Re: Stamp/Anemia

2006-11-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
What kind of litter was he eating? That can be deadly if it's a clay


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VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: OT, I found something fun to do online

2006-11-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I do spend more time online than I should

If you want me to add things to your wiki, just send me the url, and I'll
see if I can add any valid info.


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VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: South Korea (OT)

2006-11-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
It's Korea, so no, there's nothing we can do. They still EAT cats and dogs
there, skinning them alive after plunging them live into a pot of boiling
water. The good news with global warming, most of the Asian countries
that are so backwards in animal welfare will be partially under water as the
sea rises, so... it's a temporary problem; a very temporary problem, if
trends continue as they are. Don't believe me... rent the new movie that's
out in the rental stores called "An Inconvenient Truth".


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Re: Guage of needles for subQ???

2006-11-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Yes, sub-q can be done with smaller needles, keep in mind that the smaller the
needle, the LONGER it will take to get the same amount of fluids in, if you go 
small, you may have to sit there and squeeze the bag the entire time (and it 
take 30 minutes of longer). There has been some studies done that suggest that
keeping the needles refrigerated or frozen before use lessens the pain. Start by
going one size smaller, and go down until she seems to accept it better, but 
stay as
large as you can to keep the flow moving quickly.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Stamp/Anemia/Litter suggestions

2006-11-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Maybe try World's Best or sWheat Scoop? Those are both wheat or corn based I
think... should be digestible, at least. I'd definitely try to use something
digestible corn, wheat... something like that.

I'm currently using HORSE stall pine shavings, and it's saved me TONS of
money already. A huge bale costs $3.99 and I swear, it's like a 6 month


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VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: loose stools

2006-11-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Specifically WHICH parasites did your vet test for? How about Giardia,
Coccidia, and Tritrichomonsis?

Have you done food trials to test for food allergies?

The best treatment for diarrhea is to find the cause and to treat the
cause that involves lots of testing.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Innoculation protocol for adult cats with unknown health histories

2006-11-28 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Adult cats do not need FELV vaccines. The only exception to that would be if
you KNEW the cat was going to be living in a household with FELV+ cats, and
even then, it's not required, just recommended. Healthy adult cats develop
natural immunity. Adult cats with unknown histories should get a FVRCP
vaccine (that's a combination of herpesvirus [also known as
rhinotracheitis], calicivirus, and panleukopenia). I, personally, do not
think there is any benefit in booster vaccines, and many sources will also
say that boosters are over used and not effective in adult cats.

UC Davis school of veterinary medicine's feline vaccine recommendations:
The UC Davis VMTH vaccination guidelines below have been based on recently
published studies and recommendations made by task forces (including the
AAFP/AFM Advisory Panel on Feline Vaccines, AAHA Canine Vaccine Task Force,
and the AVMA Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents), which include
representatives from academia, private practices, governmental regulatory
bodies, and industry. These groups have evaluated the benefits versus risks
of the vaccines currently available on the market. Because these factors may
change over time, we recommend the vaccination plan for each individual pet
be decided by the owner at routine annual examinations, following a
discussion between the veterinarian and the client regarding the animal's
lifestyle in the year ahead. Guidelines for vaccination in shelter
situations can be accessed at the Center for Companion Animal Health's
shelter medicine website. A previous history of vaccination reactions in an
individual pet, and certain physiologic conditions such as pregnancy will
also affect recommendations for vaccination. For all vaccines given, the
product, expiration date, lot number, route and location of injection is
documented in the record.
Feline Core Vaccines, The definitions of core and non-core vaccines
described in the canine vaccination guidelines above also apply to the
feline vaccines. The core feline vaccines are those for feline herpesvirus 1
(FHV1), feline calicivirus (FCV), feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) and
rabies. :

Feline Herpesvirus 1, Feline Calicivirus and Feline Panleukopenia Virus
Vaccines - For initial kitten vaccination (< 16 weeks), one dose of
parenteral vaccine containing modified live virus (MLV) FHV1, FCV, and FPV
is recommended at 6-8 weeks, 9-11 weeks, and 12-16 weeks of age. For cats
older than 16 weeks of age, one dose of vaccine containing modified live
virus (MLV) FHV1, FCV, and FPV is recommended. After a booster at one year,
revaccination is suggested every 3 years thereafter for cats at low risk of
exposure. According to recommendations of the vaccine-associated sarcoma
task force, these vaccines are administered over the right shoulder. Note
that recommendations for killed and intranasal FHV1 and FCV vaccines are
different from the above. Killed and intranasal varieties of these vaccines
are not routinely used at the VMTH. The use of FPV MLV vaccines should be
avoided in pregnant queens and kittens less than one month of age.

Feline Rabies Virus Vaccines - Cats are important in the epidemiology of
rabies in the US. In general we recommend that kittens receive a single dose
of killed or recombinant rabies vaccine at 12-16 weeks of age. Adult cats
with unknown vaccination history should also receive a single dose of killed
or recombinant rabies vaccine. For the recombinant vaccines, boosters are
recommended at yearly intervals. We currently stock and suggest the use of
the recombinant rabies vaccine, as it is theoretically less likely to be
associated with sarcoma formation. For the killed rabies vaccines, a booster
is required at one year, and thereafter, rabies vaccination should be
performed every 3 years using a vaccine approved for 3-year administration.
According to recommendations of the vaccine-associated sarcoma task force,
rabies vaccines are administered subcutaneously as distally as possible in
the right rear limb.

Feline Non-Core Vaccines, Optional or non-core vaccines for cats consist of
the vaccines for feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency
virus, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), Chlamydophila felis, Bordetella
bronchiseptica, and Giardia spp. :

Feline Leukemia Virus Vaccine - A number of FeLV vaccines are available on
the market, and many have reasonable efficacy. We suggest vaccination of
FeLV-negative cats allowed to go outdoors or cats having direct contact with
other cats of unknown FeLV status. Vaccination is most likely to be useful
in kittens and young adult cats, because acquired resistance to infection
develops beyond 16 weeks of age. Vaccination is not recommended for
FeLV-positive cats and indoor cats with no likelihood of exposure to FeLV,
especially for cats older than 16 weeks of age. We currently stock and
suggest the use of the recombinant transdermal FeLV vaccine, although there
is no evidence as yet that it is associated with a decreased 

Re: Innoculation protocol for adult cats with unknown healthhistories

2006-11-28 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Perhaps the terminology is more correct, but if you do a search for
Injection Site Sarcoma, you'll probably get far fewer pages about it than if
you search for Vaccine Associated Sarcomas. And... it is the same condition.
So, I'm more apt to use the name that is most common when referring people
to do searches for educational purposes.

I think it's awesome that your vet is so easy to work with, and I think it's
even better that you are seeking the advice, and looking up the information.
Like I said, don't take anyone's word as absolute truth, you really have to
make your own decisions for what policies are best for you. That's what's so
good about doing your OWN rescue work... you make the rules and policies,
and those rules and policies reflect your ideals and goals, and so long as
you stay true to what you believe in (but always keep an open mind to new
studies and new discoveries), then you'll always know in your heart that you
are doing the absolute best you can do for the cats in your care!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: OT:Away for the time being...

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I was offline for a week, DSL problems. Fixed now (now that the tech pulled
his head out of you-know-where)


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Uveitis

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Or try a Fentanyl patch (often called duragestic patches). That's a patch
that they shave the cat and stick it on them, lasts for 3-4 days. Very
effective pain relief. I'd be very concerned if my vet didn't offer pain
meds, and then when pressed offered aspirin, that should be one of the last
things for pain, yes, it's good for a blood thinner, but NOT the best choice
for pain.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list)& allthat sent cards

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
PATTI! It's so good to have you check in, we've all been worried about you
and wishing you well! I hope this font is big enough that you can read it

I'm SO very sorry to hear that Cornelius passed on. I also send my best
regards for Puma, and I hope his corona NEVER mutates into FIP.

I wish you all the best, and hope you find the answers you are seeking in
your health very soon!


Fw: Emily (you guys have any advice?)

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I was offline for a week, my friend Renee got Emily's diagnosis see

Anyone have any advise for her? Her email address is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Emily

Readers digest version for nowIt was adenocarcinoma.  I took her to a
specialist yesterday (oncologist at a private veterinary hospital...what an
awsome place Red Bank Veterinary Hospital ).  Anyway, because the biopsy
report was kind of flimsy and because my vet first told me the tumor was
marble size and then told me it was about 4 cm when I asked him for size in
terms of centimeters, 2 weeks later, (4 is quite large and much bigger than
a marble) Dr. Clifford, the Oncologist was not able to give me a prognosis
and definate recomendation yesterday...I have to call him mid week to see
what else he could find out.  I think it is going to turn out to be radical
mastectomy (both mammary chains and lymphnodes followed by chemo). I'll
write more when I have some time...UGH...I'm so stressed.

