck there, frozen to the ice. But something extraordinary happens: 
> I have felt myself lifted by the waters. I was in the arms of the 
> Mother Ganges, and it was Ganga herself who pulled me out, just like a 
> mother. All the sadhus up here report the same thing. The River 
> Goddess: she looks after us like a mother looks after her child."
> What Ram Das said was something I had heard again and again on my 
> journey up the Ganges last summer to make a series, Indian Journeys, 
> for the BBC. For Indians revere their rivers like no other nation, 
> and of all river they revere the Ganges.
> According to Hindu theology, the Goddess Ganges - or Ganga as she is 
> known in India - is the Mother Goddess of the whole Subcontinent. She 
> is tangible, approachable and all accepting: distilled compassion in 
> liquid form. As well as Ganga, Hindus have given the Goddess 107 
> other names: Daughter of the Himalaya, Cow Which Gives Much Milk, Having 
> Beautiful Limbs, Eternally Pure, Light Amid the Darkness of 
> Ignorance...
> Being brushed by a breeze containing even a drop of Ganges water is 
> said to erase instantly all sins accumulated over a hundred 
> lifetimes. 
> According to the Agni Purana, written about 1,000 B.C, bathing in the 
> waters of the Ganges is an experience similar to being in heaven. To 
> die while being immersed in the Ganges results in moksha, final 
> spiritual liberation.
> For this reason, Hindus from all over India try once in their lives 
> to visit the Ganges and bathe in her waters. But the more hardy and 
> devout make one more effort still. Although the entire river is held 
> to be sacred, Hindus believe that its source is of an extra special 
> sanctity. According to Hindu cosmography the source- the Cow's Mouth 
> which lies hidden high in the Central Himalayas- is the most sacred 
> place on earth. To visit it is the most auspicious act you can 
> perform.
> So every summer, as the sun dries and desiccates the white-hot 
> plains of India, a stream of pilgrims leave their farms and villages, pack

> their belongings into bound-up cloths, and plod their way up to 
> Hardwar, where they bathe in the river. Most then return home. But a 
> few, mainly s

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Share - Peter Mayer "Holy Now" (with lyrics in captions) - YouTube

2013-04-24 Thread turquoiseb
Great song, great sentiment. I sometimes feel for those
who feel that the only holy things are the ones they've
been told are holy. 

Sometimes I think that the only things on this planet 
that *aren't* holy are the people saying that some things

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Just ran into Share at the store and told her about this song. I think all > 
> will enjoy it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiypaURysz4

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread feste37

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels
> > That seems like a curse to me!
> I'll assume you're just joking here.
>   Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
> > Bagels from hell with love, gluten
> > free for thee and all that lies beneath your
> > grateful belly button, etc.
> > 
> > BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits
> > with my own experience. So nobody really CONVINCES me of 
> > anything.
> Your self-report is duly noted. Whether it's accurate
> is another question. Let's just say you give every
> appearance of being easily swayed by those who purport
> to support you.
> > As for your list of trustworthy people, I think all and all
> > it's a really good list. But 1 or 2 people on that list often
> > sound prejudiced against me.
> Yes, as I believe I said, some of us may give you a hard
> time now and then. I said you could trust us, not that we
> all thought you were a swell person (nor that we felt *we*
> could trust *you*, for that matter).
> > Fine, it's their right, etc. But hopefully they'll
> > understand why I then won't be giving their words on
> > anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.
> By all means, shut out anything anyone says about you
> that's negative and dismiss it as "prejudiced." (You
> might want to consult a good dictionary for the meaning
> of that term, BTW. I do not think it means what you
> think it means.)
> > And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this
> > so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting someone about
> > this.
> > 
> > As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing
> > feud on FFL and I will continue to do this. I aim to take
> > each post on its own merit, believing that people do change
> > and grow in their ability to experience and express truth.
> Interesting that you believe you can "change and grow" in
> your "ability to experience and express truth" while
> dismissing without consideration anything negative about
> yourself as "prejudice."
> Remember what I told you about being accountable for your
> behavior to the FFL community.

You are sounding like a pompous, finger-wagging ass, authfriend. I suggest you 
drop the smug sense of superiority you exude when writing to Share. Share has 
more empathy, compassion, humor, and humility than you can even dream about. 
And if we are all "accountable" for our behavior to the "FFL community," isn't 
it about time that we held YOU accountable for YOUR behavior?

> > 
> > 
> > But having said that, I now mentally hear Xeno chuckling so I better shut 
> > up!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: authfriend 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:16 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Ok, Judy I'm busted! That's what I get for being such a
> > > scaredy cat and not translating the Yiddish bellybutton
> > > sutra til just now. Anyway, I was scratching my head,
> > > wondering why you mentioned bellybutton in a later post.
> > > Mystery solved!
> > 
> > Yes, well, you learned a little something about yourself, about me, and 
> > maybe even about your purported supporters, who apparently managed to 
> > convince you of something they knew wasn't true--that I had "melted down" 
> > and been "reduced to sputtering Yiddish insults" because I was jealous of 
> > you (??) and furious that you refused to interact with me (???).
> > 
> > As with your friend who made up a story about my friendship with Robin 
> > being based on despising Barry, you might want to think twice before 
> > trusting in these "well wishers" again.
> > 
> > Bottom line, there are people on FFL you can trust, and those you can't. 
> > The former include (but are not necessarily limited to) Alex, sparaig, 
> > doctordumbass, Bhairitu, salyavin, laughinggull, Xeno, Ann, Emily, raunchy, 
> > and me. Some of us may give you a hard time now and then, and sometimes we 
> > make inadvertent mistakes, but we'll never lie to you or try to mislead 
> > you. (And if we use irony, it isn't intended to confuse you; we expect you 
> > to get it.)
> > 
> > Just for the record, BTW, there's no such thing as a "bad transliteration" 
> > of Yiddish in anything but a formal context (as Barry knows). Many Yiddish 
> > words can be and are spelled multiple ways (e.g., tukas, tukus, tucas, 
> > tucus, tochis, toches, tochas, tochus, tuchas, tuches, tuchis). Often a 
> > particular spelling reflects a regional pronunciation. Sometimes a word has 
> > come to be spelled a particular way by custom, and it's spelled like that 
> > in formal contexts even though it doesn't follow the "approved" scholarly 
> > transliteration system. Anot

[FairfieldLife] Re: Source of the Sacred Ganges by William Dalrymple

2013-04-24 Thread nablusoss1008

I thought I had read all of my favorite travel-writer William Dalrymple's books 
from India. From which book is this Rick ?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> This was written by William Dalrymple, A British writer who lives in India
> and has written several award winning books about India.
>  Source of the Sacred Ganges
> "If you think it is cold now," said the holy man, "you should see it 
> in winter."  Ram Sarandas and I were standing on the edge of the 
> Ganges, not far from its source high in the Himalayas, near the 
> Indian-Tibet border. 
> It was May, but while in the plains the mercury 
> was hitting close on 48 degrees, here at Cheerbasa a chill wind was 
> blowing down from the snow peaks and I was shivering in my thermals. 
> Ram Sarandas, however, was naked but for a saffron loincloth, and 
> seemed completely immune to the icy winds. He stood in front of me 
> smiling broadly, skin oiled and supple, his hair tangled in a mass of 
> knotted dreadlocks.
>   "But even you can't live here in the winter," I said looking at the 
> glacier glinting in the sun, only a mile down the valley. "It must be 
> completely cut off."
>   "It is," said Ram. "From November to May the road is closed. Some 
> years we get fourteen feet of snow here. So I stay in my hermitage, 
> praying to Mother Ganga."
>   "Do you have electricity?"
>  "Of course not. Just a petromax lamp. I eat dried fruit and in 
> summer 
> I dry green leaves and eat them as well. For sixteen years I have 
> lived liked this."
>  "But what if you fall sick?"
>  "In all these years I have never had any serious cold or fever."
>   "Don't you feel the cold?"
>  "Yes! But I am used to it like the creatures and other wildlife 
> here. 
> I do my yoga for fourteen hours a day. But first, I take a dip in the 
> Ganges, normally at 5 am. This sets me up for the day."
>  "A dip ? Even in winter? But isn't the Ganges frozen over?"
>  "Yes, sometimes. But we cut a hole. The cold is good: it helps you 
> concentrate more on what you want to achieve. It leads you more 
> brightly into the path ahead." Ram paused and considered for a 
> second. 
> "Only occasionally I have problems," he added. "But then I am looked 
> after."
>   "What do you mean?" I asked.
>  "Once or twice I have taken a dip in the freezing waters, and I have 
> stuck there, frozen to the ice. But something extraordinary happens: 
> I  have felt myself lifted by the waters. I was in the arms of the 
> Mother  Ganges, and it was Ganga herself who pulled me out, just like a 
> mother. All the sadhus up here report the same thing. The River 
> Goddess: she looks after us like a mother looks after her child."
>   What Ram Das said was something I had heard again and again on my 
> journey up the Ganges last summer to make a series, Indian Journeys, 
> for the BBC. For Indians revere their rivers like no other nation, 
> and of all river they revere the Ganges.
>   According to Hindu theology, the Goddess Ganges - or Ganga as she is 
> known in India - is the Mother Goddess of the whole Subcontinent. She 
> is tangible, approachable and all accepting: distilled compassion in 
> liquid form. As well as Ganga, Hindus have given the Goddess 107 
> other names: Daughter of the Himalaya, Cow Which Gives Much Milk, Having 
> Beautiful Limbs, Eternally Pure, Light Amid the Darkness of 
> Ignorance...
>   Being brushed by a breeze containing even a drop of Ganges water is 
> said to erase instantly all sins accumulated over a hundred 
> lifetimes. 
> According to the Agni Purana, written about 1,000 B.C, bathing in the 
> waters of the Ganges is an experience similar to being in heaven. To 
> die while being immersed in the Ganges results in moksha, final 
> spiritual liberation.
>   For this reason, Hindus from all over India try once in their lives 
> to visit the Ganges and bathe in her waters. But the more hardy and 
> devout make one more effort still. Although the entire river is held 
> to be sacred, Hindus believe that its source is of an extra special 
> sanctity. According to Hindu cosmography the source- the Cow's Mouth 
> which lies hidden high in the Central Himalayas- is the most sacred 
> place on earth. To visit it is the most auspicious act you can 
> perform.
>   So every summer, as the sun dries and desiccates the white-hot 
> plains of India, a stream of pilgrims leave their farms and villages, pack 
> their belongings into bound-up cloths, and plod their way up to 
> Hardwar, where they bathe in the river. Most then return home. But a 
> few, mainly sadhus (or wandering Holy Men), press on into the cool of 
> the High Himalayas, taking the old pilgrim's route across the 
> mountains to Gaumukh, the Cow's Mouth.
>   The closer you get to the source, the more you find yourself 
> surrounded by these sadhus. For years I had seen the holy men in my 
> travels all over India 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > BTW, an access number for that beautiful Jan 2012 poem
> > from merudanda about Robin coming to FFL to heal is 302666.
> Thanks, I re read most of that post and it seems a long time
> ago; that was right after I stumbled onto FFL.

