Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: One last set of thoughts for Curtis

2014-05-04 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote : My guess is that having preferences or hierarchies is hard wired into us for survival value. I disagree. I see nothing wrong with preference or believing in hierarchies, but I definitely don't see them as the same thing. Despite your attempt at

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are the TM-Sidhis nothing but Placebo Effect?

2014-04-10 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote : Share, I do like Barry, but I think he has gone ecstatic with this new theory he's put forth. I think he thinks he's found the Rosetta Stone or something. Steve, I suspect you might want to rethink this. Yesterday I posted a *theory*, presenting

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Unstressing or Demons?

2014-04-10 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote : You make the point well, Ann. I don't know many who took these claims at face value, and thereby set themselves up for disillusionment. Well, I'd say that at least 5,000 did, because isn't that the number who paid thousands of dollars each f

Re: [FairfieldLife] Non-Celebrity TM Endorsements

2014-03-26 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote : I guess I'm a young'n. I'm not yet 59. So young, and ostensibly a software engineer, and "enhanced" by decades of TM improving your creative intelligence, and yet completely unable to figure out how to find and click the "Show message history" l

[FairfieldLife] Oh my!

2014-03-25 Thread turquoiseb

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Violet and Daisy mini movie review

2014-03-23 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote : You might want to check out the CW series "The 100" which debuted this last week. Usually CW, whose target audience is younger, has some fairly adolescent shows and of course the central characters in this one are older teens. The premise is th

[FairfieldLife] Re: Violet and Daisy mini movie review

2014-03-22 Thread turquoiseb
Thanks for mentioning this. I'd had it on my watch list for a while anyway, because of Saoirse Ronan, but it turned out to be a rather more interesting movie than I was counting on. I just loved the opening hit/joke scene. ---In, wrote : "Violet and Daisy" is

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village Kansas City

2014-03-20 Thread turquoiseb
Sorry, I meant to direct these questions to Steve, not Michael. ---In, wrote : Can you expand upon this, Michael? - Where do you get your information from about the numbers of people starting TM? - What kind of numbers are you talking about? 10s? 100s

[FairfieldLife] Invitation for TMers to be positive about the pundit program

2014-03-13 Thread turquoiseb
I can't help noticing -- and in fact have commented on it today -- that most of the responses to the "pundit riot" furor have been pretty much standard cult fare, primarily consisting of "Shoot the messenger" and trying to demonize critics. And this coming from people who specialize in shoutin

[FairfieldLife] So what have we learned from the pundit riots?

2014-03-13 Thread turquoiseb
Carl Sagan quote Saqan quote

[FairfieldLife] A sunny afternoon in God-forsaken Holland

2014-03-12 Thread turquoiseb
It's strange. I live in a university town, but there are no riots happening. There are some folks, after all, who are trying to convince me that if riots *were* happening, it would be a sign of the rioters acting in accord with the Laws Of Nature. Not that the *lack* of evidence of the Laws Of

[FairfieldLife] You gotta admit...

2014-03-12 Thread turquoiseb
The term "Vedic pundit riots" has a real ring to it. It's got mileage, meme- and media-wise. It'll be hard to spin this one positively. I mean, the image conveyed is a lot like the one below. "Holy boys" who describe themselves as "creators of world peace" out in the streets rioting and wasting

[FairfieldLife] President Barack Obama Between Two Ferns

2014-03-11 Thread turquoiseb
Really. The prez as a guest on the worst TV talk show in the world, Zack Galafanakis' "Between Two Ferns." HIlarious.

[FairfieldLife] How to deal with confrontation junkies

2014-03-11 Thread turquoiseb
We all know who they are. The ultimate "confrontation junkie" on this forum, of course, was Robin Carlsen, whose whole *ACT* revolved around saying something provocative about someone else here, and then trying to goad them into replying, and thus engaging in a one-on-one argument with him. Sec

[FairfieldLife] True Detective: epilogue

2014-03-10 Thread turquoiseb
Very satisfying conclusion to what will undoubtedly be seen as the best TV show of the year. I'll offer no spoilers, just reflections. First, it was *exactly* My Kinda Series because it was almost completely character-driven. As series writer Nic Pizzolatto confirms in a long interview today,

[FairfieldLife] True Detective: epilogue

2014-03-10 Thread turquoiseb
Very satisfying conclusion to what will undoubtedly be seen as the best TV show of the year. I'll offer no spoilers, just reflections. First, it was *exactly* My Kinda Series because it was almost completely character-driven. As series writer Nic Pizzolatto confirms in a long interview today,

[FairfieldLife] Card should like this

2014-03-08 Thread turquoiseb

[FairfieldLife] Another fascinating article

2014-03-08 Thread turquoiseb
This one about why repetition is the mother of retention.

