Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 yes, salyavin, I would miss you and your delightful sense of humor. So there!

 So why not pop round Rick's house and tell him that Buck is ruining his 
website by deleting all the best people?


 It's true that you don't have to have been in Fairfield to have an opinion 
about TM'ers. But for me it makes the opinion more valid, if it's based on in 
person observation. Otherwise and this often is the case on FFL, the anti TM 
responses seem like knee jerk reactions rooted in the past.

 I would say "carefully considered" rather than "knee jerk" I am still in touch 
with the org in this country and it hasn't changed much though it's interesting 
to see how they coped without the reesh.

 Some changes are good, if shallow, I always knew the internet would be trouble 
for them because they can't lie to control people when the people can just get 
on the net and find out what's going on. Another reason to ban censorship of 


 I think all humans have a vested interest in their conclusions and 
interpretations. Scientists we're often not!

 Still owe you a response...sweet dreams (-:


 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 11:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

 Consider that I keep getting re-incarnated as the same thing.

 But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades!

 Was that your main point? I thought it was that you'd miss me. Boo!

 I don't think you need have to have been in Fairfield at all to have an 
opinion about the TMO or TM as it all occurs in the head. And no matter how 
good a time you're having it doesn't change what I've seen and done. I'd like 
to know more about FF but no one ever posts anything because it gets analysed 
by people like me who might have a different viewpoint to what you've decided 
you want to hear. The recent "vedic" psychiatry debate springs to mind. I had 
some good questions about it for BUck but he didn't respond.

 We have the net to keep us informed of how the inner workings of the TMO are 
going you see so we don't have to visit FF, the changes to the websites tell us 
a lot.What people post here tells us a lot. 

 The thing is we all have a vested interest in our spiritual alma mater and how 
it turns out. Trouble is somebody round here doesn't want us to take part 
because we are "apostates". It's a silly term from a silly man who has ended up 
with too much power which he wields without considering the long term 
ramifications of his actions for the place. But then he doesn't take part 
himself so why should he care?


  Come on guys, get a little hands on and current experience before you wade 
in! Get a little present day skin in the game!

 But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!


 Yes, life, Jai Guru Life, abounds in irony (-:

 I finally looked up TTFN...



 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates


---In,  wrote :

 Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

 Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!

 But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.

 Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.

 But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.

 Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


Blimey! I hope you're not leaving us - or about to get the order of the boot. 

 I thought I would be booted - it isn't like I don't try - Buck's cheap excuse 
to kick off everyone he doesn't like makes me livid. That Rick has let a True 
Believer loose on this place is a travesty of what it was intended to be about. 
Especially as he's behaving exactly like the leaders of the TMO that he's had 
so much disgust of over the years.

 It's like living in Stalin's Russia, every time I wake up I'm not sure which 
of the politburo will have survived the night. But rest assured, he won't twist 
the guidelines to get rid of anyone that he doesn't consider an "apostate". 
Losing Xeno's careful writing and knowledge is another big loss to this place, 
and MJ's companionship was great joy too, anyone who brings so much of their 
life here is worth keeping but the ones left aren't like that. Buck seeks 
uniform blandness.

 I've praised your writing style twice in recent weeks so I won't repeat 
myself. I've found your contributions some of the most thought-provoking on 
FFL. Heretics are essential for an orthodoxy to gain self-understanding and to 
learn to become self-critical. Are you a member of any other groups, Yahoo or 

 Thanks, but no I only post here. This place is - was - good because we aren't 
limited to just talking about beliefs but where the beliefs came from and even 
why they mean so much to some and not others. The neuro-psychology of cult 
mechanics. And this is the sort of thing that the TB's don't like. Questioning 
of cherished beliefs is a tricky subject but luckily, TM claims to be a science 
so it is therefore open to criticism. That's my excuse anyway.

 Like you, I can't understand while FFL members get so upset by robust, 
critical posts. I'm happy to meet true believers defending MMY and the TMO and 
also happy to meet those who have long since fallen out of love with the 
Movement. I read what both parties have to say and make my own mind up in each 
case. So sometimes debates become heated and insults get exchanged . . .  but 
why would anyone allow a little argy-bargy to spoil their day? 

 It's beyond me. Perhaps because the TMO is a dictatorship and people aren't 
used to having avoice? Or maybe it's because the TMO is a fundamentalist 
organisation and it comes as a shock to the faithful that people who have been 
exposed to it's wondrous teachings disagree with it. It really does. Try lviing 
in a TM centre and telling them that you don't believe that Maharishi had 
absolute knowledge of everything. They stare at you slack-jawed like it's the 
most astounding thing they ever heard. Before starting to tell you why you are 

 Like you say there is now a real danger that this site could become terminally 
boring if the more colourful members drift away.

 We'll just have to start another. But I'll be damned if I'm going to leave. If 
Buck wants to can me for expressing an opinion he's welcome to. 

 How depressing that Rick has let the place slide to such an extent.But as he 
obviously doesn't care about the place any more, we should buy the home page 
off him before we go. They clearly don't agree with its message of free thought 
any more



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Curtis brother, as usual you have hit nail squarely on the head here. I've 
never had the time to contribute anywhere remotely as much as you and so many 
others here have. 

 But these past few weeks I've observed with horror what Rick has apparently 
allowed to happen to what was once a vibrant place for (often) intelligent 
debate among those who had committed various parts of their lives to what we 
called "the Movement".

 I honestly cannot recall a single post of Doug/Buck that made me excited and 
enthused for having read it. However he has made it his feelings for the 
"apostates" of the TM movement crystal clear. His word, not mine btw.

 The weird thing is, Doug/Buck isn't even clever enough to cover his tracks, or 
try to engage in any kind of intelligent debate with this crusade against the 
"fallen". No, he just repeats his mind numbingly dumb mantra about Yahoo Group 

 He clearly can't even process my bit of snark about Poland being his next move 
fer chrissakes!

 This is precisely what happens when the captive becomes the captor. 

 He tells you to "quietly" read the guidelines Curtis. Really? Why not just say 
"there, there Curtis, are we experiencing some roughness of awareness today'? 
This shit is so engrained in Doug he can't even recognize the blatant 

 And he sure as hell can't fathom the hypocrisy that so many are pointing out.

 Doug is making a perfect case for what happens as a result of a near lifetime 
spent in cult think.

 How do I know? Because like you and so many others Curtis, I've been there. 
I've been Doug. (Well not exactly, I honestly don't think I ever lost the 
ability to laugh at myself or  the movement. As I've recounted before here I 
did make my tie "float" in one of the first attempts at group "flying". We were 
in chairs. 'Tis true!")

 I keep thinking that Rick will put a stop to what is quite clearly the 
unraveling of FFL. Just look at the post counts for proof! The place has become 
dull, aside from those posting about the takeover. Who wants to read about the 
latest art walk or local flower show? I don't.

 Or maybe, as some have speculated, Rick is just letting Doug hang himself. Or 
maybe he feels that FFL has ceased being relevant so he put Doug in charge to 
make a rapid death certain.

 I really don't know but I for one will miss the lively discourse that used to 
take place here.


 I have long appreciated a lot of the content of what these recently fallen 


"Fallen?" Condescending much? You got the power to slip them the mickey and you 
did it. Nobody "fell" anywhere you just took advantage of the situation to suit 
your personal whim. They insulted you and called you out so you got them back. 
You have a real taste for this power now don't you?



 had provided however it is unfortunate how they conducted themselves as they 
had in posting. As much as some here may assert that moderation here is 
something personalized about content but active moderation here is simply about 
alignment with the Yahoo-groups guidelines within a yahoo-group as folks write 
and contribute to the community here.

 Me: This is completely bogus, we had no problem with yahoo, you made this up 
for your power grab so you could impose your personal taste on the site which 
you begged Rick to let you do for YEARS.

 Buck:Take a moment to quietly re-read the yahoo-groups guidelines. They are 
quite reasonable and well thought by Yahoo as guideline for communal 

 Me: "quietly?" Do you know that you are speaking to adults here? It doesn't 
matter how quietly we all re-read them none of it means what you are distorting 
them into. They are purposely vague guidelines, open to personal interpretation 
and most importantly, never enforced on this group until you hide behind them 
to allow you to impose your personal views on other adults who you condescend 
to by talking to us as if we are children who need your correction. You have 
never shown up here in an authentic way or generated a full paragraph of 
content that was worth my time to read. 

  People who have "Fallen" and an instruction to re-read irrelevant unenforced 
guidelines "quietly" are two words that reveal you here. I am very familiar 
with this mentality from my time in the movement and you are not fooling me 
with this routine. 








---In,  wrote :

 This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civili

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :
Me: Thanks for pointing that out to me.

Apologies to Buck for misunderstanding his intention for that word choice. I 
mistook it for his usual old timey fey word choice so it seemed normal.

 I'll back you up on the distaste for the "read quietly" part. It does sound 
like we're about to be offered Oreos and milk before we curl up on our blankies.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 I have long appreciated a lot of the content of what these recently fallen 


"Fallen?" Condescending much? You got the power to slip them the mickey and you 
did it. Nobody "fell" anywhere you just took advantage of the situation to suit 
your personal whim. They insulted you and called you out so you got them back. 
You have a real taste for this power now don't you?



 had provided however it is unfortunate how they conducted themselves as they 
had in posting. As much as some here may assert that moderation here is 
something personalized about content but active moderation here is simply about 
alignment with the Yahoo-groups guidelines within a yahoo-group as folks write 
and contribute to the community here.

 Me: This is completely bogus, we had no problem with yahoo, you made this up 
for your power grab so you could impose your personal taste on the site which 
you begged Rick to let you do for YEARS.

 Buck:Take a moment to quietly re-read the yahoo-groups guidelines. They are 
quite reasonable and well thought by Yahoo as guideline for communal 

 Me: "quietly?" Do you know that you are speaking to adults here? It doesn't 
matter how quietly we all re-read them none of it means what you are distorting 
them into. They are purposely vague guidelines, open to personal interpretation 
and most importantly, never enforced on this group until you hide behind them 
to allow you to impose your personal views on other adults who you condescend 
to by talking to us as if we are children who need your correction. You have 
never shown up here in an authentic way or generated a full paragraph of 
content that was worth my time to read. 