Re: Need advice please

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
No. Saliva tests are not accurate. For that matter, even professionally run
blood tests have false results occasionally. This was discussed in depth not
too long ago, check the archives for anything with ELISA,SNAP, or FELV
testing in the subject.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: suggestions on yummy food for 5 month old kittten

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn

The tiny cans of Fancy Feast, one is called fish and shrimp FLAKED feast, blue 
never had a cat turn it down yet. Short term food, of course, it's not a good 
for long term, not a premium brand.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Hello friends

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Welcome to the group Nita, it sounds like you are doing your best, and have
priorities straight to me, spay/neuter always comes first. I'd put the best
quality diet you can afford right behind that.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Uveitis

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
You shouldn't feel personally responsible for the fact that YOU didn't know
the eye hurt until after the vet visit. The VET should have been able to
tell that though, it's his/her JOB! Then he/she should have prescribed an
appropriate medication for that pain before you left the office. It's not
just that one vet, it seems to be many of them, from experience, they just
do not seem to CARE that animals can feel pain, or are in denial about it.
Don't beat yourself up... and don't write that vet off either. I use
different vet for different things. Perhaps that is THE vet to take most
cats to for the bulk work of testing, neutering, etc; but you might consider
a different one for things like the Uveitis and other chronic painful
conditions. Just because maybe he lacked in one area (pain management)
doesn't mean he's not a wonderful vet for routine exams and vaccines and

As far as you being a wimp, don't fret over it so much... it happens. Try
writing a letter in advance of all the things you WANT to say to the vet,
but know you wont have the courage to, then, when you first go in the door,
hand the letter to the vet and say "This is a list of things I want to go
over with you or have questions about, and didn't want to forget. I wasn't
sure how to phrase some things to ask you in person, so please forgive me if
it seems rude or doesn't make any sense." That gets the info across,
relieves you of the public speaking fear, and also apologizes in advance
just in the off chance you offend him/her (though often in cases of shyness,
it's often only in the mind of the shy person).

I used to be terribly shy, couldn't talk to strangers, avoided social
groups, always lost sleep over things I did say to people, etc. Then, I just
cracked, and went from being so shy I couldn't function, to so offensive
it's hard to communicate with others. Now, I often just start conversations
with "Sorry if this offends you, but " or "Please forgive me if this
comes out wrong, but " and I learned to laugh at myself, that was the
hardest part, to stop dwelling on what other people thought of me, and just
learn that NO-ONE is perfect, and everyone mis-speaks occasionally, the
difference between outspoken people and shy people is that outspoken people
go "Oh my, did I just say that!? (laughing) Sometimes I don't know what I'm
saying! I'm a moron! (more laughing)" whereas shy people turn beet red and
run away and hide, and run the scenario through their heads replaying it
over and over, trying to analyze what went wrong and how they could have
done it right, and how to fix it, and what the other person will think of
them next time they meet, and how to avoid that person, etc, and lose lots
of sleep and be very stressed about it. Learning to let go and surrender to
the fact that you will not always be socially accepted in life will make you
much happier and more able to participate in life. You have to learn to
laugh it off, and then drop it, the past is the past, and you can't change
things you have already said, and the future is the future, and you can't
let fear of what you MIGHT say keep you from speaking. Live moment to
moment, and learn that you're totally out of control in life, and just go
with the flow, that's what I did, and it's worked fairly well for me.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Thor Pleases add to the CLS

2006-12-04 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Awww, cute, dipstick. My condolences go out to you and everyone at the


Re: ear infection/ear surgery

2006-12-05 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn

This one is not likely, but I ran across it, and it does have one disturbing
paragraph in it:
" Lymphoma is the most common feline neoplasia. In the last 15 y, the
overall incidence of feline lymphoma has decreased, and the relative
frequency of different anatomical forms has changed. These shifts in the
incidence and locations of feline lymphoma may be due, in part, to the use
of commercial vaccines to prevent infection with feline leukemia virus, a
biologic carcinogen responsible for the development of feline lymphoma. "

Am I mis-reading that, or are they saying that the FELV vaccine is a
biologic carcinogen that causes Lymphoma? This is from the main NIH website
that describes itself as:
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, is the primary Federal agency for conducting and
supporting medical research.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: ear hematoma

2006-12-06 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
hematomas are usually not a big deal, and are easily lanced and drained. The 
thing that is difficult with cats with hematomas is that you should place a 
bandage on the ear, after it is packed with a roll of gauze, then tape the ear 
on the roll, and wrap the head with bandages to keep pressure on it so it 
refill. On dogs, no problems, on cats... they think you are killing them and 
the bandages (plus their anatomy makes it difficult to bandage the head without
limiting their ability to open their mouth). I would think you could place a 
drain in the incision, and put a couple of stitches in it, if the vet uses a 
small drain that is flexible and light, it shouldn't bother the cat too much. 
have to keep an elizabeth collar on him until it's removed so he doesn't pull 
it out.
The risk there is that the ear will tend to have a "deflated balloon" look as it
heals. The pressure bandages help to hold the ear shape as it heals. It's 
you could use a piece of foam and ear glue with tape (like they use for newly 
ears on dobermans) to try to save the ear shape as it heals... without the 
bandages. The vet would have to put the drain in the back of the ear, and cut 
foam to fit the inside of the ear, and glue it on, then try to wrap the tape 
it without blocking the drain. I'd be willing to give it a shot, but not sure 
if you
could convince your vet to try it (you could always just have him do the 
surgery and
insert a drain in the back of the ear and then do the aftercare at home 
Chances are, you're going to end up with a wrinkled ear though. Hopefully this 
a show cat
This page shows the basic method, of course, you modify the size and shape of 
foam to do this to a cat:


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: how to unsubscribe and/or set to not get the list mail

2006-12-06 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Here are the instructions for setting your account to "no mail" on this type
of list.

Go to this page:
Scroll down to the bottom, and see where it has an area to enter your email
address right below where it says "To unsubscribe from Felvtalk, get a
password reminder, or change your subscription options enter your
subscription email address"
Enter your email address there, and click the button beside it that says
"unsubscribe or edit options".

That will take you to another page. The TOP place to enter anything on that
page is for your password, enter your password there, and click the button
under it that says "log in".
(NOTE that if you do not know, or have forgotten your password, the option
to have it mailed to you is ALSO on this page, at the bottom!)

This takes you to a page that has lots of different things on it. There are
headings in yellowish/tanish colored areas, look for these, the second one
down on the left says "Unsubscribing from Felvtalk". You just check the
"Yes, I really want to unsubscribe" checkbox, and click on the box above
that where it says "Unsubscribe"

Alternatively, you can STAY a member and just choose to NOT get all the
email. To do this, on that same page, find the 4th row down, the one that
says "Your Felvtalk Subscription Options", below that one there are areas
that are darker grey, the first one says this:

Mail delivery
Set this option to Enabled to receive messages posted to this mailing list.
Set it to Disabled if you want to stay subscribed, but don't want mail
delivered to you for a while (e.g. you're going on vacation). If you disable
mail delivery, don't forget to re-enable it when you come back; it will not
be automatically re-enabled.
There are little checkboxes beside that, click the one that says "disabled",
and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the button that
says "submit my changes".

That should be all you have to do, and you wont get any more mail after the
changes go through (give it a few hours to take effect). When you come back,
go to the same pages, and do the same thing, except, instead of clicking the
"disabled" box, click the "Enabled" box instead, and then you will begin to
get the list emails again. Hope that helps!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: ear hematoma

2006-12-06 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Here is what a typical healed hematoma ear looks like:
(RIP Heshet - he was one of the FIV+ Angel Wings rescues, he's since passed on
surrounded by love)


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: ear hematoma

2006-12-06 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I would think that it would be possible to lightly sedate him in office, and 
numb the
ear locally, and lance it... without general anesthesia.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: ear hematoma

2006-12-06 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Actually, sewing a large button onto it probably would work to keep it from
refilling (by applying pressure across the width of the ear). It wouldn't
keep it a smooth flap, but it should stop the hematoma from reoccurring.
Brilliant idea, actually. I read all the books, loved them. I missed that
one though. What's the title of that disk?