[FairfieldLife] Monotaskable vs. Multitaskable Entertainment

2014-03-08 Thread turquoiseb
Here's a rap thrown out just to see if anyone else identifies with it. I have only recently noticed a certain trend in my TV and my at-home movie watching behavior, although it's been going on for years. I probably wouldn't have noticed it at all if my brother -- like me a born multitasker -- h

[FairfieldLife] Two science articles that might be of interest to people here

2014-03-07 Thread turquoiseb
First, is there such a thing as the self? Second, scientists document OBEs using an MRI machine.

[FairfieldLife] The View from Einstein's Cafe

2014-03-07 Thread turquoiseb
I'm enjoying my Friday off by venturing out for my first outdoor writing cafe afternoon of the season here in Leiden. It's *not* as if this has been a bad "outdoors" winter. In fact, it's been the second-warmest winter since 1706. But still, unlike Paris, few of the cafes here with outdoor terra

[FairfieldLife] Good article about the best show currently on TV

2014-03-07 Thread turquoiseb
It's about bloody time someone took on the critics who dump on the show simply because they *can't follow the dialogue*. As one of the detectives questioning Rust Cohle, totally incomprehending after hearing another of his philosophical monologues replies to it, "That's above my pay grade." The

[FairfieldLife] The M word

2014-03-06 Thread turquoiseb
Another word that I think some on this forum seem to have an aversion to is mindfulness. What, when you saw the Subject line you thought I was going to rap about "motherfucker?" Or some other colorful but button-pushing term? Nope, just mindfulness. The term -- and presumably the practice --

[FairfieldLife] RE: The other C word

2014-03-06 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote : What's the other one, besides 'cunt', Barry? I don't think anyone has issues with those words, whatever that second one is - until you use them to insult people - then it obviously upsets your target, and makes you sound terribly crude, and ignora

[FairfieldLife] The Black Budget

2014-03-06 Thread turquoiseb
Hi. We're the people who defend you and make you feel safe. We'd like to spend 58.7 billion dollars of your money on things we're not going to tell you about. Just sign here... http://www.thed

[FairfieldLife] The other C word

2014-03-06 Thread turquoiseb
I suspect that anyone who has followed this forum for any length of time knows that a lot of the TM adherents here have issues with a couple of C words. But relax...I'm not going to rap about them again. On my day off today, I'd like to rap about a third C word that I suspect many TMers here als

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-06 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote : > > And look what it got her - married to an egotistical whacked out adherent to > another cult (but he can act) - he certainly acts like he is a regular human > being when he mugs in front of the camera - wonder if Nicole was allowed to > do T

[FairfieldLife] Bad movie review: The Bag Man

2014-03-05 Thread turquoiseb
Truth in advertising. Note the word "bad" in the Subject line. It is not there by accident. Here's the poster for the movie...see if you can notice something a little "off" about it: Here's a hint: note the font size of the three "top billed" names of actors associated with this movie. John

Re: [FairfieldLife] In Media Res: a TV series season opener review

2014-03-02 Thread turquoiseb
---In, wrote: I won't be reading this because I will be watching "Hannibal" tonight on Hulu+. But I was going to mention yesterday that the second season started last night and that I almost rented the BD of "Machete Kills" for the evening but decided on watchi

[FairfieldLife] Film review: Winter's Tale

2014-03-02 Thread turquoiseb
Akiva Goldsman (screenwriter of an odd combination of films that include "Batman Forever," "A Beautiful Mind," "I, Robot," "The Da Vinci Code," "I Am Legend," "Angels & Demons," and producer/writer of "Fringe") makes this his directorial debut, and I for one think he does a fairly creditable job

[FairfieldLife] In Media Res: a TV series season opener review

2014-03-01 Thread turquoiseb
We find ourselves in an upscale, beautifully-appointed kitchen, where an elegant dinner is being prepared by an impeccably-dressed host. We see the host's knife slicing the raw main dish, and then arranging it into a presentation that can legitimately be called art. He walks across the room and

