[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-21 Thread s3raphita
Re "The fact that campaigns to make kosher slaughter and even circumcision 
illegal . . . ":
 You are correct about the worrying rise in anti-Semitic violence in Europe - 
often carried out by Muslims. But Muslims would also be hit by a ban on 
circumcision. And if kosher slaughter is outlawed so would Halal meat be 
banned. Can't see the politicians following up on either proposal. 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 "They wonder whether classic anti-Semitism is not back with a vengeance all 
over Europe, after several decades of post-Holocaust toleration. The fact that 
campaigns to make kosher slaughter and even circumcision illegal are gaining 
ground in several countries, and were even endorsed at the Council of Europe in 
Strasbourg, is seen as particularly ominous."
 'Exodus: Migration of Jews Out of France Begins'
 On 10/20/2013 1:40 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
"authfriend" wrote:
 > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 > "TurquoiseB" turquoiseb@ wrote:
 > >
 > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 > > wrote:
 > (snip)
 > > > Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?
 > >
 > > Can you imagine an American President even having
 > > the balls to try?
 > >
 > > No one else can, either.
 > >
 > > That's why America is considered a joke in most
 > > thinking parts of the world.
 > Actually, most thinking parts of the world would consider
 > America even more of a joke, and a particularly offensive
 > one at that, if a president were known to have had the
 > balls to make such anti-Semitic remarks, even a decade out
 > of office.
 Anyone daring to use the term "anti-Semitic" has already
 withdrawn from the company of thinking individuals on
 planet Earth.
 You're implying that one group of people's fantasies about
 how the universe works are more important than, more "true"
 than, and and more inviolable than, anyone else's.
 Me, I class ALL religious beliefs as fantasies. I think that
 qualifies me as an egalitarian, unlike some who get their
 panties in a twist when their particular fantasies are
 challenged. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-21 Thread Richard J. Williams

Yeah, you told off the Americans on the discussion group. Good work!

Do you still have your American passport? LoL!

On 10/20/2013 11:51 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> Share wrote:
> 'OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.'
> Were I this god, I would love this; you have succumbed to the 
propaganda of a tyrant.

> Thomas Jefferson, an admirer of Jesus but not of much else in the 
Christian Bible wrote of this god of the Torah (as the Christians 
inherited the scriptures of the Jews) in rather disparaging terms:
> 'There are, I acknowledge, passages not free from objection, which 
we may, with probability, ascribe to Jesus himself; but claiming 
indulgence from the circumstances under which he acted. His object was 
the reformation of some articles in the religion of the Jews, as 
taught by Moses. That sect had presented for the object of their 
worship, a being of terrific* character, cruel, vindictive, capricious 
and unjust. Jesus, taking for his type the best qualities of the human 
head and heart, wisdom, justice, goodness, and adding to them power, 
ascribed all of these, but in infinite perfection, to the Supreme 
Being, and formed him really worthy of their adoration. Moses had 
either not believed in a future state of existence, or had not thought 
it essential to be explicitly taught to his people. Jesus inculcated 
that doctrine with emphasis and precision. Moses had bound the Jews to 
many idle ceremonies, mummeries and observances, of no effect towards 
producing the social utilities which constitute the essence of virtue; 
Jesus exposed their futility and insignificance.'

> *meaning terror-ific - 'terrifying' in more modern language
> This passage (from which the part I bolded is often quoted out of 
context or modified) is from a letter Jefferson wrote to one William 
Short in 1820.

> ( http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/jefferson_jesus.html 

> One might accuse Jefferson of racism on the basis of the content of 
this letter.

> Jefferson was referring to the character of god in the 'Old 
Testament', the Torah etc. which are a part of the Christian 
scriptures. Jefferson himself made a version of the Bible where he cut 
out all the tyrannical passages and mythology including the entire Old 
Testament, and most of the New. He admired Jesus to the extent the 
character of Jesus can be extracted from these writings, but he 
admired not much else in the Bible.


> Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?

Can you imagine an American President even having the balls to try?

No one else can, either.

That's why America is considered a joke in most thinking parts of the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-21 Thread Richard J. Williams
"They wonder whether classic anti-Semitism is not back with a vengeance 
all over Europe, after several decades of post-Holocaust toleration. The 
fact that campaigns to make kosher slaughter and even circumcision 
illegal are gaining ground in several countries, and were even endorsed 
at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, is seen as particularly ominous."

'Exodus: Migration of Jews Out of France Begins'

On 10/20/2013 1:40 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" turquoiseb@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wrote:
> (snip)
> > > Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?
> >
> > Can you imagine an American President even having
> > the balls to try?
> >
> > No one else can, either.
> >
> > That's why America is considered a joke in most
> > thinking parts of the world.
> Actually, most thinking parts of the world would consider
> America even more of a joke, and a particularly offensive
> one at that, if a president were known to have had the
> balls to make such anti-Semitic remarks, even a decade out
> of office.

Anyone daring to use the term "anti-Semitic" has already
withdrawn from the company of thinking individuals on
planet Earth.

You're implying that one group of people's fantasies about
how the universe works are more important than, more "true"
than, and and more inviolable than, anyone else's.

Me, I class ALL religious beliefs as fantasies. I think that
qualifies me as an egalitarian, unlike some who get their
panties in a twist when their particular fantasies are
challenged. :-)

[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-21 Thread emptybill
Zenos the stranger:
 While you have that almost daemon-like entity in the Torah, you also have more 
abstract versions of god in Cabbalah, Jewish esoteric interpretations of 
scripture, which are much more in line with what people who seek enlightenment 
are engaged in.
 Don’t know where “almost” fits since YHVH is the actual daimon of the Jewish 
tribes. You don’t seem to conjoin the seemingly diverse facts … daimon, karma, 
incarnation. Think about it for a moment.

 1.  YHVH-daimon sets himself up as the Mafiosi of the Jews. He then orders 
the assault and destruction of 60 walled towns and cities and the slaughter of 
all the inhabitants (including the babies and children). That was just to get 
started. Institutes an “obey or die” rule among his followers and then orders 
the seizure of all remaining property (found anywhere).
 2. The karma is dark and tamasic, throwing the YHVH-daimon downward among 
his followers in the very place they committed his murders. 
 3.  Incarnated among them, he gets seized, judged, tortured and killed for 
claiming to be above the Law. Now a powerless human still claiming to be the 
ruler himself he get his reward – seeing what it feels like to be a slaughter 
 4. Gets deified by Hellenized goya and portrayed as a “Universal Godhead” 
just like his daimon essence was by the jews.
 Case closed.


Re: Re: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-21 Thread Share Long
e Xeno, there have been a few times when I have somehow snuck past all the 
*sleeping elephants* and experienced pure love or something very close to it. 
It is a way of being that is in perfect harmony with the world and all of its 
big and little details. It is all forms of human, conditional love happening at 
the same time so that its unconditional nature shines through. At that level of 
life, Being, Truth and Love form a trinity of experience, effortlessly 
eradicating all differences. And at the same time celebrating them!

Yeah, pure love, in my experience is chock full of all kinds of paradoxes. One 
of them is that it is both process and state at the same time. It is both empty 
and full. It is darkness and light, masculine and feminine. Pure love both 
enslaves us and liberates us. And it lovingly laughs at my attempting to 
describe it in words! 

Pure love says yes to every no. A friend of mine said that and it fits my 
experience. Can an experience, no matter how sublime, be That which includes 
and surpasses all experience? Probably not. Maybe that experience is just the 
builder of another prison in my individuality, another prison which I must tear 
apart with my own hands. Or which life will tear down for me, out of love for 

And what about God in all this love business? I think what I experienced was 
the impersonal God. My experiences of personal God are conditioned by my 
Catholic upbringing and includes the full range from the Old Testament vengeful 
God to the agape of Christ, healing and forgiving and dying for my sins, 
Himself feeling cut off from His divinity when on the cross to the image of God 
as Brahman playing peek a boo with maya.

Finally, maybe the last paradox: pure love isn't bothered about being pure or 
conditioned, directed towards self or other. It just is and is and is and is to 
the farthest reaches of the universe. I think you're right: we are it and have 
always been. All of this is just a lila rising up lovingly from all that 
isness. But I could be wrong.

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 9:45 PM, "anartax...@yahoo.com" 
 I don't know. What is the difference between 'love' and 'pure love'? When 
people fall in love, they tend to be, for a while, enslaved by that feeling 
because ego becomes subdued. When one loves, though, there is a flow from 
subject to the perceived object, but I am not clear on what 'purity' means 
here. I do not see how loving can enslave anything. Obsession can enslave its 
object. But loving enslaves the subject that perceives the object. Can one love 
something completely abstract, like pure consciousness? There does not seem to 
be anything there for flow to occur.

God so loved the world he killed his kid. Now on a human level that is just 
murder. People are always killing the object of their love, if that focus on 
the object is not returned by the object. One could take this metaphorically 
and say something like the universe itself is so in love with itself that it 
has provided a trap door into which an individual falls and dies becoming in 
their own awareness the universe itself. That trap door is whatever spiritual 
path one has chosen, provided it accomplishes that end. Can pure being, which 
has no definition be considered love? For love to occur some emptiness must 
exist to be filled, so it seems to me love is not a thing or a state but a 
process of becoming and is not therefore 'pure' in any sense.

But as I do not know the answer to this I can take suggestions. I have never 
been into bhakti , it is totally unnatural for me, so love of guru or some 
supposed sacred something would never appeal and never has appealed to me. 
However one always experiences a flow in the direction of what one likes, so 
devotion is really a part of anything that appeals to one, in greater or lesser 
degree, so devotion is not really a path, it is what allows one to stay on 
whatever path is their path. To my mind, teachers that hawk devotion as a path 
are trying to package obedience to their wishes thwarting the natural process 
of flow. Students do admire and sometimes love their teachers, and as long as 
the teacher does not artificially try to foster that and just gives the 
students what they need to succeed, I think that is fine. The goal is not to 
venerate the teacher but to live, understand, and even improve upon what the 
teacher knows. This tends not to happen in
 religion, where the situation devolves into focusing on the character of the 
teacher rather than on what teacher wanted them to know.