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Will Feral lost his nuggies today

2006-12-06 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Hard to say if tying the inner workings of the scrotum in knots would hurt
less than sewing through them (it certainly SOUNDS painful, doesn't it?
sorry to the guys on the list who are now all cringing), but I'm almost
positive GLUE would be the least painful of the three options.

Glad Will is home and feeling good though!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: New member introduction/questions

2006-12-07 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I once had a vet that scaled cat's teeth without any sedatives or anesthesia. 
vets are hard to find, and he's since retired, but it's worth calling around 
area and asking about. That would be the ideal solution. You can also try 
brushing at
home, they make special cat toothpaste and toothbrushes. Personally, I wouldn't 
putting a FELV+ cat under anesthesia for a dental, the trade off is not worth 
risks, IMO.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: torbutrol - is this safe for cats?

2006-12-07 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
You can use valium in cats, I have done so in the past. It is not so much a
sedative as it is more of a relaxer, meaning, they don't get unconscious,
they just lay around any are more floppy. I gave it to my girl kitty when
she had a severe Urinary Tract Infection, it lessened her urinary spasms and
allowed her to rest (rather than staying in the litterbox straining and
howling non-stop). I highly recommend it for that use.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Another Name for the CLS List

2006-12-08 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I'm so sorry for your loss Leah.


Re: New member introduction/questions-Sally

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Sour cream for the diarrhea? Does the sour cream you use say on the label " 
with live
and active acidophilus cultures"?
Most sour cream does NOT have any beneficial bacteria in it, so make sure you're
feeding one that has it in there, like this one:


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: New member introduction/questions-Sally

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
If you give me your mailing address, I'll send you a small tube of probiotics 
gel. I
bought a box of 6, and then didn't need it (turns out it wasn't helpful for the
condition my cat had). I'd rather give some of it away than to just let it sit 
and expire. Come to think of it, I have several left-over medications here... 
I'll do
an inventory tomorrow and post it, if anyone can use it, I'm happy to share, 
than to just waste it.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Faint positive tests question

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
It's highly possible that the ELISA tests were false positive, to be sure,
run another one at a DIFFERENT vet's office (this eliminates the chance of
single operator error causing the results to be wrong), and re-test on IFA
to be sure. And... as for mixing him with your other cats, I would have done
that anyways, even if he was positive. Your cats are vaccinated, PLUS, if
they are adults, they have natural immunity. His siblings obviously have
immunity if they tested positive and now test negative, so I see no reason
not to mix him in with everyone else.


Please save Whitey!
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Re: Finally named our Pit Bull Rescue

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Wishing Nilla good luck at her vet appointment! I'm SO happy you decided to 
keep her,
pits can be good pets when they are raised properly.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

2006-12-09 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Never heard of that Hideyo. But if he has neurological symptoms (wobbly,
falls over, runs into things), I highly recommend the CH Kitty Club website,
they have lots of tips and support for cats with balance problems. This is
the one you are considering total ear abalation surgery for, right? It
sounds like that may bring his quality of life back. There is an increased
risk of partial facial paralysis in cats (as opposed to dogs, who get that
surgery more often), but the trade off for a cat that is pain free and able
to enjoy life would be worth it to me.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

2006-12-11 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Yeah, make sure it's Handicats2, not Handicats, we moved the group to
Handicats2 because of spammers in the original group (with a missing group
owner). Most of us unsubbed from the first one once we got the second one
going, here's the link:

If you're on there, I haven't seen you make any posts, so make sure you just
copy what you sent to this group, and send it there. It's not like this
group, people don't usually talk much unless there's a topic open or someone
has questions or needs help or support. (so you wont see many [if any] posts
unless you start a conversation)

You might even consider a partial lion cut, where they shave all of the cat
except the head, neck, chest, lower legs, and the end of the tail. You could
have them keep the hair halfway down both sides (extend the chest mane
farther back) and opt to not trim his front half at all. is a lion cut
gallery. There's a blue Persian farther down the page that has a good
example of how it SHOULD look, and lots of examples of BAD lion cuts more
towards the top of the page (probably what you'll end up with from the vet's
office, unless the office staffs a professional groomer))


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: OT:crying for help - serious side effect from antibiotics

2006-12-11 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Yes, I think so. It could be that he has had to go for a while, and just
couldn't make it to the box on his own, so he was holding it, and when you
begin to feed him "what goes in must come out", and he HAS to go. Try
placing him in the box before each feeding. You may be able to train him to
"go" with a command, like dogs do. Try telling him "go potty". You can
stimulate him with a warm wet washcloth on his privates while saying "go
potty", in time, he may associate the command with the deed.


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VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: urgent help-fip cat going to be pts!!!

2006-12-12 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
No, but educating at the last minute CAN save the NEXT ONE. This is a
shelter we are talking about. One kitten's death is a small price to pay if
the education we offer now, at the last minute, changes the shelter's policy
for the future! I'm sure this shelter has killed hundreds (if not thousands)
of Corona-positive cats already by this point, before this one caring member
finally found this group and the education we offer. It's never too late to


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Dry FIP often has different symptoms, commonly neurological issues, and they
usually survive longer than the wet FIP victims do. Dry FIP usually presents
with vague clinical signs, Like anorexia, losing weight, depression, anemia,
fever, and a dull coat (sometimes with a "greasy" look). Many cats with dry
FIP become jaundiced, and get various eye problems, usually the iris (the
colored part of the eye around the pupil) changes color, parts of it may
appear brown. The cat may bleed into the eye, or white precipitates appear
on the cornea.

Wet FIP usually results in organ failure, due to the nature of the disease,
the organs just "seep" serum like fluid (not sure of the actual terminology
off the top of my head) out into the abdomen and chest cavities, often death
from wet FIP is caused by respiratory failure, combined with anemia, and
other conditions caused by organs failing to perform their functions.

I, personally, feel that humane euthanasia IS a valid course of action for a
cat that is highly suspected of being FIP positive IF (NOTE THE IF) the cat
is showing symptoms and is ill. Obviously, any cat that has been diagnosed
as FIP+ MUST have clinical symptoms, otherwise it's just a Corona infection,
and NOT FIP. I think euthanasia should definitely happen BEFORE the cat goes
into multi-organ failure, FIP is 100% fatal, prolonging the cat's life is
not buying it much quality time in the end stages of FIP. I am NOT a
hard-core picket sign toting vegan no kill activist (PETA comes to mind)
though, I feel that suffering needlessly is cruelty, not a humane and
peaceful death. Unless you are using the cat as a test subject to try to
develop new treatments for FIP (sadly, often cats MUST suffer in the name of
science), then I don't think the current treatment options buy enough
quality time to justify allowing the cat to suffer needlessly in advanced
stages (and with wet FIP, we're talking a matter of a few weeks commonly).
Hopefully, in a couple of years, I will have changed my mind on this topic,
because new treatments will be produced, and enough trials will have been
run to show that treatment is a viable option for symptomatic FIP cases.

It would be interesting to know if this kitten's brother had wet or dry FIP,
if that information is available...


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: about exposed FIP cat that needs a home

2006-12-12 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
No offense meant. I am blunt sometimes. I don't want you to have any regrets. I 
the links help.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: [feline-cancer] some good news

2006-12-15 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
That is wonderful news, yay for Asia! (and you too!)


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: OT: cancer treatment

2006-12-15 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I have cod liver oil here already, it says flaxseed or fish oil... is that
the same as cod liver oil? I did try it for Mythic's skin issues, it did NOT
help (but then, nothing has so far).


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Re: Interferon question - FeLV+/FIV+ = now negative

2006-12-15 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
It's possible she was never positive to begin with. Did you test more than
once, and using two different methods? Regardless, I may consider doing the
week on and week off schedule for a while, slowing stretching out the off
days by reducing the on days over a period of months. Of course, there's no
reason to take her off of it at all, there's no HARM in giving it long term
that I am aware of. It's possible her natural immunity finally kicked in now
that she is an adult.


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Re: Interferon question - FeLV+/FIV+ = now negative

2006-12-15 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
yes, FIV antibodies can be passed along in the milk, but she said her cat tested
positive at 9 MONTHS, any momma cat that would let a kitten nurse THAT long is a
brave and devoted soul, LOL! I think most maternal antibodies wear off by 6 
months of
age (or a couple of months after the kitten last nursed).