  People who have "Fallen" and an instruction to re-read irrelevant unenforced 
guidelines "quietly" are two words that reveal you here. I am very familiar 
with this mentality from my time in the movement and you are not fooling me 
with this routine. 


 Hey Curtis, have a look at Salyavin's posting of that poem. Looks like he is 
talking about his fallen comrades alright. In case you missed it here it is 
again. Sounded pretty dramatic to me at the time as well.

 "With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
 England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

 Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
 They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
 They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.
 But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;
 As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
 (Poem on loan from Robert Lawrence Binyon)








---In,  wrote :

 This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civility to the 
discussions there too but no invitation has been extended thus far asking for 
help. For instance Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there 
running quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the primacy o

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


 I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." 
And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?


 I'll have a quick stab at this one:

 Generally I'd say that SCI is wrong because it isn't an accurate description 
of reality. You may think that doesn't matter and that it's the way you want to 
look at things and that's fine, but the word science means there must be some 
sort of process going on to work out whether the set of beliefs you are dealing 
with can actually explain things or whether they are leading you astray.

 Evolution is one thing that SCI gets completely wrong, but like a lot of 
Marshy's teachings it relies on a vague recognition of terms that you perhaps 
never fully understood. Darwin's great gift to knowledge is that small things 
can become more complex without any help. There is no creative intelligence 
behind it. No intelligence at all and the creativity is actually mass murder, 
we just don't see the vast die off of the inadequate forms that got 

 So from our vantage point it looks like things get gradually more perfect and 
thus conform to the idea that there is a goal for living things but there 
really isn't. This is a rule of thumb and it's destroyed by further inquiry, 
and it's the sort of inquiry you can't just work out by looking at something, 
it took many years for Darwin to do the necessary experiments and many more 
careers working out the details. Evolution is now a very well sussed theory and 
nothing Marshy had to say adds or improves it in any way. In fact it only 
detracts and serves to confuse the unwary.

 Physics, don't get me started. Not tonight anyway. The main thing wrong here 
is the same as with everything else, the assumption of a creative intelligence. 
This is death to science, you can't just blame everything on some unknowable 
controlling force that underlies reality, that isn't what unified field 
theories are for, the idea is to explain and it's been heading toward a 
simplicity - a few forces and electromagnetism - not an underlying complexity. 
As soon as you start adding things like that you get religious. If complexity 
came first then where did that come from? A creator must be more complex than 
the things it creates. You see how it hasn't explained anything?

 I guess my biggest problem with it is that I don't believe we can trust our 
experiences in meditation to be revealing any useful information about the way 
the world works. I've been in there all the way to the hum of the ved and I 
think it's a mistake to assume I've seen any sort of fundamental physical 
field. It's all just buzzing stuff in our heads.

 Nice post,definitely worth the read.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 Hah! I'd intended my praise for Sal! (He seems particularly downcast by 
today's developments.) 

Me: That is hilarious since I re-read your post and now can understand why I 
thought it was for me. I guess I was paranoid since I had just posted a 
critical post to our trigger happy moderator. Or maybe I am a legend in my own 
mind and just assume that unnamed compliments MUST be mine!

Thanks for your gracious response and I will try not to step in front of your 
compliments meant for another in the future.


 But as I enjoy your posts (and prose) also please share the honours between 

 As there seem to be a fair few of us who'd prefer a more take-no-prisoners 
approach to an internet group maybe we should all start a brand-new TM-related 
site - the only rule being that there are no rules.

 Re "my relationship here is through Rick": can't you have a quiet word with 
him to pour oil on troubled waters while FFL still has some members left?



---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :

Blimey! I hope you're not leaving us - or about to get the order of the boot.  

 I've praised your writing style twice in recent weeks so I won't repeat myself.
 I've found your contributions some of the most thought-provoking on FFL. 
Heretics are essential for an orthodoxy to gain self-understanding and to learn 
to become self-critical.

Me: Right back at you brother. I really appreciate your contributions here and 
thanks for the high five for my own writing. I don't believe that anything I 
have written here would be viewed by Rick as grounds for getting booted. Buck 
may try, but my relationship here is through Rick, and I trust him not to let 
that happen as long as I don't provide the rope needed to swing. 

S: Are you a member of any other groups, Yahoo or not?

Me: I only post here.


 S: Like you, I can't understand while FFL members get so upset by robust, 
critical posts. I'm happy to meet true believers defending MMY and the TMO and 
also happy to meet those who have long since fallen out of love with the 
Movement. I read what both parties have to say and make my own mind up in each 
case. So sometimes debates become heated and insults get exchanged . . .  but 
why would anyone allow a little argy-bargy to spoil their day? 

Me: It is the patronizing legacy of the movement that causes people to try to 
treat other adults as if they know better about how they should express 
themselves, I believe. It comes from a hierarchical model that encourages 
people to believe that their internal frame of mind is superior. They believe 
that they don't have to be judged by the actual content and meaning of their 
words, as adults do when they discuss ideas on their own merit. It is the 
intellectually lazy way and was ubiquitous in the movement. And you know what? 
I bought into it too till I was 31 and figured out how hollow it was. So I get 
where he is coming from but I do not respect it. 


 S: Like you say there is now a real danger that this site could become 
terminally boring if the more colourful members drift away.

Me: I believe it has already had a chilling affect on posting creativity. 
Content providers should not be controlled by someone whose intellectual 
contributions can be summed up as a finger wagging "tisk tisk."




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :
Me: Thanks for pointing that out to me.

Apologies to Buck for misunderstanding his intention for that word choice. I 
mistook it for his usual old timey fey word choice so it seemed normal.

---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 I have long appreciated a lot of the content of what these recently fallen 


"Fallen?" Condescending much? You got the power to slip them the mickey and you 
did it. Nobody "fell" anywhere you just took advantage of the situation to suit 
your personal whim. They insulted you and called you out so you got them back. 
You have a real taste for this power now don't you?



 had provided however it is unfortunate how they conducted themselves as they 
had in posting. As much as some here may assert that moderation here is 
something personalized about content but active moderation here is simply about 
alignment with the Yahoo-groups guidelines within a yahoo-group as folks write 
and contribute to the community here.

 Me: This is completely bogus, we had no problem with yahoo, you made this up 
for your power grab so you could impose your personal taste on the site which 
you begged Rick to let you do for YEARS.

 Buck:Take a moment to quietly re-read the yahoo-groups guidelines. They are 
quite reasonable and well thought by Yahoo as guideline for communal 

 Me: "quietly?" Do you know that you are speaking to adults here? It doesn't 
matter how quietly we all re-read them none of it means what you are distorting 
them into. They are purposely vague guidelines, open to personal interpretation 
and most importantly, never enforced on this group until you hide behind them 
to allow you to impose your personal views on other adults who you condescend 
to by talking to us as if we are children who need your correction. You have 
never shown up here in an authentic way or generated a full paragraph of 
content that was worth my time to read. 

  People who have "Fallen" and an instruction to re-read irrelevant unenforced 
guidelines "quietly" are two words that reveal you here. I am very familiar 
with this mentality from my time in the movement and you are not fooling me 
with this routine. 


 Hey Curtis, have a look at Salyavin's posting of that poem. Looks like he is 
talking about his fallen comrades alright. In case you missed it here it is 
again. Sounded pretty dramatic to me at the time as well.

 "With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
 England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

 Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
 They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
 They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.
 But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;
 As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
 (Poem on loan from Robert Lawrence Binyon)








---In,  wrote :

 This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civility to the 
discussions there too but no invitation has been extended thus far asking for 
help. For instance Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there 
running quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the primacy of 
the Yahoo-group guidelines there. I don't expect to annex Poland next under the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines either. -JaiGuruYou!  

---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Share, I think "namaste" is one of the loveliest of all greetings, but I do 
cringe at Jai Guru Dev. I got JGD'ed by someone just half an hour ago and it 
felt strange, like a ghost from the past. 

 I remember people saying that as a kind or form of thankfulness or sometimes 
greeting (we're going back a long way for me here, like 30 years. I haven't 
been JGD'ed for a verr long time, maybe I'd like it after all this time 
but I doubt it). Perhaps it is a habit for some but it has probably been 
cheapened in some way over time but, ultimately, I think it means different 
things for different people under various contexts. I am not sure I have ever 
actually said those words. I'll try it now, quietly, here where I am sitting 
but I can honestly say it is unlikely I will ever utter the words out loud or 
that anyone I currently know will say it to me. That saves me the embarrassment 
of laughing in their face, fortunately. Most don't appreciate that.

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Curtis,
 Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with Jai Guru Dev! 
That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone honors another human 
being and have been known to say "namaste" myself. But saying Jai Guru Dev 
rather than hello seems like a highjacking of a sincere honoring and turning it 
into something rote and meaningless. 

 Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be wrong about 
a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. Nonetheless, I think a 
good course of action is to trust my own instincts about another's sincerity 
and/or groundedness. And I further recognize that people perhaps say Jai Guru 
Dev in an intentional way, intending to have a deeper experience of life. I'm 
happy if it works for them.


 I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take an 
intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing TM, etc. I 
enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological angle on the world. 
Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing people's childhood issues and 
personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment then can be less.


 Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. And it 
totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit here. As best as 
I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any guru's insights. Nor even 
by any guru's experiences. They are living by their own insights and 

 That for me is proof of TM's efficacy.

 When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own activity, I had a 
flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the seeker, even from itself, to 
use an awkward wording. And I admit it leads to a conundrum: one is filled with 
gratitude for a system one no longer needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC 
phase (-:


 I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." 
And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
   Hi Share. Comments below.


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor 
his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward 
him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical 
to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a 
hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the 
intellectual value and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.  


 But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a 
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, not the 
eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's 
teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement 
participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe in the concept of a 
guru as a person with the kind of insight into life claimed by gurus, then the 
difference between how this belief gets mixed up in a personal philosophy is 
irrelevant to the challenge to the idea. Saying for example, "I believe 
Maharishi was enlightened and that enlightened people know the reality of life 
but I don't follow what he says exactly" is just a statement about how 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civility to the 
discussions there too but no invitation has been extended thus far asking for 
help. For instance Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there 
running quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the primacy of 
the Yahoo-group guidelines there. I don't expect to annex Poland next under the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines either. -JaiGuruYou!  

 A sense of humor is very useful in times of trouble.

---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :
 I have long appreciated a lot of the content of what these recently fallen 


"Fallen?" Condescending much? You got the power to slip them the mickey and you 
did it. Nobody "fell" anywhere you just took advantage of the situation to suit 
your personal whim. They insulted you and called you out so you got them back. 
You have a real taste for this power now don't you?



 had provided however it is unfortunate how they conducted themselves as they 
had in posting. As much as some here may assert that moderation here is 
something personalized about content but active moderation here is simply about 
alignment with the Yahoo-groups guidelines within a yahoo-group as folks write 
and contribute to the community here.

 Me: This is completely bogus, we had no problem with yahoo, you made this up 
for your power grab so you could impose your personal taste on the site which 
you begged Rick to let you do for YEARS.

 Buck:Take a moment to quietly re-read the yahoo-groups guidelines. They are 
quite reasonable and well thought by Yahoo as guideline for communal 

 Me: "quietly?" Do you know that you are speaking to adults here? It doesn't 
matter how quietly we all re-read them none of it means what you are distorting 
them into. They are purposely vague guidelines, open to personal interpretation 
and most importantly, never enforced on this group until you hide behind them 
to allow you to impose your personal views on other adults who you condescend 
to by talking to us as if we are children who need your correction. You have 
never shown up here in an authentic way or generated a full paragraph of 
content that was worth my time to read. 

  People who have "Fallen" and an instruction to re-read irrelevant unenforced 
guidelines "quietly" are two words that reveal you here. I am very familiar 
with this mentality from my time in the movement and you are not fooling me 
with this routine. 


 Hey Curtis, have a look at Salyavin's posting of that poem. Looks like he is 
talking about his fallen comrades alright. In case you missed it here it is 
again. Sounded pretty dramatic to me at the time as well.

 "With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children,
 England mourns for her dead across the sea.
Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit,
Fallen in the cause of the free.

 Solemn the drums thrill: Death august and royal
Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres.
There is music in the midst of desolation
And a glory that shines upon our tears.
 They went with songs to the battle, they were young,
Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
 They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
 They mingle not with their laughing comrades again;
They sit no more at familiar tables of home;
They have no lot in our labour of the day-time;
They sleep beyond England's foam.
 But where our desires are and our hopes profound,
Felt as a well-spring that is hidden from sight,
To the innermost heart of their own land they are known
As the stars are known to the Night;
 As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust,
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain,
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness,
To the end, to the end, they remain.
 (Poem on loan from Robert Lawrence Binyon)








---In,  wrote :

 This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civility to the 
discussions there too but no invitation has been extended thus far asking for 
help. For instance Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there 
running quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the primacy of 
the Yahoo-group guidelines there. I don't expect to annex Poland next under the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines either. -JaiGuruYou!  

---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hah! I'd intended my praise for Sal! (He seems particularly downcast by today's 

 But as I enjoy your posts (and prose) also please share the honours between 

 As there seem to be a fair few of us who'd prefer a more take-no-prisoners 
approach to an internet group maybe we should all start a brand-new TM-related 
site - the only rule being that there are no rules.

 Re "my relationship here is through Rick": can't you have a quiet word with 
him to pour oil on troubled waters while FFL still has some members left?



---In,  wrote :

 --In,  wrote :

Blimey! I hope you're not leaving us - or about to get the order of the boot.  

 I've praised your writing style twice in recent weeks so I won't repeat myself.
 I've found your contributions some of the most thought-provoking on FFL. 
Heretics are essential for an orthodoxy to gain self-understanding and to learn 
to become self-critical.

Me: Right back at you brother. I really appreciate your contributions here and 
thanks for the high five for my own writing. I don't believe that anything I 
have written here would be viewed by Rick as grounds for getting booted. Buck 
may try, but my relationship here is through Rick, and I trust him not to let 
that happen as long as I don't provide the rope needed to swing. 

S: Are you a member of any other groups, Yahoo or not?

Me: I only post here.


 S: Like you, I can't understand while FFL members get so upset by robust, 
critical posts. I'm happy to meet true believers defending MMY and the TMO and 
also happy to meet those who have long since fallen out of love with the 
Movement. I read what both parties have to say and make my own mind up in each 
case. So sometimes debates become heated and insults get exchanged . . .  but 
why would anyone allow a little argy-bargy to spoil their day? 

Me: It is the patronizing legacy of the movement that causes people to try to 
treat other adults as if they know better about how they should express 
themselves, I believe. It comes from a hierarchical model that encourages 
people to believe that their internal frame of mind is superior. They believe 
that they don't have to be judged by the actual content and meaning of their 
words, as adults do when they discuss ideas on their own merit. It is the 
intellectually lazy way and was ubiquitous in the movement. And you know what? 
I bought into it too till I was 31 and figured out how hollow it was. So I get 
where he is coming from but I do not respect it. 


 S: Like you say there is now a real danger that this site could become 
terminally boring if the more colourful members drift away.

Me: I believe it has already had a chilling affect on posting creativity. 
Content providers should not be controlled by someone whose intellectual 
contributions can be summed up as a finger wagging "tisk tisk."




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :

Blimey! I hope you're not leaving us - or about to get the order of the boot.  

 I've praised your writing style twice in recent weeks so I won't repeat myself.
 I've found your contributions some of the most thought-provoking on FFL. 
Heretics are essential for an orthodoxy to gain self-understanding and to learn 
to become self-critical.

Me: Right back at you brother. I really appreciate your contributions here and 
thanks for the high five for my own writing. I don't believe that anything I 
have written here would be viewed by Rick as grounds for getting booted. Buck 
may try, but my relationship here is through Rick, and I trust him not to let 
that happen as long as I don't provide the rope needed to swing. 

S: Are you a member of any other groups, Yahoo or not?

Me: I only post here.


 S: Like you, I can't understand while FFL members get so upset by robust, 
critical posts. I'm happy to meet true believers defending MMY and the TMO and 
also happy to meet those who have long since fallen out of love with the 
Movement. I read what both parties have to say and make my own mind up in each 
case. So sometimes debates become heated and insults get exchanged . . .  but 
why would anyone allow a little argy-bargy to spoil their day? 

Me: It is the patronizing legacy of the movement that causes people to try to 
treat other adults as if they know better about how they should express 
themselves, I believe. It comes from a hierarchical model that encourages 
people to believe that their internal frame of mind is superior. They believe 
that they don't have to be judged by the actual content and meaning of their 
words, as adults do when they discuss ideas on their own merit. It is the 
intellectually lazy way and was ubiquitous in the movement. And you know what? 
I bought into it too till I was 31 and figured out how hollow it was. So I get 
where he is coming from but I do not respect it. 


 S: Like you say there is now a real danger that this site could become 
terminally boring if the more colourful members drift away.

Me: I believe it has already had a chilling affect on posting creativity. 
Content providers should not be controlled by someone whose intellectual 
contributions can be summed up as a finger wagging "tisk tisk."




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Blimey! I hope you're not leaving us - or about to get the order of the boot.  

 I've praised your writing style twice in recent weeks so I won't repeat 
myself. I've found your contributions some of the most thought-provoking on 
FFL. Heretics are essential for an orthodoxy to gain self-understanding and to 
learn to become self-critical. Are you a member of any other groups, Yahoo or 

 Like you, I can't understand while FFL members get so upset by robust, 
critical posts. I'm happy to meet true believers defending MMY and the TMO and 
also happy to meet those who have long since fallen out of love with the 
Movement. I read what both parties have to say and make my own mind up in each 
case. So sometimes debates become heated and insults get exchanged . . .  but 
why would anyone allow a little argy-bargy to spoil their day? 

 Like you say there is now a real danger that this site could become terminally 
boring if the more colourful members drift away.



---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
--In,  wrote :
 I have long appreciated a lot of the content of what these recently fallen 


"Fallen?" Condescending much? You got the power to slip them the mickey and you 
did it. Nobody "fell" anywhere you just took advantage of the situation to suit 
your personal whim. They insulted you and called you out so you got them back. 
You have a real taste for this power now don't you?



 had provided however it is unfortunate how they conducted themselves as they 
had in posting. As much as some here may assert that moderation here is 
something personalized about content but active moderation here is simply about 
alignment with the Yahoo-groups guidelines within a yahoo-group as folks write 
and contribute to the community here.

 Me: This is completely bogus, we had no problem with yahoo, you made this up 
for your power grab so you could impose your personal taste on the site which 
you begged Rick to let you do for YEARS.

 Buck:Take a moment to quietly re-read the yahoo-groups guidelines. They are 
quite reasonable and well thought by Yahoo as guideline for communal 

 Me: "quietly?" Do you know that you are speaking to adults here? It doesn't 
matter how quietly we all re-read them none of it means what you are distorting 
them into. They are purposely vague guidelines, open to personal interpretation 
and most importantly, never enforced on this group until you hide behind them 
to allow you to impose your personal views on other adults who you condescend 
to by talking to us as if we are children who need your correction. You have 
never shown up here in an authentic way or generated a full paragraph of 
content that was worth my time to read. 

  People who have "Fallen" and an instruction to re-read irrelevant unenforced 
guidelines "quietly" are two words that reveal you here. I am very familiar 
with this mentality from my time in the movement and you are not fooling me 
with this routine. 








