Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: salyavin808 

Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2014 8:35 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

The plants on the moon are taking off next year:

The trees in space is one of many from the NASA site, I chose it coz of 
similarites but there are loads of experiments going on or planned.

"Plants in space" reminds me of one of the most underappreciated SciFi movies 
ever, Douglas Trumbull's "Silent Running." The basic plot is that there are 
greenhouses in space, which now contain basically the only forests left from 
Earth. The astronaut running one complex of greenhouses (Bruce Dern) is ordered 
to destroy it all, and can't bring himself to do it. Cinematography (stunning) 
and special effects (minimal, given the pre-CGI times) are great, and what one 
would expect from the person who designed visual effects for "2001," "Blade 
Runner" and "Close Encounters." The movie has been referred to as the first 
ecology film ever made. Very dated, given its 1972 debut, but still cool, 
especially because of the three robots, Huey, Dewey, and Louie. 

Silent Running Trailer

   Silent Running Trailer  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jyotish

2014-04-12 Thread salyavin808

 Thanks for nailing that down John, it helps with the planning. 

 I'll get myself ready for enlightenment... or the apocalypse. Those pesky 

---In,  wrote :

 Things are bad now but by July everything will be very different when Jupiter 
is exalted in Cancer, There is some really good muhurtas then to start 
something big.
Then in summer 2019 there is Saturn conjunction with Ketu which can be a 
worldwide crisis and carnage or it could be a huge spiritual transformation 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread salyavin808

 The plants on the moon are taking off next year:

 The trees in space is one of many from the NASA site, I chose it coz of 
similarites but there are loads of experiments going on or planned.


---In,  wrote :

 Thanks, Salyavin. But what were the results? It sounds as though they'd have 
been looking for the same kinds of changes as with the cherry tree. In any 
case, according to that story, more than just that one monastery cherry tree 
whose stones were on the ISS has bloomed earlier than it was supposed to. There 
are several examples from different areas mentioned in the story. 

 I'm wondering why this isn't bigger news than it apparently is, and why we 
haven't seen anything about the results of other such studies.

 Er, could you say more about the plants that were sent to the moon? That 
sounds, if you'll forgive me, unlikely on its face! Oh, wait, I'm guessing you 
mean they were sent on the spaceships and came back with them, not that they 
were left on the moon. (Emily Litella voice: Never mind!)

---In,  wrote :

 They've grown a lot on the ISS, one of the original objectives was to see if 
things are better nutritionally or grow faster in space. After a quick google: 

 Research Overview

 The Advanced Plant Experiment - Canadian Space Agency 2 (APEX-CSA2) provides 
insight into the fundamental processes by which plants produce cellulose and 
lignin, the two main structural materials found in plant matter. The experiment 
will be conducted using Canadian white spruce, Picea glauca.

 On Earth, various portions of a plant can have physically different 
compositions including different ratios of lignin and cellulose. This will 
affect the sensitivity of the plants to environmental conditions, to disease 
and infection and will have an influence on the type of industrial application 
plants can be used for. It is expected that growth of the trees for 30 days in 
microgravity will affect their growth rate, composition, tissue organization 
and gene expression.

 The results of this experiment will include improvement of the technology to 
grow trees in a spacecraft, enhancement of our understanding of tree physiology 
in the space environment and identification of genes related to specific plant 
characteristics. It is expected that these genes can be used as markers for 
plant selection in various Earth applications and to improve sustainability of 
the forest. 

 This is the sort of thing they do, but they've have also sent some plants to 
the moon to act as a sort of canary in the coal mine, if they survive the 
cosmic rays we might.

 Maybe this cherry tree is has had a perfectly normal type of mutation like the 
four leafed clover? It just happened to be on the ISS at the time. Way beyond 
my meagre ken.

---In,  wrote :

 What puzzles me a bit is that they've been taking seeds into space for a long 
time to see what happens to them. On the ISS, I think they even grow stuff. 
Have there been no other signs of accelerated maturation or other genetic 
mutation besides with the cherry trees? I haven't heard of any. 


 The mysteries of nature. Could this be evolution caught in action? People have 
often speculated cosmic rays could have forced some of the huge leaps in life 
on Earth but I don't think anyone has ever documented it.   

 Thing is, you wouldn't expect radiation to produce this much change in one go, 
normally radiational changes are destructive but who knows? Whereas most things 
get mutated too much and die, one gene in the right place gets zapped and two 
major differences occur. 

---In,  wrote :

 Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after 
a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed 
years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.

 The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard 
the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, 
possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.

 Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central 
Japan where the tree is growing.

 "We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at 
the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

 "A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very happy 
because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 years old."

 The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, se

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread salyavin808

 Talk about inadequate controls! A TMer being tested by TMers. I can think of 
so many ways that any results could be influenced by suggestion or 
subconsciously transmitted information or even just general knowledge within 
the TMO about programme times. They are going to have to try a lot harder than 
that one. I read it BTW.

If they think there's anything in this at all they should go the the James 
Randi Foundation and get an experiment done properly. And with the $1 million 
prize they could buy some yagya's or a new crown. But they don't take it 
seriously enough.
---In,  wrote :

 Ah, OK. I vaguely remember that. The index of research in collected papers 
volumes 1-xx is available online. You could see if it is there. I think both 
David Orme-Johnson's website and MUM have it. 


---In,  wrote :

 The study I had in mind (don't know if it was ever published, don't remember 
where I read about it, maybe in MSVS?) took the EEG of a meditator or Sidha at 
MIU while the big course at Amherst was going on. As I recall, the subject 
wasn't told when the Amherst folks were doing program, but his/her EEG showed 
distinct changes that appeared to be correlated.with when they began meditating 
and presumably additional changes when they began sutra practice. Or possibly 
it was just when they began the flying sutra. As I say, I can't remember the 
specifics. But it doesn't sound like what you're talking about. Thanks anyway. 

---In,  wrote :

 I believe that Fred Travis' PhD thesis involved field effect studies on the TM 
Sidhis. That might be the research you're thinking of. 

 The problem is that up until now, all TM EEG research is on many-second 
averages of EEG coherence, and Yogic Flying and any field effects that might be 
associated with it, has been on 40-second averages.

 Microstate analysis looks at 1/10 to 1/50 of a second EEG, and sythesizes a 
kind of electrical field graph for the entire brain for each time-slice they 

 Cool stuff, and has potential in all sorts of studies, like the EEG  of the 
brain as a PC episode  starts and ends, or even doing statistical analysis to 
see if short PC episodes increase in frequency in a nearby meditator when the 
hopping phase of Yogic Flying begins...



---In,  wrote :

 (I think you meant "obviously not.")  I mentioned it because I thought 
Bhairitu might find it of interest; he'd been talking about shakti being 
generated, for him, in connection with the TM-Sidhis.. It was just an 
experience; you're welcome to make of it what you will. I wasn't making any 
claims for it except that for me, the "tingle in the air" the flying sutra 
seems to generate might not be a placebo effect, because at that point (at my 
friend's house) I had never heard any suggestions along those lines, and I had 
no idea what my friend's program involved in terms of timing, i.e., at what 
point she would be using the flying sutra. The "tingle" was completely 
unexpected, I didn't know what might have been responsible, and it occurred to 
me what it likely was only in retrospect. (BTW, it wasn't "45 minutes." That 
was how long I waited after she'd gone into the room and closed the door before 
I started to meditate. The "tingles" toward the end of my meditation lasted 
only a few minutes.)

 I'm all for testing for "spooky stuff." You couldn't test this example using 
me as a subject, though, because I'm no longer "innocent." But sure, it would 
be interesting to test for shakti-like effects. Not sure why you'd need a 
Faraday cage; seems to me it would be interesting either way. Maybe shakti is 
electromagnetic in nature (if it exists, of course).

 (BTW, I believe there was at least one study of the EEG of a person meditating 
(or not?) at MIU while a large group was doing the TM-Sidhi program at Amherst. 
It reported specific EEG changes in the test subject that were coordinated with 
what the folks were doing in Amherst. The test subject wasn't aware of the 
timing. Maybe Lawson remembers more details of the study. Don't think a Faraday 
cage was used.)

 I really can't understand why you'd question my reporting a personal 
experience possibly involving some kind of woo-woo, or what you thought I had 
"given away" by doing so. You've reported a few of your own such experiences, 
as I recall.

 Have you ever questioned Barry about his reports of Fred Lenz levitating? Or 
Bhairitu about his reports of shakti during TM-Sidhis practice, for that matter?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jyotish

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
Oh, gee, sorry to tell you, Michael, but that accusation is hurled at astrology 
generally, not just jyotish--usually by people who know very little about 
astrology, in which certain particularly intense configurations can be either 
very positive or very negative. transformation being the principle behind both. 

 srijau has actually made a testable prediction: If nothing much happens in 
summer 2019, it will be shown to have been wrong.

---In,  wrote :

 Wow! That's what I love so much about jyotish and most of what the TMO 
espouses about the Marshy Effect - it can be interpreted to mean whatever you 
want it to mean, it will fit whatever outcome actually happens.
 On Sun, 4/13/14, srijau@... mailto:srijau@... mailto:srijau@...> 
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Jyotish
 Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014, 1:01 A 
 Things are bad now but by July everything will be
 very different when Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, There is
 some really good muhurtas then to start something big.
 Then in summer 2019 there is Saturn conjunction with Ketu
 which can be a worldwide crisis and carnage or it could be a
 huge spiritual transformation instead. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread LEnglish5
Ah, OK. I vaguely remember that. The index of research in collected papers 
volumes 1-xx is available online. You could see if it is there. I think both 
David Orme-Johnson's website and MUM have it. 


---In,  wrote :

 The study I had in mind (don't know if it was ever published, don't remember 
where I read about it, maybe in MSVS?) took the EEG of a meditator or Sidha at 
MIU while the big course at Amherst was going on. As I recall, the subject 
wasn't told when the Amherst folks were doing program, but his/her EEG showed 
distinct changes that appeared to be correlated.with when they began meditating 
and presumably additional changes when they began sutra practice. Or possibly 
it was just when they began the flying sutra. As I say, I can't remember the 
specifics. But it doesn't sound like what you're talking about. Thanks anyway. 

---In,  wrote :

 I believe that Fred Travis' PhD thesis involved field effect studies on the TM 
Sidhis. That might be the research you're thinking of. 

 The problem is that up until now, all TM EEG research is on many-second 
averages of EEG coherence, and Yogic Flying and any field effects that might be 
associated with it, has been on 40-second averages.

 Microstate analysis looks at 1/10 to 1/50 of a second EEG, and sythesizes a 
kind of electrical field graph for the entire brain for each time-slice they 

 Cool stuff, and has potential in all sorts of studies, like the EEG  of the 
brain as a PC episode  starts and ends, or even doing statistical analysis to 
see if short PC episodes increase in frequency in a nearby meditator when the 
hopping phase of Yogic Flying begins...



---In,  wrote :

 (I think you meant "obviously not.")  I mentioned it because I thought 
Bhairitu might find it of interest; he'd been talking about shakti being 
generated, for him, in connection with the TM-Sidhis.. It was just an 
experience; you're welcome to make of it what you will. I wasn't making any 
claims for it except that for me, the "tingle in the air" the flying sutra 
seems to generate might not be a placebo effect, because at that point (at my 
friend's house) I had never heard any suggestions along those lines, and I had 
no idea what my friend's program involved in terms of timing, i.e., at what 
point she would be using the flying sutra. The "tingle" was completely 
unexpected, I didn't know what might have been responsible, and it occurred to 
me what it likely was only in retrospect. (BTW, it wasn't "45 minutes." That 
was how long I waited after she'd gone into the room and closed the door before 
I started to meditate. The "tingles" toward the end of my meditation lasted 
only a few minutes.)

 I'm all for testing for "spooky stuff." You couldn't test this example using 
me as a subject, though, because I'm no longer "innocent." But sure, it would 
be interesting to test for shakti-like effects. Not sure why you'd need a 
Faraday cage; seems to me it would be interesting either way. Maybe shakti is 
electromagnetic in nature (if it exists, of course).

 (BTW, I believe there was at least one study of the EEG of a person meditating 
(or not?) at MIU while a large group was doing the TM-Sidhi program at Amherst. 
It reported specific EEG changes in the test subject that were coordinated with 
what the folks were doing in Amherst. The test subject wasn't aware of the 
timing. Maybe Lawson remembers more details of the study. Don't think a Faraday 
cage was used.)

 I really can't understand why you'd question my reporting a personal 
experience possibly involving some kind of woo-woo, or what you thought I had 
"given away" by doing so. You've reported a few of your own such experiences, 
as I recall.

 Have you ever questioned Barry about his reports of Fred Lenz levitating? Or 
Bhairitu about his reports of shakti during TM-Sidhis practice, for that matter?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu

"Empire" is SO out of style.  Just ask the Brits.

On 04/12/2014 05:56 PM, wrote:

Im not a fan of American style capitalism but the reality is the 
United States is going to adapt and come out stronger than ever within 
a short time. When it comes to the current excesses, even the 
Republicans will come to realize what reforms they have to make in 
order to continue to thrive.
NYC is Invincible, it is really the financial capital of the US 
economic system and in not too long America will be truly Invincible. 
They will be no long term decline, the United States will enforce it's 
dominance over the whole world in a few short years.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
"Computers will play a larger role and people who can work with 
computers can make a lot."

 As long as you are under 40.

On 04/12/2014 05:27 PM, wrote:

I mentioned this book before.  This is one scenario on how things 
could play out.

---In,  wrote :

Hard to say.  Could be anything from a Road Warrior scenario to folks 
banding together to help each other out like they did with Hurricane 
Sandy.  Most Americans are being pushed into austerity anyway.  The 
gap between the richest and poorest is growing wider.  History says 
that the general population will not put up with oppression.  Some 
folks will say that "ordinary Americans" will be too apathetic to 
revolt.  I think if you took away their sports TV they would get rowdy 

The bank bailout of 2008 only put a band-aid on the problem and 
delayed the inevitable.

On 04/12/2014 02:43 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

"Collapse of the US economy. "
How certain is that, within what timeframe and how will it effect 
ordinary Americans ?

 wrote :

Collapse of the US economy.  This has been discussed for some time.  
Remember that the US attacked Iraq because Saddam threatened to 
change from the US dollar to something else (WMDs were just a lame 
excuse). The banksters have gamed our economic system and there is no 
solution.  Why we fear they will try next and some political pundits 
think is WWIII to reset everything.  Yup, that might REALLY reset 
everything including all life on earth.  It is said they want it soon 
before Russia and China catch up with the US militarily.

Interesting article and book review by Paul Krugman about the 
economic situation:

On 04/12/2014 01:15 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Certain posters here claim they are in the know of economics. Could 
any of these pundits explain what this would mean for the American 
way of life ?

/Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the 
de-coupling of its trade from the dollar, but also that its 
hydrocarbon trade will in the future be carried out in rubles and 
local currencies of its trading partners - no longer in dollars - 
//see Voice of Russia/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Jyotish

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
Wow! That's what I love so much about jyotish and most of what the TMO espouses 
about the Marshy Effect - it can be interpreted to mean whatever  you want it 
to mean, it will fit whatever outcome actually happens.

On Sun, 4/13/14,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Jyotish
 Date: Sunday, April 13, 2014, 1:01 A   
   Things are bad now but by July everything will be
 very different when Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, There is
 some really good muhurtas then to start something big.
 Then in summer 2019 there is Saturn conjunction with Ketu
 which can be a worldwide crisis and carnage or it could be a
 huge spiritual transformation instead.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after 
a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed 
years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.

 The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard 
the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, 
possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.

 Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central 
Japan where the tree is growing.

 "We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at 
the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

 "A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very happy 
because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 years old."

 The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part of a project to gather seeds 
from different kinds of cherry trees at 14 locations across Japan.

 The stones were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to Earth in 
July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, after circling 
the globe 4,100 times.

 Some were sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to their 
places of origin, and a selection were planted at nurseries near the Ganjoji 

 By April this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to around four metres 
(13 feet) tall, and suddenly produced nine flowers -- each with just five 
petals, compared with about 30 on flowers of the parent tree.

 It normally takes about 10 years for a cherry tree of the similar variety to 
bear its first buds.

 The Ganjoji temple sapling is not the only early-flowering space cherry tree.

 Of the 14 locations in which the pits were replanted, blossoms have been 
spotted at four places.

 Two years ago, a young tree bore 11 flowers in Hokuto, a mountain region 115 
kilometres (70 miles) west of Tokyo, around two years after it was planted.

 It was of a variety that normally only comes into flower at the age of eight.

 Cosmic rays

 The seeds were sent to the ISS as part of "an educational and cultural project 
to let children gather the stones and learn how they grow into trees and live 
on after returning from space," said Miho Tomioka, a spokeswoman for the 
project's organiser, Japan Manned Space Systems (JAMSS).

 "We had expected the (Ganjoji) tree to blossom about 10 years after planting, 
when the children come of age," she added.

 Kaori Tomita-Yokotani, a researcher at the University of Tsukuba who took part 
in the project, told AFP she was stumped by the extra-terrestrial mystery.

 "We still cannot rule out the possibility that it has been somewhat influenced 
by its exposure to the space environment," she said.

 Read more:


 I love the fact that the world is still so mysterious and full of surprises. 
And an early blossoming cherry tree is perhaps one of the more sublime examples 
of this.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/12/2014 5:11 PM, wrote:

I seriously doubt anyone here defends sati, on any grounds.

You know, Michael, it seems as if your fantasies of some terrible 
breach of human decency, as here, are as real to you as an actual breach.

He never passes up a tragedy if he thinks that will help him win a 
religious debate. It's all about winning, even if he has to resort to 
outright prejudice.

I am sure Buck and that idiot Nabby will find something satvic in it 
and defend it as part of the ancient code of male dominated idiocy 
that still rules the land of the veda that gave birth to such huckster 
fraud con artists as Marshy, Sai Baba, Muktananda and Amma. Go figger.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Jyotish

2014-04-12 Thread srijau
Things are bad now but by July everything will be very different when Jupiter 
is exalted in Cancer, There is some really good muhurtas then to start 
something big.
Then in summer 2019 there is Saturn conjunction with Ketu which can be a 
worldwide crisis and carnage or it could be a huge spiritual transformation 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread srijau
Im not a fan of American style capitalism but the reality is the United States 
is going to adapt and come out stronger than ever within a short time. When it 
comes to the current excesses, even the Republicans will come to realize what 
reforms they have to make in order to continue to thrive. 
NYC is Invincible, it is really the financial capital of the US economic system 
and in not too long America will be truly Invincible. They will be no long term 
decline, the United States will enforce it's dominance over the whole world in 
a few short years.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread steve.sundur

 I mentioned this book before.  This is one scenario on how things could play 

---In,  wrote :

 Hard to say.  Could be anything from a Road Warrior scenario to folks banding 
together to help each other out like they did with Hurricane Sandy.  Most 
Americans are being pushed into austerity anyway.  The gap between the richest 
and poorest is growing wider.  History says that the general population will 
not put up with oppression.  Some folks will say that "ordinary Americans" will 
be too apathetic to revolt.  I think if you took away their sports TV they 
would get rowdy though. 
 The bank bailout of 2008 only put a band-aid on the problem and delayed the 
 On 04/12/2014 02:43 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

 "Collapse of the US economy. "
 How certain is that, within what timeframe and how will it effect ordinary 
Americans ?
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

 Collapse of the US economy.  This has been discussed for some time.  Remember 
that the US attacked Iraq because Saddam threatened to change from the US 
dollar to something else (WMDs were just a lame excuse).  The banksters have 
gamed our economic system and there is no solution.  Why we fear they will try 
next and some political pundits think is WWIII to reset everything.  Yup, that 
might REALLY reset everything including all life on earth.  It is said they 
want it soon before Russia and China catch up with the US militarily.
 Interesting article and book review by Paul Krugman about the economic 
 On 04/12/2014 01:15 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
   Certain posters here claim they are in the know of economics. Could any of 
these pundits explain what this would mean for the American way of life ?

 Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling 
of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the 
future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners - 
no longer in dollars - see Voice of Russia



[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 13-Apr-14 00:15:06 UTC

2014-04-12 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/12/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/19/14 00:00:00
104 messages as of (UTC) 04/13/14 00:07:30

 18 nablusoss1008 
 15 authfriend
 11 Share Long 
 11 Bhairitu 
 10 Michael Jackson 
  9 Richard J. Williams 
  6 salyavin808 
  6 TurquoiseBee 
  5 awoelflebater
  4 LEnglish5
  3 emilymaenot
  2 cardemaister
  1 Turquoise 
  1 Rick Archer 
  1 Pundit Sir 
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 16
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
that is rich coming from a guy who thinks Benjy Creme is the master of great 
knowledge, he who shamelessly ripped off the Maitreya gig from CW Leadbeater 
who himself made the whole thing up, based on some Theosophy - so you go ahead 
and boast about what you and your fake gurus know and how no one else 
especially Barry knows anything. Jesus, what a fine example of the what an ass 
TM will make of someone.  