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Re: Jimi Too Cool problem

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Well, he's his own man, at least if that is the way he chooses to go, he had
the free will and peace of choosing it. Really, I know it hurts, but you
couldn't possibly give him anything more than the freedom to choose. Animals
DO go off to die, but on the other hand, another member here (I think it was
this group) had the same thing happen a couple of months ago, and her cat
was found and didn't die (he just wanted some outside time really bad). The
only other alternative is to start digging out the deck, and that will be
stressful and scary for him. I would try enticing him out with tuna and
other tasty cat treats, if you haven't tried it already.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Sending happy thoughts and well wishes to Bandy... his potassium levels were
not low either, right? What about a baby aspirin, just in case it's blood
clot related? Just trying to think of anything that can lead to rear leg

And, of course, you can always syringe feed if he's being stubborn.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: To Nina and other dog experts: Nilla Belle peeing blood after spay

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Eee Gads! Shame on your vet, I say, he COULD have sent her home and told you 
the complications are too high while she is in heat, please reschedule after 
she is
out of heat". JMO. I wonder if it is actually blood in the pee, or if she's 
from her vagina, and it's just mixing in with the pee as it passes through the 
There shouldn't be any reason for there to be blood in the urine after a spay, 
bladder is not involved with the spay surgery. The only way there would be 
blood in
the urine caused by a spay is if the vet accidentally lacerated the bladder, 
and had
to repair it, and the repair is not holding.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: OT: To Nina and other dog experts: Nilla Belle peeing blood afterspay

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
If a HUMAN was peeing blood after a surgery, I bet no one would take the "wait 
see" stance!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: OT: cancer treatment

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
My cod liver oil says:
serving size 1 teaspoon
Total Fat 4.5 g
EPA (eicosapentaennoic acid) 554 mg
DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 369 mg


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VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Interferon Info (FELV & FIV tests)

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
There's a new DNA test for FIV, which is preferred over the old western blot now
because it can tell a true positive from a vaccinated positive.

Yes, the IFA is the usual confirmatory test for FELV though.

Here's all the info on the FIV testing (your vet may not be aware of it yet, as 
it is
VERY new, so print this out and take it with you):

(you have to scroll down quite some way to the section titled FIV DNA Testing

FIV DNA Testing Information

Lucy Whittier Molecular and Diagnostic Core Facility   Phone: 530.752-7991
2108 Tupper Hall   Fax: 530.754-6862
University of California
Department of Medicine & EpidemiologyEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
School of Veterinary Medicine
Davis, CA  95616

Dear Clinician,

Thank you for requesting information about our FIV DNA test.  At this time we 
2 mL of whole blood in an EDTA (Lavender Top) Vacutainer tube, along with 
outlined below.  The test is offered at no charge.  The PCR assay detects the 
genome directly and therefore differentiates infected from vaccinated animals.
Results will be faxed to you within 48 hours upon receipt of the sample except 
Friday deliveries, which will be faxed 72 hours upon receipt.

Please include the following information with each sample:

1. Veterinarians name
2. Your complete mailing address
3. Your phone and fax number
4. Number of samples sent
5. Sample type
6. Species of animal
7. Type of test requested

Shipping Instructions:

1. All Shipments must comply with the International Air Transport Association 
Dangerous Goods regulations.   Please consult the IATA website or
the FedEx Dangerous Goods/Hazardous Materials Hotline at 800.463.3339 (press 
81) for
further information.
2. Send on ice in a Styrofoam container (no  ice needed for fixed tissues)
3. Ship overnight (Do not ship on Friday)
4. Use FedEx or other express courier
5. Federal Tax Identification Number 946036494

Shipping Address:

Christian Leutenegger
2108 Tupper Hall
Vet Med: Medicine & Epid.
Davis, CA 95616
Tel: 530.752.7991


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Jimi Too Cool problem

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
If it's painful for him to eat, have you been tube feeding him? It's very
important to not let them go without a certain amount for more than 2-3 days
because it leads to feline hepatic lipidosis (fatty liver disease). Poor

I'm glad he's back inside now. There's a pet bed called the canine cooler,
it's a dog bed, filled with gel, it's supposed to stay cool all the time,
maybe Jimi would like one of those in the house. (or you could just put one
of those re-freezable ice packs inside his normal cat bed, and have several
to keep it cool all the time)

Am I the only one here that finds it at least a little amusing that Jimi
"Too Cool" is trying to keep COOL? LOL! It's SO CUTE!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: OT: To Nina and other dog experts: Nilla Belle peeingblood afterspay

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
OMG! If I peed blood after a surgery, I would DIE of a heart attack, LOL! The 
wouldn't have to kill me, the shock would be enough! I didn't when I had my 
tied, but that's not very invasive either I suppose. I will have to ask my mom 
is she
peed blood after her VERY traumatic emergency hysterectomy (she was prolasping, 
hope that doesn't run in the family).


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: OT...Mice invasion.

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Cute! Pet mice!

I worked at a feed store years ago, you know, horse feed and hay and such. 
we had a store cat, he was supposed to keep the mouse population down. One day 
boss was rearranging the feed stacks, and found a nest of baby mice. Neither 
one of
us really wanted to kill them ourselves, so I went and got Thomas (the cat) and 
him right next to them and said "Look Thomas! Yummy kitty snacks!" The cat 
looked up
at me like I had three heads and yawned, curled up beside the mice and went 
back to
sleep. LOL! (the boss ended up killing the mice, in a feed store, you really 
can't have mice, they destroy the stock too quickly)


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Emily is out of surgery, home and recovering

2006-12-16 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Just an update on Emily, my friend Renee's girl with breast cancer. She had a 
mastectomy, they removed both mammary chains at once (sometimes they can only 
do one
at a time due to not having enough skin to close the incisions). She'll be 
her chemo after her sutures are removed in two weeks, and the pathology report 
be back at that time too. The tumor was removed at the beginning of December 
and it
was diagnosed as Adenocarcinoma. The surgeon said he didn't see any other tumors
during the mastectomy, so things are looking promising. She's REALLY cute in her
t-shirt. This way she doesn't have to wear an cone (elizabethan collar):

Thanks to everyone on your positive thoughts and well wishes for her! She seems 
to be
doing good, she has a pain patch on, and is on a course of post-surgical 
She was more active earlier, Renee thinks she may have overdone it and is now a
little sore, as she is sleeping in her bed on the floor now (as opposed to 
on the bed, etc).

Renee is a member here too, BTW, she's just not come out of her shell yet 
enough to
talk... :-)
(so any replies, she will see)

FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'Gwynn
ORG:Little Cheetah Cat Rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA

Re: OT - Yay, my fosters are staying with me!

2006-12-17 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Yay! Good for you Kelley! I hope you have a wonderful holiday adoption


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: Getting a kitty to eat

2006-12-17 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I highly recommend a teaspoon of Nutri-Cal or Vita-Cal twice a day. It
boosts the calories, and most cats eat it by choice. You can also increase
the fat in her diet by adding high fat supplements (like those made for good
coats and skin) or Feline Missing Link (which I use myself with great
A digestion aid can help her to get more calories out of what she does eat
Also consider a liquid supplement Like Cat Sure, Rebound, or Clinicare:

You wont have to get her to eat much more if you add enough calories to the
amount she's already eating. I've never had a problem with mixing Missing
Link or Vita-cal into the wet food, the cats LIKE the flavors, at least mine
have not refused to eat it with it in there. I have a tub of a supplement
called Wild Trax, it's for supplementing wild hybrid cats that get raw meat
with bones as their primary food, anyways, I got it for the bengals when I
did that rescue 2 years ago. Sometimes I just unscrew the lid and leave the
jar open on the table, and the cats come up and lick some of it out if they
want (it's a very meaty smelling powder). Like all animals, they will crave
what they are missing (think a salt-mineral block for livestock). If she
doesn't eat the powdered supplements, you can always syringe her the
Vita-Cal mixed with the Rebound, and add a liquid vitamin supplement like
Lixo-Tinic or Pet-Tinic. There's not much you can't find in the supplement
world if you look hard enough.