Does god love? If god is defined as wholeness, then god is complete and has no 
need of anything, being everything, and why would that be love? There is YHWH 
in the Torah, who in human terms could hardly be called loving. We throw people 
in prison today, for doing what YHWH does in the Bible. YHWH in the Bible is 
not an abstract being, but rather just a magnification of very human 
characteristics, rather unsavou

RE: Re: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread anartaxius
 I don't know. What is the difference between 'love' and 'pure love'? When 
people fall in love, they tend to be, for a while, enslaved by that feeling 
because ego becomes subdued. When one loves, though, there is a flow from 
subject to the perceived object, but I am not clear on what 'purity' means 
here. I do not see how loving can enslave anything. Obsession can enslave its 
object. But loving enslaves the subject that perceives the object. Can one love 
something completely abstract, like pure consciousness? There does not seem to 
be anything there for flow to occur.

God so loved the world he killed his kid. Now on a human level that is just 
murder. People are always killing the object of their love, if that focus on 
the object is not returned by the object. One could take this metaphorically 
and say something like the universe itself is so in love with itself that it 
has provided a trap door into which an individual falls and dies becoming in 
their own awareness the universe itself. That trap door is whatever spiritual 
path one has chosen, provided it accomplishes that end. Can pure being, which 
has no definition be considered love? For love to occur some emptiness must 
exist to be filled, so it seems to me love is not a thing or a state but a 
process of becoming and is not therefore 'pure' in any sense.

But as I do not know the answer to this I can take suggestions. I have never 
been into bhakti , it is totally unnatural for me, so love of guru or some 
supposed sacred something would never appeal and never has appealed to me. 
However one always experiences a flow in the direction of what one likes, so 
devotion is really a part of anything that appeals to one, in greater or lesser 
degree, so devotion is not really a path, it is what allows one to stay on 
whatever path is their path. To my mind, teachers that hawk devotion as a path 
are trying to package obedience to their wishes thwarting the natural process 
of flow. Students do admire and sometimes love their teachers, and as long as 
the teacher does not artificially try to foster that and just gives the 
students what they need to succeed, I think that is fine. The goal is not to 
venerate the teacher but to live, understand, and even improve upon what the 
teacher knows. This tends not to happen in religion, where the situation 
devolves into focusing on the character of the teacher rather than on what 
teacher wanted them to know.

Does god love? If god is defined as wholeness, then god is complete and has no 
need of anything, being everything, and why would that be love? There is YHWH 
in the Torah, who in human terms could hardly be called loving. We throw people 
in prison today, for doing what YHWH does in the Bible. YHWH in the Bible is 
not an abstract being, but rather just a magnification of very human 
characteristics, rather unsavoury ones at that. But as mankind evolves there 
seems to be a tendency to more abstract conceptions of what people use the word 
'god' for, though it does not seem to have progressed all that much. You find 
very abstract conceptions of Zeus in some of the pre-Socratic philosophers, 
based on what survives of their work, and those that followed them in later 
centuries. While you have that almost daemon-like entity in the Torah, you also 
have more abstract versions of god in Cabbalah, Jewish esoteric interpretations 
of scripture, which are much more in line with what people who seek 
enlightenment are engaged in.

You said, "Like that, God, or we can call it Life, wants to give us all of 
itself", but in the end, we are all of it, and have always been, so is that 
love? Maybe it just depends on how you parse the situation. If you love 
yourself, there being no other, is that love or vanity?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Xeno, is it even possible to enslave out of pure Love? I believe that it is 
and that it is one of the great paradoxes of life. Like the way a parent will 
set strong boundaries to protect their child. Like that, God, or we can call it 
Life, wants to give us all of itself. It will put us through hell in order to 
do this. But that is an expression of its great love for us. When we see this 
and stop fighting the river, then the journey of non ending coupling of us and 
Life is smoother if not ecstatic.

 On Sunday, October 20, 2013 11:37 AM, "anartaxius@..."  wrote:
   Share wrote:
 'OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.'


 Were I this god, I would love this; you have succumbed to the propaganda of a 

 Thomas Jefferson, an admirer of Jesus but not of much else in the Christian 
Bible wrote of this god of the Torah (as the Christians inherited the 
scriptures of the Jews) in rather disparaging terms:
 'There are, I acknowledge, passages not free from objection, which we may, 
with probability, ascribe to Jesus himself; but claiming indulgence from the 
circumstances under which he 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread emptybill
A much more interesting read is Watts' The Supreme Identity (1950) which is 
largely based upon the insights of Rene Guenon.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 For those interested in the Christian faith can I recommend two books by Alan 
Watts. He made a name for himself with his books on Zen and eastern religions. 
Those books are all readable and rewarding - if approached with caution - but 
I've found his earlier works on Christianity both better written and more 

 "Myth and Ritual In Christianity" (only available second-hand) approached 
Christianity by ignoring completely its truth or falsity and treating the 
sacraments purely as myth. "Behold the Spirit" is one of the best books that 
Watts wrote (it's my personal favourite), a wonderfully perceptive account of 
the mystical strain in Christianity.

 Pity he was a (genuine) sex addict and a serious alcoholic. The two vices are 
linked as he said he only felt sexy when he was drunk. And he knew even less 
about meditation than I do! Still, his faults were his problem; we can enjoy 
his insights. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry's already made two WHOPPING bloopers today, but I guess he figures he 
needs to round things off with a third. And what a third...

 When Barry's panties get in a twist, it has the effect of shutting down what 
little is left of his brains.

 Of all the mind-numbingly stupid posts he's made--and I have 18 years' worth 
from which to choose--this one tops them all.

 Barry wrote:
 > Anyone daring to use the term "anti-Semitic" has already

 > withdrawn from the company of thinking individuals on
> planet Earth.
 > You're implying that one group of people's fantasies about
> how the universe works are more important than, more "true"
> than, and and more inviolable than, anyone else's.
> Me, I class ALL religious beliefs as fantasies. I think that
> qualifies me as an egalitarian, unlike some who get their
> panties in a twist when their particular fantasies are
> challenged. :-)



[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread s3raphita
For those interested in the Christian faith can I recommend two books by Alan 
Watts. He made a name for himself with his books on Zen and eastern religions. 
Those books are all readable and rewarding - if approached with caution - but 
I've found his earlier works on Christianity both better written and more 

 "Myth and Ritual In Christianity" (only available second-hand) approached 
Christianity by ignoring completely its truth or falsity and treating the 
sacraments purely as myth. "Behold the Spirit" is one of the best books that 
Watts wrote (it's my personal favourite), a wonderfully perceptive account of 
the mystical strain in Christianity.

 Pity he was a (genuine) sex addict and a serious alcoholic. The two vices are 
linked as he said he only felt sexy when he was drunk. And he knew even less 
about meditation than I do! Still, his faults were his problem; we can enjoy 
his insights. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Barry's already made two WHOPPING bloopers today, but I guess he figures he 
needs to round things off with a third. And what a third...

 When Barry's panties get in a twist, it has the effect of shutting down what 
little is left of his brains.

 Of all the mind-numbingly stupid posts he's made--and I have 18 years' worth 
from which to choose--this one tops them all.

 Barry wrote:
 > Anyone daring to use the term "anti-Semitic" has already

 > withdrawn from the company of thinking individuals on
> planet Earth.
 > You're implying that one group of people's fantasies about
> how the universe works are more important than, more "true"
> than, and and more inviolable than, anyone else's.
> Me, I class ALL religious beliefs as fantasies. I think that
> qualifies me as an egalitarian, unlike some who get their
> panties in a twist when their particular fantasies are
> challenged. :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB" turquoiseb@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> (snip)
> > >  Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?
> >
> > Can you imagine an American President even having
> > the balls to try?
> >
> > No one else can, either.
> >
> > That's why America is considered a joke in most
> > thinking parts of the world.
> Actually, most thinking parts of the world would consider
> America even more of a joke, and a particularly offensive
> one at that, if a president were known to have had the
> balls to make such anti-Semitic remarks, even a decade out
> of office.

Anyone daring to use the term "anti-Semitic" has already
withdrawn from the company of thinking individuals on
planet Earth.

You're implying that one group of people's fantasies about
how the universe works are more important than, more "true"
than, and and more inviolable than, anyone else's.

Me, I class ALL religious beliefs as fantasies. I think that
qualifies me as an egalitarian, unlike some who get their
panties in a twist when their particular fantasies are
challenged.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> >  Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?
> Can you imagine an American President even having
> the balls to try?
> No one else can, either.
> That's why America is considered a joke in most
> thinking parts of the world.

Actually, most thinking parts of the world would consider
America even more of a joke, and a particularly offensive
one at that, if a president were known to have had the
balls to make such anti-Semitic remarks, even a decade out
of office.

However, Jefferson never published any of this, and hardly
anybody knew about it. Probably be a good idea to inform
oneself about the history of his projects before attempting
to make invidious comparisons with the situation today.

(Although the anti-Semitism Xeno quotes should be enough by
itself to keep one from expressing unqualified approval.)


Re: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread Share Long
Xeno, is it even possible to enslave out of pure Love? I believe that it is and 
that it is one of the great paradoxes of life. Like the way a parent will set 
strong boundaries to protect their child. Like that, God, or we can call it 
Life, wants to give us all of itself. It will put us through hell in order to 
do this. But that is an expression of its great love for us. When we see this 
and stop fighting the river, then the journey of non ending coupling of us and 
Life is smoother if not ecstatic.

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 11:37 AM, "anartax...@yahoo.com" 
Share wrote:
'OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.'

Were I this god, I would love this; you have succumbed to the propaganda of a 

Thomas Jefferson, an admirer of Jesus but not of much else in the Christian 
Bible wrote of this god of the Torah (as the Christians inherited the 
scriptures of the Jews) in rather disparaging terms:
'There are, I acknowledge, passages not free from objection, which we may, with 
probability, ascribe to Jesus himself; but claiming indulgence from the 
circumstances under which he acted. His object was the reformation of some 
articles in the religion of the Jews, as taught by Moses. That sect had 
presented forthe object of their worship, a being of terrific* character, 
cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust. Jesus, taking for his type the best 
qualities of the human head and heart, wisdom, justice, goodness, and adding to 
them power, ascribed all of these, but in infinite perfection, to the Supreme 
Being, and formed him really worthy of their adoration. Moses had either not 
believed in a future state of existence, or had not thought it essential to be 
explicitly taught to his people. Jesus inculcated that doctrine with emphasis 
and precision. Moses had bound the Jews to many idle ceremonies, mummeries and 
observances, of no effect towards producing
 the social utilities which constitute the essence of virtue; Jesus exposed 
their futility and insignificance.'
*meaning terror-ific - 'terrifying' in more modern language

This passage (from which the part I bolded is often quoted out of context or 
modified) is from a letter Jefferson wrote to one William Short in 1820.

( http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/jefferson_jesus.html )

One might accuse Jefferson of racism on the basis of the content of this letter.

Jefferson was referring to the character of god in the 'Old Testament', the 
Torah etc. which are a part of the Christian scriptures. Jefferson himself made 
a version of the Bible where he cut out all the tyrannical passages and 
mythology including the entire Old Testament, and most of the New. He admired 
Jesus to the extent the character of Jesus can be extracted from these 
writings, but he admired not much else in the Bible.


Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?

Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Share wrote:
>  'OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.'
>  Were I this god, I would love this; you have succumbed to the
propaganda of a tyrant.
>  Thomas Jefferson, an admirer of Jesus but not of much else in the
Christian Bible wrote of this god of the Torah (as the Christians
inherited the scriptures of the Jews) in rather disparaging terms:
>  'There are, I acknowledge, passages not free from objection, which we
may, with probability, ascribe to Jesus himself; but claiming indulgence
from the circumstances under which he acted. His object was the
reformation of some articles in the religion of the Jews, as taught by
Moses. That sect had presented for the object of their worship, a being
of terrific* character, cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust. Jesus,
taking for his type the best qualities of the human head and heart,
wisdom, justice, goodness, and adding to them power, ascribed all of
these, but in infinite perfection, to the Supreme Being, and formed him
really worthy of their adoration. Moses had either not believed in a
future state of existence, or had not thought it essential to be
explicitly taught to his people. Jesus inculcated that doctrine with
emphasis and precision. Moses had bound the Jews to many idle
ceremonies, mummeries and observances, of no effect towards producing
the social utilities which constitute the essence of virtue; Jesus
exposed their futility and insignificance.'
>  *meaning terror-ific - 'terrifying' in more modern language
>  This passage (from which the part I bolded is often quoted out of
context or modified) is from a letter Jefferson wrote to one William
Short in 1820.
>  ( http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/jefferson_jesus.html
>  One might accuse Jefferson of racism on the basis of the content of
this letter.
>  Jefferson was referring to the character of god in the 'Old
Testament', the Torah etc. which are a part of the Christian scriptures.
Jefferson himself made a version of the Bible where he cut out all the
tyrannical passages and mythology including the entire Old Testament,
and most of the New. He admired Jesus to the extent the character of
Jesus can be extracted from these writings, but he admired not much else
in the Bible.

>  Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?

Can you imagine an American President even having the balls to try?

No one else can, either.

That's why America is considered a joke in most thinking parts of the

RE: RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread anartaxius
Share wrote:
 'OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.'


 Were I this god, I would love this; you have succumbed to the propaganda of a 

 Thomas Jefferson, an admirer of Jesus but not of much else in the Christian 
Bible wrote of this god of the Torah (as the Christians inherited the 
scriptures of the Jews) in rather disparaging terms:
 'There are, I acknowledge, passages not free from objection, which we may, 
with probability, ascribe to Jesus himself; but claiming indulgence from the 
circumstances under which he acted. His object was the reformation of some 
articles in the religion of the Jews, as taught by Moses. That sect had 
presented for the object of their worship, a being of terrific* character, 
cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust. Jesus, taking for his type the best 
qualities of the human head and heart, wisdom, justice, goodness, and adding to 
them power, ascribed all of these, but in infinite perfection, to the Supreme 
Being, and formed him really worthy of their adoration. Moses had either not 
believed in a future state of existence, or had not thought it essential to be 
explicitly taught to his people. Jesus inculcated that doctrine with emphasis 
and precision. Moses had bound the Jews to many idle ceremonies, mummeries and 
observances, of no effect towards producing the social utilities which 
constitute the essence of virtue; Jesus exposed their futility and 
 *meaning terror-ific - 'terrifying' in more modern language

 This passage (from which the part I bolded is often quoted out of context or 
modified) is from a letter Jefferson wrote to one William Short in 1820.

 ( http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/jefferson_jesus.html 
http://www.stephenjaygould.org/ctrl/jefferson_jesus.html )


 One might accuse Jefferson of racism on the basis of the content of this 

 Jefferson was referring to the character of god in the 'Old Testament', the 
Torah etc. which are a part of the Christian scriptures. Jefferson himself made 
a version of the Bible where he cut out all the tyrannical passages and 
mythology including the entire Old Testament, and most of the New. He admired 
Jesus to the extent the character of Jesus can be extracted from these 
writings, but he admired not much else in the Bible.



 Can you imagine an American President speaking like this today?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread authfriend

Saying something false more than once doesn't somehow
make it more true, Barry.

We know from long experience why you would try to diss
irony and the folks you don't like who use it: It's
because you have a lot of trouble recognizing irony and
have many times been embarrassed by having missed it and
taken an ironic post seriously.

If what I wrote to Share were in fact telling the truth,
as you suggest, one would have to conclude that I believe
"the Bible is God's word completely devoid of human

Unfortunately for you, nobody on FFL is likely to fall
for that (well, Share might). And it sure would make *you*
look like an idiot if anybody did, given how many times
you've insisted that I'm a TM TB.

The *fact* is, you're pissed off because you were caught
once again making stuff up, in this case by claiming
*Buck* was making stuff up about Centering Prayer.

And as is usually the case when you're pissed off, you
write what you intend to be retaliatory posts in a blind
rage and find yourself even more in the hole by making a
worse mess than you were caught out on to begin with.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> "As I've said before, IMO 'irony' is a tactic used
> primarily by people without balls who want to be
> able to tell the truth, but then deny that they
> said it later, claiming that they were 'only
> being ironic.'"
> - Apr 3, 2013, some FFLer or another
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> >
> > Share wrote:
> >
> > > Judy, I'm not 100% convinced that the Bible is God's word completely
> >  >  devoid of human interpretation.
> >
> >  You aren't!? That's just appalling.
> >
> >  > OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.
> >
> >  No, no. God obviously hated Adam and Eve because they disobeyed him.
> He gave them free will, and they threw it back in his face. He wasn't
> about to forgive their descendants, so he destroyed all of them except
> Noah and his family, then lied again by sending the dove and the
> rainbow, and then later by sending Jesus and pretending Jesus was going
> to save them. Well, we know what happened to Jesus, don't we?
> >
> >  Share wrote:
> >
> >  > Seraphita, I could see that the serpent could also be a symbol of
> kundalini, an
> >  > essential concept from another religion. It's not that God wants to
> enslave us.
> >  > It's that people with certain ideas about God want to enslave us.
> They want us
> >  > to believe their ideas rather than the ideas of other religions. To
> give them
> >  > their due, they probably think their ideas are right and that
> they're doing
> >  > unbelievers a favor.
> >
> >  That's so naive, Share. You are not seeing clearly. Obviously God
> does want to enslave us. As Seraphita pointed out, he lied to Adam and
> Eve. I mean, we have his words right there in English, so we know there
> can be no other interpretation of what he said.
> >
> >  Anybody who supports a God who lied to his very first human creations
> cannot possibly have the interests of human beings at heart. They know
> the ideas they promote are wrong and evil. Let's not mislead folks by
> pretending such people have good intentions.
> >
> >  Seraphita wrote:
> >
> >Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of
> the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of
> good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest
> thereof thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":
> >
> >  Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies! (Spare me the
> bollocks of saying man dying "spiritually".)
> >
> >  The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the true
> friend of mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that we are immortal
> (we're *really* the One Self  - "Christ Consciousness") but "God" wants
> us to remain slaves. Of course, we're using mythological language here,
> but the God of present-day Christians still doesn't want people to
> become seers - ie, those who see clearly.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread TurquoiseB
"As I've said before, IMO 'irony' is a tactic used
primarily by people without balls who want to be
able to tell the truth, but then deny that they
said it later, claiming that they were 'only
being ironic.'"
- Apr 3, 2013, some FFLer or another

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
> Share wrote:
> > Judy, I'm not 100% convinced that the Bible is God's word completely
>  >  devoid of human interpretation.
>  You aren't!? That's just appalling.
>  > OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.
>  No, no. God obviously hated Adam and Eve because they disobeyed him.
He gave them free will, and they threw it back in his face. He wasn't
about to forgive their descendants, so he destroyed all of them except
Noah and his family, then lied again by sending the dove and the
rainbow, and then later by sending Jesus and pretending Jesus was going
to save them. Well, we know what happened to Jesus, don't we?
>  Share wrote:
>  > Seraphita, I could see that the serpent could also be a symbol of
kundalini, an
>  > essential concept from another religion. It's not that God wants to
enslave us.
>  > It's that people with certain ideas about God want to enslave us.
They want us
>  > to believe their ideas rather than the ideas of other religions. To
give them
>  > their due, they probably think their ideas are right and that
they're doing
>  > unbelievers a favor.
>  That's so naive, Share. You are not seeing clearly. Obviously God
does want to enslave us. As Seraphita pointed out, he lied to Adam and
Eve. I mean, we have his words right there in English, so we know there
can be no other interpretation of what he said.
>  Anybody who supports a God who lied to his very first human creations
cannot possibly have the interests of human beings at heart. They know
the ideas they promote are wrong and evil. Let's not mislead folks by
pretending such people have good intentions.
>  Seraphita wrote:
>Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of
the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest
thereof thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":
>  Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies! (Spare me the
bollocks of saying man dying "spiritually".)
>  The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the true
friend of mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that we are immortal
(we're *really* the One Self  - "Christ Consciousness") but "God" wants
us to remain slaves. Of course, we're using mythological language here,
but the God of present-day Christians still doesn't want people to
become seers - ie, those who see clearly.

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread authfriend
Share wrote:
> Judy, I'm not 100% convinced that the Bible is God's word completely devoid
 > of human interpretation.

 You aren't!? That's just appalling.

 > OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.


 No, no. God obviously hated Adam and Eve because they disobeyed him. He gave 
them free will, and they threw it back in his face. He wasn't about to forgive 
their descendants, so he destroyed all of them except Noah and his family, then 
lied again by sending the dove and the rainbow, and then later by sending Jesus 
and pretending Jesus was going to save them. Well, we know what happened to 
Jesus, don't we?
 Share wrote:

 > Seraphita, I could see that the serpent could also be a symbol of kundalini, 
 > an
 > essential concept from another religion. It's not that God wants to enslave 
 > us.
 > It's that people with certain ideas about God want to enslave us. They want 
 > us
 > to believe their ideas rather than the ideas of other religions. To give them
 > their due, they probably think their ideas are right and that they're doing
 > unbelievers a favor.

 That's so naive, Share. You are not seeing clearly. Obviously God does want to 
enslave us. As Seraphita pointed out, he lied to Adam and Eve. I mean, we have 
his words right there in English, so we know there can be no other 
interpretation of what he said.

 Anybody who supports a God who lied to his very first human creations cannot 
possibly have the interests of human beings at heart. They know the ideas they 
promote are wrong and evil. Let's not mislead folks by pretending such people 
have good intentions.


 Seraphita wrote:
   Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden 
thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou 
shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely 
die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":

 Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies! (Spare me the bollocks 
of saying man dying "spiritually".)

 The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the true friend of 
mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that we are immortal (we're *really* the 
One Self  - "Christ Consciousness") but "God" wants us to remain slaves. Of 
course, we're using mythological language here, but the God of present-day 
Christians still doesn't want people to become seers - ie, those who see 





Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread Share Long
Judy, I'm not 100% convinced that the Bible is God's word completely devoid of 
human interpretation.

OTOH maybe God does want to enslave us, but only out of pure Love.

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 10:13 AM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
 Share wrote:

> Seraphita, I could see that the serpent could also be a symbol of kundalini, 
> an
> essential concept from another religion. It's not that God wants to enslave 
> us.
> It's that people with certain ideas about God want to enslave us. They want us
> to believe their ideas rather than the ideas of other religions. To give them
> their due, they probably think their ideas are right and that they're doing
> unbelievers a favor.

That's so naive, Share. You are not seeing clearly. Obviously God does want to 
enslave us. As Seraphita pointed out, he lied to Adam and Eve. I mean, we have 
his words right there in English, so we know there can be no other 
interpretation of what he said.

Anybody who supports a God who lied to his very first human creations cannot 
possibly have the interests of human beings at heart. They know the ideas they 
promote are wrong and evil. Let's not mislead folks by pretending such people 
have good intentions.

Seraphita wrote:

Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden 
thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou 
shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely 
die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":

Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies! (Spare me the bollocks of 
saying man dying "spiritually".)

The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the true friend of 
mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that we are immortal (we're *really* the 
One Self  - "Christ Consciousness") but "God" wants us to remain slaves. Of 
course, we're using mythological language here, but the God of present-day 
Christians still doesn't want people to become seers - ie, those who see 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread authfriend
 Share wrote:
 > Seraphita, I could see that the serpent could also be a symbol of kundalini, 
 > an
 > essential concept from another religion. It's not that God wants to enslave 
 > us.
 > It's that people with certain ideas about God want to enslave us. They want 
 > us
 > to believe their ideas rather than the ideas of other religions. To give them
 > their due, they probably think their ideas are right and that they're doing
 > unbelievers a favor.

 That's so naive, Share. You are not seeing clearly. Obviously God does want to 
enslave us. As Seraphita pointed out, he lied to Adam and Eve. I mean, we have 
his words right there in English, so we know there can be no other 
interpretation of what he said.

 Anybody who supports a God who lied to his very first human creations cannot 
possibly have the interests of human beings at heart. They know the ideas they 
promote are wrong and evil. Let's not mislead folks by pretending such people 
have good intentions.


 Seraphita wrote:
   Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden 
thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou 
shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely 
die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":

 Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies! (Spare me the bollocks 
of saying man dying "spiritually".)

 The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the true friend of 
mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that we are immortal (we're *really* the 
One Self  - "Christ Consciousness") but "God" wants us to remain slaves. Of 
course, we're using mythological language here, but the God of present-day 
Christians still doesn't want people to become seers - ie, those who see 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
According to what I've read, the first dualist philosophy was probably 
the Indian Samkhya system - the term 'samkhya' pertains to number. 
Samkhya is a Vedic first cousin to the Avestan dualism of the Persian 
Zoroaster and the Manichaen Manes. Sankhya is the basis of all 
subsequent Asian dualisms including Indian Vaishnavism, Buddhist Tantra, 
Gnostic dualism, Chinese Yin-Yang and Taoism. Go figure.

There are many reason for identifying the dualistic Gnostic movement 
with the the 'Appearance Only' theory of the Buddhist Mahayana, which is 
well documented. There are clear links between the "causation" theory of 
the Indian Sage Kapila, the Buddha, and Gnosticism.

"When we review these in the light of what we now have come to know, 
both from the Nag-Hamadi trove and from our understanding, recently 
gained, of the Docetic doctrines of Mahayana Buddhism (the growth and 
flowering of which exactly coincided with the high period of the Gnostic 
movement), the implications of their imagery can be judged with enlarged 
appreciation" (364).


Joseph Campbell
The Illusory Christ
"The Masks of God'
Volume III Occidental
Viking, 1964

On 10/20/2013 8:45 AM, Jason wrote:

The story of the fallen angel is figurative, metaphorical

It's the process of creation itself, the bigbang.  The
spirit became matter, or "fell" into matter.

Long long ago, we were one with the "word". We lost our
oneness with the word as soon as we bit the "apple". The
entire sprititual journey or evolution is to regain that
oneness again.

I remember reading this in one of Blavatsky's book
(theosophical society) many years ago.

_http://davidpratt.info/spir-mat.htm _

> --- "s3raphita"  wrote:
> Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every
> tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the
> tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not
> eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
> shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":
> Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies!
> (Spare me the bollocks of saying man dying "spiritually".)
> The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the
> true friend of mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that
> we are immortal (we're *really* the One Self  - "Christ
> Consciousness") but "God" wants us to remain slaves. Of
> course, we're using mythological language here, but the
> God of present-day Christians still doesn't want people to
> become seers - ie, those who see clearly.

> > --- "punditster"  wrote:
> >
> > The Fall of Man myth is a universal story that teaches
> > by means of a confidence trick.
> >
> > And the Lord God said, "Behold, the man is become as one
> > of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth
> > his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat,
> > and live for ever... therefore the Lord God sent him
> > forth from the garden of Eden ..." (Genesis 3:22-3).
> >
> > And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every
> > tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the
> > tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not
> > eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
> > shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17).
> >
> > Clearly, humankind did not die on that day of the Fall,
> > but instead became mortal.
> >
> > We can see how the creation of man from clay, as related
> > in the Jehovistic account of Genesis, belonged to one
> > branch of the world's universal clay-man myths springing
> > from Southeast Asia. According to Oppenhiemer: "In these
> > stories a malign creature, originally either a devil or
> > snake, interfered with the attempted animation of the
> > clay models by the creator. A a clear reference to human
> > creation is in the Austronesian cultures of Southeast
> > Asia as totemic props for mythic drama" (Oppenheimer
> > 356).
> >
> > Work Cited:
> >
> > "Eden in the East"
> > The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia.
> > By Stephen Oppenheimer, M.D.
> > Phoenix 1998
> > p. 355-382
> >

>  On 10/19/2013 2:14 PM, Share Long wrote:
>Richard, do other cultures have a myth about the fall of humanity 
that centers around acquiring some forbidden knowledge? And in other 
cultures is the fall blamed on the women?

>  On Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:04 PM, Richard J. Williams 
 mailto:punditster@ wrote:

>  It seems obvious that the stories and myths gathered in the Bible 
were assembled from immortality and fertility myths which were in 
common circulation at that time, that is, about 3000 years ago. 
Stephen Oppenheimer, writing in "Eden in the East" notes that many of 
these same mythic elements are still to be found in lands stretching 
from Egypt to India, Southwest Asia, Melanesia, and America.

>  This Levantine creation myth is closely allied to other older myths 
concerning creation, and as Harris points out, every known culture 
expresses social values and religious views through myth (Harris 101). 
A clear reference to

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread Jason

The story of the fallen angel is figurative, metaphorical

It's the process of creation itself, the bigbang.  The
spirit became matter, or "fell" into matter.

Long long ago, we were one with the "word". We lost our
oneness with the word as soon as we bit the "apple". The
entire sprititual journey or evolution is to regain that
oneness again.

I remember reading this in one of Blavatsky's book
(theosophical society) many years ago.


> --- "s3raphita"  wrote:
> Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every
> tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the
> tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not
> eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
> shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":
> Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies!
> (Spare me the bollocks of saying man dying "spiritually".)
> The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the
> true friend of mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that
> we are immortal (we're *really* the One Self  - "Christ
> Consciousness") but "God" wants us to remain slaves. Of
> course, we're using mythological language here, but the
> God of present-day Christians still doesn't want people to
> become seers - ie, those who see clearly.

> > --- "punditster"  wrote:
> >
> > The Fall of Man myth is a universal story that teaches
> > by means of a confidence trick.
> >
> > And the Lord God said, "Behold, the man is become as one
> > of us, to know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth
> > his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat,
> > and live for ever... therefore the Lord God sent him
> > forth from the garden of Eden ..." (Genesis 3:22-3).
> >
> > And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every
> > tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the
> > tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not
> > eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou
> > shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17).
> >
> > Clearly, humankind did not die on that day of the Fall,
> > but instead became mortal.
> >
> > We can see how the creation of man from clay, as related
> > in the Jehovistic account of Genesis, belonged to one
> > branch of the world's universal clay-man myths springing
> > from Southeast Asia. According to Oppenhiemer: "In these
> > stories a malign creature, originally either a devil or
> > snake, interfered with the attempted animation of the
> > clay models by the creator. A a clear reference to human
> > creation is in the Austronesian cultures of Southeast
> > Asia as totemic props for mythic drama" (Oppenheimer
> > 356).
> >
> > Work Cited:
> >
> > "Eden in the East"
> > The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia.
> > By Stephen Oppenheimer, M.D.
> > Phoenix 1998
> > p. 355-382
> >

>  On 10/19/2013 2:14 PM, Share Long wrote:
>Richard, do other cultures have a myth about the fall of humanity
that centers around acquiring some forbidden knowledge? And in other
cultures is the fall blamed on the women?
>  On Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:04 PM, Richard J. Williams
 mailto:punditster@ wrote:
>  It seems obvious that the stories and myths gathered in the Bible
were assembled from immortality and fertility myths which were in common
circulation at that time, that is, about 3000 years ago. Stephen
Oppenheimer, writing in "Eden in the East" notes that many of these same
mythic elements are still to be found in lands stretching from Egypt to
India, Southwest Asia, Melanesia, and America.
>  This Levantine creation myth is closely allied to other older myths
concerning creation, and as Harris points out, every known culture
expresses social values and religious views through myth (Harris 101). A
clear reference to human creation is in the Austronesian cultures of
Southeast Asia where the idea of creation from clay or red earth is also
used "as totemic prop for mythic drama" (Oppenheimer 356).
>  Work Cited:
>  Oppenhiemer, Stephen, M.D., "Eden in the East." London: Phoenix, 1998
>  On 10/19/2013 11:56 AM, emptybill@ mailto:emptybill@ wrote:
>According to the Orthodox, "Ancestral Sin" caused the reversal of
paradisaical deathlessness by creating the consequential mortality that
we all inherited. Obviously a mythologized explanation but this is how
they explain why humans are prone to concupiscence and deviance of will.
>  Better yet is this explanation of the Orthodox view of "original"
>  http://oca.org/questions/teaching/st.-augustine-original-sin
>  ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  mailto:authfriend@
>  Thanks, this is great. For the moment, one question: "The expulsion
from the Garden and from the Tree of Life was an act of love and not
vengeance so that humanity would not 'become immortal in sin.'" What
does "immortal in sin" mean, and how would that happen?
>  emptybill wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-20 Thread Share Long
Seraphita, I could see that the serpent could also be a symbol of kundalini, an 
essential concept from another religion. It's not that God wants to enslave us. 
It's that people with certain ideas about God want to enslave us. They want us 
to believe their ideas rather than the ideas of other religions. To give them 
their due, they probably think their ideas are right and that they're doing 
unbelievers a favor.

On Saturday, October 19, 2013 9:54 PM, "s3raph...@yahoo.com" 
 Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden 
thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou 
shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely 
die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":

Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies! (Spare me the bollocks of 
saying man dying "spiritually".)

The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the true friend of 
mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that we are immortal (we're *really* the 
One Self  - "Christ Consciousness") but "God" wants us to remain slaves. Of 
course, we're using mythological language here, but the God of present-day 
Christians still doesn't want people to become seers - ie, those who see 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

The Fall of Man myth is a universal story that teaches  by means of a 
confidence trick.

And the Lord God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to
  know good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take
  also of the Tree of Life, and eat, and live for ever... therefore
  the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden ..." (Genesis

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the
  garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of
  good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou
  eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17). 

Clearly, humankind did not die on that day of the Fall, but
  instead became mortal. 

We can see how the creation of man from clay, as related in the
  Jehovistic account of Genesis, belonged to one branch of the
  world's universal clay-man myths springing from Southeast Asia.
  According to Oppenhiemer: "In these stories a malign creature,
  originally either a devil or snake, interfered with the attempted
  animation of the clay models by the creator. A a clear reference
  to human creation is in the Austronesian cultures of Southeast
  Asia as totemic props for mythic drama" (Oppenheimer 356).

Work Cited:

"Eden in the East"
The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia.
By Stephen Oppenheimer, M.D.
Phoenix 1998
p. 355-382

On 10/19/2013 2:14 PM, Share Long wrote:
>Richard, do other cultures have a myth about the fall of humanity that centers 
>around acquiring some forbidden knowledge? And in other cultures is the fall 
>blamed on the women?
>On Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:04 PM, Richard J. Williams  
>It seems obvious that the stories and myths gathered in the Bible were 
>assembled from immortality and fertility myths which were in common 
>circulation at that time, that is, about 3000 years ago. Stephen Oppenheimer, 
>writing in "Eden in the East" notes that many of these same mythic elements 
>are still to be found in lands stretching from Egypt to India, Southwest Asia, 
>Melanesia, and America.
>This Levantine creation myth is
  closely allied to other older myths
  concerning creation, and as Harris
  points out, every known culture
  expresses social values and religious
  views through myth (Harris 101). A
  clear reference to human creation is
  in the Austronesian cultures of
  Southeast Asia where the idea of
  creation from clay or red earth is
  also used "as totemic prop for mythic
  drama" (Oppenheimer 356).
>Work Cited:
>Oppenhiemer, Stephen, M.D., "Eden in
  the East." London: Phoenix, 1998
>On 10/19/2013 11:56 AM, emptybill@... wrote:
>>According to the Orthodox, "Ancestral Sin" caused the reversal of 
>>paradisaical deathlessness by creating the consequential mortality that we 
>>all inherited. Obviously a mythologized explanation but this is how they 
>>explain why humans are prone to concupiscence and deviance of will. 
>>Better yet is this explanation of the Orthodox view of "original" sin.
>>---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>>Thanks, this is great. For the moment, o

[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-19 Thread s3raphita
 Re "And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden 
thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou 
shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely 
die" (Genesis 2:16-17). ":

 Precisely! Man didn't die so God was telling porkies! (Spare me the bollocks 
of saying man dying "spiritually".)

 The early Gnostics were right in seeing the Serpent as the true friend of 
mankind. The Serpent wanted us to see that we are immortal (we're *really* the 
One Self  - "Christ Consciousness") but "God" wants us to remain slaves. Of 
course, we're using mythological language here, but the God of present-day 
Christians still doesn't want people to become seers - ie, those who see 


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 The Fall of Man myth is a universal story that teaches  by means of a 
confidence trick.
 And the Lord God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good 
and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of 
Life, and eat, and live for ever... therefore the Lord God sent him forth from 
the garden of Eden ..." (Genesis 3:22-3).
 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden thou 
mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou 
shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely 
die" (Genesis 2:16-17). 
 Clearly, humankind did not die on that day of the Fall, but instead became 
 We can see how the creation of man from clay, as related in the Jehovistic 
account of Genesis, belonged to one branch of the world's universal clay-man 
myths springing from Southeast Asia. According to Oppenhiemer: "In these 
stories a malign creature, originally either a devil or snake, interfered with 
the attempted animation of the clay models by the creator. A a clear reference 
to human creation is in the Austronesian cultures of Southeast Asia as totemic 
props for mythic drama" (Oppenheimer 356).
 Work Cited:
 "Eden in the East"
 The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia.
 By Stephen Oppenheimer, M.D.
 Phoenix 1998
 p. 355-382
 On 10/19/2013 2:14 PM, Share Long wrote:
   Richard, do other cultures have a myth about the fall of humanity that 
centers around acquiring some forbidden knowledge? And in other cultures is the 
fall blamed on the women?
 On Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:04 PM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 It seems obvious that the stories and myths gathered in the Bible were 
assembled from immortality and fertility myths which were in common circulation 
at that time, that is, about 3000 years ago. Stephen Oppenheimer, writing in 
"Eden in the East" notes that many of these same mythic elements are still to 
be found in lands stretching from Egypt to India, Southwest Asia, Melanesia, 
and America.
 This Levantine creation myth is closely allied to other older myths concerning 
creation, and as Harris points out, every known culture expresses social values 
and religious views through myth (Harris 101). A clear reference to human 
creation is in the Austronesian cultures of Southeast Asia where the idea of 
creation from clay or red earth is also used "as totemic prop for mythic drama" 
(Oppenheimer 356).
 Work Cited:
 Oppenhiemer, Stephen, M.D., "Eden in the East." London: Phoenix, 1998
 On 10/19/2013 11:56 AM, emptybill@... mailto:emptybill@... wrote:
   According to the Orthodox, "Ancestral Sin" caused the reversal of 
paradisaical deathlessness by creating the consequential mortality that we all 
inherited. Obviously a mythologized explanation but this is how they explain 
why humans are prone to concupiscence and deviance of will. 
 Better yet is this explanation of the Orthodox view of "original" sin.
 ---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
 Thanks, this is great. For the moment, one question: "The expulsion from the 
Garden and from the Tree of Life was an act of love and not vengeance so that 
humanity would not 'become immortal in sin.'" What does "immortal in sin" mean, 
and how would that happen?
 emptybill wrote:
 Read this and then see if you have questions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
The Fall of Man myth is a universal story that teaches  by means of a 
confidence trick.

And the Lord God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know 
good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the 
Tree of Life, and eat, and live for ever... therefore the Lord God sent 
him forth from the garden of Eden ..." (Genesis 3:22-3).

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden 
thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and 
evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof 
thou shalt surely die" (Genesis 2:16-17).

Clearly, humankind did not die on that day of the Fall, but instead 
became mortal.

We can see how the creation of man from clay, as related in the 
Jehovistic account of Genesis, belonged to one branch of the world's 
universal clay-man myths springing from Southeast Asia. According to 
Oppenhiemer: "In these stories a malign creature, originally either a 
devil or snake, interfered with the attempted animation of the clay 
models by the creator. A a clear reference to human creation is in the 
Austronesian cultures of Southeast Asia as totemic props for mythic 
drama" (Oppenheimer 356).

Work Cited:

"Eden in the East"
The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia.
By Stephen Oppenheimer, M.D.
Phoenix 1998
p. 355-382

On 10/19/2013 2:14 PM, Share Long wrote:
Richard, do other cultures have a myth about the fall of humanity that 
centers around acquiring some forbidden knowledge? And in other 
cultures is the fall blamed on the women?

On Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:04 PM, Richard J. Williams 
It seems obvious that the stories and myths gathered in the Bible were 
assembled from immortality and fertility myths which were in common 
circulation at that time, that is, about 3000 years ago. Stephen 
Oppenheimer, writing in "Eden in the East" notes that many of these 
same mythic elements are still to be found in lands stretching from 
Egypt to India, Southwest Asia, Melanesia, and America.

This Levantine creation myth is closely allied to other older myths 
concerning creation, and as Harris points out, every known culture 
expresses social values and religious views through myth (Harris 101). 
A clear reference to human creation is in the Austronesian cultures of 
Southeast Asia where the idea of creation from clay or red earth is 
also used "as totemic prop for mythic drama" (Oppenheimer 356).

Work Cited:

Oppenhiemer, Stephen, M.D., "Eden in the East." London: Phoenix, 1998

On 10/19/2013 11:56 AM, emptyb...@yahoo.com 
According to the Orthodox, "Ancestral Sin" caused the reversal of 
paradisaical deathlessness by creating the consequential mortality 
that we all inherited. Obviously a mythologized explanation but this 
is how they explain why humans are prone to concupiscence and 
deviance of will.

Better yet is this explanation of the Orthodox view of "original" sin.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com 

*Thanks, this is great. For the moment, one question: "The expulsion 
from the Garden and from the Tree of Life was an act of love and not 
vengeance so that humanity would not 'become immortal in sin.'" What 
does "immortal in sin" mean, and how would that happen?*

*emptybill wrote:*
Read this and then see if you have questions.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-19 Thread s3raphita
Re the doctrine of creation ex nihilo is a whole lot older than "modern" 


 Indeed, the doctrine was dismissed by Parmenides in the 5th centruy BC with 
his remark "Nothing comes from nothing". Can't fault that logic!

 There is a whole shed load of doctrines a whole lot older than "modern" 
Christianity; the problem is modern Christians are still stuck with them.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 One can "see" how others might "see" this or that without necessarily going 
along with it oneself, especially when it comes to "what Christ realized and 
taught," given that we have no historical record of same. Plus which, any 
exposition of nondualism in "plain speech" is automatically highly suspect, 
words being, you know, dualistic. And when you find yourself talking about 
"Advaita positions," things get really dicey.

 Oh, and the doctrine of ex nihilo is a whole lot older than "modern" 
Seraphita wrote:

 Re "The writer is making a distinction between (Eastern) Orthodox Christianity 
and Western Christianity and how and why they diverged after the first roughly 
four centuries following Christ's death (and presumably his Resurrection).":

 Yep - and I'm making a distinction between what Christ himself realised and 
taught and what the Church (east and west) later came to teach. 

 Jesus *obviously* saw the truth of the Advaita position - "I and My Father Are 
One" -   and once you see that you also see that Original Sin and the 
Forgiveness of Sins are two sides of the same coin - that there is One Self 
("Christ Consciousness") which each of "us" is at root. 

 The reason modern Christians can't acknowledge that blindingly obvious fact is 
that they have to maintain the fiction that each soul was created ex nihilo. 
Only what isn't created is eternal. And what is eternal is the One Self. Read 
the Gospel accounts and you have to really work overtime not to see what Jesus 
was pointing to! The theological argy-bargy in the linked article isn't a 
problem IF you see that it is expressing in mythological terms what the 
non-dualists set out in plain speech.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Seraphita wrote:

 > "Who is on those pictures, Daddy?" 
 > He replied, "The Virgin Mary and Jesus." 
 > She picked up the icon, kissed it and hugged it to her chest exclaiming, 
 > >"Oh, daddy, they love you so much!"
 >"Then," he told me, "We understood. It's all about affection." 
 > If it's really all about affection who needed Christianity? People have 
 > been affectionate to their friends and family since time immemorial. And
 > one can't be *affectionate* to one's enemies!

 Odd that you didn't quote the very next sentence:

 "Love, in fact, is the heart and soul of the theology of the early Church 
Fathers and of the Orthodox Church" (emphasis added).


 That would be God's infinite love and compassion, not ordinary human affection.

 The writer is making a distinction between (Eastern) Orthodox Christianity and 
Western Christianity and how and why they diverged after the first roughly four 
centuries following Christ's death (and presumably his resurrection). You'll 
need to read the rest of the essay to understand what that distinction is all 

 Your other points are something of a straw man where Eastern Christianity is 
concerned, as you'll find if you read the rest of the essay. No version of 
Christianity can be really consonant with TM metaphysics, but it appears to me 
that there are some elements of Eastern Christian theology that are more 
resonant with TM than those of Western theology. (emptybill, 
corrections/reflections solicited.)

 > Here's the simple alternative. If you look at the basic Advaita-Vedanta
 > "outlook" isn't it saying that there is in reality only One Self. It is only 
 > in
 > appearance that there are many of "us". If therefore any one individual
 > sins we've all sinned as there is no difference between us *in reality*.
 > One man slips up - Adam - and we all take a pratfall. No man is an
 > island. 
 > But if you recognise that there is just the Self as the one actor how can
 > any one man be guilty? - that is precisely to imagine oneself apart from
 > the whole. The forgiveness of sins balances Original Sin.



Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-19 Thread Share Long
Richard, do other cultures have a myth about the fall of humanity that centers 
around acquiring some forbidden knowledge? And in other cultures is the fall 
blamed on the women?

On Saturday, October 19, 2013 2:04 PM, Richard J. Williams 
It seems obvious that the stories and myths gathered in the Bible were 
assembled from immortality and fertility myths which were in common circulation 
at that time, that is, about 3000 years ago. Stephen Oppenheimer, writing in 
"Eden in the East" notes that many of these same mythic elements are still to 
be found in lands stretching from Egypt to India, Southwest Asia, Melanesia, 
and America.

This Levantine creation myth is closely allied to other older
  myths concerning creation, and as Harris points out, every known
  culture expresses social values and religious views through myth
  (Harris 101). A clear reference to human creation is in the
  Austronesian cultures of Southeast Asia where the idea of creation
  from clay or red earth is also used "as totemic prop for mythic
  drama" (Oppenheimer 356).

Work Cited:

Oppenhiemer, Stephen, M.D., "Eden in the East." London: Phoenix,

On 10/19/2013 11:56 AM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

>According to the Orthodox, "Ancestral Sin" caused the reversal of paradisaical 
>deathlessness by creating the consequential mortality that we all inherited. 
>Obviously a mythologized explanation but this is how they explain why humans 
>are prone to concupiscence and deviance of will. 
>Better yet is this explanation of the Orthodox view of "original" sin.
>---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:
>Thanks, this is great. For the moment, one question: "The expulsion from the 
>Garden and from the Tree of Life was an act of love and not vengeance so that 
>humanity would not 'become immortal in sin.'" What does "immortal in sin" 
>mean, and how would that happen?
>emptybill wrote:
>Read this and then see if you have questions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-19 Thread Richard J. Williams
It seems obvious that the stories and myths gathered in the Bible were 
assembled from immortality and fertility myths which were in common 
circulation at that time, that is, about 3000 years ago. Stephen 
Oppenheimer, writing in "Eden in the East" notes that many of these same 
mythic elements are still to be found in lands stretching from Egypt to 
India, Southwest Asia, Melanesia, and America.

This Levantine creation myth is closely allied to other older myths 
concerning creation, and as Harris points out, every known culture 
expresses social values and religious views through myth (Harris 101). A 
clear reference to human creation is in the Austronesian cultures of 
Southeast Asia where the idea of creation from clay or red earth is also 
used "as totemic prop for mythic drama" (Oppenheimer 356).

Work Cited:

Oppenhiemer, Stephen, M.D., "Eden in the East." London: Phoenix, 1998

On 10/19/2013 11:56 AM, emptyb...@yahoo.com wrote:

According to the Orthodox, "Ancestral Sin" caused the reversal of 
paradisaical deathlessness by creating the consequential mortality 
that we all inherited. Obviously a mythologized explanation but this 
is how they explain why humans are prone to concupiscence and deviance 
of will.

Better yet is this explanation of the Orthodox view of "original" sin.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

*Thanks, this is great. For the moment, one question: "The expulsion 
from the Garden and from the Tree of Life was an act of love and not 
vengeance so that humanity would not 'become immortal in sin.'" What 
does "immortal in sin" mean, and how would that happen?*

*emptybill wrote:*

Read this and then see if you have questions.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-19 Thread emptybill
According to the Orthodox, "Ancestral Sin" caused the reversal of paradisaical 
deathlessness by creating the consequential mortality that we all inherited. 
Obviously a mythologized explanation but this is how they explain why humans 
are prone to concupiscence and deviance of will. 


 Better yet is this explanation of the Orthodox view of "original" sin.



---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Thanks, this is great. For the moment, one question: "The expulsion from the 
Garden and from the Tree of Life was an act of love and not vengeance so that 
humanity would not 'become immortal in sin.'" What does "immortal in sin" mean, 
and how would that happen?

 emptybill wrote:
 Read this and then see if you have questions.




[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-18 Thread s3raphita
Re "The writer is making a distinction between (Eastern) Orthodox Christianity 
and Western Christianity and how and why they diverged after the first roughly 
four centuries following Christ's death (and presumably his Resurrection).":

 Yep - and I'm making a distinction between what Christ himself realised and 
taught and what the Church (east and west) later came to teach. 

 Jesus *obviously* saw the truth of the Advaita position - "I and My Father Are 
One" -   and once you see that you also see that Original Sin and the 
Forgiveness of Sins are two sides of the same coin - that there is One Self 
("Christ Consciousness") which each of "us" is at root. 

 The reason modern Christians can't acknowledge that blindingly obvious fact is 
that they have to maintain the fiction that each soul was created ex nihilo. 
Only what isn't created is eternal. And what is eternal is the One Self. Read 
the Gospel accounts and you have to really work overtime not to see what Jesus 
was pointing to! The theological argy-bargy in the linked article isn't a 
problem IF you see that it is expressing in mythological terms what the 
non-dualists set out in plain speech.

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Seraphita wrote:

 > "Who is on those pictures, Daddy?" 
 > He replied, "The Virgin Mary and Jesus." 
 > She picked up the icon, kissed it and hugged it to her chest exclaiming, 
 > >"Oh, daddy, they love you so much!"
 >"Then," he told me, "We understood. It's all about affection." 
 > If it's really all about affection who needed Christianity? People have 
 > been affectionate to their friends and family since time immemorial. And
 > one can't be *affectionate* to one's enemies!

 Odd that you didn't quote the very next sentence:

 "Love, in fact, is the heart and soul of the theology of the early Church 
Fathers and of the Orthodox Church" (emphasis added).


 That would be God's infinite love and compassion, not ordinary human affection.

 The writer is making a distinction between (Eastern) Orthodox Christianity and 
Western Christianity and how and why they diverged after the first roughly four 
centuries following Christ's death (and presumably his resurrection). You'll 
need to read the rest of the essay to understand what that distinction is all 

 Your other points are something of a straw man where Eastern Christianity is 
concerned, as you'll find if you read the rest of the essay. No version of 
Christianity can be really consonant with TM metaphysics, but it appears to me 
that there are some elements of Eastern Christian theology that are more 
resonant with TM than those of Western theology. (emptybill, 
corrections/reflections solicited.)

 > Here's the simple alternative. If you look at the basic Advaita-Vedanta
 > "outlook" isn't it saying that there is in reality only One Self. It is only 
 > in
 > appearance that there are many of "us". If therefore any one individual
 > sins we've all sinned as there is no difference between us *in reality*.
 > One man slips up - Adam - and we all take a pratfall. No man is an
 > island. 
 > But if you recognise that there is just the Self as the one actor how can
 > any one man be guilty? - that is precisely to imagine oneself apart from
 > the whole. The forgiveness of sins balances Original Sin.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-18 Thread s3raphita
"Who is on those pictures, Daddy?" 
 He replied, "The Virgin Mary and Jesus." 
 She picked up the icon, kissed it and hugged it to her chest exclaiming, "Oh, 
daddy, they love you so much!"
 "Then," he told me, "We understood. It's all about affection." 

 If it's really all about affection who needed Christianity? People have been 
affectionate to their friends and family since time immemorial. And one can't 
be *affectionate* to one's enemies!

 Here's the simple alternative. If you look at the basic Advaita-Vedanta 
"outlook" isn't it saying that there is in reality only One Self. It is only in 
appearance that there are many of "us". If therefore any one individual sins 
we've all sinned as there is no difference between us *in reality*. One man 
slips up - Adam - and we all take a pratfall. No man is an island. 

 But if you recognise that there is just the Self as the one actor how can any 
one man be guilty? - that is precisely to imagine oneself apart from the whole. 
The forgiveness of sins balances Original Sin.


---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  Read this and then see if you have questions.




---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Well, at least he uses Christian "sacred words" rather than the Sanskrit 
mantras the devil prefers...

 On a different topic, I'd be interested to know more about what you said 
regarding Augustine and "real" Christianity, if you have the time and 
inclination. Where did Augustine go wrong?

 emptybill wrote:

I remember asking the same question to my friend as he repeated the 
conversation. He said "I guess he was a TM teacher because you had to be one to 
be there on course." 

Mm ... a TM teacher.
If Basil is worse than a fallen Catholic then he must be a devil worshiper!



[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread emptybill
 Read this and then see if you have questions.




---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Well, at least he uses Christian "sacred words" rather than the Sanskrit 
mantras the devil prefers...

 On a different topic, I'd be interested to know more about what you said 
regarding Augustine and "real" Christianity, if you have the time and 
inclination. Where did Augustine go wrong?

 emptybill wrote:

I remember asking the same question to my friend as he repeated the 
conversation. He said "I guess he was a TM teacher because you had to be one to 
be there on course." 

Mm ... a TM teacher.
If Basil is worse than a fallen Catholic then he must be a devil worshiper!


[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread emptybill

I remember asking the same question to my friend as he repeated the 
conversation. He said "I guess he was a TM teacher because you had to be one to 
be there on course." 

Mm ... a TM teacher.
If Basil is worse than a fallen Catholic then he must be a devil worshiper!

RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread authfriend
You seem to be responding to a different post than the one you quote. But don't 
worry, it was just a courtesy because I know it upsets you that I don't fall 
for your dishonesty, and I know you can't help being dishonest; after all, 
being truthful would require you to take account of reality. It's very sad.

Share wrote:

 No need to be sorry, it's just your opinion to which you are entitled.

 On Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:21 AM, Share Long  wrote:
   I didn't think that about empty. It was simply my intro into my story.

 On Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:01 AM, "authfriend@..."  
   Because you thought he thought it was just Catholics and wanted him to know 
it was also Jehovah's Witnesses. But you weren't aware that fundamentalist 
Christians (Protestants) generally, not just Jehovah's Witnesses, think TM is 
of the devil.
Share wrote:
 > Judy, indeed emptybill is very knowledgeable. I was launching into my 
 > experience with that
 > sentence.

 Share wrote:


 > emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM.

 No kidding!! Boy, I bet emptybill will be surprised to learn this.

 Actually Protestant fundamentalist Christians generally, not just Jehovah's 
Witnesses, think TM is the work of the devil.


  Back in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the 
devil," that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the 
phrase Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but 
you know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based 
on my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus 
would continue it.










Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread Share Long
No need to be sorry, it's just your opinion to which you are entitled.

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:21 AM, Share Long  
I didn't think that about empty. It was simply my intro into my story.

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:01 AM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
Because you thought he thought it was just Catholics and wanted him to know it 
was also Jehovah's Witnesses. But you weren't aware that fundamentalist 
Christians (Protestants) generally, not just Jehovah's Witnesses, think TM is 
of the devil.

Share wrote:

> Judy, indeed emptybill is very knowledgeable. I was launching into my 
> experience with that
> sentence.

Share wrote:

> emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM.

No kidding!! Boy, I bet emptybill will be surprised to learn this.

Actually Protestant fundamentalist Christians generally, not just Jehovah's 
Witnesses, think TM is the work of the devil.

 Back in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the 
devil," that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the 
phrase Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but 
you know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based 
on my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus 
would continue it.

RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread authfriend
Don't believe you, sorry. 
Share wrote:

 I didn't think that about empty. It was simply my intro into my story.

 On Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:01 AM, "authfriend@..."  
   Because you thought he thought it was just Catholics and wanted him to know 
it was also Jehovah's Witnesses. But you weren't aware that fundamentalist 
Christians (Protestants) generally, not just Jehovah's Witnesses, think TM is 
of the devil.
Share wrote:
 > Judy, indeed emptybill is very knowledgeable. I was launching into my 
 > experience with that
 > sentence.

 Share wrote:


 > emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM.

 No kidding!! Boy, I bet emptybill will be surprised to learn this.

 Actually Protestant fundamentalist Christians generally, not just Jehovah's 
Witnesses, think TM is the work of the devil.


  Back in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the 
devil," that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the 
phrase Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but 
you know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based 
on my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus 
would continue it.







Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread Share Long
I didn't think that about empty. It was simply my intro into my story.

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 11:01 AM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
Because you thought he thought it was just Catholics and wanted him to know it 
was also Jehovah's Witnesses. But you weren't aware that fundamentalist 
Christians (Protestants) generally, not just Jehovah's Witnesses, think TM is 
of the devil.

Share wrote:

> Judy, indeed emptybill is very knowledgeable. I was launching into my 
> experience with that
> sentence.

Share wrote:

> emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM.

No kidding!! Boy, I bet emptybill will be surprised to learn this.

Actually Protestant fundamentalist Christians generally, not just Jehovah's 
Witnesses, think TM is the work of the devil.

 Back in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the 
devil," that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the 
phrase Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but 
you know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based 
on my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus 
would continue it.

RE: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread authfriend
Because you thought he thought it was just Catholics and wanted him to know it 
was also Jehovah's Witnesses. But you weren't aware that fundamentalist 
Christians (Protestants) generally, not just Jehovah's Witnesses, think TM is 
of the devil.
Share wrote:
 > Judy, indeed emptybill is very knowledgeable. I was launching into my 
 > experience with that
 > sentence.

 Share wrote:


 > emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM.

 No kidding!! Boy, I bet emptybill will be surprised to learn this.

 Actually Protestant fundamentalist Christians generally, not just Jehovah's 
Witnesses, think TM is the work of the devil.


  Back in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the 
devil," that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the 
phrase Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but 
you know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based 
on my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus 
would continue it.




Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread Share Long
Judy, indeed emptybill is very knowledgeable. I was launching into my 
experience with that sentence.

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 10:10 AM, "authfri...@yahoo.com" 
Share wrote:

> emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM.

No kidding!! Boy, I bet emptybill will be surprised to learn this.

Actually Protestant fundamentalist Christians generally, not just Jehovah's 
Witnesses, think TM is the work of the devil.

 Back in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the 
devil," that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the 
phrase Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but 
you know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based 
on my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus 
would continue it.

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread authfriend
Share wrote:

 > emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM.

 No kidding!! Boy, I bet emptybill will be surprised to learn this.

 Actually Protestant fundamentalist Christians generally, not just Jehovah's 
Witnesses, think TM is the work of the devil.


  Back in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the 
devil," that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the 
phrase Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but 
you know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based 
on my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus 
would continue it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread Share Long
emptybill, it's not only the Roman Catholic Church that thinks this of TM. Back 
in the 80s some Jehovah Witnesses told me that TM is "the work of the devil," 
that "it says so in the Bible." I asked if the Bible actually used the phrase 
Transcendental Meditation. They admitted that it didn't but added, "but you 
know that's what it means." They finally left when I told them that, based on 
my own experience I did not think TM to be the work of the devil and thus would 
continue it.

I was once told by a conservative spiritual teacher of great learning that 
there is a Council on the non physical plane that meets regularly and that 
determines which spiritual system has ascendency at which time in history. This 
resonates as true to me and is how I understand the seeming ignorance of some 
systems. I guess wisdom too unfolds over time even though on the deepest level, 
it is always alive.

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:15 AM, "emptyb...@yahoo.com" 
I had a long time friend who was a TM teacher in Thailand, Malaysia and 
Singapore in the mid-70's who talked with Basil Pennington on ATR.

Basil's concern was how to port over the TM technique to revive the Catholic 
contemplative tradition. He believed this could be done and was working with a 
few others who had learned the technique to make it happen. We now know who 
those others were. 

This Rock Catholic Evangelical magazine (now called Catholic Answers) has 
repeatedly condemned the entry of "Hindu TM" along with Buddhist Vipassana into 
Catholic practice. They consider it all to be the devious subterfuge of the 
"Evil One" working to overthrow the "pure teachings" of Roman Catholicism.

I agree with their premise. TM and its Vedic roots are in contradiction to the 
Sin-Guilt-Redemption miasma of Roman Catholic and Protestant Christianity. 
These Western Christian lineages are an Augustinian deviation from original 
Christianity - which only still exists (to some extent) in the Eastern Orthodox 

However, the Eastern Orthodox teachings and contemplative practices are solely 
Christo-centric and have no place (nor need any) for TM practice or theories. 

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

Buck wrote:

> Dear Turq;  to give credit where credit is due, actually Centering Prayer
>> was drawn from the range of Christian and Eastern mystics but to be
>> more honest and accurate was distilled from Transcendental Meditation
>> in the 1970's by the three monks and their brethren at St. Joseph's
>> Abbey in Spencer Massachusetts.
>> I know, I was there and watched them rip Transcendental Meditation [TM]
>> off for their own purposes.
>> -Buck in the Dome 
>I'll confirm that the assumption among TMers that these three clerics' version
of Centering Prayer was based on TM was current back in the late 1970s. It
isn't something Buck made up. Photocopies of the chapter entitled "TM and
Centering Prayer" from Pennington's 1977 book "Daily We Touch Him" were
routinely passed around among TMers.

Moreover, if Barry had any curiosity at all, or any desire to get his facts 
he would have checked out the PDF that Xeno uploaded. It would be extremely
difficult for anyone familiar with TM instruction to read those two pages on 
to do Centering Prayer and claim that it had "nothing to do with TM." It's
obvious that the clerics did indeed "rip off" the instructions for TM, just as 
says above.

The mechanics of the techniques are virtually identical. The only two 
differences are (1) that TM uses a teacher-assigned Sanskrit mantra, whereas
Centering Prayer uses a self-chosen "sacred word" from the Christian tradition;
and (2) that the explicit context of Centering Prayer is Christian, whereas 
TM's is
either secular, religious/nondenominational, or Hindu, depending on one's

--The Corrector

Barry wrote:

> > I think we all know that The Corrector will probably rip Buck a new asshole 
> > for
>> > running this tired and intentionally misleading routine again, but just on 
>> > the off
>> > chance that she doesn't, I will. The bolded section in brackets above comes
>> > only from Buck's fevered imagination. Anyone who reads the rest of the
>> > descriptions on that page knows that it has nothing to do with TM. 
>> > 
>> > Buck's as bad as Willytex at making shit up and presenting it as fact.  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-17 Thread emptybill
I had a long time friend who was a TM teacher in Thailand, Malaysia and 
Singapore in the mid-70's who talked with Basil Pennington on ATR.

 Basil's concern was how to port over the TM technique to revive the Catholic 
contemplative tradition. He believed this could be done and was working with a 
few others who had learned the technique to make it happen. We now know who 
those others were. 


 This Rock Catholic Evangelical magazine (now called Catholic Answers) has 
repeatedly condemned the entry of "Hindu TM" along with Buddhist Vipassana into 
Catholic practice. They consider it all to be the devious subterfuge of the 
"Evil One" working to overthrow the "pure teachings" of Roman Catholicism.

I agree with their premise. TM and its Vedic roots are in contradiction to the 
Sin-Guilt-Redemption miasma of Roman Catholic and Protestant Christianity. 
These Western Christian lineages are an Augustinian deviation from original 
Christianity - which only still exists (to some extent) in the Eastern Orthodox 

However, the Eastern Orthodox teachings and contemplative practices are solely 
Christo-centric and have no place (nor need any) for TM practice or theories. 




---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Buck wrote:
 > Dear Turq; to give credit where credit is due, actually Centering Prayer
 > was drawn from the range of Christian and Eastern mystics but to be
 > more honest and accurate was distilled from Transcendental Meditation
 > in the 1970's by the three monks and their brethren at St. Joseph's
 > Abbey in Spencer Massachusetts.
 > I know, I was there and watched them rip Transcendental Meditation [TM]
 > off for their own purposes.
 > -Buck in the Dome 
 I'll confirm that the assumption among TMers that these three clerics' version
 of Centering Prayer was based on TM was current back in the late 1970s. It
 isn't something Buck made up. Photocopies of the chapter entitled "TM and
 Centering Prayer" from Pennington's 1977 book "Daily We Touch Him" were
 routinely passed around among TMers.
 Moreover, if Barry had any curiosity at all, or any desire to get his facts 
 he would have checked out the PDF that Xeno uploaded. It would be extremely
 difficult for anyone familiar with TM instruction to read those two pages on 
 to do Centering Prayer and claim that it had "nothing to do with TM." It's
 obvious that the clerics did indeed "rip off" the instructions for TM, just as 
 says above.
 The mechanics of the techniques are virtually identical. The only two 
 differences are (1) that TM uses a teacher-assigned Sanskrit mantra, whereas
 Centering Prayer uses a self-chosen "sacred word" from the Christian tradition;
 and (2) that the explicit context of Centering Prayer is Christian, whereas 
TM's is
 either secular, religious/nondenominational, or Hindu, depending on one's
 --The Corrector
 Barry wrote:
 > > I think we all know that The Corrector will probably rip Buck a new 
 > > asshole for
 > > running this tired and intentionally misleading routine again, but just on 
 > > the off
 > > chance that she doesn't, I will. The bolded section in brackets above comes
 > > only from Buck's fevered imagination. Anyone who reads the rest of the
 > > descriptions on that page knows that it has nothing to do with TM. 
 > > 
 > > Buck's as bad as Willytex at making shit up and presenting it as fact.  

[FairfieldLife] RE: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-13 Thread dhamiltony2k5
 Our organization is nondenominational and all are welcome to attend our prayer 
 Our mission is to help churches and parishes, schools and places of prayer 
establish a Centering Prayer Program

---In fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

  Heck, everybody is offering instruction in effortless “Centering Prayer” 
meditation; protestants, catholics, jews, even methodists;
 http://www.centenary-ws.org/SF http://www.centenary-ws.org/SF 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 Do a Google search for “Contemplative Outreach”.   

 The odds are much greater the modern Sancta Sedes practices “Centering Prayer” 
as widely taught by his church. It is now a huge meditation movement that 
dwarfs the other trademarked version we are familiar with in the marketplace of 
 http://www.centeringprayer.com/ http://www.centeringprayer.com/ 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote:

 If you are implying that "effortless meditation" is unique to TM, it isn't.
 On 10/13/2013 07:32 AM, srijau@... mailto:srijau@... wrote:
   I do as I was instructed so Im not trying and neither is the The Holy Father 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
 mailto:fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
srijau@... wrote:
 > what a friend we have in Francis, uses the most well researched, 
 > the effective technique, not for me to spell out better to just 
 > connect dots please and than-you
 If you're trying to imply that Pope Francis practices 
 TM, I for one suspect you may be correct:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Pope Francis technique

2013-10-13 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@...  wrote:
> what a friend we have in Francis, uses the most well researched,
> the effective technique, not for me to spell out better  to just
> connect dots please and than-you

If you're trying to imply that Pope Francis practices
TM, I for one suspect you may be correct:
