Re: Megan, be careful...

2007-08-30 Thread Watsdadillyo
My cat crackers had contracted the FELV POS from a stray beautiful girl  
"Pokemon". Long story short Pokemon was a gorgeous black and white long hair  
beauty who walked into our lifes at park. I was dense and didn't know anything  
about FELV or FIV in cats. My son and niece fell in love and I brought her  
and brought her right in the house. She was so lovable , beautiful, had  
extra toes on all her paws. Well 10 months later she was sick and I rush her to 
the Emergency Animal Hospital in Philly. I knew NOTHING at all about anything.  
They wanted $1,300 to admit her and said her stay in ICU would be between  
$6,000-$7,000. I was in shock. They wouldn't tell me what was wrong and even if 
they would I was so naive. Finally after struggling with Demons inside, they  
told me she had lyphomia and would prob not make it. And that she probally 
had  FELV or FIV, and I should test my other cat, Crackers. I wish I had been 
aware  of these diseases because I would have said do the 5 minute test and 
That  was such a rotten time in my life. I ended up putting Pokemon down. My 
last  memory was of her breathing sweetly and sleeping in an oxygen incubator. 
I pet  her and told her I loved her. The next week I took Crackers and he was 
Positive  and his vet told me"put him down , he prob wont make it another 
month." That I  WAS NOT going to hear. I with the help of this wonderful group 
got a new Vet.  That was 1 yr ago. He will go for his 6 month check up in 2 
weeks. He has  been so healthy, happy and loved this last year. This is your 
personal battle I  think we all would do something a little different. Me I 
look at 
quality of  life, but would spend every penny I had to make Crackers well, 
free of pain.  Then again he is stretched out on my diner room table next to 
SPOLIED  LOL! LOL. He is 6 years old and considered my son. I would sell my 
blood to  help him. But I also would not make him suffer for my satisfaction! 
Good luck  and my your heart guilde you and your sweet baby Megan.
P.s. Sorry so long.

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Re: 1 YEAR!!

2007-08-30 Thread Watsdadillyo
Thank you everyone. Your kind words and wishes are inspiring! MEOW!
Kayte & Crackers

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Re: Megan, be careful...

2007-08-30 Thread OfALegend
Hey guys.   I can't possibly imagine what could cost $2000 other  than a very 
extensive hospitalization.  Their prices and fees for labs and  diagnostic 
tests run pretty average...$15 to $40 for most testsand a  
consultation/exam/visit is only $60.  My appointment is on the 11th.   I'll be 
sure to let you 
all know how it goes.
Megan, who gave you the 2k figure?  The vet, or the hospital  itself?  I'm 
sorry, but you and I have talked a bit outside the group, and  I must say, I'm 
just not digging your vet, Megan. I'm not sure what his motives  or intentions 
are.  I dunno if he's really clueless, or what. :(  
I still recommend another vet.  And I'd find out from the hosptial  itself if 
they're wanting to charge that much.  I know I've heard a lot of  people 
around here say their vets will try to discourage people from going to UT  for 
various reasons...the biggest of which I truly think is they lose  money.  

Do keep us updated on whats going on.  :(


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Re: Update on Olive: Not good...

2007-08-30 Thread Belinda
I do not all animals or people suffer when they are dying and I can tell 
you for a fact unless any of my furkids are in a great deal of pain and 
I clearly get from them they want help passing I will let all of them 
pass on their own, I personally believe most prefer it.  It may not be 
pretty for me but I don't think they suffer as we think they do, once 
the process gets to a certain point the body goes into shock and I don't 
think you feel much of anything.  Of course I have never died, that is 
just my sense of the process and I could be as right as anyone who 
insists helping an animal pass is the best and kindest thing you can do 
for them, I don't think that is always the case.  I personally would 
never want to be euthanized if that was an option humans had.

You will regret seeing it and much worse, allowing it to get that far for her 
sake.  You will see her suffer.


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RE: ***Important question about reticulocytes***

2007-08-30 Thread glenda Goodman
Megan, All you have been doing is trying! How many
hours are there in a day? You have not let an hour go
by, except maybe when you have been asleep, that you
have not been doing everything humanly possible to
help your Olive. 
Your grade is nothing less than an A+ on your test as
a care giver for your kitties...Glenda
--- Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I left a message for my vet today regarding her
> reticulocytes, but he never 
> got back to me. If he had, maybe I could've gotten
> another transfusion done. 
> Now I'm afraid I've missed my chance, and I feel
> absolutely horrible. I had 
> decided to let Olive go, but now I'm wondering if I
> could've saved her. I 
> don't know if there's time, now. I feel like I
> didn't try hard enough...
> >= Original Message From wendy
> >Here are a few articles:
> :explains that the reticulocyte count greater than
> 1% indicates regeneration.
> Basically, at this point, which is one of the
> problems with anemia, is that 
> it's a crapshoot because you can't tell.  Low
> reticulocytes can go either way.
>  If you can swing the transfusion, do it and get her
> on doxy asap.  Precious 
> time has been lost already waiting for the doxy to
> take effect.  I hope it 
> works Megan.
> :)
> Wendy
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change 
> the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever
> has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~
> - Original Message 
> From: Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:08:52 PM
> Subject: ***Important question about
> reticulocytes***
> The vet told me that Olive's number of reticulocytes
> was low--but she does 
> have SOME. He and the vet school seem to think it's
> nonregenerative anemia, 
> but if that's so, wouldn't there be no reticulocytes
> whatsoever? Or could they 
> possibly be leftovers from the blood transfusion?
> I'm really confused. I don't 
> want to give up if there's still a chance.
> -Megan
> __
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Re: Nova Please add to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Sally Davis

I am so very sorry to hear about both Genevieve's and Nova's crossings. I
looks at Genevieve's pics she is such a pretty girl. You are doing the best
you can for these kitties. They may not be cured on this earth but they are
cured in heaven.



On 8/29/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well poor Nova has now crossed the bridge.will this aweful disease ever
> cured? Only in our dreams. :(
> Jen sent out an e-mail to all the volunteers tonight about Genevieve and
> Nova.I am getting many e-mails from all the wonderful volunteers that knew
> how much I loved my VitterVits
> --
> Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers
> from
> someone who knows.
> Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post
your as well.

Re: Nova Please add to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread glenda Goodman
Sending hugs for all you have been through these last
few days...I'm sorry Nova's life was cut short too, by
this awful disease. I know we all want to thank you
for all you do for these poor , deserving little
guys... and especially, for the love you give to
them...My heart breaks for each and every one. Any one
of them could have been one of mine...I know how
special each one is...
Love from us here in Nebraska, 
--- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well poor Nova has now crossed the bridge.will this
> aweful disease ever cured? Only in our dreams. :(
>   Jen sent out an e-mail to all the volunteers
> tonight about Genevieve and Nova.I am getting many
> e-mails from all the wonderful volunteers that knew
> how much I loved my VitterVits
> -
> Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship
> answers from someone who knows.
> Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

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RE: ***Important question about reticulocytes***

2007-08-30 Thread Megan Heikkinen
I left a message for my vet today regarding her reticulocytes, but he never 
got back to me. If he had, maybe I could've gotten another transfusion done. 
Now I'm afraid I've missed my chance, and I feel absolutely horrible. I had 
decided to let Olive go, but now I'm wondering if I could've saved her. I 
don't know if there's time, now. I feel like I didn't try hard enough...

>= Original Message From wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =
>Here are a few articles:
:explains that the reticulocyte count greater than 1% indicates regeneration.

Basically, at this point, which is one of the problems with anemia, is that 
it's a crapshoot because you can't tell.  Low reticulocytes can go either way.
 If you can swing the transfusion, do it and get her on doxy asap.  Precious 
time has been lost already waiting for the doxy to take effect.  I hope it 
works Megan.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:08:52 PM
Subject: ***Important question about reticulocytes***

The vet told me that Olive's number of reticulocytes was low--but she does 
have SOME. He and the vet school seem to think it's nonregenerative anemia, 
but if that's so, wouldn't there be no reticulocytes whatsoever? Or could they 
possibly be leftovers from the blood transfusion? I'm really confused. I don't 
want to give up if there's still a chance.


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Megan, be careful...

2007-08-30 Thread glenda Goodman
Megan, I just got home and saw the update on Olive's
situation and your other two kitties. It is wonderful
your two have tested negative...I feel very sad to
hear of how your little Olive is doing. 
I just read Wendy's letter to you and it was perfect,
right on, as is usual for Wendy! Yeah! Wendy! 
Like Wendy I cannot believe they would have the guts
to tell you the fee for helping Olive would be
$2,000.00. They do not even know if they will be able
to help her...This is a learning thing for those
guys...They should be grateful you have evenconsidered
bringing Olive to them...It seems someone is praying
on your heartache and desperation here.
 You have picked up and retained so much information
in these last few days from the experienced and very
kind people here. 
If I were you I would gather my senses and go through
the basic steps to make Olive comfortable and build up
her system with the supplements that might help her
that you can afford. I cannot imagine what the vet
school would be thinking to put Olive through for
$2,000.00. I would imagine it would be horribly
stessfull for her and there would be a lot of
strangers around and that would be very scary for
her... There is nothing out there that is going to
save her if she is at a certain point with this
disease and for these guys to be putting a 2,000.00
price tag on what the treatment is, they are trying to
sell you on, is just not very nice at all. 
 I'm sure Wendy and some others here would love to
hear their ideas for treatment...They would be a lot
more in touch than I might be or some of the newer
people here. I wish you could ask those vet school
people what they are thinking on selling you and then
let these guys decide if their price tag is in line
with their treatment options...
Meanwhile, I am wondering how Michael is doing with
his vet school situation???
I'm really sorry for you and Olive, but your other
guys need you too... and you need to keep strong! Be
careful with your money and study hard in school...The
mother in me is coming out here...Glenda


Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
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Re: Papillon

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Dubose
nice & pink.

Sheila ( Dr.Smith's wife) told me this today...I will be @ the Cat 
Hospital tomorrow,so I will see if he would like to do some bloodwork.

Next week is a killer for me, Labor Day clients outta town.

"I think if he is eating and eliminating ok and he seems to be
generally doing well, then he is probably ok. Its when the appetite
fails,his coat looks ragged,etc that they seem to go into that usually
fatal decline.

I hope he is just having a down time and he bounces back to his perky
self soon. Sometimes what I have seen is a very gradual slowing down.
My Cookie Princess is doing that now. She has lost two pounds over the
last few months."

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message - 
  From: wendy 
  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 6:11 PM
  Subject: Re: Papillon

  What color are his gums?

  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

  - Original Message 
  From: Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:53:33 PM
  Subject: Papillon

  Papillon seems to be sleeping more than normal.

  Papillon is my flamepoint Balinese "Top Cat" that is felv+.

  He is eating the same w/ the exception of not quite as much moist food in the 
mornings (but still eating some), fur looks good, hasn't lost weight, still 
"over stimulates easily" when I go to him and pet him,which makes him grab my 
hand, bite it while bunny kicking.

  On the other side, he seems to be sleeping ALOT more, not "singing" like he 
used to, not jumping on the 3 girls and playing a bit rough anymore.

  I checked his lymph nodes and they are not swollen.

  I noticed the change about the same time that I brought in Percival, but 
after about 2 days Pappy no longer hissed at him, and while they are not 
preening each other, they like each other.

  Yesterday when Percival "sniffed"Pappy, Pappy just rolled over and put a 
"softpaw"on Pappy's face, just looked into his eyes, very sweetly

  Should I be concerned?

  Does this come & go?

  While I have lots of experince w/ felv+ cats ( I used to care for Dr. Smith's 
5 to 6 days a week and I also have a couple of clients that have felv+ cats), I 
have never actually had one in my home until last year.

  I will be @ the Cat Hospital picking up my usual supply of Zithromax for 
Paloma, Princess Purr-la & Sugar Buggars (all felv-,just chronically ill..) so, 
I will talk to Dr. Smith and see what he says.

  Has anyone else noticed their felv+ cats having "off time, on time?).

  Would bloodwork be the next step?

  Sorry so many questions, I am just very worried about him.

  I love them all so much and I am not ready to lose him.

  Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
"As Cleopatra lay in state,
 Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
 Purring welcomes of soft applause,
 Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
   Trajan Tennent

  Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Re: Papillon

2007-08-30 Thread wendy
What color are his gums?

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:53:33 PM
Subject: Papillon

Papillon seems to be sleeping more than normal.
Papillon is my flamepoint Balinese "Top Cat" that is felv+.
He is eating the same w/ the exception of not quite as much moist food in the 
mornings (but still eating some), fur looks good, hasn't lost weight, still 
"over stimulates easily" when I go to him and pet him,which makes him grab my 
hand, bite it while bunny kicking.
On the other side, he seems to be sleeping ALOT more, not "singing" like he 
used to, not jumping on the 3 girls and playing a bit rough anymore.
I checked his lymph nodes and they are not swollen.
I noticed the change about the same time that I brought in Percival, but after 
about 2 days Pappy no longer hissed at him, and while they are not preening 
each other, they like each other.
Yesterday when Percival "sniffed"Pappy, Pappy just rolled over and put a 
"softpaw"on Pappy's face, just looked into his eyes, very sweetly
Should I be concerned?
Does this come & go?
While I have lots of experince w/ felv+ cats ( I used to care for Dr. Smith's 5 
to 6 days a week and I also have a couple of clients that have felv+ cats), I 
have never actually had one in my home until last year.
I will be @ the Cat Hospital picking up my usual supply of Zithromax for 
Paloma, Princess Purr-la & Sugar Buggars (all felv-,just chronically ill..) so, 
I will talk to Dr. Smith and see what he says.
Has anyone else noticed their felv+ cats having "off time, on time?).
Would bloodwork be the next step?
Sorry so many questions, I am just very worried about him.
I love them all so much and I am not ready to lose him.
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent


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Re: ***Important question about reticulocytes***

2007-08-30 Thread wendy
Here are a few articles:
:explains that the reticulocyte count greater than 1% indicates regeneration.

Basically, at this point, which is one of the problems with anemia, is that 
it's a crapshoot because you can't tell.  Low reticulocytes can go either way.  
If you can swing the transfusion, do it and get her on doxy asap.  Precious 
time has been lost already waiting for the doxy to take effect.  I hope it 
works Megan.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:08:52 PM
Subject: ***Important question about reticulocytes***

The vet told me that Olive's number of reticulocytes was low--but she does 
have SOME. He and the vet school seem to think it's nonregenerative anemia, 
but if that's so, wouldn't there be no reticulocytes whatsoever? Or could they 
possibly be leftovers from the blood transfusion? I'm really confused. I don't 
want to give up if there's still a chance.



Luggage? GPS? Comic books? 
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Re: Update on Olive: Not good...

2007-08-30 Thread wendy
Dear Megan,

Most of us here know exactly the heartwrenching decisions that have to be made 
regarding money and care for our kitties.  I would not have $2000 to see the 
veterinary school, and I think it's absolutely dastardly of them to charge that 
type of fee.  What does it include, for heaven's sake?  Please don't feel that 
any of us are going to judge you if you don't go into the hole $2k for 
treatment.  And to be perfectly honest, the anemia is a horrible, horrible 
thing to fight, and most of the time, it does not turn around.  I would still 
put Olive on the doxy, no matter what.  But if she doesn't do better with it, 
and I think it takes a little while to work, then you may have to let her go.  
I am so sorry.  If you want to give her the transfusion and the meds to see 
what will happen, go for it.  But just know it might not work.  The one very 
important thing here is if you can avoid it, and your belief system allows for 
pts, don't wait to let her die on her
 own.  You will regret seeing it and much worse, allowing it to get that far 
for her sake.  You will see her suffer.  The guilt is horrible too.  Caroline 
and I can both attest to that.  Go with your heart, Megan.  And ask Olive what 
she wants.  Search her eyes.  If you need more time and want to do that one 
last thing that might help her, don't feel selfish for doing it.  It will give 
you a few more days with her if it doesn't work, and you can prepare better for 
what might lie ahead.  This has been so fast for both of you, and again, I'm so 
sorry.  It's heartwrenching, even for us here to know you and Olive are going 
through this.

I am glad your other two have tested negative.  That is a blessing.  Only sad 
that Olive's prognosis isn't looking better. Please keep us posted.  We're here 
for you right now.  Prayers going out for healing for little Olive.  And peace 
for you.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who knows. 
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Re: 1 YEAR!!

2007-08-30 Thread wendy

Good to hear from you!  I'm so happy that Crackers is doing so well!  And that 
he has a friend to play with.  I would love to see pics of that!  I think it 
would be great to send a photo to the vet; he might learn something that helps 
someone else's kitty who tests positive.  You can send him a nicely worded card 
with the photo.

Here's to twenty more good years for Cracker!!!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:38:01 AM
Subject: 1 YEAR!!

Hi everyone! I haven't been on in awhile but I use to post! My cat Crackers is 
FELV POS> Found out 1 yr ago. His 1 yr anniversary of being positive. In the 
last year he has only had 1 eye infection 11 months ago.and has gained 3 1/2 
lbs making him a whooping 22lbs now. He is happy healthy and enjoying life with 
his new brother Blue (8 month American Bulldog) We got him at 9 weeks old. 
Having Blue to play with has been a wonderful experience in Crackers life. They 
play together,eat and sleep together. Just wanted to share the great news and 
THANK everyone again for all the great advice and info I got last year when I 
was going crazy! You guys are the best. And my devilish side wants to so bad 
send his EX Vet Crackers pix and say this is the Baby doll you wanted to put to 
sleep last year with no illness signs just the diagnois of being FELV Pos. Much 
love and Happiness to everyone!
Kayte and Crackers

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Re: 1 YEAR!!

2007-08-30 Thread Kelley Saveika
I had been wondering about Crackers.  Glad he is doing well.

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Re: 1 YEAR!!

2007-08-30 Thread TatorBunz
WOOHOO Crackers!
So happy to hear this.
Was wondering on how you guys were doing anyway.


Terrie Mohr-Forker


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RE: Sylvester died at home this morning

2007-08-30 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Thinking of you and your sweetie Sylvester, Tracy. It's so hard losing a
beloved kitty. I'm just glad he passed away at home, in a stress-free
environment, with his favorite human caring for him. hugs, Kerry


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Taylor Scobie
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: Sylvester died at home this morning

Dear Tracy: 

I was so sad to read your story of your wonderful Sylvester and his
peaceful passing up in your box spring.  And also, how he showed the
doctor that he was just fine--I think he was thanking his vet, in a way,
for all the help he had been given there.  And thanking you and the
other kitties for all the happy life he had with you--even if some of
them terrorized him!  He clearly wanted to pass away with you--and he

My very BEST thoughts for Sylvester and for you and the other kitties,

xxx, Tee 'n' the Wildlife

"Consciousness is Causal 
 and Physicality is its

On Aug 25, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Tracy Weese wrote:

My giant (well, he used to be) ol' farm cat died this morning at
Sylvester came off a farm where I take care of a dwindling
(thanks to TNR) cat colony.  He got very sick about 2 years ago and I
took him to the vet...of course it was more than being sick, he had
FeLV+.  So he came home with my other cats (I had few other positives
then, after today down to two now and soon to be one-CW is anemic and
fading, too).
He was big when I got him, about 16 pounds despite being so ill.
After many  at the vets' and then living at home, he was up to 22
lbs!  He stayed pretty healthy for about 1 year and  4 months (he was
probably 7 when I got him).  He always had a little cough the vets
thought was asthma (and yes, we checked and re-checked this).  But
recently, he was not the same, more coughing, high fever, not
eatingturns out his blood counts were all haywire.  Low RBC, Low
white count and low plateletsthe antibiotics for the fever made his
tummy hurt, too.  So at the vet yesterday I asked if it was time to let
him go (he lost 2 lbs in a week), the vet didn't think so bec. of
course, he perked up at the vets' and purred and pranced...He got a
vitamin B12 shot and his very first steroid shot (yes, we discussed that
steriods in a FeLV+ cat were a last resort).  When we got home, he had a
good night.  He ate some, and hung out with me and the others (he had
been staying under the bed except when I would drag him out for meds).
He even played some and tried to squeeze into a tiny box like he used
This morning I awoke to a few sounds of slight distresshe
was sleeping under the bed again (actually, the cats tore the bottom
fabric of the box springs and he would sleep inside the box springs).  I
reached down and touched him and told him I was there and then went to
get a carrier to go to the vet.  In the seconds it took for me to run
downstairs and get the carrier and come back up, he was
I had to cut the rest of the fabric to get him since he would
lay furtherst from the opening.  I pulled him out and he was still, he
looked very peaceful--no signs of struggle on him or under the bed.
This is the very first cat I have had that died at home (and I
have a cabinet full of cremated remains) was not terrible, but I
did not plan it.  Last night was so good for him, I guess he had only
one last good night in him.
He died with me nearby and in the place he felt safest, under
the bed.  I took him to the vets' so he can be cremated.
I don't think he suffered but a few short seconds if that.  I
gave him permission several days ago to leave if he needed to, I guess
he needed to go today.
Although I will miss him, several of my other cats will not.  He
was a gentle giant, but a few of my smaller cats  terrorized him if they
got the chance.  He never struck out first and usually retreated, but he
was always a sweetie to people.
Please think good thoughts for Sylvester.
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other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
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than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor.
This email and any files transmitted with it are intend

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread TatorBunz
Sorry all my newer computer crashed so I'm using the old one.

I'm so sorry to hear about your Jingles. How horrible for you to find him 
this way. Bless you for being his mom. He knows you love and always will. Just 
he loved you.
You will be together again someday!


Terrie Mohr-Forker


 Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: Pics of Genevieve

2007-08-30 Thread Watsdadillyo
I am soo sorry for your loss. I cried when I looked at beautiful Genevieve  
little face. She looked so happy and full of love. She had a great life and  
looked so loved. May your heart heal.

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at

Re: ***Important question about reticulocytes***

2007-08-30 Thread Belinda
  Whether or not it isn regenerative or non regenerative, Bailey 's 
anemia was non regenerative and he did recover from the anemia.  I 
posted his story a day or two ago.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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2007-08-30 Thread Susan Dubose
Papillon seems to be sleeping more than normal.

Papillon is my flamepoint Balinese "Top Cat" that is felv+.

He is eating the same w/ the exception of not quite as much moist food in the 
mornings (but still eating some), fur looks good, hasn't lost weight, still 
"over stimulates easily" when I go to him and pet him,which makes him grab my 
hand, bite it while bunny kicking.

On the other side, he seems to be sleeping ALOT more, not "singing" like he 
used to, not jumping on the 3 girls and playing a bit rough anymore.

I checked his lymph nodes and they are not swollen.

I noticed the change about the same time that I brought in Percival, but after 
about 2 days Pappy no longer hissed at him, and while they are not preening 
each other, they like each other.

Yesterday when Percival "sniffed"Pappy, Pappy just rolled over and put a 
"softpaw"on Pappy's face, just looked into his eyes, very sweetly

Should I be concerned?

Does this come & go?

While I have lots of experince w/ felv+ cats ( I used to care for Dr. Smith's 5 
to 6 days a week and I also have a couple of clients that have felv+ cats), I 
have never actually had one in my home until last year.

I will be @ the Cat Hospital picking up my usual supply of Zithromax for 
Paloma, Princess Purr-la & Sugar Buggars (all felv-,just chronically ill..) so, 
I will talk to Dr. Smith and see what he says.

Has anyone else noticed their felv+ cats having "off time, on time?).

Would bloodwork be the next step?

Sorry so many questions, I am just very worried about him.

I love them all so much and I am not ready to lose him.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

Re: ***Important question about reticulocytes***

2007-08-30 Thread Megan Heikkinen
Actually, I think her blood was tested before the transfusion. So what does 
that mean? I would like to think that both my vet and the vet school know what 
they're talking about... but what if they're wrong?


***Important question about reticulocytes***

2007-08-30 Thread Megan Heikkinen
The vet told me that Olive's number of reticulocytes was low--but she does 
have SOME. He and the vet school seem to think it's nonregenerative anemia, 
but if that's so, wouldn't there be no reticulocytes whatsoever? Or could they 
possibly be leftovers from the blood transfusion? I'm really confused. I don't 
want to give up if there's still a chance.


Re: to Marylyn

2007-08-30 Thread Marylyn
I get it from a holistic vet, Susan Maier, in Simpsonville, KY.  However you 
can order directly from PetzLife if you can't find it.  Here is the link:

You can work your way back and forth thru it to get additional information. 
They are calling it Oral Care Gel now--probably to avoid confusion with the 
Mr. Clean and other "brush away" ads.

Good luck.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jane Lyons" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 8:32 AM
Subject: to Marylyn

Is the name of the product you use for stomatitis called Brush Away?
Can you describe it and tell me where you get it?

I've not been able to clear up two areas on MeMe's upper gum.
I've been giving her First Born and several other immune supplements,  but
these two areas are difficult.


RE: Update on Olive: Not good...

2007-08-30 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
I'm so sorry, Megan.  It's always hard, and everybody on this list is
painfully aware that as much as none of us WANTS money to be a
consideration, in fact it VERY often is.  I can't give words of wisdom
here on what to do about nature vs. euthanasia, but I guess the
guideline is, if she's suffering help her along.  It's the final
kindness we can give them, not to let them suffer.  If you don't think
she's in pain or distress, and is likely just to fade peacefully, then
maybe nature's way is best -- I just wouldn't leave her by herself if
possible.  You might want to get some Feliway or Rescue Remedy, which
has a calming effect.   

I'm glad the other two are negative.

Diane R.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Megan
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:42 AM
To: felvtalk
Subject: Update on Olive: Not good...

Fortunately, the other two are negative. Unfortunately, I don't think
Olive is 
going to have much of a chance. The vet told me that her anemia is 
non-regenerative, and this was confirmed by the vet school.
Additionally, she 
is much slower this morning, and if I don't get her another transfusion
I don't think she'll last past the night, or at the very latest, through

tomorrow. I'm starting to suspect that this is a lost cause. My vet put
in an 
emergency referral to the vet school, but this will cost me $2000. I
cannot afford that. I have the money at the moment, but I need to save
it up.

Part of me thinks that it might just be easier to let her go, but the
part of me can't stand to let that happen without giving her a chance.
with meds she could be okay, I don't know. Probably not. But maybe; and
that slight possibility that makes me want to do what I can for her.
Maybe if 
she is given a fresh start on some new blood, she'll be strong enough
meds will actually help her. I kind of doubt this, but like I said, I
want to 
do what I can for her. I don't want to just give up. Though at the same
I hate putting her through this She is suffering for the second time

within a week, and I feel horrible for it. I wonder if I should just let

nature take its course... Going to the vet again and undergoing sedation
another blood transfusion might just wear her out.

I know that, ultimately, it's my own choice as to what I choose to do. I
get blood from Juniper, but I hate to put her at risk. I also don't know
if it 
would do any real good for Olive, besides perhaps extending her life for

another week. I think I may just let her rest, although I don't know if
rather let her go on her own or go the route of euthanasia. I hate to do

either, and I'm not sure which would be optimal.

I feel so completely lost right now.

>= Original Message From glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Megan, You are a very special young lady. I feel very
>glad you are able to get the best help possible from
>the great people on this list. I see those wheels
>turning in your head. You are going to be successful
>in what ever you do in life.
>Olive is so lucky to have you fighting for her.
>Everyone is going to be wishing the best for your
>other two. If by chance they are neg. this is good for
>Olive too. There is that small chance she could beat
>it. I know this is all very draining on you, but
>please focus on your school work so you do not get
>behind...Maybe somehow, this could make you even more
>functional...sometimes ,under pressure things can kick
>in we did not even know we had, to pull us through.
> The best to all of you! Glenda
>--- Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I guess I figured it was NRA, just because that
>> seems most likely to me. If
>> she tested positive on the IFA, doesn't that mean
>> the infection's spread to
>> her bone marrow, and therefore she can't produce new
>> RBCs? The vet didn't tell
>> me which one it was, but I'll ask tomorrow, if he
>> even knows.
>> Olive did have her blood typed, and she's type A,
>> fortunately. That's what you
>> were asking, right? The reason her brother Kudzu had
>> to give her blood was
>> that there was apparently no blood stored up
>> anywhere nearby. This now seems
>> slightly ridiculous to me, what with the vet school
>> and all. Surely there
>> would be available blood somewhere in Knoxville or
>> the surrounding area.
>> Still, I think Kudzu would've had to have been used
>> regardless at the time,
>> because Olive would probably have died within a few
>> hours if not for the
>> transfusion. Her packed cell count had gotten down
>> to 4.5%.
>> As for how she's doing today She's still up and
>> active, behaving pretty
>> normally. She does seem slightly slower today,
>> unfortunately, and the
>> coloration in her pads has gone down. Although, I
>> think they may actually look
>> a bit better now than they did earlier today. I
>> don't know, it may just be my
>> imaginat

Update on Olive: Not good...

2007-08-30 Thread Megan Heikkinen
Fortunately, the other two are negative. Unfortunately, I don't think Olive is 
going to have much of a chance. The vet told me that her anemia is 
non-regenerative, and this was confirmed by the vet school. Additionally, she 
is much slower this morning, and if I don't get her another transfusion today, 
I don't think she'll last past the night, or at the very latest, through 
tomorrow. I'm starting to suspect that this is a lost cause. My vet put in an 
emergency referral to the vet school, but this will cost me $2000. I simply 
cannot afford that. I have the money at the moment, but I need to save it up.

Part of me thinks that it might just be easier to let her go, but the other 
part of me can't stand to let that happen without giving her a chance. Maybe 
with meds she could be okay, I don't know. Probably not. But maybe; and it's 
that slight possibility that makes me want to do what I can for her. Maybe if 
she is given a fresh start on some new blood, she'll be strong enough that 
meds will actually help her. I kind of doubt this, but like I said, I want to 
do what I can for her. I don't want to just give up. Though at the same time, 
I hate putting her through this She is suffering for the second time 
within a week, and I feel horrible for it. I wonder if I should just let 
nature take its course... Going to the vet again and undergoing sedation and 
another blood transfusion might just wear her out.

I know that, ultimately, it's my own choice as to what I choose to do. I could 
get blood from Juniper, but I hate to put her at risk. I also don't know if it 
would do any real good for Olive, besides perhaps extending her life for 
another week. I think I may just let her rest, although I don't know if I'd 
rather let her go on her own or go the route of euthanasia. I hate to do 
either, and I'm not sure which would be optimal.

I feel so completely lost right now.

>= Original Message From glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =
>Megan, You are a very special young lady. I feel very
>glad you are able to get the best help possible from
>the great people on this list. I see those wheels
>turning in your head. You are going to be successful
>in what ever you do in life.
>Olive is so lucky to have you fighting for her.
>Everyone is going to be wishing the best for your
>other two. If by chance they are neg. this is good for
>Olive too. There is that small chance she could beat
>it. I know this is all very draining on you, but
>please focus on your school work so you do not get
>behind...Maybe somehow, this could make you even more
>functional...sometimes ,under pressure things can kick
>in we did not even know we had, to pull us through.
> The best to all of you! Glenda
>--- Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I guess I figured it was NRA, just because that
>> seems most likely to me. If
>> she tested positive on the IFA, doesn't that mean
>> the infection's spread to
>> her bone marrow, and therefore she can't produce new
>> RBCs? The vet didn't tell
>> me which one it was, but I'll ask tomorrow, if he
>> even knows.
>> Olive did have her blood typed, and she's type A,
>> fortunately. That's what you
>> were asking, right? The reason her brother Kudzu had
>> to give her blood was
>> that there was apparently no blood stored up
>> anywhere nearby. This now seems
>> slightly ridiculous to me, what with the vet school
>> and all. Surely there
>> would be available blood somewhere in Knoxville or
>> the surrounding area.
>> Still, I think Kudzu would've had to have been used
>> regardless at the time,
>> because Olive would probably have died within a few
>> hours if not for the
>> transfusion. Her packed cell count had gotten down
>> to 4.5%.
>> As for how she's doing today She's still up and
>> active, behaving pretty
>> normally. She does seem slightly slower today,
>> unfortunately, and the
>> coloration in her pads has gone down. Although, I
>> think they may actually look
>> a bit better now than they did earlier today. I
>> don't know, it may just be my
>> imagination.
>> I left a message with my vet today, but
>> unfortunately he did not get to talk
>> to the vet school today. He will tomorrow, and we'll
>> also be getting my other
>> cats' results back. I'm also trying to get in touch
>> with another vet who is
>> supposedly very passionate and will do whatever he
>> can to save an animal. This
>> sounds like the type of vet I need, and hopefully I
>> will talk to him tomorrow.
>> We'll see.
>> Please keep Olive in your thoughts. Hopefully she
>> will be alright for the next
>> few days, so we can prepare to give her another
>> blood transfusion if need be.
>> It seems like we might have to just to get her cell
>> count back up, and then we
>> can start giving her meds. I am definitely going to
>> push for the
>> haemobartonella meds, and I will ask about
>> interferon, too.
>> Thank you all for your help so far. You give me hope
>> when I'm feeling mor

RE: To Megan: Re: Olive

2007-08-30 Thread glenda Goodman
Megan, You are a very special young lady. I feel very
glad you are able to get the best help possible from
the great people on this list. I see those wheels
turning in your head. You are going to be successful
in what ever you do in life. 
Olive is so lucky to have you fighting for her.
Everyone is going to be wishing the best for your
other two. If by chance they are neg. this is good for
Olive too. There is that small chance she could beat
it. I know this is all very draining on you, but
please focus on your school work so you do not get
behind...Maybe somehow, this could make you even more
functional...sometimes ,under pressure things can kick
in we did not even know we had, to pull us through.
 The best to all of you! Glenda
--- Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess I figured it was NRA, just because that
> seems most likely to me. If 
> she tested positive on the IFA, doesn't that mean
> the infection's spread to 
> her bone marrow, and therefore she can't produce new
> RBCs? The vet didn't tell 
> me which one it was, but I'll ask tomorrow, if he
> even knows.
> Olive did have her blood typed, and she's type A,
> fortunately. That's what you 
> were asking, right? The reason her brother Kudzu had
> to give her blood was 
> that there was apparently no blood stored up
> anywhere nearby. This now seems 
> slightly ridiculous to me, what with the vet school
> and all. Surely there 
> would be available blood somewhere in Knoxville or
> the surrounding area. 
> Still, I think Kudzu would've had to have been used
> regardless at the time, 
> because Olive would probably have died within a few
> hours if not for the 
> transfusion. Her packed cell count had gotten down
> to 4.5%.
> As for how she's doing today She's still up and
> active, behaving pretty 
> normally. She does seem slightly slower today,
> unfortunately, and the 
> coloration in her pads has gone down. Although, I
> think they may actually look 
> a bit better now than they did earlier today. I
> don't know, it may just be my 
> imagination.
> I left a message with my vet today, but
> unfortunately he did not get to talk 
> to the vet school today. He will tomorrow, and we'll
> also be getting my other 
> cats' results back. I'm also trying to get in touch
> with another vet who is 
> supposedly very passionate and will do whatever he
> can to save an animal. This 
> sounds like the type of vet I need, and hopefully I
> will talk to him tomorrow. 
> We'll see.
> Please keep Olive in your thoughts. Hopefully she
> will be alright for the next 
> few days, so we can prepare to give her another
> blood transfusion if need be. 
> It seems like we might have to just to get her cell
> count back up, and then we 
> can start giving her meds. I am definitely going to
> push for the 
> haemobartonella meds, and I will ask about
> interferon, too.
> Thank you all for your help so far. You give me hope
> when I'm feeling more 
> lost than ever. Keep your fingers crossed that my
> other two turn out to be 
> negative.
> -Megan
> >= Original Message From wendy
> >Hey Megan,
> How are you doing tonight?  And how is Olive?  Did
> you find anything else out 
> today?
> As far as what type of anemia it is, Belinda is
> right that it probably needs 
> to be typed.  But, no matter what, get her on that
> doxy asap if you can.  
> Hemobart is treatable and it could very easily be
> that.  I'm not sure why you 
> think it's non-regenerative anemia.  Did the vet
> tell you that?  As far as I 
> know, you don't have to do a bone aspirate to find
> out.  My vet looked at 
> whether or not Cricket had reticulocytes in his
> blood when he was anemic.  If 
> there are reticulocytes, then the body is trying to
> make rbc's, and it is 
> regenerative anemia.  Cricket had regenerative, but
> the vet said something 
> about autohemolytic anemia, which means the body is
> killing off the blood 
> cells as they are made.  Whether or not that was
> from hemobart, I'll never 
> know.  When Cricket was sick, the vet never
> mentioned doxycycline or hemobart 
> (or maybe the did the test and said he was
> negative), so I didn't know about 
> the doxy.  Sometimes I wonder if Cricket would still
> be
> > here had he been on doxy.  I didn't learn about
> hemobart until it was too 
> late.
> If your vet seems like he's willing to learn, and
> you like him, then it's ok 
> to stay with him.  BUT, make sure you still get
> Olive seen at the university 
> as soon as possible.  Olive might be a learning
> experience for your current 
> vet and maybe his experience with her will help save
> someone else's beloved 
> kitty.  However, if you feel he feels Olive's a lost
> cause, run.  Find another 
> vet.  You need someone who will fight for her.  You
> can also show him or share 
> with him the info. you are learning here.  It might
> also help.
> You don't have to get the the next transfusion from
> on

RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  And boy, do I ever need it often!  

"Rosenfeldt, Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   I hear ya.  I'm 58 and 
it's nice to have an excuse when needed ;-)

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

That made me laugh!!   I've just turned 60 and I swear I don't see the 
screen like I used to!!!   Or at least that is the excuse I'm using for 
everything these days!!!  

"Rosenfeldt, Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   No you isn't.  (Sorry, had 
to!)  ;-)
  Diane R.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

Thanks, Susan.  I is truly horrible.  

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   I am so sorry, Susan.
  This is just such a horrible disease.
  Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent
- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Loesch 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:02 PM
  Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

  My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.They should be read or retained only by the intended 
recipient.  If you have received this   transmission in error, please notify 
the sender immediately and delete the transmission from   your system.  In 
addition, in order to comply with Treasury Circular 230, we are required to   
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we   provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax 
issues or submissions is not   intended or written to be used, and cannot be 
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This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.They should be read or retained only by the intended 
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the sender immediately and delete the transmission from   your system.  In 
addition, in order to comply with Treasury Circular 230, we are required to   
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we   provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax 
issues or submissions is not   intended or written to be used, and cannot be 
used, to avoid federal tax penalties.  

RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
I hear ya.  I'm 58 and it's nice to have an excuse when needed ;-)


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

That made me laugh!!   I've just turned 60 and I swear I don't see the
screen like I used to!!!   Or at least that is the excuse I'm using for
everything these days!!!

"Rosenfeldt, Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

No you isn't.  (Sorry, had to!)  ;-)
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

Thanks, Susan.  I is truly horrible.

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I am so sorry, Susan.
This is just such a horrible disease.
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
Cleopatra lay in state,

Faithful Bast at her side did wait,

Purring welcomes of soft applause,
guarding with sharpened claws."

Trajan Tennent

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Loesch
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking about
the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part
of this week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat.
morning I didn't bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with
Sherpa and Autumn - they all looked so comfortable that I just left
them.  Was gone most of the day and when I went back iin and Jingles was
still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him up.  His eye looked like
it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue comiing out and
the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him because he
wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever
seen anything like that.
Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was
coming to an end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a
kill shelter by an elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk
positive.  Then she died and I've had him about 5 years.  Such a

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments
are confidential and may be privileged.They should be read or
retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have received this
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete
the transmission from   your system.  In addition, in order to comply
with Treasury Circular 230, we are required to   inform you that unless
we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, any advice we
provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or
submissions is not   intended or written to be used, and cannot be used,
to avoid federal tax penalties.  

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the 
transmission from 
your system.  In addition, in order to comply with Treasury Circular 230, we 
are required to 
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we 
provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or 
submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax 

RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thank you. He was very sweet, very quiet and calm.  A total joy!  

Stray Cat Alliance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   P  {  margin:0px;  
padding:0px  }  body  {  FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }I'm so 
sorry! Jingles sounds like a sweet little angel.
  Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:02:04 -0700
Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

  My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

  Messenger Café — open for fun 24/7. Hot games, cool activities served daily. 
Visit now. 

RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  That made me laugh!!   I've just turned 60 and I swear I don't see the 
screen like I used to!!!   Or at least that is the excuse I'm using for 
everything these days!!!  

"Rosenfeldt, Diane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   No you isn't.  (Sorry, had 
to!)  ;-)
  Diane R.

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

Thanks, Susan.  I is truly horrible.  

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   I am so sorry, Susan.
  This is just such a horrible disease.
  Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent
- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Loesch 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:02 PM
  Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

  My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.They should be read or retained only by the intended 
recipient.  If you have received this   transmission in error, please notify 
the sender immediately and delete the transmission from   your system.  In 
addition, in order to comply with Treasury Circular 230, we are required to   
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we   provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax 
issues or submissions is not   intended or written to be used, and cannot be 
used, to avoid federal tax penalties.  

RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
No you isn't.  (Sorry, had to!)  ;-)
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

Thanks, Susan.  I is truly horrible.

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

I am so sorry, Susan.
This is just such a horrible disease.
Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<  
  "As Cleopatra lay in
   Faithful Bast at her
side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of
soft applause,
   Ever guarding with
sharpened claws."

- Original Message - 
From: Susan Loesch
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking about
the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part
of this week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat.
morning I didn't bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with
Sherpa and Autumn - they all looked so comfortable that I just left
them.  Was gone most of the day and when I went back iin and Jingles was
still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him up.  His eye looked like
it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue comiing out and
the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him because he
wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever
seen anything like that.
Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was
coming to an end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a
kill shelter by an elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk
positive.  Then she died and I've had him about 5 years.  Such a

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the 
transmission from 
your system.  In addition, in order to comply with Treasury Circular 230, we 
are required to 
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we 
provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or 
submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax 

RE: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thank you, Kerry. Being able to offer him immediate sedation is something 
that ws truly a blessiing.  

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm so sorry Susan. 
And I'm so very sorry too that you and Jingles had such a traumatic last time 
together. I'm just glad he was so loved, and that he knew it. It's wonderful 
that he had two such loving homes--that might easily have not been the case. It 
must be comforting that you had the wherewithal and knowhow to at least sedate 
him. Please know you're in my thoughts, hugs, Kerry

  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Loesch
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:02 PM
Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

  My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

  IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
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Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thanks, Susan.  I is truly horrible.  

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   I am so sorry, Susan.
  This is just such a horrible disease.
  Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent
- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Loesch 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:02 PM
  Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

  My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thanks, Susan.  I is truly horrible.  

Susan Dubose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   I am so sorry, Susan.
  This is just such a horrible disease.
  Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent
- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Loesch 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 2:02 PM
  Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

  My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thanks, Sherry.  And many hugs back to you - I know you are hurting, too, 
with your loss.  

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: susan I am so sorry to hear about 
your Jingles.How aweful for you to see him like that.He was lucky to have 
you.Hugs to you.

Susan Loesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

  Ready for the edge of your seat? Check out tonight's top picks on Yahoo! TV. 

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thanks so much.  I am grateful that I was with him at the last and that I 
was able to sedate him quickly.  

Pat Kachur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   I am so very sorry Susan to 
hear about Jingles.  You were both so lucky to have found each other.  I'm 
sorry your parting was so traumatic.  Best to you and all your other babies.
- Original Message - 
  From: Susan Loesch 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 3:02 PM
  Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS

  My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thank you.  What a wonderful way to think about him now.  

Kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
Sleep soft, dear Jingles...

Dear Susan,
I'm so sorry for your loss. But I am sure your sweet little boy is now
looking down on you with both eyes in perfect shape, sending you lots
of kitty love.

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Susan Loesch wrote:

> Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:02:04 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Susan Loesch 

> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Please add Jingles to the CLS
> My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week
> asking about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday
> night. He was fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the
> vet the first part of this week. He was eating and cuddling up with
> me then. Sat. morning I didn't bother him when he was curled up in a
> cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all looked so comfortable that I
> just left them. Was gone most of the day and when I went back iin and
> Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him up. His
> eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue
> comiing out and the eye dripping. The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option
> for him because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an
> enucleation. I sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized. 
> I have never ever seen anything like that.
> Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me. He had
> gone downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life
> was coming to an end, but I sure didn't expect this. He was adopted
> from a kill shelter by an elderly lady who didn't care that he was
> feleuk positive. Then she died and I've had him about 5 years. Such
> a sweetheart.

Re: Nova Please add to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Sherry, I am so sorry.  Maybe one day - hopefully in our lifetime - we 
won't have to say goodbye to our precious babies because of this disease.  

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Well poor Nova has now crossed the 
bridge.will this aweful disease ever cured? Only in our dreams. :(
  Jen sent out an e-mail to all the volunteers tonight about Genevieve and 
Nova.I am getting many e-mails from all the wonderful volunteers that knew how 
much I loved my VitterVits

  Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who 
Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
My feleuk babies are MY angels!   Such precious lives - I know everyone 
here feels that way, which is such a comfort when I lose one.  I fear that he 
was in major pain when the eye "exploded" but it wasn't but a couple of minutes 
after I found him before he was sedated.  
  I haven't had a chance to talke with my vet about this yet but definitely 
will. Had seen nothing like that before.
  Thanks so much.

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   
  I am so sorry to hear about Jingles.  I hope his passing was an easy one.  It 
was kind of you to let him go.  
  I couldn't believe it when I read about what happened to his little eye.  
What in the world do you think it was?  
  Again, I am so, so sorry.  How wonderful that you took him in after his 
caregiver died and loved him even knowing he had FeLV and might not be around 
for long.  You're an angel.
  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 


  Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

Re: Please add Jingles to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Loesch
  Thank you.  Sherpa and Autumn and Jingles have all been ill together - 
and they have, I believe, been a great comfort to each other.  

Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Poor dear Jingles.  Sherpa 
and Autumn took great care to be with him on Saturday for you.  I'm so sorry 
that this awful thing happened.   
"Consciousness is Causal 
   and Physicality is its

On Aug 29, 2007, at 2:02 PM, Susan Loesch wrote:

My sweet little Jingles boy - who I wrote about last week asking 
about the ulcer/tumor on his eye had to be euthanized Saturday night.  He was 
fine Friday night and I'd planned to take him to the vet the first part of this 
week.  He was eating and cuddling up with me then.   Sat. morning I didn't 
bother him when he was curled up in a cat bed with Sherpa and Autumn - they all 
looked so comfortable that I just left them.  Was gone most of the day and when 
I went back iin and Jingles was still curled up in the bed i tried to wake him 
up.  His eye looked like it had literally exploded - red/pink and white tissue 
comiing out and the eye dripping.  The Emerg Clinic wasn't an option for him 
because he wasn't strong enough to withstand anesthesia and an enucleation.  I 
sedated him as fast as I could and he was euthanized.  I have never ever seen 
anything like that.
  Jimgles was a totally sweet boy who loved to sleep with me.  He had gone 
downhill over the last couple of months and I figured his life was coming to an 
end, but I sure didn't expect this.  He was adopted from a kill shelter by an 
elderly lady who didn't care that he was feleuk positive.  Then she died and 
I've had him about 5 years.  Such a sweetheart.  

RE: 1 YEAR!!

2007-08-30 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Kayte, it sounds like Crackers is doing fabulously well -- and I'm glad
he's so happy with Blue.  Congratulations on being such a great
Diane R.
Diane Rosenfeldt 
Legal Secretary
Quarles & Brady LLP 
411 East Wisconsin Avenue 
Suite 2040 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-4497 


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:38 AM
Subject: 1 YEAR!!

Hi everyone! I haven't been on in awhile but I use to post! My cat
Crackers is FELV POS> Found out 1 yr ago. His 1 yr anniversary of being
positive. In the last year he has only had 1 eye infection 11 months
ago.and has gained 3 1/2 lbs making him a whooping 22lbs now. He is
happy healthy and enjoying life with his new brother Blue (8 month
American Bulldog) We got him at 9 weeks old. Having Blue to play with
has been a wonderful experience in Crackers life. They play together,eat
and sleep together. Just wanted to share the great news and THANK
everyone again for all the great advice and info I got last year when I
was going crazy! You guys are the best. And my devilish side wants to so
bad send his EX Vet Crackers pix and say this is the Baby doll you
wanted to put to sleep last year with no illness signs just the diagnois
of being FELV Pos. Much love and Happiness to everyone!
Kayte and Crackers

Get a sneak peek of the all-new


This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the 
transmission from 
your system.  In addition, in order to comply with Treasury Circular 230, we 
are required to 
inform you that unless we have specifically stated to the contrary in writing, 
any advice we 
provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or 
submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax 

to Marylyn

2007-08-30 Thread Jane Lyons

Is the name of the product you use for stomatitis called Brush Away?
Can you describe it and tell me where you get it?

I've not been able to clear up two areas on MeMe's upper gum.
I've been giving her First Born and several other immune supplements,  

these two areas are difficult.


Re: Using Interferon

2007-08-30 Thread Susan Dubose
Hi Laura,

Iamsorry that your kitten is felv+, but I am so glad that she has 
you...  :)

Yes, you certainly have come to the right place for advice and just to network 
if need be.

As far as the interferon, I would probably just buy more, but yes, ask your vet 
to be sure.

Good luck & keep us posted, let us know what he says about the interferon also.

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message - 
  From: Laura Keith 
  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 1:49 AM
  Subject: Using Interferon

  Hello all. I've been reading the message board for weeks after I came across 
the sweetest abandoned white, fluffy kitten with one blue eye and one amber 
eye. Since you know I found this message board, you can guess that when I 
brought her to the vet she tested positive for felv with the ELISA test. After 
receiving the crushing news, and not knowing a lot about the disease, my vet 
encourgaed me to do research and to see if I could take care of her so we can 
test her again in three months.

  I have another 7 year old cat at home that is negative, so I've been keeping 
them seaparted. At first it was hard, but I have a little routine down now. I 
have learned so much in reading this message board and feel supported by 
reading your stories and sharing in your expereinces. Thank you to everyone. 
I'm actually finding this a little theraputic to finally write and find that 
I'm kind of rambling, so let me focus.

  I've been giving Grace daily medicine, liquid Interferon and powdered 
L-Lysine. I was feeling really good about this until I realized that the 
Interferon needs to be refrigerated. I feel foolish for even admitting that I 
didn't put it in the refrigerator after I received it. After all, the 
Interferon was delivered in the mail with an ice pack!  I think I know the 
answer, but have the weeks of administering the unrefrigerated Interferon been 
pointless? I plan on calling my vet tomorrow to have her call in another 
perscription for Grace. I guess since it's so late right now, I'm turning to 
the board.

  Thank you!

  Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
  Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

Re: 1 YEAR!!

2007-08-30 Thread Marylyn
Send the photo.  But with a nice note.  It might make the vet reconsider and 
help another little cat.

Way to go!!!  Congratulations Crackers!!

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 12:38 AM
  Subject: 1 YEAR!!

  Hi everyone! I haven't been on in awhile but I use to post! My cat Crackers 
is FELV POS> Found out 1 yr ago. His 1 yr anniversary of being positive. In the 
last year he has only had 1 eye infection 11 months ago.and has gained 3 1/2 
lbs making him a whooping 22lbs now. He is happy healthy and enjoying life with 
his new brother Blue (8 month American Bulldog) We got him at 9 weeks old. 
Having Blue to play with has been a wonderful experience in Crackers life. They 
play together,eat and sleep together. Just wanted to share the great news and 
THANK everyone again for all the great advice and info I got last year when I 
was going crazy! You guys are the best. And my devilish side wants to so bad 
send his EX Vet Crackers pix and say this is the Baby doll you wanted to put to 
sleep last year with no illness signs just the diagnois of being FELV Pos. Much 
love and Happiness to everyone!
  Kayte and Crackers

  Get a sneak peek of the all-new

Re: Nova Please add to the CLS

2007-08-30 Thread Marylyn
I am so sorry.   

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sherry DeHaan 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 10:01 PM
  Subject: Nova Please add to the CLS

  Well poor Nova has now crossed the bridge.will this aweful disease ever 
cured? Only in our dreams. :(
  Jen sent out an e-mail to all the volunteers tonight about Genevieve and 
Nova.I am getting many e-mails from all the wonderful volunteers that knew how 
much I loved my VitterVits

  Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone who 
  Yahoo! Answers - Check it out.