So, that's what I would do, try the Missing Link and Vita-Cal mixed into her
wet food first, if she refuses it, then get the Rebound, and Pet-Tinic, and
mix those with the Vita-Cal and then syringe the liquid. You can't syringe
the Missing Link, it's too grainy and doesn't dissolve in liquid. I'm not
sure about the digestion aid stuff, I've never used it personally. It
appears that it might dissolve in liquid, and it looks crystalline in the


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: Getting a kitty to eat

2006-12-18 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I let my Doobie cat sometimes eat the middle out of a piece of white bread,
he loves it too! No ill health effects so far, of course, it's an occasional
treat, not an everyday thing. It could be he's missing some nutrient found
in bread, most commercially prepared breads are made using enriched flour,
which means they add several vitamins and minerals to it. Could be something
in there. Of course, there's also just plain weird cravings too, Doobie also
LOVES marshmallows... but there's NOTHING in them he could possible be
missing in his diet, LOL (unless sugar and cornstarch have something in them
I'm not aware of)! I do give him the occasional mini marshmallow too.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: please add my Lizzie to CLS and prayer list

2006-12-18 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Peace and happy new beginnings to Lizzie in her journey! My condolences go
out to you Hideyo.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: anyone having trouble with the list?

2006-12-18 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
No problems here. BUT, if that ever does happen, you can go to settings page
and reset your account if it gets shut off due to bouncing. Need that page


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: Please add Jimi Too Cool to the CLS

2006-12-18 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I think you made the right decision, he did
sound like he was ready to go. I'm glad your vet could help you make it
peaceful and loving for him. Peace to you, and well wishes for Jimi,
where-ever his spirit may roam.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: anyone having trouble with the list?

2006-12-18 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Probably a router is out somewhere along the route between the list server
and you, could be a storm a hundred miles away effecting the connectivity.
Computers and the internet is just weird sometimes, it's a huge system, and
it kind of flows like a river, if one channel gets blocked, the water flows
around into a different one, but it gets delayed and sometimes things along
the new channel get flooded. Since it's only effecting a few members, not
everyone, it's probably not anything wrong with the list server, it's
probably a router along the way somewhere.


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Welcome to the list! Mr. Kitten sounds like he has a good mom. I think many
vets just refuse to learn new things. Just out of curiosity, has the vet
that told you to euthanise Mr. Kitten ever given him any vaccines? If so,
can you tell me where he gave them (neck, scruff, side, leg)? I ask because
if he's still giving vaccines in the scruff of the neck, he's obviously just
someone who refuses to embrace new technology and studies and is just a bad
vet for not continuing to work on his education. The most important thing is
to feed the very best quality food you can afford, like Wellness, Innova,
Chicken Soup, or other super-premium brands. Cat food should never contain
corn or corn ingredients. After that, then you start adding general immune
boosting supplements (same as you would  take to boost YOUR immune system)
like Vitamin C, Lysine, B Complex Vitamins, etc. Then you consider adding a
FELV specific treatment, like Interferon, Acemannan, or Immunoregulin. Lots
of it is just plain good nutrition, and I don't think any vet could argue
with adding extra immune boosting vitamins and minerals to an animal's diet!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

Re: add Pogo to the CLS list please & question about interferon

2006-12-19 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I'm sorry for your loss of Pogo.

The cost of the interferon highly depends on the generosity of your vet. My
vet bought a vial of the human Interferon-A (the stuff that you give to the
cats, except BEFORE it's diluted), and made me a whole saline bag full for
$20 a few years back (he froze the rest and sold it to other customers,
presumably). It really shouldn't cost MUCH more than the cost of the actual
vial of Interferon-A (brand names can be IntronA or Roferon-A) and the cost
of the bags of saline, which, depending on what pharmacy your vet uses, will
vary. My local Pharmacy says a vial of NON diluted Roferon-A (it;s a powder)
goes for $208.00. Mind you that makes several BAGS of reconstituted diluted
Interferon for oral use in pets. I forget now how many bags it makes, my vet
said they can dilute it once, and freeze it, and then off that dilution,
they make more bags full. Someone else on the list could probably tell you
for sure how that works. I used to have the Island Pharmacy webpage for it
but can't find it now.

Here are the manufacturer websites:


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: New cat on the block

2006-12-19 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Nothing should ever be given in the neck on cats. They are prone to
injection site sarcoma, in other words, a big cancerous tumor can grow in
the location of any injections. Happens in every 1 in 1000 to 1 in 1
cats (studies vary on the frequency). Since you can't amputate the neck,
giving it in that location equals instant death sentence for any cat that
gets a sarcoma there (whereas if it's given in the lower leg, as it should
be, you can amputate the leg and save the cat). But, that proves my
suspicions, yes, your vet is VERY outdated and does NOT keep up with current
protocols. I suggest a different vet. Ask them "Now if you were going to
give my cat a vaccine, where would you administer that, in the scruff?" If
they says yes, forget that vet, try again. Remember though, just because you
may find one that is current on vaccination protocol, doesn't mean they will
be current on FELV treatment, it's just SOMEWHERE to start. Here's the
webpage on current vaccine protocols:


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
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Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

2006-12-20 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
You can't stick the little tip of the ear thermometer up his butt? LOL! I
hope he gets past what-ever's bother him this time. Poor baby, he's had a
rough past few months with the ringworm and everything else!


Please save Whitey!
VT low cost Spay&Neuter, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat owners:
Special Needs Cat Resources:

(OT) Please send good vibes for Whitey, unusual post-neuter complications

2006-12-22 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Sorry to be off topic, but can everyone please send good vibes/glow/prayers for
Whitey? He was neutered on Wednesday morning, and when I brought him home, he 
to vomit and have severe diarrhea. He went back to the vet and was hospitalized
overnight, and is now back home (mostly because I can't afford for him to be at 
vet's office any longer). The vomiting is much better, and he is able to hold 
small amounts of food at a time so long as he is not given his pain medicine 
(it was
making his nausea worse, as when he vomited it up it made him foam at the mouth 
gag terribly). Which means he's in pain, of course. I feel just terrible for 
he's so miserable! The vet did lots of testing, including a full blood panel, 
and it
came back perfect. They said that if it were a reaction to the anesthesia, it 
show something off on the blood work. He's FELV and FIV negative, and has no
parasites. All the tests say he is in perfect health, yet he is really ill, and 
doing good at all. I'm going to have a friend come over tomorrow and do reiki 
on him.
The vet thinks it's probably stress, since nothing appears to be wrong 
Please send good well wishes for him! He is such a sweet boy, and he is so 
now. I feel so bad, I didn't want to neuter him at all! I'm going to try to get 
the health food store tomorrow to get some Rescue Remedy too. He's eating good, 
is a good sign, but I'm having to limit his intake, as he's only allowed 2-3
tablespoons at a time in an effort to keep him from vomiting. Anyone else had 
get violently ill after surgery like this? The vet said she's never seen this 
and it's a VERY odd reaction, especially since there's NOTHING showing up on 
any of
the tests that is abnormal.


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!
FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'Gwynn
ORG:Little Cheetah Cat Rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA

Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

2006-12-22 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Poor Bandy! Sending my very best well wishes for the poor guy!


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!

Re: (OT) Please send good vibes for Whitey, unusualpost-neuter complications

2006-12-22 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
At least there was no blood in his vomit! None in his diarrhea either, but you 
tell he is suffering, he lays there on his side really stiff, and holds his 
back leg
up, and as he gets tired, and his leg begins to fall, he growls, and tries to 
himself back there, and growls, tries to find a better position, growls more. I 
SO BAD! I tried to prop his leg up on a pillow, but he wouldn't let me. I think 
going to put an ice pack under his bedding, so if he wants to he can ice his 


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!

Re: (OT) Please send good vibes for Whitey, unusualpost-neuter complications

2006-12-22 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
He's sitting directly on the ice pack I put in there, so I think he appreciates 
ice pack! Poor baby! I know when I had surgery an ice pack was the only thing 
gave me any relief for the first two days. I imagine a neutering would be 


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!

Re: (OT) Please send good vibes for Whitey, unusual post-neuter complications

2006-12-22 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Well, he came home at around 6PM, and it's now almost 9:30PM, and he's eaten
two batches of food, the first one was about two tablespoons, with about 8
kibbles of dry mixed in at around 7pm, and at 9pm I had to give him half a
pill, and I hid it in a tablespoon of wet food, and he gobbled that right
down. He is sitting on that ice pack, and I've heard no growling since I put
it in there, so I think it's helping. They said to give him a couple of
tablespoons every hour or two, and if he's holding it all down by tomorrow,
I can start to give him more a little at a time. Oh, as I was typing, he
just cleaned himself back there, and he wasn't growling! Yay, the ice is


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Re: (OT) Please send good vibes for Whitey, unusual post-neuter complications

2006-12-23 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
He seems much better today, he's sleeping comfortably in his cage now. I tried 
hide his pill in his food this morning though, and he didn't eat it, so now I'm 
sure what to do there. I think I'm going to just scoop that little blob of food 
out of his bowl and push it into his mouth with my fingers and see if he 
swallows it.