On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 11:22 PM
   From where did the Turq cook up the headline
 "Ah, mother India, "home of all
 knowledge"" ? I doubt very much got it from
 Maharishi as His idea was that Being was the
 "home of all knowledge".  I might be wrong of
 course and would like to see a quote, video or print, where
 Maharishi uses this phrase. I'm not holding my
 breath. It's probably just another angel in his
 perpetual smear-campaign against knowledge and the
 "home of all knowledge" in particular.
 wrote :
 I didn't have
 to ask why - you frequently disparage the United States,m
 and often praise India - anyone with a brain knew what you
 were implying
  On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 9:37 PM
 No I didn't. It was
 a question and you didn't bother asking
 yourself why. You can't read nor reason and we
 that already. 
 wrote :
 you implied it of
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 7:29 PM
 Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine
 through as the  "blithering idiot". Did
 I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?
 wrote :
 of course they do
 you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all
 punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC  Nature of crime
 120B   Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging
 of war, against
 the Government of India
 132Abetment of mutiny
 194If an innocent person be convicted and executed in
 consequence of such false
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303   Murder
 305Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A   Kidnapping for ransom
 396Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly
 committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing
 every one of those persons shall be punished
 376A   Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013
 provided for death penalty in case he inflicts an injury
 upon woman during rape which causes her death or to be in
 persistent vegetative state.[8]
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
I don't think the BJP is going to go over well with younger Indians who 
want to be more like the west. The BJP rise may give rise to much unrest 
in India.

On 04/12/2014 02:07 PM, wrote:

Did they pass a law outlawign "assisted suicide" of widows who were 
expected to throw themselves into their husband's funeral pyre to show 
how devoted they were?

I'm guessing this guy wants to repeal those laws also...


---In,  wrote :

This wouldn't surprise anyone who has been to India.  It isn't the 
"Shangri-La" that many western spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think 
Mexico.  And now the pendulum is swing from the liberals to the 
conservatives nutcase BJP.

On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

It's good for Neo-Hindus to have a role model:

'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged And Rape Is No 
Big Deal' 


'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should B... 

It seems that politicians in India's largest and most politically 
important state are currently trying to outdo each other by making the 
most shocking statement pos...

View on www.huffingtonpost... 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
Hard to say.  Could be anything from a Road Warrior scenario to folks 
banding together to help each other out like they did with Hurricane 
Sandy.  Most Americans are being pushed into austerity anyway.  The gap 
between the richest and poorest is growing wider.  History says that the 
general population will not put up with oppression.  Some folks will say 
that "ordinary Americans" will be too apathetic to revolt.  I think if 
you took away their sports TV they would get rowdy though.

The bank bailout of 2008 only put a band-aid on the problem and delayed 
the inevitable.

On 04/12/2014 02:43 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

"Collapse of the US economy. "
How certain is that, within what timeframe and how will it effect 
ordinary Americans ?

---In,  wrote :

Collapse of the US economy.  This has been discussed for some time.  
Remember that the US attacked Iraq because Saddam threatened to change 
from the US dollar to something else (WMDs were just a lame excuse).  
The banksters have gamed our economic system and there is no 
solution.  Why we fear they will try next and some political pundits 
think is WWIII to reset everything.  Yup, that might REALLY reset 
everything including all life on earth.  It is said they want it soon 
before Russia and China catch up with the US militarily.

Interesting article and book review by Paul Krugman about the economic 

On 04/12/2014 01:15 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Certain posters here claim they are in the know of economics. Could 
any of these pundits explain what this would mean for the American 
way of life ?

/Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the 
de-coupling of its trade from the dollar, but also that its 
hydrocarbon trade will in the future be carried out in rubles and 
local currencies of its trading partners - no longer in dollars - 
//see Voice of Russia/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Oh, never mind, I just forgot you are generally clueless. 

---In,  wrote :

 I didn't have to ask why - you frequently disparage the United States,m and 
often praise India - anyone with a brain knew what you were implying
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 9:37 PM
 No I didn't. It was
 a question and you didn't bother asking
 yourself why. You can't read nor reason and we knew
 that already. 

 wrote :
 you implied it of
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 7:29 PM
 Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine
 through as the  "blithering idiot". Did
 I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?
 wrote :
 of course they do
 you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all
 punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC Nature of crime
 120B Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121 Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging
 of war, against
 the Government of India
 132 Abetment of mutiny
 194 If an innocent person be convicted and executed in
 consequence of such false
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303 Murder
 305 Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A Kidnapping for ransom
 396 Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly
 committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing
 every one of those persons shall be punished
 376A Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013
 provided for death penalty in case he inflicts an injury
 upon woman during rape which causes her death or to be in
 persistent vegetative state.[8]
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico. 
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
  It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
And I was implying what ?

---In,  wrote :

 I didn't have to ask why - you frequently disparage the United States,m and 
often praise India - anyone with a brain knew what you were implying
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 9:37 PM
 No I didn't. It was
 a question and you didn't bother asking
 yourself why. You can't read nor reason and we knew
 that already. 

 wrote :
 you implied it of
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 7:29 PM
 Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine
 through as the  "blithering idiot". Did
 I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?
 wrote :
 of course they do
 you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all
 punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC Nature of crime
 120B Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121 Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging
 of war, against
 the Government of India
 132 Abetment of mutiny
 194 If an innocent person be convicted and executed in
 consequence of such false
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303 Murder
 305 Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A Kidnapping for ransom
 396 Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly
 committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing
 every one of those persons shall be punished
 376A Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013
 provided for death penalty in case he inflicts an injury
 upon woman during rape which causes her death or to be in
 persistent vegetative state.[8]
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico. 
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
  It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
From where did the Turq cook up the headline "Ah, mother India, "home of all 
knowledge"" ? I doubt very much got it from Maharishi as His idea was that 
Being was the "home of all knowledge".  I might be wrong of course and would 
like to see a quote, video or print, where Maharishi uses this phrase. 
 I'm not holding my breath. It's probably just another angel in his perpetual 
smear-campaign against knowledge and the "home of all knowledge" in particular.


---In,  wrote :

 I didn't have to ask why - you frequently disparage the United States,m and 
often praise India - anyone with a brain knew what you were implying
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 9:37 PM
 No I didn't. It was
 a question and you didn't bother asking
 yourself why. You can't read nor reason and we knew
 that already. 

 wrote :
 you implied it of
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 7:29 PM
 Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine
 through as the  "blithering idiot". Did
 I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?
 wrote :
 of course they do
 you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all
 punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC Nature of crime
 120B Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121 Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging
 of war, against
 the Government of India
 132 Abetment of mutiny
 194 If an innocent person be convicted and executed in
 consequence of such false
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303 Murder
 305 Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A Kidnapping for ransom
 396 Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly
 committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing
 every one of those persons shall be punished
 376A Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013
 provided for death penalty in case he inflicts an injury
 upon woman during rape which causes her death or to be in
 persistent vegetative state.[8]
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico. 
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
  It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
I didn't have to ask why - you frequently disparage the United States,m and 
often praise India - anyone with a brain knew what you were implying

On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 9:37 PM
 No I didn't. It was
 a question and you didn't bother asking
 yourself why. You can't read nor reason and we knew
 that already. 
 wrote :
 you implied it of
  On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 7:29 PM
 Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine
 through as the  "blithering idiot". Did
 I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?
 wrote :
 of course they do
 you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all
 punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC  Nature of crime
 120B   Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging
 of war, against
 the Government of India
 132Abetment of mutiny
 194If an innocent person be convicted and executed in
 consequence of such false
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303   Murder
 305Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A   Kidnapping for ransom
 396Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly
 committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing
 every one of those persons shall be punished
 376A   Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013
 provided for death penalty in case he inflicts an injury
 upon woman during rape which causes her death or to be in
 persistent vegetative state.[8]
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico. 
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
  It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
I seriously doubt anyone here defends sati, on any grounds. 

 You know, Michael, it seems as if your fantasies of some terrible breach of 
human decency, as here, are as real to you as an actual breach.
 I am sure Buck and that idiot Nabby will find something satvic in it and 
defend it as part of the ancient code of male dominated idiocy that still rules 
the land of the veda that gave birth to such huckster fraud con artists as 
Marshy, Sai Baba, Muktananda and Amma. Go figger.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008

 "Collapse of the US economy. " 
 How certain is that, within what timeframe and how will it effect ordinary 
Americans ?

---In,  wrote :

 Collapse of the US economy.  This has been discussed for some time.  Remember 
that the US attacked Iraq because Saddam threatened to change from the US 
dollar to something else (WMDs were just a lame excuse).  The banksters have 
gamed our economic system and there is no solution.  Why we fear they will try 
next and some political pundits think is WWIII to reset everything.  Yup, that 
might REALLY reset everything including all life on earth.  It is said they 
want it soon before Russia and China catch up with the US militarily.
 Interesting article and book review by Paul Krugman about the economic 
 On 04/12/2014 01:15 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:
   Certain posters here claim they are in the know of economics. Could any of 
these pundits explain what this would mean for the American way of life ?

 Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling 
of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the 
future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners - 
no longer in dollars - see Voice of Russia


Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008

 No I didn't. It was a question and you didn't bother asking yourself why. You 
can't read nor reason and we knew that already. 

---In,  wrote :

 you implied it of course 
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 7:29 PM
 Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine
 through as the  "blithering idiot". Did
 I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?

 wrote :
 of course they do
 you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all
 punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC Nature of crime
 120B Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121 Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging
 of war, against
 the Government of India
 132 Abetment of mutiny
 194 If an innocent person be convicted and executed in
 consequence of such false
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303 Murder
 305 Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A Kidnapping for ransom
 396 Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly
 committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing dacoity,
 every one of those persons shall be punished
 376A Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013
 provided for death penalty in case he inflicts an injury
 upon woman during rape which causes her death or to be in
 persistent vegetative state.[8]
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico. 
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
  It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

[FairfieldLife] TM Chills Out A High School

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Senior Brandon Crowder went from an F to an A in math class not by studying 
harder or getting a tutor — but by sitting silently in the dark, twice a day.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
Its called sati or sutee and it is still going on today. The old idea is that 
when the husband dies, his widow should be buried or burned with him as an 
honor, because it makes her "pure" as opposed to becoming impure as a widow. 
Still exists today and some women who are so indoctrinated into the Hindu 
superstious crap actually want to be killed to maintain the "honor" of the 

I am sure Buck and that idiot Nabby will find something satvic in it and defend 
it as part of the ancient code of male dominated idiocy that still rules the 
land of the veda that gave birth to such huckster fraud con artists as Marshy, 
Sai Baba, Muktananda and Amma. Go figger.

On Sat, 4/12/14,  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 9:07 PM
   Did they pass a law outlawign "assisted
 suicide" of widows who were expected to throw
 themselves into their husband's funeral pyre to show how
 devoted they were?
 I'm guessing this guy wants to repeal those
 laws also...
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the "Shangri-La"
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico.  And
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
   It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It
 seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 on www.huffingtonpost...Preview
 by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
Thanks, Salyavin. But what were the results? It sounds as though they'd have 
been looking for the same kinds of changes as with the cherry tree. In any 
case, according to that story, more than just that one monastery cherry tree 
whose stones were on the ISS has bloomed earlier than it was supposed to. There 
are several examples from different areas mentioned in the story. 

 I'm wondering why this isn't bigger news than it apparently is, and why we 
haven't seen anything about the results of other such studies.

 Er, could you say more about the plants that were sent to the moon? That 
sounds, if you'll forgive me, unlikely on its face! Oh, wait, I'm guessing you 
mean they were sent on the spaceships and came back with them, not that they 
were left on the moon. (Emily Litella voice: Never mind!)

---In,  wrote :

 They've grown a lot on the ISS, one of the original objectives was to see if 
things are better nutritionally or grow faster in space. After a quick google: 

 Research Overview

 The Advanced Plant Experiment - Canadian Space Agency 2 (APEX-CSA2) provides 
insight into the fundamental processes by which plants produce cellulose and 
lignin, the two main structural materials found in plant matter. The experiment 
will be conducted using Canadian white spruce, Picea glauca.

 On Earth, various portions of a plant can have physically different 
compositions including different ratios of lignin and cellulose. This will 
affect the sensitivity of the plants to environmental conditions, to disease 
and infection and will have an influence on the type of industrial application 
plants can be used for. It is expected that growth of the trees for 30 days in 
microgravity will affect their growth rate, composition, tissue organization 
and gene expression.

 The results of this experiment will include improvement of the technology to 
grow trees in a spacecraft, enhancement of our understanding of tree physiology 
in the space environment and identification of genes related to specific plant 
characteristics. It is expected that these genes can be used as markers for 
plant selection in various Earth applications and to improve sustainability of 
the forest. 

 This is the sort of thing they do, but they've have also sent some plants to 
the moon to act as a sort of canary in the coal mine, if they survive the 
cosmic rays we might.

 Maybe this cherry tree is has had a perfectly normal type of mutation like the 
four leafed clover? It just happened to be on the ISS at the time. Way beyond 
my meagre ken.

---In,  wrote :

 What puzzles me a bit is that they've been taking seeds into space for a long 
time to see what happens to them. On the ISS, I think they even grow stuff. 
Have there been no other signs of accelerated maturation or other genetic 
mutation besides with the cherry trees? I haven't heard of any. 


 The mysteries of nature. Could this be evolution caught in action? People have 
often speculated cosmic rays could have forced some of the huge leaps in life 
on Earth but I don't think anyone has ever documented it.   

 Thing is, you wouldn't expect radiation to produce this much change in one go, 
normally radiational changes are destructive but who knows? Whereas most things 
get mutated too much and die, one gene in the right place gets zapped and two 
major differences occur. 

---In,  wrote :

 Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after 
a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed 
years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.

 The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard 
the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, 
possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.

 Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central 
Japan where the tree is growing.

 "We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at 
the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

 "A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very happy 
because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 years old."

 The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part of a project to gather seeds 
from different kinds of cherry trees at 14 locations across Japan.

 The stones were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to Earth in 
July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, after circling 
the globe 4,100 times.

 Some were sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to their 
places of origin, and a selection were planted at nurseries near the Ganjoji 

 By April this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to around four metres 
(13 feet) tall, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
you implied it of course 

On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 7:29 PM
   Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine
 through as the  "blithering idiot". Did
 I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?
 wrote :
 of course they do
 you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all
 punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC  Nature of crime
 120B   Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging
 of war, against
 the Government of India
 132Abetment of mutiny
 194If an innocent person be convicted and executed in
 consequence of such false
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303   Murder
 305Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A   Kidnapping for ransom
 396Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly
 committing dacoity, commits murder in so committing dacoity,
 every one of those persons shall be punished
 376A   Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013
 provided for death penalty in case he inflicts an injury
 upon woman during rape which causes her death or to be in
 persistent vegetative state.[8]
  On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of
 all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico. 
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
  It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
The study I had in mind (don't know if it was ever published, don't remember 
where I read about it, maybe in MSVS?) took the EEG of a meditator or Sidha at 
MIU while the big course at Amherst was going on. As I recall, the subject 
wasn't told when the Amherst folks were doing program, but his/her EEG showed 
distinct changes that appeared to be correlated.with when they began meditating 
and presumably additional changes when they began sutra practice. Or possibly 
it was just when they began the flying sutra. As I say, I can't remember the 
specifics. But it doesn't sound like what you're talking about. Thanks anyway. 

---In,  wrote :

 I believe that Fred Travis' PhD thesis involved field effect studies on the TM 
Sidhis. That might be the research you're thinking of. 

 The problem is that up until now, all TM EEG research is on many-second 
averages of EEG coherence, and Yogic Flying and any field effects that might be 
associated with it, has been on 40-second averages.

 Microstate analysis looks at 1/10 to 1/50 of a second EEG, and sythesizes a 
kind of electrical field graph for the entire brain for each time-slice they 

 Cool stuff, and has potential in all sorts of studies, like the EEG  of the 
brain as a PC episode  starts and ends, or even doing statistical analysis to 
see if short PC episodes increase in frequency in a nearby meditator when the 
hopping phase of Yogic Flying begins...



---In,  wrote :

 (I think you meant "obviously not.")  I mentioned it because I thought 
Bhairitu might find it of interest; he'd been talking about shakti being 
generated, for him, in connection with the TM-Sidhis.. It was just an 
experience; you're welcome to make of it what you will. I wasn't making any 
claims for it except that for me, the "tingle in the air" the flying sutra 
seems to generate might not be a placebo effect, because at that point (at my 
friend's house) I had never heard any suggestions along those lines, and I had 
no idea what my friend's program involved in terms of timing, i.e., at what 
point she would be using the flying sutra. The "tingle" was completely 
unexpected, I didn't know what might have been responsible, and it occurred to 
me what it likely was only in retrospect. (BTW, it wasn't "45 minutes." That 
was how long I waited after she'd gone into the room and closed the door before 
I started to meditate. The "tingles" toward the end of my meditation lasted 
only a few minutes.)

 I'm all for testing for "spooky stuff." You couldn't test this example using 
me as a subject, though, because I'm no longer "innocent." But sure, it would 
be interesting to test for shakti-like effects. Not sure why you'd need a 
Faraday cage; seems to me it would be interesting either way. Maybe shakti is 
electromagnetic in nature (if it exists, of course).

 (BTW, I believe there was at least one study of the EEG of a person meditating 
(or not?) at MIU while a large group was doing the TM-Sidhi program at Amherst. 
It reported specific EEG changes in the test subject that were coordinated with 
what the folks were doing in Amherst. The test subject wasn't aware of the 
timing. Maybe Lawson remembers more details of the study. Don't think a Faraday 
cage was used.)

 I really can't understand why you'd question my reporting a personal 
experience possibly involving some kind of woo-woo, or what you thought I had 
"given away" by doing so. You've reported a few of your own such experiences, 
as I recall.

 Have you ever questioned Barry about his reports of Fred Lenz levitating? Or 
Bhairitu about his reports of shakti during TM-Sidhis practice, for that matter?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
Collapse of the US economy.  This has been discussed for some time.  
Remember that the US attacked Iraq because Saddam threatened to change 
from the US dollar to something else (WMDs were just a lame excuse).  
The banksters have gamed our economic system and there is no solution.  
Why we fear they will try next and some political pundits think is WWIII 
to reset everything.  Yup, that might REALLY reset everything including 
all life on earth.  It is said they want it soon before Russia and China 
catch up with the US militarily.

Interesting article and book review by Paul Krugman about the economic 

On 04/12/2014 01:15 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

Certain posters here claim they are in the know of economics. Could 
any of these pundits explain what this would mean for the American way 
of life ?

/Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the 
de-coupling of its trade from the dollar, but also that its 
hydrocarbon trade will in the future be carried out in rubles and 
local currencies of its trading partners - no longer in dollars - 
//see Voice of Russia/

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread LEnglish5

 IF you have absolute faith in samadhi, that is, if your samadhi is unshakable, 
regardless of circumstances, then the ability to float might manifest.

 And placebo might be related to that in some way as there are overlaps in 
which brain circuits are activated during placebo effects and during the 
practice of the TM-Sidhis..


 There are also overlaps in the brain circuits that activate during pure 
consciousness and during mind-wandering, so placebo being related to siddhis 
practice is like saying that pure consciousness is related to  mind wandering.



 Or something.



---In,  wrote :

 Lawson, thanks for the additional definitions of shraddha. Could you say more 
about your last two sentences? I'm missing your main point somehow.

 On Saturday, April 12, 2014 5:12 AM, "LEnglish5@..."  wrote:
   "If you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could move mountains."

 shraddhaa is translated as "Faith" which can mean trust, or belief without 
proof. The Hebrew word translated as "faith" means something along the lines of 
"strong [in God]" and the Greed word means something like "intuitive knowledge."

 "Grok" in the original sense of the Martian word for "drink" seems to contain 
a bit of the same feel.


 In the context of the siddhis, how about "absolute stability" of samadhi?

 The placebo effect might be related to that, in the same way that 
mind-wandering is related to pure consciousness.





---In,  wrote :

 They might be called to be based on placebo, because, IMU, faith (shraddhaa) 
is the conditio
sine qua non of  samaadhi.

As an analogy, I'll try to explain in English, how I seem to recall to have 
learned to bike (at about 7 years of age).
It might have been the very first time I ever tried to ride a bike. It was a 
women's bike,
the one of the mother of a friend of mine. I just started to ride and kept on, 
that a couple of other boys were keeping the bike upright. As a stopped, I 
they were about 30 yards behind me! So I learned to bike because I, falsely,
believed  I couldn't fall (because I believed the other boys were running behind
me keeping the bike upright)! 