It was also made the day after Robin had *left* FFL
following Curtis's sadistic post to him about his Open
Letter (not to return until the following June to deal
with a hostile provocation from another non-well-

If one actually reads *Robin's* earliest posts to FFL in
June 2011 rather than the fantasies of others, he had
not come here to heal but rather to give the healing he
had very painfully accomplished on his own in the prior
25 years a sort of trial run. He left in January after
having been rather brutally battered by some of the
folks Ann goes on to describe as not "getting" him, whose
instinct was to beat him up rather than make an effort
to understand him or even just to let him do his thing.

IMHO, the notion that Robin came to FFL to "heal" is
simplistic and unobservant. Merudanda's intentions were
of the best--not sentimental and smug as with some
others (even passive-aggressive in some cases)--but he
also missed the boat on what Robin was doing here.

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Muslim My Ass.....Need to read!!

2013-04-24 Thread WLeed3
NOT my heading but I did see strippers in The Lebanon & Iraq &  Jordon as 
well as Egypt.

 From: fuller...@aol.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 4/24/2013 11:05:01 A.M.  Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: Muslim My Ass.Need to read!!

-Original  Message-
From: Louis Bieronski 
To:  alias123 
Sent: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 8:47  am
Subject: FW: Muslim My Ass.Need to read!!



Subject: Fwd: Muslim My Ass.Need to read!!


Subject: FW: Muslim My Ass.Need  to read!!

> Have you ever seen a Muslim  hospital?
> Have you heard a  Muslim orchestra?
> Have you seen a  Muslim band march in a parade?
> Have you witnessed a  Muslim charity?
> Have you shaken hands  with a Muslim Girl Scout?
> Have you seen a  Muslim Candy Striper?
> The answer is no, you  have not. Just ask yourself WHY ???
> Barack Obama,
>  during his Cairo speech, said:
> "I know, too, that Islam has always  been a part
> of America 's history."
>  Dear Mr. Obama:
> Were those Muslims  that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed?
> Funny, I  thought they were Native American Indians.
> Were those Muslims  that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day?
> Sorry again, those  were Pilgrims and
> Native American Indians.
> Can you show me one  Muslim signature on the: United States Constitution?
> Declaration  of Independence ?
> Bill of Rights?
> Didn't think  so.
> Did  Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England ?
>  No.
> Did  Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America ?
>  No, they did not.
> In fact, Muslims to this day are
> still  the largest traffickers in human slavery.
> Your own half-brother, a  devout
> Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even
>  though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed  
> Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your  family's
> "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr.  Obama?
>  Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country?
>  Not present.
> There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims  walking side by
> side with Martin Luther King, Jr.
> or  helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.
> Where were Muslims  during this country's
> Woman's Suffrage era?
> Again, not  present.
> In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient  to men in
> the Islamic culture.
> So much so, that often they  are beaten for
> not wearing the 'hajib' or
> for talking to a  man who is not a direct family member or their husband.
> Yep, the  Muslims are all for women's rights,
> aren't they?
> Where were Muslims  during World War II?
> They were aligned with Adolf Hitler.
>  The Muslim grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the 
troops  and
> accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.
> Finally, Mr.  Obama,
> where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001?
> If they  weren't flying planes into
> the World Trade Center , the Pentagon  or
> a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000
> people on  our own soil, they were rejoicing
> in the Middle East .
> No  one can dispute the pictures
> shown from all parts of the Muslim  world
> celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news  networks that 
> Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims
>  who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in
> Cairo, Egypt on  June 4th were
> stone cold silent post 9-11.
> To many  Americans,
> their silence has meant approval
> for the acts  of that day.
> And THAT, Mr.  Obama,
> is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here
> in America  ...
> Oh,  I'm sorry, I
> forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates.
> They  were Muslims.
> And now we can add  November 5, 2009 -
> the slaughter of American soldiers at
>  Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor
> and a psychiatrist who  was supposed to be
> counseling soldiers returning from battle  in
> Iraq and Afghanistan .
> That, Mr.  Obama
> is the "Muslim heritage" in America
> Be sure to
>  Muslim Heritage, my ass.
> And if you don't share this  message,
> you are part of the  problem!

Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Re: LB Shriver & our investors hope 4 its publication

2013-04-24 Thread WLeed3


 From: wle...@aol.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: 4/24/2013  11:49:45 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: LB  Shriver & our investors hope 4 its 

This conclusion of his book Re: Guru Dev is long awaited.
I Wm Leed know of some 5 investors looking for its publication &  there as 
wel as my renumeration from the book sales.
If he is short of funds I am able to again advance such as needed 4 the  
book completion. This in consert with two previous investors with L. B.  
To my great regret I am NOT able to attend to  hear him speak re the  book. 
I hope some there would send here the gist or praises of his talk. Some  of 
or even all of his investors will be most interested in this
I feel this publication will be a most fitting memorial to his services  
not only in it long awaited publication if that is it but also for his all  
to short life here as shared by his friends, as well as those he has  
touched with his past writings in town.
I regret he has chosen not to speak to me or allow me to interact with  him 
of late perhaps he is not happy with his financial dealings with me &  some 
of his other investors. I hold NO grudges with him or to him. We will all  
be repaid next life time money in the bank I tell others, & note we want  
him to succeed.  Again 2 of us are presently willing to assist in  supplying 
more dollars for it successful compleation & memorial to him  & his life.
Very best in all Bill Leed hoping some one may print this & give it  to him 
or bring up the subject so he may take advantage of our present  offer.  
Any other investors may reach out to me so I may assist them  ...US ALL ...  
to further  our common aim & hope of the  books publication & its success. A 
fine reflection of L. B's life  with us. 
_wleed3@aol.com_ (mailto:wle...@aol.com)  
Best in all this L. B. 
In a message dated 4/23/2013 10:39:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
dhamiltony...@yahoo.com writes:

Yep  according to The Fairfield Weekly Reader, Mr. Shriver hopes to bring 
his  notorious publication to a satisfactory state of completion and closure, 
 beginning at 7:30pm.  All are welcome.   

--- In  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> ---  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> >
>  > (The Fairfield Weekly Reader)
> > LB Shriver to Speak at  Revelations :  Survival in Paradise -The Final 
Issue- will be the  subject of live talk at Revelations, Weds., April 24.
> >  7:30pm
> >
> Thanks, Buck! That event was so buried  in all the tiny print of the page 
that I would have totally missed it. I'm  like totally there,  dude!

To  subscribe, send a message  to:

Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [FairfieldLife] For Share - Peter Mayer "Holy Now" (with lyrics in captions) - YouTube

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
Thanks, Rick it is so sweet and it was sweet to see you too and chat a little.  
Anyone ever tell you that you're a good listener (-:
Anyway, I sent this to our mutual buddy in Vancouver.  Yes, let's get Peter 
PS  to mainstream:  hi!