[FairfieldLife] Peso Pussy Tuesday movie review: Machete Kills

2014-02-28 Thread turquoiseb
Imagine a classic Grindhouse movie version of a James Bond movie made by filmmakers high on a combination of bad Mexican grass, LSD, animal tranquilizers, jimson weed, and mescal so cheap it comes with a plastic worm. Imagine them doing a really, really good job of it. Part of the reason f

[FairfieldLife] Pretty much the definition of LOL

2014-02-28 Thread turquoiseb
At least for me

[FairfieldLife] Cool ad

2014-02-28 Thread turquoiseb
Can't help it...I love creative advertising... Here's another, rated probably not for Buck, but funny as hell. It's a re

[FairfieldLife] UK TV heads-up: The Smoke

2014-02-28 Thread turquoiseb
This one is probably only for UK residents or those of the Pirate persuasion at present, because it seems to be available only on Sky1 in Britain. And it's rated SO "not for Buck" or for TM wussies, but I note it here just so I can be one of the first to predict that Jamie Bamber is on his way t

[FairfieldLife] Laugh Therapy

2014-02-27 Thread turquoiseb
Yesterday I was writing an article and found occasion to remember and write about the concept of laughter as therapy. Voila, this morning I logged on to the Net and found this. I pass the list along without comment, except to point out that if you find yourself in need of a psychic, energetic, o

[FairfieldLife] The Meaning Of Life: ski lift version

2014-02-27 Thread turquoiseb
This is a wonderful story. At the back of my mind, I even have hazy memories of having met a Doug Preston (the author) when I lived in Santa Fe. I certainly know many of the people he writes about, especially the Tibetans with a shop on Canyon Road. I can look around the room I'm currently sitti

[FairfieldLife] Fascinating French film about gender inequality

2014-02-26 Thread turquoiseb
Only about 11 minutes long, this film takes a fascinating look at a society in which one gender rules, while the other is subjected to derision, disrespect, and sexual abuse, all while the ruling gender treats it as normal and does absolutely nothing about it.

[FairfieldLife] Shrooms With A View

2014-02-25 Thread turquoiseb

[FairfieldLife] Best TV commercial ever

2014-02-24 Thread turquoiseb
I got to wondering what Robert Rodriguez was up to, and found that he's busy working on two different projects that both look as if they'll be on my Must Watch list. Both are sequels. The first, co-directed by Frank Miller again, is "Sin City 2: A Dame To KIll For," starring Eva Green, Joseph

[FairfieldLife] Best film insight I've heard in a long, long time

2014-02-23 Thread turquoiseb
As I reported here earlier, ike many people I enjoyed Cate Blanchett's performance in "Blue Jasmine" while hating the character she played. There has rarely *been* a crazier, more narcissistic, and more self-obsessed character portrayed onscreen. So when a good friend watched the film last night

[FairfieldLife] The Truth

2014-02-22 Thread turquoiseb
A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your puny self.

[FairfieldLife] Sport is for everyone, no matter what team you play for

2014-02-22 Thread turquoiseb
Awesome commercial from Norway:

[FairfieldLife] Review: The Last Days On Mars

2014-02-22 Thread turquoiseb
Pretty good science fiction movie made on a fairly low budget but looking better than many big-budget scifi flicks. It's by a first-time Irish writer-director who doesn't feel like a first-timer, and the result is pretty tight, well-done "hard" science fiction. A crew of astronauts exploring Mar

[FairfieldLife] I'm definitely too old for this band, but I may not be able to resist...

2014-02-22 Thread turquoiseb
Walking my dog just now, I noticed a couple of band vans unloading outside Q-Bus, a rock/blues club near where I live. I've still never been there, its choice of talent not coinciding with me having a free evening, but I may have to drop by tonight. Who, after all, can resist a band that calls t

[FairfieldLife] OK, now this is funny

2014-02-22 Thread turquoiseb
And it's funny no matter what you think about the legalization of cannabis...

[FairfieldLife] Watching the movie backwards

2014-02-21 Thread turquoiseb

[FairfieldLife] The Art Of Persuasion

2014-02-21 Thread turquoiseb
Or, "How Buck went from 20 minutes twice a day to two+ hours twice a day plus non-stop proselytizing during the other 20 hours," explained in 59 seconds:

[FairfieldLife] Good news for "Pushing Daisies" fans

2014-02-19 Thread turquoiseb
Not off topic because one of our former FFL members won a Primetime Emmy for editing this wonderful and quirky seles...

[FairfieldLife] Vedic Deco

2014-02-19 Thread turquoiseb
Who knew? The second biggest treasure-trove of Art Deco architecture is in India:

[FairfieldLife] Moonwalking Armadillo

2014-02-18 Thread turquoiseb

[FairfieldLife] How often things happen (if it doesn't blink, click link)

2014-02-17 Thread turquoiseb

[FairfieldLife] The God vs. No-God Thang

2014-02-17 Thread turquoiseb
Not to overly offend those who feel that arguing the existence or non-existence of a God is fun, but I really don't get the point. It's that "not getting the point" that tempts me to follow up on my previous "idiot" posts today. I consider ALL arguments idiotic. Those that involve matters of pu

[FairfieldLife] Theist and TB takes an early lead in the 2014 Darwin Awards contest

2014-02-17 Thread turquoiseb
But there is still time to dose yourself with Maharishi Ayurvedic potions laden with lead and heavy metals if you're interested in competing...

[FairfieldLife] Internet TV review: House Of Cards

2014-02-17 Thread turquoiseb
This weekend, while others on FFL argued about unprovable theoretical shit like the existence of God or tried to insult and demonize those who speak about actual spiritual experience when they can't because they've never had any :-), I, like millions of Americans and now others around the world,

[FairfieldLife] Buddhist Cave Temples

2014-02-16 Thread turquoiseb
Nabby will claim this is a "troll" post because it mentions the dreaded word "Buddhist" in the title. Others can just enjoy, and compare these places of worship to the butt-ugly Fairfield domes. http://www.huffingto

[FairfieldLife] Addicted to Internet porn? You're probably religious...

2014-02-16 Thread turquoiseb
This should come as no surprise to those who equate religion with repression, and repression with encouraging the very behavior it claims to be suppressing. On the other hand, most long-term TB TMers are such sexless dweebs that they probably feel guilty for looking at photos of ice cream on the

[FairfieldLife] A treat for the eyes and the heart

2014-02-16 Thread turquoiseb
During our "Mayamovies" session this morning, I showed this 1956 Oscar-winning classic to Maya and she loved it so much that she demanded to see it twice. I didn't complain, because after all it is 34 minutes of some of the most gorgeous footage of Paris ever, in glorious Technicolor. Enjoy, and

[FairfieldLife] Married Kama Sutra: The World's Least Erotic Sex Manual

2014-02-15 Thread turquoiseb Click the preview link

[FairfieldLife] Who needs screenwriters?

2014-02-13 Thread turquoiseb
This short certainly didn't. Every line of dialog is the name of a movie.

[FairfieldLife] Knights of Badassdom

2014-02-12 Thread turquoiseb
I've been waiting for this one ever since I heard about it on, and it arrived in my Pirate queue at the perfect time, just when I needed a little something to take the taste of "Top Of The Lake" out of my eyes. (Suffice it to say I was underwhelmed.) This one's a hoot, one that

[FairfieldLife] The thing about obsession...

2014-02-12 Thread TurquoiseB that people who are obsessed don't seem capable of recognizing that they're obsessed. Their own behavior goes completely over their heads, and they fail to see what almost everyone watching them sees...that they're caught up in an obsession. As an example, consider some stuck-in-his-head me

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV-inspired rap: Some early "Top Of The Lake" impressions

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, ultrarishi wrote: > > Stick with it. It's good. Most long form crime series pad out their stories with stuff, like the so called angry feminist element you speak of. However, misdirection is a key part of these dramas and the padding is the misdirection. W

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "TurquoiseB" wrote: > > Just for fun, since it appears that she's up at 2:00 AM again obsessing: > > Speaking of "poor memories," Barry never used the phrase "12,000-word > rant." That's a lie. The o

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
exercise, a sort of meta therapeutic venturing forth in the form of this internet forum. I don't think he had really investigated this type of format before other than for a few months on the alt. blahdadeblah (can't remember the name) forum. Judy will know all this history. But I don't t

[FairfieldLife] Growing fresh London

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
This is actually a very cool project, and I wish them the best of luck with it...\ e-farm-in-an-abandoned-wwii-bunker/

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
me for much of our lives. There is a certain freedom in being a consultant that helps when dealing with life's Petty Tyrants. My friend the shrink was familiar with the works of Carlos Castaneda, and he referred to Carlos' descriptions of the Petty Tyrant often when teaching me about NPD. &g