So, in a sense my belief was the placebo that instantaneosly
helped me to learn to ride a bike??


 Placebo effect and the brain Functional imaging upon placebo analgesia shows that it links to the activation, 
and increased functional correlation between this activation, in the anterior 
cingulate, prefrontal, orbitofrontal and insular cortices, nucleus accumbens, amygdala, the brainstem periaqueductal gray matter,[84][85][86] and the spinal cord[87][88][89][90]



Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread LEnglish5
Did they pass a law outlawign "assisted suicide" of widows who were expected to 
throw themselves into their husband's funeral pyre to show how devoted they 

 I'm guessing this guy wants to repeal those laws also...


---In,  wrote :

 This wouldn't surprise anyone who has been to India.  It isn't the 
"Shangri-La" that many western spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico.  
And now the pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives nutcase 
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
   It's good for Neo-Hindus to have a role model:
 'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged And Rape Is No Big Deal'

 'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should B... It seems that politicians in 
India's largest and most politically important state are currently trying to 
outdo each other by making the most shocking statement pos...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] new internet bug

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
In this economic depression there are a lot of desperate people who will 
risk all kinds of criminal penalties in order to survive.  We see videos 
around here from home security systems seeing people ripping off 
packages left at the doorstep by the UPSP or Fedex or UPS.  Even when I 
moved here in 2000 the neighbors recommended NOT leaving outgoing mail 
hanging out the mail slot as miscreants would take them and try to cash 
the check if it was a bill pay.

As it is postal delivery is bad enough.  I ordered a book about a month 
ago off Amazon.  It was from a vendor who promptly shipped it the next 
day.   It was the lowest price for the "used" edition of the book 
available and I figured though a programming book I didn't need it right 
away so could wait a week for the book to come from the east coast.  
Then the tracking said it would be delivered  in three weeks!  The 
tracking never showed any progress.  And on Monday when the book was too 
arrive it didn't. I gave it an extra day and by evening it still hadn't 
arrived so I contact the vendor.  They told me that their tracking said 
"lost in transit" and issued a refund.

Guess what?  At around 5 PM yesterday I heard a thump and the book was 
delivered by the mail carrier.  However the label had my address circled 
in crayon which looked like it had gone to the wrong address and that 
person returned it to the post office (there was also a pasted over 
tracking label). One problem might be the "13 ounce rule" where if you 
get a package like this you can't just drop in in a mail bin (the book 
weighed 4 pounds).  I think some people just don't bother getting it 
back to the post office.

Then there are the "last mile" delivery services like Newquist which has 
bad ratings online and how the book was shipped.  These may be putting 
an extra burden on the USPS where Fedex or UPS might have delivered it 
to your door.  When I was at the PO last Weds someone was complaining 
that they had not received their package even though tracking said it 
was left.  The clerk couldn't find it and another clerk grumbled that 
there was a bunch of packages in some other bins that were yet to be 
delivered apparently late.

On 04/12/2014 12:54 PM, Share Long wrote:
noozguru, just the other day I read a yahoo news story that fake tax 
returns are the big thing with identity thieves. I think even Eric 
Holder was the victim of such. Made me feel less stupid about my own 
identity theft a couple of years ago. Now the IRS simply assigns me an 
extra ID number to put on my return.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:50 PM, Bhairitu  
Actually most passwords go over the Internet as complex checksums not 
the password itself.  I'm not for capital punishment but I think if we 
had vigilante squads knock off a few hackers then there would be less 
identity theft except that much of it nowadays is done by organized 
crime particularly out of Russia.

On 04/12/2014 09:57 AM, Share Long wrote:
noozguru, I think I've gotten better with passwords though it's taken 
me a while. My early passwords could probably be hacked by a kid in 
grade school! And if the movies and novels can be believed, they haf 
vays of making the password reveal itself!
On Saturday, April 12, 2014 11:10 AM, Bhairitu 
That's why I kidded Willy the other day about updating OpenSSL on his 
server. However it's hard to say if the exploit has ever even been 
used since as I understand it can only return 64k of data and the 
hacker would be lucky if it returned anything useful.

Always good to change passwords but at some point that might not even 

On 04/12/2014 07:31 AM, Share Long wrote:
Probably some of you already know about the Heartbleed Bug but just 
in case you don't:
The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now 


The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Ch... 

Heartbleed: A look at which companies have issued a security patch 
to fix the Heartbleed bug.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread LEnglish5
I believe that Fred Travis' PhD thesis involved field effect studies on the TM 
Sidhis. That might be the research you're thinking of. 

 The problem is that up until now, all TM EEG research is on many-second 
averages of EEG coherence, and Yogic Flying and any field effects that might be 
associated with it, has been on 40-second averages.

 Microstate analysis looks at 1/10 to 1/50 of a second EEG, and sythesizes a 
kind of electrical field graph for the entire brain for each time-slice they 

 Cool stuff, and has potential in all sorts of studies, like the EEG  of the 
brain as a PC episode  starts and ends, or even doing statistical analysis to 
see if short PC episodes increase in frequency in a nearby meditator when the 
hopping phase of Yogic Flying begins...



---In,  wrote :

 (I think you meant "obviously not.")  I mentioned it because I thought 
Bhairitu might find it of interest; he'd been talking about shakti being 
generated, for him, in connection with the TM-Sidhis.. It was just an 
experience; you're welcome to make of it what you will. I wasn't making any 
claims for it except that for me, the "tingle in the air" the flying sutra 
seems to generate might not be a placebo effect, because at that point (at my 
friend's house) I had never heard any suggestions along those lines, and I had 
no idea what my friend's program involved in terms of timing, i.e., at what 
point she would be using the flying sutra. The "tingle" was completely 
unexpected, I didn't know what might have been responsible, and it occurred to 
me what it likely was only in retrospect. (BTW, it wasn't "45 minutes." That 
was how long I waited after she'd gone into the room and closed the door before 
I started to meditate. The "tingles" toward the end of my meditation lasted 
only a few minutes.)

 I'm all for testing for "spooky stuff." You couldn't test this example using 
me as a subject, though, because I'm no longer "innocent." But sure, it would 
be interesting to test for shakti-like effects. Not sure why you'd need a 
Faraday cage; seems to me it would be interesting either way. Maybe shakti is 
electromagnetic in nature (if it exists, of course).

 (BTW, I believe there was at least one study of the EEG of a person meditating 
(or not?) at MIU while a large group was doing the TM-Sidhi program at Amherst. 
It reported specific EEG changes in the test subject that were coordinated with 
what the folks were doing in Amherst. The test subject wasn't aware of the 
timing. Maybe Lawson remembers more details of the study. Don't think a Faraday 
cage was used.)

 I really can't understand why you'd question my reporting a personal 
experience possibly involving some kind of woo-woo, or what you thought I had 
"given away" by doing so. You've reported a few of your own such experiences, 
as I recall.

 Have you ever questioned Barry about his reports of Fred Lenz levitating? Or 
Bhairitu about his reports of shakti during TM-Sidhis practice, for that matter?





 Did you think I had suggested it was anything but an anecdote, Salyavin?

 Obviously, but you implied it was a spooky event. The 45 minute experience 
when you didn't know what she was doing next door and then realising it was the 
same when you did YF, is what gave it away. 


 Data about spooky events would be the most important scientific discovery  
ever, but no one wants to take it further. Things like this would be easy to 
test. We have a subject (you) a method by which it could be tested (comparisons 
between group YF and solo YF or just meditating). all you need is a Faraday 
cage and some positive results and you've rewritten human history. We don't 
take anecdotal data as evidence though, hence my remark.

 And I'm sure I could think of a few alternatives to rule out first

 Ah, if only the plural of anecdote was data...

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you. How about his second question, do you have any comments on that? 

 "I mean, in theory, just about anything could be seen as potentially a siddhi, 
when the action is performed by a fully enlightened person. What activities 
would provide better "stitches" between relative and absolute, do you think?"

 With regard to hopping and muscle power, I partly agree--my experience has 
been that I'm using my muscles, but they aren't being controlled by the usual 
brain pathways somehow. It's more like a sneeze or a knee-jerk reflex or a 
yawn. Like you, I'm no athlete, but hopping never tired me out. And it's 
definitely triggered by the sutra, which in my case fairly quickly became just 
an impulse of something like electricity, a little tingle, no discernible 
words. With a group that was actively hopping, that impulse seemed to be in the 

[FairfieldLife] American photographer Amy Elkins

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008

 “Not only were they facing their own mortality, they were doing so in total 
isolation. I wondered how that would impact one’s notion of reality, of 
self-identity…” Winner of 2014 Aperture Portfolio Prize and PMH Community 
Member Amy Elkins reveals profoundly personal insights regarding her 
award-winning projects that confront the issue of men on death row.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sharon Landrith: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/12/2014

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
HaHa :-)

---In,  wrote : about in the Flow? (-:

 On Saturday, April 12, 2014 3:18 PM, nablusoss1008  
   Agreed. If this is "in the low" he should hang on to it.


---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, I was just reading it and thinking along the same lines. When Edg 
is in the low or whatever he calls it, his writing blows me away.

 On Saturday, April 12, 2014 2:45 PM, nablusoss1008  
   Very nicely written Edg, even eloquent :-)


---In,  wrote :

 On Facebook someone dissed Rick's interview, and so I tried to reason with him:

Spiros Kabasakalis Hey Rick, 
greetings from Athens,Greece.I have been watching your B.A.T.G.P videos on 
youtube and appreciate your contribution to the non-dual community with these 
discussions.I am sure you agree that spiritual guidance is not business.But 
here we are,this lady in your latest video Sharon Whatever charging $450 for a 
4 day event.And what's most outrageous and ridiculous: A DOKUSAN over the 
PHONE!!!Cost: 1 hour $150 and 1/2 hour $75.Not only this is ridiculous,this 
is also an insult to the Zen trandition.It's disgusting.It's a whole industry 
built on non-duality-and it's all a hoax.Maybe you should weed out the genuine 
from the false in your interviews, most of them (all???) so called "teachers" 
are just a scum exploiting naive people for $$$.

Edg Duveyoung Hey, Spiros, don't hold back; 
tell us how you really feel!
Everyone has to pass the collection plate, and we all do our own idiosyncratic 
marketing our wares, but, what? -- her? she's your choice to start with the 
ranting? I could give you a list, hoo boy could I give you a list of those far 
more deserving being "outted for fraud." 
Rick's service unto us is not to judge or expose in these conversations, but 
rather, it's to give HIS VIEWERS a space in which they can comfortably reside 
whilst DISCOVERING their minds' ways of processing the folks he interviews. 
Get it? 
What you as a viewer bring to the experience MEANS EVERYTHING.

Spiros Kabasakalis What I am 
saying is that the space Rick's viewers get should be weeded out from greedy 
false messiahs.And yes,a person who charges Dokusan by the hour is the perfect 
target for my outting for fraud.For the rest of you who don't agree,you can 
still go and give this lady your hard earned $450.She makes a living out of 
your stupidity.

Edg Duveyoung But but but -- some folks need 
to be enticed thusly in order to get their spiritual feet wet. She's cheap 
compared to my contributions into the Lutheran collection plates of my youth. 
See? We all pay into these kinds of things until we get our mojo going enough 
to do our own sorting out. 
Rick asks HARD QUESTIONS in the softest voice, but a person WITH EARS should be 
able to benefit from any of these discussions -- even if Rick was interviewing 
-- wait for it -- HITLER.
Maybe you don't need this kind of thingie, and, hey, who has the time? , but 
seekers out there will google the names of their would-be-gurus, and Rick's 
interviews will be on the list.
And his platform is not easily survived, because if one isn't genuinely 
enlightened, then the answers to Rick's questions will necessarily be bullshit, 
and what is the especial talent of a successful seeker?-- a good ear for 
inauthentic blarney. 
And spotting fakes in media res takes practice -- watching Rick is free -- how 
cheap can you get for lessons about exactly how to interface with someone who 
has a spiritual product to sell? 
Get it? Folks these days have google strapped to their hips like Buntline 
Specials. For any guru to survive this environment, there's going to have to be 
some very good scholarship and good intents to fake the role, and most folks 
just can't pull that off for very long before they're caught somewhere with a 
very unenlightened wide stance in a place they shouldn't be. 
But, what? Blame Rick for helping a doofus while ignoring that he's spent 
thousands of hours interviewing some fairly heavy hitters? 
If I had seen Rick interview all the hucksters I have given money to over the 
decades, I'd be richer -- how much richer, you don't get to know, but Rick 
knows. Hoo boy does Rick know. You think he's not on top of who he's 
interviewing? Think again.

Spiros Kabasakalis So you are 
saying let all those greedy false gurus loose,so that people "get their 
spiritual feet wet"?Nobody can get his "spiritual feet wet" because there is no 
water in the first place.Just a greedy person digging deep into your 
pocket,while he/she gets exposure from youtube videos and makes more 
bucks.Their eloquence does not qualify them as teachers If it's not backed up 
from genuine realization.A pers

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sharon Landrith: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/12/2014

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long about in the Flow? (-:

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 3:18 PM, nablusoss1008  
Agreed. If this is "in the low" he should hang on to it.

---In,  wrote :

Nablusoss, I was just reading it and thinking along the same lines. When Edg is 
in the low or whatever he calls it, his writing blows me away.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 2:45 PM, nablusoss1008  

Very nicely written Edg, even eloquent :-)

---In,  wrote :

On Facebook someone dissed Rick's interview, and so I tried to reason with him:

Spiros KabasakalisHey
Rick, greetings from Athens,Greece.I have been watching your B.A.T.G.P
videos on youtube and appreciate your contribution to the non-dual
community with these discussions.I am sure you agree that spiritual
guidance is not  business.But here we are,this
lady in your latest video Sharon Whatever charging $450 for a 4 day
event.And what's  most outrageous and ridiculous: A DOKUSAN over the
PHONE!!!Cost: 1 hour $150 and 1/2 hour $75.Not only this is
ridiculous,this is also an insult to  the  Zen trandition.It's
disgusting.It's a whole industry built on non-duality-and it's all a
hoax.Maybe you should weed out the genuine from the false in your
interviews, most of them (all???)  so called  "teachers"  are  just a
scum exploiting naive people for $$$.

Edg DuveyoungHey, Spiros, don't hold back; tell us how you really feel!
has to pass the collection plate, and we all do our own idiosyncratic
marketing our wares, but, what? --  her?  she's your choice to start
with the ranting?  I could give you a list, hoo boy could I give you a list of 
those far more deserving being "outted for fraud." 
service unto us is not to judge or expose in these conversations, but
rather, it's to give HIS VIEWERS a space in which they can comfortably
reside whilst DISCOVERING their minds' ways of processing the folks he
Get it? 
What you as a viewer bring to the experience MEANS EVERYTHING.

Spiros KabasakalisWhat
I am saying is that the space Rick's viewers get should be weeded out
from greedy false messiahs.And yes,a person who charges  Dokusan by the
hour is the perfect target for my outting for fraud.For the rest of you
who don't agree,you can still go and give this lady your hard earned
$450.She makes a living out of your stupidity.

Edg DuveyoungBut
but but -- some folks need to be enticed thusly in order to get their
spiritual feet wet.  She's cheap compared to my contributions into the
Lutheran collection plates of my youth.  See?  We all pay into these
kinds of things until we get our mojo going enough to do our own sorting  out. 
asks HARD QUESTIONS in the softest voice, but a person WITH EARS should
be able to benefit from any of these discussions -- even if Rick was
interviewing -- wait for it -- HITLER.
you don't need this kind of thingie, and, hey, who has the time? , but
seekers out there will google the names of their would-be-gurus, and
Rick's interviews will be on the list.
his platform is not easily survived, because if one isn't  genuinely
enlightened, then the answers to Rick's questions will necessarily be
bullshit, and what is the especial talent of a successful seeker?-- a
good ear for inauthentic blarney. 
spotting fakes in media res takes practice -- watching Rick is free --
how cheap can you get for lessons about exactly how to interface with
someone who has a spiritual product to sell? 
it?  Folks these days have google strapped to their hips like Buntline
Specials.  For any guru to survive this environment, there's going to
have to be some very good scholarship and good intents to fake the role,
and most folks just can't pull that off for very long before they're
caught somewhere with a very unenlightened wide stance in a place they
shouldn't be. 
what?  Blame Rick for helping a doofus while ignoring that he's spent
thousands of hours interviewing some fairly heavy hitters? 
I had seen Rick interview all the hucksters I have given money to over
the decades, I'd be richer -- how much richer, you don't get to know,
but Rick knows.  Hoo boy does Rick know.  You think he's not on top of
who he's interviewing?  Think again.

Spiros KabasakalisSo
you are saying let all those greedy false  gurus loose,so that  people
"get their spiritual feet wet"?Nobody can get his "spiritual feet wet"
because  there is no water in the first place.Just a greedy person
digging deep into your pocket,while he/she
gets exposure  from youtube videos and makes more bucks.Their eloquence
does not qualify them as teachers If it's not backed up from genuine
realization.A person with medium intelligence can see through their
fraud.And NO realized teacher whould ever ask a fee for these
teachings.Why?The teachings are a an ancient timeless legacy and does
not belong to them.No problem with donations.They are fair.But asking
$450 for a 4 day session (housing excluded!) it's

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sharon Landrith: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/12/2014

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Agreed. If this is "in the low" he should hang on to it.

---In,  wrote :

 Nablusoss, I was just reading it and thinking along the same lines. When Edg 
is in the low or whatever he calls it, his writing blows me away.

 On Saturday, April 12, 2014 2:45 PM, nablusoss1008  
   Very nicely written Edg, even eloquent :-)


---In,  wrote :

 On Facebook someone dissed Rick's interview, and so I tried to reason with him:

Spiros Kabasakalis Hey Rick, 
greetings from Athens,Greece.I have been watching your B.A.T.G.P videos on 
youtube and appreciate your contribution to the non-dual community with these 
discussions.I am sure you agree that spiritual guidance is not business.But 
here we are,this lady in your latest video Sharon Whatever charging $450 for a 
4 day event.And what's most outrageous and ridiculous: A DOKUSAN over the 
PHONE!!!Cost: 1 hour $150 and 1/2 hour $75.Not only this is ridiculous,this 
is also an insult to the Zen trandition.It's disgusting.It's a whole industry 
built on non-duality-and it's all a hoax.Maybe you should weed out the genuine 
from the false in your interviews, most of them (all???) so called "teachers" 
are just a scum exploiting naive people for $$$.

Edg Duveyoung Hey, Spiros, don't hold back; 
tell us how you really feel!
Everyone has to pass the collection plate, and we all do our own idiosyncratic 
marketing our wares, but, what? -- her? she's your choice to start with the 
ranting? I could give you a list, hoo boy could I give you a list of those far 
more deserving being "outted for fraud." 
Rick's service unto us is not to judge or expose in these conversations, but 
rather, it's to give HIS VIEWERS a space in which they can comfortably reside 
whilst DISCOVERING their minds' ways of processing the folks he interviews. 
Get it? 
What you as a viewer bring to the experience MEANS EVERYTHING.

Spiros Kabasakalis What I am 
saying is that the space Rick's viewers get should be weeded out from greedy 
false messiahs.And yes,a person who charges Dokusan by the hour is the perfect 
target for my outting for fraud.For the rest of you who don't agree,you can 
still go and give this lady your hard earned $450.She makes a living out of 
your stupidity.

Edg Duveyoung But but but -- some folks need 
to be enticed thusly in order to get their spiritual feet wet. She's cheap 
compared to my contributions into the Lutheran collection plates of my youth. 
See? We all pay into these kinds of things until we get our mojo going enough 
to do our own sorting out. 
Rick asks HARD QUESTIONS in the softest voice, but a person WITH EARS should be 
able to benefit from any of these discussions -- even if Rick was interviewing 
-- wait for it -- HITLER.
Maybe you don't need this kind of thingie, and, hey, who has the time? , but 
seekers out there will google the names of their would-be-gurus, and Rick's 
interviews will be on the list.
And his platform is not easily survived, because if one isn't genuinely 
enlightened, then the answers to Rick's questions will necessarily be bullshit, 
and what is the especial talent of a successful seeker?-- a good ear for 
inauthentic blarney. 
And spotting fakes in media res takes practice -- watching Rick is free -- how 
cheap can you get for lessons about exactly how to interface with someone who 
has a spiritual product to sell? 
Get it? Folks these days have google strapped to their hips like Buntline 
Specials. For any guru to survive this environment, there's going to have to be 
some very good scholarship and good intents to fake the role, and most folks 
just can't pull that off for very long before they're caught somewhere with a 
very unenlightened wide stance in a place they shouldn't be. 
But, what? Blame Rick for helping a doofus while ignoring that he's spent 
thousands of hours interviewing some fairly heavy hitters? 
If I had seen Rick interview all the hucksters I have given money to over the 
decades, I'd be richer -- how much richer, you don't get to know, but Rick 
knows. Hoo boy does Rick know. You think he's not on top of who he's 
interviewing? Think again.