 From: Rick Archer 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 9:37 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] For Share - Peter Mayer "Holy Now" (with lyrics in 
captions) - YouTube

Just ran into Share at the store and told her about this song. I think all will 
enjoy it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread Michael Jackson
That's great Sal! Best laugh I had all day!

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 11:28 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Can't you just see Murdoch bowing to a pic of Guru Dev???

I'd pay good money for a copy of that. We should bug the local
TM centre then sell the pic to Daily Mail. Give him a taste of 
his own medicine! 

>  From: salyavin808 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:01 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> >
> > Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of the 20th and 21st 
> > Century is now a TM guy - wonder what will happen - will Rupert see how 
> > much the TMO owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them out of it, 
> > or will he teach the TMO leaders to be as big a robber as he is?
> Maybe he'll lend them a lawyer or two to fight the case in India.
> That's assuming he doesn't need them all to keep ex-editor of the
> News of the World, Rebecca Brooks, out of jail. What a fucking travesty 
> politics is, David Cameron - the British prime minister-
> is best friends with the editor of the biggest tabloid in the 
> country. As she texted him after his election; "I look forward to working 
> with you". I hope they throw the book at her, and him too.
> > The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!
> It's funny how the TMO treat everyone famous who does TM. When
> a politician in the UK admits to meditating everyone in the TMO
> starts taking them seriously. Doesn't matter what side of the 
> political fence they are on, all that matters is that they are
> one of us. I guess that's because of the weird belief that just
> by meditating people are making better decisions. They really
> believe this stuff. It's all to do with absorbing the qualities
> of the "unified field" apparently 
> I once had someone explain to me that the person who should be
> running the world is the head of the Natural Law Party because
> he must have the most coherent brain waves. We know that because
> Marshy gave him the position in the first place. Curious and
> rather scary circular reasoning.
> But I shall be checking page 3 of The Sun for signs of the
> rising tide of the age of enlightenment.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: Dick Mays 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:46 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> > 
> > You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of 
> > the lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> > http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the 
> > big box in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to 
> > see the coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch 
> > learning to meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he 
> > tweeted about it so that's why it drew media attention.
> > 
> > Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> > http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
> > 
> >  Invision/AP; WireImage Celebs Who Meditate
> > Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the
> > Beatles, but it’s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to 
> > David
> > Lynch, see the famous faces who say â€Å"om.â€
> > Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> > Beast 
> > http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> > 
> > The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A 
> > Try http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving
> >


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: LB Shriver & our investors hope 4 its publication

2013-04-24 Thread WLeed3
This conclusion of his book Re: Guru Dev is long awaited.
I Wm Leed know of some 5 investors looking for its publication & there  as 
wel as my renumeration from the book sales.
If he is short of funds I am able to again advance such as needed 4 the  
book completion. This in consert with two previous investors with L. B. 
To my great regret I am NOT able to attend to  hear him speak re the  book. 
I hope some there would send here the gist or praises of his talk. Some of  
or even all of his investors will be most interested in this
I feel this publication will be a most fitting memorial to his services not 
 only in it long awaited publication if that is it but also for his all 
to  short life here as shared by his friends, as well as those he has 
touched with  his past writings in town.
I regret he has chosen not to speak to me or allow me to interact with him  
of late perhaps he is not happy with his financial dealings with me & some  
of his other investors. I hold NO grudges with him or to him. We will all 
be  repaid next life time money in the bank I tell others, & note we want him 
to  succeed.  Again 2 of us are presently willing to assist in supplying 
more  dollars for it successful compleation & memorial to him & his  life.
Very best in all Bill Leed hoping some one may print this & give it to  him 
or bring up the subject so he may take advantage of our present offer.   
Any other investors may reach out to me so I may assist them ...US ALL  ...  
to further  our common aim & hope of the books  publication & its success. A 
fine reflection of L. B's life  with us. 
_wleed3@aol.com_ (mailto:wle...@aol.com)  
Best in all this L. B. 
In a message dated 4/23/2013 10:39:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
dhamiltony...@yahoo.com writes:

Yep  according to The Fairfield Weekly Reader, Mr. Shriver hopes to bring 
his  notorious publication to a satisfactory state of completion and closure, 
 beginning at 7:30pm.  All are welcome.   

--- In  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  "Buck"  wrote:
> >
> > (The Fairfield Weekly  Reader)
> > LB Shriver to Speak at Revelations :  Survival in  Paradise -The Final 
Issue- will be the subject of live talk at Revelations,  Weds., April 24.
> > 7:30pm
> >
> Thanks,  Buck! That event was so buried in all the tiny print of the page 
that I would  have totally missed it. I'm like totally there,  dude!

To  subscribe, send a message  to:

Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Last edition: 'survival in paradise' with LB shriver 7:30pm Revelations bookstore wed April 24th

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
hi friends,

LB will be giving a talk "Last edition: survival in paradise" 7:30pm wed
April 24 at Revelations bookstoreplease plan to be on time!

all blessings, jennifer

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v2.13

2013-04-24 Thread Bhairitu
On 04/24/2013 08:33 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> Wouldn't be a bad walk if it weren't mostly uphill.
> You're going to drive your car two blocks? Go figure.
> This looks like Julian Castro, the mayor of S.A.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Castro

You don't know the hill.  I'm mentioned here before it lacks a sidewalk 
and so you wind up walking in a street that has blind corners.  Very 
unsafe!  I've mentioned on local blogs it is a tragedy waiting to happen 
and the city needs to put a sidewalk all the way up the hill and widen 
the street so there is a bike lane going up too.  But I'm sure the 
property owners would stick it to the city for that little strip of land 

[FairfieldLife] Source of the Sacred Ganges by William Dalrymple

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
This was written by William Dalrymple, A British writer who lives in India
and has written several award winning books about India.

 Source of the Sacred Ganges

"If you think it is cold now," said the holy man, "you should see it 
in winter."  Ram Sarandas and I were standing on the edge of the 
Ganges, not far from its source high in the Himalayas, near the 
Indian-Tibet border. 

It was May, but while in the plains the mercury 
was hitting close on 48 degrees, here at Cheerbasa a chill wind was 
blowing down from the snow peaks and I was shivering in my thermals. 
Ram Sarandas, however, was naked but for a saffron loincloth, and 
seemed completely immune to the icy winds. He stood in front of me 
smiling broadly, skin oiled and supple, his hair tangled in a mass of 
knotted dreadlocks.

  "But even you can't live here in the winter," I said looking at the 
glacier glinting in the sun, only a mile down the valley. "It must be 
completely cut off."

  "It is," said Ram. "From November to May the road is closed. Some 
years we get fourteen feet of snow here. So I stay in my hermitage, 
praying to Mother Ganga."

  "Do you have electricity?"

 "Of course not. Just a petromax lamp. I eat dried fruit and in 

I dry green leaves and eat them as well. For sixteen years I have 
lived liked this."

 "But what if you fall sick?"

 "In all these years I have never had any serious cold or fever."
  "Don't you feel the cold?"

 "Yes! But I am used to it like the creatures and other wildlife 

I do my yoga for fourteen hours a day. But first, I take a dip in the 
Ganges, normally at 5 am. This sets me up for the day."

 "A dip ? Even in winter? But isn't the Ganges frozen over?"

 "Yes, sometimes. But we cut a hole. The cold is good: it helps you 
concentrate more on what you want to achieve. It leads you more 
brightly into the path ahead." Ram paused and considered for a 

"Only occasionally I have problems," he added. "But then I am looked 

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

 "Once or twice I have taken a dip in the freezing waters, and I have 
stuck there, frozen to the ice. But something extraordinary happens: 
I  have felt myself lifted by the waters. I was in the arms of the 
Mother  Ganges, and it was Ganga herself who pulled me out, just like a 
mother. All the sadhus up here report the same thing. The River 
Goddess: she looks after us like a mother looks after her child."

  What Ram Das said was something I had heard again and again on my 
journey up the Ganges last summer to make a series, Indian Journeys, 
for the BBC. For Indians revere their rivers like no other nation, 
and of all river they revere the Ganges.

  According to Hindu theology, the Goddess Ganges - or Ganga as she is 
known in India - is the Mother Goddess of the whole Subcontinent. She 
is tangible, approachable and all accepting: distilled compassion in 
liquid form. As well as Ganga, Hindus have given the Goddess 107 
other names: Daughter of the Himalaya, Cow Which Gives Much Milk, Having 
Beautiful Limbs, Eternally Pure, Light Amid the Darkness of 

  Being brushed by a breeze containing even a drop of Ganges water is 
said to erase instantly all sins accumulated over a hundred 

According to the Agni Purana, written about 1,000 B.C, bathing in the 
waters of the Ganges is an experience similar to being in heaven. To 
die while being immersed in the Ganges results in moksha, final 
spiritual liberation.

  For this reason, Hindus from all over India try once in their lives 
to visit the Ganges and bathe in her waters. But the more hardy and 
devout make one more effort still. Although the entire river is held 
to be sacred, Hindus believe that its source is of an extra special 
sanctity. According to Hindu cosmography the source- the Cow's Mouth 
which lies hidden high in the Central Himalayas- is the most sacred 
place on earth. To visit it is the most auspicious act you can 

  So every summer, as the sun dries and desiccates the white-hot 
plains of India, a stream of pilgrims leave their farms and villages, pack 
their belongings into bound-up cloths, and plod their way up to 
Hardwar, where they bathe in the river. Most then return home. But a 
few, mainly sadhus (or wandering Holy Men), press on into the cool of 
the High Himalayas, taking the old pilgrim's route across the 
mountains to Gaumukh, the Cow's Mouth.

  The closer you get to the source, the more you find yourself 
surrounded by these sadhus. For years I had seen the holy men in my 
travels all over India and found them slightly menacing figures. But 
it was only seeing them in such numbers up in the wild Himalayas that 
made me realise quite how many of them there are, and how many 
different forms they take. Some are freelance wanderers, moving from 
town to town; others live ordered monastic lives in ashrams, dividing 
their day according to strict rules and performing severe penances. 
Most fasci

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Share - Peter Mayer "Holy Now" (with lyrics in captions) - YouTube

2013-04-24 Thread mainstream20016

A beautiful, inspiring song.  Thanks to you, and Share as well.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Just ran into Share at the store and told her about this song. I think all
> will enjoy it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiypaURysz4

[FairfieldLife] Oprah & more stars who do Transcendental Meditation

2013-04-24 Thread merlin
Oprah & more stars who do Transcendental Meditation



[FairfieldLife] Rupert Murdoch Is Learning Transcendental Meditation | Business Insider Australia

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer

OM THE FRONT PAGE: Rupert Murdoch Is Learning Transcendental Meditation
Picture: Getty / Justin Sullivan News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch is
trying to learn Transcendental Meditation, the technique developed by
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the spiritual mentor to The Beatles. The media
billionaire, who works hard at keeping fit, announced his startling new
personal improvement project in a tweet this morning: Murdoch joined Twitter
at the start of 2012 and uses it to share his schedule but also his views on
global economics, politics and occasionally defend his publications
 . After the
phone hacking scandal came to a head in 2011 and the Leveson inquiry last
year, Murdoch, now 82, is in the throes of another challenging year with the
scheduled breakup of News Corporation into a publishing division which will
hold the newspapers, and an entertainment company to be called 21st Century
Fox. Meditation is increasingly popular in business circles as a way to
enhance problem-solving skills and manage stress. Ray Dalio, founder of
Bridgewater Associates, one of the world's largest hedge funds, is reported
to have built many of Transcendental Meditation's tenets into Bridgewater's
 . Apple
co-founder Steve Jobs, a Buddhist, was a practitioner of Zen meditation.
Former Monsanto chief executive Bob Shapiro even introduced meditation rooms

at the company after he discovered the practice. What's fascinating about
Murdoch's experiment with meditation is how it flies in the face of the
high-energy, take-no-prisoners persona attributed to him in popular culture.
Transcendental Meditation involves the repeating of a mantra, usually given
to the practitioner by a teacher, while sitting still with eyes closed. The
specific mantra is intended to help that individual move to a quieter, more
harmonious way of thinking. Late last year this rather meditative photo was
posted to Murdoch's Twitter feed while he was on a visit to Australia: And
this month during his visit he talked about his "spiritual home": So the
question everyone will want to know: What will Rupert's mantra be? SEE ALSO:
CEOs who meditate

Business Insider Australia on Facebook
 and Twitter

[FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels?  That seems 
> like a curse to me!

Naw, just think of it as a career suggestion. Maybe suggest one for her, in 

  Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
> Bagels from hell with love, gluten
> free for thee and all that lies beneath your
> grateful belly button, etc.
> BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits with my own 
> experience.  So nobody really CONVINCES me of anything.  As for your list 
> of trustworthy people, I think all and all it's a really good list.  But 1 
> or 2 people on that list often sound prejudiced against me.  Fine, it's 
> their right, etc.  But hopefully they'll understand why I then won't be 
> giving their words on anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.  
> And I do realize that I might be sensitive about this so I do apologize if 
> I'm misinterpreting someone about this.     
> As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing feud on FFL and I 
> will continue to do this.  I aim to take each post on its own merit, 
> believing that people do change and grow in their ability to experience and 
> express truth.  
> But having said that, I now mentally hear Xeno chuckling so I better shut up!
>  From: authfriend 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:16 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Ok, Judy I'm busted! That's what I get for being such a
> > scaredy cat and not translating the Yiddish bellybutton
> > sutra til just now. Anyway, I was scratching my head,
> > wondering why you mentioned bellybutton in a later post.
> > Mystery solved!
> Yes, well, you learned a little something about yourself, about me, and maybe 
> even about your purported supporters, who apparently managed to convince you 
> of something they knew wasn't true--that I had "melted down" and been 
> "reduced to sputtering Yiddish insults" because I was jealous of you (??) and 
> furious that you refused to interact with me (???).
> As with your friend who made up a story about my friendship with Robin being 
> based on despising Barry, you might want to think twice before trusting in 
> these "well wishers" again.
> Bottom line, there are people on FFL you can trust, and those you can't. The 
> former include (but are not necessarily limited to) Alex, sparaig, 
> doctordumbass, Bhairitu, salyavin, laughinggull, Xeno, Ann, Emily, raunchy, 
> and me. Some of us may give you a hard time now and then, and sometimes we 
> make inadvertent mistakes, but we'll never lie to you or try to mislead you. 
> (And if we use irony, it isn't intended to confuse you; we expect you to get 
> it.)
> Just for the record, BTW, there's no such thing as a "bad transliteration" of 
> Yiddish in anything but a formal context (as Barry knows). Many Yiddish words 
> can be and are spelled multiple ways (e.g., tukas, tukus, tucas, tucus, 
> tochis, toches, tochas, tochus, tuchas, tuches, tuchis). Often a particular 
> spelling reflects a regional pronunciation. Sometimes a word has come to be 
> spelled a particular way by custom, and it's spelled like that in formal 
> contexts even though it doesn't follow the "approved" scholarly 
> transliteration system. Another reason there are so many variant spellings in 
> Yiddish is that while the language is primarily a combination of Hebrew and 
> medieval German, it also has lots of loan words from many different 
> languages, and those words are usually spelled phonetically.
> > OTOH I think it was all part of life's mischievous way of plotting to get 
> > me to write that little ditty about lawns and lady parts which was fun for 
> > me to compose and hopefully for others to read.  And
> >  I've expanded it!  Stay tuned Funny Farm Lounge lizards ha ha! 
> > 
> > May you marry a doctor.  Which is the only other Yiddish saying I 
> > know.  I hope it's not an insult?  Jeez, how can a half Irish shiksha 
> > like me keep up?!  
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: authfriend 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:29 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Ann, I am in awe! How do you find these gems?! Anyway, about
> > > > the other cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse? I
> > > > think it's kind of a sweet blessing, may he laugh with
> > > > lizards. I mean, if a person could laugh with lizards, they
> > > > could pretty much laugh about all of it. IMHO.
> > > 
> > > I don't think anything that ha

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
but but but, Judy, what about the Go to hell and bake bagels?  That seems like 
a curse to me!  Anyway, in case it was to me, here's my reply:
Bagels from hell with love, gluten
free for thee and all that lies beneath your
grateful belly button, etc.

BTW I take everything everybody says and see how it fits with my own 
experience.  So nobody really CONVINCES me of anything.  As for your list of 
trustworthy people, I think all and all it's a really good list.  But 1 or 2 
people on that list often sound prejudiced against me.  Fine, it's their right, 
etc.  But hopefully they'll understand why I then won't be giving their words 
on anything, much less on me, much credence as a result.  And I do realize that 
I might be sensitive about this so I do apologize if I'm misinterpreting 
someone about this.     

As best as I can, I resist getting sucked into the ongoing feud on FFL and I 
will continue to do this.  I aim to take each post on its own merit, believing 
that people do change and grow in their ability to experience and express 

But having said that, I now mentally hear Xeno chuckling so I better shut up!

 From: authfriend 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:16 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Ok, Judy I'm busted! That's what I get for being such a
> scaredy cat and not translating the Yiddish bellybutton
> sutra til just now. Anyway, I was scratching my head,
> wondering why you mentioned bellybutton in a later post.
> Mystery solved!

Yes, well, you learned a little something about yourself, about me, and maybe 
even about your purported supporters, who apparently managed to convince you of 
something they knew wasn't true--that I had "melted down" and been "reduced to 
sputtering Yiddish insults" because I was jealous of you (??) and furious that 
you refused to interact with me (???).

As with your friend who made up a story about my friendship with Robin being 
based on despising Barry, you might want to think twice before trusting in 
these "well wishers" again.