[FairfieldLife] Re: VERY interesting take on the vedas by an Indian writer

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Michael Jackson wrote: > >\ e-religious-will-never-understand-them/ In

[FairfieldLife] For those "I hate my job" days

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
I work at home, and love what I'm doing, so this doesn't apply to me. It also probably doesn't apply to many of the folks here who are either retired or love their jobs. But it's funny, so I pass it along anyway... [\ 3_10151

[FairfieldLife] Re: TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, wrote: > > This post is a superb example of why I said it really sucks to be Barry. Either he believes the delusional crap he wrote, or he knows it's crap but stupidly expects others to believe it. What on earth makes you believe that anyone CARES what you th

[FairfieldLife] TV-inspired rap: Some early "Top Of The Lake" impressions

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
Even though I can certainly see why people liked this series -- the acting is good and the plot/mystery is engrossing -- at the same time I see why I intuitively avoided it for so long. It's Jane Campion. She seems unable to make any film without bringing to it a kind of heavy-handed Angry Feminis

[FairfieldLife] Re: People are beginning to catch on

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
Please note that this post was written at 02:01 AM her time. She's *still* up obsessing about Robin Carlsen, and attacking his perceived "enemies." Can you say "cultist?" I think you can... --- In, wrote: > > So wrong. So wrong. So, so, so wrong. He isn't coming back

[FairfieldLife] TV's "The Following" as a treatise on NPD and psychopathy

2014-02-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Bhairitu wrote: > > I'm glad I went back to check out the remaining episodes of season one > of "The Following" on Netflix. I had bailed after episode three because > it seemed to formulaic. Perhaps Bacon was thinking that too as the > storylines improved ove

[FairfieldLife] Re: People are beginning to catch on

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "TurquoiseB" wrote: > > --- In, "TurquoiseB" wrote: > > > > What is she going to do when *no one* falls for her tarbaby act any > > more, and allows themselves to get sucked into an

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, wrote: > > I am not familiar enough with providers to know if you are able or not able to access that address. But evidently Ann uses it, so perhaps it is more accessible than you think. Don't know. I did a test today, logging in from multiple co

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Essence of the Anti-Robin Carlsen Jihad

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, authcunt wrote: > > Uh-oh. You've made him really nervous, Ann. No, not at all. I'm just curious. You two are the primary Robin defenders and supporters here. You go out of your way to try to convert people to your way of seeing him, and persecute them if th

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Essence of the Robin Carlsen Cult

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, wrote: > > ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote: > > > > --- In, awoe wrote: > > > > > > > > > Can I put this post of Barry's in neon lights? This one has pr

[FairfieldLife] Re: Polar Plunge 2014 . Fairfield Parks and Recreation - YouTube

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "Rick Archer" wrote: > > And to think, people used to bitch about wearing wet dhotis as a technique to keep themselves un-horny and on the program. :-)

[FairfieldLife] The tour of Versailles I'd like to take

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
The palace is actually kinda gaudy. But this is cool. Seen here are the underground resevoirs underneath the Palace of Versailles. Once a year on `maintenance day', the water parterre reservoirs are emptied a

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stevie thinks this was an attempt to fool people, 1 of 2

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
Ahem. Both Judy and (if her word is to be trusted as to what occurred in their "private mails") Robin have said that this exchange of parodies was "the most fun they've had at FFL." Isn't it fascinating that their shared concept of "most fun" is "obsessing about Barry?" :-) --- In FairfieldLif

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy's Marketing

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, wrote: > > 'Rectification', when applied to any situation, hypothesis, calculation, or theory is an indication that something is wrong, that some piece of information or knowledge is missing from the system under consideration, because the expected result did

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Essence of the Robin Carlsen Cult

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, awoe wrote: > > ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote: > > > --- In, someone wrote: > > > > > > Well, Judy has gloated many times about this in the past. And a couple days ago,

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Essence of the Robin Carlsen Cult

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, wrote: > > Well, Judy has gloated many times about this in the past. And a couple days ago, referring to one of her "private" e-mails from Robin, (not to be mistaken for an e-mail from or to, anyone else, this was a "private" e-mail from Robin to her, and not

[FairfieldLife] Re: Marshy's Marketing

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Michael Jackson wrote: > > Glad to be of service - laughin' is good! Next time I'm up in Canada (never been actually) I'll give you a holler. As to Bucky I figgered maybe there was some kinda jyotish rectification for straightening out one's attitude and point

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Essence of the Robin Carlsen Cult

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, wrote: > > If you haven't already done so you might want to read Carlsen's take on Ayatollah Khomeini. To me he was clearly a cruel, narrow-minded fanatic with an instinctive hatred of western ideas of freedom. But where I see black Carlsen sees white. Follow

[FairfieldLife] Re: People are beginning to catch on

2014-02-10 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "TurquoiseB" wrote: > > What is she going to do when *no one* falls for her tarbaby act any > more, and allows themselves to get sucked into an argument with her > just because she wants one? > > I predict panic.

[FairfieldLife] TV review: Ray Donovan

2014-02-09 Thread TurquoiseB
I want to write this to thank those on this forum who recommended this series. I've just binge-watched my way through the first season, and I see what you were raving about. It's a drama about a dysfunctional family. But then, so were "Macbeth" and "Hamlet." And no, of course the language of this

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Robin Carlsen Cult on Fairfield Life

2014-02-09 Thread TurquoiseB
Earlier I said that I'd try to make my second post about Robin Carlsen my last here on FFL today. And I did try, but foreseeing a bunch of retorts from the two cultists asserting that *I* am the one obsessing about him, not them, I'll post for the record (and for those for whom the Yahoo Search eng

[FairfieldLife] The Essence of the Robin Carlsen Cult

2014-02-09 Thread TurquoiseB
I will try to make this my last comment on the nonentity who was Robin Carlsen today, because there seems to be a lingering misconception on this forum about what his "teaching" and his cult were all about. I have my own opinion on the subject, and will state it -- as what it is: OPINION. I do so b

[FairfieldLife] The Robin Carlsen Cult on Fairfield Life

2014-02-09 Thread TurquoiseB
Yesterday I posted, after an attempt by two Robin Carlsen cultists to bring him up again and "clarify" what he believed as only they can: "And on this forum, only two people believe him. Fascinating that they turn out to be the two gullible women who became his cult followers. One "signed on" to h

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, awoecultist wrote: > > ---In, sharelong60@ wrote: > > > > Judy, Robin himself called his alleged enlightenment a delusion. So I think it's inaccurate to use the phrase "enlightened days." > > Here is the important point Share:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crazy Raam crap

2014-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
w&feature=channel <> > ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote: > > --- In, salyavin808 wrote: > > > > You laugh, but I say that every winter and six months l

[FairfieldLife] People are beginning to catch on

2014-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
> Judy, go start you silliness with someone else, please. > Lame, baby, lame. What is she going to do when *no one* falls for her tarbaby act any more, and allows themselves to get sucked into an argument with her just because she wants one? I predict panic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: For Bhairitu

2014-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, wrote: > > ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote: > > --- In, Bhairitu wrote: > > > > On 02/07/2014 10:01 AM, TurquoiseB wrote: > > > > > > --- In Fai

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
> Oh, and of course you were never around Robin during his enlightened days anyway. No one was. There *were* no "enlightened days." There was only Narcissistic Personality Disorder acting itself out. Or do you believe that he *was* enlightened? Please state your position for the record. A simple

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crazy Raam crap

2014-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
er themselves so much more evolved (and thus worthy) are up to their willies and their wonkas in snow and bitching about trudging through it to the magical Woo Woo Domes Of Enlightenment. Go figure. :-) > ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote: > > --- In FairfieldLife

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crazy Raam crap

2014-02-08 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, salyavin808 wrote: > > I like the bit "If we think really, really big nature will support". Yep nature is like that, always willing to help us out. It helps if you appeal to the right people in charge of Nature, though. For example, this kid's "think big" id

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Raam

2014-02-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Michael Jackson wrote: > > M said Robin Carlsen and Andy Rhymer were enlightened. Actually, don't we have only their word on it that Maharishi said that? Robin's word is worth nothing, especially when Maharishi said otherwise when Robin demanded a public stat

[FairfieldLife] Canada's comment on the Olympic Games in Sochi

2014-02-07 Thread TurquoiseB

[FairfieldLife] Review: Lust For Love

2014-02-07 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "TurquoiseB" wrote: > > --- In, Bhairitu wrote: > > > > That said I would expect you to be on top of this one. ;-) > > >

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