---In,  wrote :

 This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civility to the 
discussions there too but no invitation has been extended thus far asking for 
help. For instance Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there 
running quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the primacy of 
the Yahoo-group guidelines there. I don't expect to annex Poland next under the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines either. -JaiGuruYou!  

---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Good that you found an avenue to help you deprogram. 

 I think most of us deprogrammed a while ago, at least the parts that we found 

 And actually, I can understand, how initially you might find Barry helpful in 
this regard as his agenda* is to uncover and expose what he sees as cult 

 But, in order to remain on Barry's good terms you will find that you must 
adhere to some pretty strict guidelines, and really, as I've said before, 
adhere to his inflexible, two post rule.

 And you will have to put up with many subtle (and not so subtle) 
misrepresentations, and a generally mean personality.

 It may work for a while, but after the fifth, sixth, or twelfth year, it 
really starts to stink.

 That's why, when he left, there was a consensus that a waft of fresh air came 

 Now, unfortunately, we see the expulsion of two other members, one of whom, I 
liked very much, in spite of our many disagreements, and another one who could 
best be described as Barry's sidekick.

 But, at least he, was pretty straightforward in his repetitive tirades. He 
wasn't into demeaning other members, just his usual suspects.

 * agenda, as I define it, is the intention to twist, or distort an otherwise 
honest interaction to achieve some pre-ordained conclusion.  (-:




 What I learnt from you and Barry and others was that you can break free from 
the organisation if you want. This place was my exit counsellor and place to 
discuss cults and religions and how we got involved in any of them and why. It 
was cathartic and illuminating and entertaining all at once. This is what we 
get from different perspectives, different viewpoints. It used to be a good 
halfway house between cult and sanity and that's a good thing and you guys 
helped with that a lot. FFL was a good place to vent and get things in 
perspective and talk to people who were there and who know what it's all about.

 Buck doesn't want that. He's had an agenda to get rid of us "apostates" for a 
long time and it's sad that Rick let him. When one man has the right to mould 
the place in his own image then we all stop learning anything new, it all just 
sinks to some bland middle ground. Sure it's fun to talk about what movies 
we've seen and museums we've been to but the most instructive people have gone 
and this place has lost it's magic because of that. 

 But at least you're still here to offer reasoned debate to Buck, not that 
he'll engage with you. I'll just get quoted a few lines of the guidelines and 
that will be that.




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

 You're making me laugh. Every time you say "bye" you keep coming back. That's 
fine but what's the deal here? Just can't stay away?

 I'm waiting to get deleted. But Captain Unity hasn't got up yet so I can play 
around a bit longer. 

 Come on Buck, what's keepin' ya! There's an "apostate" who needs your 
attention to stop him telling the truth about things.

 If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, 
like sheep to the slaughter.
 George Washington



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
yes, salyavin, I would miss you and your delightful sense of humor. So there!
It's true that you don't have to have been in Fairfield to have an opinion 
about TM'ers. But for me it makes the opinion more valid, if it's based on in 
person observation. Otherwise and this often is the case on FFL, the anti TM 
responses seem like knee jerk reactions rooted in the past.
I think all humans have a vested interest in their conclusions and 
interpretations. Scientists we're often not!
Still owe you a response...sweet dreams (-:
  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 11:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!
Consider that I keep getting re-incarnated as the same thing.
But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades!
Was that your main point? I thought it was that you'd miss me. Boo!
I don't think you need have to have been in Fairfield at all to have an opinion 
about the TMO or TM as it all occurs in the head. And no matter how good a time 
you're having it doesn't change what I've seen and done. I'd like to know more 
about FF but no one ever posts anything because it gets analysed by people like 
me who might have a different viewpoint to what you've decided you want to 
hear. The recent "vedic" psychiatry debate springs to mind. I had some good 
questions about it for BUck but he didn't respond.
We have the net to keep us informed of how the inner workings of the TMO are 
going you see so we don't have to visit FF, the changes to the websites tell us 
a lot.What people post here tells us a lot. 
The thing is we all have a vested interest in our spiritual alma mater and how 
it turns out. Trouble is somebody round here doesn't want us to take part 
because we are "apostates". It's a silly term from a silly man who has ended up 
with too much power which he wields without considering the long term 
ramifications of his actions for the place. But then he doesn't take part 
himself so why should he care?

 Come on guys, get a little hands on and current experience before you wade in! 
Get a little present day skin in the game!
But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!

Yes, life, Jai Guru Life, abounds in irony (-:
I finally looked up TTFN...

  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

---In,  wrote :

Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:
Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!
But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.
Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.
But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.
Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess 
that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and 
voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my 
opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.
Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the 
domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.
Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat us 
(you) the same way he was treated. 
Ironic huh?

Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers aresaying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them isactually 
closing all of his FB pages.
Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.
Bye salyavin, xeno

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


 I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." 
And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?


 I'll have a quick stab at this one:

 Generally I'd say that SCI is wrong because it isn't an accurate description 
of reality. You may think that doesn't matter and that it's the way you want to 
look at things and that's fine, but the word science means there must be some 
sort of process going on to work out whether the set of beliefs you are dealing 
with can actually explain things or whether they are leading you astray.

 Evolution is one thing that SCI gets completely wrong, but like a lot of 
Marshy's teachings it relies on a vague recognition of terms that you perhaps 
never fully understood. Darwin's great gift to knowledge is that small things 
can become more complex without any help. There is no creative intelligence 
behind it. No intelligence at all and the creativity is actually mass murder, 
we just don't see the vast die off of the inadequate forms that got 

 So from our vantage point it looks like things get gradually more perfect and 
thus conform to the idea that there is a goal for living things but there 
really isn't. This is a rule of thumb and it's destroyed by further inquiry, 
and it's the sort of inquiry you can't just work out by looking at something, 
it took many years for Darwin to do the necessary experiments and many more 
careers working out the details. Evolution is now a very well sussed theory and 
nothing Marshy had to say adds or improves it in any way. In fact it only 
detracts and serves to confuse the unwary.

 Physics, don't get me started. Not tonight anyway. The main thing wrong here 
is the same as with everything else, the assumption of a creative intelligence. 
This is death to science, you can't just blame everything on some unknowable 
controlling force that underlies reality, that isn't what unified field 
theories are for, the idea is to explain and it's been heading toward a 
simplicity - a few forces and electromagnetism - not an underlying complexity. 
As soon as you start adding things like that you get religious. If complexity 
came first then where did that come from? A creator must be more complex than 
the things it creates. You see how it hasn't explained anything?

 I guess my biggest problem with it is that I don't believe we can trust our 
experiences in meditation to be revealing any useful information about the way 
the world works. I've been in there all the way to the hum of the ved and I 
think it's a mistake to assume I've seen any sort of fundamental physical 
field. It's all just buzzing stuff in our heads.

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
   Hi Share. Comments below.


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor 
his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward 
him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical 
to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a 
hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the 
intellectual value and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.  


 But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a 
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, not the 
eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's 
teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement 
participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe in the concept of a 
guru as a person with the kind of insight into life claimed by gurus, then the 
difference between how this belief gets mixed up in a personal philosophy is 
irrelevant to the challenge to the idea. Saying for example, "I believe 
Maharishi was enlightened and that enlightened people know the reality of life 
but I don't follow what he says exactly" is just a statement about how 
incongruent most people's philosophies are. It is not a refutation of the 
challenge that guru's have not provided enough evidence to support their claims 
to special states of mind and knowledge about the world.  


 But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OC

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Yes, I've spoken French in France. Parisian French which was 
unfortunately not what was spoken in that province.  I had about 4 years 
of French, two in high school and almost two in college.  It was by no 
means my best subject but I would credit that to teachers who were 
"Frenchophiles" and not "language teachers."  Over the past 40 years 
language training has evolved and I would hope "Frenchophiles" are no 
longer trying to teach French in schools.

I got stuck with French because I changed schools in my last two years 
of high school and French was the only language class that had an 
opening. Most of my classmates took German because it's easiest for 
English speakers to learn.  Spanish would have been more practical but 
also popular in farm country because you could practice with some of the 
Mexican classmates.

I didn't know Hindi when I went to India but did know Sanskrit and of 
course Devanagari.  So I could read signs in the latter many of which 
were spelling English words posted right below. :-D

On 07/07/2015 10:58 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 
bhairitu, but would you use French if the baker was genuinely French? 
Indeed, who among us would be so brave as to speak French to a native?!

I sometimes say "bon appetite" when eating out with friends. Kind of 
saying grace, but in a way that honors the body. And needless to say, 
the friends aren't French!

Forget French and Italian and Hindi. How's your Mandarin coming along?

*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:49 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

Using "jai guru dev" shows ignorance on the part of TM'ers.  It is a 
phrase used by many paths to acknowledge their teacher not just TM and 
usually not used in public.  To refer to SBS as "Guru Dev" is 
incorrect in protocol.  Other people have their own "Guru Dev".

I like to use phrases to kid folks.  We have a photography shop where 
the owner studied French cooking and makes some wonderful baked goods 
he sells at the Sunday farmer's market.  I always greet with "bon 
matin" (good morning) and we all have a laugh.  Then I order in 
French.  The woman assisting at the booth doesn't know French but 
knows some Italian.  I tried "namaste" the other day but then said "oh 
wait, that's Hindi" which we all laughed about.

On 07/07/2015 09:37 AM, Share Long 
<> [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Hi Curtis,
Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with Jai 
Guru Dev! That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone 
honors another human being and have been known to say "namaste" 
myself. But saying Jai Guru Dev rather than hello seems like a 
highjacking of a sincere honoring and turning it into something rote 
and meaningless.
Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be 
wrong about a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. 
Nonetheless, I think a good course of action is to trust my own 
instincts about another's sincerity and/or groundedness. And I 
further recognize that people perhaps say Jai Guru Dev in an 
intentional way, intending to have a deeper experience of life. I'm 
happy if it works for them.

I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take 
an intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing 
TM, etc. I enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological 
angle on the world. Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing 
people's childhood issues and personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment 
then can be less.

Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. 
And it totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit 
here. As best as I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any 
guru's insights. Nor even by any guru's experiences. They are living 
by their own insights and experiences.

That for me is proof of TM's efficacy.

When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own 
activity, I had a flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the 
seeker, even from itself, to use an awkward wording. And I admit it 
leads to a conundrum: one is filled with gratitude for a system one 
no longer needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC phase (-:

I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is 
"wrong." And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Sigh, feste, I do feel so fortunate to live in a sweet place like Fairfield but 
sometimes I wish everyone were more like me LOL!

  From: feste37 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
    Share, I think "namaste" is one of the loveliest of all greetings, but I do 
cringe at Jai Guru Dev. I got JGD'ed by someone just half an hour ago and it 
felt strange, like a ghost from the past. 

---In,  wrote :

Hi Curtis,Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with Jai 
Guru Dev! That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone honors 
another human being and have been known to say "namaste" myself. But saying Jai 
Guru Dev rather than hello seems like a highjacking of a sincere honoring and 
turning it into something rote and meaningless. 
Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be wrong about 
a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. Nonetheless, I think a 
good course of action is to trust my own instincts about another's sincerity 
and/or groundedness. And I further recognize that people perhaps say Jai Guru 
Dev in an intentional way, intending to have a deeper experience of life. I'm 
happy if it works for them.

I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take an 
intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing TM, etc. I 
enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological angle on the world. 
Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing people's childhood issues and 
personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment then can be less.

Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. And it 
totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit here. As best as 
I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any guru's insights. Nor even 
by any guru's experiences. They are living by their own insights and 
That for me is proof of TM's efficacy.
When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own activity, I had a 
flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the seeker, even from itself, to 
use an awkward wording. And I admit it leads to a conundrum: one is filled with 
gratitude for a system one no longer needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC 
phase (-:

I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." 
And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?
  From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
 Hi Share. Comments below.

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor 
his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward 
him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical 
to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a 
hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the 
intellectual value and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.  
But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a 
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, not the 
eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's 
teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement 
participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe in the concept of a 
guru as a person with the kind of insight into life claimed by gurus, then the 
difference between how this belief gets mixed up in a personal philosophy is 
irrelevant to the challenge to the idea. Saying for example, "I believe 
Maharishi was enlightened and that enlightened people know the reality of life 
but I don't follow what he says exactly" is just a statement about how 
incongruent most people's philosophies are. It is not a refutation of the 
challenge that guru's have not provided enough evidence to support their claims 
to special states of mind and knowledge about the world.  

But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!

Me: I guess you say this kind of thing to soften your having a personal opinion 
on something here. I don't believe you need to apologize for that. I think it 
is great that you love FFL and have chosen those beliefs out of Maharishi&

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
bhairitu, but would you use French if the baker was genuinely French? Indeed, 
who among us would be so brave as to speak French to a native?!

I sometimes say "bon appetite" when eating out with friends. Kind of saying 
grace, but in a way that honors the body. And needless to say, the friends 
aren't French!

Forget French and Italian and Hindi. How's your Mandarin coming along?
  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:49 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
 Using "jai guru dev" shows ignorance on the part of TM'ers.  It is a 
phrase used by many paths to acknowledge their teacher not just TM and usually 
not used in public.  To refer to SBS as "Guru Dev" is incorrect in protocol.  
Other people have their own "Guru Dev".
 I like to use phrases to kid folks.  We have a photography shop where the 
owner studied French cooking and makes some wonderful baked goods he sells at 
the Sunday farmer's market.  I always greet with "bon matin" (good morning) and 
we all have a laugh.  Then I order in French.  The woman assisting at the booth 
doesn't know French but knows some Italian.  I tried "namaste" the other day 
but then said "oh wait, that's Hindi" which we all laughed about.
 On 07/07/2015 09:37 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:
     Hi Curtis, Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with 
Jai Guru Dev! That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone honors 
another human being and have been known to say "namaste" myself. But saying Jai 
Guru Dev rather than hello seems like a highjacking of a sincere honoring and 
turning it into something rote and meaningless. 
   Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be wrong 
about a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. Nonetheless, I 
think a good course of action is to trust my own instincts about another's 
sincerity and/or groundedness. And I further recognize that people perhaps say 
Jai Guru Dev in an intentional way, intending to have a deeper experience of 
life. I'm happy if it works for them.
  I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take an 
intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing TM, etc. I 
enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological angle on the world. 
Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing people's childhood issues and 
personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment then can be less.
  Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. And it 
totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit here. As best as 
I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any guru's insights. Nor even 
by any guru's experiences. They are living by  their own insights and 
  That for me is proof of TM's efficacy. 
  When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own activity, I had 
a flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the seeker, even from itself, to 
use an awkward wording. And I admit it leads to a conundrum: one is filled with 
gratitude for a system one no longer  needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC 
phase (-:
  I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." 
And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?
   From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
    Hi Share. Comments below.
 ---In,  wrote :
   salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!
 Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor 
his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward 
him. The  concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical 
to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a  
hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the 
intellectual value  and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.  
  But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff  and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a  
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!
 Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging,  not the 
eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's 
teaching,  it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement 
participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Using "jai guru dev" shows ignorance on the part of TM'ers.  It is a 
phrase used by many paths to acknowledge their teacher not just TM and 
usually not used in public.  To refer to SBS as "Guru Dev" is incorrect 
in protocol. Other people have their own "Guru Dev".

I like to use phrases to kid folks.  We have a photography shop where 
the owner studied French cooking and makes some wonderful baked goods he 
sells at the Sunday farmer's market.  I always greet with "bon matin" 
(good morning) and we all have a laugh. Then I order in French.  The 
woman assisting at the booth doesn't know French but knows some 
Italian.  I tried "namaste" the other day but then said "oh wait, that's 
Hindi" which we all laughed about.

On 07/07/2015 09:37 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] 

Hi Curtis,
Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with Jai 
Guru Dev! That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone 
honors another human being and have been known to say "namaste" 
myself. But saying Jai Guru Dev rather than hello seems like a 
highjacking of a sincere honoring and turning it into something rote 
and meaningless.
Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be 
wrong about a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. 
Nonetheless, I think a good course of action is to trust my own 
instincts about another's sincerity and/or groundedness. And I further 
recognize that people perhaps say Jai Guru Dev in an intentional way, 
intending to have a deeper experience of life. I'm happy if it works 
for them.

I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take 
an intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing 
TM, etc. I enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological 
angle on the world. Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing 
people's childhood issues and personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment 
then can be less.

Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. 
And it totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit 
here. As best as I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any 
guru's insights. Nor even by any guru's experiences. They are living 
by their own insights and experiences.

That for me is proof of TM's efficacy.

When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own activity, 
I had a flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the seeker, even 
from itself, to use an awkward wording. And I admit it leads to a 
conundrum: one is filled with gratitude for a system one no longer 
needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC phase (-:

I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is 
"wrong." And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?

*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" 

*Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

Hi Share. Comments below.

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to 
honor his master. He was completely against this even when it was 
directed toward him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used 
this term is antithetical to human equality. By combining the buzz 
word terminology used to maintain a hierarchy with an idea of 
egalitarianism it basically cancels out the intellectual value and 
integrity of both ideas and philosophies.

But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative 
stuff and haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! 
Come on guys, get a little hands on and current experience before you 
wade in! Get a little present day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, 
not the eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing 
Maharishi's teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie 
many movement participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe 
in the concept of a guru as a person with the kind of insight into l! 
ife claimed by gurus, then the difference between how this belief gets 
mixed up in a personal philosophy is irrelevant to the challenge to 
the idea. Saying for example, "I believe Maharishi was enlightened and 
that enlightened people know the reality of life but I don't follow 
what he says exactly" is just a statement about how incongruent most 
people's philosophies are. It is not a refutation of the challenge 
that guru's have not provided enough evidence to support their claims 
to special 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
What part of  the meaning "guidelines" do you not  understand?  They're 
not "rules" but "suggestions."

On 07/07/2015 09:54 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

I have long appreciated a lot of the content of what these recently 
fallen had provided however it is unfortunate how they conducted 
themselves as they had in posting. As much as some here may assert 
that moderation here is something personalized about content but 
active moderation here is simply about alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines within a yahoo-group as folks write and contribute to the 
community here. Take a moment to quietly re-read the yahoo-groups 
guidelines. They are quite reasonable and well thought by Yahoo as 
guideline for communal membership. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought 
of extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines 
over to other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups 
guidelines here at Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in 
to other yahoo-groups like over at The_Peak to help bring some greater 
inclusiveness and civility to the discussions there too but no 
invitation has been extended thus far asking for help. For instance 
Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there running 
quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the 
primacy of the Yahoo-group guidelines there. I don't expect to annex 
Poland next under the Yahoo-groups guidelines either. -JaiGuruYou!

---In,  wrote :

The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread feste37
Share, I think "namaste" is one of the loveliest of all greetings, but I do 
cringe at Jai Guru Dev. I got JGD'ed by someone just half an hour ago and it 
felt strange, like a ghost from the past. 

---In,  wrote :

 Hi Curtis,
 Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with Jai Guru Dev! 
That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone honors another human 
being and have been known to say "namaste" myself. But saying Jai Guru Dev 
rather than hello seems like a highjacking of a sincere honoring and turning it 
into something rote and meaningless. 

 Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be wrong about 
a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. Nonetheless, I think a 
good course of action is to trust my own instincts about another's sincerity 
and/or groundedness. And I further recognize that people perhaps say Jai Guru 
Dev in an intentional way, intending to have a deeper experience of life. I'm 
happy if it works for them.


 I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take an 
intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing TM, etc. I 
enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological angle on the world. 
Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing people's childhood issues and 
personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment then can be less.


 Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. And it 
totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit here. As best as 
I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any guru's insights. Nor even 
by any guru's experiences. They are living by their own insights and 

 That for me is proof of TM's efficacy.