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Re: (OT) Please send good vibes for Whitey, unusual post-neuter complications

2006-12-23 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
He's eating low residue canned food, with a few kibbles mixed in. He seems to be
feeling a little worse now, as he didn't woof down his food like he was 
or maybe he's just not very hungry. He was sleeping in his litterbox earlier. I 
a couple of new pictures of him just now (borrowed a camera today from my 
boss), if
anyone wants to see them email me directly and I'll attach them to my reply.


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Re: Prayers needed for Bandy

2006-12-23 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Sending healing vibes out for Bandy, I'm sure the vet techs will take good
care of him, and he needed the fluids, so you made the right choice by
taking him in to the hospital.


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How's Bandy doing?

2006-12-24 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Any news on Bandy? Is he still in the hospital?


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Re: Meowy Christmas

2006-12-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Same to you! And happy whatever to the others who don't do xmas on the list
(we do both solstice and xmas here, we party and do ritual on solstice and
we gift exchange and eat fancy food on xmas)!


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Re: How's Bandy doing?

2006-12-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Aww, poor baby. I do hope that someone is there 24/7 at your vet's clinic. I
don't think I would leave him somewhere where no-one was there to check up
on him. If that's the case, there should be an emergency clinic somewhere
that you could take him to where he would be watched. He seems too sick to
just be left unattended. Poor Bandy. It's just so many things piled on top
of each other, it's like his body is his own worst enemy. I'm pulling for
him, as always. I do hope he takes a turn for the better really quickly, as
he sounds like he is extremely miserable right now. Maybe keeping him
sedated is the kindest thing right now.


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Re: Bandy is an angel now

2006-12-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Bandy was such a fighter, and such an inspiration over the years. The
lessons he taught us all will never be forgotten, and he served a higher
purpose, I believe, having taught SO MANY of us what hope beyond hope is.
Time and time again, he would rally for another round at life. His final
gift? Teaching us when it is time to let go. May he find his way to the
higher place he deserves to go to, for all the good he has given to use over
the years. Peace to Bandy, may he always be with us in spirit!

Peace to you as well Kerry, I know he was a much loved boy, and he passed
knowing your love all around him. he could not have asked for anything more.
He was blessed, and we were all blessed to have known him.

I am, understandably, in tears as I write this. I'm going to try to be at
the pet loss chat tonight, please consider dropping in Kerry!
Pet-loss-and-support chats tonight at 9-10ET, at

I don't think Belinda is online tonight, so he probably wont technically be
on tonight's CLS, but I will add him to my wishes regardless.


Re: Tiny passed

2006-12-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I'm so very sorry for your loss Sally, it sounds so scary and distressing!
Sending peaceful wishes for Tiny. I will add him to the CLS on my end
tonight when I do it.


Re: Tiny passed

2006-12-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
That could have been what it was, clots can do that, and it is quick. I feel
so bad for you, and I apologize if I seemed rude in loss chat, I am a bit
extroverted in chat. You do have my most sincere condolences though Sally!


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Re: Constipated Kitty

2006-12-25 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
My cat takes lactulose to stay soft. he has a narrow pelvis and is prone to


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Re: loose stools (Ember)

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Maybe an electrolyte imbalance of some kind? Just a thought, I really don't 
know. My
first thought was stress, but if you are sure it's not stress, I don't know.


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Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I'll be sending thoughts of health and high spirits to Missy for you Kelley.
You just have to know that you are giving her the best life you can provide
while she is with you, and know that SHE KNOWS THAT, and believe that even
if her time is short, the QUALITY is more important than the QUANTITY, and
you and her can reach a understanding that even if she leaves you while you
are not at home, she enjoyed EVERY minute of her life up until that time,
because of the life you offered to her, in your home, and surrounded by your
love! Everyone's time on earth is limited, and we really can't control when
we leave or how long we stay, it's THIS MOMENT we live in, and that is the
time we need to concentrate on and cherish, because we can't control the
future, and we can't change the past. In this very moment, WE have total
control of who we are, and how we feel, and being true to what you believe
in right now is the only way to truly find the inner peace to be able to
continue on as we must do. Animals do this naturally, it's we humans that
have lost the ability to cherish each moment, and it's something we should
strive to regain, because it's the key to true happiness and joy.


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Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Oh, she is beautiful! And she has the same little dainty nose and smaller
eye that my Moogie had. She looks a lot like her, except the coat color!
Just cherish each moment you have, and let tomorrow bring tomorrow, one
moment at a time, and don't stress out about the things you cannot control.
The hardest part of being human are the concepts of time we invented, ever
since we put numbers to the moments of our lives, we've been struggling to
harness control over them. There are some things you just can't control,
time is the biggest one! Life is not math, you can't solve it, it's an
equation with too many variables. Some things are better left unanswered.


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Re: pet-loss chat reminder

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
sorry about that... perhaps I will stick to email, where there is more time
to re-read and self-edit.


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Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
nothing wrong with chanting it's kind of like an Affirmation, except
it's accomplished by the nature of rhythm and repetition, as opposed to
focus and meditation. Most cats love to be sung to, and love it when you
sing-song their names into rhymes, so I would think they would really be
happy with chanting.


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Re: How do yall do it? (BP in cats)

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
does sodium effect BP in cats like it does in humans? does he eat any sodium 
in the diet you feed?


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Re: Seeking a pal for L'il Abner

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
To be fair, I did not knowingly mix my non-vaccinated negatives with a known
positive. I did not test for many years, and didn't KNOW Moogie was
positive. Regardless, none of the non-vaccinated cats contracted the FELV,
even with mutual grooming happening all the time. That was 18 months of
exposure to FELV to all my non-vaccinated cats, NO transmission. Would I do
it again? Probably not with my newer cats that haven't already been exposed
and thus proven naturally immune. Would I put the same cats that lived with
Moogie in with another FELV+, yes, sure I would, they have proven themselves
long since immune. So, it's not really "bravery" on my part, mixing
non-vaccinated cats with FELV+ cats, more of a result of lack of knowledge
on my part that fortunately worked out in the end.


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Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn

 I think you did the absolute right thing, and SHAME on your mother for even
thinking of throwing guilt around like that. I think it's terrible that
someone who is supposed to love you and support you by default would even
consider being so thoughtless and MEAN to even suggest that you deserve to
be in your situation. I say, keep your chin up, and be proud you turned out
to be such a good person with an example like THAT to look up to! I hope
that your kind and generous heart and loving attitude passes on to your
children and the chain of guilt stops in your shoes in your family line. I
honor you for your choices, and your willpower to take the higher road in
life! Good for you!

  Most people, including my family, think my husband and I are crazy for
taking in strays, especially now this has happened (my own mother now is
implying a sort of, "Serves you right" when I talk to her). But, how  could
we have left those poor 5 month old kittens to die?  They were living in a
storage shed, and they were being cared for by the employees; but some of
them abused the cats. We still think we did the right thing, despite what's
happened.  We do it because we love cats, and have been accused of being too
soft-hearted (I've been called worse things!).  I'd rather err on the side
of kindness, if I had to go to an extreme.


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Re: Long post..Tiny and Junior's stories

2006-12-26 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
It feels better to tell their stories doesn't it? Your story was nice, and
it sounds like you've opened your heart to compassion often over the years.
Tiny had a good life with you, surrounded with love. You did everything
right, and you shouldn't have any remorse. I do hope time brings you peace.

In time your broken heart will ache less, and only a small tear will well up
in the corner of your eye as you recall all of the GOOD times with Tiny.
Time doesn't really heal, like so many people say, but it does ease the
intense pain one feels so close to a loss. There's a whole process to
grieving, there's the intense pain and suffering, then time smoothes it over
eventually, and there's guilt, because you feel bad that you're NOT still in
such intense pain, because you think you should be; then there's acceptance,
where you realize that it's ok to let go of the suffering, and instead
recall the memories. But they are always with you, forever, and of course,
that's the way we want it.

I'm sorry for your loss Sally.


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Re: Mr. Spock & L'il Abner

2006-12-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
aww, that one of them cuddling together is really sweet.


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Re: How do yall do it?

2006-12-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I have a very nice "lap fungus" kitty here just now. They do happen


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Re: Odd Behavior

2006-12-27 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Gas maybe?


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Re: New Member

2006-12-28 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Welcome to the group Jo. Your story is not uncommon in the group, I think
several people have joined over the years because they became parents to a
FELV+ litter of kittens. Sounds like you are doing really well with them.


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Re: SNAP test faint positive, queen, 5 kittens

2006-12-28 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
1) How much danger of contracting the virus are my cats in (they
received their last feleuk vaccine in late October)?

Little to none. Adult healthy cats are naturally immune to FELV in most cases, 
yours were recently vaccinated with a vaccine that is 85% effective, so I'd say 
are fairly safe. If you're worried, have them all tested.

2) How likely is it that the queen is actually positive? (From the
research I have done so far, it appears that this is likely an
exposure positive, and her body may well fight it off, but then again
any possible exposure was more than three months ago, heading on four
months, so I don't really see how it can be an exposure positive).

I would run another SNAP ELISA test asap, as operator error accounts for a high 
of inaccurate results. It could have been a bad test, it could have been a bad
testing procedure, it could be anything, but false results are known to happen 
that kind of test. If she re-tests positive again right away, THEN wait a month 
two even) and retest again, and confirm with an IFA at the same time. You are 
BLOOD, right? Go to a different batch of test kits, if you can, to retest, that 
eliminate the likelihood of it being a bad batch of kits, and have a different 
vet or
vet tech run the test, that would reduce the chance of a bad procedure IF they 
test was inaccurate due to human error.

3) Is there any point to doing an IFA test now, rather than waiting a

Sure, it can't hurt, so if you have the money, I would. That would confirm the 
result, at least.

4) If the queen is positive, how likely is it that the kittens will
also turn positive?

At this point, if they are weaned and have tested negative, it's unlikely they 
ever be positive.

5) What is the correct process for determining if they are positive, as
in what length of time from their last possible exposure until a
reliable test can be given.

Retest with IFA at least 3 months after last exposure, the retest SNAP at 6 
months po
st-exposure, and again with IFA when-ever they turn 1 year old. That would rule 
any shadow of a doubt.

6) Is there any point at all in locking the kittens up until we are
sure of their status (they are blossoming after just a few days and I
am unenthused about this)?

No, I don't think so. They have already been mixed, any exposure has already
happened, plus, they are negative anyways and probably will stay that way. Let 
be kittens.


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Re: Tiny

2006-12-29 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Sally, there's no specific question in your post to be answered, that's why
I didn't reply to it the first time it was posted (there's actually not a
single question mark in the entire post). What is it you are specifically
wanting to know or get feedback on?

I'll take a stab at it anyways:

I'm glad comcast fixed your internet problems. Yes, cats do choose us,
certainly much more than we choose them. I do think that focusing on Junior
should be a priority, but don't forget to watch everybody. It's easy to get
tunnel-vision and focus on the ONE cat we think is weaker one, and miss
something in another cat because we narrowed our focus. The low-dose
interferon they use for FIV is the same treatment as is used for FELV, and
that's posted on our main website at on the
treatments page. I'm sorry you can't afford your old vet anymore, perhaps
pointing out that fact would be beneficial to both of you; you may get a
discount as an "original client", and he might feel humbled enough to
realize that he's alienating his old clients by his new found glory. My
FELV+ cat was constantly groomed by another of my cats, and he NEVER caught
the FELV from her, so just because they lick and bite each other doesn't
mean they will contaminate each other with FELV. As far as your cats'
previous felv vaccinations, health, and history goes, it certainly wouldn't
hurt to have them all tested again, that way you could treat the felv and/or
fiv positive ones with Interferon and keep an extra-close eye on them. I do
think you should be treating the FELV+ ones that you already know about, if
you aren't already. I'm sure Daisy just happens to have a really good immune
system, and is healthy. I don't think it's a mystery, she's just been lucky
and blessed with a good immune system. You can boost the other's immune
systems by feeding good quality food, and supplementing with vitamin C and a
good general multi-vitamin/mineral supplement (and giving Interferon to the
FELV+ ones).

Oh, and I'm sorry for your loss of Lionel and Pumpkin too!

Is that kinda what you were looking for?


Comcast came into the neighborhood and fixed whatever the problem was with
the connection here. I was barely about to get a couple of emails out. For
the past couple days I have cried, and reflected on my time with Tiny. Tiny
was definitely my cat or more realistically I was his human. He chose me and
that was very special. I am so glad he came to live with me. I will always
wonder if I did this or that would the outcome have been different. Probably
not and besides I cannot change what has happened.

I now have to focus on Junior. I spoke to  Beth at work today. She used to
be a vet's tech. Her cat was diagnosed FIV. Well she was prepared to
euthanize the cat. He was elderly however the vet knowing she did not want
to do this tried an experimental procedure. I never could find out what it
was other than it was interferon. Today her husband stopped by and described
the procedure. It was low dose oral administration of interferon. She said
the cat became almost kitten-like and asymptomatic. The cat later developed
oral cancer and was put down, he was 18 years old. Now that I have this
information, I will have my vet Dr Staunton call her vet Dr Elam to get the
information. I already gave Dr Staunton the Italian study paper to read. I
was told she took it home that day to read.

Dr Elam used to be my family's vet for many years. I cannot afford him these
days as he is the highest priced vet in town. It is funny, because he
started out as a farm animal vet and was very reasonable. I still see him
occasionally in the grocery store.

I am thankful I was able to spend time with Tiny during his last hour here
on earth. When I lost my Fluff Last February, I was able to spend time with
him because I had  a few days of vacation I had to use up. I knew Fluffy was
declining and I was so lucky then to have spent his last week on earth with
him. I did not know at the time that would be the end for him. He was the
alpha cat and he trained all my cats on proper cat behavior. Although Ittle
Bitty was Tiny's best friend and he trained Tiny in the art of lick and
bite. Fluffy had trained Ittle Bitty.and so it goes.

Just an observation. I have heard that older cats most likely have some
immunity to FeLV. I also have read vaccines are most likely effective longer
than stated. he is what I know about my cats.

Spike age 10 tested negative - likely to have been vaccinated once for FELV
and other diseases

Speedy age 8 tested negative- likely to have been vaccinated once for FELV
and other diseases

Ittle Bitty age 7 tested negative -likely to have been vaccinated once for
FELV and other diseases

Little Black -  age 5 she is not social at all with the other cats she is
strictly outside and eats on her own.

Grey and white-  age 4 same mom as Junior, from a different litter.. also
had less interaction with the sick cats this summer the exposure wa

Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-29 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Welcome to the world of Owner Surrenders! What one says is certainly usually
NOT what one gets! It's common for a "sweet kitty with no problems" to
actually arrive to you as "kitty from hell about to gouge out your eyeballs
in a fit of rage". That being said, you do sometimes get a cat in that
really was a good cat in it's own home, and is just so totally freaked out
by the change and new surroundings and strangers that it will just freak out
and seem completely feral. My suggestion is to keep her as you are, in a
smaller room, and give her lots of hiding places, like boxes nested inside
each other, baskets, and a kennel with an open door (or the door removed).
When you are in with her, move very slowly; NEVER make eye contact, always
keep your shoulders angled away from her, never face her straight on, as
that is threatening body language. When you HAVE to look at her, squint your
eyes, but keep your face relaxed, as narrowed eyes are a sign of
friendliness in cats. Don't try to approach her or touch her. Sit down on
the other side of the room and don't face her, but sit in there quietly
while she eats, just so she gets used to your presence. Move slowly, be
quiet while you are in her room. She may come around. Or maybe not, and the
owner might have completely made up the fact that she is tame, just so you
would take her. It happens.


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Re: OT - Help, aggressive cat

2006-12-29 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I wouldn't take it too personally. She probably knew the "friend" already,
where you are a total stranger. Up til now, her entire life experience with
strangers has likely been limited to vets and vet techs, none of which do
anything even remotely nice to her (in her opinion). She probably knows she
has been "replaced" by this man as well, and is going through at least a
little self-doubt as to her self-worth. It's hard to be considered trash and
not be at least a little hurt and defensive about it. Give her time and
patience, and realize that if you continually show her love, she may
eventually begin to show it back to you.


Her story is the dreaded moving in with the allergic boyfriend one.  She
didn't even bring her over - a friend of hers did.  So Charlotte was clearly
tame enough for the friend to get into a carrier (which is more than I could
do at this point).  Charlotte didn't go ballistic until she saw

Re: sorry

2006-12-29 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
It's my belief that one single vaccination provides immunity for life.
However, I am in the minority there. That being said, none of my cats have
contracted any contagious viruses or diseases either.

The interferon certainly would not hurt the eye, but I'm not sure if it
would help either. I've been lucky in that I've never had a cat with
uveitis. Others on the list have though, so you should ask that question on
the list (and thus I have copied this reply back to the list). I have had a
cat with herpesvirus (which also effects the eye) and I do know good
treatments for that, but they probably wouldn't be the same for uveitis.
Here is a good webpage that may help though:
Here's one that lists several eye issues, uveitis being fairly far down the
It appears from what I've read that uveitis can be caused by FELV in some
way (though the exact pathology is not given), so in theory, if you treat
the FELV to improve the immune system, then it SHOULD improve the uveitis
systematically. So, it's possible that the Interferon could help, but it
would be indirectly. Oh wow, I did another search and turned this up, which
is VERY interesting (note that part is CANINE, scroll down to FELINE
This states (see the bold parts in particular, if you get this in rich or
html email format):
Etiologies And Syndromes Associated With Feline Uveitis
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) - This disease is caused by a
coronavirus that more often affects young animals.  The ocular lesion that
it causes is pyogranulomatous inflammation of the uveal tract with
necrotizing vasculitis.  Both the anterior and posterior uvea may be
affected, but the anterior lesions are more visible, clinically.  Signs seen
are aqueous flare, hypopyon, fibrin, and keratic precipitates.  Corneal
edema may also be seen, which is proportionate to the degree of
inflammation.  Posteriorly, there is pyogranulomatous chorioretinitis and
retinal vasculitis, manifesting as retinal detachment due to choroidal
exudation, as well as optic neuritis and perivascular exudates.
Histologically, there may be lymphocytes, plasma cells, monocytes,
leukocytes and macrophages in varying numbers.

Feline Immunodeficiency virus (FIV) - FIV is a lentivirus, causing a
persistent immunodeficiency.  Ocular lesions seen most commonly with FIV
infection are aqueous flare, iridal hyperemia, posterior synechiae, and
cataracts.  Also, white punctate, cellular infiltrates may be seen in the
anterior vitreous.  Histologically, there may be a lymphocytic-plasmacytic
perivascular uveal infiltrate.

Histoplasmosis - The organism responsible is Histoplasma capsulatum which is
indigenous to the midwestern and southern US.  The organism gains access to
the body via the respiratory tract, causing nonclinical infections.  The
organism then gets into the systemic circulation, crossing the blood-ocular
barrier.  Ocular lesions noted are aqueous flare and inflammatory cells in
the aqueous humor, granulomatous chorioretinitis and optic neuritis.
Histologically, inflammatory infiltrates consist of lymphocytes, plasma
cells, and macrophages.

Blastomycosis - This is a very rare condition in cats, as compared to dogs.
It occurs mainly in the eastern US by the organism, B. dermatitidis.  Like
Histoplasma, it gains entry into the body via the respiratory tract, and
then, eventually, entering the systemic circulation, and crossing the
blood-ocular barrier.  The main lesion is a granulomatous chorioretinitis.
Histologically, there is pyogranulomatous inflammation with large numbers of
organisms in the choroid and subretinal space, consisting of macrophages,
neutrophils, and lymphocytes.

Cryptococcosis - This is the most common infectious mycoses of cats,
although it is still rather rare.  Again, it enters the body through the
respiratory system.  The choroid is mainly affected, but the anterior segmen
t may become inflamed as well.  Clinical signs of the anterior chamber
include hyphema, fibrin, and posterior synechiae formation.  Organisms are
rarely seen in the anterior chamber.  Posterior signs include choroidal
inflammation with secondary exudative retinal detachment and subretinal
granuloma formation.  Histologic evaluations show lymphocytic-plasmacytic
infiltrates in the uveal tissue with Cryptococcal organisms in the choroid,
subretinal spaces and vitreous cavity.

Coccidioidomycosis - This is the least common intraocular fungal infection
of cats.  Clinical signs include fibrin in the anterior chamber, iridal
swelling, posterior synechiae and small, cotton-like masses located in the
anterior chamber.  Histology shows diffuse granulomatous inflammation of the
anterior and posterior uvea, with organisms possibly seen in the
inflammatory tissue.

Candidiasis - Candida albicans is the organism that causes infec

Re: strange bald spot

2006-12-29 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Have you ever used any "top-spot" flea drops on her at that location? Has
she had any vaccines, shots, or microchips at that location? It's probably
nothing, but ofcourse, once you rule out a reaction to either a chemical or
trauma from a cut, poke or abrasion, that leaves the possibility of
ringworm. You would need to have your vet look at it under a special light
and take a skin scraping to know for sure. Tang has a bald spot over his
microchip, it never grows hair, plus it bothers him. Thus, none of my cats
will ever have microchips. My vet says it's not anything to worry about, so
I don't, but I do sometimes forget and rub my hand down his side and if I
touch it he gets irritated with me.


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Re: Cats know your sentiments better than you think....

2006-12-29 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
LOL! Mine usually EAT the bills, or shred them; they save their pee for GOOD
things, like the occasional dirty shirt that finds it's way to the floor, or
anyone's house slipper.


VA: "Big Guy" FeLV+ tabby ISO loving home (transport available)

2006-12-30 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
Shadow Cat Advocates, Inc.
Stafford, VA
Mailing address:
PO Box 514
Garrisonville, VA 22463

TRANSPORT CONTACT (to help with transport if you can't adopt but could help
get him transported):

1. VA: "Big Guy" FeLV+ tabby ISO loving home
Posted by: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" [EMAIL PROTECTED] darnot258
Date: Fri Dec 29, 2006 7:42 pm ((PST))

Please contact me if you can help Big Guy! I will coordinate transport.
out the link to see how handsome he is!

forwarded message:

> Hi Denise,
> I got your name and e-mail address from Cathy of FCRT. We have one of the
> sweetest kitties we have ever run across, who naturally tested positive
> feline leukemia, and he is in need of a good home. He is otherwise healthy
> extremely friendly. He is a brown tabby with huge green eyes and a super
> sweet disposition who loves humans and other cats. We will be happy to
> transport him.
> My group does TNR of feral cats, and we caught him a while back at one of
> our feeding stations. He was taken to a clinic in Richmond where he was
> neutered, but they don't do combo testing there. As he was recovering from
> surgery, we determined that he was probably an abandoned cat, rather than
> feral. He is just the sweetest guy who appreciates everything you do for
> We gave him a little cat bed and he immediately jumped into it and you
> think he was given the best thing ever. He crouches down in it and jumps
> to play with you, then jumps back into the bed. He crawls up into your
> loves to be petted, and purrs up a storm. We think he is about two years
> and still very playful. When we realized how friendly he was, we decided
> could not be taken back to where he was caught, but would be placed up for
> adoption. When we took him to our vet for a checkup, he was tested for
> FeLV/FIV, and he came back positive for FeLV. We know that he would make a
> companion pet, and would love to get him into a good home.
> I would greatly appreciate any help you can provide to find Big Guy a
> Thank you so much,
> Cari Bartz
> Shadow Cat Advocates
FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'Gwynn
ORG:Little Cheetah Cat Rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA

Re: Sorry

2006-12-30 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
we do have a fund not sure of the balance in it just now. It's saved me
in the past. Belinda would be the one to contact I think...

And don't forget that signature you see below my name, it WORKS. Put a
signature line in your emails that tells his story and asks for help. You
never know where it will come from! There's also Care Credit, and other help
groups. You can find those at this page (below the VT low cost clinic info):

Just so you guys know, Whitey is doing good, and I paid off the balance of
his vet bill yesterday! It was $300 and something total. But he's all better
now! Thanks again to Kayte and Lance for their generous donations for his
care, without you guys he would still be outside in the cold!

Oh, and Tang may have an adoptive home. I'm in touch with someone that is
interested in him. We are in the process of arranging a home visit and for
her to meet him now. So Yay! If Tang gets adopted I would have ROOM for
Whitey to stay as long as needed to find a home!


Donations Needed for Whitey's emergency Vet Care!
12/24/06 Whitey Pictures:
Whitey Models on Ebay:

Re: Asia update

2006-12-30 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
I'd go with the vitamin C, and a good all around high calorie
vitamin-mineral supplement, like Vita-Cal or Nutri-Cal, since she's doing
chemo, she could probably use the additional easy to access calories.
Neither of them are expensive.


12/24/06 Whitey Pictures:
Whitey Models on Ebay:

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