Spiros Kabasakalis So you are 
saying let all those greedy false gurus loose,so that people "get their 
spiritual feet wet"?Nobody can get his "spiritual feet wet" because there is no 
water in the first place.Just a greedy person digging deep into your 
pocket,while he/she gets exposure from youtube videos and makes more 
bucks.Their eloquence does not qualify them as teachers If it's not backed up 
from genuine realization.A person with medium intelligence can see through 
their fraud.And NO realized teacher whould ever ask a fee for these 
teachings.Why?The teachings are a an ancient timeles

[FairfieldLife] Russia and China announce decoupling trade from Dollar

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Certain posters here claim they are in the know of economics. Could any of 
these pundits explain what this would mean for the American way of life ?

 Russia has just dropped another bombshell, announcing not only the de-coupling 
of its trade from the dollar, but also that its hydrocarbon trade will in the 
future be carried out in rubles and local currencies of its trading partners - 
no longer in dollars - see Voice of Russia

Re: [FairfieldLife] new internet bug

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
noozguru, just the other day I read a yahoo news story that fake tax returns 
are the big thing with identity thieves. I think even Eric Holder was the 
victim of such. Made me feel less stupid about my own identity theft a couple 
of years ago. Now the IRS simply assigns me an extra ID number to put on my 

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:50 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
Actually most passwords go over the Internet as complex checksums not the 
password itself.  I'm not for capital punishment but I think if we had 
vigilante squads knock off a few hackers then there would be less identity 
theft except that much of it nowadays is done by organized crime particularly 
out of Russia.

On 04/12/2014 09:57 AM, Share Long wrote:

>noozguru, I think I've gotten better with passwords though it's taken me a 
>while. My early passwords could probably be hacked by a kid in grade school! 
>And if the movies and novels can be believed, they haf vays of making the 
>password reveal itself! 
>On Saturday, April 12, 2014 11:10 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
>That's why I kidded Willy the other day about updating OpenSSL on his server.  
>However it's hard to say if the exploit has ever even been used since as I 
>understand it can only return 64k of data and the hacker would be lucky if it 
>returned anything useful.
>Always good to change passwords but at
  some point that might not even work.
>On 04/12/2014 07:31 AM, Share Long
>>Probably some of you already know about the Heartbleed Bug but just in case 
>>you don't:
>>The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now
>> The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Ch... 
>>Heartbleed: A look at which companies have issued a security patch to fix the 
>>Heartbleed bug. 
>>View on Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sharon Landrith: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/12/2014

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
Nablusoss, I was just reading it and thinking along the same lines. When Edg is 
in the low or whatever he calls it, his writing blows me away.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 2:45 PM, nablusoss1008  
Very nicely written Edg, even eloquent :-)

---In,  wrote :

On Facebook someone dissed Rick's interview, and so I tried to reason with him:

Spiros KabasakalisHey
Rick, greetings from Athens,Greece.I have been watching your B.A.T.G.P
videos on youtube and appreciate your contribution to the non-dual
community with these discussions.I am sure you agree that spiritual
guidance is not  business.But here we are,this
lady in your latest video Sharon Whatever charging $450 for a 4 day
event.And what's  most outrageous and ridiculous: A DOKUSAN over the
PHONE!!!Cost: 1 hour $150 and 1/2 hour $75.Not only this is
ridiculous,this is also an insult to  the  Zen trandition.It's
disgusting.It's a whole industry built on non-duality-and it's all a
hoax.Maybe you should weed out the genuine from the false in your
interviews, most of them (all???)  so called  "teachers"  are  just a
scum exploiting naive people for $$$.

Edg DuveyoungHey, Spiros, don't hold back; tell us how you really feel!
has to pass the collection plate, and we all do our own idiosyncratic
marketing our wares, but, what? --  her?  she's your choice to start
with the ranting?  I could give you a list, hoo boy could I give you a list of 
those far more deserving being "outted for fraud." 
service unto us is not to judge or expose in these conversations, but
rather, it's to give HIS VIEWERS a space in which they can comfortably
reside whilst DISCOVERING their minds' ways of processing the folks he
Get it? 
What you as a viewer bring to the experience MEANS EVERYTHING.

Spiros KabasakalisWhat
I am saying is that the space Rick's viewers get should be weeded out
from greedy false messiahs.And yes,a person who charges  Dokusan by the
hour is the perfect target for my outting for fraud.For the rest of you
who don't agree,you can still go and give this lady your hard earned
$450.She makes a living out of your stupidity.

Edg DuveyoungBut
but but -- some folks need to be enticed thusly in order to get their
spiritual feet wet.  She's cheap compared to my contributions into the
Lutheran collection plates of my youth.  See?  We all pay into these
kinds of things until we get our mojo going enough to do our own sorting  out. 
asks HARD QUESTIONS in the softest voice, but a person WITH EARS should
be able to benefit from any of these discussions -- even if Rick was
interviewing -- wait for it -- HITLER.
you don't need this kind of thingie, and, hey, who has the time? , but
seekers out there will google the names of their would-be-gurus, and
Rick's interviews will be on the list.
his platform is not easily survived, because if one isn't  genuinely
enlightened, then the answers to Rick's questions will necessarily be
bullshit, and what is the especial talent of a successful seeker?-- a
good ear for inauthentic blarney. 
spotting fakes in media res takes practice -- watching Rick is free --
how cheap can you get for lessons about exactly how to interface with
someone who has a spiritual product to sell? 
it?  Folks these days have google strapped to their hips like Buntline
Specials.  For any guru to survive this environment, there's going to
have to be some very good scholarship and good intents to fake the role,
and most folks just can't pull that off for very long before they're
caught somewhere with a very unenlightened wide stance in a place they
shouldn't be. 
what?  Blame Rick for helping a doofus while ignoring that he's spent
thousands of hours interviewing some fairly heavy hitters? 
I had seen Rick interview all the hucksters I have given money to over
the decades, I'd be richer -- how much richer, you don't get to know,
but Rick knows.  Hoo boy does Rick know.  You think he's not on top of
who he's interviewing?  Think again.

Spiros KabasakalisSo
you are saying let all those greedy false  gurus loose,so that  people
"get their spiritual feet wet"?Nobody can get his "spiritual feet wet"
because  there is no water in the first place.Just a greedy person
digging deep into your pocket,while he/she
gets exposure  from youtube videos and makes more bucks.Their eloquence
does not qualify them as teachers If it's not backed up from genuine
realization.A person with medium intelligence can see through their
fraud.And NO realized teacher whould ever ask a fee for these
teachings.Why?The teachings are a an ancient timeless legacy and does
not belong to them.No problem with donations.They are fair.But asking
$450 for a 4 day session (housing excluded!) it's a total rip off.

Edg DuveyoungSettle down, we're spitting into the same campfire here. 
Yeah, Rick has interviewed some clunkers.  There, satisfied? 
someone has enough of a following that Rick's "picked 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sharon Landrith: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/12/2014

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Very nicely written Edg, even eloquent :-)

---In,  wrote :

 On Facebook someone dissed Rick's interview, and so I tried to reason with him:

Spiros Kabasakalis Hey Rick, 
greetings from Athens,Greece.I have been watching your B.A.T.G.P videos on 
youtube and appreciate your contribution to the non-dual community with these 
discussions.I am sure you agree that spiritual guidance is not business.But 
here we are,this lady in your latest video Sharon Whatever charging $450 for a 
4 day event.And what's most outrageous and ridiculous: A DOKUSAN over the 
PHONE!!!Cost: 1 hour $150 and 1/2 hour $75.Not only this is ridiculous,this 
is also an insult to the Zen trandition.It's disgusting.It's a whole industry 
built on non-duality-and it's all a hoax.Maybe you should weed out the genuine 
from the false in your interviews, most of them (all???) so called "teachers" 
are just a scum exploiting naive people for $$$.

Edg Duveyoung Hey, Spiros, don't hold back; 
tell us how you really feel!
Everyone has to pass the collection plate, and we all do our own idiosyncratic 
marketing our wares, but, what? -- her? she's your choice to start with the 
ranting? I could give you a list, hoo boy could I give you a list of those far 
more deserving being "outted for fraud." 
Rick's service unto us is not to judge or expose in these conversations, but 
rather, it's to give HIS VIEWERS a space in which they can comfortably reside 
whilst DISCOVERING their minds' ways of processing the folks he interviews. 
Get it? 
What you as a viewer bring to the experience MEANS EVERYTHING.

Spiros Kabasakalis What I am 
saying is that the space Rick's viewers get should be weeded out from greedy 
false messiahs.And yes,a person who charges Dokusan by the hour is the perfect 
target for my outting for fraud.For the rest of you who don't agree,you can 
still go and give this lady your hard earned $450.She makes a living out of 
your stupidity.

Edg Duveyoung But but but -- some folks need 
to be enticed thusly in order to get their spiritual feet wet. She's cheap 
compared to my contributions into the Lutheran collection plates of my youth. 
See? We all pay into these kinds of things until we get our mojo going enough 
to do our own sorting out. 
Rick asks HARD QUESTIONS in the softest voice, but a person WITH EARS should be 
able to benefit from any of these discussions -- even if Rick was interviewing 
-- wait for it -- HITLER.
Maybe you don't need this kind of thingie, and, hey, who has the time? , but 
seekers out there will google the names of their would-be-gurus, and Rick's 
interviews will be on the list.
And his platform is not easily survived, because if one isn't genuinely 
enlightened, then the answers to Rick's questions will necessarily be bullshit, 
and what is the especial talent of a successful seeker?-- a good ear for 
inauthentic blarney. 
And spotting fakes in media res takes practice -- watching Rick is free -- how 
cheap can you get for lessons about exactly how to interface with someone who 
has a spiritual product to sell? 
Get it? Folks these days have google strapped to their hips like Buntline 
Specials. For any guru to survive this environment, there's going to have to be 
some very good scholarship and good intents to fake the role, and most folks 
just can't pull that off for very long before they're caught somewhere with a 
very unenlightened wide stance in a place they shouldn't be. 
But, what? Blame Rick for helping a doofus while ignoring that he's spent 
thousands of hours interviewing some fairly heavy hitters? 
If I had seen Rick interview all the hucksters I have given money to over the 
decades, I'd be richer -- how much richer, you don't get to know, but Rick 
knows. Hoo boy does Rick know. You think he's not on top of who he's 
interviewing? Think again.

Spiros Kabasakalis So you are 
saying let all those greedy false gurus loose,so that people "get their 
spiritual feet wet"?Nobody can get his "spiritual feet wet" because there is no 
water in the first place.Just a greedy person digging deep into your 
pocket,while he/she gets exposure from youtube videos and makes more 
bucks.Their eloquence does not qualify them as teachers If it's not backed up 
from genuine realization.A person with medium intelligence can see through 
their fraud.And NO realized teacher whould ever ask a fee for these 
teachings.Why?The teachings are a an ancient timeless legacy and does not 
belong to them.No problem with donations.They are fair.But asking $450 for a 4 
day session (housing excluded!) it's a total rip off.

Edg Duveyoung Settle down, we're spitting 
into the same campfire here. 
Yeah, Rick has interviewed some clunkers. There, satisfi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Good Evening, nitwit, I'm afraid you shine through as the  "blithering idiot". 
Did I claim India doesn't have capital punishment ?

---In,  wrote :

 of course they do you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all 
punishable by death in India
 Indian Penal Code
 Section under IPC Nature of crime
 120B Punishment of criminal conspiracy
 121 Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging of war, against
 the Government of India
 132 Abetment of mutiny
 194 If an innocent person be convicted and executed in consequence of such 
 evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
 302, 303 Murder
 305 Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
 364A Kidnapping for ransom
 396 Dacoity with murder
 If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly committing dacoity, 
commits murder in so committing dacoity, every one of those persons shall be 
 376A Rape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013 provided for death 
penalty in case he inflicts an injury upon woman during rape which causes her 
death or to be in persistent vegetative state.[8]
 On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
 Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA

 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the "Shangri-La"
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico.  And
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
  It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sharon Landrith: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/12/2014

2014-04-12 Thread Duveyoung
On Facebook someone dissed Rick's interview, and so I tried to reason with him:

Spiros Kabasakalis Hey Rick, 
greetings from Athens,Greece.I have been watching your B.A.T.G.P videos on 
youtube and appreciate your contribution to the non-dual community with these 
discussions.I am sure you agree that spiritual guidance is not business.But 
here we are,this lady in your latest video Sharon Whatever charging $450 for a 
4 day event.And what's most outrageous and ridiculous: A DOKUSAN over the 
PHONE!!!Cost: 1 hour $150 and 1/2 hour $75.Not only this is ridiculous,this 
is also an insult to the Zen trandition.It's disgusting.It's a whole industry 
built on non-duality-and it's all a hoax.Maybe you should weed out the genuine 
from the false in your interviews, most of them (all???) so called "teachers" 
are just a scum exploiting naive people for $$$.

Edg Duveyoung Hey, Spiros, don't hold back; 
tell us how you really feel!
Everyone has to pass the collection plate, and we all do our own idiosyncratic 
marketing our wares, but, what? -- her? she's your choice to start with the 
ranting? I could give you a list, hoo boy could I give you a list of those far 
more deserving being "outted for fraud." 
Rick's service unto us is not to judge or expose in these conversations, but 
rather, it's to give HIS VIEWERS a space in which they can comfortably reside 
whilst DISCOVERING their minds' ways of processing the folks he interviews. 
Get it? 
What you as a viewer bring to the experience MEANS EVERYTHING.

Spiros Kabasakalis What I am 
saying is that the space Rick's viewers get should be weeded out from greedy 
false messiahs.And yes,a person who charges Dokusan by the hour is the perfect 
target for my outting for fraud.For the rest of you who don't agree,you can 
still go and give this lady your hard earned $450.She makes a living out of 
your stupidity.

Edg Duveyoung But but but -- some folks need 
to be enticed thusly in order to get their spiritual feet wet. She's cheap 
compared to my contributions into the Lutheran collection plates of my youth. 
See? We all pay into these kinds of things until we get our mojo going enough 
to do our own sorting out. 
Rick asks HARD QUESTIONS in the softest voice, but a person WITH EARS should be 
able to benefit from any of these discussions -- even if Rick was interviewing 
-- wait for it -- HITLER.
Maybe you don't need this kind of thingie, and, hey, who has the time? , but 
seekers out there will google the names of their would-be-gurus, and Rick's 
interviews will be on the list.
And his platform is not easily survived, because if one isn't genuinely 
enlightened, then the answers to Rick's questions will necessarily be bullshit, 
and what is the especial talent of a successful seeker?-- a good ear for 
inauthentic blarney. 
And spotting fakes in media res takes practice -- watching Rick is free -- how 
cheap can you get for lessons about exactly how to interface with someone who 
has a spiritual product to sell? 
Get it? Folks these days have google strapped to their hips like Buntline 
Specials. For any guru to survive this environment, there's going to have to be 
some very good scholarship and good intents to fake the role, and most folks 
just can't pull that off for very long before they're caught somewhere with a 
very unenlightened wide stance in a place they shouldn't be. 
But, what? Blame Rick for helping a doofus while ignoring that he's spent 
thousands of hours interviewing some fairly heavy hitters? 
If I had seen Rick interview all the hucksters I have given money to over the 
decades, I'd be richer -- how much richer, you don't get to know, but Rick 
knows. Hoo boy does Rick know. You think he's not on top of who he's 
interviewing? Think again.

Spiros Kabasakalis So you are 
saying let all those greedy false gurus loose,so that people "get their 
spiritual feet wet"?Nobody can get his "spiritual feet wet" because there is no 
water in the first place.Just a greedy person digging deep into your 
pocket,while he/she gets exposure from youtube videos and makes more 
bucks.Their eloquence does not qualify them as teachers If it's not backed up 
from genuine realization.A person with medium intelligence can see through 
their fraud.And NO realized teacher whould ever ask a fee for these 
teachings.Why?The teachings are a an ancient timeless legacy and does not 
belong to them.No problem with donations.They are fair.But asking $450 for a 4 
day session (housing excluded!) it's a total rip off.

Edg Duveyoung Settle down, we're spitting 
into the same campfire here. 
Yeah, Rick has interviewed some clunkers. There, satisfied? 
If someone has enough of a following that Rick's "picked her up on his radar," 
that's pr

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Clint / Charlie stories (was Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?)

2014-04-12 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 I enjoyed reading these immensely! Thanks, Barry.

 My dad was invited to be a guest on the Merv Griffin Show at this time with 
MMY because he was a big deal CEO and he had been meditating since 1970. I 
remember being sorely disappointed because he politely declined. I still wish 
he had accepted the offer, it would be fun to watch it after all these years.
 On Sat, 4/12/14, TurquoiseBee mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Clint / Charlie stories (was Re: Are the 
TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?)
 To: "";>
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 2:50 PM
 Ah, the Beverly Wilshire stories
 TurquoiseBee mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:
 > > Personally, I think that Nabby is just still
 > > that Heretic Turk got to spend one night as the
 > > guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never
 got closer
 > > to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium.
 > > shouldn't was a boring gig, except
 that it
 > provided fodder for a couple of good Clint Eastwood
 > > Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-) 
 Michael Jackson mailto:mjackson74@...> wrote:
 > Oh please tell, tell 'em - I ain't never heard
 those stories!
 That's're still a bit of a newb
 here at FFL. "Regulars" are groaning into their
 hot chocolate right now, going, "Oh no...not
 again." Unkind Net-elitists are going,
 "Couldn't you just Google this, or try to see if
 the Yahoo Groups search engine was working properly yet, and
 find one of the previous tellings of these tales?" 
 Me, I'm going, "Hm. That sounds like fun. I
 mean, here I am in a comfortable cafe on a comfortable day,
 sitting here waiting for "writing inspiration,"
 and Michael asks me to retell two of my favorite TM-era
 stories. Is this an omen, or what?" 
 It was at the time of one of the Merv Griffin TV shows
 featuring Maharishi. At the time I was working at the
 Western Regional Office at 1015 Gayley, also home of the TM
 National center at the time, a workspace occupied by its
 then leader, Jerry Jarvis. Jerry had been my TM teacher, and
 we worked together a lot, and I guess he'd heard OK
 things about me 'round town, because he kept asking me
 to do a few "prime time" intro lectures and
 appearances for him, like the one for NBC News. Anyway,
 whether he'd heard good things about me or the opposite,
 I'd gotten picked to be "on staff" during
 Maharishi's visit. This involved meeting a few people at
 the airport and being "door guard" at
 Maharishi's door at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel while he
 was staying there, the night before the taping. 
 If this sounds like a "good deal?" it wasn't.
 The airport thing was fun, but try to imagine standing in
 front of a hotel room door and
 having as your job description keeping out all the hordes
 who showed up wanting to see Maharishi. As my gig had been
 explained to me, I was supposed to stand there and ask
 everyone who came to the door what their name was, put those
 names on a list, and give it to the person inside the door,
 whose job description was to take the list directly to
 Maharishi. MMY then decided who was to be allowed to enter,
 and who wasn't. The other person would then come to the
 door and tell me who to let in and who to tell to have a
 seat on the corridor floor and wait. Suffice it to say that
 Maharishi didn't necessarily want to see all of the
 people waiting, and that at times the corridor was full of a
 couple of dozen squatting devotees.
 So I'm standing there, doin' my thing, getting
 bad-vibed by all of the people squatting there in the hall,
 and up walks Clint Fucking Eastwood. I'd met him briefly
 at the airport, but here he was right in
 front of me, wanting to go into Maharishi's room, where
 his friend and the host of the TV show Merv Griffin already
 were. Well, I didn't have to "take his name"
 because he was one of the entries on a "short
 list" I'd been given about who to let in
 immediately. So I just said, "Hi Clint." 
 But then Clint noticed the pile of shoes by the door. 
 He looked at me, standing there in my stocking feet, and at
 the pile of shoes, and then back to me. He was not smiling.
 I don't think I can adequately convey what it's like
 to be "not smiled at" by Clint Fucking Eastwood,
 so I shall not even try. 
 He said, "Are we supposed to take our shoes off?"
 I said, "Well, it's traditional, Clint." 
 He gave me another Dirty Harry look, like, "Do you KNOW
 who you're asking to take off his boots?" This was,
 after all, the #1 Box Office Star in the world at that point
 in time. But then he smiled and shrugged and pulled off his
 cowboy boots.
 That's when I figured out what his hesitation 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
When and where did he give these alleged lectures, Michael? How many were 
there? What's your source? 


 was that when the big reesh was giving lectures on what a great guy Adolph 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu

On 04/12/2014 10:27 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

On 4/12/2014 9:35 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Richard, can you tell me something: when people text from their
> phones, how do they type, for example, an M rather than an N or an O?
It's complicated. But by pressing a number key it will type a character
if you press it more than once. Rita and I used to have Android phones
that had a slide-out keyboard, which was sweet, but heavy compared to my
Nokia with Win 8. Now we are using the touch screen, sometimes with a

I'm sure that card will thank you for that endorsement (or not).

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
And what about the effect of Fukushima radiation?  They don't like to 
talk about that.

On 04/12/2014 11:30 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

They've grown a lot on the ISS, one of the original objectives was to 
see if things are better nutritionally or grow faster in space. After 
a quick google:

Research Overview

  * The Advanced Plant Experiment - Canadian Space Agency 2
(APEX-CSA2) provides insight into the fundamental processes by
which plants produce cellulose and lignin, the two main structural
materials found in plant matter. The experiment will be conducted
using Canadian white spruce, Picea glauca.

  * On Earth, various portions of a plant can have physically
different compositions including different ratios of lignin and
cellulose. This will affect the sensitivity of the plants to
environmental conditions, to disease and infection and will have
an influence on the type of industrial application plants can be
used for. It is expected that growth of the trees for 30 days in
microgravity will affect their growth rate, composition, tissue
organization and gene expression.

  * The results of this experiment will include improvement of the
technology to grow trees in a spacecraft, enhancement of our
understanding of tree physiology in the space environment and
identification of genes related to specific plant characteristics.
It is expected that these genes can be used as markers for plant
selection in various Earth applications and to improve
sustainability of the forest.

This is the sort of thing they do, but they've have also sentsome 
plants to the moon to act as a sort of canary in the coal mine, if 
they survive the cosmic rays we might.

Maybe this cherry tree is has had a perfectly normal type of mutation 
like the four leafed clover? It just happened to be on the ISS at the 
time. Way beyond my meagre ken.

---In,  wrote :

*What puzzles me a bit is that they've been taking seeds into space 
for a long time to see what happens to them. On the ISS, I think they 
even /grow/ stuff. Have there been no other signs of accelerated 
maturation or other genetic mutation besides with the cherry trees? I 
haven't heard of any.*

The mysteries of nature. Could this be evolution caught in 
action? People have often speculated cosmic rays could have forced 
some of the huge leaps in life on Earth but I don't think anyone has 
ever documented it.

Thing is, you wouldn't expect radiation to produce this much change in 
one go, normally radiational changes are destructive but who knows? 
Whereas most things get mutated too much and die, one gene in the 
right place gets zapped and two major differences occur.

---In,  wrote :

Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in 
Japan after a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for 
eight months bloomed years earlier than expected -- and with very 
surprising flowers.

The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time 
aboard the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on 
April 1, possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal 

Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in 
central Japan where the tree is growing.

"We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief 
priest at the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

"A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very 
happy because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 
years old."

The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part of a project to 
gather seeds from different kinds of cherry trees at 14 locations 
across Japan.

The stones were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to 
Earth in July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi 
Wakata, after circling the globe 4,100 times.

Some were sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to 
their places of origin, and a selection were planted at nurseries near 
the Ganjoji temple.

By April this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to around four 
metres (13 feet) tall, and suddenly produced nine flowers -- each with 
just five petals, compared with about 30 on flowers of the parent tree.

It normally takes about 10 years for a cherry tree of the similar 
variety to bear its first buds.

The Ganjoji temple sapling is not the only early-flowering space 
cherry tree.

Of the 14 locations in which the pits were replanted, blossoms have 
been spotted at four places.

Two years ago, a young tree bore 11 flowers in Hokuto, a mountain 
region 115 kilometres (70 miles) west of Tokyo, around two years after 
it was planted.

It was of a variety that normally only comes into flower at the age of 

Cosmic rays

The seeds were sent to the IS

Re: [FairfieldLife] new internet bug

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
Actually most passwords go over the Internet as complex checksums not 
the password itself.  I'm not for capital punishment but I think if we 
had vigilante squads knock off a few hackers then there would be less 
identity theft except that much of it nowadays is done by organized 
crime particularly out of Russia.

On 04/12/2014 09:57 AM, Share Long wrote:
noozguru, I think I've gotten better with passwords though it's taken 
me a while. My early passwords could probably be hacked by a kid in 
grade school! And if the movies and novels can be believed, they haf 
vays of making the password reveal itself!
On Saturday, April 12, 2014 11:10 AM, Bhairitu 
That's why I kidded Willy the other day about updating OpenSSL on his 
server. However it's hard to say if the exploit has ever even been 
used since as I understand it can only return 64k of data and the 
hacker would be lucky if it returned anything useful.

Always good to change passwords but at some point that might not even 

On 04/12/2014 07:31 AM, Share Long wrote:
Probably some of you already know about the Heartbleed Bug but just 
in case you don't:
The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now 


The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Ch... 

Heartbleed: A look at which companies have issued a security patch to 
fix the Heartbleed bug.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
of course they do you blithering idiot: The following crimes are all punishable 
by death in India

Indian Penal Code

Section under IPC   Nature of crime
120BPunishment of criminal conspiracy
121 Waging, or attempting to wage war, or abetting waging of war, against

the Government of India
132 Abetment of mutiny
194 If an innocent person be convicted and executed in consequence of such 

evidence to procure conviction of capital offence
302, 303Murder
305 Abetment of suicide of child or insane person
364AKidnapping for ransom
396 Dacoity with murder

If any one of five or more persons, who are conjointly committing dacoity, 
commits murder in so committing dacoity, every one of those persons shall be 
376ARape/Sexual Assault An amendment in the year 2013 provided for death 
penalty in case he inflicts an injury upon woman during rape which causes her 
death or to be in persistent vegetative state.[8]

On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:06 PM
   Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA
 wrote :
 wouldn't surprise anyone who has
 been to India.  It isn't the "Shangri-La"
 that many western
 spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico.  And
 now the
 pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives
On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM,
 TurquoiseBee wrote:
   It's good for Neo-Hindus to
 have a role model:
 Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged
 And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have
 Sex Outside Marriage Should B...It seems that
 politicians in India's largest and most
 politically important state are currently
 trying to outdo each other by making the
 most shocking statement pos...
 View on www.huffingtonpost...Preview by

[FairfieldLife] The Inadequacy of Old, Stale and Outdated Religions

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
The Turq seems to be unaware of the many days and weeks spent inside 
Maharishi's suitte by Moi. Whereas the Turq as one poster here claimed, was 
kept safely outside the door apparently for reasons of security. 
 If he wasn't asked to leave one can understand why the Turq bailed, even he 
must have been able to catch the idea that he wasn't exactly welcome. Not being 
welcome probably isn't a very nice feeling and goes a long way in explaining 
why his resentment bordering to hate is so strong that he even today goes on 
and on about events that happened more than 40 years ago. 
 The ability to move on certainly isn't a strong trait with that poor soul. 
Dwelling on stale and outdated religions doesn't exactly help either.


---In,  wrote :

 The Turq seems to be unaware of the many days spent inside Maharishi's suitte 
by moi. Whereas the Turq as one poster here claimed, was kept safely outside 
the door :-)

---In,  wrote :

 I, for one, would like to thank Nablus for demonstrating to the press why I 
nominated him as one of Fairfield Life's two PERFECT examples of what the 
long-term practice of TM and the TM-Sidhis produces. I await the other nominee 
chiming in (as below, to "set the record straight") to point out that the only 
person who ever claimed that the Turq (moi) was ever kept away from Maharishi's 
door was Nablus himself.

 Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous that Heretic Turk got to 
spend one night as the "door guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got 
closer to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it provided fodder for a couple of 
good Clint Eastwood and Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-)  :-)


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?
 We have only the Turq's word for that and they are of course very balanced and 
trustworthy. Kicked out or barred as Williams points out amounts to the same 
 Then we had the fellow posting here who claimed the Turq was kept outside and 
a good distance from Maharishi's door whenever he visited LA, apparently for 
reasons of safety. The Turq is many weird things but not so foolish as to not 
being able to read the writings on the wall. 

---In,  wrote :

 As we know, Barry wasn't kicked out of either group. He left of his own 

 > Right. He left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End of story. 
 > >
 There is no evidence that Barry worked for the TMO or ever was a member 
 of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO or the Rama 
 group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been kicked out 
 trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
was that when the big reesh was giving lectures on what a great guy Adolph was?

On Sat, 4/12/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 5:17 PM
   The Turq seems to be unaware of the many days spent
 inside Maharishi's suitte by moi. Whereas the Turq
 as one poster here claimed, was kept outside the door,
 apparently for reasons of safety :-)
 wrote :
 I, for one, would like to thank Nablus for
 demonstrating to the press why I nominated him as one of
 Fairfield Life's two PERFECT examples of what the
 long-term practice of TM and the TM-Sidhis produces. I await
 the other nominee chiming in (as below, to "set the
 record straight") to point out that the only person who
 ever claimed that the Turq (moi) was ever kept away from
 Maharishi's door was Nablus himself.
 Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous
 that Heretic Turk got to spend one night as the "door
 guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got closer
 to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He
 shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it
 provided fodder for a couple of good Clint Eastwood and
 Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-) 
From: nablusoss1008
 Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:10 PM
  Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo
 have only the Turq's word for that and they are of
 course very balanced and trustworthy. Kicked out or barred
 as Williams points out amounts to the same thing.Then
 we had the fellow posting here who claimed the Turq was kept
 outside and a good distance from Maharishi's door
 whenever he visited LA, apparently for reasons of
 safety. The Turq is many weird things but not so
 foolish as to not being able to read the
 writings on the wall. 
  wrote :
 we know, Barry wasn't kicked out of either group. He
 left of his own accord.
 > Right. He
 left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End
 of story.
 There is no evidence that Barry worked
 for the TMO or ever was a member 
 of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO
 or the Rama 
 group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been
 kicked out 
 trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast!
 Antivirus protection is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread salyavin808
They've grown a lot on the ISS, one of the original objectives was to see if 
things are better nutritionally or grow faster in space. After a quick google: 

 Research Overview

 The Advanced Plant Experiment - Canadian Space Agency 2 (APEX-CSA2) provides 
insight into the fundamental processes by which plants produce cellulose and 
lignin, the two main structural materials found in plant matter. The experiment 
will be conducted using Canadian white spruce, Picea glauca.

 On Earth, various portions of a plant can have physically different 
compositions including different ratios of lignin and cellulose. This will 
affect the sensitivity of the plants to environmental conditions, to disease 
and infection and will have an influence on the type of industrial application 
plants can be used for. It is expected that growth of the trees for 30 days in 
microgravity will affect their growth rate, composition, tissue organization 
and gene expression.

 The results of this experiment will include improvement of the technology to 
grow trees in a spacecraft, enhancement of our understanding of tree physiology 
in the space environment and identification of genes related to specific plant 
characteristics. It is expected that these genes can be used as markers for 
plant selection in various Earth applications and to improve sustainability of 
the forest. 

 This is the sort of thing they do, but they've have also sent some plants to 
the moon to act as a sort of canary in the coal mine, if they survive the 
cosmic rays we might.

 Maybe this cherry tree is has had a perfectly normal type of mutation like the 
four leafed clover? It just happened to be on the ISS at the time. Way beyond 
my meagre ken.

---In,  wrote :

 What puzzles me a bit is that they've been taking seeds into space for a long 
time to see what happens to them. On the ISS, I think they even grow stuff. 
Have there been no other signs of accelerated maturation or other genetic 
mutation besides with the cherry trees? I haven't heard of any. 


 The mysteries of nature. Could this be evolution caught in action? People have 
often speculated cosmic rays could have forced some of the huge leaps in life 
on Earth but I don't think anyone has ever documented it.   

 Thing is, you wouldn't expect radiation to produce this much change in one go, 
normally radiational changes are destructive but who knows? Whereas most things 
get mutated too much and die, one gene in the right place gets zapped and two 
major differences occur. 

---In,  wrote :

 Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after 
a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed 
years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.

 The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard 
the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, 
possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.

 Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central 
Japan where the tree is growing.

 "We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at 
the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

 "A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very happy 
because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 years old."

 The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part of a project to gather seeds 
from different kinds of cherry trees at 14 locations across Japan.

 The stones were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to Earth in 
July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, after circling 
the globe 4,100 times.

 Some were sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to their 
places of origin, and a selection were planted at nurseries near the Ganjoji 

 By April this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to around four metres 
(13 feet) tall, and suddenly produced nine flowers -- each with just five 
petals, compared with about 30 on flowers of the parent tree.

 It normally takes about 10 years for a cherry tree of the similar variety to 
bear its first buds.

 The Ganjoji temple sapling is not the only early-flowering space cherry tree.

 Of the 14 locations in which the pits were replanted, blossoms have been 
spotted at four places.

 Two years ago, a young tree bore 11 flowers in Hokuto, a mountain region 115 
kilometres (70 miles) west of Tokyo, around two years after it was planted.

 It was of a variety that normally only comes into flower at the age of eight.

 Cosmic rays

 The seeds were sent to the ISS as part of "an educational and cultural project 
to let children gather the stones and learn how they grow into trees and live 
on after returning from space," said Mi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
What puzzles me a bit is that they've been taking seeds into space for a long 
time to see what happens to them. On the ISS, I think they even grow stuff. 
Have there been no other signs of accelerated maturation or other genetic 
mutation besides with the cherry trees? I haven't heard of any. 


 The mysteries of nature. Could this be evolution caught in action? People have 
often speculated cosmic rays could have forced some of the huge leaps in life 
on Earth but I don't think anyone has ever documented it.   

 Thing is, you wouldn't expect radiation to produce this much change in one go, 
normally radiational changes are destructive but who knows? Whereas most things 
get mutated too much and die, one gene in the right place gets zapped and two 
major differences occur. 

---In,  wrote :

 Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after 
a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed 
years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.

 The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard 
the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, 
possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.

 Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central 
Japan where the tree is growing.

 "We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at 
the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

 "A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very happy 
because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 years old."

 The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part of a project to gather seeds 
from different kinds of cherry trees at 14 locations across Japan.

 The stones were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to Earth in 
July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, after circling 
the globe 4,100 times.

 Some were sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to their 
places of origin, and a selection were planted at nurseries near the Ganjoji 

 By April this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to around four metres 
(13 feet) tall, and suddenly produced nine flowers -- each with just five 
petals, compared with about 30 on flowers of the parent tree.

 It normally takes about 10 years for a cherry tree of the similar variety to 
bear its first buds.

 The Ganjoji temple sapling is not the only early-flowering space cherry tree.

 Of the 14 locations in which the pits were replanted, blossoms have been 
spotted at four places.

 Two years ago, a young tree bore 11 flowers in Hokuto, a mountain region 115 
kilometres (70 miles) west of Tokyo, around two years after it was planted.

 It was of a variety that normally only comes into flower at the age of eight.

 Cosmic rays

 The seeds were sent to the ISS as part of "an educational and cultural project 
to let children gather the stones and learn how they grow into trees and live 
on after returning from space," said Miho Tomioka, a spokeswoman for the 
project's organiser, Japan Manned Space Systems (JAMSS).

 "We had expected the (Ganjoji) tree to blossom about 10 years after planting, 
when the children come of age," she added.

 Kaori Tomita-Yokotani, a researcher at the University of Tsukuba who took part 
in the project, told AFP she was stumped by the extra-terrestrial mystery.

 "We still cannot rule out the possibility that it has been somewhat influenced 
by its exposure to the space environment," she said.

 Read more:

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Clint / Charlie stories (was Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?)

2014-04-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/12/2014 9:50 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

Ah, the Beverly Wilshire stories

Not to be confused with the Wilshire Ebel Theater stories.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

2014-04-12 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/12/2014 9:35 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Richard, can you tell me something: when people text from their 
> phones, how do they type, for example, an M rather than an N or an O?
It's complicated. But by pressing a number key it will type a character 
if you press it more than once. Rita and I used to have Android phones 
that had a slide-out keyboard, which was sweet, but heavy compared to my 
Nokia with Win 8. Now we are using the touch screen, sometimes with a 

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/12/2014 7:16 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

It's good for Neo-Hindus to have a role model:

Never pass up an opportunity to disparage a whole group of people if 
that can help you win a religious debate.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
The Turq seems to be unaware of the many days spent inside Maharishi's suitte 
by moi. Whereas the Turq as one poster here claimed, was kept outside the door, 
apparently for reasons of safety :-)

---In,  wrote :

 I, for one, would like to thank Nablus for demonstrating to the press why I 
nominated him as one of Fairfield Life's two PERFECT examples of what the 
long-term practice of TM and the TM-Sidhis produces. I await the other nominee 
chiming in (as below, to "set the record straight") to point out that the only 
person who ever claimed that the Turq (moi) was ever kept away from Maharishi's 
door was Nablus himself.

 Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous that Heretic Turk got to 
spend one night as the "door guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got 
closer to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it provided fodder for a couple of 
good Clint Eastwood and Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-)  :-)


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?
 We have only the Turq's word for that and they are of course very balanced and 
trustworthy. Kicked out or barred as Williams points out amounts to the same 
 Then we had the fellow posting here who claimed the Turq was kept outside and 
a good distance from Maharishi's door whenever he visited LA, apparently for 
reasons of safety. The Turq is many weird things but not so foolish as to not 
being able to read the writings on the wall. 

---In,  wrote :

 As we know, Barry wasn't kicked out of either group. He left of his own 

 > Right. He left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End of story. 
 > >
 There is no evidence that Barry worked for the TMO or ever was a member 
 of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO or the Rama 
 group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been kicked out 
 trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
The Turq seems to be unaware of the many days spent inside Maharishi's suitte 
by moi. Whereas the Turq as one poster here claimed, was kept safely outside 
the door :-)

---In,  wrote :

 I, for one, would like to thank Nablus for demonstrating to the press why I 
nominated him as one of Fairfield Life's two PERFECT examples of what the 
long-term practice of TM and the TM-Sidhis produces. I await the other nominee 
chiming in (as below, to "set the record straight") to point out that the only 
person who ever claimed that the Turq (moi) was ever kept away from Maharishi's 
door was Nablus himself.

 Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous that Heretic Turk got to 
spend one night as the "door guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got 
closer to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. 


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?
 We have only the Turq's word for that and they are of course very balanced and 
trustworthy. Kicked out or barred as Williams points out amounts to the same 
 Then we had the fellow posting here who claimed the Turq was kept outside and 
a good distance from Maharishi's door whenever he visited LA, apparently for 
reasons of safety. The Turq is many weird things but not so foolish as to not 
being able to read the writings on the wall. 

---In,  wrote :

 As we know, Barry wasn't kicked out of either group. He left of his own 

 > Right. He left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End of story. 
 > >
 There is no evidence that Barry worked for the TMO or ever was a member 
 of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO or the Rama 
 group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been kicked out 
 trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread salyavin808
The mysteries of nature. Could this be evolution caught in action? People have 
often speculated cosmic rays could have forced some of the huge leaps in life 
on Earth but I don't think anyone has ever documented it.   

 Thing is, you wouldn't expect radiation to produce this much change in one go, 
normally radiational changes are destructive but who knows? Whereas most things 
get mutated too much and die, one gene in the right place gets zapped and two 
major differences occur. 

---In,  wrote :

 Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after 
a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed 
years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.

 The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard 
the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, 
possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.

 Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central 
Japan where the tree is growing.

 "We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at 
the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

 "A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very happy 
because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 years old."

 The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part of a project to gather seeds 
from different kinds of cherry trees at 14 locations across Japan.

 The stones were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to Earth in 
July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, after circling 
the globe 4,100 times.

 Some were sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to their 
places of origin, and a selection were planted at nurseries near the Ganjoji 

 By April this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to around four metres 
(13 feet) tall, and suddenly produced nine flowers -- each with just five 
petals, compared with about 30 on flowers of the parent tree.

 It normally takes about 10 years for a cherry tree of the similar variety to 
bear its first buds.

 The Ganjoji temple sapling is not the only early-flowering space cherry tree.

 Of the 14 locations in which the pits were replanted, blossoms have been 
spotted at four places.

 Two years ago, a young tree bore 11 flowers in Hokuto, a mountain region 115 
kilometres (70 miles) west of Tokyo, around two years after it was planted.

 It was of a variety that normally only comes into flower at the age of eight.

 Cosmic rays

 The seeds were sent to the ISS as part of "an educational and cultural project 
to let children gather the stones and learn how they grow into trees and live 
on after returning from space," said Miho Tomioka, a spokeswoman for the 
project's organiser, Japan Manned Space Systems (JAMSS).

 "We had expected the (Ganjoji) tree to blossom about 10 years after planting, 
when the children come of age," she added.

 Kaori Tomita-Yokotani, a researcher at the University of Tsukuba who took part 
in the project, told AFP she was stumped by the extra-terrestrial mystery.

 "We still cannot rule out the possibility that it has been somewhat influenced 
by its exposure to the space environment," she said.

 Read more:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008
Do the Indian kill their criminals like in the USA ?

---In,  wrote :

 This wouldn't surprise anyone who has been to India.  It isn't the 
"Shangri-La" that many western spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think Mexico.  
And now the pendulum is swing from the liberals to the conservatives nutcase 
 On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
   It's good for Neo-Hindus to have a role model:
 'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged And Rape Is No Big Deal'
 'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should B... It seems that politicians in 
India's largest and most politically important state are currently trying to 
outdo each other by making the most shocking statement pos...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo



Re: [FairfieldLife] new internet bug

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
noozguru, I think I've gotten better with passwords though it's taken me a 
while. My early passwords could probably be hacked by a kid in grade school! 
And if the movies and novels can be believed, they haf vays of making the 
password reveal itself! 

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 11:10 AM, Bhairitu  wrote:
That's why I kidded Willy the other day about updating OpenSSL on his server.  
However it's hard to say if the exploit has ever even been used since as I 
understand it can only return 64k of data and the hacker would be lucky if it 
returned anything useful.

Always good to change passwords but at some point that might not
  even work.

On 04/12/2014 07:31 AM, Share Long wrote:

>Probably some of you already know about the Heartbleed Bug but just in case 
>you don't:
>The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now
> The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Ch... 
>Heartbleed: A look at which companies have issued a security patch to fix the 
>Heartbleed bug. 
>View on Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu

How would they know you aren't talking to someone on the phone?

On 04/12/2014 09:13 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
Yeah, but then I'd have to say all this shit aloud. It's weird enough 
sitting at a cafe typing it at a keyboard. :-)

*From:* Bhairitu 
*Sent:* Saturday, April 12, 2014 6:06 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

I don't type into Android except for short things like urls.  I just 
dictate to it and it types it out often with no typos. ;-)

On 04/12/2014 04:07 AM, Turquoise wrote:
This particular cafe rap is an experiment in technology. I'm writing 
it from a familiar cafe, but on an unfamiliar keyboard. It's little 
over half as big as my keyboard at home, light as a feather, and it's 
Bluetooth. A friend gave it to me, because she had upgraded to a 
cooler Bluetooth keyboard.

I didn't know what I was going to do ith it, but then I remembered 
that my iPhone also does Bluetooth. So what would happen if I tried 
to connect this keyboard to my iPhone and write messages and cafe 
raps on it instead of "thumb typing" on the tiny iPhone screen?

Well, this is what happens. The keys are a little too small and close 
together for my taste, and the layout itself is Apple-clonish and 
thus unfamiliar, but it's sure a lot better than trying to thumb-type.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
Ah, I am sure the TMO will run and claim the monks used to do TM years ago or 
that the places the trees are blossoming are all in areas populated with many 
purusha and other yogic flyers. Or if they don't claim it, Buck and Nabby will. 

On Sat, 4/12/14,  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cosmic cherry tree mystery
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 4:17 PM
   Tokyo (AFP) -
 A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan
 after a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth
 for eight months bloomed years earlier than expected -- and
 with very surprising flowers.
 four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that
 spent time aboard the International Space Station (ISS) --
 burst into blossom on April 1, possibly a full six years
 ahead of Mother Nature's normal
 Its early
 blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in
 central Japan where the tree is
 are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro
 Kajita, chief priest at the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP
 by telephone.
 stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We
 are very happy because it will succeed the old tree, which
 is said to be 1,250 years old."
 The wonder
 pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated
 "Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part
 of a project to gather seeds from different kinds of cherry
 trees at 14 locations across Japan.
 The stones
 were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to Earth
 in July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi
 Wakata, after circling the globe 4,100
 Some were
 sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to
 their places of origin, and a selection were planted at
 nurseries near the Ganjoji temple.
 By April
 this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to
 around four metres (13 feet) tall, and suddenly produced
 nine flowers -- each with just five petals, compared with
 about 30 on flowers of the parent
 normally takes about 10 years for a cherry tree of the
 similar variety to bear its first
 Ganjoji temple sapling is not the only early-flowering space
 cherry tree.
 Of the 14
 locations in which the pits were replanted, blossoms have
 been spotted at four places.
 Two years
 ago, a young tree bore 11 flowers in Hokuto, a mountain
 region 115 kilometres (70 miles) west of Tokyo, around two
 years after it was planted.
 It was of
 a variety that normally only comes into flower at the age of
 The seeds
 were sent to the ISS as part of "an educational and
 cultural project to let children gather the stones and learn
 how they grow into trees and live on after returning from
 space," said Miho Tomioka, a spokeswoman for the
 project's organiser, Japan Manned Space Systems
 had expected the (Ganjoji) tree to blossom about 10 years
 after planting, when the children come of age," she
 Tomita-Yokotani, a researcher at the University of Tsukuba
 who took part in the project, told AFP she was stumped by
 the extra-terrestrial mystery.
 still cannot rule out the possibility that it has been
 somewhat influenced by its exposure to the space
 environment," she said.

[FairfieldLife] Cosmic cherry tree mystery

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
Tokyo (AFP) - A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after a 
cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the Earth for eight months bloomed 
years earlier than expected -- and with very surprising flowers.

 The four-year-old sapling -- grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard 
the International Space Station (ISS) -- burst into blossom on April 1, 
possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.

 Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central 
Japan where the tree is growing.

 "We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at 
the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.

 "A stone from the original tree had never sprouted before. We are very happy 
because it will succeed the old tree, which is said to be 1,250 years old."

 The wonder pip was among 265 harvested from the celebrated 
"Chujo-hime-seigan-zakura" tree, selected as part of a project to gather seeds 
from different kinds of cherry trees at 14 locations across Japan.

 The stones were sent to the ISS in November 2008 and came back to Earth in 
July the following year with Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, after circling 
the globe 4,100 times.

 Some were sent for laboratory tests, but most were ferried back to their 
places of origin, and a selection were planted at nurseries near the Ganjoji 

 By April this year, the "space cherry tree" had grown to around four metres 
(13 feet) tall, and suddenly produced nine flowers -- each with just five 
petals, compared with about 30 on flowers of the parent tree.

 It normally takes about 10 years for a cherry tree of the similar variety to 
bear its first buds.

 The Ganjoji temple sapling is not the only early-flowering space cherry tree.

 Of the 14 locations in which the pits were replanted, blossoms have been 
spotted at four places.

 Two years ago, a young tree bore 11 flowers in Hokuto, a mountain region 115 
kilometres (70 miles) west of Tokyo, around two years after it was planted.

 It was of a variety that normally only comes into flower at the age of eight.

 Cosmic rays

 The seeds were sent to the ISS as part of "an educational and cultural project 
to let children gather the stones and learn how they grow into trees and live 
on after returning from space," said Miho Tomioka, a spokeswoman for the 
project's organiser, Japan Manned Space Systems (JAMSS).

 "We had expected the (Ganjoji) tree to blossom about 10 years after planting, 
when the children come of age," she added.

 Kaori Tomita-Yokotani, a researcher at the University of Tsukuba who took part 
in the project, told AFP she was stumped by the extra-terrestrial mystery.

 "We still cannot rule out the possibility that it has been somewhat influenced 
by its exposure to the space environment," she said.

 Read more:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

2014-04-12 Thread TurquoiseBee
Yeah, but then I'd have to say all this shit aloud. It's weird enough sitting 
at a cafe typing it at a keyboard. :-)

 From: Bhairitu 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

I don't type into Android except for short things like urls.  I just dictate to 
it and it types it out often with no typos. ;-) 

On 04/12/2014 04:07 AM, Turquoise wrote:

>This particular cafe rap is an experiment in technology. I'm writing it from a 
>familiar cafe, but on an unfamiliar keyboard. It's little over half as big as 
>my keyboard at home, light as a feather, and it's Bluetooth. A friend gave it 
>to me, because she had upgraded to a cooler Bluetooth keyboard.  
>I didn't know what I was going to do ith it, but then I remembered that my 
>iPhone also does Bluetooth. So what would happen if I tried to connect this 
>keyboard to my iPhone and write messages and cafe raps on it instead of "thumb 
>typing" on the tiny iPhone screen?
>Well, this is what happens. The keys are a little too small and close together 
>for my taste, and the layout itself is Apple-clonish and thus unfamiliar, but 
>it's sure a lot better than trying to thumb-type. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] new internet bug

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
That's why I kidded Willy the other day about updating OpenSSL on his 
server.  However it's hard to say if the exploit has ever even been used 
since as I understand it can only return 64k of data and the hacker 
would be lucky if it returned anything useful.

Always good to change passwords but at some point that might not even work.

On 04/12/2014 07:31 AM, Share Long wrote:
Probably some of you already know about the Heartbleed Bug but just in 
case you don't:
The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now 


The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Ch... 

Heartbleed: A look at which companies have issued a security patch to 
fix the Heartbleed bug.

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
I don't type into Android except for short things like urls.  I just 
dictate to it and it types it out often with no typos. ;-)

On 04/12/2014 04:07 AM, Turquoise wrote:
This particular cafe rap is an experiment in technology. I'm writing 
it from a familiar cafe, but on an unfamiliar keyboard. It's little 
over half as big as my keyboard at home, light as a feather, and it's 
Bluetooth. A friend gave it to me, because she had upgraded to a 
cooler Bluetooth keyboard.

I didn't know what I was going to do ith it, but then I remembered 
that my iPhone also does Bluetooth. So what would happen if I tried to 
connect this keyboard to my iPhone and write messages and cafe raps on 
it instead of "thumb typing" on the tiny iPhone screen?

Well, this is what happens. The keys are a little too small and close 
together for my taste, and the layout itself is Apple-clonish and thus 
unfamiliar, but it's sure a lot better than trying to thumb-type.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread Bhairitu
This wouldn't surprise anyone who has been to India.  It isn't the 
"Shangri-La" that many western spiritual enthusiasts imagine.  Think 
Mexico.  And now the pendulum is swing from the liberals to the 
conservatives nutcase BJP.

On 04/12/2014 05:16 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

It's good for Neo-Hindus to have a role model:

'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged And Rape Is No 
Big Deal' 


'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should B... 

It seems that politicians in India's largest and most politically 
important state are currently trying to outdo each other by making the 
most shocking statement pos...

View on www.huffingtonpost... 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: So, you think you can dance?

2014-04-12 Thread emilymaenot
Judy, Judy, Judy!  I am laughing so hard the tears are running down my cheeks.  
Isn't this the truth!  Ah ha ha good.

---In,  wrote :

 This is for you, Emily:



 Ha. It was a beautiful line from Share to Emily, I thought.  No one dismisses 
her posts better than Share does.  



 Well, took you long enough!  I first posted this.  Share's response was 
"Thanks, Emily. I admit I've never developed an appreciation for jazz. Maybe 
next lifetime smile."   Then, Nabby went  hog wild and posted it from every 
country he could find.  Now, you have jumped on the happy train, hopefully 
working up a few more dance steps.  I feel kind of sorry for Share, all this 
"happiness" to deal with, even though it is a song from her favorite movie, 
Despicable Me 2.  It's all part of her journey to "full development," I guess.  

 I wouldn't categorize this song as "jazz", far from it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] An article on the Co$ for those who are interested in cult topics

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
turq, just to address a few of these points hopefully without shooting the 

I've already addressed the point about TMers supposedly being surrounded by 
family. Here I'll just say that any shunning is done by individuals and is not 
an officially suggested behavior, in my experience. 

The only words I ever heard Maharishi say that makes TM sound unique was in the 
SCI course when he explained that TM is the system that transcends its own 
activity. That got my attention even though I knew very little about spiritual 
paths. I grokked that it meant that TM would liberate, even from itself. I have 
found this to be true.

People have been and are free to choose that staff lifestyle. I daresay many 
people chose it so that their children could attend the Maharishi School. But 
that was also their choice. As was whether or not they had contact with "the 
outside world." In this case, worldly Fairfield, IA! 

No one pressured me to start TM. Plus I never felt pressured to attend any 

Cut off from current events?! Like Jeffrey Smith who's a world renowned 
champion battling GMOs?!
Plus I find most long term TMers very interested and often engaged in current 
events, like politics. And if the students are so cut off from troubles within 
the org, how come they asked for a meeting about the pandit riot?! And got it, 
I might add.

Again, any lamenting about "bad karma" is done by individuals, probably about 
their friends. I've never known such to be said by TMO leaders and or officials.

Finally turq, in case you're still here, regardless of your caveats, I find 
your choice of quotes from the Scientology article to be very misleading wrt 
the TMO.

Just to anticipate the backlash, certainly not *everything* about the Co$ 
reminds me of my time in the TMO. Here are a few quotes from the article that 
did. YMMV.

"Her parents were Scientologists, as were her friends—basically everyone she 
knew. If she left, they’d disown her."[I've seen the "shunning" process many 
times when a former TMer -- especially if they're a famous one -- leaves the 

"Founded in 1954, it [the Co$] is a highly insular faith rooted in ideas of 
American self-help and psychotherapy as well as Eastern mysticism. It 
maintains, as many religions do, that society needs healing, and also 
purports to be the only group with a cure."[The funny thing is, I'd have little 
problem with it if either of these groups said 'We have A cure'. It's the 
claiming that they have THE cure, the one and only that is 
odd. That's insular to the max.]

"Sea Org members live deeply controlled lives, working seven days a week 
year-round, with few, if any, days off. They earn between $8 and $50 a 
week, sleep in dormitory housing and have virtually no contact with the 
outside world."[This is pretty much what many people working for "course 
credit" told me 
life was like in Europe, except that they didn't get $8 a week.]

"Scientology’s essential pitch: that society is sick, full of dangers, and only 
the church can offer relief."[There's that "only" again.]

"'They pressure you a lot to join,' she says. 'They’ll tell you how bad 
everything is in the world, and that they really need your help.'"[Anyone 
remember the many "You must go to this course or the world will end" 
speeches from MMY trying to get people to come to the butt-bouncing 

"Sea Org members are cut off entirely from current events, in part to 
prevent them from reading negative information about Scientology. 
Schlesinger had no idea Remini had departed, and now she was floored. 
She’d met the Reminis before and thought they were kind people. As she 
flipped through the pages, what she saw was a revelation: They’d broken away 
without fear, and remained intact. Schlesinger thought, Perhaps I can leave, 
too."[Haven't we heard stories here that MUM actively discourages student 
reading of Fairfield Life? Where such stories are told?]

"For those in the Sea Org, there is the inculcated belief that, should they 
go, they’ll live for the rest of eternity as an unhappy spec in the 
universe."[How many times have you heard some long-term TMer lament about 
who's left, concerned about the "bad karma" they accrued by leaving?]
On Friday, April 11, 2014 4:23 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
From: TurquoiseBee 

To: ""  
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 9:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] An article on the Co$ for those who are interested in 
cult topics

I know that at least a couple of lurkers are interested, because they've told 
me offline that they follow $cientology forums looking for story leads. For the 
TMers here, the story is worth a read to see the similarities -- the ways that 
one cult (the Co$) uses essentially the same tactics that another cult (the 
TMO) uses.  

Escape From Scientology

   Escape From Scientology
How one young woman risked everything to break out of the prison that is the 
Church of Scientolo

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Clint / Charlie stories (was Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?)

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
I enjoyed reading these immensely! Thanks, Barry.

On Sat, 4/12/14, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Clint / Charlie stories (was Re: Are the 
TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?)
 To: "" 
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 2:50 PM
 Ah, the Beverly Wilshire stories
 TurquoiseBee  wrote:
 > > Personally, I think that Nabby is just still
 > > that Heretic Turk got to spend one night as the
 > > guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never
 got closer
 > > to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium.
 > > shouldn't was a boring gig, except
 that it
  > provided fodder for a couple of good Clint Eastwood
 > > Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-) 
 Michael Jackson  wrote:
 > Oh please tell, tell 'em - I ain't never heard
 those stories!
 That's're still a bit of a newb
 here at FFL. "Regulars" are groaning into their
 hot chocolate right now, going, "Oh no...not
 again." Unkind Net-elitists are going,
 "Couldn't you just Google this, or try to see if
 the Yahoo Groups search engine was working properly yet, and
 find one of the previous tellings of these tales?" 
 Me, I'm going, "Hm. That sounds like fun. I
 mean, here I am in a comfortable cafe on a comfortable day,
 sitting here waiting for "writing inspiration,"
 and Michael asks me to retell two of my favorite TM-era
 stories. Is this an omen, or what?" 
 It was at the time of one of the Merv Griffin TV shows
 featuring Maharishi. At the time I was working at the
 Western Regional Office at 1015 Gayley, also home of the TM
 National center at the time, a workspace occupied by its
 then leader, Jerry Jarvis. Jerry had been my TM teacher, and
 we worked together a lot, and I guess he'd heard OK
 things about me 'round town, because he kept asking me
 to do a few "prime time" intro lectures and
 appearances for him, like the one for NBC News. Anyway,
 whether he'd heard good things about me or the opposite,
 I'd gotten picked to be "on staff" during
 Maharishi's visit. This involved meeting a few people at
 the airport and being "door guard" at
 Maharishi's door at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel while he
 was staying there, the night before the taping. 
 If this sounds like a "good deal?" it wasn't.
 The airport thing was fun, but try to imagine standing in
 front of a hotel room door and
  having as your job description keeping out all the hordes
 who showed up wanting to see Maharishi. As my gig had been
 explained to me, I was supposed to stand there and ask
 everyone who came to the door what their name was, put those
 names on a list, and give it to the person inside the door,
 whose job description was to take the list directly to
 Maharishi. MMY then decided who was to be allowed to enter,
 and who wasn't. The other person would then come to the
 door and tell me who to let in and who to tell to have a
 seat on the corridor floor and wait. Suffice it to say that
 Maharishi didn't necessarily want to see all of the
 people waiting, and that at times the corridor was full of a
 couple of dozen squatting devotees.
 So I'm standing there, doin' my thing, getting
 bad-vibed by all of the people squatting there in the hall,
 and up walks Clint Fucking Eastwood. I'd met him briefly
 at the airport, but here he was right in
  front of me, wanting to go into Maharishi's room, where
 his friend and the host of the TV show Merv Griffin already
 were. Well, I didn't have to "take his name"
 because he was one of the entries on a "short
 list" I'd been given about who to let in
 immediately. So I just said, "Hi Clint." 
 But then Clint noticed the pile of shoes by the door. 
 He looked at me, standing there in my stocking feet, and at
 the pile of shoes, and then back to me. He was not smiling.
 I don't think I can adequately convey what it's like
 to be "not smiled at" by Clint Fucking Eastwood,
 so I shall not even try. 
 He said, "Are we supposed to take our shoes off?"
 I said, "Well, it's traditional, Clint." 
 He gave me another Dirty Harry look, like, "Do you KNOW
 who you're asking to take off his boots?" This was,
 after all, the #1 Box Office Star in the world at that point
 in time. But then he smiled and shrugged and pulled off his
 cowboy boots.
  That's when I figured out what his hesitation had been
 The #1 Box Office Star In The World had holes in his socks.
 I clearly remember that one big toe was sticking out, and
 the two little piggies on each foot were definitely trying
 to make a break for it and head to the nearest market. 
 He looked down at his
 feet, grinned amiably, and walked in. 
 I really LOVE this Clint Eastwood moment. Probably better
 than any of the moments in his movi

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
Lawson, thanks for the additional definitions of shraddha. Could you say more 
about your last two sentences? I'm missing your main point somehow.

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 5:12 AM, ""  
"If you had the faith of a mustard seed, you could move mountains."

shraddhaa is translated as "Faith" which can mean trust, or belief without 
proof. The Hebrew word translated as "faith" means something along the lines of 
"strong [in God]" and the Greed word means something like "intuitive knowledge."

"Grok" in the original sense of the Martian word for "drink" seems to contain a 
bit of the same feel.

In the context of the siddhis, how about "absolute stability" of samadhi?

The placebo effect might be related to that, in the same way that 
mind-wandering is related to pure consciousness.


---In,  wrote :

They might be called to be based on placebo, because, IMU, faith (shraddhaa) is 
sine qua non of  samaadhi.

As an analogy, I'll try to explain in English, how I seem to recall to have 
learned to bike (at about 7 years of age).    
It might have been the very first time I ever tried to ride a bike. It was a 
women's bike,
the one of the mother of a friend of mine. I just started to ride and kept on, 
that a couple of other boys were keeping the bike upright. As a stopped, I 
they were about 30 yards behind me! So I learned to bike because I, falsely,
believed  I couldn't fall (because I believed the other boys were running behind
me keeping the bike upright)! 

So, in a sense my belief was the placebo that instantaneosly
helped me to learn to ride a bike??


Placebo effect and the brain
Functional imaging upon placebo analgesia shows that it links to the 
activation, and increased functional correlation between this activation, in 
the anterior cingulate, prefrontal, orbitofrontal and insular cortices, nucleus 
accumbens, amygdala, the brainstem periaqueductal gray matter,[84][85][86] and 
the spinal cord.[87][88][89][90]

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
You're welcome, turq. Like I said, I enjoyed writing the replies to both you 
and salyavin. And I still want to say more about your Scientology post but the 
sun is shining, etc. 

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 11:06 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
Share, thanks for your replies, and your honest attempt to try to explain your 
beliefs about the TM-Sidhis and how you believe they "work." I'm still more 
attracted to my placebo effect theory, but so it goes...

Isn't it interesting, as well, that you *could* propose an alternative theory, 
and that woman who goes to great lengths to prove how much smarter she is than 
you couldn't?  :-)

 From: Share Long 
To: ""  
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

salyavin, like I said to turq, I'm really enjoying answering these posts. 
Another benefit of TMSP, in my experience, has to do with developing opposite 
positive qualities. I think it has to do with focusing from the more settled 
levels of mind and body. Broad comprehension and sharp focus happen at the same 
time. I would LOVE to see how that would look on an fMRI machine. And I would 
really love to see how it looks in someone who's been doing it for decades!

Anyway, to more directly answer your question, I think my thinking has become 
both more fluid and more steady over time. I know these sound opposite but as I 
say above, I think that's what happens, for some people, with continued 
practice of TMSP.

As for placebos, I think the whole field of placebos is in its infancy.
 Meaning, until we know more about the human
 mind and the nature of the universe and how the two are connected, then we 
might come to a lot of non beneficial conclusions about placebos.

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:34 AM, salyavin808  
I'm not sure what "field independence" is but I'm worried that you think 
there's anything you can do that might affect how placebo's work. I think TM 
makes people more suggestible not less. It's why they always have the 
"knowledge" tape after the meditation session, it's when you mind is most 
relaxed and open and therefore susceptible. 

It also reinforces the belief in things like the mind "settling into finer 
levels of existence". How often was I told that the words weren't important 
because I was absorbing it unconsciously, and I was happy about that. LOL! Glad 
I started thinking about it all pretty quick

---In,  wrote :

turq, research and my own experience indicates that field independence develops 
in TMers. That alone would decrease and or prevent any alleged placebo effect 
and strengthen a person's ability to "divorce" from it. I think this is one of 
the greatest benefits of TM. It liberates. Even from itself.

Plus I doubt than a placebo effect, even if it occurred in the beginning, can 
last for decades! Especially if a person has very little contact with the TMO.

Lastly, again going by my own experience, I'd say that the language of the 
sutra doesn't matter as a person's awareness settles
 into finer levels of existence.

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 3:17 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

I think one can make a case that they are. Here, I'll start...

First, let's look at the basic TM technique, which uses Sanskrit mantras 
described by the TMO as "meaningless sounds" (which are really the names or 
"calling cards" of Hindu gods and goddesses, as anyone who can read books from 
India would know) as a mechanism for meditation. You *could* make a case that 
there is something "special" about these mantras, some sonic quality that 
actually facilitates meditation, because
 of course they have no meaning to most of the people who think them. 

But that's not true for the TM-Sidhis. As anyone who has ever learned them 
knows (but gets really, really uptight when someone
like myself points out), what you paid
thousands of dollars for (a good argument for the Placebo Effect in itself) 
were a number of *English language phrases* straight from a translation of the 
Yoga Sutras, all of which very *definitely* have meaning. After a period of TM 
meditation, the "TM Sidha" is instructed to think them -- *in English* (or 
whatever modern language they were taught the TM-Sidhis in) in a particular 
way, and then wait for the effects. 

I believe that a strong case can be made for Placebo Effect-like *expectation* 
in all of this, for three reasons. First, the TM-Sidhis were initially marketed 
*as a way of achieving and mastering all of the "siddhis" these phrases 
describe*. The original (first few years) "intro lectures" about the TM-Sidhi 
program were full of promises that you would learn to levitate and be able to 
perform other siddhis. Tales were told by people marketing and selling the new 
(and rather expensive) courses of people
having been seen levitating, or
walking through walls, or demons

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Clint / Charlie stories (was Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?)

2014-04-12 Thread salyavin808

 Priceless, both of them. "I wouldn't wait an hour to see God" aren't big shots 
funny! I'm so glad I'm a normal Joe, with holes in his socks.

---In,  wrote :


 Ah, the Beverly Wilshire stories

TurquoiseBee  wrote:

 > > Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous
> > that Heretic Turk got to spend one night as the "door
> > guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got closer
> > to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He
> > shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it
> > provided fodder for a couple of good Clint Eastwood and
> > Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-) 

 Michael Jackson  wrote:

 > Oh please tell, tell 'em - I ain't never heard those stories!

 That's're still a bit of a newb here at FFL. "Regulars" are 
groaning into their hot chocolate right now, going, "Oh no...not again." Unkind 
Net-elitists are going, "Couldn't you just Google this, or try to see if the 
Yahoo Groups search engine was working properly yet, and find one of the 
previous tellings of these tales?" 

Me, I'm going, "Hm. That sounds like fun. I mean, here I am in a 
comfortable cafe on a comfortable day, sitting here waiting for "writing 
inspiration," and Michael asks me to retell two of my favorite TM-era stories. 
Is this an omen, or what?"  :-)


It was at the time of one of the Merv Griffin TV shows featuring Maharishi. At 
the time I was working at the Western Regional Office at 1015 Gayley, also home 
of the TM National center at the time, a workspace occupied by its then leader, 
Jerry Jarvis. Jerry had been my TM teacher, and we worked together a lot, and I 
guess he'd heard OK things about me 'round town, because he kept asking me to 
do a few "prime time" intro lectures and appearances for him, like the one for 
NBC News. Anyway, whether he'd heard good things about me or the opposite, I'd 
gotten picked to be "on staff" during Maharishi's visit. This involved meeting 
a few people at the airport and being "door guard" at Maharishi's door at the 
Beverly Wilshire Hotel while he was staying there, the night before the taping. 

If this sounds like a "good deal?" it wasn't. The airport thing was fun, but 
try to imagine standing in front of a hotel room door and having as your job 
description keeping out all the hordes who showed up wanting to see Maharishi. 
As my gig had been explained to me, I was supposed to stand there and ask 
everyone who came to the door what their name was, put those names on a list, 
and give it to the person inside the door, whose job description was to take 
the list directly to Maharishi. MMY then decided who was to be allowed to 
enter, and who wasn't. The other person would then come to the door and tell me 
who to let in and who to tell to have a seat on the corridor floor and wait. 
Suffice it to say that Maharishi didn't necessarily want to see all of the 
people waiting, and that at times the corridor was full of a couple of dozen 
squatting devotees.


So I'm standing there, doin' my thing, getting bad-vibed by all of the people 
squatting there in the hall, and up walks Clint Fucking Eastwood. I'd met him 
briefly at the airport, but here he was right in front of me, wanting to go 
into Maharishi's room, where his friend and the host of the TV show Merv 
Griffin already were. Well, I didn't have to "take his name" because he was one 
of the entries on a "short list" I'd been given about who to let in 
immediately. So I just said, "Hi Clint." 

But then Clint noticed the pile of shoes by the door. 

He looked at me, standing there in my stocking feet, and at the pile of shoes, 
and then back to me. He was not smiling. I don't think I can adequately convey 
what it's like to be "not smiled at" by Clint Fucking Eastwood, so I shall not 
even try. 

He said, "Are we supposed to take our shoes off?"

I said, "Well, it's traditional, Clint." 

He gave me another Dirty Harry look, like, "Do you KNOW who you're asking to 
take off his boots?" This was, after all, the #1 Box Office Star in the world 
at that point in time. But then he smiled and shrugged and pulled off his 
cowboy boots. That's when I figured out what his hesitation had been about. 

The #1 Box Office Star In The World had holes in his socks. I clearly remember 
that one big toe was sticking out, and the two little piggies on each foot were 
definitely trying to make a break for it and head to the nearest market. 

He looked down at his 
not-quite-appropriately-clad-for-meeting-a-spiritual-teacher feet, grinned 
amiably, and walked in. 

I really LOVE this Clint Eastwood moment. Probably better than any of the 
moments in his movies. 


Still standing in the hall. Merv and Clint are inside with Maharishi, people 
are still coming up to me asking to see Maharishi and I am still trying to be 
polite and write down their names and their stories on the pieces of paper I 
pass through the d

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
Thanks, Carde for both the good bike riding analogy and the brain info wrt 
placebos. Not to mention both the Latin and the Sanskrit. My brain hummeth (-;

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 3:22 AM, "" 
They might be called to be based on placebo, because, IMU, faith (shraddhaa) is 
sine qua non of  samaadhi.

As an analogy, I'll try to explain in English, how I seem to recall to have 
learned to bike (at about 7 years of age).    
It might have been the very first time I ever tried to ride a bike. It was a 
women's bike,
the one of the mother of a friend of mine. I just started to ride and kept on, 
that a couple of other boys were keeping the bike upright. As a stopped, I 
they were about 30 yards behind me! So I learned to bike because I, falsely,
believed  I couldn't fall (because I believed the other boys were running behind
me keeping the bike upright)! 

So, in a sense my belief was the placebo that instantaneosly
helped me to learn to ride a bike??


Placebo effect and the brain
Functional imaging upon placebo analgesia shows that it links to the 
activation, and increased functional correlation between this activation, in 
the anterior cingulate, prefrontal, orbitofrontal and insular cortices, nucleus 
accumbens, amygdala, the brainstem periaqueductal gray matter,[84][85][86] and 
the spinal cord.[87][88][89][90]

[FairfieldLife] Sharon Landrith: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 04/12/2014

2014-04-12 Thread Rick Archer

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published 04/12/2014

225. Sharon Landrith, 2nd Interview 


Apr 11, 2014 09:45 am | Rick

Sharon is a gifted intuitive and a spiritual teacher in the lineage of 
Adyashanti. Sharon has a devotion and great love of the Truth. Adyashanti asked 
her to teach 2003 and guide those genuinely drawn to the path of Truth. … 
Continue reading  


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[FairfieldLife] The Clint / Charlie stories (was Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?)

2014-04-12 Thread TurquoiseBee

Ah, the Beverly Wilshire stories

TurquoiseBee  wrote:

> > Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous
> > that Heretic Turk got to spend one night as the "door
> > guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got closer
> > to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He
> > shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it
> > provided fodder for a couple of good Clint Eastwood and
> > Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-) 

Michael Jackson  wrote:

> Oh please tell, tell 'em - I ain't never heard those stories!

That's're still a bit of a newb here at FFL. "Regulars" are 
groaning into their hot chocolate right now, going, "Oh no...not again." Unkind 
Net-elitists are going, "Couldn't you just Google this, or try to see if the 
Yahoo Groups search engine was working properly yet, and find one of the 
previous tellings of these tales?" 

Me, I'm going, "Hm. That sounds like fun. I mean, here I am in a 
comfortable cafe on a comfortable day, sitting here waiting for "writing 
inspiration," and Michael asks me to retell two of my favorite TM-era stories. 
Is this an omen, or what?"  :-)


It was at the time of one of the Merv Griffin TV shows featuring Maharishi. At 
the time I was working at the Western Regional Office at 1015 Gayley, also home 
of the TM National center at the time, a workspace occupied by its then leader, 
Jerry Jarvis. Jerry had been my TM teacher, and we worked together a lot, and I 
guess he'd heard OK things about me 'round town, because he kept asking me to 
do a few "prime time" intro lectures and appearances for him, like the one for 
NBC News. Anyway, whether he'd heard good things about me or the opposite, I'd 
gotten picked to be "on staff" during Maharishi's visit. This involved meeting 
a few people at the airport and being "door guard" at Maharishi's door at the 
Beverly Wilshire Hotel while he was staying there, the night before the taping. 

If this sounds like a "good deal?" it wasn't. The airport thing was fun, but 
try to imagine standing in front of a hotel room door and having as your job 
description keeping out all the hordes who showed up wanting to see Maharishi. 
As my gig had been explained to me, I was supposed to stand there and ask 
everyone who came to the door what their name was, put those names on a list, 
and give it to the person inside the door, whose job description was to take 
the list directly to Maharishi. MMY then decided who was to be allowed to 
enter, and who wasn't. The other person would then come to the door and tell me 
who to let in and who to tell to have a seat on the corridor floor and wait. 
Suffice it to say that Maharishi didn't necessarily want to see all of the 
people waiting, and that at times the corridor was full of a couple of dozen 
squatting devotees.


So I'm standing there, doin' my thing, getting bad-vibed by all of the people 
squatting there in the hall, and up walks Clint Fucking Eastwood. I'd met him 
briefly at the airport, but here he was right in front of me, wanting to go 
into Maharishi's room, where his friend and the host of the TV show Merv 
Griffin already were. Well, I didn't have to "take his name" because he was one 
of the entries on a "short list" I'd been given about who to let in 
immediately. So I just said, "Hi Clint." 

But then Clint noticed the pile of shoes by the door. 

He looked at me, standing there in my stocking feet, and at the pile of shoes, 
and then back to me. He was not smiling. I don't think I can adequately convey 
what it's like to be "not smiled at" by Clint Fucking Eastwood, so I shall not 
even try. 

He said, "Are we supposed to take our shoes off?"

I said, "Well, it's traditional, Clint." 

He gave me another Dirty Harry look, like, "Do you KNOW who you're asking to 
take off his boots?" This was, after all, the #1 Box Office Star in the world 
at that point in time. But then he smiled and shrugged and pulled off his 
cowboy boots. That's when I figured out what his hesitation had been about. 

The #1 Box Office Star In The World had holes in his socks. I clearly remember 
that one big toe was sticking out, and the two little piggies on each foot were 
definitely trying to make a break for it and head to the nearest market. 

He looked down at his 
not-quite-appropriately-clad-for-meeting-a-spiritual-teacher feet, grinned 
amiably, and walked in. 

I really LOVE this Clint Eastwood moment. Probably better than any of the 
moments in his movies. 


Still standing in the hall. Merv and Clint are inside with Maharishi, people 
are still coming up to me asking to see Maharishi and I am still trying to be 
polite and write down their names and their stories on the pieces of paper I 
pass through the door. A couple of dozen people are still squatting on the 
floor, bad-vibing me Big Time because I haven't called their name yet. 

And up walks Charlie Lutes. 

I tell him the procedure, write his n

Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
Richard, can you tell me something: when people text from their phones, how do 
they type, for example, an M rather than an N or an O?

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 8:12 AM, Richard J. Williams  
On 4/12/2014 6:07 AM, Turquoise wrote:
> The keys are a little too small and close together for my taste, and 
> the layout itself is Apple-clonish and thus unfamiliar, but it's sure 
> a lot better than trying to thumb-type. 
In high school I took touch typing, bookkeeping and auto shop. We used a 
manual typewriter and then got trained on an IBM Selectric. Later I 
learned how to set type using a Vari-Typer. I got into desktop 
publishing in 1994 using an IBM and DOS, then later a Mac and Aldus 
PageMaker. I've also had several years experience using a PC with Quark 
Xpress, up to version 6.0. and Adobe FramMaker. These days everyone 
seems to be using Adobe InDesign- Rita and I are both computer 

The best computer keyboard was probably the IBM Standard Keyboard with 
the electro/mechanical keys. It was big and clunky but it had all the 
keys in the right places and a full number keyboard as well. The closest 
thing to this keyboard today is a Rosewill. We are using a Keytronic on 
our desktop machine - it makes a distinctive sound when you press the keys.

If you want to be able to do rapid typing there's no better place than 
at a desk with a good chair and a full-size keyboard. After playing 
Letter Invaders for a few hours, most anyone can get their speed up to 
100 WPM. One thing to remember about typing: the keys on a keyboard do 
not move; they are always in the same position on the keyboard - it's 
your mind that does the moving. Go figure.

However, the keys on most laptops and ultra books suck big time, not to 
even speak of the keys on phones. Those "chiklet" keyboards are crap - 
don't get me started on the touch-screen keyboards!

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] new internet bug

2014-04-12 Thread Share Long
Probably some of you already know about the Heartbleed Bug but just in case you 
The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now
   The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Ch...
Heartbleed: A look at which companies have issued a security patch to fix the 
Heartbleed bug.  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: What would have happened to the rioting pandits in Pakistan

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
Yes, "serial farthing" was a classic of its kind, perhaps never to be outdone 
by anyone.. 



 (grin) That would be "failure," not "faiure." 



 Not to mention a faiure by the Professional Writer among us to spell-check his 

 Still, it doesn't come close to outdoing his "serial farthing" blooper.



 Judy will probably feel the need to point out that none of the pandits were 9 
months old, so this is an attempt to lie and misleed. :-)  Best line: 

 Musa Khan
 accused alongside his father and grandfather of being part of a mob who threw 
rocks with intent to kill police.


 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted Murder Is Free To Go
 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted ...
 A Pakistani court has withdrawn the case against a nine-month-old baby who was 
accused of attempted murder alongside 12 members of his family. Musa Khan was...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: What would have happened to the rioting pandits in Pakistan

2014-04-12 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 (grin) That would be "failure," not "faiure." 



 Not to mention a faiure by the Professional Writer among us to spell-check his 

 Still, it doesn't come close to outdoing his "serial farthing" blooper.



 Judy will probably feel the need to point out that none of the pandits were 9 
months old, so this is an attempt to lie and misleed. :-)  Best line: 

 Musa Khan
 accused alongside his father and grandfather of being part of a mob who threw 
rocks with intent to kill police.


 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted Murder Is Free To Go
 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted ...
 A Pakistani court has withdrawn the case against a nine-month-old baby who was 
accused of attempted murder alongside 12 members of his family. Musa Khan was...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: So, you think you can dance?

2014-04-12 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 This is for you, Emily:

 LOVE THIS! Made me laugh and grin and feel good. If I could hold what that 
lady has in her at her age and still do what she was willing to do then I have 
"made it". She appears to have, at that moment, a life well lived. This was a 
well-timed post, Judy.


 Ha. It was a beautiful line from Share to Emily, I thought.  No one dismisses 
her posts better than Share does.  



 Well, took you long enough!  I first posted this.  Share's response was 
"Thanks, Emily. I admit I've never developed an appreciation for jazz. Maybe 
next lifetime smile."   Then, Nabby went  hog wild and posted it from every 
country he could find.  Now, you have jumped on the happy train, hopefully 
working up a few more dance steps.  I feel kind of sorry for Share, all this 
"happiness" to deal with, even though it is a song from her favorite movie, 
Despicable Me 2.  It's all part of her journey to "full development," I guess.  

 I wouldn't categorize this song as "jazz", far from it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
Oh please tell, tell 'em - I ain't never heard those stories!

On Sat, 4/12/14, TurquoiseBee  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?
 To: "" 
 Date: Saturday, April 12, 2014, 11:50 AM
   I, for one, would like to thank Nablus for
 demonstrating to the press why I nominated him as one of
 Fairfield Life's two PERFECT examples of what the
 long-term practice of TM and the TM-Sidhis produces. I await
 the other nominee chiming in (as below, to "set the
 record straight") to point out that the only person who
 ever claimed that the Turq (moi) was ever kept away from
 Maharishi's door was Nablus himself.
 Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous
 that Heretic Turk got to spend one night as the "door
 guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got closer
 to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He
 shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it
 provided fodder for a couple of good Clint Eastwood and
 Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-) 

 Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:10 PM
  Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo

 We have only the
 Turq's word for that and they are of course very
 balanced and trustworthy. Kicked out or barred as Williams
 points out amounts to the same thing. Then we had the fellow
 posting here who claimed the Turq was kept outside and a
 good distance from Maharishi's door whenever he visited
 LA, apparently for reasons of safety. The Turq
 is many weird things but not so foolish as to not being
 able to read the
  writings on the wall. 
  wrote :
 As we know, Barry
 wasn't kicked out of either group. He left of his own
 > Right. He
 left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End
 of story.
 There is no evidence that Barry worked
 for the TMO or ever was a member 
 of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO
 or the Rama 
 group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been
 kicked out 
 trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast!
 Antivirus protection is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: So, you think you can dance?

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
This is for you, Emily:



 Ha. It was a beautiful line from Share to Emily, I thought.  No one dismisses 
her posts better than Share does.  



 Well, took you long enough!  I first posted this.  Share's response was 
"Thanks, Emily. I admit I've never developed an appreciation for jazz. Maybe 
next lifetime smile."   Then, Nabby went  hog wild and posted it from every 
country he could find.  Now, you have jumped on the happy train, hopefully 
working up a few more dance steps.  I feel kind of sorry for Share, all this 
"happiness" to deal with, even though it is a song from her favorite movie, 
Despicable Me 2.  It's all part of her journey to "full development," I guess.  

 I wouldn't categorize this song as "jazz", far from it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What would have happened to the rioting pandits in Pakistan

2014-04-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/12/2014 8:06 AM, wrote:
Not to mention a faiure by the Professional Writer among us to 
spell-check his post...

The Corrector got to work really early this morning!

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] What would have happened to the rioting pandits in Pakistan

2014-04-12 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 4/12/2014 7:21 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

part of a mob who threw rocks with intent to kill police.

Apparently throwing rocks at the police is a capital offense in 
Pakistan, so any boy pundit would would probably be shot by the 
Mujahadeen insurgency. These insurgents are Islamic terrorist groups 
from Pakistan-administered Kashmir and Afghanistan, fighting to make 
Jammu and Kashmir, a part of Pakistan. The terrorists have been killing 
many citizens in Kashmir and committing human rights violations.

It should be noted that in Kashmir the term "pandit" means a Hindu.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Same cafe, different tech

2014-04-12 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 4/12/2014 6:07 AM, Turquoise wrote:
> The keys are a little too small and close together for my taste, and 
> the layout itself is Apple-clonish and thus unfamiliar, but it's sure 
> a lot better than trying to thumb-type. 
In high school I took touch typing, bookkeeping and auto shop. We used a 
manual typewriter and then got trained on an IBM Selectric. Later I 
learned how to set type using a Vari-Typer. I got into desktop 
publishing in 1994 using an IBM and DOS, then later a Mac and Aldus 
PageMaker. I've also had several years experience using a PC with Quark 
Xpress, up to version 6.0. and Adobe FramMaker. These days everyone 
seems to be using Adobe InDesign- Rita and I are both computer 

The best computer keyboard was probably the IBM Standard Keyboard with 
the electro/mechanical keys. It was big and clunky but it had all the 
keys in the right places and a full number keyboard as well. The closest 
thing to this keyboard today is a Rosewill. We are using a Keytronic on 
our desktop machine - it makes a distinctive sound when you press the keys.

If you want to be able to do rapid typing there's no better place than 
at a desk with a good chair and a full-size keyboard. After playing 
Letter Invaders for a few hours, most anyone can get their speed up to 
100 WPM. One thing to remember about typing: the keys on a keyboard do 
not move; they are always in the same position on the keyboard - it's 
your mind that does the moving. Go figure.

However, the keys on most laptops and ultra books suck big time, not to 
even speak of the keys on phones. Those "chiklet" keyboards are crap - 
don't get me started on the touch-screen keyboards!

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What would have happened to the rioting pandits in Pakistan

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
(grin) That would be "failure," not "faiure." 



 Not to mention a faiure by the Professional Writer among us to spell-check his 



 Judy will probably feel the need to point out that none of the pandits were 9 
months old, so this is an attempt to lie and misleed. :-)  Best line: 

 Musa Khan
 accused alongside his father and grandfather of being part of a mob who threw 
rocks with intent to kill police.


 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted Murder Is Free To Go
 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted ...
 A Pakistani court has withdrawn the case against a nine-month-old baby who was 
accused of attempted murder alongside 12 members of his family. Musa Khan was...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: What would have happened to the rioting pandits in Pakistan

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
Not to mention a faiure by the Professional Writer among us to spell-check his 



 Judy will probably feel the need to point out that none of the pandits were 9 
months old, so this is an attempt to lie and misleed. :-)  Best line: 

 Musa Khan
 accused alongside his father and grandfather of being part of a mob who threw 
rocks with intent to kill police.


 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted Murder Is Free To Go
 The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted ...
 A Pakistani court has withdrawn the case against a nine-month-old baby who was 
accused of attempted murder alongside 12 members of his family. Musa Khan was...

 View on www.huffingtonpost...
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] Re: Scientifically Validated

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
OK. Did you think I had been disagreeing with you that "the TMO will use 
anything to promote its woo woo claims" and that another example of same would 
convince me or prove me wrong? 

 Because, see, I've been talking about only this particular case (the morning 
sunshine study). You had asked, "But if it is something like this then what 
right have the TMO got to claim woo woo?" and I suggested that we didn't know 
whether this particular case was an example of the TMO claiming woo-woo. I 
thought it might be the opposite, actually, that the study was being used as 
evidence that TM Vastu's insistence on morning sunlight being healthier was not 
a woo-woo claim but rather was in accord with what the study seemed to show. 
IOW, I was questioning your assumption that it was being used as evidence for 
woo-woo (but, again, only with regard to this particular case).

 I could cite all manner of anecdotes about the TMO claiming woo-woo. But as 
you say, the plural of "anecdote" is not "data." That the TMO does this a lot 
doesn't mean every claim it makes is for woo-woo.

 Take Maharishi Ayur-Veda. Plenty of woo-woo claims there, but quite a bit of 
it is just good health advice (get plenty of sleep and exercise, eat on a 
regular schedule, etc.). If the TMO were to cite scientific studies showing 
that it's good to get plenty of sleep, as a way of validating MA-V's 
recommendation to that effect, would you ask what right the TMO had to claim 




 If you cast your mind back, this conversation is about how the TMO will use 
anything to promote its woo woo claims. The forest fire was another example.
---In,  wrote :

 I do remember that, yes. And so...what? Were you thinking I'd have endorsed 
that claim? Did you think it had anything to do with what I was saying about 
the morning sun study?



 And do you remember that forest fire a few years back that didn't affect any 
vastu homes? What did the TMO claim about that? Invincibility that's what, 
"nature won't allow you to be harmed if you live in vastu" etc.

 I put it to the test and wrote to the journalist who covered the fire story in 
the local paper and, what a surprise, he had a rather different story to tell 
about rapidly shifting winds affecting some houses but not others in a 
seemingly random way. And the simple fact that the vastu development was too 
new to have foliage that could spread the fire to the houses. He was there and 
was highly unconvinced there was anything spooky involved. 

---In,  wrote :

 Rubbish yourself. It's not at all obvious they were trying to make woo-woo of 
it. "Vindication," quite possibly, but that's not at all the same thing. And it 
might well be relevant to whatever Vastu says about sunlight in the home. From 
what I've read, many Vastu principles have nothing to do with "woo-woo," 
they're just about making one's living environment as healthy as possible. 

 I sleep in my living room because its windows face east, and I've always felt 
more energized when I wake up to morning sunlight. Nothing to do with TM (or 
depression, bi- or monopolar, for that matter). 

 No, never saw the stuff about the brain working "better" when it's facing east.

 I think your "bipolar sleep resetting" idea is something of a stretch. Sure 
would be interesting to see the whole study, see what the authors made of their 
results, whether they suggested a possible mechanism for the effect.



 Rubbish, it wouldn't be the first time they'd picked something irrelevant or 
vaguely samey sounding and held it up as vindication. And it was in a classroom 
studying vastu, so it's pretty obvious what sort of hay they are trying to 

  Remember all the BS the TMO co-opted about the brain working "better" when 
it's facing east? It made a lot of TM brochures and broadcasts and there was a 
link to the Journal of Neurophysiology which, when followed, led you to a bunch 
of papers about how rats find their way about in the dark. There wasn't even 
any preference among the rat brains for any particular direction. My guess is 
they think people don't follow links.

 What did you think of my ideas about bipolar dawn sleep resetting? Rather good 
for a breakfast post I thought


---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, we don't know what kind of hay the TMO was trying to make with this 
study (the MUMOSA guy doesn't bother to tell us). For all we know, it was 
simply that Vastu principles are in accord with current scientific thinking, 
nothing woo-woo about it.



 Just thinking out loud because I can't afford to read every science paper I'd 
like to either, but if it is something like this then what right have the TMO 
got to claim woo woo? And it doesn't even make sense if they do because you'd 
have to have an east facing bedroom (and not all of them are) and it would 
matter if the front door faced south ev

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
Now Barry is freaked because I set the record straight on his behalf as to 
whether he jumped or was pushed from the TMO and Lenz's group. And in front of 
all these lurking reporters too, introducing a blemish on his characterization 
of me as a "PERFECT example" of what the long-term practice of TM and the 
TM-Sidhis produces (because, of course, no such PERFECT example would ever 
stand up for a TM critic). 

 Hmmm. No such PERFECT example would ever take Judith Bourque's book as 
evidence that Maharishi wasn't celibate, either, and yet I've been doing that 
ever since the book came out. I guess Barry's having one of his little memory 

 As I've pointed out before, he can't win for losing.



 I, for one, would like to thank Nablus for demonstrating to the press why I 
nominated him as one of Fairfield Life's two PERFECT examples of what the 
long-term practice of TM and the TM-Sidhis produces. I await the other nominee 
chiming in (as below, to "set the record straight") to point out that the only 
person who ever claimed that the Turq (moi) was ever kept away from Maharishi's 
door was Nablus himself. 

 Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous that Heretic Turk got to 
spend one night as the "door guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got 
closer to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it provided fodder for a couple of 
good Clint Eastwood and Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-)  :-)


 From: nablusoss1008 
 Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?
 We have only the Turq's word for that and they are of course very balanced and 
trustworthy. Kicked out or barred as Williams points out amounts to the same 
 Then we had the fellow posting here who claimed the Turq was kept outside and 
a good distance from Maharishi's door whenever he visited LA, apparently for 
reasons of safety. The Turq is many weird things but not so foolish as to not 
being able to read the writings on the wall. 

---In,  wrote :

 As we know, Barry wasn't kicked out of either group. He left of his own 

 > Right. He left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End of story. 
 > >
 There is no evidence that Barry worked for the TMO or ever was a member 
 of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO or the Rama 
 group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been kicked out 
 trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread authfriend
(I think you meant "obviously not.")  I mentioned it because I thought Bhairitu 
might find it of interest; he'd been talking about shakti being generated, for 
him, in connection with the TM-Sidhis.. It was just an experience; you're 
welcome to make of it what you will. I wasn't making any claims for it except 
that for me, the "tingle in the air" the flying sutra seems to generate might 
not be a placebo effect, because at that point (at my friend's house) I had 
never heard any suggestions along those lines, and I had no idea what my 
friend's program involved in terms of timing, i.e., at what point she would be 
using the flying sutra. The "tingle" was completely unexpected, I didn't know 
what might have been responsible, and it occurred to me what it likely was only 
in retrospect. (BTW, it wasn't "45 minutes." That was how long I waited after 
she'd gone into the room and closed the door before I started to meditate. The 
"tingles" toward the end of my meditation lasted only a few minutes.)

 I'm all for testing for "spooky stuff." You couldn't test this example using 
me as a subject, though, because I'm no longer "innocent." But sure, it would 
be interesting to test for shakti-like effects. Not sure why you'd need a 
Faraday cage; seems to me it would be interesting either way. Maybe shakti is 
electromagnetic in nature (if it exists, of course).

 (BTW, I believe there was at least one study of the EEG of a person meditating 
(or not?) at MIU while a large group was doing the TM-Sidhi program at Amherst. 
It reported specific EEG changes in the test subject that were coordinated with 
what the folks were doing in Amherst. The test subject wasn't aware of the 
timing. Maybe Lawson remembers more details of the study. Don't think a Faraday 
cage was used.)

 I really can't understand why you'd question my reporting a personal 
experience possibly involving some kind of woo-woo, or what you thought I had 
"given away" by doing so. You've reported a few of your own such experiences, 
as I recall.

 Have you ever questioned Barry about his reports of Fred Lenz levitating? Or 
Bhairitu about his reports of shakti during TM-Sidhis practice, for that matter?





 Did you think I had suggested it was anything but an anecdote, Salyavin?

 Obviously, but you implied it was a spooky event. The 45 minute experience 
when you didn't know what she was doing next door and then realising it was the 
same when you did YF, is what gave it away. 


 Data about spooky events would be the most important scientific discovery  
ever, but no one wants to take it further. Things like this would be easy to 
test. We have a subject (you) a method by which it could be tested (comparisons 
between group YF and solo YF or just meditating). all you need is a Faraday 
cage and some positive results and you've rewritten human history. We don't 
take anecdotal data as evidence though, hence my remark.

 And I'm sure I could think of a few alternatives to rule out first

 Ah, if only the plural of anecdote was data...

---In,  wrote :

 Thank you. How about his second question, do you have any comments on that? 

 "I mean, in theory, just about anything could be seen as potentially a siddhi, 
when the action is performed by a fully enlightened person. What activities 
would provide better "stitches" between relative and absolute, do you think?"

 With regard to hopping and muscle power, I partly agree--my experience has 
been that I'm using my muscles, but they aren't being controlled by the usual 
brain pathways somehow. It's more like a sneeze or a knee-jerk reflex or a 
yawn. Like you, I'm no athlete, but hopping never tired me out. And it's 
definitely triggered by the sutra, which in my case fairly quickly became just 
an impulse of something like electricity, a little tingle, no discernible 
words. With a group that was actively hopping, that impulse seemed to be in the 
air from all the people who were generating it.

 Before I took the TM-Sidhis course, I was at the home of a friend who was a 
governor. We did our program before dinner; she went into another room and 
closed the door because she was doing the TM-Sidhis and I wasn't.  I started 
meditating about 45 minutes later, and was surprised to suddenly feel that 
tingle, on and off. Had no idea what it was, it was totally unexpected. And I 
couldn't hear her hopping--I don't know if she actually was physically hopping, 
but I would have been feeling it while she was doing the flying sutra. It was 
only during my flying block that I realized it was the same tingle.



 Which question?  The one about what siddhis were left out?  I'm not sure the 
Patanjali even covered the Vamachari Siddhis which are what I learned in 
tantra.  They are given out carefully because they can be misused.  In fact the 
Maran siddhis are only learned to help people who have afflicted by someone 
misusing them (aka "bl

[FairfieldLife] What would have happened to the rioting pandits in Pakistan

2014-04-12 Thread TurquoiseBee
Judy will probably feel the need to point out that none of the pandits were 9 
months old, so this is an attempt to lie and misleed. :-)  Best line:

Musa Khan was accused alongside his father and grandfather of being part of a 
mob who threw rocks with intent to kill police.

The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted Murder Is Free To Go

   The 9-Month-Old Baby Charged With Attempted ...
A Pakistani court has withdrawn the case against a nine-month-old baby who was 
accused of attempted murder alongside 12 members of his family. Musa Khan 
View on www.huffingtonpost... Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Ah, mother India, "home of all knowledge"

2014-04-12 Thread TurquoiseBee
It's good for Neo-Hindus to have a role model:

'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should Be Hanged And Rape Is No Big Deal'

   'Women Who Have Sex Outside Marriage Should B...
It seems that politicians in India's largest and most politically important 
state are currently trying to outdo each other by making the most shocking 
statement pos...  
View on www.huffingtonpost... Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] God sues Equifax

2014-04-12 Thread TurquoiseBee
I know this sounds like a New York Post headline, but believe me, my headline 
is even more flamboyant than theirs:

Man with first name ‘God’ runs into credit-rating issues

   Man with first name ‘God’ runs into credit-rating issues
A Brooklyn businessman is ­suing the credit-reporting agency Equifax for 
falsely reporting him as having no financial history ­because their system 
rejects his ...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread TurquoiseBee
I, for one, would like to thank Nablus for demonstrating to the press why I 
nominated him as one of Fairfield Life's two PERFECT examples of what the 
long-term practice of TM and the TM-Sidhis produces. I await the other nominee 
chiming in (as below, to "set the record straight") to point out that the only 
person who ever claimed that the Turq (moi) was ever kept away from Maharishi's 
door was Nablus himself.

Personally, I think that Nabby is just still jealous that Heretic Turk got to 
spend one night as the "door guard" at Maharishi's door, and he never got 
closer to the man than the cheap seats in an auditorium. He shouldn't was a boring gig, except that it provided fodder for a couple of 
good Clint Eastwood and Charlie Lutes stories.  :-)  :-)  :-)

 From: nablusoss1008 
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

We have only the Turq's word for that and they are of course very balanced and 
trustworthy. Kicked out or barred as Williams points out amounts to the same 
Then we had the fellow posting here who claimed the Turq was kept outside and a 
good distance from Maharishi's door whenever he visited LA, apparently for 
reasons of safety. The Turq is many weird things but not so foolish as to not 
being able to read the writings on the wall. 

---In,  wrote :

As we know, Barry wasn't kicked out of either group. He left of his own accord.

> Right. He left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End of story.
>>There is no evidence that Barry worked for the TMO or ever was a member 
>of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO or the Rama 
>group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been kicked out 
>trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
>This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
>protection is active.

[FairfieldLife] Must-a Been A Miracle

2014-04-12 Thread Michael Jackson
Maybe the Space Bros did it when the weather was too bad to create a crop 
circle, or maybe its a bona fide miracle from all the Purusha and yogic flyers 
in Germany.

Cups With Hitler’s Image Are Investigated in Germany

BERLIN — Some people think they see statues of saints weeping or an image of 
Jesus in their toast. A woman in western Germany recently thought she saw Adolf 
Hitler on a cup, nestled between rose petals and gaudy English writing. It 
turns out she was not imagining the profile of the man with a toothbrush 

The question of how hundreds of cups bearing a stamp from the Third Reich 
showing Hitler’s profile made their way to the shelves of a family-owned 
furniture and housewares chain has become a matter for the authorities. On 
Friday, prosecutors in Dortmund said they had opened an investigation over a 
display of Nazi symbols, which is illegal in Germany.

“Nothing like this has ever happened in 75 years that my family has been in the 
business,” said Christian Zurbrüggen, director of the chain based in Unna, 
Germany, that bears his family’s name. He said the cups had been ordered from a 
producer in China and nobody noticed the stamp, visible only on some of the 
cups, when they were unpacked and put on display.

The kitschy, vintage-style cups were on sale for three days at the Zurbrüggen 
stores before anyone noticed the small stamp showing the profile of the Nazi 
dictator above the word “Reich,” complete with a swastika postmark.

“Our workers are dismayed and embarrassed, the producer has apologized for the 
error, and we have apologized to our customers for this terrible mistake that 
resulted from a chain of unfortunate circumstances,” Mr. Zurbrüggen said in a 
telephone interview.

Customers have been offered a 20-euro gift certificate in exchange for 
returning their Hitler cup, which originally sold for 1.99 euros.

The cups came to the public’s attention after a woman from the city of Herford, 
identified only as Agnes T., brought a cup to her local newspaper, the Neue 
Westfälische. “I thought I wasn’t seeing right,” she told the newspaper.

So far, 16 of the 175 sold have been returned, reflecting a certain popularity 
of the cups that caught the attention of the German media and even stirred the 
interest of the country’s Museum of Contemporary History.

“It is our mission to collect objects that have a relevance to contemporary 
culture,” said Peter Hoffmann, a spokesman for the museum in Bonn. The museum’s 
interest does not lie in the uproar surrounding the cups, Mr. Hoffmann said.

“It’s the story that is behind the cup that is interesting,” he said. “But we 
don’t know right now how it came to be, whether it was intended as a joke, or 
was simply ignorance.”

Mr. Zurbrüggen said his company was cooperating with prosecutors to help 
resolve that very question and have inquired with the Chinese producers and the 
company that designed the cup. The remaining stock has been destroyed, he said.

Germans are highly sensitized to reproductions of Nazi symbols, which are 
banned in the country, and move swiftly to remove them or take action against 
anyone displaying them. Yet in spite, or perhaps because of this, every time an 
image of Hitler pops up somewhere, it still causes a sensation.

“Whenever Hitler shows up, the world shows an interest,” Mr. Hoffmann said.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-12 Thread nablusoss1008

 We have only the Turq's word for that and they are of course very balanced and 
trustworthy. Kicked out or barred as Williams points out amounts to the same 
 Then we had the fellow posting here who claimed the Turq was kept outside and 
a good distance from Maharishi's door whenever he visited LA, apparently for 
reasons of safety. The Turq is many weird things but not so foolish as to not 
being able to read the writings on the wall. 

---In,  wrote :

 As we know, Barry wasn't kicked out of either group. He left of his own 

 > Right. He left of his own accord rather than being kicked out. End of story. 
 > >
 There is no evidence that Barry worked for the TMO or ever was a member 
 of the Rama group. But, IF the Turq HAD worked for the TMO or the Rama 
 group, he would have been kicked out. He would have been kicked out 
 trashing MMY and Rama. He is guilty. Case closed.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
protection is active.

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