 When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own activity, I had a 
flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the seeker, even from itself, to 
use an awkward wording. And I admit it leads to a conundrum: one is filled with 
gratitude for a system one no longer needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC 
phase (-:


 I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." 
And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?

 From: "curtisdeltablues@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
   Hi Share. Comments below.


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor 
his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward 
him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical 
to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a 
hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the 
intellectual value and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.  


 But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a 
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, not the 
eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's 
teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement 
participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe in the concept of a 
guru as a person with the kind of insight into life claimed by gurus, then the 
difference between how this belief gets mixed up in a personal philosophy is 
irrelevant to the challenge to the idea. Saying for example, "I believe 
Maharishi was enlightened and that enlightened people know the reality of life 
but I don't follow what he says exactly" is just a statement about how 
incongruent most people's philosophies are. It is not a refutation of the 
challenge that guru's have not provided enough evidence to support their claims 
to special states of mind and knowledge about the world.  


 But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!

Me: I guess you say this kind of thing to soften your having a personal opinion 
on something here. I don't believe you need to apologize for that. I think it 
is great that you love FFL and have chosen those beliefs out of Maharishi's 
system that serve you. My criticism of his teaching is never a personal attack 
on your life choices. I wish you lots of happiness and good things for your 
life while believing sincerely that Maharishi's philosophy i

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I have long appreciated a lot of the content of what these recently fallen had 
provided however it is unfortunate how they conducted themselves as they had in 
posting. As much as some here may assert that moderation here is something 
personalized about content but active moderation here is simply about alignment 
with the Yahoo-groups guidelines within a yahoo-group as folks write and 
contribute to the community here. Take a moment to quietly re-read the 
yahoo-groups guidelines. They are quite reasonable and well thought by Yahoo as 
guideline for communal membership. -JaiGuruYou

---In,  wrote :

 This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civility to the 
discussions there too but no invitation has been extended thus far asking for 
help. For instance Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there 
running quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the primacy of 
the Yahoo-group guidelines there. I don't expect to annex Poland next under the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines either. -JaiGuruYou!  

---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Hi Curtis,Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with Jai 
Guru Dev! That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone honors 
another human being and have been known to say "namaste" myself. But saying Jai 
Guru Dev rather than hello seems like a highjacking of a sincere honoring and 
turning it into something rote and meaningless. 
Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be wrong about 
a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. Nonetheless, I think a 
good course of action is to trust my own instincts about another's sincerity 
and/or groundedness. And I further recognize that people perhaps say Jai Guru 
Dev in an intentional way, intending to have a deeper experience of life. I'm 
happy if it works for them.

I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take an 
intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing TM, etc. I 
enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological angle on the world. 
Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing people's childhood issues and 
personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment then can be less.

Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. And it 
totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit here. As best as 
I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any guru's insights. Nor even 
by any guru's experiences. They are living by their own insights and 
That for me is proof of TM's efficacy.
When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own activity, I had a 
flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the seeker, even from itself, to 
use an awkward wording. And I admit it leads to a conundrum: one is filled with 
gratitude for a system one no longer needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC 
phase (-:

I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." 
And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?
 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
    Hi Share. Comments below.

---In,  wrote :

salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor 
his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward 
him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical 
to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a 
hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the 
intellectual value and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.  
But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a 
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, not the 
eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's 
teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement 
participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe in the concept of a 
guru as a person with the kind of insight into life claimed by gurus, then the 
difference between how this belief gets mixed up in a personal philosophy is 
irrelevant to the challenge to the idea. Saying for example, "I believe 
Maharishi was enlightened and that enlightened people know the reality of life 
but I don't follow what he says exactly" is just a statement about how 
incongruent most people's philosophies are. It is not a refutation of the 
challenge that guru's have not provided enough evidence to support their claims 
to special states of mind and knowledge about the world.  

But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!

Me: I guess you say this kind of thing to soften your having a personal opinion 
on something here. I don't believe you need to apologize for that. I think it 
is great that you love FFL and have chosen those beliefs out of Maharishi's 
system that serve you. My criticism of his teaching is never a personal attack 
on your life choices. I wish you lots of happiness and good things for your 
life while believing sincerely that Maharishi's philosophy is wrong on almost 
everything it claims.

Yes, life, Jai Guru Life, abounds in irony (-:
I finally looked up TTFN...
  From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogrou

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
This Geezerfr quip is hilarious in its way. Poland? I had no thought of 
extending the civilizing influence of these yahoo-groups guidelines over to 
other groups. I serve simply as a moderator of Yahoo-groups guidelines here at 
Rick's pleasure. Conceivably I could be invited in to other yahoo-groups like 
over at The_Peak to help bring some greater inclusiveness and civility to the 
discussions there too but no invitation has been extended thus far asking for 
help. For instance Fleetwood over at The_Peak seems to have a group over there 
running quite well enough in hand within alignment with the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines. He has not asked for my assistance with establishing the primacy of 
the Yahoo-group guidelines there. I don't expect to annex Poland next under the 
Yahoo-groups guidelines either. -JaiGuruYou!  

---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

 Consider that I keep getting re-incarnated as the same thing.

 But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades!

 Was that your main point? I thought it was that you'd miss me. Boo!

 I don't think you need have to have been in Fairfield at all to have an 
opinion about the TMO or TM as it all occurs in the head. And no matter how 
good a time you're having it doesn't change what I've seen and done. I'd like 
to know more about FF but no one ever posts anything because it gets analysed 
by people like me who might have a different viewpoint to what you've decided 
you want to hear. The recent "vedic" psychiatry debate springs to mind. I had 
some good questions about it for BUck but he didn't respond.

 We have the net to keep us informed of how the inner workings of the TMO are 
going you see so we don't have to visit FF, the changes to the websites tell us 
a lot.What people post here tells us a lot. 

 The thing is we all have a vested interest in our spiritual alma mater and how 
it turns out. Trouble is somebody round here doesn't want us to take part 
because we are "apostates". It's a silly term from a silly man who has ended up 
with too much power which he wields without considering the long term 
ramifications of his actions for the place. But then he doesn't take part 
himself so why should he care?


  Come on guys, get a little hands on and current experience before you wade 
in! Get a little present day skin in the game!

 But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!


 Yes, life, Jai Guru Life, abounds in irony (-:

 I finally looked up TTFN...



 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates


---In,  wrote :

 Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

 Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!

 But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.

 Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.

 But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.

 Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess 
that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and 
voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my 
opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.

 Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the 
domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.

 Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat 
us (you) the same way he was treated. 
Ironic huh?

 Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers are saying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them is actually 
closing all of his FB pages.

 Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.

 Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good health, 

 Yeah, and you Share. You have been a source of fun here when you posted more. 
And I got some good book recommendations from you. I always thank people who 
open my eyes to things.

 Somehow I'll have to find something else to do on my tea break!

 TTFN ;-)
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

 I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Sal if you get canned, this place has officially jumped the shark. I couldn't 
stand the place without dissenting voices like yours. You have made huge 
intellectual contributions to the place, and the idea that you are now in a 
laser sight from such a tiny mind's perspective makes me sick.

 Why thank you Curtis. This place has been great over the years, I think a lot 
of people have made a real difference to the quality of conversation and if 
I've helped that in any way for anyone it will have been worth it for more than 
just the good reads I've had from the rest of you.

 Assuming my morning rant that spoiled my breakfast as I read news of MJ and 
Xeno's rude demise from FFL has the expected response I think it's worth 
remembering what good the old open attitude of FFL did for people like me.

 When I joined I was a disillusioned yogic flyer who hated a lot of what he'd 
seen in the TMO, the way it was run and how people were treated but it had 
taken over my life. The Maheshisms had sunk in to the point that I didn't know 
how to break free because all my friends were either in the TMO or wouldn't 
understand. And the guilt applied by the training techniques of the TMO stopped 
me analysing myself too much and I had bee well brainwashed into fearing 
stopping the programme.

 What I learnt from you and Barry and others was that you can break free from 
the organisation if you want. This place was my exit counsellor and place to 
discuss cults and religions and how we got involved in any of them and why. It 
was cathartic and illuminating and entertaining all at once. This is what we 
get from different perspectives, different viewpoints. It used to be a good 
halfway house between cult and sanity and that's a good thing and you guys 
helped with that a lot. FFL was a good place to vent and get things in 
perspective and talk to people who were there and who know what it's all about.

 Buck doesn't want that. He's had an agenda to get rid of us "apostates" for a 
long time and it's sad that Rick let him. When one man has the right to mould 
the place in his own image then we all stop learning anything new, it all just 
sinks to some bland middle ground. Sure it's fun to talk about what movies 
we've seen and museums we've been to but the most instructive people have gone 
and this place has lost it's magic because of that. 

 But at least you're still here to offer reasoned debate to Buck, not that 
he'll engage with you. I'll just get quoted a few lines of the guidelines and 
that will be that.




---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

 You're making me laugh. Every time you say "bye" you keep coming back. That's 
fine but what's the deal here? Just can't stay away?

 I'm waiting to get deleted. But Captain Unity hasn't got up yet so I can play 
around a bit longer. 

 Come on Buck, what's keepin' ya! There's an "apostate" who needs your 
attention to stop him telling the truth about things.

 If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, 
like sheep to the slaughter.
 George Washington



[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sal if you get canned, this place has officially jumped the shark. I couldn't 
stand the place without dissenting voices like yours. You have made huge 
intellectual contributions to the place, and the idea that you are now in a 
laser sight from such a tiny mind's perspective makes me sick.


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

 You're making me laugh. Every time you say "bye" you keep coming back. That's 
fine but what's the deal here? Just can't stay away?

 I'm waiting to get deleted. But Captain Unity hasn't got up yet so I can play 
around a bit longer. 

 Come on Buck, what's keepin' ya! There's an "apostate" who needs your 
attention to stop him telling the truth about things.

 If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, 
like sheep to the slaughter.
 George Washington



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Hi Share. Comments below.