Bottom line, there are people on FFL you can trust, and those you can't. The 
former include (but are not necessarily limited to) Alex, sparaig, 
doctordumbass, Bhairitu, salyavin, laughinggull, Xeno, Ann, Emily, raunchy, and 
me. Some of us may give you a hard time now and then, and sometimes we make 
inadvertent mistakes, but we'll never lie to you or try to mislead you. (And if 
we use irony, it isn't intended to confuse you; we expect you to get it.)

Just for the record, BTW, there's no such thing as a "bad transliteration" of 
Yiddish in anything but a formal context (as Barry knows). Many Yiddish words 
can be and are spelled multiple ways (e.g., tukas, tukus, tucas, tucus, tochis, 
toches, tochas, tochus, tuchas, tuches, tuchis). Often a particular spelling 
reflects a regional pronunciation. Sometimes a word has come to be spelled a 
particular way by custom, and it's spelled like that in formal contexts even 
though it doesn't follow the "approved" scholarly transliteration system. 
Another reason there are so many variant spellings in Yiddish is that while the 
language is primarily a combination of Hebrew and medieval German, it also has 
lots of loan words from many different languages, and those words are usually 
spelled phonetically.

> OTOH I think it was all part of life's mischievous way of plotting to get me 
> to write that little ditty about lawns and lady parts which was fun for me to 
> compose and hopefully for others to read.  And
>  I've expanded it!  Stay tuned Funny Farm Lounge lizards ha ha! 
> May you marry a doctor.  Which is the only other Yiddish saying I know.  I 
> hope it's not an insult?  Jeez, how can a half Irish shiksha like me keep 
> up?!  
>  From: authfriend 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 11:29 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann"  wrote:
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Ann, I am in awe! How do you find these gems?! Anyway, about
> > > the other cartoon curse situation, is it really a curse? I
> > > think it's kind of a sweet blessing, may he laugh with
> > > lizards. I mean, if a person could laugh with lizards, they
> > > could pretty much laugh about all of it. IMHO.
> > 
> > I don't think anything that has been posted in Yiddish in
> > the past day or so has been as serious as a curse.
> Judaism forbids cursing, as it happens. Yiddish *insults*,
> however, are a high art. They're typically witty and
> creative, but they can get pretty nasty. The ones I used
> (none was a "blessing") are among the very mildest. I mean,
> if one feels one has been cursed by "Thank you very much

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v2.13

2013-04-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

> Wouldn't be a bad walk if it weren't mostly uphill.
You're going to drive your car two blocks? Go figure.

This looks like Julian Castro, the mayor of S.A.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Can't you just see Murdoch bowing to a pic of Guru Dev???

I'd pay good money for a copy of that. We should bug the local
TM centre then sell the pic to Daily Mail. Give him a taste of 
his own medicine! 

>  From: salyavin808 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:01 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> >
> > Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of the 20th and 21st 
> > Century is now a TM guy - wonder what will happen - will Rupert see how 
> > much the TMO owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them out of it, 
> > or will he teach the TMO leaders to be as big a robber as he is?
> Maybe he'll lend them a lawyer or two to fight the case in India.
> That's assuming he doesn't need them all to keep ex-editor of the
> News of the World, Rebecca Brooks, out of jail. What a fucking travesty 
> politics is, David Cameron - the British prime minister-
> is best friends with the editor of the biggest tabloid in the 
> country. As she texted him after his election; "I look forward to working 
> with you". I hope they throw the book at her, and him too.
> > The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!
> It's funny how the TMO treat everyone famous who does TM. When
> a politician in the UK admits to meditating everyone in the TMO
> starts taking them seriously. Doesn't matter what side of the 
> political fence they are on, all that matters is that they are
> one of us. I guess that's because of the weird belief that just
> by meditating people are making better decisions. They really
> believe this stuff. It's all to do with absorbing the qualities
> of the "unified field" apparently 
> I once had someone explain to me that the person who should be
> running the world is the head of the Natural Law Party because
> he must have the most coherent brain waves. We know that because
> Marshy gave him the position in the first place. Curious and
> rather scary circular reasoning.
> But I shall be checking page 3 of The Sun for signs of the
> rising tide of the age of enlightenment.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: Dick Mays 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:46 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> > 
> > You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of 
> > the lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> > http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the 
> > big box in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to 
> > see the coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch 
> > learning to meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he 
> > tweeted about it so that's why it drew media attention.
> > 
> > Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> > http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
> > 
> >  Invision/AP; WireImage Celebs Who Meditate
> > Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the
> > Beatles, but it’s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to 
> > David
> > Lynch, see the famous faces who say â€Å"om.â€
> > Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> > Beast 
> > http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> > 
> > The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A 
> > Try http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Man In Paris, v2.13

2013-04-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

> So I went out bike riding in Paris.
So, you rode a bike today.

Sounds like a great idea, biking in Paris! 

The city of San Antonio has been designated 
as a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community 
by the League of American Bicyclists. 

So, yeah!




Barry: You've got to have an ace in the hole!

"You've got to have an ace in the hole.
A little secret that nobody knows.
Life is a gamble, a game we all play,
But you need to save something for a rainy day.
You've got to learn to play your cards right if 
you expect to win in life.
Don't put it all on the line for just one roll.
You've got to have an ace in the hole." 

George Strait - Ace In The Hole - Live From Tucson


[FairfieldLife] Re: For Card - Drummer question

2013-04-24 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> Hey Card,
> Who's that drummer with a rather long multi-syllabic name who's incredibly
> fast and good and plays in a big band?

Too many possibilities. Perhaps you could find him/(her?) here:


[FairfieldLife] For Card - Drummer question

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
Hey Card,


Who's that drummer with a rather long multi-syllabic name who's incredibly
fast and good and plays in a big band?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread Michael Jackson
Can't you just see Murdoch bowing to a pic of Guru Dev???

 From: salyavin808 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 10:01 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of the 20th and 21st 
> Century is now a TM guy - wonder what will happen - will Rupert see how much 
> the TMO owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them out of it, or 
> will he teach the TMO leaders to be as big a robber as he is?

Maybe he'll lend them a lawyer or two to fight the case in India.

That's assuming he doesn't need them all to keep ex-editor of the
News of the World, Rebecca Brooks, out of jail. What a fucking travesty 
politics is, David Cameron - the British prime minister-
is best friends with the editor of the biggest tabloid in the 
country. As she texted him after his election; "I look forward to working with 
you". I hope they throw the book at her, and him too.

> The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!

It's funny how the TMO treat everyone famous who does TM. When
a politician in the UK admits to meditating everyone in the TMO
starts taking them seriously. Doesn't matter what side of the 
political fence they are on, all that matters is that they are
one of us. I guess that's because of the weird belief that just
by meditating people are making better decisions. They really
believe this stuff. It's all to do with absorbing the qualities
of the "unified field" apparently 

I once had someone explain to me that the person who should be
running the world is the head of the Natural Law Party because
he must have the most coherent brain waves. We know that because
Marshy gave him the position in the first place. Curious and
rather scary circular reasoning.

But I shall be checking page 3 of The Sun for signs of the
rising tide of the age of enlightenment.

>  From: Dick Mays 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:46 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the 
> lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big 
> box in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to see the 
> coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch learning to 
> meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he tweeted about 
> it so that's why it drew media attention.
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
>  Invision/AP; WireImage Celebs Who Meditate
> Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the
> Beatles, but it’s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David
> Lynch, see the famous faces who say “om.â€
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> Beast 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
> http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving


[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread Richard J. Williams

Michael Jackson:
> Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of 
> the 20th and 21st Century is now a TM guy - wonder 
> what will happen - will Rupert see how much the TMO 
> owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them 
> out of it, or will he teach the TMO leaders to be as 
> big a robber as he is?
> The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!
Logical fallacy? You probably should have taken
a logic course at MIU. LoL!


> The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
> http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving

[FairfieldLife] For Share - Peter Mayer "Holy Now" (with lyrics in captions) - YouTube

2013-04-24 Thread Rick Archer
Just ran into Share at the store and told her about this song. I think all
will enjoy it.


[FairfieldLife] Well, "brahmasthaana" of the biggest inland town in Scandinavia!

2013-04-24 Thread card

I've read the Keskus-tori (Central square) is bigger than
the Krasnaya Ploshtshad (sp? Red square) of Moscow?!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808"  wrote:
> But I shall be checking page 3 of The Sun for signs of the
> rising tide of the age of enlightenment.

For those who didn't get that: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_Three


[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Ann, I admit I chuckled when you say below that my description sounds 
> contradictory and then you say that Robin is very certain within his 
> uncertainty.  I conclude that we both understand paradox.

Perhaps a sort of paradox but also a sort of duality where he remains 
constantly open to new input (so in a way he is illustrating a kind of 
uncertainness) and is merely certain that he has to be this way -open to the 
feedback of life. It is a state of constant movement as I see it although the 
perceiver himself can remain still but keeps the gate open for constant 
feedback from the outside (and inside). That feedback back and forth from 
perceiver to environment, environment to perceiver is the flow, the movement.
> A while ago Robin told Curtis that he wants a reconciliation with me and I 
> also want a reconciliation between us.  But neither of us appreciates how 
> the other person apologizes so I'm not sure how that would work!
> Nonetheless I
>  remain available for and open to reconciliation and THAT is the action I do 
> beyond wishing Robin happiness and well being.  I stay engaged with him 
> whereas he was the one who disengaged from our last exchange.  Fine, his 
> right to do so, etc., and perhaps that is his way of reconciling.  I think 
> we're both doing our best.  Though Robin did say something recently about 
> wanting more development so probably he disagrees with this.  I asked him 
> about it but he disengaged without replying. 
> Anyway, it just might be as I was saying to Robin towards the end of our 
> interactions last year:  that we're simply two people too different from one 
> another to have a viable friendship.

I think that you have hit upon something that is true here, or could be. In my 
experience there are two kinds of people when it comes to Robin; those that 
'get' him and those that simply will never get past a combination of puzzlement 
and reaction to him. It is as if he lives on this slightly different frequency 
where if you venture there you are either discombobulated and can't exit fast 
enough or you look around and sort of wonder at it all while at the same time 
appreciating the slight strangeness of it. It can cause you to have to move a 
little further into areas you are not used to exploring. That doesn't mean I 
always agree or even understand what it means to 'get to' where Robin functions 
from but it is unique.

  Perhaps we've come to this understanding each on our own and a 
reconciliation of sorts already exists!

That's a good way to look at it. Perhaps the reconciliation isn't happening 
BETWEEN the two of you but within, individually, each one of you so it is 
finished on some level - at least on that other subject. And there simply may 
not be the opportunity or means for this to happen in the future anyway so you 
are going to have to accept that as it is now, is how it has to be until if and 
when you can communicate again and that communication may never touch upon this 
particular subject - directly - again.

> This reply is very different from the reply I wrote 2 days ago.  But it is 
> an expression of my
>  thoughts and feelings now.  Just as last year my various so called 
> discrepancies were expressions of my thoughts and feelings as I rode out a 
> very challenging experience and came to different insights about it.  So 
> much so that even recently when Robin was attributing thoughts and feelings 
> to me that I wasn't having, it didn't bother me.  So in this sense, there 
> has been change I think, and positive change at that.  But I could be wrong 
> and am confident that if I am, life will straighten me out one way or the 
> other (-:

Life can help "straighten" things out but you also have to be willing to go 
along for the ride or it just becomes heel marks in the dirt!

> BTW, an access number for that beautiful Jan 2012 poem from merudanda about 
> Robin coming to FFL to heal is 302666.  

Thanks, I re read most of that post and it seems a long time ago; that was 
right after I stumbled onto FFL.
>  From: Ann 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 8:32 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Ann, I was of course joking about totally restored as I was never 
> > unrestored, grin.  And I'm glad we're having this exchange.  
> > 
> > It sounds like you're saying that in his psychological rape comment to 
> > Curtis about you, Robin was being both ironic and straight forward.  
> > Perhaps it's easier to deal with such a communication style when one has 
> > known the person, well, in person.  And when one is not emotionally 
> > upset and overwhelmed. 
> Perhaps.
> > 
> > 
> > Having read it probably many years prior, my initial

[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of the 20th and 21st 
> Century is now a TM guy - wonder what will happen - will Rupert see how much 
> the TMO owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them out of it, or 
> will he teach the TMO leaders to be as big a robber as he is?

Maybe he'll lend them a lawyer or two to fight the case in India.

That's assuming he doesn't need them all to keep ex-editor of the
News of the World, Rebecca Brooks, out of jail. What a fucking travesty 
politics is, David Cameron - the British prime minister-
is best friends with the editor of the biggest tabloid in the 
country. As she texted him after his election; "I look forward to working with 
you". I hope they throw the book at her, and him too.

> The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!

It's funny how the TMO treat everyone famous who does TM. When
a politician in the UK admits to meditating everyone in the TMO
starts taking them seriously. Doesn't matter what side of the 
political fence they are on, all that matters is that they are
one of us. I guess that's because of the weird belief that just
by meditating people are making better decisions. They really
believe this stuff. It's all to do with absorbing the qualities
of the "unified field" apparently 

I once had someone explain to me that the person who should be
running the world is the head of the Natural Law Party because
he must have the most coherent brain waves. We know that because
Marshy gave him the position in the first place. Curious and
rather scary circular reasoning.

But I shall be checking page 3 of The Sun for signs of the
rising tide of the age of enlightenment.

>  From: Dick Mays 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:46 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the 
> lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big 
> box in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to see the 
> coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch learning to 
> meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he tweeted about 
> it so that's why it drew media attention.
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
>  Invision/AP; WireImage Celebs Who Meditate
> Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the
> Beatles, but it’s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David
> Lynch, see the famous faces who say “om.”
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> Beast 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
> http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving

[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread sparaig
Fallacy of Excluded Middle.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of the 20th and 21st 
> Century is now a TM guy - wonder what will happen - will Rupert see how much 
> the TMO owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them out of it, or 
> will he teach the TMO leaders to be as big a robber as he is?
> The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!
>  From: Dick Mays 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:46 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the 
> lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big 
> box in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to see the 
> coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch learning to 
> meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he tweeted about 
> it so that's why it drew media attention.
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
>  Invision/AP; WireImage Celebs Who Meditate
> Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the
> Beatles, but it’s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David
> Lynch, see the famous faces who say “om.”
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> Beast 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
> http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among CEOs

2013-04-24 Thread sparaig
Is he really doing TM? His initial tweet suggested that he thought TM was 
difficult, etc., but it turns out that he may not even have gone back to the 
local TM center for the "first night checking" before he tweeted, so anything 
he said about TM was a work in progress -a very early work-in-progress.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "card"  wrote:
> Is he what?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> >
> > But is he really?
> > 
> > L
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merlin  wrote:
> > >
> > > Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed 
> > > among CEOs
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Murdoch joins a long list of business leaders who have taken up 
> > > transcendental meditation.
> > [...]
> > > 
> > > http://au.businessinsider.com/om-the-front-page-rupert-murdoch-is-learning-transcendental-meditation-2013-4
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> I hope his teachers schedule extra checking for him. OTOH, if he tweeted just 
> after learning, then a lot of his misconceptions will have already been 
> cleared up by now.

Expecting it to improve *everything* is a tad ambitious
for the first week, but good luck to him. I imagine he
needs a bit of peace after all the lawsuits that have been
thrown at his hideous "news" network. All the revelations
about the phonehacking scum in his employ who probably thought
they'd never get caught. And all the, two-faced, cowardly
politicians who finally turned on him after years of black-
mail and denied him and his lawless family of parasites at
News International almost complete control of British media.

He must have lost billions, if he hasn't the courts in this
country should keep at him until his brand of humiliation
as entertainment and his vile right-wing tabloids are as much
a part of history as the woman who enabled it all, our dear 
departed Maggie Thatch. Just one of her major and unacknowledged

Hopefully we'll never see his like again (once we've somehow
got rid of the Daily [hate] Mail). Or maybe TM will reverse
his fortunes! "Nature support" has to work for someone after 
all. Yes, he probably needs a bit of peace of mind.

> L
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> >
> > Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> > 
> > You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the 
> > lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> > http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big 
> > box in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to see the 
> > coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch learning to 
> > meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he tweeted about 
> > it so that's why it drew media attention.
> > 
> > Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> > http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
> >  Invision/AP; WireImage
> > Celebs Who Meditate
> > Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the Beatles, but 
> > it�s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David Lynch, see the 
> > famous faces who say �om.�
> > Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> > Beast 
> > http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> > 
> > The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A 
> > Try http://huff.to/17LsK0o  via @HealthyLiving
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread card
Perhaps rather: baked bread??  :o

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of the 20th and 21st 
> Century is now a TM guy - wonder what will happen - will Rupert see how much 
> the TMO owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them out of it, or 
> will he teach the TMO leaders to be as big a robber as he is?
> The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!
>  From: Dick Mays 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:46 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release
> Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the 
> lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big 
> box in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to see the 
> coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch learning to 
> meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he tweeted about 
> it so that's why it drew media attention.
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
>  Invision/AP; WireImage Celebs Who Meditate
> Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the
> Beatles, but it’s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David
> Lynch, see the famous faces who say “om.”
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> Beast 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
> http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving

Re: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread Michael Jackson
Oh what a joy that one of the worst robber barons of the 20th and 21st Century 
is now a TM guy - wonder what will happen - will Rupert see how much the TMO 
owns in property and cash and contrive to rook them out of it, or will he teach 
the TMO leaders to be as big a robber as he is?

The whole TM world is waiting with bated breath!

 From: Dick Mays 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 7:46 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 

You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the lead 
"rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website http://www.thedailybeast.com 
is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big box in the upper left corner of the 
home page, click on number 9 to see the coverage. The article appeared as a 
result of Rupert Murdoch learning to meditate last weekend. It was supposed to 
be private, but he tweeted about it so that's why it drew media attention.

Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast

 Invision/AP; WireImage Celebs Who Meditate
Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the
Beatles, but it’s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David
Lynch, see the famous faces who say “om.”
Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily Beast 

The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
http://huff.to/17LsK0o via @HealthyLiving

[FairfieldLife] Re: Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among CEOs

2013-04-24 Thread card
Is he what?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig"  wrote:
> But is he really?
> L
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merlin  wrote:
> >
> > Rupert Murdoch takes up transcendental meditation, the hot new creed among 
> > CEOs
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Murdoch joins a long list of business leaders who have taken up 
> > transcendental meditation.
> [...]
> > 
> > http://au.businessinsider.com/om-the-front-page-rupert-murdoch-is-learning-transcendental-meditation-2013-4
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread sparaig
I hope his teachers schedule extra checking for him. OTOH, if he tweeted just 
after learning, then a lot of his misconceptions will have already been cleared 
up by now.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays  wrote:
> Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 
> You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the 
> lead "rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big box 
> in the upper left corner of the home page, click on number 9 to see the 
> coverage. The article appeared as a result of Rupert Murdoch learning to 
> meditate last weekend. It was supposed to be private, but he tweeted about it 
> so that's why it drew media attention.
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
> http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
>  Invision/AP; WireImage
> Celebs Who Meditate
> Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the Beatles, but 
> it�s picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David Lynch, see the 
> famous faces who say �om.�
> Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily 
> Beast 
> http://www.thedailybeast.com/galleries/2013/04/23/oprah-more-stars-who-do-transcendental-meditation-photos.html#448ebbd1-03e5-4913-8673-cfa1da2e039a
> The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
> http://huff.to/17LsK0o  via @HealthyLiving

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
Ann, I admit I chuckled when you say below that my description sounds 
contradictory and then you say that Robin is very certain within his 
uncertainty.  I conclude that we both understand paradox.

A while ago Robin told Curtis that he wants a reconciliation with me and I also 
want a reconciliation between us.  But neither of us appreciates how the other 
person apologizes so I'm not sure how that would work!

Nonetheless I
 remain available for and open to reconciliation and THAT is the action I do 
beyond wishing Robin happiness and well being.  I stay engaged with him whereas 
he was the one who disengaged from our last exchange.  Fine, his right to do 
so, etc., and perhaps that is his way of reconciling.  I think we're both doing 
our best.  Though Robin did say something recently about wanting more 
development so probably he disagrees with this.  I asked him about it but he 
disengaged without replying. 

Anyway, it just might be as I was saying to Robin towards the end of our 
interactions last year:  that we're simply two people too different from one 
another to have a viable friendship.  Perhaps we've come to this understanding 
each on our own and a reconciliation of sorts already exists!

This reply is very different from the reply I wrote 2 days ago.  But it is an 
expression of my
 thoughts and feelings now.  Just as last year my various so called 
discrepancies were expressions of my thoughts and feelings as I rode out a very 
challenging experience and came to different insights about it.  So much so 
that even recently when Robin was attributing thoughts and feelings to me that 
I wasn't having, it didn't bother me.  So in this sense, there has been change 
I think, and positive change at that.  But I could be wrong and am confident 
that if I am, life will straighten me out one way or the other (-:

BTW, an access number for that beautiful Jan 2012 poem from merudanda about 
Robin coming to FFL to heal is 302666.  

 From: Ann 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 8:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count Sat 20-Apr-13 00:15:02 UTC


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Ann, I was of course joking about totally restored as I was never unrestored, 
> grin.  And I'm glad we're having this exchange.  
> It sounds like you're saying that in his psychological rape comment to Curtis 
> about you, Robin was being both ironic and straight forward.  Perhaps it's 
> easier to deal with such a communication style when one has known the person, 
> well, in person.  And when one is not emotionally upset and overwhelmed. 


> Having read it probably many years prior, my initial use of the phrase 
> psychological rape was spontaneous, said in a moment of upset and yet felt 
> spot on.  This was later validated for me by Lord Knows and the Howells who 
> have also attested to the long lasting harm of such encounters even though 
> they are not physical rapesuch as you describe below.

Ah, but only you know what your situation/perception was, not LK or the 
Howells. And only they know what their experience was back in the 80's and you 
don't. So, to be able to compare doesn't seem possible. That doesn't mean LK 
and the Howells didn't THINK it was the same based on your posts with Robin. 
But ultimately Share, you need to figure it out on your own. You may have 
thought the interaction was a big deal, but the aftermath became much bigger. 
And perhaps this is the element that you need to concentrate on
> Yes, it's true that Robin apologized.  As did I, in the very next sentence 
> of my original upsetting post.  And I said I was willing to work things 
> out.  But he rejected both the apology and the offer.

Two things here. First, I do not remember all of the details of this 
interaction, all of the phases of it. I am not particularly inspired to look it 
all up. Your memory may or may not be faulty and perhaps you have already 
re-read the posts pertaining to all of this and if not I suggest you do. 
Second, I believe that any rejection you believe Robin made toward your apology 
and whatever offer you made may not have been as cut and dried as you think. I 
would venture to say he was not rejecting YOU, he was perhaps rejecting the 
FORM your apology was taking. Maybe he felt it was somehow short circuited or 
lacked the necessary movement within yourself to have made it truly meaningful. 
I am not going to second guess him and, as I said, I have not gone back to 
re-read any of this since I first saw it when it happened back in September.

  And he continued to deliver apologies that were obscured by both over 
analyzing and blaming me.  Plus he wasn't willing to work it out offline.  
Anyway, I think we both made errors in the handling of a very emotional 

Again, I am not the person to verify any of this. Judy would do a much better 
job. My best advice, if

[FairfieldLife] Media coverage of TM & new MUM press release

2013-04-24 Thread Dick Mays
Fwd From: Ken Chawkin 

You may have seen this story, but it's looking better each day! One of the lead 
"rotating" stories is on The Daily Beast website http://www.thedailybeast.com 
is on Transcendental Meditation. In the big box in the upper left corner of the 
home page, click on number 9 to see the coverage. The article appeared as a 
result of Rupert Murdoch learning to meditate last weekend. It was supposed to 
be private, but he tweeted about it so that's why it drew media attention.

Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) 
http://thebea.st/0Pc6Y  via @thedailybeast
 Invision/AP; WireImage
Celebs Who Meditate
Transcendental Meditation made the rounds as far back as the Beatles, but it’s 
picking up steam again. From Rupert Murdoch to David Lynch, see the famous 
faces who say “om.”
Oprah & More Stars Who Do Transcendental Meditation (PHOTOS) - The Daily Beast 

The Huffington Post: Rupert Murdoch Is Giving Transcendental Meditation A Try 
http://huff.to/17LsK0o  via @HealthyLiving

[FairfieldLife] Not for us brahmacaarins: telesex!

2013-04-24 Thread card



[FairfieldLife] Re: FairfieldLife and The unified fields of the greater maize economy

2013-04-24 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> how many of those Iowa farmers are planting RoundUp Ready corn?

By far most of it is RoundUp Ready.  Smaller portion is "Food 
Grade"-GMO-free/RoundUp Ready-free and segregated that way.  The cagey farmers 
hedge their bet that way.  Mostly the grain corn and soy is RoundUp Ready GMO 
now.  It is incredibly uniform across the grain belt and everything (every 
square inch) is being row-cropped that can be now.  The erosion is stunning to 
watch.  It's staggering to see.  

Now that the mechanism for health related problems from RoundUp is understood 
and being articulated I bet people (food-buying consumers) will start switching 
to GMO-free food, including meat that is GMO feed free.  Probably there will be 
enough consumer awareness by next winter that consumer demand will effect 
commodity prices in food.

Can you imagine what that will do to hog production in the meantime as people 
stop buying Iowa pork fed GMO corn and soy?  Beef?  Grain farmers would be wise 
to hedge their bets and plant more "food grade" crop instead of GMO crop 
starting right now.
-Buck, outstandin in his field
>  From: Buck 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 6:34 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife and The unified fields of the greater 
> maize economy
> The Dome meditation numbers are down and,
> It's almost the end of April, which is prime time to plant corn. But farmers 
> need a break in the rain so they can get this year's crops in the ground and 
> try to lock in good yields at harvest.
> "Last year, I believe I started planting on the 28th of March, and this year, 
> it may be the 28th of April, the way it's beginning to look," Riedel says. 
> "It's just that the later we get, the more we are subject to problems from 
> pollination due to hot weather."
> "It's just that the later we get, the more we are subject to problems from 
> pollination due to hot weather."
> Excessive heat and dryness can hurt corn pollination and stunt growth, 
> leading to lower yields. So farmers try to plant early
> Last year 26 percent of the country's corn crop was already planted. This 
> year, farmers only have 4 percent of their corn in the ground.
> http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/04/24/177783540/for-corn-fickle-weather-makes-for-uncertain-yields

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
Wong you Wascally Wabbit, Doc!  I said floats yer boat echoing what turq had 
said to me and OMMV because he often says YMMV.  Unless I'm very triggered, I 
don't even think thoughts like your door phrase below.  YMMV (-:

 From: "doctordumb...@rocketmail.com" 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:05 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL

Share, He trots this little drama out from time to time, when he becomes 
overwrought by his inability to interact gracefully on FFL. No need to fret, I 
assure you. He needs this place like a Turquoise Bee needs honey.

However on second read, your reply does sound a bit like, "sorry to see you go, 
but don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out." :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> well turq I would miss you if you stopped posting here but OMMV and obviously 
> you must do whatever floats yer boat (-:
>  From: turquoiseb 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 12:40 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > dear my turqish delight and Ann who was looking forward 
> > to this reply. BTW Ann, I have another in the queue 4 u. 
> > Anyway, turq, thank you because my feelings were hurt 
> > when you gave all those kudos to Curtis and Steve yesterday. 
> That's called 'ego,' otherwise known as 'self-importance.' 
> You'll get over it. Either that, or you won't. :-)
> > But I think I've learned a thing or two here at the Funny 
> > Farm Lounge so I simply enjoyed myself, hopefully not being 
> > mean spirited in the process and Bob's your uncle! Here we are!
> > 
> > If you're saying that I shouldn't let them matter to me in 
> > an unhealthy way, then I totally agree with you. But turq, 
> > I gotta let them matter to me, you know, in a healthy way, 
> > even if I don't like how they're acting. 
> If you feel that you have so much time remaining in your
> life that you feel OK spending it interacting with people
> who are only trying to set you up for the next time they
> can vent their own unhappiness on you and yell at you, so
> be it. You *know* in advance that this is what is going to
> happen. So if you continue to interact with them, some part
> of you *enjoys* being yelled at. Cool, I guess. Some people
> enjoy being tied up and whipped, or engaging in orgies with
> dwarves and small rodents. It's an odd planet, and there
> is room for pretty much any kind of kinkiness. :-)
> > I think it might be my biggest life lesson, whatever the 
> > heck that is! In this project, FFL is a great classroom, 
> > wicked grin. 
> As I said, whatever floats yer boat. Better you wasting
> your time with these people than me.
> > Hope your project is on schedule, going well, being fun, etc.
> All of the above. Paris has been an utter delight, both at
> work and away from it. The contrast it provides to FFL and
> the normal conversations here makes me feel less and less 
> like being here. To be perfectly honest, the grittiest 
> banlieus (urban slums) of Paris are often more high-vibe. 
> I'm not knocking your decision to keep interacting with 
> people who you *know* intend you ill, and are only feign-
> ing civility in between yelling at you, hoping that *either*
> of these tactics will tempt you into continuing to interact 
> with them. From my point of view, you're fortunate that one 
> of them isn't (at the current time) Robin, because then -- 
> like Curtis -- you'd have them writing serial short-story 
> length diatribes at you and actually expecting you to read
> them. The current crop of pissants don't have the attention 
> span to do that, so you get off relatively easy. :-)
> Whatever floats yer boat...
> > 
> >  From: turquoiseb 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 11:37 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to azgrey was what a Sunday on FFL
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> > >
> > > Earth Day is ending, the lawn
> > > of my lady-parts is still not green.
> > > Has J's curse gone astray, dear grey?
> > 
> > Share, despite AZ's...uh...colorful metaphor, I don't think
> > you're in danger of your lady parts turning green any time
> > soon. However, I think I detect a distinct tinge of jealousy-
> > green coming from the person who has been reduced to sputter-
> > ing badly-tranliterated Yiddish insults at you.  :-)
> > 
> > What's going on is that she has been counting on you being
> > her Ongoing Victim, and in being to get you to rise to the
> > bait whenever she taunts you. You have been failing to do
> > that, which drives her CRAZY because she considers herself
> > so much SMARTER than you are. 
> > 
> > ALL of her fanta

Re: [FairfieldLife] Another Bruce Cockburn-inspired rap

2013-04-24 Thread Share Long
Such beautiful music, thanks turq, listened to it a few times while I ate 
dinner last night.  Can't figure out how I'm not familiar with his work.  
Anyway, glad I am now.  BTW I think the title of the song is End of All Rivers. 
 Yes, there are things that cannot be expressed in words.  But I enjoy the 

The end of all rivers here in
the one heart of us all
where life surfs a dream of itself forever  

 From: turquoiseb 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 4:54 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Another Bruce Cockburn-inspired rap

This one Speechless, the title of the album on which it
appears. Live, solo, in performance. There are things 
that one cannot express in words:


Sorry for the interruption. Carry on with your petty


[FairfieldLife] Transcendentalism

2013-04-24 Thread Buck
A Christian fundamentalist was once conversing with the noted India spiritual 
teacher, J. Krishnamurti.
"The more I listen to you, the more convinced I am that you must be an 
atheist," the fundamentalist said.
"I used to be an atheist," Krishnamurti replied, "until I realized that I was 
The fundamentalist was shocked. "Are you denying the divinity of Jesus Christ?"
Krishnamurti shrugged. "I've never denied anyone their divinity. Why would I do 
it to Jesus Christ?"

Re: [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife and The unified fields of the greater maize economy

2013-04-24 Thread Michael Jackson
how many of those Iowa farmers are planting RoundUp Ready corn?

 From: Buck 
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 6:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife and The unified fields of the greater 
maize economy

The Dome meditation numbers are down and,

It's almost the end of April, which is prime time to plant corn. But farmers 
need a break in the rain so they can get this year's crops in the ground and 
try to lock in good yields at harvest.

"Last year, I believe I started planting on the 28th of March, and this year, 
it may be the 28th of April, the way it's beginning to look," Riedel says. 
"It's just that the later we get, the more we are subject to problems from 
pollination due to hot weather."

"It's just that the later we get, the more we are subject to problems from 
pollination due to hot weather."

Excessive heat and dryness can hurt corn pollination and stunt growth, leading 
to lower yields. So farmers try to plant early

Last year 26 percent of the country's corn crop was already planted. This year, 
farmers only have 4 percent of their corn in the ground.



[FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife and The unified fields of the greater maize economy

2013-04-24 Thread Buck
The Dome meditation numbers are down and,

It's almost the end of April, which is prime time to plant corn. But farmers 
need a break in the rain so they can get this year's crops in the ground and 
try to lock in good yields at harvest.

"Last year, I believe I started planting on the 28th of March, and this year, 
it may be the 28th of April, the way it's beginning to look," Riedel says. 
"It's just that the later we get, the more we are subject to problems from 
pollination due to hot weather."

"It's just that the later we get, the more we are subject to problems from 
pollination due to hot weather."

Excessive heat and dryness can hurt corn pollination and stunt growth, leading 
to lower yields. So farmers try to plant early

Last year 26 percent of the country's corn crop was already planted. This year, 
farmers only have 4 percent of their corn in the ground.


[FairfieldLife] Re: "Don’t waste your time

2013-04-24 Thread salyavin808

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> Wow, you're getting really worked up over this stuff. Sounds to me like you 
> could use a little something soothing and relaxing:
> http://youtu.be/1Q7ffGdfbqs

Hilarious, I hope the honey isn't as saccharine as the singing.

It's a bit pricey though, £20 for half a pound of honey seems
rather excessive. I get fully organic wild honey from my local 
store for £5 for the same amount. True, no one has chanted at it
but that isn't so much of a problem to me.

Perhaps the high price reflects the high cost of the scientific
research they must have conducted to feel confident making the 
claim that it improves eyesight?

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> >
> > Just when I thought you couldn't make statements of a more ignorant nature 
> > than those you have put forth in the past, you go and surprise me. 
> > 
> > Since we are all part of the Light of God, your assertion that I am not 
> > shows your ignorance, but don't worry, keep doing TM and one day you too 
> > will be enlightened and know what Xeno already knows about reality.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  From: "doctordumbass@" 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 2:01 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Don’t waste your time
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >   
> > If you can do it by yourself, MJ, more power to you - But for right now, 
> > you're not even in the same Venn Diagram as the Light of God.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson  wrote:
> > >
> > > This is fabulous! The best thing Marshy ever said - he only neglected to 
> > > say "Don't waste you time on TM."
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >  From: nablusoss1008 
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 9:10 AM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] "Don’t waste your time
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > 
> > > "Don't waste your life. Don't waste your time, because you are the Light 
> > > of God inside yourself. Make use of yourself for yourself. Don't waste 
> > > your life. Don't... waste your life. You are the only hope! You are only 
> > > hope for yourself; you are the only hope for your family; you are the 
> > > only hope for your nation and for your worldâ€"because inside you are 
> > > lively in that which is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. What more 
> > > you want? What more you want? What more you can expect of life? All that 
> > > you can ever expect, all that you can ever demand, all you can ever seek 
> > > is [in the] field of all possibilities lively within yourself. 
> > > 
> > > ---from Maharishi's Global Press Conf., 2. April 2003
> > >
> >