---In,  wrote :

 salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor 
his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward 
him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical 
to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a 
hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the 
intellectual value and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.  


 But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a 
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, not the 
eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's 
teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement 
participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe in the concept of a 
guru as a person with the kind of insight into life claimed by gurus, then the 
difference between how this belief gets mixed up in a personal philosophy is 
irrelevant to the challenge to the idea. Saying for example, "I believe 
Maharishi was enlightened and that enlightened people know the reality of life 
but I don't follow what he says exactly" is just a statement about how 
incongruent most people's philosophies are. It is not a refutation of the 
challenge that guru's have not provided enough evidence to support their claims 
to special states of mind and knowledge about the world.  


 But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!

Me: I guess you say this kind of thing to soften your having a personal opinion 
on something here. I don't believe you need to apologize for that. I think it 
is great that you love FFL and have chosen those beliefs out of Maharishi's 
system that serve you. My criticism of his teaching is never a personal attack 
on your life choices. I wish you lots of happiness and good things for your 
life while believing sincerely that Maharishi's philosophy is wrong on almost 
everything it claims.


 Yes, life, Jai Guru Life, abounds in irony (-:

 I finally looked up TTFN...

 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates


---In,  wrote :

 Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

 Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!

 But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.

 Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.

 But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.

 Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess 
that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and 
voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my 
opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.

 Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the 
domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.

 Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat 
us (you) the same way he was treated. 
Ironic huh?

 Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers are saying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them is actually 
closing all of his FB pages.

 Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.

 Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good h

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

 You're making me laugh. Every time you say "bye" you keep coming back. That's 
fine but what's the deal here? Just can't stay away?

 I'm waiting to get deleted. But Captain Unity hasn't got up yet so I can play 
around a bit longer. 

 Well, stick around and play longer. You don't have to try and get chucked off, 
you can just go willingly if you really want out of here. (I would rather you 

 Come on Buck, what's keepin' ya! There's an "apostate" who needs your 
attention to stop him telling the truth about things.

 If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, 
like sheep to the slaughter.
 George Washington



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!
But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and 
haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a 
little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present 
day skin in the game!
But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And 
I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!

Yes, life, Jai Guru Life, abounds in irony (-:
I finally looked up TTFN...
 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:27 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

---In,  wrote :

Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:
Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!
But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.
Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.
But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.
Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess 
that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and 
voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my 
opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.
Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the 
domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.
Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat us 
(you) the same way he was treated. 
Ironic huh?

Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers aresaying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them isactually 
closing all of his FB pages.
Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.
Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good health, 
Yeah, and you Share. You have been a source of fun here when you posted more. 
And I got some good book recommendations from you. I always thank people who 
open my eyes to things.
Somehow I'll have to find something else to do on my tea break!
TTFN ;-)  From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.
Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.
That will not easily be replaced, IMO.

---In,  wrote :

Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of theyahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

  #yiv9064561053 #yiv9064561053 -- #yiv9064561053ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9064561053 
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{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9064561053 #yiv9064561053ygrp-sponsor 
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{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9064561053 #yiv9064561053actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv9

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

 You're making me laugh. Every time you say "bye" you keep coming back. That's 
fine but what's the deal here? Just can't stay away?

 I'm waiting to get deleted. But Captain Unity hasn't got up yet so I can play 
around a bit longer. 

 Come on Buck, what's keepin' ya! There's an "apostate" who needs your 
attention to stop him telling the truth about things.

 If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, 
like sheep to the slaughter.
 George Washington



[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

 You're making me laugh. Every time you say "bye" you keep coming back. That's 
fine but what's the deal here? Just can't stay away?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

  “..Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting.”

 Doug, they were pushing you to ask them to leave. 

 No kidding, but who would want to be a member of a club that would accept 
them? Especially when the guy breathing over your shoulder is a sad hypocrite. 
Why should we, who have been here for ages talking sense about things Buck is 
just too sensitive about, suddenly have to conform to what HE wants?

 I'm not totally seeing that, Sal. I get that you dislike me for all sorts of 
reasons and probably don't want or will not read this reply but here's how I 
see it:
 FFL has been an interesting forum over the years with all sorts of smart, 
albeit often prickly, personalities who enjoy a good discussion or argument 
often with the result that there is intelligent and worthwhile reading 
material. I have only been here for about 3 years and in that time I have seen 
quite a few members come and go. Some I was more than happy to see either 
leaving of their own volition or sometimes not but others were a loss for this 
group when they said "bye, bye". But during all of this there was so little 
moderation that it became a real free for all with all of us (with the 
exception of the terminally polite posters like john esq) slinging all sorts of 
insults and others wantonly skewing and maliciously misrepresenting others 
here, incessantly. 

 We saw the whole range of bad behaviour as well as some great writing. FFL 
seemed to have become the place where those who expected no moderation came to 
hang out. As a result when things finally got to the point of some pretty ugly 
mudslinging and total lack of self control by certain individuals  a moderator 
was appointed by the moderator who didn't want to really moderate and surprise 
- that new moderator started to apply the Yahoo guidelines to the hitherto 
lawless FFL. And guess what? Those most in non compliance to the guidelines got 
their wrists slapped and then whined or ranted or their friends whined and 
ranted that "it's not fair" like some little kid. 

 In my opinion, many here simply don't want to face the fact that this place is 
now being moderated and that those who have, so far, been told to leave as a 
result of defying the guidelines either willingly dared Doug to oust them or 
were simply too unself aware to realize when they overstepped them. 

 Surely by now, now that there are three who all seem to agree with each other 
on most things, could start their own forum and keep doing whatever the hell 
they want to where Doug will "leave them alone".

 Especially as he has no counter arguments and just hides behind his pathetic 

 They aren't Doug's guidelines, they are Yahoo's.

 It's his plan to make this place as dull as possible, with no criticism and 
nothing to upset the True Believer. This has been his stated plan for ever.

 See, now this is an example of the small thinking that makes this place 
rey dull.



---In,  wrote :

 Buck is showing his true TM colors - hypocritical and full of crap, behavior 
learned from his beloved Marshy and Company - they were full of it too.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
n here when you posted more. 
And I got some good book recommendations from you. I always thank people who 
open my eyes to things.

 Somehow I'll have to find something else to do on my tea break!

 TTFN ;-)
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

 I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.

 Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.

 That will not easily be replaced, IMO.


---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 I'm glad you are sticking around, although it seems like a rather tenuous 

 I'm sure I'll be gone when Buck wakes up and switches on his computer to see 
what we thought of his "night of the long knives" But you never know, maybe he 
finds me such irresistible company he'll keep me around!

 I enjoy the opposing point of view, when it's not agenda driven.

 Anything agenda driven gets old fast, I'd say.

 Don't understand what agenda's you think people have round here? Mine is just 
to be honest and say what I think about what I've seen when I was in the TMO, 
and talk about dinosaurs obviously.

 I'll miss the boys too much though. And feel like I want solidarity with 
people who have been removed for no good reason by a maniac who just wants the 
"apostates" to stop reminding him that the quest for enlightenment isn't all as 
rosy as he likes to think.

 What Marshy didn't tell him - probably because he didn't know - is that you 
never get to the end of the rainbow, all you do is find that you never left the 
start. Does that sound like unity? Unity with what? A unified field that 
doesn't exist, and even if it did it would only mean that a few physicists 
understand the connection between the nuclear forces and electromagnetism.

 It's seems bizarre to me that he's made such a vendetta against people that 
don't buy the dream that he does that he would delete them from a forum that 
was set up to allow people to talk about that sort of thing! That's what this 
is all about, that's Buck's agenda and it isn't like he hasn't made that plain 
over the years.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

 Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!

 But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.

 Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.

 But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.

 Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess 
that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and 
voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my 
opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.

 Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the 
domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.

 Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat 
us (you) the same way he was treated. 
Ironic huh?

 Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers are saying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them is actually 
closing all of his FB pages.

 Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.

 Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good health, 

 Yeah, and you Share. You have been a source of fun here when you posted more. 
And I got some good book recommendations from you. I always thank people who 
open my eyes to things.

 Somehow I'll have to find something else to do on my tea break!

 TTFN ;-)
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

 I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.

 Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.

 That will not easily be replaced, IMO.


---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread feste37
I saw the offending post from Xeno before it was deleted, and I think Doug made 
the right decision. The post was malicious. It used information that Xeno 
supposedly had about Doug's private life in an attempt to embarrass him. That's 
a straight red card, no doubt about it. 

Unlike Turquoise B, however, Zeno was not a serial offender and did make some 
thoughtful contributions here, some of them at great length. (I thought of him 
as Zeno the Interminable.) Perhaps a limited ban might be appropriate, of say, 
30 days?  
I did not dislike MJ but his posts were clearly and consistently in breach of 
the Yahoo! guidelines. I think that anyone who runs a Yahoo! group is entitled 
to decide what is acceptable and what is not, based on those guidelines. 

---In,  wrote :


 I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.

 Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.

 That will not easily be replaced, IMO.

---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'm glad you are sticking around, although it seems like a rather tenuous 

 I enjoy the opposing point of view, when it's not agenda driven.

 Anything agenda driven gets old fast, I'd say.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

 Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!

 But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.

 Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.

 But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.

 Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess 
that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and 
voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my 
opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.

 Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the 
domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.

 Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat 
us (you) the same way he was treated. 
Ironic huh?

 Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers are saying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them is actually 
closing all of his FB pages.

 Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.

 Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good health, 

 Yeah, and you Share. You have been a source of fun here when you posted more. 
And I got some good book recommendations from you. I always thank people who 
open my eyes to things.

 Somehow I'll have to find something else to do on my tea break!

 TTFN ;-)
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

 I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.

 Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.

 That will not easily be replaced, IMO.


---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

 Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!

 But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I 
recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the 
weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people 
like you and Buck don't like.

 Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room 
for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's 
all on the home page.

 But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this 
place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with nothing to say. This is 
sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are 
the ones nobody wants to read.

 Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't 
believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess 
that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and 
voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my 
opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.

 Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the 
domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.

 Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat 
us (you) the same way he was treated. 
Ironic huh?

 Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers are saying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them is actually 
closing all of his FB pages.

 Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.

 Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good health, 

 Yeah, and you Share. You have been a source of fun here when you posted more. 
And I got some good book recommendations from you. I always thank people who 
open my eyes to things.

 Somehow I'll have to find something else to do on my tea break!

 TTFN ;-)
 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

 I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.

 Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.

 That will not easily be replaced, IMO.


---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-07 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and 
rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of 
the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away 
from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more 
tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers are saying 
that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them is actually 
closing all of his FB pages.
Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good health, 
etc.    From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.
Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.
That will not easily be replaced, IMO.

---In,  wrote :

Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of theyahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye.   #yiv9243740225 
#yiv9243740225 -- #yiv9243740225ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9243740225 
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#yiv9243740225ygrp-mkp #yiv9243740225hd 
0;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225ygrp-mkp #yiv9243740225ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225ygrp-mkp .yiv9243740225ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225ygrp-mkp .yiv9243740225ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225ygrp-mkp .yiv9243740225ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv9243740225ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9243740225 
#yiv9243740225ygrp-sponsor #yiv9243740225ygrp-lc #yiv9243740225hd {margin:10px 
#yiv9243740225ygrp-sponsor #yiv9243740225ygrp-lc .yiv9243740225ad 
{margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225actions 
{font-family:Verdana;font-size:11px;padding:10px 0;}#yiv9243740225 
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#yiv9243740225activity span:first-child 
{text-transform:uppercase;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225activity span a 
{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225activity span 
span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv9243740225 #yiv9243740225activity span 
.yiv9243740225underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv9243740225 
0;width:400px;}#yiv9243740225 .yiv9243740225attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 .yiv9243740225attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv9243740225 .yiv9243740225attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv9243740225 .yiv9243740225attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv9243740225 .yiv9243740225bold 
.yiv9243740225bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 dd.yiv9243740225last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9243740225 dd.yiv9243740225last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv9243740225 
dd.yiv9243740225last p span.yiv9243740225yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv9243740225 div.yiv9243740225attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 div.yiv9243740225attach-table 
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div.yiv9243740225file-title a:active, #yiv9243740225 
div.yiv9243740225file-title a:hover, #yiv9243740225 div.yiv9243740225file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 div.yiv9243740225photo-title a, 
#yiv9243740225 div.yiv9243740225photo-title a:active, #yiv9243740225 
div.yiv9243740225photo-title a:hover, #yiv9243740225 
div.yiv9243740225photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv9243740225 
div#yiv9243740225ygrp-mlmsg #yiv9243740225ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv9243740225green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv9243740225 .yiv9243740225MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv9243740225 o {font-size:0;}#yiv9243740225 
#yiv9243740225photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv9243740225 
#yiv9243740225photos div div {border:1px solid 
#yiv9243740225photos div label 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

  “..Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting.”

 Doug, they were pushing you to ask them to leave. 

 No kidding, but who would want to be a member of a club that would accept 
them? Especially when the guy breathing over your shoulder is a sad hypocrite. 
Why should we, who have been here for ages talking sense about things Buck is 
just too sensitive about, suddenly have to conform to what HE wants?

 Especially as he has no counter arguments and just hides behind his pathetic 

 It's his plan to make this place as dull as possible, with no criticism and 
nothing to upset the True Believer. This has been his stated plan for ever.

---In,  wrote :

 Buck is showing his true TM colors - hypocritical and full of crap, behavior 
learned from his beloved Marshy and Company - they were full of it too.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

  “..Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting.”


---In,  wrote :

 Buck is showing his true TM colors - hypocritical and full of crap, behavior 
learned from his beloved Marshy and Company - they were full of it too.

 See you later MJ, have fun!




[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

 The bloke is an arsehole. If he'd had a millionth of the things to say that 
the people he's just deleted have this place might limp on for a bit longer but 
he's just a dumb fuck who reads off the TM bliss brochure to make up for the 
fact he gave up free thought decades ago.

 You'd have to be as brainwashed as he is to think otherwise. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

 He was half asleep anyway.

 If you've got any sort of mildly functioning brain I suggest you start using 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread salyavin808


---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

 What, our fucking dumb stormtrooper asshole of a moderator turns up just to 
delete people now?

 I guess that's gives us the measure of what he's got to say about anything.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
much smaller ouch

 MJ, had a nice way of writing, I think, but much of his content was what was 

 A sad rut to be in, but I will miss him nonetheless for some of his more 
creative stuff.

---In,  wrote :

  “..Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting.”


---In,  wrote :

 Buck is showing his true TM colors - hypocritical and full of crap, behavior 
learned from his beloved Marshy and Company - they were full of it too.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply.  (of course it's all in 
the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.

 Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, 
that dry, dry sense of humor.

 That will not easily be replaced, IMO.

---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The hypocrisy from Doug/Buck is breathtaking. What's next from you, Poland?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The hypocrisy on your part here is breathtaking Doug/Buck. What's next for you? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

  “..Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting.”

 Doug, they were pushing you to ask them to leave. They think this will prove 
some point. They appear to have achieved what they set out to do. When one puts 
their mind to something it is amazing how one can create exactly what one is 
trying to achieve. In this case MJ has been goading you, daring you to kick him 
off and trying his damnedest to push the envelope as far as it would go. All it 
prove is that they both knew exactly what the yahoo guidelines were and did 
exactly what they knew could get them kicked off. No big feat.


---In,  wrote :

 Buck is showing his true TM colors - hypocritical and full of crap, behavior 
learned from his beloved Marshy and Company - they were full of it too.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 “..Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or ranting.”


---In,  wrote :

 Buck is showing his true TM colors - hypocritical and full of crap, behavior 
learned from his beloved Marshy and Company - they were full of it too.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Buck is showing his true TM colors - hypocritical and full of crap, behavior 
learned from his beloved Marshy and Company - they were full of it too.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Monday, July 6, 2015 10:08 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates
    You were in a publicly known place with other people, with a very popular 
person; one cannot be private in such a situation, one is seen in such a 
situation; you may even have been photographed in such a situation. That is 
public knowledge even though you might want to hide such behaviour from a 
certain organisation, but you were seen. In the light of your comments in the 
past, you would be considered what you have called others, an apostate. The 
other comments were factual, concerning your behaviour in the past, what you 
publicly posted on Fairfield Life, so it is not a slur. Your name was not 
mentioned in the post, and everybody knows it anyway, you never requested 
anonymity when you were on FFL. End of Message.

---In,  wrote :

Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of theyahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye.   #yiv4644874834 
#yiv4644874834 -- #yiv4644874834ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4644874834 
#yiv4644874834ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4644874834 
#yiv4644874834ygrp-mkp #yiv4644874834hd 
0;}#yiv4644874834 #yiv4644874834ygrp-mkp #yiv4644874834ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4644874834 #yiv4644874834ygrp-mkp .yiv4644874834ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv4644874834 #yiv4644874834ygrp-mkp .yiv4644874834ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv4644874834 #yiv4644874834ygrp-mkp .yiv4644874834ad a 
{color:#ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4644874834 #yiv4644874834ygrp-sponsor 
#yiv4644874834ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4644874834 
#yiv4644874834ygrp-sponsor #yiv4644874834ygrp-lc #yiv4644874834hd {margin:10px 
#yiv4644874834ygrp-sponsor #yiv4644874834ygrp-lc .yiv4644874834ad 
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span {color:#ff7900;}#yiv4644874834 #yiv4644874834activity span 
.yiv4644874834underline {text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4644874834 
0;width:400px;}#yiv4644874834 .yiv4644874834attach div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4644874834 .yiv4644874834attach img 
{border:none;padding-right:5px;}#yiv4644874834 .yiv4644874834attach label 
{display:block;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv4644874834 .yiv4644874834attach label a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4644874834 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv4644874834 .yiv4644874834bold 
.yiv4644874834bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4644874834 dd.yiv4644874834last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4644874834 dd.yiv4644874834last p 
span {margin-right:10px;font-family:Verdana;font-weight:700;}#yiv4644874834 
dd.yiv4644874834last p span.yiv4644874834yshortcuts 
{margin-right:0;}#yiv4644874834 div.yiv4644874834attach-table div div a 
{text-decoration:none;}#yiv4644874834 div.yiv4644874834attach-table 
{width:400px;}#yiv4644874834 div.yiv4644874834file-title a, #yiv4644874834 
div.yiv4644874834file-title a:active, #yiv4644874834 
div.yiv4644874834file-title a:hover, #yiv4644874834 div.yiv4644874834file-title 
a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4644874834 div.yiv4644874834photo-title a, 
#yiv4644874834 div.yiv4644874834photo-title a:active, #yiv4644874834 
div.yiv4644874834photo-title a:hover, #yiv4644874834 
div.yiv4644874834photo-title a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv4644874834 
div#yiv4644874834ygrp-mlmsg #yiv4644874834ygrp-msg p a 
.yiv4644874834green {color:#628c2a;}#yiv4644874834 .yiv4644874834MsoNormal 
{margin:0 0 0 0;}#yiv4644874834 o {font-size:0;}#yiv4644874834 
#yiv4644874834photos div {float:left;width:72px;}#yiv4644874834 
#yiv4644874834photos div div {border:1px solid 
#yiv4644874834photos div label 
 #yiv4644874834reco-category {fo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

 He was half asleep anyway.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You were in a publicly known place with other people, with a very popular 
person; one cannot be private in such a situation, one is seen in such a 
situation; you may even have been photographed in such a situation. That is 
public knowledge even though you might want to hide such behaviour from a 
certain organisation, but you were seen. In the light of your comments in the 
past, you would be considered what you have called others, an apostate. The 
other comments were factual, concerning your behaviour in the past, what you 
publicly posted on Fairfield Life, so it is not a slur. Your name was not 
mentioned in the post, and everybody knows it anyway, you never requested 
anonymity when you were on FFL. End of Message. 
---In,  wrote :

 Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

2015-07-06 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines 
of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye.